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मेरी दृष्टि में श्री राधा रानी के बाद भगवान श्री कृष्ण की कोई प्रेयसी है तो सिर्फ मीरा बाई ही है। गोपियाँ भी प्रेम की पराकाष्ठा है लेकिन मीरा बाई तो इस कलयुग में भगवान की पत्नी कहलाती है।
भगवान कृष्ण को पाने वाले लोग कहते हैं हमें भगवान मिलते नहीं हैं, भगवान हमें दर्शन देते नहीं हैं जबकि मीरा बाई जी को देते हैं
मीरा बाई जी कहती हैं? मेरे तो गिरधर गोपाल, दुसरो न कोय।
भारत अपनी संस्कृति के लिए पूरे विश्व में यूं ही इतना विख्यात नहीं है. भारतभूमि पर ऐसे कई संत और महात्मा हुए हैं जिन्होंने धर्म और भगवान को रोम-रोम में बसा कर दूसरों के सामने एक आदर्श के रुप में पेश किया है. मोक्ष और शांति की राह को भारतीय संतों ने सरल बना दिया है. भजन और स्तुति की रचनाएं कर आमजन को भगवान के और समीप पहुंचा दिया है. ऐसे ही संतों और महात्माओं में मीराबाई का स्थान सबसे ऊपर माना जाता है. मीराबाई के बालमन में कृष्ण की ऐसी छवि बसी थी कि यौवन काल से लेकर मृत्यु तक मीरा बाई ने कृष्ण को ही अपना सब कुछ माना. बचपन से ही वे कृष्ण-भक्ति में रम गई थीं.

वे बहुत दिनों तक वृन्दावन (मथुरा, उत्तर प्रदेश) में रहीं और फिर द्वारिका चली गईं। जहाँ संवत 1560 ई. में वे भगवान श्रीकृष्ण की मूर्ति में समा गईं।

दास मीरा लाल गिरधर आजम तारन तरन
Post updated on: Oct 25, 2021 5:50:42 PM

But the time has come, when humans and Nagas will have to grow together because a very terrible trouble has come upon Nagalok. There is an outcry all around inside Nagalok. King of Nagalok is Rudrasen. King Rudrasen made a lot of efforts that He could defeat that trouble, but perhaps the time was not acceptable. All the efforts failed. Today he did not see any hope to save his kingdom because a terrible disease had spread in the state. All the snakes are slowly were dying of unknown mysterious disease. Some people were saying that the disease was spread by humans.
According to the people, different types of people had thought of different things. The king was very worried. He is unable to save his subjects.
There was a pile of dead bodies all around the state. So much corpse was falling that there was no one to pick up those dead bodies. The dead bodies were thrown like this. I
Animals were eating many dead bodies. Seeing such a terrible scene, the king burst into tears. The king could not understand why all this is happening. After all, who is it, because of which all this is happening. Something is happening. He was cursing his fate. The king came inside the palace. He felt that now his life was in vain, it was in his body.

Post updated on: Oct 25, 2021 9:07:54 AM

4. Ascertain tone with paint Do kids change the quintessence of the house by painting the dividers of the house on the floor? Try not to encroach; notwithstanding, buy an alternate locale or a book pen, a concealed pencil. He will achieve uncommon mental progression with his little capacity and ability improvement. So make sure to keep Paintbrush on the children's playlist. 5. PC game You were playing PC games constantly before a PC is a negative characteristic. Substantial, PC games can do a great deal to update a child's knowledge. You pick, notwithstanding, how long your child spends playing before a PC screen, yet save PC games in the playlist for young people in adulthood. 6. Chambers Solidifying several concealing blends will make your child more shrewd and more fun. On the off chance that your adolescent is keen with a touch of 3D shape in the house as opposed to playing a game, then, what's the risk? 7. Peculiarity Games Youths moreover really like to challenge; in the event that they win in any task, they in like manner encourage their individual. This game will help your child with calming down. Give your child some bearing in this game so he can play the game with the heading. 8. Sudoku The gathering of American analysts Sudoku depicted the game as a brain game. As it helps with making understanding, both energetic and old can play this game. So with this game, you can go probably as a helper for your child. Additional affection and capacity can be your child with this game. 9. Pursue Treasure: All things considered, wealth takes after gold. In any case, it is your kid's little bear, chocolate, or get it done with unprecedented wealth. In your adolescent's knowledge, you can use these little toys. Hide your young person's resources elsewhere, whatever your child enjoys, and encourage that individual to take out their #1 things where you stow away. You will see your adolescent more prepared. This game will fabricate your child's fixation and thought, and his advantage will create. 10. Inward Basketball Home b-ball is another game that will cultivate your child's capacity. Unwinding time family members can join a games bunch. In an incredible family environment, your adolescent's enthusiastic wellbeing will improve?once-over Indoor Basketball Games to encourage a child's strong frontal cortex. 11. Longboard A longboard is a kind of fun game. Since youth, we have revered the little contention. You can differentiate other children's capacities and your young person's capacities with this game. Riding on a Skateboard, your young person will need to discover forward-looking force.
Post updated on: Oct 24, 2021 11:43:02 AM
There are two kinds of Games

Post updated on: Oct 24, 2021 11:42:50 AM

Post updated on: Oct 24, 2021 11:42:30 AM

Post updated on: Oct 24, 2021 11:41:58 AM
Post updated on: Oct 24, 2021 11:41:11 AM
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Post updated on: Oct 24, 2021 11:39:33 AM

1. Change your Start Menu The particular and lively Start menu was probable the primary concern you saw about Windows 10. Which started as a lower part of-the-screen button has formed into a full-screen knowledge with live "tiles" that show outlines and even adverts. Regardless, did you understand you can make it your own? To change the energy of your new environment, click the Windows button at the lower part of your screen and go to Start > Settings > Personalization > Start. You may change the left-hand side by picking which structure envelopes to show, showing as of late added applications, revamping and resizing the tiles, and impressively more. 2. Adequately and Quickly Search in Windows 10 The pursuit feature in Windows 10 is by far the most strong part of the entire working system. The request is at this point not limited to helping you with tracking down a lost report; it is at present fused into structure menus too. To begin, go to the base left of your screen and snap the pursuit picture. Normally, the pursuit window shows your generally a significant part of the time used applications similarly as late development, allowing you to get to the undertakings and things you need quickly. Start creating in the taskbar at the lower part of the request window, and Windows will find the information you require. 3. Use Focus Assist to Stay Focused We're persistently being redirected from our tasks. Notification appear at subjective stretches to divert our thought from the work waiting be finished. Focus Assist will help you with staying on target. You can slow down notification, alerts, and various interferences when you need to stay centered by flipping a switch. Focus Assist may be found in Settings > System > Focus Assist. The no-meddle with programming may be set to turn on subsequently during demonstrated hours, or you can turn it on truly when you're giving a show or sharing your screen to make an effort not to possibly embarrass takes note! 4. Supervise projects with various virtual workspaces Having different virtual workspaces is a useful instrument if you simply have one screen! Rearranging a combination of work on a comparable PC can be tangled whether or not you have different screens. In Windows 10, the Task View sheet grants you to quickly and beneficially make a boundless number of virtual workspaces. You can change the presence of your virtual workspace by moving undertakings between workspaces, showing windows on all workspaces, or closing pages on a specific workspace. 5. Do You Know What a Cloud Clipboard Is? Another component that relatively few people use is this one. Cloud Clipboard is a contraption that licenses you to reorder text, associations, and pictures across different devices. To get to the cloud clipboard decision, press Windows + V. This will raise the cloud clipboard, which will show all of the stuff you've at this point cut and copied, including text, HTML, and photos under 1MB in size. If the imitated text in this clipboard history is under 100kb in size, it will in general be shared across all contraptions supported in to a comparative Microsoft account. 6. Use Night Light and Dark Mode Do you have a tendency for working almost too hard around evening time or quickly at the start of the day? An unnecessarily splendid screen might actuate headaches and strain on the eyes. Dull Mode ? Select "faint" as the default Windows and application mode under Settings > Personalization > Color. This darkens your astounding white screen, showing white text against a dim or faint establishment in numerous Windows applications and limits. You can investigate various roads with respect to different occasions to sort out what ends up being brutal for you.
Post updated on: Oct 24, 2021 11:35:35 AM

They are starting with unquestionably the most ridiculously ghastly of all cybercrimes: hacking. These children examine for the best hoodie sellers there. While furnished with a precision rifle, they utilize their stuff like a specialist. They would even execute randomly picked nitwits using their locally built library. By far most of these software engineers would recall their names considering the way that most of these developers had gatekeepers are supporting them through their hacking capacity. So hacking begins. A couple of children had found how to hack the PCs. In the endeavor "Regulator Malware," The youngsters sorted out some way to hack phones and contraptions. To help them so they could do this, they aggregated their family. No, but they expected headings to execute the hack. That is where information extortion came in. A FBI expert caught a call made by a piece of these software engineers. The experts watched these child developers affirm a kid and his mother by using casual networks. They then, encouraged the developer's mom to pay her to give her my daughter for their mate. That conveys us to the ensuing case. These capacities have provoked these youngsters' groundwork for 5-6 years using certified coins. They urged their setbacks not to call the FBI, but instead the kids had a lot of good capacities. They advised them never to return the money they just obtained because the coin makes them look awful. Web stunts are ending up being amazingly typical, and each individual has lost over half of their money on account of these stunts. These teenagers should never capitulate to an arrangement that will strip their people and set up their adolescents for school. Advanced fraudsters irritate you back every day. At the point when you get swindled, you ought to show up at an adjudicator and record a police report. There is reliably an objective before you go through your lifespan in prison, as it isn't not hard to prosecute a bad behavior. On the off chance that you are enthused about discovering an administration profession, never don't chat with someone who isn't approved to do thusly. Since corporate IT staff work just in their home, you don't have even the remotest clue who uses their PCs and progressed contraptions. In addition, a gifted programming proficient should not have acknowledged a situation with the Federal Election Commission regardless. Information is the key, and it ought to be represented to the experts immediately. The brand name of the mission, "Fight the disease," is substantial. We should all stop this disease that is controlling our world. Let us not add to the contamination. Regardless, the disease is changing into a yearly wonder. Right when our world is at this point not addressed by evil, there will be a vacuum of explicit limits and gifts in the universe. Therefore, every time we use a PC and talk with the remainder of the world, we ought to know about the results. Henceforth, limit your information, annihilate your devices, talk with safety faculty, and apply these principles. Mental emergencies have caused gigantic damage all through the planet. We have expected to get to know staying inside as a result of the disease. In a little while we will enter the zenith season, which is the best an ideal chance for youngsters to be introduced to this disease. Regardless of the way that the contamination's spread across the globe has become typical practice, there is an affinity for this disease to disappear once the season closes. Regardless, the diseases will not evaporate forever. We can not for the most part be in a comparative situation as today. This disease has eaten up various nations in the world. The disease is as of now isolating various countries. The scene of the disease has toned down, yet we have entered the overall slump with the fast addition of the contamination. People will lose their positions or regardless get to a troublesome position. I would not urge you to stay in an economy where you are presently losing your money and ending up being significant for those losing their positions.
Post updated on: Oct 24, 2021 11:35:07 AM

Simple Makeup Looks: Smoky Eye Makeup
Glitter Makeup
Bright Colour Look
Graphic Makeup
- Always start with a clean, moisturised face.
- Wear primer to keep makeup in place, especially on the eyelids and lips. Primer can also create a smooth, even base for makeup application.
- You don't have to use foundation or concealer if you have clear, even-toned skin. Hide imperfections with concealer and foundation that matches your skin tone always choose just a shade lighter than your actual skin tone. Colour correcting palettes help hide flaws, for example, lavender covers up yellow undertones, green cancels out redness, and peach hides undereye blue shades.
- Use light strokes to fill out eyebrows.
- Use the correct applicator tools and brushes for all makeup products.
- Keep makeup brushes clean; wash them once a week or two, depending on use
Q. What's the best way to prep skin before applying makeup?
- Cleanse your face using a gentle cleanser. Rinse thoroughly and pat dry.
- Using a cotton ball, apply alcohol-free toner to your face. Avoid this step if you have dry skin.
- Rub in some light moisturiser. Don't skip this step if you have oily skin, pick a hydrating product that works for your skin type. Choose a moisturiser with SPF for daytime wear.
- Prep lips by exfoliating with a damp cloth or soft toothbrush. Rub in lip balm to hydrate them.
Q. What are some makeup dos and don?ts?
- Always buy products that work for your skin type. Usually, matte formulas work for oily skin while shimmery products hold well on dry skin.
- Make sure makeup products like concealer and foundation match your skin tone. It?s always a good idea to buy these products in-store instead of online so that you can get an idea about the exact shade. But be sure to test the product under different types of light, not just the store?s yellow lights!
- Never apply concealer or foundation on eyelids as it can cause eye shadow to crease; always use a quality primer.
- Finish your makeup with a setting spray to hold it all through the day.
- Throw away expired makeup and skincare products.
- Don?t buy too many products?start with the basics like concealer, foundation, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, blush, and lipstick.
- Never pump your mascara wand in and out of the bottle. If your mascara goes dry, throw it out or add saline or lens solution in it and shake the bottle to mix. Don?t add water!
- Avoid sharing makeup and skincare products with others. Products that are to be pumped out of the container can be shared though!
- Keep blotting paper on hand to dab onto your face if the skin gets oily during the day. Layering on pressed powder will only make your skin look cakey!
- Wear simple makeup looks and light or bright colours during the day; heavy and dark makeup is best suited for evenings.
- Never go to bed without taking off your makeup?it can clog your skin pores and lead to a breakout. Use baby oil or a gentle makeup remover to get all the makeup off. Cleanse face and tone the skin to get rid of any makeup residue. Finish with moisturiser and let your skin repair.
Post updated on: Oct 24, 2021 11:34:55 AM

Post updated on: Oct 24, 2021 11:31:43 AM

Post updated on: Oct 24, 2021 11:31:29 AM

- ? Cigarette smokers have a high danger of cardiovascular failure.
- ? Cigarette smokes have an incredibly high danger of cellular breakdown in the lungs.
- ? Each year more than 300,000 Americans kick the bucket from cellular breakdown in the lungs, brought about by smoking.
- ? 75% of passings brought about by Emphysema and Bronchitis are straightforwardly connected to smoking.
- Offer successful Weight-Management arrangement
- Reduce fat and increment your body tone
- Prevent and decline indications of maturing
- Strengthen cardiovascular and resistant frameworks
- Regulate levels of sugar and insulin
- Help manage cholesterol level
- Improve your memory and clearness of psyche
- heart and focal sensory system harm
- stomach afflictions
- liver harm
- power outages
- a high danger of liquor addiction
- Walking somewhere around 5000 stages every day
- Walking up steps as opposed to utilizing lifts.
- Do some running as opposed to strolling.
Post updated on: Oct 24, 2021 11:31:09 AM

Post updated on: Oct 24, 2021 11:30:23 AM

Post updated on: Oct 24, 2021 11:30:10 AM

इस व्रत को रखने के five नियम
Post updated on: Oct 24, 2021 11:28:06 AM

Post updated on: Oct 24, 2021 11:27:44 AM

Post updated on: Oct 24, 2021 11:23:04 AM

Post updated on: Oct 24, 2021 11:20:46 AM
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