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Post updated on: Oct 20, 2021 5:45:20 AM

Rice- Rice is one of the most notable and unassuming food from one side of the planet to the next. Moreover, rice is an invaluable source to help you with gaining weight, by eating up which you can get accomplishment in extending your weight soon. Just 1 cup of cooked rice gives you 190 calories. Rice contains a couple of key supplements, similar to thiamin and niacin. Rice can be added to other protein sources and pre-made dinners. Usage of rice is an exceptional decision to gain weight in a short period of time. Egg- Eggs are associated with the overview of best eating regimens to gain weight in a short period of time. Eggs are one of the most amazing muscle-building food sources as they are rich in protein, fat, and calories. In addition, eggs give a phenomenal blend of strong fats. Essentially all of the important enhancements in it are found in the yolk. An egg contains around 75 calories, 5 grams of fat, and around 6 grams of protein. avocado- Avocado is a natural item that is considered as a genuine piece of the picked results of the world. It is a pear-shaped tropical regular item, which helps increase with weighting quickly. It is generally called 'margarine natural item. Unsaturated fats and calories are found in high aggregates. It contains supplements like magnesium, potassium, riboflavin, calcium, iron, phosphorous, supplement C, copper, thiamine, and zinc, which are fitting for prosperity in various ways. One avocado contains around 320 calories and 29 grams of fat. It isn't only valuable in gaining weight, but it similarly gets against coronary sickness. You can consume it unrefined or as salad. potato- Eating up potatoes is a remarkable decision to gain weight in a short period of time. Carbs are found in abundance in potatoes, which helps increase weight. Likewise, various enhancements like supplement C, protein, and fiber are found in potatoes. Close by weight, potatoes also foster your muscle glycogen stores. In case you are endeavoring to gain weight, recall potatoes for your eating schedule. Gaining weight doesn't mean strength anyway developing a solid body. You can consume potatoes with many kinds of dishes. Soybean- Soybean is the fundamental wellspring of weight gain. Soybean is humble, strong, and stacked with sustenance, which is moreover helpful in growing weight. One 100 grams of soybean contains 400 calories and 36 grams of protein. Accepting you need to gain weight in a short period of time, then, you can recall soybean for your overview of nutritious food sources. Soybean can be consumed both as vegetable and salad. Close by extending weight, it moreover shows obliging in various ways of prosperity. Dried verdant food sources seeds You can recall beans and developed seeds for the summary of your eating routine to gain weight. This eating routine is overflowing with calories, which is in like manner valuable in growing weight. Beans are also well off in carbs, fiber, and protein. Dried natural items are also a fair wellspring of fiber. You can have developed beans for breakfast, lunch and night, and consume them as goodies. You can expect incredible results by consuming dry food sources developed starting from the earliest stage for weight gain. banana- The best method of growing weight is to recall bananas for your typical eating routine. A banana contains around 90-95 calories, which is valuable in gaining weight. Bananas are ample in supplement B6, so they help in dealing with the blood dispersal in our body. This forms the improvement of sound platelets in our bodies. Bananas are similarly affluent in fiber and potassium, which help in staying aware of electrolyte balance in the body. It is in like manner the fundamental wellspring of energy, which gives a ton of ability to the body. You can similarly eat up banana as its shake. faint chocolate- Dull chocolate is likely the best decision for weight gain. Dull chocolate contains in excess of 500 calories in a 100 g bar and is stacked with cell fortifications and mixtures that work at the forefront of your thoughts set. In the event that you are endeavoring to gain weight, you can recall faint chocolate for your customary eating routine summary. With its standard usage, you can further develop results. Milk- Milk is one of the most invaluable wellsprings of quick energy. Standard use of milk furthermore helps in gaining weight. A glass of whole milk contains around 150 calories, similarly as 8 grams of protein. If you are lactose narrow-minded, soy or almond milk can be a fantastic decision for gaining weight. Calcium is moreover found in milk which helps in making bones strong. You can recollect milk for your eating routine once-over to gain weight. Peanut Butter - Peanut butter is the fundamental wellspring of fat and protein, which is in like manner valuable in gaining weight. One teaspoon contains 90 calories, 4 grams of protein, and 3 grams of starches, through which weight can be extended faster than anticipated. Various enhancements like magnesium, supplement B, supplement E, and folic destructive are found in tremendous totals in peanut butter, important for prosperity.
Post updated on: Oct 20, 2021 5:44:57 AM

Post updated on: Oct 20, 2021 5:44:39 AM

Post updated on: Oct 20, 2021 5:43:57 AM

Post updated on: Oct 20, 2021 5:42:50 AM

Post updated on: Oct 20, 2021 5:42:02 AM

Post updated on: Oct 20, 2021 5:39:06 AM

Post updated on: Oct 20, 2021 5:38:17 AM

Post updated on: Oct 20, 2021 5:37:19 AM

Post updated on: Oct 20, 2021 5:36:55 AM

Post updated on: Oct 20, 2021 5:36:39 AM

Post updated on: Oct 20, 2021 5:32:13 AM

Post updated on: Oct 20, 2021 5:31:59 AM

Post updated on: Oct 20, 2021 5:31:09 AM
चटपटी छोले आलू टिक्की चाट का सोच कर ही मुह में पानी आ जाता है। अगर हम छोले आलू टिक्की चाट घर पर ही बना ले तो कितना मज़ा आए। आप इसे आसानी से घर पर बना कर सबको हैरान कर सकती है। छोले आलू टिक्की चाट बनाना बहुत सरल है। तो इंतेजार किस बात का, बस इस विधि को देख कर घर में खाइए चटपटी छोले आलू टिक्की चाट
डेढ़ लीटर पानी।
कुक्कर को गैस पर तेज आँच पर रखे।
अब उसमें छोले, डेढ़ लीटर पानी
Hot Tip:- इस विधि से आपको छोले में सोडा की ज़रूरत नही पड़ती।
एक कड़ाही लीजिए और तेज आँच पर गैस पर रखे, तेल डालिए।
गरम होने पर हींग डालिए, गरम मसाला और जीरा डाले फिर प्याज़ डाले।
गैस धीमी आँच पर करे।
प्याज़ को लाल लाल भूनने दे, थोड़ी थोड़ी देर में चलाते रहे।
अब भूनी प्याज़ में लाल मिर्च पाउडर, धनिया पाउडर, हल्दी पाउडर, कटा हुआ टमाटर डाले
कुक्कर खोलो और देखिए छोले अगर मुलायम नही हुए है तो आप 2-3 सिंटी और दे दे।
Boiled Chola उबले छोले
Boiled Chola उबले छोले
Chola Masala छोला मसाला
Chola Masala छोला मसाला
गैस बंद करे और स्टीम में रहने दे।
ढक्कन खोले और छोले की खुश्बू का एहसास करे।
Chola छोलाChola छोला

आलू प्लेट में ले, उसे छीलें और हाथ से मींज ले/ कद्दूकस भी इस्तेमाल कर सकते है।
अब इसमें 1/4 छोटी चम्मच लाल मिर्च पाउडर, 1/4 छोटी चम्मच धनिया पाउडर
Hot Tip:- कोर्नफ्लौर का इस्तेमाल इसलिए करते है जिससे आलू छितरे न और टिक्की आराम से बन जाए।
अच्छे से मिलाए।
छोटी गोल गोल लोई बना ले।
अब एक तवा ले।
तेज़ आँच पर रखे।
अब चपटे करछुल से उसमें देसी घी डाले और तवे पर फैला दे।
उस पर आलू की लोईया रख दे।
Aloo Tikki on Tawa तवे पर टिक्की
Aloo Tikki on Tawa तवे पर टिक्की
तवे वाली तरफ की लोई हल्की गुलाबी दिखेगी।
उन्हे पलटीए।
Tikki from different aspect aspect aspect aspect

आलू टिक्की Aloo Tikki
छोले टिक्की पर दही डालकर
बारीक़ कटे हुए प्याज व् हरा धनिया डालें।
गरम परोसे।
आपकी स्वादिष्ट आलू टिक्की छोले तैयार है।

Aloo Tikki Chola छोले आलू टिक्की
Cook Time20M
Total Time30M
Post updated on: Oct 20, 2021 5:30:19 AM

Post updated on: Oct 20, 2021 5:28:20 AM
Post updated on: Oct 20, 2021 5:26:41 AM
Post updated on: Oct 20, 2021 5:25:27 AM
Surprising Ways to Greet in India
1. Stand up, press your palms together, and say Namaste!
2. Are you meeting a Hindu who speaks Hindi ? Say, Ram Ram Ji!
3. When you are in Gujarat and greeting a Hindu ? Say, Jai Shri Krishna!
4. Say Radhe Radhe ? When traveling to Braj Bhoomi
5. When you are in Punjab, say, Sat Sri Akaal
6. Khamma Ghani ? Rajasthan
Post updated on: Oct 20, 2021 5:23:50 AM

Post updated on: Oct 20, 2021 5:22:52 AM
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