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When I just think of Women, the first name which comes to my mind is  Beauty. A Beautiful Creation of God. But how many of us realize this beauty within us? Not many, in fact, hardly any. I want to introduce YOU to  You today- the Beautiful Creation of God!! 

What is Beauty? 
Beauty is something which is so energetic, vibrant, colorful, positive, strong, and voluptuous and a woman has all these qualities. 
She lives all the various different colors of life- Joy, Happiness, Sadness and still goes on and on with a great soothing smile on her face throughout her life. She lives only for others- her closed ones. When she is born, she is told that she should be like this, she should be like that; she should behave like this, she should not behave like that; she should not laugh fully; she should not be her natural self; she should wear this, she should not wear that; and she keeps following all these norms and conditions of the society, one after the other; in the process, forgetting.

Who She really is!!?
She is a Unique Creation of God!! She is an Inspiration!! She is a Nurturer!! She gives whole of herself for everyone else. She is a Daughter, she is a Sister, she is a Wife, she is a Mother, she is a Friend; and she plays all these roles, nurturing every relationship of hers, forgetting about herself- that's her Beauty!!! 

As a daughter, she fulfils and lives up to all the expectations of her parents. 

As a wife, she carries all her values and virtues given to her by her family since childhood to her new home and nurtures all the newly formed relationships in that new home. She has all the strength and power in herself to adopt new ways, new culture and new environment. All this while, she carries some memories with her and creates new memories of a new life.

As a mother, first of all, she carries a child in her womb, bears all the pain of bringing him/her in this world and then nurturing the new born to the eternity till he/ she grows as a mature responsible individual adult. She instils all her values and virtues in bringing him or her up. When her child grows and marries, gives birth to a child; she becomes a grandmother.

As a grandmother, she again tries to instill her values and virtues to the newer generation in whatever way and form she can. And one final day, she leaves this world leaving some good/ bad memories with all her closed ones around or else she is living a life of being dependent on the people around her or an unfulfilled life full of some regrets and some sadness in her eyes which she again hides behind her smile. Yet, she always has some unanswered questions in her mind, which unfortunately she never asks herself because she loses herself so much in the whole process. 

She just forgets to ask herself, WHO IS SHE?? 
As I mentioned earlier, in this article, Each and Every Woman is a Unique Creation of God, she has a Unique Talent of her own. She has a Unique Identity of her Own!!? She just needs to find herself. She just needs to discover herself. She just needs to realize her Inner Strength. And when life pushes her to be left alone in this world to deal with all the difficulties and challenges, she starts pitying herself and starts feeling weak. Ohhhhh?.
Why does she always forget her Inner Strength? She is the one who gives life, creates and nurtures everything. She is Wise, Pure and Strong like the GODDESS!!!! Ohhhhh?..All YOU WOMEN out there?. Yes, I am talking to YOU when will YOU realize your -inner Strength. 

Get up and discover you Beautiful Self and make this world a much better beautiful place to live in. You can only do it!!!? Yes, it's YOU and YOU only who can do it. You have done it yesterday, you can do it today and you can do it always!! I am not telling you to leave everything, every relationship, every duty and responsibility of yours; I am just telling you to discover yourself, Your Unique Self and stand up for Yourself, Create Your Own IDENTITY and Stand up for What You think and feel is Right for You!!!

Keep Reading for more and keep Smiling!!

Shalini  posted in Women

Post updated on:  Aug 1, 2021 12:34:58 AM

One Unique Friendship, never seen or heard before!! You don't see such friendship these days -15 years long - Small tribute to my best friend, my guide, my Angel !!
Well!!  There are some dates in life that can never be forgotten and give tears in our eyes, no matter what and how much you control!! And  takes  life back again for sometime with some memorable moments coming in your heart. There is this  one date that comes in my life every year and gives some smiles and some sadness in my eyes. That date is 25th April, death anniversary day of my Bestie cum Brother. On this day, 2 years ago, ohhhh God, I had lost my  bestie who was like brother for me,  in an accident, no no I haven't lost him because he is still with me and will always be  with me.
What a strange thing - which relation will remain  with us for how long - lifetime or only for sometime and will go  how far ,no one knows, I wish, we could  know this.  I really wish we could know this!!!  

A very strong soul connection!!! The only person, only friend in my life who walked with me consistently throughout, for 15 years since the day we met. And the only  friend and in fact,  the only person in my life,  who understood me and  my dreams so well without any judgements. And you know how we met for the first time as if it was just destined and I didn't know this that time. We had met ,first time, at a bus stop when I was coming back from my office that evening in CP  and there was a problem with chartered buses that day and we had to go to the same destination. I went to him and checked about the problem with buses. So,  then he said that he also has to go to the same place and if I don't mind,  we can share an auto.  I felt comfortable with him as he was elder title and looked like a very nice gentleman who can be trusted.  So we shared auto and then we had some conversations. As I had marketing profile and he was from advertising world, we connected quite well. He made me his friend very quickly, but I don't make friends so soon, neither earlier nor today. I take a long time to make friends. It's not like that I don't meet people or people don't do friendship with me. I believe that friends are not made they just become  when it has to happen it just happens. It's destined.  Often many people accept me as their friend very quickly but I don't accept them quickly, that's probably because I never get anyone to understand me, who can understand my dreams as me and my dreams are not as much different, I never had such a friend who could accept me the way I am, without judging me,  who could understand me and my dreams. I was a best friend of myself and how can I forget him, My Gannu Bhaiya and for all of us Lord Ganesha but for me- my Gannu bhaiya!!!
And this first friend of mine who, when met me, suddenly started talking about my dreams. He was kind- hearted and very innocent. He was very open minded,  non judgmental, mature, patient and cool headed He believed more in my dreams than me. And he always used to push me and encourage me  to follow my dreams, which I really liked.  All these years,  where I have been fighting alone for my dreams and here is someone who wants to help and believes in my dreams. Wow!!!  Thank you so much Gannu  Bhaiya for sending him in my life!! 

 I really wanted to become an artist, singer and actor since childhood and as soon as my eyes opened , I grew with this dream from childhood, but I also understood that I have to achieve my dreams and destination myself. Why was it difficult for me?  Well, another long story and a long  chapter of my life,  some other time,  I will share with you.  For now, let's come back to the chapter of my bestie. So,  this new friend of mine started introducing me to the people of advertising world and started doing my recordings.. Now what.  then often we started to be  seen together and people started doing gossiping about us.
Well,  our talks were unlimited and never ending,  always on and on. He was quite different from me. He was 9 years elder than me and slowly slowly everyone started feeling jealous from our strong friendship. Some of his talks really touched my heart. He was very selfless, helpful and simple person. I think he must have done PHD in humanity. Everyone considered him as stupid and always took him for granted which I did not like at all but still he did not give up on his selfless goodness and probably because of these few,   such people, true friendship and love is still alive as  an example, a precedent. Everyone was astonished after seeing our strong friendship.

There is a line from a famous song I love " Zinda hai hum hi se naam pyaar ka,  ki marke bhi kisi ko yaad ayenge,  kisi ke aansuon mein myskarayenge,  jeena isika naam hai!!  "
The first person in my life who was selflessly committed to my dreams. He used to encourage me always. He trusted more in me and  my dreams than I could. He always maintained friendship from his side with strong and selfless commitment and confidence. He knew and understood me very well like my heart used to be just a mirror for him and I was an an open book to him.  I used to feel so safe,  so natural and so comfortable with him,  that I have never ever felt with anyone in my life ever.   Not even girl-boy barrier, so pure!!!

 We never had fights between us and even if sometimes, we did have some small fights and I used to go silent, but  he didn't allow  me to stay silent for more than 24 hours. He knew how to break my silence and how to bring smile back on my face. He always used to say this that he can never see me sad and will always be with me. Even if he has to go up in the universe, yet his soul will always be with me not gonna leave me and he said right he was with me till his last moment and his soul is still with me. 
And then a very long distance came between us, people among us often felt that such friendship can not happen. A boy and a girl can never be friends. They felt that he might have some special feelings in his heart for me. I ask you all,   Do you also feel that a boy and a girl can never be friends? I always treated him as my elder brother, a God gifted person who always showed me the right path, a mentor, a friend. His family also thought the same and then,  I thought its better to stay away from him. Our friendship began to be questioned and it was not at all acceptable to me and I stopped talking to him. I never answered any of his  call or message. He always hold his side of friendship with self less commitment and never left me  On my birthday or any special occasions he used to come to my house to find me and I never used to come in front of him. And this silence lasted till 3 years , when one day my father explained to me that good and true people and true friends are very hard to find, never do this with them. I told him everything and also the reason but on his advise, I started talking to my best friend again.
He never tried to change me but I changed a lot with him. Just like he changed my whole life. On his bye bye from this world,  he taught me the right way  to live. The girl who was  always afraid of love, was taught to share love. He taught me to share love with an open heart. In my life, my students, who inadvertently held me in these tears and made me laugh and walk again. I did not know that I will be  so changed with him that I will start changing lives of many other people. He always used to make fun of me, by saying , ""you give so much lecture yaar.!!! Become a mentor!! "" I miss that a lot. Every moment, everywhere for so many months, I saw him  like chasing me wherever I used to go.  I could not believe that he was gone. Its like my eyes are finding him and if by chance I meet him somewhere i will start fighting with him. Just one question in tears ? Where have you gone brother?? please come back how many things remained incomplete. I always thought that I will tell him tomorrow but it didn't come. Our talks were limitless and he used to listen to me for hours without any complaint and without saying anything. Now with whom I will share everything now I have no one who will listen to me like you and once again I became alone. Just smiling with students and after that again alone. He was my mentor, my guide, my friend, my brother in short he was everything to me and even I don't know what he was to me may be an angel. But whatever it was it was a soul connection. Like I used to handle everything emotionally, mentally and solve everyone's problem strong hard rock Shalini in front of everyone , he was the only one who understood me and handled me like no one else. I used to forget all my problems when I was with him and so as he.
It felt like I had become orphaned in just one moment. That day,  I realized the  feeling if someone doesn't have anyone close,  how bad it feels.  But I have always been walking alone since childhood. I have been handling myself falling and getting up on my own,  then why it was so difficult to walk alone today? I guess some habits are such.  I had just forgotten to walk alone.  I was such a changed person with him.  He had become such a part of my soul and my life. 

After coming back from my sessions,  I used to sit at metro station for  hours all alone like mad.  It used to be a common point for us and this was one place we used to cross our paths and used to meet often. I used to sit there and hopelessly wait for him for hours until someone used to come and say to me, " Why are you sitting here like this?  Who are you waiting for?  It's been a long time.  Pls go to your home!!"My eyes were always looking for him.  Ohhhh God,  pls help me!!    And then,  I used to go home but again in tears.  I used to ask my Gannu Bhaiya,  "" What do I do?  Pls help me!!  I see him everywhere!!  I don't want to live in Delhi anymore!!  Pls help me,  pls pls help me!!  And then,  I heard a voice.  I looked here and there... Where is this voice coming from.  I was zapped   I was going mad alone like this and nobody to talk to. I wanted to cry and lay my head on someone 's shoulder and pour my heart out but unfortunately,  that only shoulder was gone.  And,  I had to be my own weeping shoulder like always.  But this pain was quite different than the pain I had felt otherwise in my life.  

And I kept listening to one song that time, " Chitti na koi sandesh,  jaane woh kaunsa desh jahan tum chale gaye., Is dil pe lagake thes ........ Kaise maan le hum yeh ki haan tum chale gaye........ ""

I kept on asking Gannu Bhaiya, " Whenever anyone comes close to me,  you always take him away.  You took my grandfather also away from me when I was a child and he was the only one pampering me. ""
.  Thinking all this,  I don't know when I slept and I saw him in my dreams.  He said,  ?You know I can never see you sad. Do You want me to be happy and at peace?    Then you will have to walk and smile again. The dreams, I dreamt for you, you have to fulfill them. I am always with you? and just after that I made a promise to myself and got up and started walking again It was difficult to walk alone like this as I was so used to him. He still gives me encouragement by staying together like this forever. Some soul  connections are very strong!!! Now, I still see him and feel him around but with me,  still walking with me,  holding my hand like a child 
That one moment changed me so much that I,   who was never able to express myself, kept everything in my heart , began to tell everything regardless of tomorrow. Who knows if it is tomorrow, whatever it is. This is the only  moment and that's the truth.  Seize it.  He taught me life is  long but  also very short. We should live it to the fullest. 
And yes, there are some special days when he used to be with me like my birthday, he used to never forget my birthday and I also, We still celebrate together. Even today on his birthday, I cut the cake and while waiting for his cake on my birthday, I close my eyes and remember for a few moments and cry a little, then I again hear his voice in my ears,  saying  ? I can never see tears in your eyes. You look very sweet when you smile.? That feeling does not end with someone going away. People who are very close to your heart, even after being away are special; he will always remain in my heart, in my memories.
 Even today I see him in a song of friendship??., 
in someone's friendship or at some place. Everyday I promise to myself that I have to fulfil all the unfulfilled dreams, he saw for me and I know , he is always with me and will always be with me.
There was someone who knew me more than I knew myself, who used to see and understand my pain behind my smile. Someone who could  see my tearsi even in rain also. He is now  lost somewhere as one of the stars in the sky and will be with me like a blessing always!! 
If he would have been with me in this lockdown, my lockdown would  have been very different.
And If I sit to write about him.  pages will be  over but memories and our talks about him  will never be over.  And I am still getting some tears and some smile on my face writing this story and sharing it with you.  It took me a long time to realize his friendship and his importance in my life.  I never knew that I will miss him so much. 
        Some things,  I have really learnt from him and life  apart from many more things  -

1.  Many times in our lives,  someone is really around you,  but we take him for granted and we don't value him her as much and after he or she is gone,  we realize that that person was the only one who was so precious in your life.  I also realized it very late as he was always around me,  in my initial years  of friendship with him, I used to get annoyed with his constant calls and care but he was always the same for me since the beginning till his last breath.  As a person, I was not used to such care and closeness as I am a deep introvert ,all by my own always.  But he never changed his love and care and commitment for .me . It was so selfless.  We should value all we have.  

2. One moment has the power to change you and your life.  I was never an expressive person,  being an introvert.  I became expressive after that moment.  That moment changed me a lot and I realized that we should always express our gratitude and feelings for our close ones in the moment because you never know,  what the next moment holds or brings for you. 

3. Selfless love with open and whole heart and commitment come what may,  is the only purest form of friendship and love. He walked with me all throughout selflessly come what may and is still Walking with me.  
4. Going with the flow in life is sometimes good,  that's another thing I learnt from him and life. Journey of my mentoring and sessions started just like that when he told me to take it up.  " He said, " you love kids and theatre,  and also you are an inborn problem solver and guide." Starting with small kids and the elder ones, me and my  life changed so much.  These sessions kept me alive and kept me going after he left me alone in this world.  I was in my session,  when the news of his death reached me in my message box.  I had to still smile and give the session with a heavy heart.  

5. His entry and role in my life was a great turning point for me.  I,  as a person,  used to follow the rules book always and always very planned.  I learnt to open my mind and sometimes take the day as it comes.  Take life as it comes,  trust life,  trust Universe and go on.  I became open to people,  to things,  and largely,  I became open to love and life.
6.  I used to hold old things, old hurts, which are not good , so tightly. I learnt to liberate myself and let go.  It felt much lighter, nice and beautiful!!  

7. I learnt to forgive myself and others.  Not judge others and accept them the way they are.  
Well,  again,  the list of learnings is long enough but will end it here for now . 
       8. He was a very simple person with a selfless golden heart.  A gem of a person and a great human being.  He might not have been very good at many other things but in terms of humanity, he created an example.  I grew and became a much better person just being with him.  

Whatever is meant for you,  will be with you and come to you,  come what may,  at the right time.  And what is not meant for you,  will leave you,  no matter how tight you hold on to it. 

Some relationships change with time and life.  Some relationships change you and your life. You need to choose which one is meant for you , valued for and worthy enough !! 

If you also have any such friendship in  your life,  pls share your  story or your  moments and some of your memories with me, I will be happy to read

This story is a small tribute to my Angel Bestie Bhai!!  My Guide!!

Lots of love and my best wishes!!!
 Keep smiling!!
 Stay safe, stay blessed and stay happy always!!

Shalini  posted in Stories

Post updated on:  Aug 1, 2021 12:34:46 AM

S. S. A. Zaidi
Retd Banker, Author and Motivational speaker
       Training and Development Consultant


Managers in an organisation have positions of authority.  This authority they draw from the Organisation Structure.  Without there being this structure, managers will be powerless   and  the organisation directionless. All the members in the organisation will grope in the dark not knowing what course to take to reach the goal.  They will work in uncertainty.  Managers will not be able to direct the employees to do the required functions.  Employees will have no respect for their seniors.  They will only decide what  they should  do and they will be able to get away with it.  Morale and productivity will show declining trend.
Organisational Structure therefore assumes importance.  It is the  Organisational  Structure that provides direction and gives support to the Managers.  This Structure is not just a chart showing the positions /  designations in the organisations.  It describes the organizational web of duties, authority, responsibilities and accountability.   It portrays relationships and primarily focuses on the powers / authorities vested in those positions.  The whole activity of the organisation is controlled, guided and governed by this structure.  Hence it is necessary that Managers protect this structure.  It is in their interests as they derive authority from  this and are therefore able to direct others to realise the objectives organisation has set for itself.
When one joins an organisation, he commits to perform specific functions under the direction of Managers / Supervisors.  It is the structure that establishes a working relationship between the Managers and the managed. The real test of good structure is actual relationship.  The strength of relationship between a Manager?s directive and the resulting action is the measure of the effectiveness of the Structure. A Manager who works within the confines of the authority strengthens the structure, one who goes outside the authority structure or oversteps it, demonstrates to his subordinates and colleagues that the existing structure can be disregarded.  If this is the message subordinates get, it demolishes the entire authority structure and eventually weakens the Manager?s position and authority.
Any authority structure will not achieve the desired objective if there is no climate of mutual respect.  Employees should respect the authority vested in managers to make decisions and Managers  must  respect  the  talents  and  preferences  of  subordinates. They should never give an order which they believe will not be carried out.  If orders are not carried out, it shows lack of respect and  damages the Managers? Authority Structure.
Every action that subverts the integrity and fairness of the Structure will weaken its effectiveness.  For the smooth working of the organisation there must be an AUTHORITY STRUCTURE that functions and promotes equity and fairness. 
Management must show confidence in people who are doing a good job and find realistic roles for those who are not.  This gives strength to the Authority Structure.  Nothing damages the Authority Structure more than the ?Organisation Politics?.  More often a well-run department gets disrupted for political reasons.  Lack of trust between seniors and middle managers, between Managers / Supervisors and the subordinates is more the result of Internal Politics.  Internal politics is destructive to the fabric of Authority Structure.
Rather than make decisions that should be made, Managers make decisions that contradict the factual position and are discriminatory.  A person is promoted to a position he does not deserve or earn.  The result is souring of relationship with Senior Managers, lack of respect for Managers from employees and diminishing enthusiasm for work.  These are indicators of employees? losing confidence and trust in the Structure.
To give credibility to the Structure, Managers must align with it.  They should not complain about the organization to subordinates even if they personally do not agree with the management decision.  When complaints travel from seniors to juniors it tears apart the Authority Structure and destroys subordinates? trust in Management Structure.
Managers should always be conscious of the fact that to their subordinates they represent the organisation and in a real sense they really are organisation to them.  They must, therefore, see logic behind the decisions senior management takes or has   taken   so   as   to defend it and  present   a   rational   picture   to   subordinates.   Managers need to believe in the fairness and equity of the organisation decision, only then it will percolate down to their subordinates.  Stronger the Structure is, more efficient the organisation will be.

Saiyid  posted in Management

Post updated on:  Jul 31, 2021 10:14:47 PM

The beautiful and savior Sun,
Your kisses burn me by degrees.
Then the Cloud snatches me
Holding in his strong cold arms.
Though not the strongest:
He fall me down-
I fall! I fall! I fall!
He brakes me into pieces,
Called the Raindrops.
Ah! The long tired journey-
I fall in deep sleep.
But a sudden soft touch
Mingles me with your crying.
I gravitate on your chest,
Where the heart's beating for me.
I find my Equal.

Post updated on:  Jul 31, 2021 6:13:56 PM

Managing Subordinates "Managers" Role
By. S.S.A. Zaidi.
Training & Development Consultant
Words -1381  -0091 9987644300
Managers' role is to achieve organizational objectives through subordinates. A subordinate is one who is subject to the authority or control of another. This yardstick applies to Managers as well. Thus, everyone working in an organization is a subordinate as well as a Manager / Supervisor. Managing Subordinates, therefore, means managing the organization. Organization is a group of people. People are the critical resource. Efficient management of other resources  "Money"  "Material" Machine etc., depends upon the People Efficiency. How this critical resource in the organization is acquired, trained, deployed, motivated, and rewarded is crucial to developing that "Efficiency". The way Managers do things and the people relate to each other indicate how efficiently the organization is functioning. 
Each organization has a Vision i.e. what it wants to be or to achieve. Strategy - how this vision can be translated into reality, Structure - the way it is organized to implement the strategy, Systems - the way people in the organization plan, decide, control, monitor day-to-day operations, Staffing and Skills - the way people are developed and utilized and the Style - the way things are done and the employees relate to each other; are the means to realize that vision. Managers must, therefore, muster all the resources at their command to manage these elements in such a way that each reinforces the other to achieve the desired goal. Successful achievement involves more than taking the right decision. It involves ?Successful Implementation.?
Successful implementation needs motivation and commitment of employees to perform better. Managers, therefore, need to focus on the development and management of that motivation and commitment in their subordinates.

Among the subordinates, there may be some "Deadwoods". Deadwoods are non-performers /   under performers. They lack motivation and commitment. They are like non-performing assets (NPAS). NPAS are drain on the organizations? productivity and profitability. All efforts are made by the organization to convert these NPAS into Performing Assets; and if efforts fail, the provisions are made, and ultimately the assets are written off. Similarly, Managers should identify Deadwoods among their subordinates and provide them all opportunities to convert into Performers and if they fail, they should part company. No organization can afford to carry "Deadwoods"
A very interesting and eye-opening finding of a research carried out by Jean-Francois Manzoni and Jean-Louis Barsoux- Assistant Professor of Management and senior research fellow respectively (IVEY Management Services, March / April 2003) indicates, that ?the cause of under performance is not necessarily a lack of talent, but the very-and very wrong-behavior of Managers. Changing that behavior will enable lowly regarded subordinates to perform and produce?
This wrong behavior of Managers is motivated by their assumptions that their subordinates do not like hard work, hate responsibility, need threats of punishment to perform. These assumptions could make sense in the era of Feudalism where workers did what they were ordered to do. This attitude in today's world is anathema. In today's scenario, more than anything else, it is perhaps the mental and ego gratification that drive people to work hard and creatively. In other words, their motivation is in Self-Interest, so says Robert Town send author of "Further up the Organization". Managers, therefore, need to manage themselves in terms of change in their attitudes, if they want to manage and develop the motivation of their subordinates.

The word Motive comes from Latin root Move. When we speak of the motivation of employees, we mean the factors which move them to behave as they do. These factors are Motives, the engines that energize and direct the behavior of employees. The behavior is generally directed towards the attainment of certain goals. When an employee leaves his seat and goes to drink a glass of water, he shows a motivated behavior. We can say that Thirst is the Motive that moves him to get a glass of water - i.e. goal
 Water can be considered Incentive that satisfies the motive of thirst. Remember Incentive satisfies the Motive. So Motives are the Needs that move human beings in their day-to-day behavior.
The work place can be seen as a place where employees come to satisfy their Motives. Managers need to find out what their subordinates need; what their Self-Interests are         
Based on that a scheme of reward and punishment could be designed and implemented for all levels of employees. Various jobs and the flow of work can be designed in such a manner that these provide incentives to employees. Remember it is divine policy as well to offer Rewards and Incentives to motivate human beings to do good deeds. The reward for good deeds is Heaven and a better life hereafter. Punishment for bad deeds is Hell. So, let us follow this divine policy in managing our subordinates as well.
To manage subordinates and develop motivation and commitment in them, Managers must;
  • Know that if they serve their subordinates and take care of them, they get Power. Power flows from people so they should use that power for their subordinates and not to get glory and credit for themselves. They should refrain from being credit - stealing bosses.  
  • Believe in personal and professional development of their subordinates, encourage them to take risks, make all of them feel involved, develop team work and morale, encourage them to talk freely at meetings and focus on their individual development
  • Utilize the existing creative potential in employees most optimally and recognize and implement their innovative ideas in the work place environment.  
  • Try to reduce personal feelings of insecurity among their subordinates by helping them to develop self-confidence. Personal feelings of insecurity tend to block an employee?s creativity on the job and tend to reduce general productivity and effectiveness.
  • Communicate Performance expectations to their subordinates. Managing is not just fixing targets for them.
  • Eliminate communication blockages. Managers must ensure that open, timely, and correct communication takes place.
  • Empower them. Give them freedom to act but define in precise terms the limits to that freedom. It is only then the Accountability can be enforced. No organization tolerates incompetence.
  • Show consistency in their judgments. They should always do what they say they will. 
  • Not keep anything secret / confidential from their second-in-command. There will be very few items and that too occasionally that they need to keep to themselves, else most of the things Managers consider strictly private and confidential, will see the light of the day.
  • Not play favorites. Be fair in dealings. Equity generates Trust and Morale..
  • Build up reputation for reliability and dependability. They should not set standards for themselves different from those for others. Double standards are unhealthy.
  • Be resolver of the problems. They should not sweep problems under the carpet. Real problems need tackling.
  • Ensure that systems and procedures are in place so that the direction of subordinates is systematic and not left to chance.
  • Avoid such actions and directives as may create distrust or lack of confidence in their motives. .
  • Accept employees, participation in management as an important instrument for better human relations.
  • Show interest in the welfare of their subordinates.
  • Raise the level of employee motivation, increase the readiness of subordinates to accept change and improve the quality of managerial decisions.
Think what they themselves expect from their superiors. 

They would obviously expect:
                                 i.         Honesty, straightforwardness, and fairness in dealings.
                               ii.         Involvement in and being kept informed about things that directly / indirectly concern them.
                              iii.         An opportunity to express their point of view.
                              iv.         Their views being considered sensibly and their opinions being sought.
and above all these, they would like their superiors to be people they can respect for their ability to make sensible decisions and for their consistency of judgment.
  If this is what Managers? expectations are from their superiors, then their subordinates too would expect from them many of these considerations and justifiably so. Managers must respond positively to these expectations to establish their credibility.
Managing is not only getting the work done. Managing is communicating; managing is developing subordinates through work. If Managers can meet and manage these challenges, they will have a team of highly energized, motivated, and committed subordinates so crucial for an efficiently managed vibrant organization.
So dear managers be passion- igniter and competence -appreciator and see the productivity of your organization going up and up

Post updated on:  Jul 31, 2021 6:04:14 PM

  S. S. A. Zaidi
  Training and Development Consultant

The key to unleashing employee's productivity in an organization is held by the management.  To a very great extent the style of management and the way the employee's work is organized has a direct impact on the productivity.
An employee's performance on the job is the function of his ABILITY and his WILLINGNESS to work.  In many cases it has been observed  that an employee does not perform at the level he is capable of, though he has necessary skills and competence to do the job. The obvious reason for this is his unwillingness to work. The lack of will to do his job has an impact on his work output. This affects   the organizational productivity adversely. Why this unwillingness to work is the question management should try to add an answer to.  Many studies conducted have revealed that employee's unwillingness emanates from the work that does not provide him recognition, responsibility, growth and advancement. The major highlights of these studies have been their findings that employees with higher job satisfaction care about the quality of their work and are more committed to the organization.  If the employee gets what he seeks from his job, he experiences job satisfaction that motivates him to perform above acceptable level.

However Motivators are different for different individuals. The role of Management is to  find out  those things that an employee seeks from his job and then so structure the job that it provides him what he seeks.  This would spur  him on to perform at relatively higher level leading to increased organizational productivity.
All employees start their career with a motive to achieve success.  This motive  propels them to ACTION. Management therefore needs to ensure that conducive conditions are  created to foster and inspire this motive.

The two most significant conditions  conducive for sustaining this motive at optimum level are
  • Organizational Culture / Climate
  • Job Characteristics.

Organization climate and culture  should provide support for reasonable bonafide mistakes that would not impinge on the overall financial credibility of the organization. Every organization has rules. These rules explain the way business transactions are and should be done in the organization. A departure from any of these rules is taken as a ?Mistake? or an error. A mistake is just an event. It is actually the first step in learning. Learning comes from making a mistake and correcting it. Therefore, if the organizational support is not there, the creativity that emerges from the need to achieve would be lost to the organization. It would lead to frustration and apathy on the part of the employees.  And  consequently the productivity would be adversely affected.
Frustrations among employees are also caused by role conflict and role ambiguity. Overlapping of functions and encroachment upon other's areas of responsibilities produce a dampening effect on the performance.  To safeguard against this it is essential that each employee in the organization has his role and extent of his authority clearly defined.
Open communication, clearly defined roles, opportunity for up gradation of skills, scope for employees to use their skills and knowledge and avenues for their growth and development should be the visible elements of the organizational culture and climate so essential for the sustained motivation of employees.


Job assigned to an employee is another equally important factor. It should be challenging and there should be encouragement and appreciation.  Success on the job should lead to better and more important assignments.  A job with these characteristics will certainly reinforce the employee's motive to achieve success.  This will lead to higher job satisfaction and therefore increased productivity.
Shakespeare said, The fault, dear Brutus, is not in the stars but in ourselves?.
Applied to Management, it would mean that problems of productivity may very well be  not in their employees but in the behavior of the Management.  Any tactics designed to manipulate employees would not help in increasing productivity.  Management should strive to find ways to unleash the potential for work that exists in most of the employees.  Managers work with and through people and therefore they should be sensitive to the needs and requirements of people who work for them.  If they are,  they can increase employee's achievement by inspiring their inner urges  to ACHIEVE in consonance with the organizational goals.  Although financial rewards instill a brief  ?HIGH? regarding job satisfaction, the effects wear off quickly.  The Management, therefore, should take steps to foster sustained high morale and as a result higher productivity and quality.
Telltale signs that morale problems exist, should not escape the attention of the management. These signs may be irregular attendance, increasing turnover and  increasing customer complaints.  However most management instinctively know when things go awry, but they may not admit it to themselves for the fear that acknowledging it may mean admitting the existence of a problem with their own style of management.  But if a journey towards better productivity is to be successful, this EGO problem must be overcome.
In all the organizations managers manage Money, Machine and Manpower.  Efficient management of Money and Machine depend upon efficiency of Manpower i.e. employees.  No amount of money dedicated to equipment/infrastructure will translate into the desired results unless a reasonable investment is made in those who operate the equipment's.  Finding good employees is not that easy, so management should put in a little extra effort and consideration into keeping the ones they have, happy and productive, making them feel that they are a part of the organization  and giving them recognition for the job they do.  If the management do it, they will see the productivity graph of their organization soaring.

Post updated on:  Jul 31, 2021 5:53:31 PM

Gigi Buffo never retire whole gli Azzuri,s keeps a desire the man standing tall as a pillar in goalkey inspiration of millions to be the best goalkeeper saves ,sacrifices for the nation that will remain forever etched .Started his carrier in Parma Calcio regarded as Superman.
 All will be fascinated to know that this veteran gk's inspiration will be a big superstar gk like Lev Yashin or Sepp Maier but this superstar was moved by Cameroon G.K Thomas N Kono an underrated gem in football stopping shots of Vintage players like Maradona from that very first day he made his mind to be the G.K .
Made his debut in FIGC (Italy National Football Team ) at a very young age in 1997 under veteran Cesare Maldini Paolo,s father A.C Milan's star, but turning point came in 2006 FIFA worldcup in Germany where Azzzuris lifted the trophy he seemed to be phenomenal over there with the most cleansheets saviour of national team by saving shots of stars like Zidane, Ukraine's Schevenko with the Club Juventus most cleansheets in Seria A history . First ever Seria A G.K of the year and several titles including Seria A , Supercopa Italiana and made appearance in C.L final.
After retiring from Juventus in 2021 he again returned to the club where he started his carrier it seems like he will never retire it is true in the game that some players doesn't win trophies in all categories but it can't stop the passion.In a press Conference he told -I am training myself to take part in Qatar World cup in 2022 I know that I will not be the Choice of Mancini?s in G.K but I will also play for my nation  and serve if he keeps me in the 3rd choice g.k? and really this passion keeps the game alive now matter how new gen Donnarumma comes and breaks his  record he will forever be chanted as a legend .

Soumik  posted in Sports

Post updated on:  Jul 31, 2021 1:15:17 PM

Sometimes we hear from elder that we should not talk much while eating. But why? Is there any scientific reason behind this?
SCIENTIFIC REASON: We have digestive tract and respiratory tract in our body. Through digestive tract food enters and through respiratory tract air enters to lungs. These two tracts runs parallel to each other and they are very close to each other. But if any food particles enter respiratory tract, it may lead to choking(বিষম). 
     So for this, the opening of respiratory tract is covered by a flap like structure called epiglottis. 
But when we talk while eating there are chances that epiglottis may open. So food particles may enter respiratory tract. It may cause choking. Sometimes serious choking may lead to serve conditions. 

That's why often we are asked not to talk much while swallowing or eating. 

Post updated on:  Jul 31, 2021 1:15:00 PM

It is improving and increasing creativity in businesses, the lives of people are changing by incredible technology. Are you running a small business? Do you find it difficult to handle paperwork?You must have heard about the paperless office.
Paperless office is where small businesses can manage their work digitally. This helps small businesses to reduce their workload and save expenses that are spending on paperwork.  A paperless office is a valuable investment to increase efficiency and decrease your environmental effect
FSM (Field service management)the software is a common platform to manage and organize all your fieldwork and you can easily work paperless. FSM software is any system that is designed to keep track of the various components of field operations. These components include inventory management, vehicle tracking, changing schedules, customer portals, and much more. If you want your business to run smoothly and save your time as well then field service management is best for your business
Going paperless and using field service management software is beneficial for small businesses in many ways: -
1. Better Coordination

 Assembling and keeping track of papers take a lot of time. Everything is so messy and unrolled papers. A person who wants to find some paper urgently needs to first spend a lot of time to find the paper from the unorganized stock. 

This means half of the day will be spent on paperwork. Going paperless is the best solution for small businesses so that they can get their papers and everything organized with the help of field service management software which will their business life easy.
2. Improves Security

All businesses always want their documents to be safe and secure. You want all your crucial information to be saved securely and accessed by you. Everyone has the fear of losing their important document or their leaking. So, if you want your business to run with powerful security then you must try a paperless office. 

In FSM software you will be able to access all your business work information and everything will be protected by numerous layers of security.

3. Save your Money

Are you planning to start a small business? Do you have a low budget? Well, not to worry because going paperless can save a lot from your budget. As you know a lot of money is spent on paperwork like bundles of sheets, printers, inks, and a spacious office to keep these things. 

If you want to save your money and time, go for a paperless office. It is cost-effective and no need for spacious offices and printers to get work done. You can easily work and handle things digitally.

Technology has made going paperless attainable in recent years. It makes your working from several locations easier. A paperless office will make your business life more flexible and better than paperwork. You can streamline your management of all services like repairing, painting, plumbing, maintenance, etc. 

You can easily access it with the help of field service management software. It will make things easy for you by not consuming your precious time.
5.Your Mobile App

Field service management software will provide you the mobile app which will help you to create, schedule, and update work orders It is a smooth and time saver technique where you can manage recruiting jobs, manage estimates, schedule timings, dispatch jobs, GPS Tracking, manage customers and everything at one stop. You can use this mobile app anywhere even if you are at home or work. 
6.Save Time

Paperwork is time-consuming but paperless work is time-saving. Your lot of time can be saved by a paperless office. By using FSM software business life will be sorted perfectly even by sitting at home. 

All things are done digitally such as digital signatures of customers, schedule, or update work through mobile, accessing everything at one single platform.
7.QuickBooks Integration

QuickBooks is the most common small business accounting platform. If you go make your business paperless then by FSM Software technology, we will help to develop software solutions that integrate with QuickBooks Desktop. It is difficult to manage your accounting and field technicians in different independence systems.

An integrated system attaches the customer's and products information and expands it into the work order management system. All data is engrossed by the work order management system then the data is integrated back into QuickBooks. 

Yashika  posted in Technology

Post updated on:  Jul 31, 2021 10:00:45 AM

Are you a freelancer? Are you facing economic issues since the pandemic? Are you facing a balance problem between income and expenditures?

Crisis faced by the world

 Due to covid, the economic impact is disastrous. All economic sectors are getting affected by the pandemic. Industries factories got shut down in lockdown by the pandemic. In the service sector, many employees lost their jobs during the lockdown and many are working on half of their salary package.

At the beginning of the pandemic, people got panicked and, as a result, there was a bad social impact. The people started suffering from anxiety, depression, hunger, financial issues, health issues, unemployment. This all was happening because we are living in an unusual time, so people are not exactly able to understand what to do to survive? What do we need? Everyone got quarantined at their homes. People were unable to figure out how to earn money by staying at home. How long you can live on our savings and what about the ones who do not have savings?                                   

Freelancers are facing economic issues. As we know freelancers are independent workers. At the starting of lockdown, freelancers faced the most challenging scenarios. Platform companies, grocery stores, pharmacies have done exceedingly well so far. COVID-19 is a lecture on the importance of ensuring quickness in business.

Journey of working remotely

As we all use and know about the internet, websites and apps ad even many of us use it. India is ranked as the 2nd fastest growing freelancer in the world. Freelancers starting showing their skills on social platforms.
 Businesses search for freelancers by posting their requirements on different platforms like through websites, social platforms, apps. Freelancers also started posting their skills, making demo videos, and their experience. Freelancers started seeking jobs online. Freelancers can work on a project basis, can find a part-time job or contract job. The Job seekers started remote working. 

 Due to the pandemic, everyone started remote working. This situation also helped freelancers to work with international clients and show their skills on an international level which wouldn?t have been possible if they were working in offices. Everyone started to adapt to the new normal. No doubt, this situation has made a huge impact on the financial stability of people. Remote workers have freedom and greater flexibility. Some freelancers started providing free services, helping each other. Now there are websites where freelancers make their profiles and upload their resumes. They check the job post related to their skills. There are job requirements like digital marketing, web designing, sales & marketing, writing & editing, data scientist, apparel & fashion, education, legal services, finance, engineering. There is freedom for freelancers and businesses to have virtual interaction. Then the interview is conducted through voice call or video call. Freelancers with skills are taking online classes by teaching skills at a reasonable amount. All work is going online like meetings, consultations over facetime, digital workshops, online classes, live streaming events, and many others. People have now adapted to the covid world and are also satisfied in remote working. Now, many freelancers and businesses are after the lockdown ended.

 Freelancers and businesses are finding it more flexible and comfortable to remote working. Having a growing workplace of freelancers can provide flexibility and quality service. Many companies have declared some jobs permanent work from home. Many people are happy working online, meeting new people online, and collaborating with others. Social media helped people adapting the covid world. One of the unusual highlights of the pandemic is that it has created a shared global experience of an overwhelming event.

Impact of the pandemic on freelancers

Covid-19 is still having an impact on our life which is not letting everything come on track again. Some businesses are forced to adapt to this world due to no other option. Freelancers faced delays in payments. The situation today is difficult but if handle vigorously we will be able to adapt to this now the covid world. Some freelancers starting bidding to get the work they bid less than other freelancers even some get ready to do it for free to show their skills in hope that in the future client will provide him more projects. Connections need to be secure because many scams are also going on. Individuals are doing scams to get their work done by freelancers online and not paying them later for their hard work. 

At this unsure time businesses and freelancers who can adapt smartest ways will make the best from this new world. So, freelancers should look for work where no commission is taken and can work for trusted clients and websites. Everyone is the action of adapting to the covid world. 

Yashika  posted in Technology

Post updated on:  Jul 31, 2021 9:57:58 AM

Fashion is something that one can show by implementing their ideas. Sustainable clothing is flourishing in India. It is one of the most polluted country and natural resources are being harmed due to heavy industrial work and many others. Hence, steps need to be taken for the sustainability of natural resources. Now some people have started taking the initiative by introducing new projects. Every day new trends are coming, and one of the popular brands is sustainable brands. They are eco-friendly products that can save our environment and less usage of scarce resources. Fashion is going through a modification process and coming up with innovations showing responsibility towards scarce resources. Now many brands are taking fashion as a responsibility to save our limited natural resources. Many fashion brands are coming up with different techniques like recycling, handicrafts, paintings, and new ways to reuse that attract customers towards sustainable brands, especially today's youth. To maintain high quality and reasonable price together is difficult, but sustainable brands are maintaining it pleasantly.
They are putting in their efforts and trying to create a sustainable world. Consumers need to understand the concept of these sustainable brands and start buying these products. The brands also take care of consumers and their comfort, quality of the fabric, and prices. Top sustainable brands that are motivating people to use eco-friendly products and maintain sustainability are: -

Bamboology Trends

This is one of the fast-growing sustainable brand that has come up with some unique ideas. They make clothes made out of organic bamboo fabric, which looks interesting and has some different concepts. The idea they have come up with will help improve people's living conditions by sustaining natural resources. They have clothing varieties that are all made from pure bamboo. They are doing their best to maintain sustainability by using bamboo. As we know, bamboo doesn?t require fertilizers, they do not use synthetic pesticides, and even less water is needed. Bamboo is eco-friendly and has no negative impact on nature as well as humans. No exploitation is there like forced labor or poor employment practices.  Bamboo is one of the most sustainable fashion fabrics, so considering this, they strongly introduced this unique idea.

Fab India

It comes under top brands in India. It is working with men?s and women?s living in rural areas for more than 50 years. It is an Indian store with handmade products like home products, men's and women's clothing that will help reduce carbon footprint, which is made by the people living in rural areas. The artisans use different techniques like Sanganer print, pintucks, chinkaras, bagru print which are traditional techniques to make environment-friendly products that can save our nature. They have stores in India, and you can also buy online. They provide work to poor people living in rural areas to earn a living and improve their living standards.


There is an Indian wholesaler from Jaipur which merchandise products like clothing, textiles, accessories, and furnishings made by artisans living in rural areas. It is one of the oldest ethnic brands in India. They use old Indian traditional techniques to make products nature friendly. They use hand block printing, roller printing, screen printing, stamp printing which are used by the craftsperson. They also want to save the earth and provide a livelihood to the people in poverty.


It is one of the brands that sell handmade products specially made by women living in rural areas in India. Handicrafts are done by underprivileged women so that they can build their confidence and use their skills to earn a living. Their motive is to promote women's empowerment and help all deprived women improve their living conditions by getting income. This brand has products to sell like shirts, blouses, mats, curtains, and many other things. They have a variety of things which include all types of clothing wear and furnishings. Customers can buy their products from the Okhai website and some other shopping apps like Amazon.

 No Nasties

This is a brand that has all products made in India. All clothes are organic and pure cotton. They are making organic cotton clothes, and also water is being saved. They are taking the initiative to sustain the environment by using recycled cardboard boxes and cotton bags instead of plastic bags. No use of venomous chemicals and products are PETA-approved vegan. Customers can buy clothes for both men and women at a good price. Their clothes are eco-friendly safe for your skin.

Yashika  posted in Fashion

Post updated on:  Jul 31, 2021 9:56:32 AM

He took me in his arms
But didn't let come out his tears.
Always he hides his tears with smile
Seeing him I understand the word versatile.
He doesn't say he loves me
But my sickness? He can't see.
He wasn't with me at home during daytime
He was collecting food and pleasure of mine.
His struggle and fight can't I measure
To him, I'm the most precious treasure.
We'll stay together forever
He is none but my father.

Akash  posted in Poem

Post updated on:  Jul 31, 2021 9:55:11 AM

Money does not have an age limit, if you can spend it you should be able to earn it. Wake up!!! You are in the 21st century, we all need money leave out the sentiments;that you are  too young to earn . ?We are the  leaders  of tomorrow? So we are told,  but a leader of tomorrow has to start preparing from today. This is why and how to make money as a teenager. 

Our Teacher Nature

Look at the animal workforce especially the ants, every single one of them has an assigned duty regardless  of age and size. This is the single reason they flourish so well, because no single ounce of its work force is wasted.

Pay 50 rupees for your school's  offline registration and you still have to wait  till Dad comes back from Goa. Offering  time in church and you still  have to go get your offering from Mom?.... I am not indicting you I just want to give you a better option, make your own money!

Why should you make your own money? 

1. You carry Some Financial Burden  

You lift a little bit of the burden of taking care of you off your parents. They don't complain but the truth is that it is at times overwhelming for them. If you made some money and stopped requesting little change, this lessens the financial burden. Channeling that into to savings can really do a lot.

What do I mean? If a man gives two of  his kids 50 rupees each to school everyday apart from snack pack that costs about 50 rupees per one. He spends 300 for upkeep of his children.

Now imagine he saves that money from the beginning of the year till the last month of the year he would have 100800 and he puts the money into a savings account. If that money compounds at 5%per annum and he keeps increasing the capital by say at least 1/2 the initial principal in a matter of years he would become a millionaire,  wala!!! Finance upgraded. It is easy to say but difficult to achieve. But difficult is not impossible. 

2. Create A Sense Of Responsibility 

When you earn the money you spend you will learn to separate your needs from your wants and to choose what you purchase from your list of needs based on level of importance or preference. 

Why do you think parents are a little strict with releasing money for wants, this is because they  have learnt to be judicious with what the little resources  they have and prioritize needs. If you start learning to be judicious with your resources  from now,  then by the time you are controlling bigger resources  you will become an unstoppable force. You can now begin to eye and buy those wants of yours. 

3. Millionaire In The Making

Learn from Hart Main to Willow Tufano to Cameron Jackson they all used a little bit of capital  and in some cases handiwork to build themselves a fortune. If you don't have a means of income  then  what do you improve  on?  Let's now  assume the business  plan you have mind is not related to the jobs available, remember  you need money to carry out your plan so get the  job. 

To have a strong finance in future or even is by making  saving and investing a priority at an early age(Teenage) . Think about  how  much you want to have saved in the future and break it down into smaller payments you can afford today. Thanks to compound interest, saving 15% of your paychecks every month starting when you get your first job could help you earn up to 10 times your income by retirement age. If you don't have a source of income then how do you get what to invest or save? 

I have been  going on and on about  why you should make money for yourself as a teenager and as a gentleman  that I am I will now give you a list of jobs you can get involved in as a teenager. 

1: A car wash attendant 
3:A Cashier
4:Catering Coordinator
5:Dry  Cleaning  
6:Lawn Care 
8:Personal  Assistant 
9:Dog  Walking 
10:Hotel  Host or Hostess. 

1. Car wash attendant

Cleaning the exterior and interior part of a car all that is require  is strength and carefulness(when washing sensitive  parts like the engine). 

2. Babysitting

Watching kids and making sure they are having fun and also being safe and that's  a lot to joggle so it requires  watchfulness, and  patience, a good sense of humour also helps. 

3. A Cashier

You work in Stores and you have to know the price of all the goods in the store and you  have got to have a good set of people skills. You are a teenager and you might have mood swings, it's time to be calm and friendly. 

4. Catering

You can learn to cook and offer catering services on the weekends. 

5. Dry Cleaning

Washing, Drying and properly ironing people's clothes. You might start with your family and friends and work your way up. 

6. Lawn Care

Mowing lawns,raking leaves, trimming hedges and other yard related tasks. 

7. Janitor

Keeping offices, schools  and buildings clean  and spotless. This might not be the most prestigious job but it pays so why not?

8. Personal Assistant

Keeping schedules  for a person and  running  errands. 

9. Hotel Host or Hostess

Welcome guests and make them feel comfortable. This requires being friendly and helpful. You might need some connections to get this kind of job. 

Now You Know

Now that you know why and how to make money as a teenager, do something about it. The teen age does  not always have to be about wearing the latest Gucci product or using the latest phones, be different, be decisive, invest in your future.

Post updated on:  Jul 31, 2021 5:17:31 AM

Hazard Analysis and critical control point (HACCP)
HACCP originated in the 1960?s when the National Aeronautics and Space administration (NASA), the Pillsbury company and the U.S Army laboratories collaborated together to provide safe food for upcoming space expeditions. Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) is an international food safety regulation that is followed to reduce the risk of hazards in a baking unit. It is a system that identifies possible hazards and controls them at various points of the production process.
HACCP is based on seven principles. They are
1.      Conduct a hazard analysis
Hazard are of 3 types.  
Physical - Dirt, stone
Chemical-  Pesticides from vegetables, toxins
Microbiological -  Presence of pathogenic bacteria
Evaluate the production process and identify the points where hazards (physical, chemical, biological) may be introduced.
2.      Identify critical control points(CCP?s)
CCP?s are usually   practices/procedures which, when not done correctly, are the leading causes of foodborne illness outbreaks. Examples of critical control points include cooking, cooling, reheating, holding etc.
Plan preventive measures at critical point to control the risk.
3.      Establish critical limits-  State the boundary between safe and unsafe process. State the limit until which a critical point may be controlled.
4.      Establish a monitoring system-  State the process of monitoring critical points and critical limits.
5.      Establish corrective measures- Specify the corrective actions that should be followed when critical limits are crossed.
6.      State verification procedures- State the verification process to check whether HACCP principles are applied and followed.  Test the HACCP plan and ensure compliance on a regular basis.
7.      Follow record keeping procedures- Maintain a log of situations when critical limits were exceeded. State the corrective measures that were applied.  Include records of development and maintenance of the system.

Post updated on:  Jul 31, 2021 2:01:30 AM

We all know that Pohela Boishakh is celebrated on the first day of Bengali month Boishakh (14th/15th April) by the whole Bengali community but many of us don't know how it started.
So to find out, let's look back into the Mughal Period when common people used to pay their taxes according to Islamic Calendar. They faced quite a lot of difficulties while following the Islamic Calendar because the tax collection date kept falling at any time of the year and King Akbar was the first Mughal Emperor who decided to create a new calendar mixing the Islamic Lunar Calendar and the Solar Calendar that was named Lunisolar Calendar. That creation of Akbar has solved everyone's problem. 
Again, many historians believe that the Bengali Calendar was first introduced in the 7th Century while King Shashanka ruled Bengal but it is quite certain that the celebration of Bengali New Year was started in the time of King Akbar. 
However, Bangladesh modified the calendar in 1966 and later declared it as their official calendar in 1987. Where West Bengal, Odisha, Tripura celebrate Bengali New Year on 15th April, Bangladesh celebrates it on 14th April. Other regions like Punjab, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Assam also celebrate their new years as Vaishakhi Festival, Ugadi, Vishnu, Puthandu, Bohag Bihu respectively. 

Anuska  posted in Culture

Post updated on:  Jul 31, 2021 1:47:09 AM


Yes, they say the pride of a woman is her hair, but when a woman passes by, the first thing I see is her face, and if time permits, I check her shape and appreciate God for creating an elegant damsel.
That said, the woman has four major cardinal points which we can use to assess her. Yes, four major cardinal point!
Women are beings that have quick access to a man's heart, either by visual or intimate relationship.
Some men are attracted to the butt of a lady, some to her beautiful smile, some to her dimple, and so on?..
Regardless, here are the  four cardinal points of a woman:
1. Character
2. Background
3. I.Q. (Intelligence Quoient)
4. Love
CHARACTER: Character is the behavioural system of a living being. We can also define it as the way an individual behaves.
Character has many attributes attached to it. In character, one can find attitude, humility, neatness, humor, e.t.c. Many times, the character of a lady would determine who follows, stays, and walks out on her.
Funny enough, I have heard of  girls who were on the verge of a breakthrough and a little display of bad character to a friend, colleague, or fiance, cut the opportunity short. Yes, to the lady in concern, it shouldn't make them mad or leave but, as we all know, everyone lives based on his/her principles; so what we like, we stick to, and what we dislike, we avoid.
As a girl, this is the first point you should work on. 
I call this the North-axis.
BACKGROUND: The word background is defined as where one was brought up alongside their experiences or circumstances. In other words, background can also be seen as the breeding place of an individual (origin/home).
You'll agree with me that the upbringing of a lady is also as important as her character. Many have gone astray because their parents were actually nonchalant about their upbringing, while some are the major cause to having a bad background.
Background also has the same attributes as character. Some of the attributes of background include: association, communication, parent culture, etc.
Many ladies have terrible backgrounds, and their lives have been affected negatively as a result.
I heard a story of a lady whose mum advised her to go into prostitution to help their family with their daily bread. Sadly, the lady went with her mum's plan, and eventually, she contracted HIV and died years later. This narrative give us an example of parent culture. 
Background has a way of shaping your life positively or terminating it quick. How you associate, communicate, and accept beliefs should also be something to work on for any lady who desires greatness.
I call behavior the South-axis.
INTELLIGENCE QUOITENT (IQ): Intelligence Quotient is defined as the ability to perceive or understand. It also the effectiveness and speed of one's mental capacity.
The thinking capacity of a lady is also very important in the today's world. 
Intelligence Quotient has the following attributes, such as smart, confidence, passionate, and temperament.
A lady that is smart and confident attracts respect and attention.
A girl who acts without thinking is a failure because she will be used and dumped like trash.
Haven't you heard of  girls that got pregnant for a guy, believing he would marry them and later got disappointed? But, come to think of it, you are not yet married, yet you went to sleep with a guy without protection; were you thinking at all?
A girl that thinks rationally will be able to discern when she is being played, fooled, and cheated. So, as a girl, you also need to work on your thinking through books and seminars to improve yourself in today's world.
I refer to Intelligence quotient as the West-axis.
LOVE: Love is defined as the total acceptance of a personality into one's heart. Love can also be a strong feeling of attraction towards a thing.
This is where most girls go gaga (crazy). Love is a very strong word and expression. It carries many attributes, such as trust, submission, care, attention, risk, encouragement, supportive spirit, ambition, etc. Indeed, love is something everyone must fall into. After all, you can't keep hating everyone; no matter how cautious you are, love catches off guard sometimes.
You hear words like "I fell in love"  or "we are in love." Awnnn, romantic right?
But many are in love with the wrong person or thing. You love someone, but the only thing he wants from you is what lies between your thighs; is that love? 
"But if I don't give it to him he will cheat on me."
Sometimes, we mistake like for love, lust for love, and transactional sex for love. As a result, many girls have gone astray in the name of love. 

Permit me to share a friend's story. 😭😭😭 

All of a sudden, she started seeing a guy and came home late often. It became a tradition, and her dad found out. In his anger, he threatened to disown her if she continues the relationship and lifestyle. Yet, it went on and on, till one faithful day she got into a quarrel with her dad, and she left to stay with her boyfriend.
At this point, her dad left her to do her will; she was 22, so she should know her left from her right. 
"Since it's a man that's your problem, stay with the man," her dad said.
She stayed with the boy for over two months, and i guess for the young man, he felt had gotten a free wife. Unfortunately, one faithful Sunday, I came back from church and heard people crying at her father's house. I asked and discovered my friend was dead. What happened? How? 😭😭😭
She was sick, and the so-called boyfriend who promised to stand by her didn't care because he didn't have the money. How on earth could you allow a girl that is not your wife or sister to stay in your house without the knowledge or permission of her family?
She died in her boyfriend's house, and although it was reported that she was sick, some said it could be that she wanted to do an abortion. I didn't pay attention to those rumors, though.
The boyfriend is still serving jail time and would soon be out but, for her, it was her last on this side of the divide.
Mind who you love and trust.
I call love the East-Axis
In truth, all these 4 cardinal points revolve around CHARACTER, but they all can't work without each other.
? Zion Peter Jnr

Zion  posted in Story & poetry

Post updated on:  Jul 30, 2021 10:23:30 PM

If you are a freelancer and looking for some work then freelancing websites are the best alternatives. 

The onlinefreelancing marketplace is perfect forfreelancers who are finding sources to earn extra money. The freelancing websites are trending as they are helping freelancers to find work according to their skills. These websites are helping freelancers and businesses to connect worldwide.

One of the top freelancing websites used by freelancers. This freelance website is the most crowd-sourcing website with millions of registered users. You can register here for free and find freelance projects posted by the clients. Clients here post projects or contests and they receive bids from freelancers. Any freelancing job you can find on freelancer.com and can bring an abundance of possible leads. You can register here for free and with hundreds of vacancies posted every day.

Here freelancers can show previously done projects to the public on the website so possibly clients can easily contact someone whose skills are excellent and are creative. This strategy helps to save the time of the clients and the freelancers. Clients get matched by the best and experienced freelancers by a customer success manager. Moreover, Fiverr offers free learning courses to improve your skills and guide you on how to pitch to clients.

It is an exclusive network to connect businesses, start-ups, and organizations to work with freelancers.This website doesn?t take any commission from freelancers or businesses. There are bench resources available means employees who are skilled in numerous technologies are available which is an advantage for the clients. Here free job posting is beneficial for all using websites to communicate with freelancers or clients without any restriction. Everyone on the website can do job posting & project posting without paying a penny.

  They help freelancers and businesses as well as organization's to connect with each other remotely. Freelancer has to first apply on the website and give the test which includes 4 parts starting with language and personality test, In-depth skill review, live screening, test projects. Most freelancers are unable to clear the first two rounds and in end, less than 3%freelancers get selected. It is very hard for freshers but once cleared the test you can apply for work.
Flex job

It is a website which was created in 2007 where freelancers can seek a job. they have low price subscription service for job seekers who are interested in finding superior jobs. it was created to help job seekers to connect with clients and take projects. on the website, it includes job jobs with; different flexible schedules for freelance projects, remote working, part-time hours.

It is well known Various jobs are there for freelancers seeking work. this site has both unpaid and paid subscriptions for membership plans. they charge 10% of the amount from the money on by freelancer. they have options to use Upwork as a freelancer, agency all as a client. they also have customer support and service available on their website. 

It is an online platform for businesses where they can search for designing skills according to their project. Freelancers get to join membership only on an invite basis. The process of hiring a graphic designer is firstly graphic designer has to submit their project to the Dribble team. Then they will go through it and give a list of freelancers. You can interact with freelancers and talk about your project. Here you can find the best freelancers without any issue because the website will do the rest of the work for you.

Yashika  posted in Technology

Post updated on:  Jul 30, 2021 5:54:47 PM

Some of us have problems related to teeth like decaying of teeth, thinning of teeth etc. Today I'm going to tell how to take care of your teeth without any medicines. We should take care of our teeth so that in future we don't have to suffer. 
PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE. We all know this. So let's take appropriate step to keep our teeth strong. 

I'm going to tell What we should do and the SCIENCE behind this.

                Enamel (white portion of teeth) is                  strongest part. There are 2                               chemicals related to this. 
                  i) Calcium hydroxyapatite
                 ii) Calcium fluorapatite
                 Second one is harder than first                        one. Second one is the main                            constituent of enamel. 
          The first one is converted into                         second one by some chemical        
           reaction so teeth stay strong.

   1) When we eat food, components of                 food (like Sugars) remain on teeth.                These components prevent the reaction 
     by which CALCIUM FLUORAPATITE is            formed. So teeth become weaker.
   2) Some reaming food particles on teeth 
        help to grow microbes in our teeth. 
        These microbes affect our teeth.

                    From the above cause we can easily understand that we have to clean our teeth regularly. 
Usually we brush our teeth once daily(in the morning). But if we do brush out teeth after our dinner also we will get very good result. So those who don't brush after dinner strat it. But one thing you have to remember during brushing teeth is that don't use hard brushes and don't rub brush against your teeth very hardly. Just brush your teeth softly and gently. Otherwise for hard brush your teeth may become thin. Those people who have this problem (thin teeth) should use your finger to brush your teeth. Just after dinner take the paste in your index and gently rub against your teeth. Trust me you will get very good result. 

The other thing I'll say that take gum message at least once a day(During brush after your dinner). Gum message strengthen your gum. Hence teeth stay strong. 

Now what is gum message? How can we do?

Look it's just rubbing your index finger against your gum gently. You'll feel that your gum is getting comfort or realxed during gum message. Do these just. Your teeth will remain in good condition at your old age also.

Stay safe.
Thank you.

Post updated on:  Jul 30, 2021 3:20:27 PM

Team that for all we rejoice we live we worship it's  our temple we don't  have Messi or Ronaldo we always love to play as bund till the last breath I have always been moved by German clippings of Der Bomber,Kaiser,Brehme,Breitner their endless contribution play. Germany I have seen the lion class of 2014 evolution  from 2006 Young Sch?rle,Basti,Kl?se ,Lahm ,Ozil ,Kroos,fearless play .I still remember  about the thrilling and breathtaking game plays bottling world class top teams golden generation  class apart saves of God Neuer a successful Breeder of Der Titan .This class is now a history but Germans never lose hope a new kingdom is yet to be build new Kl?se,Basti,Kroos is yet to come new stars will rise we have seen plays from the pages of history in tackling defense ,attacks all godly figures ❣new generation  to come" We trust we believe" that's  our motto. Havertz,Kimmich,Ginter,Gosens sun will shine we a shining carrier of Low ended Flick takes over hope to find a solution to the pblm of finishing and to choose a finisher from whether to workup with Volland ,Werner or to choose  Nemecha ,Berisha and also the question lies after Kroos's retirement the stabilty in midfield how much Wirtz will be able to cope up with the loss more plans to execute looking for a positive approach fom a coach who made unrealistic deeds trebles in a short tenure of timelapse and also as an assist in 2014.


Soumik  posted in Sports

Post updated on:  Jul 30, 2021 2:02:56 PM

Stay With Me

Stay with me at Early Morn.
Just an infant to you.
My only nutrients are
Your breast milk and playing.

Stay with me at Noon.
Able to take decision and
To go against they or you.
Still a child to you.

Stay with me at Eve.
Quite capable of thinking
That had done right or wrong.
Till a kid to you peculiarly.

Stay with me at Dark Night.
Great pleasure to die lying
In the lap of loved one
To whom I'm a baby forever.



Post updated on:  Jul 30, 2021 10:20:12 AM

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