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Deepanjali  posted in Yoga

Ganesh  posted in Science

Anuska  posted in Poetry

 भगवान श्री कृष्ण की अद्भुत कई सारी लीलाएं है l उनका भक्तों के साथ  प्रेम भरा संबंध दिखता है l भक्त भगवान को अपने इच्छा अनुसार कुछ भी काम करवा लेता है l यह बात बहुत ही अजीब लग रही है l पर यह सच है कि भगवान श्री कृष्ण अपने भक्त के वश में है l 
श्री कृष्ण और राधा जी की भक्ति में लीन एक भक्त थे उनका नाम था - हरिदास ठाकुर l उन्होंने भगवान श्री कृष्ण की वृंदावन में बहुत ही प्रेम भक्ति  की थी l
भगवान उनकी भक्ति भरे गाने को सुनकर प्रकट हो जाते l    एक बार कलयुग के लोगों के बारे में सोच कर उनके भक्त दुखी हो, उन्होंने सोचा कि कलयुग के लोग भगवान का भजन और पूजा अच्छे से नहीं कर पाएंगे l सभी लोग दूषित हो जाएंगे l सभी लोगों का मन और बुद्धि कमजोर हो जाएगा l मन बहुत ही चंचल हो जाएगा l कलयुग में  
जीवो द्वारा पाप बहुत ज्यादा होगा l आपने धाम ले जाने के लिए भगवान को कृपा करनी चाहिए l

इसके लिए उन्होंने भगवान के सामने शर्त रखी -  हे भगवान, आप कृपया करके कलयुग के जीवो के उद्धार के लिए श्री बांके बिहारी के रूप में प्रकट  हो l भगवान अपने भक्तों की किसी भी बात को टाल नहीं सकते l

Shailendra  posted in Science

Post updated on:  Sep 5, 2021 3:21:42 AM

If you have bipolar disorder, you've probably wondered, "Is it my fault I have bipolar disorder?" Most of us, in my experience, wonder this at some point, usually shortly after diagnosis ? I certainly did. There are a variety of reasons why this seems to come up for people. Continue reading if you're wondering if your bipolar disorder is your fault.

When someone is diagnosed with bipolar disorder, many people want to know why. In other words, why do I have bipolar disorder? It's natural to want to know "why." We do it because we want things to make sense and to place blame for something so tragic. We want to believe that everything has a "why." We want to comprehend life's logic. We want to believe that everything happens for a reason.

However, I believe it is also important to recognize that many people are depressed when they ask, "Is it my fault I have bipolar disorder?" This question may be immediately resolved in the person's mind with repetitions of "Yes, it's my fault."

This demonstrates the presence of guilt, and excessive guilt can be a symptom of depression. In short, if you're feeling guilty about your bipolar disorder, remember that it's just the depression speaking.

Bipolar disorder is a very complex disease, and research indicates that it can be categorized as a bio-psycho-social illness. 1 This means that bipolar disorder is caused by a combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factors (not all three are required). For example, you may have some genes associated with bipolar disorder, as well as a susceptible personality trait, and you may have experienced a traumatic event when you were young. All of these factors may have contributed to your development of bipolar disorder. The important thing to remember is that bipolar disorder is not your fault, regardless of your genes, personality, or experience.

You didn't request your life experiences. Yes, there are things you can do to help with the illness, such as medication, therapy, lifestyle changes, coping skills, and so on, and it is your responsibility to do so. But it's not your fault that you're bipolar.

Vertika  posted in Psychology

Post updated on:  Sep 5, 2021 3:21:12 AM

Why education is most important for our society

love to learn pencil signage on wall near walking man

The education of both boys and girls in the same school or institution is referred to as co-education. Understanding men and women is a critical component of schooling. Working together is essential in the current day. Education prepares a guy for a prosperous life. Co-education teaches both men and women how to live peacefully and joyfully together.

Interaction between boys and girls -Education fosters the development of all abilities in both boys and girls. Its goal is to make them happy and productive to society. They must be acquainted. Their marriage will fail if they do not properly understand one other. Their marriage will fail if they do not properly understand one other. Co-education prepares students to function in the real world. One of the benefits of co-education is this.

The significance of education for both- Education is beneficial to both males and girls. Our impoverished country cannot afford to have a sufficient number of separate schools and universities for boys and girls. They are quite expensive. We have several schools and universities for guys but none for ladies. As a result, co-education addresses the problem. It saves a significant amount of money. Furthermore, everyone has equal rights and responsibilities. Both men and women look for work in the country. They can participate in the competition. Co-education teaches both boys and girls how to carry out their responsibilities effectively.

Some people detest co-educational schools. However, some people are opposed to co-education. They believe it is detrimental to society. Co-education is forbidden in Hinduism. It is believed that a young female is like a blazing fire, whereas a young guy is like pure ghee. As a result, such people are opposed to co-education. There's another problem with it. Girls are naturally bashful. They cannot study freely in a boy's educational institution. So they claim that co-education is not beneficial to our country's females. Some think that girls should get a different type of education. As a result, co-education will be ineffective.

Co-education, on the other hand, offers both advantages and disadvantages. Some co-education efforts have proven effective. Mahatma Gandhi wished to educate boys and girls on equal footing. Many women now hold high-level positions in the country and overseas. In co-educational schools, discipline must be of the highest caliber. Both boys and girls must learn proper etiquette. Only then can co-education be beneficial. When young boys and girls get closer, they are more concerned with each other than with their literature. They get preoccupied with establishing acquaintances with one another. On their bikes, the males pursue their female classmates. They may even deceive their parents at times. They stay away from their houses under one or more pretexts and enjoy the company of their pals of the opposite sex at the cinema hall. As a result of sex attraction, valuable study time is squandered.

Inside the classroom, pupils strive to get the attention of their opposite-sex classmates. They grow oblivious. Boys keep combs in their pockets and dress up on the spur of the moment, even when the teacher is talking. In class, students make a variety of motions, gestures, and signals. This is unmistakably a symptom of indiscipline.

The overall mood at co-educational institutions is one of disobedience. The wicked attempt of character co-education cannot be disputed. Character purity is unattainable in such an environment. This type of educational institution is more or less a fashion destination. Girls at such universities want to be movie heroes and heroines. The most recent fashion trends are replicated. In fact, all kinds of bad habits are established, and excellent character traits are destroyed.

Good for society- Co-education is also beneficial from a social standpoint. Young boys and girls still have an excellent chance to understand one other. They must operate in many fields in collaboration with one another. As a result of co-education, a strong attitude of collaboration is fostered. Some of these young kids select their life partners among their classmates. Many parents' marriage problems are therefore handled in this manner. Boys and girls who are taught together achieve more success in their household and social lives. This is because they get a knowledge of each other's psyche during their schooling.


Considering all of the negative and positive aspects of co-education. We must admit that we cannot completely dismiss it. There is no danger in educating boys and girls together in primary school. They can go to school together as brothers and sisters. For high school and intermediate levels, co-education is risky. Several physical and mental changes occur during this time. Students must not be permitted to wander during this time. It is critical that they be kept completely separate from one another. As a result, co-education is inappropriate for this age group. However, co-education may be permitted in university classrooms.

Vertika  posted in Education

Post updated on:  Sep 5, 2021 3:21:02 AM

Photo by Matilda Vistbacka on Unsplash   


Suicide is defined as the act of murdering or killing oneself. It is a deliberate act in which a person terminates his or her life in order to escape the tragedies that they confront. While there may be several factors that drive someone to end their life, the fundamental cause is worry. According to the World Health Organization, over 8 million people die as a result of suicide, which equates to one person every 40 seconds. According to the National Crime Records Bureau's report on Accidental Deaths and Suicides in India, there were 130,000 suicides in India in 2015, and in 2012, the state of Gujarat reported 12.5 percent suicides, the highest percentage followed by Maharashtra. This essay will focus on the legal aspects of Suicide in India, discussing hypothetical questions that emerge as a result of the legalisation of attempted suicide.

According to the Act, the government will be required to give care, therapy, and rehabilitation to a person who tries suicide and is under extreme stress in order to decrease the likelihood of a repetition of the attempt.

Suicide attempts are no longer a criminal violation in Bharat, and there will be no more electric shocks for crazy children, according to the new Mental Attention Act.

Act 2017 was notified by the Health Ministry on May twenty-nine, the year it was passed.

Can have the obligation to provide care, therapy, and rehabilitation to the person, UN agency tries suicide and is under extreme stress, in order to reduce the risk of repeat

The 2017 Act, which explicitly defines psychological condition, superseded the 1987 Act. It was adopted to align India's legislation with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its non mandatory Protocol, with the goal of redesigning the country's mental attention regime.


The treatment and rehabilitation value for those with psychological conditions living below the poverty line, even if they do not have a BPL card, or those who are homeless, would be free of charge at any psychological state facilities managed or supported by the appropriate government. Furthermore, the Act prohibits the use of electrical shock as a kind of treatment for crazy children.

It also prohibits the use of muscle relaxants and the use of electrical shocks for people with psychiatric conditions. Sterilisation of men and women as a therapy for mental illness is also illegal. It also forbids the use of shackles to bind crazy people.

"Every person with a psychological state shall have a right to measure with dignity... There shall be no discrimination on any basis, including gender, sex, sexual orientation, religion, culture, caste, social or politics, category, or incapacity," states the Act, attempting to bring the unsound/unstable on par with the physically ill in terms of attention services provision.

The Act also guarantees the right of the crazy to participate in, be a part of, and not be separated from society.

He will not remain in a very psychiatric state facility merely because he does not have a family, is not welcomed by his family, and is homeless. The notice has been widely welcomed, with the hope that with appropriate knowledge, it would ensure the crazy with the right to measure with dignity, raise language surrounding mental attention, and enable the removal of the stigma associated with psychological state.


"According to the UN agency, the International Association for Suicide Prevention, France, legislation of attempted suicide by all countries in Europe and North America, the opinion of the Indian Psychiatrical Society, and also representations received by the commission from numerous individuals, the commission has resolved to advocate to the government to initiate steps for repeal of the antiquated law." Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Singapore, and India have "continued to enforce this unfavourable regulation."

On Friday, BJP MP from Bihar and former Union cabinet member RK Singh welcomed the move, saying it was "the appropriate action done by the administration."

"People with hazardous inclinations deserve assistance, not legal punishment," he told reporters outside Parliament.

The first indication of the government's intention to delete Section 309 of the IPC was available in August of this year, when, in response to a Parliament question on August 5, minister of state for home Kiren Rijiju stated that the government was acting on implementing the Law Commission's advice to legitimise conceive to suicide.

"The Ministry of Home Affairs is within the method of removing section 309 of the Indian legal code, as suggested by the Law Commission in its 210th Report on ? with modification of bound different sections of the Code of Criminal Procedure/Indian legal code in consultation with all stakeholders," he had stated. However, now that talks with states and UTs have revealed that a majority of them support the recommendation, the Centre intends to introduce legislation to modify the IPC.


It is estimated that chemical self-poisoning accounts for around one-hundredth of all suicides worldwide, with the majority occurring in rural agricultural areas of low- and middle-income nations. Other popular methods of suicide include square measure hanging and weapons. Knowledge of the most often utilised suicide methods is essential for planning bar methods that have been proved to be successful, such as restricting access to suicidal suggestions.


Currently, the punishment is rescinded, and Section 309 of the IPC has been made lawful. This is not to encourage suicide; rather, it is to assist those who are squarely strangled by despair or disorder. It's been a decade-long debate over whether the right to die is constitutional. Arguments in support of enacting Section 309 were that it is a horrible act to bring down the suffering of an individual UN agency that is already depressed, and it is unfair to impose a punishment on such a person. This act of legislation the offence does not constitute an invitation or encouragement to commit suicide. It is to handle them with caution and not to penalise them in any way.


The law prohibits suicide, but it is mute on investigating the mental condition of a suicide survivor. The legislation primarily limits itself to the survivor's provision. However, nothing has been stated explicitly about mending such a person's psyche. Suicide is an enticing notion produced by a disordered mind. Such a mentality craves counselling; the survivor must explain his situation. For example, in recent years, the Central Board of Pedagogy in Asian countries has created helplines before to releasing tenth and twelfth standard results.

Helplines square measure additionally on the market to provide material to farmers, girls dealing with domestic difficulties, and alternative persons for a variety of factors that elicit self-destructive ideas in them. The rationale is the same in every case: an increase in the number of suicides, and a desire to do something about it.

Once many institutions have recognized the requirement to protect and assist those who square measure vulnerable to self-destructive ideas, our courts and legislators should also break through to try to do their part and modify the legislation.


The right to life, along with the right to measure a lifespan of dignity, does not imply the right to measure a forced existence. Decriminalizing plan to kill will not increase the number of suicides, but would instead encourage survivors to seek help. ?Right to measure, on the other hand, would imply the right to measure with human dignity all the way to the end of natural life. Thus, the right to measure would include the right to die with dignity at the end of life, and it should not be confused with the right to die in an unnatural manner.

As a result, if a dying individual is terminally ill or is in a chronic vegetative state, it is legal to end his life prematurely. In truth, they are not examples of ending life, but rather of a rapid manner of natural death that has already begun. In such circumstances, imposing death would put an end to his suffering.?

As a result, Section 309 of the legislation should be changed to reflect the types of people who attempt suicide. The provision should be modified to penalise only those who seek to avoid punishment by citing other criminal responsibilities, rather than those who do so out of sheer exasperation, sadness, or living in conditions that encourage self-destructive behaviour.

Post updated on:  Sep 5, 2021 3:20:52 AM


The severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus-2 causes the Novel Corona virus, covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2). The World Health Organization has labelled it a pandemic, and it is an unparalleled global health disaster. The magnitude of the consequences is yet unknown, but it is apparent that the world has ground to a halt. Globally, quarantines and travel bans have been implemented. People in India have also been subjected to legally mandated quarantine or self-quarantine. In this scenario, mitigating and controlling the COVID-19 epidemic in India is critical not just for India but also for the rest of the globe.

Historically, India has used common law remedies to enforce quarantine, which have shown to be successful in times of epidemics and pandemics. The Indian Penal Code (IPC) addresses offences affecting public health, safety, convenience, decency, and morality, and is divided into two primary sections: one dealing with public nuisance and the other with the quarantine rule. The Epidemic Diseases Act is an addition to the IPC legislation. This 1897 ordinance was adopted to combat the outbreak of the bubonic plague in Mumbai, erstwhile British India, and is commonly used to limit epidemics such as cholera, malaria, dengue fever, and swine flu. The quarantine law has been extended until May 3, 2020, and a nationwide lockdown has been imposed. The idea of quarantine calls for social distance in order to restrict the virus's transmission and to take measures to assure the continuity of critical services and supplies. The current scenario in India in the midst of COVID-19 stems from Sections 6(2)(1) and 10(2)(1) of the Disaster Management Act, which govern quarantine law enforcement and health protection.

The quarantine legislation and people's and the state's compliance with it are unarguable. Courts have traditionally favoured the State's ability to enforce. In public health, "quarantine" refers to the separation of individuals (or groups) who have been exposed to an infectious illness. In contrast, ?isolation? refers to the separation of those who are known to be diseased. The applicability of the common law remedy in this situation is a one-of-a-kind inquiry in modern parlance from the standpoint of health care services, access to medications, and therapeutic view of medical delivery. It is worth noting that when the IPC was adopted one hundred sixty years ago, 200 (INR) was considered expensive. The continuation of a public nuisance after an injunction is an example of a continuing and subsisting nuisance. This type of disturbance is punished by six months in jail, a fine, or both under Section 291 of the IPC.

Section 133 of the Criminal Procedure Code makes it easier to apply the IPC (CrPC). However, the magistracy is not reliant on police reports or other sources of information, and he has the authority to gather evidence as he deems fit.

The quarantine clause of the IPC is a critical component of public nuisance control. Sections 188, 269, 270, and 271 of the IPC, as well as Section 133 of the CrPC, are crucial in the current context of the COVID-19 pandemic and lock-down orders. Section 269 of the IPC contains the relevant provision relating to a negligent act likely to spread infection of a disease dangerous to life: ?Whoever unlawfully or negligently does any act knowingly to spread the infection of any disease dangerous to life shall be punished with imprisonment for six months and a fine or both.?Section 270 further states that any malignant conduct likely to transmit illness or sickness hazardous to life is punishable by a two-year jail sentence. Section 271 further states that violating a quarantine regulation is punishable by six months in jail or a fine.

To manage COVID-19, the Cabinet Secretary of India implemented Section 2 of the Epidemic Diseases Act in all Indian states and union territories on March 11. It gives the state government the authority to take additional precautions and impose rules in the event of a hazardous epidemic disease.The Act gives the Central Government the authority to take steps and issue regulations for the inspection of any ship and the detention of any person planning to sail to and arrive at any port. Section 3 of the Act provides for a 6-month jail sentence, a fine, or both (similar to the IPC). Section 4 protects officials operating in good faith to enforce the law from any litigation or other legal process. Historically, this colonial ordinance was used in India to combat cholera in Gujarat, malaria in Chandigarh, dengue fever in Delhi, and swine flu in Pune.

COVID-19 also has a social impact. According to Article 47 of the Indian Constitution, the state has a primary responsibility for nutrition security, living standards, and public health development. In Municipal Council Ratlam V. Vardichand, the Supreme Court decided in exercising such authority, the court must be guided by the wider concept of access to justice The Court based its decision on Article 38 of the Constitution's egalitarian ideals. Nonetheless, before the State's enforcement, the courts have the authority to interfere on the grounds of rationality and procedural readiness. This issue was addressed in the public interest case Alakh Alok Srivastava v. Union of India. The writ drew attention to the hardship of thousands of migrant workers and their families who were trekking hundreds of kilometres from their job to their villages and towns in defiance of the COVID-19 lock-down order. The jobless and migrant workers who are trapped without transportation are little more than forced prisoners in the Midwest. The police operations under Section 188 of the IPC were justified, yet they resulted in abuses of persons in need. The closure of state borders has hampered free movement and prevented the delivery of vital supplies.

Curfew is not the same as lockdown. One of the most significant distinctions between the two is that during a lockdown, state enforcement officials such as police cannot arrest anyone for failing to comply with the lockdown without the consent of the appropriate court.

They can, however, impose a lockdown using the mechanisms provided in Indian Penal Code Sections 188 (disobedience to a public servant's directions), 269 (negligent act likely to spread infection of disease dangerous to life), and 270 (malignant act likely to spread infection of disease dangerous to life).

Again, 'curfew' is not a legal phrase. In general, the exercise of a power available to the District Magistrate, SDM, or any other executive magistrate under Section 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure is referred to as a "curfew" in common language.

Such orders may be issued by the authorities in these circumstances to avert risk to human life, health, or safety, disruption of public peace, or a riot or affray. If someone disregards such orders issued under Section 144 CrPC, enforcement authorities have the authority to detain/arrest the violators.

The words ?quarantine' and ?isolation' have now been specified under the Indian Aircraft (Public Health) Rules, 1954. Similar limitations apply to passenger ships, cargo ships, and cruise ships under the Indian Port Health Rules 1955, which were enacted under the Indian Port Act.

The term "quarantine" refers to the restriction of activities and/or separation of suspect persons from others who are not ill, as well as the separation of suspect baggage, cargo, containers, aircraft or conveyances, facilities, goods, and postal parcels in order to prevent the spread of infection or contamination.

Isolation refers to the isolation of sick or polluted people or impacted baggage, containers, aircraft or transportation, facilities, commodities, or mail packages from others in order to avoid the spread of illness or contamination. Similar prohibitions are included in the Epidemic Diseases Act of 1897, albeit they are not specified.
In comparison to other nations, the COVID-19 epidemic in India is very young. Proper surveillance and transparent reporting of affected persons' characteristics are required. When a big section of the world, including India, is under lockdown, the economy of those countries suffer. Governments and international organisations must devise a contingency plan in the absence of a quick vaccination to prevent the spread. With a few exceptions in select areas, India's public health care system is dismal. India spends just 3.6 percent of its GDP on public health, which is less than some of its smaller neighbours, such as Nepal. In India, there are just eight physicians for every 10,000 inhabitants. Being prepared for several peaks is the best technique. Even with quick quarantine orders, a proclamation of national emergency, and a nationwide lock down, an adequate legal framework and contingency plan to handle the problems posed by COVID-19 remain critical.

Post updated on:  Sep 5, 2021 3:20:44 AM

1-स्वीकृति से शुरू करें।  योग सिर्फ व्यायाम का एक रूप नहीं है।  ...

2- रिलीज उम्मीदें।  ...

3- योग के मूल को समझें।  ...

4- अपनी श्वास पर ध्यान दें।  ...

5- शांति में सहज हो जाओ।  ...

6- बेसिक योगा पोज़ सीखें।  ...

7- शुरुआती कक्षाएं खोजें।                                                                                                         1. स्वीकृति से शुरू करें


 योग सिर्फ व्यायाम का एक रूप नहीं है।

 यह दुनिया में मौजूद रहने का एक तरीका है।

 होने का एक तरीका, ऐसा बोलने के लिए।

 योग शब्द का ही संस्कृत में अर्थ है "मिलन"।

 आपके जीवन के सभी पहलुओं के बीच संघ।

 जब आप एकता या योग की स्थिति में रहते हैं, तो आपके विचारों और आपकी वर्तमान स्थिति के बीच कोई अलगाव नहीं होता है।

 इसका मतलब है कि चीजों को जिस तरह से होना चाहिए या होना चाहिए, उसके बारे में कोई रोना-धोना नहीं करना चाहिए।

 जबकि इस मानसिकता को विकसित होने में वर्षों लग सकते हैं, आप योग मैट पर पैर रखने से पहले शुरुआत कर सकते हैं।

 अपने शरीर, अपने जीवन और अपनी परिस्थितियों की सराहना करने के लिए कुछ समय निकालें।                                                                             2. रिलीज उम्मीदें


 जिस क्षण आप कृतज्ञता का अभ्यास करना शुरू करते हैं, आप महसूस करेंगे कि अपेक्षाएं दूर होने लगी हैं।

 उम्मीदें जैसे "मुझे पहले से ही अपने पैर की उंगलियों को छूने में सक्षम होना चाहिए ..."

 "इंस्टाग्राम पर यह इतना आसान लगता है - मैं ऐसा क्यों नहीं कर सकता ?!"

 "अगर मैं कुछ योग मुद्राओं का अभ्यास करने जा रहा हूं, तो यह जरूरी है कि मेरे पास जेन फोंडा की प्रतिद्वंद्वी लाइक्रा अलमारी हो।"

 आप जो कर रहे हैं उसके मूल पर ध्यान केंद्रित करने का प्रयास करें, न कि बाहरी फुलाना। यद्यपि आप यहां शारीरिक रूप से योग शुरू करने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका खोजने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं, मैं यहां आपको बता रहा हूं कि मानसिक रूप से इसकी शुरुआत करना सबसे महत्वपूर्ण है।

 अपने आप को सही मानसिकता में लाएं और फिर अभ्यास स्वाभाविक रूप से, खूबसूरती से और सुरक्षित रूप से विकसित होगा।                                                                                                   3. योग के मूल को समझें


 योग अत्यधिक लचीलेपन या आपकी मांसपेशियों और रीढ़ की हड्डी को फैंसी आकार में बदलने के बारे में नहीं है।

 यह सांस लेने, ध्यान के माध्यम से आंतरिक शक्ति प्राप्त करने और बुनियादी योग मुद्रा के साथ शरीर में स्वतंत्रता पैदा करने के बारे में है।

 यह वास्तव में इतना आसान है।

 इसलिए वजन कम करने या पीछे की ओर झुकने के बारे में चिंता न करें (वे जल्द ही आ जाएंगे)।  इसके बजाय, समझें कि योग एक प्रक्रिया और जीवन शैली है।  शारीरिक अभ्यास योग के आठ अंगों में से केवल एक है।                                                                                                            
4. अपनी श्वास पर ध्यान दें


 जबकि एक योग कक्षा में एक शिक्षक छात्रों को अगले दरवाजे के योग स्टूडियो में सांस लेने की पूरी तरह से अलग शैली में निर्देश दे सकता है, यह वास्तव में समान है।

 जबकि श्वास व्यायाम स्वयं महत्वपूर्ण लग सकता है, सीखने के लिए सबसे महत्वपूर्ण बात सांस के बारे में जागरूकता है।

 चाहे आप कुंडलिनी योग कक्षा में मुंह से जोर से सांस बाहर निकाल रहे हों या आराम योग मुद्रा में अपनी छाती को ताजी ऑक्सीजन से भर रहे हों, जागरूकता और सांस के बीच संबंध शुरुआती लोगों के लिए योग के सबसे लाभकारी पहलुओं में से एक है।

 बस अपने श्वास और श्वास को नोटिस करना शुरू करने से बेहतर नींद, कम तनाव और अधिक वर्तमान क्षण जागरूकता प्राप्त हो सकती है।

 इसलिए यदि आप कुछ अधिक जटिल मुद्राएं नहीं भी कर सकते हैं, तो भी सांस को नोटिस करने और सावधानीपूर्वक मार्गदर्शन करने का प्रयास करने से आपके अभ्यास पर समान रूप से गहरा प्रभाव पड़ेगा।  अपने पैर को अपने सिर के पीछे फेंकने में सक्षम होने से कहीं अधिक गहरा।

5. शांति में आराम करें


 हम में से अधिकांश को स्थिर बैठना बहुत चुनौतीपूर्ण लगता है।

 हम इसके बजाय इधर-उधर भागना, व्यस्त रहना और अपनी टू-डू सूची से आइटम की जांच करना पसंद करेंगे।

 यहां तक ​​कि जब हम चिल कर रहे होते हैं, हमारे हाथ हमारे घुटनों पर ड्रम बजाते हैं, हमारे विचार अतीत या भविष्य में भटकते हैं, या हमारी आंखें आईफोन या टीवी स्क्रीन को भूख से स्कैन करती हैं।

 (कभी-कभी सभी एक साथ।)

 इसलिए इससे पहले कि आप योग जर्नल या इंस्टाग्राम के पन्नों पर सबसे उन्नत योग पोज़ को धमाका करने की कोशिश करें, सभी के योग के सबसे बुनियादी सिद्धांतों को आज़माएँ, उपस्थित रहें।

 अगली बार जब आप लाइन में प्रतीक्षा कर रहे हों, सार्वजनिक परिवहन की सवारी कर रहे हों, या (बिल्ली!) शौचालय पर बैठे हों, तो ध्यान भंग करने के लिए अपने फोन को बाहर निकालने के प्रलोभन पर ध्यान दें।

 आग्रह को तुरंत देने के बजाय उसका निरीक्षण करने का प्रयास करें।

6. बेसिक योगा पोज़ सीखें


 एक बार जब आप अपने योग अभ्यास के भौतिक पक्ष के लिए तैयार महसूस करते हैं, तो आप शुरुआती लोगों के लिए योग मुद्रा के साथ मन लगाकर प्रयोग करना शुरू कर सकते हैं।

 अधिक जटिल पोज़ (उम, हैलो इनवर्जन्स) में कूदने की कोशिश करने या अपने बगल वाले व्यक्ति की तरह झुकने की कोशिश करने की कोई आवश्यकता नहीं है।

 जहां भी शुरुआत करें, चाहे स्थानीय योग स्टूडियो में हों या ऑनलाइन योग वीडियो के साथ, शुरुआत करने के लिए कुछ मूलभूत बातें हैं।

 आसन, या योग आसन से शुरू करें, जैसे कि नीचे की ओर मुंह करने वाला कुत्ता, बच्चे की मुद्रा और शवासन।

 प्रत्येक मुद्रा में, अपने हाथों या पैरों को फर्श पर दबाने, अपनी रीढ़ को लंबा करने और अपने कूल्हों को आराम देने पर ध्यान केंद्रित करें। यदि आप अभ्यास करते समय इसे ध्यान में रखते हैं, तो आप प्रत्येक मुद्रा के साथ ठीक उसी तरह काम करेंगे जैसे कि सबसे समर्पित अभ्यासी भी करते हैं।

7. शुरुआती कक्षाएं खोजें


 योग मुद्राओं को सुरक्षित और प्रभावी ढंग से सीखने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका एक अनुभवी योग प्रशिक्षक से सीखना है।

 आप योग एलायंस की ऑनलाइन निर्देशिका पर अपने पास एक पंजीकृत योग प्रशिक्षक पा सकते हैं, या आपको प्रेरित करने वाले शिक्षक को खोजने के लिए स्वयं स्थानीय योग स्टूडियो ब्राउज़ कर सकते हैं।

 याद रखें कि लगभग हर योग स्टूडियो सभी स्तरों के छात्रों को कम से कम एक योग कक्षा प्रदान करता है, इसलिए आपको केवल यह पूछना है कि आपके लिए कौन सा योग कसरत सही है!

 यदि आप शुरू करने के लिए थोड़ा नर्वस हैं, तो जल्दी जाएं और प्रशिक्षक से अपना परिचय दें। उसे बताएं कि आप नए हैं और मैं आपसे वादा करता हूं कि वे पूरी कक्षा में आपके लिए संशोधन और समायोजन करेंगे ताकि आपको संघर्ष न करना पड़े।

 आखिरकार, हम सब चाहते हैं कि आप भी शुरुआत करें!

 नए योगियों के लिए इन युक्तियों के माध्यम से काम करने के बाद, बेझिझक सूर्य नमस्कार, अधिक ऑनलाइन योग वीडियो, या एक योग डीवीडी भी आज़माएँ।

 और जब आप चतुरंग में महारत हासिल करना शुरू करते हैं, तब भी आपको ऊपर सूचीबद्ध सभी बिंदुओं का अभ्यास जारी रखना होगा।

 आप एक शांत, बेंडियर, अधिक आत्मविश्वासी होने के अपने रास्ते पर होंगे!

Deepanjali  posted in Yoga

Post updated on:  Sep 5, 2021 3:20:36 AM


Garlic Smashed Potatoes!! - so easy and yet tastes fancy.. nothing fussy or complicated. 

These potatoes are tender on the inside yet crisp on the outside..

These crispy smashed potatoes are best when they?re hot and fresh.

Creamy sauces contrast deliciously with these crispy potatoes.


Baby potatoes 1/2 kg
chilli flakes 1/2 tsp
oregano 1/2 tsp
garlic powder or fresh garlic 1 tsp
onion powder (Optional) 1/2 tsp
olive oil or vegetable oil 1 tbsp
salt. 1 tsp



Boil the baby potatoes.

Drain them and let them cool & dry

Season with chilli flakes, oregano, garlic powder, onion powder, olive oil and salt.

Lay them on an baking sheet

SMASH those potatoes

Bake! 180?C for about 25 minutes.

Eat up & Enjoy 

If you try this recipe.
Do let us know in the comments section.
We love to hear from you ❤ 

Rhea  posted in Cooking

Post updated on:  Sep 5, 2021 3:20:16 AM

Sharirik Fitness Pane Ka Behtarin Tarika
Aajkal ki aniyamit jeevansheli ke chalte har teesre vyakti ko motapa, madhumeh aur uccha raktchaap jaisi bimari ho jati hai. Aese mai aerobics aapki madad kar sakta hai. Ham aapko batana chahte hai ki iski madad se aap pratimah 2 se 3 kilo motapa ghata sakte hai.
Aerobics ek tarah ka vyayam hai.  Jisko aap kabhi bhi kahi bhi kar sakti hai. Parantu yadi aap ise subah subah karte hai to ise karna aur bhi faydemand hoga. Isko karne ke liye aapko kahi bahar jane ki aavshyakta nahi hoti hai. Aap ghar par bhi rock music laga kar aerobics kar sakte hai. Isse aap dance bhi sikh sakte hai aur aapka sharir bhi fit rahega.
Aerobics karne se sharir mai oxygen ki aavshyakta bad jati hai. Iske duran aapka blood circulation teji se hota hai. Jisse aapki pure sharir ko oxygen mil jati hai. Kyuki aerobics karte samay chalna, doud lagana, jogging, dance, cycle chalana, aur teraki karne va anya kai exercise hoti hai.
Aerobics aapki mastishak ke kaam karne ki shamata ko badata hai. Tatha aapki badti umra ko bhi kam karne mai madad karta hai. Ek shodh ke mutabik ye paya gaya hai ki jo log niyamit rup se aerobics karte hai unki yaaddasht shakti badh jati hai. Aur dimag adhik sakriya rehta hai.
Aeribics karne se aapka sharir shape mai rehta hai. Aur bimariyo ka khatra bhi kam hone ki sambhavna badhti hai. Jab bhi aap gym mai jakar vyayam karte hai to aapke hath pairo mai jhunjhulahat hoti hai. Parantu aerobics mai aapko kisi bhi tarah ka koi vajan nahi uthana padta hai aur aap ise aasani se kar pate hai. Aur vistar se jaane ke liye padhe Aerobics in .
Aerobics : Banaye Sharir Ko Swasth aur Sudhol
Aerobics Benefits in Hindi: Iske Fayde Janiye
Vyayam ham sabhi ke liye jaruri hai. Lekin kai logo ko vyayam se boriyat mehsus hone lagti hai. Parantu aerobics ke sath aesa nahi hai. Yeh naa keval aapki mahilao mai ruchi badhata hai balki aapke man ko khus bhi kar deta hai. Mahilao ko to ise karne mai bahut dilchaspi hoti hai.
Iske piche ka karan yeh hai ki isme rock music hota hai, jo ki manoranjan ka accha sadhan hai. Sath hi aerobics karne se aapki kaafi calorie burn hoti hai. Aapko jankar aascharya hoga lekin ek ghanta paidal chalne se kahi jayda fayda 30 minute aerobics karne se milta hai.
Aerobics ko karne ke liye aapko jayda jaddojahat nahi karna padti hai. Naahi kisi alag tarah ke vatavaran ki jarurat padti hai. Isse ghar ki kisi bhi jagah mai kar sakte hai. Yeh cardio ke liye bhi ek accha vikalp hai. Aerobics mai aapke pure sharir ka acche se vyayam ho jata hai. Agar aapko ghar se bhahar jane ka time nahi milta hai, to aap ghar par hi music chalu karke ise kar sakte hai.
Shodho ke anusar yeh bat bhi sabit hui hai ki aerobics se kai tarah ka ilaj bhi kiya ja sakte hai. Jaise kai logo ko nind nahi aane ki samasya hoti hai. Aerobics karne se iss samsya se nijat mil jati haui. Aur kai logo ke mansik stihi ka bhi vikas hota hai.
Aisa dekha gaya hai ki jo log aerobics karte hai wo aam logo se jayda energetic hote hai.  Sathi hi aerobics karte samay pehne jane wale kapde bhi aerobics ko karne mai ruchi badate hai.
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Aerobics Bimariyo Se Suraksha De
Aerobic Exercise karnse dil aur phephdo ko majbuti milti hai. Aur maspeshiya lachili banti hai. Aerobics sharir mai vasa aur cholesterol ko jamne nahi deta hai. Sath hi isse blood pressure control mai rehta hai. Pratidin 150 minute vyayam karna aur uske sath thoda bahut vajan uthane se madhumeh ki bimari ko thik karne mai sahayata milti hai.
Vajan Kam Karne mai Sahayak
Jitna adhik aap sharirik shrm karte hai utna adhik aapka sharir calorie burn karta hai. Aap jitna adhik khane mai calorie lenge utna aapko kam bhi karna padega. Yadi aap aesa nahi karte hai to aapka motapa aur badh jayega. Aerobics se aap jaldi jaldi vajan ko kam sakte hai.
Aapka vajan agar aapke sharir ke mutabik jyada hai to usse aapko ucch raktchaap, madhumeh jaisi bimari ho sakti hai. Agar aap rojana vyayam karenge to aap ekdam fit rahenge. vyayam karne se aapko mansik pareshaniyo se bhi mukti milti hai. Aerobics for Weight Loss bahut acchi hai.
Aerobics karne par aap apne bhojan par khud hi niyantran rakh payenge. Aur aapne aapko swayam hi prerit kar sakte hai. Aerobics karne se aap fit rahenge aur apne aap mai accha mehsus karenge. Isko karne se aapke andar aatmavishvas bad jata hai. Jisse ise apni dinchrya mai shamil karne ki prerna milti hai. Vyayam karne se charbi kam hone ke sath sath aapki manspeshiya bhi majbut banati hai.
Aerobics mai Carrier Bhi Banaye
Aerobics karte karte agar aerobics aapke jivan ka aham hissa ban gaya hai. Aur aapki ruchi bhi isme aa gai hai to aap isme apna carrier bhi bana sakte hai. Yeh keval vyayam ke liye hi nahi hai. Apitu aapka carrier bhi bahut accha ho sakta hai.
lekin dhyaan rakhe ki aap kisi aur ko sikhane se pehle iski har exercise ko acche se jan le. Taki jis kisi ko bhi aap iski guideline de wo uske liye faydemand sabit ho. Sath hi dhyan de ki unhe koi bimari to nahi hai. Aap aerobics classes ko ghar par bhi khol sakti hai. Jisse aapko kahi bahar jane ki jarurat nahi padegi.
Aerobic Exercise
Grbhavati Mahilao Ke Liye Bhi Faydemand Hai Aerobics
Maa banna kisi bhi mahila ke liye ek sukhd ehsaas ki tarah hota hai. Jab ek aurat nai jindagi ko janam deti hai. Tab uske liye kai sari bato ka dhayan rakha jata hai. Aerobics karne se garbhavati mahila aur uske hone wale baccha dono swasth hote hai. Aaiye jante grabhvati mahila ke liye konsi aerobics karna faydemand hota hai.
Swimming:- Swimming karna ek accha anubhav to hoga. Sath hi aap isse swasth bhi rahenge. Swimming karte samay aapka sharir pani ke prati pratirodhak uttpan karta hai. Aur garbhavastha ke douran swimming sabse accha aerobics hai. Khas baat ye hai swimming karte samay aap kai tarah ke vayam ko kar sakte hai.  Grabhvati mahila ko pani mai halke vayayam karne ki slah di jati hai. Aur behtar hoga ki aap kisi bhi tarah ke vyayam se pehle aap chikitsak se sampark kar le.
Walking:- Swimming ke bad walking garbhavati mahilao ke liye sabse accha aerobics hai. Ghumna bhale hi sabse aasan hai, parntu dhyaan de ki ghumne jate samay koi aacha juta kharid le. Jisse aapko chalte samay pareshani na aaye. Kai bar akele ghumte samay bore ho jate hai. To aap kisi ko apne sath le ja sate hai. Aur apni pati ko le jana to bahut hi accha vikalp hai. Garabhvati mahila ko chahiye ki vo niymit waliking kare.
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Aerobics Ko Kaise Kiya Ja Sakta Hai?
Aerobics waise to aap kisi samay par bhi kar sakte hai. Parntu subah ke samay karna bahut accha hota hai. Subah subah aerobics karne se aapka pura din fresh bitta hai.  1 hafte mai kam se kam 3 bar aerobics vyayam jarur kare. Khaskar jab aapko vajan kam karna ho.
Aerobics karte samay dhyaan de ki aapki gati na to jyada tej ho na hi dhimi ho. Aajkal naye naye aerobics vyayam ko sikhaya ja raha hai. Jisse apne lakshya ke anusar chuna ja sakta hai.
Shuruvati dour mai ek aerobics exercise ka session 20 minute tak hona chaiye. Tatha dheere dheere iska samay badakar kam se kam 60 minute tak le jana chahiye. Aerobics karte samay aesi kriyaye karna chahiye. Jinko karne mai aapko aanand milta ho. Jaise swimming, cycle chalana aadi. Boriyat dur karne ke liye aajkal naye naye tarike sikhaye ja rahe hai.
Upar aapne jana Aerobics . Aerobics vyayam karte samay sharir ki acche se stretching kar le. Taki aapko vyayam karte samay manspeshiyo mai jayda khichav na aaye. Kisi bhi prakar ka sankraman hone par ya viral hone par vyayam na kare. Aerobics karte samay yadi aapke sine mai dard ho to turant doctor ko dikhaye.

Raunak  posted in Health

Post updated on:  Sep 5, 2021 3:20:01 AM

Bahut se log fitness ko lekar bahut conscious hote hai. Aese logo ko apne sharir ko fit rakhne ke liye alag alag vyayam ko karna pasand hota hai. Isliye bahut se log gym jate hai. Yadi aap gym jate hai to aapka trainer aapke sharir ko shape mai rakhne ke sare vyayam karwa dega.

Lekin yadi aap ghar bhi perfect body shape pana chahte hai to pull ups aapke liye bilkul sahi hai. Yeh aapke biceps aur v shape sabhi par karya karta hai. Itna hi nahi jo log vajan ghatana chahte hai unke liye bhi yeh faydemand hai.

Yadi aap vajan ghatane ke sare tarike apna chuke hai lekin fir bhi aapko fayda nahi mil raha hai to Pullups ka sahara le. Yeh karne mai running jitna aasan to nahi hai lekin isse aapko aascharyajanak fayde milte hai. Aaiye vistar se jante hai Benefits of Pull Ups
Iske liye aapke yaha ek rod hang hona jaruri hai. Yadi aapke yaha rod nahi hai to aapko ya to gym jana padega. Ya fir yadi aapke aaspaas koi park ho aur waha latakne ki acchi jagah ho to aap waha bhi ise kar sakte hai.
Ise karne ke liye apne kandho ki choudai se thodi dur apne hatho ko rod par rakhe. Sath hi apne pairo ko modkar piche ek dusre mai fasa le. Ab aapko rod ko pakadkar apne sharir ko hatho par jor dete huye upar ki aur uthana hai. Aapko sharir ko tab tak upar karna hai jab tak aapki thodi rod se naa chhu jaye.
Iss douran aap upar ruke nahi aur jaldi se niche aa jaye. Pull ups ko karte wakt jab aapka sharir upar ki aur jata hai tab aapko andar ki aur saans lena hai aur jab sharir niche ki aur aata hai tab aapko bahar ki aur saans chhodna hai.
Iss exercise ko karte wakt aapko ek baat ka bahut acche se khayal rakhna hai. Jab aap niche ki aur aate hai tab aapka sharir latka hua nahi hona chahiye aur na hi aapki kohniya mudi hui hona chahiye. Kehne ka tatparya yeh ki sharir ke niche aane ke baad aapko apni takat se apne vajan ko sambhale rakhna hai.

Yadi aap push ups ke baad pull ups karte hai to aapko aur bhi jyada behtarin parinaam dekhne ko milte hai. Pull ups ko aap kai prakar se kar sakte hai. Jaise ki hatheliyo ko bahar ki aur se pakadne ki bajay aap andar se ise pakad sakte hai. Aese se ise karna behad aasan bhi ho jayega.

Pull ups karte wakt kuch log apne hatho ko keval 80 feesadi hi sidha hone dete hai aur turant hi upar ki aur chale jate hai. Lekin yeh ise karne ka sahi tarika nahi hai. Iske liye aapke body ke back kp puri tarah failne de, tabhi aapka sharir sahi shape mai aa payega.

Iska matlab yeh bhi nahi hai ki jab aap niche aaye to puri tarah apne hatho ko khole. Isse to aap latak jayenge aur upar jana aapke liye bhari ho jayega. Iske liye apne hatho ko 95 fisadi tak kholna hai.

Jin bhi logo se pull ups bilkul bhi nahi karte banta hai we log pehle thodi close grips ke sath chin up lagaye. Yeh aapko pull ups karne ke mukabale mai thodi aasan lagegi. Chin up mai hath kam khule hote hai aur hatheliya aapki aur hoti hai.
1. Pull Ups Benefits
Pull Ups Exercise ek bahut hi suvidhajanak vyayam hai. Aap iss vyayam ko kahi bhi kar sakte hai. Iske liye aapko yadi kuch chahiye to wo hai bus ek bar.
Lekin ha iske liye aap garbage mai pade metal pole ka istemal naa kare.
Aap bahar se pull up karne wala bar kharid sakte hai. Isse aapko safety ko lekar koi issue nahi rahega.
Alag Alag Tarike Se Kar Sakte Hai
Pullups karne ka ek sabse bada fayda yeh bhi hai ki aap ise alag alag tariko se kar sakte hai.
Ise alag alag tarike se karne ke liye aapko kisi tarah ke equipments ki jarurat nahi hai. Bus aapko apni grip ko badalna hoga.
Aap close grip pullups , and reverse grip pull-ups dono kar sakte hai.
Yadi aapko apni peeth par target karna hai to aap grip pull-ups kare. Wahi yadi aapko apne biceps par kaam karna hai to aap reverse grip pull-ups (chin-up)s par kaam kare.
Anya Fayde Inhe Bhi Janiye:-
Rojana pull-ups karne se aapki workout karni ki intensity badhti hai.
Aap yadi iske 12 grips aasani se maar lete hai to aap apni intensity ko aur badhane ke liye apne pairo mao weight laga sakte hai.
Yadi aap bodybuilder hai to aapki grip strength acchi hona chahiye. Pull-ups aapki takat ko badhane ke liye ek perfect exercise hai.
Yeh ek Body Weight Exercise hai. Yeh aapke shoulder aur stomach par kaam karti hai.
Upar aapne jana Benefits of Pull Ups in Hindi. Aap bhi pullup bar ko kharid kar ise suvidhajanak jagah par lagakar aasani se pullup kar sakte hai. Jis tarah squats aapke pairo par kaam karta hai usi tarah Pullup aapke upari sharir par karya karta hai.

Raunak  posted in Exercise

Post updated on:  Sep 5, 2021 3:15:29 AM

Aaj har ladki apni sundarta aur khoobsurati badhane ke liye har sambhav tareeka apnati hai. Iske liye agar makeup ka istemal kiya jaye to khoobsurati doguni ho jati hai. Chehre ke har bhag ke liye alag alag tarah ke products hote hai aur unhe lagane ke liye alag alag tareeke ka makeup ka istemal kiya jata hai.
Udaharan ke liye, chehre par foundation lagaya jata hai, hontho par lipstick lagayi jati hai aur isi tarah aankho ko khoobsurat banane ke liye eye-makeup kiya jata hai.
Aamtour par ladkiya aankho ko sundar banane ke liye rozana kajal lagati hai, aur kuch ladkiya eyeliner ka bhi rojana istemal karti hai. Agar eye makeup ki baat ki jaaye, to aajkal smokey eye makeup bahut hi prachalan mai hai.
Bahut bar aapne smokey eye-makeup kiye hui celebrities ko TV par ya magzine mai dekha hoga, jise dekhkar aapka man huwa hoga ki kash hum bhi aesa makeup kar pati. Yeh sach hai ki smokey eye-makeup karne ke bad aankhe glamorous aur classy lagti hain. Parantu, kuch ladkiyan ise bahut hi time consuming aur mehnat ka kam samajhti hai. Isliye aaj hum aapko Aasan Smokey Eye Makeup Tips in Hindi bata rahe hai, jisse aapka sundar aankho ka sapna sakar ho jayega.
Smokey Eye Makeup Tips: Aakarshak Aankho Ke Liye
Aankho Ke Aaspas Concealer Lagaye
Sabse pehle aankho ke aaspas ke area mai concealer ka light shade lagaye. Iske liye mineral makeup foundation ek behtar concealer hai, jo ki aapki aankho ko Eyeshadow lagane ke liye prepare karta hai.
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Aankho Ke Anusar Shadow Ka Chayan
Scotch-Tape (Transparent Tape) ka ek tukada le aankho ke lash line ke niche aur aankh ke kone tak laga de. Ab yahi prakriya dusri aankh ke liye bhi doharaye.
Aankho ke colour ke anusar Matte Shadow lagaye aur puri aankh ko cover karne ke liye ek bade brush ka istemal kare aur ise blend kar le.
Ek Dark Grey Eyeshadow ko palak ke upar brush ki madad se lagaye. Aap ise thoda dark kar sakte hai, lekin bahut jyada dark na kare, kyonki abhi aur bhi shadow lagana baki hai. Isliye shadow ko dhyan se lagaye.
Ab dark gray eye shadow ko blend karke twacha ke rang se bhi jyada light shade kar de. Yeh aapki aankh ko bright kar dega aur dark rang ise adhik natural kar dega.
Agar Ho Sham Ka Wakt
Agar aap evening party ke liye aur jyada smokey eye chahte hai, to aap aankho mai gray shadow ke upar ek black eyeshadow laga sakte hain. Chunki, gray shadow apne pelhe se hi laga rakha hai, to aapki aankhe ka look gradual dikhega. Cat-Eye ke look ke liye aap black shadow ka istemal kar sakti hai.
Liner Ka Upyog Karna Na Bhule
Ab Eye Liner ka upyog kare. Pahle eye-pencil se aankh ke kone ko line kare, lash line mai lagate samay khas dhyan rakhe. Agar aapki aankhe chhoti hai to liner ko aankho ke madhya se lagana shuru kare or fir eye ke bahari taraf le jaye. Aur yadi aapki aankhe badi hai, to aaram se aankh ke ek kone se dusre kone tak liner lagaye. Agar aap liquid-liner ka istemal kar rahi hai, to aankho ki lash line mai dots banakar un dots ko milaate hue straight line bana sakte hai.
Final touch ke liye, aap scotch-tape ko nikal sakte hain. Ab ek bade eye shadow brush ki madad se neutral-tone mai ek light shadow lagaye. Pure aankh ke area ko acchi tarah se janch le aur dhyan rakhe ki aankho ka soft aur perfect blended look dikhe.
Smokey eye makeup karne ka matlab keval eye shadow lagana nahi hota, balki yeh aankho ke overall look par nirbhar karta hai. Jaise aap sahi eye-shadows ko sahi jagah par lagane ka kam bakhoobi ke sath karti hain, usi tarah aapko palako par bhi utna hi dhyan dena jaruri hai. Palko ko curl karke aap ki aankhe aur bhi khoobsurat dikhengi aur bheed mai aapko ek alag hi pehchan dengi.
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Palako ko curl karne ke bad, aap mascara laga sakte hain. Kuch log ko esa lagta hai ki waterproof mascara lagane se palak jyada samay tak curl rehti hai. Parantu, kuch waterproof mascara palako ko thoda dry kar dete hai, isliye waterproof mascara ko har bar lagana ek achha vikalp nahi hai.
Jis tarah evening-parties ya night out ke liye black shadow lagana optional hota hai, usi tarah agar aap chahe to False-Eyelashes ko bhi pehan sakti hai, jo ki smokey-eye ko ek cat-eye look ke liye accha option hai. Lekin yadi aap noon-parties ya din ki parties mai ja rahi hain to false-eyelashes achha vikalp nahi hai.
Ab Aakhir mai fluffy-brush ki madad se aankho ke niche yadi koi galti se shadow aajaye to use dur kare aur achhi tarah se aaspas ke area ko saaf kare.
Agar aap adhik dramatic look chahti hai to shadow aur mascara aur jyada lagaye. Palako ko curl karne ke bad black-mascara ke 2-3 coats lagaye. Agar aap apni aankho ko bada dikhana chahti hai, to niche wali lashes ko lining karte samay liner ko upar se niche lagane ke bajaye niche se upar le jate hue lagaye. Isse aapki aankhe badhi aur akarshak dikhengi.
Agar aap apni aakho ko puri tarah se achha look dena chahti hai, to aapko eyebrows par bhi dhyan dena chahiye. Smokey Eye ke sath bold-eyebrows achhi lagti hain, jisse aap aankhe aur bhi gorgeous lagegi.
Yadi aap classy Smokey Eye look chahte hain, to ek natural color se apne hoonth ko line kare aur kuch dusre color jaise ki peach, caramel aadi. Aap Smokey-Eyes ke sath mude lip look bhi rakh sakte hai. Iske alawa, adhik dramatic-look ke liye lips mai deep color ke sath darker-lip liner ka istemal kare. Aaj ke dino mai Smokey-eye ke sath nude-lip aur deep dark lip dono hi prachalan mai hai.
Upar aapne jana Smokey Eye Makeup Tips. Agar aap bhi apni aankho ko smokey aur classy look dena chahti hai to iss tips ko jarur apnaye.

Alisha  posted in Makeup tips

Post updated on:  Sep 5, 2021 3:14:59 AM

Khubsurat dikhna har kisi ko pasand hota hai, kintu chehre par moujud kale dhabbe aur daag aapki khubsurti ko kam kar dete hai. Vaise to chehre ki uchit dekhbhal aur kuch tariko se aap inhe thik kar sakte hai. Lekin isme wakt lagta hai. Aese mai yadi aapko achanak kisi avsar, party ya shadi mai jana hai to aap mayus ho jate hai.

Ham aapko bata de ki yadi aapko minto mai chehre ke daag dhabbe, jhurriya aur kale ghere chhupana hai to concealer aapke ke liye bahut accha vikalap hai. Yeh aapke makeup ko perfect banata hai.
Concealer jadu ki tarah aapke chehre ki rangat nikhar deta hai aur kale ghere, jhurriya ko chipa deta hai. Iske atirikt yeh aapke murjhaye chehre ko taro taja aur bedag banane mai madad karta hai. Bajar mai kai tarah ke concealer uplabdh hai jiska chunav aapko apni twacha ke anusaar karna chahiye.
Yadi iska chunaav aap apni skin tone ke anusar karenge to aapka chehra natural aur nikhra hua dikhega. Concealer to har koi istemaal kar sakta hai parantu ise lagane ka sahi tarika sabhi ko nahi aata. Aaj hum aapko How to Apply Concealer in Hindi ke bare mai batane ja rahe hai taki aap ise acche se lagakar natural look paye.

Paye Aakarshak Chehra
Twacha Ki Rangat Ke Anusar Chune Concealer
Concealer bajar mai kai aakar tatha rang mai milte hai. Isko chunne ke liye aapki twacha se milta julta concealer ko chune aur nirdharit kare ki aapki twacha ke liye konsa jaruri hai. Sath hi yeh bhi soche ki aap aapke chehre par kise chupana chahti hai jaise muhase, kale ghere, jhurriya ya birth mark taaki aapka chehra jyada nikhra hua aur natural dikhe.
Yadi aap chahte hai ki aapke chehre se kale nishan, birth mark chhup jaye to aise Face Concealer ko chune jo tinted hara ya pile rang ka ho, kyoki yeh chehre par lal aur gehre rang ke dhabbo ko chhupane ka kaam karta hai

Yadi aap kale ghere, daag ko chhupana chahte hai to skin tone se 1 ya 2 halka shade ka chunav kare tatha iske alawa muhaso ko chupane ke liye pencil concealer ka istemal kare. Dhyaan rakhe jab bhi aap testing kar rahe chehre par makeup na ho aur ye bhi yaad rakhe ki hatho par testing karke kabhi concealer na kharide.

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Sabse Pehle Chehre Ko Saaf Kare
Jab bhi aap concealer ko chehre par lagate hai sabse pehle mild face wash se chehre ko dho le aur moisturize lagaye. Aankho ke niche kajal ya mascara lagane se kalapan jam jata hai Isse makeup remover se hataye.
Kale Ghere Par Lagaye
Sabse pehle concealer ko ungli ya fir brush ki sahayta se aankho ke niche kale ghere par thapthapate huye lagaye aur ise naak tatha aankho ke aaspas lagana shuru kare de. Concealer ko acche se aankho ke aaspas ke area mai faila de. Yaad rakhe ise lagate samay aankho par jor se rub na kare. Kyoki aisa karne se aankho ko hani pahuch sakti hai.
Yadi concealar ko chehre par lagate samay aankhon ke aaspas acche se na lagaya jaye to aankhe soi soi si lagti hai. Concealer ko lash line ke base par lagate huye sidhe water line ke base tak lagaye.
Kale Nishan aur Muhaso Par Lagane Ka Tarika
Chehre par kisi bhi tarah ke kale nishan, sun spot, birth mark ko chupane ke liye inn par concealer ko acche se twacha ke bahar ki taraf mix karte huye lagaye. Yadi aap cracked on look se bachna chahte hai to concealer ki patli patli parat chehre par lagaye.

Yad rakhe ki muhase par concealar lagane ke liye brush ka istemal kare kyuki ungliyo se lagane par bacteria failenge aur chehre par muhanse badne lagenge.
Concealer Ka Base Jamaye

Ab aapne chehre ke daag dhabbe aur muhaso ko acche se chhipa liya hai aur pure chehre par ek jaise mix kar liya hai. Isse pure chehre par base dene ke liye face powder ka istemal kare taaki yeh pure chehre par acche se set ho jaye. Jis bhi jagah par jyada concealer lagaya hai waha thoda extra powder ka istemal kare jisse concealer pure din tika rahe.

Use of Concealer to aapne jaan liya Iske alawa yeh bhi dhyan rakhe ki yadi aapki twacha rukhi hai to liquid concealer tatha teliya twacha ke liye powder base concealer ka upyog karna accha hoga.
You may also like:- How to Apply Eyeliner in Hindi: Jane ise lagane ke Stylish Tarike
Kuch Khas Baato Ka Dhyaan Rakhe
Jab bhi aap chehre par makeup lagate hai to sone jane se pehle makeup ko homemade makeup remover se saaf kar le. Kyoki makeup ke sath sone se aapki twacha ke romchhidra band ho jate hai aur wo khulkar saans nahi le pati hai.

Concealer ko hamesha twacha ke anusar chhune warna chehre par orange rang ke dhabbe dikhai dene lagenge jo aapke makeup ko khrab kar sakta hai.
Kai company muft mai makeover karti hai uska fyada jarru le aur makeup karne ki janakari sahi tarike se prapt kare.

Kale ghere ko hatane ke liye nind puri kar aur sahi samay par aur uthe taaki kale ghere khatam ho jaye. Sath hi Aise makeup ka istemal kare jo oil free aur muhaso ko rokne ka kaam kare.
Yadi aapki twacha sensitive hai to concealer ko khridne se pehle usse halka sa laga kar dekhe yadi twacha mai jalan ho to usse na kharide.

Makeup hatane ke liye makeup wipe ka istemal bhi kar sakte hai kyuki concealer acche se saaf na hone par samasya uttpan ho sakti hai.

[Upar aapne jana How to Apply Concealer . Ab jab bhi aapko kisi khas avasar par jana ho aap acche se makeup karke khubsurat lag sakti hai.]

Alisha  posted in Makeup tips

Post updated on:  Sep 5, 2021 3:14:50 AM

As we all know on the battlefield your life usually depends on how fast you put your guns. So if that?s the most important thing I?ve decided to measure which way I?m going to go at the beginning of the game.

Most of you have probably thought that going downhill toward the plane and holding the strafe + forward when your parachute explodes (to avoid speed loss) and then going forward is a quick way to get off.

Things get even more complicated when we want to travel as far as 2 or 3kms away from a plane. After hours and hours of experimentation and speed, I came to the conclusion.

When using the first method, we need to move forward by looking up at the sky and try to get to where you can get it before the automatic pull of your parachute (900m - 1.2km is the max you can do). The distance you will travel after the chute is opened depends on the speed you intend to maintain.

There is a chart with my results:

Speed ​​- Distance - Time
20 + km / h - 1,40- 1m 25sec
40 + km / h - 1,55- 1m 09sec
50 + km / h - 1,50- 1m 00sec
60 + km / h - 1,30- 0m 58sec
2nd Technique is all about flying forward and pulling your parachute very fast. After that maintaining the right speed will give us a nice difference in the results.

There is a chart with my results:

Speed ​​- Distance - Time
20 + km / h - 2,90km - 3m 33sec
30 + km / h - 2,30km - 2m 35sec
40 + km / h - 1,90km - 2m 02sec
50 + km / h - 1,65km - 1m 37sec
60 + km / h - 1,30km - 1m 24sec
3RD Technique Parachute Right Down and Drive with Vehicle

I estimate the approx time it takes if we could pack up and go to the car and try to drive 2kms. This way we can compare it will be a long distance ride and we know which way is faster.

Here's what I found:

Car - Distance - Time
India- 2km - 2m 17sec
Disruption - 2km - 2m 14sec
Dacia - 2km - 2m 02sec
Bicycle - 2km - 1m 51sec
SuperBike - 2km - 1m 44sec

Ofc bikes are very fast and will actually hit anyone with a parachute and Dacia will get you there at about the same time.

Keep in mind that all of those measurements were made with full driving and in the kinda area.

Ayush  posted in 6260029752

Post updated on:  Sep 5, 2021 3:14:13 AM

Ethics -  In Hospitality.
It is very wise to say that "Hospitality is all about being a Good Human Being. In Bhagwad Gita, it is very beautifully taught by our greatest Management Guru " Lord Krishna that a good human being can be identified by attitude towards people, all other living beings, and towards the entire environment and attitude towards one's own Path to the Perfection.
The great philosophers of the past have placed a great deal of emphasis on ethics not only in their lives, but also in their work.

Hospitality industry is a human centric industry; human resource plays an important role in providing services which contains interactions with guest. As all the operations contains intensive face-to-face interactions with clients: managers, supervisors and staff confront many ethical dilemmas in their day-to-day operations.
What is ethics?

Ethics are the principles and values used by an individual to govern his or her actions and decisions. Ethics and values are not confined to textbooks, their use in the hospitality industry is of immense magnitude. Ethics tries to create a sense of right and wrong in the organizations and often when the law fails, it is the ethics that may stop organizations from harming the society or environment.

Ethics are very important in an organization, it plays vital role in managing hotel services which can be achieved by:

1.  Satisfying Basic Human Needs:   It is good for staff for morale to work in an open culture, with possible benefits of increased productivity and staff loyalty.  An organization known for fair and responsible practice is likely to attract high quality employees .
2.  Good relationships with Guests based on a commitment to honesty and transparency will enhance a company's reputation. And so increase in revenue by making a long term relationship.
3.  Competitive advantage- Hospitality is faced major challenges in terms of competition, In such a competitive world where hotels have all the facilities from products to software and technical implementations. There are certain ethical qualities that any hospitality professional must have :
Honesty , integrity , trustworthiness, loyalty, fairness, concern for others, commitment for excellence , leadership , reputation & accountability.
With the increase in competition there have been many unethical practices being followed in hotels , be it over booking of rooms to menu frauds. Etc.
Concern in the industry should not be to   how to find these kind of individuals it must be, but how to inculcate these values and ethics in hospitality person.

This is where role of human resource comes in. Although the role of Human resource department has moved from just being a recruiting and selecting department to training , but still we find that most of the hotel don't take sessions on ethics for their employees.
Catering colleges can also play their part by inculcating ethics as a subject in the curriculum and it should not just be confined to our religious scriptures.
With the growth of hospitality industry and competition in the market, timely and paramount service becomes a necessity to the guest , which creates a lot of pressure on the staff, therefore to meet these expectations ethics in services and operations are always kept on stake.
with all the hotels sharing same technological advancements and procedures the only sense of competition can be the ethical employees.


Divya  posted in Hospitality.

Post updated on:  Sep 5, 2021 3:11:32 AM

Some time ago, I discovered that one of the most important things we can do when faced with a difficult situation is to "Say what you say and say what you say, but don't be mean when you say it." Diane Albano?s The Art of Being Nice: Own Your Voice for Greater Power and Fulfillment embraces that kind of advice and explains every place where things can go wrong as we move the tangible difference between earning a living.

What?s more, Diane is able to be very fun and has allowed people to bully you. On the pages of The Art of Being Nice, he shared stories from his life about how he found relief in himself. He met the same women and men who gave him their accounts. As he first wrote, "We have all experienced the recorded message of 'having fun' as children and the power, the traps, and the effect it had on us as adults. having their say to get a better chance and satisfaction. " You will not be a bully once you are done, but you will know how to say no and how to define boundaries in respect that make you happier and the other person, if not more happy, understanding and unknowingly cross the line with you.

The book is divided into twenty sections that will help you develop your art until you become an expert in it. Themes include: Feeling Heard and Raised, Speaking Your Truth, Forgiveness for Decisions Made, Staying in a Relationship for a Long Time, Taking Care of Yourself First, and Be Courageous and Free.

In all of this, epiphanies will come from those who misuse profits. Another happened when Diane revealed one of her most vivid moments. He says, "One epiphany I had was that being fun was a way for me to manage. Other than that, being fun was not a great thing. . "As a kind A character, I've been hurt many times in a situation where I believe I need to take credit. This book will help you to understand some of your various ways and will show you how to deal with such situations as judgment and beauty so that you do not lose weight completely, and perhaps admit that you are overweight and do not need to take credit in any way.

Diane similarly gabs by discovering how she can pay attention to our natural instincts. He has worked extensively with Mary Morrissey at the Life Mastery Institute. Mary says that our conscience, the small voice within, is one of the six laws of the Universe. It is our internal regulatory framework that we do not always pay attention to. How often have we been in situations like the one above, when we hear that voice advising us not to do something - not to engage in a situation that will cause us to despair simply because we believe you should be modest? We can always distance ourselves from these difficult areas if we choose to focus on our feelings first. Diane will show you how you can support that focus on your natural feelings.

One of my biggest moments of seeing what I read in the book came when Diane asked, "Do you have a responsibility to prepare people to help you?" I admit I made a legal mistake about that. I compared it to having fun over and over again and not having a problem. And, at the same time, I needed individuals to think that I was strong, that I was not weak, so I would not ask for help. Not asking for help is one thing or another finding out how I can stop because I no longer use it. Diane offers a whole section of self-sacrifice, and one complete section for asking for help. I hope so; just managing these two tests will make your life a lot easier.

Parts of this book end with questions that will be considered to help you deal with your problems by having fun and additional programs to reduce stress, define boundaries, and look for what will make you happier.

In the end, the perpetrators of The Art of Being Nice, will go through the insights and resources to help them develop a clearer clarity, reason, opportunity, confidence, and mental strength. As Diane puts it, "Everyone has the right to be heard, to be taken in, and to be seen by them all." And as Marianne Williamson was quoted in the book, "And no one will pay attention to us until we pay attention to ourselves." People who have a very special opportunity and happiness have found how they can take care of themselves without their own judgment or that of others. At a time when we are paying attention and being sure of who we are and what we need, we can focus on choosing the best one for us in a way that allows us to continue to have fun without being a mat.

Om  posted in Self Improvement

Post updated on:  Sep 5, 2021 3:11:21 AM

Self-improvement guides are often developed but not all are as popular as, "How to Overcome Friends and Influence People". Dale Carnegie compiled the book in 1937 and in time it was revised and turned into a world-famous, untouched success. The book regularly claims that 16 million copies have been sold worldwide. The book has been translated into many languages. The distribution business has experienced a real boost with the growing breadth of this book.

"Step-by-step instructions to win ...." indeed the removal of Dale Carnegie's one-volume book, "Effective Communication and Human Relations". After composing this useful book, consider compiling it for everyday citizens. The book is presented in a very interesting way. This depends on the home reunion of the creator. Therefore, it becomes very interesting for users. One of the most interesting parts of the book is that, after each section there are "nutshells", which help the abusers to capture the previous section. It is very important, as this book must be used properly. Few users tend to avoid a particular category and move on; this is not appropriate for this book.

"Winning orders ...." are divided into four sections and all of them are equally attractive.

Phase One - Basic approaches to human management.

Step Two - Six Ways to Make People Like You.

Stage Three - How to Get People to Your Thing.

Step Four - Be a Leader: How to change people without offending them or looking down on them.

The book explains and especially the peruser is well discarded. The Creator reveals things and then puts them above or below. This helps the user by looking at the category and moving on to the next one. The models are taken from reality, which makes this book very attractive. Brief statements are made in such a way that the user can face the facts he has just examined. It is not difficult to remember and remember later.

However the real article talks a lot about this book, but it is important to bring out something more. If you think you are interested in using the self-improvement guidelines, this is the perfect requirement to study. Besides, if this is the first time you have received such a letter, you will be following this important step. The book suggests a few activities after each section. If you ever try to follow those things, your life will change. The book is not intended for a specific class of people; instead everyone should read this book. Experts, scholars and others alike, should understand this. It is an exciting book that cannot be ignored. Humans, who love the science of the human brain, have no better idea than to read it without delay. The episodes, used as some illustrations, are beautiful.

Since the book is divided into many parts, you should use this again. Start everything, read one or two sections in a row and leave the rest for the next day. This training will not make your understanding exhausting or repetitive. Indeed, you too will agree to use it gradually and consistently. This is more important than just understanding. This book was invented many years ago, so often you will not be able to get acquainted with the concept. This is undoubtedly the most common, however try to change a few things to use good ideas. This way you will want to take the basic action.

Throughout the book, there is a remarkable piece of written evidence that adorns the basic text. These types are subtly covered which add to the knowledge and depth of the disputed arguments. The research periods used included Theodore Roosevelt, Sigmund Freud, Abraham Lincoln and Al Capone. Dale Carnegie also uses real stories from members of the first study. These brilliantly popular scenes add exemplary touches to all parts.

"Step-by-step instructions for making friends and impact on individuals" is an immortal art work. Its excellent appeal strengthens you as you study it, inviting you to acknowledge your views. The sheer volume of this book will surely surprise you. If used with pleasure many of the ideas investigated in this book will no doubt give you the power to make friends and the influence of individuals.

Om  posted in Self Improvement

Post updated on:  Sep 5, 2021 3:11:11 AM

We dwell in a really aggressive world. Any particular person who desires a chunk of pie on this world has to struggle for it.

Right this moment we go about getting a bigger piece of the pie by growing our self-worth by way of varied means. For some, it means going again to high school to pursue a better schooling. Some proceed to consider that sheer onerous work is the sensible approach to success. Whereas a minority does nothing and hope that they will develop into higher folks.

There's an growing pattern the place folks flip to self-help books and seminars to enhance themselves. And the outcomes are extraordinarily promising and inspiring.

To lots of those that should not have the behavior of studying, this different could appear boring and nerdy. Boring and nerdy would by no means be the phrases you or I'd use to explain as soon as we acknowledge the numerous advantages they've.

What's the magic behind these books and seminars? Foremost, they supply motivation. Huge and targeted motivation in areas you have an interest in enhancing on. Motivation is an important key to success in life. And probably the most handy supply of motivation comes from these books and seminars. Motivation empowers a person with a constructive mindset, the proper perspective: this vastly will increase his power, drive and productiveness. We're consistently surrounded with negativity, from folks, TV, radio, it is necessary that we get out of this negativity by studying uplifting and constructive books.

Self-help books and seminars present an array of specialised information that isn't out there within the present schooling system. What is that this specialised information? What you search is what you get. There are tons and plenty of books in so many areas, all it requires you're a while, effort and perhaps cash to get your fingers on the data you search by way of the ebook. This specialised information is extraordinarily invaluable and sensible when you utilized it. New information opens the thoughts. You may be uncovered to new concepts and views from totally different faculties of ideas to enhance your self and to an extent for some, they endure "information overload". My recommendation for you is to use as lots of the concepts you will have learnt, discard these that don't be just right for you, hold these which might be efficient and see the constructive modifications happen in your life.

The acquisition of latest information is vitally necessary to stay aggressive in immediately's world. Nevertheless, information alone isn't adequate to deliver you to larger heights. What I've learnt from these books and seminars is that they've the flexibility to behave as mentors in our lives. Mentors have invaluable expertise of their specialised fields to share that can present any particular person with insights and concepts by no means recognized to them. This will vastly shorten the educational curve and cut back any trial and error wanted to attain the end result. Nevertheless, everybody acknowledges the numerous advantages of mentor however not many people take the trouble or are fortunate sufficient to seek out such a mentor. Self-help books and seminars are a rare supply of accrued expertise of the authors and audio system. The essence of their experiences lies deep in these supplies and is well accessible to anybody who makes the trouble to know, study and apply what's taught. For some, they by no means managed to see the dear expertise that lies proper in entrance of them they usually by no means will till the day they really feel that's a lot ache of their lives and that one thing should be accomplished. Would not or not it's too late by then? Learn with a particular goal; ask your self, "What information am I seeking for, what is my purpose of reading this book?" Self-help books and seminars are your greatest mentors until you discover the one that's keen to counterpoint and information you.

In search of a mentor to information you is a MUST when you search to attain success within the shortest time potential. The place and the way do you go about discovering them? A self-help seminar is one extremely potential place. These seminars are a congregation of extremely motivated people who come from varied fields and age teams and most significantly, lots of them are very useful folks. The audio system themselves could be your mentors as properly. There isn't any different higher place as in comparison with a self-help seminar. Networking is the important thing to discovering your very best mentor. You'll by no means know when you can see such an individual. Briefly, it takes braveness, persistence and a good quantity of self-confidence in your self to impress and persuade somebody to be your mentor. Keep in mind that these mentors you search are very busy folks themselves. As an alternative of satisfying your wants, take into consideration what you may supply to your mentor first. Give earlier than you obtain. They could not develop into your mentors however lovely friendship might bloom and shortly you realized that you're fully surrounded by constructive and extremely motivated folks. It was Jim Rohn who stated, "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with." And since you're surrounded by constructive and energetic folks, you'll expertise new vibrant power to propel you to larger heights in your life.

Om  posted in Self Improvement

Post updated on:  Sep 5, 2021 3:08:54 AM

There are social media activities that are very accessible to anyone who needs to be more into the film. Extra items are always needed for each type of movie, and certain looks are not always required. The makers will like a variety of people, but even though most of these media outlets do not have parts to talk about, they give people without any kind of energy to imitate the opportunity to eat.

When we are young and full of standards, we look at the cream in the field of media activities and, at the same time we feel that entertainment is our purpose in life, we mean to do, to connect, or perhaps to do activities. Shouldn't something be said about those unwritten TV shows like Survivor and The Amazing Race? Take it easy for artists alone, how many styles and types of communication work are there?  Many have a collection of data and resources to help you mark, decide, and choose what to do. This makes us consider journalists, perhaps men on camera, at the time what can be said about those professional developers. Compile your engagement list. In any case, there are a number of other equally important positions available, from acting to CGI assistants to editors, both in composition and film. 

Also, this is for the film business only. Shouldn't something be said about those unwritten TV shows like Survivor and The Amazing Race? Take it easy for artists alone, how many styles and types of communication work are there? There are travel artists, pianists, Chippendale and Karaoke artists accused as well as many others. Put another way, few of all the weird ones are removed to become a hero or pop icon. Moreover, again, that index is only one exhibition, one specialty in business, one genre, one image of a million talents.

That's just TV. Theres in addition to film, music, theater, etc. Then, at the same time think of media activities within the lesser but shared skills: take, for example, what other than the Savior or other hot shows, one could say one of the biggest commercial moments on television? Football! Group organizers, Publishers. This makes us consider journalists, perhaps men on camera, at the time what can be said about those professional developers. Compile your engagement list. While doing so, keep in mind managers, emcees, paper-pushers, cosmetics technicians, truck mechanics and cooking arrangements, and so on and so forth I will gather together many of the worst places for media activities.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics highlights the activities of social media, and addresses and discloses job responsibilities, patterns, needs, and much more on a large number of jobs. (Their website, bls.gov, helps me remember other social media activities, such as carnival professionals and actors, guest work, gallery work, and so on!)

Go through media worksheets as well. In any case, there are a number of other equally important positions available, from acting to CGI assistants to editors, both in composition and film. Also, this is for the film business only. Shouldn't something be said about those unwritten TV shows like Survivor and The Amazing Race? Take it easy for artists alone, how many styles and types of communication work are there?  Many have a collection of data and resources to help you mark, decide, and choose what to do. Some will require several dollars, while others may offer a free trial period.

While you are busy, check out the association - affiliate sites such as screenwriting communities, etc. You will definitely end up following a big or small but basic trail!

Om  posted in Carriers

Post updated on:  Sep 5, 2021 3:08:45 AM

Many novices in the IT field are surprised when they find that it is more difficult to get that first position than they once thought it would be. I know exactly what it is like. I had an amazing job in IT and I could have given it to anyone, but I have made some powerful memories broke with it. I would like to pass on a few suggestions to you in a better way to start what can be a financially rewarding and fulfilling career in Information Technology.

Educational programs are a wonderful place to start. A ton of newbies failed to remember that schools all over the world needed IT staff to help school organizations, printers, etc. I started my career with a government-funded education program and it was the best move I could make at any time. In the event that you do such work, you will do everything from printer printing to supporting the school's Local Area Network (LAN). You get information that will look incredible in your resume - you will enjoy a big hand at those with low work loans. You will not spend a lot of money on a boat, but what you need at the beginning of your career is understanding, not money. Which takes me to my next place?.

Try not to pursue dollars. I know, I know. All of us like cash, what else, maybe you have a few debts to pay! I'm not suggesting that you work for free, but the question you should ask yourself when you start your IT career is: "What do I need my resume to look like in three years?" Money will be there - if your resume shows the extent of the involvement. That's what you need to find when you think about your first job. Use your drawn idea to choose what type of IT job you need to be in the long run from now on, and find a new job that will give you valuable information.

Confirm. Enter a field where you study continuously - or if not, you should be! With the success you already have and stop studying, your skills will age and your IT career will decline. Start adding certificates to your resume to enforce your feeling. Investigate PC control systems, such as A +, and then take advantage of advanced developments such as MCSE and CCNA. By the time you are verified in each of the three administrative systems (tools, employee OS, and changes), you are a "triple risk"! Combine that with some experience and you will be able to restart the most remarkable.

Organization. System management has two distinct aspects of IT, and you know the first one. However, in addition to PC programming, there are human program management. Get out there and meet people. Your local newspaper has a business location - check out IT team meetings. The more you are seen, the more likely you are to be remembered. A small country, and IT a small country too. Meet business topics for your space again. It?s amazing how fast-paced interaction with a personal encounter or conversation can create extraordinary things far away.

Having an active IT profession is not just about knowing more about PCs and organizations. It sees the right way to start, to find the right combination of involvement and authorization, and to meet people. I know for a fact that it's hard to start. I also personally know that no work field rewards each drive as it does IT. So get started today - and if you feel like your IT job has been reduced, take a step back, write down the reasons why this happened, and take care of the business later!

Om  posted in Carriers

Post updated on:  Sep 5, 2021 3:08:27 AM

Graduate bookkeepers, have a wide range of options and clear ways to track their work. Bookkeeping requires a ton of skills in terms of business and that is why each organization has a successful bookkeeping employee. If you happen to be a bookkeeper, you can apply to any type of firm. Districts may include costs, reviews, financial investigations and retention management.

It is better to follow a position that connects with your tendencies and skills. There are activities shown by many bookkeeping students to take it to the next level of achievement and you may need to consider entering these fields.

In the event that you are a graduate of a public accounting firm, the best places for this skill are Tax Employees, Consulting / Management Services and Human Resources Auditor. With these positions you will make your responsibilities great. Whenever you have purchased three to six years of involvement in any of these positions, then you may need to consider applying for key positions such as Tax Senior, Senior Auditor, and Senior Consulting where the position includes details directly to the Manager. Bookkeeping requires a ton of skills in terms of business and that is why each organization has a successful bookkeeping employee. Following six years of domination by these particles, then, at that time you can look for positions at the level of partners with the Supreme Partner.

To be on the verge of corporate retention, one to three years of involvement will qualify you to be part of the staff in Internal Audit, Tax Accounting, Management, and Financial Accounting. The rise of high turnover follows three to six years, you will be able to earn a Higher Level of Internal Audit, Tax Accounting and Management Accounting. For six years from then on, you may need to consider focusing on positions such as the Tax Manager, the Internal Audit Manager and the Accounting Officer.

Qualifications in Financial Management, Financial Planning Staff, Financial Management, and Credit Analysis for position opportunities at the sector level. Whenever you have enough information, you can focus on Financial Performance, Credit Analysis and Advanced Financial Planning. The senior positions will include Treasurer, Debt Analysis and Financial Planning Manager.

Whenever you have purchased three to six years of involvement in any of these positions, then you may need to consider applying for key positions such as Tax Senior, Senior Auditor, and Senior Consulting where the position includes details directly to the Manager. The rise of high turnover follows three to six years, you will be able to earn a Higher Level of Internal Audit, Tax Accounting and Management Accounting.

These professional choices are traditional methods that have been found to be more suitable for bookkeeping. Other than that, it does not mean that they are the best way to measure a step in the right direction. You need to do more than just limit your bookkeeping skills. It is still recommended that you gain a thorough understanding of the job, get information on various aspects of the training, and then continue to work on your person to progress with other job seekers.

Om  posted in Carriers

Post updated on:  Sep 5, 2021 3:08:14 AM

Most asset managers today are limited in providing startups just for business verification. Fear of guilt does not allow for anything that can be considered emotional or, more importantly, hateful. Earning a regular job check will usually pay much less than the date your up-and-comer started the business, the date he left, and the position he held. You will often go without information that is expected to be limited to the learned choice of employment. When you go to look for a spelling, the HR Manager will be brave and respond that the one who came and was "accompanied".

Truth be told, in the drafting of this article, there was a radio program in which a program journalist developed this standard. The analyst scolded the Human Resources staff and said there was a great deal of risk in providing a good reference as there is in the opposite supply. He further added that keep all work credentials the same as expected. He proposed to provide a first date, a success date and a position held.

Has this removed enough information to resolve the educated options for the business applicant? From time to time. At a time when the work is straightforward and no unique skills are required? yes. After that, at that time all you need to know is whether your applicant was actually working on his or her previous job. You may need to acquire the special skills of an IT applicant, but even the last job of your competition as a pizza kid can reveal any real understanding of his skills is available to discuss.

As the standard job check produces so little data, a growing number of organizations are going to the trustee to find out more about applicants and their individual skills. While a guarantee of trust can have its ups and downs, with a reasonable number of conditions of employment it is a wise move.

Confirmation of credentials can best be used to determine the range of skills your applicant is applying for. Scouts will use a reference check to determine if their up-and-comers are suitable for unique skills and knowledge. You may call references to indicate the applicant's ability to work in IT skills, or to become familiar with general and industry programming. You may want to easily access his skills in real-time and website design, which can provide basic thinking.

As an inspector, you may need to find out about your editing skills, and you know her in her editing area. In the case of a merchant, you can clearly see how all the surrounding objects are related to the so-called, authorization of something in certain places. For international applicants, where language proficiency is a concern, you can use a trusted check to assist with testing these skills.

Obviously, there are different questions you can include in your reference rating. You may need to find out about your top management skills and style. You need to decide if you are cooperating with other people, in the event that you are a cooperative person or a type that works well without the help of someone else. Are you arriving as expected? Is it safe to say that you are always lost? What regions can he improve?

At Corra, as part of the check cycle, we request that the average business applicant use one to ten sizes. Ten is a very remarkable school. As a rule, to be considered a feasible activity, and our customers may want to see an average of seven. Seven or higher is considered a strong attraction.

Each time the reference goes out of hand and barks ten. Many managers will view this as encouraging. Be that as it may, there is a release. In the event that the referee is a high-ranking official and deserves their assertion with many statements such as "I have been here for eighteen years and I rarely see someone working like that Therefore," the business will take it directly to be respected.

As a rule, the highest level tests are 9 or nine or more. The reference will be rated as "Everyone has a place to improve?"

Keep in mind the reference that your up-and-comer job offers you, will be a good reference. No sane person can give you clues that can make a special effort to sink his boat. Sometimes the reference may not receive as much or as good as the presenter may want to accept. While references need to be dignified, they may also need to disclose very sad ideas. There are a few explanations after doing so. Sometimes they want to give you heads. Sometimes there are secret stories. Sometimes they simply cover their buttocks.

The reference may not explicitly disclose that the up-and-comer is difficult to manage or that the person they may no longer be able to seek. Still they may want. So it's not the right answer, however the way they respond completes the mark. It is what they say or their reluctance to suggest that they were not really happy with your applicant.

Unlock speech, delay, or reference battle to follow the correct name or name. In some cases they take a stab at which you can logically take a sad test. Sometimes, whenever a decision is made, they will reveal more about the return of the opponent. Often that will not come out of a good test, but even if they do not say it at all, there is something in their response that may reveal more than they wished. Or, more important, they should be able to tell you exactly what they need to say, however, about possible disagreements.

Om  posted in Carriers

Post updated on:  Sep 5, 2021 3:07:55 AM

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