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The central institute for cotton research is solemnly dedicated to the betterment of cotton manufacturing in India. It was first established at Shankar Nagar, Nagpur, Maharashtra and later spread out to other states of India. The research centre is located at Shankar Nagar Post Office, Nagpur, Maharashtra. It also operates in the southern regional station through the research centre at maruthamalai road, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. The northern regional station has a research centre at Sirsa, Haryana.

CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR COTTON RESEARCH   (Indian Council of Agricultural Research)
Post Bag No.2,
Shankar Nagar Post Office,
Nagpur - 440 010, Maharashtra, India
 NagpurMaharashtraDirector : (07103) 275536 Office : (07103) 275538, 275549, 275617, 275620 
CENTRAL INSTITUTE FOR COTTON RESEARCH, Southern Regional StationMaruthamalai Road,
Coimbatore - 641 003, TamilNadu, India
CoimbatoreTamilNadu(0422) 2431238, Office : (0422) 2430045
Sirsa - 125 055, Haryana, IndiaSirsaHaryana(01666) 220428, 233832

Post updated on:  Jun 6, 2021 10:15:53 AM

Cashew nut is one of the widely used nuts in foodstuffs in India, especially during the festival times like Diwali, Maha Sankranti. People do sweets using cashew nuts and raisin only. Cashew plays an important role in every Indian's life. But it is also one of the costliest nuts. The binomial name of cashew nut is anacardium occidentale.the native of the cashew is somewhere in northern South America. In Kerala, Not only in Indian cuisine, it is commonly used in Thai cuisine and Chinese cuisine too. Since growing cashew farm gives the farmer a reasonable income, the Indian farmers in south India prefer cashew for planting during the summer season. Both the nuts and the fruit itself have medicinal values.

There are many research organizations in India. Kerala, Karnataka, West Bengal, and Tamil Nadu were top among other states in cashew cultivation in India. The main purpose of the research organizations is to improve the quality of the cashew nuts in an effective way and also to bring out new varieties. The National Research Centre for Cashew is sited in Puttur, Karnataka. cashew research center located in Thrissur district. In the state of Tamil Nadu the regional research station located in Virdhachalam, South Arcot. In West Bengal, the regional research station located in jhargram farm, Midnapore.

National Research Centre for Cashew,PutturNational Research Centre for Cashew,Puttur - 574 202,Dakshina Kannada,Karnataka.Dakshina KannadaKarnataka08251 - 21530
Cashew Research Station,(Kerala Agricultural University), MadakkaatharaCashew Research Station,(Kerala Agricultural University),Madakkaathara - 680 656,Thrissur District, Kerala.ThrissurKerala(0487) - 370 339
Regional Agricultural Research Station,(Kerala Agricultural University)Regional Agricultural Research Station,(Kerala Agricultural University), Pincode - 671 353, Kasaragod District, Kerala.KasaragodKerala(0599) - 760 554, 760 632.
Cashew Research Station,(Kerala Agricultural University), AnakkayamCashew Research Station,(Kerala Agricultural University), Anakkayam, Malappuram District,Kerala- 676509.MalappuramKerala0493 - 276 039
Agricultural Research Station,(University of Agricultural Sciences),ChintamaniAgricultural Research Station,(University of Agricultural Sciences),Chintamani - 563 125,Kolar District, KarnatakaKolarKarnataka08154-52118, 50420
Agricultural Research Station,(University of Agricultural Sciences),UllalAgricultural Research Station,(University of Agricultural Sciences),Ullal - 574 159, Kapikad,Karnataka.Dakshin KannadaKarnataka0824 - 2466249
Regional Research Station,(University of Agricultural Sciences),BrahmavarRegional Research Station,(University of Agricultural Sciences),Brahmavar - 576213, KarnatakaDakshin KannadaKarnataka0824 - 2466249
ICAR Research Complex,ElaICAR Research Complex,Ela, Old Goa - 403402North GoaGoa0832 - 2286249
Regional Fruit Research Station,(Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth),VengurlaRegional Fruit Research Station,(Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth),Vengurla - 416 516, Sindhudurg District.SindhudurgMaharashtra02366 - 62234
 Regional Research Station,(Tamil Nadu Agricultural University),Vridhachalam Regional Research Station,(Tamil Nadu Agricultural University),Vridhachalam 606 001, South Arcot District,Tamil NaduSouth ArcotTamil Nadu04143 - 60231, 60412
Cashew Research Station, (Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University), BaptalaCashew Research Station, Baptala,(Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University),Andhra PradeshGunturAndhra Pradesh086432 - 24052, 25098
Cashew Research Station, Department of Agriculture, (Orissa University of Agriculture & Technology)Cashew Research Station, Department of Agriculture, (Orissa University of Agriculture & Technology),Bhubaneswar 571 003, OrissaBhubaneswarOrissa0674 - 402669
Regional Research Station,(Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswa Vidyalaya), Jhargram FarmRegional Research Station,(Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswa Vidyalaya), Jhargram Farm, P.O. Jhargram-721 507,Midnapore District,West Bengal.  MidnaporeWest Bengal03221-55593
University of Agri.Sciences, Shimoga College of AgricultureUniversity of Agri.Sciences, Shimoga College of Agriculture, PB No.126, Narille, Shimoga-577204,KarnatakaShimogaKarnatakaN.A.
University of Agri. Sciences, Dharward,(K.R.C. College of Horticulture)University of Agri. Sciences, Dharward,(K.R.C. College of Horticulture),Arabhavi - 591 310 Belgaum, KarnatakaBelgaumKarnatakaN.A.

Post updated on:  Jun 6, 2021 10:09:58 AM

Atomic energy is one of the important forms of energy that can be used for human life's improvement. It can be used in two ways. Either as energy that enlighten the human beings or at the same time can be used in weapons and endanger the life of human being in the processing is the Department of Atomic Energy, otherwise called as DAE. There are also many institutions that are aided by the atomic energy grant in India. They do all the research work in their institutions in such a manner to improve the utilization of atomic energy in an effective and efficient way.

In the business city of Mumbai, there are many institutions located. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Tata Memorial Centre, Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS), and Atomic Energy Education Society is the atomic energy grant in aid institutions in Mumbai. Among those, the first two are governed by the Tata group. The last is the government institutions. There are also Aid institutions in Allahabad, Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Kolkata and Gandhi Nagar ( in Gujarat ) which are aided by atomic energy grant in India the planet called earth. In India, the organization undertakes atomic energy.

Atomic Energy Education SocietyMumbaiMaharashtraCentral Office, Annex Bldg, AECS-4, Anushaktinagar - 400 094(022) 25565049 (022) 225576230 http://www.aees.gov.in/
Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS)MumbaiMaharashtraBhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay - 400 085 91-22-25505050 91-22-25505151 http://www.barc.ernet.in/
Harish-Chandra Research InstituteAllahabadUttar PradeshChhatnag Road, Jhunsi - 211 019(0532) 2667509(0532) 2567444http://www.mri.ernet.in
Institute of Mathematical SciencesChennai Tamil NaduC I T Campus,Taramani - 600 11391-44-2254 310091-44-2254 1586 http://www.imsc.res.in/
Institute of PhysicsBhubaneswar OrissaSachivalaya Marg, - 751005 91-674-230105891-674-2300142 www.iopb.res.in/ 
Institute of Plasma ResearchGandhinagarGujaratBhat - 382428 2396204923969016http://www.plasma.ernet.in/
National Board for higher Mathematics (NBHM)MumbaiMaharashtraSecond Floor, OYC Building, C.S.M. Marg -  400 039 http://www.nbhm.dae.gov.in/
Saha Institute of Nuclear PhysicsKolkataWest Bengal1/AF, Bidhannagar  - 700 064,91 33 2337 5345 91 33 2337 4637 http://www.saha.ac.in/cs/www/
Tata Institute of Fundamental ResearchMumbaiMaharashtraHomi Bhabha Road  400 00591-22-2278-200091-22-2280-4610http://www.tifr.res.in/
Tata Memorial CentreMumbai MaharashtraTata Memorial Hospital, Dr. E Borges Road, Parel - 400 012 91-22- 2417700091-22-24146937 http://tmc.gov.in/

Post updated on:  Jun 6, 2021 10:04:15 AM

In order to improve the overall production and quality of cotton in India, the government of India established the AICCIP committee. The AICCIP committee takes care of all the above-mentioned duties. According to this project the universities, regional research centers, and agriculture colleges will perform the research projects in increasing the overall production and quality of cotton. There are about ten main centers and ten sub-centers. The term AICCIP project stands for All India Coordinated Cotton Improvement project in India. The main centers are as follows:

The Punjab Agricultural University and the Regional Research Station in Faridkot, The Chowdhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University in Hisar, The Agricultural Research Station in Sriganganagar, The JNKVV Research Station, and The B.M. College of Agriculture in Khandwa, Main Cotton Research Station and The Gujarat Agricultural University near Athwa Farm in Surat, and finally The Marathwada Agricultural University, Degloor Road, Nanded (Maharashtra) are the main centers of the All India  

The Punjab Agricultural University and the Regional Research Station in Faridkot, The Chowdhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University in Hisar, The Agricultural Research Station in Sriganganagar, The JNKVV Research Station, and The B.M. College of Agriculture in Khandwa, Main Cotton Research Station and The Gujarat Agricultural University near Athwa Farm in Surat, and finally The Marathwada Agricultural University, Degloor Road, Nanded (Maharashtra) are the main centers of the

All India Coordinated Cotton Improvement project in India (AICCIP). The sub-centers are as follows: UAS) Agricultural Research Station, Siruguppa Cotton Research Station, Srivilliputhur Regional Research & Technology - Transfer Station, Umerkote are some of the sub-centers of the AICCIP in India.

Main CentresPunjab Agricultural University, Regional Research Station, Faridkot - 151 203FaridkotPunjab01639-251244
Chowdhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar - 125 001HisarHaryana01662-231171, 23117201662-234952 01662-234613
Agricultural. Research Station, Sriganganagar - 335 001 SriganganagarRajasthan0154-24206190154-2435010
JNKVV Research Station, B.M. College of Agriculture, Khandwa - 450 001KhandwaMadhya Pradesh0733-2222170733-227844
Main Cotton Research Station, Gujarat Agricultural University, Athwa Farm Surat - 395 007SuratGujarat0261-236660970261-23668045
Dr Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Krishi Nagar Akola - 444 104AkolaMaharastra  0724-258200- Extn.94 258217, 2584750724-58219
MarthwadaAgricultural University, Degloor Road, Nanded - 431 602NandedMaharashtra02462-3993002462-239930 264005
Acharya N.G. Ranga Agrl. University, Agrl. Research Station, Lam Farm, Guntur - 522 034GunturAndhra Pradesh  0863-2524169, 25240170863-2524073
Agricultural Research Station, Dharwad Farm, Dharwad - 580 007DharwadKarnataka 0836-24478740836-2745276
Department of Cotton, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore - 641 003CoimbatoreTamilnadu0422-2456297 0422-2431672 0422-2434727
Sub CentresPunjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana - 141 004LudhianaPunjab0161-2401969-Extn.334 0161-2401794
Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture & Technology, Agricultural Research Station, Borwat Farm, Banswara - 327 001BanswaraRajasthan02962-224281302962-2260013
Chandra Shekar Azad University of Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur - 208 002KanpurUttar Pradesh 0512-2294661-65 Extn.1560512-2210408
College of Agriculture, Indore - 452 001 IndoreMadhya Pradesh0731- 2702249 
Cotton Research Scheme, Gujarat Agrl. University, Junagadh Campus, Junagadh - 362 001 JunagadhGujarat  0285-2670201 Extn.248 2670201 to 26302080285-2672004
Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri - 413 722RahuriMaharashtra 02426-3344902426-243208 243223 243227
College of Agriculture, Pune - 411 005PuneMaharashtra020-5537033 Ext.227020-25537188  
Regional Agrl. Research Station, Nandyal - 518 503NandyalAndhra Pradesh08514 - 242296
(UAS) Agricultural Research Station, Siruguppa - 583 121Siruguppa Karnataka08396- 247249 
Cotton Research Station, Srivilliputhur- 626 125SrivilliputhurTamilnadu04563-2620736
Regional Research & Technology - Transfer Station, Umerkote - 764 073UmerkoteOrissa  06670-23027406670-232951

Post updated on:  Jun 6, 2021 8:56:39 AM

A country's development not only depends on how many public sector industries established but also depends heavily on the number of universities were opened. In that aspect agricultural universities are very important, because the economic development of India depends on agricultural growth only.  

 If we want a stable country then we should become a self-sustainable country in food management. There are many agricultural universities in India that are producing talented engineers, but the fact is nowadays students are more interested in doing technical graduation courses only.

The view among the students of India should change. Every state has its own Agriculture University. Tamil Nadu agriculture university, Punjab Agriculture University, Rajasthan Agriculture University, Kerala Agriculture University, and central agriculture university in Manipur were some of the universities governed by the respective states. There are also plenty of private universities in India. There are also veterinary universities in India.

Tamil Nadu animal and veterinary science university in Tamil Nadu, West Bengal animal sciences and fisheries university in West Bengal, and animal sciences and veterinary university were some of the veterinary universities in India. In Jharkhand, there is a university called birsa agricultural university situated in dhoni's hometown is one of the famous agricultural universities.

PUNJAB01639-251244(O) 253693(R) Faridkot_aiccip@ yahoo.com
HARYANA01662-231171, 231172(O) 236082(R)01662-234952 01662-234613hisar_aiccip@yahoo.com
RAJASTHAN0154-2420619(O) 2427499(R)0154-2435010sriganganagar_aiccip@yahoo.com
MADHYA PRADESH0733-222217(O) 225520(R)0733-227844khandwa_aiccip@yahoo.com
GUJARAT0261-23666097(O) 2277419(R)0261-23668045surat_aiccip@yahoo.com
Maharastra0724-258200- Extn.94 258217, 258475(O) 2456447(R)0724-58219akola_aiccip@yahoo.com
Maharastra02462-39930(O) 41576(O) 48408(R)02462-239930 264005nanded_aiccip@yahoo.com
ANDHRA PRADESH0863-2524169(O) 2524017(O) 2359366(R)0863-2524073guntur_aiccip@yahoo.com
KARNATAKA0836-2447874(O) 2776263(R)0836-2745276dharwad_aiccip@yahoo.com
TAMILNADU0422-2456297 (O) 2423210 (R)0422-2431672 0422-2434727coimbatore_aiccip@yahoo.com
PUNJAB0161-2401969-Extn.334 2472731 (R)0161-2401794ludhiana_aiccip@yahoo.com
Rajasthan02962-2242813(O) 2248586(R)02962-2260013banswara_aiccip@yahoo.com
UTTAR PRADESH0512-2294661-65 Extn.1560512-2210408kanpur_aiccip@yahoo.com
MADHYA PRADESH0731- 2702249 (O) indore_aiccip@yahoo.com
GUJARAT0285-2670201 Extn.248 2670201 to 26302080285-2672004junagadh_aiccip@yahoo.com
MAHARASHTRA02426-33449(O) 43101(R)02426-243208 243223 243227rahuri_aiccip@yahoo.com
MAHARASHTRA020-5537033 Ext.227020-25537188pune_aiccip@yahoo.com
ANDHRA PRADESH08514 - 242296(O) 246815 242310(R) nandyal_aiccip@yahoo.com
KARNATAKA08396- 247249 (O) siruguppa_aiccip@yahoo.com
TAMILNADU04563-2620736(O) 2621953(R) srivilliputhur_aiccip@yahoo.com

Post updated on:  Jun 6, 2021 8:50:50 AM

Literally shooting the ball is nothing but a variation of volleyball. This game of shooting ball is very much famous in Asian countries. Especially in India and Pakistan. In India, it is played in north India and central India. Nowadays not only in Asian countries, this game of shooting ball widely played in Arab countries. Also in Canada and Italy sportsman interested in playing shooting ball. This game of shooting ball played by nine players in each team. Four players at the backside, four players at the center court, and one at just underneath the net. The shooting ball association is almost in every state of India. They have their names of the shooting ball association that simply begin with the state name.

For example, the shooting ball association in Tamil Nadu is called as Tamil Nadu shooting ball association. In north India Chandigarh shooting ball association, New Delhi shooting ball association, Uttar Pradesh shooting ball association are there. These associations take care of the improvement and also overall organizing of the all-India shooting ball tournaments in and around India. In south India, the Karnataka shooting ball association, Maharashtra shooting ball association, and Orissa shooting ball association are producing a good set of players every year.

Bombay Shootingball Regional AssociationBombay Shootingball Regional Association 39-A, Nawab Building III Floor, 327. D.N, Road, Flora Fountain Fort, Mumbai.400001MumbaiMaharashtra
Goa Shootingball AssociationGoa Shootingball Association, H.NO. 30. P.O Torsem, Tal Pemem, GoaN.A.Goa
Jharkhand Shootingball AssociationJharkhand Shootingball Association Bata Shoe Co. 35, Frazer Road, Patna.PatnaBihar
Sugar Shamli MillsSugar Shamli Mills Near Old Post Office, Dhiman Pura-Shamli (Dist. Muzzafar Nagar)Muzzafar NagarUttar Pradesh
Bhopal Regional Shootingball AssociationBhopal Regional Shootingball Association 3/8, 9A, Saket Nagar, BhopalBhopalMadhya Pradesh
Pondicherry Shootingball AssociationPondicherry Shootingball Association Opp. Police Quarter, Muthialpet-605003 PondicherryPondicherryPondicherry
Hero HondaHero Honda, 69th K.M Store, Delhi-Jaipur Highway,Dharuhera Dist Rewari (Haryana)RewariHaryana
Central Sectt.Central Sectt., Room No.361,D Wing, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market,New DelhiNew DelhiDelhi
Gujrat Shootingball AssociationGujrat Shootingball Association 43-366, G.H.B.F Colony, Near Officers Colony, Shah Alamn Ahmdabad-380028AhmdabadGujarat
Ozher Regional Shootingball AssociationOzher Regional Shootingball Association Hindustan Aeranantics Ltd. Ozhar NasikNashikMaharashtra
Karnataka Shootingball AssociationKarnataka Shootingball Association 01, Venkatesh Wara Nilaya, KaveriPura Ram Mandir Road, Banglore-560079BangaloreBangalore
Vidarbha Regional Shootingball AssociationVidarbha Regional Shootingball Association Irrigation Dept. Zila Parishad, Buldhana -443001/ Maharastra.BuldhanaMaharastra
Chattisgarh Shootingball AssociationChattisgarh Shootingball Association Ward No. 07, Near Railway Crossing Gori Nagar, Raj Nand Gaon, ChattisgarhRaj Nand GaonChattisgarh
Haryana Shootingball AssociationHaryana Shootingball Association 316, Defence Colony, Hissar 125001 HaryanaHissarHaryana
Punjab Shootingball AssociationPunjab Shootingball Association H.No. B9/762, Surka Puri, Kot Kapura,151204FaridkotPunjab
G-BombayShootingball AssociationG-BombayShootingball Association Kshatriya Niwas No.Ol 1s1 Floor, Room No-4.229, Raja Rani Mohan Roy Marg, MumbaiMumbaiMaharashtra
G-BombayShootingball AssociationU.P Shootingball Association, Chaudhary Service Staion (Petrol Pump), Buland shahar Industrial Area., G.T Road, Ghaziabad. (U.P)GhaziabadUttar Pradesh
Tamil Nadu Shootingball AssociationTamil Nadu Shootingball Association, No-35, Santheil Velan Nagar. Pattababiram, Chennai-600072.ChennaiTamil Nadu
Tomar Sports IndustriesTomar Sports Industries, H No. 70, Village Guldahar, (On Guldahar Railway Station Road), Ghaziabad-201001GhaziabadUttar Pradesh
M.P Shootingball AssociationM.P Shootingball Association 66-C, Sainath Extn. Colony Sectory C, Indore-452001,M.PIndoreMadhya Pradesh
Chandigarh Shootingball AssociationChandigarh Shootingball Association Kothi No-355, Phase VII. Mohali, PunjabMohaliPunjab
A.I.S.School Sports Council A.I.S.School Sports Council 4/47, Ravi Shankar Nagar, Bhopal-462016BhopalMadhya Pradesh
J & K Shootingball Association J & K Shootingball Association Latter Masjid Safa Kadal Sri Nagar-190002, J&KSrinagarJammu&Kashmir
Maharastra Shootingball Association 44Maharastra Shootingball Association 44, Manisha Nagar, Mumbai, Kalwa Thane-400605ThaneMaharashtra
Uttranchal Shootingball Association Uttranchal Shootingball Association 38, Chakku Mohalla., DehradunDehradunUttarakhand
Bihar Shootingball AssociationBihar Shootingball Association Ganga Devi Manila College, Kankar Bagh, Patna-20PatnaBihar
Rajasthan Shootingball AssociationRajasthan Shootingball Association Qafla Tonk-304001, RajasthanTonkRajasthan
Orrisa Shootingball AssociationOrrisa Shootingball Association, M1-SS-2/A Behind Railway Institute.Cuttack.CuttackOrissa
 A.P Shootingball Association A.P Shootingball Association 9-41, Bunny Home, Georgepet,Nellore-524001,A.PNelloreAndhra Pradesh
Delhi Shootingball AssemblyDelhi Shootingball Assembly, WZ-459/01, Street No, 24. ShivNagar,Tilak Nagar, New Delhi-18New DelhiDelhi

Post updated on:  Jun 6, 2021 8:45:57 AM

Red Sea

It (also the Erythraean Sea) is a seawater inlet of the Indian Ocean, lying between Africa and Asia. 

The connection to the ocean is in the south through the Bab el Mandeb strait and the Gulf of Aden. 

To the north lie the Sinai Peninsula, the Gulf of Aqaba, and the Gulf of Suez (leading to the Suez Canal). 

Bordering countries are:
Eastern shore: Saudi Arabia, Yemen
Western shore: Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti.

Volcanoes in News

1. Mt. Sinabung - Indonesia

2. Mt. Etna - Italy

3. Mt. Mauna Kea, Mt. Mauna loa - Hawaii Island

4. Mt. Agung - Indonesia (island of Bali).

5. Mt. Merapi - Indonesia

6. Taal Volcano - Philippines

NOTE: India?s only active volcano is located in Barren island of Andaman.


? The Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV) ?Sajag? got commissioned into the Indian Coast Guard.
? National Security Advisor (NSA) Ajit Doval on said that the force will have greater responsibilities in the years to come as India?s maritime zones expand to include entitlements in the extended continental shelf. 
? The Coast Guard plays an important role in supporting neighbouring countries in the Indian Ocean Region. 
? The concept of forming the Coast Guard was conceived after the 1971 war, when it was assessed that maritime borders are equally vital as land borders. The blueprint for a multi-dimension Coast Guard was conceived by the visionary Rustamji Committee. 

Indian Coast Guard

? The Indian Coast Guard is a multi-mission organization, conducting round-the-year real-life operations at sea.
? The Indian Coast Guard was formally established on 1 February 1977 by the Coast Guard Act, 1978 of the Parliament of India. 
? It operates under the Ministry of Defence. 

United Nations Convention on the Laws of the Sea (UNCLOS) 

? UNCLOS is the only international convention that stipulates a framework for state jurisdiction in maritime spaces.
? It provides the backbone for offshore governance by coastal states and those navigating the oceans.

About Maritime Zones:

? ?Nag Committee? was set up in 1970, to examine the growing menace of smuggling and recommended the need for a separate marine force to deal with smuggling activities. 
? In 1972, the United Nations Convention on the Laws of the Sea (UNCLOS) awarded Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ) to all coastal states. 
? United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), also known as Law of the Sea divides marine areas into five main zones namely- Internal Waters, Territorial Sea, Contiguous Zone, Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), and the High Seas.

Different Maritime Zones

? It is the low-water line along the coast as officially recognized by the coastal state.

1. Internal Waters:

? Internal waters are waters on the landward side of the baseline from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured.
? Each coastal state has full sovereignty over its internal waters as like its land territory. Examples of internal waters include bays, ports, inlets, rivers and even lakes that are connected to the sea.

2. Territorial Sea:

? The territorial sea extends seaward up to 12 nautical miles (nm) from its baselines.
? A nautical mile is based on the circumference of the earth and is equal to one minute of latitude. It is slightly more than a land measured mile (1 nautical mile = 1.1508 land miles or 1.85 km).
? The coastal states have sovereignty and jurisdiction over the territorial sea. 
? These rights extend not only on the surface but also to the seabed, subsoil, and even airspace.

3. Contiguous Zone:

? The contiguous zone extends seaward up to 24 nm from its baselines.
? It is an intermediary zone between the territorial sea and the high seas.
? The coastal state has the right to both prevent and punish infringement of fiscal, immigration, sanitary, and customs laws within its territory and territorial sea.
?, Unlike the territorial sea, the contiguous zone only gives jurisdiction to a state on the ocean?s surface and floor. It does not provide air and space rights.

4. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ):

? Each coastal State may claim an EEZ beyond and adjacent to its territorial sea that extends seaward up to 200 nm from its baselines.
? Within its EEZ, a coastal state has: 
> Sovereign rights for the purpose of exploring, exploiting, conserving and managing natural resources, whether living or nonliving, of the seabed and subsoil.
> Rights to carry out activities like the production of energy from the water, currents and wind.
? Unlike the territorial sea and the contiguous zone, the EEZ only allows for the above-mentioned resource rights. It does not give a coastal state the right to prohibit or limit freedom of navigation or overflight, subject to very limited exceptions.

Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Ann Yojana📚

Militarisation of the Arctic

Why in News?

13 states have started distributing foodgrains under the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Ann Yojana (PMGKAY)

Key Highlights

✨On April 23, the government had announced its decision to restart the PMGKAY to provide free-of-cost additional 5 kg foodgrains per person per month to the beneficiaries, who are covered under the National Food Security Act, 2013 (NFSA, 2013) over and above their monthly entitlement for two months, May and June.
✨However, the new version of the PMGKAY lacks one of its important components?free-of-cost 1 kg pulses per month to each household covered under the NFSA.


✨The PMGKAY was first announced by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman as part of the government?s Rs 1.70 lakh crore relief package under ?Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana for the poor to help them fight the battle against coronavirus? on March 26, 2020.
✨Initially, the scheme was for three months ? May, June and July ? but later it was extended till November 2020.
✨The Centre had also launched a separate scheme to provide free 5 kg foodgrain per person per month to stranded migrants for two months.
✨However, the ministry has ruled out the possibility of a similar scheme this time.

About One Nation One Ration Card Scheme

✨Under the scheme, public distribution system (PDS) beneficiaries will be able to draw ration from any biometric verification enabled fair price shop across states and Union territories covered by it.
✨According to the ministry, all states and union territories except four ? Assam, Chhattisgarh, Delhi and West Bengal ? have implemented the scheme.

January 30: World Neglected Tropical Diseases Day💎

Why in News

✨The ongoing 74th World Health Assembly declared 30th January as ?World Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD) Day.

✨The proposal to recognise the day was floated by the United Arab Emirates. It was adopted unanimously by the delegates. The first World NTD Day was celebrated informally in 2020.
The World Health Assembly is the decision-making body of World Health Organization (WHO).

Key Points

Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD):

✨NTDs are a group of infections that are most common among marginalised communities in the developing regions of Africa, Asia and the Americas. They are caused by a variety of pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, protozoa and parasitic worms.
✨NTDs are especially common in tropical areas where people do not have access to clean water or safe ways to dispose of human waste.
✨These diseases generally receive less funding for research and treatment than malaises like tuberculosis, HIV-AIDS and malaria.
Examples of NTDs are: snakebite envenomation, scabies, yaws, trachoma, Leishmaniasis and Chagas disease etc.

✨London Declaration on NTDs:

✨It was adopted on 30th January, 2012 to recognise the global burden of NTDs.
✨Officials from the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Bank, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, representatives from leading global pharmaceutical companies as well as representatives of several national governments met at London?s Royal College of physicians to pledge to end the diseases.
WHO?s New Roadmap for 2021?2030:
✨From measuring process to measuring impact.
From disease-specific planning and programming to collaborative work across sectors.
✨From externally driven agendas reliant to programmes that are country-owned and country-financed.

NTD Scenario:

✨NTDs affect more than a billion people globally.
✨They are preventable and treatable. However, these diseases - and their intricate interrelationships with poverty and ecological systems - continue to cause devastating health, social and economic consequences.
✨There are 20 NTDs that impact over 1.7 billion people worldwide.
✨India carries the largest burden of at least 11 of these diseases, with parasitic illnesses like kala-azar and lymphatic filariasis affecting millions of people throughout the country ? often the poorest and most vulnerable.
Indian Initiatives to Eliminate NTDs:
✨The Accelerated Plan for Elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis (APELF) was launched in 2018, as part of intensifying efforts towards the elimination of NTDs.
✨A WHO-supported regional alliance established by the governments of India, Bangladesh, and Nepal in 2005 to expedite early diagnosis and treatment of the most vulnerable populations and improve disease surveillance and control of sandfly populations (Kala-azar).
✨India has already eliminated several other NTDs, including guinea worm, trachoma, and yaws.

one of the oldest stone Buddhist monuments in India stands inside an ancient Buddhist complex, situated on top of a hill in Sanchi. 

The Great Stupa at Sanchi, also known as Stupa No.1, was commissioned by the Mauryan Emperor, Ashoka, in the 3rd century BCE.  With a height of 54 feet and a pedestal diameter of 120 feet, it is one of the largest of its kind in India.

The grand structure still inspires today surrounded by the remains of smaller stupas, monasteries, and temples that were built as the religious community grew in the centuries after the site was founded.

The Great Stupa?s four elaborately-carved Toranas (gateways), one in each direction, were erected around 35 BCE. 

Elephants support the architraves above the columns, while there are delicately carved Yakshis (maidens) on each side. The beautifully carved figure of a Yakshi hanging from an architrave on the Eastern Gateway is one of Sanchi?s best-known images.

The numerous panels relate various events of the life of the Buddha. Ashoka?s life as a Buddhist, with scenes of the Buddha?s birth and another representation of the Great Departure.

Sanchi Stupa, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, a landmark structure in tracing the evolution of Indian architecture starting with the Maurya period - is 48km from Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.

Post updated on:  Jun 6, 2021 8:21:05 AM

List of National Parks in India part 1

Ladakh - 
Hemis National Park 1981

🧿Arunachal Pradesh -
 1. Mouling National Park 
2.Namdapha National Park 1983

🧿Andhra Pradesh
1. Papikonda National Park 2008
2. Rajiv Gandhi (Rameswaram) National Park 2005
3. Sri Venkateswara National Park 1989

1.Dibru-Saikhowa National Park 1999
2. Kaziranga National Park 1974
3. Manas National Park 1990
4. Nameri National Park 1998
5. Rajiv Gandhi Orang National Park 1999

🧿Andaman & Nicobar Islands
1.Campbell Bay National Park 1992
2. Galathea Bay National Park 1992
3.Mahatama Gandhi Marine (Wandoor) National Park1982
4. Middle Button Island National Park 1987
5. Mount Harriett National Park 1987
6. North Button Island National Park 1987
7. Rani Jhansi Marine National Park 1996
8. Saddle Peak National Park 1987
9. South Button Island National Park 1987

1. Guru Ghasidas (Sanjay) National Park 1981
2. Indravati (Kutru) National Park 1982
3. Kanger Valley National Park 1982

1.Valmiki National Park 1989

1. Karnataka

A. National park in Karnataka 

1. Rajiv Gandhi (Nagarahole) National Park ( 1998)
2. Kudremukh National Park ( 1987 )
3. Bannerghatta National Park ( 1974 )
4. Bandipur National Park ( 1974 )
5. Anshi National Park ( 1987 )

B. Seats

Lok Sabha ? 28
Rajya Sabha ? 12

C. UNESCO Heritage Sites

1. Group of Monuments at Hampi
2. Group of Monuments at Pattadakal
3. Western Ghats (Shared Site)

D.  Famous Temples

1. Udupi Sri Krishna Matha

2. The Marikamba Temple at Sirsi

3. The Sri Manjunatha Temple at Dharmasthala

4. Kukke Subramanya Temple and Sharadamba Temple at Shringeri

5. Shravanabelagola, Mudabidri and Karkala are famous for Jain history and monuments.

6.  Kudalasangama and Basavana Bagewadi are holy sites of Lingayats.

E. Festivals
1. Hampi Festival
2. Gowri Festival
3. Kambala Festival 
4. Pongal
5. Pattadakal Dance Festival

F. Dance 
1. Kuchipudi ( Classical Dance)

G. Dams in Karnataka
1. Krishna Raja Sagar
2. Tungabhadra Dam
3.  Vani Vilasa Sagara
4.  Almatti Dam
5.  Hemavati Dam

H.  Some Famous Personalities 
1. Shakuntala Devi ? Famously known as Human-Computer
2. RK Laxman ? Cartoonist
3.  Basavaraj Rajaguru ? The King of Hindustani Music
4.  Bhimsen Joshi ? Khayal Singer.

👉Karnataka Khadi Gramodyoga Samyukta Sangha (KKGSS) in Bengeri in Hubli, is the only unit in India that is authorized to manufacture and supply the Flag of India.

👉Karnataka hosts the maximum number of Jnanapith awardees. The state has won eight.

Important days in June 

1 June ? World Milk Day

♦️3 June - World Bicycle Day

♦️4 June ? International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression

♦️5 June- World Environment Day

♦️7 June ? World Food Safety Day

♦️8 June ? World Oceans Day

♦️14 June - World Blood Donor Day

♦️19 June - World Sickle Cell Awareness Day

♦️19 June - World Sauntering Day

♦️3rd Sunday of June - World Father?s Day

♦️21 June ? International Yoga Day 

Mobile Apps & Portals Launched by Government of India

'Mera Ration' Mobile App 
➡️Government of India 

📱E-Chhawani Portal and Mobile App
➡️Union Defence Minister, Rajnath Singh

📱Udyam Sarathi App 
➡️CM of Uttar Pradesh.

📱Digital Ocean
➡️Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare, Science and Technology, Earth Sciences, Dr Harsh Vardhan

➡️Minister of State (IC) for Housing and Urban Affairs, Hardeep Singh Puri.

📱?PR Insight?
➡️Punjab Government

📱Abhayam App
➡️Andhra Pradesh Government

📱Jeevan Seva App
➡️Satyendar Jain Health Minister of Delhi

📱Ayush Sanjivani Mobile App
➡️Union Health Minister Harsh Vardhan and Minister of State for Ayurveda, Yoga, and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy (AYUSH).

➡️Union Minister of the northeastern region (DoNER) Dr Jitendra SinghIt 

📱?eBloodServices? Mobile App
➡️Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare, Dr. Harsh Vardhan.

📱'ATL App Development Module'
➡️ NITI Aayog.

📱Awaas app
➡️Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs.

📱?Harit Path? App
➡️Union Minister for road transport and highways.

The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams:1 June 2021

1. CONFRONT (VERB): (सामना करना): challenge
Synonyms: square up to, oppose
Antonyms: avoid
Example Sentence:
He confronted the robbers as they were trying to leave.

2. POISED (ADJECTIVE): (शांतचित्त): self-possessed
Synonyms: self-assured composed
Antonyms: excited
Example Sentence:
Not every day you saw that poised, competent kid distressed.

3. DESPITE (PREPOSITION): (के बावजूद ): in spite of
Synonyms: notwithstanding, in the face of
Antonyms: because of
Example Sentence:
He remains a great leader despite age and infirmity.

4. CONSOLIDATE (VERB): (मजबूत करना): strengthen
Synonyms: secure, stabilize
Antonyms: weaken
Example Sentence:
The company consolidated its position in the international market.

5. FLIPPANT (ADJECTIVE): (क्षुद्र): frivolous
Synonyms: superficial, shallow
Antonyms: serious
Example Sentence:
He made a flippant remark.

6. TIRESOME (ADJECTIVE): (थकानेवाला): boring
Synonyms: dull, tedious
Antonyms: interesting
Example Sentence:
Weeding is a tiresome but essential job.

7. GLORIFY (VERB): (महिमामंडन करना): ennoble
Synonyms: exalt, elevate
Antonyms: dishonour
Example Sentence:
A football video went viral glorifying violence.

8. ABATE (VERB): (घटना): subside
Synonyms: lessen, let up
Antonyms: intensify
Example Sentence:
In an hour or so the storm would abate and they could leave.

9. FLEETING (ADJECTIVE): (क्षणभंगुर): brief
Synonyms: transient, short-lived
Antonyms: lasting
Example Sentence:
For a very fleeting moment, I saw his face.

10. GLOSSY (ADJECTIVE): (सतही आकर्षक): expensive
Synonyms: high-quality, stylish
Antonyms: cheap
Example Sentence:
That is just another glossy TV miniseries.

Persian Gulf

In Headlines: Indian Navy has launched ?Operation Sankalp? in the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman.

The Persian Gulf is an arm of the Arabian Sea, lies between Arabian Peninsula and Iran, extending from the Shatt al Arab delta to the Strait of Hormuz.

Also called the Arabian Gulf, it is a shallow marginal sea of the Indian Ocean.

It is connected to the Gulf of Oman in the east by the Strait of Hormuz.

Bordered by Iran, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iraq.

Post updated on:  Jun 5, 2021 8:12:23 AM

Current Affairs

Mexico's Andrea Meza has been crowned Miss Universe 2020 at the 69th edition of the pageant.

🔰Amazon India has launched a free video streaming service named mini tv. Amazon now has two video streaming services- Prime Video and mini TVs.

🔰The Union Health Ministry announced that the second dose of the Covishield vaccine will be given after 84 days now.

🔰World Hypertension Day is celebrated on 17 May worldwide.

🔰The Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman handed over possession to 640 homebuyers of the first stalled project completed with funding by SWAMIH Fund managed by SBICap Ventures Ltdand.

🔰The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare has provided an enhanced allocation of Rs. 2250 Crore for the year 2021-22 for 'Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture, a centrally sponsored scheme.

🔰The 43rd GST Council meeting will take place on May 28, 2021, through video conference.

🔰Miss India Adeline Castelino was the third runner-up at the 69th Miss Universe pageant. She finished fourth behind Peru's Janick Maceta.

🔰The theme of 2021 World Telecommunication and Information Society Day is "Accelerating Digital Transformation in challenging times".

🔰The 6th UN Global Road Safety Week has been organized from 17-23 May 2021.

🔰In Tennis Rafael Nadal (Spain) has won the men's singles title at the Italian Open 2021.

🔰the book titled "Sikkim: A History of Intrigue and Alliance", written by former diplomat Preet Mohan Singh Malik.

🔰The Chief Minister of Manipur N Biren Singh has launched the MOMA Market mobile application for home delivery of fresh vegetables.

🔰The Indian Railways has completed the Wi-Fi-based internet facility has been provided at 6000 railway stations in the country till now.

🔰The World AIDS Vaccine Day, (also known as HIV Vaccine Awareness Day), is observed annually on May 18.

🔰the tennis player who represented Kazakhstan in the Davis Cup has been banned for 10 years after admitting a string of corruption charges.

🔰The Himachal Pradesh government has launched a state-wide wellness program called 'AYUSH Ghar Dwar' for home isolated Covid-19 positive patients, to keep them healthy by practicing Yoga.

🔰Iga Swiatek (Poland) has won the women's singles title at the Italian Open 2021 Tennis tournament.

🔰The Pune has been topped the State of Indian Healthcare- Indian cities through the lens of healthcare report 2021, report by Elara Technologies.

🔰As per the analysis, India is the most at-risk country, with 43 of the top 100 cities on the list.


Hypothermia is a severe medical condition where the body loses heat before it can generate it, resulting in a dangerously low body temperature. 

? While normal body temperature lies at around 37 degrees Celsius, the body temperature of a person suffering from hypothermia drops to below 35 degrees Celsius. 

? Heavy alcohol consumption is often linked to an increased risk of hypothermia and other conditions linked to extreme cold weather. 

? Alcohol can decrease the core temperature of the body and increase the risk of hypothermia during cold exposure. 

The coast of Odisha in India is the largest mass nesting site for the Olive-ridley.
? They are found in warm waters of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceans.

? The Olive ridley turtles are the smallest and most abundant of all sea turtles found in the world.

? They are best known for their unique mass nesting called Arribada.

? They migrate thousands of kilometers between feeding and mating grounds in the course of a year.

? They are extensively poached for their meat, shell and leather, and their eggs.


The Coal resources of India are available in older Gondwana Formations of peninsular India and younger Tertiary formations of the north-eastern region. 

? About 80 percent of the coal deposits in India are of bituminous type and are of non-coking grade. ? Jharkhand has the largest reserves of coal in India followed by Odisha and Chhattisgarh. 

? The most important Gondwana coal fields of India are located in Damodar Valley. They lie in the Jharkhand-Bengal coal belt and the important coalfields in this region are Raniganj, Jharia, Bokaro, Giridih, and Karanpura. Jharia is the largest coalfield followed by Raniganj. 

? The other river valleys associated with coal are Godavari, Mahanadi, and Sone.  


The Indian Iron and Steel Company (IISCO) set up its first factory at Hirapur and later on another at Kulti. In 1937, the Steel corporation of Bengal was constituted in association with IISCO and set up another iron and steel producing unit at Burnpur (West Bengal). 

? All the three plants under IISCO are located very close to Damodar valley coalfields (Raniganj, Jharia, and Ramgarh). Iron ore comes from Singhbhum in Jharkhand. 

? Water is obtained from the Barakar River, a tributary of the Damodar. 

? All the plants are located along the Kolkata- Asansol railway line. Unfortunately, steel production from IISCO fell considerably in 1972-73 and the plants were taken over by the government.   


They are mostly shrubs.

? Leaves are absent or reduced in size.

? Leaves and stems are succulent and water-storing.

? In some plants even the stem contains chlorophyll for photosynthesis.

? Root system is well developed and spread over a large area.

? The annuals wherever present germinates, bloom, and reproduce only during the short rainy season, and not in summer and winter.

? Various other xerophilous adaptations are resorted to such as reduced leaves, thick hairy growth, succulence, coatings of wax, thick cuticle, protected stomata, etc., all having for their object of reduction of transpiration.


? The Tata Iron and Steel plant lies very close to the Mumbai-Kolkata railway line and about 240 km away from Kolkata, which is the nearest port for the export of steel. 

? The rivers Subarnarekha and Kharkai provide water to the plant. The iron ore for the plant is obtained from Noamundi and Badam Pahar and coal is brought from Joda mines in Odisha. 

? Coking coal comes from Jharia and west Bokaro coalfields.  

Post updated on:  Jun 5, 2021 8:05:31 AM

BRICS Employment Working Group (EWG) Meeting

  • First BRICS Employment Working Group (EWG) Meeting amongst BRICS Countries.

  • The first BRICS Employment Working Group (EWG) Meeting was held in the virtual format in New Delhi.

  • India has assumed the BRICS presidency this year.

  • Prime agenda for the discussions:

◆ Promoting Social Security Agreements amongst BRICS Nations

◆ Formalization of labour markets

◆ Participation of women in the labour force

◆ Gig and platform workers ? Role in the labour market

◆ Apart from the member nations? representatives, representatives from the International Labour Organization (ILO) and International Social Security Agency (ISSA) also participated.

◆ On the issue of the Social Security Agreement (SSA), the Member Nations resolved to enter into dialogue and discussion with each other and take it forward towards the signing of the agreements.

What are Social Security Agreements (SSA)?

◆ SSA is a bilateral agreement between India and a foreign country designed to protect the interests of cross border workers.

◆ The agreement provides for avoidance of ?double coverage? and ensures equality of treatment to workers of both countries from a social security perspective.

◆ Generally, benefits such as detachment, exportability of pension, totalisation of benefits and withdrawal of social security benefits are available under these SSAs.

◆ Under Detachment or elimination of dual contribution, employees moving on employment to any SSA country are exempt from making social security contributions in the host country for a specified period (specific to each SSA), provided they continue to make social security contributions in their home countries.

◆ Under the Exportability of Pension clause, the employees may choose to receive benefits of social security in their home country or any other country where they are currently residing (subject to the respective SSA) without any reduction of those benefits, i.e. benefits can be exported.

◆ Under the Totalization of Benefits clause, the period of service rendered by an employee in the host country is to be counted for checking the ?eligibility? of social security payment in the home country and vice-versa.

Multiplex RT-PCR Kit

  • DST institute develops a new multiplex RT-PCR kit.

  • Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology (SCTIMST), an Institute of National Importance under the Department of Science and Technology has developed the new multiplex RT-PCR kit.

  • Significance:

◆ The kit has a higher accuracy of detecting covid-19 across the various mutant strains of the coronavirus.

◆ Even though coronaviruses make far fewer errors than other RNA viruses, the mutations in S, R, and N genes often interfere with RT-PCR assay.

  • The new kit targets two SARS CoV2 genes: RdRp and ORFb-nsp14, and the human RNAse P gene as the internal control to help detect a range of mutant strains.

  • Various studies have shown that RdRp and ORF1b-nsp14 genes are more sensitive in detecting Covid-19. Hence, this kit can give more precise results.

  • The ORFb-nsp14 is one of the least mutated genes in Covid-19 and currently, there are no kits in the market with ORF-nsp14 as the target.

  • ICMR has validated this kit at the National Institute of Virology, Pune, and found that it has 97.3% sensitivity and 100% specificity in covid-19 detection.

◆ It may be noted that withdrawal of PF and pension benefits is allowed only once the employee attains the age of 58 years (for non-SSA countries) or depending upon the conditions stipulated in the respective SSA (if any).

◆ To protect the interest of International Workers, India has signed bilateral Social Security Agreements with 19 countries, out of which 16 are operational.

  • Need for SSAs:

◆ The globalisation of the economy and the development of international trade and business has considerably increased the international movement of individuals across geographies.

◆ While cross-border issues arise in the areas of tax, immigration and social security, of late, social security issues too have been gaining importance as they relate to the retirement benefits of the individual venturing beyond borders for employment.

◆ Till 2008, foreign nationals exercising employment in India were not covered under the Provident Fund (PF) regulations, since PF contributions were not mandatory where the employees? pay exceeded the wage ceiling.

◆ On the contrary, Indian nationals working abroad were required to contribute to the social security scheme of the respective country.

◆ However, these contributions were generally lost due to limited tenure overseas or in failing to fulfil the minimum qualifying period of contribution or residence.

International Organizations

Asia Pacific Economic CooperationAPEC

🧿Organization of Islamic Cooperation ➡️OICJeddah (Saudi Arabia)1969

🧿Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons OPCW
➡️The Hague(Netherlands)1997

🧿Worldwide Fund for NatureWWF
➡️Gland, Vaud (Switzerland)1961

🧿World Economic Forum WEF
➡️Cologny, (Switzerland)1971

🧿International Hydrographic Organization IHO

🧿International Cricket Council ICC
➡️Dubai, (UAE)1909

🧿International Union for Conservation of Nature IUCN 
➡️Gland, (Switzerland)1948

🧿International Council on Monuments and Sites ICOMOS 
➡️Paris, (France)1965

🧿United Nations World Tourism Organization UNWTO 
➡️Madrid, (Spain)Asia Pacific Economic CooperationAPEC

🧿Organization of Islamic Cooperation ➡️OICJeddah (Saudi Arabia)1969

🧿Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons OPCW
➡️The Hague(Netherlands)1997

🧿Worldwide Fund for NatureWWF
➡️Gland, Vaud (Switzerland)1961

🧿World Economic Forum WEF
➡️Cologny, (Switzerland)1971

🧿International Hydrographic Organization IHO

🧿International Cricket Council ICC
➡️Dubai, (UAE)1909

🧿International Union for Conservation of Nature IUCN 
➡️Gland, (Switzerland)1948

🧿International Council on Monuments and Sites ICOMOS 
➡️Paris, (France)1965

🧿United Nations World Tourism Organization UNWTO 
➡️Madrid, (Spain)


Diphtheria is primarily caused by the bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheria.

? It is mainly spread by coughs and sneezes, or through close contact with someone infected.

? In most cases, the bacteria cause acute infections, driven by the diphtheria toxin, the key target of the vaccine.

? However, non-toxigenic C. diphtheria can also cause disease, often in the form of systemic infections. 

? In high-income countries, all babies are vaccinated against the infection. 

? Recently it is found that Diphtheria has started to become resistant to several classes of antibiotics and in future, it may even become immune to vaccination.

Major areas of priority in Five Year Plans

1st Five Year Plan (1951-56) - Priority of Agriculture. 

✅  2 Five Year Plan (1956-61) - Priority of Industry Sector. 

✅ 3 Five Year Plan (1961?66) - Agriculture and Industry. 

✅   4 Five Year Plan (1969-74) - Removed the development of poverty with justice. 

✅ 5th Five Year Plan (1974-79) - Removed poverty and self-reliance.

✅ 6 Five Year Plan (1980-85) - Emphasized only as the Fifth Plan.

✅ 7th Five-Year Plan (1985?90) - Food production, employment, productivity

✅ 8th Five Year Plan (1992-97) - Job creation, control of population.

✅ 9th Five Year Plan (1997-02) - 7 percent growth rate. 

✅ 10th Five Year Plan (2002-07) - Self employment and development of resources.

✅ 11th Five Year Plan (2007-12) - Comprehensive and rapid development.

✅ 12th Five Year Plan (2012-17) - Reform of health, education and sanitation (overall development)

Post updated on:  Jun 5, 2021 5:25:24 AM

The edible oils play an important role in the economy, so it is manufactured and exported to other regions of the world. The edible oils are made from forest seeds. The acquired seeds are converted to kitchen oil through refining, bleaching, and de-odourization which makes the oil colorless, odorless, and tasteless. Such oils exhibit strong and different taste which is preferred by many customers. The demand for the 10% Edible oil in the market is compensated by the imports of 80% of the palm oil. So nowadays in the hotels, restaurants, and in other places where there is the preparation of food, they use refined palm oil. Edible oils and allied products India is engaged in producing, manufacturing, trading, and exporting edible oils which are used in cooking. Every year India consumes about 10 million tons of edible oil. According to NCAER, there are five classes of consumer holders which are devoid of the consumption behavior and in the ownership categories across the various categories of goods. The traders collect the stock from the suppliers and maintain an inventory of goods to be sold. Some of the edible oil allied products traders in India are Ultra Chemical Works, Amiritha Groups, and Harjeet Brokers.

Company NameAddressCity/DistrictStateContact No.
Ultra Chemical Works 209, Anantdeep Chambers, 273/277, Narshi Natha Street, Mumbai - 400 009, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-66359695
Shivajee Trade Company Limited  B 1, B 2, Satya Mansion Commercial Complex, Ranjit Nagar, New Delhi - 110 008, IndiaDelhiDelhi011-25701113 
Amiritha Groups No. 90, College Road,, Karaikkudi - 630 002, IndiaKaraikkudiTamilNadu04565-232477  
Eldyora Enterprises B/18, Tenth Street Periyar Nagar, Chennai - 600 082, IndiaChennaiTamilNadu 044-43515679
Sai Overseas Exports Private Limited Sakinaka, Sagar Plaza, Office No 1/ A, Mumbai - 400 072, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-65181439
L. G. Aromatics Kinfra S. I. P, Nellad, Mazhuvanoor Ernakilam, Cochin - 686 721, IndiaCochinKerala0484-3243636
Ambrosia Organic Farm Private Limited  House No.601. Near Baga Bridge, Baga Beach, Goa - 403516, IndiaNorth GoaGoa0832-2279847
Srinidhi Trading Consolidates 33, Spencer Compound, Dindigul - 624 003, IndiaDindigulTamilNadu0451-2423626
 Janatha Fish Meal & Oil Products Manoor Fisheries Road, Kota - 576 221, IndiaKotaRajasthan0820-2586083
Maa Shakunta Associates A. M. 253, Suklia, Indore - 452 010, IndiaIndoreMaharastra 0731-2559018
Harjeet Brokers M. J. Market Road, Sherza Estate 215, Second Floor, Near Seena Hotel, Hyderabad - 500 014, IndiaHyderabadAndhra Pradesh040-66619121
Manohar Lal Maini & Co. More Ganj, Saharanpur, Saharanpur - 247 001, IndiaSaharanpurUttar Pradesh0132-2644414
H. P. State Civil Supplies Company Commercial Complex, Block, H And 1-1, Kasumpti,, Shimla - 171 009, IndiaShimlaHimachal Pradesh0177-2621583 
Mitesh Enterprises Nehru Putla, Maskasath, Itwari, Nagpur - 440 002, IndiaNagpurMaharastra0712-2770141
 Friends Sales Agency Shop 2, Dashrath Kutir, Prabhuram Nagar ,nana Pawshe Chowk Kalyan East, Kalyan - 421301, IndiaThaneMaharastra0251-2332977
K. P. K. Impex 3C, 1001, Damodar Park, L. B. S. Marg Ghatkopar West, Mumbai - 400 086, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-25000418
 Enfield Agrobase 261, Thiruviruthan Pulli Cheranmahadevi, Tirunelveli - 627414, IndiaTirunelveliTamilNadu 04634-291216
Annapoorna Traders 145, Annapillai Street, Chennai - 600 001, IndiaChennaiTamilNadu044-52620403 
Babu Ram Gupta & Co. 241, C.A. Appartment., New Delhi - 110 063, IndiaDelhiDelhi9911111365
Kritika Vegetable Oils Private Limited  N. H-12 Village Kasaar, Kota - 324 005, IndiaKotaRajasthan0744-2435666
Vaishnav Enterprises Behind Ganraj Apartments, Near Rama Krishna Talkies Bhagat Singh Road Bafna, Nanded - 431603, IndiaNandedMaharastra02462-233195
Nilaya Mini Mall  Near Alankar Theater Rajwado Mapusa Goal, Mapusa - 403507, IndiaNorth GoaGoa0832-2266236
Herbal Care & Cure Leela Bhawan, Patiala - 147 001, IndiaPatialaPunjab0175-2353926
Mahabir & Sons 9, Fouza Bagan, New Baridih,, Jamshedpur - 831 017, IndiaJamshedpurJharkhand0657-2211259  
Cheron Local Export Sourcing &trading Corporation Flat No-1, Ground Floor, Urmi Appartement, Kopar Road Near Kidland School, Dombivili West, Mumbai - 421 202, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra9869375519
Nalin Enterprise, Rajkot 37, Dharmendrasinhji Cloth Market Para Bazar, Rajkot - 360 001, IndiaRajkotGujarat0281-2223207
Trimurti Corporation  276, Bilgi, Main Road, Siddapur, North Kanara, District - 581322, IndiaBagalkotKarnataka9242730215

Post updated on:  Jun 1, 2021 12:20:03 PM

Edible oils are one of the important commodities in India which are considered to be very much essential for human beings. India is one of the producers of oil seeds and the oil seeds play an important role in the agricultural economy. India provides about 6 to 7% of the oil production. The edible oil and allied products together are exported from one place to another. Commonly used oils in India are Groundnut, Sesame, Soya bean, and Mustard oils. It is difficult to grow oil palm in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, and Andaman & Nicobar however necessary steps are taken to grow them. Since different people live in India with different tastes, People in the South and West prefer Groundnut oil while in the East and North they prefer coconut and sesame oil. North Indians usually consume hard and high-fat oils specifically Vanaspati. The production of Vanaspati in India is 1.2 million tons and it plays an important role in the economy. It has nearly 10% of the share in the edible oil market. The exported Oils are supplied through the suppliers in a region. Some of the notable edible oil allied products suppliers in India are Vishal Organ nix, Lasky Herbal, Ashoka Oil Industries, and Neshiel Chemical Private Limited.

Company NameAddressCity/DistrictStateContact No.
Sam Enterprises Private Limited, Chennai 275 (133), Linghi Chetty Street, Chennai - 600 001, IndiaChennaiTamilNadu044-23820444 
VVD & Sons Private Limited 182, Palayam, Kottai Road, Tuticorin - 628003, IndiaTirunelveliTamilNadu044-2330856/4000900 
Vishal Organnix C- 15, Gangawadi C. H. S., Gangawadi, L. B. S. Marg, Ghatkopar (W), Mumbai - 400 086, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-32513869/32011379  
Neshiel Chemical Private Limited, Gujarat S/3, Navrang, Swastik Cross Road, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad - 380 001, IndiaAhmedabadGujarat079-55612199
Silverline Chemicals Shingla Carpets Building, G.T. Road, Near Tehsil, Panipat - 132 103, IndiaPanipatHaryana0180-2638938/2638994
Lasky Herbal  1-D/10, Vijay Vihar CHS, S-T Road, Chembur, Mumbai - 400 071, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-25225352
 Sarvottam Vegetable Oil Pvt. Ltd. 34-A, Sanwer Road, Indore, IndiaIndoreMaharastra0731-4047761 
Sherman Inc. 608, Loha Bhavan, Old High Court Ashram Road, Ahmedabad - 380 009, IndiaAhmedabadGujarat079-30071415/30071416
Herbarium  Aarshalayam, Thazhathala,, Kollam - 691 571, IndiaKollamKerala9387224622
Meghdoot Oil Mills Pvt. Ltd. 2, Jekunwar Niwas, Jivdaya Lane, Ghatkopar (West), Mumbai - 400086, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-25165058/25161154
Leather Cheme Industries 401, Vijaya Apartments, E-Block, Manish Puri, Saket, Indore - 452 018, IndiaIndoreMaharastra0731-2563886  
T. T. Paul Merchants and Commission Agents XXVI/917, Rice Bazar, Thrissur - 680 001, IndiaThrissurKerala0487-2429431/2421091 
Senthil Chemicals 18, College Road, Kumbakonam - 612 002, IndiaKumbakonamTamilNadu0435-2443221
Amirtha Impex  No.146, North Mada Street, Vadapalani, Chennai - 600 026, IndiaChennaiTamilNadu044-23726829
Sunrise Spices Ltd. AE-340, Sector-1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700 064, IndiaKolkataWest Bengal033-23377555/23377593/
V. M. Oils Private Limited 67/49, Strand Road, 2nd Floor, Kolkata - 700 007, IndiaKolkataWest Bengal 033-22591862/25534290   
Raghu Group No. 26-A, Venu Gopal Lay-Out 1, Avarampalayam, Ganapathy PO, Coimbatore - 641 006, IndiaCoimbatoreTamilNadu0422-6587550
City Starr Exports No. 19, Batcha Street, Choolaimedu, Chennai - 600 094, IndiaChennaiTamilNadu044-43540524
Neshiel Chemical Private Limited, Ahmedabad S/3, Navrang, Swastik Cross Road, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad - 380 009, IndiaAhmedabadGujarat079-55612199/26568012
Ghadge Agro Importer And Exporter 701, Bhima Worli Sangam Cooperative Housing Society, Sir Pochkhanwala Road, Worli, Mumbai - 400 025, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-24927070/24901555
Ashoka Oil Industries 159, Industrial Area Jhotwara, Jaipur - 302 012, IndiaJaipurRajasthan0141-2341003/2340494
Bharathi Ghee Store 20/6 East Car Street, Dindigul - 624 001, IndiaDindigulTamilNadu0451-2436444
Unics Biotech Thekkudukkath, Adinadu North, Kollam International Trading Division, Kulasekharapuram, Karunagappally - 690542, IndiaKarunagappallyKerala0476-2641568
Real Gemz 204 New Anant Bhavan, 2nd Floor, Bhat Bazarm N. N. Street, Mumbai - 400 009, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra9820797858
 Fight Aging Site X 402, Gokul Garden, Thakur Complex Kandivli East, Mumbai - 400 101, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-28545763
Kanagaraj Traders 205/ E, Rangar Shannathi Adivaram, Namakkal - 637001, IndiaNamakkalTamilNadu 04286-233093
Amritaswift Shipping Private Limited 102-A.Jayant Apartment, Andheri East,, Mumbai - 400 099, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-2824 6002 
 Space Realty 34, Gopal Street, T. Nagar, Chennai - 600 017, IndiaChennaiTamilNadu044-23726162
Pur Et Simple A6 Hema Cottage, Bharati Nagar, Ketty Valley, Ooty, Ootacamund - 643 215, IndiaOotacamundTamilNadu0423-244 0833
Natural Remedies Private Limited No. 364, 2nd Floor, 16th Main, 4th T Block Jayanagar, Bangalore - 560 041, IndiaBangaloreKarnataka080-51858888 
 Padmini Gas Service 61, Jamnadas Building, Shop No. 3 10th Khetwadi Back Road, Mumbai - 400 004, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-23840207
 Daily Life Retail And Trading Limited 72, III Floor, R A Building, Marshalls Road, Egmore, Chennai - 600 008, IndiaChennaiTamilNadu 044-28514580
Badrinarayan & Company Jalwala Bass, Mathania, Jodhpur - 342 305, IndiaJodhpurRajasthan02926-222282
 Sati Agro Corporation Subji Mandi, Kuchaman City Opposite Film Hall, Kuchaman - 341 508, IndiaKuchamanRajasthan01586-220601
C. R. Oil Mills 22/318, Pt. Motilal Nehru Road, Agra - 282 004, IndiaAgraUttar Pradesh0562-2852269/3291056/
Dalal Sanjaykumar Vishnubhai & Co 308, Century Market, Opposite Prem Darwaja Kalupur, Ahmedabad - 380 002, IndiaAhmedabadGujarat079-22124463  
Albion & Co. 69, 2nd Floor, Rampuri Kalka Ji, New Delhi - 110 044, IndiaDelhiDelhi011-26029782
 Sannathi Trading Company Room No. 3 and 5A, 2nd Floor, V. N. R. Complex Kachiguda, Hyderabad - 500 027, IndiaHyderabadAndhra Pradesh040-65972266
Edible Agro Products Ltd 39, Kali Krishna Tagore Street, 4th Floor, Room No: 410, Kolkata - 700 007, IndiaKolkataWest Bengal033-23379165/23379166   
Royal Castor Products Limited,Gujarat Khali, Mehsana Palanpur Highway North Gujarat, Siddhpur - 384151, IndiaMahesanaGujarat 02767-222905 
Siva Agro Associates 489, Cutchery Street, Gobichettipalayam, Erode - 638 452, IndiaErodeTamilNadu04285-226154
Sarawati Provision Store Rabariwas, Dumas Road, P.O. -Gavior, Surat - 395 007, IndiaSuratGujarat9898716163
Tilak Overseas L-45, Ground Floor Lawarence Road,, Delhi - 110 068, IndiaDelhiDelhi011-32809020
H. B.Oil Industries 84/246, Afim Kothi, G. T. Road, Kanpur - 208 003, IndiaKanpurUttar Pradesh0512-2341943
K. P. K. Impex 3C, 1001, Damodar Park, L. B. S. Marg Ghatkopar West, Mumbai - 400 086, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-25000418
 Enfield Agrobase 261, Thiruviruthan Pulli Cheranmahadevi, Tirunelveli - 627414, IndiaTirunelveliTamilNadu 04634-291216
Murli Agro Products  G-19, Industrial Area, Mathura - 302 100, IndiaMathuraUttar Pradesh0565-3205151
Nagalinga Nadar Sons Private Limited 2C 100 2nd Main Road Gandhi Nagar Adyar, Chennai - 691 001, IndiaChennaiTamilNadu044-24426301
 M. M. Nahar 121, Market Yard, Pune - 411 037, IndiaPuneMaharastra 020-24271935
Arms Associates 12, V. N. S. Building Maris Corner, Thanjavur - 613 001, IndiaThanjavurTamilNadu04362-278685
Kritimma International 1088, Bhalaswa Village Outer Ring Road, New Delhi - 110 033, IndiaDelhiDelhi9811156961
Orion Marketing Services 101, Transport Center, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 110 035, IndiaDelhiDelhi011-64166668  
Pranav Co. No. 11, Door No. 8, Eleventh Cross Street Adambakkam, Chennai - 600 088, IndiaChennaiTamilNadu 0713-5188333
Idhayam Gingelly Oil P.B.N.19, 443, Bazaar, Virudunagar - 626001, IndiaVirudunagarTamilNadu04562-242022/243033  
Pranav Agro 17 Bhagu Bhai Chambers 363, Narsi Natha Street, Katha Bazar Masjid West, Mumbai - 400 072, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra 022-65058427/28571324
 Raasi Foods 18/24, New Colony, 3rd Cross West Saidapet, Chennai - 600 015, IndiaChennaiTamilNadu044-24894595
Adani Exports Limited, Gujarat  Adani House, Near Mithakhali Circle Navrang Pura, Ahmedabad - 380 009, IndiaAhmedabadGujarat079-25555555
Mahabir & Sons 9, Fouza Bagan, New Baridih,, Jamshedpur - 831 017, IndiaJamshedpurJharkhand0657-2211259  
Cheron Local Export Sourcing &trading Corporation Flat No-1, Ground Floor, Urmi Appartment, Kopar Road Near Kidland School, Dombivili West, Mumbai - 421 202, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra9869375519
Alif Company Maskan, Church Road, Marol, Andheri East, Mumbai - 400 059, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-28364377
 Volumetric Import & Export  Room No. 51, C-145 A Phase V, Bindra Complex, Focal Point, Ludhiana - 141 010, IndiaLudhianaPunjab0161-4632799
Rajendra & Company B 80, Bahamashah Mandi, Anantpura, Kota - 324 007, IndiaKotaRajasthan0744-2490198
Nalin Enterprise, Rajkot 37, Dharmendrasinhji Cloth Market Para Bazar, Rajkot - 360 001, IndiaRajkotGujarat0281-2223207
Saroj Exports 1/ A, East Ramanatha Puram, Vallalar Kudil, Dindigul - 624 001, IndiaDindigulTamilNadu0451-3090793
Sarjan Nutraceuticals Private Limited 68/55, Bileshwarpura, Chhatral Mehsana Highway Taluka: Kalol,Dist: Gandhinagar, Kalol - 380 729, IndiaGandhinagarGujarat 02764-325301
Thirumagal & Co. 234,tiruppur Road, Near Chenniappa Theatre, Kangayam, Erode - 638 701, IndiaErodeTamilNadu 04257-220882
Sree Kannan Oil Mills #1, Sathy Road, Erode - 638 004, IndiaErodeTamilNadu0424-2216225/3090355
Zed D Trade Company 7/115, Swarup Nagar, Flat 705, Kanpur - Na, IndiaKanpurUttar Pradesh9839609620
Pramod Agencies Ansari Road, Mangalore - 575 001, IndiaMangaloreKarnataka0824-2420059
Himesh Enterprises A-206, Satya Vandan, Dhokali Naka, Kolshet Road Near Khimline Pumps,, Thane - 400 607, IndiaThaneMaharastra022-25895441
Dalal Jayantilal Girdharlal Mahalaxmi Street, Junagadh - 362 001, IndiaJunagadhGujarat0285-2626447  

Post updated on:  Jun 1, 2021 12:16:26 PM

Indian edible oil market positions fourth in the oil markets throughout the world. There occurs demand in the edible oil market due to the growth in the population, increasing intake of oil, and increasing per capita income of the citizen. Oils are seasoned with foodstuffs like chilly, garlic, and with some herbs. Some fats are necessary for a diet and they are crucial for all types of cooking. Some of the surveys and the nutritionists convey that fats and oils are necessary for human health to be in a diet. It is advisable to take lower amounts of saturated oil and higher amount of unsaturated oils like olive oil, peanut oil, canola, sunflower oil are generally healthier. The edible oil manufacturers prior to manufacturing will take care of various criteria. They consider the quality of the oil and then they process the oil using high-quality ingredients secured from reliable sources. They check features of the edible oil like long shelf life, light in taste, Rich Aroma, purity. Some of the important and well-known edible oil allied products manufacturers in India are Sam Enterprises private Limited, K.K. Aromas, Shiva raja Impex Company, Lazeez Foodstuff, and Rich world Exports.
Company NameAddressCity/DistrictStateContact No.
Sam Enterprises Private Limited, Chennai 275 (133), Linghi Chetty Street, Chennai - 600 001, IndiaChennaiTamilNadu044-23820444 
Oxford Laboratory 3/37, Sujal Mansion, "B" Block, Bhangwadi, Kalbadevi Road, Mumbai - 400 002, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra 022-22002645/66375404
K. K. Aromas 319, 9th Cross, Shastri Nagar, Bangalore - 560 028, IndiaBangaloreKarnataka080-26762072
Shivaraja Impex Company G-1, Gokul Flats, 314 Lloyds Road, Royapettah, Chennai - 600 014, IndiaChennaiTamilNadu044-28132856
Thiagarajan Agro Products (P) Limited No. 22, Visuvasapuri, 4th Street Ganaolivupuram, Madurai - 625 016, IndiaMaduraiTamilNadu0452-2603237
Coastal Aquatic Proteins P. O. Box No. 122, I Floor, Coastal Building, Goods Shed Road, Mangalore - 575 001, IndiaMangaloreKarnataka0824-4251416/2427076/
Lazeez Food Stuff  460, D'monte Street, Haji Noor Mohd. Building, 1st Floor, Flat No.8,, Mumbai - 400 050, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-26420686 
 Spicy Touch (A Division Of VLCP Limited) 402-403, Sarthik - 2 S.G. Highway, Ahmedabad - 380 001, IndiaAhmedabadGujarat079-26870952/26870954 
Lasky Herbal  1-D/10, Vijay Vihar CHS, S-T Road, Chembur, Mumbai - 400 071, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-25225352
Jayant Oil Mills 13, Sitafalwadi, Dr. Mascarenhas Road, Mazgaon, Mumbai - 400 010, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-66572000/23738811/
Vaigai Industries (India) Ltd. Vaigai House, 39 (B), Anna Nagar, Madurai - 625 020, IndiaMaduraiTamilNadu0452-2532515
Shanthi Fortune (India) Private Limited 108/4, II Floor West, Race Course, Coimbatore - 641 045, IndiaCoimbatoreTamilNadu0422-4393390/4393392 
Vama Oil Private Limited  11/90 A, Trichy Road, Kannampalayam Post, Coimbatore - 641 405, IndiaCoimbatoreTamilNadu0422-3292714  
Rich World Exports 189, Samichetti Palayam Road, Jothipuram, Coimbatore - 641 047, IndiaCoimbatoreTamilNadu0422-6562364
Jaimatha Estates Pallickaparampil(House), Monippally PO, Kottayam - 686 636, IndiaKottayamKerala0482-2242318
Herbarium  Aarshalayam, Thazhathala,, Kollam - 691 571, IndiaKollamKerala9387224622
Meghdoot Oil Mills Pvt. Ltd. 2, Jekunwar Niwas, Jivdaya Lane, Ghatkopar (West), Mumbai - 400086, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-25165058/25161154
Leather Cheme Industries 401, Vijaya Apartments, E-Block, Manish Puri, Saket, Indore - 452 018, IndiaIndoreMaharastra0731-2563886  
Sakthi Coco Products Unit No. 9/2 , Industrial Estate , Udumalpet Road , Pollachi, Coimbatore - 642 003, IndiaCoimbatoreTamilNadu04259-236056/236053
Senthil Chemicals 18, College Road, Kumbakonam - 612 002, IndiaKumbakonamTamilNadu0435-2443221
Veg India Exports, Erode 106, Prakasam Street, Erode - 638 001, IndiaErodeTamilNadu0424-2214911/2223846 
A Z Agro Ventures D-119, LGF Preet Vihar, New Delhi - 110 092, IndiaDelhiDelhi011-43046084
Bhagat International Private Limited 10, 1st Floor, Harlalka Bhavan, 164, Sitaram Poddar Marg, Mumbai - 400 002, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-40560400/40560402  
Sunrise Spices Ltd. AE-340, Sector-1, Salt Lake City, Kolkata - 700 064, IndiaKolkataWest Bengal033-23377555/23377593/
V. M. Oils Private Limited 67/49, Strand Road, 2nd Floor, Kolkata - 700 007, IndiaKolkataWest Bengal 033-22591862/25534290   
RGV Overseas Herbo Health No. 69, Vallalar Street, Padmanaba Nagar, Choolaimedu, Chennai - 600 094, IndiaChennaiTamilNadu 033-22591862/25534290   
Manishankar Oils Pvt. Ltd. 34, Shyam Kunj, Inside Hathi Babu Ka Bagh, Jaipur - 302 006, IndiaJaipurRajasthan0141-2204662 
Raghu Group No. 26-A, Venu Gopal Lay-Out 1, Avarampalayam, Ganapathy PO, Coimbatore - 641 006, IndiaCoimbatoreTamilNadu0422-6587550
Yogi Corporation 135/2, Kabutarkhana, Kalupur, Ahmedabad - 380 002, IndiaAhmedabadGujarat079-22125295/9824255717
Sam Enterprises Private Limited 275 (133), Linghi Chetty Street, Chennai - 600 001, IndiaChennaiTamilNadu044-23820444 
Ashoka Oil Industries 159, Industrial Area Jhotwara, Jaipur - 302 012, IndiaJaipurRajasthan0141-2341003/2340494
Hariom Enterprise Vaigai House, 39 (B), Anna Nagar, Madurai - 625 020, IndiaMaduraiTamilNadu033-22271232
R. R. Oomerbhoy Private Limited  5, Soona Mahal, 143 Marine Drive, Veer Nariman Road, Mumbai - 400 020, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-66399000
Bharathi Ghee Store 20/6 East Car Street, Dindigul - 624 001, IndiaDindigulTamilNadu0451-2436444
 Nature Treasur C/59, 2nd Floor, Raj Industrial Complex, Military Road Marol, Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400 059, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-66781486/66781487
Ghodawat Foods International Private Limited Chipri, Tal, Shirol, District Kolhapur, Jaysingpur - 416101, IndiaKolhapurMaharastra02322-255682
Kisan Agro Product Ind. Near. Railway Crossing, Ahmedabad Highway,, Palanpur - 385001, IndiaPalanpurGujarat02742-257062
K. B. Products Private Limited 8/10, Keshavji Naik Road, Bhat Baar, Chinch Bunder, Mumbai - 400 009, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-23751450
Jantha Fishmeal & Oil Products Bunder Road Kota Town, Udupi - 576 102, IndiaUdupiKarnataka0820-2574575
Svenska Enterprises 331, Commodity Exchange, Sector 19, Vashi, Navi Mumbai - 400 705, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-27831285
Sanwaria Agro Oils Limited 53A,B,&55,Sector-A,Industrial Area, Bhopal - 462 046, IndiaBhopalMadhyaPradesh9826031939
Shree Lakshmi Enterprises 59/C, Rice Mill Road P. P. V. Complex, Rajapalaiyam - 626 117, IndiaRajapalaiyamTamilNadu04563-231023
Jadibooti Online Store 10, Sai Hills, Kolar Road, Bhopal - 462 042, IndiaBhopalMadhyaPradesh0755-6455520
Narendra Group Of Industries Deegee House, Shastri Ward,, Hinganghat - 442301, IndiaHinganghatMaharastra07153-256305
Chandausi Dairy Products B 32/49, A-2 C, H. Naria Saket Nagar, Varanasi, Varanasi - 221 005, IndiaVaranasiUttar Pradesh0542-2313938
Punjab Refineries Sangrur Road, Dirba District, Sangrur Dirba Mandi Near Reliance, Sangrur - 148 035, IndiaSangrur Punjab9876489193
Suji Food Products G-1 Dignity centre , No.21, Abdul Razak Street, Saidapet, Chennai - 600015, Chennai - 600 015, IndiaChennaiTamilNadu9422310543
Vishnu Ops India Private Limited C-16, Chandpole Anaj Mandi S C Road, Jaipur - 302 001, IndiaJaipurRajasthan0141-2364740
Mass Exports No. 6 A, Valayalakara Street, Aranthangi, Pudukkottai - 614 616, IndiaPudukkottaiTamilNadu04371-223089
Fylfot India Private Limited A-141, A. E. II, Sector-37, Faridabad - 121 001, IndiaFaridabadUttar Pradesh0129-6542590/2547114  
 Sai Group Of Industries Hotel Sai Raj, Old Fish Market Road, Jeypore - 764001, IndiaKoraputOrissa06854-246727  
Shubh Lakshmi Oil Industries No.40-44, Riico Industrial Area Rajasthan, Nagaur - 341001, IndiaNagaur Rajasthan01582-242045
Rajasthan Packers 18A, D- Block Shyam Nagar, Kanpur - 208 013, IndiaKanpurUttar Pradesh 0512-3256150
Shri Mahalaxmi Extractions Private Limited 556E, Shahupuri Vyapar Peth, Kolhapur - 416 001, IndiaKolhapurMadhyaPradesh 0231-2653750
Edible Agro Products Ltd 39, Kali Krishna Tagore Street, 4th Floor, Room No: 410, Kolkata - 700 007, IndiaKolkataWest Bengal033-23379165/23379166   
 Shakti Industries, Ludhiana Main Road, Ahmedgarh, Ludhiana - 148 021, IndiaLudhianaPunjab01675-245224
Raghuraji Agro Industries Private Limited Faizabad Road, P. O. Akbarpur District Ambedkar Nagar, Akbarpur - 224122, IndiaAmbedkar NagarUttar Pradesh05271-244001 
Royal Castor Products Limited,Gujarat Khali, Mehsana Palanpur Highway North Gujarat, Siddhpur - 384151, IndiaMahesanaGujarat 02767-222905 
H. B.Oil Industries 84/246, Afim Kothi, G. T. Road, Kanpur - 208 003, IndiaKanpurUttar Pradesh0512-2341943
Fish Meal & Oil Plant Balmatta Road, Mangalore - 575 002, IndiaMangaloreKarnataka0824-2212500 
Unicorn Essential & Ayur 27/2, Arniya Plaza, Manorama Ganj, Indore - 452 001, IndiaIndoreMaharastra0731-6531319
Pelican International Private Limited 15 1 560 Siddiamber Bazar, Hyderabad - 500 012, IndiaHyderabadAndhra Pradesh040-24605723 
A. T. F. Marketing  Hakimpara Rishi Aurvindo Road By Lane, Siliguri - 734 001, IndiaSiliguriWest Bengal0353-2532147  
Laxmi Oil Industries Kansa Road, Visnagar - 384315, IndiaMahesanaGujarat02765-230511
Shri Hari Proteins  Nakhatraana Kutch Near Makani Hostipal, Nakhatrana - 370615, IndiaKuchchhGujarat02835-292266
Swastik Eucalyptus Oil Company 166, Main Bazaar, Ootacamund - 643 001, IndiaOotacamundTamilNadu0423-2442527
 M. M. & Sons  108-B, South New Street Tuticorin, Thoothukkudi - 628002, IndiaTirunelveliTamilNadu0461-2300954
Prestein Products 3rd Floor, Millers Corner Millers Road, Bangalore - 560 052, IndiaBangaloreKarnataka080-22205310
Akra Agro No. 15, New Natarajapuram Aminjikarai, Chennai - 600 029, IndiaChennaiTamilNadu 044-23633230
Raja Oil Mill  Kumbakonam, Near Bus Stand, Kumbakonam - 612001, IndiaThanjavurTamilNadu04364-260427
Lahairoi Handicrafts 2/604, Periyar Nagar 6th Cross, Nellithoppe, Pondicherry - 605 005, IndiaPondicherryPondicherry0413-2201110 
Idhayam Gingelly Oil P.B.N.19, 443, Bazaar, Virudunagar - 626001, IndiaVirudunagarTamilNadu04562-242022/243033  
Ujas Chemical & Industrial Products Sangeetha, P. O. Kusumagiri, Kakkanad Cochin, Ernakulam - 682030, IndiaErnakulamKerala0484-242156 
Ambe Natural Products U 190, Street No. 172 Shakarpur, Delhi - 110 092, IndiaDelhiDelhi011-64654288 
Ganeshpura Road, Siddhapur - 384 151, IndiaGaneshpura Road, Siddhapur - 384151, IndiaMehsanaGujarat02767-223399 
Evergreen Enterprises, Tamilnadu Anand Agro Mills, 22, Water Works Road Post Box No.504, Erode - 638 003, IndiaErodeTamilNadu0424-2210021
Karnioverseas Private Limited N0 4, Maharana Pratap Colony, Sector 13, Hiran Magri, Udaipur - 313 002, IndiaUdaipurRajasthan0294-2481293
Avvalex M. V. Badran Street 10732, Chennai - 600 003, IndiaChennaiTamilNadu044-25610613  
Gian Singh Jagmohan Singh & Co. W. X. 237, Basti Nau, Jalandhar - 144 002, IndiaJalandharPunjab0181-2251093
Keloth Oleochem Private Limited  B-203, Oxford Avenue, Opposite C. U. Shah College Ashram Road,, Ahmedabad - 380 014, IndiaAhmedabadGujarat079-27545008
Saroj Exports 1/ A, East Ramanatha Puram, Vallalar Kudil, Dindigul - 624 001, IndiaDindigulTamilNadu0451-3090793
 Shantai Food Products Priavte Limited Bhakti Plaza, A Wing, 4th Floor, Aundh, Pune - 411 007, IndiaPuneMaharastra020-64000381
Sree Kannan Oil Mills #1, Sathy Road, Erode - 638 004, IndiaErodeTamilNadu0424-2216225/3090355
Techno Commerical Consultant C-414 Sangeeta Appartement , Prabhat Complex, Dahiser (E), Mumbai - 258 963, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-39472242
Perfect Analytical Laboratory  224, Sagar Complex Jasonath Chowk, Nokubaug Road, Bhavnagar - 364 002, IndiaBhavnagarGujarat0278-2430016
Stronbemanimport Export Ca Private Limited F61/1, Kupwad M. I. D. C, Sangli - 416436, IndiaSangliMaharastra0233-6997458
Shankar Lal Ram Bharosey Lal Commodities B-58, Gandhi Nagar, Moradabad - 244 001, IndiaMoradabadUttar Pradesh 0591-2490004
I. C. M. Import & Export 640, H Block, 16 Main Road, 15 Street, Annanagar Varruthattu, Kalpadi, Nagercoil - 629204, IndiaKanyakumariTamilNadu9444780931

Post updated on:  Jun 1, 2021 12:12:05 PM

Edible oil is a plant-based food substance that is derived from fats or oils other than milk. Plant-derived edible oil contains carboxyl groups which is an enzyme used to attack and break down the process called Beta-oxidation. The length of the hydrocarbon and whether it's saturated or un-saturated provides the quality of diet and how healthy they are. Some of the edible oils are vegetable oil and cooking oil. Vegetable oils are lipid materials that are deduced from plants. Oils are liquids kept at room temperature and are formed from triglycerides. The edible oil is extracted from the seeds. Some of the most used oils are coconut oil, palm oil, ghee oil, olive oil, sesame oil, and rice bran oil which is solid at room temperature. Nowadays edible oils are used in most desserts and they are important ingredients for a dish. The products derived from the edible oil are allied products. India reports about 6.3 tons of oilseeds exports for the last year. Exports of oilseeds and edible oils increased from 5 tons to 6.2 tons in 2011. The most important edible oil allied products exporters in India are coastal Aquatic Proteins, Jay ant oil mills, City Starr Exports, Yogi Corporation, and Hariom Enterprise.

Company NameAddressCity/DistrictStateContact No.
Maxwell Inc.  BXXX-2185, C-203/1, Phase - VII, Focal Point, Ludhiana - 141 010, LudhianaPunjab0161-5026914/5026962/
Oxford Laboratory 3/37, Sujal Mansion, "B" Block, Bhangwadi, Kalbadevi RoadMumbaiMaharastra 022-22002645/66375404
Vishal Organnix C- 15, Gangawadi C. H. S., Gangawadi, L. B. S. Marg, Ghatkopar (W)MumbaiMaharastra022-32513869/32011379  
K. K. Aromas 319, 9th Cross, Shastri Nagar, Bangalore - 560 028, BangaloreKarnataka080-26762072
Neshiel Chemical Private LimitedS/3, Navrang, Swastik Cross Road, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad - 380 001, AhmedabadGujarat079-55612199
Shivaraja Impex Company G-1, Gokul Flats, 314 Lloyds Road, Royapettah, Chennai - 600 014, ChennaiTamilNadu044-28132856
Silverline Chemicals Shingle Carpets Building, G.T. Road, Near Tehsil, Panipat - 132 103, PanipatHaryana0180-2638938/2638994
Thiagarajan Agro Products (P) Limited No. 22, Visuvasapuri, 4th Street Ganaolivupuram, Madurai - 625 016, MaduraiTamilNadu0452-2603237
Coastal Aquatic Proteins P. O. Box No. 122, I Floor, Coastal Building, Goods Shed RoadMangaloreKarnataka0824-4251416/2427076/
Lazeez Food Stuff  460, D'monte Street, Haji Noor Mohd. Building, 1st Floor, Flat No.8,MumbaiMaharastra022-26420686 
Jayant Oil Mills 13, Sitafalwadi, Dr. Mascarenhas Road, Mazgaon, Mumbai - 400 010, MumbaiMaharastra022-66572000/23738811/
Vaigai Industries (India) Ltd. Vaigai House, 39 (B), Anna Nagar, Madurai - 625 020, MaduraiTamilNadu0452-2532515
Shanthi Fortune (India) Private Limited 108/4, II Floor West, Race Course, Coimbatore - 641 045, CoimbatoreTamilNadu0422-4393390/4393392 
 Sarvottam Vegetable Oil Pvt. Ltd. 34-A, Sanwer Road, Indore, IndoreMaharastra0731-4047761 
Vama Oil Private Limited  11/90 A, Trichy Road, Kannampalayam Post, Coimbatore - 641 405, CoimbatoreTamilNadu0422-3292714  
Rich World Exports 189, Samichetti Palayam Road, Jothipuram, Coimbatore - 641 047, CoimbatoreTamilNadu0422-6562364
Jaimatha Estates Pallickaparampil(House), Monippally PO, Kottayam - 686 636, KottayamKerala0482-2242318
Sherman Inc. 608, Loha Bhavan, Old High Court Ashram Road, Ahmedabad - 380 009, AhmedabadGujarat079-30071415/30071416
T. T. Paul Merchants & Commission Agents XXVI/917, Rice Bazar, Thrissur - 680 001, ThrissurKerala0487-2429431/2421091 
Sakthi Coco Products Unit No. 9/2, Industrial Estate, Udumalpet Road, Pollachi,CoimbatoreTamilNadu04259-236056/236053
Veg India Exports, Erode 106, Prakasam Street, Erode - 638 001, ErodeTamilNadu0424-2214911/2223846 
Amirtha Impex  No.146, North Mada Street, Vadapalani, Chennai - 600 026, ChennaiTamilNadu044-23726829
A Z Agro Ventures D-119, LGF Preet Vihar, New Delhi - 110 092, DelhiDelhi011-43046084
Bhagat International Private Limited 10, 1st Floor, Harlalka Bhavan, 164, Sitaram Poddar Marg, Mumbai - 400 002, MumbaiMaharastra022-40560400/40560402  
RGV Overseas Herbo Health No. 69, Vallalar Street, Padmanabha Nagar, Choolaimedu, Chennai - 600 094, ChennaiTamilNadu 033-22591862/25534290   
Manishankar Oils Pvt. Ltd. 34, Shyam Kunj, Inside Hathi Babu Ka Bagh, Jaipur - 302 006, JaipurRajasthan0141-2204662 
City Starr Exports No. 19, Batcha Street, Choolaimedu, Chennai - 600 094, ChennaiTamilNadu044-43540524
Yogi Corporation 135/2, Kabutarkhana, Kalupur, Ahmedabad - 380 002, AhmedabadGujarat079-22125295/9824255717
Neshiel Chemical Private LimitedS/3, Navrang, Swastik Cross Road, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad - 380 009, AhmedabadGujarat079-55612199/26568012
Ghadge Agro Importer And Exporter 701, Bhima Worli Sangam Cooperative Housing Society, Sir Pochkhanwala Road, Worli, MumbaiMaharastra022-24927070/24901555
Ultra Chemical Works 209, Anantdeep Chambers, 273/277, Narshi Natha Street, Mumbai - 400 009, MumbaiMaharastra022-66359695
Hariom Enterprise Vaigai House, 39 (B), Anna Nagar, Madurai - 625 020, MaduraiTamilNadu033-22271232
R. R. Oomerbhoy Private Limited  5, Soona Mahal, 143 Marine Drive, Veer Nariman Road, Mumbai - 400 020, MumbaiMaharastra022-66399000
 Nature Treasur C/59, 2nd Floor, Raj Industrial Complex, Military Road Marol, Andheri (East),MumbaiMaharastra022-66781486/66781487
 Mehi Corporation Mahadev, Totla Nagar, Ring Road, Indore - 452 016, IndoreMaharastra0731-4035767
Ghodawat Foods International Private Limited Chipri, Tal, Shirol, District Kolhapur, Jaysingpur - 416101, KolhapurMaharastra02322-255682
Kisan Agro Product Ind. Near. Railway Crossing, Ahmedabad Highway,, Palanpur - 385001, PalanpurGujarat02742-257062
Saroja Overseas Exports 21/1427, Opposite Nedumcaud U. P. S Ground, Karamana P. O, Trivandrum - 695 002, TrivandrumKerala9846063506
Kanishka Overseas 4, Old Ashoka Garden, Near Hotel Silver Inn Raisen Road, Bhopal - 462 023, BhopalMadhyaPradesh0755-6458772  
Jantha Fishmeal & Oil Products Bunder Road Kota Town, Udupi - 576 102, UdupiKarnataka0820-2574575
Kanagaraj Traders 205/ E, Rangar Shannathi Adivaram, Namakkal - 637001, NamakkalTamilNadu 04286-233093
Harjot Enterprises 6339, Naya Bans, ( Biri Market ), New Delhi - 110 006, DelhiDelhi011-52463330
Svenska Enterprises 331, Commodity Exchange, Sector 19, Vashi, Navi Mumbai - 400 705, MumbaiMaharastra022-27831285
 Space Realty 34, Gopal Street, T. Nagar, Chennai - 600 017, ChennaiTamilNadu044-23726162
Pur Et Simple A6 Hema Cottage, Bharati Nagar, Ketty Valley, Ooty, Ootacamund - 643 215, OotacamundTamilNadu0423-244 0833
Natural Remedies Private Limited No. 364, 2nd Floor, 16th Main, 4th T Block Jayanagar, Bangalore - 560 041, BangaloreKarnataka080-51858888 
 Padmini Gas Service 61, Jamnadas Building, Shop No. 3 10th Khetwadi Back Road, MumbaiMaharastra022-23840207
Maks Universal Pillaiyar Kovil North Street, Mavadikkal, Kadayanallur - 627 751, KadayanallurTamilNadu 04633-241354
Sanwaria Agro Oils Limited 53A,B,&55,Sector-A,Industrial Area, Bhopal - 462 046, BhopalMadhyaPradesh9826031939
Narendra Group Of Industries Deegee House, Shastri Ward,, Hinganghat - 442301, HinganghatMaharastra07153-256305
Serocks Sales Private Limited  #114, 1st Floor, Kedia Arcade, 92, Infantry Road, Bangalore - 560 001, BangaloreKarnataka080-25559293
Caravan Oil Suppliers 13, H. Siddiah Road Opposite Lions Eye Hospital, Bangalore - 560 004, BangaloreKarnataka080-22224332/560002
Oban Home Needs Limited 12-13-83, Street No. 4, Tarnaka, Secunderabad - 500 017, SecundrabadAndhra Pradesh040-64538238
Fylfot India Private Limited A-141, A. E. II, Sector-37, Faridabad - 121 001, FaridabadUttar Pradesh0129-6542590/2547114  
Manohar Lal Maini & Co. More Ganj, Saharanpur, Saharanpur - 247 001, SaharanpurUttar Pradesh0132-2644414
Krishi Oils Ltd Plot Ni 91-94, Sector-2, Pithampur Near Nicolaus, Pithampur - 454775, DharMadhyaPradesh 07292-253826  
Rajasthan Packers 18A, D- Block Shyam Nagar, Kanpur - 208 013, KanpurUttar Pradesh 0512-3256150
Dalal Sanjaykumar Vishnubhai & Co 308, Century Market, Opposite Prem Darwaja Kalupur, Ahmedabad - 380 002, AhmedabadGujarat079-22124463  
Albion & Co. 69, 2nd Floor, Rampuri Kalka Ji, New Delhi - 110 044, DelhiDelhi011-26029782
Shri Mahalaxmi Extractions Private Limited 556E, Shahupuri Vyapar Peth, Kolhapur - 416 001, KolhapurMadhyaPradesh 0231-2653750
 Sri Shiva Shakthi Agro Forms Guddampalli, Thadimarri Street, Anantapur - 512012, AnantpurAndhra Pradesh08559-260066
 Hindustan Abrasive  Near Geeta Machine Tools Bedi Bunder Road, Ramnagar, Jamnagar - 361 002, JamnagarGujarat 0288-2757072  
 Cheron Indian Agro Export Service Provider Flat No-1, ground Floor,Urmi Apartment, kopar Road near Kid-land school, Dombivili-West, Bombay, Kalyan - 421202, KalyanMaharastra  0251-2462555
Yugo Intraco Private Limited  Eucharistic Congress, Building No. II, 5th Floor 5, Convent Street, ColabaMumbaiMaharastra022-22020031   
 Ansuya Impex 301,shalibhadra Enclave, Cabin Road Bhayander East, Mumbai - 401 105, MumbaiMaharastra022-9324584463
Grasse International 136, Nyniappa Naick Street, Chennai - 600 003, ChennaiTamilNadu044-25354190
Anuprav International  Suite No. 704, 706, 708, Suneja Tower Il, District Centre, Janak PuriDelhiDelhi011-25623153
Tough & Tubes  42, Kitchipalayam Main Road, Selam - 636007, SalemTamilNadu0427-2264915
Tilak Overseas L-45, Ground Floor Lawrence Road,, Delhi - 110 068, DelhiDelhi011-32809020
Premchand Trading Company Gaya Building, 4th Floor, R/40, 109, Masjid Bunder Road, Mumbai - 400 003, MumbaiMaharastra022-23414147
 B. S. K. International Gyas Nagar, Badhail Chowk, Barabanki, Barabanki - 225016, Barabanki Uttar Pradesh05248-80364
Vijaya Export, Bangalore 671, Ground Floor, 2nd B - Cross, 8th Block, Bangalore - 560 095, BangaloreKarnataka080-25701622
 Ipex Agro  A-40, Anand Vihar, New Delhi - 110 092, DelhiDelhi011-20310888
Unicorn Essential & Ayur 27/2, Arniya Plaza, Manorama Ganj, Indore - 452 001, IndoreMaharastra0731-6531319
Pelican International Private Limited 15 1 560 Siddiamber Bazar, Hyderabad - 500 012, HyderabadAndhra Pradesh040-24605723 
Healthline Agrotech Private Limited # 6-3-1109/1, G. Floor, Navbharat Chambers, Rajbhavan RoadHyderabadAndhra Pradesh040-55736263
 G. Gangadas Shah & Sons Private Limited Ganga Vihar, 94, Kazi Syed Street, Mandvi Masjid ( West ), Mumbai - 400 003, MumbaiMaharastra022-23437006/23824326  
Laxmi Oil Industries Kansa Road, Visnagar - 384315, MahesanaGujarat02765-230511
 M. M. Nahar 121, Market Yard, Pune - 411 037, PuneMaharastra 020-24271935
Shri Hari Proteins  Nakhatraana Kutch Near Makani Hostipal, Nakhatrana - 370615, KuchchhGujarat02835-292266
Swastik Eucalyptus Oil Company 166, Main Bazaar, Ootacamund - 643 001, OotacamundTamilNadu0423-2442527
 M. M. & Sons  108-B, South New Street Tuticorin, Thoothukkudi - 628002, TirunelveliTamilNadu0461-2300954
Arms Associates 12, V. N. S. Building Maris Corner, Thanjavur - 613 001, ThanjavurTamilNadu04362-278685
Om Shakthi Exports 34, South Car Street, Nager Coil, Kanniyakumari - 629 001, KanniyakumariTamilNadu04652-225621/227422
Prestein Products 3rd Floor, Millers Corner Millers Road, Bangalore - 560 052, BangaloreKarnataka080-22205310
Akra Agro No. 15, New Natarajapuram Aminjikarai, Chennai - 600 029, ChennaiTamilNadu 044-23633230
 Lakshmi Rice & Dall Mills 78, New Grain Market, Ladwa - 136132, LadwaHaryana01744-264033/264073
Raja Oil Mill  Kumbakonam, Near Bus Stand, Kumbakonam - 612001, ThanjavurTamilNadu04364-260427
Manmohan Trading Corporation  Mandi Road, Phagwara - 144401, KapurthalaPunjab9417454416
D. G. N. Global Exports I-86/2, Aditya Puram, Opposite D. D Nagar, Behind Road Near I. A. T. S. College, Gwalior - 474 020, GwaliorMadhyaPradesh 0751-2471467 
Raj Traders, Mehsana 13, Vrundavan Society, Dairy Road, Mehsana - 384002, MehsanaGujarat02762-247846
Honest Marketing Company 66, Tirth Bhumi, Opposite Narol Court Narol, Ahmedabad - 382 405, AhmedabadGujarat079-65209951  
Ujas Chemical & Industrial Products Sangeetha, P. O. Kusumagiri, Kakkanad Cochin, Ernakulam - 682030, ErnakulamKerala0484-242156 
Ambe Natural Products U 190, Street No. 172 Shakarpur, Delhi - 110 092, DelhiDelhi011-64654288 
Xenium Botanicals S-D/74, Shastri Nagar, Ghaziabad - 201 002, GhaziabadUttar Pradesh0120-4103214
Ganeshpura RoadGaneshpura Road, Siddhapur - 384151, MehsanaGujarat02767-223399 
Adani Exports Limited, Gujarat  Adani House, Near Mithakhali Circle Navrang Pura, Ahmedabad - 380 009, AhmedabadGujarat079-25555555
Mahabir & Sons 9, Fouza Bagan, New Baridih,, Jamshedpur - 831 017, JamshedpurJharkhand0657-2211259  
Evergreen Enterprises, Tamilnadu Anand Agro Mills, 22, Water Works Road Post Box No.504, Erode - 638 003, ErodeTamilNadu0424-2210021
Karnioverseas Private Limited N0 4, Maharana Pratap Colony, Sector 13, Hiran Magri, Udaipur - 313 002, UdaipurRajasthan0294-2481293
Mega Trades 209, Giriraj Building, 2nd Floor, Sant Tukaram Road,, Mumbai - 400 009, MumbaiMaharastra022-23451410 
Shree Swastika Rice Mill  Modi House 14, Raja Naba Kissen Street, Kolkata - 700 005, KolkataWest Bengal033-25309679
Win Win Corporation 301, Jay Apt.,kumkum Society, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad - 380 014, AhmedabadGujarat 079-26464259
Avvalex M. V. Badran Street 10732, Chennai - 600 003, ChennaiTamilNadu044-25610613  
Zed D Trade Company 7/115, Swarup Nagar, Flat 705, Kanpur - Na, KanpurUttar Pradesh9839609620
Rockers India Private Limited 96,wheeler road,, B - 560005, BangaloreKarnataka 080-25493461

Post updated on:  Jun 1, 2021 12:11:28 PM

Since dry fruits, nuts are expensive People hesitating to buy them. But they provide more nutrients, vitamins, and enzymes, so it's advisable to add them to their daily foods. Dry fruits provide a way for digestion and help to regulate the blood, avoids the constipation problem. They are essential for people as they have more medicinal properties. The dry fruits are similar to fresh fruits in taste. Dry fruits avoid the wastage of fresh fruits and they expand the usage of the fresh fruits. Dry fruits are used by the baking, sweet industries and also in the confectionery shops. It is also used in dishes like soups, sauces, puddings, and in the foods of the children. Dried fruits destitute fat, saturated fats, cholesterol and it has low sodium content similar to fresh fruits. The dry fruits and nuts are exported from one place to another place. The suppliers provide the exported fruits within their regions. Based on the buyer's specifications, the suppliers assert the things and make them into an appealing package and then they deliver it. Some of the well-known dry fruits and nuts suppliers in India are Kel India exports, V.S.

NameAddressCity/DistrictStateContact No.
Shivaji Trade Company Limited B 1, B 2, Satya Mansion Commercial Complex, Ranjit Nagar, New Delhi - 110 008, IndiaDelhiDelhi011-25701113
Golden Nuts 206/685, Ist Floor Fort Main Road, Shevapet, Salem - 636002, IndiaSalemTamilNadu0427-6534284
Golden Nuts  206/685, Ist Floor Fort Main Road, Shevapet, Salem - 636 002, IndiaSalemTamilNadu0427-6534284
Mahalaxmi Food Products152, Mastermind 1, Royal Palms, Aarey Colony Goregaon East, Mumbai - 400 065, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-65168095
 Kel India Exports C/202, First Floor, B.G. Tower, Opposite Delhi Gate Shahibaug Road, Ahmedabad - 380 004, IndiaAhmedabadGujrat079-25624076
Kel India Exports  C/202, First Floor, B.G. Tower, Opposite Delhi Gate Shahibaug Road, Ahmedabad - 380 004, IndiaAhmedabadGujrat079-25624076 
Laxmipati Traders 12/144, Gandhi Nagar, Digras, Yavatmal - 445203, IndiaYeotamalMaharastra07234-222780
 Laxmipati Traders 12/144, Gandhi Nagar, Digras, Yavatmal - 445203, IndiaYeotamalMaharastra07234-222780
V. S. Exports 80-86 A, Iyswarya Building, Maariyappakonar Street, Kattoor, Coimbatore - 641 009, IndiaCoimbatoreKerala0422-2233353/
Orient Commodity Services F3, Soumya II, Plot 203, 6th Cross AECS 1st Stage, Sanjaynagar, Bangalore - 560 094, IndiaBangaloreKarnataka080-23517620
Orient Commodity Services F3, Soumya II, Plot 203, 6th Cross AECS 1st Stage, Sanjaynagar, Bangalore - 560 094, IndiaBangaloreKarnataka080-23517620
Sree Mahabahu Hitech Farms Private Limited Plot No. 455, Mahanadi Vihar, Cuttack - 753 004, IndiaCuttackOrissa0671-2632212
Ansh International, Indore 6, Radio Colony, Near Shivaji Park, Indore - 452 001, IndiaIndoreMaharastra0731-2705432
Mahesh Chand Varun Kumar  20-B, Gadodia Market, Khari Baoli, New Delhi - 110 006, IndiaDelhiDelhi011-23968441/
Fena (P) Limited A-237, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase 1, New Delhi - 110 020, IndiaDelhiDelhi011-26811989
Deer Food Products 21, Industrial Estate, Ganderbal Srinagar Kashmir, Srinagar - 190 006, IndiaSrinagarJammu & Kashmir0194-2478318
A. S. P. Exports, Chennai 21, Dr Soundramal Street Lakshmipuram, Chromepet, Chennai - 600 044, IndiaChennaiTamilNadu044-22410242
 Saqib Gheewala Riddhi Siddhi C. H. S, Flat No. 303, Plot No. 34, R. S. C 2 Mhada Complex, Malad West, Mumbai - 400 095, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-28812475
Mitesh Enterprises Nehru Putla, Maskasath, Itwari, Nagpur - 440 002, IndiaNagpurMaharastra0712-2770141
Super veg Agrotech Pvt. Ltd. 2/44, Ramadevi Crossing, G.T. Road, Kanpur - 208 007, IndiaKanpurUttar Pradesh0512-2405594/
 Dhwani Impex 21, 2nd Bhatwadi Girgaum Road, Mumbai - 400 004, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-65047817
M. S. Y. Traders 381/17, Bhawani Peth, Pune - 411 042, IndiaPuneMaharastra020-26452025 
Mahima Herbals, Mumbai A17, APMC1, Sector19, Phase II Vashi, Mumbai - 400 705, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-32996930/
Paramount Enterprises 6, Lohar Chawl, 1st Floor, 10-11 Lal Singh Building, Mumbai - 400 002, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-66377860   
 Sanghani Multilink Marketing Pvt. Ltd.  1,Madhu Shree Apartment , Opposite Bhagawati School Vishnunagar, Naupada, Thane West, Mumbai - 201 301, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra 022-25403655
The Chocolate Boutique 9 DDA Market, No. 4, Opposite Kali Mandir, Chittranjan Park, New Delhi - 110 019, IndiaDelhiDelhi9810432830
K. Subraya Ananatha Kamath & Sons  S, A. K. Road Adkathbail, Kasaragod - 671 121, IndiaKasaragodKerala04994-230008
Gthule Kal Sons Temple Street, Siddapur - 581355, IndiaGulbargaKarnataka08389-230124
C. R. P., Chennai A. Melmampattu Post, Kadampuliyur, Panruti Taluk, Chennai - 607 103, IndiaChennaiTamilNadu044-66789858
Sam Enterprises Private Limited 275 (133), Linghi Chetty Street, Chennai - 600 001, IndiaChennaiTamilNadu044-23820444  
 Santosh Imaa & Company  Plot No.-47A ,III Lane Bhaba Nagar, Berhampur - Na, IndiaBerhampurOrissa0680-3206588
S. R. K Mines & Minerals A B Nair Road, Vile Parle West, Opposite Hotel Horizon Juhu, Mumbai - 400 049, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra9820472802
S. R. K Mines & Minerals A B Nair Road, Vile Parle West, Opposite Hotel Horizon Juhu, Mumbai - 400 049, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra9820472802
S. R. Intertrade Private Limited B/202/203, Groma House, Sector 19, Vashi Navi Mumbai, Mumbai - 400 703, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-27895937
Shivam Enterprises, Agra Shop No. 14, Ram Sahay Market, Tiwari Gali, Rawat Tara, Agra - 282 003, IndiaAgraUttar Pradesh0562-2460099 
Boom Buying Private Limited, DelhiE-986, C. R. Park, New Delhi - 110 019, IndiaDelhiDelhi 011-40560612
Raghuvanshi Exports 2 A, Govt. Industrial Estate, Charkop, Kandivali (W), Mumbai - 400 067, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-28687330 
Gokul Ice Cream Ajay Appartment Saraswati Road Santacruz West Poddar School Lane, Mumbai - 400 54, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra 022-26497755
Shankar Lal Ram Bharosey Lal Commodities B-58, Gandhi Nagar, Moradabad - 244001, IndiaMoradabadUttar Pradesh0591-2490004
Dadi Mas Foods Private Limited  95, Maker Chambers III Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-22905977
Adelco Utilities IV/523, Cheruvannur, Calicut - 673655, IndiaKozhikodeKerala0495-2482979
Sri Ravi Agencies No. 3, Lakshmipathy Nagar, TPTC Backside, Panruti - 607 106, IndiaVelloreTamilNadu04142-242663 
O.M.S.Tamarind Merchants (P) Ltd. YMIA Building (Basement), 57/2, Royapettah High Road, Mylapore, Chennai - 600 004, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra044-39128868
T. R. Consultants 7-8-17/1, Harbour Park Road R. K. Beach, Visakhapatnam - 533 003, IndiaVishakapatnamOrissa 0891-6456353
R. Mart  17, Floor World Trade Centre I Cuffe Parade, Mumbai - 400 005, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra 022-22186613
Kanco Southwest Enterprises Post Box -15, Mulki Mangalore, Mangalore - 574 154, IndiaMangaloreKarnataka9342174037
Bsourze Global Merchants 1/47, Kuppam Beach Raod, Kottivakkam,, Chennai - 600 041, IndiaChennaiTamilNadu044-24511255
C. Vaidyanathan & Co. APMC Yard, Batawadi, B. H. Road, Tumkur - 572103, IndiaTumkurKarnataka0816-2280416
Gadhiya Brothers 63, Market Yard Balmukund Keriya Road, Navarang Society., Amreli - 365601, IndiaAmreliGujrat 02792-220468
Orion Traders Export-Import 403, Ready Money Terrace 167, Drive. Annie Besent Road, Mumbai - 400 018, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-24913188  
 Knight Trading Company 500, Khari Baoli, Delhi - 110 006, IndiaDelhiDelhi011-23919021 
Global Exim Corpn. 18/16, Rangappa Street, Ist Floor, Aynavaram, Chennai - 600 023, IndiaChennaiTamilNadu044-26452029
Konkan Krishi Fakir Mohammed House, Room No. 12 Francis wadi, Jogeshwari East, Mumbai - 400 060, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-28245006
 S. S. Herbals 485/2, Katra Ishwar Bhawan, Khari Baoli, New Delhi - 110 006, IndiaDelhiDelhi011-23910274
 Konkan Krishi Fakir Mohammed House, Room No. 12 Francis wadi, Jogeshwari East, Mumbai - 400 060, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-28245006
Diamond Industries, Nashik Mandar B Glow, R. T. O. Colony, Nasik Pune Road, Nashik - 422 011, IndiaNasikMaharastra0253-2422255
India Food Exports House No. 165, Ward No. XIII, Palms Dale, Mundakkal West, Kollam - 691001, IndiaKollamKerala 0474-2742854
Herbarium Aarshalayam, Thazhathala,, Kollam - 691571, IndiaKollamKerala9387224622
S. S. Herbals  485/2, Katra Ishwar Bhawan, Khari Baoli, New Delhi - 110 006, IndiaDelhiDelhi011-23942793   
 Mother Consumables Foods (India) Private Limited 26/268, Kissan Compaund, Sultanganj, Agra - 282 004, IndiaAgraUttar Pradesh 0562-6451230
Fahil Exports and Imports Fahil Exports and Imports NANA0431-2462333/
Chhappan Bhog Apna Bazaar Sadar, Lucknow - 226 002, IndiaLucknowUttar Pradesh0522-2480856/
J. D. Corporation305, Mahinder Chambers, 619 / 28, W.T. Patil Marg, Chembur, Mumbai - 400 071, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-25219949 
Shree Exports and Imports 950 , Budhwar peth, Himmat so, no 118. pune-2, Pune - 411002, IndiaPuneMaharastra020-24475131 
Mekatronics Products Private Limited 104, M. G. House, Commercial Complex Wazirpur Industrial Area, New Delhi - 110 052, IndiaDelhiDelhi011-27372131
I. B. Limited  4, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad - 380 001, IndiaAhmedabadGujarat079-67576500
Harshvin United Agencies Madhur 9, Prahlad Plot, Palace Road, Rajkot - 360 001, IndiaRajkotGujrat0281-2222189/
Harshvin United Agencies Madhur 9, Prahlad Plot, Palace Road, Rajkot - 360 001, IndiaRajkotGujrat0281-2222189/
K. C. M. C. R. Selvarathinam Enterprises 4/8, Second West Cross Street, Mahalakshmi Nagar, Tanjore Road,, Trichy - 620008, IndiaTiruchirappalliTamilNadu0431-2201964  
Sati Agro Corporation Subji Mandi, Kuchaman City Opposite Film Hall, Kuchaman - 341508, IndiaNagaurRajasthan01586-220601
Continental Warehousing Corporation Ltd. A 6, Samrajya Complex, Mahavir Society, Jam Nagar, Jamnagar - 361 008, IndiaJamnagarGujrat0288-3210233  
Eastern Agro Foods 225, Nataraj Nagar, Judge Road, Salem - 636008, IndiaSalemTamilNadu0427-2400748
 Kanegrade Flavours & Ingredients Pvt. Ltd. Plot No. 800, Phase V, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon - 122 016, IndiaGurgaonUttar Pradesh0124-4001436/
Ankur Agro Products D-3, Chowrangi Complex, Z. P. Road, Nagala Park, Kolhapur - 416 003, IndiaKolhapurMaharastra9850060917
Pratipa Cashews80- A/40, Lakshmipathy Nagar, Vadakailasam, Panruti - 607106, IndiaVelloreTamilNadu04142-242266/
M. B. Mercantile Supports Private Limited  404, Rajdhani Complex, Pune- Satara Road, Dhankawadi Near Shakar Mahraj, Pune - 411 043, IndiaPuneMaharastra020-24372886
M. B. Mercantile Supports Private Limited  404, Rajdhani Complex, Pune- Satara Road, Dhankawadi Near Shakar Mahraj, Pune - 411 043, IndiaPuneMaharastra020-24372886
Blue- Moon Cold Storage No. 3, Ichcha Industrial Estate, Valia Abrama, Valsad - 396001, IndiaValsadGujrat02632-227755
Mantri Group 10, Tanga Stand, Square Dharampeth, Nagpur - 440 002, IndiaNagpurMaharastra0712-2760192
 Dalal Jayantilal Girdharlal Mahalaxmi Street, Junagadh - 362 001, IndiaJunagadhGujrat0285-2626447 
Khajuraho Producer Company Private Limited Loknathpuram, Sagar Road, Chhatarpur - 471001, IndiaChhatarpurMadhyaPradesh07682-249459
Sri Shiva Shakthi Agro Forms Guddampalli, Thadimarri Street, Anantapur - 512012, IndiaAnantpurJammu & Kashmir08559-260066

Post updated on:  Jun 1, 2021 11:53:31 AM

Dry fruit is a fruit that is made by removing the water content in it by keeping it under the sun or by using dehydrators. Dry fruits have a long life when they are not exposed to any fungal diseases. The dry fruits are stuffed with any sweetener and then it is used. Dry fruits have the same nutrients similar to fresh fruit, at the same time, they won't produce or propagate any disease. Dry fruits can be made into full fruits or halved or slices too. They are chopped and made into a paste and then they are used. Dry fruits and nuts together are used in the dessert to decorate the dishes and are used as a sweetener to add taste to the recipes further. They also play a major role in the diet quality and it decreases the occurrence of chronic diseases. They are produced in all the regions of the world and are had by all the people around the world. The manufacturers are able to earn lucrative money as income from the dry fruits. The dry fruits and nuts manufacturers in India are Enfield agro base, Golden fruits, M.K.Industry from various places like Thirunelveli, Salem, and Madurai.

Company NameAddressCity/DistrictStateContact No.
 Kel India Exports C/202, First Floor, B.G. Tower, Opposite Delhi Gate Shahibaug Road, Ahmedabad - 380 004, IndiaAhmedabadGujrat079-25624076
Kel India Exports  C/202, First Floor, B.G. Tower, Opposite Delhi Gate Shahibaug Road, Ahmedabad - 380 004, IndiaAhmedabadGujrat079-25624076 
 Shri Ashok Pauwa Factory Railway Siding Road, Lati Bazar Bhojpara, Gondal - 360311, IndiaRajkotGujrat02825-220071 
Enfield Agrobase 261, Thiruviruthan Pulli Cheranmahadevi, Tirunelveli - 627414, IndiaTirunelveliTamilNadu04634-291216
Enfield Agrobase 261, Thiruviruthan Pulli Cheranmahadevi, Tirunelveli - 627414, IndiaTirunelveliTamilNadu04634-291216
Shreeji Protein New Kumbharwada Opposite Muni Hospital, Mahuva - 364290, IndiaBhavnagarGujrat02844-223933
Deer Food Products 21, Industrial Estate, Ganderbal Srinagar Kashmir, Srinagar - 190 006, IndiaSrinagarJammu & Kashmir0194-2478318
Sai Group Of Industries Hotel Sai Raj, Old Fish Market Road, Jeypore - 764 001, India06854-246727  
Kotaiahs Foods Private LimitedLakshmi Sadan 16, 23, 2, Pallaamraju Nagar, Pwara, Kakinada - 533001, IndiaEast GodavariAndhra Pradesh0884-2376620  
Natraj Industries  Ganeshpura Road, Siddhapur - 384151, IndiaMahesanaGujarat 02767-223399
Golden Nuts  206/685, Ist Floor Fort Main Road, Shevapet, Salem - 636 002, IndiaSalemTamilNadu0427-6534284
K. Subraya Ananatha Kamath & Sons S, A. K. Road Adkathbail, Kasaragod - 671121, India KasaragodKerala 04994-230008
Bijay Ratna C/o Vijay Patro, Udayagiri, District Kandhamal, G. Udayagiri - 762100, IndiaKandhamalOrissa06847-260094
 Punjab Agri Ventures Limited  Bara Farm, Km 201-202, GT Road, N. H. - 1,, Sirhind - 104406, IndiaSirhindHariyana01763-509506
K. Subraya Ananatha Kamath & Sons  S, A. K. Road Adkathbail, Kasaragod - 671 121, IndiaKasaragodKerala04994-230008
Sona Raaz Export  64, N.N Road, Kolkata - 700 011, IndiaKolkataWest Bengal033-22827990
Ananda Foods No. 5/3, Ayyasamy Street, Kamatchiamman Pet Vellore, Gudiyattam - 632602, IndiaVelloreTamilNadu04171-329370
Fahil Exports and Imports Fahil Exports and Imports NANA0431-2462333/4000587  
Golden Nuts 206/685, Ist Floor Fort Main Road, Shevapet, Salem - 636002, IndiaSalemTamilNadu0427-6534284
M. K. Industry 34 - Mahia Industrial Estate, Uranganpatti, Madurai, Madurai - 625020, IndiaMaduraiTamilNadu0452-2429366
 Maaran & Kumaran Export Agency 17, East Street Nadukuppam, Cuddalore - 607103, IndiaVelloreTamilNadu9965520003
Mansukhlal Premchand Swaminarayan Street, Old Danapith, Rajkot - 360 001, IndiaRajkotGujrat0281-2235793  
 Mansukhlal Premchand Swaminarayan Street, Old Danapith, Rajkot - 360 001, IndiaRajkotGujrat0281-2235793
Prerna Enterprise 204, Star Plaza Phulchhab Chawk, Rajkot - 360 001, IndiaRajkotGujrat0281-3043060
 Swadeshi Chemical Industries 26/55, Birhana Road Kanpur, Kanpur - 208 001, IndiaKanpurUttar Pradesh0512-2312348
Aura International, Ahmedabad  C/202, Suryodaya -2, Opposite Pavapuri Bus Stand, Ahmedabad - 380 061, IndiaAhmedabadGujrat079-65414337 
Sam Enterprises Private Limited 275 (133), Linghi Chetty Street, Chennai - 600 001, IndiaChennaiTamilNadu044-23820444  
 Mother Consumables Foods (India) Private Limited 26/268, Kissan Compaund, Sultanganj, Agra - 282 004, IndiaAgraUttar Pradesh 0562-6451230
Pas Kosmosis Agro Private Limited 45- A/8, SEVA., Somnathnagar Wadgaonsheri, Pune. - 411 014, IndiaPuneMaharastra020-27034730  
Shree Bhagirathi Industries C 100, Shivalik, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi - 110 017, IndiaDelhiDelhi011-26683641
Parekh Commercials Office No. 6, Basement, Gayatri Tower Opposite Post Office, Lakadganj,, Nagpur - 440 008, IndiaNagpurMaharastra9823088010
Global Friendly 18,T. L. Ragupathy Street, Subash Nagar Chromepet, Chennai - 600 044, IndiaChennaiTamilNadu044-22650174
 Vikyada Consultants 312/ Sakar Comp, Dera Street , Soni Bazar, Rajkot - 360 001, IndiaRajkotGujrat0281-2238792
Faridabad Agro Oils Private Limited 46, Sector-7 A, Faridabad - 121006, IndiaFaridabadHariyana0129-2241531 
Nuts & Kernel Exporters  482/2, Katra Ishwar Bhawan, Khari Baoli, New Delhi - 110 006, IndiaDelhiDelhi011-23954531/23910274  
Ankur Agro Products D-3, Chowrangi Complex, Z. P. Road, Nagala Park, Kolhapur - 416 003, IndiaKolhapurMaharastra9850060917
Shankar Lal Ram Bharosey Lal Commodities B-58, Gandhi Nagar, Moradabad - 244001, IndiaMoradabadUttar Pradesh0591-2490004
Rachana Seeds Industries Rajkot Road, Dolatpara, Junagadh - 362 001, IndiaJunagadhGujrat0285-2660484 
Khajuraho Producer Company Private Limited Loknathpuram, Sagar Road, Chhatarpur - 471001, IndiaChhatarpurMadhyaPradesh07682-249459

Post updated on:  Jun 1, 2021 11:46:39 AM

A nut is a shelled indehiscent fruit. Nuts are filled with nutrients for humans and animals. Nuts are a complex type of seed and fruits where the fruits won't release the seeds. Nuts are an important part of the human diet which includes pishta, almonds, chestnut.  Several studies prove that regular intake of nuts reduces coronary heart disease, cholesterol rate. Scientists believe that it contains omega 3 fatty acids and it increases life for two to three years. It provides vitamins like E and B2; it also acts as an antioxidant. Dried fruits are likely to have a long life when compared to normal fresh fruits. So there are lots of dry fruits and nuts exporters in India who export it to other countries for wholesale and it is used by the people living within the country.

There are many exporters all over India who exports the nuts to other countries. Some of the exporters in Tamilnadu are Enfield agro base, Golden nuts, and Ananda foods from various places like Thirunelveli, Salem, and Vellore. Other exporters in India are Paramount Enterprises, Jubilee Export Enterprises throughout the state. Tons and Tons of nuts ordered are exported at a cheap rate within the required time.

Company NameAddressCity/DistrictStateContact No.
Grains India30, Bentick Street, Kolkata - 700 001, IndiaKolkataWest Bengal033-32917991
K. I. Limited7/20, Kirti Nagar Industrial Area Near Old Port Office, New Delhi - 110 015, IndiaDelhiDelhi011-45071960   
Golden Sun Enterprise 24, Vrindavan, Jitnedra Park, Zanzarda Road,, Junagadh - 362 001, IndiaJunagadhGujrat0285-2660804
Mahalaxmi Food Products152, Mastermind 1, Royal Palms, Aarey Colony Goregaon East, Mumbai - 400 065, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-65168095
Magnum 1182 C Kotla Mubarul Pur Near, New Delhi - 110 003, IndiaDelhiDelhi011-46578142
Asmi International WZ- 1103, Nangal Raya, New Delhi - 110 046, IndiaDelhiDelhi011-65876203
Kashmir Kesar Exports No. 14, Gousia Colony, N. B Pampore, Srinagar - 192 121, IndiaSrinagarJammu & Kashmir9910606700
Shri Sahjanand International 460, Rawalwadi(OLD), Behind Vyayam Shala Bhuj - Kutch, Bhuj - 370001, IndiaKutchGujarat9898467136
Ganpati Enterprises(N. Delhi) 2044/6, Savitri Bhawan, Office No. 29, 3rd Floor, Chunamandi, Pharganj, New Delhi - 110 001, IndiaDelhiDelhi09891106087
Enfield Agrobase 261, Thiruviruthan Pulli Cheranmahadevi, Tirunelveli - 627414, IndiaTirunelveliTamilNadu04634-291216
Enfield Agrobase 261, Thiruviruthan Pulli Cheranmahadevi, Tirunelveli - 627414, IndiaTirunelveliTamilNadu04634-291216
V. S. Exports 80-86 A, Iyswarya Building, Maariyappakonar Street, Kattoor, Coimbatore - 641 009, IndiaCoimbatoreKerala0422-2233353
Gokul Ice Cream Ajay Appartment Saraswati Road Santacruz West Poddar School Lane, Mumbai - 400 54, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra 022-26497755
National Agriculture Cooperative Marketing Federation Of India Limited13/14, Jawahar Marg, 3rd Floor, I. D. A Building, Indore - 452 007, IndiaIndoreMaharastra0731-2474371   
Sai Traders & Exports23/7, Jaybhavani Mhada, Mulund East, Mumbai - 400 081, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-25639052
Fena (P) Limited A-237, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase 1, New Delhi - 110 020, IndiaDelhiDelhi011-26811989
Shreeji Protein New Kumbharwada Opposite Muni Hospital, Mahuva - 364290, IndiaBhavnagarGujrat02844-223933
Natural Supplies Behind New Sectt. Road, Sutrashahi, Srinagar - 190 009, IndiaSrinagarJammu & Kashmir0194-2470573
Golden Nuts 206/685, Ist Floor Fort Main Road, Shevapet, Salem - 636002, IndiaSalemTamilNadu0427-6534284
Ananda Foods No. 5/3, Ayyasamy Street, Kamatchiamman Pet Velore, Gudiyattam - 632602, IndiaVelloreTamilNadu04171-329370
Paramount Enterprises 6, Lohar Chawl, 1st Floor, 10-11 Lal Singh Building, Mumbai - 400 002, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-66377860   
O.M.S.Tamarind Merchants (P) Ltd. YMIA Building (Basement), 57/2, Royapettah High Road, Mylapore, Chennai - 600 004, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra044-39128868
Sam Enterprises Private Limited 275 (133), Linghi Chetty Street, Chennai - 600 001, IndiaChennaiTamilNadu044-23820444  
The Chocolate Boutique 9 DDA Market, No. 4, Opposite Kali Mandir, Chittranjan Park, New Delhi - 110 019, IndiaDelhiDelhi9810432830
Ichiban Services  Range Hills Road, Pune - 411 020, IndiaPuneMaharastra020-25513105  
Sky Bird Overseas, Surat  402, Opera House Near Mini Bazar, Surat - 395 006, IndiaSuratGujrat0261-6540473
Sona Raaz Export  64, N.N Road, Kolkata - 700 011, IndiaKolkataWest Bengal033-22827990
Gthule Kal Sons Temple Street, Siddapur - 581355, IndiaGulbargaKarnataka08389-230124
 Mehi Corporation Mahadev, Totla Nagar, Ring Road, Indore - 452 016, IndiaIndoreMaharastra 0731-4035767
S. R. Intertrade Private Limited B/202/203, Groma House, Sector 19, Vashi Navi Mumbai, Mumbai - 400 703, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-27895937
A. S. I., Inc.  465, A. S. I. Complex, Trissur - 680012, IndiaTrissurKerala087-3222454
Ananda Foods No. 5/3, Ayyasamy Street, Kamatchiamman Pet Velore, Gudiyattam - 632602, IndiaVelloreTamilNadu04171-329370
Shivam Enterprises, Agra Shop No. 14, Ram Sahay Market, Tiwari Gali, Rawat Tara, Agra - 282 003, IndiaAgraUttarPradesh0562-2460099 
Boom Buying Private Limited, DelhiE-986, C. R. Park, New Delhi - 110 019, IndiaDelhiDelhi 011-40560612
Raghuvanshi Exports 2 A, Govt. Industrial Estate, Charkop, Kandivili (W), Mumbai - 400 067, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-28687330 
Herbarium Aarshalayam, Thazhathala,, Kollam - 691571, IndiaKollamKerala9387224622
Essen Exports, Bangalore No.52/2, Shop No.11, Hanuman Complex Lorry Godwn Street, Apmc Yard, Yeshwanthpur, Bangalore - 560 022, IndiaBangaloreKarnataka080-41532139
 Essen Exports, Bangalore No.52/2, Shop No.11, Hanuman Complex Lorry Godwn Street, Apmc Yard, Yeshwanthpur, Bangalore - 560 022, IndiaBangaloreKarnataka080-41532139
Pas Kosmosis Agro Private Limited 45- A/8, SEVA., Somnathnagar Wadgaonsheri, Pune. - 411 014, IndiaPuneMaharastra020-27034730  
Mekatronics Products Private Limited 104, M. G. House, Commercial Complex Wazirpur Industrial Area, New Delhi - 110 052, IndiaDelhiDelhi011-27372131
Sri Shiva Shakthi Agro Forms Guddampalli, Thadimarri Street, Anantapur - 512012, IndiaAnantpurJammu & Kashmir08559-260066
Anil Grover and Company 181/183, Samuel Street Masjid Bunder (West), Mumbai - 400 009, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-2765110
Pratipa Cashews80- A/40, Lakshmipathy Nagar, Vadakailasam, Panruti - 607106, IndiaVelloreTamilNadu04142-242266
 Kanegrade Flavours & Ingredients Pvt. Ltd. Plot No. 800, Phase V, Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon - 122 016, IndiaGurgaonUttarPradesh0124-4001436
Golden Nuts  206/685, Ist Floor Fort Main Road, Shevapet, Salem - 636 002, IndiaSalemTamilNadu0427-6534284
T. R. Consultants 7-8-17/1, Harbour Park Road R. K. Beach, Visakhapatnam - 533 003, IndiaVishakapatnamOrissa 0891-6456353
Falcon Art Group Post Box 1126 G. P. O, Srinagar - 190 011, IndiaSrinagarJammu & Kashmir0194-2428388
Kalamboli Steels Limited No 222/3a, Vijaynagar 2nd Stage, Mysore - 570 017, IndiaMysoreKarnataka0821-4282005 
 Universsal Trading Co. 102, Emrald Appartment,Ramprastha Greens, Sector 7, Vaishali, Ghaziabad - 201 101, IndiaGhaziabadGujrat0120-2885350
Gajanan Distributors And Developers M- 205, Vijay Stambh, Press Complex, Zone-1 2nd Floor, M. P. Nagar, Bhopal - 462 011, IndiaBhopalMadhyaPradesh9329678892
Venusinter National No:15, Kandan Nagar Tiruvanikovial, Tiruchchirappalli - 620005, IndiaTiruchchirappalliTamilNadu0431-2231482
 Jubilee Export Overseas  102, Arth Complex, Near Mithkhali Six Roads Navrangpura, Ahmedabad - 388 009, India  AhmedabadGujrat9825551996
M. T. Sus & Company 3642, Shanivar Peth, M. G. Road, Sangli, Miraj - 416410, IndiaSangliMaharastra0233-6522454
Global Exim Corpn. 18/16, Rangappa Street, Ist Floor, Aynavaram, Chennai - 600 023, IndiaChennaiTamilNadu044-26452029
 Balaji Exports & Imports, Mumbai House No. 8, Ahilya Nagar, Shradanand Road Vile Parle (East), Mumbai - 400 057, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra9322814935
 S. S. Herbals 485/2, Katra Ishwar Bhawan, Khari Baoli, New Delhi - 110 006, IndiaDelhiDelhi011-23910274
Goa Traders Ferrao Building, Near Chicalim Telephone Exchange,, Vasco Da Gama - 403 711, IndiaVasco Da GamaGoa0832-2501627
Aura International, Ahmedabad  C/202, Suryodaya -2, Opposite Pavapuri Bus Stand, Ahmedabad - 380 061, IndiaAhmedabadGujrat079-65414337 
L. B. Exports D-1, Kalpanamati Hsg Soc Near Aundh Swimming Pool, Aundh, Pune - 411 007, IndiaPuneMaharastra9881122723
Konkan Krishi Fakir Mohammed House, Room No. 12 Francis wadi, Jogeshwari East, Mumbai - 400 060, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-28245006
 Konkan Krishi Fakir Mohammed House, Room No. 12 Francis wadi, Jogeshwari East, Mumbai - 400 060, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-28245006
 L. B. Exports D-1, Kalpanamati Hsg Soc Near Aundh Swimming Pool, Aundh, Pune - 411 007, IndiaPuneMaharastra9881122723
 Bright World Resources A-1/t-3 Shivalaya Apartment Vejalpur, Ahmedabad - 380 051, IndiaAhmedabadGujrat079-26820726
 Blossom International 201, C Wing, Jinal Building, Near Gokul Gardens P, Q, R, Thakur Complex, Kandivali East, Mumbai - 400 101, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-66996359
India Food Exports House No. 165, Ward No. XIII, Palms Dale, Mundakkal West, Kollam - 691001, IndiaKollamKerala 0474-2742854
Athiam Anventure  84,6th, Cross, Mahaveer Nagar Lawspet - P. O, Pondicherry - 605 008, IndiaPondicherryPondicherry0413-2225110
Gayatri Enterprises, Kolhapur  2791 1/2, Varuntirth Ves, Shivaji Peth, Kolhapur - 416 012, IndiaKolhapurMaharastra0231-2621790
Gayatri Enterprises, Kolhapur 2791 1/2, Varuntirth Ves, Shivaji Peth, Kolhapur - 416 012, IndiaKolhapurMaharastra0231-2621790
Nanak Chand Aggarwal & Bros. 2103, Katra Tobacoo, Khari Baoli, New Delhi - 110 006, IndiaDelhiDelhi9891020467
Nanak Chand Aggarwal & Bros. 2103, Katra Tobacoo, Khari Baoli, New Delhi - 110 006, IndiaDelhiDelhi9891020467
S. S. Herbals  485/2, Katra Ishwar Bhawan, Khari Baoli, New Delhi - 110 006, IndiaDelhiDelhi011-23942793   
 Mother Consumables Foods (India) Private Limited 26/268, Kissan Compaund, Sultanganj, Agra - 282 004, IndiaAgraUttarPradesh 0562-6451230
P. M. International, Mumbai Plot No. 48, Room No. 12, Sheth Sadan, 1st Floor, Sion Main Road, Near Sion Circle, Mumbai - 400 022, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-56627460
Alexander Export House Umar Colony (B) Near New I.T.I Complex, Khoja Bagh, Baramulla - 193103, IndiaBaramullaJammu & Kashmir01952-235288
Vrt Enterprises 10, Friends Colony, S. T. Bed, Vivek Nagar Post, Bangalore - 560 047, IndiaBangaloreKarnataka080-41677335 
J. D. Corporation305, Mahinder Chambers, 619 / 28, W.T. Patil Marg, Chembur, Mumbai - 400 071, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-25219949 
Shree Exports and Imports 950 , Budhwar peth, Himmat so, no 118. pune-2, Pune - 411002, IndiaPuneMaharastra020-24475131 
Ishita ExportsA/403, Classique, Neelkanth Palms Near Tatvagyan Vidyapeeth ,Kapurbawdi, Thane - 400 607, IndiaThaneMaharastra9870510715
Bhagwati Overseas 4/14, Vivekanand Society, T. H. Kataria Marg, Mahim, Mumbai - 400 016, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-30953144
 Ishita Exports A/403, Classique, Neelkanth Palms Near Tatvagyan Vidyapeeth ,Kapurbawdi, Thane - 400 607, IndiaThaneMaharastra9870510715
Shree Bhagirathi Industries C 100, Shivalik, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi - 110 017, IndiaDelhiDelhi011-26683641
Deals into kaju.J-2, Apmc-i, Phase-ll, Vashi, Navi maharashtra., Navi Mumbai - 400 703, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-27664371 
Parekh Commercials Office No. 6, Basement, Gayatri Tower Opposite Post Office, Lakadganj,, Nagpur - 440 008, IndiaNagpurMaharastra9823088010
Royal Kashmiri Walnuts 93, Post Office Lane, Rajbagh, Srinagar - 190 008, IndiaSrinagarJammu & Kashmir0194-2458690
T. K. V. Marketing I Private Limited  515, Bezulla Complex, Sion Tromphy Road, Mumbai - 400 071, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-67554518   
Natraj Industries  Ganeshpura Road, Siddhapur - 384151, IndiaMahesanaGujarat 02767-223399
Continental Warehousing Corporation Ltd. A 6, Samrajya Complex, Mahavir Society, Jam Nagar, Jamnagar - 361 008, IndiaJamnagarGujrat0288-3210233  
Eastern Agro Foods 225, Nataraj Nagar, Judge Road, Salem - 636008, IndiaSalemTamilNadu0427-2400748
Kashmir Arts and Crafts Khayaban, Humhama, New Airport Road, Srinagar - 190 014, IndiaSrinagarJammu & Kashmir 0194-2436798
Nuts & Kernel Exporters  482/2, Katra Ishwar Bhawan, Khari Baoli, New Delhi - 110 006, IndiaDelhiDelhi011-23954531
MAC Impex, Thane R-22, A.P.M.C Market Complex, Matket II, Phase II, Turbhe, V ashi, Thane - 400 705, IndiaThaneMaharastra022-27800001
Miltop Exports 672, G. I. D. C., 2, Dared, Jamnagar - 361 004, IndiaJamnagarGujrat0288-2730228 
Yugo Intraco Private Limited Eucharistic Congress, Building No. II, 5th Floor 5, Convent Street, Colaba, Mumbai - 400 039, IndiaMumbaiMaharastra022-22020031
 Canopus Trade Links Private Limited  # 562, 2nd Block, 2nd Cross, R. T. Nagar, Bangalore - 560 032, IndiaBangaloreKarnataka080-41532226 
Om Cashews No. 51/1, Kalmeshwer Street, Belgundi, Belgaum - 591 108, IndiaBelgaumKarnataka0831-2555371 
D. K. Associates, NagpurBlock No.12, 3rd Floor, B-Wing, N.M.C. Complex, Sadar, Nagpur - 440 001, IndiaNagpurMaharastra0712-2596781
Vega Exports Private LimitedNo 73/11a Gem Flats Collector Nagar. Mogappair, Chennai - 600 101, IndiaChennaiTamilNadu044-45548002
 Sujaatha Exim  234, Thambu Chetty Streer, Chennai - 600 001, IndiaChennaiTamilNadu044-25270088
Mantri Group 10, Tanga Stand, Square Dharampeth, Nagpur - 440 002, IndiaNagpurMaharastra0712-2760192
 India E Rading 67, Old Ashoka Garden, Bhopal - 462 023, IndiaBhopalMadhyaPradesh0755-2628270  
India E Rading 67, Old Ashoka Garden, Bhopal - 462 023, IndiaBhopalMadhyaPradesh 0755-2628270

Post updated on:  Jun 1, 2021 11:42:50 AM

India is well known for its production of chemical substances. The alkali plants in India provide world-class chemical products and these finest quality products are exported in millions of tones to many foreign nations. The finished products are mostly Caustic soda, Caustic potash, Methyl chloride, Chloroform, Hydrogen gas, hydrochloric acid, sodium cyanide, and so on. One of the main alkali plants in India is the Gujarat Alkalies and Chemicals Ltd. with a production of 116,500 MTPA.

The vision of this company is to identify itself as a dynamic, modern, and eco-friendly chemical company with enduring ethics and values. Its R & D center is well equipped and has done so much researches and helped the company in receiving so many awards. Another alkali plant is the Rayalseema Alkalies and Allied Chemicals Ltd. of Andhra Pradesh with a production of 92,600 MTPA. This company is the flagship company of the TGV group. It names itself as the leading manufacturer of Chlor Alkali products and also manufactures Castor derivatives and Fatty acids. Some of the other alkali plants in India include the Travancore-Cochin Chemicals Ltd., Grashim Industries Ltd., Jayshree Chemicals Ltd., and the Seil Chemical Complex in Punjab.

S.No.StatePlantsLocationProduction (MTPA)
1Andhra PradeshRayalseema Alkalies & Allied Chemicals LtdKurnool  92600
2GujaratGujrat Alkalies & Chemicals LtdBharuch 116500
Gujrat Alkalies & Chemicals LtdVadodara 153500
Shriram Alkali & ChemicalsBharuch62500
Indian Rayon & Industries LtdJunagarh37950
3KeralaThe Travancore- Cochin Chemicals LtdKochi52250
4Madhya PradeshGrashim Industries  LtdNagda 108000
5OrissaJayshree Chemicals LtdGanjam225000
6Pondicherry Chemfab Alkalis LtdKalapet38700
7PunjabPunjab Alkalies & Chemicals LtdRopar 99000
Siel Chemical ComplexPatiala82500
8RajasthanShriram Vinyl & Chemical IndustriesKota 39550
9Tamil NaduDCW LtdTuticorin60000
10Uttar PradeshKanoria Chemicals & Industries LtdSonebhadra52000
11West BengalDurgapur Chemicals LtdBurdwan10050

Post updated on:  Jun 1, 2021 11:36:23 AM

                                                                                                                          Medicinal   Spices

A spice is a dried seed, fruit, root, bark or flower of a plant or a herb used in small quantities for flavor, color or as a preservative. Many of these spices are also used in traditional medicines with different climates in different parts of the country. India produces a variety of spices, many of which are native to the subcontinent. Pepper, turmeric, cardamom and cumin are some examples of Indian spices. Spices are used in different forms whole, chopped, ground, roasted, sauteed, fried and as a topping. Spices are the foundation for Indian cooking. They can transform any dish into a tasty meal and give life to even the simplest ingredients.

1.    Turmeric (Haldi)- Turmeric is the spice that gives curry its yellow color. It contains several compounds with medicinal properties the most important of which is curcumin. Studies suggest that it can improve brain function, fight Alzheimers disease, reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer and relieve arthritis.

2.Basil(tulsi)-Basil is used in tea ,pastas and curries.There are many varieties  of basil.It is most commonly used fresh in vegetables. It is one of the main ingredients in pesto-a green Italian oil and herb sauce.Chinese also use fresh or dried basil in soups and other foods.
In folk medicine practices ,basil is thought to have therapeutic properties. 
Basil is considered a sacred herb in India. Basil is also linked to reduce blood sugar levels before and after meals, as well as treating anxiety and anxiety-related depression.

3.    Fenugreek (Methi)- This fragrant dried herb has a slightly bitter taste. Many human studies have shown that at least one gram of fenugreek extract per day can lower blood sugar levels, particularly in diabetes.

4.    Carom seeds (Ajwain)- Ajwain promotes digestion, cures stomach ache and helps relieve tooth pain.

5.    Black pepper (Kaali Mirch)- Black pepper, also known as the king of spices, promotes weight loss, helps relieve cold and cough, boosts metabolism. A glass of Haldi milk becomes more therapeutic with a pinch of black pepper. 

6.    Clove (Laung)- Cloves are antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiseptic. It is used as an antiseptic and pain reliever especially for toothaches and stomach pain.

7.    Cardamom Elaichi)- A rich source of vitamin A(retinol) and vitamin C (Ascorbic acid), calcium, zinc and iron. This spice promotes heart health, helps in digestion, helps fight depression.

8.    Fennel (Saunf)- Its powerful antioxidants help in removing harmful free radicals from the body and promotes a healthy being , it helps fight aging and other neurological diseases.

9. Asafoetida(heeng)-  Asafoetida is one of the chief ingredients used in tadka or tempering to flavor the Indian dishes.Asafoetida has proven to restrict the growth of harmful viruses in the body.

Post updated on:  Jun 1, 2021 8:39:26 AM

Mumbai. We cannot change someone's fate, but by giving good inspiration, we can guide someone. God says to be a charioteer if you get a chance in life, not selfish. To be loved and respected in this world. If difficult times come, then you also have to go through that. Regardless of the difficulties, if you keep your mind in the way, then you have to show them flying. Hemma Guptaa, Founder of Women in Finance, has achieved a position in the world of finance with passion for the last 13 years.

Hemma Guptaa, Founder of Women in Finance, says there is no doubt about the fact that India has a long way to go on the gender equality charts, especially when it comes to women in the workforce. We not only rank lowest in the female workforce participation rates among developing countries but the rate has come down from 30 percent in 1990 to about 20.7 percent in 2019. These numbers sadden me; they leave in me so many emotions. And I want to translate this energy into positive outcomes.

Like the majority of Indian women, I too grew up in a patriarchal surrounding. When I was in 10th standard, I asked a math question to my teacher which was related to stock markets. One of my friends asked me to leave this question because this is a men's subject. This statement hit me a lot and when my teacher asked me, in the career counseling sessions, what I want to be, I said ?Stock Trader?. She then asked why do I want to choose this field and I said because I want to change this statement that this is for men.

After a lot of struggle, I am with my passion for the last 13 years and it has now become my dream to deliver this message to everyone that this field is meant equally for women too.

I surveyed some women in Finance to analyze the interest, knowledge, and need for a career in finance among these women. The results proved that these women are naturally skilled in finance. They had a very creative and practical understanding of savings, negotiation skills, and managing expenses but they were unaware of investments, economy, banking system, and how to make a career in finance. We realized that with a little mentorship and some hands-on experience, these Women in Finance can achieve great success in the world of finance and would contribute a lot to making India a developed nation.

After the survey, we knew our mission was to educate them in areas where they are weak, help them build on their strengths, and help them create a livelihood for themselves in finance. We conducted seminars to create awareness and educate these women about loans, banking, and finance, economy, investments, wealth creation, inflation, government schemes, and policies, etc. We have also designed training programs and industry visits to help gain advance and practical knowledge.

I honestly believe that if we put consistent and aggressive efforts towards bringing women into finance, the day is not so far away when women would stand tall with men in the world of finance. 

Hemma Guptaa

Founder, Women in Finance

Rakesh  posted in Others

Post updated on:  May 31, 2021 2:59:00 PM

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