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This caption seems a bit contradictory to what generally is believed to be and taught by motivational speakers- but I feel it is not always true. Read on
 "The world cannot defeat you until you accept the defeat" Imam Ali (as)
Don't accept defeat. Don't quit. Remove "nt" from Don't and "qu" from Quit, it becomes "DO IT"  Repeat Do it, Do it.  So don't accept defeat. Don't give up. Don't quit.

Continue with your efforts. Fatigue, discomfort, discouragement are merely symptoms of the effort you are putting in. There is no success without genuine efforts. Efforts   release their rewards fully, only after a person refuses to quit. Anxiety is a glimpse of your daring. It is a part of your agitation; Anxiety is just excitement about what you are getting ready to accomplish /achieve. There is no success without serious attempts.

Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, failing, falling, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.
"If you want to shine like a sun, first burn like a sun" exhorted our Late  Ex Indian President  APJ Abdul Kalam.

Remember winners are not those who never fail but are those who don't give up, and continue with their efforts. They don't accept defeat.  For them Giving up is self-defeat .It actually means you are stuck, you are allowing the fear of uncertainty to limit your opportunities. Not giving up means that you are free from the fetters of fear, you have unshackled it and fear no longer will pull you back and your efforts will not be restricted and you will not quit.

If you give up or quit it means you are accepting defeat, and as Babe Ruth  the American professional baseball player  put it you just can't beat the person who never gives up  
So don't quit---if you don't succeed in one attempt in getting what you desire to achieve, don't take it as a failure, take it as a learning opportunity and continue-    Don't Quit---because you don't know if the next try is going to be one that works.
However, let us look at it in different perspective.  A quitter never wins and a winner never quits "Napoleon Hills" this quote finds a place in almost all the self-help books;    however, this is not a Gospel Truth

 Shri Urjit Patel Governor of Reserve Bank of India resigned on 10th December 2018. He quit. Is he a winner or a loser? Of course, he is a winner, not a loser. He did not compromise on his principles.
When we say do not quit, it is to inspire you not to quit in the face of fear or adversity. It exhorts you to confront the fear. Don't get frozen and paralyzed by fear, uncertainty and adversity or difficult situations. Continue your efforts and you will win. Not giving up or not to quit defines your grit.  It is "Your grit that tells you not to take every failure as an anomaly or as a reflection of your competence. It encourages you not to run away from the challenges you are confronted with. Face and fight; not flight.  This is actually optimism that inspires you not to quit or run away.  As against this, there is pessimism that kills your Grit and tells you give up and go home" it never tells, "make one more try, you can do it"

However, in certain circumstances quitting may be the smartest and the right thing to do. And quitting in such a situation can bring   success beyond expectations. When quitting is done correctly, it is not giving up; it is making room for something better. When things seem high risk and low reward, there is no point continuing - Quit

If you are not quitting you are not evolving. Don't be afraid to do some experiments and quit the ones that don't work. Never give up on your dream but learn to quit the plan.

  You have the self-respect and confidence to live life on your terms. When something is not right in your life change it immediately .Be true to yourself.
Just to put in my own words what Spiritual Guru of Tibetan Buddhism  Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche said about leaving the place, organization where you are not able to maintain your integrity .  Quit if   to maintain your position in the organization or for financial support that you need you have to sacrifice your integrity and morality, In such situation  I will not advise not to give up.    Quit to be at the place where you can function without losing   your character and integrity.
Similarly, if you are stuck up at an organization where your growth is stalled or stunted, you have shown patience, have been working hard but results are not emerging; quit to go to a place where your due diligence tells that at that place your growth will be performance oriented but growth will certainly be there, it will not be stunted.

Learning points
  • Don't quit  as you don't know the next try may be the one that works  but   quit if stakes are high and rewards Low. 
  • Pride or prestige should not be  the reason to quit but quit if your integrity is being compromised
  • Quit what is not working .
  • Don't give up on your dream or goals but quit the plan if not working.

Post updated on:  Aug 23, 2021 10:58:54 PM

Faith and Fear are at the opposite side of the same coin.  Fear is resistance, Faith is acceptance. Fear tells you if you want a job and look for it you won't get it. Faith tells you don't be silly, if you look for a job, you may finally find it. 
Your ability to achieve what you desire will either be thwarted or fulfilled depending upon your level of Faith in yourself. The more faith you have when deciding on a new version of yourself, the easier it will be for you to demonstrate it through your actions.

Where there is Faith, there is no Fear. As Martin Luther put it "faith is taking the first step even when you do not see the whole staircase"
Don't undersell yourself short by being so fearful of failure that you don't dare to make any mistakes. Make your mistakes and learn from them. And remember how many mistakes you make yet your mother always loves you.

 If you have Self confidence you will never allow the fear to overwhelm you. Self confidence is the most important characteristics of successful people. A quiet self confidence that's not cockiness, not conceit, not arrogance is the key to succeeding. Don't ever be afraid to dream, imagine yourself doing exactly what you want to do. Only those who dare to fail can ever achieve greatly.

Faith is vitamin that enlightens soul and energizes mind and body. Destroy Fear of failure by converting it into stepping stones for your success. Have faith and fear will disappear.
Points to Remember
  • If you want to be successful you cannot live life out of fear
  • Don't fear the prospects of failure
  • Feel the fear but do it anyway

Post updated on:  Aug 23, 2021 10:51:48 PM

When we look around our work force, we see people from different cultures and nationalities? In order to work together we need to have respect for diversity. Being culture sensitive does not mean that we have to give up our principle s and beliefs .On the contrary it is to recognize the cultural differences ,to adapt to them and use them for achieving organizational goals and objectives s successfully.

Behavioral Tips
  • Build teams that include  employees from various cultures and nationalities .Build on the strengths and work  styles of each team member. 
  • Establish a climate  where employees  feel comfortable  being themselves .This  includes speaking  one's own language 
  • In cultures  where status is  related to age, seniority or gender, try to appoint   supervisors/managers  that would fit local local expectations
  • In   large groups ,where all speak  Arabic comfortably ,suggest Arabic as the language  of use.However individuals  should be free to use their own language  when helpful for  clear communications This information  should be translated back into Arabic for the larger group
  • When Arabic speaking  customers  are present ,foreign  language  conversation s between employees are best avoided .This is also true of Arabic language conversations going on  when foreign  language speaking customers  are present  
  • Men and women  ,white and blacks  Arabs and non-Arabs,. ,middle class  and working-class people are different  but they are not as much different as they are alike .An appreciation  and acceptance  of commonalities and differences  are essential to an effective  working relationship
  • Remember Different does not mean "wrong"

(Written in the Backdrop of Arabic speaking places like Dubai where I worked. would be relevant to any multicultural/multinational places)

Post updated on:  Aug 23, 2021 10:30:16 PM

The Ladder of Honour Is Humility-Imam Ali."(as)

True humility is not thinking less of you, it is thinking of yourself less. Humility is not timidity. Always think you may be up there but you fall. So don't brag, be humble and be dignified.  
My humility comes from my upbringing of parents and struggles I faced during my student days.

My mother always used to tell me "Beta kabhi bhi apnee kamyabi par ghamand mat karna, phal daar darakht hamesha jhuka rehta hai"
i.e.  My son, Never ever let your achievements go to your head, always be like a fruits laden tree that   always bends low.

Amma yeh bhi kaha kertee theen ki  "Sookha ped  Akda rehta  hai aur usmein  Darar  jaldi par  jaati  hai  isliye  beta kabhi akad kay mat chalna aur na akad kar baat karna "
My mother used to say  this also Dried or stiffest Tree develops cracks soon  and doesn't present a pleasant look,  so you never walk puffed up  with pride  and talk in rough and haughty  tone.

Be Humble-A tree laden with fruits always bends low was my Mother's mantra.  My parents   were paragon of virtues like humility, love, compassion (God bless them) and I have imbibed these virtues from them I claim in all humility
Often   We behave like we are leading this world. We forget that we are in this world just like a puppet and God   nurtures us with His bounties  . However    it could be reversed anytime without any prior notice, hence we should always stay humble.  No matter who we are and who we are dealing with (Poor, Illiterate, Old,) we should not forget our humanity .We should be flexible not stiffed.

Do not treat any one with contempt. Everybody needs somebody at one point or the other in the course of his life journey. Just like oil is required to make soap and then soap is required to clean oil. This is the irony of life. So be humble. Do not be disdainful towards anyone. Don't be boastful of your achievements.

Great achievers don't publicly gloat over their achievements. They keep a low profile during the times of their great success. They don't agonies in their defeats (Failure). These achievers are humble. Humility is their hall mark. When they win, they love to share the credit, when they lose they take 100% responsibility. Paul Bear Bryant legendary foot ball coach said - if anything goes bad, I did it. If anything goes semi good, we did it, if anything goes really good, then you did it . That's all it takes to get people to win football games for you.

A professional knows that humility is one of the most effective approaches to influence people. So always adopt this approach in your interactions and dealings.

Pride tells, you are better than others, humility tells you,  there is nothing better or worse. Great achievers are HUMBLE. "Pride is P + Ride. P stands for perilous "
so pride is a perilous ride   "Don't take this ride". It will take you downhill.

Humility allows you to accept challenges without the fear of failure and when failure occurs the humble person says - use what you have learned to do it better next time. Humility is a perfect antidote to extreme pride and Hubris. 
Bhagwad Geeta Says "Humility opens the door to wisdom" . So don't let humility forsake you. .

Learning points
  • Eliminate the Know it all attitude
  •  Think of yourself as an eternal student to stay "humble"
  • Humility is not timidity. Pride is a perilous ride. Don't take this ride .It will take you downhill.
  • Humility keeps you away from  negatives of being proud.
  • Humility is a virtue , not Inferiority.


Post updated on:  Aug 23, 2021 8:03:18 PM

Work hard and follow your dreams but never forget where you came from - Vanessa Hudgens American Actress   

So many people go through life standing tall in terms of their huge achievements and yet remain large trees with their roots in the ground. Two of the many such iconic personalities are the world-renowned entrepreneur Bill gates the father of Microsoft and Amitabh Bachchan the great Bollywood actor and mahanayak of the century. They have gone through life standing tall but never allowed their name, fame and adulation to get detached from their roots. They remain committed to their culture and traditions. They are conscious of where they come from.

There is a tipping story about Bill Gates, perhaps apocryphal, but widely told that when he tipped the waiter who served him in a restaurant with a 5$, he noticed strange expressions on the waiter's face. It baffled Bill Gates. He asked the waiter what happened. The Waiter said, Sir "I'm just amazed because on the same table the other day your son gave a tip of 500$, and you his father, the richest man in the world gave only 5$." Gate's reply to this, was , "He is the son of the world's richest man, but I am the son of a wood cutter. Gates Reply flags a message, always remember where you come from and Never forget your past!" and it forms the essence of root. It is display of humility at its best.

( Bill Gates Bio mentions his father was an attorney and at some other place it is mentioned it was his daughter not son who tipped $500)
In any case desired message of being grounded to your roots is conveyed.

And here is another icon Amitabh Bachchan who says work does not tire him, his audience give courage, command and direction to him. In the present era the pedestal on which parents were placed with awe and respect reserved exclusively for God is weakening day by day. Respecting parents is now considered old fashioned. The trend is I will do my way. But it is not Amitabh Bachchan way. He always respected his parents and their views. His parent's views for him were like divine edict.

It is said that he wanted to go to England with Jaya before marriage but his father advised him to get married and then go and Amitabh did obey him. In one of his blogs - he mentioned that he always sought strength from his mother and wisdom from his father. This is in fact being true to one's tradition and culture. That's being grounded to one's roots and Sanskars.
I am staunch advocate of never being detached from one's roots I always remember my roots and where I come from as I believe my roots are the foundation of my present life. They gave strength to my wings to fly to the present I am in. They are my inspiration and strength.

These roots taught me the values of humility, honesty, gratitude, compassion, togetherness, and simplicity et al. They taught me how to remain focused on continuing my journey even if there is darkness or there is dim light on the road .Throughout my student days I studied under the dim light of kerosene fueled lantern. It has helped me to keep my feet on grounds.
In this regard the remark of John J Mark, Co- CEO Credit Suisse is so apt. He says - we usually think of advice as something that someone tells us. But I learned my most valuable lessons in life by example, by watching people around me both when I was growing up and when I was trying to stay true, in my business career, to values they taught me, yes if there is one piece of advice that has been important to me, it is "Always remember where you come from"

Successful people never forget their roots. They are proud of where they came from. They are willing to share their wisdom and their wealth.

Live like you are at the bottom even if you are at the top. Don't forget your roots For me it has been a nudge to always remember where I come from and to live with humility and gratitude in my actions no matter where life takes me .
Remembering roots reminds us of not only where we came from but also what it took us to get where we are now. Revisiting our journey to where we are reinforces our belief in ourselves and gives us more confidence to move ahead in the present and future.

This is one of the most important ways to build up momentum necessary to propel us from success to success .It is my personal experience. I always remember my roots and advise my children also to remain grounded to their roots .I do speak about the gratitude I feel for my parents and for all of the people who contributed to my success and fulfillment
Keep yourself grounded and never forget the struggle that has taken you to the privileged position you are in. Remain cognizant of your roots this will help you remain grounded and humble.

The one enemy that all of you need to watch out for is getting too comfortable with your own self. Don?t ever be so. It will impede your growth.

Another obstruction in your smooth growth would be your EGO a very troublesome monster that it is. Don't ever allow it to dig its insidious claws deep into you. Curb it else It will bring doom not boon.. It will keep you away from realities and from your roots.

Remaining cognizant of your roots, your struggle upward and of your core values will help you to be grounded and humble. It will keep you away from ego. It has helped me indeed.

Marcus Garvey an orator for the Black Nationalism and Pan-Africanism movements so nicely puts it "A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots. "

Learning Points

  • Be aware of your roots---it will keep you reminded of the struggle you had to reach the position you have attained
  • It keeps you grounded and teaches you what humility is all about
  • Be proud of your roots, they are the foundation of your life
  • Work hard to achieve your dreams but never forget where you came from
  • Forgetting your roots will only lead you further from sweet home .
  • Never forget you may have to go back someday.

Post updated on:  Aug 23, 2021 7:53:48 PM

अगर आपकी स्किन ड्राई हो तो ये फटने लगती है। साथ ही स्किन का पुरा ग्लो चला जाता है। इसलिय आपको त्वचा के लिए पोषण चाहिए। मॉइस्चराइजर आपकी त्वचा को मॉइस्चराइज़ करके इसे फटने से बचाता है।
इसे आपकी त्वचा बाहरी प्रदूषण से भी बचाती है। इस्लिये आज के ब्लॉग में हम आपको बता रहे हैं मॉइस्चराइजर कैसे लगाएं। तकी आप अपनी त्वचा को ख्याल रख खातिर।

मॉइस्चराइजर को लगाने के तारिके के साथ साथ ये भी महत्वपूर्ण है की आप किस मॉइस्चराइजर का इस्तेमाल कर रहे हैं। इस्के लिए अपनी स्किन के टाइप का केयर जरूर रखें। बेहतर होगा आप त्वचा विशेषज्ञ का ही व्यू ले। वो आपको आपकी त्वचा के अनुसार हाय मॉइस्चराइजर सुझाव देगा।

1. पहले अपना चेहरा अच्छी तरह धो लें
मॉइस्चराइजर लगाने से पहले आपको अपने चेहरे को अच्छे से धोना चाहिए। अगर आप बहार से आए हैं तो अपने फेस को पहले किसी अच्छे फेसवॉश से वॉश करे। अगर आप घर में ही तो अपने चेहरे को सिर्फ पानी से भी धो सकते हैं। अब तौलिये से अपने फेस को धीरे-धीरे से ड्राई कर ले।

2. अगर आप टोनर लगाना चाहते हैं तो पहले अप्लाई करें
अगर आप टोनर का इस्तेमाल करना चाहते हैं तो इसे कभी भी मॉइस्चराइजर के खराब मत लगाएंगे। फेस वाश के बुरे पहले टोनर लगा ले। इसके खराब आप मॉइस्चराइजर लगा सकते हैं। जब टोनर लगाने के खराब आपके फेस पर हलकी सी नामी हो आप टैब मॉइस्चराइजर लगा सकते हैं। लेकिन अगर आपके फेस पर पानी हो तो तब आपको इसे नहीं लगाना चाहिए।
3. उत्पाद के अनुसार मात्रा लें
मॉइस्चराइजर का इस्तेमाल करने के लिए इसे हाथो पर ले। आपको सभी टाइप के मॉइस्चराइजर बराबर मात्रा में मुझे नहीं लेने है। आपको एक बार में कितना मॉइस्चराइजर लेना है ये उसके उत्पाद प्रकार पर निर्भर करता है।
जिस उत्पाद को आप इस्तमाल कर रहे हैं अगर वो बहुत ज्यादा हल्का है तो आपको इसकी मात्रा थोड़ी ज्यादा लेनी पड़ेगी। क्योकी ये बहुत जल्दी सूखी हो जाता है, और आपकी त्वचा बहुत जल्दी सूखी हो जाती है।
या अगर आप कोई उत्पाद उपयोग कर रहे हैं वो गढ़ा और ऑयली है तो इसकी काम मात्रा लगाकर भी आप अपनी त्वचा को शुद्ध दिन हाइड्रेट रख सकते हैं। इस बात का ध्यान रखे की हर तरह की सभी स्किन टाइप के लिए अलग अलग प्रोडक्ट आते हैं जैसे ड्राई स्किन के लिए, ऑयली स्किन के लिए याहा तक की कॉम्बिनेशन स्किन के झूठ भी आपको मार्केट में मॉइस्चराइजर मिल जाएगा।

4. चेहरे के हिस्सों पर लगाएं
अपने अपने चेहरे के हिस्से जैसे माथे, गाल, चिन और नाक पर दर्द से मॉइस्चराइजर लगाना है। इनमे से अगर आपके फेस के कुछ उसके सूखे हैं तो वहा इसकी मात्रा कुछ ज्यादा लगाये। वही अगर कुछ पार्ट्स ऑइली है तो वही उसकी मात्रा बोहोत कम ले।
मॉइस्चराइजर को केवल फेस पर ही नहीं बाल्की नेक पर भी लगाये। नहीं तो आपका फेस और नेक का टोन कुछ दिन खराब बहुत अलग दिखने लगेगा जाएगा। अगर आप डीप नेक की ड्रेस पहनना है तो वहा भी एसपीएफ वाला डे मॉइस्चराइजर लगाये।

5. चेहरे पर हल्की मसाज करते हुए इसे लगाएं
मॉइस्चराइजर लगाने के लिए सर्कुलर मोशन में अपनी उंगलियां घुमाये। तकी क्रीम दर्द से त्वचा के अंदर अब्सोर्ब हो जाए। आप अप-डाउन मोशन में भी इसे कर सकते हैं। सबसे पहले गर्दन से शुरू करें। फ़िर चील पर, फ़िर माथा और ठुड्डी पर।

 6. आंखों के आसपास लगाने से बचें
मॉइस्चराइजर को कभी भी अपने आंखों के आसपास ना लगाये। अगर आप आंखों के आला भी कुछ लगाना चाहते हैं तो अंडर आई क्रीम का इस्तेमाल करें।

7. मेकअप के सूखने से पहले मॉइस्चराइजर लगाएं
कुछ लोग मॉइस्चराइजर लगाते ही फेस पर मेकअप कर लेते हैं। ऐसा कभी ना करे। किसी भी मेकअप प्रोडक्ट या फाउंडेशन का इस्तेमाल करने से पहले मॉइस्चराइजर को काम से कम 4-5 मिनट तक सुखने दे।
5 मिनट खराब आपने अपने मेकअप प्रोडक्ट के अनुसार का इस्तेमाल कर सकती है। अगर आपका मॉइस्चराइजर एसपीएफ नहीं है और आप अलग से सनस्क्रीन का इस्तेमाल करना चाहता है तो इसे मॉइस्चराइजर के खराब लगा ले। और एक बात का ख्याल रखे की वो आपकी त्वचा के अनुसार हाय हो।

8. इन बातों का रखें ध्यान
हफ्ते मैं एक दिन अपने फेस को एक्सफोलिएट जरूर करें। तकी सारे डेड सेल्स निकल जाये। अगर आप ऐसा नहीं करेंगे और रोज़ मॉइस्चराइज़र लगाएंगे तो भी कोई फ़ायदा नहीं मिलेगा।
मॉइस्चराइजर लगाने से पहले जब भी आप फेस वाश करते हैं तो गर्म पानी का इस्तमाल ना करे। ठंडे पानी से चेहरा धोए। और अगर थंड के दिन है तो गर्म, पानी से धोकर।
मॉइस्चराइजर का इस्तेमाल आप दिन में 2 बार कर सकते हैं। डर्टी फेस पर कभी भी इसे न लगाये। हमशा फेस क्लीन हुआ ही होना चाहिए।
हमेशा अची क्वालिटी मॉइश्चराइजर का ही इस्तेमाल करें। सस्टे प्रोडक्ट्स के पिचे ना भागे।
कुछ लोग सोचते हैं की तैलीय त्वचा वाले को इसे नहीं लगाना चाहिए। ऐसा कुछ नहीं है, आप इसे लगा सकते हैं, लेकिन आपको खास तैलीय त्वचा वाले के लिए बना हुआ उत्पाद का उपयोग करना होगा।

[ऊपर आपने जाना मॉइस्चराइजर कैसे लगाएं। जब आप इसे लगाने का तारिका जान गए है तो आज से ही इसका इस्तेमाल करना शुरू कर दे। भले ही आपने फेस पर मॉइस्चराइजर लगा है तब भी रात को सोने से पहले मेकअप जरूर उतरे।]
7. मेकअप के सूखने से पहले मॉइस्चराइजर लगाएं
कुछ लोग मॉइस्चराइजर लगाते ही फेस पर मेकअप कर लेते हैं। ऐसा कभी ना करे। किसी भी मेकअप प्रोडक्ट या फाउंडेशन का इस्तेमाल करने से पहले मॉइस्चराइजर को काम से कम 4-5 मिनट तक सुखने दे।
5 मिनट खराब आपने अपने मेकअप प्रोडक्ट के अनुसार का इस्तेमाल कर सकती है। अगर आपका मॉइस्चराइजर एसपीएफ नहीं है और आप अलग से सनस्क्रीन का इस्तेमाल करना चाहता है तो इसे मॉइस्चराइजर के खराब लगा ले। और एक बात का ख्याल रखे की वो आपकी त्वचा के अनुसार हाय हो।

8. इन बातों का रखें ध्यान
हफ्ते मैं एक दिन अपने फेस को एक्सफोलिएट जरूर करें। तकी सारे डेड सेल्स निकल जाये। अगर आप ऐसा नहीं करेंगे और रोज़ मॉइस्चराइज़र लगाएंगे तो भी कोई फ़ायदा नहीं मिलेगा।
मॉइस्चराइजर लगाने से पहले जब भी आप फेस वाश करते हैं तो गर्म पानी का इस्तमाल ना करे। ठंडे पानी से चेहरा धोए। और अगर थंड के दिन है तो गर्म, पानी से धोकर।
मॉइस्चराइजर का इस्तेमाल आप दिन में 2 बार कर सकते हैं। डर्टी फेस पर कभी भी इसे न लगाये। हमशा फेस क्लीन हुआ ही होना चाहिए।
हमेशा अची क्वालिटी मॉइश्चराइजर का ही इस्तेमाल करें। सस्टे प्रोडक्ट्स के पिचे ना भागे।
कुछ लोग सोचते हैं की तैलीय त्वचा वाले को इसे नहीं लगाना चाहिए। ऐसा कुछ नहीं है, आप इसे लगा सकते हैं, लेकिन आपको खास तैलीय त्वचा वाले के लिए बना हुआ उत्पाद का उपयोग करना होगा।

[ऊपर आपने जाना मॉइस्चराइजर कैसे लगाएं। जब आप इसे लगाने का तारिका जान गए है तो आज से ही इसका इस्तेमाल करना शुरू कर दे। भले ही आपने फेस पर मॉइस्चराइजर लगा है तब भी रात को सोने से पहले मेकअप जरूर उतरे।]

Alisha  posted in Makeup Tips

Post updated on:  Aug 23, 2021 6:36:18 PM

Depression, also known as major depressive disorder, is a mood sordor that makes you feel constant sadness or lack of interest in life.
Most people feel sad or depressed at times. It's a normal reaction to loss or life's challenges. But when intense sadness -- including feeling helpless, hopeless, and worthless -- lasts for many days to weeks and keeps you from living your life, it may be something more than sadness. You could have clinical depression, a treatable medical condition.

Is Depression Curable?

There's no cure for depression. Your symptoms may go away over time, but the condition won't.
But with care and treatment, you can reach remission and enjoy a long, healthy life.

Depression Symptoms

According to the DSM-5, a manual doctors use to diagnose mental disorders, you have depression when you have five or more of these symptoms for at least 2 weeks:
  • Your mood is depressed for most of the day, especially in the morning.
  • You feel tired or have a lack of energy almost every day.
  • You feel worthless or guilty almost every day.
  • You feel hopeless or pessimistic.
  • You have a hard time focusing, remembering details, and making decisions.
  • You can't sleep, or you sleep too much, almost every day.
  • You have almost no interest or pleasure in many activities nearly every day.
  • You think often about death or suicide (not just a fear of death).
  • You feel restless or slowed down.
  • You've lost or gained weight.
You may also:
  • Feel cranky and restless
  • Lose pleasure in life
  • Overeat or stop feeling hungry
  • Have aches, pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems that don?t go away or get better with treatment
  • Have sad, anxious, or "empty" feelings
While these symptoms are common, not everyone with depression will have the same ones. How severe they are, how often they happen, and how long they last can vary. Your symptoms may also happen in patterns. For example, depression may come with a change in seasons (a condition formerly called seasonal effective disorder).
It's not uncommon for people with depression to have physical signs of the condition. They may include joint pain, back pain, digestive problems, sleep trouble, and appetite changes. You might have slowed speech and movements, too. The reason is that brain chemicals linked to depression, specifically serotonin and norepinephrine, play a role in both mood and pain.

Depression in Children

Childhood Depression is different from the normal "blues" and everyday emotions most kids feel. If your child is sad, it doesn?t necessarily mean they have depression. It's when the sadness stays day after day that depression may be an issue. Disruptive behavior that interferes with normal social activities, interests, schoolwork, or family life may also be signs of a problem.

Depression in Teens

A lot of teens feel unhappy or moody. When the sadness lasts for more than 2 weeks and a teen has other symptoms of depression, there may be a problem. Watch for withdrawal from friends and family, a drop in their performance at school, or use of alcohol or drugs. Talk to your doctor and find out if your teen may be depressed. There is effective treatment that can help teens move beyond depression as they grow older.

Depression Causes

Doctors haven?t pinpointed exact causes for depression. They think it may be a combination of things, including:
  • Brain structure. People with depression seem to have physical differences in their brains from people who don?t have depression.
  • Brain chemistry. Chemicals in your brain called neurotransmitters play a part in your mood. When you have depression, it could be because these chemicals aren?t working the way they should.
  • Hormones. Your hormone levels change because of pregnancy, postpartum issues, thyroid problem, menopause, or other reasons. That can set off depression symptoms.
  • Genetics. Researchers haven?t yet found the genes that might be responsible for depression, but you?re more likely to have depression if someone you?re related to has it.

Types of Depression

There are a few types of depressive disorders that doctors can diagnose, including:
  • Unipolar major depression
  • Persistent depressive disorder, also called dysthymia , when depression lasts for at least 2 years
  • Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, when children and teens get very cranky, angry, and often have intense outbursts that are more severe than a child?s typical reaction
  • Premenstrual dysphoric disorder, when a woman has severe mood problems before her period, more intense than typical premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
  • Substance-induced mood disorder (SIMD), when symptoms happen while you?re taking a drug or drinking alcohol or after you stop
  • Depressive disorder due to another medical condition
  • Other depressive disorders, such as minor depression
Your depression may have other specific features, such as:
  • Anxious distress. You worry a lot about things that might happen or about losing control.
  • Mixed features. You have both depression and mania -- periods of high energy, talking too much, and high self-esteem.
  • Atypical features. You can feel good after happy events, but you also feel hungrier, need to sleep a lot, and are sensitive to rejection.
  • Psychotic features. You believe things that aren't true, or see and hear things that aren't there.
  • Catatonia. You can?t move your body normally. You might be still and unresponsive or have uncontrollable movements.
  • Peripartum depression. Your symptoms begin during pregnancy or after giving birth.
  • Seasonal pattern. Your symptoms get worse with changes in the seasons, especially the colder, darker months.

What Illnesses Happen With Depression?

It's common for people to have other medical or mental health problems along with depression, such as anxiety, obsessives compulsive disorder panic disorder, phobias, substance use disorders, and eating disorder. If you or a loved one has symptoms of depression or another mental illness, talk to your doctor. Treatments can help.

Depression and Suicide

Anybody who thinks or talks about harming themselves should be taken very seriously. Do not hesitate to call your local suicide hotline right away. Call 800-SUICIDE (800-784-2433); 800-273-TALK (800-273-8255); or, for the hotline for the hearing impaired, call 800-799-4889. Or contact a mental health professional ASAP. If you intend or have a plan to commit suicide, go to the emergency room right away.
Warning signs include:
  • Thoughts or talk of death or suicide
  • Thoughts or talk of self-harm or harm to others
  • Aggressive behavior or impulsiveness
Watch for these signs if your child or teen starts taking antidepressants. In some cases, people under 25 may have more suicidal thoughts in the first weeks of taking these medicines or when they take a different dose.

Depression Diagnosis

In order to diagnose you with depression, your doctor will use several methods, including:
  • Physical exam. Your doctor will check on your overall health to see if you might be dealing with another condition.
  • Lab tests. For example, you may have blood work done to check on certain hormone levels.
  • Psychiatric evaluation. Your doctor will be interested in your mental health and will ask about your thoughts, feelings, and behavior patterns. You may also fill out a questionnaire.

Depression Treatment
If you or someone you know has symptoms of the condition, talk to your doctor. They can evaluate you and offer you treatment or refer you to a mental health professional.
The type of treatment your doctor recommends will depend on your symptoms and how severe they are. You may need one or more of the following:
  • Medication. Antidepressant medications (in combination with therapy) are effective for most people with depression. There are many types of antidepressants. You may have to try several kinds before you find the one that works best for you. You may need a combination of two. Or your doctor may also prescribe another type of medication to help your antidepressant work best, such as a mood stabilizer, anti-psychotic, anti-anxiety meditation, or stimulant medication.
  • Psychotherapy. Talking to a mental health professional on a regular basis about your depression and other issues can help treat the symptoms. Different methods are available, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and talk therapy.
  • Hospital or residential treatment. If your depression is severe enough that you?re having trouble taking care of yourself or may harm yourself or others, you may need psychiatric treatment in a hospital or residential facility.
  • Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). This brain stimulation therapy passes electric currents through your brain to help your neurotransmitters work better. Typically, you wouldn't use this therapy unless antidepressants aren't working or you can?t take them for other health reasons.
  • Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Your doctor typically suggests this only after antidepressants haven?t worked. This treatment uses a coil to send magnetic pulses through your brain to help stimulate nerve cells that regulate mood.

Raunak  posted in Health

Post updated on:  Aug 23, 2021 6:36:03 PM

 1.What is Raksha Bandhan? :  Raksha Bandhan is essentially a Bengali festival. It is basically celebrated on the day of Purnima of the Bengali month Shraban. On this day the sisters tie a red thread called the Rakhi, around the wrist of their brothers, symbolically for their goodness and protecting them, receiving a gift for return. It is celebrated all over our country India.

2.Who introduced Raksha Bandhan? :
It is the Bengalis who have given Rakhi a place in the political arena beyond religious and social boundaries. And the name of the Nobel prize winner poet laureate Rabindranath Tagore shall come in the context of this Raksha Bandhan of Bengalis.

3.First instance of Raksha Bandhan and it's purpose:   Rabindranath used Rakhi as an important medium to oppose the partition of Bengal in 1905. On July 20 of that year, the British government declared the partition of Bengal. It was informed that this law would come into force on 16th October in 1905, in the Bengali month of 30th Ashwin. At that time people irrespective of religion and caste joined in the protest against the partition of Bengal. It was decided that on that day the people of Bengal will tie yellow thread in each other's hands. This day is celebrated as Milon Dibas( Union Day). Ravindranath declared that this day will be celebrated as the Raksha Bandhan festival. Rabindranath took this initiative to promote harmony and brotherhood between Hindus and Muslims in Bengal. But that Raksha Bandhan festival did not take place in the month of Shraban or Purnima. The main theme of Raksha Bandhan was not only the brother and sister but the unity between all the peoples of Bengal. The way in which harmony took place on that Raksha Bandhan festival is still relevant today.

  4.Further about Raksha Bandhan: 
Rabindranath wrote a song about that Raksha Bandhan festival called "Banglar mati,banglar jol,banglar bayu,banglar fol punyo houk punyo houk he bhagwan" ( "May the soil of Bengal, the water of Bengal, the air of Bengal, the fruit of Bengal be virtuous, be virtuous, O God").

                        If we look at the history, we can see that the Raksha Bandhan festival was celebrated on 30th Ashwin of Bengali month on the streets of Kolkata under the leadership of Rabindranath. However, the raksha Bandha in the Bengali month of Shraban has nothing to do with this raksha Bandhan. The main purpose of this Raksha Bandhan was humanity, harmony and unity.

5.What we have learned from Raksha Bandhan and it's importance in our present Day:
                       The time we are going through now is very tough and in this tough time the festivals like Raksha Bandhan is very much needed. In order to preserve the tradition, the brotherhood and the communal harmony of India we should follow the path of Rabindranath Tagore, the greatest poet of Bengal and as well as India.I wish you a very happy Raksha Bandhan.Be happy and wealthy...☺️😍

Mursalim  posted in Festival

Post updated on:  Aug 23, 2021 12:23:50 AM

What is the key to achieving the success of Success University and the Master Resell Rights Strategy?

Secret X Factor!

Not too long ago, two active web marketers used the same equation to achieve success, most notably "Secret X Factor." The main advertiser gained insight and accomplishment by building on the web X Factor and brand building in his field while starting his business. Once again, he did this with Secret X Factor.

Apparently, one of the problems the advertiser encountered was that he had a lot of competition in his field. Unless his friends and colleagues pointed out to him that the field previously had a lot of competition and that his prosperity would be hard to achieve as someone else in the field and then not a "expert," he used Secret X Factor to overcome the problem.

After all, when a person first enters another field, the person in question must understand that even the "experts", once, were just beginning to arrive in their field. Therefore, novices should understand that they are basically, of the same standard that professionals used to have, and that, in turn, can achieve the same level of success and competence as current professionals have.

Second, the whole specialty market is a gold mine that is about to be mined. In order to do this, you just need to position yourself to get the best profit and thus get the benefits.

To create the much-needed X and Factor to display his digital books, the advertiser initially used free reports to gain exposure, but then moved on to "ace exchange rights." These intellectual property rights fill two things for business people, for example, digital books. The first is that they can set up a very noticeable saw for the consumer, due to the fact that in most cases, consumers receive free items and moreover reduced costs from the ambassador when compared to the original author or manufacturer of the item or digital book. The next thing an ace exchange rights can do is to urge partners to sell that item to the original creator. They also make an X Factor for the builder or maker of the object, on the grounds that their name is continuously marked as the object receives the most significant opening.

The first advertiser found that this was the best way to get open. Basically, he saw that this approach worked for different professionals in their chosen fields and as a proven way to get open and X Factor, he felt it was the best strategy used.

To the next advertiser, Secret X Factor made more than $ 10,000 in deals for him over a 24-hour period basically because he passed on a few messages. Most surprisingly, no matter what, this advertiser did not have a rundown of email or site, as do most business executives.

The advertiser focused on the reason he was so successful in just 24 hours that people realized they could trust him and rely on him. In addition, you can successfully reach them by phone. Focus on what compliance with this promise, X Factor, and easy access will attract people to you. Another compelling way to earn this trust is to give them something very important to them. One of the best ways to do this is to give them an outlet and the support they need to keep going. If you continue to offer this great product to your users or your subscribers, your X Factor will increase over time. Chatting and participation are a dignified way to provide this type of data and, in turn, allow your agents to participate in the discussion.

Finally, this advertiser points out that finding X Factor on the web and appropriately increasing the level of achievement in your specialty market, you should try to help by taking care of the issues of your members or other customers. If you do this for a long time, you will eventually get X Factor and "master" status. Most online business executives need to find a temporary "master" status, but this really doesn't make sense. This happened after some time. The advertiser suggests that all you have to do is go for the purposes or the approach, and then sharpen and make it your special theme. In line with these lines, your posture will improve. As your stature grows, these lines, too, will fit into your site and eventually, deals on your particular item or skill.

Om  posted in Miscellaneous

Post updated on:  Aug 22, 2021 4:12:36 PM

Many postmenopausal women have experienced adverse menopausal side effects after HRT suspension, vasomotor and urogenital protocols are widely reported. During menstruation, many women experience a decrease in their menstrual symptoms, although the chances of well-being linked to reduced estrogen (for example, further findings suggest that estrogen works with serious side effects in postmenopausal townships, especially those with hot spots. postmenopausal patients with coronary vein disease, chemotherapy reduced strength and strength but continued to have generally severe symptoms.Soy receptors associated with menopausal side effects, serum lipids, and bone mineral density in Japanese postmenopausal women. soof-containing soy is active in menopausal manifestations and related personal satisfaction.

Urogenital Manifestations Transformation of urogenital inflammation and its side effects occur in most postmenopausal women. Transdermal progesterone and its effect on vasomotor expression, blood lipid levels, bone metabolic markers, strength, and personal satisfaction in postmenopausal women. Transdermal progesterone and its effect on vasomotor expression, blood lipid levels, physical symptoms of bone, mildness, and personal satisfaction in postmenopausal women. The magnitude of the adverse effects of menstruation, related diseases, and the well-being of postmenopausal girls is enormous. Studies have examined peri-menopausal women, postmenopausal women, or women in the treatment of chest infections with menopausal manifestations. Abstract: Objectives: The current study measures the prevalence of vasomotor manifestations (VMS) and personal satisfaction (QOL) among temporary and postmenopausal women.

Soy phytoestrogens are seen by some as an alternative to estrogen therapy to treat postmenopausal symptoms. The final recommendations of the analysts recommend a general benefit if estrogen therapy is used to treat postmenopausal symptoms under 6.8 years. The various regions of the study are the development of measures of human satisfaction in relation to chemotherapy and selection methods and their role in the treatment of postmenopausal adverse effects. Recent findings suggest that isoflavone treatment may be the preferred and effective treatment modality for postmenopausal side effects, the creators note. Chemotherapy as a treatment for postmenopausal symptom treatment drops below the cloud when the U.S. Another common thought treatment for post-menopausal manifestations is Chinese spice dong quai. To reduce the symptoms of menopause, specialists may recommend postmenopausal chemotherapy.

The Secret of Menopause

Pueraria Mirifica Pueragold THAI FDA Container. G. 10/2003 (E)

Pueragold grade premuim grade Thai item best acquired by White Kwao Krua (Pueraria Mirifica) contains. Phytoestrogen (Natural Plant Estrogen). This natural natural equation heals and balances women with adequate time and male chemical levels

Pueraria Mirifica CAPSULE Pueragold THAI FDA. G. 10/2003 (E)

ALL Natural Food Supplement

High Phytoestrogens (especially isoflavones):

* Reduce Menopausal / Post-Menopausal indicators

* Increases sensitivity and importance

* Improves physical and mental strength

* Shrink white hair and build hair growth

* Reduces relaxation discharge and improves visual perception

* Improves Breast and Skin Appearance

* Supports Healthy Prostate Activity

* Supports Healthy Bone Structure

Preparation: Pueraria Mirifica and various spices

Wrap: 60 containers on each side

Suggested Rate:

Women / Men After Menopause: Take 1 bowl after breakfast and dinner regularly

Methods of Prevention: * If not to be used in pregnant women, mothers of the womb, or women who have been diagnosed with estrogen-related organs, e.g. Ovary, uterus and chest.

Om  posted in Miscellaneous

Post updated on:  Aug 22, 2021 4:12:28 PM

Web testing is a method used to measure website ratings and traffic violations. Here are the benefits of web search policy.

It is common for any business to investigate a few details. Knowledge testing is used to determine deals, profit, business rating, and market revenue. However, when it comes to setting up a solid site for your site, there is one tool you can use to gather important information that you need to improve your site.

Web testing found consistent disrespect between sites, online journals and login. It is used to break down market patterns and identify site clients or visitors. It is used similarly to determine the behavior of site customers. It is a rare tool to determine the most recent site patterns and trends for your visitors or the customer orientation depending on the prominence of the site. Here are the benefits of web testing.

Number 1: It helps to look after your guests and customers

With a web survey, you will see how long your visitor stays on your site, who they are and where they come from. You will actually want to know their click buttons, the words they used, and how they rank on your site (target pages, web pages, etc.) You will have the option to determine how often a client or visitor returns to your site and which pages are given a trend.

Indeed, a web analytics tool will expose your use of your site up to the last detail. It can teach you about the race and language of your visitors. It can even point to the first city. Obviously, it will reveal the IP addresses of the administrator used for access. Additional tests can be found when your visitors are there to check out your site or if they are likely to be easy navigators. Surely, you will know the number of visitors you receive each day.

Number 2: It can help you improve your site

If you carefully think about the activities of your visitors or web clients, you will have the option to do the right thing to improve your site. You too can think about things that need to be changed and parts of your site that can ask for more of your market. You will see which pages are most visible and which are basically ignored. You will have the option to change certain parts of your site that need to be upgraded or changed. You may fix any special issues; or you can upgrade, smooth or rebuild the site route to easily help your site clients or visitors.

Number 3: It can help you to create deals and an e-showcasing program

Web testing will seek to help you plan and demonstrate e-showcasing strategies. This will be most effective on the grounds that your plan will be based on established facts and not easy opportunities. You will have the option to really know what your market needs. By following the things seen in depth, you will see which things get the most dramatic reaction. You too can have the option to upgrade various projects that you have successfully used as compensation for each snap or for a PPC promotion. You will have the option to get more customers, like a screen and keep your customers interested.

Om  posted in Miscellaneous

Post updated on:  Aug 22, 2021 4:12:05 PM

Perhaps the most popular tourist destination in the world is India. Organized in the ideal climate, the nation offers a variety of unlike any other nations in the world can offer. The nation has three important landforms that make it a home-ready destination. The incomparable northern Himalayan mountains protect the country from the cool Chinese air. And they offer amazingly beautiful spots and perhaps the most difficult ones in the countryside. Extraordinary landscapes in the central region that focus on care are part of the world's most prominent rivers. The Ganges stumble upon the nation and provide food for almost the entire nation, just as it challenges the white water beams. And then there was the Deccan level of the South and the Indian Ocean. They completed the territory of the Indian subcontinent.

India is perhaps the most admirable country in the world. It was the home of the world's most historically advanced Indus Valley. Civilization traces back to about 3000 BC. India has identified two of the world's largest religions. Every so often the researcher and anthropologists receive new credentials, confirming India's claim to social development in ancient times.

The Taj Mahal is an example of worship used by the incomparable Mughal ruler Shahjahan to his left-wing counterpart Mumtazmahal. It has found its place in the seven wonders of the developed world. India has many recorded landmarks that have been duly identified as world heritage sites. The nation has a distinct culture and is clearly in the form of the symbols of deer and Muslims in the same numbers.

The political situation of the nation is determined by the nation's capital - Delhi. It has become a well-known city, home to the Red Sea, an example of the Moughal empire in India. Delhi is equally popular with its markets and historical landmarks. It is an inevitable visit to tourists as government offices and high commissions are organized here. Today delhi is the center of urban migration. From all over the world to the domestic animals of the world they all have their own camp in Delhi. So it is very urban and lives in many colleges of higher learning. The city is surrounded by railways and air and home transportation is also extremely smooth with the highly regulated organization of municipal trains.

In the event that Delhi is the political capital, Bombay could be actively described as the business capital of the country. The city is a combination of different religions and identity. The presence of Bombay, now called Mumbai, is extremely fast and the seasons are full. It owns the most valuable landmark of Bollywood (India's entertainment country). In addition it has a Wall Street Indian partner Dalal Street. It is the guardian of the nations good and bad times of money.

India is undoubtedly a place worth a visit and the best opportunity to come to India is in the long run from September to April when the nation flourishes with a variety of exercises and celebrations. The national colors obviously goanna takes you.

Om  posted in Miscellaneous

Post updated on:  Aug 22, 2021 4:12:00 PM

A creator and web advertiser has created a late report called "The Death of Internet Marketing". In case you are hiding in a cave somewhere (or new to the Internet) I will briefly review what is really happening with violence.

Basically the creator ensures that the appropriate Adsense promotional system where most affiliate marketers, of all types and sizes, receive real pay from. . . as you head toward that huge garbage can in the sky.

Many online advertisers who make a lot of money every month through Adsense have lost a ton of that pay due to changes in the way Google runs its promotional program. That's it. Someone calls the Waaaambulance.

In all likelihood, if you haven't read this free report, you can just imagine being online by writing the report title and becoming one of the web crawlers.

While I was far from making a lot of dollars each month from the Adsense program, if I didn?t mess up my Adsense account there was a steady flow of money in it. I probably wouldn?t make those trucks full of money by following illegal tactics too late, but that?s okay for me. I have my own frame (it moves as slowly as possible) and I live with it.

Moreover, that point.

There is a big difference between big financial workers and small potatoes like me and your large amount of reading this article. All we need is a working framework. We don't have a lot of dollars to spend on the luxury of a program or a lot of energy used to integrate gazillion sites, and so on.

He simply provided the precise procedures and fruits that we could follow at our own pace. However, a large number of large canines seem to ignore this fact. A large number of our young canines are sick and worn out in large barrels because of the continuation of their great "event" which we send to them in earnest, then, at the same time leaving us humiliated when we are bound by it, but unable to copy prosperity.

What about it? Major players lose everything to Adsense. They may have to return their expensive cars and move into affordable housing. In any case, that's how Adsense manages to disperse, isn't it?

It?s nice to see that they get a little taste of what we like little watches.

In any case, you won't see me composing a report on it and building everything on the web. In the meantime, the facts really confirm that Adsense is changing from what it was before everything else, but as adults are constantly advising us, the change is the same on the web and you should either take it or not.

There is another free online report called: "Adsense Is Alive" which was named after another webmaster that was rich because of the original report.

If you take the time to discover the true story of the two reports you will see that they both have a secret plan:

** Suggest another way to bring money to the web

** Improve their traditional way of making money on the web

Both of these reports are worth reading, if you are lucky enough to help you make some decisions about what you would like to do online now and in the future to achieve your goals.

Still, gentlemen are kindly honored, how about giving up too much fun. You are right ALL. Adsense is not just as important as it was originally intended for other people, at the same time, Adsense is also perfectly healthy for our ton. In the meantime, I will continue to monitor my Adsense starch.

Om  posted in Miscellaneous

Post updated on:  Aug 22, 2021 4:11:55 PM

Indeed, breathing is a work, and it is an extremely sensible art. The manifestation of respiration is much greater than inhalation and respiration. It removes the entire chain of body-natural responses, passing through all the billions of cells that make up our bodies. The extra oxygen in the circulatory system stimulates the outer layer, with these lines releasing the body from the destructive toxins. The extra oxygen in the brain provides more energy and value. Deep breathing is thought in the body that all is well and controlled.

Breathing has always been a piece of our health armor store, however one way or another when a person becomes more and more accustomed, breathing appears less and less sensible. It goes deeper, and then we start to take in the chest, unlike the abdomen.

What, though, is the proper way to relax?

When did you ever see a child rest? Inside and out, it is deep and balanced, slow, easy and quiet. If you look closely, you will see that it is not the breast that is growing and falling, but the abdomen. To put it bluntly, it is the abdomen, the muscles between the chest and the abdomen, which move.

In the meantime, compare this with your relaxing routine. Chances are you will find that it compares. In case you look like too many people, your upper chest stretches as you breathe and works as you exit. In the long run, find out how you can hold your stomach.

The difficulty is that this has become commonplace in the lives of many people. Over the long term, life in a crowded city, with problems of constant pollution and a lack of natural air can bring about a continuous change from abdominal breathing (similarly called Belly Breathing) to chest relaxation.

This change in respiratory pattern, however, is by no means a factor in maturity. Many experts evaluate whether this is primarily a bad title. They are more and more receptive to that by getting out of the habit, and returning to a child-like respiratory system, which can help relieve the ongoing resistance to brain pain and fatigue. Additionally, by adopting the right breathing technique, we can have the option of avoiding stress, lowering our heart rate, and strengthening our hearts and more.

"The way we smell can greatly affect how we feel," said Dr. Dr. Phil Nuernberger, founder of 'Independence From Stress.' "Many stress-related illnesses, whether physical, mental or emotional, can be caused by improper breathing, and, fortunately, can be successfully treated by receiving sensible respiratory tract."

In addition to the medical benefits, deep breathing likewise brings a highly developed sense of prosperity. It stimulates thinking, stimulates memory, and silences highlights.

Practice breathing with Belly

Trace down a convenient location to enter the floor. Make sure you wear gloves and have fun with the dress. In the meantime, place your right arm on your stomach, and move in the right direction.

1. Go through the nose, combining the two.

2. Hold, mix until four.

3. Breathe out with your mouth, count three.

As you go in, feel your stomach up in the air and grow outwards, and when you breathe out, feel your stomach empty.

Do this several times, three times each day for the next several weeks and see how your health improves.

Happy Breathing FOR A HEALTHY LIFE.

Om  posted in Miscellaneous

Post updated on:  Aug 22, 2021 4:11:50 PM

Because of the way FICO rates are determined, the few steps you take will affect your financial performance better than others. Generally, taking care of your debts on time and meeting your financial obligations will greatly support your points. Having a reasonable amount of money and having the option to repay it will show loan experts that you are taking your accounts seriously and putting a small risk of losing money. There are a few tips, more than others, that will best support your FICO rating:

Take care of your debts on time.

Outstanding among other ways to continue to improve your financial performance is to take care of your debts accordingly. This is an absurd foundation but it works surprisingly well, because there is no indication that banks view the bonds as seriously as in the past filled with instant payments. Each lender needs to be fully and timely resolved.

If you think you are paying off all your debts on a systematic basis, chances are you will be issuing a installment on another conditional loan, and that is something every bank should see. Experts believe that up to 35% of your financial assessments depend on your debt management schedule, so this straightforward advance is one of the most unwanted ways to support your FICO rating.

Taking care of your debts on time also ensures that you do not get the latest costs and other financial penalties that make you take care of your debts diligently. Properly managing your debts makes it easier to keep up with your schedule.

Obviously, in the event that you have problems with making your installments on a previous schedule, your current financial assessment will mimic this. It will take a long stretch to pay off your debts on schedule to improve your FICO rate again, but the work will definitely be corrected when your credit risk rate returns!

Keep away from unnecessary debt.

If you happen to have a lot of debt extensions or a few big obligations, you increase the risk of credit because you are about to "increase your debt." This means that you may be thinking of more acceptance than you can pay freely. It doesn't matter if you make regular payments on existing bills, lenders realize that you will make some difficult memories to take care of your debts if your liability grows too high.

The higher your bond, the higher your monthly installment statements and thus increase the risk that you will eventually pay your debts. Also, authentic tests have shown that those with high liability have the most difficult time in dealing with emergencies such as separation, unemployment, or unexpected illness.

Credit experts (and credit bureaux who calculate your financial assessments) recognize that the more responsible you are, the more likely you are to have serious problems in the event of a day-to-day emergency.

For an amazing FICO test, try not to think too much. You must comply with a few Visa and other important obligations (car advance, contract) to get the best credit score. Try not to apply for each new line of credit or Visa "at a reasonable rate." Borrow where you need it and make a point of making statements in your commitments to the system.

You should also be aware that removing a large number of new credit accounts in a short period of time will usually cause your FICO rating to drop because it will look like you are not paying attention.

Pay Your Debts

In the event that you have a significant liability, your financial audit will be permanent. Laying your commitments on a foundation will help increase your financial performance. For example, if you have a $ 1000 limit on your Mastercard and you often transfer an additional $ 900, you will be less attractive to lenders than someone with the same charging card currently transferring a much lower $ 100 or something. If you think you are not kidding by continuing to improve your FICO rate, start with the big obligation you have and start paying it to use the minimum amount of your credit.

Generally, try to ensure that you use about half of your debt. This means that if your charging card is limited to $ 5000, be sure to pay it up to $ 2500 and work on a large transfer. If possible, pay more. If you take care of your Visa in full every month, that is very high. Here's how to put one together for use with your credit card debt.

Have a range of credit types.

The types of debt you have are a factor in dealing with your FICO rating. As a general rule, lenders like to see that you can handle a wide range of types of loans well. Having some form of personal consent - for example, Visa - and certain major forms of consent - such as a home loan or car development - and maintaining it consistently is better than having one type of credit.

Om  posted in Miscellaneous

Post updated on:  Aug 22, 2021 4:11:39 PM

Building your debt after the recurrence of a migraine is a constant migraine as a need to stay away from it. In this article I will dedicate it to you because there are many resources that will help you the most whenever the opportunity arises. If you feel bad because you are not able to fulfill your debt aspirations currently visible, then you are in a good company. The fact of the matter is, even our most dreaded people struggle to meet the very thought that the framework has put us in control.

We get every week the amount we spend on food and gas, which is constantly growing, like various debts that are constantly rising. Repeatedly it is a hopeless situation yet the truth of the matter, there is a consistent response to many issues. The problem is often few of us have the ability to get those arrangements. This brings more pressure and we always feel we are far from everyone else.

If you are trying to cover your credit status, you need to find assets that can help you get results. The commercial center offers debt restructuring packages, which can lead us to the right way to fix debt, yet the downside is that a large number of units are expensive. Let's be honest, not everyone has the money to spend on products that will help us. Few of us fight harder than others just to endure. Life is constantly changing and you always know that we all need to find the answer. As such, I will disclose where you can find a free credit bureau.

Your local library saves a lot of data and it's free for the general public. Many libraries have pockets for debt correction, debt repayment letters, or bond management letters. Anything you need is available to you and all data is free. Most libraries have duplicate machines and faxes and if you see it in a credit or package repair guide, it will have duplicate letters that you can contact your loan managers. Do a few repetitions and complete them as training. You are currently in the process of settling your debt

The local library has guidelines or packages for seeking financial protection. If you do not see an exit plan, you may need to do this course. By not paying your debts, you have unnecessary debt reductions, your loan managers make too many clauses, you lose every one of your resources and your creditors direct your regular installment decisions. Most of the time, you can do Pro Bono Bankruptcy, which means you will have to speak for yourself in court. I just needed to tell you that in the event that you record the Dismissal in Chapter 7, you will have set the standard payments to make so far assuming you are writing Chapter 13 of the Dissolution, the courts cancel all your obligation. The problem is that paying off debts stays in the dead documents for a period of ten years or more. As long as you can end up in chapter 11 and do so, however it is not an apocalypse if you do that. I know people who actually want financial protection and have the opportunity to get improvement with home loans, cars, etc.

If you know what you are doing, you can do anything no matter how big your situation may be in your life. Bond reinforcement should be considered so if you happen to be more than two or three thousand dollars in red in any combination it probably will not be good for you. I recommend that you stay away from the organization of the bond in size, because it means you will pay the costs and expenses of others to escape the obligation, which includes debt. Another bond system is called bond payment. The obligation payment is not the same as the combination of the obligation. Bond payment is a chapter 11 avoidance program and continues to improve your FICO rate since the non-deposit was not included. One way you can adjust your debts is to consider a Debt Counselor from a reputable organization.

It is a good idea to look at any business first before getting money or asking for management. Ask about the Business Business Bureau which provides free information to organizations, organizations and companies. Play some of the responsibility tests that board organizations provide for these projects before focusing on one of these organizations. Whenever you scrutinize their management you will know if people are sincerely trying to help you. Any help he discloses may get you financially right from the start. The truth of the matter is, if you take care of your debts your debt will continue to send all bad obligations. Your credit will be issued immediately after the recorded obligation? "Scheduled". The last message while I was thinking about everything. Get duplicates of your credit reports from TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian. You can find any data you need on the web. Knowing your status in life is the beginning of correcting bad debt.

Om  posted in Miscellaneous

Post updated on:  Aug 22, 2021 4:11:27 PM

Aside from their state of intelligence and good character, the rich and famous are not immune to fears or unfamiliar fears. With a tendency to be fearful and uncomfortable like most of us, they discover how strange they are.

These celebrities are afraid that the dog is a bunch of other non-superstars. Why are these big names so scary?

Michael Jackson, Whoopi Goldberg and Jennifer Aniston shared similar fears about the plane. Orlando Bloom is afraid of pigs and Johnny Depp is afraid of jokes. Nicole Kidman is afraid of butterflies. In addition, would you agree that Pamela Anderson was afraid of glasses?

Big names and celebrities can break out and attack an alarm whenever they meet and they are very scared. While it is not uncommon for it to be difficult to change a certain fear or situation, there are a few situations in which fear can be strong enough to trigger all the alarms.

What is a worrying balance? Excessive anxiety is a sudden abnormal fear followed by a strange sense of danger. It is common to be associated with fear, sweating, rapid breathing, and rapid heartbeat. An outbreak of anxiety is sudden and irreversible. It can be reduced to a weak point that represents a major impact on a person's family, work, and community activities. Attacks can occur at any time and can interfere with daily exercise. An untreated substance abuse problem can lead to drug abuse, depression and, in rare cases, even suicide.

Frenzy problems can occur during adolescence or adulthood. People with an alarm problem experience this terrifying fear of danger or panic and may suddenly recur. It's worse than the feeling of being 'really worried'. Major concerns include:

l shivering

l I'm shaking


l chest pain

l glimmers hot

l heartbeat

l classification

l Fear that you are coming from the deep end or you will pass

People who are all out, re-attacks can be mentally weakened by their condition and should seek treatment. They should likewise stay away from spots or objects that may cause further concern. Anxiety is not yet dangerous, but it can be frightening, often because it creates a 'wild' feeling about the person you are dealing with.

Only a certified professional can analyze the problem of insanity. Medium-term stressful times and moderate levels of self-doubt are still considered to be similar. However, frequent and direct alarm attacks are an indication that a person is under extreme mental stress. People who experience chronic, non-invasive anxiety should immediately seek the help of a mentally qualified person.

Many safety and welfare programs (HMOs) offer inclusion that includes treatment in conflict matters. To make treatment more compelling, people with alarm problems are encouraged to join a care group or meet with a therapist. In any case, something as simple as talking to a secret person, a friend or family member, or a congregation guide can make you think seriously. Pressure on management methods and thinking can help people with such problems. Regular exercise can also give them a calmer effect on a person who is overwhelmed by stress.

Om  posted in Miscellaneous

Post updated on:  Aug 22, 2021 4:10:18 PM

What usually affects the skin condition of people between the ages of 12 and 24 is a disease called inflammation of the skin. The cause of the rash is difficult to determine. However, in addition to the removal of the blessed organs has been shown as a cause for causing severe inflammation of the skin.

Pilosebaceous units are a mixture of hair and oil particles on the skin. Apart from the outside of the palms and soles of the feet, pilosabaceous units are found in the skin tissues throughout the body. They are reliable in releasing a smooth substance called sebum. In any case, due to the many nutrients (eg hormonal lopsided features, stress and normal skin condition) oil organs can be asked to make more sebum than normal. When this happens, too much oil connects the pores of the skin. This interaction detects bacterial contamination and responds to the immune response. Finally, the skin has an irritating effect.

Inflammation of the skin can strike any skin type. Smooth skin type is usually more sensitive to skin. Dry skin too, may not be as helpless but real pieces can occur in winter. Normal-skin is similarly prone to skin rashes but the level of sensitivity may not be as high.

Currently, skin rashes are not completely cured but can be cured with a few techniques for skin inflammation. Many seek the help of skin care products, which are used without the skin. However, applying skin care eliminates skin health management products such as "pore strip cushions" can eliminate whiteheads and blocked pores yet would not affect the amount of sebum that is introduced.

By, treatment and expectations, it is best to use the eight basic strategies that go along with the following:

1. Strong type, even food should be observed. In this way, your diet should include all the basic ingredients your body needs to function properly.

2. Drink plenty of fluids such as water, juices. Reduce the intake of carbonated beverages.

3. No make-up is recommended.

4. Wash your face with a moisturizer and water. The reason for not finishing the soil (as most of the skin has come out caused individual vision) but the removal attached to the skin pores, which can be a combination of dead skin cells, bacteria and strong sebum. However the soil is not the cause of skin rashes, it can add to other diseases in combination with skin flotsam and jetsam and particles as well as extra oil on the skin.

5. Use effective cleaning cushions that may contain one or more related ingredients: salicylic corrosive, sulfur and benzoyl peroxide to eliminate excess oil. Another way to reduce the amount of oil on the skin is to wash your face with hot water that can withstand it.

6. Reduce the use of harsh detergents and use healthy skin moisturizers that are gently filtered. Try not to tire out in anticipation of influential regions.

7. If your hands get dirty, avoid contact with your face.

8. In case you have long hair, tie your hair to avoid the face. This is especially true if the weather is warm and you have been sweating.

To prevent skin breakdown of skin health management measures are just as important as the treatment of inflammation of the skin itself. In anticipation, in any case, you see how you can ensure that your skin inflammation problem does not grow and spread to the highly contaminated region.

Om  posted in Miscellaneous

Post updated on:  Aug 22, 2021 4:09:52 PM

1.) Is (can you find) the skin exposed to others?

Answer: While certain types of skin inflammation contain bacteria, it is found in the hair follicles under your skin and cannot be transmitted by contact. So no, contacting or kissing someone who has been exposed to the skin will not cause you to increase the swelling of the skin.

2.) If both my parents have inflammation of the skin does that mean I will increase the rash?

Answer: Studies show that genetics play a key role in determining who causes skin rashes. So the offspring of caregivers who have developed or have cracked skin are at risk of grater and others. It should be noted that like any other infection as you have a family ancestor, it does not guarantee that you will get it; that you have a greater chance of then having a person who is not of family descent.

3.) Does eating or drinking certain foods cause skin inflammation?

Answer: Over the years the tests have recommended everything from chocolate, candy, seafood, sugar, drinking water, light orange to milk that can irritate the skin or increase existing skin loss. Yet it is not a conclusive proof of any such effects. There are countless factors that affect skin rashes which is a major challenge to blocking for any single cause. So it is not a matter of simply abstaining from certain foods or drinks. If you find that your skin reacts negatively to certain foods, just do not eat or drink.

4.) Does the dirt on my skin cause skin rashes?

Answer: Having a hygienic hygiene will help with acne skin. However painful skin will not cause skin inflammation, but anyone with skin inflammation should be extra careful by having a good routine of daily cleansing. Excessive washing can damage your skin and make it less effective in fighting pollution. Bathing with a delicate cleansing agent will help to reduce skin blemishes to improve and keep your skin taking as much gander as it can. So find a balance and work hard to avoid excessive washing.

5.) Does the pressure cause the skin to explode?

Answer: Pressure has been shown to increase skin rash, not to cause it directly. So in case you experience the side effects of a skin rash you should know how to respond under pressure and stimulus techniques to help guide and monitor. This will not only help control your skin?s inflammation but also benefit most of all.

6.) Can you grow skin once you are out of your youth?

Answer: The correct answer is yes. Indeed many people who have never been exposed to skin inflammation as a high school can develop it in their 30s, 40s, and 50s.

Answer: Some oily and thick substances can attach skin fibers that make the skin feel better. Not all things affect everyone in the same way, so while your growing skin uses one thing another person will not be able to. In the event that you are prone to skin rashes you should be very careful about applying it to your skin. Try to use oil products consistently and re-test a limited amount on skin repair a few days before using everything.

8.) Does exercise affect my skin inflammation?

Answer: While it is still unclear why this happens, exercising the power to make your body hot and sweaty seems to reduce skin inflammation in some people. One hypothesis is that the activity expands the production of sebum, an oil that, when transported in large quantities, causes inflammation of the skin.

9.) Can facial skin peel off the skin?

Answer: There is no easy way to deal with this investigation. The facial name is used to show everything from an item to a counter you bought at a pharmacy and to do it without the help of someone else in something made with an expensive multi-dollar spa. The fact is that anything that can affect your skin can increase inflammation of your skin.

10.) Why does my skin appear to leave my current treatment?

Answer: An acne treatment, like all other medications, may be forced on you over time as your body reacts to the defense. It may be best to use anti-inflammatory skin medications for the purpose of proper circulation.

Om  posted in Miscellaneous

Post updated on:  Aug 22, 2021 4:09:39 PM

Unpleasant scars on the face are often the result of severe skin inflammation. Cystic skin rash or normal cracked skin rash is a basic driver. It is a common problem many people want to fix when their skin inflammation finally comes out. There is an option to make a method in the office of a specialist to darken the skin with scars, and like things, you can do at home.

A small group would be satisfied with the presence of their face if by chance they could just find out how to darken their skin and get scars. These are often considered red or purple and are hard to hide. Since scars last a long time, it is tempting to figure out how to reduce their appearance. There are over-the-counter creams that can go through the skin to darken the skin and break scars. Mederma is available without a solution and even offers unconditional promise. It does not promise to completely remove your scarred face, but it will obviously upset them. Mederma is expensive but one cylinder can go far. In addition, if the chance of a scar disappears, reuse is not necessary. In the event that a scar is inserted internally, the presence of the scar is brought about by the shadow. How this is handled through the important absorption of collagen.

There are affordable skin rejuvenating treatments that can reduce the appearance of skin rashes and scars. They usually need more than one visit and it can be expensive. The most common techniques used to alleviate skin scars are dermabrasion and laser treatment. The life span of laser treatment is questionable so there have been discussions and discussions involving this approach. Skin rejuvenation is safe but you should suffer later.

Daily peeling and use of Vitamin E oil is an effective way to detoxify the skin and reduce the number of inexpensive scars at home. Most people would prefer not to use a cash-laden truck for some repairs and this is a particularly protected option. The larger the scar, the harder it will be to change its appearance. It may be possible to darken the skin and break the scars at home if they become soft. Lemon juice has been used to alleviate scars on some people. Citrus extracts that contain help to eliminate dead skin cells, flexible skin growth, and aid in the development of new cells. It may affect people with sensitive skin but it will no doubt darken the scars. Aloe Vera is best known for its corrective action and can help with scarring. The best aloe you can use has been shown to have its value combined with subtle formulations that can reduce degrading properties.

The filter serum you can buy is Bliss Sleeping Pill Serum. It uses amino acids to peel the skin and reduce dark scars. Another popular way to darken the skin is to apply scars to a condition called Advance Complex Fade Gel. It is used in the treatment of small spots, such as scars, and is rarely described in people with a dark complexions. It also contains sunscreen to keep unwanted areas out of the way.

Om  posted in Miscellaneous

Post updated on:  Aug 22, 2021 4:09:12 PM

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