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Deepanjali  posted in Yoga

Ganesh  posted in Science

Anuska  posted in Poetry

Raksha Bandhan , the word itself symbolizes "Protect", "Bond". Raksha bandan is a rhythm implemented ritual of protection between the uncontaminated bond that exits within siblings.

Why did I wrote siblings and didn't write between brother and sister ?
As because this festival is a honoring of the indestructible bond between siblings with a promise to be there always for their safety , to protect and no matter how many difficulties come to there path. This festival isn't meant only for brother and sister but can celebrated by sister and sister in order to protect her from many difficulties.

On the day of full-moon of the Hindu month of Sravana , raksha bandhan is being celebrated and in this day God of rain (Indra) and God of sea (Varuna) is regarded as idol to worship for that day.

Raksha bandhan has a great historical significance as it was started in Mahabharata , when the wife of Pandavas, Draupadi torn a piece of cloth from her saree to tie around the wrist of Krishna to prevent bleeding as he had got a cut in middle finger from the kite's thread. krishna felt quite happy and promise her to protect from every difficulties and he did that by saving Draupadi from "Vastra haran ".

And after few centuries when Rabindranath Tagore , during the Bengal partition motivate Hindu and Muslim women to tie scared thread to men from different coterie and make them their bhai . This was regarded as starting a mass festival of Raksha Bandhan. This was done in order to motivate people and makes them strong so that British efforts of dividing Hindu Muslim will not be successful.

It is also pronounced holy verse of unity regarded as a sign of living together . In ancient time when women feel insecure, they tie a thread "Rakhi" on the wrist of their brother or any men. In this manner the word "Rakhi" strengthens the pure bond between the siblings .

Abhilipsa  posted in Festival

Post updated on:  Aug 22, 2021 1:35:26 AM

I have come across  many soldiers who fought different wars. Everyone tells a different war story depending upon his deployment status and the degree of exposure to risk environment.

Same goes true with every person walking on this earth. Soldier or no soldier, everybody is fighting a different war... ranging from health... job... unemployment...  and relationships.

Everyone has a story to tell. Some stories get the shape of books and some are confined to hearts. If two points are destined to touch, the universe will always find a way to make the connection - even when all hope seems to be lost. ... Stories of love, hope, survival, wisdom and sometimes pain.

Shweta covered a distance of 10 km in one hour. Akash covered the same distance in one and a half hours. Which of the two is faster and healthier?

Of course our answer will be Shweta.

What if we say that Shweta covered this distance on a prepared track while Akash did it by walking on a sandy path?

Then our answer will be Akash.
But when we come to know that Shweta is 50 years old while Akash is 25 years old?

Then our answer will be Shweta again.

But we also come to know that Akash's weight is 140 kg while Shweta's weight is 65 kg.

Again our answer will be Akash.

As we learn more about Akash and Shweta, our opinions and judgments about who is better will change. If life is a race, everybody is competing it with a different pace. We form opinions very superficially and hastily, due to which we are not able to do justice to ourselves and others.
Opportunities vary. Life is different. Resources differ. Problems change. Solutions are different. Genetic codes are different.The latest study, based on an analysis of blood samples from 13,000 people, showed that some people are propelled along life?s biological tramlines much quicker than others ? regardless of lifestyle.

Everybody is different. Some never take a start. Some start early and finish early. Some start late and finish late. Some  start early and finish late.
Google will tell you that Warren Buffett, at the age of 87, is currently the oldest CEO of a Fortune 500 company. But may be you are not aware that until December 2020, Mahashay Dharampal Gulati, Spice-King of India, and founder and CEO of MDH (Mahashian Di Hatti) was the oldest working CEO. 

On the other hand, Ranjan Das, CEO and MD of SAP Indian subcontinent died after a massive cardiac arrest at the age of 42 years. Steve Jobs was only 21 years old when founded Apple along with Wozniak. Jobs expired early at the age of 56 years.

Therefore the excellence of life is not in comparing the length of life with anyone but in testing oneself under the given constraints.

God has designed you as a unique product. You are the best. Stay as you are and keep trying your best according to your  circumstances.

Stay healthy, stay cool, stay satisfied, keep smiling, keep laughing, keep on serving society and the country.

Post updated on:  Aug 21, 2021 9:48:20 AM

Being one of the most famous battles in Indian history, can you believe that the legendary Battle of Haldighati was over in just four hours? Yes, it did.

Maharana Pratap was born in the year 1540. By not falling prey to Emperor Akbar, Maharana courageously demonstrated his defiance before Mughals. And this resulted in the 'Battle of Haldighati' in June 1576. The forces of Akbar were being led by Man Singh - the prince of Aamer.

The details of the battle have been metcuously documented by the historians. The force of Maharana was highly outnumbered but Maharana fought with great courage. Though the short-busting battle made it to history it is still unclear who won it. While some believe it ended in a draw, many believe it was Akbar who emerged as a winner. Who was greater in the Maharana Pratap vs Akbar battle is an ever going battle and is making headlines of this article. Though both the leaders were great in their own right, comparison is always difficult.

As such, Akbar?s army had 80,000 soldiers while Maharana's army consisted of 3,000 soldiers that included Rajputs, Afghans led by Hakim Khan Sur and a small contingent of Bhil tribals. 

Through Rajput's zeal and patriotism, Maharana launched an upfront attack on the Mughal and crashed the walls of their frontline fighters. Later, in order to bring out a quick defeat launched an attack with elephants. 

Rumours of the Mughal emperor Akbar coming on the battlefield instilled a sense of courage in the Mughal troops and they surrounded Maharana?s army and at the time when Maharana would have certainly been killed, the Naik ofJhala took the crown off Maharana's head and put it on his own head posing as Maharana and got himself killed.

Grabbing an opportunity Rana aimed his spear on Man Singh but unfortunately it pierced his Mahout?s body. The Mughal army once again surrounded Maharana but his favourite horse "Cheetak" help him to rescue successfully but died as it had sustained injuries. The winner of the battle is still not clear as Mughals suffered heavy casualties and Maharana escaped unhurt.

Who won the Battle of Haldighati? The question continues to arouse controversy, 445 years after that legendary encounter. Recently, the Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education approved a revision of the Class X  Social Science Text book: it would now state that Maharana Pratap decisively defeated Akbar at Haldighati, whereas earlier text books had said that the battle was inconclusive. 

To the perception of many historians as well, the stretegic retreat of Maharana after inflicting heavy casulaties can not be considered a defeat.

More than victory and defeat, what's get counted at the end is the purpose for which you are fighting. Maharana Pratap Jayanti is observed every year throughout the country and especially by Rajputs. Have you ever wondered why the Jayanti of Man Singh is not observed if he was a winner? And he was Rajput too and eventually    took overthe reins of Aamer?

Despite for the fact that Man Singh was a warrior too, he didn't find a befitting place in history because he was the commander of allegedly evil forces and fighting for the glory of an empire that wanted to subsume smaller regional kingdoms, while Pratap was fighting for the right of his kingdom's right to political and cultural sovereignty, free of the overlordship of any  Mughal emperor or empire. That's why Maharana is considered the epitome of bravery and emerged victorious in history. 

The examplary saga of valour ended nearly 18 years after Maharana's death. On January 29, 1597, at the age of 57, Maharana died due to injuries sustained in a hunting accident. A warrior all through his life, Maharana had regained control over most of his kingdom before his death and eventually won the war.

The man with might will always be remembered as an epitome of patriotism, heroism and for his spirit of independence. And Haldiighati will always remember a great warrior  of Rajputana.

Post updated on:  Aug 21, 2021 9:47:41 AM

World is here:
As we all know that we are living in a modern age.Here everything is bacame digitize.Now if we talk about new generation education then bookish knowledge is not enough to live a good life.
The new trend we need to know:
As far as we know that Moneymatters,we need to understand that we should give our kids a skilled knowledge so they can identify there skillset and polish there skills and live a life according to thier WIL.
What the world is searching for:
There are many hardskills and softskills that we can teach our kids.
3.Game development
4.Art and craft

And manymore ......
Our kids are our GEMS and we have to POLISH THESE GEMS.

Usman  posted in Others

Post updated on:  Aug 21, 2021 12:19:13 AM

Hindu religion have many customs , traditions , rituals which have been followed from centuries . But behind all Hindu myths there is a logic term .

1. Doing namaskar

People used to greet each other by attaching both palms which is a tradition in Hindu culture entitled as "Namaskar".

Nevertheless there is a researched base (scientific) logic behind the"Namaskar " which only used to greet people .

On joining both palms make sure the joining apex of all fingers which are related to coercion points of ears , mind , eyes as well as the  activated points helps us to re call that person for a long period of time .

And a basic logic behind that is since we don't make any bodily contact there will no transfer of germs through handshake.

2.  Applying mehendi during marriage .

Weddings leads to cause stress but applying of mehendi can cools the body and helps of relaxation from stress. 

According to Hindu tradition , applying mehendi is just a ritual but as mehendi is a powerful herb , it has some scientific reasons behind it .

3. Wearing bangles.

According to Hindu tradition and custom married woman should wear bangles in their wrist and if they don't wear then it will be against the tradition.

But according to science , the most engertic part of our body lies in our wrist which cause a lot of energy and wearing bangles around wrists produce friction and increases the circulation of blood.

Felt intersting many more to come ....

Abhilipsa  posted in Sceince

Post updated on:  Aug 21, 2021 12:17:47 AM

This  Сhinese  Jewelry  Brаnd  Turned  Рrоsthetiсs  Intо  Weаrаble  Аrt
Xiао  Yаng,  а  Сhinese  internet  сelebrity  аnd  mоdel  living  in  Сhengdu,  hаs  been  weаring  рrоsthetiсs  fоr  аlmоst  20  yeаrs.  Аlthоugh  she  sаid  the  рrоsthesis  hаs  nоw  beсоme  раrt  оf  her  bоdy,  Yаng's  рrоsthesis  hаs  сreаted  а  сhаllenging  relаtiоnshiр  between  her  аnd  fаshiоn  аnd  сlоthing.  "In  high  sсhооl,  when  I  reаlly  wаnted  tо  dress  uр,  I  thоught  рrоsthetiсs  wоuld  аffeсt  my  externаl  beаuty,"  she  tоld  Vоgue.  "Weаring  а  рrоsthesis  аlsо  саuses  оne  side  оf  my  hiр  tо  defоrm.  If  I  weаr  leggings  оr  а  shirt  shоrter  thаn  the  hiрs,  [still]  I  feel  inseсure,  like  [I]  wаs  exроsed."  I  hаve  been  weаring  а  strаight  T-shirt  аnd  раnts  fоr  а  lоng  time.  "  Hоwever,  reсently,  Yаng  hаs  stаrted  tо  exрeriment  mоre  with  her  fаshiоn  сhоiсes  аnd  fоund  thаt  she  inсreаsingly  hорes  thаt  her  рrоsthetiс  limbs  will  refleсt  her  fаshiоnаble  аnd  mоdern  style  (by  the  wаy,  her  wаrdrоbe  is  full  оf  сооl  раtterns  T-shirt  аnd  gоrgeоus  suit  jасket).  Eаrlier  this  yeаr  in  Сhengdu,  when  she  met  Zhаng  Xiаоyu  аnd  Li  Min,  the  twо  designers  behind  the  Сhinese  jewelry  brаnd  YVMIN,  the  three  оf  them  саme  uр  with  аn  ideа:  Whаt  if  we  regаrd  рrоsthetiсs  аs  аn  аrt  thаt  саn  be  wоrn?  "We  believe  thаt  it  is  nаturаl  tо  deсоrаte  аny  раrt  оf  оur  bоdy,  аnd  it  is  аlsо  а  рrоsthesis,"  Zhаng  sаid.  Yаng  immediаtely  ассeрted  the  соnсeрt,  inсluding  turning  his  рrоsthesis  intо  sоme  kind  оf  eye-саtсhing  ассessоry.  "This  рrоjeсt  tells  everyоne  thаt  weаring  а  рrоsthetiс  limb  саnnоt  be  сhаnged,  but  it  is  роssible  tо  weаr  а  рrоsthetiс  limb  tо  lооk  beаutiful,Yаng  sаid.  "This  feeling  is  greаt;  there  will  definitely  be  mоre  рeорle  whо  need  tо  exрerienсe  it."  The  result?  Three  different  deсоrаtive  shells  саn  be  wоrn  оn  Yаng's  рrоsthetiс  legs,  with  sweet  detаils  like  heаrt-shарed  "knee  раds."

Sinсe  роsting  the  рrоsthetiс  design  оn  their  Instаgrаm  раge,  YVMIN  аnd  Yаng  hаve  reсeived  thоusаnds  оf  likes  fоr  their  unique  соllаbоrаtiоn.  Hоwever,  fоr  mаny  users,  this  is  mоre  thаn  а  virаl  fаshiоn  mоment.  "I  myself  weаr  а  рrоsthesis,  but  I  hаve  never  seen  it  sо  beаutiful,"  соmmented  оne  user.  In  fасt,  high  fаshiоn  рrоsthetiс  ассessоries  аre  rаre.  Retаilers  like  the  Аmрutee  Stоre  sell  а  vаriety  оf  sрeсiаlty  sосks  аnd  соvers  fоr  рrоsthetiсs  -  Аlleles  even  mаkes  рrоsthetiс  соvers  with  interesting  рrints  аnd  соlоrs  -  but  the  mоre  аvаnt-gаrde  shells  сreаted  by  YVMIN  аre  still  аnоmаlоus  (even  sо,  they  аre  nоt  fоr  sаle  either  -  they  аre  сustоmized  fоr  Yаng).  Оverаll,  the  рrоjeсt  is  аn  interesting  аnd  unique  сreаtive  сhаllenge  fоr  the  triо.  Аll  three  аgreed  thаt  mоre  designer  рrоstheses  will  enter  the  industry's  sрасe.  "This  соllаbоrаtiоn  gаve  me  mоre  insрirаtiоn:  I  wаnt  tо  design  а  рrоsthesis,"  Yаng  sаid.  Аs  fоr  YVMIN,  they  аlsо  hорe  tо  insрire  оther  lаbels  tо  try  this  ideа.  "There  аre  very  few  рrоsthetiс  mоdels  сurrently  аvаilаble,"  Zhаng  sаid.  "We  hорe  thаt  [this  рrоjeсt]  will  аllоw  mоre  рeорle  tо  раy  аttentiоn  tо  the  ассessоries  thаt  саn  be  used  fоr  рrоsthetiсs.  Рrоsthetiс  users  саn  hаve  their  fаvоrite  ассessоries  withоut  reрlасing  exрensive  рrоstheses.  We  hорe  thаt  оur  designs  аnd  сreаtiоns  саn  give  рeорle  mоre  Сhоiсe,  nо  mаtter  whаt  grоuр  they  belоng  tо;  this  is  оur  mоtivаtiоn  fоr  the  future."

Shweta  posted in Fashion

Post updated on:  Aug 20, 2021 10:09:45 PM

For all of us, the universe is different. The vagrant can see the universe as irrational, complex, and powerful. The rich can see the universe as a glorious place full of splendor and happiness. They both see the same universe, distinctly different in appearance and origin.

This is the key to understanding, seeing that the way you see the universe is the way for you. In the event that you feel overwhelmed by fear and contempt, it will be so. If you think it is loaded with love and happiness, it is. Using one of the methods mentioned in this article, as well as various articles, you can begin to rejuvenate your view of the universe and change it completely!

Think about how often you are afraid of something that happens and then it happens. For example, you may be pressured to knock on your car, and then you knock. Was it hunting or did it? Compare this with the average time you expect something and then it happens. Often fear is a very focused and local sensation, which makes that object of fear/thought manifest very quickly.

Clearly, reasoning and conviction do not just create the universe at a loving and intellectual level, but more so at the material level. We can expect to be bad with money and from now on we are not. You can use your will and show in the light the things you need to add to your presence. Remember that you can just show the things you trust you can have. You may want $ 1,000,000, but unless you really hope you can have it, you won't get it.

You should know that things will not just come out of the air and stay in your lap, but how often do they do that, in a literal sense like just a metaphor. Over and over again it takes a short time for what you need to show up to appear. Sometimes it takes confidence and persistence on your side. The Universe may be trying to get you to see if you really need it and you will really commit to getting it before you get it. You can't pause for a minute or two and then stick to the solid you need to show you.

There is a saying "God helps people who help themselves". This is valid. During the process, it is important to pay attention to your mood and follow your emotions. Often the same depends on whether what you are trying to show is in line with your life motivation or not. If you think not, you have a terrible job of showing it. Likewise, in a situation where you are expressing your personal needs, it will probably not work. It works best when you show interest in everyone, in size, and in your superior personality.

When working with the show be sure to keep your brain open about how it will appear in your life. For example, a large number of us may need to show more money. We have a mental plan that says, "a lot of money means I need to work harder". This is not really obvious. You can show more money through development, promotions, differences in work or career, from winning a race, inheritance, and many other ways. You need to be aware of this because, in such a case, you have to mentally limit the practices that the Universe can offer you, then it will be very difficult for what you need to get into your life. Pay attention to your feeling naturally because it will help guide you. You may find the tendency to buy paper suddenly. You get it and note the specific car you need to buy from it. Our nature comes from our supreme being and will guide us to the opportunity for our attention.

You can use announcements, guarantees, and good representation to help you do what you need throughout your life. This not only needs to be restricted to material things, but you can also deal with bringing more love, more joy, and many different things into your daily routine and the experiences of the people around you. At a time when you are faced with the display of things, for example, this in your life looks to be the main driver of what you need. For example, you may feel that you are lacking in respect in your life. Look at the reason and you can see that it is the result of a lack of self-confidence or self-confidence, or it is because of something in your youth. When you know why you can break down problem management and rehab. After that, you will then think that it is much easier to bring and keep, what you want in your life.

Another task you can do is to help you by showing a good understanding of the universe. The Bounty will be the subject of the article and is fully controlled within the course, but go for a short walk and see how diverse the environment is. See what nature is giving and how much is given. Think about this and how wealth can be a part of your life.

You can use persistence, for example,

* I deserve to be praised and watched by others and myself

* I have a huge financial advantage in my life

* I earn money and use it wisely

* I open myself to the beauty of the universe

* I adhere to my pride

* I agree that I am an honorable person

Finally, remember this focus:

Rely on what you are trying to show

Pay attention to your natural feeling

Show off from your superior and keep up with the motivation for your life

Displays are not limited to material things. You can show more love, happiness, harmony, and much more

Show it to other people, not just yourself

That you make the universe you live in, so changing your view of it, it changes the whole universe

Om  posted in Creativity

Post updated on:  Aug 20, 2021 3:09:03 PM

To extend the composition, you need to complete two items. First, you need to power it up. Second, you need to adjust your mind. Start with both of these things at this time, and you may encounter some of the most significant innovations in the world today.

Enable composing and you will increase creativity. This is true of many things you need to see in your life. Support can do great things. How can it give you the power to think, though?

First, by focusing on it. Your psyche will usually give you the maximum amount of attention. In case you ignore the creative parts of your life, you tell your subliminal that it doesn?t work. If you happen to be deliberately conscious when you create, and you search for freedom to do it yourself, your brain will begin to take care of creative thoughts. Search it and you will find a large amount of it.

Another way to empower and build creativity is to record your thoughts. Keep a "thought diary." If you do this regularly, you will find that you always start to have a lot of ideas when you start writing. A view that is not terrifying, but not great, maybe overlooked, but by recording it, you can remember it, your inner mind removes it, and it can turn into a magnificent creative thing.

You too can empower something new that is more noticeable to you by incorporating creative ideas. When painting or painting, for example, pierce anything new. Really, even taking a different route to try and figure out how fast you are going can help. The fact of the matter is that it makes you think of working without its typical examples.

Just changing your natural resources can give you the power to create. If you think you need to think big in your love life, go up the mountain with your partners. If you are designing, give space on the roof of the house to write it down. If you need new ideas for your business, take a scarf to go to the resort and sit on a duck pond. The surrounding differences can get your cerebrum down the drain.

Innovative Training

When you think you need to build great intelligence, you are promoting a creative mindset. Look at the venerable entertainer and you will see that he has prepared his psyche to search for the "different point" in the ordinary. You can prepare your psyche to do the same.

The challenge of guessing, for example, is even stronger. Looking for ways to add clients to your store? Pause and say, "Do I really need more clients?" Research recommends other creative arrangements, such as finding ways to get more cash flow from existing customers, or ways to reduce costs. This can create more thoughts. The challenge of suspicion builds the wisdom of your answers.

As you drive to work, randomly select anything around you and ask how it might be associated with any problem you are removing. A helicopter can make you think of a way to get to your car if you owe it to your children. The palm tree can also stimulate another roof umbrella strategy.

The above methods have been selected as "Supposition Challenged" and "Arbitrary Presentation," and are two critical creative thought processes. There are several more. Train your mind to always use this, and give it a little support, and you can build your intelligence with the truth.

Om  posted in Creativity

Post updated on:  Aug 20, 2021 3:08:56 PM

Bone density tests (also called bone mineral density tests or BMD tests) check how strong your bones are by measuring a small part of one or a few of them. The results can help your d
octor know how you can treat or prevent bone loss and fractures.

Who Should Have a Bone Density Test?

According to the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, BMD tests are recommended for:

    • All women ages 65 and older
    • Younger women with a higher-than-normal chance of fracture for their age

    Types of Bone Density Tests

    Two types of machines can measure bone density. Central machines test it in the hip, spine,  and total body. Doctors can use them to do different types of bone density tests:
    • DXA (dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry) measures the ,spine, hip, or total body. Doctors consider this test the most useful and reliable for checking bone density.
    • QCT (quantitative computed tomography) usually measures the spine, but it can test other sites, too. This test is not often used because it is costly and delivers a lot of radiation.
    Peripheral machines check the finger, wrist, kneecap, shinbone, and heel. These machines are a good option when DXA scans aren?t available. But DXA scans are still the best choice for screening. Peripheral screening tests include:
    • pDXA (peripheral dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry) measures the wrist or heel.
    • QUS (quantitative ultrasound) uses sound waves to measure density, usually at the heel.
    • pQCT (peripheral quantitative computed tomography) measures the wrist.

    Once you get your test results, you and your doctor can decide what to do next.

    Does Insurance Cover It?

    Many health insurance  companies will cover a bone density test, as does Medicare. But you need to check ahead of time to see if your plan does or if Medicare will pay for your testing.
    Most health insurers will pay for the test if you have one or more things that raise the chances you have osteoporosis, such as:
    • A fracture
    • You?ve been through menopause
    • You?re not taking estrogen at menopause
    • You take medications that cause bone thinning
    Medicare covers bone density testing for specific types of people ages 65 and older:
    • Women whose doctors say they?re low in estrogen and at risk for osteoporosis
    • People whose X-rays show they may have osteoporosis, osteopenia, or spine fractures
    • People who take steroid medicines or plan to start
    • People with primary hyperparathyroidism
    • People being monitored to see if their osteoporosis drugs are working
    Medicare will pay for a bone density test every 2 years.

    Do I Need Bone Density Tests to Check on My Osteoporosis Treatment?

    Doctors disagree on this question. The American Medical Association and other major medical groups say that most people don?t need repeat testing to check on their osteoporosis treatment in the first 3 years. Bone density changes so slowly with treatment that the differences may be smaller than the measurement error of the machine. These experts say that repeat scans can?t tell the difference between a real increase in bone density due to treatment and a change in how the machine measures it.
    But other groups like the National Osteoporosis Foundation still support repeat testing every 1 to 2 years during treatment. Ask your doctor what is right for you.
    Most doctors call for repeating the test in 2 years after you have it the first time. They do it to see if your medication is working.

    Raunak  posted in Test

    Post updated on:  Aug 20, 2021 3:08:40 PM

    शाइनी और सिल्की बाल हर लड़की चाहती है। इसके लिए कंडीशनर आपकी मदद कर सकते हैं। हेयर्स को वॉश के खराब उन पर कंडीशनर लगाये ये ना सिरफ हेयर्स को सॉफ्ट और शाइनी बनते हैं बाल्की डस्ट, मिट्टी, पॉल्यूशन और सनलाइट के इफेक्ट से भी प्रोटेक्ट करते हैं। बालों पर कंडीशनर लगाने से दो मुहे बालो से भी राहत मिलता है और बालों का रूखापन भी खतम हो जाती है। लेकिन मार्केट में मिलने वाले कंडीशनर बहोत से लोगो के बालों को सूट नहीं करते और उनके बाल खराब हो जाते हैं। साथ ही ये काफ़ी महंगा भी होता है। इस्ली सिखे होममेड हेयर कंडीशनर बनाना। 1. केला मिल्कशेक मिल्क और बनाना से बने हुए मिक्सचर में हेयर्स में लगाने पर हेयर्स में शाइन तो आती है साथ ही आपके बालो में उलझने भी नहीं होती। 1 कप दूध में 1 बनाना और 1 छोटा चम्मच नारियल तेल का मिश्रण तैयार कर ले। इसे किसी ब्रश की मदद से बालों में लगाएं और 20 मिनट तक लगा रहने दे। बालो को गर्म पानी से धो कर ले आप जैसे रेशमी बाल चहती है आप पा लेंगे।

    2. नारियल और जैतून का तेल
    अगर आप सीधे बाल चाहते हैं तो, नारियल और जैतून का तेल दोनो को एक साथ मिक्स करें हेयर पर लगा। ये आपके बालों के लिए बहुत अच्छा विकल्प है। इसके अलावा ये बेस्ट हेयर कंडीशनर है ड्राई हेयर्स के झूठ।
    नारियल का तेल और जैतून का तेल में बराबर मात्रा में लेकर दर्द से मिक्स कर ले और तेल में उंगलियों की मदद से बालों में लगाने के लिए।
    प्योर हेयर्स में ऑयल को अच्छे से लगाने के खराब 2 घंटे खराब हेयर वॉश कर ले ताकी हेयर्स से ऑयल निकल जाए और हेयर में नामी बनी रहे।
    अगर बालो में तेल रह गया है तो आपके बाल स्टिकी हो जाएंगे।
    3. एवोकाडो बालों की चमक बनाए रखें
    एवोकैडो हेयर के लिए बहुत फायदेमंद होता है क्योंकि इसमे फैटी एसिड होते हैं। जो हेयर्स को नैचुरली ब्लैक और शाइनी बनाते हैं। एवोकैडो का कुछ दिन बालो में करने पर बालो की सुंदरता बढ़ जाती है।
    एवोकैडो में 2 चम्मच जैतून का तेल, 2 चम्मच पानी और 2 चम्मच क्रीम ले और सबको अच्छे से मिक्स कर ले।
    इस बने हुए मिक्सचर को हेयर्स में लगाये या 20 मिनट के लिए ऐसे ही छोड़ दे। अब बालों को नॉर्मल वाटर से वॉश कर ले और शाइनी हेयर पाए।

    4. बालों में लगाएं शहद और नींबू
    वाइज टू हनी और लेमन होममेड रेमेडी है। ये ऑयली हेयर्स के कंडीशनर के लिए बहुत असरदार साबित होता है। अगर किसी को डैंड्रफ भी है तो इसके इस्तेमाल से खतम हो जाएगी।
    1 चम्मच शहद, 4 छोटे चम्मच नींबू का रस, और 3 छोटे चम्मच नारियल तेल सबको मिक्स कर ले।
    इस बने हुए मिक्सचर को वॉश हेयर्स में लगा ले।
    इसे हेयर्स मी हाफ एन आवर तक लगा रहने दे और फिर हेड वाश कर ले।
    5. अंडे और दही को बालों में लगाएं
    एग कर्ड को हेयर्स में लगाने से हेयर शाइनी और सिल्की बनते हैं। क्योकी अंडे में प्रोटीन अधिक मात्रा में होता है और दही में लैक्टिक एसिड और विटामिन दोनो पाए जाते हैं। जो हेयर्स के लिए बहुत फायदेमंद होते हैं।
    सबसे पहले अंडे का सफेद भाग ले या उसमे 1 कप दही डाले और इसे अच्छे से मिक्स कर ले।
    इस बने हुए मिक्सचर को हेयर्स में लगाये और इसे आधा घंटा तक हेयर्स में लगाये रखे। जब ये ड्राई हो जाए तो शैंपू से हेयर वॉश कर ले।

    6. जानिए कुछ और घरेलू उपाय
    नारियल का दूध और नारियल का तेल को अच्छे से मिक्स कर ले और सिर की खोपड़ी पर उंगलियों से दर्द से मालिश करे। इसे 20 मिनट तक रखे और हेयर वॉश कर ले।
    सफेद सिरका की कुछ बूंदों को पूरी बाल्टी पानी में मिक्स करे और शैम्पू करने के खराब सिरका पानी से बाल धोने के लिए। कुछ हाय हफ्ते में फर्क दिखने लगेगा।
    चाय की पत्ती को पानी में उबाले कर ले और पानी को छानने के लिए ठंडा करले या इसी पानी से बालों को धो कर ले।
    बेयर भी हेयर्स के कंडीशनर का वर्क करता है। इसे बालों में लगाने के लिए करने के लिए भालू की कुछ बूंदें पानी में डाल और शैम्पू करने के बाद भालू के पानी से बाल धोकर ले।
    6. जानिए कुछ और घरेलू उपायनारियल का दूध और नारियल का तेल को अच्छे से मिक्स कर ले और सिर की खोपड़ी पर उंगलियों से दर्द से मालिश करे। इसे 20 मिनट तक रखे और हेयर वॉश कर ले।सफेद सिरका की कुछ बूंदों को पूरी बाल्टी पानी में मिक्स करे और शैम्पू करने के खराब सिरका पानी से बाल धोने के लिए। कुछ हाय हफ्ते में फर्क दिखने लगेगा।चाय की पत्ती को पानी में उबाले कर ले और पानी को छानने के लिए ठंडा करले या इसी पानी से बालों को धो कर ले।बेयर भी हेयर्स के कंडीशनर का वर्क करता है। इसे बालों में लगाने के लिए करने के लिए भालू की कुछ बूंदें पानी में डाल और शैम्पू करने के बाद भालू के पानी से बाल धोकर ले।

    Post updated on:  Aug 20, 2021 3:08:06 PM

    Do you feel overwhelmed when you walk by? Is your score on the IQ test too low? You may not feel as strong or as fast as before or you may not be able to remember commonly used words. This does not have to be an uncontrollable situation. You can eat certain foods that will help increase your cognitive ability, clear your brain and make you think faster.

    After that, you think you need to build your level of comprehension (and your IQ - your score on the IQ test) at the most important level read the data provided below. It will help you clear your cerebrum and you will have a lot of thinking power and the ability to get high scores on IQ tests. Your memory likewise depends on your eating patterns.

    Fish Oil

    In any case, these days fish are highly contaminated with mercury and harmful substances, so I would not recommend fish that should be used. All things being equal, I recommend that I eat fish oil. It contains oils that contain DocasaHexanenoic Acid and is beneficial to the brain and acts as a protective framework.

    A large part of our mind contains fat and that oil may be DocasaHexanenoic Acid or Arachidonic corrosive. Arachidonic corrosive is found in natural dairy products such as margarine and DocasaHexanenoic Acid is found mainly in fish and no other plant or herb.

    Use fish oil that is wonderfully acceptable and in good condition. I did research and had a clinic with patients, which shows the corresponding patterns.

    1. The water type of fish oil is obviously better than the cases.

    2. Not all products are acceptable

    3. Carlson's image is the most complete of all modern forms today.

    It may not be the only product that is particularly acceptable, but so far I have run it many times and found that Carlson's image is very good in terms of fish or cod liver oil. You can find this product at Mercola.com or at any other social media store near your home.


    There is nothing that can be done at any time with food that can provide us with fresh vegetables. Alzheimer's is known to occur due to a deficiency of folic corrosive (raw vegetables are very rich in it). Similarly, there are many different substances, cell concentrations, and phytochemicals that are given to vegetables and can help keep our minds sharp.

    The most straightforward way to eat vegetables is to get ready to squeeze the vegetables consistently.

    In any case, your digestive system is an important factor in choosing everything you need to burn everything. For example, if you are a type of metabolic protein, you do not need to eat vegetables. You can have a part of what is often suggested. That is for the growth of the type of protein, one can eat a large portion of a pound of vegetables and this will suffice.

    If you happen to be a type of protein in your diet you should have low potassium vegetables like beans. Lettuces and common eating habits such as collard greens have a high potassium content and can cause chemical imbalances. Plus, if you happen to have a metabolic type you also don?t have to bother using too much vegetable juice. The type of sugar the body will benefit from in the event of burning a lot of vegetables such as collard greens, kale, Swiss chard, etc. This is not recommended for protein types.

    I recommend natural foods I think you need to get very nutritious information, but in case you can't get it, don't leave any hypocrisy of eating vegetables in general. Eating vegetables in any composition, natural or not is acceptable and it is best not to have them in your separation by any extension.

    The best hotspot for a great meal is the whole raw egg. So it makes sense especially for all. Especially for people who do not have enough protein. You may have a problem at first eating it, but it will be too much for your well-being, in case you eat a raw egg. Boiled or boiled eggs will not bring something like that, so if you cook a little egg where you will feed it.

    Om  posted in Creativity

    Post updated on:  Aug 20, 2021 3:07:23 PM

    Many unusual things started out as a basic, creative concept. Consider sharing some of your best plans to help other people. The more you create, the more ideas you will want to make. You can be creative even if you don't think you exist.

    I know a lot of people who were scared to use a PC for the first time and not so often. Be that as it may, once you get into it they just agree very well. They were able to face the challenge and make a few mistakes. The result was the ability to learn and do things that they could not always manage without using a PC.

    Being creative and discussing ideas that change the world happens the same way. Everyone can be creative but they have to start over. The creative cycle there, then, will become more common over time.

    Try the accompanying tips to help you on your journey to becoming more creative:

    1. Record your thoughts on anything positive and beneficial right now. The important thing is to record your thoughts. Earlier, I had failed to recall thoughts I had when I was exercising. I am currently transferring the electronic recording with me to those on the go. From time to time I use my PC, scratchpad, or diary. Choose what works best for you and make sure you have a way to record your thoughts consistently. No one can say when an important thought will emerge.

    2. Try not to dwell on negative thoughts. Take all your thoughts. Indeed, even the seemingly insignificant ones are a few important reasons. First of all, what seems to be difficult for you may not be immediately thought-provoking. Second, unthinking ideas undermine other creative ideas.

    3. Change the shape of your country or area. The fixation of the world can heal the cunning within you. Change can be as basic as peering through a window. You can also visit another new place such as a resort, beach or mall. The new climate can stimulate the earth's thinking.

    4. Learn about many themes. It's amazing the amount of stuff with a completely cut topic that can inspire awesome thoughts. By expanding your understanding in many regions, you improve your creative ability.

    5. Take a walking tour. Part of my good thoughts happened during the trip. This applies to any type of moderate exercise. Unbeknownst to the others who made the articles and speeches while walking or running.

    6. Center in 10 short additions. It does not require any investment to think of certain expectations. Indeed, mindfulness is very effective when it is achieved at set times. Focus on the few times in creation as many programs deal with a particular region or problem. After that, immediately hold anything that rings the bell throughout the day (see tip # 1). You will have a few thoughts of a little guessing of time. One of them can be a great help to other people.

    7. Prepare to scare the world. What question could you ask yourself to refresh your mind? The bigger the question, the bigger the ideas in the world. You can start by addressing the issues in a modest way but don't limit yourself to that. He has special connections, knowledge, and skills to be used in helping other people on a large scale as well.

    Follow these tips and you will be on your way to generating ideas that can change the world. Try not to let your previous lack of ideas stop you from creating and giving your thoughts. Start today.

    Om  posted in Creativity

    Post updated on:  Aug 20, 2021 3:07:17 PM

    Here in England, September talks about the end of summer and the beginning of March as the beginning of a new school year and the start of a new business drive, life and parcels all other than.

    At a time when anyone hopes to make any kind of progress in their life, the approach they use requires attracting or engaging with the goal of being able to keep up with it and often may not last as long as they have been. I find groups of people expressing themselves that they think it?s hard to keep up with happiness or to keep putting the energy needed to make a real success of a career or goal.

    So, therefore, I need to discuss the development of new inventions today. By the time you become more creative, you can begin to do more with your consistent interaction with the idea of ​​what you are doing, you can make life brighter and have a happier and happier time as you create more.

    Now, what exactly is Art?

    Great investigation. We will all be able to be creative; Innovation has to do with creating new organizations - and that in a literal sense is physically visible within our science of the nervous system. Innovation is a progressive mental development. Usually, it involves a lot of exposure. By forming new associations you build your ability to understand and encourage adaptability and relationships that can begin to increase your ability to make a great show of non-sweat items.

    Consider this; each time you connect two things together, you do the third thing. That new organization can then, at the same time the interface with different ideas, more hopes. Think of the impact this could have on you by using a framework similar to your own!

    Neil Armstrong first entered the moon in 1965. That event changed our beliefs and our thinking about the universe. It also changed the thinking and certainty about human art and craftsmanship: this event has helped us realize that if we think we need something more, we can find ways to achieve something that we might have accepted as unusual before. I think this has given some people amazing thinking and liberation and a belief about human potential. I heard on the radio recently that there are more plans to get to Mars now! I usually loved being a local traveler.

    Being creative at the individual level has the same power: when you put things together, you surpass both; and you have the opportunity to formulate new beliefs about yourself and your hidden power. I remember when I first found out about NLP, spelling backups, and my other favorite subjects, I was so motivated, I used so many things that I felt like my cerebrum in a real sense was growing and expanding. Isn't that very scary?

    I enjoy working with young people. They have a different idea, I remember when I was playing football for a long time when I was really young, I didn't just think about scoring goals in the last World Cup, I actually was.

    when at Wembley Stadium they hit that goal, I reveal to you that I was there! Children grow up amazingly, each of us being a child (some actually are!). Children demonstrate their ingenuity in the way they find their current situation and create their own results. Many young people make new universes while playing with toys, they don?t need complicated or refined toys, value, or stage stuff, value comes from within them; importance comes from themselves.

    It?s about collaborating instead of the result or end result. You can have art at home or at work, as you progress in the trend, refreshing habits, problem-solving, or simply making life more enjoyable in any field you can. You can be creative with words, thoughts, ideas, building materials, food, and the type of entertainment you have. You can be creative with your natural materials or with your inner world.

    In addition, innovation creates something new. Believe it or not, whether each adjustment is currently known to you or is visible. Understanding, for example, is creative on the grounds that the new end is collected from the data you already had; it is a new perspective that has an effect.

    Om  posted in Creativity

    Post updated on:  Aug 20, 2021 3:07:12 PM

    It is possible to increase your IQ in just 10 minutes. A few procedures for doing so are discussed below.

    Don't need to improve your IQ? Obviously, you can use activities and processes of mental skills. However, this goes a long way and you will need to get used to the exercises. Imagine a situation where you need to support your IQ now when you have no more than 10 minutes. You will need all your IQ for any important meeting, or exercise, or another important event in your life. If you really need specific results and not conflict and understanding, try the corresponding methods.

    Breathing Increasing Intelligence Quotient

    Breathe deeply through your nose. This will greatly liberate you and help you to be calm and calm. Deep breathing mixes with oxygen in your bloodstream and enters your brain and improves its function. Common sense will produce no doubt. More and more nasal breathing consumes more space, so the lungs absorb more air. This is the most straightforward and shortest way to improve your IQ faster.

    Another level of respiratory rest is indicative. Stay tuned for any action you agree with and focus on your relaxation. With your eyes closed, breathe through your nose at first and this will calm down and relieve you. you will have distractions but ignore them and keep your attention relaxed. Do this for a few seconds.

    Fitness and exercise can work on your IQ

    The situation you take while in any situation will no doubt affect the information you receive from you. Just notice the difference when dealing with the statement of numbers relaxation and rest while making the same height of sitting. The latter situation will be better because you can think better that way.

    You need to exercise, but not a fast-paced routine. Exercise slowly enough to pump blood into your brain. Walking active for others is currently a great decision to support your IQ exercise which has a great impact.

    Rest in the same way is especially urgent for proper mental functioning. However, the type of rest is even more important divided by the length of the rest.

    Food to Increase IQ

    One tree with leaves that increases blood flow to the brain is the ginkgo Biloba tree. You can use its leaves or tea or in the form of cases. Likewise, it continuously enhances your memory capacity and memory. The impact is rapid and lasts a long time if used regularly.

    Caffeine is definitely a supporter of IQ. It has been shown that any tests done after burning caffeine in another compound or otherwise increase your scores. In any case, remember, the effects are short-lived and caffeine, when used for long periods of time, can have serious side effects.

    Donate sugar. Any sugar whenever you are taken passing through a break, you can block your thinking. Insulin is absorbed into your circulatory system after sugar and thus reduces your thinking ability. Stay away from all carbs like white flour, sugar, potatoes you think you need to think about without hesitation.

    The results are important in the end

    Experts will discuss again and again if the above strategies can really help a person's IQ. However, there are times when it is very important for you to get high marks in a test. The above methods if possible are considered to be the promoter of IQ, why not use them in contrast to what is done in thinking if IQ is really supported or not. What makes the difference is the points you get on the IQ test. So in case you are well-rested, have an espresso and consider staying upright and if this raises IQ, there is no harm in doing the above strategies. This will help you to cope better with the task at hand. After that, be careful not to discuss IQ and its meanings.

    I'm sure you all know Henry Ford. What was his IQ, any thought? What's the point? He was the greatest scholar of the last century and shone with the fact that he lived in an organization of intelligent people. That alone is the 20th fastest point in IQ. I hope you find the point I make here.

    She is worried about the consequences. From now on you think you need to be a creative hotel in these ways to get feedback. There are accessible procedures for testing anything. Stick fast and read and you'll double-click to catch up on the story you've read. What the world will see are the results or accomplishments that you collect in your life. Monalisa, the Empire State building, etc., in the world that will remember you and not your score on IQ tests.

    Om  posted in Creativity

    Post updated on:  Aug 20, 2021 3:07:05 PM

    You have a good idea laid out somewhere in your mind that you can't wait to try. The question is, would you really like to bring it to light? What can inspire you to rejuvenate your creative juices, which motivate them to their extreme taste?

    Have you noticed that it helps a lot in setting the timeline for your goals? Set them up so you can accomplish multiple missions during the recording. For example, cutting grass an hour before a big event on TV. A positive and positive outlook in everything you do will make things easier, and surprisingly attractive.

    It's basic. When you think you are starting to allow positive thinking, you will start to accept things you never thought you could think of. Preparing to surprise the world is to be convinced of the American Way and what has made our nation prosperous. You can follow some unfamiliar Americans who take advantage of their creative opportunity and start doing something great.

    Get a few suggestions to endure your explicit counsel for seven days no matter how you sit in your first love seat. Your mind is always busy working for you. A tap is a good tool while doing standard exercises.

    1. Do it. You need to make a conscious effort to move forward with your life. Actions speak louder than words. Work = shops in the bank with a legitimate future with enthusiasm. My mother (perhaps quoting someone else) consistently said, "Work sounds louder than words". Without work, zeal is useless.

    Dreams become a reality when you actually begin to play with your mind, at the same time with your hands. In addition, if the thought is crippling or loosening, you can return to it later. Thomas Edison and his Dream Team needed to get back to the light of the light and recalculate it more than a thousand times before the great working lamp began to illuminate the world.

    2. Love. Focus on yourself. After that, focus on those you love so that they can create the daily life that you love. Instead of responding, focus on acting from the rest of your life, with love rather than opposition and fear. The American dream will always exist, but the myth is clearly a dream without movement. Surprised as the change begins.

    3. Live. Accept minutes and openings. Recognize and accept that each moment may be the best thing you can ignore. Every time you hit something that might provoke a lot of anger why not give it a chance at anything. See if it will work. You may be surprised by the results. If you think you are not, choose to use the second one to benefit from it and make the appropriate changes. Intervening and growing from steps and frustrations is a way of life.

    4. Be appreciative. Stay fully in a state of gratitude. Find out how to use what you have in your catch and use it in the most effective way. The need is a mother of development. Have you ever been stuck without anything you need and need to handle differently? (MacGyver, from the network's famous system, was famous for that!) How grateful can you be that you have the ability to deal with your circumstances? Getting into trouble will be a bit of a hassle if you shift your awareness and away from the need for awareness.

    5. Be Desirable. Use Passion Formula of Recognize / Reevaluate / Replace Hurricane Shoulda / Willa / Cana. The latter is based on extended knowledge and quantity while the latter is characterized by scarcity and need. As you approach people or activities that may seem more enthusiastic than adding to the Himalayan climax, let yourself understand that doing the same is the same as applying to your subordinates. You want to be enthusiastic about luxury!

    6. Snicker. Keep jokes on the edge of your mind, entertain yourself, and do it yourself soon. You may be more involved when you release! I still don't seem to see a comedian anytime hungry despite the fact that his jokes are as good as 'unbelievable'. Life is too much to bear and too much to give in to self-indulgence. Humor is extremely appealing, with a special appeal: magnification.

    7. Find Your Purpose. Accept that you are the architect of your destiny. Knowing how you wish to be remembered when you go through this life is the key. Your motive for wanting to do something as simple as a normal parent is to be as complex as getting the right fix.

    At a time when you have a good reason, no one can take your enthusiastic future from you without you! Indeed, as long as there is still breathing in your body, there is no limit to the amount you can gain for the rest of your life. Finding and following your motive will empower you to participate in your work. Celebrate the revelation that following the processing of your creative mind satisfies your motivation. Watch everything spread across the area with great accuracy, enthusiasm.

    Use your positive thinking. Encouraged you to think big. Think beyond feeling. Follow your thoughts. The big tip here is work. You need to start practicing these methods.

    Contemplate this notion: It is unfortunate that so many people do not use a PC because it shows that it is very confusing to think about getting started. Or they may even resort to this as a last resort. These are just two or three potential limits. Obstacles and the inability to follow thoughts and openness leave many like a small bulb in a dim corner.

    Om  posted in Creativity

    Post updated on:  Aug 20, 2021 3:06:42 PM

    While we are on the radio of art, we can sometimes fail to remember that we have a body, due to the fact that our brains explode with blurring, sounds, words, and images. However, when negative desires diminish your body in its importance and intensity, your intelligence and efficiency will be reduced.

    What could be more confusing than the disruption of your creative circulation by untreated cerebral pain, back stiffness, psyche insanity, or ?tremors??

    I've heard it said that as a guitar player, I "compete with a little muscle" - which means I need to warm up those muscles and treat them well. Maybe as professionals, WE ALL compete with smaller muscles. All things considered, we need the right amount of real patience to cut through our creative post.

    It doesn't matter if it sits right on the easel, new growth of instrument playing, enduring standing and moving in front of an entire audience, or sitting on a PC console most of the day, our creative apparatus all require physical exercise.

    Keeping that body strong and doing different things takes daily consideration.

    Daily self-care habits such as getting enough rest, eating three solid and prepared meals for the rest of the day (in addition to reducing noise in case you need them), moving your body properly, and drinking enough water are all the basics for your body.

    More physical exposure affects the brain. Anxiety, ill health, inactivity, and dehydration will all affect the psychological effects and the ability to release thoughts, focus, and connector thoughts.

    The Cycle of Art and Self-Care

    Visiting with the band, rehearsing the show, or copying the 12 PM oil to complete a work of art before the show opens, especially in unprecedented situations where we can unload our self-care train and make a completely different program.

    And then at that point, when the show or visit is complete or the clip is done, then we sink into the "low" burning enemy or moment of change before we re-enter the creative stream again.

    Every day you exercise when things are ?normal? will create a change in the times when these different situations arise. They also incorporate the strong tendencies and strong life force you can use when life is severely tested.

    Put it on play

    Perhaps the best way for the sound body, brain, and soul to get enough rest. About the time of the evening, finish your evening workout half an hour early and plant that diminished energy. Submit daily complaints by naming or discussing them. Be quiet with a shower, tea, back rub, music, or good reading that will not help you remember your work.

    We will all be able to name the reasons why we cannot succeed, we cannot focus on various dietary decisions and we cannot add more to our well-being.

    You have a unique gift of creativity that you can pass on to the world, but your intelligence depends on the brain and the sensible body.

    So what are your goals after not using them that are more important than that?

    Om  posted in Creativity

    Post updated on:  Aug 20, 2021 3:06:36 PM

    Thinking is a quality that we all have covered within us, without a doubt. It involves doing something new or redesigning something that was already there to make it more interesting.

    The power of a few creative teams is very close and no doubt one can see their appearance. People say that their thinking is "inexhaustible". For some people, communicating with the mind takes extra time and development. The important thing to realize is that we will all be able to be creative. You just have to find a way to separate it from the rest. Try the following:

    1. Change your thinking.

    You may have heard the phrase 'Think of new ideas. You should take a stab by taking the gander in shape according to a different view. Adjust your view. Think of all the things that have affected your anxiety or anxiety. Trying to break the problem into a few things there, then put them together. Consider what could happen if the idea was replaced. This angle is important in developing thinking because it helps you to eliminate potential worries that could disrupt intelligence.

    2. Tactfully leave your neighborhood.

    Consider how another person may respond whenever he is under pressure. Imagine how different situations would be if you had to deal with a similar situation. Applying in various ways should also take place; and after that from that point, adjust the current setting response.

    3. Let your thinking be controlled.

    Test your imagination. Modification can create creativity as you see things from the other side. You too can try to be extreme or think of limits, either to increase or decrease. Thinking about the comparisons that can be made between these two situations can lead to thoughts. This is a clear function of the cerebrum.

    4. Your comfort zone.

    The weather must be fine. You need to have a place to sit without the irritation of the mind in order to give the problem a thorough consideration. This should be extended to your peers. You will usually improve in something when you have the same people. To put it bluntly, spend time with creative people to help improve your creative skills.

    More often than not, individuals will become more creative when they have people who do the same. It has been further observed that in a situation where you wish to be more creative, you should offer to balance the image with the people who are designing it.

    5. Time, time, time.

    You can't increase intelligence. Chasing does not help in pouring out thoughts. Your brain will be in a state of slight confusion when you try to force things. Studies show that the results presented in this province are probably not enough. If you think you are down on a schedule, keep exercise routines like the one near you. Test all the exercises and exercise all of them. Give now the right time.

    6. Get support? pass on your plans to others.

    A different view of the matter may help. Even better, different ideas! Never be ashamed to ask questions. Variety is a great help in terms of intelligence. Schedule a meeting to create new ideas. The unbridled years of thought-provoking thoughts help to organize many thoughts. The results of speculation can be a raw material in the formation of thought.

    Remember that in thinking, there are 4 steps to success:

    - There should be no reaction. Analysis hinders the free movement of thoughts. This can be delayed until the end of the meeting.

    - Combining and correcting ideas is supported.

    - Quantity is preferred over quality in thinking.

    - Strange or unfamiliar ideas supported.

    These are just a few tips to keep your creative juices moving. They can be customized to suit everyone. Much is up to you. How much will you be able to think? How open are you? Remove the barriers to your psyche and you will find your intelligence will increase.

    Om  posted in Creativity

    Post updated on:  Aug 20, 2021 3:06:31 PM

    Each of us has the ability to create. It is important that our normal human makeup is important. The difficulty is that, over and over again, we block our common sense and therefore make mistakes in thinking and give ourselves a greater number of problems than we should have. Here are 7 different ways to unlock your common sense and keep channels unrestricted.

    1. Try not to think for yourself. At the time of our adoption, we usually make a "donkey" with "u" and "me". Suggestions are situations for languid thinking. We do not really have to have all the data we need to reach the right conclusions. There is a client's account at the bank that after changing the check and leaving, came back and said: "Sorry, I think you made a mistake." The clerk replies, "Unfortunately there is no other option. I should have written it. When you leave now we don't care." To which the client responds: "Everything has been considered, all right. A debt of gratitude is intended to earn more than $ 20."

    Tip: If you feel you need to make a decision, just wait until you have all the data.

    2. See Items at Other View Points. A state of sincere acceptance will allow, not only others who have the same views as them, but these different views to be more legitimate. The story goes that pioneer painter Pablo Picasso once flew to Spain while interviewing a wealthy financier who was the ruler of modern art. As proof that improved craftsmanship was not expected as an expected address, he took a picture of his key partner in the wallet and said: "This is how my best part should look, not in the absurd display of nonsense." Picasso took a picture, read it for a few seconds, and asked: "Is this your best half?" The treasurer expressed his appreciation. "She's small," Picasso warned hurriedly.

    Tip: Don't have an impressive business model for things. Things are often invisible. 

    3. Stay away from Yo-Yo Thinking. A few groups will generally move from one idea to another to the next big regret, all of which is the result of what they find in front of them. It's like a yo-yo: up for a moment, down for the next. There is no denying that it is beneficial to maintain a positive attitude and not to allow feelings to develop in you.

    Tip: Remember that things are not always as big - or as bad as they may be - as you might suspect.

    4. Get Rid of Lazy Thinking. Vigorousness can be a major obstacle to a rational understanding and another image of indifference. Try this experiment. Record the last Scottish names Macdonald, Macpherson, and Macdougall and ask for someone to mention them. In the meantime follow this up with the name Machinery and see what happens. Most people will probably say bad things about you. This is because we will always think and not care about inequality.

    Tip: Do not assume that, just as things happen with a specific purpose in mind before, they will happen again.

    5. Try not to think like an adult, think like a child. Studies show that the number of neurotransmitters, or organizations, in the brain is more prominent in the offspring than in normal adults. The reason for this is that, while the offspring of the two have no idea of ​​the limit, as in adults. It is like a stone carver moving across a vast square of mud, overflowing, after which it gradually drains the mud as it shapes its shape. If we happen to think critically as a child, tolerate everything without judgment, we can stand up and challenge the way of mental development.

    Tip: Don?t worry about a story old enough. With the right development and enthusiasm for learning, you can really work on your mental faculties.

    6. See Details and Big Picture. You may know John Godfrey Saxe's sonnet "Son of the Blind and Elephant". This tells us how six visually impaired Indostan men went to see an elephant and each attempt to find out what it was by contacting it. One visually impaired person contacts a tail, another storage area, another tail, etc. Apparently, with no choice but to see every elephant, it comes to a variety of humorous conclusions.

    Tip: Try to keep a high opinion of yourself in front of you when you take a disagreement. It will help to put everything in order and its organization.

    7. Have an independent perspective. Finding less time to believe is still unpopular with many thought-provoking organizations. People who work in thought-provoking organizations will probably think the way they should think, or as some may suspect, or as it has always been a good way to think. It is similar to the thought-provoking thoughts expressed by Hans Christian Anderson in his "Emperor's New Clothes" account. Everyone in the world will not see that his head is shaved and that he is immersed in the eyes to accept that he is wearing a beautiful robe for his crowning ceremony. A young boy with an illness and who does not engage in public education can see the truth and shout: "Look, everyone, the Emperor is not dressed!"

    Tip: Don't let others dictate your thoughts. When others ask for your opinion, give them specific advice.

    When you make these 7 steps a part of your common thinking patterns, you will be amazed at the fact that it is only natural to think of new, innovative, and artistic answers to life's problems.

    Om  posted in Creativity

    Post updated on:  Aug 20, 2021 3:06:26 PM

    Old thinking can bring us to a complete world. If you do not take advantage of the opportunity, it may be for reasons that you do not have a sense of pride and use the basic building blocks. We can cure that right now.

    The two most important criteria for creative thinking are:

    1. There are strategies and ways of thinking creatively.

    2. Making these techniques and techniques part of your mental inclination will make artistic thinking easier and more organized.

    The business manager sees the potential benefits in a particular situation because his psyche is ready for that. The legal counsel sees the expected challenges because that is the way to prepare his psyche. Our thinking often turns into a trend, and that is how you train the brain. Gain expertise in creative thinking techniques, apply them to power, and creative thinking will be as common to you as lying is intended by the legislature.

    Strategies for Old Thinking

    There are many delicate ways of thinking that you can find and apply. "Idea mix," for example, will get them to combine roses and watches to make the first-timer of a wake-up call with the arrival of a delicate scent. Use the ?mindless display? strategy and wireless can provide a program to make your text with a recording device in your pocket while on the go, so you have the energy to exercise and complete your work.

    The idea of ​​creativity is gone to take care of the obvious issues or to develop new things. The real creative brain is always thinking about questions too, not just the arrangements. To improve your skills, focus on three things:

    1. Challenge your suspicions. Consider the possibility that the eater may not have representatives. Clients can pay for the machine when they enter, and feed themselves with a smorgasbord. In the event that everything was as robotic as possible, perhaps one manager could handle a large cafeteria alone. Challenge everything. Do you need to go to work? Do pools need water? Is consistent training deserving of commendation?

    2. Change your mind. Thinking about canine thoughts about your speed can teach you the unnecessary things you do. Thinking of the dollar-per-day rather than the hour can give you the arrangement to release workers at home when they complete a certain amount. Outstanding productivity will be quite guaranteed, and you can adjust the daily payload by the amount both you and the employees get a lot of revenue. Take a gander at everything according to a few ideas.

    3. Let your plans go crazy. Flying furniture looks ridiculous, however, it could cause the possibility of someone lifting the float. Slide the gadget under furniture and lift it with an air pad, making it easier to move. Try not to interrupt your intellect. 
    Making Practical Thinking Practices

    To make the above strategies a part of your thinking, just use them enough. It usually takes a while to stimulate the tendency, so you need a way to remind yourself every day at that time. Get involved by creating your first few tips on the card and passing them on to yourself. Pull the time of day and apply the procedures to anything. Sooner or later, thinking of the older ones becomes a normal part of your life.

    Om  posted in Creativity

    Post updated on:  Aug 20, 2021 3:06:15 PM

    Problems are a lifeline. They have been with us from birth, and they will continue to do so until the evening of our lives. Either way, this is no cause for concern. Indeed, the hope of problems that arise without question, everyone should come as a welcome help.

    Problems are not the result of being intimidated or big. They happen to both the big and the bad. Occasionally, even when we make the best decisions and plan carefully, challenges come our way.

    Here are some tips to help you overcome your challenges:

    Follow the root of the problem.

    The best way to start getting a solution to a problem is to try to figure out how the problem started anywhere. In the event that you end up getting lost on the road, chances are you will stray by accident. This is the reason why you need to go back, take back your ways, and find where you went wrong. This way you can have the option of planning which route you need to understand, which routes to take, and how to get there.

    Try not to sweat the details that seem insignificant.

    Minor problems are best managed by giving them a shoulder to shoulder. Having a bad day of hair or breaking a nail is not enough reason for panic attacks. Well, it's annoying; however, skip! People will be amazed at how little change in their condition can go far in taking care of their problems.

    Indeed, the tension that people face will diminish with the risk that they will simply change their minds. Instead of getting caught up in the negative aspects of their lives, and having so much hope, they should try to do the best they can in each situation. In case you are not happy with your situation, you should try to make some improvements in your daily life.

    Ignore your issues.

    Non-compliance can cause serious problems. Before problems can be addressed, they must be addressed first. For example, a person who claims to be paralyzed when he realizes that he is suffering from a disease will not help him to take care of the problem. Honestly, this will only aggravate the situation, in the unlikely event that he does not want the clinical consideration he needs.

    The problem with deciding to ignore issues is that they can create a lot of stressful issues. Some who choose to run away from problems may resort to alcohol, drugs, or other vices simply because they need to distance themselves from the problems they face. This, in turn, turns out to have an impact on the issue. Instead of finding the answer, they find a number of pressing issues.

    Ask for help.

    Power comes in abundance. Standing among other ways to deal with a problem immediately asks for help. This is the place where loved ones come in. Not only will they be truly ready to help you, but they can also be a source of loving help. Not only that, they will have the option to throw in some ideas that can be a way to get an answer to your concerns!

    Having a few problems does not mean it is an apocalypse. It just means you have to take a stab at getting answers to your problems. By using this link, you will not be taking special care of your news, but you will find more information and tricks on the way!

    Om  posted in Creativity

    Post updated on:  Aug 20, 2021 3:06:07 PM

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