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Being Green: Making system healthier

New technology ensures increase in efficiency of the hotel, in terms of increased revenue or  guest satisfaction. Changes being important part of every system, experienced housekeeping managers still rely on the same archaic procedures and tools as when it was years ago. As the housekeeping department is responsible for bringing in the largest share of profit to an accommodation operation, but this fact is hardly acknowledged and consider  a thankless job.
In the modern era, where hotels are planning to implement cloud computing, robots and we talk about innovative technology to make hospitality services faster and more user friendly, and when it comes to housekeeping, each and every guest would like to be attended by an employee and not robots who can listen to them and can provide them with personalized services.

In this competitive scenario generating revenuel is very tough and satisfying guest is even tougher. Because of increase in foreigners visit and increased competition among hotels, guests and management have realized the importance of housekeeping services. And so Housekeeping managers have started thinking of operations as more scientific and mechanized. Efficiently managed Housekeeping departments ensure the cleanliness, safeguarding and aesthetic entreat of the hotel.
There have been noteworthy innovations in housekeeping over recent years, which are now gaining ground in hotels around the world. Whereas, the best innovation found in the past few years is the ? Eco Hotels? And Green hotels has become a new and a unique concept to fetch guest and side by side maintaining its eco friendly value.
 Eco hotel has made important environmental improvements to its structure in order to minimize its impact on the environment. The basic definition of a green hotel is an environmentally responsible lodging that follows the practices of green living. These hotels have to be certified green by an independent third-party or by the state they are located in. Traditionally, these hotels were mostly presented as Eco Lodges because of their location, often in jungles, and their design inspired by the use of traditional building methods applied by skilled local craftsmen in areas, such as Costa Rica and Indonesia.
Today, eco hotels also include properties in less "natural" locations that have invested in improving their "green" credentials. For example The Ecotel, Uppal Hotel in Delhi, is based on five areas of environmentalism, which are referred to as the ?cornerstones of environmental responsibility? or simply as ?Globes?. These Globes are Energy conservation, water conservation,Solid waste management, Employee environmental education and environmental commitment.
Don't you think Green technology has given Hotel many options to make their Suites and rooms look different?
With the focus progressively on green practices, there is much more to being ecologically friendly than reusing sheets and towels. i.e. to save water, save energy and reduce solid waste, Improving air and water quality and Increasing the efficient use of natural resources.
Eco practices are one of the most spectacular emerging trends in hotel housekeeping. ?Going green? is a trend of the day and environment sound policies increases the monetary health of a property.
Green hotels follow strict green guidelines to ensure that their guests are staying in a safe, non-toxic and energy-efficient accommodation. Here are some basic characteristics of a green hotel:
Housekeeping uses non-toxic cleaning agents and laundry detergent
100% organic cotton sheets, towels and mattresses
Non-smoking environment
Renewable energy sources like solar or wind energy
Bulk organic soap and amenities instead of individual packages to reduce waste
Guest room and hotel lobby recycling bins
Towel and sheet re-use (guests can tell housekeeping to leave these slightly used items to reduce water consumption)
Energy-efficient lighting
On-site transportation with green vehicles
Serve organic and local-grown food
Non-disposable dishes
Offers a fresh-air exchange system
Grey-water recycling, which is the reuse of kitchen, bath and laundry water for garden and landscaping
Newspaper recycling program

There is an increasing awareness to use eco-friendly amenities, commodities and practices. Housekeepers are developing and adopting new ways to conserve water and energy. According to American Hotel and Lodging Association (AHLA) hospitality industry spends $3.7 billion in a year on energy. AHLA estimates that reducing energy use by 10% industry would save $ 285 million.
Usage of energy consuming appliances. i.e. compact fluorescent lamps which saves energy. Ceiling motion sensors are used in meeting rooms,conference rooms and public areas to reduce energy waste. Housekeepers are looking for products and equipment that help in conserving energy.
Bamboo is an environmentally sustainable material for uniforms, toweling and sheeting and is gaining popularity as its cost is coming down.
Nano technology used in surface coating makes it dirt and dust resistant. The product works by using the nano particles that fill in microscopic fissures in surfaces, creating a perfect seal that repels water, grease, bacteria and dirt.  It is used in Korea and Japan for years, they are now showing up on other continents.
Microfibre as a cleaning system has been in use in hospitals for years and is now slowly adopted into housekeeping departments around the world. Not only it is environmentally friendly but is also cost effective and also produces better cleaning results. It?s a cleaning cloth made of polyester, nylon or polyamide strands that are many times finer than a human hair. The fibres are wedge shaped so their edges van cut through and move soil off an object. It is non abrasive and can be used without chemicals or with water.
The Professional Housekeeper?s Association of New South Wales commissioned laboratory analysis of cleaning hygiene, comparing the effectiveness of 5 methods of cleaning bathroom glasses. The tests showed that all 5 methods; using dish washing liquid, microfibre, a sterilizing tablet, all purpose cleaner and using a dishwasher were effective in removing bacteria and mould present.

Various institutes and organization are also planning workshops and training events for promoting Green technology, To get new ideas and concepts of green technology not only in hotels but worldwide.

Timely and professional housekeeping management is at the epicenter of the guest experience and therefore the heart of a successful hotel operation. Being green means guests, staff and management are healthier. There is no doubt that when odors, fumes, soot, droplets and residues of toxic, poisonous chemicals are not in the air, on our food or on anything we touch, we are not absorbing or breathing them, WE ARE HEALTHY.

Post updated on:  Sep 3, 2021 12:34:08 AM

बालो में डैंड्रफ होना आजकल आम बात हो गई है। डैंड्रफ की वजह से सर में खुजली तो रहती ही है, साथ ही हमारे बाल भी झड़ने लगते हैं। बालो से गिरती हुई डैंड्रफ, झड़ते हुए बाल हम परशान तो करते ही है साथ ही उसकी वजह से कफी बार हम शर्मिंदा भी होना पढ़ता है। क्या आप भी इसी समस्या को फेस कर रहे हैं? तो हम आपको बता दे की प्याज का रस की मदद से आप समस्या से छुटकारा पा सकता है। प्याज में मोजुद सल्फर डैंड्रफ बढ़ने वाले बैक्टीरिया को मार्ता है और बालो की जड़ों को पोषण फुचता है। या फिर खून का बहाव बढ़ाकर बालो का झटका भी काम करता है। इसलिये बोहोत से लोग बालो की लंबाई बढ़ाने के लिए भी प्याज का रस लगाते हैं। अगर आप भी डैंड्रफ के बिना हेल्दी और लंबे बालो को रखना पसंद करते हैं तो आए जाने (डैंड्रफ के लिए प्याज का रस), प्याज के रस से रूसी को दूर करने के तारिके। घरेलू उपचार मुझे बोहोत लम्बे समय से प्याज का रस का उपयोग बालो की रूसी हटाने में किया जा रहा है। हलंकी इसकी तीखी गंध की वजह से लोग इसे ज्यादा पसंद नहीं करते। लेकिन ये बालो में होने वाली बहुत सी समस्याएं जैसे की दोमुहे बालो का होना, और खोपड़ी में संक्रमण को दूर करता है।

1. रूसी क्यों होती है?
डैंड्रफ के लिए ट्रीटमेंट करने से पहले आपको ये जाना जरूरी है की इसे पिचे की वजह क्या है? तबी आप इस्का बेहतर तारिके से इलाज कर पायेंगी। डैंड्रफ होने की कफी साड़ी वजाह है जैसे हमारे दिन भर के खाने की मात्रा में कमी होना, बालो की सफाई की कमी, पोषक तत्वों की कमी और हार्मोन असंतुलन की वजह से भी रूसी होती है।
इसके अलावा बाहरी वजाह जैसे की प्रदूषण, बालो का उपचार, जेल का उपयोग, जल्दीबाजी में बाल धोना, मौसम का बदलना, तनाव की समस्या, भी इसके मुख्य कारण है।

2. प्याज के रस का उपयोग कैसे करें
प्याज का रस को निकलकर इसे अपने स्कैल्प पर लगाकर 20 से 30 मिनट के लिए छोड दे। इस्के बाद अपने सर पर तौलिया को अच्छी तरह से लापेट दे। फिर शैम्पू से अपने बालो को अच्छी तरह से धो कर ले।

3. प्याज का रस और बीयर
शायद आपको पता नहीं होगा बीयर भी बालो को प्राकृतिक रूप से चमकदार बनाती है। प्याज का रस को बीयर के साथ मिलाकर लगाने से बालो की वृद्धि तो बढ़ती है साथ ही बाल मुलायम भी हो जाते हैं। इसे एक सप्ताह में 2 बार करने से इस्का असर दिखायी देने लगता है।

4. प्याज का रस और नारियल का तेल
नारियल तेल के साथ प्याज का रस को मिलाकर लगाने से बालो की वृद्धि तेजी से होती है और साथ ही ये बालो को पोषण भी देता है।
इसके लिए प्याज का रस को नारियल तेल के साथ मिलाकर बालो की मालिश करें। फिर बालो को तौलिया से कवर करे और भाप ले। ये मेथड स्कैल्प से डेड सेल्स को हटती है। जिस्से डैंड्रफ भी कम होती है और बालो की ग्रोथ भी बढ़ जाती है।

5. प्याज का रस और शहद का मिश्रण
शाहद की कुछ बूंदों को प्याज का रस के साथ मिला ले और जहां पर बल काम है वहा पर ये मिश्रान को लगा ले। ऐसा करने से बल कफी मजबूत और चमकदार होते हैं। इसी बालो की क्वालिटी में कफी सुधार आता है और बाल मजबूत होते हैं।

6. प्याज का रस और बेसन
डैंड्रफ दूर करने के लिए प्याज के साथ बेसन को अच्छी तरह से मिला लिजिये और सही तरह से लगाये। इसे वीक में 2 बार लगाने से कुछ ही दिनो में सर से डैंड्रफ दूर हो जाता है।

7. प्याज का रस और अंडे
ये तो सबके लिए है की अंडा बालो की शाइनिंग के लिए बहुत जरूरी होता है। इसके साथ ये बालो से डैंड्रफ को भी दूर करने में फायदेमंद होता है। इसके लिए अंडे के अंडे के सफेद भाग को प्याज के रस के साथ अच्छी तरह मिक्स कर ले फिर इसे 20 से 25 मिनट तक अपने बालो में लगाकर राखे और शैंपू कर ले। ऐसा वीक में 2 बार करने से बालो से डैंड्रफ दूर हो जाती है।

8. प्याज का रस और एलोवेरा
एलोवेरा में कफी प्रोटीन होता है जिससे ये रूखी त्वचा तवाचा को दूर करता है। इसे लगाने के लिए प्याज का रस के 3 छोटे चम्मच और एलोवेरा के 2 छोटे छम्मच को अच्छी तरह से मिक्स कर ले। इस तरह बने पेस्ट को अपने बालो पर लगा ले और काम से काम 15 मिनट तक इसे लगा रहने दे फिर ठंडे पानी से बालो को धो ले।

Post updated on:  Sep 2, 2021 9:54:01 AM


Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh's capital city, is a mash-up of culture, tradition, history, and urban sprawl. While some of the things to see in Bhopal include historic forts, palaces, caverns, and temples, there are also magnificent high rises and edifices that showcase modern architecture.To top it all off, Bhopal's pristine natural beauty enchants visitors all year. Visiting Bhopal also allows you to sample delectable native food and learn about Madhya Pradesh's tribal culture.

Photo by Abhidev Vaishnav on Unsplash


Upper Lake is one of the most interesting tourist attractions in Bhopal. With one lonely island in the middle, this man-made lake offers enormous natural beauty. Furthermore, locals think that the water in Upper Lake has medicinal and healing characteristics. People may watch a beautiful sunset or cruise the lake in paddle, rowing, or speed boats.




Wait till you see Lower Lake if you think Upper Lake is gorgeous. It is one of the most prominent tourist attractions in Bhopal. The lower lake is separated from the higher lake by a bridge. The location provides breathtaking views of the city. You may easily spend a couple of hours by the lake, engrossed in the attraction's ethereal splendour. It is an essential component of the Bhoj wetland.




This is surely an utopia on earth for shopaholics, since it is said that anything from a pin to an plane can be found here. The renowned market is located in the middle of Bhopal and has a variety of stores ranging from vegetable hawkers to books, apparel, shoes, kitchenware, and other items. However, it is extensively used for accessories, footwear, and clothing. As a result, all of the shops are moderately priced.




The majestic Birla Temple, also known as the Lakshmi Narayan mandir, is located at the top of Arera Hills. While the majestic architecture will take your breath away, the temple's peacefulness will immediately put you at ease. The temple, which is surrounded by beautiful flora, is devoted to Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi. From the summit, take in the panoramic views of the city. Don't forget to pay a visit.




Bhopal's Van Vihar National Park is a large wildlife refuge. It is one of the must-see spots in Bhopal for environment lovers and bird watchers, nestled between Shamla Hills and Upper Lake. Many birds and wild animals live here, including leopards, sambars, nilgais, turtles, star tortoises, crocodiles, langurs, porcupines, wild boars, and chitals.



Post updated on:  Sep 2, 2021 9:52:31 AM

Chittorgarh History

Chittorgarh has a rich history and gives you the feeling of being on 'holy' land where many a strong warrior has trod. This town, which was formerly the capital of Mewar, has a lot to see and do. Every structure here gives witness to its illustrious history. The towering fort and the eye-catching temples, the magnificent palaces and the colossal towers all have a storey to tell. They provide witness to a bygone era's honour, bravery, passion, devotion, and sacrifice.

Chittorgarh's history is enthralling, with tales of wars and brutal sieges. Tales of courage, bravery, and romance, as well as tales of death and destruction. Legends about Jauhar's queens and noble women giving their lives. These interesting stories have the potential to captivate a receptive audience. These stories have been immortalised in ballads and folk tunes over the years.

The renowned Rajput queen Padmini, also known as Rani Padmavati, is one such mythology that has been present for ages but has just recently captured the nation's attention. According to legend, the lovely queen resided in Chittorgarh during the 13th and 14th centuries.

A tour of the Chittorgarh Fort

You can't help but be in awe of the location once you've arrived. I felt chills as I stood there admiring the fort's sheer magnitude and majesty. It is a beautiful building that stands atop a 180-meter-high hill and spans over 692 acres, providing panoramic views of the surrounding area. It holds the distinction of being the country's biggest fort. That has to say something about its vastness and grandeur.

The Chittorgarh Fort is one of eight monuments in Rajasthan that have been designated as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. There is no clear proof as to who erected it, although historians believe it was constructed during the time of the Mauryan Empire in the 7th century.
The fort's splendor is not confined to its size and proportions. It is also known for its distinct and well-received architecture. There are 84 artificially created reservoirs surrounding the fort, and they are a work of brilliance ? their presence demonstrates the well-thought-out design in medieval times. The water bodies were built in such a way that they could contain enough water to supply a fleet of 50,000 soldiers for four years.

The fort is entered by seven gates, the primary one being Ram Pol. The gates were cleverly built to keep the adversary from entering or attacking the fort. What remains today are ruins, yet they create such a vivid image of a beautiful era. Not everything has been run down and destroyed; we were told that about 65 structures, mostly palaces, temples, towers, and cenotaphs, still exist. The most eye-catching buildings are the triumph towers.

Post updated on:  Sep 2, 2021 9:51:58 AM

INDORE - Overview
'Indore,' one of the most popular and attractive cities in Madhya Pradesh (MP), has long captivated its visitors with the allure of its architectural splendor and interesting history. It has housed a number of historical monuments and religious sites that were erected by the famous Maharashtrian monarchs 'Holkar' who governed the city for many years. Indore's rich cultural past makes it one of the most respected destinations in MP, with a lot to offer visitors on vacation trips. If you visit its majestic palaces, finely carved temples, and old forts, your holidays in Indore may be thrilling and amazing.

Indore, nestled on the banks of the Khan and Sarawati rivers, is recognised for its architectural magnificence in the form of monuments, palaces, and forts. It is claimed that Rani Ahilya Bai Holkar of Indore was a big lover of architectural designs and spent a lot of money on temples and forts in and around Indore. The Indore people's love and admiration for the queen led to the building of her statue in the city centre, near Rajwada. Her significant contribution to the city is still recognised by the people who live here.

Indore Tourism caters to a wide range of interests, including ordinary visitors, history buffs, art connoisseurs, and religious pilgrims who enjoy visiting renowned Indore sites such as Rajwada, Chattri Bagh, Kanch Mandir, Lalbagh Palace, Bada Ganpati, and others. Indore has a rich cultural past since it has been governed by some of history's most powerful kings, who built numerous historical monuments and temples to commemorate their legacy.

Indore is home to various sectors, including as car, textile, and information technology, and it provides numerous chances for students and business people to find job in the city. As more and more educational institutes, including some of the top in the country, relocate to the city, it is quickly becoming the state of MP's IT powerhouse. The most well-known is IIM Indore, which is one of India's first management colleges. Devi Ahilya Vishwa Vidyalaya, founded in 1964, is another well-known educational institution in the centre of Indore. IIT Indore and Crystal IT Park are also part of Indore's renowned educational and technological hub.

Because Indore is a centre of educational institutes, a large number of young people visit the city each year, giving the city a global feel. The city is well-known for its food, festivals, and handicrafts, which provide travellers with several opportunities to spend quality time with family and friends while enjoying their holidays in the heart of India, Madhya Pradesh.

Festivals in Indore
Indore is a renowned tourist destination in India, noted for its ancient splendour as well as its urban lifestyle. Many holidays are held in the city, such as Holi, Deepawali, and Ganesh Chaturthi, but some are unique and exclusively celebrated in Indore, such as Anant Chaudas, Rangpanchami, and Ahilya Utsav. While Anant Chaudas is celebrated in September, Rangapanchami dates back to the time when Holkar ruled the region, and Holi is celebrated five days later. This is a colourful and musical event that fills the air of Indore every year on the day of celebration.

Anant Chaudas entails pulling out a large idol of Lord Ganesha and immersing it in water at night, similar to Ganesha Chaturthi. Ahilya Utsav is an annual celebration commemorating the valiant and well-loved queen of the Holkar kingdom, 'Rani Ahilya Bai Holkar.' Another important holiday is Navratri, which is celebrated in Indore at the Bijasen Mata temple with a fair held within the temple compound.

Where to Stay in Indore
You are away from home, and you must ensure that your stay is comfortable and relaxing! Don't be concerned; Indore is a large city with plenty of options for lodging. Indore has a superb selection of hotels and resorts with world-class services to make you feel both comfortable and thrilled. One may select a hotel based on their needs and budget. Even a small guest home in the city gives all necessary and basic services to travellers; look for some nice hotels in Indore to add memories to your vacation.
  • - Amaltas International Hotel
  • - Balwas International Hotel
  • - Central Apartment and Hotel
  • - Radisson Blu Indore
  • - Cherry Tree Hotel
  • - The Blessings Grand Hotel
  • - Best Western Plus O2 Hotel
  • - Chokhi Dhani Indore
  • - Country Inn & Suites by Carlson
  • - Fortune Landmark Indore
  • - Ginger Indore
  • - Crown Palace Hotel
  • - Kanchan Hotel
  • - Tulsi Hotel
  • - Sayaji Hotel

Shopping in Indore
Indore is well-known for several things, one of which is clothing. This city's textile sector is well-known throughout the country. It is a shopper's paradise with all sorts of stores offering all types of textiles such as zari, Chanderi, dye cloth, hand block printing fabric, and so on. Sitlamata Bazaar (Chanderi and Maheswari saree), Bada and Chota Sarafa Market (jewellery), and Marothia Bazaar are some of the famous places to explore while in Indore (arts and crafts).

Where to eat in Indore
If you enjoy cuisine, you've come to the perfect spot! Indore is a foodie's dream, with everything to satisfy your appetites, especially the desire for tangy, crispy, and salty snacks like Poha Jalebi, Sabudana Khichdi, Sev puri, and so on. Furthermore, the city provides North, South, West, and East Indian cuisines at numerous dining establishments at Sarafa Market and Chapan Market. Indore's most popular sweets include gajak, gulab jamun, and rabri.

How to Reach
By Air : Because Indore is centrally positioned in India, it is easily accessible from all major cities such as Bhopal, Gwalior, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Nagpur, Jaipur, Raipur, Delhi, and Mumbai. Indore airport is only 8 kilometres from the city, and one may take a prepaid cab or a bus from the airport to the hotel.

By Rail: Indore railway station is connected to the western railway's Ratlam division and is accessible from major cities in India such as Mumbai, Pune, Nagpur, Delhi, Jaipur, Ahmedabad, and Vadodra.

By Road: State and national highways link Indore to other cities in the state. Regular bus service to Indore is accessible from places like as Bhopal, Gwalior, Ujjain, and Sanchi.

Best time to visit
Winter is the greatest time to visit Indore since the weather is nice and comfortable, making it ideal for wandering around the city and viewing all of the city's notable landmarks. You can arrange your vacation in October, November, December, January, and March.

Post updated on:  Sep 2, 2021 9:51:35 AM


Addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (?), division (?), and brackets ( ).
A very easy and very important rule required in day today life.
BODMAS rule is used to remember the order of operations to be followed while solving math?s equation. Its full form is B for Brackets, O for Order of powers, D for Division, M for Multiplication, A for Addition, and S for Subtraction. It means that the equation is to be solved, from left to right in this order. First, brackets are solved, then powers or roots, then division or multiplication and then at last subtraction or addition. If any equation has any operations missing, then also the same order is adopted. For example,
16/4+( 4*3), The expression has no minus, Then the same rule of BODMAS will be followed, Firstly we will solve bracket, then division and multiplication and at last addition.
Math is always about common sense and some standard rules. So, BODMAS is one of those standard rules for simplifying equations having several operators.

In mathematics, an equation has two basic components:
  • Numbers.
  • Operators.
Numbers are mathematical values used for counting They can classified as natural numberswhole numbersintegersrational numbersirrational numbersreal numberscomplex numbersimaginary numbers. 1 is always a UNIQUE number. Whereas an operator joins two numbers and produces an expression or equation. In math, the most common operators are Addition (+), Subtraction (-), Multiplication (*), Division (/). If the BODMAS rule is not followed, the answer can vary.
One way: 6 * 3 + 2 = 6 * 5 = 30,
Another way: 6 * 3 + 2 = 18 + 2 = 20.

So, in this equation, the second answer is correct, as in this the BODMAS rule is followed. Firstly Multiplication is done ( 6* 3) and followed by addition.
Therefore, BODMAS has to be applied,  when there is more than one operation in a mathematical equation. There is a series of certain rules that need to be followed while applying the BODMAS method. This gives a right arrangement to create a single answer for every mathematical expression.
In case of a bracket, open it, then add or subtract the numbers. a + (b + c) = a + b + c,  a + (b - c) = a + b - c
If there is a negative sign just open the bracket, multiply the minus sign with each number inside the bracket. a ? (b + c) a ? b ? c   
?If there is any number outside the bracket with no sign, as shown in the example multiply the number outside the bracket with each number inside the bracket.
Here,  a(b + c) ab + ac    
One simple method to keep in mind for the BODMAS rule, is to carry out these stepladder:
Reduce the bare bones : Simplify brackets first
Perform division or multiplication (go from left to right)
Perform addition or subtraction (go from left to right)

Its time to solve some questions as in Maths- PRACTICE makes the man PERFECT.

Arvind  posted in Mathematics

Post updated on:  Sep 2, 2021 12:19:39 AM

Role of Bollywood in promoting Tourism
Divya Thakur
Asst. Professor
Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology, New Delhi 110019
Indian Cinema has contributed immensely to promote tourism in India and even abroad. Bollywood has unintentionally and effortlessly portrayed some of the most popular tourist destinations in India on the screens. Tourists are getting influenced with various tourist destinations. The biggest film industry in the world has contributed to the tourism industry by shooting at some of the finest and vivacious destinations of India.
However the continuous growth in travel and tourism industry, there are many trends where the industry is flourishing at a fast rate. The tourism industry of the country has undergone various changes over the time and Bollywood is one of the factors which are also gaining popularity amongst commoners. 
According to a recent survey, Bollywood is estimated to enjoy viewership of 14million people on a daily basis. This amazing fan base and an incredible mass appeal have significantly influenced the Indian culture at large scale. It is not just restricted to the culture but it has highly influenced the choices of Indian travelers as well.

In a country where people treat their favorite Bollywood celebrities as Gods, they make it a point to visit the places where their favorite Bollywood actor/ actress have shot for their movies. Darjeeling became one of the most favored romantic destinations after the release of Rajesh Khanna and Sharmila Tagore starer ?Aradhna? which featured some of the stunning and alluring scenic beauty of the surroundings.

Flims Like ?Dor? and ?Dil Chahta Hai? had set a surprising change in the tourism industry of Rajasthan and Goa. The brilliant city theme based movies like Kahaani, Delhi-6 and the Kai Po Che had flooded these cities with great number of tourists.

There are still few places which were not so popular before we watched them on silver screen like Marble rocks in Jabalpur. The gorge along the Narmada River is a truly spectacular sight. The splendid marble rocks give the place a surreal look. The beautiful song ?Raat Ka Nasha? in the Shahrukh Khan starrer ?Aśoka?, was shot there.
Remember that gorgeous waterfall from the film Chennai Express? Its name is Dudh sagar Waterfall and it is located in the Goa state of India. Dudh Sagar Waterfall is one of the highest water falls in India, and among the hundred highest waterfalls in the world. It lies in the southern part of Goa at Mollem, towards the border with Karnataka state. Dudh Sagar, literally means a Sea of Milk in the local Konkanni language, and gets its name as it appears like an overflowing sea of milk. It has a total height of 306 meters and a width of 30 meters.
Bollywood not just promoting the tourist destinations but also it promotes few travel portals which may provide sponsorship in movies like in ?Yeh Jawani hai Diwani?, where Ranbir and friends set out on a group trek to Manali organized by none other than MakeMyTrip, and the movie Jab Harry Met Sejal was also associated with Cox and King.
The young people who can afford holidays are not watching television or reading newspapers. They are consuming content online. When a celebrity is shown living an experience it becomes aspirational and Instagram posts are way more personal. Social media offers reach and engagement that a celebrity brings with his/her millions of followers which cannot be matched by traditional media.
Tourism has been leveraging Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh?s social media following. The actor who has seven million followers on Facebook?s photo-sharing app Instagram and over eight million on Facebook has been promoting the offbeat destinations and adventure activities that the country offers through candid pictures and videos. Bollywood actors also endorse for famous travel portals like Alia Bhatt and Ranvir singh endorse for Make My Trip, however Deepika Padukon promotes Goibibo.com and Ranbir Kapoor is the brand ambassador of Yatra.com Pvt. Ltd.

Hence, Bollywood movies and celebrities play an important role in promoting tourism of India. There are few celebrities also promotes state tourism in India, like Amitabh Bacchan is the Brand Ambassador of Gujarat Tourism (Khushbhoo Gujarat Ki), Shah Rukh Khan is the Brand Ambassador of West Bengal Tourism(, Kajol and Ajay Devgan promotes Madhya Pradesh Tourism and so on.

Post updated on:  Sep 2, 2021 12:16:24 AM

De motivating factors while choosing right career option for hotel management graduates.

Taking decision of their own career is the most important thing in a student's life. It is found that even graduates from recognized educational institutions in India face major gaps, resulting in them being unprepared for their careers.
It becomes difficult for a hotel management student to choose one department and stick to it till he/she retires. While doing a survey of hotel management students, a very surprising finding is noticed that students face peer pressure, teachers, mentor, parents pressure, parents who are under peer pressure (they are more worried about the neighbor's child). Most of the students do not get the guidance they need from home because their parents did not get similar opportunities. Rather than putting our ambitions on their shoulders, parents must always understand that every child is born with his/her own talent and interest.

However,  Students self-efficacy and occupational aspiration  should be the most important factor to influence the students career decision,  followed by tradition and cultural value, career guidance, support from parents  and external consultation.
When a student join hotel management, in most of cases student and their parents have least idea about the course. Students actually understand the industry when they undergo training of 6 weeks in second year of their curriculum. This is the time when a student realizes if hotel management is fit for them or not. But at the same time it?s too late for them to quit too. Then in the last year, they face many de motivational factors in choosing the right career option for themselves.
Hospitality is very different from other Industries as far as its education is concerned as it has training in its curriculum. An internship is a form of experimental learning that integrates knowledge and theory learned in the classroom with practical application. It helps students to gain valuable applied experience and make connections in professional fields and give them opportunity to understand and live a Hotel life, and also to choose an area of Interest for them. At the same time training does not show the true picture to the students as too much work assigned to trainees, makes the students de motivated . Hoteliers must understand that students as trainees are not substitute labors and must provide a platform to learn skills on supervision of a staff.

When students join a hotel management Institute, majorly they want to choose Food production as their career option but it changes when they join the Industry. There has been seen many cases, where students change and make up their mind during the training in Hotels and choose a relevant area for them, and of course develop a passion toward it. It has been noted that majority of students keep Front office, Sales and Marketing and Food and Beverage Service as their right Choice due to Salary, lively environment and growth.
It is very surprising to know, that there can be few people in the life of a student who can be de-motivating ie. Parents, Academicians and Role Models. This is possible in the cases where parents have a very little idea about Hospitality, and so it is very important to educate them as soon as a student starts his/her career in hospitality.  It is very important for academicians and Hoteliers to understand that some ones objective should not be changed rather should be helped in achieving the same. If a student wants to choose Front Office as their career option, he should be trained rather than de motivating him/her to choose any other department.
 Interviews are considered to be the most de-motivating in choosing the right career option as the feeling of rejection makes them think about biasness of the basis of gender or looks. There have been many cases where a front office student is offered a job in housekeeping department, and a food production person is offered job in sales and marketing or front office. Here the passion of a student fails.
It has been find out that perception of female students is altogether different from male students. On an average girls want a future where there is work Life Balance, keeping salary as not the major point,  they need a secured and stable job with general timings, they would like to grow in the same field for long. At the same point and time they will never change their area of interest (passion). Whereas boys generally keep a secondary area of interest and as they want to grow with handsome salary. They want to see themselves at a good level in the early stages of their career and to be an Entrepreneur later. Each and every student has to be dealt in a different way, keeping in priority their own wishes, their demand from career and passion.
 There is no place where a child cannot be motivated, changed, learnt. The only change, we must do is to understand them and work on them.

Post updated on:  Sep 2, 2021 12:16:01 AM

Choosing right career option for hotel management students
Divya Thakur
Asst Professor
Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Hotel Management.

Everyone has a dream of what he/she wants to be, in the early stages of their life.  We might have heard from a lot of kids that they want to be a doctor as their father is from the same profession. But as they grow up, they realize the changes in their interest and diversity in choosing their career path.
To choose the best option for them, one has to face a great deal of pressure from families, colleagues, education system and culture. It seems very difficult that one has to pick one career path and stick with it until he/she retire. They need a right advice to find a job that does it all: engages the talents, makes plenty of money, opportunity to grow and maintaining work life balance.
 In a country, like India, where parents celebrate their child's achievements, why do over 60 per cent of our graduates feel anxious about their future?
In a research conducted on Harvard Business School (HBS), It is found that even graduates from recognized educational institutions in India face major gaps, resulting in them being unprepared for their careers.
In most of the professions, students are not exposed to internships through-out their college experience and so they are not able experiment, gain mentorship, and learn practical skills on the job. This makes the students first job the first time they have ever worked. Whereas in hospitality, students undergo six months of industrial training and sometimes vocational training, which helps them to choose their area of interest. They understand the work pressure, learn professionalism, choose the best department for them and they can fit themselves to be the master of one stream.

When students join a hotel management Institute, majorly they want to opt Food production as their career option but it changes when they join the Industry. There has been seen many cases, where students have changed and make up their mind during the training in Hotels and choose a relevant area for them, and of course develop a passion toward it. And also, majority of students keep Front office, Sales and Marketing and Food and Beverage Service as their right Choice due to Salary, lively environment and growth.

Whereas it has also been found that students treat training and interviews conducted by hotels as the most demotivational factor, in finding the right career option. The training should be planned in such a way that students are exposed to all the departments rather than putting them as per the department?s requirement. Students must be allowed to stand at reception, take orders in the restaurant, make rooms and work in the kitchen, so that they can find out the right area of interest.

The gap leads students unplanned about their future and asked to join another department in the interviews. Hotels and Hospitality institutes must train the students like Hoteliers and must provide a platform to learn skills on supervision of a staff. We must develop the personality of students and make them realize their goal, which not only suits their personality but help them to become a good hotelier too.

Post updated on:  Sep 2, 2021 12:14:56 AM

The moon whimpers and the sky sulks. It's an evening of gloom and despair. But a lone twinkling star on the horizon offers hope. Even though there is deep silence, nature recites a poem. I listen avidly and hum a tune that makes my heart sing.

 Somewhere from the distance the sound of betrayal can be heard. Has another Brutus arrived on the scene? Glory belongs only to God. If today you are hunted, tomorrow you can become the hunter. The predator is someone's prey. That's the law.
 Some moments are too precious to be lost while some moments linger a long while. The tree that is evergreen will shed all its leaves. There is never a dull moment when Time is in its elements.

 Sometimes logic takes a backseat. But the driver's seat is the hot seat. The windscreen is the window through which he sees his destiny. If I have a hundred bucks I can give to whomever I like. It is purely my prerogative and no law can put a restriction.
 We chase shadows when we should be pursuing dreams. Life and office are the same. Both throw up something exciting every day. As I glance outside, I can see the solitary star sparkling away to glory. But as I said glory belongs only to God.


Saiyid  posted in Spirituality

Post updated on:  Aug 31, 2021 10:06:44 PM

I see the vagrant sky wherever I go. The mind is cool as a cucumber. We have to take things in our stride. Every time things can't happen the way we want. Lonely, loneliness, and a thoughtful nest in the mind, I am not what I am feeling now. Sometimes your heart gets pierced by an action or a word. When the mangoes are ripe, it's better to eat them.
Rosy dreams can turn into thorny nightmares. Telling rosary isn't enough. The heart should be clear as crystal before you prostrate. When the moon leans towards you, you can either hug it or go away from it. Hope is far away when you are surrounded by negative energy.
Sometimes in a gathering you feel alone. Detachment is inspirational when you are not overly reliant on it. Before time dies, live. The great poet Lord Tennyson sang ?it is better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.? Hail Mary, Hail Jesus, the homecoming of any hero should be celebrated.
When the shepherd really cried wolf, no one ran to his rescue. We can fool people only sometimes. I am out in the open but the soul doesn't want to come out of closed door. We think when we should be acting and we act when we should be thinking. We are Hamlet when we should be Othello and Othello when we should be Hamlet.

Post updated on:  Aug 31, 2021 10:06:09 PM

  You are special and unique-your Uniqueness defines your personality and projects what you are. Every human being in this world is exceptional and distinctive.  
 It is the unique combination of circumstances and your own inner strength and resilience that shape your characters. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from the setback inflicted. And then cultivating the temperament to stay focused, the biggest stumbling block in the path of happiness and success is your own self.  Ego, hubris, cockiness and doggedness reside in the SELF and keep you from learning life lessons. You are good in your own unique ways.

Your   dashed desires take the shape of a scarecrow and stand with arms outstretched in the field of nowhere. This shouldn't mean that you   should stop having desires. Though what are desires but yearnings and cravings for what we don't have (either had and lost or never had)? Life is a train that stops at all stations but we are always caught napping when the station of our choice comes. Missed opportunities sometimes sting like a scorpion.

 Agreeing with someone over something doesn't mean that you relinquish your view. The big picture should never be compromised for a small canvas. Losing a thousand small battles is any day better than losing a major war. You are the captain of your will and no one can take that status away from you.

 Prophet ascended to heaven from earth. Jonah was regurgitated by the whale. Moses split the Red Sea. Christ rose from the dead. The Mahdi will emerge from behind the curtain. When man attains perfection, then, a whole new world of possibilities opens up. Miracles happen when you start believing in yourself.
 We are all unique and we all have our own peculiarities. Sometimes we are like the horse and sometimes like the ass. Sometimes we soar like the eagle while at other times we scurry away like the chicken. Man is the strangest of all creatures.
(Note-Man : Includes woman also-keep this in mind while reading this)

Post updated on:  Aug 31, 2021 10:05:20 PM

Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you. Thomas Jefferson (third president of the United States)
You need to know yourself. This is the foundation that will keep you motivated to transform. Define who you are. Refine your personality. Get to know yourself, evaluate your strength and weaknesses with objectivity. Even as your confidence grows, continue focusing on your weaknesses and on ways to overcome them. . You have the capacity to be what you desire to be. You have within you the talents that have remained un-utilised. Your job is to identify that talent and then use it to get the most of yourself.

Take Time to know yourself

Know your goals, your needs, your morals and what you love. Fix your standards as to what you will not tolerate and what you are willing to die for.  It in totality defines who you are. Don?t be obsessed with being number one all the times ----sometimes not being number one gives you the incentive and the courage to fight harder. It is motivating. Have patience. Have grace .Be secure enough in yourself to base your success on personal growth
Qualities like integrity, humility .character may sound stale, trite, hackneyed and having lost originality but no matter how old you are, these are the qualities and values that never go out of vogue.
Have faith in yourself and your ability to figure out what works for you and what doesn't.   Make sure that you know what your weaknesses are and take steps to correct them. Remain in the domain of the ethical values that you cherish. He who does not know his own worth is ruined. You should know what your worth is .Your worth is your real strength. Guard it religiously. Don't let it slip down.  
Key Takeaways
  1. Be true to yourself
  2. Evaluate your strength and weakness to know yourself
  3. Focus on your weaknesses and find ways to overcome them.
  4. Remain committed to  ethical values that you cherish     
  5. Know and accept yourself.
  6. The starting point  of discovering  who you are, what your dreams are  is being comfortable with your self  

Post updated on:  Aug 31, 2021 10:04:29 PM

A senior colleague who is also a good friend suggested me to write on ?be true to your self.? I am reminded of the wise words of Chanakya, who said, ?a person should not be too honest. Straight trees are cut first and honest people are screwed first.?   

 Sometimes a bit of diplomacy is required. Being true to one self doesn't mean that one should drop his guard. I am not advocating that one should be dishonest because dishonesty will not take you far. Today or tomorrow your true face will come in front of the world and you will become a laughing stock. But one has to be tactful?be honest to yourself, definitely, but be tactful at the same time. Without tact, you run the risk of getting, to use Chanakya's word, "screwed"
 Can you be honest with your boss? Can you straight away tell him that he is making a mess of things? Unless you are prepared to lose your job, you will not.

Somehow or the other you will handle the circumstance in a diplomatic way. In this way are you ?being true to your self?? You aren't. Likewise one comes across so many situations where one keeps quiet, ignores, takes no action, etc, even though one is not comfortable.
 Sir Winston Churchill rightly said, "never stand so high upon a principle that you cannot lower it to suit the circumstances." Listen to what your conscience says but act as per the situation. I know of many people who have taken a stand ?just to be true to one self? only to regret it later. There are various factors that dictate one?s actions and ?being true to self? is just one of them.

Even Lord Krishna took the route of diplomacy / tact. In the court of Kauravas, verbally he showed that he didn't want the war, but actually he wanted the war to take place, though he never approved telling of lies.     
 Call a crow a crow as long as it suits you but if it doesn't, then call it a cuckoo, as long as you are not killing the bird, what harm are you doing?

Post updated on:  Aug 31, 2021 10:01:51 PM

 Most of us just exist; only a miniscule amongst us truly live. Days, months and years pass by, seasons change, childhood gives way to youth, youth to old age, time ticks away, everything goes?
 We are not sure about the next moment and yet we squabble about the now moment. Unless we experience now, we can?t experience next.
 In the now-ness is the knowing-ness.

 The sky is a chimera and yet we are so enthralled by its vastness and enraptured by its blueness. A sweet tongue goes a long way in fortifying the relationship but too much sweetness may cause sickness.

 Some days are like a bed of roses while some are like a sharp dagger piercing through your heart. If an unknown person crosses your path, you may not feel bad but if a known person after laughing and sharing a joke with you fires a salvo, then it does make you wonder.
 When I blend with the now, I forget everything. The next seems as promising as the now.    

Post updated on:  Aug 31, 2021 10:00:49 PM

Let Us Have A Look At English Words?And Classify Them As The Prettiest And  The  Ugliest 
The Prettiest
--Ten- Prettiest Words in the English Language (a personal choice) are described herein below
English language has some of the most beautiful words which are a pleasure to hear?in fact they sound so good that one can literally feel a poetic sensation run through the body. Of course, it has some of the ugliest words also 
 Here are my personal favourites (along with their meanings):
 Mellifluous: sweet sounding, melodious Demure: coy, shy and reserved Serendipity: discovering something nice and pleasant while looking for something else Romance: idealized, poetic; love affair; work of literature concerning romantic tales  Cynosure: center of attraction  Scintillating : sparkle, twinkle; act or talk cleverly Gambol: jump and skip joyfully Elixir: magic potion Fragrance : sweet aroma / smell  Vicissitude: change (ups and downs) esp. of fortune
All the 10 words that I have stated above have a distinct flavour; they leave a sweet taste behind when you speak them and a pleasant echo when you hear them.
 The Ugliest
- Ten -- Ugliest Words in the English Language ( My son?s personal choice)
 Even though there are many beautiful words in the English Language, it is not far behind in terms of grossest sounding / ugly words. Some of them are so repulsive that they leave a bitter taste in your mouth when you speak them and a repugnant (this word finds it way in the list) echo when you hear them.
Here are my personal favourites ? the ten  ugliest of all (along with their meanings):
 Grotesque: distorted, bizarre -; Harangue: rant Obstreperous: noisy, unruly - Repugnant: distasteful, nauseating --. Pulchritude: physical beauty (even though the meaning is positive, the sound of it grates on the ears) Claustrophobia: fear of being in a crowded/small space . Unctuous: ingratiating, sycophantic--. Cataclysm: flood, catastrophe, upheaval .Visceral: crude. Pedagogue : teacher, school master
 Try pronouncing them or ask someone to speak them out to you and then listen carefully to the effect they create on your ears? ? eeks!
Note -But No One Can Beat Mr Shashi Tharoor When It Comes To Vocabulary 

Post updated on:  Aug 31, 2021 9:59:34 PM

18th Aug, 2021
I want to share my life experiences, thoughts and feelings  here with you, from my diary. Hope you connect and relate with me, my thoughts and feelings. 

While I was interacting with one of my students today while giving her, the session and I told her to write and express her thoughts and feelings about friendship. She said, " I don't know, because I have never had any such friend , though I do have my room mates or school mates but nobody like ,whom I can call as really my friend". Then I asked her, " what is friendship to you?  And she answered," the one with whom, I can just be myself, I can lay my head on his / her shoulder, who is always there for me and stands by me against all odds and always understands me." 

After listening this from her, I realized that friendship is actually like this, and to me as well. As it is said, " A friend in need is a friend indeed!!" . Friendship is actually sharing, caring and beating. And in today's world, you are really lucky if you have one such friend. Well, this took me in my thoughts and memories way back, all the people who walked with me in my life till now.  Some different types of friends, some walked with me in the journey of my life for a short period and very few till now. Like her, I also didn't have any friend in my school days. Only after my college, when I started working, I had met my bestie on a bus stand, when he was only an acquaintance to me, then. My bestie, My angel, my brother, my guide.... You don't find such a friend, such  a selfless friend these days.15 years long, he walked with me till he was alive. I was soooooo myself with him and only with him and none other. 
Looking back, flipping some chapters of my life, I had many different types of friends.. I have one as my spiritual level friend, where we talk about spirituality or just a good morning friend and we wish each other Good morning daily for last 7 years on wats app and I am so used to her morning wishing lovely quotes. She wishes me good morning daily with her lovely quotes......everyone teaches something  and is an experience. And then, I have one as my waving friend, wherein we just wave our hands to each other from our balconies with a smile whenever we come on same time and then, I have one as my coffee friend .....just a coffee friend.....where we sometimes just share some life experiences over a cup of coffee. It's so unconditional and beautiful. Beautiful connections!!

All these are memories with so many different types of friends and feelings....but surprisinglly these days....everything is so shallow....you judge your friend  or just a fight over petty materialistic things like money.......people associate with you with a motive, so mean...and they call it as friendship...woh kehte hain na....matlab ke yaar...that's how it is these days sadly.....very rightly said.....friends made in school or college are selfless when your hearts meet. 

Friendship or any relationship without, trust, respect and understanding,  having only bond doesn't long last and dies it's own death.....

I had a friend in my childhood days, when I was really a kid. I used to stay in Lucknow in a rented place with my family as my dad was transferred and we had shifted there. This friend of mine was the child of our landlord and we used to play together. What I remember , is he was very sweet and caring and I used to have so much fun with him but it was so short-lived, the way you see in films, my father got transferred again and we had to leave. Later on, my mother told me that he had a hole in his heart. We never met after that day and till date  I wish I could meet him someday. I hope he is fine. 

Then, I have one student as my friend for last 3 years. She is so younger to me, but we are quite similar. She cares so much for me and she feels , I am her elder sister. We have shared so much and talk for such long hours specially on lockdown. Can you imagine, from the class of 45 students, she was the only one, we felt instant connection and our conversations never end  She is a bit crazy like me too. And crazy for dance too like me.  We dance for hours and hours and hours. It's a very selfless love and care. When I had vaccine last month, she cared for me like anything. Another beautiful destined soul connection.

Yeh rishtey!! Kuch uljhe hue aur kuch suljhe  hue,
Kabhi yuhi bewajah jud jaate hain aur kabhi yuhi kisi wajah se choot jaate hain, bahut si yaadein dil mein chod jaate hain aur ek nishaan sa bana jaate hain!!
Fir bhi inse hum aur humse yeh,
Yeh rishtey, kitne ajeeb hain yeh rishtey, 
Kuch uljhe hue aur kuch suljhe hue,
Bahut kuch sikhaate hue, kismat se kab jud jaayein, koi nahi jaanta aur kab kahan kis se choot jaayein, koi nahi jaanta,
Kabhi rulaate hue aur kabhi hasaate hue, 
Kitne ajeeb hain yeh rishtey,
Kab Kaun apna begana ban jaaye aur kab kaun begana apna ban jaaye, yeh koi nahi jaanta,
Kab kaun yuhi saath chal dey aur kab kaun kahan kis modh pe saath chod dey, yeh koi nahi jaanta
Yeh rishtey kitne ajeeb hain yeh rishtey.

You also share your thoughts and experiences on friendship, I would love to read.

21st Aug,2021
I went to my granny's place and saw her after a long time, about 8 months later, because of Covid 19. She is 85 years old , cant see and even her heart is working only 30%  sadly. It's very difficult for me to see her in such a condition and my heart is always heavy, whenever I meet her. She always feel so happy whenever she meets me and listens to my voice. And same with me. That's the bond we have with each other. I hold her hand and try to motivate her with my words, whatever best I can but still , one part of me feels very sad when she shares her physical, mental and emotional pain with me. She cant do anything and can just sit or ly down on bed. I keep praying for her and dont know till when, she has to bear all this pain in this life. Ohhh.....God...pls be with her....I keep telling this in my heart. I still remember the time, when I was a kid, used to stay with her for many days and she used to tell me so many stories. Some of the stories, I still remember and the beautiful childhood memories with her.
Then, I  had a break at night with my cousins and after a long time, the whole family sat together and  watched the movie-  shershaah. ........the character was so inspiring and that too real life story of a Fauji. We had ice- cream party and pasta with the movie. My cousin had cooked pasta and macaroni and I just love it, specially the one ,made by him. Thats the bond we have, actually, and its always fun when we are together. And after the movie ended,like always, I was full of my thoughts about it. The person, Captain  Vikram Batra, since his childhood, was so full of life and fearless and so clearheaded.. Some people are born legends, they have something extra ordinary, an X factor in them, some fire and spark , they are just on their mission and that's their focus and passion .I had tears in my eyes at the end of the movie. So difficult is the life of these army people. Real salute to them. The hunger , thirst doesnt matter to them, they just keep walking on their mission selflessly and sacrifice their lives unconditionally. 

Rakhi day!!

22nd August,2021
I tied rakhi on my brother's hand and my cute nephew kid's hand too. And like, every year, he refused to put red roli teeka on his forehead and I ran after him to put it. And that's real fun, everyone in the family kept watching us and tried to catch him finally to put it on his forehead. We hugged each other tightly and got a photo clicked as beautiful memory. He always brings smile on my face. My chotu cute little angel!! And then he got a gift from me, his favorite gift- toys. 

And then, after sometime,  while playing, he saw a huge tall pen on my table and asked me, "Where did you get this from?" I told him that , on the way, I met a kid who was selling these pens and I bought it from him. Then, he asked me," Was he poor? Were his clothes torn? " I said to him," Yes, he was poor." And then I also told him, always be a good human being and help people in life specially the poor and needy ones. Then he asked me," What will you gift me on Christmas eve?" I told my 7 year young child," on this Christmas  eve, you become Santa and give sweets and chocolates to poor kids. They will be happy and you bring smile on their face. You will also be happy, seeing them smiling."  And he said," yes, Bui  ,I will and you come along with me." I smiled and hugged him again. 

Then, he kept on telling me his dreams which he says, he sees at night while sleeping and these are so crazy dreams, you just cant imagine and well, I keep listening to his crazy dreams patiently, enjoying as he keeps laughing and I love seeing his expressions while he tells his dreams. These are all nice lovely memories, I cherish with my cute darling. One of his dreams was," Bui, I saw a snake last night in our room and he was coming towards all of us- You, Daadi, Daadu, Mummy and papa,  but he was a ghost in the form of snake with wires on it and I had beaten and scared the ghost away....ha ha!!"" And his dreams and such crazy stories continue and continue.....He loves playing with his toy games with me and I also do.  I feel so refreshed spending time with him whenever I can. He misses me so much and I miss him too. Some strange strong bond and connection I feel with her. ....I will keep telling you more about him.........

25th August,2021 
While I was traveling and on my way, my cab had stopped on the red light and to my surprise, a person came near the window of my cab and started blessing me just like that. And she said," Beti, teri aankhein batati hain ki tu dil ki bahut saaf hai aur tere dil mein bahut saari kahaaniyon aur jazbaatoen ka saagar hai, tu apne dil mein bahut kuch sama leti hai, saagar ki tarah!! Meri dua hai ki tu hamesha khush rehna aur teri har tamanna poori ho, tu jo chaaahe , tujhe woh mile!! " I smiled, said thanks to her and started giving her some money for her wellbeing but to my surprise,  she refused. I ,somehow, never  came across such a person in my life. Well, this person was a transgender, or you call it as gay. I always feel bad and have a soft corner for them. I insisted her to take the money from me but she again refused. Then, I also wished her luck and waved her bye.

I was full of thoughts about her and what she said to me. Also, thinking about her, made me feel more sad and heavy, that what life such people have..they are so unfortunate, their identity is questioned, they cant find any work and they are made fun of and ill- treated by people. This reminded me of a movie I had watched and it had really touched my heart...," Tamanna". In that movie, if you have watched, the movie was based on a gay who was a very nice person, found a very young newly born baby girl in a dustbin thrown by a rich family, he nurtured her....so, it's the story based on the emotional relationship between that gay father and this girl daughter . ..very heart touching movie and I love  the song from the movie- " Ghar se masjid  hai bahut dur,  chalo yun karlein,  kisi rotey hue bachche ko hasaya jaaye......"

As my cab started moving, just a few minutes later, and to my surprise, Ahhhhhhhh...... I started hearing some noise, as if some fight is going on.. I got down from my cab and walked towards the place, from where the noise was coming. And again to my surprise,  what I saw was  shocking...........

..........to be continued........

Keep reading for more!!

Stay safe,  stay blessed and stay happy always!!


Shalini  posted in My diary

Post updated on:  Aug 31, 2021 9:57:42 PM

HR in Room Division Management
 Recruitment, Selecting, Hiring-Preparing, Job Descriptions of staff, Orientation, Staff Scheduling

Recruitment and Selection is an important operation in HRM, designed to maximize employee strength in order to meet the employer's strategic goals and objectives. It is a process of sourcing, screening, shortlisting and selecting the right candidates for the required vacant positions.
Hiring process refers to the process of finding, selecting and hiring new employees to a company. Since the process requires strategic and pragmatic thinking while staying humane there are certain steps to follow to make it successful. 
Hiring process steps
1: Identifying hiring need
2: Planning.
Creating a sufficient plan for your hiring will not only make you more efficient but also help you have a good understanding of the current as well as the future needs of the company. For that purpose it is beneficial to specify starting dates and other technicalities with your hiring team. 
3: Creating a job description.
When creating a job description, make sure to include the following elements: company description, job requirements, duties and responsibilities and ultimately  cover letter. Besides mentioning all the important details within your job description, make sure to make that text as eye catching as possible. 
4: Recruiter and hiring manager intake meeting.
The purpose of a hiring manager recruiter intake meeting is to have a clear understanding of all the needs and expectations of the new hire, including the technicalities revolving the role. This meeting takes place prior to posting a job opening online and its purpose is mainly to define all important details about the future position.
5: Posting and promoting job openings.
Posting jobs online became one of the essential ways of making sure that people see and apply for the position. For that reason companies are oftentimes trying to spread the word as much as they can by posting their job opening on various job boards, different social media or some online portals. 
6: Applicant screening.
After the applicants finished their application it is time to look into their application forms and evaluate their CVs, cover letters or any other type of document they might have attached to the application. The process of screening results in eliminating candidates that are a clear mismatch for the role, moving forward to the following stages with the ones that are more qualified.  
7: Job Interviews.
When planning a job interview, there are several thing that you should always take into account prior to conducting it. Job interviews require planning and preparation. Firstly, you should create a list of interview questions. Afterwards you should determine how interview process is going to look like. Whether you will be conducting a live or a phone interview, how long will the interview last for, and what type of knowledge will you be examining during the interview. 
8: Applicant talent assessment.
Applicant talent assessment are tests designed to help employers evaluate the skills of their job candidates and employees. Using the skills assessment test helps companies ensure that the job candidates, as well as their current employees, have the required skills to successfully perform their jobs. When designing an assessment make sure to think of all skills and the knowledge essential for the role. 
9: Background check & Reference checks.
Background and reference checks refer to a recruiting process method used by hiring managers/recruiters to get more information about a candidate by contacting his/her previous employers, schools etc. Conducting a reference check helps recruiters not only check the validity of information but also make decisions based of a conversation with a person that used to work with your potential future colleague. 
10: Pre-employment testing.
Pre-employment assessments are simple, quick and fun for recruiters, interviewers, hiring managers, as well as candidates. Generally, it takes too much time and effort to a recruiter or hiring manager to interview each candidate and select the best person for the open position.
11: Decision.
Finally, after all assessments and checks, it is decision time! Evaluating which candidate will be the best cultural fit while satisfying all requirements is never easy.
12: Job offer.
A formal job offer letter/email is a document which employer sends to the selected candidate in order to offer them a job for a certain position at their company. Making all the aspects of a job as clear as possible to the new hire is extremely important for both candidates and companies. This is why is necessary to send a formal job offer letter/email to your chosen candidate.
13: Hiring.
Only when your candidate decides to accept your offer and signs the contract can you talk about hiring.
14: Onboarding.
More and more companies are starting to understand the importance of a good onboarding. Even more so, once a company hires a new talent, some believe this is only when the job starts. Onboarding the candidates means introducing them to the culture and the people as well as giving them all important information and training to be able to excel at their job as soon as possible. 


Job Description

Job description is an informative documentation of the scope, duties, tasks, responsibilities and working conditions related to the job listing in the organization through the process of job analysis. Job description also details the skills and qualifications that an individual applying for the job needs to possess. It basically gives all the details which might be good for both the company and the applicant so that both parties are on the same page regarding the job posting. Basically, job analysis is bifurcated into two components namely job description and job specification.

Employee orientation is the process of introducing newly hired employees to their new workplace. It provides the basic organizational information employees need to feel prepared for their new team, department, and role within the company. Effective employee orientation makes employees aware of company policies and expectations, handles essential paperwork, and answers any questions or concerns they may have before they transition into their new positions.

Why Orientation Is Important for New Employees

Orientation is important because it signifies the beginning of the relationship between employee and employer. The first day of work is the most important, as new hires are seeking to affirm their decision to accept your offer of employment.
A smooth transition into a new role benefits both new employees and their new managers and colleagues. By clearly communicating expectations and responsibilities to a new employee, they can start being productive quickly. As part of an effective onboarding process, a thorough and engaging orientation can also help reduce new employee turnover due to misunderstood or unmet expectations. Additionally, a clear policy for employee orientation will ensure that all new team members receive the same training and information.
Staff Motivation
Employee motivation is the level of energy, commitment, and creativity that a company's workers bring to their jobs. Whether the economy is growing or shrinking, finding ways to motivate employees is always a management concern. Competing theories stress either incentives or employee involvement (empowerment).
Employee Motivation Techniques

Gifts and Prizes and Awards

Awarding your employees and sending them valuable gifts on occasions like Christmas, cutting team cakes on birthdays are some of the good motivating ways for employees. Employees continue working with equal zeal and enthusiasm if their work gets applauded. This is why companies are paying special attention to rewards and recognition at work.

?         Appreciation and recognition

Appreciation and recognition are the two very important and major factors of employee motivation to keep striving towards their goals at work. They want to aim higher and better to be applauded by hikes and increase in pay scales. By applauding employees in front of friends and colleagues, it is the greatest motivation one can get to do better anytime.
Appreciation and recognition are the two very important and major factors of employee motivation to keep striving towards their goals at work. They want to aim higher and better to be applauded by hikes and increase in pay scales. By applauding employees in front of friends and colleagues, it is the greatest motivation one can get to do better anytime.
 Employee appreciation catering to any kind of work the employee does can be great for employee motivation. Praise for the deliverables met on time, for work done efficiently before the deadlines are points to be praised for. Appreciate the employee and make him feel how well he is doing. Appraise him. Identify high performers and mention out their outstanding efforts, contributions and how they are a valuable asset to the organization.
One of the methods of staff motivation is also cross training, in which employees are trained to work in the more than one department. The aim of this is to make an employee capable of doing more than one type of work, and in return in gives a sense of confidence in employee.



Post updated on:  Aug 31, 2021 5:31:01 PM

INTRODUCTION (Children in Conflict with Law)

A kid in conflict with the law is any youngster under the age of 18 who is involved in the criminal justice system for offences committed by him or on suspicion of commission. It repealed the previous legislation (Juvenile Justice Act 2000), which dealt with two types of children:

  1. Children in need and protection of care.
  2. Child in conflict with law.

The new law aims to meet the criteria established by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, which India joined in 1992. It specifies procedural protections, terminology, and implications for terms such as "child," "child in dispute with the law," "juvenile," and so on. It also handles a number of key problems such as child adoption, the status of delinquent cases, and the jurisdiction of numerous authorities. The Central Adoption Resource Authority, which has been given the status of statutory authority under the act, is one of the key changes made by the new law.

The new legislation was enacted in the aftermath of the Nirbhaya Gang Rape Case in 2012, in which one of the prisoners (seventeen years and six months according to birth certificate, school records, and bone ossification) was a juvenile and sentenced to three years in a reform home. This sparked popular uproar throughout the country, and eight writ petitions were filed with the Supreme Court challenging the unconstitutionality of the statute's provisions but were dismissed by the court.
The bill was introduced in parliament by the Union Minister for Women and Child Development, Maneka Gandhi, and set out specific guidelines for a juvenile to be tried as an adult in cases of "heinous offences." After much deliberation and debate, it was passed by both houses on December 22nd, 2015, and went into effect on January 15th, 2016.


Provision for children under the age of sixteen years for heinous crimes-  

Section 15 of the aforementioned legislation establishes particular criteria for minor offenders aged 16 to 18 who have committed or are suspected of committing any serious crime. Following a preliminary evaluation, the board has the authority to refer cases to children's court (Court of Session) for severe offences. The Act also offers a "safe haven" for children during and after the trial until the age of 21, after which their behavior will be assessed. Following the examination, the offenders would be sentenced to prison for the remainder of their sentence or released on probation.

By not giving total immunity/exemption to minors under the age of 18, the clause attempts to establish deterrent among juvenile offenders for committing terrible crimes like as rape or murder and strives to give justice to the victims and their families.

New chapter on Adoption (which tries to streamline adoption process for abandoned, surrendered, and orphans)-

The Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA) has been given the status of a legislative organisation in order to streamline the adoption procedure for abandoned, relinquished, and orphan children. A new independent chapter (VIII) has been introduced that contains extensive regulations on adoption and penalties for noncompliance. Procedures for in-country and inter-country adoption have been added; a divorced or single individual may adopt a kid, but a single male may not adopt a female child.


Several new offences have been added which were earlier not included under any law, the new law addresses these issues, and these are:-
1. Sale and procurement of children for illegal adoption or any other purpose.
2. Offences against disabled children majorly kidnapping, abduction and selling.
3. Use of children by militant groups.
4. Offering narcotic substances to children.
5. Using children for begging and other related activities.
6. Using children for abetting or committing any crime.
7. Abusing, assaulting or abandoning, neglecting a child so as to cause him assault and abuse.

The punishment for these offences has been defined, such as any officer who fails to notify a child's kidnapping within 24 hours is responsible for a term of six months or a penalty of Rs.10,000, or non-registration of a child care facility results in a penalty of Rs. 1 lakh or a term of one year. Providing a narcotic drug to a kid is likewise a criminal offence, punishable by a seven-year prison sentence and a fine of Rs.1 lakh.


The legislation establishes detailed rules for the required registration of child-care facilities, whether administered by the government (state) or by any non-governmental organisation, or even those that receive government grants and loans, under the statute within six months of the act's enactment. Non-compliance with this paragraph will result in severe penalties, as this rule aims to eradicate the negative consequences that formerly existed under the guise of child care facilities, such as begging, trafficking, and so on.


The new legislation offers a safeguard for juveniles or children who are in dispute with the law and require care and protection. The term "Juvenile" in conflict with the law has been renamed "Child in conflict with the law." The offences are classified as petty/heinous/serious, and all juveniles who commit such offences, according to the new law, will be tried as adults after a preliminary assessment by the Juvenile Justice Board within three months of the kid's first appearance before the board, as specified in Sections 14 and 15.

As a result, any youngster between the ages of 16 and 18 will be tried as an adult in the Court of Sessions. During the trial, the child/juvenile would be taken to an observation house, and all offenders would be classified based on their age, gender, mental state, and, most importantly, the nature of their offence.

A Place of Safety will be built for minors above the age of 18 or children between the ages of 16 and 18 who have been charged or convicted of a serious crime. The Place of Safety will feature distinct arrangements and amenities for children who are on trial and those who have been convicted. The Juvenile Justice Board will perform frequent inspections of adult-only jails to see whether any children are being held there and will take prompt action to transfer such a kid to the Observation Home.

If the child is tried as an adult in a children's court, the final order must include a private care plan for the child's rehabilitation and social reintegration as outlined in Chapter VII of the statute, as well as regular follow-up by probation officers, the District Child Protection Unit, or a caseworker.

The court will ensure that the child is maintained within the Place of Safety until the age of 21, following which he will spend the remaining time as a regular adult or be freed if the court is satisfied that he has undergone reformative reforms. The Act prohibits the use of the death sentence or imprisonment without the possibility of release for juvenile offenders who are handled as adults by the juvenile justice administration.

Role of State of State Government for Protection of Juvenile in Conflict with law

The Act requires members of the Juvenile Justice Board and the Child Welfare Committee to attend acceptance training within two months of their appointment (Section 4 and 27).

A -Once every three months, the Chief Judicial Magistrate or Chief Metropolitan Magistrate is to audit the pendency of cases in the Juvenile Justice Board and instruct the Board to build the recurrence of sittings or prescribe the structure of an additional Board (Section 16).

B -An arrangement has been made for the formation of a High Level Committee to review the status of cases in the Juvenile Justice Board.

C -Under Section 36 of the JJ Act of 2015, Child Welfare Committees are required to provide quarterly reports to the District Magistrate on the status and nature of cases transferred. The District Magistrate is expected to conduct a quarterly audit of the Child Welfare Committees and to prescribe remedial steps to resolve the pending matter. If necessary, the District Magistrate may submit a report on his survey to the State Government, which may result in the formation of further boards of trustees. If the cases continue to be pending after three months, the State Government should disband the present Committee and form a new one.

State governments must also register all facilities within a half-year after the JJ Act's implementation, whether they are run by the government or by a non-governmental organisation, and whether they are intended to lodge children entirely or partially. The need for foundation registration is irrespective of whether or not the foundation receives government grants. The State Government is obligated to grant the organisation a temporary enrollment endorsement within one month of the date of usage. In addition, non-enrollment in a Child Care Institution carries a one-year detention or a fine of at least Rs. 1 lakh (Section 42).


Indeed, the new demonstration has overlooked advancements in disciplines such as criminology, penology, victimology, neuroscience, and remedial equity that have gained ground in managing people conferring offences and casualties of offences in the dynamic and forward-thinking theory of adolescent equity. While remedial practise is being refined in numerous nations despite for genuine offences, resulting in a decrease in rehash offences by them, the Indian parliament went under the political and enthusiastic weight made by one terrible instance of primitive group assault in which the blamed happened to be a youngster nearly accomplishing greater part.


The tension between the defensive strategy of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act and the customary manner of dealing with crime distinguishes the legal procedure identifying with adolescent equality framework. While the higher courts have generally advanced the care and insurance rationale of the adolescent equity framework, the requirements providing ascension to them and the option thereunder exhibit ignorance at all levels of the legal method The need of raising awareness among lower-level legal professionals regarding the procedural differences between adult and blaming child cases cannot be overstated.

On April 6, 2015, the Supreme Court requested the legislature to make fundamental modifications in adolescent legislation with the objective of having a significant impact and making an impression on the overall public that the life of the victim was equally important under the rule of law. It was "very difficult" to admit that a teenage reprobate would be unaware of the consequences while committing crimes such as assault, murder, and dacoity. The court stated that the increased involvement of kids in such heinous wrongdoings necessitated a fundamental need to reconsider revisions to the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000.

Vertika  posted in Others

Post updated on:  Aug 31, 2021 5:30:21 PM


Rousseau reportedly said, "Man is born free, yet he is chained everywhere." This concept formed the impetus for the struggle against the revolution. The revolution's guiding ideals were the concepts of justice, liberty, and brotherhood. Those ideals impacted the Indian national movement and its leaders, especially Dr. Ambedkar.

Dr. Ambedkar was a highly educated individual. As is well known, B.R. Ambedkar, the Chairman of the Constitution of India Drafting Committee, devoted the majority of his intellectual, social, and political efforts to give expression to his belief in the ideal, ?Sarvenah Bhavantu Sukhinah SarveSantu Niramayah,? i.e. the great and prosperity of all, and struggled throughout his life for securing the rightful place for the discriminated, deprive For many members of his caste, this was inconceivable.


Social justice evolved as a result of a process of social norms, order, law, and moral growth. It emphasised just action and established room for intervention inside society by implementing laws and regulations that promoted social equality ideals. The term "social justice" is made up of two words: one is social, and the second is justice. The phrase 'social' refers to all individuals who comprise society, whereas the term 'justice' refers to liberty, equality, and rights. Thus, social justice is concerned with guaranteeing liberty, equality, and the preservation of individual rights for all creatures in society.

Ambedkar's Vision of SOCIAL JUSTICE

According to Ambedkar's perspective, the word "social justice" is based on the equality, liberty, and fraternity of all individuals. The goal of social justice is to eliminate all forms of inequity based on caste, race, gender, power, position, and money. Social justice entails the equitable allocation of the community's social, political, and economic resources.

This viewpoint differed from Gandhi's, who saw simply untouchability as a problem, rather than the entire social structure. Gandhi wished to abolish untouchability but did not completely open the topic on how to secure civil rights. Dr. Ambedkar ignored this viewpoint. He thought that as long as classes existed, there would be outcasts. There would be a hierarchy as long as the class structure remained. His goal was of a society in which all people had equal access to opportunity.


The primary meaning of the phrase "Social Justice" is to create a just world. The primary goal of this idea is to uplift and pull women, Scheduled Castes, and Scheduled Tribes into the mainstream of society. This concept also prohibits unfair enrichment at the expense of weaker parts. As far as Dr. B.R. Ambedkar's goal of "Social Justice" is concerned, he has dedicated his entire life for the betterment of women, Scheduled Castes, and Scheduled Tribes in society. Thus, Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar initiated a social revolution by awakening the ladies, Scheduled Castes, and Scheduled Tribes, as well as destroying all societal ideals that upheld the Hindu framework.

Vertika  posted in Others

Post updated on:  Aug 31, 2021 5:29:00 PM

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