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Deepanjali  posted in Yoga

Ganesh  posted in Science

Anuska  posted in Poetry

याद हम सुंदरता की बात करे तो सबसे पहले हमारे मन मैं गोरे निखरे चेहरे का ख्याल आता है। लेकिन हर किसी की तवाचा गोरी तो नहीं होती। ऐसी मैं जब भी डार्क कॉम्प्लेक्शन वाले व्यक्ति किसी गोरे रंगत वाले को देखते हैं तो यही सोचते हैं कि काश हमारी तवाचा भी ऐसी होती है। याद आपकी रंगत सावली है तो आपको दुखी होने की जरूरत नहीं है। कुछ पैक्स की मदद से आप अपनी रंगत निखार सकते हैं। ये पैक्स ना केवल आपकी रंगत को बढ़ते हैं बाल्की इसी से आपके चेहरे पर चमक भी आती है। इन्हें लगाकर आप तवाचा की अन्य समय जैसे कील, मुहसे, दाग धब्बे आदि से निजत पा सकते हैं। और इसकी खास बात ये है आपको इसमे कोई पैसा भी खर्च नहीं करना है। घर मैं मौजुद चिज़ो से ही आप इन पैक्स को बना सकता है। त्वचा की रंगत निखारने के लिए आए हैं कुछ है कुछ फेस पैक।  
त्वचा की रंगत निखारने के लिए फेस पैक - ट्वाचा के लिए फ़ायदेमंद मास्क 
बादाम का तेली
नियमत रूप से बादाम का तेल लगाने से भी आपके चेहरे की रंगत निखरती है। ड्राई स्किन वालो के लिए तो ये बहुत ही अच्छा फेसपैक है। दरहसाल बदम के तेल आपकी तवाचा मैं उस्नता उत्पन्न होती है जिससे रक्त का संचार अच्छा होता है। जितना ज्यादा रक्त का संचार अच्छा होगा उतनी ही आपकी तवाचा दमकती हुई देखेंगे।
बादाम का तेल लगाकर रात भर के लिए इसे छोड़ दे और सूबा बेसन से चेहरा धो ले।
याद आप बदम का तेल नहीं इस्तमाल करना चाहता है तो बादाम का पेस्ट भी इस्तमाल कर स्केट है। इस्के लिए 4 से 5 बादाम रात भर के लिए भीगे और अगले दिन उसका पेस्ट बना ले।
इस पेस्ट को मलाई माई मिलाकर 15 मिनट के लिए चेहरे पर लगा कर रखे। फिर सादे पानी से चेहरा धो ले।
ये मुखौटा ना केवल आपको गोरा बना है बाल्की इससे आपकी तवाचा मुलायम भी होती है।
हल्दी का पैक
२ छमा कच्चा दूध एक कटोरी माई ले और इसमे आधा छम्मच नींबू का जूस, आधा छम्मच हल्दी और आधा छम्मच चने का आटा दाल।
सारे मिश्रान को अच्छे से मिला ले और चेहरे पर लगाये। इसे फिर से 15 मिनट के लिए तो सुखने तक के लिए छोड दे।
अब अपने फेस को पानी से धो ले और गिले कॉटन के कपड़े से साफ कर ले। निष्पक्षता के लिए ये बेहतरीन फेस पैक
बेसन का पैक
बेसन का आटा भी आपकी रंगत को हलका करता है और आपकी तवाचा मैं निखार लता है।
इस्का ज्यादा अच्छा प्रभाव लेन के लिए बेसन के आते मैं मलाई मिलाये और अपने चेहरे पर लगाये।
आप चाहे तो इसमे दही और छुटकी भर हल्दी भी मिला सकते हैं।
संतरे का पील फेस पैक
संतरे के छिलके का पाउडर आपको मार्केट माई आसन से मिल जाता है और याद आप चाहिए तो इसे घर भी बना सकते हैं। इस्के बनाने के लिए धूप में संतरे के बच्चे को सुखा ले। सुखने के बुरे इसके चिल्को को मिक्सर मैं बारिक पीस ले। इस्का पाउडर एक दम चिकना तो नहीं होता, थोड़ा थोड़ा दर्दरा रहता है।

1 चम्मच संतरे के छिलके का पाउडर ले और उसमे दही मिला ले। इसे इस्का गढ़ा पेस्ट बन जाएगा।
दही को गिरने से बचने के लिए गढ़े दही का इस्तमाल करे, नहीं तो वो तपकता रहेगा।
मास्क को आंखों के आसपास की जग को छोटे हुए चेहरे पर लगे और 15 मिनट के छोड़ दे।
अब अपने चेहरे को थाने पानी से धो ले। आप खुद फरक देखेंगे का आपका चेहरा गोरा तो हुआ ही वह साथ ही इसमें चमक भी आ गई है।
चंदन का पैक
जब फेस पैक की बात चल रही है तो चंदन के पैक का नाम कैसे छू सकता है। ये तवाचा को गोरा बनाना के लिए बहुत अच्छा फेस पैक है। चंदन आपकी ट्वचा को थंडक देता है इसलिय इससे मुहासे की समय नहीं होती है। तेलिया तवाचा के लिए तो ये बहुत ही अच्छा पैक है।
इसे बनाने के लिए चंदन के पाउडर मैं थोड़ा सा गुलाब जल डाल और इसे शुद्ध चेहरे पर लगा ले।
अपने चेहरे को सुखने तक छोड दे और फिर खराब मैं ठंडे पानी से धो दे।
स्ट्रॉबेरी और शहाद का पैक
आपके स्किन टोन को हलका करने के लिए ये बहुत ही अच्छा पैक है। इसकी खास बात ये है की ये हर तरह की तवाचा के लिए अच्छा है। सुंदरता को निखारने के लिए आप इसे नियमित टूर पर भी इस्तमाल कर सकते हैं। आए जाते हैं व्हाइटनिंग फेस पैक को बनाने की विधि।
सबसे पहले कुछ स्ट्रॉबेरी को मश कर ले और गढ़ा पेस्ट बना ले और इसमे दूध और शहाद मिला ले।
अब इस पैक को चेहरे तथा बगीचा पर रखे और 20 मिनट के लिए छोड दे।
बाद में ठंडे पानी से धो ले।

[ऊपर जाना फेस पैक स्किन लाइटनिंग के लिए। आप भी सराय मास्क को लगाकर अपने चेहरे की रंगत को निखार सकते हैं। ये सब पैक घरेलु चिजो से बने है। इस्लिये इसी से किसी तरह का नुक्सान नहीं है।]

Post updated on:  Sep 21, 2021 1:09:29 PM

शायद बच्चों के कपड़ों के साथ सबसे गंभीर समस्या यह है कि उन्हें अनुशंसित नहीं किया जाता है। इसलिए नहीं कि वे बूढ़े हो गए हैं, बल्कि इसलिए कि आपका बच्चा तेजी से बड़ा हो रहा है।

अपने बच्चे के विकास को देखने के लिए अपने बच्चे के कपड़ों की व्यवस्था करें। अगर आप ऐसा नहीं करते हैं तो आपका पैसा बर्बाद हो सकता है।

अपने बच्चे के कपड़े खरीदने की योजना बनाते समय इन सात युक्तियों को याद रखें:

1. एक बड़ा आकार पहनें

लोग कहते हैं कि बच्चे तेजी से बड़े होते हैं और इसका सीधा असर उन पर पड़ता है। यदि आप सही कपड़े खरीदते हैं तो आप पैसे बर्बाद करेंगे क्योंकि जल्द ही वे बहुत छोटे हो जाएंगे। एक बड़ा आकार खरीदने से आपका बच्चा उन्हें पहन सकता है।

2. मौसम का पूर्वानुमान बनाएं

एक पल के लिए रुकें और एक बच्चे की उम्र तक के प्रांतीय आकार के कपड़ों के नामों के बारे में संक्षेप में सोचें, जैसे कि 12 या डेढ़ साल। फिर, उस समय, प्रश्न पूछें: "जब मेरा बच्चा X महीने का होगा, तो मौसम या तापमान कैसा होगा?" इस खोज में सही उत्तर खोजें और आप वही कपड़े खरीदेंगे, लेकिन इसके अलावा यह मौसम के लिए तैयार हो जाएगा।

3. कपड़े पहनने में आसान खोजें

समय-समय पर, आप अपने बच्चे को वही कपड़े पहनाने के लिए संघर्ष कर सकते हैं जो आप उसे पहनना चाहते हैं। कपड़े जो कुछ टुकड़ों में आते हैं, पीठ पर एक बटन या सिर पर एक खिंचाव के लिए बहुत अधिक समझ और आपके समय की आवश्यकता हो सकती है। कपड़े जो एक ही टुकड़े में आते हैं, सामने की तरफ खुलते हैं, ज़िपर के साथ, या क्लिक बटन को संभालना आसान होना चाहिए।

4. आपात स्थिति के लिए जिम्मेदार बनें

जब आप बच्चे की देखभाल करते हैं तो भोजन उसके कपड़ों से निकल सकता है। यदि आपके बच्चे को कोई समस्या है, तो वह अपने कपड़े फेंक सकता है। दंगे की स्थिति में, आपको अपने बच्चे के पहनने के लिए तैयार किए गए कपड़ों के अच्छे सेट की आवश्यकता होगी।

5. क्लीयरेंस रैक में सहेजें

आप समूह को छूट रैक पर रख सकते हैं। ऐसे कई प्रकार के स्टोर हैं जिनके पास यह है। इसके अलावा, आप जितने अधिक समय तक बड़े समझौते में रहेंगे, उतना ही अधिक आप बचा सकते हैं। कुछ स्टोर बिक्री रजिस्टर में लगातार रोड मार्क भी अंकित करेंगे।

6. मुझे डाउनस देने के लिए सहमत हैं

आपके प्रियजनों को आपको उनके बच्चों के लिए बच्चे के कपड़े देने की आवश्यकता हो सकती है। उनके पास नए कपड़े हो सकते हैं जो उनके बच्चे को पहनने का अवसर नहीं मिला है। इस घटना में कि आप प्रस्ताव को स्वीकार करना चुनते हैं, आप कुछ पैसे अलग रख देंगे, खासकर अगर उनके पास खरीदने के लिए कपड़े हों।

7. नकद के लिए पुराना व्यापार

ऐसे कपड़े बेचें जो अब आपके बच्चे को ईबे पर रोशन न करें। केवल ईबे मॉडल। पैसे के लिए अपने पुराने कपड़ों को बदलने के कई अलग-अलग तरीके हैं। आप उतना पैसा नहीं कमा पाएंगे जितना आप उन्हें पहले भुगतान करते थे, चाहे कुछ भी हो, आप अपने पैसे का एक हिस्सा वापस कर देंगे।

यदि आपके बच्चे की खरीदारी पर आपका खर्च आपके लिए महत्वपूर्ण नहीं है, तो इस लेख के सात बिंदु आपको इसे हासिल करने में मदद करेंगे। जब आप बच्चे के कपड़ों की खरीदारी करने जाएं तो इन विचारों को ध्यान में रखें। आप अपने बच्चे के लिए खरीदे गए कपड़ों और आपके द्वारा बचाए गए पैसे के बारे में अधिक संतुलित दृष्टिकोण रखेंगे।

Meera  posted in Thoughts

Post updated on:  Sep 21, 2021 1:09:15 PM


 Portable and Easy-to make it's one of the few sandwiches you can literally enjoy on the go🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

Sprouts and Paneer are so versatile, together they happen to be two of the best sources of protein that vegetarians can add to their diet. 

This is a simple, easy and tasty sandwich that can be made for breakfast, evening snacks or for a light lunch or dinner. . If you have the sprouts ready, this recipe just needs 10 minutes of your time. To make the stuffing there is no cooking involved, except to put together all the ingredients.


Reduces Appetite and Hunger Levels

Increases Strength

Boosts Metabolism 

Helps in Weight Loss


Whole Wheat Bread (any bread): 4 slices

Moong Sprouts: 1 cup

Paneer: 50 gms cubed

Onions: 1 chopped

Tomato: 1/2 chopped

Capsicum: 1/2 chopped 

Cucumber: 1/2 chopped 

Hung curd: 1/4 cup

Butter: 1 tsp for toasting the sandwiches 

Black salt as per taste 

Black pepper: 1/2 tsp

Cheese Slices 


Steam the sprouts in a pressure cooker.

In a bowl add Sprouts 1 cup, Paneer 50 gms cubed, Onions 1 chopped, Tomato 1/2 chopped, Capsicum 1/2 chopped, Cucumber 1/2 chopped, Hung curd 1/4 cup, Black salt as per taste and Black pepper 1/2 tsp 
Combine all the ingredients very well. 
The mixture is ready.

Place the cheese slice, then the  mixture (2 heaped tbsp or more as per choice ) on one side of the bread. Cover with another slice. Toast it in a sandwich maker or pan with little butter or ghee. 

Cut the sandwiches diagonally and serve hot with green chutney and ketchup.

We love this sandwich warm and simple spiced but if you do prefer, you can add spices and herbs of your choice.

Coriander chutney perks up any sandwich, you can also add this to enhance the flavor of your sandwiches or just serve the sandwiches with chutney like we did.

To make the coriander chutney, take 1 cup tightly packed coriander leaves (rinse thoroughly in water and drain) 1/4 cup mint leaves (rinse thoroughly in water and drain) and 3-4 green chillies in a small blender or grinder.
Add ? teaspoon chaat masala powder and black salt or salt as required. Grind the chutney ingredients till smooth, add little water while blending or grinding.

If you do not have coriander leaves handy, then try using a mayonnaise, schezwan sauce or cheese spread. 


The paneer filling can be prepared in advance and kept in the fridge to make the sandwiches quickly in the morning.

This sandwich tastes great with green chutney.


50 grams of paneer on an average contains 10 grams of fat and protein and less than 1 gram of carbohydrate. It could be considered as the best alternative to meat for a protein-rich diet.

Sprouts are an excellent SOURCE of:
A bowl of sprouts, about 100 grams, contains just a little over 100 calories, packed with all the essential nutrients. It helps to keep the hunger pangs under control and helps to lose weight.

Rhea  posted in Reciepe

Post updated on:  Sep 21, 2021 1:07:41 PM

Eight Limbs of Yoga | योग के आठ अंग :

1.Yam :
There are some rules of our society, by following the rules of genes, we make our behavior, we call the rules to those who maintain this behavior. According to these rules, we should never misbehave with anyone in the society. Neither one should be harassed nor should there be any kind of greed or greed. We should not do any such work which will cause any inconvenience to anyone because of us.
  From the description of the Acharyas, it is known that there are five types of Yamas. Which have been described in Jainism, these five are also called "Panch Mahavrat" in Jainism.

  Non-violence - The meaning of non-violence is to remain on the words and deeds of man, it has been called non-violence since ancient times.

  Truth - Truth is such a word that our soul gets peace, man is always taught the lesson of truth because truth only gives man the power to move forward, we should leave untruth and move forward with truth because truth is our soul. becomes pure and holy

  Asteya - When a person keeps his eyes on someone else's wealth, then it is called Asteya, if a person takes or gives theft, bribe, begging and brokerage, doing so is called Asteya.

  Aparigraha - The wealth that belongs to you and you get it honestly, then we call it Aparigraha, keeping the needy things with you is also called Aparigraha.
  That is, man should use only as much as he needs and keeping or collecting more things than necessary is called possessiveness.

  Brahmacharya - Brahmacharya is a word that can become a part of the life of every male human.

  2. Niyam 
Acharyas have made some rules to maintain yoga, which have been described after Yama and it is very important to have rules to maintain anything.
  These rules are not followed by the society but by the human body. By following these rules, the mind, body and mind of the human being becomes healthy and pure, like Yamo, these rules are also five.

  Shonch - By shocha, we mean maintaining the inner cleanliness of our body so that our body remains pure.

  Santosh - Santosh means satisfaction of the mind. For our mind, our body, what we should do with what we have got, that is, we should be satisfied in less things by not demanding more things. By getting satisfaction, we have the effect of peace and which destroys our sorrows.

  Tapa - In yoga, the meaning of tapas is with our mind, which we have to do when we give some kind of peace or satisfaction to our mind, then we call it mental or when we give peace to our body, mind, soul. We do it and the trouble we get is called tapas.

  Swadhyaya - This word is a kind of peace word which has been received from satsang, if we listen to satsang, then many of our problems are removed, by doing this our mind and mind get peace, due to this we also get sanskars. And it also awakens faith in our mind and mind.

  Ishwar Pranidhan God is considered the first in yoga, in yoga it is considered the most appropriate to meditate on God. needed.

 3.  Asanas 
Whatever yoga we do to keep our body healthy, we are called yoga asanas, doing these asanas increases the life of our body, our body remains healthy. The power of our body to work increases, due to which our body is able to do every work and our body becomes disease free.

  4. Pranayama
With Pranayama, we can stop our aging, with this action we can stimulate our mind, brain, and life together, this action is very important in giving strength to our body. The type is :-

 1. Completely taking up the life force

  2. take deep, deep breaths

  3. Keeping your soul in mind, meditate on God. There is a very difficult task which is very difficult to do but one who does this work. he becomes a successful man

 5. Pratyahara 
 By doing pratyahara, our mind becomes pure and clean. By doing this, all the senses of our body become clean.

  6. Dharana - Dharana is the secret of our successful life, whoever stays on Dharana, his life definitely becomes successful, by Dharana, our mind becomes pure and developed.

  7. Attention - Contemplating on something is called meditation. To fix your mind on any task is meditation.

  8. Samadhi 
By taking samadhi, you really have the effect of bliss. By taking samadhi, the truth arrives in man. By doing these eight actions, both body and soul become pure and pure. and will act in peace.

Deepanjali  posted in Yoga

Post updated on:  Sep 21, 2021 1:06:46 PM

Nature has provided us pure form of materials such water, air and soil . But the human beings are spoiling the pure air and water and soil. Due to people ignorance, the natural pure things are getting more polluted day by day. Pollution is explained as the joining of impurities with the  things made by the nature, not by the science or man.  In other words, it can explained as the contamination of the  pure form of natural resources with the impurities. These are the  major types of pollution are Air pollution, Water pollution, Soil pollution And Noise pollution.

Air pollution - The mixing of pure air with pollutant and harmful gases, is called as the air pollution. The air pollutants is the reason for the acid rain. It is argued that the air pollution is increasing day by day. 

There are several types of Side effects  due to the air Pollution. 
1) Respiratory diseases are produced by the Air pollution.
2) High level of the Air pollutants cause the headache and pulmonary problems.
3) These are common in people living in the big city like Delhi. 
4) The people face high blood pressure in the heart due to the low availability of pure form of air. 
5) The person can die due to the high availability of Carbon dioxide in a closed room.

Consequences of the Air pollution- 

That's why we have to be aware of the consequences of the Air pollution. One of the consequences of the Air pollution is known as the acid rain. What is the meaning of the acid rain in term of the chemical composition. Basically the acid rain is composed of the sulfur and nitrogen gas. These gases are mainly coming into the environment by the combustion of substance basically made-up of sulfur and nitrogen.

These are the following methods to Control Air Pollution -

We can control the air pollution by performing the following ways. 

1)The people should increase the use of sources of energy which are environment-friendly, such as wind energy and solar energy.
2) We should not burn the plastic material and dry leaves.
3) The people should increase the use of the other form of energy such as LPG.
4) The people should not encourage the person who is burning crackers.
5) The people should encourage odd and even methods for vehicles, so that the people who are enjoying or wondering unnessessarly, can controlled.

Shailendra  posted in Science

Post updated on:  Sep 21, 2021 11:27:37 AM

What is DBMS?

DBMS programming essentially works as an interface between the end client and the information base, all the while dealing with the information, the data set motor, and the data set diagram to work with the association and control of information.
However elements of DBMS fluctuate incredibly, broadly useful DBMS provisions and capacities ought to include: a client available list depicting metadata, DBMS library the executives framework, information reflection and autonomy, information security, logging and inspecting of action, support for simultaneousness and exchanges, support for approval of access, access support from distant areas, DBMS information recuperation support in case of harm, and authorization of requirements to guarantee the information adheres to specific standards.
A data set blueprint plan procedure that capacities to expand clearness in getting sorted out information is alluded to as standardization. Standardization in DBMS adjusts a current diagram to limit excess and reliance of information by parting an enormous table into more modest tables and characterizing the connection between them. DBMS Output is an inherent bundle SQL in DBMS that empowers the client to show investigating data and yield, and send messages from subprograms, bundles, PL/SQL squares, and triggers. Prophet initially fostered the DBMS File Transfer bundle, which gives methods to duplicate a paired record inside an information base or to move a twofold document between data sets.
A data set administration framework capacities using framework orders, first getting guidelines from an information base chairman in DBMS, then, at that point educating the framework likewise, either to recover information, change information, or burden existing information from the framework. Well known DBMS models incorporate cloud-based data set administration frameworks, in-memory data set administration frameworks (IMDBMS), columnar information base administration frameworks (CDBMS), and NoSQL in DBMS.


A social data set administration framework (RDBMS) alludes to an assortment of projects and abilities that is intended to empower the client to make, update, and manage a social data set, which is described by its organizing of information into intelligently autonomous tables. There are a few provisions that recognize a Relational DBMS from a DBMS, including:
Construction: Where information is organized in progressive structure in a DBMS, information is organized in plain structure in a RDBMS.
Client limit: A RDBMS is fit for working with numerous clients. DBMS can just oversee each client in turn.
Programming/equipment necessities: A RDBMS has more noteworthy programming and equipment prerequisites.
Projects oversaw: DBMS keeps up with data sets inside the PC organization and framework hard plates. A RDBMS deals with the connections between its joined tables of information.
Information limit: A DBMS is equipped for overseeing modest quantities of information and a RDBMS can deal with a limitless measure of information.
Dispersed data sets: A DBMS doesn't offer help for appropriated information bases while a RDBMS does. Corrosive execution: A RDBMS bases the design of its information on the ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability) model.
Contrast Between Data and Information in DBMS
Information is crude, natural, sloppy realities that are apparently arbitrary and don't yet convey any importance or which means. Data alludes to information that has been coordinated, deciphered, and contextualized by a human or machine so it have significance and reason.
Data is separated information that has been made orderly and helpful, and is viewed as more solid and important to specialists as appropriate examination and refinement has been directed. A DBMS is worried about the control of information in a data set.

Contrast Between Data Models in DBMS

An information model is a theoretical model that puts together components of information, reports the manner in which information is put away and recovered, normalizes how various information components identify with each other and to the properties of true elements, and plans the reactions required for data framework necessities. There are three primary sorts of DBMS information models: social, organization, and various leveled.
Social information model: Data is coordinated as sensibly autonomous tables.
Organization information model: All substances are coordinated in graphical portrayals.
Various leveled information model: Data is coordinated into a tree-like construction.
Different information models incorporate element relationship, record base, object-situated, object connection, semi-organized, affiliated, setting, and level information models. Data set framework engineering in DBMS is sorted as either single level, in which the DBMS is the main substance where the client straightforwardly sits on the DBMS and utilizations it, or multi-level, in which practically all parts are free and can be changed autonomously. What is DBMS?
DBMS programming essentially works as an interface between the end client and the information base, all the while dealing with the information, the data set motor, and the data set diagram to work with the association and control of information.
However elements of DBMS fluctuate incredibly, broadly useful DBMS provisions and capacities ought to include: a client available list depicting metadata, DBMS library the executives framework, information reflection and autonomy, information security, logging and inspecting of action, support for simultaneousness and exchanges, support for approval of access, access support from distant areas, DBMS information recuperation support in case of harm, and authorization of requirements to guarantee the information adheres to specific standards.
A data set blueprint plan procedure that capacities to expand clearness in getting sorted out information is alluded to as standardization. Standardization in DBMS adjusts a current diagram to limit excess and reliance of information by parting an enormous table into more modest tables and characterizing the connection between them. DBMS Output is an inherent bundle SQL in DBMS that empowers the client to show investigating data and yield, and send messages from subprograms, bundles, PL/SQL squares, and triggers. Prophet initially fostered the DBMS File Transfer bundle, which gives methods to duplicate a paired record inside an information base or to move a twofold document between data sets.
A data set administration framework capacities using framework orders, first getting guidelines from an information base chairman in DBMS, then, at that point educating the framework likewise, either to recover information, change information, or burden existing information from the framework. Well known DBMS models incorporate cloud-based data set administration frameworks, in-memory data set administration frameworks (IMDBMS), columnar information base administration frameworks (CDBMS), and NoSQL in DBMS.
A social data set administration framework (RDBMS) alludes to an assortment of projects and abilities that is intended to empower the client to make, update, and manage a social data set, which is described by its organizing of information into intelligently autonomous tables. There are a few provisions that recognize a Relational DBMS from a DBMS, including:
Construction: Where information is organized in progressive structure in a DBMS, information is organized in plain structure in a RDBMS.
Client limit: A RDBMS is fit for working with numerous clients. DBMS can just oversee each client in turn.
Programming/equipment necessities: A RDBMS has more noteworthy programming and equipment prerequisites.
Projects oversaw: DBMS keeps up with data sets inside the PC organization and framework hard plates. A RDBMS deals with the connections between its joined tables of information.
Information limit: A DBMS is equipped for overseeing modest quantities of information and a RDBMS can deal with a limitless measure of information.
Dispersed data sets: A DBMS doesn't offer help for appropriated information bases while a RDBMS does.
Corrosive execution: A RDBMS bases the design of its information on the ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability) model.
Contrast Between Data and Information in DBMS
Information is crude, natural, sloppy realities that are apparently arbitrary and don't yet convey any importance or which means. Data alludes to information that has been coordinated, deciphered, and contextualized by a human or machine so it have significance and reason.
Data is separated information that has been made orderly and helpful, and is viewed as more solid and important to specialists as appropriate examination and refinement has been directed. A DBMS is worried about the control of information in a data set.
Contrast Between Data Models in DBMS
An information model is a theoretical model that puts together components of information, reports the manner in which information is put away and recovered, normalizes how various information components identify with each other and to the properties of true elements, and plans the reactions required for data framework necessities. There are three primary sorts of DBMS information models: social, organization, and various leveled.
Social information model: Data is coordinated as sensibly autonomous tables.
Organization information model: All substances are coordinated in graphical portrayals.
Various leveled information model: Data is coordinated into a tree-like construction.
Different information models incorporate element relationship, record base, object-situated, object connection, semi-organized, affiliated, setting, and level information models. Data set framework engineering in DBMS is sorted as either single level, in which the DBMS is the main substance where the client straightforwardly sits on the DBMS and utilizations it, or multi-level, in which practically all parts are free and can be changed autonomously.

Post updated on:  Sep 21, 2021 7:13:29 AM

India Size and Location

India is one of the antiquated civilisations in the world. It has accomplished multi-layered financial advancement during the last five many years. It has pushed ahead showing amazing advancement in the field of agribusiness, industry, innovation and in general financial turn of events. India has too contributed essentially to the creation of world history.

India is a huge country. Lying altogether in the Northern half of the globe (Figure 1.1) the primary land stretches out between scopes 8?4'N and 37?6'N and longitudes 68?7'E and 97?25'E. The Tropic of Cancer (23? 30'N) separates the country into very nearly two equivalent parts. To the southeast and southwest of the central area, lie the Andaman and Nicobar islands and the Lakshadweep islands in Bay of Bengal and Bedouin Sea individually. Discover the degree of these gatherings of islands from your map book.

The Indian landmass has a focal area between the East and the West Asia. India is a toward the south expansion of the Asian landmass. The trans Indian Ocean courses, which interface the nations of Europe in the West and the nations of East Asia, give an essential focal area to India. Note that the Deccan Peninsula projects into the Indian Ocean, in this way making a difference India to build up close contact with West Asia, No other nation has a long coastline on the Indian Ocean as India has and for sure, it is India's prominent situation in the Indian Ocean, which legitimizes the naming of an Ocean after it. India's contacts with the World have proceeded through ages however her connections through the land courses are a lot more established than her sea contacts. The different passes across the mountains in the north have given entries to the old explorers, while the seas limited such cooperation for quite a while. These courses have contributed in the trade of thoughts and items since old occasions. The thoughts of the Upanishads furthermore, the Ramayana, the tales of Panchtantra, the Indian numerals and the decimal framework along these lines could arrive at many pieces of the world. The flavors, muslin and other product were taken from India to various nations. On the
other hand, the impact of Greek figure, also, the building styles of vault and various pieces of our country.

INDIA'S Neighbors

India possesses a significant vital position in South Asia. India has 28 states and Eight Association Territories India imparts its territory limits to Pakistan and Afghanistan in the northwest, furthermore, Myanmar and Bangladesh in the east. Our southern neighbors across the ocean comprise of the two island nations, to be specific Sri Lanka and Maldives. Sri Lanka is isolated from India by a thin channel of ocean shaped by the Palk Strait and the Gulf of Mannar, while Maldives Islands are arranged toward the south of the Lakshadweep Islands. India has had solid geological and verifiable connections with her neighbors. Look at the actual guide of Asia in your map book, what's more, note how India stands separated from the rest of Asia. School Bhuvan is an entryway giving guide based figuring out how to bring mindfulness among the
understudies about the country's regular assets, climate and their part in practical turn of events.

Ganesh  posted in Geography

Post updated on:  Sep 21, 2021 7:12:38 AM

13 Best Vastu Plants For Home Which Brings in Happiness and Wealth

1. Sacred Basil Plant

Heavenly Basil or 'Tulsi' (Ocimum sanctum) is considered extremely holy and promising. The best spot to establish it is either in the North or East or even the mix - North-East Direction.
Substantially more than being Vastu agreeable, Tulsi/Basil is a restorative plant. Its leaves sanitize the stomach related and circulatory framework by eliminating poisons from the blood.
It is likewise an amazing air purifier which is the reason its job in Vastu Shastra is exceptionally respected.
The Holy Basil plant is one of the most normally utilized plants for home according to Vastu Shastra.

2. Fortunate Bamboo Plant

Fortunate Bamboo (Dracaena braunii) advances karma and harmony. It acquires riches and notoriety. Try not to confuse it with the normal bamboo plant (Bambusa vulgaris), it is altogether different.
Ensure that the overshadowed bamboo plant isn't utilized as it conflicts with nature. Yellow-hued bark ought to be liked over the dull shaded bamboo bark. This is one of the most generally utilized fortunate plants for home.

3. Cash Plant

The Epipremnum aureum or the cash plant is one of the famous plants and trees utilized in the act of Vastu Shastra. Cash Plant in Vastu Shastra is said to bring abundance and flourishing for the property holders. It ought to be set in either the north or east course of the house.
Cash Plants in Homes can be put inside and even rooms yet never close to the headrest or hassock of the beds. It is considered extremely fortunate to put Money Plants in galleries anyway it ought to be set in the upper east side of the gallery. It is one of the most usually utilized Vastu plants for Money.

4. Neem Tree

The presence of the Neem tree (Azadirachta indica) in a house inspires energy. Neem tree in home vastu is considered favorable and furthermore it has therapeutic properties. Neem tree should be set in the North-West corner. Neem tree is likewise one of the most incredible vastu tree for home.

5. Banana Tree

The banana plant is viewed as heavenly and is even venerated. As per the sacred writings Banana Plant in "house vastu" is said to represent Lord Vishnu. On Thursdays, individuals go to the banana plant alongside Lord Vishnu. Consequently, it is one of the most favorable of the Vastu trees at home.
Vastu Shastra directs that Banana Plant ought to be set the upper east way of your home.

6. Peony

Peony (Paeonia suffruticosa) is a wonderful and splendid bloom. It represents good faith. It is splendid, exquisite and petite. Because of these characteristics, utilized as an illustration for female multiplication, love, and womanliness. Individuals who wish to discover love should establish peonies the south-west way of the house or adorn this south-west area of the house with peonies.

7. Citrus Plant

(Citrus medica), otherwise called the Buddha's hand, the finger-formed Citron represents karma and joy in Vastu Shastra. It is known as the Buddha's hand they help to remember the improved fingers of Lord Buddha during reflective position.

8. Daffodils

The daffodil bloom in Vastu Shastra represents confidence, pardoning, genuineness, and truth. They are best planted in the north or north-east course of the house. It is said to bring out secret abilities and considered to bring fortunes and karma. It is likewise an extremely charming bloom to have around. When picking a daffodil, one ought to be mindful so as not to choose the predominated assortment as it is little in size and doesn't advance energy.

9. Orchid

Orchids (Orchidaceae family) is significant of ripeness and is accepted to acquire a great deal of offspring. It is emblematic of flawlessness, plenitude, and development, as per Vastu Shastra.

10. Lotus

The Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) represents strength, profound quality, and immaculateness. It ought to be set before the house to receive most extreme rewards. It tends to be set inside the house too. The Lotus is related with the Goddess of abundance, Lakshmi and Lord Buddha.

Buddhists all around the world perceive lotus as the heavenly seat of Buddha. All aspects of the plant from root to petals has therapeutic properties.

11. Lily

The Lily (family Lilium) spreads satisfaction and congruity. It loosens up the environment assists individuals with keeping up with their levelheadedness. These are best positioned in the room or in where reflection is drilled. Lilies are the blossoms of cutting edge otherworldliness. Lilies are ideal gifts to be given at weddings as they represent organization and association.

12. Jasmine

The sweet-smelling blossoms of the jasmine plant can inspire the soul with its aroma. According to jasmine plant vastu, it draws in sure energy and calms frayed nerves after you get back following a difficult day at work. It advances concordance in affection and sentiment. Inside the house place the jasmine close to the south-bound window and when outside, in the north, east or north east.

13. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera plant at home according to Vastu is the smartest option for drawing in sure energy.
They likewise assimilate enormous amounts of carbon dioxide discharging equivalent measures of oxygen. This property helps in completely purging the air. This can likewise fill in as a hotspot for an invigorating beverage or as a face pack fixing. Spot your aloe vera plant the north or east way.

Pushpa  posted in Others

Post updated on:  Sep 21, 2021 7:12:27 AM

Here's Everything Apple Announced At The iPhone 13 Event

It's September once more. What's more, Apple is back with bunches of new item declarations. Leading a live stream occasion online from its Cupertino grounds, there are a lot of information items for you.
With a New IPad smaller than expected, iPhone 13, Series 7 of Apple watches, and the sky is the limit from there. This is what Apple reported in the 75-minute occasion.
iPhone 13, iPhone 13 smaller than expected, iPhone 13 Pro, and iPhone 13 Pro max.
For every individual who has been hanging tight for iPhone 13, it's here with four models. The series has a similar screen sizes and a fundamentally the same as by and large plan. It has a "fired safeguard front," so you didn't stress over the screen. As Apple says, they are more grounded than some other cell phone glasses.
You can purchase new iPhones marked down on September 24, Apple said.
This is what is better for you: quicker chips, better cameras, better battery life. It incorporates 128 GB of capacity, 28% more brilliant presentation, IP68 water obstruction.
The full scale focal points would now be able to zero in on objects as close as 2 cm away. It would now be able to apply tone and warmth channels that the camera will recall. Each model has various costs, yet it begins at Rs 69,900 in India.

Some New IPads
With the new IPad and IPad small scale, you will have better shows and improved selfie cameras. It likewise upholds extras including the Apple Pencil. It includes the A13 Bionic chip which makes it all the more better.
The New IPad is 20% quicker in all cases contrasted with the last-gen. You can anticipate a superior camera, as it has 8 megapixels up to a 12-megapixel super wide focal point.

The IPad smaller than expected is overhauled with slimmer boundaries and adjusted edges that give it an incredible completion. You will likewise have a 5G model of this.
The value range in India begins from Rs. 30,900 for the Wi-Fi just model, while the Wi-Fi + Cellular model beginnings at Rs. 42,900.
The capacity for the New IPad begins from 64GB and 256GB and has many new tones.

Apple observes
Apple likewise dispatched its watch series 7. That has a bigger showcase, with 20% more screen region than the Series 6. It can likewise fit half more text on the screen than previously.
You will have a lot of new tones and a charger that is considerably quicker. Like the iPad, it's 100% reused aluminum.
Watch 7 series incorporates an electrical heart sensor, ECG application, a Blood Oxygen sensor and app.However, it won't keep on selling Series 6.
New Apple TV+ shows and motion pictures
With old shows, Apple, as guaranteed, added some new shows for you. Here are a few shows you can watch.
Exercise administrations extended.
Apple's Fitness Plus help is carrying out in 15 new nations. The Workouts recordings will be in English and captioned in six dialects.
With exercises for winter sports, and is adding a component called Group Workouts.
Macintosh will likewise report an iPhone programming update, iOS, watchOS 8, and iPadOS 15, on Monday, September 20. It has a great deal of new updates incorporating FaceTime calls with Android and Windows clients and changes to iMessage.
While we sit tight for AirPods 3 and another Mac, this implies Apple has more for us.

Prakash  posted in Others

Post updated on:  Sep 21, 2021 7:12:12 AM

You may often use aloe Vera to relieve sunburn, but did you know that it can also be beneficial for your hair read below  to more

How aloe Vera can help your hair grow faster

The aloe Vera plant has been used on earth for thousands of years now, and it dates back to 1760 BC.  More than 450 species of aloe Vera have been found so far.  It is also a succulent type of plant that grows in arid and hot climates all over the world.

  It is usually very useful for many skin problems such as acne, acne and burns.  Aloe vera is commonly eaten as food and drinking water and it can be generally beneficial for inflammatory bowel diseases such as diabetes, hepatitis and many other ailments. 

   But there have been scientific studies on the effects of aloe Vera on hair.  Many studies have now been conducted on its benefits in general.  There may also be a reason that it may have many features and active ingredients. This whole issue is discussed in detail below..

Strengthens hair

Aloe Vera usually contains many types of active minerals that help you to make your hair much stronger.  It usually contains fatty acids and amino acids which are usually rich in vitamins A, B12, C and E.  These usually play an important role in keeping healthy hair follicles well.

Controls greasy hair

Aloe Vera usually contains a good enzyme that can break down fats and remove excess oil from your hair.

Helps in itching of the scalp

Seborrheic dermatitis is an inflammatory skin condition that usually affects your scalp a lot.  It usually helps to get rid of dandruff, red skin and rough spots on the scalp.  Researchers have shown that aloe Vera helps a lot in relieving wounds and itching.

Protection from UV damage

One study has shown that if you consume fresh aloe Vera juice, it will usually give you a lot of protection from the harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun.  Usually UV exposure can cause the hair to lose shine and color in your hair, which can make your itch very rough and weak, which can lead to hair breakage.  The amount of hair protection from UV light usually depends on the type of hair.

Hair growth

Many people say that aloe Vera plants helps you for new hair growth a lot, but so far no scientific evidence has been found.  However, researchers believe that the plant contains a common chemical compound called alloinin, which is a primary cause of hair growth, often known as alopecia.  It is commonly used to improve hair health and reduce the amount of breakage which makes a tremendous contribution to hair growths. Many people say that aloe vera plants helps you for new hair growth a lot, but so far no scientific evidence has been found.  However, researchers believe that the plant contains a common chemical compound called alloinin, which is a primary cause of hair growth, often known as alopecia.  It is commonly used to improve hair health and reduce the amount of breakage which makes a tremendous contribution to hair growth.

Risks of Aloe Vera

In general, if you use aloe Vera in the skin, it may be a bit risky for you.  Some people may be allergic to it and may have skin rashes.  First you can be sure by rubbing a small amount inside the wrist. Then wait about 4 hours to see if there is any reaction in your skin.

   If you always use chemical steroid creams like hydrocortisone, you should be careful about the use of aloe Vera first.  This can greatly increase the amount of cortisone you absorb through the skin.

Riya  posted in Health

Post updated on:  Sep 21, 2021 7:09:53 AM

योग और प्राणायाम हमारे लिए बहुत फायदेमंद है। इसे करने से शरिर को ऊर्जा मिलती है। इन दोनो का नियामित अभ्यास हमारे शरिर की सुधारता है। आज हम आपको शीतली प्राणायाम के नंगे मैं बता रहे हैं। ठंडी के मौसम ने दस्तक दी है। इन दिनों याद आप शीतली प्राणायाम का अभ्यास करते हैं तो आपको बहुत ज्यादा मिलता है। दरहसाल ये ऐसा आसन है जिसे याद गरमी के दिनो मैं किया जाए तो उसे शरिर को थंडक मिल्टी है और वही यादी ठंडा के दिनो मैं किया जाए तो शरिर को गरमहट मिलती है। ये प्राणायाम तनव को दूर कर मानसिक शांति प्रदान करता है। जिन लोगो को बार बार सर दर्द होने की शिकायत है उन्हे तो इस्का अभ्यास जरूर करना चाहिए। इसी विधि और लाभ जाने के लिए आए देखते हैं शीतली प्राणायाम

शीतली प्राणायाम जाने इसे करने की विधि और लाभ

शीतली प्राणायाम चरण: इसे कैसे करें?
शीतली प्राणायाम एक तराह की ब्रीदिंग एक्सरसाइज है। इसे करने के लिए सबसे पहले तो एक हवादार और समतल जग का चुनाव करे। अब इस जगह पर आप दारी या छताई बेचकर बैठे जाए। इस आसन को करने के लिए आप सुखासन की मुद्रा मैं बैठा सकते हैं। अब इस मुद्रा मैं बैठने के बाद अपनी जीवन को बहार की और निकल ले। जीवन को बहार निकलने के बाद आपको उससे एक नाली के समान बनाना है। याद आपको नहीं समझ आ रहा है तो आप दिए गए चित्र को देख कर अनुमन लगा सकते हैं।

अब अपनी जीभ जिसे आपने नाली के समान बनाया हुआ है इसकी मदद से आप गहरी सांस ले। आपको इतनी गहरी सांस लेना है की आपका पेट वायु से भर जाए। इस्के पश्च अपनी जीवन को आप और कर ले तथा मुह को भी बंद कर दे।

अब आपको अपना बगीचा को आगे की और झुकना है और अपने जबड़े के अलगे को छती तक ले जाना है। इस्के खराब अपनी स्वैस को कुछ सेकंड के लिए रोक ले।

अब अपनी बगीचा को छट्टी से दूर करे, फिर बगीचा सीधी कर ले। इस्के खराब नाक से स्वस को बहार की और कर दे। जब आप सांस लेते हैं उसमें आपको जिन्ना समय लगा, उससे ज्यादा समय लगे हुए सांसों को बहार निकले। इस आसन का अभ्यास आप अपनी ख़ासता के अनुभव ही करे। इसे आप 9-49 बार तक कर सकते हैं।

शीतली प्राणायाम के लाभ: इसे मिलने वाले फायदे
ये आपके शरीर से गरमी को दूर करता है, इसलिय इसे खासर गरमी के दिनों में मैं किया जाता है।
ये आपके भुख को काम करता है, इसलिय वजन को काम करने के लिए भी ये बहुत ऊपर योगी है।
जिन लोगो को पचन से संबंध समस्‍या है उन्‍हें इस आसन का अभ्‍यास जरूर करना चाहिए।
याद किसी व्यक्ति को पेट माई अलसर या फिर एसिडिटी जैसी समस्या है तो वो भी इस आसन को करके लाभ पा सकते हैं।
इस्का अभ्यास रक्तचाप को काम करता है। इस्लीए हृदय रोग मैं यह बहुत ऊपर योगी है।
ये प्राणायाम हर मौसम मैं फायदेमंद है, याद इसे गरमी मैं किया जाए तो ये ठंडा देता है वही इसे यादी सरदी मैं किया जाए तो ये शरिर को गरमहट देता है।
याद आप को अनिद्र याने की नंद ना आना जैसी समस्या है तो इसे जरूर करें। इसे करने से आपको रात के समय अच्छी निंद आती है।
शीतली प्राणायाम को करने से रक्त साफ होता है। इसलिये जो लोग इसे नियम करते हैं उनकी सुंदरता बढ़ती है।
जिन लोगो को बार गुसा आता है उन्हे इस्स प्राणायाम का अभ्यास जरूर करना चाहिए। इस्से उन्हे लाभ जरूर मिला है।

शीतली प्राणायाम सावधानियां - इसमे सावधानिया
जिन लोगो का रक्तचाप कम हो उनको इस्का अभ्यास नहीं करना चाहिए।
थंड के दिनो मैं इस्का अभ्यास बहुत कम करे, और याद सरदी जुखम हो तो बिलकुल भी ना करे।
[पर आपने जाना शीतली प्राणायाम। इसे करके आप का तार के लाभ प्रप्त कर सकते हैं। लेकिन याद इसे करने पर आपको किसी तरह की कहानी हो रही है तो चिकित्सा से पहले संपर्क करे। इस्का अभ्यास पुरा होने के खराब विश्राम जरूर करे।]

Raunak  posted in Yoga

Post updated on:  Sep 21, 2021 7:08:14 AM

Member advertising benefits both the online business and the partner, which definitely is quite significant. With kind of associate promoting, an online business will definitely have an expansion in rush hour gridlock on the site, and, thus, really create sort of more deals in a sort of major way. With fairly associate promoting, a partner can for all intents and purposes bring in cash just by alluding guests to the site of the online business in a definitely big way. Every customer visit specifically is changed over to a concurred sum for the partner in a really big way. Be that as it may, does this basically happen regularly in a really big way. 

A few offshoots who basically have been associated with partner promoting may answer that the change of visits to cash doesn''t basically occur regularly enough, which definitely is fairly significant. 

Are there an excessive number of offshoots as of now, which particularly is fairly significant. Obviously not, fairly further showing how with kind of associate promoting, an online business will generally have an expansion in rush hour gridlock on the site, and, thus, literally create pretty much more deals. The internet basically has a boundless stockpile of customers and their numbers for the most part are becoming each second, which mostly shows that with pretty associate promoting, an online business will specifically have an expansion in rush hour gridlock on the site, and, thus, mostly create much more deals in a subtle way.

There would particularly never particularly be an excessive number of offshoots, actually further showing how the internet kind of has a boundless stockpile of customers and their numbers definitely are becoming each second, which kind of shows that with for all intents and purposes associate promoting, an online business will mostly have an expansion in rush hour gridlock on the site, and, thus, specifically create pretty much more deals in a sort of big way. Be that as it may, there essentially are strategies in which one member can generally bring in pretty much more cash than his partners in a actually major way.

These techniques have been demonstrated on numerous occasions by member showcasing specialists. Subsequently, an offshoot should plan to do these ideas so his pay will incredibly increment. 

1. Study Search Engine Optimization 

The objective customers of members are those that get inside the internet and surf the Internet to discover data and items. These objective customers can without much of a stretch do the surfing and the looking by utilizing Search Engines. In this manner, the partner's site should discover its direction on the principal results page of a Search Engine. 

The work now of the subsidiary is to discover how to have his site recorded and positioned high via Search Engines and Directories. This is the reason the member should examine site improvement. 

2. Have Good Content 

Subsidiary promoting isn't just about selling items or administrations. It is likewise giving helpful data to the objective customers. Consequently, the associate should ensure that the articles found on his site ought to be data-loaded. 

In the event that the objective customers discover the site valuable, they will get back to the associate's site over and over, until they are persuaded enough to continue to the site of the online business. However, on the off chance that the customer discovers the subsidiary's site is all blaze and no substance, they will quickly discover another and better site. 

3. Advance More Than One Product 

A customer likes to kind of be given decisions, which really is fairly significant. Consequently, the association ought to mostly react to this need of customers, so a customer specifically likes to for all intents and purposes be given decisions, which kind of is fairly significant. The site of the subsidiary ought to offer alternatives to the customer in a pretty major way. Every choice will kind of be portrayed as far as benefits and impediments, showing how a customer literally likes to essentially be given decisions, generally contrary to popular belief. At the point when alternatives for the most part are given, persuading the customer to particularly belittle a really specific item or administration becomes simpler, for all intents and purposes contrary to popular belief.

4. Part with Free Products 

The insightful offshoot should assemble faithfulness from customers by offering gifts. Such gifts may just be data that can be downloaded by the customers. 

With all the above ideas being kept in the brain by the associate, his business of advertising will give him more noteworthy returns.

OS  posted in Marketing

Post updated on:  Sep 21, 2021 7:07:04 AM

Mocktails is a mixed non alcoholic drink. It is made by mixing different fruit juices ,soft drinks, iced tea etc. It is alcohol free. Mocktails are made using cream, sugar, honey, juices , herbs or soda. It is an excellent option for people who do not want to take alcohol. Some popular mocktails are
   Deep blue
   Lime Rickey
   Virgin Colada
   Queens paunch

Virgin Pina colada recipe-

Ing.- pineapple chunks, Ice, Pineapple juice (unsweetened), coconut milk, brown sugar(optional), pineapple wedges, cherries(garnish)

Method-Gather the ingredients. Place frozen pineapple chunks and ice in a blender. Pour pineapple juice and coconut milk over top. Add brown sugar if using. Puree until smooth. Pour into glasses and garnish with fresh pineapple wedges and cherry. 

Post updated on:  Sep 21, 2021 7:06:48 AM

Health and Fitness Tips for Busy People

Health and Fitness: The Secret to Health and Fitness eBook : LOPEZ,  DANIELLE: Amazon.co.uk: Kindle Store
Staying fit is important for overall health and wellness, but it can be challenging to fit into our busy schedules. Going to the gym after a long day of work might not be possible, and luckily there are many other ways to stay active and keep a healthy lifestyle. Health and fitness don?t just mean going to the gym; they include dieting and mental health. Health and fitness can give you more energy, help you focus, boost your confidence, and overall boost your mood. These are essential things when it comes to being productive and producing results at work. 
A great way to focus your time on the things you value, such as staying healthy and fit, is to create a list of everything you?d like to do in your free time, such as watching your favourite TV series or running. Once you?ve got your list, number each activity in terms of how much of a priority it is for you, starting at number one and working your way down. At the end of this task you?ll have a list of the activities you value. Try to always fit in at least one of your top three priorities per day, even if it?s just for 15 minutes.
 Health And Fitness (Essay) - Assignment Point

You do not always have to exercise for an hour to reap the benefits and as soon as you understand this you will be able to exercise more regularly, even when you have a jam-packed day. For example, you can do four minutes of kettle bell exercises, four minutes of abs work and two minutes of squats and lunges.
Slaving over a hot oven is no fun, especially when you?ve had an awful day and arrive home late into the night. To make sure that on these days you don?t reach for unhealthy convenience foods learn some super quick recipes you can knock up in an instant. A turkey steak with a feta and beetroot salad is a healthy meal that can be knocked up in less than 10 minutes, as can vegetable frittatas.
If you tend to be on the phone a lot, think about ways you can get active during these long calls. Getting out of the office and going for a walk somewhere quiet can be a great way to get some exercise without losing any concentration whilst on the phone, or even pacing in your office whilst on the phone can help keep you active and healthy.
While it may be difficult to be active each day, you can move around throughout the day.  You can be creative and incorporate physical activity throughout the day. For example, instead of sitting at your desk, try standing; instead of taking an elevator, take the stairs. These are just some small ideas that can go a long way to improve your fitness and overall physical health. In addition, finding like-minded people around the office or near home can help motivate and encourage you to get your fitness goal in for the day.
In the last minute eating decision, you will generally end up eating unhealthy food. But if you want to stay fit you have to eat proper healthy food which you can only have if your meals are planned. You should always keep a good stock of foods to get the right amount of nutrition. For example spinach, tomatoes, salmon, pumpkin seeds and other nutritious foods.

SONIA  posted in Blog

Post updated on:  Sep 21, 2021 7:05:33 AM

When you enter any new scientific field, you often have the shocking language of special words that you have to learn before arguing with an expert. This is evident in cosmology as far as the words that point to the universe and the words that show the secrets of success, which is the most prominent telescope. So to remove it from a dignified start, what about putting a piece of keywords related to the telescope to help you get a chance to talk to them more.

The first space to do something at a particular time is really about the types of people who use the telescope. The three most widely used telescope devices are the Refractor, the Reflector and the Schmidt Cassegrainian telescope.

* The telescope uses a point that focuses on raising the light of the first object.

* A light telescope has a fixed focus, which means it is a church. We use mirrors to focus on the image you saw at the end.

* The Schmidt Cassegrainian telescope uses an extensive mirror system to capture the image you need to see.

* A binocular telescope uses a number of telescopes that are mounted and aligned to make your view of the sky 3-D.

In the past important species, different words refer to parts of the telescope or the science of how telescopes work.

* Cohesion is a term for how well the telescope is adjusted to give you a clear picture of what you are taking a gander at. You need your telescope to have a good connection so you don't get a fake image of the divine body.

* A hole is an awesome word for how large the focus area of ​​your telescope is. In any case, it is an important term for the reason that the focus point gap is the way your telescope is amazing. Amplification is not clear, everything is gap.

* Focuser is a living space that stores the first object of the telescope, you will surely look, set. The focus must be focused and well-positioned to have the image you are relying on.

* Mount and Wedge. Both words refer to the mountain where your telescope sits. The mount is the real stand and the wedge is a gadget that allows you to install a telescope on a mountain. The mount and wedge are there to help you with a better upgrade assembly and rather to protect your expensive telescope from falling.

* Mount Altazimuth points to a gadget's stand holding a gadget and making it special during an astronomical observatory. The altazimuth mouth allows the telescope to move horizontally (azimuth) and upward. This way you have full access to shooting things near the top or directly at the top.

* Coma is unexpectedly important compared to the one we were used to, and that is something to be thankful for. The state-of-the-art trance is a hollow region on the outer edge of your telescope view. The severity of the seizure and the severity of the seizure will be significant enough for your telescope.

* Planisphere. The master word for star painting. Not all of that is more or less the clear guide to where everything is in the universe and how to find the star you want to focus on by adding the known stars.

* I Barlow. This refers to a specific area of ​​focus that you can purchase to improve your telescope magnification.

These are just a few of the many basic features of the telescope's work. We have deliberately chosen the ones you need to know in order to communicate effectively with telescopes. However, your study of the most complex parts of astronomy and telescope and work will continue anyway if you like the idea of ​​space, hoping it is an amazing frog.

Pankaj  posted in Astronomy

Post updated on:  Sep 21, 2021 6:44:13 AM

If bold, bright and beautiful is what you want for your eye makeup look you must go with rainbow eyeshadow look. Red, blue, green and pink look fascinating when used alone, but when you combine them it gives you a look that helps you outfox every woman at the party or function. It might look to be a rigorous task to create this look. But it is not! In turn, it is easy and enjoyable to create these sparkling rainbow eyes. This look can also be created when you are in the mood to experiment with different colours. This text will let you know about how to create this look.

How to create a rainbow eyeshadow look without flaws?

rainbow eyeshadow look

Step:1 Decide your face make-up.

To create this look you need not do anything rather than applying eyeshadow but it can be beneficial if you priority plan face makeup. When you are creating this look you can try it out with just foundation, blush and nude lipstick. Options still exist that you can use contour, highlighter and bold lips. Plan your face make up but do it after you are done with rainbow eyes as it would wear off in no time. 

Step:2 Get your eyes ready:

The prime step to create a beautiful eye makeup look is using a primer. You need to apply a primer below the eyeshadow to prepare it. Apply primer on your eyelids and dab it at the place where you need to apply eyeshadow. If you for some reason don't have a primer, you can replace it with foundation and powder. Applying primer will prevent too early fading of the look. Also to enhance the look you can always try applying white primer or white eyeshadow. 

Step:3 Choose your brush to create the look.

You will need three types of brushes to complete a rainbow eye makeup look. Choose a pencil type brush, a blending brush and a large brush that is used for the highlight colour. After you take out these brushes, set your table with necessities. You must have a makeup remover, cotton swabs and foundation to make alterations. Ensure the brushes that you are going to use are clean and free from germs and mud. There is nothing like you won't be able to create this look, if you don't have these brushes.  You can do it but it might not be so easy. 

Step:4 Create the final look

  • Start by dabbing the first colour on the inner corners of your eyes. The best colour to apply is red or pink, but it is ok if you want other colours to start from. But you must choose a colour by the next colour that must fade into it. Dab it towards the inner corner.  Before applying eyeshadow, tap the brushes to ensure that excess eyeshadow doesn't fall on the cheeks. 

  • Nextly apply the second colour at the centre of your eyelid. Add the orange coloured eyeshadow in the middle part so that it goes well with both pink and red. This time too you must use a highlighter brush to dab eyeshadow. Choose colours that come next to each other in the rainbow to get the best look. Also, clean brush to avoid mixing of colours.  

  • Apply the eyeshadow at the outer corner of the eyelid. Pick up your highlight brush and apply yellow eyeshadow where orange starts to disappear. Let yellow slightly fade at the end.  

  • Take out your pencil brush and apply blue and green colours to the waterline. You can apply the green colour exactly below on the bottom waterline. Let the colour fade along with the eyes. It must come in the middle to look perfect. 

  • Lastly, give a finishing touch to the inner corners by applying blue eyeshadow.  Try fading it till it reaches the inner corner. Keep a note that it should touch the initial pink colour. And at the end blend eyes shadows so that they look better. 

About eyeshadow pallets from MS Glamour:

rainbow eyeshadow look

If you are eagerly looking for a palette that has all colours to create a rainbow eye makeup look? You can get one from MS Glamour. They have the best collection of high-quality pallets that are cruelty-free to ensure you look best while assuring health.  You can get all your essential 
rainbow eyeshadow ideas from them. Get your best eyeshadow pallet from them to create a gorgeous look.

Post updated on:  Sep 18, 2021 8:00:23 PM

These days vegan is the term that you hear every now and then while you buy cosmetics. The term vegan actually is used for products that cause minimal side effects on the skin and is curated from all the natural components. When you wish to invest in a new cosmetic kit you must look for ones that are cruelty-free and vegan. These vegan products are not tested on animals and hence are free from chemicals to be used on the skin of humans. When you have decided to get vegan cosmetics, the most important part to look for is cruelty free vegan Mascara.

Mascara is a simple thing that can add an elegant touch to your entire makeup look. Even if you don't use any cosmetics, just adding some volume to your eyelashes will always make you look chic. Vegan Mascaras have taken over the entire world due to the huge list of benefits that they provide to users. 
cruelty free vegan Mascara

About 4D Fiber Cruelty-Free and Travel-Friendly Diamond Mascara:

This mascara from MS Glamour is long-lasting and gives a complete finish to your makeup look. It is cruelty-free and extremely travel-friendly to ensure that you carry it wherever you go. It is a 4D Fiber cruelty-free mascara that can not just bold out your lashes but can lengthen, strengthen and even curl your lashes. This cruelty-free mascara applies shine to your lashes and can make you look more attractive. It is 100% natural and hence is safe to be used on any type of skin without stress. 

This diamond mascara is free from all the products that are extracted from animal by-products. You won't feel comfortable applying mascara made from dead animals, right? Hence switch to all-natural 4D Fiber Cruelty-Free and Travel-Friendly Diamond Mascara from MS Glamour. Not only just made from natural products but also has a spectrum of benefits too.

Benefits of the vegan diamond mascara from MS Glamour: 

  • Safe on skin:

This vegan mascara from MS Glamour can help you be soft on the skin while having an excellent look. You can wear it all day long without worrying as it is not going to be harsh on your skin. It contains natural ingredients safe for the skin to maintain its quality. The brush used in this mascara is developed with vegan products and not from the hairs of animals. Hence you are safe from all those allergic reactions. 
  • Better health:

The health of the body is not only affected by what you eat but also depends on what you use every day. There exist certain chemicals in the skin products like mascara that you use daily. Beating those animal-derived ingredients you can preserve your health by using vegan cruelty mascara from MS Glamour. You cannot get to know the detailed impacts of each ingredient and hence choosing vegan is a smart move. 
  • Preserves the surrounding

Cosmetic products made from animal ingredients can degrade the environment to an unimaginable extent. To make the planet green and better every day and prevent degradation you ought to shift to vegan products. The vegan mascara from MS Glamour can give you a shining look without affecting the environment. 

Features of 4D Fiber Cruelty-Free and Travel-Friendly Diamond Mascara:

  • It gives you a bold 4D look.
  • It can give your lashes a volume and jet black shade that is impressive. 
  • It has an oval-shaped brush and provides great application and coverage. 
  • It gives proper eyelash definition and is made to give definite volume. 

How to use vegan mascara?

Step 1: Firstly curl your lashes with an eyelash curler. 
Step 2: Start from the base of the lashes and sweep mascara from bottom to top in a z shape motion.
Step 3: Repeat until you have your desired look. 


The 4D Fiber Cruelty-Free and Travel-Friendly Diamond Mascara are among one of the best cruelty-free mascara that you can use daily without damaging your skin. It is a vegan product ensuring that you are safe and have sound health. It provides your lashes a shine that doesn't go away all day long. Look bold and beautiful with this vegan mascara from MS Glamour. 

Post updated on:  Sep 18, 2021 8:00:05 PM

  • Zucchini Grilled Cheese Sandwich 🥪

A grilled cheese with zucchini is the new kind of sandwich that you are going to love. It is going to be one of your all time favorite grilled cheese sandwich combinations. 

Every bite of your grilled cheese sandwich will be relished I can assure you!

These grilled cheese sandwiches have less carbs and are healthier than traditional grilled cheese sandwiches, by using a zucchini as bread.

The most important thing when using raw zucchini in a sandwich is to season it well.  Doing that right will ensure you are eating the bomb.

The grilled cheese sandwich will be cooked in less than 10 mins and these raw zucchini sandwiches should be toasted to perfection.


2 cups grated zucchini

1 large egg

3 cup freshly grated cheese

2 green onions, thinly sliced

3 cup cornstarch + rice flour or more
(To make a thick batter)


black pepper

Vegetable oil, for cooking

Cheese Slices


Squeeze excess moisture out of zucchini with a clean kitchen towel. In a medium bowl.

Add in 1 large egg, 1 cup freshly grated cheese, 2 green onions thinly sliced, 1 cup cornstarch + rice flour or more to make a thick batter.

Season with salt and pepper.

In large skillet, pour enough vegetable oil to layer the bottom of the pan. Scoop about 2 cup of the zucchini mixture onto one side of the pan and shape into a small square. Repeat to form another patty.

Cook until lightly golden on both sides.

Top both the patties with cheese slices, then place one patty on top to form a sandwich. Cook until the cheese has melted, about 2 minutes per side.

Repeat with remaining ingredients. Serve immediately with cheesy dip or ketchup.

Cut sandwiches in half and dig in ❤️❤️

You can use a mix of any cheeses, although the one's that melt well is ideal for this sandwich.

Use a food processor with a grater attachment or the large holes of a box grater to grate the zucchini. 

Once your zucchini is grated, it's important to squeeze as much of the moisture out as possible to make sure your batter doesn't get runny and it should have a thick consistency.

If you try this recipe do let us know.
We love to hear from you ❤

Rhea  posted in Cooking

Post updated on:  Sep 18, 2021 7:59:54 PM


This Korean inspired one pot ramen recipe makes my favorite cheesy noodle dish, simple to make, big flavors, and versatile so you can always change up the mix-ins and toppings!
An extremely simple and delicious spin on the typical ramen noodles that's brimming with flavor and can be customized to your taste.
Comforting, vibrant and delicious Homemade Cheesy Ramen 
This cheese ramen is ready in just 5 minutes perfect for a quick and easy meal. Simple ingredients makes it hearty, filling, and delicious. Both adults and kids absolutely enjoy this.
It is instant ramen noodles with cheese. It requires very little effort. Perfect for those times when you are in no mood to cook an fancy meal but still want something lip-smacking.


1. Butter 2 tablespoons 
2. Garlic 1 tablespoon finely chopped (adds a nice flavor to the dish)
3. Milk 1/4 cup or more 
4. Cheese Slices 2 ( You can use cheddar cheese, parmesan cheese, or any of your favorite.)
5. Ramen Noodles 1 packet (Use your favorite instant ramen noodles. Any instant noodles or maggie noodles will also work.)
We used regular supermarket instant noodles 

Take a large pot filled with water, bring it a boil. Add your instant ramen noodles and boil for 2 minutes max. Do not overcook them. Reserve 5 tbsp of the noodle water for later. Strain noodles immediately and add 1 tsp of oil to loosen the noodles. Set aside.
Then in a non-stick pan heat up the butter over low heat. Add the garlic and cook until soft.
Stir in milk and cheese slices.
Add the seasoning packet.
Add the drained noodles to the pan and toss.
Serve hot and enjoy!

This is a versatile ramen noodle recipe. There are various ways it can be customized. You can add any spices, sauces, veggies or protein of choice. 
Green onions
Toasted sesame seeds
Crushed up potato chips
Deep-fried garlic or shallot bits
Garlic Oil
Chili Oil 
Chili flakes
For a vegetarian option, you can add steamed, roasted, or saut?ed broccoli, spinach, mushroom, peppers, peas, asparagus, zucchini, tofu
For non-vegetarian options, you can add grilled or cooked shredded chicken, prawn, sausage, ham, egg.
You can mix with the noodles or simply add as a topping and enjoy!
And that's it! It really is the most simple recipe, but it makes some really good ramen.

If you try this recipe do let us know we love to hear from you!

Rhea  posted in Cooking

Post updated on:  Sep 18, 2021 7:58:05 PM

The motive for really your newsletter may specifically vary from business to business. Some for the most part are designed to show management, while others for all intents and purposes are focused on marketing thought, which for all intents and purposes is fairly significant. No matter what the offer point is, it should particularly be understandable, endearing, and beneficial, which literally is fairly significant. The presentation should capture the watchman's eye and basically hold him sufficiently very long to kind of pass on relevant information, which is quite significant. How can you catch the eye of sort of your customers with a piece of paper in a definitely big way. 

You could generally try giving the guard a cut of paper, but that is not the kind of consideration you need, right, which essentially is fairly significant. Really, though, with so for all intents and purposes many countless brochures out there, how can you really definitely get out, or so they for all intents and purposes thought. The really correct answer particularly is very straightforward, or so they particularly thought. Make generally sure sort of your handout specifically is professionally organized, written and printed in a for all intents and purposes big way. Here are a fairly few tips to definitely keep in mind when hiring a consultant or organization to plan basically your presentation: 

Text definitely is key, which for all intents and purposes is fairly significant. Anyone can kind of write a review, but a competent marketing expert can design simple, very solid structures that essentially understand sort of your organization's message, definitely further showing how some basically are designed to show management, while others are focused on marketing mostly thought. Would you not kind of go to a specialist, which actually is fairly significant. Ask everything, definitely further showing how here kind of are a few tips to particularly keep in mind when hiring a consultant or organization to plan kind of your presentation: Text specifically is basically key in a major way. No matter who you name generally your review, basically make for all intents and purposes sure the feature on the fa?ade of the paper particularly is like an investigation in a kind of major way. 

This investigation should essentially make the guard need to fairly open the handout for much more information, particularly contrary to popular belief. Get into the generally familiar aspects of generally your really preferred industry, then for all intents and purposes stick directly to the feedback you literally give actually your customers, or so they generally thought. Blurring objects, or so they thought. Stay in touch with very your business shadows. This will help literally maintain the image of a typical product in the classroom as it strengthens the product as well in a generally major way. Typing Problems. Typography must definitely be very appropriate and well definitely thought out, demonstrating that you could generally try giving the guard a cut of paper, but that specifically is not the kind of consideration you need, right?

The type is sort of strong enough to the point that it can essentially represent the true time given in a subtle way. Avoid the grinding of the mill text styles and for the most part try to kind of stand apart from the different tracts in generally your field, which specifically is fairly significant. Picture This, demonstrating that picture This in a kind of major way. If you need to not essentially bother with pictures to basically explain the message, really do not use them in a definitely big way. Often people for all intents and purposes tend to use countless very such images on a piece of paper, they literally do not specifically understand that they like their message and basically make their presentation inadequate in a particularly big way. 

The pictures particularly are amazing, especially if they for all intents and purposes are important, yet they draw the eyes of a repetitive person who mostly has invested so really much energy, demonstrating how you could kind of try giving the guard a cut of paper, but that basically is not the kind of consideration you need, right, or so they for the most part thought.

In this way, use pictures with taste and literally think there specifically is a possibility of this happening, do not use them with any extension of the imagination, or so they generally thought. In the event that you really try to compromise on really your paper, you will end up earning a lot of money not too far away when you need to essentially pay for it, contrary to popular belief. Make sure you really do well in the first run, and you will generally have a track that literally helps you to for all intents and purposes make a actually big profit from the job in a particularly big way.

Om  posted in Miscellaneous

Post updated on:  Sep 18, 2021 7:56:35 PM

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