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Monthly trending articles on ConnectClue

Deepanjali  posted in Yoga

Ganesh  posted in Science

Anuska  posted in Poetry

जीवन तनावपूर्ण है और कभी-कभी तनाव आप पर हावी हो सकता है, लेकिन आराम करने के तरीके सीखने के लिए आप कुछ कदम उठा सकते हैं।
किराने की खरीदारी या ट्रैफिक जाम जैसी सामान्य रोजमर्रा की गतिविधियां आपको तनाव में डाल सकती हैं। आपको 24/7 दुनिया में डिजिटल उपकरणों और स्ट्रीमिंग सेवाओं से अनप्लग करना मुश्किल हो सकता है। काम की समय सीमा, बच्चों को संभालना या किसी मुश्किल रिश्ते से निपटना आपको निराश कर सकता है।
कोरोनावायरस महामारी, एक पुरानी बीमारी, या किसी बुजुर्ग रिश्तेदार की देखभाल करना एक तनाव हो सकता है।
"तनाव वास्तव में है कि आपका शरीर और मस्तिष्क चुनौतियों का जवाब कैसे देते हैं, जैसे कि काम पर दबाव, [हैंडलिंग] महामारी, बढ़ती पारिवारिक जिम्मेदारी, अन्य नकारात्मक अनुभव जो तनाव को प्रभावित और पैदा कर सकते हैं," डेविड शर्टलेफ, पीएचडी, उप निदेशक कहते हैं। राष्ट्रीय स्वास्थ्य संस्थान के पूरक और एकीकृत स्वास्थ्य के लिए राष्ट्रीय केंद्र।
COVID-19 महामारी ने तनाव के आसपास की चिंताओं को उजागर किया है।
"हम पिछले वर्ष की तुलना में COVID स्थिति को देखते हुए बहुत अधिक चिंता और अवसाद देख रहे हैं," शर्टलेफ कहते हैं।

तनाव क्या है?
जब आप अभिभूत महसूस करते हैं या किसी स्थिति को संभाल नहीं पाते हैं, तो आपका शरीर खराब तरीके से प्रतिक्रिया दे सकता है। तथाकथित "लड़ाई या उड़ान" प्रतिक्रिया आपको दौड़ने के लिए तैयार करती है, और इससे तनाव पैदा होता है।
रूजवेल्ट विश्वविद्यालय में मनोविज्ञान के प्रोफेसर, पीएचडी, विश्वविद्यालय के माइंडफुल इनिशिएटिव के संस्थापक निदेशक, और विश्राम पर पुस्तकों के एक विपुल लेखक, जोनाथन सी। स्मिथ कहते हैं, "तनाव की छोटी अवधि का अनुभव करना ठीक है, वास्तव में, यह स्वस्थ भी है।"।
"तनाव मुक्त जीवन जीना अस्वस्थ और खतरनाक है। हमें जिंदा रखने के लिए थोड़ी चुनौती की जरूरत है, ?स्मिथ कहते हैं।
लेकिन ज्यादा तनाव आपके लिए ठीक नहीं है। उदाहरण के लिए, महामारी के दौरान आपने जिस अलगाव का सामना किया है, जैसे कुछ स्थितियां, तनाव का कारण बन सकती हैं, जो बदले में स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं को जन्म दे सकती हैं।
वैश्विक महामारी जैसी किसी चीज़ से अभिभूत महसूस करना सामान्य है, लेकिन आराम करने के तरीके खोजना भी महत्वपूर्ण है, शर्टलेफ़ कहते हैं। वह सप्ताह में लगभग तीन बार योग का अभ्यास करते हैं और चिंताओं को नियंत्रण में रखने में मदद के लिए रोजाना ट्रेडमिल का उपयोग करते हैं।
"समय के साथ तनाव वास्तव में हमारे शरीर और हमारे दिमाग को प्रभावित कर सकता है और वास्तव में विनाशकारी पुरानी स्थितियों जैसे चिंता और अवसाद को जन्म दे सकता है," वे कहते हैं

विश्राम तकनीकों के प्रकार
हालांकि, विश्राम प्रथाओं की एक पूरी श्रृंखला आपको तनाव कम करने और तनाव कम करने में मदद कर सकती है।
"कोई एक जूता नहीं है जो सभी को फिट बैठता है," स्मिथ कहते हैं। वह वैज्ञानिक अवलोकन और अनुभव के आधार पर "पांच या छह" दृष्टिकोणों की ओर इशारा करते हैं जो वास्तव में तनाव कम करने के लिए काम करते हैं। अन्य उपचार भी हैं, जो आपको मददगार लग सकते हैं। आप एक समय में एक कर सकते हैं या आप कुछ एक साथ अभ्यास कर सकते हैं।

श्वास व्यायाम
यह सबसे आसान तनाव कम करने की प्रथाओं में से एक है क्योंकि आप केवल अपनी सांस लेने पर ध्यान केंद्रित करते हैं।
शांत जगह पर बैठें या लेटें, अपनी नाक से गहरी सांस लें और बेहतर महसूस होने पर अपने मुंह या अपनी नाक से धीरे-धीरे सांस छोड़ें।
टेक्सास मनोचिकित्सक ग्रेगरी स्कॉट ब्राउन, एमडी, 4-7-8 दृष्टिकोण का सुझाव देते हैं। 4 सेकंड के लिए सांस लें, 7 सेकंड के लिए अपनी सांस रोकें, फिर 8 सेकंड के लिए सांस छोड़ें।
वे कहते हैं कि गहरी सांस लेने से आपको शांत और आराम करने में मदद मिल सकती है।
"जब मैं मरीजों से बात कर रहा होता हूं, तो मैं आमतौर पर सांस के काम से शुरू करता हूं, क्योंकि फिर से, हम सभी हर दिन सांस लेते हैं, लेकिन हम में से बहुत से लोग यह नहीं जानते हैं कि सांस का काम, आप जानते हैं, एक विशिष्ट तरीके से किया जाता है, दवा है, ब्राउन कहते हैं, जो ऑस्टिन, TX में सेंटर फॉर ग्रीन साइकियाट्री के संस्थापक और निदेशक हैं।

Post updated on:  Aug 14, 2021 1:57:53 AM

If you are a writer and struggling to monetize your work, you have found your solution. If you are a business and want to business to increase by manifolds, you are at the right place too. We, at ConnectClue, are your 1 solution for everything you are struggling with. You are bound to touch every height you have ever imagined if you are here with us. ConnectClue is a website that provides various services through the medium of Blog and Article Writing. We make sure that your efforts don't go to waste and every Blog that you write, creative or Business related, reaches the right audience and helps you earn along with being known to a crowd you have only dreamt about yet. Yes, that's right. We are here to make all your dreams come true.

With this comes a question, How? and What is there for us in this?

We understand the struggle and competition of today's market and the gap that has come between the audience and the service providers. We, at ConnectClue, are trying to bridge the same Gap through the medium of writing. Now, how you ask? It's pretty simple. Just make good quality content and start blogging with us here. We make sure that your content reaches as far as possible and we have a viewership from all around the world. We also help you earn through your blogs according to the viewership that you get so that your efforts are rewarded right there. Not just us, we also provide free Ads, sponsorships, free business marketing, and a lot more. 
If this excites you, to understand about our services more, keep reading further:

1. Earn While Writing

In times like these, everybody is struggling financially at least a little bit. Would you feel better if we tell you that everything you write can help you earn as well? We, at ConnectClue, help you earn through what you write. All you have to do is prepare good, appealing content and you are already halfway there. Post your content on our website and share it with your friends and family and that is all. 

We'll pay you as much as your content is viewed because viewership matters. If people like what they read, they'll share it further away as well. Not just that, we have a reach of 10k views every day too. Being a writer all you have to do is write good content and nothing else, we'll take care of everything from there for you.
2. Pure Organic Traffic

These days, it is a struggle to find a good and organic viewership for what you write. We can understand that if what you write doesn't reach the audience that is good enough, it feels as if the efforts you put in are going to waste and are left unappreciated. Not just that, these days, everybody is creating art that might shadow your work and the attention that you are looking for might not come to you.

As a solution for that, we are here. ConnectClue has a reach of 10 thousand viewers every day from India, the USA, and Europe. Our viewership is completely organic and dedicated. There is competition but it doesn't affect you as the traffic that we have comes here to read and read everything that they like.

3. Get Paid for Each Blog

It is not like a job that you will be paid monthly. We pay you for every blog that you would write on our platform. Yes, ConnectClue is a platform that rewards its writers with every penny that they deserve. Not just that, with this, comes the concept of Guest Blogging. If you are not a full-time blogger but want to give it a try, you can go for guest blogging with us as well. Our Guest Bloggers are given the same attention as our permanent bloggers.

Now, you must have a question about how do we know how much to pay?

We have a fixed slab that is, for every 1 thousand views that your blog or article gets, we pay you with 10usd. So, as much as you post and as many views as you can get, you'll be paid for it all.
4. Viewership from all around the world

Who doesn't want to get famous? No one. Everybody wants to be famous and be known worldwide through whatever they do. Conventional jobs that we have been preparing for since the time we were born might pay well but is that enough for us anymore? We desire for a lot more that is we want to be known and bring changes to the already existing norms and rules. We want to be known by not just our neighbors but even people from far away, people from abroad. 

When you start blogging with us, this is exactly what you get. Our viewership consists of people from not just India but the USA and parts of Europe as well. You can earn a viewership from places that you have always wished for and this is your chance for that.

5. Get to know your Competition better

When you look around you, do you notice a lot of competition? Does it discourage you to see that someone is better than you? Do you feel that it would have been great if you could talk to them and get to know their ways better? Do you feel that knowing your competition is a good idea and helpful? We have answers to all those questions. 

There is a lot of competition around these days as everybody is as creative as they can be and that can be discouraging at times. But fear no more. At ConnectClue, you can get to know your competition better. You can interact with them and help each other grow instead because promote healthy competition.


6. Benefits of Business Blogging with ConnectClue

Now, here is the fun part. We don't just provide a platform to creative writers, we can help you grow your business as well. If you share your business with us through the medium of blogging, it reaches an international audience and helps you grow by manifolds. You can also add your website links in your blogs and it'll help you get organic traffic from your location as well as worldwide. It'll also make it easy for your targeted audience to reach you through the website that you'll share.

Wait, there is more to this.

ConnectClue also provides free marketing to all its business bloggers which can even solve your marketing problems. All you have to do is join us as a Business Blogger or Guest Blogger and share your idea with us as soon as you can. We'll make sure that it reaches the right audience and helps you grow.

7. Sponsorship

Ever heard of the concept of Sponsorship? Have you ever seen it? Sponsored? written on the top of blogs and articles of some writers? That is what we mean by sponsorship. We sponsor a lot of blogs and articles as it helps your work reach a far better audience and increases your viewership. It also helps you gain more organic traffic and viewership that is interested in the work that you are putting forward and appreciates you for the same. 

8. Free Ads to Increase Your Reach

When you are surfing online just for some news articles or some work, have you ever noticed that there are several ads that keep coming up and appearing on every side of your screen? Have you ever wondered about what those ads are about and clicked on one of them because it seems interesting? Advertisements are a major part of a promotion. Visual aids always stay in the minds of people for a longer time and attract them. So here we are with free Advertisements for you. 

You just have to make a blog and we'll promote it through several visual aids and advertisements just like the way you see several ads when you are surfing through various websites during your day. It'll help you gain more people who are truly interested in what you are writing.

If you are still not satisfied, just pay us a visit and be a guest blogger. We treat our guest bloggers with the utmost respect and they have all the benefits as our permanent blogger. Not just that, you can also get help for any small or big business that you might have been planning since your childhood. We are at your service for all that you need. Reliable crowd, free marketing, monetizing writing, global viewership; you name it and we have it i.e. we are all in and we can help you grow as well if you plan on being all in as well.
We are sure that we can make it worthwhile. All the services that we provide are not easily accessible in one place but here we are with everything you need. You will not regret being a blogger of ConnectClue.

ConnectClue  posted in Overview

Post updated on:  Aug 14, 2021 12:50:46 AM

If you are a writer and struggling to monetize your work, you have found your solution. If you are a business and want to business to increase by manifolds, you are at the right place too. We, at ConnectClue, are your 1 solution for everything you are struggling with. You are bound to touch every height you have ever imagined if you are here with us. 
ConnectClue is a website that provides various services through the medium of Blog and Article Writing. We make sure that your efforts don't go to waste and every Blog that you write, creative or Business related, reaches the right audience and helps you earn along with being known to a crowd you have only dreamt about yet. Yes, that's right. We are here to make all your dreams come true.
With this comes a question, how? And what is there for us in this?

We understand the struggle and competition of today's market and the gap that has come between the audience and the service providers. We, at ConnectClue, are trying to bridge the same Gap through the medium of writing. Now, how you ask? It's pretty simple. Just make good quality content and start blogging with us here. We make sure that your content reaches as far as possible and we have a viewership from all around the world. We also help you earn through your blogs according to the viewership that you get so that your efforts are rewarded right there. Not just us, we also provide free Ads, sponsorships, free business marketing, and a lot more. 
If this excites you, to understand about our services more, keep reading further:

1.  Earn while writing
In times like these, everybody is struggling financially at least a little bit. Would you feel better if we tell you that everything you write can help you earn as well? We, at ConnectClue, help you earn through what you write. All you have to do is prepare good, appealing content and you are already halfway there. Post your content on our website and share it with your friends and family and that is all. We'll pay you as much as your content is viewed because viewership matters. If people like what they read, they'll share it further away as well. Not just that, we have a reach of 10k views every day too. 
Being a writer all you have to do is write good content and nothing else, we'll take care of everything from there for you.
2.  Pure Organic Traffic
These days, it is a struggle to find a good and organic viewership for what you write. We can understand that if what you write doesn't reach the audience that is good enough, it feels as if the efforts you put in are going to waste and are left unappreciated. Not just that, these days, everybody is creating art that might shadow your work and the attention that you are looking for might not come to you.
As a solution for that, we are here. ConnectClue has a reach of 10 thousand viewers every day from India, the USA, and Europe. Our viewership is completely organic and dedicated. There is competition but it doesn't affect you as the traffic that we have comes here to read and read everything that they like.


3.  Get paid for each blog
It is not like a job that you'll be paid monthly. We pay you for every blog that you would write on our platform. Yes, ConnectClue is a platform that rewards its writers with every penny that they deserve. Not just that, with this, comes the concept of Guest Blogging. If you are not a full-time blogger but want to give it a try, you can go for guest blogging with us as well. Our Guest Bloggers are given the same attention as our permanent bloggers.
Now, you must have a question about how do we know how much to pay?
We have a fixed slab that is, for every 1 thousand views that your blog or article gets, we pay you with 10usd. So, as much as you post and as many views as you can get, you'll be paid for it all.
4.  Viewership from all around the world
Who doesn't want to get famous? No one. Everybody wants to be famous and be known worldwide through whatever they do. Conventional jobs that we have been preparing for since the time we were born might pay well but is that enough for us anymore? We desire for a lot more that is we want to be known and bring changes to the already existing norms and rules. We want to be known by not just our neighbors but even people from far away, people from abroad. 
When you start blogging with us, this is exactly what you get. Our viewership consists of people from not just India but the USA and parts of Europe as well. You can earn a viewership from places that you have always wished for and this is your chance for that.


5.  Get to know your Competition better
When you look around you, do you notice a lot of competition? Does it discourage you to see that someone is better than you? Do you feel that it would have been great if you could talk to them and get to know their ways better? Do you feel that knowing your competition is a good idea and helpful? We have answers to all those questions. 
There is a lot of competition around these days as everybody is as creative as they can be and that can be discouraging at times. But fear no more. At ConnectClue, you can get to know your competition better. You can interact with them and help each other grow instead because promote healthy competition.


6.  Benefits of Business Blogging with us
Now, here is the fun part. We don't just provide a platform to creative writers, we can help you grow your business as well. If you share your business with us through the medium of blogging, it reaches an international audience and helps you grow by manifolds. You can also add your website links in your blogs and it'll help you get organic traffic from your location as well as worldwide. It'll also make it easy for your targeted audience to reach you through the website that you'll share.
Wait, there is more to this.
ConnectClue also provides FREE MARKETING to all its business bloggers which can even solve your marketing problems. All you have to do is join us as a Business Blogger or Guest Blogger and share your idea with us as soon as you can. We'll make sure that it reaches the right audience and helps you grow.
7.  Sponsorship 
Ever heard of the concept of Sponsorship? Have you ever seen ?Sponsored? written on the top of blogs and articles of some writers? That is what we mean by sponsorship. We sponsor a lot of blogs and articles as it helps your work reach a far better audience and increases your viewership. It also helps you gain more organic traffic and viewership that is interested in the work that you are putting forward and appreciates you for the same. 
8.  Free Ads to increase your reach
When you are surfing online just for some news articles or some work, have you ever noticed that there are several ads that keep coming up and appearing on every side of your screen? Have you ever wondered about what those ads are about and clicked on one of them because it seems interesting? Advertisements are a major part of a promotion. Visual aids always stay in the minds of people for a longer time and attract them. So here we are with free Advertisements for you. 
You just have to make a blog and we'll promote it through several visual aids and advertisements just like the way you see several ads when you are surfing through various websites during your day. It'll help you gain more people who are truly interested in what you are writing.
If you are still not satisfied, just pay us a visit and be a guest blogger. We treat our guest bloggers with the utmost respect and they have all the benefits as our permanent bloggers. Not just that, you can also get help for any small or big business that you might have been planning since your childhood. We are at your service for all that you need. Reliable crowd, free marketing, monetizing writing, global viewership; you name it and we have it i.e. we are all in and we can help you grow as well if you plan on being all in as well.
We are sure that we can make it worthwhile. All the services that we provide are not easily accessible in one place but here we are with everything you need. You will not regret being a blogger of ConnectClue.

ConnectClue  posted in Overview

Post updated on:  Aug 14, 2021 12:47:15 AM

आपको कितने घंटे की नींद चाहिए?
एक व्यक्ति को कितनी नींद की जरूरत होती है यह उसकी उम्र सहित कई चीजों पर निर्भर करता है। सामान्य रूप में:

शिशुओं (उम्र 0-3 महीने) को दिन में 14-17 घंटे की आवश्यकता होती है।

शिशुओं (उम्र 4-11 महीने) को दिन में 12-15 घंटे की आवश्यकता होती है

टॉडलर्स (उम्र 1-2 वर्ष) को दिन में लगभग 11-14 घंटे की आवश्यकता होती है।

पूर्वस्कूली बच्चों (उम्र 3-5) को दिन में 10-13 घंटे की आवश्यकता होती है।

स्कूली उम्र के बच्चों (6-13 वर्ष की आयु) को दिन में 9-11 घंटे की आवश्यकता होती है।

किशोरों (14-17 वर्ष की आयु) को प्रत्येक दिन लगभग 8-10 घंटे की आवश्यकता होती है।

अधिकांश वयस्कों को 7 से 9 घंटे की आवश्यकता होती है, हालांकि कुछ लोगों को प्रतिदिन कम से कम 6 घंटे या 10 घंटे तक की नींद की आवश्यकता हो सकती है।

वृद्ध वयस्कों (65 वर्ष और अधिक आयु) को प्रत्येक दिन 7-8 घंटे की नींद की आवश्यकता होती है।

गर्भावस्था के पहले 3 महीनों में महिलाओं को अक्सर सामान्य से कई घंटे अधिक नींद की आवश्यकता होती है।

लेकिन विशेषज्ञों का कहना है कि यदि आप दिन के दौरान, उबाऊ गतिविधियों के दौरान भी नींद महसूस करते हैं, तो आपने पर्याप्त नींद नहीं ली है।

नींद की कमी और नींद का कर्ज
यदि किसी व्यक्ति को पिछले दिनों में नींद नहीं आती है तो उसकी नींद की मात्रा बढ़ जाती है। यदि आपके पास पर्याप्त नहीं है, तो आपके पास "नींद का कर्ज" होगा, जो कि बैंक में ओवरड्रॉ होने जैसा है। आखिरकार, आपका शरीर मांग करेगा कि आप कर्ज चुकाना शुरू करें।
हम वास्तव में जरूरत से कम नींद लेने के लिए अनुकूल नहीं होते हैं। हमें एक ऐसे शेड्यूल की आदत हो सकती है जो हमें पर्याप्त नींद लेने से रोकता है, लेकिन हमारा निर्णय, प्रतिक्रिया समय और अन्य कार्य अभी भी बंद रहेंगे।

आपको REM नींद और गहरी नींद की आवश्यकता क्यों है
आपका मस्तिष्क कितना सक्रिय है, इसके आधार पर नींद के चार चरण होते हैं। पहले दो प्रकाश हैं।
चरण तीन "गहरी नींद" है, जब आपके मस्तिष्क की तरंगें धीमी हो जाती हैं और आपके लिए जागना कठिन होता है। इन अवधियों के दौरान, आपका शरीर ऊतकों की मरम्मत करता है, वृद्धि और विकास पर काम करता है, आपकी प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली को बढ़ाता है और अगले दिन के लिए ऊर्जा का निर्माण करता है।
रैपिड आई मूवमेंट (आरईएम) स्लीप, या स्टेज आर, आमतौर पर आपके सो जाने के लगभग 90 मिनट बाद शुरू होता है। मस्तिष्क की गतिविधि बढ़ जाती है, आपकी आंखें तेजी से घूमती हैं, और आपकी नाड़ी, रक्तचाप और सांस लेने की गति तेज हो जाती है। यह तब भी होता है जब आप अपने ज्यादातर सपने देखते हैं।
REM नींद सीखने और याददाश्त के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है। यह तब होता है जब आपका मस्तिष्क दिन के दौरान आपके द्वारा ली गई जानकारी को संभालता है और इसे आपकी दीर्घकालिक स्मृति में संग्रहीत करता है।

नींद की कमी के लक्षण
सामान्य लक्षण जो बताते हैं कि आपने पर्याप्त नींद नहीं ली है, उनमें शामिल हैं:

दिन के दौरान नींद आना या सो जाना, विशेष रूप से शांत गतिविधियों के दौरान जैसे मूवी थियेटर में बैठना या गाड़ी चलाना

लेटने के 5 मिनट के भीतर सो जाना

जागने के घंटों के दौरान कम समय की नींद (सूक्ष्म नींद)

हर दिन समय पर जागने के लिए अलार्म घड़ी की आवश्यकता होती है

जब आप सुबह या पूरे दिन उठते हैं तो घबराहट महसूस करना (नींद की जड़ता)

हर दिन बिस्तर से उठने में मुश्किल होती है

मनोदशा में बदलाव


किसी कार्य पर ध्यान केंद्रित करने में परेशानी

उन दिनों में अधिक सोना जब आपको एक निश्चित समय पर उठना नहीं पड़ता

कैसे पता करें कि आप पर्याप्त नींद ले रहे हैं
यह पता लगाने के लिए कि क्या आप रात में पर्याप्त नींद ले रहे हैं, अपने आप से पूछें:

क्या आप अपने वर्तमान सोने के कार्यक्रम में स्वस्थ और खुश महसूस करते हैं?

क्या आपको लगता है कि आपको उत्पादक होने के लिए पर्याप्त नींद आती है?

क्या आपको अपने दिन के बारे में बताते समय कभी नींद आती है?

क्या आप दिन भर के लिए कैफीन पर निर्भर हैं?

क्या आपकी नींद का कार्यक्रम सप्ताहांत पर भी काफी नियमित है?

नींद की कमी के प्रभाव
बहुत कम नींद का कारण हो सकता है:

स्मृति समस्याएं
अवसाद की भावना
उत्तेजना की कमी
धीमी प्रतिक्रिया समय
एक कमजोर प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली, आपके बीमार होने की संभावना को बढ़ाती है
दर्द की मजबूत भावना
उच्च रक्तचाप, मधुमेह, दिल का दौरा, या मोटापा जैसी स्थितियों की उच्च संभावना
एक कम सेक्स ड्राइव
झुर्रीदार त्वचा और आंखों के नीचे काले घेरे
ज्यादा खाना और वजन बढ़ना
समस्याओं को सुलझाने और निर्णय लेने में परेशानी
गलत निर्णय लेना
दु: स्वप्न
अध्ययन यह स्पष्ट करते हैं कि नींद की कमी खतरनाक है। जो लोग ड्राइविंग सिम्युलेटर में जाने से पहले या हाथ-आंख समन्वय कार्य करने से पहले कुछ नींद से चूक गए थे, वे उन लोगों की तुलना में खराब या खराब प्रदर्शन करते थे जिन्हें शराब दी गई थी।
नींद की कमी भी बदलती है कि शराब आपके शरीर को कैसे प्रभावित करती है। यदि आप थके हुए होने पर पीते हैं, तो आप किसी ऐसे व्यक्ति की तुलना में अधिक क्षीण होंगे, जिसे पर्याप्त आराम मिला हो।
राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग यातायात सुरक्षा प्रशासन के अनुसार, चालक की थकान के कारण 2005 और 2009 के बीच लगभग 83,000 कार दुर्घटनाएँ हुईं और 2016 में 803 मौतें हुईं।

Post updated on:  Aug 13, 2021 1:21:54 PM

अभी त्योहारों के दिन चल रहे हैं और इन दिनों मैं हर लड़की सुंदर दिखना चाहता है या लड़की तो अपनी पसंदीदा अभिनेत्री के जैसे भी दिखना चाहता है। लेकिन खूबसुरत दिखने के लिए आपको सही मेकअप के बारे में जानकारी होना बहुत जरूरी है।

क्योकी बहुत सी लड़कियों को मेकअप करने की सही जानकारी नहीं होती है। अगर आप के पास मेकअप करने का सभी समान हो लेकिन अगर उससे आप सही तरह से मुझे ना ला पाए तो उनका होना बेकर हो जाता है। सिर्फ मेकअप का समान होने से आप सुंदर नहीं दिख सकता है, बाल्की आपको करने का सही तारिका भी पता होना चाहिए तो सही मेकअप का इस्तेमाल करने के लिए ये टिप्स। मेकअप की बात की जाए तो कंटूर मेकअप एक सबसे अनोखा मेकअप है। इसे मेकअप आर्टिस्ट बहुत ही प्यार से या अपनी ट्रिक से करते हैं। इस मेकअप को करने से आपके स्किन पर बेस्ट कर्व्सअभी त्योहारों के दिन चल रहे हैं और इन दिनों मैं हर लड़की सुंदर दिखना चाहता है या लड़की तो अपनी पसंदीदा अभिनेत्री के जैसे भी दिखना चाहता है। लेकिन खूबसुरत दिखने के लिए आपको सही मेकअप के बारे में जानकारी होना बहुत जरूरी है।क्योकी बहुत सी लड़कियों को मेकअप करने की सही जानकारी नहीं होती है। अगर आप के पास मेकअप करने का सभी समान हो लेकिन अगर उससे आप सही तरह से मुझे ना ला पाए तो उनका होना बेकर हो जाता है।सिर्फ मेकअप का समान होने से आप सुंदर नहीं दिख सकता है, बाल्की आपको करने का सही तारिका भी पता होना चाहिए तो सही मेकअप का इस्तेमाल करने के लिए ये टिप्स।मेकअप की बात की जाए तो कंटूर मेकअप एक सबसे अनोखा मेकअप है। इसे मेकअप आर्टिस्ट बहुत ही प्यार से या अपनी ट्रिक से करते हैं। इस मेकअप को करने से आपके स्किन पर बेस्ट कर्व्स बन जाते हैं और आपके प्योर स्किन की लुक ही बदल जाता है।जब आप मेकअप को करते हैं तो आपकी स्किन में बदला जा सकता है, जैसा आपका फेस सर्कल है तो मेकअप से आपके फेस को लंबा किया जा सकता है।
बन जाते हैं और आपके प्योर स्किन की लुक ही बदल जाता है।
जब आप मेकअप को करते हैं तो आपकी स्किन में बदला जा सकता है, जैसा आपका फेस सर्कल है तो मेकअप से आपके फेस को लंबा किया जा सकता है।

कंटूर मेकअप आपकी स्किन को सही शेप देने में अहम रोल निभाता है। लेकिन आपका कंटूर मेकअप सही से नहीं किया गया हो तो ये बहुत ही ज्यादा अनाकर्षक और अनाकर्षक दिखलाई देता है। इस मेकअप को करने के लिए आपकी पूरी स्किन की शेप समाजी पड़ती है तकी आपका मेकअप अच्छा दिख रहा है।

Alisha  posted in Makeup Tips

Post updated on:  Aug 13, 2021 7:56:27 AM

He had once thought it was strange to have a friend you'd never met. Now it was even stranger losing a friend you'd never really had.
- Tad williams

Sometimes you meet a person, and you click! You are so comfortable with them as if you have known them your whole life. You need not be anything. You can be just you!

Have you ever played "find a way" as a child? How ecstatic you used to feel when you found the way finally? This is the same way I felt when I met her once as if sailing in the same boat. We both had our different dream plans, our lifestyles were also different.... But that's what makes us "the friends.... Across distance, forever together." We instantly got connected as lost friends.
After that single meet, we knew each other inside out.

I don't say a thing but everything I expect from her is right here by my side.
I'm only me when I'm with her....
I don't hide my tears, my secrets or my deepest fears....
I'm only up when she is not down...
And I don't want to fly high if she is still on the ground...

I had learnt to make a home inside my own head... Where you can find only her memories, her love, which goes along whereever I journey. 

A part of my prayers belongs to her.

A portion of my heart belongs to her and carries the essence of our friendship.

It may not sound anything exceptional, many people have long distance relationships or friendships. But for someone like me, it feels so satisfying. It feels surreal that someone out is there, to hear me at any hour of the day. She has become an integral part of my life. She is an amazing soul, no words would ever describe her. She has changed my life for better but still she cannot be my better-half.

Some relations are not meant to be together, and require loose ends. We share a beautiful chemistry. We can be just ourselves, without any fear of losing each other. There is a crystal clear understanding between us, and  we don't  even have to make it complicated.

Some relationships don't need years to grow. Some just come into your life and stay till eternity. I have been through my darkest phase of life, and would have surely fallen like pack of cards, if I wouldn't have met her. She heard me when I needed the most and stayed with me, when everything else was driving me insane. I cherish each and every moment of my life with her.... distance is never the factor as long as we are connected.

We are looking forward to our type of meet/date some day with two cappuccinos!! 😊

Post updated on:  Aug 12, 2021 5:41:52 PM

It was too late when I revealed my general anxiety issue at work. It turned into a weakening depression and I couldn't even write a basic email any longer, much less execute my tough job. My previously outstanding performance had decreased quite markedly, causing me to disclose the facts uncomfortably and finally force me to leave.

In retrospect, a simple accommodation may have avoided all this early on, sparing me significant personal pain and the extra workload of my organization.

What I did not know at that time is that up to 80% of people, whether or not they know it, endure a diagnosable mental health issue throughout their lives. The prevalence of symptoms from C to individual contributors is the same, while over 60% of employees never talked to anybody about their mental health status at work. Many high performers, particularly worried performers like me, have strengths that often stem from these issues. I wasn't almost as alone as I was thinking.

Mental health is a spectrum that, like physical health, we all go back and forth. Most of us bounce between stress, breakdown, and diagnosable illnesses, such as depression or anxiety according to what happens in our lives. While bipolar disorder may feel harder to reveal than burnout, everyone should have a relationship at some level.

This was never more true than in the last 18 months with pandemic pressures, racial trauma, and more. Managers, direct reports, and colleagues are more vulnerable and authentic than ever because of common difficulties to society and the confusion of personal and professional people and remote work. We also had the courage of Simone Biles, Naomi Osaka, Prince Harry, and Meghan Markle. They chose not only to reveal in public their struggles of mental health but also to make difficult decisions that placed their well-being first.

However, the impacts of stigma may still be widespread. My self-stigma told me that my anxiety and depression were weak and I should be ashamed. Social stigma advised me that if I were to confess, I would be judged and professionally. But since in recent years I have widely revealed my condition, none of these things have happened. I have established Mind Share Partners, a not-for-profit organization that focuses on transforming the culture of mental health at work. Here is what we recommend if a mental health condition is being revealed at work.

Comprehension: Self-reflect

First of all, analyze what you are experiencing and how your work performance, your mood, and other things are affected. What is the impact duration? Is it a momentary blip, a longer but episodic issue, or a chronic disease in a few days' time? Think about the causes of your symptoms if they're not usually there. Was it related to work, something in your life, or a macro stressor?

For me, with minimal self-reflection these elements were evident. I started a new work many months earlier with a short team. For the first time in my life, I was unable to do what I requested of me. Besides that, due to my new commute, I had left my anxiety medications and could not see my therapist often. Given all, I should've seen her more regularly. I had gone from being a high-performance, happy coworker to an aloof, far from competent person. It didn't take me much to put everything together. That said, others may have complicated narratives that will benefit from conversations with their families, friends, or therapists.

Determination: Consider context and resources

I wish I had decided to share enough to acquire accommodation straight off the floor, or that my organization had fostered flexibility to prevent me from requiring one. All I needed was authorization from my employer to attend my therapist during the working day, which I found difficult considering my long journey. It would have meant that employees would only be allowed to come late once a week or work from home on Fridays only after their first six months. But I didn't follow this basic accommodation, given my own self-stigma and my false worry of what my manager may think. Sometimes I wonder how things would have turned out if I had linked my need to leave the office as a weekly allergy shot to physical health conditions.

At that time, mental health at work wasn't on anybody's radar. Nobody spoke freely about it or had workouts on how to traverse it. Now, indicators of whether your organization, the HR team, or the mental health manager supports are more likely.

First, analyze the culture of your firm. Did leaders talk about mental health? Does your firm offer mental health training in the workplace? Is there a resource group for mental health employees (ERG)?

Then think about your manager being a safe and supportive person. Have you discussed your own mental health or have you mentioned other personal challenges? This kind of sincerity fosters confidence and can tell. Consider whether your manager has psychologically healthy behaviors, including frequent exercise, sleep, and holidays. This might assist you to determine with whom and how much to communicate.

Then learn about the safeguards and advantages that you have a legal right to as an employee. For example, in the United States, companies with 15 or more employees have to provide reasonable accommodations by law. Resources and legal safeguards differ by region, so verify your local rules if feasible. In this way, if your manager or HR fails, you can argue for yourself.

Finally, consider the resources and support you need, whether it's access to mental health, official accommodation, or something easier. Who is this resource "owns?" It may be HR, your manager, or somebody else. Consider what your sharing goals are.

Preparation: Explore your degree of comfort

How comfortable are you sharing? How much do you have to share in order to attain your goal? If you are close to your manager, this might be as extensive as your diagnosis and history. Or it could be just as minimal as, "I had a pandemic time. Is it all OK if I take off Monday and Tuesday?"

As a new hire, still trying to establish me and frightened of my professional effects, I didn't want to talk about my anxiety diagnosis at the outset. However, I would very probably have achieved my aim of flexible working hours by disclosing considerably less in my therapy appointments.

If you don't talk to your manager comfortably, you could want to talk to HR or another management. It is crucial to have a sense of psychological security with anyone you choose. Note that your Direct Manager is generally expected not to be punitive, but to guarantee consistency among managers and access to the entire range of services to communicate information about employee health effects with HR.

Consider in greater detail what specific tools or solutions you think are most helpful for flexible work. Maybe you want them in your discourse ready to be named. Examples include everything from routine sessions for therapy to more frequent checks to "offline hours" or protected working time.

You will also want to turn to safe input spaces if you're like me. Since when I decided to reveal, I was already in the throes of anxiety and depression, my cognition did not permit me to resolve problems or make decisions like normal. So, alongside my husband, parents, and therapist, I brainstormed it all. Others may seek guidance from a trustworthy coworker, friend, mental health, neurodiversity, or ERG.

Sharing: Start the talk

Once you have agreed to share your story, set up a private time to communicate with each other. Budget more time than you think you're going to need so the chat isn't short. Be transparent about the influence your issues in mental health have on your work. If the cause is relevant to employment, share it as well.

Come with suggestions as far as feasible for how your manager or HR can help you. Have ideas on what adjustments or resources you might find useful. These can be widespread. Examples include: "I am okay now, but it would be useful if I ever need them to know what resources are accessible," and "A discussion on working styles would assist to establish some clarity around our standards and to alleviate stress." This simple sharing habit is frequently all that is necessary for you and your team members to accomplish their best. Always feel free to propose to co-create a solution with your manager and HR ? it is not up to you to answer all the questions.

Just as you expect your manager or HR to have empathy with you, attempt to have empathy for them. While you may have thought very carefully about this, this is probably news for them. You may not be all right in the conversation, but you probably have good intentions. Give them grace and let them spend some time with the next moves. Ensure that you have a follow-up time.

As many of us are coming back to work, I hope that we will not fall back into all of our old patterns of work. I hope that firms and managers will facilitate the disclosure of employees' mental health difficulties and the co-creating of solutions to make them prosper. I hope that we will take the chance to remain vulnerable and real, as recent developments have required. Let's provide a thorough, honest answer to "How are you, rather than answering, "I'm okay?" We are all suffering from something, large or small. We merely have to inform each other.

Om  posted in Mental Health

Post updated on:  Aug 12, 2021 9:53:08 AM

लड़की हो या लड़की त्वचा में ब्लैकहेड्स की समस्या किसी को भी हो सकती है। ये हमारी त्वचा की सुंदरता को काम कर देती है और इतना ही नहीं ये
हमारे लिए हानिकारक भी होती है। कभी-कभी परेशन होके हम इसे दबकर निकले की कोशिश करते हैं, जो की हानिकारक भी हो सकता है।
लोगो को ऐसा लगता है कि ब्लैकहेड्स बहार की धूल, तनाव, नींद की कमी, स्वच्छता में कामी और शरीर में पोषक तत्वों की कमी होने की वजह से होता है। लेकिन ऐसा नहीं है। जब सेबम या त्वचा की कोशिकाओं हवा से मुझसे संपर्क करें, तो हैं टैब इस्के ऑक्सीकरण की वजह से ब्लैकहेड्स हो जाते हैं।

ये तब होता है, जब आपकी स्किन के पोर्स ओपन हो जाते हैं और ऑक्सीकरण स्किन को काला बना देता है। ये पाया गया है की पुरुषों के तुलना में महिलाओं के ब्लैकहेड्स होने पर ज्यादा परशान हो जाती हैं। इसी राहत पाना थोड़ा मुश्किल होता है, लेकिन असंभव नहीं है। इससे राहत के लिए कफी ऊपर होते हैं।

एक्सट्रैक्टर का सुरक्षित उपयोग

अगर आप ब्लैकहेड्स को अपने हाथ से निकलने का ट्राई करते हैं, तो ये आपकी स्किन पर मार्क छोड सकती है। ऐसे में एक्सट्रैक्टर के सेफ यूज से बिना मार्क्स के आप क्लियर स्किन पा सकते हैं। स्टेप बाय स्टेप जेन ब्लैकहेड्स हटाने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका।

1. अपनी त्वचा के रोमछिद्रों को खोलें
एक्सट्रैक्टर का इस्तेमाल करने से पहले ब्लैकहेड्स को क्लीन करने से इसे दूर करना आसान होता है। 2 से 3 मिनट तक गर्म और गीले तौलिये से स्किन कवर से फिर त्वचा पर स्टीम लेने से पोर्स ओपन हो जाते हैं।

2. हाथ साफ करें या दस्ताने पहनें
अपने हाथो को फेस के कॉन्ट्रेक्ट में आने पर बैक्टीरिया से बचने के लिए हाथो को अच्छे से धो कर ले। हां एक्सट्रैक्टर का इस्तेमाल करने के लिए अपने हाथ में दस्ताने पहनने चाहिए। इस तरह, आप ब्लैकहेड्स हटा सकते हैं।

3. ब्लैकहेड्स को स्टरलाइज़ करें
एक्सट्रैक्टर टूल को ऊपर करने से पहले ब्लैकहेड्स को अच्छे से क्लीन करे तकी बैक्टीरिया पोर्स में ना जा खातिर। आखिरकार, हमारा मुख्य लक्ष्य बैक्टीरिया को ही पोर्स से निकलना है। जिस एरिया में आपको टूल का प्रयोग करना है, वहा टूल के यूज से पहले थोड़ी सी अल्कोहल से रब करके उस एरिया को अच्छे से साफ कर ले। इसके अलावा एक्सट्रैक्टर टूल को भी अच्छी तरह से धो कर साफ कर ले तकी बैक्टीरिया से बच्चे खातिर। एक कॉटन में थोड़ी सी अल्कोहल लेके टूल को अच्छे से रगड़ कर ले।

4. सही एक्सट्रैक्टर टूल चुनें
ब्लैकहेड्स को हटाने के लिए कॉमेडोन एक्सट्रैक्टर टूल का इस्तेमाल किया जाता है, वही व्हाइटहेड्स को एक्सट्रैक्टर से निकलने से पहले एक तेज लैंसेट टूल की मदद से पियर्स करने की जरूरत होती है। ब्लैकहेड्स के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाने वाला सबसे आम एक्सट्रैक्टर टूल 2-एंड वाला होता है, जिसके दोनो अलग अलग साइज के होते हैं। त्वचा से ब्लैकहेड्स निकलने की प्रक्रिया शुरू करने से पहले आप अपने ब्लैकहेड के आकार के अनुसार टूल के अंत का आकार चुनें। और, टूल का इस्तेमाल बहुत ही सावधानी से करें।

5. एक्स्ट्रेक्टर ब्लैकहेड्स को हटाता है
एक्सट्रैक्टर को ब्लैकहेड्स के एरिया में फोकस करके ब्लैकहेड्स को निकले और थोड़ा प्रेशर के साथ एक्सट्रैक्टर से धीरे-धीरे पास के एरिया के ब्लैकहेड्स को निकले। इस तरह ब्लैकहेड्स पूरी तरह से फॉलिकल से निकल जाएंगे और पोर्स से ऑयल निकल जाएगा।

6. गिरा हुआ खून का इलाज करें:
कुछ केस माई, एक्सट्रैक्टर टूल के अपयोग करने के खराब स्किन से ब्लड निकलने लगता है। फाइन या सिल्की कपड़ों की हेल्प से स्किन पर लगाये, तकी ब्लड एब्जॉर्ब हो खातिर। अगर इसे अच्छी तरह से किया जाए तो कुछ ही टाइम में ब्लड फ्लो बैंड हो जाएगा।

7. अंतिम चरण
संक्रमण को रोकने के लिए अतिरिक्‍त सत्‍र्क रहना जरूरी है। ब्लैकहेड्स फ्री स्किन को क्लीन करने के लिए अल्कोहल पैड्स से स्किन को रब करें। एक्सट्रैक्टर टूल को भी अच्छी तरह से धोना चाहिए। हमेशा याद रखें, अछे हाइजीन और सफाई के लिए अलर्ट रहने से ब्लैकहेड्स के इलाज में अच्छे और बेहतर परिणाम मिलते हैं।3. ब्लैकहेड्स को स्टरलाइज़ करेंएक्सट्रैक्टर टूल को ऊपर करने से पहले ब्लैकहेड्स को अच्छे से क्लीन करे तकी बैक्टीरिया पोर्स में ना जा खातिर। आखिरकार, हमारा मुख्य लक्ष्य बैक्टीरिया को ही पोर्स से निकलना है। जिस एरिया में आपको टूल का प्रयोग करना है, वहा टूल के यूज से पहले थोड़ी सी अल्कोहल से रब करके उस एरिया को अच्छे से साफ कर ले। इसके अलावा एक्सट्रैक्टर टूल को भी अच्छी तरह से धो कर साफ कर ले तकी बैक्टीरिया से बच्चे खातिर। एक कॉटन में थोड़ी सी अल्कोहल लेके टूल को अच्छे से रगड़ कर ले।4. सही एक्सट्रैक्टर टूल चुनेंब्लैकहेड्स को हटाने के लिए कॉमेडोन एक्सट्रैक्टर टूल का इस्तेमाल किया जाता है, वही व्हाइटहेड्स को एक्सट्रैक्टर से निकलने से पहले एक तेज लैंसेट टूल की मदद से पियर्स करने की जरूरत होती है। ब्लैकहेड्स के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाने वाला सबसे आम एक्सट्रैक्टर टूल 2-एंड वाला होता है, जिसके दोनो अलग अलग साइज के होते हैं। त्वचा से ब्लैकहेड्स निकलने की प्रक्रिया शुरू करने से पहले आप अपने ब्लैकहेड के आकार के अनुसार टूल के अंत का आकार चुनें। और, टूल का इस्तेमाल बहुत ही सावधानी से करें।5. एक्स्ट्रेक्टर ब्लैकहेड्स को हटाता हैएक्सट्रैक्टर को ब्लैकहेड्स के एरिया में फोकस करके ब्लैकहेड्स को निकले और थोड़ा प्रेशर के साथ एक्सट्रैक्टर से धीरे-धीरे पास के एरिया के ब्लैकहेड्स को निकले। इस तरह ब्लैकहेड्स पूरी तरह से फॉलिकल से निकल जाएंगे और पोर्स से ऑयल निकल जाएगा।6. गिरा हुआ खून का इलाज करें:कुछ केस माई, एक्सट्रैक्टर टूल के अपयोग करने के खराब स्किन से ब्लड निकलने लगता है। फाइन या सिल्की कपड़ों की हेल्प से स्किन पर लगाये, तकी ब्लड एब्जॉर्ब हो खातिर। अगर इसे अच्छी तरह से किया जाए तो कुछ ही टाइम में ब्लड फ्लो बैंड हो जाएगा।7. अंतिम चरणसंक्रमण को रोकने के लिए अतिरिक्‍त सत्‍र्क रहना जरूरी है। ब्लैकहेड्स फ्री स्किन को क्लीन करने के लिए अल्कोहल पैड्स से स्किन को रब करें। एक्सट्रैक्टर टूल को भी अच्छी तरह से धोना चाहिए। हमेशा याद रखें, अछे हाइजीन और सफाई के लिए अलर्ट रहने से ब्लैकहेड्स के इलाज में अच्छे और बेहतर परिणाम मिलते हैं।

Post updated on:  Aug 12, 2021 2:11:58 AM

20 मई, 2021 - अमेरिकी बच्चों की संख्या जो पुरुष या महिला के अलावा किसी अन्य लिंग के रूप में पहचान करती है, बढ़ती जा रही है, जर्नल पीडियाट्रिक्स रिपोर्ट में एक नया अध्ययन।
2017 में, एक सीडीसी सर्वेक्षण ने हाई स्कूल के छात्रों से पूछा कि क्या वे खुद को ट्रांसजेंडर मानते हैं और पाया कि 1.8% ने हां कहा। लेकिन यूनिवर्सिटी ऑफ पिट्सबर्ग मेडिकल सेंटर के एक डॉक्टर ने सोचा कि क्या सीडीसी सर्वेक्षण को जिस तरह से संरचित किया गया था, वह उन सभी बच्चों को नहीं पकड़ता जो "लिंग विविध" थे।

केसी किड, एमडी, ने इसके बजाय एक विविध पिट्सबर्ग पब्लिक हाई स्कूल की ओर रुख किया और 3,000 से अधिक छात्रों से दो प्रश्न पूछे:

1."आपका लिंग क्या है (या, जन्म के समय आपका लिंग, आपके जन्म प्रमाण पत्र पर)?"
2."निम्नलिखित में से कौन आपका सबसे अच्छा वर्णन करता है (लागू होने वाले सभी का चयन करें)?"

उपलब्ध विकल्प थे "लड़की," "लड़का," "ट्रांस गर्ल," "ट्रांस बॉय," जेंडरक्यूअर," "नॉनबाइनरी," और "दूसरी पहचान।"
अध्ययन में कहा गया है कि 9.2% बच्चों ने जवाब दिया कि वे किसी न किसी तरह से लिंग विविध थे।

अध्ययन के परिणाम गायक डेमी लोवाटो के रूप में गैर-बाइनरी के रूप में सामने आए और सर्वनाम "वे" और "उन्हें" का उपयोग करते हैं।
लोवाटो ने ट्विटर पर कहा, "यह बहुत सारे उपचार और आत्म-चिंतनशील कार्य के बाद आया है।" "मैं अभी भी सीख रहा हूं और अपने आप में आ रहा हूं और मैं एक विशेषज्ञ या प्रवक्ता होने का दावा नहीं करता।"

पिट्सबर्ग विश्वविद्यालय में अंग्रेजी और लिंग, कामुकता और महिलाओं के अध्ययन के एसोसिएट प्रोफेसर, जूल्स गिल-पीटरसन, पीएचडी, किसी भी समाज में लिंग की द्विआधारी परिभाषा पर लोगों को ढूंढना मुश्किल नहीं है, सीएनएन को बताया।

गिल-पीटरसन ने कहा, "इस बात की परवाह किए बिना कि एक निश्चित समय में किसी विशेष समाज में किस तरह की सेक्स और लिंग व्यवस्था मौजूद है, वहां हमेशा ऐसे लोग होते हैं जो उन मानदंडों से भटक जाते हैं।" उनमें से कई संस्कृतियों में, "यह सांस्कृतिक रूप से स्वीकृत है और कुछ लोगों के लिए अलग-अलग जीवन जीने के लिए मनाया जाता है, जिसे हम जन्म के समय दिए गए लिंग को कह सकते हैं।"

Post updated on:  Aug 12, 2021 1:20:04 AM

It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves-says William  Shakespear.

The above is a part of a quote from Shakespeare's play JULIUS CAESAR. It reads as "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars / But in ourselves, that we are underlings." (Julius Caesar,) It flags a message that we should not be guided by our astrological signs to do what we want to do.  What we achieve in life is the outcome of our own actions not the fate or stars. Those who succeed in life are doers not star watchers. They don't look up to their astrological charts to decide what to do or what not to do.

 In a nutshell it means we must have the strength of will, to overcome the roadblocks that obstruct the way to our goals.  Our actions are our own choices and they are not the result of Stars which are beyond our control.

Pause for a moment to think about the faults in yourselves, and then choose your actions   that may shape your destinies. This suggests you oversee your own destiny. Make your   own choices as  S.Naqi Haider  Rizvi did . He turned his  disabilities into abilities. This has been   narrated in the following here below He has  proved that  what matters  the most in our life  to succeed  is our  thought process and attitude.. Our destiny is governed not by stars but our own actions.

When you want to do something you realize there are many obstacles on the way. Accept   the existence of the   obstacles preventing you from doing what you want to do and then go beyond them. This applies to everyone who aspires to achieve true success. Success has no destination. It is continuous and constant. Success means overcoming the difficult situations that you encounter on the way.

Obstacles are many. Obstacles can be overcome, once you understand the odds, everything outside of them becomes a possibility.  S.Naqi Haider  Rizvi is shining example. Read below what Naqi says - unedited version of what he says is reproduced here below

Losing Sight Is Not The Same As Losing Vision. 
Naqi says;        I have lost sight but not the vision

While addressing audience at TED Talk Naqi put his thoughts as follows 

About your plans for tomorrow you may include a splendid breakfast laundry or for some of you choosing the right combination of clothes for a formal event; all of these are activities that most of us do without much effort. Now close your eyes and imagine doing those same activities but now with the blindfold. How will you differentiate the salt from sugar; how will you know which button to press on the washing machine, how will you know which tie best goes with your suit to make you look as handsome as me. Those same activities, same tasks, same goals now more difficult. Now imagine doing this with a blindfold not for a day but for the rest of your life yes ladies and gentlemen this is what I had to grapple with at the tender age of 7 when I lost my sight due to congenital glaucoma. Even when I was born I couldn't see very much and the gradual deterioration of my sight was like a slow poison that ate away the soul and happiness with me and my family. My parents tried everything in their power to save my eyes but it appeared the blindness had been destined for me and there was nothing that we could do except to come to terms with that bitter reality. It appeared before the rest of my life my world would be very bleak colorless and dark. Normal activities like reading writing drawing walking or even playing with children seemed like insurmountable mountains with no ropes that I could hold to reach the summit. It meant every time I would try to climb I would often fall .On the day I was born to an Indian mother and Pakistani father my parents realized that there was something very peculiar about me, not that I was a cocktail of immiscible countries or overly cute as a child but what noticeable was that my eyes were unusually protruding. They tried to seek answers but to no avail .Unfortunately the doctors won't have much help either. Mom and Dad however embraced me and took me home as a child; They didn't know how much I could or could not see. All they knew that as a toddler when I played with toys that fell far from me I found it difficult to find them and that my eyes watered uncontrollably when exposed to light. My mother who's a very ambitious woman and overly loving decided to put me in a regular school with sighted girls and boys so that I too could live a life as close to  as near normality as possible. I will not delve into the specific challenges that I face being the only blind student in that school or there would be no end to this talk in sight

What I would however say is that the formative years of my life were full of challenges obstacles trials and tribulations .The only advantage to being different at school was that everyone knew my name and I was famous  not for the most pleasant reason. Of course normal dreams that parents see for their children going to school playing sports going to university seemed incredibly difficult for me not only because they seemed too unrealistic or far-fetched but because our resources were scarce and we could not guarantee that schooling me in a regular setting would actually bear the desired results. My parents with unwavering faith in God   believed that nothing was impossible .This propelled them forward. They knew that I had not been sent to this world as a mere glaucoma patient but rather as someone with a much bigger purpose in life. They worked with me day and night and raised me up just like a normal child. In fact I was even scolded for being overly naughty at school as my mother was a teacher in the same school and often heard my complaints in the teacher staff room .My mother who's an MBA graduate from a very prestigious university decided to let go of her career to help me cope at school. She worked with me day and night and helped me reach where I am today .On the other hand my larger-than-life father made me try the wonders of this world like karate skating cycling public speaking and even driving. not on a road  of course .My sister was one of my biggest support and delight .She never fails to brighten up  my days, She can relate to living in a  pitch-black world as she also suffers from the same disease .She does however have some sight remaining and often describes the surroundings of new places that we visit together .Even as a child she never failed to brighten up my days in the hospital when she brought me my favorite toys ,chocolates and flowers during a debilitating surgery last year in which my eyes were removed and replaced with prosthetic ones to alleviate me of my excruciating eye pain .She came by my hospital bed and held my hand and at that time she conveyed something that no words could express and no one else could understand ladies and gentlemen. I'm no superhuman but just an ordinary person like all of you sitting here. All of us face problems in our lives of varying nature and magnitude. All of us also have dreams and ambitions that we yearn to accomplish but obstacles that prevent us from doing so sometimes our goals can seem too unrealistic or far-fetched. Resources are always scarce and none of us can guarantee that the effort we put in to accomplish those tasks will yield the desired results. I believe that too but does that mean we give up .Remember that when you try you will fall and when you fall fall forward because when you get up you're still ahead of where you were before you fell and that too is progress. Keep in mind that you cannot be victorious unless you come to the battlefield with the mindset of a  warrior as Helen Keller beautifully  articulates , keep your face to the Sun and the shadows will fall behind you ?  I came to London two weeks ago ,coming to a new place adjusting to a new lifestyle learning rules  studying engineering seems like an enormous challenge for me but I came here with the mindset of a warrior and now I not only go to most places on my own but also live a normal life I study engineering with my sighted friends, Do my house chores on my own and also enjoy life  doing undergraduate degree. Many people thought I was being overly ambitious when I decided to opt for Industrial Engineering and I wouldn't lie it was incredibly difficult with those complicated diagrams equations computer programs and laboratory experiments but I knew I had to prove myself. I worked tirelessly and pleasantly surprised those same people on the day of my graduation when despite being the only one in my class with a physical impairment I graduated with the highest grade on my batch and that day proved to me that disability is not the same as inability. I did not attribute  the success to myself alone as  if it were not for the help of God, the love affection and support of my family, the guidance of my teachers and the moral support of my friends I wouldn't have been able to come this far. I proudly tell the world that even though I have lost my sight I haven't lost my vision .For me my attitude has always been the first step towards achievement. For some people my world may appear very bleak colorless and dark but to me my world is very bright and illuminated because when some sighted people see things they see them the way they are but when I see things I see them the way I choose to view them .Ladies and gentlemen all of us have goals and ambitions that we want to accomplish and many obstacles that prevent us from achieving those, do not wait, go out there and fight to overcome those obstacles. Keep in mind that obstacles will always be there what needs change is the way we tackle them. Try to overcome those obstacles. If you can't overcome all of them just like the ones I encounter on the pavements here, then go around them do not let any person; any circumstance define your success or failure.  Remember that you are the captain of your ship and the master of your destiny. Do not let frustrations hold you back.  Use them to propel you forward .Keep in mind that kites fly against the wind and not with it. Do keep in mind that nothing is impossible because even the word impossible says I am possible .Keep in mind that your perseverance and attitude can make the difference. Start with a small step and soon you'll be leaping towards your goals with obstacles propelling you forward instead of holding you back .Remember the obstacles are challenges and failures are stepping stones to success. Trials and tribulations will always be there but what will help you succeed is your belief that nothing is impossible .And now at the count of three I want all of you to say together nothing is impossible okay one two three nothing is impossible, Let us try again .this time let's say to the floor nothing is impossible ok, nothing is impossible and now the last time the loudest and with maximum conviction nothing is impossible ladies and gentlemen It was for me an idea worth spreading."

Note ::This is discussed in detail in my book Failure is a knock on the door of success

Retd Banker ;Author  &;Motivational speaker
Training and Development Consultant

Post updated on:  Aug 11, 2021 11:18:41 PM


The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts. Improvement is the basis of evolution. When someone is looking for self-improvement it means to believe that nothing under the Sun is perfect. There is always room for improvement. We all wish to change our lives for betterment. We always do find the chance to improve and change it. And again once we get a chance we are puzzled how to start and how to make a change. The most successful people are always looking for ways to improve. They are not satisfied with accepting their shortcomings or resting on their laurels. Top achievers put time and energy into being their best self.

I would say from my personal experience, no matter who you are, how old you are, or your circumstances right now. Self-development allows you to be happier day by day and live life in the way you want to.


Growth in yourself eventually leads you to new opportunities. All you need to focus on your lifestyle. Start implementing the things which you learn in your life. Focus on self-improvement----by reading good articles, blogs, books on personal development.

Do not use your energy to worry, use your energy to believe. Self-confidence leads to Self - esteem. All you need to believe in yourself and follow your dreams. Always keep motivating yourself which will in turn push you to reach your goals.

Self-improvement helps you become a better version of yourself. Whether to improve in your job, your business, your relationships. You have to constantly look at what you can improve; you have to grow into the person who is ready to change. Personal development is vital to your success.


Always have a reliable company around you to judge and guide you towards your improvement path.

Reading is the best choice when it comes to growth and improvement.

Identify your blind spots.

Overcome your fears.

Acknowledge your flaws.

Always challenge yourself and have healthy competition.

Learn from people who inspire you.

Learn to deal with difficult people whom you can't avoid.

Always try to avoid negative people.

Cultivate a new habit and quit a bad habit.

Let go of the past and focus on the future.

Get a mentor or coach if you find it difficult to lead your journey of improvement.

Take a break.

Always meditate and exercise.

Life never seems to be the way we want it,

but we live it the best way we can.

There is no perfect life,

but we can always fill it with perfect moments.

BEYOND THE POINT, Let us be a Player in life who runs for the goal.....and not a Referee who looks for the faults. Always recognize that your fears reflect areas where you can grow. Shake your routine up and do something different. Being too comfortable doesn't help us grow, it makes us stagnate. 

Post updated on:  Aug 11, 2021 11:06:48 AM

Only tears don't measure the pain
Sometimes fake smile have its own gain.
The weakness no one wants to show 
As everyone want to have a strong grow .

You smile and laugh like you are perfectly fine 
But deep down you're really crying.
You don't wanna to show your pain 
Because you get those questions ,"what's wrong ?" Or "are you okay." again and again.
And after that it's too difficult to explain 
So that fake sweet smile you usually claim.
But do you know ?
In summer who is the snow,
That is being fake is like icing on the cake .

According to modern study , it have experimented that even a fake smile can reduce stress , lower heart rate and can have a positive effect on the mood.

Fake smile can triggered the movement of muscles of your face and can "trick" your brain into a deep thinking that you're happy. 

Neurotransmitters called endorphins are announced to let go when you smile or even you faking a smile or laugh as your brain doesn't able to differentiate between a fake smile and a real smile . 'Brain' only care for the muscle that's expand while smiling. 
In a single term it is known as "Facial feedback hypothesis".

When we feel stressed at that time 'Cortisol' is more active which donate unpleasant , negative feeling which is reduced by releasing Endorphins.


    Endorphins also act as a natural pain killer , reduce the chronic pain . 

So we can actually get benefits from fake smile that hide a lot of pain .

Life is so difficult at times 
But gives reason to be fine 
So just punch it on a face 
And keep going 
Listen ,stop a while 
You never know who is falling in love with your smile.

Post updated on:  Aug 11, 2021 7:10:53 AM

स्मूद और शाइनी हेयर हर किसी की ख़्वाब होती है। कफी बार कर्ली या सेमी कर्ली बालों को मैनेज कर पाना बहुत मुश्किल हो जाता है, ऐसे बालो के साथ आप कोई हेयर स्टाइल भी नहीं कर पाते।

अगर आप सोच रहे हैं की घर बैठे परफेक्ट हेयर स्ट्रेटनिंग कर पाना बहुत ही मुश्किल है तो आप गलत सोच रहे हैं। हम आपको बताएंगे कुछ ऐसे प्राकृतिक तारिके जो बिना पार्लर जाएंगे आपके बालो को देगा स्ट्रेट लुक। जाने कुछ महत्वपूर्ण हेयर स्ट्रेटनिंग टिप्स:
अब भूल जाए उन केमिकल्स को अपने बालो में लगाना, जिनसे बालों को नुकसान पहुंचाना पड़ता है जाते हैं और अपने प्राकृतिक तरीके। याहा आप जानेंगे कुछ ऐसे हेयर स्ट्रेटनिंग टिप्स जो आपके बालो को देगा नेचुरल स्ट्रेट लुक वो भी बिना डैमेज किया।

1. (दूध)

1? कप मिल्क मी ? कप पानी में करे इसे किसी स्प्रे बोतल में भर दे अपने बालो में अच्छी तरह से कंघी कर ले अब है मिश्रण को बालो की लंबाई और जड़ पे अच्छे से स्प्रे करे इसे 30 मिनट के लिए लगा कर रखे, उसके लिए धीरे से खराब नॉर्मल वाटर से हेयर वॉश कर ले इस्को वीक मी 2-3 बार करे, ये नैचुरली आपके हेयर को स्ट्रेट कर देगा।

2. (अजवाइन के पत्ते)अजवाइन के वार

अजवाइन के पत्तों को बारिक कट कर ले और मिक्सर की मदद से उसका जूस निकल ले इस जूस को अच्छी तरह से फिल्टर करके एक बोतल में भर ले इसे पूरी चूहा सूखी जगह पर स्टोर करके रखे अगले दिन अपने हाथों में है जूस को बालो की लेंथ और रूट्स पे करें करे
अब किसी चौड़े दांतों वाली कंघी से बालो को अच्छी तरह से कंघी करले
1 घंटा तक इसे बालो में लगा कर रखे और फिर सामान्य पानी से अच्छी तरह धो करले पहली ही बार में आप अपने बालो में एक प्राकृतिक शाइन या स्ट्रेटनिंग देखेंगे।

3. (अंडा)

2 अंडे का सफेद भाग एक कटोरी में निकल ले इसमे 2 बड़े चम्मच दही मिलाए अगर आपको अंडे की गंध परशन करता है तो इसमे आप थोड़ा सा हीना पाउडर भी मिला सकते हैं हीना पाउडर अंडे की गंध को खतम करता है और खोपड़ी को ठंडा रखता है इस्स पेस्ट को ब्रश की मदद से अपने शुद्ध बालो में अच्छे से लगाए और 1 घंटे के लिए छोड़ दे अब नॉर्मल वॉटर से अच्छी तरह हेयर वॉश कर ले, आप चाहे तो शैम्पू भी इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं।

4. (नारियल का दूध)

गिला नारीयल ले और इसे बारिक टुकड़ो में कट कर ले मिक्सर में अच्छी तरह ब्लेंड करके इस्का दूध निकल ले इसमे १ लेमन का जूस मिलाये
अच्छी तरह मिक्स करके इसे एक दिन के लिए रेफ्रिजरेटर में रख दे
अगले दिन आप देखेंगे के इसे ऊपर एक क्रीमी लेयर आ गई है, इस लेयर को अपने स्कैल्प पे और रूट पे अच्छी तरह लगाये अब अपने बालो को 1 घंटे के लिए हॉट टॉवल से कवर कर ले बैड मी वाटर से हेयर को वॉश कर ले और ब्रॉड टूथ कॉम्ब से कॉम्बिंग कर ले, चाहे तो ब्लोड्री भी कर सकते हैं इस उपाय को वीक मी 2-3 बार यूज करे। सभी चीजो को में करें आप स्वाभाविक रूप से हेयर पा सकते हैं।

Post updated on:  Aug 11, 2021 2:16:15 AM

उम्र बढ़ने के साथ ज्ञान, दृष्टिकोण और हाँ, परिवर्तन आते हैं जो आपकी ऊर्जा को खत्म कर सकते हैं। यहां तक ​​​​कि अगर आप पहले की तरह उतनी तेजी से नहीं नाच रहे हैं, तो ऐसे तरीके हैं जिनसे आप अपने कदम में उछाल को बनाए रख सकते हैं।

ध्यान केंद्रित करना:

अपना मेनू प्रबंधित करें
यदि आप कुछ समय से वही चीजें खा रहे हैं, तो अपनी प्लेट में क्या है, इस पर नए सिरे से नज़र डालें। सही प्रकार का भोजन आपकी ऊर्जा को बढ़ा सकता है और आपको बेहतर महसूस करा सकता है।
जैसे-जैसे आपकी उम्र बढ़ती है, आपके शरीर की भोजन को ऊर्जा में बदलने की क्षमता धीमी हो जाती है। नतीजतन, कई लोगों का वजन बढ़ गया। फिर भी, आप खुद को फिट और ऊर्जावान रहने में मदद कर सकते हैं।
चीनी का स्तर एक बड़ी भूमिका निभाता है। कुछ विशेषज्ञों का कहना है कि "कम ग्लाइसेमिक" खाद्य पदार्थ, जैसे बीन्स, गैर-स्टार्च वाली सब्जियां, नट्स और साबुत अनाज उत्पाद, आपके रक्त शर्करा को संतुलित रखने में मदद कर सकते हैं।
"हाई-ग्लाइसेमिक" खाद्य पदार्थ, जैसे सफेद चावल, सफेद ब्रेड, और चीनी-मीठे पेय, आपके रक्त शर्करा में तेजी से वृद्धि कर सकते हैं। आप एक संक्षिप्त ऊर्जा झटका महसूस कर सकते हैं, लेकिन जब डुबकी आती है, तो आप पहले की तुलना में अधिक सूखा महसूस कर सकते हैं।

मात्रा बहुत मायने रखती है, 
बहुत कम कैलोरी आपके शरीर को ऊर्जा के लिए भूखा छोड़ सकती है। बहुत अधिक मात्रा में आपका वजन बढ़ सकता है, जिससे आप सुस्त महसूस कर सकते हैं।

आपको हर दिन कितना खाना चाहिए यह कई बातों पर निर्भर करता है, खासकर आप कितने सक्रिय हैं। आपको कितनी कैलोरी की आवश्यकता है, इसके बारे में अपने डॉक्टर या आहार विशेषज्ञ से बात करें।

चलते रहो
आप देख सकते हैं कि जब आप छोटे थे तब आप उससे कम काम कर रहे थे। शायद 5K के लिए प्रशिक्षण ने रात के खाने के बाद टहलने का रास्ता दे दिया है।
आप जितने सक्रिय रहेंगे, उतना ही ऊर्जावान महसूस करेंगे। व्यायाम और शारीरिक गतिविधि भी आपके मूड को ठीक करने के बेहतरीन तरीके हैं। यदि आपके पास ऐसे मुद्दे हैं जो आपको उन चीजों को करने से रोकते हैं जिन्हें आप एक बार आनंद लेते थे, तो रचनात्मक होने के लिए स्वतंत्र महसूस करें। यदि आपके घुटनों में गठिया आपको दौड़ने या बास्केटबॉल खेलने से रोकता है, तो तैराकी या साइकिल चलाना आपके काम आ सकता है।
जैसे-जैसे आप बड़े होते जाते हैं आपको हिलना बंद नहीं करना चाहिए। बस एक अलग तरीके से आगे बढ़ें। स्थानीय वरिष्ठ केंद्रों में फिटनेस कार्यक्रमों की तलाश करें या एक साथी खोजें ताकि आप एक दूसरे को प्रेरित कर सकें। यदि आपको सक्रिय होने के लिए समय निकालने में परेशानी होती है, तो शायद सुबह सबसे पहले कसरत करें, इससे पहले कि आप कुछ और करें, चाल चल सकती है। बस सुनिश्चित करें कि आप पहले कुछ नाश्ता खा लें।
नई दिनचर्या शुरू करने से पहले अपने डॉक्टर से बात करें।
कुछ आराम मिलना
हम में से कुछ के लिए, यह जीवन के छोटे-छोटे चुटकुलों में से एक है: जब आप सेवानिवृत्त होते हैं और काम के लिए उठना नहीं पड़ता है, तो आप अब और नहीं सो सकते हैं।
लेकिन पर्याप्त आंखें बंद करना महत्वपूर्ण है। ज्यादातर लोगों को रात में लगभग 7 घंटे की जरूरत होती है। अगर आपको इतना नहीं मिल रहा है, तो किसी भी कारण से, अपनी रात की दिनचर्या को समायोजित करने के तरीकों की तलाश करें।
कोशिश करें कि सोने से ठीक पहले शराब न पिएं। हालांकि यह आपको थोड़ी देर के लिए नीरस बना सकता है, यह वास्तव में पूरी रात की नींद लेना कठिन बना देता है।

आपको भी चाहिए:
1.मध्याह्न तक अपनी सारी कैफीन समाप्त कर लें।
2.सोने से पहले अपने कंप्यूटर, स्मार्टफोन और टीवी को अच्छी तरह बंद कर दें।
3.अपने बेडरूम को जितना हो सके ठंडा, अंधेरा और शांत रखें।
4.जितनी बार हो सके एक ही समय पर सोएं और जागें

यदि आप अभी भी पर्याप्त नींद नहीं ले पा रहे हैं, तो अपने डॉक्टर से बात करें।
इन अन्य युक्तियों को भी आजमाएं

इन अन्य युक्तियों को भी आजमाएं

उम्र बढ़ने के साथ ऊर्जा और मनोदशा में सुधार के कुछ और तरीकों के लिए, आप यह कर सकते हैं:
शराब पर सामान्य रूप से कटौती करें। जैसे-जैसे आपकी उम्र बढ़ती है, इसका प्रभाव आपके साथ अधिक समय तक बना रहता है।

अधिक पानी पीना । यदि आप थोड़ा भी निर्जलित हैं, तो यह आपकी ऊर्जा को नष्ट कर सकता है और आपके मूड को प्रभावित कर सकता है।

Post updated on:  Aug 11, 2021 2:16:05 AM

The seller has confirmed with full corporate authority under the penalty of perjury that they are ready, willing and able to enter into an agreement with the buyer, to provide gold bars that are of non-criminal origin in exchange for payment that is of non-criminal origin. All terms of relevant United Nations resolutions and national government laws and regulations pertaining to the control and trading of Gold shall be complied with.
Commodity: Gold Nuggets & AU Bars
Origin: D.R. Congo
Price: 30,000 USD per kg
Purity: 95+% or better
Carats: 22+
Quantity:  375 Kilograms
Product history: Clean, too clear. Not liens and non-criminal origin.
1. Seller sends FCO to the buyer and the buyer signs the FCO and returns it to the seller.
2. Seller prepares draft contract and sends to buyer for consideration and amendments if any.
3. Buyer and Seller sign contract.
4. Buyer meets Seller in Nairobi-Kenya. The Gold Nuggets will be smelted to Gold  Bars. Buyer conducts a test of the gold at the Ministry of Mining.
5. Once assay is confirmed, buyer will pay for government taxes and export cost of 7.5% of the total value to ship the gold to buyer's refinery. The Seller can give the buyer gold as collateral to hold with BRINKS SECURITY, which will be equivalent to the amount the buyer will pay to cover the export charges from Kenya to the buyer's destination refinery.
6. Once all export documents are ready, seller will travel together with buyer, to Buyer's refinery to witness final assay and, for the balance payment of 92.5% directly to the seller Bank account .
7. After final assay at buyer's refinery, buyer will then have to pay complete amount in commercial invoice less, amount paid for taxes and shipping to Seller's account with 72 hours through T/T.
9.  With proceeds from the first transaction, Seller will have to cover all export and travel expenses to buyer's destination as from Second shipment and above.
Signed by the Buyer:




Post updated on:  Aug 10, 2021 9:49:50 AM

1. First obtain a very secure bitcoin wallet. 

2. Get a little experience by trying out while doing online research. 

3. Employ correct trading styles and strategies.

4. Do a study in market analysis.

5. Ensure you have set your profit targets.

6. Learn to manage and minimize your risks at all times.

7. Understand the current market prices of bitcoin and alt-coins like ethereum e.t.c

8. Invest only when the coin has a higher market cap.

9. Do a thorough scrutiny of ICOs and crowd-sales before deciding to invest.

10. Take note of the current trading volumes and price spikes of alt-coins.

11.Diversify your investments to even include real estate!

12. Set your revenue targets by regularly placing sell orders in the order books.

13. Avoid panicking and don`t be greedy!


Post updated on:  Aug 10, 2021 9:48:15 AM

     S. S. A. Zaidi
Training and Development Consultant

Life is a struggle.  One such struggle is to find solutions to the problems we encounter day in and day out.  And to overcome this we all need to be Thinkers?.

It is wisely said "most problems are really the absence of ideas.  And the moment a problem has been clearly defined and stated, 90% of its solution has been found?.

To get ideas, keep your mind open.  Mind is like a parachute.  It is useless if it is not open." Newton had his eyes open when the apple fell in front of him.  He saw the apple falling, he thought and came up with Law of Gravitation.  A man could not have landed on the moon without the knowledge of this Law'.

Knowledge and experience no doubt widen one's mental horizon but in the end it is the  "THINKING Process" that helps find a solution.  A process is a   series of meaningful repeatable steps that produces an outcome.  Every process requires Inputs to produce some output.  The process of thinking produces IDEAS / SOLUTIONS.  This thinking process involves.

  • Letting one's sub conscious mind work on it round the clock.
  • Meeting, visiting and talking to a lot of people.
  • Developing one's common sense and using it.
  • Not making "Best" the enemy of "Better" i.e implementing what one thinks is better than before.
  • Not being afraid of mistakes - Remember a mistake is the best teacher.  A wrong decision can be corrected.

Start your thinking process and see the ideas popping up like   Pop- Corn.

Dream is the ultimate of process of thinking.  It is the result of complete involvement.  What we think during the day, we dream about in the night.  Success comes only from complete involvement, that becomes a part of one's sub-conscious and is reflected in one's dreams.

Remember in life there are two things worth living for,

  1. Do what is worthy of being written.
  2. Write what is worthy of being read.

Thinking is done in "Mind" .  It is the "Mind" which thinks, perceives, feels, wills, conceives, believes and achieves.

"Mind" is the best asset   we have.  This asset needs to be taken care of and protected as one would do, for example, for one's car.  When one buys a car, one gets a "CAR OPERATING Manual" .  When one gets a job, one perhaps gets a job Operation Manual.  Manuals describe the logical steps / precautions that need to be taken to operate the car and to do one's job.

Can't we then have   a "MIND Manual" to do our job better at home and in office?

Relax and think how much of your mind did you use yesterday? You might have done 100 things, but think how many of these could have been done by your assistants.   May be, your assistants may have taken longer time, may have made more mistakes but if you   keep   on delegating     authority and responsibility to them, don't you think   your assistants will improve themselves?  Certainly they will.

This will give you enough time to use your MIND fully and it will take you towards your goals.

Your mind can store as much information as you want to.  It will never be full.  Mind is like a tape recorder.  It will keep on recording, if you keep it switched on.  It will also play back whenever you want to have any information.

Mind is like a muscle.  More you train it, stronger it gets.  The older you get, better it becomes provided you KEEP ON USING IT.

Mind is like a piece of land.  On the land you can grow whatever you put into it.  You cannot get good ideas unless you put in seeds of good ideas.

Mind is actually better than the piece of land, because germination can even take place not only within six days, or six months, but even after 10,20 or 30 years.  Relax and think. To one who tries and concentrates, ideas come seemingly from nowhere.

Mind comes to us Free as standard equipment   at birth What we get free; we attach little value to it.  If you use your mind and value it, you will experience its miracle.

It is the miracle of mind when suddenly an idea starts flashing on the screen of your mind.  It is now up to you to transfer this flash from your mind to a piece of paper.

God has given this piece of land MIND to all of us.  We add to it or delete from it in regard to its fertility.

These ingredients would add fertility to your Mind helping it to produce rich crops of good ideas.  In the process you become rich and your Organization becomes richer.


Thinking can  be   done   by   your   assistants too.  Encourage them to get involved in thinking.

There is a story of a crow that could raise the level of water in the pitcher by dropping pebbles into it.  The crow solved the problem by thinking and   using its mind.  Incidentally this story has been modified.  The crow   who   had   dropped the pebbles saw that the water that came up was muddy.  It flew away without drinking the water.  Another crow who was sitting nearby and observing all that was happening waited with patience for a few minutes so that the mud could settle down and when it did, it quenched its thirst with the clean water.

The moral is when you are thinking, do not limit your scope and span of thinking.

If you are asked to join the following nine dots with four straight lines without lifting your pen, you cannot do it until you widen your span of thinking and extend to the area that lies outside the nine dots.  This is known as ?THINKING OUTSIDE THE Box. (A very common exercise used in Training Programs).

Can you join these dots with four straight lines without lifting your pen?


Yes ? you can but only if you think beyond the area of dots.

This reinforces the view that greater success comes only to those who do not confine their thinking to a definite / set mould. And   this    is    what    we   as   Managers   need   to  work    on.  We should widen the scope and span of our thinking. 

We   should strive   to be ?DIFFERENTIATORS?.

To be Differentiators we need to:

  • Give more autonomy and space to employees.
  • Raise the performance level in all key activities.
  • Encourage activities like team working / reciprocity.
  • Give demanding expectations that would require the employees to think to go that extra Mile?.

Managers, therefore   need to think and encourage employees to think. This would produce   plethora of ideas.  Such ideas   would help organization scale newer and newer heights of achievements.

This is very well illustrated and testified by the experience of a Production Manager in a leather factory in India under whom more than 300 workers were working.  Almost all these workers were illiterates, with not so bright IQ.  But the Production Manager never had any difficulty in getting the required output from them.  When this company got a very large export order it became necessary for the Production Manager to increase the productivity.  But there was a big problem.  There was no drying machine with the result that the leather after having been tanned and   dyed was put under the sun for it to dry.  This took longer time hampering the productivity.  The cost of the drying machine was about $9,000 and it required to be imported from Germany after obtaining import license.   And   to get the licence   was a long drawn procedure.  The company had actually applied for the licence eight months back but had not yet received it.

The Production Manager did not want to lose this export order. And the only way to do it was to accelerate the drying process to increase the productivity.

The Production Manager went to his workers and told them about the export order and the need for rigging up a drying mechanism.  He asked the workers:  How   shall   we   do   it

The workers responded to the challenge and said that they would think about it.  After some time they came up with a Drying Mechanism that cost the company only $1,000 and accelerated the drying process resulting in increased productivity.

This Production Manager, whenever he had a problem, would go to his workers and ask them How shall we do it. This would trigger the process of thinking and the workers would come up with ideas to solve the problem.

This Production Manager was a differentiator, a Motivator.  We, managers therefore, should go to our employees with the Poser. How shall we do it. And experience the miraculous results.

As SWITZER said,
You do not help anyone by preaching a new idea;  you help only by assisting a man to think. 

Post updated on:  Aug 10, 2021 4:11:28 AM

Do you need relaxation from work ? 
Do you want to maintain your health without any medicines .
 anxious about something ? And you need to calm down yourself ? 
If 'yes'
then your destination is "YOGA".

Yoga is derived from 'yuj' which is a sanskrit word means of 'to unite'. It is an ancient form of managing mental health , creating calmness , increasing body awareness , sharpens concentration and a typical therapy of all diseases.

Yoga reherse was began during the civilization of Indus-Saraswati and was first introduced in Rig Veda and also mentioned in the Upanishads which consists of mantras , rituals and songs mainly used by Vedic priests. 

Rishikesh is considered to be the birth place of Yoga which is located at the foothills of Himalayas.

About Naukasana(boat pose)

how to pose :

Step 1- Lie down straight on your back with your legs together.  

Step 2- Put your hands next to the thighs.

Step 3- Take a deep breath and exhale .

Step 4- Raise up your chest as well as the feet from the ground .Recline your arms where your fingers are pointing towards the feet .

Step 6- Put up  your toes , fingers , eyes in a line 

Step 7- Maintain inhalation, exhalation while doing the pose .

Step 8- Hold the position for few seconds and then on gradual exhaling come back to the ground slowly with relaxation . 

*Do this 3-4 times daily but shouldn't overdo.
You will feel pressure on your belly area on contradiction of your abdominal muscles. 

- strengthens  the back , abdominal muscles , thigh , hips , shoulder and neck .

-helps in tonning the leg , arm muscles and developing ABS. ( Not only going to the gym helps you to develop your six pack abs but yoga also helps to develop it )

- helps to remove fat , improving digestion as well as circulation of blood .

- good functioning of kidney , prostate glands , thyroid , liver , pancreas, lungs . 

*Important tips*
People suffering from:-
- low blood pressure
- headache
- migrane 
- diseases of chronic
- back pain or spinal problem
- asthma
- heart diseases
Shouldn't practice this naukasana.

- Women during the stage of menstrual cycle and pregnancy shouldn't perform this naukasana.

Yoga is like a sun which brightens up the darker region of our body .
So Do Practice!!

Post updated on:  Aug 10, 2021 2:11:28 AM

पेट दर्द बेचैनी या अन्य असहज संवेदनाएं हैं जो आप अपने पेट क्षेत्र में महसूस करते हैं। लगभग हर किसी को कभी न कभी पेट में दर्द होगा।
पेट दर्द के अधिकांश कारण चिंता का कारण नहीं होते हैं, और आपका डॉक्टर समस्या का आसानी से निदान और उपचार कर सकता है। कभी-कभी, हालांकि, यह एक गंभीर बीमारी का संकेत हो सकता है जिसके लिए चिकित्सा ध्यान देने की आवश्यकता होती है।

पेट दर्द के प्रकार-पेट दर्द कई प्रकार के होते हैं, जो इस बात पर आधारित होते हैं कि आपका दर्द कितनी जल्दी शुरू होता है और कितनी देर तक रहता है:
तीव्र दर्द कुछ घंटों या दिनों में शुरू होता है और अन्य लक्षणों के साथ आ सकता है।
पुराना दर्द लंबे समय तक रहता है - हफ्तों से लेकर महीनों या उससे अधिक तक - और आ और जा सकता है।

प्रगतिशील दर्द समय के साथ खराब हो जाता है और अक्सर अन्य लक्षणों के साथ आता है
चाहे आपको हल्का दर्द हो या गंभीर ऐंठन, पेट दर्द के कई कारण हो सकते हैं। उदाहरण के लिए, आपको अपच, कब्ज, पेट का वायरस या, यदि आप एक महिला हैं, तो मासिक धर्म में ऐंठन हो सकती है।

Raunak  posted in दर्द

Post updated on:  Aug 10, 2021 1:58:39 AM

No hi. No hello. Essentially no greeting. The messages right away begin with to-do tasks. Our love notes over a decade relationship have matured as much as our relationship has. I guess if someone happens to get a sneak-peek at the text messages shared between us, they may as well have a whale of a time laughing over us. That's how the story of this 'lovey-dovey' couple goes( oh yeah, it's us)!!

Washing liquid-3 ltrs

Milk low fat-2 ltrs

Vegetables and fruits

Rava - 1 kg

Whole wheat bread - 1 full

And the list goes on.....

A message notification rings shrilly on another phone put on charge in the bedroom.

 Is it you? The husband calls out from the room.

Yes, I have added few more items in the list you sent, I replied.

A usual weekend morning begins with the list, just before our mischievous kids wake up for the day.

Every weekend, I have the habit of checking the kitchen supplies, right before I delve into the cooking session. What items has to be stocked up and to be brought right away? And this notes are not on any paper, but the SMS or what's up messages conveniently sent to the husband and vice-versa too.

Oh I forgot to add pulses in the list... Tanmay. I announced checking the contents of the container. 

Is there anything new I heard, don't make me run to the store everytime you find your dabba empty.... Husband remarks with a frown!

How could you say that, you are the only one missing on something or the other on the list I share, and run to the supermarket again the next day to buy it. 

That's why I tell you to accompany me Tara. He scowls back at me, types out a text and sends it to me, my phone beeped with the notification of  message - - - 'pulses- moong dal 1kg,   toor dal-1kg    etc.

No dinner tables booked. No candle lights arranged. No romantic setup. No gaudy outfits. No extra ordinary ambience.

As our relationship graduates to a certain degree of maturity, even our dates are metamorphosesd to ones that are quick and useful and most of the times it turn out to be a grocery shopping expedition.

Since the onset of the pandemic, Tanmay has been the one who makes rapid outings to the supermarket to get our weekly essentials.
The other day also happened same... Tanmay as usual looked upon deals and value packs and hunted out all the items mentioned in the list.

Once he stepped into the house.... Arey suno...
Why did you bring 2 packs of Rava... I only mentioned one.

When will you understand? I have to look for best offers.....

Arey but I don't have extra place to store.

When you ladies have extra space to fit anything..... Jab dekho jagah nahi hai!!

Even the good nights have been turned out as reminders.....
Acha suno, today the item list was so lengthy, I deliberately did not mention for washroom supplies - please don't forget to bring the dettol and harpic... 2 bottles each. Was there any offer on that? Have you noticed today?

Do you really care for deals... Tara? How many bottles you use up in a single month?

Wife always has the last say in the discussion, doesn't she? So, I replied back saying... Proportionate to the number of times you use washroom in a month, goodnight and please don't forget to make a note of it in your list.

Thus our love notes are filled with grocery items, we share lot of messages in a week back and forth.

And I believe this is the true story of every couple.... Love does not fade by the time, but it takes a new form!! 😉

Post updated on:  Aug 9, 2021 7:03:17 PM

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