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Deepanjali  posted in Yoga

Ganesh  posted in Science

Anuska  posted in Poetry

Seeing me she started crying
I was then just lying.
She touched my fingers and cheek
I couldn't realise even her peek.
When I look at her eyes
Only thing I see is love.
Always she stands with me 
I want her to see.
The more I have grown
By her my mind has been blown.
We'll stay together forever
She is none but my MOTHER.

Akash  posted in Poem

Post updated on:  Jul 30, 2021 5:28:06 AM

                                                                 Walnut Brownie
A brownie is a square or rectangle chocolate baked confection. Brownies come in variety of forms and may be either fudgy or cakey, depending on their density. It has anti-inflammatory qualities, good for health.
Recipe for 4 portions
Castor  sugar
 230 gm
Cocoa powder
60 gm
Refined flour
85 gm
? teaspoon
Baking powder
? teaspoon
Chopped walnuts
Yellow butter
115 gm
Vanilla essence
? teaspoon
1.      Sieve flour with baking powder in a bowl.
2.      Beat eggs along with sugar till it gets light & fluffy.
3.      Melt cocoa powder and butter preferably on a double boiler till it becomes like the thin paste and keep it aside for cooling.
4.      Add the cocoa mixture in the egg & sugar mixture.
5.      Gradually mix the flour, vanilla essence and chopped walnuts.
6.      Pour the mixture in a greased tray and bake at 160-degree C for about 25 minutes
Note-For eggless brownie, you can use curd also in place of eggs.

Post updated on:  Jul 30, 2021 1:34:47 AM

Fairs are the actual beauty, if you think,
Blue eyes are the actual beauty, if you say,
Pink lips are the actual beauty, if you know,
Golden hairs are the actual beauty, if you tell,
Beauty slandered with a illegitimate shame !
Beauty has no definition itself ;
It may be dark or blur,
It may be natural or artificial,
who cares?
You care, care for the artificiality ;
You don't pay heed to the natural :
It has become devalued, even disgraced.
Oh ! Do you think of the modern fashion?
The well-suited black eyes?
Yes, now every tongue tries to redefine.

Anuska Kundu

Post updated on:  Jul 30, 2021 1:34:35 AM

The skin is the largest organ of your body and hence, it turns out to be really critical to deal with it. Your skin is presented to unsafe sunbeams, contamination on a regular premise, and on the off chance that you rest calmly every day imagining that it?s anything but truly important to deal with it ? then, at that point clearly, you are incorrect. To keep up with the sparkle and to keep it solid, it is indispensable that you follow a skincare routine ? a standard that is made for you and you are not after this is because your BFF follows it.

A skincare routine is basic, essential, and nothing complicated. You just need a couple of items and be predictable. Yet, the significant inquiry is: the reason do you really have to follow a skin care schedule? In this way, here are the absolute best reasons concerning why you need to have a skincare schedule.

We lose skin cells consistently

Come to the event you haven?t thought about yet We advise you to consistently lose lots of dead skin cells. More established skin cells clear a path for more currents, which does not mean that it is acceptable. This smoothly indicates that the sound you are charging from today will flow you very well tomorrow with dull, wrinkled skin. The opportunity to follow a legitimate skincare routine and include an exfoliator with a variety of items that will keep your skin radiant and firm.

It forestalls untimely maturing

Undoubtedly if you are predictable by consistently incorporating sunscreen into your skincare routine, you will have the option of premature maturation. Sunscreen is an absolute necessity regardless of your inside or outside. In addition to the skincare schedule, make sure your eating habits are just right. Remember foods derived from ground vegetables for your daily schedule and then stick to the results.

There are different skin types

Since your BFF doesn?t trust in a skincare schedule, there is positively no explanation concerning why you shouldn?t have faith in it. All things being equal, we propose ? persuade her also to follow a daily practice! Distinctive skin types need an alternate degree of support and care. If you have mixed skin, we would unequivocally prescribe you to multi-cover, while if you have dry skin, we would prescribe you to include a veil that is wealthy in Hyaluronic corrosive for that increase in hydration.

The best thought is to put resources into a specially designed skincare routine to keep it supported. Our customized skin care routine is made with fixings that are uncommonly picked for your skin type. Basically, take our skincare investigation, and dependent on your answers, we?ll define a daily schedule with fixings generally valuable for you. Isn?t it simple?

For a wonderful, hydrated skin

Skincare Routine Tips - Prosper Diet Program

You don?t have to do any work, you must invest extra effort and subscribe to it. The equivalent skincare situation is nothing more than an overnight interaction. You need a skincare schedule right now when you are making significant changes to someone?s skin and considering how your skin can get this way. A skincare routine will help keep you firm on your skin. A face wash will remove dirt, a lotion will try to hydrate your skin, while a night cream will fix your skin for the time being. It is really convenient to follow this routine. Despite the need for perseverance and commitment. Follow it consistently and you will have to thank us for a few years from now

Generally, to notice a difference, aim to use the product once or twice a day for at least six weeks. Tip: Apply consistently with any skincare product from thin to thick. For example, cleansers, toners (if you use them), sunscreen, and then moisturizers.

#1 So, Cleanser:

This is the main advance. When you begin preparing, the initial step ought to be to scrub your face with a gentle cleaning agent. It will eliminate soil and pimple-causing microorganisms.

#2 Toner:

It is the second step that goes about as a defensive hindrance. Essentially pat a couple of drops everywhere all over and it will assist with reestablishing lost dampness and supplements.

#3 Moisturise:

You clearly can?t skirt this progression. If you need to keep yourself hydrated and delicate the entire day, put resources into a decent cream. In around movement, knead your face so it is absorbed into the skin.

#4 Sunscreen:

As soon as you are finished saturating, cover it up with sunscreen. You could begin with SPF 30. Apply it 30 minutes before you take off from the house and re-apply each 4-5 hours. It forestalls sun harm to your skin and keeps it young.

#5 Night cream:

A part of individuals doesn?t actually comprehend the significance of night cream yet it is similarly significant as sunscreen. Night cream fixes your skin for the time being and gives you smoother skin toward the beginning of the day.

#6 Exfoliator:

You don?t need to utilize it consistently. Use it?s anything but a week and you are arranged. Exfoliators are fundamental as they help eliminate dead skin and work on the skin?s appearance and surface.

Skincare Routine Tips - Prosper Diet Program

Beautiful skin is a lifelong process ? if you want very beautiful skin 30 years from now, the choices you make today will help make it happen. Beautiful skin is a lifelong process and developing a daily skincare routine today can help you keep beautiful skin for the future. At the same time, negative skincare routines can now damage your skin for the future.

A skincare routine can help you establish other healthy routines ? add skincare routines to your other healthy lifestyles so you can develop better health habits around you. This may include facial care routines as well as hair and scalp routines. Put these together so you can look and feel great!

Enjoy a Healthy & beautiful look forever?

Post updated on:  Jul 30, 2021 12:00:54 AM

How to burn stubborn belly fat while you are on holiday vacation?

The holiday season is upon us. From now until the New Year, we have lots of opportunities for celebration with friends and family, probably a few strangers as well. With all the festivities, how do you manage to stick to your diet and avoid putting on extra pounds? Or even better, still lose excess weight?
Some media states that the average person gains 3?7 lbs. Another study showed that weight gain was more prevalent among those who were already overweight. Those individuals averaged an increase of 8 lbs. over the holidays. And what?s worse? These studies also found that many people NEVER lose the weight that they gain, which then compounds over time.
Studies aside, perhaps what is more important is YOU! What happens to your body over the holidays? Do you find yourself putting on a few extra pounds that you then struggle to let go of in the new year?
Would you like to avoid packing on the extra weight and STILL get to enjoy all those great holiday parties and gatherings? The good news is that it is possible to enjoy the festivities and yummy treats without gaining weight.

What is a challenge with holiday weight gain?

In the US, the holiday season is looooong. It essentially begins in October with Halloween (even earlier for some religious groups), where, if you take your kids to the right neighborhood, you fill your home with enough candy to last a decade.
Stubborn Belly Fat Burn  - Prosper Diet Program
Next, we have Thanksgiving. The average daily calorie intake should be around 1800?2400 calories (depending on your height and weight). The average Thanksgiving meal is estimated to be around 3000 CALORIES. That is just the meal alone. This doesn?t include any appetizers and snacks you have beforehand which average another 1500 calories. In one meal, you double you are recommended daily caloric intake. Thanksgiving dinner is generally also packed with a ton of fat and sugar, which doesn?t help your body stay slim.
Immediately following the Thanksgiving holiday comes a whirl of holiday parties, luncheons, office parties, family gatherings, and holiday baking events. The opportunities to over-indulge are plentiful.
Then there are the winter holiday meals ~ whether Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanza, or another holiday that you celebrate, you likely have at least one holiday feast with loved ones to attend. These feasts also average 3000+ calories per meal.
It?s no wonder people gain a few extra pounds with all the delicious food, holiday baked goods, candies, and beverages! Unfortunately, many people throw in the toweand assume that there is no way to get through the holidays without overindulging and gaining excess weight. But it is possible.

How to enjoy your holiday festivities and still you can lose weight?

The good news is that it IS possible to enjoy all those fun holiday events without being cursed to buy larger clothes in the new year. You just need to plan and be smart about how you enjoy your parties and festivities ? and how you take care of your body in between all the events.

#1 DON?T Skip Meals on Party Days:

Stubborn Belly Fat Burn -  Prosper Diet Program

People often think it wise to skip meals before parties and feasts to make up for the large meal that is coming. Unfortunately, this leaves you feeling hungrier and increases the likelihood that you will overeat. Instead, eat healthy, well-balanced meals so that your body feels satisfied. This helps you eat smaller portions during the meal or party. Green smoothies are a great pre-party meal option as they are high in fiber and nutrients, and leave you feeling full and satisfied.

#2 Use Portion Control:

You know that there is going to be a ton of delicious food at the event. It?s also likely to be very rich and not so healthy. Holiday parties often have a limited selection of healthy choices, but the available food is super yummy! You don?t need to deprive yourself of sampling these tasty treats. Go ahead and have some homemade pie or try some of that decadent cheese dip. Enjoy it! Just practice some portion control. Have a small piece of pie or cake. Instead of hovering over the h?orderves and randomly grazing throughout the event, make a little plate for yourself with the treats that you want so you are conscious about how much you are consuming. Try a few bites of the foods you enjoy, rather than a full serving of each. Savor them as you eat so you actually enjoy them. This also helps reduce excess.

#3 Green Smoothie Meal Replacements:

With all the holiday excess, help your body rebalance itself by eating healthier foods between the festivities. Eat several servings of fruits and veggies daily to help your body clear out the overabundance of fats, sugars, processed foods, and empty calories you are taking in during the festivities. Green Smoothies are a great way to get your daily servings of fruits and veggies and help keep you feeling full. Replace at least one meal a day with a green smoothie to counteract the effects of your holiday festivities.

#4 Move Your Body:

Don?t let your exercise routine fall to the wayside over the holidays. Give your body a chance to work off some of the excesses by at least keeping your routine. If you have a lot of events and opportunities to overindulge, you might want to add-in some extra time to help your body cope.

#5 Do A Quick DETOX Between Festivities:

Build in a few detox days in between festivities to help your body clear out the excess. Properly made green smoothies make tasty and easy detox drinks that are great for cleansing the body of excess without leaving you feeling deprived of flavor. During the holiday season, detoxing the day or two after the party goes a long way to helping your body reset. Once the festivities slow down in the new year, it is a great time to do a longer detox to clear your body and reset your diet to a healthier one. This is my favorite 3-Day Detox program that is PERFECT for the holidays.
Stubborn Belly Fat Burn - Prosper Diet Program

Let's see how all the best & easiest ways to stop holiday weight gain dead in its tracks

Why wait until New Years' to start losing weight? By that time you will have put on even MORE weight and have a much taller mountain to climb. I?m all about easy, and that is especially true when it comes to losing weight and getting healthy.
All your favorite foods are still enjoyable

Click Here To Watch The Free Presentation

Post updated on:  Jul 30, 2021 12:00:45 AM

The grapefruit diet is predicated upon eating many ?fat-burning grapefruit to kick-start your metabolism. This plan lasts for 12 days, if practice correctly you?ll lose up to 10 lbs. After 12 days of dieting, if you would like to continue you want to take a minimum of 2 days off before doing so.

Grapefruit to lose weight - Prosper Diet Program

There are quite a few different Grapefruit Diet plan versions available but the principle behind each and each of the plans is that the same i.e. half a grapefruit eat before every meal, to enjoy the advantages of the fat-burning enzymes. The calorie intake is restricted to less than 800 per day.
Fat-free, low-calories and low in sodium, the Grapefruit diet plan causes rapid weight loss, primarily thanks to a loss of body fluids. The simplest part about this plan; that?s No Starvation. You?ll be enjoying normal meals at normal times.

Grapefruit Diet Nutrition

Eat grapefruit at every meal. Dieter has the selection of eating 1/2 a grapefruit or drinking 8 ounces of unsweetened fruit juice and therefore the enzyme is touted to burn away body fat. This diet plan doesn?t allow the most complex carbs. Consumption of most vegetables is inspired and dieters are allowed to organize them in generous amounts of butter. Consumption of coffee or tea is allowable.
Grapefruit to lose weight  - Prosper Diet Program

Grapefruit is rich in vitamin C, high fiber also as other micro-nutrients, and certain phytochemicals. The potassium and pectin a the soluble fiber in grapefruit, it is effective in lowering cholesterol levels.
Besides this, the white pith contains pectin and bioflavonoids are excellent antioxidant food. Bioflavonoids act as potent antioxidants which may bind to toxic metals and escort them out of the body.

Grapefruit Diet Rules:

  1. Drink enough water, a minimum of eight 8-oz glasses/ 64-oz of water a day. Water is important for all body functions and has no calories.
  2. Follow the precise amount of grapefruit or fruit juice suggested. The grapefruit act as a catalyst that begins the ?magical? fat-burning process.
  3. Although coffee is allowed, dieters should allow themselves a maximum of 1 cup each day because it affects the insulin balance that hinders the burning process.
  4. Do not eat between meals. Stick with the stipulated dinner time.
  5. Dieter should confirm they eat till they?re full so that they will not get hungry later.
  6. You?ll double or triple portions of meat, salad, or vegetables.
  7. Do not avoid anything from the diet. Especially the bacon at breakfast and therefore the salads. Dieter must eat the bacon and salads. These combinations of food burn the fat, omitting either of the mixtures will cause the entire thing to not work.
  8. A generous amount of butter is suitable for food preparation.
  9. Exercise during the diet isn?t recommended thanks to the severe restriction of calories. Exercise should only be performed when energy levels are high, and this diet doesn?t provide enough calories for an exercise to get on.
  10. This diet lasts for 12 days, the dieter who decided to continue carry-out the plan must take a minimum of 2 days off before doing so.

Post updated on:  Jul 30, 2021 12:00:31 AM

We all want to control our anger. But sometimes we can't. We become so angry and behave rude. Later we regret. It happens with maximum of us. So I'm going to tell how we can control our anger. 
We all know the legend Swami Vivekananda. We all read about him, hear about his stories and quotes. Once Swami Vivekananda was asked,"What do you get by meditation?" Swamiji replied that he didn't get anything rather he lost something. He lost anger, lust, depression. Swami Vivekananda once said,"Meditation can turn fools into sages. But fools don't meditate." So you all can think the importance/value of meditation. 
We try to meditate.  But we can't be able to meditate, focus on one thing. We don't understand what to do, how to do mediation properly. Here I'm going to tell.
Our mind is restless. Even we are silent, we take rest, our mind is always chirping. So what meditation does is to give a task to your chirping mind to concentrate on a thing. So first sit in meditation position. Close your eyes and just breathe in and out. Don't think about what to do now, or you start about your some past, memory etc. Don't do these. You don't have to think or concentrate on such things. All you have to do is just breathe in and out. Yes, it's meditation. When you give this work(breathe in and out) to your mind, your mind is going to focus on these things. So you are doing meditation. May be on the very first day you'll be able to mediate just for a few seconds. But keep trying everyday. You'lk improve. You'll be able to meditate for longer time after a few days. So don't give up. This is going to improve your mental strength very much. You'll realise is later. So start meditation. It's going to help and strengthen you. Hope you understand how to meditate. So for what are you waiting? Start meditation and improve your mental health. Control your mind, anger, lust, depression. You will be happy in life.
Stay safe.
Thank you.

Akash  posted in Personality

Post updated on:  Jul 29, 2021 11:34:24 PM

There was a boy who was called "Apple boy" by his friends. You people are probably thinking that the boy would use mobile/laptop of Apple(iphone/MacBook). Absolutely not, my friend😅
Here I'm going to tell the secret. 

There was a village. In this village there was a boy who had been eating apple(fruit) since his birth. Now you are thinking how a new born baby can eat apple as new born babies don't have teeth. You're right, friend. Your question is really reasonable.
Just after birth his mother used to make him eat boiled apple as he didn't have teeth then. After a time when the boy got teeth, he started eating apple by biting. Eating apple everyday became his habit. So when he was admitted to a school, he took an apple everyday and used to eat that in tiffin hours. That's why all his friends started calling him Apple boy. 

Akash  posted in Funny story

Post updated on:  Jul 29, 2021 10:34:51 PM

At present really Corona has affected our lives. Some people are really maintaining guidelines given by government. But some people are not still using mask, hand-sanitizer. They are not taking this seriously. But some people are very much afraid. So I'm writing this for both type of the people.
Firstly those who are very much afraid, I'll say it's good to fear corona. But please don't do silly things. 
Look corona virus can enter our body through our mouth, nose and eyes(very rare). So if you are given corona virus in your hand, you will not become a covid patient until the virus enters your body. So please don't touch your hand or your mouth or nose. Avoid touching. That's why mask is a very effective way to avoid covid. Understand this that if someone throw corona virus to your body parts like hari,leg,abs,chest etc you will not be affected until you take those virus with your hand to your nose or mouth. So use mask to prevent the entry of corona virus to your body.
Secondly those who don't abide by the rules, let me tell you that if your immune system is enough strong may be you won't be affected. That's good. But from your body, through your nose/mouth (sneezing) virus can enter someone else's body. He/she may be affected. So please everyone use mask. At young age, rate of infection is relatively low because of immunity power. But for older people or children these virus is really dangerous. It affects respiratory tract and lungs. 
So please be careful. Use mask. Please don't let anyone affected by you. Stay safe. 
August is coming. There is a probability of 3rd wave of corona virus in August. If We, people, become aware , use mask and sanitizer, we can prevent this 3rd wave. It's all upto us. Please abide by guidelines.

Stay safe.
Thank you.

Post updated on:  Jul 29, 2021 10:34:20 PM

 It was January 2019, when I first decided to take care of nature's most precious gift. As we know, these days it is called fearless behaviour to kill animals and being one of the most wonderful creatures on this planet, we love to hurt the weakest ones but exceptional is everywhere. Since I am a human, I also had the similar habit of harming the weak ones but one morning, I suddenly heard a sound of crying, and gradually that sound became stronger. No more thinking! I rushed towards the sound and saw a little white dog lying on the ground. 

I love animals but I never thought of their hardships of fighting with this barbaric world. But now the dog's current situation made me cry, the puppy was hurt and screaming: we needed to help her. The screaming of the puppy forced everyone to go near her but no one came forward to help her (the little dog was a female). Somehow I believed, ?every small entity has its own value? and I was 17 years old when I first realized the pain of the animals through the puppy and took him in my arms. She was about 1 month old and she was dying, I didn't know what to do. My parents were against me: ?Why take on the responsibility of others when you know that you will not get any benefit from them??
 The shade of that puppy was unique, it seemed that God blended the colours white and peach perfectly. One of my neighbours told me to use a mixture of turmeric and lime in her wound. Since I brought that helpless and almost dead animal from outside, I was not allowed to enter my house, so I tried to collect those things from outside. That day I understood that human beings have the worst mentality and felt lucky that I was not like them. When I went to use the mixture, I thought, how is this dog alive so far? The wound was so deep and severe as if someone hit her with a hot iron rod. She was screaming strangely as if she was trying to name those who had beaten her. 
I had no idea about their names but I understood that they are not human. There is no humanity in their souls. No one came to support me even after hearing the horrible screams of the puppy. By then the puppy's cries had not stopped, rather increased. People were telling me that the dog had no probability to survive, she would die in a few moments. Still I was trying to save the dog without listening to any of them. I realized that her bright eyes were asking for help from me, she needed to survive, she had to play, she wanted to enjoy her short life with glee. 
I understood the language of her eyes and did not follow the words of the people. I realized that if I helped her, she would get a chance to play again. She was crying even more when I was using the yellow-lime mixture. That dog was suffering from a pain just as a fish suffers when it comes out of water. However, I used that mixture because I had no other way. Her screams had not stopped yet and now I started to accept in the same way that she won?t live anymore. I was devastated to think that I might not have the power to save someone. The road was empty, everyone understood that she would never get her life back. 
I had no choice but to return home but I couldn't leave the dog so I came back with the half-dead animal. When I entered, my mother strictly said that if I entered with this injured animal, she would leave the house. So I left with that puppy. I didn't understand where I was going with the helpless little dog but I decided if the injured dog could not enter my house I would stay away from there indefinitely. I can't be so selfish! I can?t ignore my responsibilities as a human being! I went to a lake far from home and sat there. 
The little dog was breathing till then but I was crying to see her in pain. I would probably die with my dog that day if my dad hadn't come there. I started to see all the people with the dog's eyes and that was terrible. Suddenly I saw my father standing in front of the dog, I was scared. At that moment I realized my father's hand on my shoulder and was shocked. I felt those hands like the light in the dimness. Then my father requested me to go back and I did that because I was worried about my wounded puppy. 
As soon as we entered, I looked for my mom but could not see her. I asked my father about mom but he stood silent. The puppy began to cry suddenly and I asked my father for some food because she was hungry. We gave her milk to drink but she did not drink that. She did not take any single bite for 3 days consistently and I became tired; I cut down all my hopes as I could not see my mom for 3 days and that puppy also was not eating anything. 
Now my father also told me to leave that dog  but I cannot be like that! So one day I took her to a veterinarian and brought the medicines and foods with my pocket-money which I saved for my future needs. Apart from the wound, she had problems in liver and skin. I returned home and told my father everything, he scolded me and said, ?why are you wasting your money? You saved that for your own.?
 But I could not make anyone realize that the puppy became so close to me as I could feel her pain, her heart-beat, her language so how could I be so careless??? I used to cry every night for my mom and that puppy. One morning, my father told me, leaving our house, mom went to her father's house. I could not tolerate these things anymore and went there on my foot; I walked for 4 hours consistently to reach there as I spent my whole savings to bring her life back so I had no money to ride any vehicle. 
I missed my mom for like 10 days and seeing her in front of me, I could not hold my emotions and kept requesting her to go back home. Now, mom became quite emotional and I could see her love for me in her eyes. I became quite happy to get my mom back and the puppy was recovering also. Suddenly I don't know what happened but my parents started to take care of that child during my absence. The medicines were working well on her health and I felt that my sacrifice had not been in vain. My puppy started to eat and it made me happy as well as satisfied. 
I thought that everything would be fine within a few months and then I would leave her to her mommy but things did not go smoothly. One morning, I noticed that her wound turned into a big hole and I became silent for some time as my mind got blank. My father poured phenyl into the wound without any delay and I became very enraged to see that torture. I left home again but this time I was alone. 
I was at my friend's home for 7 days and decided to leave my parents forever. I could not live with those people who never tried to understand my feelings and who did not take responsibility as a human being. And I also decided to work for street-animals without anyone's help. I missed and cried for my puppy so much for those 7 days. One night, I woke up from sleep crying, yes I dreamt. I saw that people were burning street-animals alive and that dream affected me. I was getting into depression but I never thought that I had made any mistake. Then one morning, my parents called my friend and told her as if I returned home. 

I had no will to return but I agreed because I wanted to see my puppy if she was dead or alive. So I returned and saw my puppy jumping on the floor as children jump when they feel happy. After seeing her, I forgot all of my frustrations. At that moment I was shocked also how the puppy got her life back. Then my father took her in his lap and told me everything which happened in the last 10 days.
 After listening to everything, I felt that yes! My parents love me for whatever I am otherwise they never took care of the puppy in my absence. That day, I cried embracing my mom, I felt guilty that I could not understand her love for me. Meanwhile, I named my puppy: Rancho. But the problems did not end here. After a few months, Rancho got sick again: she could not see anything with one of her eyes. Neighbours kept saying again that she would be blind so we should leave her alone in the street. Rancho became like my child and my all-time partner. So how could I leave her when she needed us the most? Again I consulted a vet but the medicines were not working so I had decided to arrange an eye operation for her. I had sold my gold earrings as I was not agreed to take money from my parents: Rancho is my responsibility. 
And after the operation, her eyes became normal and more bright. It feels lucky that I could be able to bring her eye-sight back. She was happy with us and she used to lick everyone who had come to our house. But after 6 months, her stomach trouble had been found and my parents and I also became the victims of skin disease. Then everyone in my neighbourhood stopped talking to us because they thought that Rancho was responsible for it but it was not true. We got an allergy which was cured after some days. But Rancho became sicker so now my father decided to do her full check-up and 3 deadly diseases were found but as it was not so late, we could make her cure. 
The whole society stood against us and left us alone because we tried to help her life. We tried to convince them but they never listened to us. This time I became so aware of the nature of human society who had not spared even a little soul . Faced with so many problems, we never looked backward to save that precious life. Instead of blaming me, my parents started to be proud of me because I am not like other kids who say their parents don't like animals and may have scolded them for bringing street animals to home. Gradually the puppy became free from all diseases and she took about 6 months to return to her beautiful life.
 Meanwhile, she became a member of the family;  my parents had no more problems with her. Then suddenly we realized that the puppy has grown up into a beautiful, delighted dog and she always wagged her tail. As days passed, the neighbours also started to love her because of her disposition and cuteness. Now it has been almost 2 years since she lives with us and we spend each and every free time with her. 
I fall more in love with her intelligence that she never bothers me when I do something important and she knows how to wait. She waves her tail every time she sees a man and runs towards the man to spread more love. When I call my parents, my puppy also copies me. Now I cannot think my life without her and when I hear that someone wants to take a street dog home but he can?t because his parents don?t like it, I take it as an excuse to give up his responsibilities as a human being. 

So if we all can love and serve the street animals from the deepest core of our hearts, we will be able to make them as well as ourselves happy forever and our parents will also understand it as they love their children the most.

Anuska  posted in Animals

Post updated on:  Jul 29, 2021 9:17:14 AM

If you're going to be training at home, can you get the same level of quality in terms of equipment and benefits from your training as you get from a gym? The answer is yes, but with certain provisos. Home training can offer many advantages over gym training but equally, it can be attractive to visit a dedicated facility to train, rather than carry out exercises in front of the TV or in a spare room.

Advantages of home workouts

  • No monthly gym fees are required.
  • Can be inexpensive (basic equipment such as an exercise mat, dumbbells, and a stability ball can be purchased cheaply).
  • Saves time by eliminating travel to and from the gym.
  • Convenience? your training facility is always available whenever you feel like exercising.
  • No queuing to use your favorite piece of gym equipment.
Disadvantages home workouts

  • Needs the imagination to maintain interest in your training.
  • You need to ensure your form is correct without the supervision of a gym instructor, otherwise, injuries may occur.
  • The initial outlay can be high if you're planning to set up a gym in your own home.
  • It can become boring and de-motivating to continually train alone. At a public gym you'll find:
  • There is likely to be a greater range of equipment that you can't afford for your home gym.
  • More people, therefore, it is more social
  • Gymnasium equipment is constantly evolving so your local gym should be regularly updating the machines, whereas that may not be financially possible with a home gym.

What equipment do You need to train at home?

As with any activity, depending upon your available budget, you can create anything from a dedicated gymnasium facility to simply storing some dumbbells and other equipment and setting them up when needed. There is a huge variety of equipment on the market, the hardest part is deciding what not to buy. The following sections should help you decide what you can and cannot do without for your home gym.

Home gym Equipment:

  • Exercise mat
  • Stability ball 
  • Dumbbells
  • Heart rate monitor 
  • Workout bench
Dedicated home gym:

  • Free weights and dumbbells
  • Dedicated weights machines, for example, chest press machine
  • Cardiovascular equipment, for example, rower, treadmill, cross-trainer, stationary bike, etc
  • Weights benches
  • Heavy-duty matting (to protect the floor from weights damage)
  • Mirrors
  • Sound and/ or TV system
Train at home without any equipment

  • You can complete a perfectly good fitness routine at home, using nothing more than your own body weight. Tricep dips, the plank, mountain climbers, lunges, and bodyweight squats are all examples of great conditioning exercises. As you progress in your training, you can increase the reps you complete of each exercise, raise the number of sets and also reduce the rest time between sets.
So, now do you think home workouts are effective? Write below in the comments.

Purnima  posted in Fitness

Post updated on:  Jul 28, 2021 1:41:47 PM

Room Status Definition
The various terms defined are typical of the room status terminology of the lodging industry.
1 . Occupied ? A guest is currently registered to the room
2. Complimentary- The room is occupied but the guest is assessed no charge for its use.
3. Stay over-  The guest is not expected to check out today and will remain at least one more night.
4 .On change- The guest has departed, but the room has not yet been cleaned and readied for resale.
5. Do not disturb(DND)-  The guest has requested not to be disturbed.
6. Sleep Out- A guest is registered to the room but bed has not been used.
7. Skipper ? The guest has left the hotel without making arrangement to settle his or her account. Guests come with scanty baggage (light luggage).
8. Vacant and Ready- The room has been cleaned and inspected and is ready for an arriving guest.
9. Out of order (O.O.O)- The room cannot be assigned to a guest. A room may be out of order for a variety of reasons including need for maintenance, refurbishing and extensive cleaning.
10. Double lock- The guest room door is locked from inside and outside two times so that no one can enter.
11. Due out-  The room is expected to become vacant after following day?s check out time.
12. Check out- The guest has settled his or her account, returned to the room keys and left the hotel.
13. Late check out-  The guest has requested and is being allowed to check out later than the hotel?s standard check out time.

Post updated on:  Jul 28, 2021 9:26:25 AM

                                        Rajpuri   Bhindi (okra)
Lady?s finger (Bhindi)
500 gm
Red chilly powder
4 gm
Gram flour
20 gm
Corn flour
15 gm
Chaat masala
10 gm
To fry
To taste
1.     Mix gram flour, corn flour, red chili powder and salt.
2.     Dust the lady?s finger slices in this mixture, sprinkle water over the lady?s finger.
3.     Deep fry to crisp brown and finish with chaat masala.

Post updated on:  Jul 27, 2021 4:57:45 AM

                                    Cambridge History Of English Literature tells us what the English feel about a native writer.
"Despite the spread of the knowledge of English among the educated classes of India, Indians wrote comparatively little that can be regarded as permanent additions to English literature. The adoption of English as the language of the universities had the altogether unexpected, though in every way desirable, result of revivifying the vernaculars. Stimulated by English literature and English knowledge,Bankim Chandra Chatterji,the first graduate of Calcutta University, created Bengali fiction. Under the influence of the works of Scott, he wrote successful historical novels, and followed these with novels of Indian social life.Bankim, undoubtedly, was the first creative genius who sprang from the Indian renascence brought about in the nineteenth century by the introduction of English education. But he deliberately turned his face away from all attempts to gain a reputation as an English writer."

                                Indian fiction in English exploded in the mid-80s. But with passage of time the Indian novel in English has become thoroughly Indian in terms of themes, techniques, National awakening. 

                                    With a process of an immense social transition of nineteenth century,  India required a renewed approach to the pre modern literary cultures. In the nineteenth century, with the publications of Kylas Chandner A Journal of Forty Eight Hours, Bankim Chandra Chatterjee?s Rajmohan?s Wife (1864) and Lal Behari?s Govinda Samanta (1874), the Indian novel in English has grown. It is customary to consider 1930s to be the ?take-off? decade for the Indian novel in English?.

                                   But the conception of the two major novels, Durgeshnandini and Kopalkundala took place, though they were to be published much later than Rajmohan's Wife, Durgeshnandini in 1865, and Kopalkundala In 1866. Meanwhile, two years ago, In 1864 when Bankimchandra wrote his first English novel, Rajmohan's wife, which was published serially In Indian Field. According to scholars? speculation the reason for this might be that Bankim was hesitant about the reception of Bengali novel with the literate Bengali society of the time.

                                     Bankimchandra is quoted to have said to Shrishchandra  Majumder that he was always more comfortable in expressing himself in the medium of English rather than in Bengali. However his first English novel, Rajmohan's Wife, was also to be his last in English, a medium he abandoned as a means of his literary expression, especially the novel. For Bankim ardently held fast to the idealism that an Indian writer's chief concern ought to be in enriching the Indian literature written in the medium of the native tongue. 

                                  Bankim abandoned his creative project in English altogether and went on to write novels and discursive prose in Bangla. Meanwhile those critics who made dismissive references to the English novel, designating as a ?false start'.
Jogesh Chandra  Bagal was of the opinion :

* Bankim's literary temperament could not be            satisfied with writing fiction in English...and he began writing Durgeshnandini?.
                                  The record would be considered faulty if we fail to take a note of the importance of the twist in history, Rajmohan's Wife Bankim's first English novel, was famously discovered , recovered and restored by an extraordinary stroke of luck owing to a binder's fault. The 1864 issues of the journal, Hindu Patriot, contained a few numbers of the weekly magazine, The Indian Field, which were bound to the former Inadvertently by the binder and these issues had all but the first three chapters of Roimohon's wife. It was Brajendranath Banerjee who found the incomplete version of Rajmohan and took the initiative of re-translating the first three missing chapters from Banklmchandra?s own incomplete Bengali translation of his English novel and thus came out Rajmohan's Wife, as we know it, in 1935. This Interesting publication history behind Bankim's  debut novel is fairly well-known today. As Amitrasudan Bhattacharya says in his Bankim Life ? লেখক নিজে এই  উপন্যাসটি সাময়িকভাবে মুদ্রিত হাওয়ার পর আর কখনোই গ্রন্থাকারে প্রকাশ করেননি। বঙ্কিম এই উপন্যাসটি কথা পরে আর কখনো তেমনভাবে উল্লেখ করেননি । Bankim, Instead, dedicated himself wholeheartedly to the enrichment of his mother tongue, as we all know. 

                                  What we need to remember is that in the middle of the 19-century when Rajmohan was written, Mulk Raj Anand, Raja Rao and R. K. Narayan were not born yet. Naturally, therefore, we hold that Rajmohan is Banklmchandra's first signature creation, his brand identity. 

                    It is commonly held that Durgeshnandini is Bankim's first fictional masterpiece and the last ls Rajsingha. Parmanand Srivastava in his 'Bamkimchanda and the Indian Novel' refers Durgeshnandini as Bankim's ?very first novel.? and because of this misconception (in our opinion this is certainly a misconception), a major work of Bankim such as Rajmohan has never been given any serious thought by Bankim scholars, Bengali critics and readers. 

                                   What we wish to stress here is that it is Rajmohan's Wife and certainly not Durgeshnandini with which began the Journey of the Bankim novel. Unfortunately though it is chiefly a forgotten novel, forgotten by Bankim himself and overlooked by critics and scholars largely.

                                    In Matangini, Bankim creates a  stereotype which is perpetuated in Bankim novels-from the first to the last. We get, for instance, traces of Matagini In his novel Durgeshnandini, In Bimala. Again , we discover Matangini in the last novel of Bankim, in his Nirmalakumari in Rajsingha. Again in Rajmohan's wife, Suki's mother is like Phulmani Napitani in Debi Chowdhurani. These minor characters of Bankim get his finer touch of character delineation.

                                The very special brand of Bankim prose with its resonance and its decorative, intricate and subtle nuances and their lingering exuberance is created for the first time by Bankim in his Rajmohan's Wife.

                                   Minakshi Mukherjee thinks that though this novel of Bankim ?got overshadowed by the fourteen powerful novels he subsequently wrote in Bengali?, she observes , ?Yet this story of the beautiful and passionate Matangini married to the villainous Rajmohan is astonishingly rich in detail, especially in descriptions of the interiors and the quotidian routine of women's lives in an East Bengali village?

                                    But Bankimchandra never once thought of revoking his ruthless decision of banishing Rajmohan's wife to the world of oblivion. Our gratitude for the preservation and restoration of Rajmohan's Wife must go to that unknown employee of that printing house for his fortuitous and fortunate act of binding-error which he unwittingly committed that day. It is certainly our noble duty today to make a handsome atonement for our myopic indifference towards this work of Bankim only because it is written in English. 

                                 Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay is one of the leading names in Bengali Classical literary stage and this work ?Rajmohan?s Wife? is his only novel in English. So the complete novels of Bankimchandra do not consist of fourteen,but fifteen novels, starting with Rajmohan?s wife. I have mentioned a few number of reasons why he did not not continue writing in English. What we need today is a fresh retrospect of Rajmohan's Wife In the fresh light of the present times. Every Indian should know about this first Indian English novel and also should read this earliest specimen of Bankimchandra. If we don't read Rajmohan's Wife , we will not realize the beauty of essence of this novel.

Anuska  posted in Literature

Post updated on:  Jul 27, 2021 3:03:45 AM

Hi guys so here's a list that i have personally made for you to stay fashionable even during Covid. So, sit back and read on:


The bandana can be worn over the head as well as face masks. These are quite impenetrable and are safe to wear. You can simply convert your bandana into a mask using buttons and sewing needle.

Face mask

You can buy these online as well as sew them yourself. These are available in various prints and designs.

Cloth masks made at home

Cloth masks can be sewed at home and are usually made with single or double layers. Just fold the cloth three times up and down and then sew it together, and your mask is ready.

The benefits of making a mask at home are that you can always match it with your attire as well as use the side slings of your choice. Many fashionistas are using chains as the side slings which look quite classy.

Store bought face masks

Another type is store-bought cotton face masks. These look quite professionally designed and are comfortable too.

You should choose a mask that has 100% cotton fabric. One with three layers is the most ideal choice to ensure your safety.

Filter masks

Some masks come with a filter inside them or you can also add a folded facial tissue in the form of a filter inside the mask. Though these should not be confused with vented masks which allow the unfiltered air to escape from inside the mask.

The filter in these type of masks is made up of a material called Polypropylene, which raises the efficiency of these mask by up to 40%.

Surgical masks

Surgical masks are for one time use and are to be disposed off after that. These are the thinnest and most flat masks, out of all the types. They help in controlling the inhalation of small particles by up to 60% and are useful in public places.

Wearing them more than once is not suggested as they are meant for only one time use.

N95 and KN95 masks

N95 and KN95 masks are designed especially for healthcare professionals like doctors and nurses, which is why normal people should not buy them to avoid shortage. These are the most effective in fighting against the virus and they filter out about 95% of the particles inhaled by the person wearing them.

The other masks protect other people around you, while N95 masks protect you from the inhaled droplets as well. There are other types in this category which may be more effective than N95 and KN95 too, like N99, N100 and R95 masks. Also read:How to stay fit and healthy during Covid-19 Always remember to wash your hands as well as your face whenever you come home from a public space. Wash your masks regularly too, to avoid fungal infections like black fungus and yellow fungus too.

So, these were the basic types of masks. Apart from these, there are other types too and you can choose amongst these, as per your comfort and liking. But, always remember to wear a mask and carry a sanitizer, before you step out of the house

Shweta  posted in Fashion

Post updated on:  Jul 26, 2021 1:37:28 PM

The SSC result of 2021 has led everyone in a confusion with the 198 marks given to almost 100 students in class X. 

This marks allotment gives a glimpse that the students with 198 grace marks have not scored any single point in their class 9 final exams and class 10 unit tests and internals but obtained a degree with the support of their schools. Here the senior board official quoted, ? Giving 198 grace marks means that the students have not secured a single mark in their class 9 and class 10 unit exams. This is a difficult feat to achieve as even the poorest students will take two to four exams. Alternatively, there is a possibility that these students were just enrolled and did not attend school at all.? 

So besides the students, the mystery remains unsolved to the officials also as to how the 100 students were not in the queue where around 1.6 lakh students obtained 60 grace marks and around 45,000 students were given between 60 and 100 grace marks.

Anuska  posted in Education

Post updated on:  Jul 25, 2021 9:45:28 AM

Shweta  posted in Poetry

Post updated on:  Jul 24, 2021 8:12:32 AM

 Elizabethan Sonnet Sequences 

A sonnet refers to a poem of fourteen lines, usually in iambic pentameter, restricted to a definite rhyme scheme. Poets of Elizabethan time are mainly concerned with the subject of love.  There are two major rhyme schemes in sonnet written in English :
1) Italian / Petrarchan sonnet
2) English / Shakespearean sonnet
  Originally an Italian form 'sonetto', meaning 'a little sound', the sonnet has remained vital since its development in the 13th century. Francesco Petrarch was one of the former original masters; in the 14th century, the Italian poet brought the sonnet to prominence through the poems he wrote in admiration of a woman named Laura.   
  The Petrarchan sonnet, like all true sonnets, consists of fourteen lines. The first eight lines comprise the octave and the final six form the sestet. The volta, or the poem?s turn, typically appears at the beginning of the sestet and introduces a markedly different tone from that of the octave. Finally, the sestet offers reflection on and sometimes resolution to the conflict of the poem. The lines are in iambic pentameter and the rhyme scheme is generally one of the following two patterns: ABBA ABBA CDECDE or ABBA ABBA CDCDCD.
 Shakespeare's sonnets are considered a continuation of the sonnet tradition that swept through the Renaissance from Petrarch in 14th-century Italy and was finally introduced in 16th-century England by Thomas Wyatt and was given its rhyming meter and division into quatrains by Henry Howard. 
 The phrase "Elizabethan sonnet sequences" refers to the series of English sonnets written by various prominent practitioners in the Elizabethan era, such as William Shakespeare, Sir Philip Sidney, and Edmund Spenser. Shakespeare's  sonnet sequence includes 154 sonnets. Spenser's main sonnet series is a collection entitled Amoretti and  Sidney's most famous sonnet series is entitled  Astrophel and Stella.
  However, the form of the Shakespearean sonnet differs from that of the Petrarchan model. Although Shakespeare's lines are iambic pentameter, his sonnets are made up of three quatrains and a final couplet, and his rhyme scheme is as follows: ABAB CDCD EFEF GG. He also departs from Petrarch?s tendency to idealize the object of his affection.

Shakespearean Sonnets and Sonnet 127
The Sonnets are Shakespeare's most popular works, and a few of them, such as Sonnet18, Sonnet 116,Sonnet 73, and sonnet 130 have become the most widely-read poems in all of English literature. 
  Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets, all of his sonnets are unconventional in their approach and likely composed over an extended period from 1592 to 1598.In 1609 Thomas Thorpe published Shakespeare's sonnets. 
 The majority of the sonnets (1-126) are addressed to a young man, his fair friend to ensure his immortality. The final sonnets (127-154) are addressed to a promiscuous woman known to modern readers as the dark lady.
 Sonnet 127 of Shakespeare's sonnets (1609) is the first of the  Dark Lady sequence(sonnets 127?152). Shakespeare admits that his beloved is not an conventional beauty but for him, she is beautiful and the poems make it clear that the speaker's mistress has black hair and eyes and dark skin means through his verse, Shakespeare established a new convention. Time has changed, now beauty is not only judged by skin complexion. After all, in the dark lady sequence , Shakespeare used a sort of mockery against the Petrarchan conventions and his sonnet 127 is no exception of that.

 Central Idea of Sonnet 127
 In  Sonnet 127, the speaker finds himself attracted to a woman who is not beautiful in the conventional sense, here he tries to give a newer definition of true beauty and explains it by declaring that because of cosmetics, true beauty has been called into question. The poet tries to re-define the actual beauty by striking of the conventional beauty. He is voicing like someone who is trying to defend of natural beauty which may not be perfect , still being original is beautiful.

Analysis of 1st Quatrain

"In the old age black was not counted fair,"
In ancient times, a dark complexion was not considered beautiful or attractive, rather fair complexion was considered beautiful.

"Or if it were, it bore not beauty's name;"
Or if anyone thought that they were beautiful, they never called them beautiful.

"But now is black beauty's successive heir,"
The dark complexion which was never considered beautiful, now gained a legitimate figure.

"And beauty slandered with a bastard shame:"
That means the fair complexion that used to be called beautiful have gotten a bad reputation.  The "bastard shame" is the product of art. Beauty and Nature are slandered by the artificial asserting in effect that art is better than nature.

In the old age.....  - Past tense.
........black....... - This word presents personification. The poet is trying to personify black skin tone with the word black. 

........................fair - presents pun. Here fair has two meanings. Fairness as an abstract quality and fair complexion.
But now...... (present tense) - The old age is over.
But now is black beauty's successive heir - This statement presents hyperbaton. 

Successive heir - legitimate child.
But now is black beauty's successive heir.... - Successive heir means one who deserves to succeed by virtue of inheritance. Here the notion of inheritance is used metaphorically in the sonnet. The "black" is called the legitimate heir (with a possible pun on "hair") of beauty.

.......bastard... -  Here the notion of bastardy is used metaphorically in the sonnet. Shakespeare used a very bold term  - bastard - to highlight the fact that an artificial beauty that's bastard can never be legitimate.

Slandered - Disgrace.
Black-fairheir-bastard - Shakespeare used a sort of contrasting words.
Black, bore, beauty, Bastard - These words present alliteration(repetition of the consonantal sound B).
   In this quatrain, the poetic tone is defensive and very shrewdly trying to establish the unconventional skin tone, Black that is the unconventional beauty and trying to highlight the fact that fairness is not always beautiful.

Analysis of 2nd Quatrain
"For since each hand hath put on Nature's power,"
These days, everyone has seized the power to make themselves beautiful so now everyone does nature's work on their own. That is ironical.

"Fairing the foul with Art's false borrowed face,"
Even ugly people can be beautiful or can make themselves fair by artificial materials means the standard for "beauty" has lost its naturalness, probably because of the use of wigs and hair dye, rouges, lipsticks, and mascara. 

"Sweet beauty hath no name, no holy bower,"
For the artificial means, true beauty doesn?t exist anymore. None can legitimately be called beautiful. In fact, natural beauty has no exclusive name, no sanctuary all her own.

"But is profaned, if not lives in disgrace."
But true beauty has become devalued, even disgraced. It is not clear what is the worse penalty, to be pronounced profane, or to live in disgrace. Here Art has disgraced Nature by making false effigies of beauty. Disgrace could also mean 'to make ugly, to disfigure'.

Each hand hath......... (anyone can) - Presents synecdoche.    
........Nature's power - Beauty is totally depends on nature and only the nature possess the ability to build the true beauty.
....hath.... - Archaism of 'has'.
Fairing the foul..... - Making beautiful what is ugly.
....Art's false borrowed face - The artificial face (pretended beauty) that is put on by the use of cosmetics and the skilful application of them. 
Sweet beauty - True beauty which is always called the natural beauty, fresh and pleasant.
Bower - Residence.
Profaned - Neglected.
Fairing, foul, face - Alliteration (repetition of the consonantal sound F).
Beauty, bower - Alliteration (repetition of the consonantal sound B).
Nature-art, holy-profane - Here the poet again used the contrasting words.
                                    In this quatrain, a tricky tone is noticed. The poet indirectly mocks the Petrarchan conceptions not any individual person as the olden ideology tries to transform their outlook by artificiality. 

Analysis of 3rd Quatrain

"Therefore my mistress' eyes are raven black,"
The speaker then introduces his mistress as a raven-haired beauty with dark eyes(a natural image). Her beauty represents honesty.

"Her eyes so suited, and they mourners seem" - Run on line.

"At such who, not born fair, no beauty lack," - Run on line.

"Sland'ring creation with a false esteem:" - Enjambment. 
The poet insists that her naturalness is dark and it has now become so fashionable that common opinion has swung round to believe that dark beauties alone are truly beautiful. And in their darkness, they seem to be lamenting those people who were born ugly but make themselves beautiful. The poet believes that naturalness does not lack beauty and believes that nature is slandered when attempts are made to crush naturalness into a false concept of beauty. He disdains such actions and will condemn them at every opportunity.
Therefore, Here comes the volta (the turning point).

....my mistress.... - Subjective in tone.
.......raven black - presents metaphor.
Sland'ring - Reproaching.
Esteem - Value.
Her eyes so suited, and they mourners seem - presents run on line.
At such who, not born fair, no beauty lack, - presents run on line.
Sland'ring creation with a false esteem: - presents enjambment.
   In this quatrain, the poetic tone is changed into subjectivity. The poet believes that his beloved is maintaining her natural looks and actually puts the false beauty to shame.

Analysis of the Final Couplet
"Yet so they mourn becoming of their woe,
That every tongue says beauty should look so."
Natural and Untouched (Theme) - 
But her black eyes lament so beautifully, that everyone is saying that that's how beauty should look. Here the poet re-establishes the natural beauty.
..........woe - Misfortune.
.....becoming of their woe - evokes the imagery of a face, its eyes big and brimming with tears.
...every tongue says.....(every man says) - Presents part for whole.
In the final couplet, the argument of the poem seems to be that his beloved is dark because it is symbolic of a mourning for the debasement of true beauty. The dark-haired, dark-skinned beauties do not mourn to be light-haired and light-skinned because they are able to demonstrate true, natural beauty that makes people realize that all beauty should be natural and untouched. The speaker then asserts that natural beauty is the standard and everybody knows it. He therefore feels that his passion for her is justified.

Critical Assessment
 Sonnet 127 is the beginning of the Dark Lady sonnet sequence which ended with the final sonnet 154. This sonnet is a complaint against artificiality. The poem shows that even if the writers' mistress is no prettiness of her time his love for her is very strong. The 127th sonnet of this sequence might also tell that Shakespeare contradicts with the existing ideal of beauty.    

 Shakespeare prefers to keep his quatrains district by putting a punctuation point at the end of each. He seldom works with enjambments and other figures of speech and prefers to make each line an idea or point. Also, "he is very fond of the clinching final couplet". The quatrains possess the rhyme scheme of an alternate rhyme (ABAB CDCD EFEF) and the couplet is a rhyming one (GG). Shakespeare ever used this traditional sonnet form, which he never varied, except by repeating a rhyme. Every rhyme in this sonnet is also an end rhyme and a perfect rhyme. The consonance of words is mainly masculine, except lines eight and twelve. There the rhymed words are feminine: "disgrace" and "esteem".

There are several common themes in Sonnet 127 and Sonnet 130 by William Shakespeare. I will draw a simple comparison between sonnet 127 and 130 which is part of our syllabus. Shakespeare demonstrated a well-developed capacity of wit insight the sonnets; the humorous observations about love, friendship, and life itself entertain the readers. Such in the case with two of Shakespeare's love poems, "Sonnet 127" and "Sonnet 130", the subject is parody of the Petrarchan convention of exaggerated appraisal of his beloved. What makes the sonnets remarkable, and "Sonnet 127" and "Sonnet 130" exemplary, is that they challenge the traditional sonnet form and meaning, which was established and perfected by Shakespeare's predecessors and contemporaries, Petrarch, Sidney, and Spenser the most notable examples among them. In these sonnets, Shakespeare speaks of the naturalness of her eyes, lips, breasts, hair, cheeks, odour, voice, movement, skin tone and both of the couplets emphatically asserts that her dark lady is a newer definition of true beauty.

Anuska  posted in Poetry

Post updated on:  Jul 24, 2021 3:13:47 AM

Topic   -   Chocolate chip Cookies
Used Material  -
130 gm
Brown Sugar
120 gm
Breakfast sugar
80 gm
1 gm
64 gm
200 gm
Baking Soda
2 gm
Choco Chips
150 gm

1.    Preheat oven to 175 ?C .
2.    Cream together the butter , white sugar and brown sugar until smooth. Beat in the eggs one at a time, then stir in the vanilla essence. Dissolve Baking Soda in hot  water. Add to the batter along with salt , stir in flour and chocolate chips.
3.    Drop by large spoonfuls on to a ungreased pans.
4.    Bake for about 10 minutes in the preheated oven or until edges are nicely browned.
    The cookies need space to spread during  cooking. Place the uncooked  dough balls about 2 inches apart .If necessary bake your cookies in batches.



Post updated on:  Jul 21, 2021 7:48:01 AM

Leavening Agents -   Leavening agents also known as Raising agents, are the agents that increase the surface area of the dough or batter by creating gas bubbles in the dough or batter. They helps in rising of bakery products and gives them a porous texture.

Types of Leavening agents-
1. Chemical -   Baking soda and baking powder are common chemical leavening agents. Baking soda is basically sodium bi carbonate. Baking powder is baking soda and some acids. We use them in Cookies, Cakes and brownies etc.
2. Biological -   Yeast is a biological leavening agent. It is a living microorganism. The scientific name of yeast is Saccharomyces cerevisiae . Yeast acts on sugar in dough and converts it into alcohol and carbon dioxide. It helps in fermentation process in bread making.
3. Mechanical-  Creaming and whisking  are examples . In creaming we mix fat and sugar  and make bakery products. In cookies also we use this method. We prepare meringue ( mixture of egg white and sugar)   by whisking.
4 .   Natural-   In Dhokla ,product rises due to steam . We use fruit salt  , gram flour, oil, sugar, salt and lemon juice and water  in preparation of dhokla. Dhokla is very famous dish in Gujarat. In Choux pastry also  steam acts as a leavening agent.
5.  Combination-   Vanilla buns, Fruit cakes are some examples of combination process where whisking, creaming and chemical raising agents are used to finish the product.

Post updated on:  Jul 20, 2021 6:58:48 AM

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