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Deepanjali  posted in Yoga

Ganesh  posted in Science

Anuska  posted in Poetry

The linen room is the center stage for the supporting role that the Housekeeping Department plays in the hotel. Most linen rooms are centralized and act as a storage point and distribution center for clean linen. Although the term ?linen? originally referred to those fabrics made from the fiber derived from the stem of the flax plant, linen in this context means all launder able articles and often includes pillows, mattresses, shower curtains, fabric lampshades and upholstery theater also handled by the linen room.
1. Collection of soiled linen
2. Sorting and counting of soiled linen
3. Packing and dispatching of soiled linen to laundry
4. Receiving of fresh linen
5. Counting and storing of fresh linen
6. Distribution of fresh linen
7. Maintaining stock of linen
8. Managing discard linen


While planning for linen room, following points considered on prior basis
A) Architectural features (location): which may further classify linen room as
1. Centralized- in this type of linen room all the linen is collected and issued from one room only
2.  Decentralized- in this type of linen room, each floor maintains its par stock separately in the floor pantry and when replenishment is required then it can replenish from the main linen room.
B) Activity areas: it can cover the following criteria
1.  Adjacent to the laundry if on-premises, usually with an interconnecting window between the rooms.
2.  Near the service entrance if the laundry is off-premises.
3.  Near the service elevator for easy transportation to various units.
4.  Away from the food production area to avoid a fire hazard as well as prevent linen from absorbing food odors, smoke, soot and dampness

C) Space: Total space allocated for linen room will depend on the size of the hotel and activities to
be carried out in the linen room. The minimum space requirement for a linen room is 6 sq. ft.
Separate space is required for linen storage area and linen exchange counter.
D) Entrance: A common entrance cum exit point is ideal for security reason.
E) Floors and walls: The floors must be sturdy enough to bear the load of heavy trolleys moving
across it. Tiles should be avoided as they tend to chip. Walls should be of materials that can be easily cleaned frequently.
F) Lighting and ventilation: Though most of the linen room is meant for storage, although ventilation is very much important to prevent the growth mildew, even though the natural light may be less. The air must be free of humidity and maintained at a temperature of 200 C
G) Storage: Linen storage shelves should be designed for maximum utilization of space. The shelves are also need to be sturdy and firmly fix as the weight they bear may be considerable. There should be 6 inches space between floor and lower-most shelf. Separate space should be allocated for discard linen.
H) Linen exchange counter: this is usually a window without any grilles to pass bundles of linen through. The area bellow this counter may be used to park trolleys to collect the soiled linen.
I) Hygiene and Safety aspects:
1. Space for Cleaning procedures
2. Space for correct lifting techniques for heavy linen.

Post updated on:  Sep 8, 2021 10:19:16 PM

How Covid 19 can stimulate healthier Hospitality Leadership

Due to this pandemic, hotel industry faced de-motivation as the major problem amongst their workforce. Mentoring has appeared as one of the finest instruments for the hoteliers, which will help them to instrument the succession planning and retention management post Covid-19 era.
Facing such toughest situation,the hotel industry now needs fresh start to overcome these challenges. Management cannot simply fall back on "we've always done it this way". In the post-COVID-19 marketplace, only different approaches and attitudes will succeed. And the most important is to change mind of employees and to work differently.
Mentoring is one of the way which  can stimulate healthier Hospitality Leadership. As per the Greek mythology, concept of mentoring was first discussed in Homer's classic tale ?The Odyssey?. According to this, Odysseus a globe-trotter, planned an attack against Troy, so he selected one of his reliable friends as a mentor to his son Telemachus. Although in Indian history mentoring existed with classical examples. And one of the relative examples is of Chanakya, he mentored Chandragupta Maurya to intensify his powers. Also, Gurukul based education system act as one of the durable models of mentorship.
?The best investment for being the best hotel is having the best staff?-Steven Belmonte, CEO, Vimana Franchise Systems LLC.

Also, during 1970 & 1980s?, mentoring established his presence in corporates as well as in academic sector.

Hospitality industry is the industry of the people, by the people and for the people. Hotel industry is special. A front desk associate?s attention towards the guest is personalized. The greeting & gesture that the engineering man gives to the guest, walking down to the floor is personalized. The housekeeper?s desire to create luxurious environment in all the rooms with exceptionality is personal. Dedication towards the hotel guest can only be achieved by any organization, when the organization maintains their commitment towards their employees. For any of the organization motivated personnel are the key to success and for the hospitality & tourism industry, happy staff is the only key which helps the organization to bring repeat and happy guests. The hospitality industry requires professionals to ensure the growth of the organization and satisfaction to the guests post this lockdown.

In 1984, Rutherford explained mentoring as an important ingredient in re-achieving the targets of the organization. In comparison to the other service business, employees in the hotel industry evolves the requirements of mentoring program as a basic necessity of Human Resource strategy, which will help the employees on long term career progression and intellectual stability. Kim (2014) explained that workers working in hotels getting advantage of mentoring programs, which advantage the hotel by decreasing the staff turnover.

In 2015, Kim et. al. in one of their surveys on 13 hotels in Seoul, recognize the effect of mentorship on turnover, job behavior and role strain in hospitality industry. In their research they have identified that mentorship helps in reducing employee?s pressure at work. They also noted that the mentoring is a helpful tool in career development, problem solving, job performance, job satisfaction and work commitment. Also, Peltier (2016) specified mentoring program as one of the most effective hospitality programs for human resource strategies.

In one of their presentation about Mentorship Program followed in their organizations, Hyatt hotels claimed that, the mentorship program helped them in drop down the millennial turnover rate by 7% i.e. from 20% down to 13% (Average turnover rate in Hyatt Hotels Corporation-a hospitality company), which will considerably impact on saving time and money of the organization. Also, they acclaimed that mentoring program helps to enhance the positive attitude towards the organizational objectives and goals. It also helps to construct the imp roved relationship, honesty and motivation among the employees.

Post updated on:  Sep 8, 2021 10:18:58 PM

Creamy & buttery Dal Makhani is one of India's most special and popular dal!!
Most Easy and Tasty Recipe!!
Makhani means "buttery", so for this recipe whole black lentils is cooked  butter and cream.
You will get the best flavors of this dal, if you let it simmer for hours on low heat.

1. Urad Dal 1 cup  (black dal)
2. Rajma 1/2 cup (kidney beans)
3. 3- 4 cups water
4. Butter 2-3 tablespoons 
5. Ginger garlic paste 1 tablespoon
6. Kashmiri chilli powder 2 tablespoons 
7. Kasuri methi 1 teaspoon 
8. Tomato puree (4 tomatoes) 
9. Salt to taste
10. A pinch of garam masala 
11. Fresh Cream 1/4 cup or malai

Wash and rinse urad dal (whole black lentil) and rajma (kidney beans) in a large bowl. Soak in 3 cups water overnight. drain the water in which the dal and rajma was soaked. Transfer the dal and rajma to a pressure cooker with 1 teaspoon salt.
Add water. Pressure cook. The dal and rajma should be completely cooked and you should be able to mash them with your fingers. Keep the cooked beans aside. 

In a blender or mixer jar, take 4 medium tomatoes and blend.
No need to blanch the tomatoes. Keep aside.

In a pan, now heat 3 tablespoons butter. You can use salted butter or unsalted butter.

Add 1 tablespoons ginger-garlic paste. Stir and saut till the raw aroma of ginger-garlic goes away.

Add Kashmiri chilli powder and kasuri methi and stir for a minute.

Then add the prepared tomato puree and combine very well and saut this mixture on a low to medium heat, till you see fat releasing from the sides. This takes about 3 to 4 minutes on a medium heat.

Then add the cooked urad dal and rajma beans.
With very little stock (do not add to much water)

Combine really well and cook on a low flame 
Keep on stirring often, so that the lentils don?t stick to the bottom of the pan.

Once the dal makhani has begun to thicken, add fresh cream and garam masala powder. Check the salt.

The longer you keep dal makhni to simmer, the better it tastes. The lentils become creamy and the consistency of the dal will keep on thickening as you simmer.

I would seriously urge you to go on ahead with the charcoal smoking step and you will love the smoky dhaba style dal makhani.

It is an ultimate kali dal recipe from Punjabi cuisine 🥰🥰
If you try this recipe do let us know, we love to hear from you.

Rhea  posted in Cooking

Post updated on:  Sep 8, 2021 10:15:53 PM

योग का महत्व :
योग एक अत्यंत समृद्ध और अत्यधिक जटिल आध्यात्मिक परंपरा है। इसका अर्थ है व्यक्तिगत आत्मा को सार्वभौमिक आत्मा से जोड़ना। योग का मूल उद्देश्य और कार्य शारीरिक और मानसिक शक्ति, रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता और एक मजबूत दिमाग विकसित करना है।

  योग आजकल अधिक लोकप्रिय हो गया है क्योंकि लोग इसके महत्व को महसूस कर रहे हैं और आधुनिक तनाव के इलाज की कुंजी योग में है। योग सांस लेने के व्यायाम और मुद्रा के संयोजन के साथ व्यायाम का सस्ता, मुक्त रूप है। योग व्यवस्थित, वैज्ञानिक है और शारीरिक और मानसिक स्वास्थ्य दोनों में सुधार करके परिणाम प्राप्त किया जा सकता है।

योग और आधुनिकीकरण:

 आधुनिक जीवन के परिणामस्वरूप हम एक व्यस्त और अव्यवस्थित जीवन शैली अपना रहे हैं। यह सभी अनियमित भोजन की आदतों, कमी या अनुचित नींद, लंबे समय तक काम करने के घंटे आदि को जोड़ती है। इसके कारण निश्चित रूप से नई पीढ़ी के बच्चे या वयस्क स्वास्थ्य, जीवन शक्ति, लचीलापन, ऊर्जा और रोगों के लिए समग्र प्रतिरोध खो रहे हैं।

स्वस्थ जीवन के लिए योग का महत्व: 
 जीवन का भरपूर आनंद लेने के लिए एक स्वस्थ शरीर आवश्यक है और योग के नियमित अभ्यास से बहुत अधिक स्वास्थ्य मिल सकता है। योग जोरदार व्यायाम के वे रूप नहीं हैं। बल्कि, यह व्यवस्थित और लयबद्ध आंदोलनों का एक रूप है जिसे एक के बाद एक करना पड़ता है। "आसन" में श्वास पैटर्न महत्वपूर्ण है। एक उचित योग अनुयायी को अधिकतम परिणामों के लिए व्यायाम, आराम और आहार के लिए दिनचर्या के एक सेट का पालन करना चाहिए। योग शांति प्राप्त करने के लिए किया जाता है और यह शांति से किया जाता है। योग में कोई चरम गति नहीं है। योग सभी उम्र के लोग और यहां तक ​​कि बीमार लोग भी कर सकते हैं। हालाँकि, बीमार लोगों को व्यायाम करने या टालने की योजना बनाने के लिए किसी विशेषज्ञ से सलाह लेनी चाहिए और तीव्रता भी।

 योग के दौरान व्यायाम और मंत्रों और ध्यान के संयोजन के लिए एक समग्र दृष्टिकोण हमारे विचारों और मानसिकता में कई बदलाव लाता है। यह हमें व्यसन से मुक्त करता है, हमारी स्मृति शक्ति को बढ़ाता है, हमारे दिमाग को ठंडा रखता है और कुल मिलाकर हमें अधिक ऊर्जावान, प्रभावी बनाता है और हम में आत्म-नियंत्रण का निर्माण करता है।

 योग वास्तव में जीने की कला है। यह ऋषि पतंजलि की एक प्राचीन कला है। यह कालातीत है क्योंकि यह आज की आवश्यकता के साथ प्रासंगिकता में बहुत अधिक है, हालांकि इसे सदियों पहले बनाया गया था।

 पश्चिम में भी योग को बहुत अधिक स्वीकार किया जाता है और बाबा रामदेव के माध्यम से यह तेजी से लोकप्रिय हो गया है। इसलिए कुल मिलाकर हम कह सकते हैं कि योग मनुष्य में देवत्व को अनलॉक करने की कुंजी है। शरीर को मंदिर माना जाता है और इसकी पूजा का तरीका योग है।

Deepanjali  posted in Yoga

Post updated on:  Sep 8, 2021 10:13:49 PM

Electric bicycles are a great way for people dealing with limited mobility around them. Many people use bicycles instead of a wheelchair. Walking bikes can be three or four times with incorrect tracking for short distances. Some of them are intended to enter the storage space if the bike owner needs to go out for a long time.

Walking or various electric bikes are arranged in such a way that they can travel without much stretching on the trucks. Since most users are ready to go short distances, getting back into the bike is not a problem as long as they have someone else walking to remove their bike from the trunk of the car.

Some electric bikes can be operated within 25 miles of the battery, but electric bicycles are designed for long-distance travel. Outstanding resources may need to be tailored to an individual's electric bike if additional trips are planned.

An electric battery and somehow faster than the speed of electric bicycles, makes bikes ideal for short trips inside and outside the city. If the landlord does not expect to travel a mile or two miles, electric bicycles can undoubtedly counteract this access. A rider who wishes to get his bike out of the way should check the nearest rules and regulations first. Electric bicycles must meet certain requirements in order to be on the road legally.

Not at all like gasoline-powered bicycles, which are a kind of bicycle, electric bicycles that move faster than the average speed. (The existing reason is not to provide rapid transportation, only to provide transportation for people who can walk more than 50 meters or something like that.)

A person who uses an electric bicycle to make a trip does not have to do a ton of preparation as long as the person keeps the battery of the bike charged. Long-distance travel requires a lot of thought ahead and a bicycle storage area where it can be used. If for some unknown reason the bicycle cannot go with its owner to go shopping, many shopping malls, partitions and supermarkets make electric bikes available to their customers.

Various or electric bicycles are specifically designed for mounting and mounting in a car park, however even basic bicycle systems consider the business owner's need to move it far beyond a single battery charge that can take the bike. Significant walking requires a lot of thought ahead and a bicycle storage area where it is commonly used. In the unlikely event that no one can easily explain why a bicycle cannot go with its owner to shop, many shopping malls, parts and stores make electric bikes available to their customers. Most carts can force large bundles without a problem, but it is best to look at transport agencies, trains or carriers first before buying exit tickets to see what arrangements they have made to ensure that a light electric bike comes to the same purpose as a traveler.

Many trucks can force large groups without a problem, but it is best to take a trip to the offices of transportation, trains or transporters first before buying exit routes to see what plans they have made to ensure that the small electric bike goes for the same reason as a traveler.

Om  posted in Miscellaneous

Post updated on:  Sep 8, 2021 10:13:20 PM

Without a doubt every patient and eye specialist will need to undergo an appropriate visual remedy for the first clear medical procedure. Specialists often lead a comprehensive surgical examination to determine if a patient is competing with the appropriate treatment regimen, and to anticipate the results of a light treatment. In any case, sadly, it is difficult to properly expect to set an example of high opposition errors. Things that did not go well during the preoperative examination or during the medical procedure itself may require an improved medical procedure.

In some cases, a patient can be treated fairly without reviewing the medical procedure. Minor correction and excess correction can be treated with a method called CLAPIKS (Contact Lens Assisted Pharmacologically Induced Kerato Steepening), which uses points focused on Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP) to reshape the cornea and eye drops to make the cornea more easily formed. In addition, some important issues may require the improvement of the medical procedure.

No matter if your eye specialist provides the least clue as to the need to improve the treatment process, it is recommended that you do not rush to request a re-treatment. You have to trust that your eyes will be set on the right opposition, before you decide to make progress. Much progress has been made elsewhere in the three-and-a-half-year period following the main eye of the medical process. This is because it is fully expected that the eye will return to decent errors, and improvement should not be made until the regression is correct.

A hyperopic patient is more difficult to deal with in terms of medical procedure compared to a nearby patient. Moreover, in this way, the patent for hyperopic patrols will definitely require a renewal of the medical procedure. In the unlikely event that your eye that causes the treatment process is LASIK or IntraLASIK, the specialist will usually lift the current fold and cut a portion of the spine in place of the first fold. However the LASIK wrap adheres to the stroma, can be removed anywhere, thus deviating from the need to make another fold.

With new advances in laser and an increase in the experience of eye specialists, development cases are actually good. However, a few cases may be in any case that require an improvement in the medical procedure. Significant improvements have been made elsewhere in the three and a half years following the clinical cycle. This is because it is entirely expected that the eye will return to good mistakes, and improvements should not be made until the regression is normal.

Experts often lead a comprehensive evaluation to determine whether a patient is contraindicated in the appropriate course of treatment, and whether they expect the results of a simple treatment. No matter, sadly, it is difficult to properly rely on setting a picture of high resistance errors. Items that did not go well during the pre-operation test or during the actual operation may require active operation.

Improving a medical procedure is not something you can be confident about, because a progressive treatment process will usually achieve good results, which were not available in one way or another during the initial medical procedure.

If you find that you are a LASIK specialist who is sure you will be able to get more information about the medical procedure for eye improvement.

Om  posted in Miscellaneous

Post updated on:  Sep 8, 2021 10:12:55 PM

How To Overcome Anxiety

Do you find yourself worrying all the time? Anxiety is a natural response to stressful or uncertain conditions. It's your body's way of warning you to be attentive and safe. 
But how much anxiety is excessive?
Anxiety disorders are the most frequent mental ailment in the United States, affecting approximately 18% of the population.
What exactly is anxiety?
You may have an anxiety disorder if you suffer concern and illogical fears for hours at a time, can't sleep, or can't accomplish normal chores. Anxiety becomes unhealthy when it no longer motivates you to act. This can happen because you are anxious about things over which you have no control or because you are paralysed by tension and anxiety rather than being inspired to act.
Anxiety disorders can include persistent concern, fear of danger, a loss of control, difficulties concentrating, and physical restlessness.

Here are five of the most common anxiety disorders:
1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
GAD is characterized by a pattern of recurrent, persistent worry and anxiety over a wide range of events and activities. GAD is not the same as anxiety caused by your financial condition or a distressing incident in the world. GAD is not caused by a specific circumstance. Even in the greatest of circumstances, GAD affects 6.8 million adults in the United States. For six months or longer, people with GAD experience chronic, excessive, and unjustified anxiety about concerns such as money, health, family, or work. They don't know how to break the cycle of concern, which they believe is out of their hands. Fatigue, restlessness, difficulty sleeping, irritability, and muscle tension are some of the physical symptoms of GAD.

2. Phobias
A phobia is defined as an overwhelming dread of a specific object. When confronted with such objects or occurrences as elevators, funerals, lightning storms, insects, or furry creatures, phobic people become terribly terrified. A social phobia is a persistent dread of being scrutinized by others. A person suffering from social phobia may be afraid of doing or acting in a way that will be humiliating or embarrassing. Only if the conduct interferes with functioning at work or in normal social circumstances, or if the person is clearly affected by the problem, is this diagnosis given.

3. Panic Attacks
Anxiety disorders that are not controlled can result in panic attacks, which are brief bouts of acute dread or discomfort. Panic attacks cause perspiration, shaking, palpitations, choking sensations, chest pain, nausea, dizziness, and dread of losing control all in a short amount of time. There is continuous fear and concern about the attacks, as well as changes in behaviour associated to the episodes, in panic disorder. Women are twice as likely as men to be affected. Individuals who suffer from panic episodes are more likely to suffer from serious depression.

4. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
PTSD develops after being exposed to a physically or mentally stressful experience that causes an acute emotional response of fear, helplessness, or horror. Individuals may have intrusive thoughts, mental images, and/or unsettling nightmares as a result of the traumatic event. PTSD interferes with people's daily tasks and demands, interfering with their functioning. To be diagnosed with PTSD, symptoms must have been present for at least one month and the traumatic incident must have caused severe clinical discomfort or impairment in social, occupational, or other key aspects of life. According to studies, roughly 7-8% of Americans have suffered or will develop PTSD.

5. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
OCD is a type of anxiety disorder marked by recurring, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and/or repeated activities (compulsions). Worries, uncertainties, and superstitious beliefs are widespread in the lives of people with OCD. Some people can be meticulous, exact, and appreciate order and cleanliness without having OCD. People with OCD have intrusive and unwelcome thoughts that they can't seem to get out of their heads (obsessions), which often compels them to execute ritualistic activities and routines (compulsions) to try to alleviate their uneasiness. OCD affects around 2.2 million American adults and is often associated with eating disorders, other anxiety disorders, or depression.

Treatment for Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders can be treated well with psychotherapy, medication, or a combination of the two. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of short-term psychotherapy. It focuses on detecting, comprehending, and changing thought and behaviour patterns.

Medication can not treat anxiety disorders, although it can assist manage symptoms while undergoing psychotherapy. Many antidepressant drugs are also beneficial for anxiety problems.

In addition to counselling and medicine, there are six anxiety-reduction strategies you might employ.

1. Determine the source of your concern.
2. Recognize your response.
3. Put your worry in context.
4. Accept responsibility
5. Take a break.
6. Seek assistance.

Determine what is causing you to be concerned. Allow yourself time to process your emotions and acknowledge your fear-based reactions when "what if" thoughts arise. Accept that you cannot control everything, which puts stress into perspective. Accept responsibility by devising a strategy to address the portion of the problem that is under your control. Maybe you can adjust your routine or timetable to feel more in charge of your life. Take a break from your racing thoughts and worries. Take a long, deep breath. Take care of yourself. Eat healthily. Maintain a good mindset and accept comedy. Yoga, music, volunteering, or getting a massage are all good options.

    Vertika  posted in Others

    Post updated on:  Sep 8, 2021 10:09:19 PM

    Light is the form of energy which helps the person to see anything correctly. Light is used to travel in straight line. The sound acts as the waves. It can change it's way.  Nothing has higher speed that that of the speed of the light. The light has highest value in case of its speed.

    The light can easily move in straight line, it is not possible for light to move in curve path .

    Reflection - When the light falls on the surface of the body, then the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection are equal to each other.

    Refraction -  The process of the deviation of the light from the straight path, is called as a refraction. 

    Many people wants to know how it is possible for us to see the object. When the light is coming from the source of light, it goes to the body. Light comes from  that object enters into our eyes.  Then the eye sees an body. Luminous bodies are the body which emits light. Sun is called as the luminous bodies. The non-luminous bodies are the  bodies which do not emit light themselves. Table, book are called as the non- luminous bodies.  A bright body is visible to the observer of the light, when the light of the  body is incident on it and from there the light reaches eyes. 

    Shailendra  posted in Science

    Post updated on:  Sep 8, 2021 10:07:48 PM

    What is Cryptocurrency ?
    Cryptocurrency is a sort of advanced cash that is expected to go about as a mechanism of trade. Digital money has become famous somewhat recently, specifically, with Bitcoin turning into the most generally followed elective cash. Regularly, cryptographic money is electronic-just and doesn't have an actual structure ? that realistic at the highest point of the page is only a craftsman's vision of computerized cash.

    Cryptographic money requests to many individuals in light of its capacity to be overseen without a national bank and subsequently worries around mystery and deception. It requests as a result of its capacity to hold esteem and not be swelled away by national banks that need to print cash. It's likewise truly challenging to fake due to the blockchain record framework that deals with the money.

    This is what cryptographic money is, the way it works and its critical dangers.

    How cryptographic money functions

    Cryptographic forms of money are delivered, followed and overseen through what's known as a disseminated record, for example, blockchain. In a dispersed record, the cash's development is prepared by PCs in a decentralized organization, to guarantee the uprightness of the monetary information and responsibility for digital currency. Consider it like a monster endless receipt of the relative multitude of framework's exchanges that is as a rule continually confirmed by each and every individual who can see the receipt.

    This decentralized framework is ordinary of numerous cryptographic forms of money, which shun a focal position. That is essential for the allure of digital forms of money like Bitcoin ? it keeps governments and national banks out of the cash framework, diminishing their impedance and political moving.

    In any case, how precisely does digital money come to exist? The key way is through what's called mining, to utilize a similitude identified with the old money related framework dependent on gold or silver. Amazing PCs, regularly known as excavators, perform computations and interaction exchanges on the record. Thusly, they acquire a unit of the cash, or if nothing else a piece of a unit. It requires a great deal of costly handling power and frequently a ton of power to play out these estimations.

    Proprietors of the money might store it in a digital money wallet, a PC application that permits them to spend or get the cash. To make an exchange, clients need a "key," which permits them to write in the public record, noticing the exchange of the cash. This key might be attached to a particular individual, however that individual's name isn't quickly attached to the exchange.

    There's in a real sense no restriction to the quantity of digital currencies that could be made. The scope of them is amazing, and in a real sense a huge number of monetary forms sprung up over the most recent couple of years, particularly as Bitcoin took off into standard prevalence in 2017. Probably the most well known cryptos incorporate Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum, Tether and XRP. Indeed, even Facebook has been attempting to get in on the cryptographic money game by setting up a consortium of industry accomplices.

    What are the biggest digital currencies?

    The size of a cryptographic money relies upon two elements: the number of coins are in presence and the cost of those coins. Duplicate these two numbers together and you get the money's market capitalization, or the complete worth of that load of coins.

    Here are the top cryptographic forms of money and their surmised market cap, as indicated by CoinMarketCap, as of June 30:

    Bitcoin ? $653 billion

    Ethereum ? $263 billion

    Tie ? $62 billion

    Binance Coin ? $46 billion

    Cardano ? $44 billion

    Dogecoin ? $33 billion

    XRP ? $32 billion

    USD Coin ? $25 billion

    Polkadot ? $15 billion

    Uniswap ? $11 billion

    What is cryptographic money utilized for?

    A digital currency can be utilized for a wide range of things, however it relies upon what it was made for. While the term digital currency summons pictures of an installment framework, it's more valuable to consider it a symbolic that empowers you to do some activity, similar to a token in a video arcade. You get a few tokens and feed them to the machine, and it permits you to play the game.

    For instance, Bitcoin's motivation is to send cash, empowering the crypto to work as a money. In any case, while it can work that way, not many vendors really acknowledge it as money, and it's very lethargic contrasted with other installment organizations (see more underneath).

    Also, the digital money Ethereum permits clients to make "shrewd agreements," a sort of agreement that self-executes once its terms have been met. The digital currency Internet Computer permits clients to make applications, sites and other online administrations. Those computerized monetary forms remain as opposed to Dogecoin, which was made in a real sense to parody the nonsensicalness around Bitcoin.

    Albeit the coins might empower a client to play out a specific activity, numerous purchasers are just keen on flipping them for a benefit. For some, that is the genuine use case for digital forms of money.

    Would you be able to change over crypto to cash?

    Cryptographic forms of money can be generally effortlessly changed over into normal cash like dollars or euros. In the event that you own the money straightforwardly, you can exchange it by means of a trade into fiat cash or into another digital currency. Commonly you'll pay a huge expense to move in and out, nonetheless.

    Be that as it may, you may likewise possess crypto through an installment application like PayPal or CashApp, and you can undoubtedly exchange it for dollars. You might even have the option to utilize a Bitcoin ATM to get to dollars.

    Prakash  posted in Finance

    Post updated on:  Sep 8, 2021 10:05:58 PM

    What Is Copywriting?

    Copywriting is the specialty of creating composed substance for showcasing purposes. Proficient marketing specialists serve organizations in virtually every industry by assisting these organizations with conveying their crowds. This might incorporate both B2B and B2C correspondences, customized to the necessities of every customer.

    Kinds of Copywriting

    In the broadest sense, copywriting is the undertaking of composing content for publicizing and promoting. It's not in every case simple to characterize copywriting in more detail, since this undertaking can take such countless structures. Individuals frequently consider only web content and messages when they examine copywriting, however this is an off base presumption of the work. Indeed, copywriting has been around any longer than the web.

    Before the greater part of an organization's advertising occurred on the web, publicists made the substance for promoting in magazines, papers, leaflets, and mailers. Marketing specialists additionally took care of the contents for radio and TV publicizing. These positions actually exist today, however in a more restricted limit since most copywriting has moved into the advanced world.

    A publicist might make content for one showcasing channel or many. A few publicists represent considerable authority in a specific sort of duplicate, like websites or item depictions. Others work with all types of duplicate yet have some expertise in giving promoting content to a specific organization, for which they will then, at that point make every one of the pertinent missions.

    A portion of the duplicate associated with this work might include:

    Item portrayals.
    Blog sections.
    Site content.
    Email showcasing.
    White papers.
    Web-based media posts.
    Post office based mail handouts.
    Inward preparing recordings.
    Web recording scripts.
    Telephone deals scripts.
    Online class scripts.
    Contents for deals recordings.

    Most organizations adopt a broadened strategy to their copywriting. An elegantly composed site requires center substance, however it might likewise require a blog and item portrayals. Physical organizations might profit from actual mailers and normal web-based media movement. A balanced marketing specialist can aid this load of regions.

    What Is Online Copywriting?

    Web based copywriting alludes to any sort of duplicate that is utilized on the web. All the substance present on an organization's site is important for an internet copywriting project. Contingent upon the idea of the business, this may incorporate item portrayals for an online inventory, standard blog entries to build up idea authority, industry white papers, or video scripts.

    Web based copywriting can likewise incorporate advanced showcasing, for example, email promoting and web-based media advertising. Marketing specialists might deal with everything from email bulletins to arrange affirmation messages to day by day Facebook and Twitter posts. It's significant for the duplicate in this load of spots to be elegantly composed and painstakingly thought out.

    Copywriting is a specific occupation since organizations will establish the best connection with their clients when they set forth content that is both drawing in and syntactically right. Have a talented author at work on the grounds that 74% of web clients focus on spelling and sentence structure quality on organization sites and 59% will try not to buy labor and products from an organization with clear spelling and punctuation botches.

    Web based copywriting is a quickly developing field and one that can help any business with a web presence.

    How's a Copywriter's Day?

    However the essential occupation of a publicist is to compose content, a marketing specialist's work really includes a wide scope of obligations that occupies the marketing specialist's experience with something beyond slyly assembling words. In case you're thinking about adding a publicist to your group, it's useful to have a balanced thought of how this expert can help your organization.

    Who Needs Copywriting?

    Any organization that needs to showcase its items and administrations needs copywriting. From inside and out digital books to appealing slogans, marketing specialists realize how to create the painstakingly thought-out content you need for your business. Composing incredible duplicate is something that requires expertise and experience, so it's best passed on to an in this precise expert field.

    While your inside deals staff, item improvement group, and upper administration faculty might have a lot of data and thoughts to contribute, it's best for organizations to surrender this gathered duplicate to an expert marketing specialist. The marketing specialist would then be able to turn the subtleties, thoughts, and ideas of your group into clear, succinct pieces that are laser-centered around the spaces that matter.

    Most organizations with an online presence need a broad measure of copywriting to work out an enlightening page with every one of the subtleties and SEO that the organization needs to remain serious in the present swarmed commercial centers. This implies organizations need at least one marketing specialists who can make steady quality substance, like web journals, asset articles, email crusades, web-based media posts, new item depictions, interchanges.

    The Benefits of Quality Copywriting

    Extraordinary copywriting is a venture, however one will ordinarily pay for itself. Think about a portion of these vital advantages of having top notch duplicate for your showcasing purposes.

    Prakash  posted in Marketing

    Post updated on:  Sep 8, 2021 10:05:27 PM

    What is Bitcoin?

    Bitcoin was made by Satoshi Nakamoto, a pseudonymous individual or group who laid out the innovation in a 2008 white paper. It's a urgently basic idea: bitcoin is advanced cash that considers secure shared exchanges on the web.
    Not at all like administrations like Venmo and PayPal, which depend on the customary monetary framework for consent to move cash and on existing charge/credit accounts, bitcoin is decentralized: any two individuals, anyplace on the planet, can send bitcoin to one another without the inclusion of a bank, government, or other organization.
    Each exchange including Bitcoin is followed on the blockchain, which is like a bank's record, or log of clients' subsidizes going all through the bank. In straightforward terms, it's a record of each exchange at any point made utilizing bitcoin.
    In contrast to a bank's record, the Bitcoin blockchain is dispersed across the whole organization. No organization, nation, or outsider is in charge of it; and anybody can turn out to be important for that organization.
    There will just at any point be 21 million bitcoin. This is advanced cash that can't be swelled or controlled in any capacity.
    It isn't important to purchase a whole bitcoin: you can purchase simply a small portion of one assuming that is all you need or need.

    Who made Bitcoin?

    To truly get a handle on how bitcoin functions, it assists with beginning toward the start. The subject of who made bitcoin is an entrancing one, on the grounds that 10 years in the wake of designing the innovation?and in spite of a great deal of burrowing by writers and individuals from the crypto local area?its maker stays unknown.
    This paper wasn't the main thought for advanced cash drawing on the areas of cryptography and software engineering?truth be told, the paper alluded to before ideas?however it was an exceptionally rich answer for the issue of setting up trust between various online substances, where individuals might be covered up (like bitcoin's own maker) by pen names, actually situated on the opposite side of the planet.
    Nakamoto contrived a couple of interlaced ideas: the bitcoin private key and the blockchain record. At the point when you hold bitcoin, you control it through a private key?a line of randomized numbers and letters that opens a virtual vault containing your buy. Every private key is followed on the virtual record called the blockchain.

    How Bitcoin functions

    Not at all like Visa networks like Visa and installment processors like Paypal, bitcoin isn't possessed by an individual or organization. Bitcoin is the world's first totally open installment network which anybody with a web association can take an interest in. Bitcoin was intended to be utilized on the web, and doesn't rely upon banks or privately owned businesses to deal with exchanges.
    Particular PCs known as 'mining apparatuses' play out the situations needed to check and record another exchange. In the good 'ol days, a normal work area PC was adequately incredible to take an interest, which permitted basically any individual who was interested to take a stab at mining. Nowadays the PCs required are enormous, particular, and frequently claimed by organizations or huge quantities of people pooling their assets. (In October 2019, it required 12 trillion times more figuring ability to mine one bitcoin than it did when Nakamoto mined the principal blocks in January 2009.)

    Instructions to get Bitcoin

    The most effortless approach to purchase bitcoin is to buy it through an online trade like Coinbase. Coinbase makes it simple to purchase, sell, send, get, and store bitcoin without expecting to hold it yourself utilizing something many refer to as open and private keys.
    In any case, in the event that you decide to purchase and store bitcoin outside of an online trade, here's the manner by which that works.
    Anybody can send bitcoin to you by means of your public key, yet just the holder of the private key can get to the bitcoin in the "virtual vault" whenever it's been sent.
    There are numerous approaches to store bitcoin both on the web and off. The least difficult arrangement is a virtual wallet.
    Assuming you need to move cash from your wallet to a ledger in the wake of selling your bitcoin, the Coinbase application makes it as simple as moving assets starting with one bank then onto the next. Like customary bank moves or ATM withdrawals, trades like Coinbase put forth a day by day line, and it might take between a couple of days and seven days for the exchange to be finished.

    Prakash  posted in Finance

    Post updated on:  Sep 8, 2021 10:04:52 PM

    How to Calculate Net Worth?
    The most effective method to work out your total assets in three simple advances

    Stage 1:
    Add up your resources
    The initial phase in ascertaining your total assets is making a rundown of the entirety of your resources. A resource is anything you have that has huge worth. This incorporates any money you have available, cash sitting in accounts, etc. It additionally incorporates your significant belongings, similar to your vehicle or your home. Zero in on resources that have critical worth. Try not to list all that you own. A decent limit is to zero in on resources that you could undoubtedly sell for more than $100.
    You can get a decent gauge of the worth of your home by utilizing devices like Zillow, however ensure that the Zillow gauge is practical. You can get a decent gauge of the worth of your vehicles by utilizing Kelley Blue Book.
    When you have a rundown of resources and their qualities, include those qualities. That is the absolute worth of the entirety of your resources.

    Stage 2:
    Add up your obligations
    The following stage in working out your total assets is to make a rundown of the entirety of your obligations. This incorporates things like your home loan, your vehicle advances, your understudy loans, your charge card adjusts and your payday credits. You ought to remember individual advances for this rundown ? in the event that you owe your auntie $500, incorporate it.
    Whenever you've made a rundown of those obligations, add them up. That is how much obligation you have altogether.

    Stage 3:

    Subtract your complete obligations from your all out resources
    Presently, make your complete resources from stride one and deduct from that your absolute obligations from stage two. The subsequent number is your total assets. For instance, on the off chance that you have $100,000 in resources and $20,000 in obligations, you'd ascertain 100,000 short 20,000 to get your total assets: $80,000.
    Instances of total assets situations

    Example 1:

    Steve, the new college alumni
    Steve is in his mid 20s and moved on from school last year. He has a great job, yet doesn't have numerous resources, just $20,000, for the most part restricted in his vehicle.
    Notwithstanding, he has a ton of educational loan obligation ($50,000) and some Visa obligation (another $5,000).
    Steve's total assets is negative $35,000. That is OK. Negative total assets is a beautiful normal circumstance among ongoing school graduates with understudy obligation. Steve has a lot of time to advance his circumstance, especially if his professional education is assisting him with acquiring a more significant compensation.

    Example 2:

    Mindy, halfway through her vocation
    Mindy is in her mid 40s. She has an incredible work and has been adding to her retirement store for quite a long time, with a surplus of $100,000 in there. You go, Mindy! She additionally has a $20,000 vehicle and a $300,000 apartment suite, alongside $10,000 in her financial records. Her resources amount to $430,000.
    In any case, Mindy actually owes $200,000 on her apartment suite and $10,000 on her vehicle. Fortunately, she's left understudy loans and Mastercard obligations behind, so her obligation amounts to $210,000.

    Mindy's total assets is $220,000: $430,000 short $210,000. That is very decent for somebody who is mid-profession. In a perfect world, when you're somewhere between school and retirement, you ought to have a total assets that is higher than your yearly compensation, and surprisingly better in case it's significantly higher than that.

    Example 3 ?

    Terry and Chris, recently resigned
    Terry and Chris are in their mid 60s. They're newly resigned. They own their own home and land, with an all out worth of $500,000. They likewise have $1 million in retirement, and two vehicles, every value $25,000. They likewise have different resources ? adornments, financial records adjusts, and different things ? worth a sum of $30,000. The absolute worth of their resources is $1,580,000. They're fit as a fiddle for retirement.
    Terry and Chris have little obligation. They owe $10,000 on every vehicle and $5,000 in Mastercard obligation, adding up to $25,000.

    Terry and Chris' total assets is $1,555,000: $1,580,000 short $25,000. They're fit as a fiddle for retirement, particularly when Social Security kicks in for them.

    Prakash  posted in Finance

    Post updated on:  Sep 8, 2021 9:49:33 PM

    Personality is nothing more than the accumulation of memories and occurrences from a person's entire life. Environmental variables, family history, financial circumstances, genetic factors, situations, and circumstances all have a role in an individual's personality.
    Personality determines what we think, believe, value, and expect. What we believe about others is influenced by our personality.
    Personality development contributes to an individual's total growth. The way a person dresses plays a vital function in boosting his or her personality. It is true that "a man is known by his clothes and address." The way a person dresses reveals a lot about his personality and character.

    Personality refers to a person's qualities, style, behavior, thinking, attitude, and his own distinctive way of perceiving and interpreting the world. Genetic elements, family history, different cultures, the environment, and present circumstances all play an important influence in creating one's personality. Your personality is reflected in how you interact with others. Everyone admires and respects someone with a pleasant demeanor.

    You must be aware of what you are wearing. Wearing something only because everyone else is wearing it is not a good reason to do so. Determine whether or not the dress would look nice on you. When choosing clothes, one must be highly mindful of his or her body type, build, weight, complexion, and even family background, nature of employment, and climate.
    Dress appropriately for the occasion. For an impressive personality, one must appear good. Clothes express who you are, how you are feeling right now, and sometimes even what you aspire to achieve in life.

    Remember that anything you wear should always reflect your true self. Your fashion sense represents your personality, character, mood, style, and who you are as a person. People who wear flamboyant attire and use loud make-up are often extroverts who enjoy partying. The way a person dresses can reveal a lot about who he or she is. Dull colors suggest sadness or upset, whereas bright colors not only show your cheerful mood but also make the other person happy.

    Make certain that anything you're wearing is neat and tidy. Do not simply take things from your closet and put them on. Clothes must be ironed properly. Before you go out, polish your shoes.

    Wearing garments that are too tight or too close to the body is never a good idea. Pay close attention to the dress's fit. A person of average weight would look slender in a black long garment, whereas a lean person would look nice in puff sleeves and flair dresses.
    Your clothing style represents your personality. Remember that proper attire has nothing to do with cost. An expensive gown might not suit you. Before going out, ask yourself, "Does the dress look well on me?" "Am I dressed appropriately for the occasion?" and so on.

    In layman's terms, personality refers to an individual's personal qualities and characteristics. Our personality determines how we interact with others. Personality is a collection of attributes that distinguishes one person from another. It is our personality that distinguishes us and allows us to stand out from the crowd.

    Vertika  posted in Fashion

    Post updated on:  Sep 8, 2021 9:48:22 PM


    The Yamuna River is the Ganga River's largest tributary. In India, it is also revered as a sacred river. The Yamuna River flows from the Yamunotri Glacier at Banderpoonch peaks (38?59' N 78?27' E) in the Mussourie range in the lower Himalayas, at a height of around 6,387 metres above mean sea level in the district of Uttarkashi (Uttarakhand).

    Yamunotri has a hot water pool, and the water is so hot that people prepare rice and potatoes by putting them in cloth bags and immersing the bag in the hot water. The Yamuna River travels through a succession of valleys in the lower Himalayas for about 200 kilometres before emerging into the Indo-Gangetic plains. The main valley is overshadowed in the upper levels by many hanging valleys created by glaciers.The river's gradient is strong here, and the erosive action of the river water has shaped the entire geomorphology of the valley. Yamuna takes water from numerous major streams throughout its 200-kilometer headwater length. The combined stream travels through the Shivalik range of hills in the Indian states of Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand before entering the plains near Dak Pathar in Uttarakhand, where it is regulated by a weir and redirected into a canal for power generation. The Mussourie spur-along, on the right bank of the Yamuna basin, leads to the sprawling hill station of Mussourie (also known as the Queen of Himalayas).

    Photo by Anil Xavier on Unsplash

    The Satluj Yamuna link (SYL) canal, which connects Satluj and Yamuna, is being built here. This canal was supposed to transport Haryana's share of the Indus basin's 3.5 MAF of water. The state of Haryana has finished its share of the canal, but the state of Punjab has yet to finish its portion. The Punjab government is opposed to the construction of this canal. The Punjab legislature recently approved an act known as the Punjab Termination of Agreement Act 2004, which declared previous agreements null and void.

    The Tons, Chambal, Hindon, Sarda, Betwa, and Ken rivers are significant tributaries of the Yamuna. Rishiganga, Uma, Hanuman Ganga, Giri, Karan, Sagar, and Rind are some of the Yamuna River's smaller tributaries. The main Yamuna and Tons rivers are nourished by glaciers that originate in the Great Himalayan range, specifically the Bandar Punch Glacier and its offshoot. Many minor streams in the Yamuna basin, including as the Chautang, Sahibi, Dohan, Kantili, Bapah, and Banganga, end up in the sandy regions.

    Post updated on:  Sep 8, 2021 9:45:52 PM

    Janmashtami, Today, I am going to share the celebration of Janmashtami festival at my home and about Shri Krishna ji. This year we celebrated Janmashtami on Monday, August 30, 2021.  Every year, we celebrated this festival in the month of August. On the auspicious occasion birth of Shri Krishna, we celebrated this festival in India. On this day, Krishna idol is decorated with flowers and new clothes.
     I, also do the same at m home. I prepare sweets, Panjari Prasad, for the Bhog of Krishna ji. At 12 midnight, I with my family members offer parsad to Kanha ji.  First we do Aarti then offer the Bhog which we prepare in the day.  Many people keep fast on this day and at the time of birth they open their fast with the bhog.  
    Here, I am sharing a pictures celebration of Janmashtami at my home.

     Happy Krishna Janmashtami 2021: Wishes, Messages, Quotes, Images, Facebook  & WhatsApp status - Times of India

    I have two kids, my daughter name is Navanya, and son name is Krish @ as the name knish, he is very naughty, the name was given by his Daadi.  My kids also enjoy this day, as they dressed up in Radha and Krishna?here, I am sharing few images of their Radha Krishna.

     Since my childhood, I am watching his shows. Many TV channels have telecast show on Shri Krishna. I used to watch his show in my childhood and my mother and grandmother used to narrate the story of him.  How he took born to kill his Mama, Kansh. Kanhaji, was born in prison and his father gave him to his friend, Nand to save his son. Kanhaji was born and bought up in the Gokul. We also called him with several names, Vasudev, Kanha, Laddu Gopal, Kanhiya, Makhan Chor etc.  He loves to eat Makhan. Krishna ji, was very famous god.   He was very powerful. He was fond of eating Makhan, because of this he steal Makhan from his mother's Kitchen. He was the beloved of Radha.  He spent his childhood and youth with Radha, but due to his responsibilities he left her to Mathura, his birth place.
    Krishna ji, birth place Mathura and his childhood place , Vrindavan are in Uttar Pradesh.  The celebration of festival start 10 days prior to Janmashtami in Vrindavan Rasleelas and plays based on the events of Krishna?s life a. Rasleelas and play based on the events of Kanha ji?s life .
    It is also celebrated in Maharashtra in unique way- Dahi Handi. This ritual takes place a day after Janmashtami and is very popular among kids and youth.  They strung up the pots high supported by wires and poles.  Boys form a human pyramid to reach the pot.  The topmost boy break the pot and released the Prasad. The Prasad are considered holy and they feel blessed. The women and neighbors cheer , dance , sing and celebrated the festival.
    This is the most popular mantra of Krishna ji. Krishna Mantra...
     Many generations have passed but the glory of him is still alive and people are still remembered and celebrated every year.
    Jai Shir Krishan!!

    SONIA  posted in Blog

    Post updated on:  Sep 8, 2021 9:44:47 PM

    7 tips for starting yoga for the first time.

    1-स्वीकृति से शुरू करें।  योग सिर्फ व्यायाम का एक रूप नहीं है।  ...

    2- रिलीज उम्मीदें।  ...

    3- योग के मूल को समझें।  ...

    4- अपनी श्वास पर ध्यान दें।  ...

    5- शांति में सहज हो जाओ।  ...

    6- बेसिक योगा पोज़ सीखें।  ...

    7- शुरुआती कक्षाएं खोजें। 

     स्वीकृति से शुरू करें मैं,  योग सिर्फ व्यायाम का एक रूप नहीं है।

     यह दुनिया में मौजूद रहने का एक तरीका है।

     होने का एक तरीका, ऐसा बोलने के लिए।

     योग शब्द का ही संस्कृत में अर्थ है "मिलन"।

     आपके जीवन के सभी पहलुओं के बीच संघ।

     जब आप एकता या योग की स्थिति में रहते हैं, तो आपके विचारों और आपकी वर्तमान स्थिति के बीच कोई अलगाव नहीं होता है।

     इसका मतलब है कि चीजों को जिस तरह से होना चाहिए या होना चाहिए, उसके बारे में कोई रोना-धोना नहीं करना चाहिए।

     जबकि इस मानसिकता को विकसित होने में वर्षों लग सकते हैं, आप योग मैट पर पैर रखने से पहले शुरुआत कर सकते हैं।

     अपने शरीर, अपने जीवन और अपनी परिस्थितियों की सराहना करने के लिए कुछ समय निकालें।                        2. रिलीज उम्मीदे मैं,

                                                                            जिस क्षण आप कृतज्ञता का अभ्यास करना शुरू करते हैं, आप महसूस करेंगे कि अपेक्षाएं दूर होने लगी हैं।  

     उम्मीदें जैसे "मुझे पहले से ही अपने पैर की उंगलियों को छूने में सक्षम होना चाहिए ..."

     "इंस्टाग्राम पर यह इतना आसान लगता है - मैं ऐसा क्यों नहीं कर सकता ?!"

     "अगर मैं कुछ योग मुद्राओं का अभ्यास करने जा रहा हूं, तो यह जरूरी है कि मेरे पास जेन फोंडा की प्रतिद्वंद्वी लाइक्रा अलमारी हो।"

     आप जो कर रहे हैं उसके मूल पर ध्यान केंद्रित करने का प्रयास करें, न कि बाहरी फुलाना। यद्यपि आप यहां शारीरिक रूप से योग शुरू करने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका खोजने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं, मैं यहां आपको बता रहा हूं कि मानसिक रूप से इसकी शुरुआत करना सबसे महत्वपूर्ण है।

     अपने आप को सही मानसिकता में लाएं और फिर अभ्यास स्वाभाविक रूप से, खूबसूरती से और सुरक्षित रूप से विकसित होगा।                                                 3. योग के मूल को समझें मैं,

                                                                                                                                                            योग अत्यधिक लचीलेपन या आपकी मांसपेशियों और रीढ़ की हड्डी को फैंसी आकार में बदलने के बारे में नहीं है।

     यह सांस लेने, ध्यान के माध्यम से आंतरिक शक्ति प्राप्त करने और बुनियादी योग मुद्रा के साथ शरीर में स्वतंत्रता पैदा करने के बारे में है।

     यह वास्तव में इतना आसान है।

     इसलिए वजन कम करने या पीछे की ओर झुकने के बारे में चिंता न करें (वे जल्द ही आ जाएंगे)।  इसके बजाय, समझें कि योग एक प्रक्रिया और जीवन शैली है।  शारीरिक अभ्यास योग के आठ अंगों में से केवल एक है।                                                                                                            
    4. अपनी श्वास पर ध्यान दें मैं,

     जबकि एक योग कक्षा में एक शिक्षक छात्रों को अगले दरवाजे के योग स्टूडियो में सांस लेने की पूरी तरह से अलग शैली में निर्देश दे सकता है, यह वास्तव में समान है।

     जबकि श्वास व्यायाम स्वयं महत्वपूर्ण लग सकता है, सीखने के लिए सबसे महत्वपूर्ण बात सांस के बारे में जागरूकता है।

     चाहे आप कुंडलिनी योग कक्षा में मुंह से जोर से सांस बाहर निकाल रहे हों या आराम योग मुद्रा में अपनी छाती को ताजी ऑक्सीजन से भर रहे हों, जागरूकता और सांस के बीच संबंध शुरुआती लोगों के लिए योग के सबसे लाभकारी पहलुओं में से एक है।

     बस अपने श्वास और श्वास को नोटिस करना शुरू करने से बेहतर नींद, कम तनाव और अधिक वर्तमान क्षण जागरूकता प्राप्त हो सकती है।

     इसलिए यदि आप कुछ अधिक जटिल मुद्राएं नहीं भी कर सकते हैं, तो भी सांस को नोटिस करने और सावधानीपूर्वक मार्गदर्शन करने का प्रयास करने से आपके अभ्यास पर समान रूप से गहरा प्रभाव पड़ेगा।  अपने पैर को अपने सिर के पीछे फेंकने में सक्षम होने से कहीं अधिक गहरा।

    5. शांति में आराम करें मैं,

     हम में से अधिकांश को स्थिर बैठना बहुत चुनौतीपूर्ण लगता है।

     हम इसके बजाय इधर-उधर भागना, व्यस्त रहना और अपनी टू-डू सूची से आइटम की जांच करना पसंद करेंगे।

     यहां तक ​​कि जब हम चिल कर रहे होते हैं, हमारे हाथ हमारे घुटनों पर ड्रम बजाते हैं, हमारे विचार अतीत या भविष्य में भटकते हैं, या हमारी आंखें आईफोन या टीवी स्क्रीन को भूख से स्कैन करती हैं।

     (कभी-कभी सभी एक साथ।)

     इसलिए इससे पहले कि आप योग जर्नल या इंस्टाग्राम के पन्नों पर सबसे उन्नत योग पोज़ को धमाका करने की कोशिश करें, सभी के योग के सबसे बुनियादी सिद्धांतों को आज़माएँ, उपस्थित रहें।

     अगली बार जब आप लाइन में प्रतीक्षा कर रहे हों, सार्वजनिक परिवहन की सवारी कर रहे हों, या (बिल्ली!) शौचालय पर बैठे हों, तो ध्यान भंग करने के लिए अपने फोन को बाहर निकालने के प्रलोभन पर ध्यान दें।

     आग्रह को तुरंत देने के बजाय उसका निरीक्षण करने का प्रयास करें।

    6. बेसिक योगा पोज़ सीखें मैं,

                                                                                                                                                           एक बार जब आप अपने योग अभ्यास के भौतिक पक्ष के लिए तैयार महसूस करते हैं, तो आप शुरुआती लोगों के लिए योग मुद्रा के साथ मन लगाकर प्रयोग करना शुरू कर सकते हैं।

     अधिक जटिल पोज़ (उम, हैलो इनवर्जन्स) में कूदने की कोशिश करने या अपने बगल वाले व्यक्ति की तरह झुकने की कोशिश करने की कोई आवश्यकता नहीं है।

     जहां भी शुरुआत करें, चाहे स्थानीय योग स्टूडियो में हों या ऑनलाइन योग वीडियो के साथ, शुरुआत करने के लिए कुछ मूलभूत बातें हैं।

     आसन, या योग आसन से शुरू करें, जैसे कि नीचे की ओर मुंह करने वाला कुत्ता, बच्चे की मुद्रा और शवासन।

     प्रत्येक मुद्रा में, अपने हाथों या पैरों को फर्श पर दबाने, अपनी रीढ़ को लंबा करने और अपने कूल्हों को आराम देने पर ध्यान केंद्रित करें। यदि आप अभ्यास करते समय इसे ध्यान में रखते हैं, तो आप प्रत्येक मुद्रा के साथ ठीक उसी तरह काम करेंगे जैसे कि सबसे समर्पित अभ्यासी भी करते हैं।

    7. शुरुआती कक्षाएं खोजें मैं,

                                                                                     योग मुद्राओं को सुरक्षित और प्रभावी ढंग से सीखने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका एक अनुभवी योग प्रशिक्षक से सीखना है।

     आप योग एलायंस की ऑनलाइन निर्देशिका पर अपने पास एक पंजीकृत योग प्रशिक्षक पा सकते हैं,

    Ayush  posted in 6260029752

    Post updated on:  Sep 8, 2021 9:41:48 PM


    A cryptocurrency, crypto-currency, or crypto is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange wherein individual coin ownership records are stored in a ledger existing in a form of a computerized database using strong cryptography to secure transaction records, to control the creation of additional coins, and to verify the transfer of coin ownership. Cryptocurrency does not exist in physical form (like paper money) and is typically not issued by a central authority. Cryptocurrencies typically use decentralized control as opposed to a central bank digital currency (CBDC). When a cryptocurrency is minted or created prior to issuance or issued by a single issuer, it is generally considered centralized. When implemented with decentralized control, each cryptocurrency works through distributed ledger technology, typically a blockchain, that serves as a public financial transaction database.
    Bitcoin, first released as open-source software in 2009, is the first decentralized cryptocurrency. Since the release of bitcoin, many other cryptocurrencies have been created.

    What Are Cryptocurrencies?
    Before we take a closer look at some of these alternatives to Bitcoin, let?s step back and briefly examine what we mean by terms like cryptocurrency and altcoin. A cryptocurrency, broadly defined, is virtual or digital money that takes the form of tokens or ?coins.? While some cryptocurrencies have ventured into the physical world with credit cards or other projects, the large majority remain entirely intangible.
    The ?crypto? in cryptocurrencies refers to complicated cryptography that allows for the creation and processing of digital currencies
    and their transactions across decentralized systems. Alongside this important ?crypto? feature of these currencies is a common commitment to decentralization; cryptocurrencies are typically developed as code by teams who build in mechanisms for issuance (often, although not always, through a process called ?mining?) and other controls.
    Cryptocurrencies are almost always designed to be free from government manipulation and control, although as they have grown more popular, this foundational aspect of the industry has come under fire. The currencies modeled after Bitcoin are collectively called altcoins, and in some cases ?shitcoins,? and have often tried to present themselves as modified or improved versions of Bitcoin. While some of these currencies may have some impressive features that Bitcoin does not, matching the level of security that Bitcoin?s networks achieve largely has yet to be seen by an altcoin.
    Below, we?ll examine some of the most important digital currencies other than Bitcoin. First, though, a caveat: It is impossible for a list like this to be entirely comprehensive. One reason for this is the fact that there are more than 4,000 cryptocurrencies in existence as of January 2021. While many of these cryptos have little to no following or trading volume, some enjoy immense popularity among dedicated communities of backers and investors.
    Beyond that, the field of cryptocurrencies is always expanding, and the next great digital token may be released tomorrow. While Bitcoin is widely seen as a pioneer in the world of cryptocurrencies, analysts adopt many approaches for evaluating tokens other than BTC. It?s common, for instance, for analysts to attribute a great deal of importance to ranking coins relative to one another in terms of market capitalization. We?ve factored this into our consideration,
    but there are other reasons why a digital token may be included in the list as well.


    Here?s a list of popular cryptocurrency types and descriptions:
    1. Bitcoin
    Bitcoin is a type of digital currency; it is ?cash for the internet.? More specifically, it?s considered cryptocurrency since cryptography facilitates Bitcoin creation and transactions.
    Possibly the ?Kleenex? or ?Coca Cola? of all crypto, in that its name is the most recognizable and the most closely associated with the cryptocurrency system.
    There are currently more than 18.5 million Bitcoin tokens in circulation, against a present capped limit of 21 million.
    2. Bitcoin Cash
    Introduced in 2017, Bitcoin Cash is one of the most popular types of cryptocurrency on the market. Its main difference with the original Bitcoin is its block size: 8MB. Compare that to the original Bitcoin?s block size of just 1MB. What that means for users ? faster processing speeds.
    3. Litecoin
    Litecoin is increasingly used in the same breath as Bitcoin, and it functions practically the same way. It was created in 2011 by Charlie Lee, a former employee of Google. He designed it to improve on Bitcoin technology, with shorter transaction times, lower fees, more concentrated miners.
    4. Ethereum
    Unlike Bitcoin, Ethereum focuses not as much on digital currency as it does on decentralized applications (phone apps). You could think of Ethereum as an app store.
    The platform is looking to return control of apps to its original creators, and take away that control from middlemen (like Apple, for instance). The only person who can make changes to the app would be the original creator. The token used here is called Ether, which is used as currency by app developers and users.
    5. Ripple
    Ripple is one type of cryptocurrency on the list, but it?s not Blockchain-based . It?s not meant so much for individual users as it is for
    larger companies and corporations, moving larger amounts of money (its coinage is known as XRP) across the globe.
    It?s more well-known for its digital payment protocol more than for its XRP crypto. That?s because the system allows for transfer of monies in any form, be it dollars or even Bitcoin (or others). It claims to be able to handle 1,500 transactions per second (tps). Compare this with Bitcoin, which can handle 3?6 tps (not including scaling layers). Ethereum can handle 15 tps.
    6. Stellar
    Stellar focuses on money transfers, and its network is designed to make them faster and more efficient, even across national borders. It was designed by Ripple co-founder Jed McCaleb in 2014 and is operated by a non-profit organization called Stellar.org .
    Its goal is to assist developing economies
    that may not have access to traditional banks and investment opportunities. It doesn?t charge users or institutions for using its Stellar network, and covers operating costs by accepting tax-deductible public donations.
    7. NEO
    Formerly called Antshares and developed in China, NEO is very aggressively looking to become a major global crypto player. Its focus is smart contracts (digital contracts) that allow users to create and execute agreements without the use of an intermediary.
    It?s going after its main competition, Ethereum, but NEO lead developer Erik Zhang mentioned on a Reddit AMA that NEO has three distinct advantages ? better architecture, more developer-friendly smart contracts, and digital identity and digital assets for easier integration into the real
    Ethereum, on the other hand, uses its own programming languages that developers must first learn before creating smart contracts on its platform.
    8. Cardano
    Cardano aka ADA is used to send and receive digital funds. It claims to be a more balanced and sustainable ecosystem for cryptocurrencies, and the only coin with a ?scientific philosophy and research-driven approach.?
    That means that it undergoes especially rigorous reviews by scientists and programmers. It was founded by Charles Hoskinson, who is also the co-founder of Ethereum.
    9. IOTA
    Launched in 2016, IOTA stands for Internet of Things Application. Unlike most other Blockchain technologies, it doesn?t actually work with a block and chain; it works with smart devices on the Internet of Things (IoT).
    All you need to do to use it is to verify two other previous transactions on the IOTA ledger, which is called the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), but IOTA creators call it The Tangle.
    According to Coin Central , this means the devices need to be able to purchase more electricity, bandwidth, storage, or data when they need them, and sell those resources when they don?t need them.

    Importance of cryptocurrency

    Investing in Bitcoin is like investing in the future. Any serious investor knows that the value of cryptocurrencies will begin to grow during the forecast period. By trading Bitcoin through Click Finance System until it was too late, you can get your foot through the door of a growing industry.
    The world economy would inevitably shift to a digital ecosystem. All is becoming paperless, from savings to money transactions. Cryptocurrency is the newest and most exciting application to the electronic payment market.
    A cryptocurrency is a payment model comparable to conventional currencies such as the US dollar, except developed exclusively
    to exchange digital data. Much helped describe cryptocurrency as a decentralized ?digital or virtual asset that?s stored for safe transactions.?

    Is it safe to invest in cryptocurrency

    Investments are always risky, but some experts say cryptocurrency is one of the riskier investment choices out there, according to Consumer Reports. However, digital currencies are also some of the hottest commodities. Earlier this year, CNBC forecasted that the cryptocurrency market is expected to reach a value of $1 trillion by the end of 2018. If you?re planning to invest in cryptocurrencies, these tips can help you
    make educated choices.
    Research Exchanges
    Before you invest one dollar, learn about cryptocurrency exchanges. These platforms provide the means to buy and sell digital currencies, but there are 500 exchanges to choose from, according to Bitcoin.com. Do your research, read reviews and talk with more experienced investors before moving forward.
    Know How to Store Your Digital Currency
    If you buy cryptocurrency, you have to store it. You can store it on an exchange or in a digital ?wallet,? for example one of the crypto wallets described in our Blog post Which cryptocurrency wallet to choose. While there are many different kinds of wallets, each has
    its own benefits, technical requirements and security. As with exchanges, you should investigate your storage choices before investing.
    Diversify Your Investments
    Diversification is a key to any good investment strategy, and it holds true when you?re investing in cryptocurrency too. Don?t put all of your money in Bitcoin, for example, just because that?s the name you know. There are thousands of options, and it?s best to spread your investment around to several currencies.
    Prepare for Volatility
    The cryptocurrency market is a volatile one, so be prepared for ups and downs. You?ll see dramatic swings in prices. If your investment portfolio or mental wellbeing can?t handle that, cryptocurrency might not be a wise
    choice for you.
    Cryptocurrency is all the rage right now, but remember, it?s still in its infancy. Investing in something that?s new comes with challenges, so be prepared. If you plan to participate, do your research and invest conservatively to start.


    1. Glauber contessoto
    Glauber Contessoto took a big risk on dogecoin, a meme-inspired cryptocurrency that began as a joke, earlier this year.
    Between his savings and borrowed funds, Contessoto says that he invested over $250,000 in dogecoin on February 5 when it was priced at about 4.5 cents. About two months later, on April 15, he says he became
    a dogecoin millionaire on paper.
    2. Vitalik buterin
    Buterin is a co-founder and inventor of Ethereum, described as a ?decentralised mining network and software development platform rolled into one? that facilitates the creation of new cryptocurrencies and programs that share a single blockchain (a cryptographic transaction ledger).
    Buterin become the YOUNGEST CRYPTO BILLIONAIRE at the age of 27.
    3. Eric finman
    ERIC FINMAN become the youngest bitcoin millionaire at the age of 18. Eric took the money from grandmother.
    In May of 2011, at the age of 12, Finman struck a deal with his parents to be able to skip college in pursuit of an unorthodox education, provided he could invest successfully. The deal? He had to turn $1,000 in cash that his grandmother gave him into an impressive $1 million. Finman pursued his goal relentlessly and managed to succeed, purchasing about $1,000 worth of Bitcoin when the fledgling currency was at just $12 per coin, as well as a number of other digital currencies including Ether, Ethereum?s native token. Finman was successful in his goals, making him a self-made millionare at the age of 18.
    These are the few Success stories about the cryptocurrency market.
    So how you can learn cryptocurrency?
    I have a answer for you. BITCOIN PROFIT SECRET PACKAGE
    This software can help to make profit in bitcoin
    It is designed by the most successful bitcoin investors.
    ? Guide 1: What is Bitcoin and
    ? Cryptocurrency
    ? Guide 2: How Is The Value of Bitcoin Determined
    ? Guide 3: Different techniques to acquiring bitcoin
    ? Guide 4: Everything you need to know about Bitcoin Mining
    ? Guide 5: Storing your Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency safely
    ? Guide 6: Trading and Selling your Bitcoin for profit
    ? Guide 7: Using Bitcoin as an investment strategy
    ? Guide 8: Accepting and using Bitcoin in your business
    ? Guide 9: Protect yourself against fraud
    ? and theft
    ? Guide 10: The Future of Cryptocurrency


    Post updated on:  Sep 7, 2021 10:56:59 AM

    Electric bicycles are a great way for people dealing with limited mobility around them. Many people use bicycles instead of a wheelchair. Walking bikes can be three or four times with incorrect tracking for short distances. Some of them are intended to enter the storage space if the bike owner needs to go out for a long time.

    Walking or various electric bikes are arranged in such a way that they can travel without much stretching on the trucks. Since most users are ready to go short distances, getting back into the bike is not a problem as long as they have someone else walking to remove their bike from the trunk of the car.

    Some electric bikes can be operated within 25 miles of the battery, but electric bicycles are designed for long-distance travel. Outstanding resources may need to be tailored to an individual's electric bike if additional trips are planned.

    An electric battery and somehow faster than the speed of electric bicycles, makes bikes ideal for short trips inside and outside the city. If the landlord does not expect to travel a mile or two miles, electric bicycles can undoubtedly counteract this access. A rider who wishes to get his bike out of the way should check the nearest rules and regulations first. Electric bicycles must meet certain requirements in order to be on the road legally.

    Not at all like gasoline-powered bicycles, which are a kind of bicycle, electric bicycles that move faster than the average speed. (The existing reason is not to provide rapid transportation, only to provide transportation for people who can walk more than 50 meters or something like that.)

    A person who uses an electric bicycle to make a trip does not have to do a ton of preparation as long as the person keeps the battery of the bike charged. Long-distance travel requires a lot of thought ahead and a bicycle storage area where it can be used. If for some unknown reason the bicycle cannot go with its owner to go shopping, many shopping malls, partitions and supermarkets make electric bikes available to their customers.

    Various or electric bicycles are specifically designed for mounting and mounting in a car park, however, even basic bicycle systems consider the business owner's need to move it far beyond a single battery charge that can take the bike. Most carts can force large bundles without a problem, but it is best to look at transport agencies, trains or carriers first before buying exit tickets to see what arrangements they have made to ensure that a light electric bike comes to the same purpose as a traveler.

    Significant walking requires a lot of thought ahead and a bicycle storage circuit where it can be used efficiently. In the unlikely event that no one can easily explain why a bicycle cannot go with its owner to shop, many shopping malls, parts and stores make electric bikes available to their customers.

    Most trucks can reduce large packets without a problem, but it is best to take organizations to the transport agencies, trains or shippers first before buying exit passports to see what plans they have made to ensure that the small electric bike goes for the same reason as an international inspector.

    Om  posted in Miscellaneous

    Post updated on:  Sep 6, 2021 7:25:02 PM

    The Godavari River is an important river in India, flowing from west to south. The river's catchment area is considered to be one of the largest in the country. The river is 1,465 kilometres long, making it the country's second longest (after the Ganges). The river's drainage basin spans six Indian states: Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, and Orissa.

    The source of the Godavari River is situated near Trimbak in Nashik District of Maharashtra. After setting off, the river runs towards the east, traversing the Deccan Plateau. In the end, the river empties into the Bay of Bengal at Narasapuram in West Godavari district, Andhra Pradesh.

    Photo by kazuend on Unsplash

    The river, which originates in the Western Ghats Mountain Range, is an important waterway in central India. Trimbakeshwar is the name of the origin, and it is located in the Nashik District or Subdivision in the state of Maharashtra, and it runs east through the Deccan terrain via the Maharashtra state. The river is also known as the Dakshin Ganga or the Southern Ganges. The river enters Andhra Pradesh near Kandhakurthi in the Nizamabad district of Andhra Pradesh, flows through the Deccan topography, and then bends to run southeasterly till it empties into the Bay of Bengal through two outlets. Basara in Adilabad District is a popular tourist destination on the riverbanks. It is home to a prominent temple dedicated to Goddess Saraswati. It is also India's second oldest temple dedicated to the deity.

    Rajahmundry is the largest city on the Godavari's riverbanks. The river's breadth is greatest here (approximately 5 kilometres from Rajahmundry to the other bank at Kovvur).

    The Sri Ram Sagar Dam was erected over this river between 1964 and 1969, and it meets the irrigation needs of areas in Andhra Pradesh such as Nizamabad, Adilabad, Warangal, and Karimnagar.

    Dharmapuri is a prominent temple township in Andhra Pradesh, with a sacred place of devotion dedicated to Lord Sri Laxmi Narashimha Swamy. The shrine attracts religious pilgrims from all around Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. According to Dr. Sanganabhatla Narsaiah, a notable Telugu writer and scholar of Desi Chandas in Telugu and Principal of SLNSA College - Dharmapuri, the river was also named 'Telivaha' in this district, which was considered to have given rise to the term 'Telugu.'

    Despite the fact that the river begins only 80 kilometres from the Arabian Sea, it flows 1,465 kilometres (910 miles) to the Bay of Bengal. Only above Rajahmundry is a barrage that supplies water for agricultural reasons. The river divides into two torrents beneath Rajahmundry, which stretch into a large river delta with a vast accessible irrigation canal system, Dowleswaram Barrage, which connects the area to the Krishna River delta to the southwest.

    Hindus consider the Godavari River to be sacred, and there are numerous religious sites along its banks. For a long time, the river has been treasured as a specific location of pilgrimage. A number of notable people, including Baladeva (5000 years ago) and, more recently, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (500 years ago), have bathed in her waters to offer prayers.
    Godavari is also known as Dhakshin Kashi (Rajahmundry), Dakshin, and the Southern Ganges. The Pushkaram Fair is held along the riverbanks. Countless individuals take a ceremonial bath in the river's holy waters to wash away their sins.

    According to legend, the legendary mentor Gautama and his wife Ahalya resided on the Brahmagiri Hills in Trayambakeshwar. The rice was stored in a granary by the sage. Once upon a time, a cow entered the granary and ate the rice. The cow died after the sage tried to chase it out with Durbha grass. The sage intended to absolve himself of "Gohatya's" sin. He prayed to Lord Shiva and begged him to bring the Ganges to wash his dwelling. Lord Shiva was pleased with the sage and manifested himself as Triambaka, bringing the Ganges River with him. The Ganges River was named Gautami after Sage Gautama, who brought it down to Triambakeshwar.

    The Godavari River delta is home to the Coringa mangrove forests, which are India's second largest mangrove development. A portion of this area has been designated as the Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary, which is well-known for its reptiles. A wide variety of crabs and fish can also be found in the refuge. These forests also act as barriers to windstorms, cyclones, surges, and waves, protecting the settlements nearby.

    The Krishna Godavari watershed area is a major breeding site for the endangered Olive Ridley Turtle. Following the Ganges, the Godavari is India's second largest river.

    Post updated on:  Sep 6, 2021 7:19:25 PM

    We'll just go out and say it there is a lot of deceptive and completely wrong data there about skin rashes. Fortunately, sensible experiments have dispersed a ton of these "skin inflammation issues." Right now we have a very good idea of ​​what doesn't cause skin rashes. We should examine seven major ideas.

    Works or False? Find out the facts about skin rashes and their myths

    Skin stings Myth # 1: Acne is caused by eating certain foods

    This one has been around for a long time but is kept without a reasonable guarantee. While some people may seem to experience episodes when eating certain types of food, there are no general rules that apply to everyone. Eating pizza, chocolate, nuts and a variety of fatty foods will not build up your skin.

    Skin Swelling Myth # 2: Acne is characterized by dirt or dirty skin

    Apart from the fact that having clean skin has different benefits, the soil does not cause inflammation of the skin. Skin rashes are arranged under the skin and are due to the formation of sebum and dead skin cells. It's not the ground that blocks your ropes. The facts really confirm that nine out of ten teens suffer from the side effects of skin rashes, but it is also true that about 1 in 4 people gets it more than that. Skin rashes are usually records of factors that determine why teens have a high rate of skin rashes, but older people often experience hormonal changes at different times in their lives.

    Skin Exfoliation Myth # 3: Washing your face regularly will remove the skin

    This type of diagnosis is myth # 3. Having clean skin is not the answer to preventing skin inflammation. Trying hard to the point that washing your face can aggravate the situation. Undressing your oily skin can cause future eruptions.

    Skin rashes Myth # 4: Only young people develop skin rashes

    The facts really confirm that 9 out of 10 teens suffer from skin rashes, but it is also true that about 1 in 4 adults get it more than that. Skin rashes are all accounts of chemicals that will determine why teens have a higher incidence of skin rashes, but older people are constantly experiencing hormonal changes at different times in their lives. Rashes are usually synthetic compounds that will determine why teens have a higher rate of skin rashes, but more established people often experience hormonal changes at different times in their lives.

    Skin Swelling Myth # 5: Depression causes inflammation of the skin

    Logical evidence suggests that stress is not a major factor in skin inflammation. It has long been accepted that pressure causes episodes of skin inflammation but this is not the case.

    The skin is exposed Myth # 6: Acne can be relieved

    Many people view skin rashes as a chronic illness. Sadly, this is not the case. Skin fractures can be controlled and cleaned through official health management, however they will not be relieved. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Skin patches can be controlled and cleaned using the real well-being of managers, however they will not be allowed.

    Om  posted in Miscellaneous

    Post updated on:  Sep 6, 2021 7:18:27 PM

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