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Do you Have A Burning Desire in Life ?? Desire Not to Get Something or Someone But TO MAKE YOURSELF 

Most OF Us are still wandering in Life , figuring out what Actions to be Taken, What should be the Approach towards LIFE 
that would make Us fulfilled and Happy from Inside. But Unfortunately that state of Fulfillment is never Achieved . If We 
see People around Us Most of Us are still Wandering in Our lives . In Order to Achieve the state of Contentment we keep 
on Changing our Current Situations be It a Job , Relationship , Buying a New House , Owning luxury Car, House and all sorts 
of Materialistic things that we Think would Make us Happy and Complete From INSIDE

Actually its So Funny , We are BLESSED with One PRECIOUS LIFE and All We do is to weep on SITUATIONS Which only fills Our Baggage with Pain and Sorrow. Most of Us would have Understood What type of 
Enquiry we aredoing here

Since Birth we were Shaped by Values , Cultures , Traditions, Notions Which we keep on Following Blindly without even
Questioning its Basis . Most of the Beliefs , Traditions and Values  we instill upon us, I would not say forced since We are
 ALREADY a PART of it , Can Phrase it LIKE "We are Habituated to Follow " only makes our LIFE worse than ever . IF you 
could OBSERVE all of these Beliefs , traditions Values, thoughts & Actions are  OF SOCIETY that we are Bound to FOLLOW. 


S          O          L          U           T            I           O            N 

But WHAT is this Feeling of Fulfillment or Contentment we are so Constantly worried about?? Is this Something Superficial, 
Difficult to Achieve or Could be Found Within ??? Well I leave that for You to Answer 

Most of Us are Really Very Impatient in LIFE, and when I use the Word Impatient I Mean it Strongly.. Impatient to Change Our 
Current Situations-- " A Sense of Lack " is Always a Constant Reminder that keeps on Striking our Head LIKE  A BELL-- Telling us 
that the way we are Right Now is Not Good Enough , Not Good Enough for the Outer Materialistic World !!! See I am not trying 
to be Philosophical Here , but this is the Harsh Reality we are Facing As a Individual . Now there are some bunch of Questions I 
will be listing Down and you could answer to them HONESTLY !!!

1) Why do you want to Change your Current Job ?
2) Why you are not happy in a Relationship ?
3) Why you want more Money ?
4) Why you want that Luxury Car ,  Apartment, that Branded , watch ,shoes , expensive Vacations
etc. etc.
5) When you tell yourself you want to settle Down in LIFE ?? What does Settling Really Mean to 
You ?

and the list goes on and on 
All these would never Make  a Individual Satisfied .. Unless they Choose to Be SO.

Let me Tell you some simple things about LIFE and Actually All these are FACTS 

The next Job you are planning to switch Might be More Hectic Surely you will have a Good Position , Good Package but there would be 
a Bunch of Responsibilities with that- Again a REASON for Suffering and PAIN 

The Next Relationship you will be into Might be more Disastrous or you Might even start Comparing the Attributes of the Person
you are with now to the PERSON you were in the PAST - Again a REASON for Suffering and PAIN 

The More Money you Acquire the More you would  be Wanting to Acquire as it is a Desire that is Never Ending -Again a REASON for
Suffering  and PAIN 

The Luxury Car , Apartments, Expensive Holidays  and all those Instagram Photos you choose to share with the Society will only Add  Symbol 
of Status but Would Never Satisfy your Ego & Hunger for MORE , still People will be Judging you based on their own Criteria - again a REASON 
for Suffering and PAIN 

Since 5 fingers of Your Hand are Not Equal - Similarly in LIFE your Situations will NEVER be the Same , the Constant  Sense of Lack will Always be
there No Matter How Hard you Try To Settle Things Out.


Have you ever Imagined why LIFE SEEMS TO BE SO BORING & MONOTONOUS while their is so much MORE TO KNOW , UNDERSTAND, EXPLORE 
Because MOST OF US ARE NOT HOPEFUL ABOUT LIFE . We are Entangled by our Own Repetitive thoughts and 


P                U                  R                  P                 O              S                 E

But what Really A PURPOSE IS , (in Hindi One Call it as  Uddesya )..AND HOW WE COULD LEAD A LIFE FILLED WITH PURPOSE 

First We Need To UNDERSTAND What Does PURPOSE Really Mean ?

Having a Strong Burning Desire from Inside. which sets off a Person to their Destined PATH..
Having a Strong DETERMINATION to do Something for the Greater Good !!

How we Develop such Kind of Determination Towards LIFE 
How we as a Human Beings can make Up our Mind and Body to Act in such a way that we never Feel Sorry for Our Own EXISTENCE

PURPOSE IS  Essential Part of Our LIVES !!
Once you Define your PURPOSE every step , every action you take is only to Make Path for your PURPOSE
All the Struggles Along the way , the Difficulties, the Obstacles are Only Meant FOR your Purpose to Find 

Becomes IMPOSSIBLE for YOU to STOP Yourself.  IT keeps you PUSHING FORWARD in LIFE without Thinking About the  Possibilities 

ONLY YOU CAN DEFINE YOUR OWN PURPOSE and That Question you Need to Ask yourself !!
LIFE  with EACH MOMENT FILLED with JOY AND CONTENTMENT ,  having a Sense of GRATITUDE Towards LIFE and See It As A 

Post updated on:  Jul 15, 2021 12:35:02 AM

Italian cuisine  
Italy is a country with hundreds of cities, thousands of bell towers  and hundreds of recipes. One of the things that  draws most attention to Italian food is that each dish maintains a strong historical character. A single bite can revive the most representative periods of the country and helps you understand its culture better. Italians brought with them Italian street food such as pizza and pasta which became very popular on the streets of the United States as well. Italy produces the largest amount of wine in the world and is both the largest exporter and consumer of wine. Olive oil is used mostly in Italian food. Basil has been called the queen of Italian herbs. It is the heart of pesto, pasta ,tomato salads and most other recipes in Italian cuisine. Herbs used are parsley, sage, oregano, rosemary etc. From Gorgonzola to Asiago, mozzarella to fontina, Parmesan to provolone, Italy?s cheeses are world  renowned !
Some famous Italian dishes-
1.       Pizza-   It is a savoury dish ,usually round base of leavened wheat based dough,topped with tomatoes,cheese and various ingredients,which is then baked at high temperature.
2.       Penne with Arrabiata sauce-Pasta with spicy sauce made from garlic,tomatoes and red chilli peppers cooked in olive oil.
3.       Fussily pesto-   Pasta with basil based green pesto sauce.
4.       Polenta-   It is basically cornmeal porridge. 
5.       Mushroom Risotto- Italian rice dish cooked with broth(soup)
6.       Lasagne- It is pasta preparation filled with cheese and herbs.
7.       Potato Gnocchi-    These are prepared with potatoes, eggs, flour and herbs; served with pesto sauce.
8.       Tagliatelle with ragu-It is a pasta preparation with meat based sauce.
9.       Cannelloni with tomato sauce-  Cylindrical pasta with tomato sauce and cheese.
10.    Spaghetti with formaggio-   Spaghetti with bechamel and cheese.


Post updated on:  Jul 14, 2021 9:18:01 PM

What is Management? Is it a science or art or a mixture of both. Whatever we are learning is a mixture of both because of its dynamic nature. When we develop a concept- It is science, we simultaneously develop the system of delivery - Which is art.

Front office management being an objective oriented subject, involves planning, decision making, innovation, revenue maximization, controlling and customer focused services. It is all about great ideas, people and achievement and therefore requires the mixture of both; art and science.

A front office personnel plays a key role in meeting the guest?s needs. He/ she effectively meet various challenges which help the hotel to satisfy its guests and when their training is conducted inefficiently, after completion it seems as if the trainee?s have donated their blood and they are completely drained out. Nowadays, trainees demand innovation in learning.

Case studies are a pace to move forward to advance teaching. It presents a new dimension to the trainees by giving broader concept of the operations. From the time a guest makes a reservation and arrives at a hotel through the time he or she departs, may form various cases. For example, guest turning to front office with questions, requests, comments and complaints. It brings together the theoretical inputs and hand on practical exercises and divert the trainee?s mind beyond their thinking level.

A case study is a puzzle that has to be solved to achieve best possible option in respective situation. A good case study makes the trainees realize as if they are the part of the scenario and commence them to think for more innovative ideas. The case should have enough information in it that readers can understand what the problem is and after thinking and analyzing the information; the readers should be able to come up with a proposed solution. Mostly real case studies put more strength than fictitious cases as they are the real examples of an organization which includes the relevant data and adds to the trainee?s interest. which includes the relevant data and adds to the trainee?s interest.

Just Imagine, if a trainer says, ?This is my real life example when I was with XYZ hotel, please tell me what you would have done if it ever came to you?. Don?t you think they would provide us more innovative ideas to defeat us?

Before conducting a case study in the training, it is very crucial to properly select a case. Should the case study be related to Customer Service, PMS, Reservation of a group or welcoming a walk-in? We must try to relate it with the previous topic discussed as well as with the current one. It will help the trainee?s to recall and brush up all the topics with a LIVE example. Case study research excels at bringing us to an understanding of a complex issue and can extend experience or add strength to what is already known through previous research.

It is a good practice to distribute the case study at the end of the session and ask them to go through and discourse it next day, which will help them to grasp more and more ideas. As per a research, a case study requires a minimum of two hours to hash out.

Before starting to refer a case, first think of several important ?design? questions:
What are theories or concepts of hospitality you are going to teach through the case?
How would trainees react to the case? Is it sufficiently challenging and interesting?
Is the case relevant for all the theoretical inputs required to learn a topic?
Would the case help in brain storming of the trainees?
Do we have the proper solution to the questions of the case?
Will the case study help the trainee?s in relating it with other topics as well?
Case will need a conclusion. Rather than putting answer in the case, leave the trainee?s with some more questions. It is not about correction in the answers given by the audience, as everyone has different skills to handle a situation. And since no two guests, two hotels are ever the same and so no manager has the same qualities; they have their different opinion about a situation and different strength to handle it. The variety of talent and skills are needed to satisfy guest needs which makes to front office work exciting and challenging.

The case method is a powerful approach to teaching and learning hospitality subjects. Its main advantage is that it is ?problem-oriented?, as opposed to solution-based, approach to teaching and learning. It allows trainees to participate in ?real-life? decision making processes by first identifying the major ?problem? in the case before formulating appropriate solutions.

Seeing the nature and importance of front office department, case study is one of the best methodologies to produce empowered staff, who can take correct decisions in different situations.

Case Study:

Is overbooking important than frequent-stay guest?

Occupancy has been so high that year, that the hotels had regretted a large number of reservations.

In 2006, a group of eight men from a leading MNC group did not agree to check in, due to poor efficiency of front office department to reserve rooms for them. Seven single rooms were booked for these guests, one month prior to the date of arrival at a corporate rate. When they reached the hotel for check in at the reception at 2 am, the hotel refused to provide accommodation to four of the guests, due to non-availability of room.

The guests from the same company refused to check in, as the reservation was made for the entire group and not for four of them. The condition was worse because they were Frequent-Stay Guest (FSG) and this was not expected from the hotel.

The only suggestion the duty manager could give was to accommodate four of them in a double deluxe room (two double beds in a room). The guests were irritated and asked to call front office manager, who was not available. They started shouting, ?We had already received confirmation from you. Does it make no sense to you? We are not going to check in, till your manager comes to the hotel.?

They all sat in the lobby, waiting for the front office manager to come. The front office manager was called by the duty manager in the night, and he spoke to the guest, apologised for the same and somehow the guests were accommodated in the same suite room and assured that they will be shifted to their reserved status room early morning and the check in was made accordingly.

The problem arose due to overbooking of rooms, due to which all rooms were occupied and led to guest dissatisfaction.

What do you think the front office manager would have said the guests?
Was the management failure here; if so what?
What further long-run action should management take?
What measures can you take to avoid the situation?
What should be the action of night shift staff for morning shift?

    Post updated on:  Jul 14, 2021 9:17:46 PM

    Latest Hindi Song  Do You Love Me , sung by Nikhita featuring Disha Patani, Tiger Shroff, Shraddha Kapoor and music was given by Tanishk Bagchi while Lyrics penned by Rene Bendali and video is directed by Ahmed Khan. The video was released under the lebel of T-Series.
    Image credit - Mynation.com

    Do You Love Me lyrics - Baaghi 3

    Tera Intezar Mujhe
    Kar Le Na Pyaar Mujhe
    Zara Ik Baar Mujhe
    Keh De Na Yaar Mujhe

    Do You Love Me
    Do You Love Me

    Do You, Do You
    Do You, Do You..

    Do You Love Me

    Do, Do, Do..

    Kaise Main Bataun Kya Haal Mera Hai
    Tere Bina Har Pal Jaise Saza Hai

    Kaise Main Bataun Kya Haal Mera Hai
    Tere Bina Har Pal Jaise Saza Hai

    Tu Bhi Hai Yahin Aur Main Bhi Hu Yahin
    Phir Kyun Doori Dono Mein Yahan Hai
    Main Bhi Toh Hu Mushqil Mein
    Jo Hai Tere Dil Mein Zara Tu Keh De Na
    Na, Na..

    Do You Love Me
    Do You Love Me

    Do You, Do You
    Do You, Do You..

    Do You Love Me

    Tera Intezar Mujhe
    Kar Le Na Pyaar Mujhe
    Zara Ik Baar Mujhe
    Keh De Na Yaar Mujhe
    Do You Love Me

    Do You Love Me

    Do You, Do You
    Do You, Do You..

    Do You Love 
    Penned by-  Rene Bedali

    Post updated on:  Jul 14, 2021 5:38:56 PM

    Paani Paani song 

    The Paani Paani song is nowadays at it's peak in everyone's mind . It is written by Badshah himself and sang by most talented Badshah and Aastha Gill . The music of the song is so energetic which will surely make you groove .The versatile Bollywood actress Jacqueline Fernandez has nailed this song by her moves and grace .

    Paani Paani song lyrics | Badshah | Aastha Gill

    Usane Mujhe Chhua Bhi Nahin
    Aisa Vaisa Kuchh Hua Bhi Nahin
    Nazar Thi Paini Hui Bechaini
    Aankhon Aankhon Mein Shaitaani Ho Gayi

    Saiyaan Ne Dekha Aise
    Main Paani Paani Ho Gayi
    Main Pani Pani Ho Gayi
    Main Pani Pani Ho Gayi

    Chalegi Kya
    Gilaas Pada Hai Khali Bharegi Kya
    Sath Aaye Launde Se Daregi Kya
    Andar Ki Feeling Se Ladegi Kya, Aen

    Hadd Ho Gayi
    Hadd Se Aage Bhi Badhegi Kya
    9 Acre Mein Farm, Farm Pe Ghode
    Ghode Pe Chadhegi Kya

    1-2-3, Gaadi Ke Bonnet Se Nikle Pari
    Launde Aage Kahin Tikte Nahin
    Baatein Hain Tedhi Meri Likh Le Kahin
    Chal Nikalen Kahin Aa

    Aisi Hoon Khoyi Kabhi Khoyi Hi Nahin
    Aankhein Mili Hai Jab Se Soyi Hi Nahin
    Duniya Se Sune Hai Kisse Tere
    Jaane Kya Aayega Hisse Mere

    Isi Khayaal Mein Deewani Ho Gayi
    Saiyaan Ne Dekha Aise
    Main Pani Pani Ho Gayi
    Main Paani Paani

    Image Kharab Kaam Galat Hai
    News Mein Naam Aata Har Week
    Fir Bhi Jahan Se Guzroon
    Har Bandi Ke Munh Se Nikle Cheekh

    Hath Pakad Par Dil Na Laga
    Jo Kehti Hai Karke Dikha
    Sun'ne Mein Aaya Hai
    Tu Marti Hai Hum Pe
    Marke Dikha Haan

    Rehne De Munh Bandh Rakh
    Aankhein Jo Kehti Hai Kehne De
    Bahut Ruki Hai Aaj Tu
    Paani Banke Khud Ko Behne De


    It's Yo Boy Badshah!

    Nazar Thi Paini Hui Bechaini
    Aankhon Aankhon Mein Shaitaani Ho Gayi
    Saiyaan Ne Dekha Aise

    Penned by - Badshah 

    Post updated on:  Jul 14, 2021 5:45:05 AM

    Chura ke Dil Mera 2.0 lyrics

    The brand new reprise song " Chura ke Dil Mera 2.0 " has sung by Benny Dayal , Anmol Malik and the video featured by Shilpa Shetty and Meezaan Jaffrey. Rani Malik and Sameer Anjaan has written the new lyrics of Chura ke Dil Mera 2.0 . The music given by Anu Malik and directed by Priyadarshan .

    Chura ke Dil Mera 2.0 lyrics 

    Chura Ke Dil Mera Goriya Chali
    Uda Ke Nindiya Kahan Tu Chali
    Pagal Hua, Deewana Hua
    Pagal Hua, Deewana Hua
    Kaisi Yeh Dil Ki Lagi

    Chura Ke Dil Tera Goriya Chali
    Mujhe Kya Pata Kahan Main Chali
    Oh Manzil Meri Bas Tu Hi Tu
    Manzil Meri Bas Tu Hi Tu
    Teri Gali Main Chali

    Chura Ke Dil Mera Goriya Chali
    Chura Ke Dil Tera Chali Main Chali

    Nasheeli Nasheeli Nigahon Ne Loota
    Adaon Ne Ghayal Kiya
    Kabhi Paas Aake Kabhi Door Jaake
    Bada Dard Tune Diya

    Mere Roop Ka Mere Rang Ka
    Tere Roop Ka Tere Rang Ka
    Tere Roop Ka Tere Rang Ka
    Chhaya Hai Mujhpe Nasha

    Chura Ke Dil Tera Goriya Chali
    Mujhe Kya Pata Kahan Main Chali

    Hey Akela Hoon Main Bhi
    Akeli Hai Tu Bhi
    Badi Dilnashi Raat Hai

    Tujhe Main Bata Doon
    Mujhe Tu Bata De
    Jo Lab Pe Ruki Baat Hai

    Na Koyi Hai Dar Na Koyi Fikar
    Na Koyi Dar Na Koyi Fikar
    Na Koyi Dar Na Koyi Fikar
    Aane Laga Hai Maza

    Chura Ke Dil Mera Goriya Chali
    Uda Ke Nindiya Kahan Tu Chali

    Oh Manzil Meri Bas Tu Hi Tu
    Manzil Meri Bas Tu Hi Tu
    Teri Gali Main Chali

    Chura Ke Dil Mera Goriya Chali
    Chura Ke Dil Tera Chali Main Chali

    Chali Main Chali
    Chali Main Chali
    Chali Main Chali
    Chali Main Chali

    Post updated on:  Jul 14, 2021 5:44:48 AM

    Dil ko karaar aaya lyrics 

    Nowadays the most popular song Dil Ko Karaar Aaya was sung in the melodious voices of Yasser Desai and Neha Kakkar and has released from musician Rajat Nagpal?s album Sukoon , featured by actor Sidharth Shukla and actress Neha Sharma. Music of Dil ko karaar aaya given by Rajat Nagpal and lyrics has penned by Rana.  The video has directed by Sneha Shetty Kohli. This song was presented by Desi Music Factory label. 

    Dil ko Karaar Aaya | Yasser Desai | Neha kakkad 

    Duaa bhi lage na mujhe
    Dawaa bhi lage na mujhe
    Jabse dil ko mere tu laga hai

    Neend raaton ki meri
    Chaahat baaton ki meri
    Chain ko bhi mere tune yun thaga hai

    Jab saansein bharu main
    Band aankhein karoon main
    Nazar tu yaar aaya

    Dil ko karaar aaya
    Tujhpe hai pyaar aaya
    Pehli pehli baar aaya
    O yaara?

    Dil ko karaar aaya
    Tujhpe hai pyaar aaya
    Pehli pehli baar aaya
    O yaara..aa?oo?hmm?

    Har roz pucche ye hawaaye
    Hum to bata ke haare
    Kyun zikr tera karte hai humse taare

    Har roz pucche ye hawaaye
    Hum to bata ke haare
    Kyun zikr tera karte hai humse taare

    Ab kisse hai tere
    Inn hothon pe mere
    Izahaar aaya yaara..

    Dil ko karaar aaya
    Tujhpe hai pyaar aaya
    Pehli pehli baar aaya
    O yaara..aa..

    Dil ko kraar aaya
    Tujhpe hai pyaar aaya
    Pehli pehli baar aaya
    O yaara

    Post updated on:  Jul 14, 2021 5:44:17 AM

    संदीप एक प्राइवेट कंपनी में ऊंचे पद पर काम करता है। उसके घर में वह सब कुछ है जो पैसों से खरीदा जा सकता है। इसके अलावा उसकी खूबसूरत पत्नी और दो बच्चे भी हैं। सभी उससे बेहद प्यार भी करते हैं। लेकिन फिर भी संदीप को एक बात समझ में नहीं आती थी कि ऑफिस से छूटने के बाद आखिर उसका घर जाने का मन क्यों नहीं करता। क्यों वह किसी ने किसी बहाने से घर से दूर रहने की कोशिश करता।

    दरअसल संदीप को ऐसा लगता था कि उसकी पत्नी का स्वभाव चिड़चिड़ा हो गया है । जब भी वह घर जाता है किसी न किसी बात पर उसकी पत्नी उससे झगड़ा करती है। 
    कई  कोशिशों के बाद भी दोनों को कोई वजह नजर नहीं आई दोनों अक्सर बैठ कर बात करते हैं कहीं कोई गड़बड़ भी नहीं थी दोनों एक दूसरे से प्यार भी बहुत करते थे। लेकिन फिर भी कुछ ऐसा था कि तमाम कोशिशों के बावजूद भी घर में खुशी नहीं थी। एक अजीब सी उदासी उनके घर पर छाई रहती थी।

    तभी एक रविवार के दिन कुछ मेहमान संदीप के घर आए उन मेहमानों में एक मेहमान वास्तु शास्त्री था। उसने घर के अंदर कदम रखते हैं देखा कि घर बेहद तरीके से सजा हुआ है हर चीज बेहद तरीके से और साफ-सफाई थे अपनी जगह पर रखी गई। लेकिन क्या जिस जगह पर वह सामान रखे गए हैं वह उसकी ठीक जगह है? 

    @क्या परिवार के लोगों की तस्वीरें जहाँ होनी चाहिए वहाँ हैं?
    @क्या घर का मंदिर सही दिशा में है? 
    उसने एक नजर में ही पूरे घर को देख लिया। 
    और जाते वक्त उसने संदीप से बस इतना कहा कि कभी वक्त मिले तो किसी वास्तु शास्त्र आचार्य से अपने घर को एक बार जरूर दिखाना। 

    संदीप ने तुरंत उनको रोककर पूछा मैं समझा नहीं आप क्या कहना..............उन्होंने  कहा आपका घर सुंदर है बहुत साफ है लेकिन वास्तु के हिसाब से चीजें उलट-पुलट। 
    इन्हें तुरंत ठीक किए जाने की जरूरत है। संदीप ने कहा अगर आप जानते हैं तो आप बताएं।

    उसके बाद उन्होंने संदीप के घर में महज 10 मिनट में कुछ ऐसे बदलाव  किये कि अगले कुछ ही दिनों में घर का माहौल बदल रहा था ।

    यह सब कुछ सुनने में उतना ही अजीब है जितना शायद आपको पढ़ने में अजीब लगा हो। 
    लेकिन यह बिल्कुल सच है घर के अंदर वास्तु के हिसाब से चीजें हो या ना हो लेकिन वास्तु के उलट चीजें होना ठीक नहीं। 
    असल में  हमारे शरीर की तरह हमारा vastu भी पंचतत्व पर ही काम करता है। अगर इन पंचतत्व में तालमेल नही होगा या कहे की ऊर्जा अस्थिर होगी तो हम भी उतने ही अस्थिर होंगे ।  इसका सीधा असर सबसे ज्यादा उस पर पड़ता है जो घर में ज्यादा से ज्यादा वक्त बिताता है यानी आपकी पत्नी और बच्चे।
    अब अगर घर के अंदर five element imbalance हैं तो कोई बार- बार बीमार होगा। किसी का मूड ठीक नही रहेगा।। 

    अब अगर घर में वास्तु ठीक ना हो तो क्या करें और क्या न करें।। 

    बेसिक वास्तु को समझते हुए
     @मंदिर को सही दिशा में लगाएं  North East is best for mandir 
    @अपने परिवार जनों की तस्वीर east ऑफ northeast दिशा में लगाएं ।। 
    @ पितृ की तस्वीर southwest mein लगाएं।। 

    @ किस दिशा में पौधे लगाने हैं  North for small plants 
    @  किस दिशा में पानी लगाना है North, northeast इस good for water element.
    ऐसी छोटी-छोटी चीजें है जिनको करके हम घर के अंदर के एनर्जी को बैलेंस कर सकते हैं ।। इन छोटी-छोटी कदमों को उठाकर के हम अपनी जिंदगी को वापस पटरी पर ला सकते हैं

    एनर्जी (ऊर्जा) जीवन का मूल है। जिसने इस एनर्जी को कंट्रोल कर लिया उसने जीवन पर काबू पा लिया। इसलिए घर के अंदर नकारात्मक ऊर्जा को किसी कीमत पर जगह न दे।

    Rakhie Mishra
    Numerologist, Astrologist, Vastu Analyst 

    Post updated on:  Jul 13, 2021 1:35:15 AM

    Today,  I want to share a love story with you, in which a boy though, madly in love with a girl,  but leaves her, listening to his mind and not his heart and soul and then see what happens.....

    Well, many times,  what we observe,  two people get married for biological reasons or we cant live alone in our life or because of our family pressure.  So,  that means,  using our minds,  practically  we should marry to fulfill our emotional or physical needs or because of society pressure.  Really? We see so many separations, divorce rates or unhappy marriages, sadly.  I was, once talking to an old man, of the age about 80 years of age and he shared some of his experiences.  One thing he really mentioned in our conversation is ," Always marry for right reason and that's Love!!"   I am telling this to you with my personal experience . I was really, truly and madly in love with a girl 10 years elder to me . She was a very nice person and used to understand me so well, as if she was meant for me.  I left her,  listening to my mind and not my heart.  It was difficult for her to bear a child at her age   and she was not so keen. She always believed in her values strongly and wanted to adopt a child.  She always felt that there are so many children in orphan,  who are  unfortunate and deserve love and our love can give them good life and love.  But I wanted to have my own child,  my DNA. She strongly believed that it's all about values and right nurturing. 

    Me-  Then what happened?

    Old Man-  I listened to my mind only and married a girl of my age then.  But nothing happened as I expected.  We were so different and poles apart that we could never understand each other.  The daily fights leading to frustration and unhappiness.  I lost my business,  I was badly broke and she left me. 

    Me- Ohhh....sorry to know this.  So finally,  you had your own child? You got what you wanted?

    Old Man-   Yes,  I did have my own child,  my  own DNA child  as I wanted. 

    Me-   Ok nice!! So were you happy then?  You got what you wanted.  Then what happened? Pls tell me.....I am eager to know. 

    Old Man-   Hmmm...?I learnt and realized later,  it's the values and love that matter not DNA. My son turned out to be disrespectful,  stubborn, materialistic and snobbish.  It was the result of our unhappy marriage and lack of love, I think. You know what,  there are very few fortunate people who are touched by true love,  many unfortunate people in this world who don't find love in this birth but the most unfortunate are the ones who find it but lose it. I am one of them falling in the last category.  If you have love,  you can do anything,  you have everything on this earth. You are the most happiest person on this earth.  And it was too late when I realized it.  You should always follow your heart and soul,  your inner voice and not the practical mind. If you are with your love,  everything is beautiful....Love makes ways...Love conquers all. All the challenges and difficulties become fine if you are with your love. My life would have been much different if I would have married the love of my life.  This is one regret I have in my life. You should always see if the person you marry,  you want to grow old with,  its all that matters. This is one lesson I want to give to everyone.  When you are old , you understand each other and are happy together.  Marry that person. 

    Me- Hmmm...What about your love now? Is she married? 

    Old Man-   I don't know....no idea....we lost touch after I got married And we parted our ways for good,  for each other's happiness.  She always wanted me to be happy,  even if its without her.  As far as I know from a common friend,  she adopted a child as she always wanted to. She used to strongly believe that it's the values which make a person and not the DNA.  

    Me- Yes,  I also believe that. And here,  the classic example of the movie-Dhadkan,  where Akshay Kumar was the step son and he respected her step mother most , despite of her indifference with her real children.  Another example of the movie- Kabhi Khushi kabhi Gham,  where Shahrukh Khan is the adopted child. 
    You didn't try to find out, if she is married or has someone in her life? May be,  life has another chance for you in love....you never know. 

    Old Man-  I don't know....I didn't have the courage and face to show her.

    Me-  You know what,  I can relate with you quite well and understand you as well.  One of the chapters of my life is quite similar to you.  Some years back,  a guy 8 years younger to me had fallen for me.  It was a very strong soul connection. We were quite similar in many things and used to understand each other quite well.  He felt such love and strong connection only for me in his life and none other.  And I could not say yes to him because I felt I am elder to him and he should marry someone of his age., as he might regret his decision some years later. I thought he would be happy with someone of his age, his happiness was more important for me. 
    Similarly, in your case, for her, your happiness was more important than hers and that's what real love is .

    Old Man- You should always follow your heart and soul in case of love.  That's my advise. True love chooses very few and its beyond age, outer beauty,  society norms and all.

    Me- Hmmm. There is no way, you can find her and be together again? I really wish two people who are so much in love, should be together.  Love forgives also.  Gove yourself a chance again. 

    Old Man- Its too late now I think.

    Me- Its never late for, when you follow your heart and soul. You never know, what life can bring you as a surprise the next moment.  May be, you never know, she might still be somewhere waiting for you. 

    Many times, we don't realize the value of something until we lose it. We become practical in everything and use our minds,  and sometimes its too late to go back . The lesson from the story of old man is that we should always follow our heart and soul, specially in love,  very few are the  lucky ones who are chosen by true  love. And that' s where happiness is.  If you have love, you have everything,  happiness,  peace, joy, but without love,  everything is incomplete.  As we all know, classic example of Actor Sushant Singh Rajput's story,  since the time he left his love, Ankita, he wasn't happy despite of having everything and he regretted losing her and missed her till his last breath. 

    Never lose your true love!! Never give up on love before it's too late !!!

    Keep reading for more and do share your thoughts in the comments section below. 

    Stay safe, stay blessed and stay happy always!!

    Lots of Love and my best wishes!!


    Shalini  posted in Stories

    Post updated on:  Jul 12, 2021 9:13:28 PM

    Well we all have been in love at some point of our lives, an unforgettable feeling of deep,  intense love where your heart beats for someone - the only one who you feel so connected,  who is so special for you that you do all crazy things for him which you have not done for anybody. You miss him so much . You get worried about him like hell.  You keep thinking and dreaming about him.  This love inspires you,  uplifts you.  It has no time or age.  It can happen anywhere  anytime. It just happens and you feel this person is the one for you,  your soul mate,  your hero,  your Prince Charming!! He is so different from everyone in the world.  

    Today,  I will tell you a real love story of a girl.  A very cute and innocent girl, though independent but simple at heart.  Being an introvert,  she doesn't make friends easily To her,  once a friend,  always a friend!!  Though she is charming and people get fond of her very easily but still she maintains distance with people,  specially boys and is always busy with her goals and career.  A very different girl from this world and her friends often call her stupid for being so different and having a different ideology.  You remember Madhuri Dixit 's character and her ideology in the movie "Dil toh Pagal hai?" So her ideology about love is quite similar to that character played by Madhuri Dixit in that movie.  You don't find Love,  Real Love finds you on its own!!  She has her own dreams and she follows then.  Her own dream-world.  She believes in true love,  not the one you find these days.  To her,  love is a union of two souls and hearts.  It is an intense connection between two souls and hearts.  

    As usual,  she was busy with her career, her work,  when one day,  her childhood friend,  Riya,  who is quite opposite to her in nature . Riya is more outgoing and experimenting.  And she always wanted her friend,  Shal to find a nice guy for herself,, so she used to keep introducing her to many guys but without any success.  She always felt that Shal deserves a very nice guy to be with,  so she kept on trying to convince her.  You know how friends are,  Right?  They care so much for you that they would do all such crazy things for you.  She told her that she has found a nice friend online while playing a game.  

    Riya - Oh dear,  he is very decent and nice.  He wants to make new friends.  He is an Indian but born and brought up outside India.  He is my friend now and I want you also to talk to him.  

    Shelly -No thanks!  You please carry on,  I am genuinely not interested.  And you know that I don't make friends like this specially online.  And I have no time for all this,  OK dear!! 

    Riya - Talk to him once na please!! 

    Shelly- No dear 

    Riya - Please dear,  You never know you might find a nice friend in him. 

    Shelly- You know that for me,  "Once a friend,  always a friend!! " It consists of trust and understanding. I don't believe in making friends like this dear.  Friendship just happens naturally,  not like this na. 

    Riya -  See,  I want you to make new friends and he is alone in life,  looking for a nice friend.  He has been very hurt in his life and a nice decent boy.  Talk to him once please.  If you don't feel like,  then I won't insist again but pls for my sake, talk to him once. 

    Shelly-  OK!!  But only for you and only once. 

    Riya got Shelly and the boy, Roohan connected  with each other.  Also,  Riya had already told Roohan that Shal is a very nice, decent,  sensitive person,  so don't hurt her at all. 

    Roohan- Hi Shelly,  This is Roohan.  Your friend,  Riya has given me your number.  Hope you know!! 

    Shelly-  Yes,  I know.  Hi Roohan! Quite a different name though.  See,  pls don't mind but I don't make friends like this online and without meeting.  Also,  I keep very  busy with my work and career goals. Riya insisted me to talk to you but I am not sure if I can give you that much time or be friends with you.  Becoz,  to me,  once a friend,  always a friend!!  .

    Roohan - Same with me also.  And I really appreciate your honesty and straight forwardness . So, what do you do? 

    Shelly -  I am a Marketing professional.  So,  I don't get much time and I am always on my toes.  And you? 

    Roohan -  I am a Marketing Research Analyst and a psychologist.  

    Shelly - So,  You are from Montreal and right now in India.  I have been to Montreal once and then to Germany and Shanghai for a week on an official visit.  
    So,  when are you coming to Delhi?  As I told you that I don't make friends like this without meeting in person.  

    Roohan - Oh yes!  So,  someone is waiting for me? 

    Shelly - Oh pls,  I can wait for my career but not for a man pls.  Sorry to say this,  but not worth my time. 

    Roohan -  Hmmm.  ?U know,  I lost my mom and dad at an early age,  when I was in my school, in an accident unfortunately.  But whatever little time I could spend with my mom,  she used to always tell me - " Never hurt a woman,  bcoz she is the one who gives you life.  She is the only one who gives you birth and gives you life. "

    Shelly - Hmmm.....sorry to know about your parents.  And you are a self made man,  Nice to know this. 

    Riya - So,  how's he?  Worth as a friend?  Nice guy? 

    Shelly - You know,  I take a lot of time in opening up or trusting someone.  But he seems to be different from others.  He is honest and respects women a lot.  Unfortunately,  he has no family,  only an Aunt and has a lot of pain inside,  though he has not shared much yet.  He doesn't want sympathy from anyone,  that's also one good thing about him unlike other guys.  Strong,  self made man and open minded too.  

    Roohan and Shelly started having endless conversations.  And one day,  Riya and Shelly went to a dance party when, while coming back  , they were followed and stalked  by some cheap men.  

    Roohan - Have you reached home safely? 

    Shelly - Yes,  thanks!!  But gosh, u know,  we were waiting for the cab and there was a huge jam, the cab guy took time to reach us.  In the meantime,  we were followed by some cheap men. We got the cab then and got into it safely.  

    Roohan - Gosh,  Delhi men!!  

    Shelly- Hmmm... so it doesn't happen there.. u mean? 

    Roohan - Shelly  Can I say something pls? 
    Shelly-  yes pls,  Roohan  say 

    Roohan-  I think I am falling in love with you Shelly.  I have been protective about my friends in the past, but last night,  I felt really protective and worried  about you 

    Shelly -  Are you kidding?  You must be really joking.  We haven' t even met yet and you are 7 years younger to me. 

    Roohan -  I can't help.  I have never felt like this for anyone before in my life ever.  Trust me!!  I so wanna meet you and take you in my arms, if you allow me.  I can still feel you in the air I breathe.  I feel you here around me.  

    Shelly -  You are crazy. Roohan!!  Sleep now 

    Roohan - Titanic movie?  You jump,  I jump.  So you sleep,  I sleep!! 

    Shelly- OK,  Good night!!  Close your eyes and sleep. 

    Roohan - You know,  I just don't get sleep.  

    Shelly-  OK,  today you will get good sleep.  Close your eyes and imagine about your dreams or anything nice,  anything you like,  anything which makes you happy..... May be ur mom. 

    Roohan. Hmmm.... OK..... I will think about you. 

    Shelly- Good morning!!  You had a good sleep last night? 

    Roohan -  Yes,  for the first time in my life,  I had a very good sleep.  Now,  I always wake up thinking about you and sleep only thinking about you.  You inspire me Shelly!!  What have you done to me?  I have been a Hard Rock man.  You have changed me.  I really cherish this love and care.  I have become a soft hearted guy now from a Hard Rock guy.  People have always bullied me and were always sympathetic towards me. Hope this is not sympathy for me, what you feel?

    Shelly- No Roohan,  You are a very nice person at heart and I feel some strong connection with you.  

    Suddenly,  one day, Roohan gets food poisoning and he is hospitalized. Life and death situation where he is fighting for his life alone. 

    Roohan - I want to live Shelly.  I want to see you.  I want to be with you.  Can you pls come online,  video call?  I don't know if I will be able to see you ever.  And if that's my last wish. 

    Shelly- Pls don't say this.  You will be fine Roohan really!  Is there anyone with you right now?  I wish I could be there with you now but you are in Canada and I am here in India.  I am awake whole night and I am here for you.  Just a msg or a call away Roohan.  Close your eyes and feel I am near you.  You cant give up Roohan.  We have to meet soon. Remember?  

    Shelly to Riya -  I don't know,  something is changing in me.  I feel that I might not be able to see him ever in this life.  I feel a strange soul connection with him which I I have never felt for anyone before. Sometimes,  I feel that something pushes me towards him,  some strange force,  something binds me to him.  I have never felt like this before.  You know, so many guys like me for my outer beauty,  but he has seen and liked my soul. He accepts me the way I am.  He encourages me always for my dreams.  He understands me and my dreams so well.  We complete sentences.  He understands what I don't say. He is able to read my soul. And he respects women so much . He is quite different from others men. Very different. I am so worried.  I wish I could go to Montreal right now to see him and just be with him. 

    After 1 year 

    Roohan - Hi Shelly  my sunshine!! 

    Shelly-  Hi Roohan,  My Angel!! 

    Roohan -  I missed you a lot  I really love you!!  Pls be mine!!  

    Shelly- You missed me and that's why you vanished?  No contact?   I missed you too.  Let's meet and talk pls. 

    Roohan - I want an answer now.  Yes or No.  I want to know that when I meet you,  Can I sleep in your lap? Can I hold you in my arms?  

    Shelly- Pls understand, I feel a strong connection with you which I have never felt for anyone in my life ever.  But it's not that simple Roohan.  You are much younger to me,  about 9 years.  You might regret your decision later after 10 years.  I will grow old faster than you.  I might lose my beauty then. I might not be able to give you a normal family also. What is Love to you? 

    Roohan - To me, Love is you!!  And will always be "You!! " Whether your answer is Yes or No , I will wait for you throughout my life.  I always felt that I am destined to walk alone but since you have entered my life,  I feel I want to walk with you.  Allow me to take care of you.  We will together make things work out.  

    Shelly - Pls don't do this.  Let's meet sometime soon pls.  Plan a visit to Delhi pls. To me,  Love is a lifetime commitment. 

    Roohan - I so wanna meet you.  I have just started my business.  Let me set up everything.  Then I will meet you and your family once and take you with me.  As once I will meet you,  I wont be able to stay away from you even for a second.  

    Shelly- OK!!  Hope to see you soon.  What if you don't find me as beautiful when we meet?  

    Roohan - Your eyes and smile tell me that you have a golden heart and a very pure soul.  A beautiful heart matters the most to me.  And to me,  you will always be beautiful irrespective of your age or outer beauty.  Real love happens when two hearts and souls meet. You only say it's a heart and soul union.  Whenever I take my breath, with every breath of mine,  It's you , Shelly!!  You are my inspiration and will always be! What if you don't find me worthy enough when we meet? 

    Shelly -  It will never happen Roohan!!! You are worthy of everything and will always be.  You are a self made man who values human emotions.  You will definitely find a better girl than me of your age who is decent and loving and caring. 

    Roohan - Oh pls Shelly !  I want you only or none!! That's it.  I told you,  I will wait for you throughout my life else I will walk alone. 

    Shelly -  Hmmmm

    After 1 year-

    Roohan - Hi Shelly! How are you? How have you been?  I have been freaking out to find if you are fine.  

    Shelly -  Hi Roohan !! I am fine thanks.  And You? 

    Roohan -  Don't ask pls.... What all I have gone through.  My business got shattered. Some big legal issue and legal mess happened.  I could survive only because of you.  I was thinking about you and you were my inspiration always.  You are the only love of my life and will always be. You are my life. You are my world and will always be.   But I am a hollow man from inside now.  I don't want to hurt the person,  I care about most in my life and that's you!!  I don't want to hurt you at all.  I can't keep you happy.  You deserve someone better than me.  I have no feelings,  no emotions for anyone now.  I am just a machine now.  World is cruel ,Shal.  I wish you Luck!!  I wish to be in touch with you but I don't think in this birth , we can ever meet, I am not sure,  I don't know.  ..I am destined to walk alone.  Pls forget me and be happy.  I will be like this now.  Good Bye Shelly.  I am a turbulent water and you are a stable river.  I don't want to disturb your stable life . 

    Shelly -  There are no Byes Roohan!!  Pls don't say all this.  You always take a strong part of my heart away with you.  It's a strong soul connection,  I have never felt for anyone.  I want to tell you so much.  I always thought,  I will tell you when we meet.  ?..I am not understanding anything.... What should I do. 

    Riya to Shelly-    Ohh dear??.I am very sorry?..I was  the one who connected  you to him.. You were so right?..you can never trust people online???there is an old song also?..Pardesiyon se na aankhiyaan milana??.pardesiyon  ko hai ek din jaana?.
     But I never knew that you will get so attached to him without even meeting??.it keeps happening these days yaaar??come out of your fantasy world into reality?..who knows he was just lieing??.

    Shelly to Riya-   Hmmmm??its not you who connected me to him??it was the Universe. There was  something definitely strong between us?..I don?t know?may be we had a role to play in each other?s lives and it was destined?..and you were only a medium. And I don?t want to judge him at all dear??I could feel someone around me for the first time, I could see someone in the moon for the first time?..and that?s crazy for a girl like me who doesn?t allow anyone and meets so many people??I just cant explain the feeling to you?..its  a beautiful feeling??.I wish him all the happiness in the world??He will always be there in my memories and in one part of my heart and soul.

    Roohan loved Shelly enough to let her go for her happiness. And Shelly still hopes and wishes that they will meet one day.  It is one of her dreams to meet him once in this birth and dance with him once.  She wants to confess her feelings to him once . I remember that deep melodious  song here... "Zinda rehna ke liye Teri Kasam,  Ek mulakat zuroori hai Sanam!! " .....

    Some love stories are incomplete and mysterious.  And some connections without even meeting,  where only hearts and souls connect, are beautiful enough.  Because it's a heart and soul union.  And there is no physical attraction.  Movies like ""Sirf Tum"" and " Na Tum Na Jaano Na Hum " can be real,  I didn't know. Let's believe in Love!! It changes us so much , evolves us and makes us a much better human being. 

    Let me know how do you feel reading this unique, mysterious,  incomplete love story.  I will let you know if the story moves forward by destiny in future.  Or may be,  it was meant to be like this,  who knows?  Only time and Universe knows and can tell !!  Some soul connections are such!! Some stories a re such.  May be they had a role to play in each other's lives and that's why they connected like this.  Love sometimes is strange,  crazy yet beautiful!!  It finds you on its own when you least expect it and finds its own way!!  

        Let the bird of Love set free,  if it comes back to you,  It's yours,  and if it doesn't,  it was never Yours!!  

    You also share any of your love stories. Would love to read!!  

    Lots of love and my  best wishes!! 

    Stay safe,  stay blessed and stay happy always!! 


    Shalini  posted in Stories

    Post updated on:  Jul 12, 2021 9:13:16 PM

    Ohhhhh!! You know...I just love birds.  I am a birds person and I am sure, like me, many of you must be so fond of birds.  I just love watching them for hours. Though, I love watching moon and the waves of the ocean also for hours,  but for now,  I want to talk about my favorite loving birds. 

    One of the beautiful lovely creations of nature, a gift of Universe to us. I just wish, we could talk to them,  understand their feelings and emotions better. How amazing,  it could have been then,  just imagine for a while...Parrots,  sparrows, pigeons,  peacocks and those different colored birds.  How amazingly beautiful they are!! And peacocks,  my favorite,  specially,  the white ones, when they open their feathers and dance.  Ohhhh maaye maaye!! I was lucky enough to see them dancing once in rain.  

    As white is for peace,  seeing white peacocks with feathers open and dancing was really like heaven on earth, amazingly beautiful. And to my surprise,  they were talking to each other and to me as well.

    Peacock 1 -  Hey,  it's about to rain heavily.  I feel like dancing.  Lets open our feathers and dance together. 

    Peacock 2-  Lovely!! I also want to dance and open my feathers.  But aahhh!! in a while,  I am so hungry right now. 

    Peacock 1- Hey All!!  Let's make a circle and dance together. We will look alike. We are the most beautiful creation of nature.  People love watching us for hours.

    Peacock 2- Really? You don't get scared by these people who come to watch us   who want to come near us? Many times,  they even throw stones on us. We also have feelings,  we also get hurt. We are not a showpiece that they want to see us all the time. It's always the outer beauty they like   the outer appearance.  These human beings are selfish. They just see the outer beauty  and not the inner feelings or our soul.  Their eyes can see only limited,  outer surface,  not beyond the surface   beneath it. If we wouldn't have been beautiful,  they wouldn't have come to us or offered us food. I get so tired of them,  looking at me. 

    Peacock 1- Well, not all human beings are like this. Remember,  a cute little child had come to us yesterday?  She was so happy, smiling   pure and innocent like an angel. She also offered me food. I was so happy. She was very sweet.

    Peacock 2-  Ok...Let's dance now!! It's a beautiful lovely weather. It's raining.  Hey!! Wait....there is someone coming near us.  A human being.....should we hide??

    Peacock 1- She looks like a nice sweet girl. Her smile gives me good vibes. Lets not hide...Let's enjoy!!! Lets make her also happy!!  She is sitting alone and crying. Why is she crying?

    Peacock 1 comes near me and spreads its feathers on me,  on my face and asks me, " Why are you crying? Why are you sad? What has happened? Someone has thrown stones at you also? Beaten you?

    Me- You will not understand. Both of us are created by nature but your life and our lives are so different. You don't have any pressure. You are free to do anything in your life. You can fly,  you can dance whenever you want to,  you can eat anything. But we have so much pressure in our life. We have to struggle so much to have food,  to live,  to wear clothes. We have so many expectations of others to fulfill.  I wish I could just be you,  free like you. 

    Peacock 1-  Oh my dear!!  As it is said  " The grass is always greener on the other side!!" You can do so many things which we cant do.  Universe has made all of us unique and together we can make a beautiful balance in the world, if we start valuing each other,  respecting each other ,   caring for each other and loving each other. All of us need each other in some or the other way. And then we can see beauty everywhere. You are caged and you cage everyone.....that's not love!!  Be free and then see,  everything will become beautiful.  Follow your heart and soul   your inner voice. 

    Me-  Yes   You are so right!! Thank you so much   my darling peacock!!! I love you so much!! You have taught me a very good lesson today. 

    Suddenly   where is this huge sound coming from   the huge noise...?Oh my alarm clock.....its 8 am in the morning....Where have the peacocks gone? I was with them a while ago....They were so awesome...?.Mom,  Did you see my white peacocks? They were here with me just now.....

    Mom-  What peacocks?  We have got parrots and different colored birds for you last evening  and they are here....see....talking to you....chirping!!    

    Me-  Thanks Mom!!  I don't want to cage them.  I care for them   I love them and I want them to be free .

    So, it was a dream , a lovely dream where I had last night where I met my lovely friends, my peacocks. 

    Keep reading for more and do share your thoughts below in the comments section. 

    Stay safe,  stay blessed and stay happy always!!
    Lots of love and my best wishes always !!

    Shalini  posted in Stories

    Post updated on:  Jul 12, 2021 9:13:07 PM

    Its the inner beauty of heart and soul which matters in life and not the outer beauty!!!
     A story of an ugly looking girl who is not liked by anyone in the college and how her inner beauty impacts  and changes everyone's mindset. 

    Well,  we all , in our childhood days, at some point of time, have been compared with others around us, and we are made to see ourselves as how others see us. And what is Beauty? Is it what you see in the mirror? Or is it what you cant see in the mirror, and its beyond that?

    So,  today,  I want to share a story of a girl   who is in her 1st year of college,  dark skin face and not good looking at all, but very simple and good at heart. She is shy yet very helpful,  always trying to help others,  making notes for everyone as she was very regular and studious in his classes. But everyone used to bully her and many times she used to sit alone and cry.  She had no friends. All boys used to laugh at her. Her name is Ritu.

    One day,  when she was sitting alone having her lunch in the college canteen,  and as usual,  everyone started bullying her. They snatched her lunch and started to pass it on amongst themselves like a ball. Then to her surprise,  a boy named Nikhil came to her seat and said...

    Nikhil-  Hey,  guys!!  What' s going on here? Why are you bothering her like this?

    Guys-  Hey Nikhil, You are a cool dude of the college.  What are you doing with such a clumsy girl?

    Nikhil- Give her lunch back right now.  She doesn't say anything to you,  that doesn't mean you will do anything with her.  In fact,  let me make you remember that you guys pass in your exams because of her. You guys should be ashamed. 

    Guys- Ok Nikhil!! Ohhh....Ritu   Nikhil saved you today,  else we had full plan to eat your lunch today,  you clumsy ugly girl. 

    Ritu- Thanks Nikhil!!  Thanks a lot really......Ritu( in tears)?I just cant thank you enough....you don't know what you have done for me. 

    Nikhil-  Its ok Ritu.  Don't worry....nobody will bother you now.

    Nikhil used to help her like this always and then they became nice friends.  She always used to help him in his class notes and in preparation of exams. And one day came when Nikhil 's girlfriend got to know about their friendship. She was very fair and beautiful. Her name was Riny.

    Riny-  I am looking for you everywhere Nikhil and you are here with this clumsy girl. What the hell is going on? 

    Nikhil-  No dear!!  I am always with you. She is nobody, sweetheart.  I was with her only to take help in the notes. She attends all the classes yaar and good in studies.  Understand yaar....You and she have no comparison at all.  Relax dear.

    Ritu- What are you saying Nikhil? Why don't you tell her that we are friends.....good friends...?And, in fact,  I have started liking you and I really respect you.  You are a very nice person and I thought you like me too.  You said that too.

    Nikhil-  What? Are you out of your mind? I would like you....Really? Are you out of your senses? Forget about me.....Who on this earth can like you? Show me one guy who can really like you.  I was with you just because of my exams and they are over now....So, just get lost!!  I don't want any mess between me and Riny.

    Ritu was in tears and came back home but could not stop crying.  Why does it happen to me always? Am I so bad? God,  tell me pls!! Why have you not made me beautiful? I will not pity myself like this anymore.  I love3and accept myself the way I am I am unique in my own ways.  I will prove it to myself and everyone one day 

    Some months later,  unfortunately  Nikhil's father died in an accident  He was in a deep shock and stopped going to college.  He failed in all his exams  Everyone stopped talking to him.  One day,  a letter from college came, mentioning that his college fees is due and he wont be able to continue his college,  if it is not deposited. 
    He went to college next day  and asked all his friends for help but everyone ignored him.

    Nikhil-  Hey guys!!  I need your help pls.  You know my father is no more and I have to deposit my fees,  else,  I wont be able to continue the college. 

    Friends-    Hey Nikhil!! We are also helpless yaar....Sorry yaar!! We are getting late for the class yaar.....see you later.  Sorry to know about your father yaar. 

    Nikhil-  Guys!!  There was a time when I had spent so much on you guys....all the bills of party.....everything I paid and today,  when I need you.....all of you are helpless and ignoring me. 

    Nikhil-  Riny,  my love!! Where have you been? I missed you so much....pls help me.  I really need your help. 

    Riny-  Ohhh dear,  You know na,  all my pocket money goes in my cosmetics and beauty products.  I have nothing left.  Try to manage na somehow......don't worry ......I got to go now....... Sammy is waiting for me.

    Nikhil- Damm you!!  There was a time,  I used to spend all my money on you......I bought all the gifts for you....all that you wanted   I bought for you....all the expensive stuff  And now,  for the first time,  when I need your help....you dont have anything for me.....not even the time. 

    Riny...You also had fun...ok.....so don't blame me for anything.....you had me as your girlfriend...the most beautiful girl of the college.....anybody would want to be with me. 

    Nikhil-   I deserve all this treatment. Now,  I realize. 

    Nikhil goes to the admin of the college and requests him to give him some more time to deposit his fees, so that he can arrange.  

    Admin-  Your fees is deposited Nikhil. Don't worry.  You can fill this form and join the college again from tomorrow..

    Nikhil-   But who has paid it? Pls tell me.  

     Admin-  No, I cant tell you...I am not supposed to....

    Nikhil-   Pls admin....pls tell me 

    Admin-   Ritu has done it.  

    Nikhil -   Really?  Ritu? I did so bad with him  and she still helped me......gosh!!

    Ritu......Ritu.......I need to find her.....Where is she 

    Nikhil-  Ritu,  Thanks  and really sorry.  ....I did so bad with you.....still you helped me.....why? And how could you? I remember,  you struggle to pay your fees....so how did you and where did you manage for me?

    Ritu-  Its ok!!   I had got scholarship,  so I could pay your fees. And I always treated you as my friend even if you didn't.  There are no conditions in love and friendship. 

    Nikhil-  I said so much to you.  I had hurt u badly...I realize it now. It's always the inner beauty , the purify of heart and soul which matters in life.  I don't deserve your friendship...but can we be friends again?

    Ritu-  I am not sure.....its my last day in college today......I am moving out of the city.  You take care and loads of good luck!!

      The same day evening,  Ritu is awarded with " Best student of the college award " and the scholarship.  Everyone in the college was stunned and shocked.  Before she left the college,  everyone,  her classmates felt ashamed and said sorry to her.  

    Some months later,   Nikhil is in the same college,  has changed so much.....always with himself...focusing on his studies....he has become responsible now.  But he still misses Ritu and he feels deep love for her.  He wishes to meet her someday and can tell her that he really loves her. But may be it was  too late and he had lost her.

    The next day   when Nikhil went to college,  he saw Riny. And to his surprise,  everyone was laughing at her.  

    Nikhil- What has happened to you? I just couldn't recognize you.  What are these marks all over? 

    Riny-  I don't know how I have got this skin disease all over my body and face.....I look so ugly....Riny said in tears. 

    Nikhil-  Hmmm.......

    Riny-  I am sorry Nikhil....I was so proud of my outer beauty.....I deserve this.  ..I have hurt you,  I used to make so much fun of Ritu.....God,  pls forgive me!!

    Well   some lessons from the story-
    1. It's always the inner beauty,  the purity of heart and soul which matters. 

    2. Sometimes its late to realize the importance of a person in your life,  may be after you lose him/ her. And its too late that sometimes   they just don't cone back   so value them,  as they are a precious jewel amongst all the stones around you.  Few lines of the song here from the movie - kal ho na ho,  I want to add, "  Chahe jo tumhe poore dil se,  milta hai woh mushkil se, aisa jo koi kahin hai,  bas wohi sabse haseen hai....us haath ko tum thaam lo   woh meherbaan kal ho na ho!!! "

    3. Never be proud of anything you have.  You never know when its  lost from you or taken away form you. 

    4. Always treat people the way you want to be treated ad very rightly said, ^ You reap what you sow.
    5. If you believe in yourself and build yourself from inside irrespective of how the world sees you,  you can really make it big and achieve all your dreams one day like Ritu did in this story. 

    Keep reading for more and do write your thoughts in the comments section bellow. 

    Stay safe   stay blessed and stay happy always!!
    Lots of love and my best wishes!!

    Shalini  posted in Stories

    Post updated on:  Jul 12, 2021 9:12:58 PM

    Well,  many people in my life have asked me this question many times and then,  when I thought about the answer to this question,  I felt, " Wish!!" What is a wish? Is it something which you just say in your heart and sometimes, unknowingly it gets fulfilled.  And then,  you say,  "Wow,  I wish I had asked something else also to the Universe/ God today and he would have given it to me. Ohhh,  mai mai,  why didn't I wish that today?  Or is it a conscious prayer we do to God with folding hands? 

    Well,  Well,  Well!!  To me, a wish is something which is deep rooted in your heart and very difficult to  be fulfilled. So,  here is my wish list -

    1. I had this childhood friend of mine,,  when I was a very very young child of about 7 years and I used to play with a very young boy almost of my age then and my brother. We used to play daily in the evening which became a habit for us.  And then,  one day,  while playing,  he kissed me on my cheeks and my forehead and said, "When I will grow big enough,  I will marry you!! "  It was an impact of movies on him or a very cute childhood love and affection,  I don't know,  but it was very warm and heart touching that it left a mark on my heart and mind with a beautiful memory.  What I remember,  soon after this incident,  we shifted from that place to some other rented  place. And since then,  till date,  I have no contact with him.  I don't even remember his face or name,  just this beautiful memory.  Whenever I checked with my mom about him,  she told me that he had a hole in his heart.  If by any chance,  I happen to meet him today,  I won't be able to recognize him.  And this is my first wish that I really hope he is fine,  happy and I wish if I could meet him just once in this lifetime. 

    2. My second wish is to meet the savior of my life once and say " Thank You!!" to him from the bottom of my heart.  Well,  this small chapter of my life,  is like a scene from a movie.  Really!!  This was when I was studying in the first year of my graduation college.  One of the days,  as usual,  I was coming back from my college in the Blue line bus.  It was around evening time,  I think about 5 pm and I had my usual class of professional course I was doing that time in the evening.  So,  I had to get down from the bus at Janak Puri stop.  While I was standing near the gate to get down from the bus holding the handle tightly.  Suddenly,  the driver had put a break or something and couple of people from my behind pushed me so hard that I fell from the moving bus.  I became unconscious and when I regained my consciousness. I really wanted to meet him once and thank him from my heart and soul but could never get an opportunity. When my friends got to know about this incident and came to see me,  they really laughed and surprisingly said, 

    My friends- " Wow!!  What a real filmy story but incomplete,  the hero went off,  just saving the gal 's life but without meeting her or saying anything.  What a gentleman and a selfless man rarely found these days. Ohhhh,  so sad!!    An incomplete Love story!! 
    Me-  I was like, " You guys are really silly!! " 

    Friends-  Chalo....Apne hero ko dhoondhke laate hain...

    Me-  Haan Haan!! Jaldi jao......jaldi jaake leke aao......Mujhe usey thanks bolna hai....he really saved my life. Nahi toh main abhi pata nahi kahaan hoti.  I cant thank him enough. 

    Friends-  Par sawaal yeh hai....dhoondhe kahaan? Koi photo bhi nahi......nahi toh poster hi lagwa dete...

    Me-  Haan zuroor!!  Tum log mujhe dekhne aaye ho.....ki aise masti karne? Kaise dost ho....Tum jaise paagal ko milke toh woh fir se bhaag jayega 

    Friends-   Usey rukna toh chahiye tha na yaar thodi der.....Milte aise rare helpful, kind hero se.....kahaan milta hai aisa koi aajkal.....He dropped her home,  she was unconscious. Tera  address kaise mila usey? 

    Me-  My college Id card from my bag. 

    Friends-   ohhhhh.....Full filmy story yaar....but incomplete story.....jaaane kab kahaan kisi modh pe fir mile.....

    Me-  you guys ,  I tell you....really na......I have no words.......chalo,  let me rest now....its paining. 

    Friends-  ok ok....you take rest,  get well soon....we will see you again soon......and Haaan.....apna Hero mile toh batana  haan 

    3. My third wish is to meet the bestie of my life once, who is not in this world anymore , but yes in the Universe like a shining star. I want to have some incomplete conversations with him.  He was and is an Angel and guide of my life. 

    4. My fourth wish is to see a happy and peaceful world in my lifetime,  where people are spreading endless love,  smile,  happiness amongst each others.  Nobody is in pain and everybody is joyful and enjoying like s child.  Everyone is helping each other selflessly  irrespective of ego,  gender,  caste,  religion,  community or class.  It's a happy happy world.  Everyone is dancing on the music of nature and life!! 

    5. My fifth wish is to see a world where everyone is equal.  Everyone has a lot of respect for each other,  be it,  a gal,  boy,  transgender people,  senior citizens,  poor.  A society which is not  gender biased and everyone is respected.  Also,  where a woman is no more a sex object to be played and exploited with.  And humanity is the only motto and prevails. 

    6. Well,  the list of my wishes is endless.  My sixth wish is to see a world where there is nobody poor and has basic needs to meet -  food,  clothes, water and shelter. Where nobody is helpless. A world where everyone is educated and literate. 

    7. My seventh wish is to see the young generation who has values and is mature enough, who is sensitive to the needs of old and children.  Where all generations can spend nice time together like the movie, "Kal Aaj Kal " 

    8. My Eighth wish is to meet Mother Teresa someday somewhere and take her interview. 

    Well,  my list is endless,  but I think enough for now!!  What are your wishes?  Do share with me.. I would love to read. 

    Keep reading for more... 

    Lots of love and  my best wishes!! 

    Stay safe,  stay blessed and stay happy always 


    Shalini  posted in My thoughts

    Post updated on:  Jul 12, 2021 9:11:45 PM

    Well, the year 2020, the most challenging year for all of us, when just one moment changed everyone 's life,  our lives.  Zindgi jaise ruk gayi sabki aur meri bhi.  The year made us see and experience so much which we never ever could even dream of. Thanks to corona virus,  we all know which has effected  our lives so suddenly and drastically.  Today, I want to share my experiences from  last year, 2020, the year of uncertainties for all of us, which has finally left us with many learnings, memories and experiences.  The year,  we were so eagerly waiting to end and go.  

    So many people lost their lives,  many people lost their close ones,  many went through a lot of pain- physical , emotional , mental and what not,  across the world.  Many lost their jobs,  many didn't have food to eat.  Some got stuck and away from their close ones.  Nobody knew what will happen to them next moment.  We had nothing to do. All of us were locked in our houses and not allowed to go out.  None of us knew,  when we would be able to step out and live a normal life again...moments became days   days became months ?just the wait,  wait and wait.  

    You know,  in my college days,  I had one teacher who was quite young,  open minded and fun loving, she was more like a friend to us than a teacher or a mentor. And one day,  in our class,  she asked a question to all of us 

    Our loving teacher-   Guys , what if you are given Rs. 5 lac to stay at a place for a month but you cant do anything,  you have to sit idle. You will get this money after the month is over.  You will be given the basic needs during this period-  food,  clothing and shelter.  What will you do? Will you take it?  

    My classmates-   Yes mam,  we will. 

    Teacher-   Really?  You can stay idle for a month? 

    Classmates- Yes mam.  

    All of them who said yes,  had their own reasons,  some said, " We don't have to work and ..its so good" ..some said, " We need money to pay our loans. "

    Teacher- You don't realize it now,  as it is said that an idle mind is a devil's mind and its true.  

    Through this question,  she was checking our attitude towards life and creativity. 

    So, in 2020, the year of stagnancy,  I came across many people known to me , whose relationships broke and fell apart where in   some really grew more,  bonded more.  In all this chaos and mess,  the good part what I realized was,  we started spending more time with our family and close ones,  we started helping each other  ..the humanity instinct developed in us , and many of us running in this race of life daily,  had lost the connection with ourselves   whichever we could find and discover again.  Some of my friends who had lost touch with me, they re- connected with me and started caring for me. But, so strange na,  at one point of time,  everywhere,  everyone's life is different at the same point of time...whether,  its USA or India,  Canada or Australia,  the time is same but life is different for everyone at that point of time. And that's life!! That's life really.  It helps us seeing life from another person's perspective,  someone else's perspective. And that's the key   that's the learning!!

    I lost one of my students in 2020. He was always smiling and a fun loving student of my class but who knew that he was going through so much pain in his life.  He had a hole in his heart since his childhood and that's the reason,  his parents didn't want to keep him with them.  They threw him from a running train one day to get rid of him.  Luckily, he survived and was born and brought up by an orphan.  When I got to know the news of his death,  I just could not stop my tears which kept on flowing day and night.  And I started writing more during this period.  Like all of you,  I had lost myself in my day to day life,  and this period gave me an opportunity to find myself again,  focus on my passions and take out time for them like my writing.

    Some people were so lonely,  that they had nobody to talk to,  away from their families.  Like one of my friends,  who has been independently working, making short films , suddenly had no option than to sit idle, as the entertainment,  luxury industry was badly hit.  Out of loneliness,  he got into a relationship which did not long last, due to which he was getting into depression and had nobody to talk to him. Soon,  he started relating himself with late Actor Sushant Singh Rajput.  His name is Rohit. 

    Rohit-  Hello,  my friend ?.How are you?
    Me-  Hi Rohit,  I am fine...Thanks.....How are you?
    Rohit-  I am not fine.  
    Me- What happened? 
    Rohit - I love a girl. She was so fond of me but now for few days   she doesn't want to talk to me. We had a fight and since then,  she is not responding   not taking my calls. I have said sorry many times but still. Am I that bad?

    Me-  No Rohit!!  Give her some space.  Don't worry!! All will be fine soon.  If she is meant for you,  she will definitely be with you.

    Sometime later,  after many such conversations we had, my friend, Rohit could regain himself back and is now,  the same independent workaholic happy person.  I think,  sometimes life challenges us, gives us some experiences to evolve us, to make us a better version of ourselves. 

    For me,  2020, was a year full of mixed experiences, mixed emotions and lot of learnings. I have evolved so much.   I learnt many new things and discovered myself more.  I became more open and expressive.  And , the most important,  I learnt to take the life, the day as it comes....going with the flow is the key sometimes.  Accepting things and situations as it is,  makes life and things simpler sometimes. I learnt to forgive myself and others. Its important to cleanse our minds and hearts.  Life is too short for any negativity in your hearts.  I learnt to be more positive,  more hopeful and having more faith in myself and the Universe.  Everything happens for a reason.  We might plan so much in our lives,  but life has its own plan for us. Never give up as one moment can change your life. 

    With this I want to say Good bye to 2020 and welcome 2021 with my whole heart and soul. I also pray and wish for unfortunate people , also wishing peace in the world from now onwards. I am sure and hopeful,  2021 will give us many reasons to smile.  . I wish all my readers ,  all of you a Very Happy New Year 2021!!  
    Keep reading for more and you also share your experiences,  would love to read. Do share your thoughts in the comments section below. 

    Lots of love and my best wishes!!

    Stay safe, stay blessed and stay happy always!!


    Shalini  posted in My thoughts

    Post updated on:  Jul 12, 2021 9:11:31 PM

    Unke nam k barabr me sindur likha
    Bin unke sab kuchh khud se dur likha

    Unki hasi k barabar me bindiya likhi
    Bin god unki dur aankho se nindiya likhi

    Unki kmae se lane ko bas churiyan likhi
    Lali payal jhumka bhala mere kis kam k

    Bin unke sab  singar se duriyan likhi
    Unki ek chhuwan se khud ko arpan likha
    Unki aankho ko khud ka darpan likha

    Hasta dekh mujhe wo chanchl keh gae
    Meri harkat se meri jwani ko bachpan likha

    Bahon k ghere ko ghar keh diya
    Mujhe Sine se lga k khud ko sampan likha

    Post updated on:  Jul 11, 2021 2:06:02 PM

    Hmare sheher ki galiyan v
    Geet unke gungunati hai

    Wo hawa me unka I love you
    Bol k jana 

    Aaj v hawa us gunj ko sunati hai
    Unki nigahon k ishare aaj v mano
    Barkar hon jaise fija me

    Koe palat k dekh jo jae to yaad 
    Unki saanso me smati hai

    Hmare sheher ki galiyan v
    Geet unke gungunati hai

    Post updated on:  Jul 11, 2021 2:13:07 AM

    The CRISIS

    Ever Came Across Situations...Situations of Crisis 
    When You Are Separated from a Person Who was So IMPORTANT to You !!

    Unable to Handle Situations Around You  Life becomes Meaningless
    You Start Asking Yourself How this Could have Happened to Me ???   why ??? why ??? why ??? 
    And there is No
    Possible Explanation for that Question...You Start Asking it Yourself So Many Times  that You Get  into an Endless
    Loop...of Your Own thoughts & Possible Theories feeding yourself with every Possible Explanation Why It Happened with ME ONLY ???
    Your Mind gets jammed  to that One Particular Situation in Time Over and Over Again .. knowing that what's Done Cannot be UNDONE!!  

    Seeking Counsel of OTHERS , Helping YOU Out Overcome the Crisis &  CONSOLING You By Telling the Same COMMON NOTION
    Huh !!! People Can So Simply Say These Phrase ..But Listening To It Gives YOU GOOSEBUMPS.. HARD TO ACCEPT...RIGHT ???



    " THE PERSON With Whom You Could Sit and TALK  without Noticing How hours Have Passed !!! JUST STARING IN THEIR EYES
    BUT THERE IS  " WE "..




        H                          O                             P                                   E                                                                               

    But You Got to PICK Yourself UP Again , Knowing that LIFE DOESN'T STOP FOR ANYONE 
    Waking UP EVERYDAY knowing that Its Never Gonna Be The Same , when YOU Don't FEEL 
    LIKE Being Engaged in Anything or Speaking to Anyone

    YOURSELF !!!


    Post updated on:  Jul 10, 2021 5:55:29 PM

    Pradnya  posted in Poet

    Post updated on:  Jul 9, 2021 9:58:38 AM

    Numerology is an ancient science that draws meaning from different numbers.
    These numbers are associated with the nine planets. Numerology draws meanings through number combinations, and letters in your life. 
    This science, can help us to tap into the underlying patterns. 

    Like Astrology, Numerology also tells that our birthday and date say lot about our personality. 
    Numerologist believe that numbers, and the associations between them, has some meaning. 

    Numbers and planet associate to them 
    1- sun ☀️
    2- Moon 🌙
    3- Jupiter 
    4- Rahu 
    5- Mercury 
    6- venus 
    7- ketu 
    8- Saturn 🪐
    Astrology and Numerology both consider planets. But the Rule for calculating or say predicting is totally different. 

    For example 
    Dob is 24.august. 1985 

    In this dob we add the date of birth 
    We will get the 
    Basic No. Or Driver no. Or Mool ank
    2+4 = 6 

    Destiny No. Or conductor no. Or भाग्यांक we will calculate through adding the whole D.o.b
    2+4+8+1+9+8+5 = 37 

    Again we turn it to single digit by further adding the Number 
    3+7 =10 
    1+0 = 1 
    So finally we get two Numbers

    Basic =6 and Destiny = 1 

    In. This chart we have some no are missing like No. 3 is not present in the chart 

    What's the impact of missing no. 

    What is a Missing Number? The numbers from 1-9, which do not appear in your Numerology Grid are called Missing Numbers.
     Missing Numbers often indicate the traits and characteristics from a person's personality. 

    If No. 1 is missing 
    🧡 Will find it difficult to express themselves 
    ❤ but they will be busy in helping people's. 
    🧡 Lack of actions. 
    ❤they should feel confident on their decisions.

    If no. 2 is missing 
    🧡 Moon (2) resonates with relationship, feelings, diplomacy. 
    ❤ if 2 is missing than people don't cooperate easily. 
    🧡 less sensitive to others needs and emotions. 
    ❤ they should avoid conflicts to lead peaceful life. 

    🧡 Pay less emphasis on creativity and imagination. 
    ❤ Support of elders or Teacher is missing 
    🧡 Need lots of effort to achieve success. 
    ❤ Problems in education 

    Rakhie Mishra 
    Numero - Astro and Vastu Analyst 

    Post updated on:  Jul 9, 2021 9:58:17 AM

    Vastu shastra

    Vastu shastra is a science which work on five elements. 
    When get balanced it help you to lead a happy and peaceful life. Using Vastu shastra and five elements we can welcome, happiness, positivity and success in our life. 
    In our ancient books or (ग्रंथ) granth there are several rules mentioned . 
    North  to east - water 
    East to south - fire 
    South to west - earth 
    West to north - air 
    And center is space 
    If we follow the rules and place the things accordingly it will lead us to happiness. 

    As our body is also based on five element and if these elements are imbalanced we can easily felt that physically. 
    Say if there is imbalance of fire element like we had excess of chillies or spices in our food than there will be acidity. And we feel uncomfortable and you can notice it in our behaviour. 

    Same way if there is imbalance in your 🏠 space say....... The South East corner is extended than there could be heated arguments in the family  Etc. 

    Rakhie Mishra 
    Astro-Numero and Vastu expert

    Post updated on:  Jul 8, 2021 12:14:32 PM

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