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Deepanjali  posted in Yoga

Ganesh  posted in Science

Anuska  posted in Poetry

Going on a high-protein diet may help you ta may help you tame your me your hunger, which could help you lose weight. 
You can try it by adding some extra protein to your meals. Give yourself a week, boosting protein gradually.
Remember, calories still count. You'll want to make good choices when you pick your protein.
If you plan to add a lot of protein to your diet, or if you have liver or kidney disease, check with your doctor first.

The Best Protein Sources
Choose protein sources that are nutrient-rich and lower in saturated fat and calories, such as:
  • Lean meats
  • Seafood
  • Beans
  • Soy
  • Low-fat dairy
  • Eggs
  • Nuts and seeds
It's a good idea to change up your protein foods. For instance, you could have salmon or other fish that's rich in omega-3s, beans or lentils that give you fiber as well as protein, walnuts on your salad, or almonds on your oatmeal.

How much protein are you getting? Here's how many grams of protein are in these foods:
1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese: 12.4g
3 ounces tofu, firm: 9g
1/2 cup cooked lentils: 9g
2 tablespoons natural-style peanut butter (7g) or almond butter (6.7g)
3 oz skinless chicken breast: 26g
3 oz fish fillet (depending on type of fish): 17-20g
1 ounce provolone cheese: 7g
1/2 cup cooked kidney beans: 7.7g
1 ounce almonds: 6g
1 large egg: 6g
4 ounces low-fat plain yogurt: 6g
4 ounces soy milk: 3.5g
4 ounces low-fat milk: 4g

Carbs and Fats

While you're adding protein to your diet, you should also stock up on "smart carbs" such as:
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Beans and legumes (both also have protein)
  • Low-fat milk and yogurt (both have protein)

    Also try healthy fats such as:
  • Nuts and natural-style nut butters
  • Seeds
  • Olives
  • Extra virgin olive oil and canola oil
  • Fish
  • Avocados
To help manage your appetite, it also helps to split your daily calories into four or five smaller meals or snacks.

Raunak  posted in Diet

Post updated on:  Aug 18, 2021 1:54:03 AM

Is the scam not a scam?

At a time when it is a bank operating, the public authorities also support it.

Do you know what a scam is? In the Cambridge English dictionary, the scam is called "an illegal scheme to bring in money, especially one that involves cheating people".

Do you see that a government official is legally protecting banks from fraudulent activities when banks assign all risks, obligations, and obligations to the consumer at the moment and not them?

We all do online banking. When we pay someone and put money into their records, we need to provide the fraud involved: Account name, BSB number, and account number. A notice has been issued to ensure that the fraud is correct, and the bank will not be at risk of any improper conduct by the consumer. Without this instruction, we all accept that the bank will invest in the name of the appropriate record; in any case, for what reason should they ask for the name of the record?

In the event that a client has made a mistake, one can agree that the bank should not be liable as instructed. In any case, what happens when a client should not be blamed at the moment that the internal framework of banking should be blamed? Who is responsible?

Let me give you an example of a new situation where a buyer receives a fraudulent email from his or her financial guide where he or she can move stocks. In it, the fraudster has changed the financial schemes. Everything, including the name of the exchange, continues as before. In extreme cases, the exchange of goods took place. The next day the finance lawyer cries out to him to reveal that the money was sent to an unacceptable record to another bank. His bank was immediately shocked by the fraudulent exchange, and eventually, 80% of the assets were returned. He caused a 20% shortage.

It is a situation where a client is an injured person who knew nothing about bank fraud. What the client did or did not do, did not affect the outcome of the case. The fraudster found that the banks did not match the names of the accounts and used the internal arrangement of assets between the banks. Is the bank responding to this misfortune? Does negligence not guarantee a customer?s benefit by not submitting legal security efforts? The bank considered the lack of their security framework, which was the reason for their reprimand. The bank denies any risk, and the matter is referred to the AFCA (Australian Financial Complaints Authority) for a purpose.

After a brief period of consultation, the AFCA concluded with the approval of the bank. It said the bank could not be legally responsible for linking the records and tracking where the money was going. As a result, we have a situation where banks cannot be legally expected to take responsibility for any internal exchange of assets between banks. If that happens to be the case, an investigation reveals, who? Are the rules intended to reassure consumers or banks?

The case marked the opening of the bank's security framework in which fraudsters, tax evaders, etc., had a court date. There is no guarantee for the buyer. Banks are protected by informing their clients of this opening. They are not officially required to place obstacles around the opening, so another traumatic client who is not as alert as the one above does not fall into it. They say we care about each other, but there is no obligation and no public authority to support their position.

Clearly, a government official provides specialized treatment to the financial business in respect of consumer insurance. The same drug does not make a difference in various areas such as clinical calling, where specialists are often considered to be responding to discharge without their control. How would you feel if an expert, with the support of a government official, warned you about your work, saying, "I will take each idea, and yet there is no obligation on any discarded swab"? Won't you treat customer support rules as a great joke?

So the investigation reveals that if the bank is not legally responsible for the internal exchange of assets between the banks, who? How is the consumer protected? Looks like no one wants to connect with this opening of the security framework because everyone, except the lucky customer, has a hand in investing in it.

Om  posted in Self Improvement

Post updated on:  Aug 17, 2021 2:53:42 PM

The name Health Behavioral was born about 40 years ago. However, over time, the value of the term has improved. Most use moral well-being as equal to mental well-being, while there is a difference between the two.

Emotional well-being controls a person's state of mind psychology or brain science but conducts life-controlling a person's tendencies, such as eating paintings, relaxation projects, the way life decisions they make. etc. If a person is struggling with a mental health problem, it is more likely to be linked to medical problems and real medical problems. As per the measure, 70% of social issues exist in relation to behavioral and behavioral health problems. After that social treatment is carried out to focus on or benefit from the basics in the fight against infection.

As the study shows, an estimated 44 million people suffer from emotional problems each year but only 40% of these can access treatment. There are a number of additional reasons for people who do not seek help with mental health problems. While 60% of people do not seek treatment because of social stigma, some do not seek treatment as they are often unavailable, have no money, do not have access to a trustworthy social welfare office, or misbehavior is centered around them.

Perform Health Activities

Good behavioral management is not limited to emotional well-being programs. At a growing rate, the size of the management offered has already increased. Part of this control includes:
  • Mental
  • Brain science
  • Guidance for mental health
  • Family and marriage counseling
  • Drug abuse includes anticipation, recovery, and recruitment
  • Ongoing infection on board

Understanding Moral Health

Good behavior refers to the connection between daily (good and bad) and what they mean for physical and emotional well-being. Preferred, beneficial routes (nutrition, exercise, and resting projects) lead to a balance between physical and mental well-being. In fact, improper tendencies often lead to good physical and mental health.

  • By looking at the way decisions are made in life, ethical issues can include:
  • Living in unhealthy conditions
  • Eating problem
  • Social exclusion
  • Restful rest (excessive or excessive sleep)
  • Drug abuse includes medication, alcohol, or drug dependence

Engaging in activities such as gambling, sex, shopping, and so on

Why Is It So Hard to Seek Treatment?

Most do not look to social problems because they are always trying to find out. It is difficult for them to admit that they have a problem. A minority group accepts that it is a decision they have made and therefore will not be known as a problem. Objectives after not seeking treatment can be grouped and changed. Part of the various reasons may include:
  • Social Discrimination and Shame
  • Fear of being cut off by society
  • Lack of option to see indicators properly
  • Lack of hope and support
  • Feeling sad and sad

What Are the Benefits of Seeking Treatment?

Conducting social issues is complex and requires adjusted treatment, but it is difficult to persuade patients to seek treatment. In any case, considering the benefits of treatment can provide the push needed to seek treatment. The increase in seeking treatment is as follows:

It works for personal satisfaction

We fight mental instability from its root

Works on home and professional communications

It learns the issues of confusion especially the issues related to correction

In addition, it enhances help

Reduces the risk of clinical complications

What Treatment Options Are Available?

The treatment program for a social problem can be a combination of different therapies, the most important of which will be group therapy. The comfort and care groups offer individual treatments that help the patient find themselves and their goals better. Collecting the same treatment gives patients contacts of other people who have the same problems or are experiencing them. Working with such people helps the patient to understand that they are in good company. It also provides them with the necessary support to deal with and monitor and continue treatment. In any case, modified treatment programs require work from a variety of specialists. These professionals can include:

Experts: These professional co-ops can handle many problems. They treat psychiatric treatments on a variety of occasions, for example, prenatal issues, youth wars, or drug abuse. They allow drugs to treat social problems.

Analysts: These experts have an understanding of brain science. This also includes clinical brain science. They complete symptomatic work and direct psychotherapy to treat the patient?s condition.

Social workers: Assist with government operational programs. They work in a variety of fields that are characterized by children's emotional well-being, drug abuse, and mental well-being in a less privileged society.

Authorized instructors: These spokesmen often spend most of their time treating patients with mental illness. These professionals can penetrate specific areas of social well-being, such as family problems, substance abuse, and relationship problems.

Private medical accommodation: This treatment focuses on people being allowed to stay for less than one minute of the day of clinical management. Patients go through a customized treatment plan according to the severity and duration of the problem. This focus provides a controlled climate for treatment and back pain.

Om  posted in Mental Health

Post updated on:  Aug 17, 2021 2:52:24 PM

Music can transport us back in time ... to summers at the beach, to high school football games, to a first kiss. A good play or a painting can take us somewhere else, too. And it seems these art forms can take some patients away from their pain.
Music is a powerful tool that can help patients relax deeply, Hanser says.
In clinical settings, the use of music is quite diverse, says Boston music therapist Suzanne Hanser, EdD. For example, music can be used as an "auditory focal point" to help moms-to-be concentrate on their breathing during labor and delivery, much in the way that the Lamaze technique uses a visual focal point.
Hospitals across the country are relying increasingly on music therapists to work with patients -- from expectant mothers to terminal cancer patients. Hanser visits oncology patients at the Zakim Center for Integrated Therapies at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. Bringing her 12-string lyre, alto recorder, and keyboard to a patient's bedside, Hanser begins playing and watches for which melodies and which instruments have an effect on the patient.
Many of the patients she sees are too ill even to speak. But Hanser, chair of the department of music therapy at the Berklee College of Music in Boston, can tell when the music is working. The best feedback she can get? "To see the patient simply fall asleep."
"For patients who are deeply agitated or in severe pain, music provides a tremendous distraction," Hanser says. "It's a powerful tool that can put them in a different frame of mind and help them relax deeply."

Play It Again, Doc
Hanser has also published two studies showing that music therapy is a valuable tool in easing the emotional difficulties of elderly people.
Music therapy is one of the most frequently studied of the arts therapies, and research has been conducted on its effect on children, including on premature infants; on preoperative patients; and on brain-injured individuals, to name just a few groups.

Other Healing Arts
Art therapy began in the 1940s and '50s in the U.S. and England, and has long been used as an effective treatment for people with developmental, medical, educational, social, or psychological difficulties. Patients may be asked to create images of their dreams or to work out their feelings about certain situations (like a loved one's death).
Drama therapy, newer than either art or music therapy (some say the use of music as a healing technique can be traced to the 18th century), is also being used more in clinical settings. Don Laffoon, a registered drama therapist and chair of the National Coalition of Arts Therapies Association, immediate past president of the National Association for Drama Therapy, and director of Stop-Gap, a drama therapy group, uses drama therapy as a prevention and intervention tool.
His company takes approximately 20 plays on tour throughout Southern California, helping people learn about and deal with such subjects as HIV/AIDS, date rape, and alcoholism.
"These are tough subjects to communicate," he says. Laffoon and his troupe have performed in hospitals for children with cancer, in shelters for battered women and children, in adult day care centers, and in alcohol and drug dependency programs.
Nothing is scripted in Laffoon's work. "We do a lot of role playing and role reversal," he says. Most of the clients he sees tend to feel powerless over their lives. "We try to empower them. Kids get to act as doctors or nurses, for example, while the therapists act as the kids."
"We never put a victim in a victim's role," he adds. "We want them to have a respite. And we also want them to feel what it's like to have some power."
When people have the opportunity to act in another role, they are often able to see their situation in a new light. "When they themselves are playing the teacher, they hear themselves saying what they may tune out when it comes from someone else," says Laffoon.
Unlike music therapy, not much research has been done in the area of drama therapy and Laffoon agrees that more studies and more "real data" are needed. Still, he says, "I've seen amazing things happen."

Raunak  posted in Health

Post updated on:  Aug 17, 2021 1:30:57 AM

हर लड़की खूबसूरत चमचमाती त्वचा चाहती है। ब्यूटीफुल स्किन के लिए फेस की स्किन का हेल्दी होना सबसे जरूरी है। अगर आपकी स्किन ऑयली है तो आपको कफी प्रॉब्लम्स का सामना करना पड़ सकता है। जैसे की ऑयली स्किन वालो का कलर फेयर होने के खराब भी थोड़ा डार्क नजर आता है। साथ ही ऐसी स्किन वाले को एक्ने और ब्लैक हेड्स की प्रॉब्लम कुछ ज्यादा ही होती है। इसके अलावा ऑयली स्किन पर मेकअप भी लॉन्ग लास्टिंग नहीं रहता। इसलिय ऑयली स्किन वाली लड़की मेकअप करने से भी पिचे टोपी जाती है। और वो कटारे भी क्यू ना अगर वो मेकअप करेंगे तो उनकी त्वचा ऑयली होते ही उनका पुरा मेकअप इधर उधार हो जाएगा। आगर आप भी समस्या से परशान है तो हम आपको बता दे की कुछ टिप्स को अपना समस्या से बचा जा सकता है। बस तैलीय त्वचा को अन्य प्रकार की त्वचा से ज़्यादा ध्यान रखने की ज़रुरत होती है। इस तरह की त्वचा पर गंदगी और धूल बहुत जल्दी जामती है। जिस वजह से एक्ने होना नॉर्मल बात है। तो आते हैं है तैलीय त्वचा के लिए ब्यूटी टिप्स।
1. त्वचा की सफाई
ऑयली स्किन के अंदर सबसे पहले आती है स्किन क्लींजिंग। स्किन से एक्स्ट्रा ऑयल रिमूव के लिए ये सबसे ज्यादा जरूरी है। इस्के लिए आपको दिन माई काम से काम तीन बार अपने फेस को धोना चाहिए। एक सुबह उठने के बाद, एक बार शाम को और एक बार सोने से पहले। इसके अलावा कहीं बाहर से आने के बाद भी फेस की गंदगी को साफ करने के लिए फेस वाश करे। आप इसके लिए किसी अच्छी कंपनी का फेसवॉश या बेसन का इस्तेमाल कर सकती है।

2. तनाव से दूर रहें

तैलीय त्वचा के पिचे का एक मुख्य कारण तनाव भी है। स्ट्रेस के महल में रहने से स्किन पर एक्ने जैसी समस्याएं भी होती हैं। इस्के लिए जरूरी है की आप हमेश खुश रहे। अगर आपको काम का ज्यादा तनाव रहता है तो रोज सुबह ध्यान और योग का समर्थन ले। ऐसा करने से फेस ग्लोइंग और खूबसूरत बंता है।

3. टमाटर भी हैं फायदेमंद

तैलीय त्वचा को दूर करने के लिए टमाटर का उपयोग भी अच्छा विकल्प है। टमाटर में त्वचा को साफ करने और तेल सोखने के कण होते हैं। इस्का इस्तेमाल भी बहुत ही आसान है। टमाटर के जैसे को एक बाउल में निकलकर रख ले फिर कॉटन की मदद से फेस पर लगाये। 15 मिनट रखने के खराब पानी से फेस धो ले।
4. खीरा

ककड़ी विटामिन, खनिज, मैग्नीशियम और पोटेशियम से भरपुर माना जाता है जो की तैलीय त्वचा के लिए एस्ट्रिंजेंट का काम करता है। ये स्किन को कूलिंग देने के साथ साथ एक्स्ट्रा ऑयल को निकलने में भी मदद करता है। त्वचा से तेल को निकलने के लिए चूहे को सोने वक्त अपने चेहरे पर खीरे के टुकड़े को अच्छी तरह से रगड़ कर ले या फिर आप चाहिए तो इसका जूस निकलकर भी लगा सकते हैं।

5. बालों को साफ रखें

आपको ये बात सुंकर शायद शॉक लग रहा हो। लेकिन गंदे बाल का होना भी ऑयली स्किन का कारण होता है। जब आपके गंदे बाल आपकी स्किन पर आते हैं तो स्किन पोर्स बंद हो जाते हैं। नतीजतन त्वचा की तेल ग्रंथियां ज्यादा सक्रिय हो जाते हैं और त्वचा तैलीय हो जाती है। इस्लीये ये बोहोत जरूरी है की बालों को अच्छी तरह साफ रखा जाए।

[इन तरीकों को भी अपनाएं]

मुल्तानी मिट्टी को पानी में सॉक करके इसे फेस पर 20 मिनट तक लगाये फिर ठंडे पानी से फेस को धो ले।
तैलीय त्वचा से राहत के लिए शहद के साथ बादाम को मिक्स करके एक मिश्रण तैयार करे फिर इसे फेस पर लगा ले।
चंदन पाउडर का मिश्रण बनार फेस पर लगाने से स्किन का तेल कम होने लगता है।
तैलीय त्वचा के लिए विटामिन बी फायदेमंद माना जाता है। इस्ली अपनी डाइट में विटामिन बी से भरपूर भोजन जैसे की दाने और बीन्स को जोड़ना चाहिए।
फेस से ऑयल को निकलने के लिए दही का इस्तेमाल करें। दही ठंडा होता है। इसे लगाने के लिए ग्राम फ्लोर या फिर डालिए को मिक्स करके 15 मिनट तक फेस पर लगा ले फिर ठंडे पानी से धो ले।
लेमन ऑयली तवाचा के साथ साथ फेस से दाग ढाबो को मिटाने के लिए भी फायदेमंद होता है। इसे लगाने के लिए 1 चम्मच नींबू का रस में आधा चम्मच शहद और 1 चम्मच दूध को मिक्स करके फेस पर लगा ले। और 15 मिनट बाद पानी से धो ले।
फेस पर अंडे के सफेद हिस्से को लगा लिजी फिर 1 घंटे के खराब चने के फर्श से फेस वाश कर लिजी। इसी फेस के छोटे छोटे पोर्स ओपन हो जाते हैं, और ऑयली स्किन दूर हो जाती है।
नीम के पत्ते का उपयोग करे। इसके लिए पत्ते को अच्छी तरह से उबाल कर ले फिर इस पानी से फेस वाश कर ले। ऐसा करने से ऑयली स्किन को दूर किया जा सकता है और साथ ही ये एक्ने में भी फायदेमंद होता है।

Post updated on:  Aug 16, 2021 9:44:20 AM

श्वास तब शुरू होती है जब आप अपनी नाक या मुंह में हवा भरते हैं। यह आपके गले के पीछे और आपके श्वासनली में जाता है, जिसे ब्रोन्कियल ट्यूब नामक वायु मार्ग में विभाजित किया जाता है।
आपके फेफड़ों को अपना सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्रदर्शन करने के लिए, इन वायुमार्गों को खुला होना चाहिए। उन्हें सूजन या सूजन और अतिरिक्त बलगम से मुक्त होना चाहिए।
जैसे ही ब्रोन्कियल ट्यूब आपके फेफड़ों से होकर गुजरती है, वे ब्रोंचीओल्स नामक छोटे वायु मार्ग में विभाजित हो जाती हैं। ब्रोन्किओल्स छोटे गुब्बारे जैसी हवा की थैली में समाप्त होते हैं जिन्हें एल्वियोली कहा जाता है। आपके शरीर में लगभग 600 मिलियन एल्वियोली हैं।
एल्वियोली केशिकाओं नामक छोटी रक्त वाहिकाओं के जाल से घिरी होती है। यहां, साँस की हवा से ऑक्सीजन आपके रक्त में जाती है।
ऑक्सीजन को अवशोषित करने के बाद, रक्त आपके हृदय में जाता है। तब आपका दिल इसे आपके शरीर के माध्यम से आपके ऊतकों और अंगों की कोशिकाओं में पंप करता है।
जैसे ही कोशिकाएं ऑक्सीजन का उपयोग करती हैं, वे कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड बनाती हैं जो आपके रक्त में जाती हैं। आपका रक्त तब कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड को आपके फेफड़ों में वापस ले जाता है, जहाँ आपके साँस छोड़ने पर यह आपके शरीर से निकल जाता है।

साँस लेना और साँस छोड़ना
साँस लेना और छोड़ना यह है कि आपका शरीर कैसे ऑक्सीजन लाता है और कार्बन डाइऑक्साइड से छुटकारा पाता है। प्रक्रिया को आपके फेफड़ों के नीचे एक बड़े गुंबद के आकार की मांसपेशी से मदद मिलती है जिसे डायफ्राम कहा जाता है।
जब आप सांस लेते हैं, तो आपका डायाफ्राम नीचे की ओर खिंचता है, जिससे एक वैक्यूम बनता है जिससे आपके फेफड़ों में हवा का प्रवाह होता है।
साँस छोड़ने के साथ विपरीत होता है: आपका डायाफ्राम ऊपर की ओर आराम करता है, आपके फेफड़ों पर जोर देता है, जिससे वे डिफ्लेट हो जाते हैं।

श्वसन प्रणाली हवा को कैसे साफ करती है?
आपके श्वसन तंत्र में हवा में हानिकारक चीजों को आपके फेफड़ों में प्रवेश करने से रोकने के लिए अंतर्निहित तरीके हैं।
आपकी नाक के बाल बड़े कणों को छानने में मदद करते हैं। छोटे बाल, जिन्हें सिलिया कहा जाता है, आपके वायु मार्ग के साथ-साथ मार्ग को साफ रखने के लिए व्यापक गति से चलते हैं। लेकिन अगर आप सिगरेट के धुएं जैसी हानिकारक चीजों में सांस लेते हैं, तो सिलिया काम करना बंद कर सकती है। इससे ब्रोंकाइटिस जैसी स्वास्थ्य समस्याएं हो सकती हैं।
आपके श्वासनली और ब्रोन्कियल नलियों में कोशिकाएं बलगम बनाती हैं जो वायु मार्ग को नम रखता है और धूल, बैक्टीरिया और वायरस, और एलर्जी पैदा करने वाली चीजों को आपके फेफड़ों से बाहर रखने में मदद करता है।

श्वसन प्रणाली के रोग
श्वसन प्रणाली के सामान्य रोगों में शामिल हैं:
दमा। आपके वायुमार्ग संकीर्ण हैं और बहुत अधिक बलगम बनाते हैं।
ब्रोन्किइक्टेसिस। सूजन और संक्रमण आपकी ब्रोन्कियल दीवारों को मोटा बनाते हैं।
क्रॉनिक ऑब्सट्रक्टिव पल्मोनरी डिजीज (COPD)। यह दीर्घकालिक स्थिति समय के साथ खराब होती जाती है। इसमें ब्रोंकाइटिस और वातस्फीति शामिल हैं।
न्यूमोनिया। एक संक्रमण आपके एल्वियोली में सूजन का कारण बनता है। वे द्रव या मवाद से भर सकते हैं।
क्षय रोग। एक जीवाणु इस खतरनाक संक्रमण का कारण बनता है। यह आमतौर पर आपके फेफड़ों को प्रभावित करता है लेकिन इसमें आपकी किडनी, रीढ़ या मस्तिष्क भी शामिल हो सकता है।
फेफड़े का कैंसर। आपके फेफड़ों में कोशिकाएं बदल जाती हैं और ट्यूमर में विकसित हो जाती हैं। यह अक्सर धूम्रपान या अन्य रसायनों के कारण होता है जिसमें आपने सांस ली है।
सिस्टिक फाइब्रोसिस। यह रोग आपके जीन में एक समस्या के कारण होता है और समय के साथ खराब हो जाता है। यह फेफड़ों के संक्रमण का कारण बनता है जो दूर नहीं होता है।
फुफ्फुस बहाव। आपके फेफड़ों और छाती को लाइन करने वाले ऊतकों के बीच बहुत अधिक तरल पदार्थ जमा हो जाता है।
आइडियोपैथिक पलमोनेरी फ़ाइब्रोसिस। आपके फेफड़े के ऊतक जख्मी हो जाते हैं और उस तरह से काम नहीं कर पाते जिस तरह से करना चाहिए।
सारकॉइडोसिस। आपके फेफड़ों और लिम्फ नोड्स में अक्सर ग्रैनुलोमा रूप नामक सूजन कोशिकाओं के छोटे समूह होते हैं।

Post updated on:  Aug 16, 2021 2:15:05 AM

Jealousy and envy are normal human emotions. While jealousy is highly negative emotion with no trace of any positivity in it , Envy up to a level is positive ,thereafter it also becomes highly negative. This distinction is explained hereunder
There are views that jealousy in normal doses what they call fleeting and occasional is a normal behavior while envy is not. In my view it is not true. I very strongly hold the view that jealousy whether in low dose or high dose causes resentment. Jealousy is all negativity. No streak of positivity is there.
Envy on the other hand has shades of positivity. Envy in normal doses in my view is a normal behavior. I may term it benign .In this benign form It may serve as a spur to excel through one's own work. However, once it goes into high doses ,it becomes highly negative like jealousy. it does become malicious .

If you have Jealousy, you indirectly admit that you feel inferior to the person the target of your jealousy.. Jealousy in one's heart is the cause of downfall. It is a self degrading tendency; don't allow it to drag you down. It kills your personality and clouds your thinking. You can't be rational in your thoughts. Stay away from it. It causes resentment towards other people's success. It says I want to have what you have but I don't want you to have it.

As against this Envy says you have it, I also want to have what you have. Envy as a matter of fact may ignite passion to work hard and also achieve what the other person has without having a thought that the other person should not have it "Every time a friend succeeds ,I die a little" so said Gore Vidal, an American writer and political critic; it is jealousy.

Feeling envious of someone implies admiration and a wish to be in their place. In envy the person envied is an object of admiration; it therefore should serve as model of emulation. But you are jealous when you are insecure, have a feeling of inadequacy and scared of losing something or someone.

Advice to readers
1. Curb your jealousy
2. Be envious rather than be jealous
( If this topic arouses interest -I may come out with another write up on this .Readers may find envy being described as a very negative emotion in almost all the self Help /Motivational book-even Brian Tracy terms it as highly negative-I wrote to him about my view that is contrary to his -but he has not replied back-I have devoted full one chapter in my book Failure is a knock on the door of success--Those interested my read my book )

Retd Banker ;Author  &;Motivational speaker
Training and Development Consultant

Post updated on:  Aug 15, 2021 3:13:31 PM

There is a Zen Story about a King who had a large rock placed in the middle of a roadway. This completely blocked entry to the city .His plan was to see who would take initiative to remove it. Will those people who use the road get discouraged, quit and turn away.
He hid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. He watched people coming to this roadblock and then turning away .Many loudly blamed the King for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the stone out of the way.
Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. Upon approaching the rock, he did not turn away .Instead he tried and tried to push it out of the way. After much pushing and straining, he finally succeeded in dislodging and pushing it away out of the way .
After dislodging the rock, the peasant noticed a purse lying there .The purse contained many gold coins and a note from the King indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the rock from the roadway.

The peasant learned what many of us never understand: Lesson learnt is "Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition."

Retd Banker ;Author  &;Motivational speaker
Training and Development Consultant

Post updated on:  Aug 15, 2021 3:10:34 PM

Messy bun hairstyle

Messy buns are the easiest type of hairstyle that you can try in just 5 minutes. All you have to do is to collect all your hair in one place and put a band around them in a messy way. Next, you have to fix the loose ends of the bun using a few bobby pins.
Messy buns look best with casual attire including tucked T-shirts and shirts. You can complete the look by wearing ripped jeans and casual shoes with it. Remember that you shouldn?t be too organised while making the bun, as it is called messy for a reason.
Messy bun hairstyles

Hairstyles including braids

There are many kinds of braids that you can try. The most popular ones are Fishtail, French and Cornrows. The traditional plain braids are now out of fashion as lots of innovations have already been done after them.
Braids usually go best with long, open shirts and crop tops. Try to keep the look minimalist, as the main focus should be on your hair if you are choosing braids as your hairstyle for the day.

Open hair with accessories

This one?s my personal favourite, as it does not require a lot of precision or efforts.
Open hair is the simplest hairstyle, though it can be amped up with the use of accessories like pearls, small artificial flowers or clips. You can open your hair completely as well as tie the upper part and leave the lower part open.
Open hair look best with ethnic outfits like lehengas, sarees and suits. You can try out different looks with the attire specific to your area.

Twisted pony hair

Ponytails are the simple version of this type of hairstyle. In place of just tying your hair in a normal ponytail, you can uplift your whole look by trying the twisted pony hairstyle.
All you have to do is start making braids from both the left and right sides of your head and keep rolling the hair to the upper side. Now secure these braids with clips and then tie your hair together into a ponytail.
This hairstyle looks great with dresses and formal attire. Pair them up with heels to finish the look.

Half tie hairstyle

The half tie hairstyle is the one where you tie half of your hair into a bun or ponytail and leave the other half open. The upper half can be accessorised if you like.
Pair this hairstyle with your date clothes or wedding outfits, to feel super-stylish yet comfortable. This is one of the most frequently tried hairstyles, as it is super elegant to look at.
Apart from these, there are many other styles like puffed hair, side-swept hair, middle parting and low pony hair. You can try these too, based on the occasion and the outfit you are wearing.
I hope this article will clear all your doubts regarding different hairstyles for open hair.
Try to create different looks using your imagination and share the pictures with me. Also, stay tuned in for future interesting blogs with me and don?t forget to share your views with me regarding this one too!!

Shweta  posted in Fashion

Post updated on:  Aug 14, 2021 11:53:57 PM

There are various materials present in the world, like glass, mild steel, bricks and concrete. The mechanical engineering is based upon the material which can sustain the force applied on them for various purposes. The important properties of material such as mechanical properties, thermal properties, chemical properties and physical properties decide whether to use the material or not for engineering purpose. Brittle material such as bricks, wood and glass break by applying the force on them. Therefore, the brittle materials are not used for engineering purpose. For engineering purpose, ductile materials are considered as they sustain the deformation due to applied force. The important thing of the ductile materials is that they show various parameters that are required by the engineers. By mixing the ductile material with various other materials which are having some special properties, the engineers fulfill the  various requirements. The example of the ductile materials is iron bar, mild steel, copper and gold. The elastic materials are the materials which can regain their respective dimensions after removing the force applied on them. The example of the elastic material is rubber. The plastic material is material which can not regain their respective dimensions after removing the force applied on them. The example of the plastic material is iron rod.

 Important properties of the material-

i) Elasticity - 
The important property of the material studied in mechanical engineering is elasticity of material. The property of the material to regain their original dimensions after removing the force, is known as elasticity.

ii) Plasticity - 
The property of the material to deform permanently after removing the force applied on the body, is called plasticity.

iii) Strength - The property of the material to withstand the force applied on the material, is called it's strength. The material having more strength, can bear higher load.

iv) Ductility - The property of the material to be drawn into the form of wire, is called its ductility. The ductile material don't rupture and it deforms continuously after applying the force on it. In design and construction work, the ductile materials are used because of their respective property.

v) Malleability -
The material having malleability property can be drawn into the form of sheet. The material having malleability property can bear regular beating. It undergoes for continuous deformation, so it can be drawn into the form of sheet for engineering purpose and construction work.

vi) Brittleness - 
The property of the material to break without giving any prior indication, is called brittleness of the material. The material having more brittleness don't bear impact load. It breaks instantaneously without giving prior indication of the breakage.


The force is the external agent that tries to change the state of the motion or the state of the rest of the body. If the force is applied to the iron bar, it will bend the iron bar. The force that try to resist the deformation of the iron bar against the applied force, that is called stress. When the force is applied to the body, there is some change in their respective dimensions.  The chance in external dimensions due the applied force, is called as the deformation.

The body try to conflict with the force. The resistance is against the deformation of the body. There are several types of load - Point load, impact load, Uniformly distributed load and non- uniformly load. Point load is the load which acts on the body at a fixed and specific point. It does not act on the overall length of the body. Uniformly distributing load is the load which is acting on the body along the overall length of the body and it does not act on the only one point of the body. Non uniformly distributed load is the load which is acting on the whole length of the body but in the varying manner. 

Stress =  F / A,
Where F= applied  force,
            A= area where force is applied.
Unit of stress = Pascal

 Types of stress

The direction of the applied force decides whether the stress is normal or longitudinal stress.

i) Normal stress-

There are various types of load and forces. The force that acts perpendicular to surface of the body, that is known as the normal force. If the normal force is applied to the iron bar, then the stress generated by the force is called as normal stress.

ii) Longitudinal stress-

Besides the normal force, there are some other forms of forces. They acts in linear direction. If the direction of the applied force is towards the center of the iron bar, it is known as the stress generated by the compressive force. It is called compressive stress. The important thing about this stress is that here the body gets compressed after applying the force.

          However,  if the direction of the applied force moving away from the center of the iron bar towards the outside of the iron bar, it will be stress due to the tensile force. It is known as tensile stress. The important thing is that here the force tries to elongate the body.

Hooke's law of stress

           There is a relationship between the two factors- stress and strain. It is demonstrated nicely with the help of Hooke's law. It is basically  a graph showing the relationship between the two things- Stress and strain. When a body is subjected to a force, then there is some changes in the dimensions. It causes the iron bar to experience the stress as well as the strain. The law states that when a body is subjected to a load under its elastic limit, the stress generated inside the body by the force is directly proportional to the strain produced.

Here, the graph shows relationship between the stress and strain produced in the body. From origin to point (A), it shows elastic properties of the material. Point (B) show the proportional limit. Point (C) is showing the upper yield point and Point (D) is showing the lower yield point. Basically yield stress is generated in the body, when the body continue to enlarge without giving any increment in the prior load. Point (E) shows point of the ultimate strength. Ultimate strength of material is the point upto which the material can bear the load. After that limit of the applied force, if the amount of force is increased, then the body will rupture. Point (F) shows rupture point. Rupture stress is that stress that is produced by the force at the time of rupture.

Stress = C * strain,
 where C = constant.

By adjusting the equation, Young's modulus is obtained. 

Young's modulus  = stress / strain,
Unit of Young's modulus is Pascal.

For more details click here,
Hooke's law of stress-

            The strain can be found by dividing change in length by original length. When the force is applied to the iron bar, there must be some change in their respective dimensions. The another parameter is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the applied force. The strain is the factor to illustrate the results of the force. .
Strain=  change in the length/ the original length

Unit of the strain= no unit , it is unit less 

For more information click here,

Types of strain

i) Tensile strain - 

When the two different forces applied to the body tries to elongate  the body, then it is called tensile force. Then strain generated by this force is called tensile strain. The increase or decrease in the magnitude of the length causes the body to introduce the tensions in the surface.

 i) Compressive strain - 

When the two different forces applied to the body tries to decrease the size of the body, then it is called as compressive force. Then strain generated by this force is called compressive strain.

Linear strain-

The external forces applied on the body may change their respective dimensions. Then strain generated by the force in direction of the applied force is called simple strain. Liner strain is the strain generated by the force in direction of the external force.

Lateral strain - 

The force applied on the surface of the body tries to increase or decrease the dimensions of the body. The strain in the  perpendicular direction is called as the lateral strain.

Here,  Length of the body= (l),
           Thickness = (t),
            Height = (h)
             Linear strain = (∆l) / (l),
             Lateral strain = (∆t) / (t),
                                    or ( ∆h) / (h) 
Here,.   ∆ = change in the dimensions

For more details, click here,

Poisson's Ratio - 

The ratio of lateral strain and linear strain, is called Poisson's ratio. Generally the body undergoes to change in dimensions in various directions after applying the force on it. Linear strain is caused by the change in the legth. Lateral strain is due to the change in the dimensions in lateral direction.

Poisson's ratio = Lateral strain / Linear strain

Shear stress-

Generally the force acts perpendicular to the body tries to increase or decrease the dimensions of the body. But there is some other forms of force acting on the surface of the body which is parallel to the surface of the body. This form of force is called shear force. The stress generated inside the body due this shear force is called Shear stress. Here strain generated by this force is called Shear strain. The shear force tries to moves the body parts in direction parallel to the surface of the body.

For more details click here,
shear stress-

Modulus of rigidity or shear modulus- 

There are several ways to get information about the effect of the applied force. The most important and popular way to collect the information about the effect of the applied force, is modulus of rigidity.

Modulus of rigidity= shear stress / shear strain

Safe load

In any construction work, the engineers have to fulfill the various parameters of the materials. Every material can bear a load to a specific limit. After that limit, the object can not bear the load. The load below which machine works properly without rupture, that load is called safe load. Therefore, the engineers put the load on the construction materials below the safe load.

3D Stress Hooke's law -

The body experiences the force in all directions. The application of the applied force causes the body to change their dimensions in all directions.

Here, the body tries to elongate or decrease in all directions. 
Stress is generated in all directions.
            When we apply of force on a body,  the body get deform in all direction. the body experiences stress and force in all direction. There are mainly Three Types of stress. First stress is in direction of x-axis, second stress is in direction of y axis and third stress is in direction of Z axis. 

 The stress that is perpendicular to the surface that is known as normal stress. It is also known as direct stress. There are another stress that is known as shear stress. The shear stress is the stress that is parallel to the  surface of the body. If we consider the  surface of xy plane, the stress that is perpendicular to the plane that is known as direct stress or normal stress. But the stress that is parallel to the surface, and moving in the direction of x axis and y axis, they are called shear stress.

Direct stress and shear stress in 3Dimension Hooke's Law -

The stress generated by the application of force in the direction perpendicular to the surface of the body, that stress is known as the direct stress or normal stress. The stress generated due to the application of the force, in the direction parallel to the surface of the body, is known as the shear stress.

Various Planes and various stress in 3 Dimension Hooke's Law -

Failure -  

When a force is working on a object continuosly, the object will get fractured after sometime, that is known as failure. For example, if we apply 10 Newton on a body and it is not a fracture, then we said that there is no failure. But if we apply force more than hundred Newton, then the object will get fractured, then that point is known as the fracture point. 

Theory of failure -

There are various theories of the failure that explains how the object get fracture or how they get excessive elastic deformation. There are various modes of failure, first one is the excessive elastic deformation, second is the only sudden fracture. If we apply the excessive force continuously, then it may be possible that the object get excessive elastic deformation or there may be fracture of the object. There are various theories of the failure.

I) Rankine's theory
 ii) Saint venant's theory
iii) Guest theory
iv) Haigh's theory 
v) Von mises theory 

.i )Rankine's Theory of failure -

According to this theory, the fracture takes place, when maximum principal stress reachs  its maximum limit of its principal stress. 

Limitations of Rankine's Theory of failure

There are various limitations of the Rankine theory. This theory considers only principal stress, it does not consider shear stress.

ii) Saint Venant's Theory of failure

 This theory explains that the failure occurs when the maximum principal strain crosses or reaches its maximum principal strain in elastic mode.

Limitations of Saint Venant's Theory of failure

 There are some limitations of this theory. According to this theory, the tensile stress is greater than the yield stress, but in experiment, it is found that the yield stress is greater than the tensile stress. And also it over estimates the elastic deformation of the material. 

iii) Guest's Theory of failure

According to this theory, failure occurs when the maximum shear stress reaches its limits of maximum shear stress in elastic mode. 
The maximum shear stress can be obtained by subtracting minimum stress from maximum stress and dividing them by two.

Limitations of Guest's Theory of failure

 It  is applicable only for the brittle object like cast iron.

Rankine theory of failure

Principal stress and principal Plane -

When the object experiences the effect of the force applied on the surface of the body, then the body gets deform. It also experiences stress on them. There are several types of stress generated in the object, while the force is applied on the body. Among the several types of stresses,  the stress having largest magnitude is known as the Principal stress and the plane containing the Principal stress is known as the Principal  plane. The principal stress generated by the force in the body can be calculated by considering the amount of stress and strain produced by the force on the various types of planes. Generally the Principal plane contain the information of the Principal Stress present in the body. There are many different ways to get the value of the Principal Stress. 

Beam is a structure that is made up of a Iron and woods that can be used to bear the load. Generally the beam is used to make the most of the construction.
Connecting rod is the only thing that is the basis of the foundation of any types of the construction.

Types of Beam -

There are various types of beam. First one is cantilever beam, second one is fixed beam, third one is simply supported beam, forth one is overhanging beam, fifth one is continuous beam.
Cantilever Beam

The cantilever beam is the beam that is fixed on one side and free at the another side. 

Simply supported Beam

The simply supported beam is the beam that is simply placed on the support.

Fixed Beam

Fixed Beam is the beam that is fixed at the both end of the beam. 
Overhanging Beam

In case of overhanging beam, the bean is fully supported by the support but the other part of the bean is hanging over on the both side of the beam. 

Continuous Beam

Continuous beam is the type of beam where the load is continuously distributed over length and the support.

The beam is a structure that has dimensions in which one dimension is abnormally longer than the other dimension. Generally, the beam has large length and short width.

There are several types of load, which are  used in engineering purpose.

1) Point load -

Point load is the load which is acting on the body at a fixed and specific point. It does not act on the overall length of the body. The part of the construction which is experiencing a force on its surface, that force tries to deform the part  permanently. The force that is actually acting on any point, that force is called Point load.

2) Regular load or uniformly distributed load -

Uniformly distributing load is the load which is acting on the body along the overall length of the body and it does not act on the only one point of the body. 

3) Irregular load or non uniformly distributed load -

Non uniformly distributed load is the load which is acting on the whole length of the body but in the varying manner. At one point, it is very large and another point, it is very small in the magnitude.

Shear stress in beam - 

 When a force is applied on the body and if shear  force is tried to find out, then the observer has  to bisect the body into two parts. First one is  right hand portion and first one part will be on  right hand and the second one will be left hand part or portion. The right hand portion should be taken as a positive shear force and left hand portion should be taken as the negative shear force, if the direction of the forces try to move the body in clockwise direction.  The right-hand portion should be taken as negative shear force and the left-hand portion should be taken as negative shear force, if the force tries to move the observed body in the anticlockwise direction.

Bending moment in various types of beam -

When a load is applied on the body and if the observer wants to find out bending moment generated in the body, then the observer has  to bisect the body into two parts. First one is  right hand portion and  second one will be left hand part or portion.

                       The right hand portion and the left hand portion should be taken as positive bending moment, if it tries to move the body in upward direction. In language of engineering, it is called sagging.

                     The right hand portion and the left hand portion should be taken as negative bending moment, if it tries to move the body in downward direction. In language of engineering, it is called hogging.

 If there is a beam and several types of forces are applied on that, then firstly ,   bisect the beam into the two section. The midpoint between the two forces,  should be line at which the beam should be cut.

There is a cantilever beam. There is a load of 5 N acting on it. 

The beam is bisected into two parts.

The right portion of the beam is trying to move the body in clockwise direction, as well as, the left portion of the beam is trying to move the body in clockwise direction. So, both are taken as positive shear force.

The right portion of the beam is trying to move the body in clockwise direction, in downward direction of the beam, but it is known as hogging. Here the bending moment is negative impact.

The left portion of the beam is trying to move the body in anticlockwise direction, and is known as the sagging. Here the bending moment is positive impact.  The main remarkable facts about the bending moment is that the body should be able to make positive response to the body.

Shailendra  posted in Technical

Post updated on:  Aug 14, 2021 11:38:39 PM

The elephant god. The leader of the demons. The son of Shiv-Parvati. The non-sectarian deity. The lover of sweets. The benefactor of writers and students. The remover of obstacles. The lord of intellect. The one who brings in prosperity. The most popular god.
The rider of Kroncha. The husband of Riddhi and Siddhi. The bestower of boons.

Amit. Bhupati. Chaturbhuj. Dharmik. Ekadanta. Ganapati. Haridra. Kirti. Lambodara. Manomay. Namasthetu. Omkara. Pramoda. Rudrapriya. Shweta. Tarun. Uddanda. Vinayak. Yogadhipa. If you want anything to begin auspiciously, call him, for he is the Lord of Auspicious Beginnings.

Ganesha's happy go lucky attitude teaches us a lot about Life. The smile on his face tells us that misfortunes should not worry us. His elephant-head is a lesson for all. He is able to shrug it off so easily and that's what each one of us should do. Not get worried if things are not working our way. Take the bad with the good and continue.

The most important teaching that we get from this lovable god is respect for parents. When Parshuram, the axe-wielding incarnation of Vishnu visited Mount Kailash to see Shiva, Ganesha stopped him. Shiva had given Parshuram an axe with special powers, which Parshuram had used to defeat his enemies, and thus wanted to thank his benefactor. When Ganesha did not allow him, Parshuram was enraged, and started fighting with him. Ganesha had an upper hand throughout the tussle but when he was almost close to winning, Parshuram threw the axe at him. Ganesha could have easily avoided it but because his father had given it to Parshuram, he let the axe hit his left tusk. He did not want Parshuram to think that the axe was ineffective. He willingly sacrificed a part of his body but did not allow his father?s reputation to be stigmatized.

There?s another instance from Ganesha?s life that depicts his respect for parents. Once he and his brother Kartikeya decided to see who could circumnavigate the three worlds faster. His brother went off to do just that but Ganesha simply went around his parents Shiv-Parvati. When asked to explain his action, he said that for him, his parents constituted the three worlds.

Jai Ganesh! Jai Ganesh! Jai Ganesh!

Written by my son Nasir Zaidi - NZ

Saiyid  posted in Spirituality

Post updated on:  Aug 14, 2021 4:59:40 PM

Independence Day!! 15th August, 1947!! None of us can forget this date and till today, whenever this day comes, it takes us way back in our memories. We got our long awaited freedom on this day. So many of our freedom fighters lost their lives only in the dream of an Independent free India, our country. Till today, on this day, in the schools, colleges, children are made to listen to the great stories of our Freedom. Fighters.

The radio still plays songs like-
Itni shakti hamein dena daata, mann ka vishwaas kamzor ho na., hum chakein nek raaste pe humse, bhool kar bhi koi bhool ho na............, .. ....,
Aye maalik, tere bandey hum, aise ho hamaare Karam, Neki par chale aur badi se darein, taaki haste hue nikle dum.....

On Independence as a tribute to them and memorable day. These songs are still my favorite ones and even I grew up listening to each word of it and these words still touch my heart and motivate me . We can never forget the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters for us.

Well, to me, whenever this day comes, one thought, one question always comes to my mind and I don't get an answer to it. What is Independence? What is freedom? Are we really free? Did our freedom fighters dream of such a country where we live today? Think of it for a moment..Are we really free and independent as a nation, as a person?

Well, to me , freedom is when you are free from all the negativity in your hearts and only, happiness, peace and love prevails. To me, a free nation is where anybody, any girl feels safe. There is no fear, there is light everywhere and no darkness. But we have so much envy and darkness in our hearts. Are we really free? Many of our people in the army still fight on the front against the evil terrorism. And what's more to it, since, last 1.5 years, we are fighting with this virtual terrorism , named as Covid 19.

Think of it!! Are we really free? I sometimes wonder, when all this will end? Will it ever end? As it is said, there is always light at the end of tunnel. I dream of a nation, where everyone is dancing with love , happiness and peace in their hearts. There is no envy and hatred in anyone's hearts. A girl is safe in the house and on the roads and she is not afraid. Everyone is safe. India has always been known as the country of different diversities and culture across the world.

Will my dream come true some day and I will see such a free nation? Yes, may be, if we, as a person start evolving and take steps towards our freedom and independence. We, as individuals, start getting rid of all the negative feelings and emotions within us and free us from all the negativity within us. We start creating a chain of happiness and peace around ,and then slowly and gradually, the whole nation will enjoy the freedom and then the whole world. The true Independence and freedom will be when all of us will be economically and emotionally free and independent. We will be better human beings and humanity, peace , joy and love will prevail in everyone's hearts. And that will be the true meaning of education. When there will not be any discrimination on the basis of rich, poor, caste, religion, and all will be equal ad free.

I wonder and wish sometimes but still eagerly waiting for that day to come soon. There is a plethora of thoughts in me like an ocean but would like to end it here today. Let's make a promise to ourselves today, on this day!! Lets care for each other again!! Let's keep humanity alive!! Let's be more human!!

Keep reading for more and do let me know what Independence means to you.
I would love to read your thoughts

I wish you a life full of freedom and Independence, full of happiness, positivity, hope, love and peace.



Shalini  posted in Festival

Post updated on:  Aug 14, 2021 12:54:07 PM

In daily life we face many problems. Sometimes some problems really give headache to us. Some incidents made us very much sad, depressed. Now I'm going to tell such a very common incident which happens with almost everyone. 

We often hear from others that their close friend betrayed. Best friend doesn't talk to them now. They become really sad and depressed for this. 
Achha who said he was your best friend? Huh?????? It's none. You assumed that he was your best friend. But how can you assume someone as your best buddy??!!😅😅😅😅😅😅 
Is this really right to assume someone?? You just assumed him. So your assumption may become wrong. That's normal. 

"A friend in need is a friend indeed." Always we have to remember it. Those who stays with us in our hard times, they are best friends of us not those with whom we gossip or go to restaurants and parks. 

You can't say that he is your best friend. Time will say who your best friend is. In your trouble who comes forward to help you, who stands with you, is your best friend. So don't assume someone who just goes to school or college with you, chat with you, sits just next to you as your best friend. To know who your best friend is you have to wait. Time will come. You will get to know. 

So my friends, don't be sad if such so called best friend doesn't talk to you now. Understand that he was not your best friend. You just assumed that and your assumption was wrong. It's so simple and normal. So don't be sad or depressed. Rather be happy because you come to know that a person whom you think your best friend isn't and you have come to know. If you would come to know this after a long time he may hurt you more. You would be more sad and depressed. 

Stay safe.
Thank you.

Post updated on:  Aug 14, 2021 2:53:49 AM

Well, this is my first article and I want to share idea which is the personal perceptive. Corporate sector or industry which is the engine of development of any country. Without corporate sector a society can be exist. But a society without corporate (industry) is seem to be looking impossible or imperfections. Everyone work in the society.

Most of norms, habitual made by our societies changed by industry or broken the rules that made by human society and most of changed is beneficial to human beings or positive externalities on societies. Which effect is that large portion of population forcefully think to change norms, or changed thought on traditional rituals. I.e. in Indian societies a norms was popular female is not made for work in market. But when corporate sector comes gender inequalities is decrease very rapidly.

Many female work in market in a form of labor or white collar jobs. However, corporate societies break down bad norms of societies.  On the other hand in beginning or emerging the corporate sector many habitual or traditional that is good also in society point of view. Not good at least benefits or accepted by all groups of peoples. I.E. Families should be union.  Local festivals should be celebrated together. Everyone wants to works in locality (does not means start own business) but get a job in good corporate. A recent report I studied that an employed person is more productive in near house rather than work in far from home.

A well-known corporate sector whose business expend in all over country. Then a labor person should be employed their localities based on work and skills should be matched. So a marginal change can save the union families. There are so many examples which we can finds. Here my question is that if corporate sector breaks the bad norms of society but also break the good norms. How we can save the good norms in societies with nonexistence of caste or making the good norms into bad. Consistency is also bad for society. Because same pattern of behavior lead into norms and some groups of people hold this pattern that also leads discrimination or inequalities. So changes is good phenomena that also beneficial to different people in dynamic periods. A corporate sector should be ruled in dynamic ways transitional period. Which affects the behavior of person in some extent that also leads to make the suitable norms that beneficial to human and individual also. Or breaks the norms that harmful the both human as well as society.

Here the gap again arise who leads to whose. A society should also leads corporate social ethics, norms, responsibility etc. or vice-versa. Should also leads simultaneously? However there is factors that also helps to make a decision first change- change the pattern of  corporate sector ethics or responsibilities? sometimes should be tight or sometimes not its proceed in cyclical trend. , second development of sector in both industry and society if one sector grow fast than second sector depress automatically at least good ethics also which is not good for societies or industries both. Thirds is both simultaneous changes. Government also interfere in this affairs by making a law or institutional that also see the situations. But making a law is not always good for democratic countries.

Balbir Singh

Balbir  posted in Others

Post updated on:  Aug 14, 2021 2:53:43 AM

त्योहारों और शादियों का सीजन शुरू हो गया है। ऐसे में हर किसी ने अपने लिए नए कपड़े, नई सैंडल आदि की खरीदारी शुरू करदी होगी। हर कोई चाहता है की वो तैयार होकर आकर्षक लगे। चाह कोई त्योहार हो या किसी दोस्त की शादी लड़कियों को त्योहारों पर कुछ ज्यादा ही क्रेज रहता है। वो सब कुछ अपनी ड्रेस से मैचिंग लेना पसंद करती है। फिर चाहे वो उनकी ज्वेलरी हो फिर कोई भी एक्सेसरी। आजकल से मैचिंग नेल्स रखना का भी बहुत ट्रेंड है। पहले लड़किया नॉर्मल नेल पेंट लगाकर अपने नेल्स को डेकोरेट करती थी। लेकिन आज के टाइम में फैशन ट्रेंड में सिंपल नेल पेंट लगाना किसी को पसंद नहीं आता। आजकल लड़कियों का इंटरेस्ट नेल आर्ट की तरफ़ बढ़ता जा रहा है। इसे लिए एक्रेलिक नेल्स और जेल नेल्स दोनो ही बेस्ट ऑप्शन है। इस्लिये फेस्टिवल को ध्यान में रखते हैं इस ब्लॉग में हम आपको जेल नेल्स VS एक्रेलिक नेल्स के नंगे में बताएंगे, इससे आप में लगा कर फेस्टिवल के लिए तैयार हो सकती है। ऐक्रेलिक नाखून एक प्रकार के कृत्रिम नाखून होते हैं। ये कफी टाइप के कलर्स और शेप में मिलते हैं। इसे एथिल मेथोट्रेक्सेट, पॉलीमर पाउडर और मोनोमर के मिक्स से बनाया जाता है। फिर इस मिश्रण को नाखून पर लगा जाता है। आप इस मिश्रण को ब्यूटी पार्लर या घर कहीं भी लगा सकते हैं।

1. एक्रेलिक नेल्स को लगाने के लिए पहले अपने नेल्स को नेल क्लिपर्स की हेल्प से मैनेज करने योग्य लेंथ का करे।

2. अपने नाखूनों के सरफेस को रफ बनाने के लिए नेल फाइल का इस्तेमाल करें। तकी एक्रेलिक नेल आसानी से इन पर स्टिक हो जाए।

3. अपने नाखूनों के सही साइज की टिप ले के अनुसार। अगर आपके साइज की टिप नहीं मिलती है तो आप इसे फाइल की मदद से बराबर कर ले। फ़िर गोंद की मदद से लगाये। ध्यान रहे की गोंद आपके नाखून के आस पास की त्वचा पर ना लगे।

4. अब ब्रश की हेल्प से एक्रेलिक लिक्विड लगाये। ध्यान रहे की इस वक्त आप वेंटिलेशन वाले एरिया माई हो।

5.अब इसे सूखे के लिए 10 मिनट तक रख लें। अब पसंदीदा नेल पेंट से नेल्स को सजे।

वही इसी तरह जेल नाखून भी आपके लिए एक अच्छा विकल्प है। ये आपके नाखून को सिंपल और नेचुरल लुक देता है। ये एक्रेलिक नेल्स से ज्यादा महंगा होता है। ये उन लोगो के लिए अच्छा विकल्प है जिन लोगो के नाखून लम्बे नहीं होते, उनके लिए ये एक बहुत ही अच्छा विकल्प है। क्योकी ये आपको कफी शेप्स और कलर्स में मिल जाते हैं। जो अपने नाखूनों को क्लासिक लुक देना चाहते हैं, उनके लिए फ्रेंच मैनीक्योर एक्रिलिक नेल डिजाइन सबसे अच्छा विकल्प है।

अगर आपने अपने हाथो पर एक्रेलिक फिंगर नेल्स लगा है तो बर्तन धोने के लिए फिर पानी वाला कोई भी काम करते समय दस्ताने जरूर पहने। क्योकी पानी की वजह से इनका रंग जा सकता है और नाखून कमजोर भी पढ़ सकते हैं।
हम आपको ये भी बताते हैं ऐक्रेलिक नेल्स को निकलने के लिए इनहे एसीटोन में दुबया जाता है। इसमे आपको अधिकतम आधे घंटे के आस पास समय लग सकता है।

इन नेल्स की यूएसपी ये होती है की जिस्के नेल्स टूट हो या जिन्के नेल्स की शेप में अच्छा ना हो, वो भी इन लगाकर ब्यूटीफुल नेल्स पा सकते हैं।

ऐक्रेलिक नाखून कैसे लगाएं
एक बात का हमशा ख्याल रहे की एक्रेलिक नेल पेंट हमशा क्लीन नेल्स पर ही लगानी चाहिए। इस्लिये जब भी आप ऐक्रेलिक नेल पेंट लगाने का प्लान बना रहे हो तो पहले अपनी पुरानी नेल पॉलिश को अच्छी तरह से निकालें करे। इसके लिए आप कोई भी नेल पॉलिश रिमूवर यूज कर सकती है। लेकिन अगर आप पुराने एक्रेलिक नेल्स या जैल रिमूव कर रही है तो उन्हें हटाने के लिए नेल्स को प्योर एसीटोन में डबा के रखे।

जेल नेल्स को सिंपल नेल पेंट की तरह नखुनो पर लगा जाता है। इसे आप एक्रेलिक नेल्स की तरह घर पर नहीं लगा सकते हैं। इस्के लिए आपको ब्यूटीशियन की मदद लेना जरूरी है। इसमे जेल के 2-3 कोट लगाए जाते हैं। हर 1 कोट के बाद इसे यूवी, अल्ट्रा वायलेट लैंप के आला 2 मिनट तक रखा जाता है, जब तक जेल सूखा ना हो जाए।

ऐक्रेलिक और जेल नेल्स डोनो हाय लगान में सेफ है। आप दोनो में से किसी को भी अपने नाखून के हिसाब से चुनें कर सकते हैं। इस्के अलावा इस बात का भी ख्याल रखे की जो भी आप चुनें कर रहे हो वो आपकी ड्रेस और मौके के हिसाब से हो।

स्वस्थ नाखूनों के लिए टिप्स
1. नेल्स केरातिन प्रोटीन से बने होते हैं। इसलिय अपने नाखूनों को सुंदर और स्वस्थ बनाए रखने के लिए समय-समय पर मैनीक्योर करना चाहिए।

2. अपने नाखूनों को स्वस्थ बनाएं रखने के लिए आपके भोजन का पौष्टिक होना जरूरी है। इसली अपने डाइट में फल और सब्जियों में करे शामिल हैं। और उचित मात्रा में पानी पिए।

3. नाखून को समय-समय पर काटते रहना चाहिए।

4. जिन कमो को करने से नाखून के दगदार होने, टूटे और खराब होने की समस्या होती है। उन्हे करने से पहले दस्ताने पहनना चाहिए। वीक माई दो बार क्रीम से हाथो और नखुनो की मलिश करना चाहिए।

5.जब कभी भी आप नेल पॉलिश का इस्तमाल करती है तो ध्यान रहे की नेल पॉलिश नेल्स के किनारो की त्वचा को ना ढके। क्योकी याही से नाखून तक ऑक्सीजन पाहुती है।

6. अगर आपको नेल पेंट जल्दी सूखी करनी हो तो, नेल पेंट के सूखे होने के बाद, ठंडा पानी में उंगलियों को डुबोएं। आपकी नेल पेंट फिक्स हो जाएगी।

Post updated on:  Aug 14, 2021 2:28:54 AM

"Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is." ~ Bhagavad Geeta (chapter 18 verse 58)

The thought that the Geeta has advocated has been expounded so beautifully by Mahatma Gandhi in his own inimitable style as under:

"Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning."

There are no limits to what you can believe. With your strong belief you can do anything. Your belief is your thought that what you trust is true.

There is no straight path to where you are going. If you are walking a different path, never see it as a flaw or think that something is wrong with you. Being different is your biggest asset and will help you succeed. You can because you think you can.  Confidence is another word for belief. Some beliefs can hold you down, other beliefs can lift you up. Free yourself from the beliefs that holds you down. Transform your mind and develop the beliefs that can lift you up. It is your mind; change it and choose a new belief that inspires you to achieve what you desire to. You can certainly change your mind and introduce in it your new belief. Remember that you choose your beliefs, therefore you can also discard those that do not work for you.

Don't be the prisoner of your old beliefs that incapacitate you. Consider the unlikely. Explore the impossible. There are no limits to what you can do, so experience and enjoy a lot more than you think you can. Choose a new belief that will help you improve and achieve.

He who does not know his own worth is ruined, so said Imam Ali (as).  This quotation identifies the basis of self-confidence. You be self-confident one must have self-esteem or self-value. You must know your own worth in order to believe in yourself.  The strongest factor in attaining success is your strong belief that you can do it, you deserve it and that you will get it. Self-esteem is the foundation of your self-confidence. And eventually, it is your confidence in your own merit that will lead you on to the path of success.


Key Takeaways

1.    Don't be the prisoner of beliefs that incapacitate you.

2.    Get your negative beliefs replaced by positive ones that lift you up.

3.    There are no limits to what you can achieve.

4.    Know your worth, don't compromise on your self-esteem. 

Retd Banker ;Author  &;Motivational speaker
Training and Development Consultant

Post updated on:  Aug 14, 2021 2:24:16 AM

Career in private tuition - Nowadays every student needs a perfect and skilled teacher to learn perfect English so that the student can move forward without any problem. Poverty or unemployment can never touch you if you can be the master of this subject and you don't need to invest any excessive amount to get success. Everyone agrees to pay a good amount to the teacher if they get their results.

Assistant professor in college -  If you are looking for a secured as well as a honorable profession, you can do Masters in English literature and can try to become a professor. If you have the potential to sum up all your study and if you love to teach other people, you should pursue English literature for B.A. and then go for M.A.; To be an assistant professor, you just need to have the in-depth knowledge of English literature, it is not so tough as people think. Good learning gives the best way.

Career in YouTube - Not all students want to go into the general professions,  sometimes students want to go for off-beat professions and nowadays YouTube is one of those. Students who have their own unique ideas and determination and also wants to be famous by a good path, they can pursue English honors. This subject helps you to make your ideology more powerful so that you can be able to think your contents in a more unique manner. And you can upload your lectures on YouTube regarding the topics of English Honors to make others understand the contexts.

Career as an author - Every generation has the craze to read the books or eBooks of different writers and a few of them wants to be author but their planning does not get successful because they have not that much of knowledge to write a book. In English honors, students need to read most of the literary terms, devices, tactics which can help the students to arrange their own writings and make them different from other freshers in the writing field.

Guest lecturer in college -  Students can earn quite a good amount of money as well as fame and respect just after graduating in English literature. They can be guest lecturers in different colleges and this profession will give them an opportunity to nurture their own studies better. Students can take up this profession for practice also so that they can one day become assistant professors.

Career in content writing - The world cannot go on without writings and as English literature helps students to expand their knowledge and also informs them each strategy to present the contents beautifully, students can easily turn their writing hobby into a fruitful profession. The best part is the students learn everything in English language and the world needs most of the contents in English so the students of English literature can work as a freelance content writer with other countries also.

I will write about other opportunities in my next blog. 

Anuska  posted in Education

Post updated on:  Aug 14, 2021 2:23:55 AM


The virginal sound. The only sound that retains its virginity despite innumerable chanting since the world was created. The sweetest sound. The clearest sound. The most dynamic sound. The first sound. The original sound. The sound with multiple meanings. The sound that throbbed when there was nothing. The sound that makes the universe throb.

Om is not only a tool for meditation, as claimed by various scholars. Om is a tool to understand life. Om connects the self with the cosmic world. Om takes you beyond boundaries. Om resurrects. Om revives. Om rejuvenates. Om is the most sacred sound.

Every creation has an essence. Om is the essence of Krishna. Krishna is Om. Om is the essence of Shiv. Shiv is Om. Brahman is Supreme Self. The Creator of all existence. Om is Shabda Brahman (Brahman as sound).

Om is a rhythm, a beat that inspires. Om is soul's nourishment. The deeper you go in this sound, the stronger you emerge. Om is vibrancy. Om is energy. Om is universe's music. Om establishes a bond between the self and the Creator. Om transforms; Om renovates. Om penetrates.

Om is the soul of Gayatri Mantra, the most powerful mantra. Om bhur bhuvah suvah. When you chant this, you rise. You gain ascendancy. You soar towards the Ultimate. You reach the cosmic consciousness. You become one with the One.

Om, Om, Om, Om, Om.

Let this sound be the music of your heart. Let this sound be the lyrics of your soul. Let this sound rule your mind. Let this sound echo and re-echo in your being. Let this sound influence your every move. Submerge in this sound. Let the waves of time roll over you.  Om is a shield. Om protects. Om fortifies.

The present, past, and future is indeed, Om. And whatever else is beyond these three dimensions of time ? that also is in Om.

-   NZ

Retd Banker, Author  & Motivational speaker
Training and Development Consultant


Saiyid  posted in Spirituality

Post updated on:  Aug 14, 2021 2:23:41 AM


Read your resume thoroughly and avoid any typo errors. You will need to anticipate the questions and prepare for the answers before hand. While going through the CV you may be able to write some talking points and the areas from where questions can be asked.


It is always wise to rehearse your introduction and also to note down important impressive words that you may want to speak up when the time comes to reply difficult questions. Read the job description of the post you wish to give interview for. This will give you fair idea regarding how to go about answering questions.


When I was preparing for my interviews, I always made it a point to visit the venue of the interview, one day prior to the interview date. This would help me reduce the commutation time and to understand the venue and the organization more closely.


Planning is an integral part of the interview process and preparation is the core of it. Grooming standards, top phrases for interview, preparing the answers in front of the mirror and rehearsing them over and over again would ensure success for anyone like you.


While you are preparing for the interview, you must read about the background of the organization. Some of the important areas are - Inception date, history of the organization, current management, mission statement and recent awards and achievements that they have won. This will help you immensely and you can add a lot of value in your answers.

Thank you

PEEYUSH  posted in Others

Post updated on:  Aug 14, 2021 2:23:22 AM

The presentation has to be shared or presented on the day of practical examination.
X Batch
S. No Enrollment  No Name Presentation Topic's Remarks Journal Remarks
1 00211002217
Explain the numerical Calculate the occupancy percentage for a 350 rooms hotel which sells 245 rooms On a certain date if 25 rooms were blocked for spring cleaning and 25 rooms for renovation. Checked
      Design a brochure for different packages offered by a:    
2 00311002217
Resort  on a beach   Checked
3 00411002217
Business Hotel in a city   Checked
4 00511002217
Hotel in a Pilgrimage City   Checked
5 00611002217
Create a duty roster for front office department of a 4 star hotel having 200 rooms Make it in Excel. Checked
6 00811002217
Explain the concept of Commissioning : OTA Model-(Merchant) Make PPT . Refer Online Travel agency Models 
7 00911002217
Designing chart-New strategies in hotels towards revenue enhancement. Combined task Checked
8 01011002217
9 01111002217
Collect two situations of handling guest complaints and how to deal with it. Combined task Checked
10 01211002217
11 01311002217
Explain the concept of Commissioning : OTA Model-(Opaque) PPT Checked
12 01411002217
Explain the concept of Commissioning : OTA Model-(Agency) PPT Checked
13 01811002217
Explain the numerical ( Numerical no 1) https://imgur.com/a/6cBjLCp

Not Checked
14 01911002217
Explain the numerical ( Numerical No 2)
15 02211002217
Plan a training schedule for 15 employees of front office department of a five star hotel.   Checked
16 02311002217
Case study  Explain the case and answer Q1  from the mentioned blog- An effective methodology for front office training: Case study method Checked
17 02411002217
Answer the rest question from the above case. Checked
18 02511002217
Auditing of bill statements Combined task- Link for reference  -  Auditing of bill statements      Checked
19 02611002217
Auditing of bill statements Checked
20 02711002217
Write a regret letter to a guest who is not satisfied with some parts of services. Make a guest complaint and prepare a regret letter.  Checked
21 02911002217
Explain Six Sigma PPT Not Checked
22 03011002217
Explain the numerical- Numerical no 1 https://imgur.com/a/nhqRPtY Checked
23 03111002217
Explain the numerical- Numerical no 2 https://imgur.com/a/nhqRPtY Checked
24 03311002217
Explain the numerical- Numerical no 3 https://imgur.com/a/nhqRPtY Not Checked
25 03411002217
Present few live examples of Employee Empowernment Make a video Checked
26 03511002217
Environment friendly Practices followed by hotels.   Checked
27 03611002217
ARR and RevPar Make it in Excel. Not Checked
28 03811002217
Explain the concept of Commissioning : OTA Model-(Merchant) Make PPT . Refer Online Travel agency Models. Checked
29 03911002217
Designing chart-New strategies in hotels towards revenue enhancement. Combined task Checked
30 04011002217
31 04111002217
Collect two situations of handling guest complaints and how to deal with it. Combined task Checked
32 04311002217
33 04411002217
Explain the concept of Commissioning : OTA Model-(Opaque) Make PPT . Refer Online Travel agency Models. Checked
34 04511002217
Explain the concept of Commissioning : OTA Model-(Agency) Make PPT . Refer Online Travel agency Models.  Checked
35 04711002217
Explain the numerical- Numerical no 2 https://imgur.com/a/nhqRPtY Checked
36 04811002217
Explain the numerical- Numerical no 3 https://imgur.com/a/nhqRPtY Checked
37 04911002217
Plan a training schedule for 15 employees of front office department of a five star hotel.   Not Checked
38 05011002217
Case study  Explain the case and answer q1  from the mentioned blog- An effective methodology for front office training: Case study method
39 05111002217
Answer the rest questions of the above case Checked
40 05211002217
Auditing of bill statements Combined task- Link for reference   -   Auditing of bill statements Checked
41 05311002217
Auditing of bill statements Checked
42 05411002217
State the advantage of sending a regret letter to a guest who is not satisfied with some parts of services.   Not Checked
43 05511002217
Explain Six Sigma PPT Checked
44 05611002217
Numerical no 4 https://imgur.com/a/nhqRPtY Checked
45 05711002217
Numerical no 5 https://imgur.com/a/nhqRPtY Not Checked
46 05811002216
Explain Employee Motivation techniques Make PPT Refer : Front Office Checked
47 05811002217
Why Orientation Is Important for New Employees Make PPT Refer : Front Office Checked
48 05911002217
Explain Job Description and Specification in Front Office department Make PPT Refer : Front Office Checked
49 06011002217
Hiring process, Recruitment and selection Make PPT Refer :  Front Office Checked
      Design a brochure for different packages offered by a:    
50 06211002217
Heritage property for business purpose   Checked
51 06411002217
Business Hotel in a city   Checked
52 06511002217
Hotel in a Pilgrimage City   Not Checked
53 06611002217
Create a duty roster for front office department of a 5 star hotel having 400 rooms   Checked
54 06711002217
TQM Practices followed by hotels. PPT Checked
Y Batch
55 06911002217
Explain the numerical Calculate the occupancy percentage for a 350 rooms hotel which sells 245 rooms On a certain date if 25 rooms were blocked for spring cleaning and 25 rooms for renovation. Checked
56 07111002217
TQM practices followed by hotels   Checked
57 07211002217
Design a brochure for different packages offered by a Resort  on a beach   Checked
58 07411002217
Design a brochure for different packages offered by a Business Hotel in a city   Checked
59 07511002217
Design a brochure for different packages offered by a Hotel in a Pilgrimage City   Checked
60 07911002217
Create a duty roster for front office department of a 4 star hotel having 200 rooms Make it in Excel. Checked
61 08011002216
Explain the concept of Commissioning : OTA Model-(Merchant) Make PPT . Refer https://www.connectclue.com/article/details/TTUR2351622127837335/online-travel-agency-models- Checked
62 08011002217
Designing chart-New strategies in hotels towards revenue enhancement. Combined task Checked
63 08111002217
64 08211002217
Collect two situations of handling guest complaints and how to deal with it. Combined task Not Checked
65 08311002217
Not Checked
66 08411002217
Explain the concept of Commissioning : OTA Model-(Opaque) Make PPT . Refer https://www.connectclue.com/article/details/TTUR2351622127837335/online-travel-agency-models- Checked
67 08511002217
Explain the concept of Commissioning : OTA Model-(Agency) Make PPT . Refer https://www.connectclue.com/article/details/TTUR2351622127837335/online-travel-agency-models- Checked
68 08611002217
Explain the numerical https://imgur.com/a/6cBjLCp  Checked
69 08711002217
Explain the numerical https://imgur.com/a/6cBjLCp  Checked
70 08811002217
Plan a training schedule for 15 employees of front office department of a five star hotel.   Not Checked
71 08911002217
Case study  Explain the case and answer q1  from the mentioned blog- https://www.connectclue.com/article/details/BLUR2351624430225491/an-effective-methodology-for-front-office-training--case-study-method
72 09011002217
Answer the rest questions of the above case Checked
73 09211002217
Auditing of bill statements Combined task- Link for reference      https://www.connectclue.com/article/details/TTUR2351622048546652/auditing-of-bill-statements Checked
74 09311002217
Auditing of bill statements Checked
75 09411002217
State the advantage of sending a regret letter to a guest who is not satisfied with some parts of services.   Checked
76 09511002217
Explian Six Sigma PPT Checked
77 09611002217
Explain the numerical- Numerical no 1 https://imgur.com/a/nhqRPtY Checked
78 09711002217
Explain the numerical- Numerical no 2 https://imgur.com/a/nhqRPtY Not Checked
79 09811002217
Explain the numerical- Numerical no 3 https://imgur.com/a/nhqRPtY Checked
80 09911002217
Present few live examples of Employee Empowernment Make a video  Checked
81 10111002217
Environment friendly Practices followed by hotels.   Checked
82 10211002217
ARR and RevPar Make it in Excel. Checked
83 10311002217
Explain the concept of Commissioning : OTA Model-(Merchant) Make PPT . Refer https://www.connectclue.com/article/details/TTUR2351622127837335/online-travel-agency-models- Checked
84 10411002216
Designing chart-New strategies in hotels towards revenue enhancement. Combined task Checked
85 10511002217
86 10611002217
Collect two situations of handling guest complaints and how to deal with it. Combined task Checked
87 10711002217
88 10811002217
Explain the concept of Commissioning : OTA Model-(Opaque) Make PPT . Refer https://www.connectclue.com/article/details/TTUR2351622127837335/online-travel-agency-models- Checked
89 10911002217
Explain the concept of Commissioning : OTA Model-(Agency) Make PPT . Refer https://www.connectclue.com/article/details/TTUR2351622127837335/online-travel-agency-models- Checked
90 11011002217
Explain the numerical- Numerical no 2 https://imgur.com/a/nhqRPtY Checked
91 11111002217
Explain the numerical- Numerical no 3 https://imgur.com/a/nhqRPtY Checked
92 11211002217
Plan a training schedule for 15 employees of front office department of a five star hotel.   Checked
93 11311002217
Case study  Explain the case and answer q1  from the mentioned blog- https://www.connectclue.com/article/details/BLUR2351624430225491/an-effective-methodology-for-front-office-training--case-study-method
94 11411002217
Answer the rest questions of the above case Checked
95 11511002217
Auditing of bill statements Combined task- Link for reference      https://www.connectclue.com/article/details/TTUR2351622048546652/auditing-of-bill-statements Checked
96 11611002217
Auditing of bill statements Checked
97 11711002217
State the advantage of sending a regret letter to a guest who is not satisfied with some parts of services.   Checked
98 11811002217
Explain Six Sigma PPT Not Checked
99 11911002217
Numerical no 4 https://imgur.com/a/nhqRPtY Checked
100 12011002217
Numerical no 5 https://imgur.com/a/nhqRPtY Checked
101 12111002216
Explain Employee Motivation techniques Make PPT Refer :https://www.connectclue.com/article/details/TTUR2351625539227362/front-office- Not Checked
102 12111002217
Why Orientation Is Important for New Employees Make PPT Refer :https://www.connectclue.com/article/details/TTUR2351625539227362/front-office- Checked
103 12211002217
Explain Job Description and Specification in Front Office department Make PPT Refer :https://www.connectclue.com/article/details/TTUR2351625539227362/front-office- Checked
104 12311002217
Hiring process, Recruitment and selection Make PPT Refer :https://www.connectclue.com/article/details/TTUR2351625539227362/front-office- Checked
105 12411002217
Job Description and Job Specification of RDM   Checked
106 12511002217
Design a brochure for different packages offered by a Heritage property for business purpose   Checked
107 50111002217
Design a brochure for different packages offered by a Business Hotel in a city   Checked
108 50211002217
Design a brochure for different packages offered by a Hotel in a Pilgrimage City   Checked
109 75111002217
Create a duty roster for front office department of a 5 star hotel having 400 rooms   Checked

Post updated on:  Aug 14, 2021 1:58:35 AM

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