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मीराबाई (1498-1546) 
सोलहवीं शताब्दी की एक कृष्ण भक्त और
कवियत्री थीं।उनकी कविता कृष्ण भक्ति के रंग में रंग कर और गहरी हो जाती है। मीरा बाई ने कृष्ण भक्ति के स्फुट पदों की रचना की है। मीरा कृष्ण की भक्त हैं। उनके गुरु रविदास जी थे तथा रविदास जी के गुरु रामानंद जी थे

मीराबाई का जन्म सन 1498 ई. में पाली के कुड़की गांव में दूदा जी के चौथे पुत्र रतन सिंह के घर हुआ। ये बचपन से ही कृष्णभक्ति में रुचि लेने लगी थीं। मीरा का विवाह मेवाड़ के सिसोदिया राज परिवार में हुआ। उदयपुर के महाराजा भोजराज इनके पति थे जो मेवाड़ के महाराणा सांगा के पुत्र थे। विवाह के कुछ समय बाद ही उनके पति का देहान्त हो गया। पति की मृत्यु के बाद उन्हें पति के साथ सती करने का प्रयास किया गया, किन्तु मीरा इसके लिए तैयार नहीं हुईं। मीरा के पति का अंतिम संस्कार चित्ततोड़ में मीरा की अनुपस्थिति में हुआ। पति की मृत्यु पर भी मीरा माता ने अपना श्रृंगार नहीं उतारा, क्योंकि वह गिरधर को अपना पति मानती थी
वे विरक्त हो गईं और साधु-संतों की संगति में हरिकीर्तन करते हुए अपना समय व्यतीत करने लगीं। पति के परलोकवास के बाद इनकी भक्ति दिन-प्रतिदिन बढ़ती गई। ये मंदिरों में जाकर वहाँ मौजूद कृष्णभक्तों के सामने कृष्णजी की मूर्ति के आगे नाचती रहती थीं। मीराबाई का कृष्ण-भक्ति में नाचना और गाना राज परिवार को अच्छा नहीं लगता था। उन्होंने कई बार मीराबाई को विष देकर मारने की कोशिश की। घर वालों के इस प्रकार के व्यवहार से परेशान होकर वह द्वारका और वृन्दावन गई। वह जहाँ जाती थी, वहाँ लोगों का सम्मान मिलता था। लोग उन्हें देवी के जैसा प्यार और सम्मान देते थे। मीरा का समय बहुत बड़ी राजनैतिक उथल-पुथल का समय रहा है। बाबर का हिंदुस्तान पर हमला और प्रसिद्ध खानवा का युद्ध उसी समय हुआ था। इन सभी परिस्थितियों के बीच मीरा का रहस्यवाद और भक्ति की निर्गुण मिश्रित सगुण थे।
मेरी दृष्टि में श्री राधा रानी के बाद भगवान श्री कृष्ण की कोई प्रेयसी है तो सिर्फ मीरा बाई ही है। गोपियाँ भी प्रेम की पराकाष्ठा है लेकिन मीरा बाई तो इस कलयुग में भगवान की पत्नी कहलाती है।

संत महात्मा बताते हैं कि मीराबाई श्री कृष्ण के समय की एक गोपी थी।
भगवान कृष्ण को पाने वाले लोग कहते हैं हमें भगवान मिलते नहीं हैं, भगवान हमें दर्शन देते नहीं हैं जबकि मीरा बाई जी को देते हैं
मीरा बाई जी कहती हैं? मेरे तो गिरधर गोपाल, दुसरो न कोय।
हम सभी भगवान से कह देते हैं प्रभु आप हमारे हैं लेकिन इसकी दूसरी पंक्ति हम नहीं कह पाते कि प्रभु आपके अलावा हमारा और कोई भी नहीं है। सिर्फ आप ही हमारे हैं। हम पत्नी को भी अपना माने बैठे हैं, पति को भी, बच्चों को भी, गर्लफ्रेंड, बॉयफ्रेंड, और न जाने किस किस को अपना कहते हैं। क्या वे वास्तव में अपने हैं?
मीरा बाई ने तो कह दिया मेरे तो सिर्फ गिरधर गोपाल जी हैं। दूसरा कोई भी नहीं। जिस दिन हमारे ह्रदय में इस तरह सच्चा भाव आएगा यहीं मानना भगवान खुद ही आपको अपनी पलकों पर बैठ लेंगे।
मीराबाई की भक्ति संपादित करें
भारत अपनी संस्कृति के लिए पूरे विश्व में यूं ही इतना विख्यात नहीं है. भारतभूमि पर ऐसे कई संत और महात्मा हुए हैं जिन्होंने धर्म और भगवान को रोम-रोम में बसा कर दूसरों के सामने एक आदर्श के रुप में पेश किया है. मोक्ष और शांति की राह को भारतीय संतों ने सरल बना दिया है. भजन और स्तुति की रचनाएं कर आमजन को भगवान के और समीप पहुंचा दिया है. ऐसे ही संतों और महात्माओं में मीराबाई का स्थान सबसे ऊपर माना जाता है. मीराबाई के बालमन में कृष्ण की ऐसी छवि बसी थी कि यौवन काल से लेकर मृत्यु तक मीरा बाई ने कृष्ण को ही अपना सब कुछ माना.  बचपन से ही वे कृष्ण-भक्ति में रम गई थीं. 

मीराबाई का कृष्ण प्रेम बचपन की एक घटना - 

की वजह से अपने चरम पर पहुंचा था. मीराबाई के बचपन में एक दिन उनके पड़ोस में किसी बड़े आदमी के यहां बारात आई थी. सभी स्त्रियां छत से खड़ी होकर बारात देख रही थीं. मीराबाई भी बारात देख रही थीं, बारात को देख मीरा ने अपनी माता से पूछा कि मेरा दूल्हा कौन है? इस पर मीराबाई की माता ने कृष्ण की मूर्ति के तरफ इशारा कर कह दिया कि वही तुम्हारे दुल्हा हैं. यह बात मीरा बाई के बालमन में एक गांठ की तरह बंध गई. बाद में मीराबाई का विवाह महाराणा सांगा के पुत्र भोजराज से कर दिया गया. इस शादी के लिए पहले तो मीराबाई ने मना कर दिया पर जोर देने पर वह फूट-फूट कर रोने लगीं और विदाई के समय कृष्ण की वही मूर्ति अपने साथ ले गईं जिसे उनकी माता ने उनका दुल्हा बताया था. मीराबाई ने लज्जा और परंपरा को त्याग कर अनूठे प्रेम और भक्ति का परिचय दिया  मीराबाई कृष्ण की भक्ति में इतना खो जाती थीं कि भजन गाते-गाते वह नाचने लगती थीं. मीरा की महानता और उनकी लोकप्रियता उनके पदों और रचनाओं की वजह से भी है. ये पद और रचनाएं राजस्थानी, ब्रज और गुजराती भाषाओं में मिलते हैं. हृदय की गहरी पीड़ा, विरहानुभूति और प्रेम की तन्मयता से भरे हुए मीरा के पद हमारे देश की अनमोल संपत्ति हैं.  आंसुओं से गीले ये पद गीतिकाव्य के उत्तम नमूने हैं.  मीराबाई ने अपने पदों में श्रृंगार और शांत रस का प्रयोग विशेष रुप से किया है. भावों की सुकुमारता और निराडंबरी सहजशैली की सरसता के कारण मीरा की व्यथासिक्त पदावली बरबस सबको आकर्षित कर लेती हैं.  मीराबाई ने चार ग्रंथों की रचना की .बरसी का मायरा, गीत गोविंद टीका, राग गोविंद और राग सोरठ के पद मीरबाई द्वारा रचे गए ग्रंथ हैं. इसके अलावा मीराबाई के गीतों का संकलन "मीराबाई की पदावली' नामक ग्रन्थ में किया गया है. कहा जाता है कि मीराबाई रणछोड़ जी में समा गई थीं. मीराबाई की मृत्यु के विषय में किसी भी तथ्य का स्पष्टीकरण आज तक नहीं हो सका है. मीराबाई ने भक्ति को एक नया आयाम दिया है. एक ऐसा स्थान जहां भगवान ही इंसान का सब कुछ होता है. दुनिया के सभी लोभ उसे मोह से विचलित नहीं कर सकते. एक अच्छा-खासा राजपाट होने के बाद भी मीराबाई वैरागी बनी रहीं. मीराजी की कृष्ण भक्ति एक अनूठी मिसाल रही है.
मीरा के कई पद हिन्दी फ़िल्मी गीतों का हिस्सा भी बने।
वे बहुत दिनों तक वृन्दावन (मथुरा, उत्तर प्रदेश) में रहीं और फिर द्वारिका चली गईं। जहाँ संवत 1560 ई. में वे भगवान श्रीकृष्ण की मूर्ति में समा गईं।

मीराबाई की मृत्यु-
जब उदयसिंह राजा बने तो उन्हें यह जानकर बहुत निराशा हुई कि उनके परिवार में एक महान भक्त के साथ कैसा दुर्व्यवहार हुआ। तब उन्होंने अपने राज्य के कुछ ब्राह्मणों को मीराबाई को वापस लाने के लिए द्वारका भेजा। जब मीराबाई आने को राजी नहीं हुईं तो ब्राह्मण जिद करने लगे कि वे भी वापस नहीं जायेंगे। उस समय द्वारका में ?कृष्ण जन्माष्टमी? आयोजन की तैयारी चल रही थी। मीराबाई ने कहा कि वे आयोजन में भाग लेकर चलेंगी। उस दिन उत्सव चल रहा था। भक्तगण भजन में मग्न थे। मीरा नाचते-नाचते श्री रणछोड़राय जी के मन्दिर के गर्भग्रह में प्रवेश कर गईं और मन्दिर के कपाट बन्द हो गये। जब द्वार खोले गये तो देखा कि मीरा वहाँ नहीं थी। उनका चीर मूर्ति के चारों ओर लिपट गया था और मूर्ति अत्यन्त प्रकाशित हो रही थी। मीरा मूर्ति में ही समा गयी थीं। मीराबाई का शरीर भी कहीं नहीं मिला। उनका उनके प्रियतम प्यारे से मिलन हो गया था।
जिन चरन धरथो गोबरधन गरब- मधवा- हरन।।
दास मीरा लाल गिरधर आजम तारन तरन


Post updated on:  Oct 25, 2021 5:50:42 PM

Many secrets are hidden under the earth. One of those secrets is, Nag Lok. Naaglok is situated under the earth.

Residents of Nag Lok can change their form. They can come anywhere they want. l Friendship was love between humans and serpents. Snakes like to live under the earth. Snakes do not want any human to see them.

But the time has come, when humans and Nagas will have to grow together because a very terrible trouble has come upon Nagalok. There is an outcry all around inside Nagalok. King of Nagalok is Rudrasen. King Rudrasen made a lot of efforts that He could defeat that trouble, but perhaps the time was not acceptable. All the efforts failed. Today he did not see any hope to save his kingdom because a terrible disease had spread in the state. All the snakes are slowly were dying of unknown mysterious disease. Some people were saying that the disease was spread by humans.

According to the people, different types of people had thought of different things. The king was very worried. He is unable to save his subjects.

There was a pile of dead bodies all around the state. So much corpse was falling that there was no one to pick up those dead bodies. The dead bodies were thrown like this. I

Animals were eating many dead bodies. Seeing such a terrible scene, the king burst into tears. The king could not understand why all this is happening. After all, who is it, because of which all this is happening. Something is happening. He was cursing his fate. The king came inside the palace. He felt that now his life was in vain, it was in his body.

                             धरती के नीचे कई सारे रहस्य छिपे हुए हैं l उन्हीं रहस्य में से एक है , नाग लोक l नागलोक धरती के नीचे स्थित है l नाग लोक के वासी अपनी मर्जी से रूप बदल सकते हैं l वो कहीं पर भी अपनी मर्जी से आ जा सकते हैं l इंसानों तथा नाग के बीच में दोस्ती प्रेम था l  नाग धरती के नीचे ही रहना पसंद करते हैं l नाग नहीं चाहते कि उन्हें कोई भी इंसान देख सकें l
                            पर  समय आ गया है , जब इंसान तथा नाग  को  एक साथ मिलकर बढ़ना होगा क्योंकि नागलोक पर एक बहुत भयंकर मुसीबत आ गई है l नागलोक के अंदर चारों तरफ हाहाकार मचा हुआ है l नागलोक का राजा रूद्रसेन  है l राजा रूद्रसेन  ने खूब प्रयास किए कि उस मुसीबत को हरा सके पर शायद समय को मंजूर नहीं था l सारे प्रयास विफल हो गए l आज उसके पास अपने राज्य को बचाने के लिए कोई भी आस नहीं दिख रही थी क्योंकि राज्य में एक भयंकर बीमारी फैल गई थी l सभी नाग धीरे-धीरे करके अनजान रहस्यमई बीमारी से मर रहे थे l कुछ लोग कह रहे थे कि बीमारी  इंसान द्वारा फैलाई गई थी l 

लोगों की माने तो अलग-अलग प्रकार के लोगों ने अलग-अलग प्रकार की बातें सोच रखी थी l  राजा बहुत ज्यादा चिंतित थे l वे अपनी प्रजा को बचाने में असमर्थ है l

  लाशों का अंबार राज्य के चारों तरफ लग गया था l इतनी लाश गिर रही थी कि उस लाशों को  उठाने वाला भी कोई नहीं था l लाशों को  ऐसे ही फेंक दिया गया थाा. I
   कई सारी लाशों को जानवर खा रहे थे l ऐसे भयंकर दृश्य को देखकर राजा फूट-फूट कर रोने लगा l राजा कुछ समझ में ही नहीं आ रहा था कि आखिर यह सब क्यों हो रहा है l आखिर ऐसा कौन है,  जिसकी वजह से यह सब कुछ हो रहा है l अपने भाग्य को कोस रहा था l राज महल के अंदर आ गया l उसको लग रहा था कि अब उसके प्राण व्यर्थ है, उसके शरीर में है l

☠️💀💀 💀💀☠️ 💀💀 💀💀☠️☠️☠️ ☠️☠️☠️ ☠️☠️☠️ ☠️☠️☠️☠️ ☠️☠️☠️☠️ ☠️☠️☠️☠️ ☠️☠️☠️☠️ ☠️☠️☠️☠️ ☠️☠️☠️

राजा की एक पुत्री थी नागकन्या l बहुत ही सुंदर थी l राजा को चिंता थी कि कन्या का विवाह कर दें l 

 राजा अपनी बुढ़ापा से परेशान था l जैसे-जैसे बुढ़ापा बढ़ते जा रहा था, वैसे वैसे राजा की चिंता बढ़ती जा रही थी l राजा अधिक चिंतित रहने लग गए l 1 दिन राजा ने अपनी पुत्री नागकन्या को बुलाया l  कहा - हमारे  पूर्वजों के पास एक बहुत ही दिव्य मणि थी l उस मणि को धारण करने वाला इच्छा अनुसार कोई भी रूप धारण कर सकता है और कई सारी शक्तियों का मालिक बन सकता है l

      मैं चाहता हूं कि वह मणि तुम आज से धारण करो क्योंकि मुझे सिर्फ तुम ही पर भरोसा है l राजा के कई सारे सिपाही और कई सारे मंत्री यही सोचते थे कि राजा किस प्रकार मर जाए l उसकी सारी संपत्ति और उसकी पुत्री को अपने कब्जे में ले ले l राजा को  वृद्ध मंत्री ने सुझाव दिया - उसे अपनी सत्ता में रहते रहते हैं , तुरंत  एक अच्छे व्यक्ति के साथ राज कन्या का विवाह कर देना चाहिए l राजा के पास  दो समस्याएं थी और दोनों ही समस्या का कोई समाधान नहीं था l 

                          The king had a daughter, Nagakanya. She was very beautiful. The king was worried that the girl should get married. The king was worried about his old age. 1 day the king called his daughter Nagkanya. He said that our ancestors had a very divine gem. The one who wears that gem can take any form as per his wish and can become the master of many powers. King told - I want you to wear that gem from today because I trust only you. Many of the king's soldiers and many ministers used to think that how the king should die. Take his daughter in his possession. The old minister suggested to the king that he should remain in his power, immediately marry the girl with a good man. The king had two problems and both problems had no solution.

              महाराज  ज्यादा चिंतित होने के कारण और अस्वस्थ हो रहे थे l राजकन्या अत्याधिक ही डर गई थी l उनकी लगातार बिगड़ी तबीयत को देखकर राजकुमारी और ज्यादा चिंतित हो गई l राजकुमारी ने मन में ठान लिया कि अगर नागलोक को बचाना है तो राजकुमारी को ही अस्त्र-शस्त्र उठाना पड़ेगा llऔर उस व्यक्ति को ढूंढ उसको सजा देनी हो होगी, जो है यह सब कुछ कर रहा है l राजकुमारी ने मन में ठान लिया कि वह उस व्यक्ति को ढूंढ कर सजा देगी, जो नागलोक में होने वाली तबाही का कारण है l अगले दिन  नागकन्या ने देखा कि नागलोक भयावह लग रहा है l चारों तरफ लाशों के ढेर लगे हुए थे l कई सारे घर जल रहे थे l ऐसी दुर्दशा देखकर राजकुमारी  दुखी हो गई l

The real intense of the enemies was the Nagmani, which was yellow in colour. The Nagmani was under high security. Nobody can get the Nagmani easily. If anyone wants to get Nagmani, he has to give his life for the Nagmani. It was really very prestigious thing of the naglok.


Adjacent to the security room, door is an outside door which is the entrance to the rajmahal. In this passage poisonous snake were gaurding Nagmani. There is a second door just inside the rajmahal door and behind it were the stairs. While climbing up the stairs, there comes another door, on which there is a glass window that is not visible through. Highly talented soldiers work there during the day and night to save Nagmani.
              There is a small corridor with a safe, a army room and a large wardrobe of weapons. Across this corridor is a small, stifling, dark room.  Army could attack through a glass door that can be opened easily from the inside, but was not so easily from the outside. After leaving Raja, narrow corridor close automatically.

The whole place of the naglok was looking as burning object. No was one was, there who can control this destruction.

The real spiritual knowledge of naglok was the secret for the world. But there is no one to take care of it.

Shiv  posted in Others

Post updated on:  Oct 25, 2021 9:07:54 AM

Kids will be just probably as peaceful as adults, play, don't shout, do you think? Taking everything into account, the child will do little else; it will be easier to get everyone a long way from him the whole day. This is typical in young people. It is difficult for youths to keep books in a solitary spot. You would rather not get anything. To create and scrutinize, it is huge that most youths choose to play the whole day. What is the upside of denouncing adolescents, adults like to do whatever it takes not to be hated where? The adolescent will not be constrained to cover the book against the mind. With this, the adolescent's mental improvement is disturbed, and the child detests the subject. We know today how to play can be used to show young people and grow mentally. To build up the child's capacity, he should make a little creativity and capacity with the joy of sports and laughing. According to researchers, since the start, a child's improvement splash is conventional, and his frontal cortex is making. Rehearsing suggests changing the shape and condition of different organs. Of course, mental progression implies getting a child's data, knowledge, capacity, sentiments, and socialization. In case you are looking at your young person's potential for capacity, let him know about an other frontal cortex actuation game. Discover with respect to a part of these very much arranged games from here. 1. Ludu You can get comfortable with your child's counting speedier by using this interesting game. Could you assist them with playing little principles? If you have the chance to proceed with an adolescent to play. You can dispense with an adolescent's furor by scrutinizing this game. 2. Chess Chess should be a series of cleverness. Expecting you need to make your child shimmer, let him know about chess while he is playing. Nonetheless, remember it is a game for adults and young people, so don't pressure the child's head. You need to guarantee your child can participate in the whole game first. Exactly when your child is merry, the ability to make and play will be duplicated. 3. Sort out some way to Count

You can assist a child with achieving his work, whether or not he doesn't have paper pens or toys. It is clear to prepare children to count sitting on a touch of plate with several peas, gram boots, or chocolate. Every so often, give little chocolates, peas, or gram boots on the sweet faces. You will see your youth sitting on the site, laughing and sorting out some way to count the game.
4. Ascertain tone with paint
Do kids change the quintessence of the house by painting the dividers of the house on the floor? Try not to encroach; notwithstanding, buy an alternate locale or a book pen, a concealed pencil. He will achieve uncommon mental progression with his little capacity and ability improvement. So make sure to keep Paintbrush on the children's playlist. 5. PC game You were playing PC games constantly before a PC is a negative characteristic. Substantial, PC games can do a great deal to update a child's knowledge. You pick, notwithstanding, how long your child spends playing before a PC screen, yet save PC games in the playlist for young people in adulthood. 6. Chambers Solidifying several concealing blends will make your child more shrewd and more fun. On the off chance that your adolescent is keen with a touch of 3D shape in the house as opposed to playing a game, then, what's the risk? 7. Peculiarity Games Youths moreover really like to challenge; in the event that they win in any task, they in like manner encourage their individual. This game will help your child with calming down. Give your child some bearing in this game so he can play the game with the heading. 8. Sudoku The gathering of American analysts Sudoku depicted the game as a brain game. As it helps with making understanding, both energetic and old can play this game. So with this game, you can go probably as a helper for your child. Additional affection and capacity can be your child with this game. 9. Pursue Treasure: All things considered, wealth takes after gold. In any case, it is your kid's little bear, chocolate, or get it done with unprecedented wealth. In your adolescent's knowledge, you can use these little toys. Hide your young person's resources elsewhere, whatever your child enjoys, and encourage that individual to take out their #1 things where you stow away. You will see your adolescent more prepared. This game will fabricate your child's fixation and thought, and his advantage will create. 10. Inward Basketball Home b-ball is another game that will cultivate your child's capacity. Unwinding time family members can join a games bunch. In an incredible family environment, your adolescent's enthusiastic wellbeing will improve?once-over Indoor Basketball Games to encourage a child's strong frontal cortex. 11. Longboard A longboard is a kind of fun game. Since youth, we have revered the little contention. You can differentiate other children's capacities and your young person's capacities with this game. Riding on a Skateboard, your young person will need to discover forward-looking force.

Abhishek  posted in Sports

Post updated on:  Oct 24, 2021 11:43:02 AM

As you most likely know, games and sports are key for everybody. Our body looks like a machine. A machine can't work without oiling; also, our body can't function true to form if we make it fit and sound. They help in growing within energy, cultivate the muscles, and develops fortitude. Two Views - Certain people envision that if understudies wreck around, they will not zero in on their assessments fittingly, so sports are over the top. Another view is that games are key since step by step work annoys and dulls people; this shows how much fun and sports are pressing.

There are two kinds of Games
1. Indoor games:
Indoor games cultivates our mind. Indoor games are carrom, cards, cheddar, etc, which we can play at home. The wilderness exercise center isn't required for indoor games. It might be played wherever in the yard of the house. Indoor games speed up our frontal cortex level. Indoor games are seen as the best wellspring of redirection.
2. Outside games or sports:

Outdoor games or sports are football, hockey, cricket, tennis, etc, which require a wilderness exercise center to play. Outdoors games are important for our genuine new development. Outdoors games and sports cultivate our bodies and keep us strong. As we are understudies. We need to consider and get incredible engravings in tests and make our educators and gatekeepers satisfied, but we are not machines, and we can not focus on continually. There is a cutoff to our energy and ingenuity. Achieving a comparative work immaculate; makes us bore and languid. Nevertheless, games and sports make the mind sharp and dynamic and besides help in obsession during the audit. People like trained professionals, engineers, etc, also need to play and rest from their master work to deal with their work even more effectively and faultlessly. Importance And Value Sports have unimaginable worth in our life. They offer us a change from the terribleness of everyday presence. It is proper strategy for entertainment and dynamic work. Sports and games help in character building. They give us energy and strength. They cause us to sort out some way to deal with the predicament, and sports cultivates a sensation of consideration." Health is Wealth."
Actual coordination and strength It is viewed as that both, sports and strength are different sides of the coin. The facts really confirm that an individual associated with sports exercises get more strength than the typical individual with no actual exercise. An individual intrigued by sports can foster incredible body strength and make their profession splendid by taking part in any games whatsoever public or worldwide level. Playing sports help in reinforcing the safe framework, keeping up with actual coordination, upgrading body strength and working on mental force. It constructs your person and wellbeing Playing sports on normal premise helps in character and wellbeing working of any individual. It is by and large seen that an individual associated with sports movement from an extremely youthful age, grows exceptionally clear and solid person just as great wellbeing. Sportsperson turns out to be more prompt and restrained in this way, we can say that sports give different solid and all around constructed people to the general public and country. Job of famous games characters Athlete soul of the prominent athlete energizes the approaching adolescents. They ought to be liberated from debasement and any sort of governmental issues and by this conflict, they can undertaking their replacements. In the event that the adolescents are disregarded, the country loses the extent of getting wanted athletes. It has at any point been seen that in our country an excess of legislative issues are harming the newbies. On account of determination, they should follow the validity, precision, and conceivable outcomes from the impending; in any case, the pattern of sports, texture of relationship will be torn. Benefits of sports and games sports and games are extremely valuable to us as they show us reliability, patient, discipline, collaboration, and devotion. Playing sports helps us in building and further developing certainty levels. In the event that we practice sports on standard premise, we can be more dynamic and solid. Being engaged with sports exercises help us in getting secured with various sicknesses like joint pain, corpulence, weight, heart issues, diabetes, etc. It makes us more focused, patient, reliable and gracious throughout everyday life. It helps us to go on in life by eliminating every one of the shortcomings. Games and sports are important after extended periods of monotonous review. Our brains are happy when we take normal exercise in the outdoors. 'A lack of work-life balance will drive a person crazy.' This maxim recommends the value of games and sports. We ought to embrace such games which would suit our environment. Sports Education Nowadays our organization is opening new games schools, planning centers and giving games guidance to understudies. A game is an essential piece of preparing. Preparing without sports is insufficient. It is, thusly sports challenge is held at school and school levels. The understudies who perform well in this resistance are raised to play at nationa l and worldwide levels. As such games help in employment advancement also. The public authority similarly gives many situations in the games field like tutor, teacher, and coach. Discipline Game and Sports train us to help how to submit to each others and our boss. Every player should keep their caption. He needs to play, keeping all rules and rules of the game. Notwithstanding the way that it's accommodates our real body and mind our whole person. That is the explanation we gain from games and sports that how to live in fortitude.

Abhishek  posted in Sports

Post updated on:  Oct 24, 2021 11:42:50 AM

Cultural Impact of star divination in India

Astrology, Defined

So, what's star divination and what to astrologers do? In her rattling primer The Essential Guide to sensible Astrology: Everything from zodiac signs to prediction, created simple and amusing, one among my mentors April Elliott Kent explains it this manner, "Astrology is that the study of the association between celestial activity phenomena and profane events. those that follow star divination are known as astrologers." 

Those profane events may embody career, relationship, and eudaimonia insights in your weekly or monthly horoscope. the foremost reliable of those columns ar written by skilled astrologers United Nations agency do their best to clarify however the planets' current movements ar moving you supported wherever the planets were after you were born. 

Pros additionally use the movement of the planets to clarify or maybe predict current events, social trends, monetary markets. and that we can even take AN in-depth check up on your temperament or your compatibility with others supported your personal star divination ? aka your birth chart. Charts also are wont to investigate the characteristics and outcomes of events, like a marriage or election

Historically, India has perpetually been a rustic wherever the elite group from round the globe have close to make one thing new and distinctive. natural philosophy as star divination isn't thus completely different. although Greeks have had an enormous impact on Indian star divination, it absolutely was not till the first nineteenth Century AD, that Jothishi took to the thought stage. 

Jothishi could be a term that's a mixture of ?light? and ?heavenly body?. it's a term that stems from the normal Hindu System of star divination. The core thought of Jothishi is to realize data by shedding light-weight on the unseen. it's one among the Veda, the auxiliary guiding principles of star divination.

Historically, the Indian star divination, before the introduction of the Zodiac signs, had nothing to try and do with planets, for nothing was stating the character of planets. per the Atharvaveda and therefore the Upanishads, the foremost attention was paid towards the eclipse, for it absolutely was believed that it absolutely was the demons, United Nations agency were answerable for its existence.

The core of Hindu star divination is model, a belief wherever alittle half reflects the full. take into account a straightforward example, there's a castle, and much from its location, there's a lake. after you think the lake with a particular angle, you'll ask for the reflection of the whole castle on that. per the thought of model, AN heavenly body reflection of the lake is additionally shaped upon the castle. 

To get a gist of what it suggests that, your actions have a control on the cosmos, and therefore the cosmos, in turn, react to you.

When Planetary and cosmic concerns finally seeped into the sacred writing star divination, the first thought of model didn't lose its luster. Action and reaction of one's angle on the cosmos and contrariwise continues to be the most course of action. this can be wherever we have a tendency to return to the start, wherever we have a tendency to mentioned the impact of destiny on the lives is as virile because the impact of the cosmos. Therefore, per the Jothishi, a system of acts and dates was created to confirm that the cosmos isn't pained with the manner we have a tendency to react. this can be the explanation that currently we've got auspicious dates for on once to travel regarding wedding, after you open a replacement business and once to require any necessary selections within the lives ever.

At discernment, this has been the most important cultural impact of star divination in India, and as a result, there ar many websites on-line wherever one will sense wherever they need to travel. 

However, there's one draw back to that, and it's the prophetical nature of these websites. Prediction, despite however correct, provides thanks to addiction. And {this is|this is often|this will be} wherever troubles can begin.

Post updated on:  Oct 24, 2021 11:42:30 AM

Cultural Impact of astrology on countries apart from India

As well joined will imagine, astrology, a science to ascertain the celebrities with the attention of spirituality, introduced a way of peace in individuals round the globe. As a result, its impact may be felt through many civilizations. However, among them, the foremost impact it had was on countries like China, Persia and India:

The Impact on China:  When the construct of Zodiac was introduced by the Greek, particularly once the constellations were taken as AN Animal Circle, plenty of civilisations were enamored by it. In China, the construct of Chinese Zodiac was introduced in five Century B.C throughout the Zhan Chou. There wasn't a lot of info on the precise date once the Zodiac signs of China came into existence. However, they were formally known throughout the days of the Han that spanned from 206 B.C to 9. A.D. Its importance was therefore virile that it had been wont to confirm the date of a person's birth throughout the Chou. It's been 2000 years since then, and still, it's used pretty ordinarily.  

It was the calendar that unveiled  the existence of the Chinese Zodiac Animals. once derived back, the existence of this calendar may be derived back to 14th century B.C. there's a legend regarding Emperor Huangdi, the primary one amongst China, that he was the one that fictitious the Chinese calendar.  If that's true, then it may be surmised that it wasn't the Greeks that brought Zodiac into existence, for the Zodiac was supported Chinese pseudoscience, and its purpose wasn't to predict the long run. But rather, it had been to count the years, months ? days and hours within the calendar. The formation of the calendar came with 2 components: the celestial stem and therefore the terrestrial branch. every of the twelve animals forms the a part of the 12-year cycle and on a daily basis within the 12-hour cycle. 2 hours were counted joined, combined the 24-hour calendar was thought of.  

Now, the animals inside this calendar square measure a rat, a dragon, AN OX a snake, a rooster, a horse, a dog, a tiger, a sheep and a pig. The additional equally spaced they're to every different, the additional compatible they're with one another. This compact the non-public relationship facet between the individuals within the end of the day. similar to the calendar, the pseudoscience system related to it's additionally complicated.

According to the Chinese Zodiac, the year of your birth shall have an effect on your compatibility with different people. The month of your birth impacts your inner animal. This inner animal forms the core of the emotions, your lovemaking, and your inner temperament.

There square measure several sides of pseudoscience in China, wherever predictions come back as another issue. The tea culture has had a deep impact on this prediction additionally. to boot

The cultural impact of Chinese pseudoscience wasn't absolutely regarding predictions or following your life through a road map. What it's principally regarding is that the compatibility of 2 totally different souls. not like Jothishi, its purpose isn't to dive deep into the unseen data, but rather, it's to grasp the compatibility between 2 people.

Impact of pseudoscience in Iran: Much just like the Chinese Zodiac, there are twelve signs within the Iranian pseudoscience additionally. once it involves the origin of Iranian pseudoscience, it may be derived back to the Zoroastrian (Persian) pseudoscience. However, there's proof that implies that a lot of of Persian pseudoscience was influenced by Chinese.

There square measure earlier parts of pseudoscience in Persian regions wherever it had been advised that mathematical approach towards pseudoscience wasn't taken there. whereas there was some experimental natural philosophy concerned, a lot of of it arose thanks to the religious inclinations of the individuals and seeing the mysteries of the skies through the eyes of spirituality. Persia was the provider of the primary branches of natural philosophy, is that the a part of the Mesopotamian and Babylonian era.

When a journey is taken into the origins of pseudoscience, the assumption of celestial impact upon the human lives is that the oldest one there's, and it all originated from geographic region. Retrospectively, celestial predictions have perpetually been the first motif of the primary type of pseudoscience. 

There square measure many websites dedicated to an equivalent. inside these websites, it's the prediction that takes precedence over the guide the way to conduct yourself in your existence. 

Jothishi is over prediction and talks regarding fate and therefore the got to connect with the supply, and this is often wherever the cultural impact of pseudoscience in India sets in.

Post updated on:  Oct 24, 2021 11:41:58 AM

What we do not do to enhance the beauty of the face.  Buying the most expensive products.  Everyone's wish is to keep the glow of his face forever.  While we all know that the effect of scented and unnatural products lasts only as long as we keep using them.  As soon as we stop applying them on the face, the dark spots on the face come back again.  Then everyone's pocket does not allow to buy such expensive products.  In such a situation, I miss the lessons given by the mother and the home remedies given by her.  they also have the opposite effect. Does not happen.  All you have to do is include them in your daily routine and you will feel the difference in a few days.  Let us know how these home remedies can easily remove dark spots on the face.                                
What Are Dark Spots?

 These are also called hyperpigmentation or melasma.  It is usually caused by prolonged exposure to the sun.  Sometimes, even sun tan cream or tan removal does not work for them.  In fact, our skin gets its color from the pigment-producing cells, which is called melanocytosi  Melanin is produced only by melanocyte  When these cells start getting damaged, they start producing more melanin in certain parts of the skin.

 Types Of Dark Spots.

 Today's self-supporting girls do not care whether they are fair or black.  It is because of having a beautiful skin.  Sometimes even makeup is not able to hide the dark spots.  Although it does not reduce their beauty, but when it comes to their confidence, it definitely has an effect.  Especially because of the dark spots.  This is such a problem, which sometimes also shows your poor health.  Do you want to get rid of this problem of yours, if yes then first know what it is?  And what kind of dark spots do you have?  Then take the treatment accordingly.

 1. Melasma

 Melasma or chloasma is pigmentation that occurs deeper in the dermis of the skin.  It appears as large brown patches on the face.  It is most common in women.  This is often caused by hormonal changes.  These hormonal changes are mostly caused by birth control pills or fertility enhancing drugs.

 2. Lentigines

 This problem is caused due to sun tanning.  It can also be prevented by daily use of sun tanning cream.  Actually, due to being mostly in the sun, there is a blackness in the face.  If this is not taken care of, it takes the form of pigmentation.  These spots [4] can occur anywhere on the body.  May be light brown or black in colour.  It depends on how the ultraviolet rays of the sun fall on these melanin pigments.  These can develop into skin cancer and melanoma.

 3. Pimple marks

 Commonly, acne is also caused by an upset stomach.  People with oily skin also get acne.  Some get better with age, but some people live longer.  Many pimples are watery, after which they break out, they leave marks.  And.  Many pimples are pus, which also causes pain.  With time, they get better, but there are pits and dark spots on the skin.  These dark spots do not come off easily.                                                                                                                                     

Causes Of Dark Spots.       

 These dark spots on the skin fade the complexion of our face [2].  Skin lightening products are also available in the market, which claim to make your face fair and blemish free.  But using them continuously can prove to be dangerous for the face.  Sometimes dark spots on the face also occur due to allergies, acne or hormonal imbalance.  These patches can be large or small.

 Other Possible Reasons Behind Dark Spots.

 If the face itself gets spoiled, then the confidence of the person also starts decreasing.  He reduces contact.  Then the changing lifestyle is also affecting our diet.  Probably, that's why every third woman can see the problem of dark spots on her face.

 1. Hormonal imbalance

 To understand the imbalance of hormones in the body, you have to understand your diet and lifestyle.  Irregular periods in women can be one of the reasons for this.  Due to problems like PCOD, thyroid, fibroids and cysts, dark spots occur on the face.It is known to all that how important 8 hours of sleep is for us, if we do not get enough sleep then we become irritable.  It creates immense tension within us.  Bad hormones start leaking in the body, which make us unhealthy.  Gradually its effect starts showing on the face. For women who have problems conceiving, doctors give hormone medicines, which increase the amount of estrogen.  At the same time, excessive consumption of steroid drugs can also cause hormonal problems.

Ayush  posted in Fashion

Post updated on:  Oct 24, 2021 11:41:11 AM

What is an advertisement?

An advertisement (often shortened to advert or ad) is the promotion of a product, brand or service to a viewership in order to attract interest, engagement and sales. Advertisements come in many forms, from copy to interactive video, and have evolved to become a crucial feature of the app marketplace.
An advertisement is different from other types of marketing because it is paid for, and because the creator of an advert has total control over the content and message.

Why are advertisements important?

Advertisements are a guaranteed method of reaching an audience. By creating an engaging ad, and spending enough to reach many users, advertisements can have an immediate impact on business. This effect could be seen in improved trade or boosted brand recognition, among many different metrics.

What do in-app ads look like?

In-app ads take many forms, including text, banners, push notifications and pre or post-roll video ads. Such video adverts are usually around 10-15 seconds long (though they can vary) and normally showcase the product within that time. Increasingly, ads are becoming interactive, providing more engagement for users. One such example is the use of deep linking, a feature which allows advertisers to send users directly to an install page in a single click.

Which ad format should I use?

Choosing the right format can be a make-or-break decision in advertising. Let's take a look at some of the most common ad formats in mobile advertising and when they can be particularly effective.

Banner ads

With banner ads, the aim is to display an image and wait for users to view, click and convert making quality graphics and a compelling call to action (CTA) essential components.

Interstitial ads

Interstitial ads offer a full-screen experience. These can be used to avoid 'banner blindness', when users become so accustomed to seeing banner ads that they no longer take notice. Interstitial ads can also be expandable (known as expandable ads), which start out as regular banner ads before taking up the whole screen.

Native ads

Native advertising is when ads are designed to match the environment in which they are placed. For example, when you see a 'sponsored' tag attached to a YouTube video, this is native advertising on that particular platform.

Video ads

As their name suggests, video ads are advertisements in video format. By their nature, video ads are a popular advertising method because they can be highly engaging with high click-through rates (CTR 's).

Playable ads

By giving users access to interactive gameplay, playable ads let you try before you buy. This gives users a limited look at an app, offering highlights that should push users to install. Because users can gauge their interest before purchasing the app, playable ads can be used to reduce app uninstall rates.
To learn more about the pros and cons for each format, take a look at this blog post.

Ads and Adjust

Ad tracking is easy with Adjust; it's as simple as integrating an SDK and creating an Adjust tracker URL. After that, our dashboard will show you precisely how well your advertisements are performing. We can also put you in sync with any of our hundreds of partners so you can advertise to the right sources at a budget which is right for you. An advertisement (often shortened to advert or ad) is the promotion of a product, brand or service to a viewership in order to attract interest, engagement and sales. Advertisements come in many forms, from copy to interactive video, and have evolved to become a crucial feature of the app marketplace.

Ayush  posted in 6260029752

Post updated on:  Oct 24, 2021 11:39:33 AM

TOP 6 Hidden Tips and Tricks Windows 10
1. Change your Start Menu The particular and lively Start menu was probable the primary concern you saw about Windows 10. Which started as a lower part of-the-screen button has formed into a full-screen knowledge with live "tiles" that show outlines and even adverts. Regardless, did you understand you can make it your own? To change the energy of your new environment, click the Windows button at the lower part of your screen and go to Start > Settings > Personalization > Start. You may change the left-hand side by picking which structure envelopes to show, showing as of late added applications, revamping and resizing the tiles, and impressively more. 2. Adequately and Quickly Search in Windows 10 The pursuit feature in Windows 10 is by far the most strong part of the entire working system. The request is at this point not limited to helping you with tracking down a lost report; it is at present fused into structure menus too. To begin, go to the base left of your screen and snap the pursuit picture. Normally, the pursuit window shows your generally a significant part of the time used applications similarly as late development, allowing you to get to the undertakings and things you need quickly. Start creating in the taskbar at the lower part of the request window, and Windows will find the information you require. 3. Use Focus Assist to Stay Focused We're persistently being redirected from our tasks. Notification appear at subjective stretches to divert our thought from the work waiting be finished. Focus Assist will help you with staying on target. You can slow down notification, alerts, and various interferences when you need to stay centered by flipping a switch. Focus Assist may be found in Settings > System > Focus Assist. The no-meddle with programming may be set to turn on subsequently during demonstrated hours, or you can turn it on truly when you're giving a show or sharing your screen to make an effort not to possibly embarrass takes note! 4. Supervise projects with various virtual workspaces Having different virtual workspaces is a useful instrument if you simply have one screen! Rearranging a combination of work on a comparable PC can be tangled whether or not you have different screens. In Windows 10, the Task View sheet grants you to quickly and beneficially make a boundless number of virtual workspaces. You can change the presence of your virtual workspace by moving undertakings between workspaces, showing windows on all workspaces, or closing pages on a specific workspace. 5. Do You Know What a Cloud Clipboard Is? Another component that relatively few people use is this one. Cloud Clipboard is a contraption that licenses you to reorder text, associations, and pictures across different devices. To get to the cloud clipboard decision, press Windows + V. This will raise the cloud clipboard, which will show all of the stuff you've at this point cut and copied, including text, HTML, and photos under 1MB in size. If the imitated text in this clipboard history is under 100kb in size, it will in general be shared across all contraptions supported in to a comparative Microsoft account. 6. Use Night Light and Dark Mode Do you have a tendency for working almost too hard around evening time or quickly at the start of the day? An unnecessarily splendid screen might actuate headaches and strain on the eyes. Dull Mode ? Select "faint" as the default Windows and application mode under Settings > Personalization > Color. This darkens your astounding white screen, showing white text against a dim or faint establishment in numerous Windows applications and limits. You can investigate various roads with respect to different occasions to sort out what ends up being brutal for you.

Prakash  posted in Technology

Post updated on:  Oct 24, 2021 11:35:35 AM

Most 5 Cybercrime Cases
They are starting with unquestionably the most ridiculously ghastly of all cybercrimes: hacking. These children examine for the best hoodie sellers there. While furnished with a precision rifle, they utilize their stuff like a specialist. They would even execute randomly picked nitwits using their locally built library. By far most of these software engineers would recall their names considering the way that most of these developers had gatekeepers are supporting them through their hacking capacity. So hacking begins. A couple of children had found how to hack the PCs. In the endeavor "Regulator Malware," The youngsters sorted out some way to hack phones and contraptions. To help them so they could do this, they aggregated their family. No, but they expected headings to execute the hack. That is where information extortion came in. A FBI expert caught a call made by a piece of these software engineers. The experts watched these child developers affirm a kid and his mother by using casual networks. They then, encouraged the developer's mom to pay her to give her my daughter for their mate. That conveys us to the ensuing case. These capacities have provoked these youngsters' groundwork for 5-6 years using certified coins. They urged their setbacks not to call the FBI, but instead the kids had a lot of good capacities. They advised them never to return the money they just obtained because the coin makes them look awful. Web stunts are ending up being amazingly typical, and each individual has lost over half of their money on account of these stunts. These teenagers should never capitulate to an arrangement that will strip their people and set up their adolescents for school. Advanced fraudsters irritate you back every day. At the point when you get swindled, you ought to show up at an adjudicator and record a police report. There is reliably an objective before you go through your lifespan in prison, as it isn't not hard to prosecute a bad behavior. On the off chance that you are enthused about discovering an administration profession, never don't chat with someone who isn't approved to do thusly. Since corporate IT staff work just in their home, you don't have even the remotest clue who uses their PCs and progressed contraptions. In addition, a gifted programming proficient should not have acknowledged a situation with the Federal Election Commission regardless. Information is the key, and it ought to be represented to the experts immediately. The brand name of the mission, "Fight the disease," is substantial. We should all stop this disease that is controlling our world. Let us not add to the contamination. Regardless, the disease is changing into a yearly wonder. Right when our world is at this point not addressed by evil, there will be a vacuum of explicit limits and gifts in the universe. Therefore, every time we use a PC and talk with the remainder of the world, we ought to know about the results. Henceforth, limit your information, annihilate your devices, talk with safety faculty, and apply these principles. Mental emergencies have caused gigantic damage all through the planet. We have expected to get to know staying inside as a result of the disease. In a little while we will enter the zenith season, which is the best an ideal chance for youngsters to be introduced to this disease. Regardless of the way that the contamination's spread across the globe has become typical practice, there is an affinity for this disease to disappear once the season closes. Regardless, the diseases will not evaporate forever. We can not for the most part be in a comparative situation as today. This disease has eaten up various nations in the world. The disease is as of now isolating various countries. The scene of the disease has toned down, yet we have entered the overall slump with the fast addition of the contamination. People will lose their positions or regardless get to a troublesome position. I would not urge you to stay in an economy where you are presently losing your money and ending up being significant for those losing their positions.

Prakash  posted in Technology

Post updated on:  Oct 24, 2021 11:35:07 AM

Here are some makeup looks that you can easily create for everyday wear.

nude makeup look is like a freshly scrubbed face, but better. Start with a clean face, cover spots and uneven tone with something light like a tinted moisturiser or sheer foundation. Remember that a heavy base will not give you the effect you're aiming for! Use a shimmery or matte eyeshadow across the eyelids. Apply a brown eyeliner or skit it entirely. Finish with mascara and use a nude lipstick or plain old lip gloss.

The point is to let your lips take centre stage, so wear your boldest lip colour red hot, maroon, wine, or whichever shade you prefer! If you're not feeling too confident, use lip stains instead of lipsticks. Alternatively, dab on lipstick in the middle of your lips and diffuse the colour by blending outwards using a fingertip or lip brush. Keep the rest of the face nude; you might want to wear eyeliner and/or mascara.

Simple Makeup Looks: Smoky Eye Makeup

Here, all the attention will be on your eyes, so keep the lips nude or wear a lighter shade of lipstick. To create the smoky eye lookuse an eye pencil in black or brown and draw along the upper lid, close to the eyelashes. Create a cat-eye as you reach the outer corner. Now, from the end of the cat-eye, draw a line over the crease of the eye. Blend the lines with your index finger. Go over these steps to blend until you get the desired shade.

Use a nude, brown, or dark eye shadow to fill in start at the outer end and blend towards the middle of the eyelid. Layer on shades from dark to light, blending lighter shades from the inner corner of the eyelids to the middle and keeping darker ones towards the outside corner.

Stand out from the crowd with these easy makeup ideas.

Glitter Makeup

To create glitter eyeshadow makeup look, follow the steps above for a smoky eye. Layer on glitter as the last step but limit the glitter to either the inner or outer corner of the eye. Use a shimmer blush or use highlighter on the cheekbones, Cupids' bow, and brow bone. Swipe on creamy lipstick or tinted lip gloss

Bright Colour Look

With bright makeup, pick a single colour and wear it in different shades bright on the lips and lighter hues on the eyelids and cheeks. You could also focus on one part of the face, like the eyes or lips, and keep the rest of the face nude.

Graphic Makeup

It's all about letting your inner artist out with graphic eyeliner. Remember starting the smoky eye look with an eye pencil and going over the eyelid and crease with it? For a simple graphic eye, use this same style, but with a liquid or gel eyeliner. Trail off the eyeliner as you reach the middle of the eyelid crease.

If you're a beginner when it comes to creating simple makeup looks, these tips and hacks will come in handy.
  • Always start with a clean, moisturised face.
  • Wear primer to keep makeup in place, especially on the eyelids and lips. Primer can also create a smooth, even base for makeup application.
  • You don't have to use foundation or concealer if you have clear, even-toned skin. Hide imperfections with concealer and foundation that matches your skin tone always choose just a shade lighter than your actual skin tone. Colour correcting palettes help hide flaws, for example, lavender covers up yellow undertones, green cancels out redness, and peach hides undereye blue shades.
  • Use light strokes to fill out eyebrows.
  • Use the correct applicator tools and brushes for all makeup products.
  • Keep makeup brushes clean; wash them once a week or two, depending on use

Q. What's the best way to prep skin before applying makeup?

A. Follow these steps:
  • Cleanse your face using a gentle cleanser. Rinse thoroughly and pat dry.
  • Using a cotton ball, apply alcohol-free toner to your face. Avoid this step if you have dry skin.
  • Rub in some light moisturiser. Don't skip this step if you have oily skin, pick a hydrating product that works for your skin typeChoose a moisturiser with SPF for daytime wear.
  • Prep lips by exfoliating with a damp cloth or soft toothbrush. Rub in lip balm to hydrate them.
That's it! Start with primer and go about applying your makeup, starting practice with simple makeup looks!

FAQs Simple Makeup Looks

Q. What are some makeup dos and don?ts?

A. Remember these basics:
  • Always buy products that work for your skin type. Usually, matte formulas work for oily skin while shimmery products hold well on dry skin.
  • Make sure makeup products like concealer and foundation match your skin tone. It?s always a good idea to buy these products in-store instead of online so that you can get an idea about the exact shade. But be sure to test the product under different types of light, not just the store?s yellow lights!
  • Never apply concealer or foundation on eyelids as it can cause eye shadow to crease; always use a quality primer.
  • Finish your makeup with a setting spray to hold it all through the day.
  • Throw away expired makeup and skincare products.
  • Don?t buy too many products?start with the basics like concealer, foundation, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, blush, and lipstick.
  • Never pump your mascara wand in and out of the bottle. If your mascara goes dry, throw it out or add saline or lens solution in it and shake the bottle to mix. Don?t add water!
  • Avoid sharing makeup and skincare products with others. Products that are to be pumped out of the container can be shared though!
  • Keep blotting paper on hand to dab onto your face if the skin gets oily during the day. Layering on pressed powder will only make your skin look cakey!
  • Wear simple makeup looks and light or bright colours during the day; heavy and dark makeup is best suited for evenings.
  • Never go to bed without taking off your makeup?it can clog your skin pores and lead to a breakout. Use baby oil or a gentle makeup remover to get all the makeup off. Cleanse face and tone the skin to get rid of any makeup residue. Finish with moisturiser and let your skin repair.

Aishwarya  posted in Fashion

Post updated on:  Oct 24, 2021 11:34:55 AM

TOP 5 Free GST charging programming for retailer's and private endeavors ? Free Download?

Filling GST is a key essential for every business Today.?
GST writing computer programs is a program that helps you with doing GST pleasing invoicing and charging for ordinarily in business and helps you with preparing GST returns toward the month's end.?

From fundamental food varieties shop, baked good kitchens, Salons, electronic shops, restricted extension endeavors , To uber industry, GST Filling is consistence.?
The best decision for you is the stunt here, and the uber business has super turnover to manage their records and charges??
This article will provoke you on some free GST Billing programming that gives a clerk free easy to-use GST charging structure.?

What is E-invoicing under GST??
GST is the work and items charge applied to offering things and offering sorts of help to customers, dispatching to the public position.?
E-Invoicing became successful in 3 phases for all enlisted B2B bargains.?

Yearly turnover outperforming?
practical from?
1 500 crores first October 2020?
2 100 crores first January 2021?
3 50 crores first April 2021?

E-sales don't recommend that the public power entryway or appraisal division will make bills and requesting considering the way that various associations require sales. Therefore there is an allocated passage that checks all B2B (business to business) requesting, sales selection entryway (IRP), which is managed by GST Network (GSTN) and produces an uncommon receipt reference number (IRN) for each Invoice after viable affirmation, Invoice is moreover painstakingly stamped and besides has a QR code.?


It's the most ideal choice for nothing GST charging programming on an android interpretation for a lifetime. For a more careful screen, we may use tablets with an associated help console. One-month free fundamental for workspace structure and moreover paid premium.?

Structure for more refined undertakings. It's maybe the best choice for new associations to manage GST invoicing/receipts, measures, portions, stock, and records.?

Why use Vyapar??

It's used to make references and examinations, direct inventories, settings alerts, and send refreshes for trades on an adaptable android device.?

5 Million + Downloads?

More than 30,00,000 satisfied customers?

Starting from ₹99 every month.?

Wave accounting?

The ensuing decision is wave accounting programming which is also free. It's a web based stage for finance the board, GST Billing, invoicing, and accounting programming with charge card taking care of and finance organizations.?

Arrangements: wave?

Send rehashing requesting to change for a day of the week, month, time area. To save time for rehashing portions.?

Pick the best receipt design as per your business requirements.?

versatile invoicing?

A charge card getting ready gadget, Payments.?

Money the board?

My Bill Book?

For Retailers?

Faster accusing of the Counter structure in the business.?

Electronic framework of trades over the period.?

Support for Thermal Printing is another component.?

Clear and straightforward stock organization of the business.?

For Wholesalers and Distributors?

Manage your customer's exceptional bills/portions and send portion refreshes.?

Offer Invoices through SMS and What's application?

Low stock cautions are given and Categories for directing stock in the most ideal manner.?

Adjust requesting according to your business necessities.?

Business Reports?

14+ Business Reports are available.?

Business numbers assessment.?

Current Stock and Low Stock Summaries, Overview.?

Association level reports like Profit and Loss and Outstanding reports?

Rate List to confer to customers for references and orders.?


Accumulate Payments Faster?

Portion updates and accumulate cautiously through UPI?

Modified Backup?

WhatsApp Support?

Straightforward Data Transfer?

BharatBills is free GST charging programming, which will help you with making GST charges in overwhelm plan and plan GST charge requesting that save cost and time and download in PDF structure for nothing.?


Second reports?
Accessible from wherever in the world?
GST Complaint requesting?
Multi-User Access?
E-way Bill Integration?
Cloud-Based Solution?
Data Encryption and Auto Backup?
Tasteless Notes?
Count. ERP 9?

Count Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is an Indian overall association that gives adventure resource orchestrating programming (ERP).?
Money and stock organization end up being helpful with Tally. ERP 9 complete accounting, for the most part trusted by clerks. For the most part feasible with another programming in your system.?


Complete Accounting programming?

Basic Budgeting?

Customer the chiefs is basic.?


Email coordination.?

There N number of ERP and new web based facilitated programming for GST charging. Accounting Today, hardly any completed responses for free organizations have been recorded. Assessing may perhaps change after some period of the article is disseminated, In future anyway for present references, The truths were noted.?



https://vyaparapp.in/blog/starters-manual for e-invoicing-under-gst/?






Nidhi  posted in Business

Post updated on:  Oct 24, 2021 11:31:43 AM

Most ideal Ways to Make Money from Your Phone

Sell Your Old Stuff There are a huge load of adaptable applications you can use to sell them and pocket some additional money. Shouldn't something be said about we take a gander at a couple. Decluttr get cash from telephone tidy up It offers free transportation on all orders and reasonable after day segments for the things you sell. An incredible part is the capacity to check out a thing's standardized tag and get one moment to quantify its worth.
Poshmark application for selling old things Synopsis your things open to be purchased, and Poshmark will pay the postage. You can even host a party where you and your companions list comparable things together. Review that posting is free. In any case, you'll need to pay an expense when you make a plan. For things under $15, you'll be charged $2.95. For things above $15, you'll be charged 20%. Exchange Your Old Stuff on Amazon Here is one more choice for getting cash from your telephone that joins selling things you needn't bother with any more. This choice doesn't make you cash. In any case, it can get you gift vouchers. Amazon has a particular exchange program that licenses you to send in tech things like Amazon Devices, PC games, telephones, upgrades, and a couple. In the event that your thing is qualified, you'll get a fast recommendation for an Amazon gift voucher or a confined time credit toward the acquisition of another gadget. Utilize an Investment App While you may be searching for some additional cash at this point, possibly the best choice you can make is to set yourself up for the future, as well. There are some wonderful hypothesis applications out there that can assist you with procuring cash from your telephone today while in addition cultivating your worth as you get more ready. We should check out a few the top undertaking applications. Robinhood Robinhood has gotten a ton of media considered as late. This application is a large part of the time utilized for more versatile undertakings, such as exchanging stocks and assets. You'll get acceptance to "fragmentary offers," which deduces you can contribute for just $1 rather than purchasing an entire piece of what you'd prefer to put resources into.
Sell Your Data For express individuals, the shot at introducing an application on your telephone and "selling" your information is everything viewed as an attack on individual security. In any case, in case you don't think subsequently, this is probably the best technique for obtaining cash from your telephone without accomplishing any additional work. For instance, Nielsen is one of the vitally quantifiable investigating firms on the planet. That is the clarification they'd love to perceive what you do on your telephone ? and they're willing to pay you for it. Be a User Testing Participant Brands should attempt to comprehend people's viewpoints on their things and associations. Moreover, some of them will pay you to let them know your thoughts. User Testing is an affiliation that assists brands with getting this essential commitment to keep on chipping away at their responsibilities.
Wrap Up Surveys You've most likely looked into studies in advance. While they may not be the best use of your time, they may be a splendid thought in case you're trapped in the house, on your bit by bit drive, or holding up in line at the DMV. We should take a gander at a few famous study applications. Study Junkie Similarly as having a tendency to layout questions, you can acquire awards by sharing your web investigating information. At whatever point you wrap up a diagram or give information, you'll get focuses that you can recover for gift vouchers or money.
Sell Your Photos Love snapping photographs with your selfie stick? Possibly you outrageous yourself everything considered a beginner picture taker with your new iPhone. Taking a few connecting with pictures could be everything expected to get some additional cash through applications like FOAP. Did you comprehend you can deal with a web based business store from the palm of your hand? Shopify offers a flexible application that grants you to get to all normal to deal with your store from your telephone. You can utilize the Shopify application to add things, direct stock, satisfy orders, contemplate deals channels, talk with clients, and even hold pay levels in line. Obtain Rewards for Playing Games There are a huge number games accessible on the current PDA application market. While most will furnish you with a technique for contributing your energy, there are a couple of utilizations out there to assist you with getting cash while having some cheerful events as well. Should play, for example, is an application that licenses you to get awards for playing on your telephone. Get Compensated for Walking A gigantic piece of us walk a phenomenal plan now ? regardless of whether it's going for a walk with our canine or simply making a beeline for the workplace. Sweatcoin is a favorable application fit for changing over each development you take into "sweat coins." While you can't pull out the coins to your record, you can save and change them during the time spent labor and things. Prizes range from book accounts and athletic wear to earphones and advancement. There are more than 300 brands related with Sweatcoin at the present time, with new extras joining consistently. 11. Get While Protecting the Environment Cleanspace is an exceptional application that offers gifts and cutoff focuses to individuals who secure themselves and the climate. The application works with the Cleanspace tag, a mechanical get together that partners with your telephone through Bluetooth and screens the

Nidhi  posted in Business

Post updated on:  Oct 24, 2021 11:31:29 AM

There are 5 straightforward things you can do, to remain sound. 

1. Abstain from smoking and smokers 

2. Eat right and keep your BMI (Body Mass Index) at 18,5 ? 24,8 

3. Attempt to try not to drink liquor 

4. Exercise day by day 

5. Rest right 

1. Abstain from smoking and smokers 

Risks of smoking. 

In the event that you smoke, you should stop, smoking damages you and everybody around you. 

Did you know? 

  • ? Cigarette smokers have a high danger of cardiovascular failure. 

  • ? Cigarette smokes have an incredibly high danger of cellular breakdown in the lungs. 

  • ? Each year more than 300,000 Americans kick the bucket from cellular breakdown in the lungs, brought about by smoking. 

  • ? 75% of passings brought about by Emphysema and Bronchitis are straightforwardly connected to smoking. 

Assuming you need to remain sound, you'll need to stop smoking and stay away from smokers, since "Latent Smoking" can be as unsafe, as "Dynamic Smoking". 

2. Eat right and Keep your BMI (Body Mass Index) at 18,5 ? 24,8 

How to Eat Right? 

As I've referenced in my past article: "Diet: How to truly make your Diet work for you?" , your body needs an appropriate Balanced Nutrition Diet, with a legitimate day by day measure of: nutrients, minerals, proteins and sugars. 

How can an appropriate Balanced Nutrition help you? 

  •  Offer successful Weight-Management arrangement 

  •  Reduce fat and increment your body tone 

  •  Prevent and decline indications of maturing 

  •  Strengthen cardiovascular and resistant frameworks 

  •  Regulate levels of sugar and insulin 

  • Help manage cholesterol level 

  •  Improve your memory and clearness of psyche 

What is the BMI and how the information on it, can assist you with working on your wellbeing? 

Knowing your BMI, you can tell whether your weight agrees with the norm or you have additional weight (or your weight is deficient). 

The BMI is straightforwardly identified with the wellbeing hazard; as the BMI expands, the danger likewise rises. 

That is the reason realize your Body Mass Index and guard it (18,5 ? 24,8) 

Weight Index Formulas: 

BMI recipe (Metric): BMI = ( Weight in Kilograms/( Height in Meters ) x ( Height in Meters )) 

BMI recipe (English): BMI = ( Weight in Pounds/( Height in inches ) x ( Height in inches )) x 703 

3. Attempt to try not to drink Alcohol. 

Anyway, for what reason is it so essential to keep away from Alcohol, to work on your wellbeing? 

Liquor has many incidental effects: 

  • heart and focal sensory system harm 
  •  stomach afflictions 
  •  liver harm 
  •  power outages 
  •  a high danger of liquor addiction 

Thus, in case you are not kidding about carrying on with a solid way of life ? stay away from liquor no matter what. 

4. Exercise Daily. 

Practicing is vital for human wellbeing and has demonstrated to be a decent remedy for some notable expires. 

What amount practicing is sufficient? 

To be sound, you need no less than 10 - 15 minutes every day of working out. 

Additionally, you could join your normal day by day exercises with working out, to save time. 

These, are only couple of instances of what you can do: 

  •  Walking somewhere around 5000 stages every day 
  •  Walking up steps as opposed to utilizing lifts. 
  •  Do some running as opposed to strolling.

5. Rest Right. 

A decent night rest is vital, without it, everything I have referenced above, would not work.

Om  posted in Health Fitness

Post updated on:  Oct 24, 2021 11:31:09 AM

Hypothyroidism (low thyroid)is a chemical lopsidedness caused when the thyroid doesn't deliver sufficient thyroid chemical. 

What are the Symptoms of Hypothyroid? The most widely recognized are weariness and bigotry to cold. In case everyone is wearing short sleeves and you are wearing a coat, you doubtlessly have a hypothyroid issue. Do this and record the temperatures 3 days straight. Other normal side effects are psychological sickness or discouragement, muscle shortcoming and weariness, helpless memory, torpidity and migraines. Then again different indications are profound sluggish discourse, loss of hair, cold hands and feet, obstruction, pale toughness, weak nails, and enlarging of the face and eyelids. Lastly? over the top and difficult feminine stream, apprehension and palpitations. 

How to Know without a doubt? 

You can request that your primary care physician play out a thyroid test or potentially direct the accompanying basic individual test at home: 

You should initially rest through an entire evening. (The test won't work on the off chance that you have gotten up or gone to the washroom.) When you are alert yet in bed, take your temperature in your armpit. Do this and record the temperatures 3 days straight. An ordinary perusing would be between 97.8 ? 98.2 Fahrenheit. A perusing beneath 97.8 would demonstrate hypothyroid action. (Above 98.2 would show hyperthyroid action.) If you are bleeding, take your temperature on the second, third and fourth day of the period. 

Causative Influences 

Impacts which can add to Hypothryroidism are malnourishment, and thyroid and pituitary depletion because of extreme caffeine, sugar, liquor and different energizers. Malnourishment, obviously, doesn't mean absence of food, yet rather, an eating regimen of prepared, unnatural food sources that are not feeding. Other natural elements incorporate the utilization of fluoridated water, and pesticides and radiation. 

Ladies Take Note 

One out of eight ladies will create hypothyroid issues in their day to day existence. The condition frequently shows somewhere in the range of 30 and 50, alongside the hormonal changes occurring then, at that point. When you enter this age range, it pays to remain caution to this issue. By "stopping it from really developing' you can save yourself pointless torment. Other normal side effects are psychological sickness or discouragement, muscle shortcoming and weariness, helpless memory, torpidity and migraines.  This is the reason the normal utilization of a characteristic progesterone chemical cream like Prosperin can be extremely useful. 

Supportive Supplements 

1. 2000 ? 3000 mg. of kelp every day (kelp is plentiful in iodine, nutrient B and folic corrosive.) or potentially 

2. L tyrosine, 500 mg. twice day by day, taken on an unfilled stomach, and not with milk. 

3. Crude thyroid glandular ? accessible from your doctor. 

4. Prosperine for ladies, Prosperon for men. To become familiar with the worth of normal progesterone creams. 

5. 2000 mg. nutrient C, to help the adrenal organs 

Furthermore, as usual, stay away from stress, rest, partake in your life, eat a sound eating routine, and do every one of your disciplines with happiness, each second. Then again different indications are profound sluggish discourse, loss of hair, cold hands and feet, obstruction, pale toughness, weak nails, and enlarging of the face and eyelids.

Heartily, Pieternel van Giersbergen.

Om  posted in Health Fitness

Post updated on:  Oct 24, 2021 11:30:23 AM

What is Hyaluronic Acid? 

Hyaluronic corrosive (additionally called Hyaluronan, or HA) is a part of connective tissue whose capacity is to pad and grease up. Hyaluronan happens all through the body in bountiful sums in a significant number of the spots individuals with inherited connective tissue issues have issues like joints, heart valves and eyes. Hyaluronic corrosive irregularities are an ongoing idea in connective tissue issues. Curiously, they are additionally normal biochemical oddities in a large portion of the individual components of connective tissue issues, for example, mitral valve prolapse, TMJ, osteoarthritis, and keratoconus. 

If you happen to be a dedicated skin care person, you may not be an outsider to a variety of inflammatory remedies such as salicylic corrosive, hyaluronic corrosive, retinol skin care, and so on. a superhuman enemy for the maturation of a powerful correction - Hyaluronic Acid with all the different harmful hyaluronic effects on the skin that will help you to hold your thin skin more.

'What is hyaluronic decay and how does it work to destroy hyaluronic acid'

Hyaluronic corrosive sugar is usually found in your body holding moisture and give your skin water inside. Its moisturizing properties keep your joints and tissues very much lubricated. Hyaluronic corrosive is known to hold many times its weight in water and moreover it is an amazing humectant. In line with these lines, this powerful anti-aging ripe not only absorbs all the moisture on your skin but also keeps this moisture from appearing around.

'What are the benefits of hyaluronic corrosive for growing skin'

In addition to acting like a long glass of water on your dry skin, here are some of the unique benefits of using hyaluronic corrosive in your daily routine -

Applying hyaluronic corrosive to flaky skin is a great way to help the production of collagen in your body, which in turn keeps your skin full, firm, and looking youthful. When your skin is full and watery, the visible differences and wrinkles are less noticeable, and your skin looks firmer and younger.

o Hyaluronic corrosive in addition makes your skin smooth which gives you a beautiful and shiny texture that shines on the inside.

By increasing the water content on your skin, hyaluronic corrosive works on the versatility of your skin and strengthens the normal skin barriers that protect your skin from foreign invaders.

o Hyaluronic corrosive is suitable for all skin types. Whether your skin is dry, flaky, flaky, or flaky, these delicate and moisturizing creams will nourish and soothe your skin.

'Why should we give our body hyaluronic corrosive remotely'

Much like collagen, elastin, and other regular skin repairs, the level of harmful hyaluronic acid in your body begins to clear as you become more stable. In addition, it decreases at a very low rate - 30% of the hyaluronic corrosive present in your framework is lost each day, with your creative levels going back as you get more. So even though you continue to build hyaluronic decay, your stocks are getting tired - something you need to hold within the right limits.

The Importance of Hyaluronic Acid (Hyaluronan, HA) 

Hyaluronic Acid is available in each tissue of the body. Maintenance of water is quite possibly the main natural elements of hyaluronic corrosive, second just to giving supplements and eliminating waste from cells that don't have an immediate blood supply, like ligament cells. With a lower than sufficient measure of hyaluronic corrosive, supplements can't be moved into these cells and waste can't be wiped out from cells. Hyaluronic corrosive is in some cases curtailed as HA. Hyaluronic corrosive is found in the synovial joint liquid, the glassy humor of the eye, the ligament, veins, extracellular grid, skin and the umbilical rope. 

Hyaluronic Acid ; "The Key To The Fountain of Youth" 

Hyaluronic corrosive has been nicknamed by the press as the "way in to the wellspring of youth" since it has been noticed that a few group who ingest a great deal of Hyaluronan in their weight control plans will in general live to mature ages. ABC News had a show on a town in Japan and hyaluronic corrosive named, "The Village of Long Life: Could Hyaluronic Acid Be an Anti-Aging Remedy?" 

Hyaluronic corrosive for use by people has been gotten from chicken brushes. Chicken brushes give the most perfect type of hyaluronic corrosive (Hyalurinan, HA) accessible.

Om  posted in Health Fitness

Post updated on:  Oct 24, 2021 11:30:10 AM

            करवा चौथ 

कार्तिक मास की कृष्ण पक्ष की चतुर्थी तिथि को सुहागिन महिलाएं अपने पति की लंबी उम्र के लिए करवा चौथ का व्रत रखती हैं. इस साल ये व्रत twenty four twenty four 2021 दिन रविवार को रखा जाएगा पूजा की तैयारी के बाद इंतजार रहता है चंद्रोदय का. करवा चौथ का चांद ऐसे में सुहागिनों को खूब इंतजार कराता है.  

चांद दिखने का समय हर जगह के लिए अलग-अलग होता है. कहीं कुछ समय पहले चांद दिखाई देने लगता है, तो कहीं पर थोड़ा इंतजार भी कराता है.

Karwa Chauth 2021 Mehendi Latest Design:  सुहागिन महिलाओं के लिए करवा चौथ के व्रत का खास महत्व होता है। महिलाएं इस दिन का इंतेजार पूरे साल करती हैं। इस दिन महिलाएं सोलह श्रृंगार करके पति की लंबी उम्र के लिए व्रत रखती हैं।  इस दिन सुहागिन महिलाएं पति की लंबी उम्र की कामना के लिए निर्जला व्रत रखती हैं और रात में चंद्रोदय के बाद पूजा कर अपना व्रत खोलती है. इस व्रत में सबसे जरूरी होती है मेहंदी (Karva Chauth straightforward Mehendi). करवा चौथ की मेहंदी के लिए महिलाओं में बहुत उत्साह होता है. इस करवा चौथ (Karwa Chauth Ke Aasan Designs) अगर आप मेहंदी की लेटेस्ट डिजाइंस ढूंढ रही हैं तो इन तस्वीरों से कुछ आइडिया ले सकती हैं. आज हम करवा चौथ करने वाली महिलाओं के लिए मेंहदी की लेटेस्ट और आसान डिजाइन बताने जा रहे हैं. आइए देखते हैं करवा चौथ पर 2021 के लेटेस्ट डिजाइन्स- (Karwa Chauth Mehendi Latest Designs)

यहां हम आपके लिए लाएं है करवा चौथ व्रत की कथा: 

Karva Chauth Vrat katha in hindi: एक ब्राह्मण के सात पुत्र थे और वीरावती नाम की इकलौती पुत्री थी। सात भाइयों की अकेली बहन होने के कारण वीरावती सभी भाइयों की लाडली थी और उसे सभी भाई जान से बढ़कर प्रेम करते थे. कुछ समय बाद वीरावती का विवाह किसी ब्राह्मण युवक से हो गया। विवाह के बाद वीरावती मायके आई और फिर उसने अपनी भाभियों के साथ करवाचौथ का व्रत रखा लेकिन शाम होते-होते वह भूख से व्याकुल हो उठी। सभी भाई खाना खाने बैठे और अपनी बहन से भी खाने का आग्रह करने लगे, लेकिन बहन ने बताया कि उसका आज करवा चौथ का निर्जल व्रत है और वह खाना सिर्फ चंद्रमा को देखकर उसे अर्घ्‍य देकर ही खा सकती है। लेकिन चंद्रमा अभी तक नहीं निकला है, इसलिए वह भूख-प्यास से व्याकुल हो उठी है।

वीरावती की ये हालत उसके भाइयों से देखी नहीं गई और फिर एक भाई ने पीपल के पेड़ पर एक दीपक जलाकर चलनी की ओट में रख देता है। दूर से देखने पर वह ऐसा लगा की चांद निकल आया है। फिर एक भाई ने आकर वीरावती को कहा कि चांद निकल आया है, तुम उसे अर्घ्य देने के बाद भोजन कर सकती हो। बहन खुशी के मारे सीढ़ियों पर चढ़कर चांद को देखा और उसे अर्घ्‍य देकर खाना खाने बैठ गई।उसने जैसे ही पहला टुकड़ा मुंह में डाला है तो उसे छींक आ गई। दूसरा टुकड़ा डाला तो उसमें बाल निकल आया। इसके बाद उसने जैसे ही तीसरा टुकड़ा मुंह में डालने की कोशिश की तो उसके पति की मृत्यु का समाचार उसे मिल गया।

उसकी भाभी उसे सच्चाई से अवगत कराती है कि उसके साथ ऐसा क्यों हुआ। करवा चौथ का व्रत गलत तरीके से टूटने के कारण देवता उससे नाराज हो गए हैं। एक बार इंद्र देव की पत्नी इंद्राणी करवाचौथ के दिन धरती पर आईं और वीरावती उनके पास गई और अपने पति की रक्षा के लिए प्रार्थना की। देवी इंद्राणी ने वीरावती को पूरी श्रद्धा और विधि-विधान से करवाचौथ का व्रत करने के लिए कहा। इस बार वीरावती पूरी श्रद्धा से करवाचौथ का व्रत रखा। उसकी श्रद्धा और भक्ति देख कर भगवान प्रसन्न हो गए और उन्होंनें वीरावती सदासुहागन का आशीर्वाद देते हुए उसके पति को जीवित कर दिया। इसके बाद से महिलाओं का करवाचौथ व्रत पर अटूट विश्वास होने लगा।

इस व्रत को रखने के five नियम
 1. चंद्रोदय तक रखें व्रत : यह व्रत सूर्योदय से पहले से प्रारंभ हो जाता है। उसके पूर्व कुछ भी खा-पी सकते हैं। उसके बाद जब तक रात्रि में चंद्रोदय नहीं हो जाता तब तक जल भी ग्रहण नहीं करते हैं। यदि कोई स्वास्थय समस्या है तो जल पी सकते हैं। चन्द्र दर्शन के पश्चात ही इस व्रत का विधि विधान से पारण करना चाहिए। शास्त्र अनुसार केवल सुहागिनें या जिनका रिश्ता तय हो गया हो वही स्त्रियां ये व्रत रख सकती हैं। पत्नी के अस्वस्थ होने की स्थिति में पति ये व्रत रख सकते हैं।
2. शिव परिवार की पूजा : संध्या के समय चंद्रोदय से लगभग एक घंटा पूर्व शिव-परिवार (शिवजी, पार्वतीजी, गणेशजी और कार्तिकेयजी सहित नंदीजी) की पूजा की जाती है। इसके अवला चंद्रदेव की पूजा करना भी जरूरी है।

 3. पूर्व मुखी होकर करें पूजन : पूजन के समय देव-प्रतिमा का मुख पश्चिम की ओर होना चाहिए तथा महिला को पूर्व की ओर मुख करके बैठना चाहिए। इस व्रत के दौरान महिलाओं को लाल या पीले वस्त्र ही पहनना चाहिए। इस दिन पूर्ण श्रृंगार और अच्छा भोजन करना चाहिए।

4.कथा सुनना जरूरी : व्रत वाले दिन कथा सुनना बेहद जरूरी माना गया है। ऐसी मान्यता है कि करवाचौथ की कथा सुनने से विवाहित महिलाओं का सुहाग बना रहता है, उनके घर में सुख, शान्ति,समृद्धि आती है और सन्तान सुख मिलता है। करवा चौथ व्रत की कथा सुनते समय साबूत अनाज और मीठा साथ में अवश्य रखें। इस दिन कहानी सुनने के बाद बहुओं को अपनी सास को बायना देना चाहिये।
5. छलनी में देखें चांद को : चंद्रमा का उदय होने के बाद सबसे पहले महिलाएं छलनी में से चंद्रमा को देखती हैं फिर अपने पति को, इसके बाद पति अपनी पत्नियों को लोटे में से जल पिलाकर उनका व्रत पूरा करवाते हैं। कुआंरी महिलाएं चंद्र की जगह तारों को देखती हैं। जब चंद्रदेव निकल आएं तो उन्हें देखने के बाद अर्घ्य दें।

Deepika  posted in Festival

Post updated on:  Oct 24, 2021 11:28:06 AM

आश्विन मास की पूर्णिमा को शरद पूर्णिमा कहा जाता है। 

शरद पूर्णिमा पर मां लक्ष्मी भगवान विष्णु के साथ गरुड़ पर सवार होकर पृथ्वी लोक पर भ्रमण के लिए आती हैं। इस दिन मां लक्ष्मी घर-घर जाकर भक्तों पर कृपा बरसाती हैं। इस दिन प्रकृति मां लक्ष्मी का स्वागत करती हैं। कहते हैं कि इस रात को देखने देवतागण भी स्वर्ग से पृथ्वी पर आते हैं। 

धार्मिक कथाओं के अनुसार द्वापर युग में भगवान श्रीकृष्ण ने शरद पूर्णिमा की रात में ही गोपियों के साथ रासलीला रचाई थी। मान्यता है कि आज भी शरद पूर्णिमा की रात्रि में श्रीकृष्ण गोपियों के साथ वृंदावन में रासलीला रचाते हैं।

सभी गोपियां कृष्ण जी को अपने पति के रूप में पाना चाहती थी ।
शरद पूर्णिमा के दिन कृष्ण और राधा जी की पूजा की जाती है इस दिन सभी प्रेमी और प्रेमिका चंद्रमा के दर्शन कर अपनी जोड़ी सलामत रहने की प्रार्थना करते हैं।

भगवान श्रीकृष्ण की सभी लीलाओं को रास के नाम से जाना जाता है लेकिन केवल शरद पूर्णिमा की रात के नृत्य को महारास की पदवी प्राप्त है। बताया जाता है कि प्रेम और काम के देवता कामदेव की हठ पर ही भगवान श्रीकृष्ण ने महारास का आयोजन किया था। दरअसल कामदेव को अपनी शक्तियों पर बहुत घमंड था कि वह किसी को भी काम के प्रति आसक्त कर सकता है।
शिव को पार्वती की ओर किया था आकर्षित

दरअसल सती की मृत्यु के बाद भगवान शिव संसार की माया से मुक्त होकर लीन में बैठ गए थे। तब देवताओं के कहने पर ही कामदेव ने अपने बाण से ही माता पार्वती की ओर आकर्षित किया था। ध्यान भंग होने से भगवान शिव ने तीसरी आंख खोलकर कामदेव को भस्म कर दिया। लेकिन कामदेव की पत्नी रति के विनती सुनकर कामदेव को फिर से अस्तित्व प्रदान किया।

कामदेव के घमंड को तोड़ने के लिए भगवान कृष्ण ने वृंदावन के जंगलों में महारास की। सबसे पहले कृष्ण ने बांसुरी से सभी गोपियों को बुलाया। सभी गोपियां आ भी गईं लेकिन वे सभी वासना रहित थीं। उनके मन सिर्फ कृष्ण को पाने की इच्छा थी। भगवान कृष्ण ने हजारों रूप रखकर सभी गोपियों के साथ नृत्य किया लेकिन एक क्षण के लिए भी मन में वासना का प्रवेश नहीं किया।

निधिवन (वृन्दावन) में तुलसी के पेड़ हैं जोड़ों में
निधिवन में तुलसी के पेड़ हैं और ये सामान्य तुलसी के पौधों जैसे नहीं हैं। तुलसी के इन पेड़ों की शाखाएं जमीन की ओर आती हैं। सबसे खास बात यह है कि यहां तुलसी के पेड़ जोड़ों में हैं। मान्यता है कि जब श्रीकृष्ण निधिवन में गोपियों संग रास रचाते हैं तो ये सभी पेड़ गोपियां बन जाती हैं और सुबह होते ही फिर तुलसी के पेड़ में बदल जाती हैं।

शरद पूर्णिमा पर मां महालक्ष्मी की विधिवत पूजा की जाती है। शरद पूर्णिमा की रात चंद्रमा की रोशनी अमृत समान होती है। शरद पूर्णिमा की रात चंद्रमा की रोशनी में बैठने से शारीरिक रोगों से मुक्ति मिलती है। श्वांस संबंधी बीमारी दूर होती है। शरद पूर्णिमा की रात्रि में चंद्र दर्शन करने से नेत्र संबंधी रोग दूर हो जाते हैं। इस रात्रि खीर का भोग लगाकर आसमान के नीचे रखी जाती है। मां लक्ष्मी का पूजन करने के बाद चंद्र दर्शन किया जाता है। शरद पूर्णिमा को कुमार पूर्णिमा भी कहा जाता है। इस रात्रि में जागरण करने और मां लक्ष्मी की उपासना से धन-धान्य की प्राप्ति होती है। मां लक्ष्मी की पूजा के दौरान उन्हें गुलाबी रंग के फूल और इत्र, सुंगध अर्पित करें। श्री विष्णुसहस्त्रनाम का पाठ, कनकधारा स्त्रोत का पाठ करें। इस दिन माता लक्ष्मी के साथ चंद्रदेव की विशेष पूजा की जाती है। मां लक्ष्मी को सफेद मिठाई अर्पित करें। शाम को श्रीराधा-कृष्ण की पूजा करें। उन्हें गुलाब के फूलों की माला अर्पित करें। मध्य रात्रि में चंद्रमा को अर्घ्य दें। शरद पूर्णिमा पर सात्विक भोजन करें। शरद पूर्णिमा की रात्रि में भगवान श्रीकृष्ण ने वृंदावन में राधा और गोपियों के साथ महारास रचाया था। इसे रास पूर्णिमा भी कहा जाता है।

हम सभी शरद पूर्णिमा को बहुत ही उत्साह से मनाते हैं।

Post updated on:  Oct 24, 2021 11:27:44 AM

Diwali, or the pageant of sunshine, is probably the most effective renowned Hindu celebration.

It's significantly related to Hindu deity, the deity of Wealth & Prosperity, and marks the start of the twelvemonth in Asian nation.

To have the best Diwali celebration ever, make certain you follow these easy steps:

Are you excited for Diwali? electing that sweet to shop for or that lamp style to put? however readers we tend to all apprehend that Diwali includes far more. What regarding the social unit chores? One week before after you clean, brush everyplace in your house. Isn't it a part of the festival? Or after you decide that gift to give? so an extended list, however we should always realise of these exertions is insignificant compared to the happiness we tend to get on the pageant day.

1Clean and have a decent tidy

Cleaning, dusting and doing all of your laundry is understood as a 'cleansing' ritual.

This is to make sure the house is ready for the arrival of the Goddesses.

2. Decorate your home

Decorate with the maximum amount color and lights as potential.

Bells, flower garlands, wall hangings and lights square measure a joyful addition to welcome the deity of Wealth and Prosperity.

Traditional Rangoli designs in shapes of flowers, leaves and animals square measure the foremost fashionable at the doorway.

3. Lightweight lamps nightly throughout the pageant

During the evening little oil lamps, referred to as 'diyas', square measure lit and placed round the home.

4. Buy a latest outfit

Who would need to be seen in last season's wear' Am I right?

It's time to go shopping for a latest outfit to wear.

5. Prepare a festal meal

Making sweets, snacks and savories square measure a practice for Diwali and square measure usually given as gifts too.

So don your apron and find the oven prepared for a few tasty treats!

Don't forget: you'll have to be compelled to prepare to travel eater too, as this can be a time to not eat meat. However, you can?t very say no to a home-cooked eater meal!

6. Create AN amazing fireworks show

Fireworks square measure unremarkably accustomed bar evil throughout the celebrations.

But, make certain you save them for the particular day of Diwali.

Did you know: Through numerous legends told over the years, the pageant celebrates the conclusion of fine over evil, lightweight over darkness and information over mental object.

7. Harden 'Lakshmi Pooja'

This is a spiritual ritual performed on Diwali day.

This ritual seeks divine blessings from the deity of Wealth, Lakshmi

During the Hindu deity Pooja, you may recite the mantras and prepare to administer offerings of edible fruit and cash.

8. Play games

Card games, charades, pass the parcel, musical chairs and scavenger hunts square measure some of the foremost fashionable games played during Diwali.

So, gather your friends and create the foremost of your competitive facet.

9.Obtain a present for your siblings

The relationship between your trouble or sister is vital within the Hindu culture.

During Diwali, it's customary to shop for each other gifts or cook one another a meal.

So after you shopping, don't forget to shop for one thing special for your siblings!

And lastly, take part the fun and celebrate Diwali with all of your family and friends. 

Sonal  posted in Others

Post updated on:  Oct 24, 2021 11:23:04 AM

How regarding making an attempt skin abstinence this gala season?

Every skin kind is totally {different|completely different} and every one of them react otherwise to different skin care product. however generally, all of your skin desires could be a break from all those product.

Skin abstinence permits the skin to rejuvenate on its own. 

Your skin desires TLC around the clock, however did you recognize that the product you've been using are laden with not-so-gentle artificial compounds affirmative, it's true, and that's why the chemicals gift in skin care product will take a toll on your skin. Therefore, rather like your body, even your skin desires a ward. And simply the approach you quick or follow some diet restrictions to present the body a prospect, you'll be able to conjointly do skin abstinence. this suggests you provides a break to your skin from all the treatments and skin care product, so your skin will breathe too. 

In order to grasp what it's and the way it very works, we tend to arrived bit with famed specialist and aesthetic medico Dr. Ajay amphibian genus. 

This technique will do wonders for your skin. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

What will skin abstinence mean

Skin abstinence is precisely what its name suggests. Skin abstinence embraces the conception of taking a prospect from your usual skin care routine, in an endeavor to boost the approach your skin functions, shares Dr. amphibian genus with Health shots.

Three ways during which skin abstinence works:

The skin has natural oils, and skin abstinence helps to boost the natural maintenance system of the skin and ward it.  

It works by strengthening the skin's protecting barrier, that typically degenerates after you overuse skin care product. 

Skin abstinence could be a thanks to normalize the secretion of natural oils and support the natural rejuvenation method. 

The conception comes from the standard plan of abstinence that permits healing of the body. Skin abstinence works ideally, once we minimize or stop mistreatment any quite skin care product to alter the skin to rejuvenate on its own. 

What are the potential edges of skin fasting?

A skin quick permits the skin to come to its natural physiological state, thereby serving to the skin to figure at its own pace, says Dr amphibian genus. after you quit mistreatment skin care product, your skin is in a position to provide natural oils to stay it soft. And this may facilitate in many ways:

1. probability grasp|to grasp} your skin kind: Skin abstinence will assist you know that skin care product is best for your explicit skin type. If a skin care product is creating your skin harsh Associate in Nursingd dry or inflicting an disease of the skin break, the simplest thanks to cut back disease of the skin is to travel on skin abstinence and puzzle out what suits higher for your skin. 

2. Helps in skin recovery: It will naturally balance off the oils made and facilitate to require a prospect and reset the skin. thus if you notice Associate in Nursing disease of the skin break or excessive drying when employing a bound product, it's best to abstain from skin care product for a couple of days to reset the skin. 

Also, read: I tried Japanese skin abstinence for a month and it created American state glow brighter than a bulb

3. It will provides a natural glow: Using product on your skin will generally strip it off its natural oil and hamper the skin's ability to renew the broken and dead cells, which might cause a boring face. However, with no product, your skin will heal on its own, supplying you with a natural glow.

Make your skin glow with skin fasting! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

How are you able to delight in skin abstinence safely?

Skin abstinence causes you to refrain from mistreatment any quite skin care product on the skin for a precise amount of your time. you'll be able to fully abstain from mistreatment skin care product for many weeks or select to not use any skin care product at midnight. It whole depends on the skin style of individuals.

Follow this method to try to to skin abstinence, suggests Dr amphibian genus

Start with laundry the face thoroughly at midnight

During skin abstinence, don't weigh down all the product in one go. begin by doing it once per week.

Try to not apply any skin care product on one night, so as to let the skin breathe freely

After that, wash the face following morning with lukewarm water to make sure that the natural oils aren't stripped off

After material possession the skin quick for one night, if you don't face any irritation or aspect effects, then continue skin abstinence for a couple of additional days. If someone has dry skin, keep your skin moisturized 

For oily skin, weigh down moisturizers from the regime and skin quick 

The main plan of skin abstinence is to form the skin less smitten by product, thus it will inherently take higher care of itself.  

Skin abstinence is that the magic that your skin needs! Image courtesy: Shutterstock

Few tips to make sure that you just like skin abstinence

Don't stop mistreatment each skin care product fully, use a minimum of sun blocker. It will save your skin from the harmful actinic radiation rays within the daytime with a light sun blocker, says Dr amphibian genus 

Drink enough water to assist your skin rejuvenate

Don't build your skin quick, if you have got undergone skin peeling

Consider doing skin abstinence, consistent with your skin

Sure, a skin quick will assist you discover that product ar actually necessary for your routine. however let's be clear, you must forever clean your face to scrub off daily dirt and trash yet as apply moisturizer to lock in association post cleanse. 

Post updated on:  Oct 24, 2021 11:20:46 AM

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