Monthly trending articles on ConnectClue
Many of us are very enthusiastic about gardening. But we do not know how to start it or from where to start. So, I have come up with series of blogs to tell you about gardening tips. These write ups are about simple plants that you can grow on your own. Vegetables that can be grown from your grocery, Plants that can be grown from cuttings, spices that you always have in your kitchen. You do not have to go and buy seeds; all you need is the SOIL.
The right soil for plants is loamy soil which is a mixture of sand, clay, and silt. The estimated mixture is 40% sand and 40% silt and 20 % clay. Loam is the right mixture of all these three, that not only holds nutrients well and retains water but also drains properly and allows oxygen to penetrate.
Now most people don't have soil they want, but they can make improvements in it. Many homemakers complain of dense clay soil that is difficult to work with or very dry soil that has been deficient of nutrients. A layer of top soil can be brought in for new construction homes. So its always better to purchase the soil from a nearby nursery, as they have the right soil you need for your house.
The second thing to the planter is that, It is always better to use old pots, buckets, or anything but most importantly, it should have a good drainage system. For this one must make holes in the base of the planter. it allows excess water to pass off from the planter as excess water may harm the roots of plant. Clay pots are always a better choice as they provide a healthy environment for most plants. The soaking nature of clay allows air and moisture to penetrate the sides of the pot. Other gardeners who wait for the lifeless hint from their plants are better off with plastic. Plants which demand a well-drained, dry soil like cactus also prefer clay pots.
Adding water to plants: Every plant requirements are different esp. when we talk about indoor plants, as they need less water due to less exposure of sun/ evaporation. Else, for any plant, keep adding water till you see water coming out from drainage holes. Otherwise only top plant will get water and underneath roots will remain water-less. You need to understand when to water a plant. Generally it?s visible or you can touch the soil, if soil is not sticking on fingers, plants can be watered.
Apart from sunlight, temperature, right pot and waters, as a beginner one must start by choosing easy vegetables that are also productive. Let's try with tomatoes first.
Plant seeds roughly 3 times as deep as the diameter of the seed, unless otherwise directed on the package. Some seeds require light for germination. The Tomato seeds should germinate in 10 to 14 days. Cooler temperatures will result in longer germination time and warmer temperature level will make the Tomato seeds germinate faster. Once the seeds have germinated, you can take the Tomato seedlings off the heat source, but they should still be kept somewhere warm.

Post updated on: Sep 18, 2021 6:44:46 PM

Post updated on: Sep 18, 2021 1:23:34 AM

Post updated on: Sep 18, 2021 1:23:23 AM

शादी हर लड़की के लिए बहुत बड़ा दिन होता है, क्यों लड़की बचपन से ही इस दिन का सपना देखता है। जब किसी भी लड़की की जिंदगी में ये दिन आता है तो वह उस दिन दुनिया की सबसे खूबसूरत लड़की दिखना चाहता है।
इस दिन को यादगार बनाना के लिए लड़की काफ़ी समय पहले से ही इसकी तयारी मैं लग जाती है। तकी शादी के दिन का मेकअप दुल्हन के लिए सबसे परफेक्ट और आकर्षक दिखें। याद आप मदरसी दुल्हन है तो आज का लेख आपके लिए है
दक्षिण भारतीय मेकअप आपको लोगो की भीद में बहुत अलग और वास्तविक दिखने में मदद करेगा। इसके अलावा आपके मेकअप मैं भारतीय संस्कृति की झलक भी दिखी दूंगा। आए जाते हैं साउथ इंडियन ब्राइडल मेकअप हिंदी में, आपके खास दिन के लिए।
दक्षिण भारतीय दुल्हन मेकअप: दक्षिण भारतीय दुल्हन के लिए
दक्षिण भारतीय दुल्हन मेकअप टिप्स
1 सुंदर कांजीवरम साड़ी पहने हुए
साड़ी भारतीय संस्कृति की पहचान है, जिस तरह बनारसी साड़ी को बहुत मतवपूर्ण माना जाता है। उसी तरह दक्षिण भारत माई कांजीवरम साड़ी का बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है याद आप दक्षिण भारतीय दुल्हन बनने जा रही है तो आपका पहचानने में कांजीवरम साड़ी होना चाहिए। आप चाहे तो सफेद माई सुनहरे पत्ते वाली साड़ी पहचान शक्ति और आधुनिक युग के हिसब से काई रंगो मैं भी कांजीवरम साड़ी भी पहचान शक्ति है। याद आप साड़ी पहनने की और भी तारिक जाना चाहते हैं तो यहां देखी साड़ी पहनने के तारिके।
2 आभूषण मैं लक्ष्मी हार पहनें
दुल्हन के गले मैं लक्ष्मी हर बिलकुल लक्ष्मी जी की तरह दिखलाई देता है। हर इंडियन वेडिंग मेकअप मैं इसे बहुत पसंद किया जा रहा है। लक्ष्मी हार, सोने की बनी हुई चेन होती है जो आपको काई आकार और डिजाइन मैं मिलती है, तथा इसमे लक्ष्मी जी का लटकता होता है। दक्षिण भारतीय दुल्हन को लक्ष्मी हार बहुत ज्यादा जरुरी होता है, इस हार को पहचानने के खराब आप काफी रॉयल लुक मैं नजर आएगी। आप अपने ही से इस चेन को बड़ा या छोटा कर सकती है।
3 कुंदन मनके और कंगन
कुंदन हर किसी को बहुत पसंद होता है, क्यों इसे पहनने के खराब लड़की एक बांध महारानी जैसी लगती है। याद आप लक्ष्मी हर पेहन रही है तो कुंदन की माला की लंबी जो ज्यादा रखे। आजकल एक छोटा और एक बड़ा हार कहना काफ़ी ट्रेंड मैं चल रहा है।
याद आपकी लंबी काम है तो थोड़ा लंबा हर का चयन करे और लंबी अच्छी है तो आपके और किसी भी तरह के हार का चुनाव कर सकती है। इसके साथ आप कान के बाले और चुड़िया भी कुंदन के पास शक्ति है, ये आपके ऊपर काफी जचेंगे और आप बहुत खूबसूरत दिखेंगी। जब आप चुड़ी या ब्रेसलेट पहनने से पूरा हाथ भरा हुआ होना चाहिए।
4. मांग टीका लगाये
मांग टीका को दुल्हन की मांग में सजया जाता है, ये टीका किसी भी धातु का पहचान सकता है। आप चाहे तो सोना, चंडी या किसी और मेहंदी धातु का पहचान शक्ति है। ये दुल्हन के गहनों में से एक महात्वपूर्ण गहना होता है।
आजकल एक चेन, जड़ा हायर वाला मांग टीका काफी पसंद किया जा रहा है। याद आप साधन दुल्हन से कुछ अलग दिखना चाहता है तो भारी मांग टीका भी अपनी मांग मैं सजा शक्ति है।
5 बालो में लगाये
जदा बिलालु धातु को लगाये: जड़ा बिलालु एक धातु होती है जो बालो में लगा जाति है, तथा ये दुल्हन के बालो को सुंदर दिखने में मदद करता है। आप इसे जुड़े मैं या छोटी के साथ भी लगा सकते हैं। जदा बिल्लौ लगाने से दुल्हन की सुंदरता और भी खराब जाती है।
गजरा लगाये: दक्षिण भारतीय महिला चमेली के फूल का बना हुआ गजरा बालो मैं लगा काफी पसंद करता है। गजरे को बालो मैं लगाने का रिवाज यहां पर सदियो से चला आ रहा है और महिला इसे लगाकर बहुत सुंदर दिखी है। आप इसे लंबी मैं या जुड़े मैं लगा शक्ति है। दुल्हन मेकअप के लिए इसे बिलकुल नजर और आज नहीं किया जा सकता है।
6 कमर में बांधे कमरबंध
कमरबंध को कमर मैं जाना जाता है, ये भी काई डिजाइन मैं आपको मिलते हैं। जिन्हे आप अपनी पसंद से चुनव कर के खरीद शक्ति है। कमर बंद को शादी के ऊपर की तरफ से लगा जाता है और इसे पहनने से आपका लुक और निखार कर आता है।
7 पैरो के लिए पायल
दुल्हन के शुद्ध मेकअप के खराब पायल भी बहुत महानवपूर्ण भूमिका राखी है। आप आपकी शादी में अपनी पसंद के अनुभव पाटली चांदी की ये मोती की पायल पहचान शक्ति है।
[ऊपर आपने जाना साउथ इंडियन ब्राइडल मेकअप टिप्स। इस दुल्हन मेकअप को करने के बुरे आप दुनिया की सबसे खूबसूरत दुल्हन देखेंगे और हर कोई आपको ही देखता रह जाएगा।
Post updated on: Sep 18, 2021 1:23:09 AM

Post updated on: Sep 18, 2021 1:22:59 AM
Post updated on: Sep 18, 2021 1:22:47 AM

Very much like other digital currencies, Dogecoin is additionally a type of computerized or virtual cash created by two programmers Jackson palmer and Billy Markus back in 2013. Which got going as a joke acquired a great deal of consideration recently making it one of the most quickly expanding monetary forms on the lookout.
Dogecoin is viewed as a fun better approach for mining computerized cash on the web, while it is colossally secure and decentralized.
History of Dogecoin
Be that as it may, Dogecoin was acquainted with the world on December 6, 2013. On December ninth, that very year, only three days after the fact, the worth of Dogecoin bounced almost to 300 percent, being 0.00095 Dollars, which used to be simply 0.00026 dollars
Likewise, the expansion in the development happened when numerous digital currencies alongside Bitcoin veered after China's choice of not permitting Chinese banks to put resources into the market, being a significant mishap for Dogecoin having dropped more than 80% of its worth.
Not simply that, a great many coins were taken by programmers from the online crypto wallet stage, Dogewallet after the organization experienced a significant burglary on 25th December. After this disastrous occasion, a progression of tweets were carried out on Twitter and a many individuals began discussing the occurrence making Dogecoin the most discussed coin at that very time.
Since a many individuals lost their coins and speculations because of this, the Dogecoin people group began a drive called "Save Dogemas" to raise coins for individuals who experienced the occurrence. Inside a month, adequate cash was given to assist individuals with recuperating from the misfortunes that happened. Jackson Palmer, the prime supporter of Dogecoin, left the crypto local area in 2015.
Dogecoin what gotten going as a joke globally has arrived at incredible statures and one of the significant explanations behind that incident was a direct result of what makes it recognized from other cryptographic forms of money accessible. Dissimilar to others including bitcoin, being the most well known advanced money to date offering a lifetime breaking point of 21 million coins, Dogecoin has no furthest cutoff with regards to mining, which makes it profoundly inflationary never the less.
Not simply that, Dogecoin is mined with the assistance of Scrypt innovation which makes it quicker for clients to mine when contrasted with some other type of cryptographic money mining, making it an efficient cycle.
Besides, despite the fact that Ethereum, one more type of digital currency is far predominant innovatively as a vehicle of trade, the image nature alongside the local area that appreciates Doge is the thing that makes Dogecoin uncommon.
Stage 1. The amount to contribute
you probably caught wind of a ton of viral tales about individuals becoming moguls by putting resources into Dogecoin yet contribute with alert and bear the misfortunes if important. Additionally, while contributing, think about your accounts, speculations, or more all dangers.
Stage 2. Choose your Cryptocurrency trade
Stage 3. Pick your Payment Option-
To begin trading monetary forms, you should store the cash in your investment fund or trade. for the most part, trades let you store through an investment account or checking. Some may permit PayPal and wire moves.
Generally, the sum stored can be utilized quickly yet in the event that the sum saved is enormous say in excess of 1000 dollars, it may take up a couple of days before you could utilize the store. A few trades use Mastercards as well yet remember that it is an unsafe interaction and you will be the one at risk for any incident.
Stage 4. put in the request
After the sum is stored in your trade account, you can feel free to purchase Dogecoin. Pick Dogecoin on the trade stage or the image DOGE, then, at that point pick your exchange by either
Whenever it is done, it ought to go through right away. Dogecoin exchanging isn't restricted by hours. you can trade, purchase or sell coins 24 seven, seven days seven days.
Stage 5. Capacity alternatives
After the buy is done, the coins are naturally sent into your trade account. Be that as it may, you can decide to move it into one more wallet outside the stage also on the off chance that you so wish, maybe to lessen your danger.
Post updated on: Sep 18, 2021 1:22:22 AM
Happy baby pose can help in relieving period cramps.
Child's pose is also considered very beneficial during periods.
Yoga For Period Cramps: Back pain, restlessness, nausea and abdominal cramps; Your body goes through a lot during periods. If you are suffering from painful abdominal cramps during periods, then that time of the month can be extremely excruciating. You can resort to pain relievers or hot water bottles for comfort, but yoga asanas can help you deal with it in a more natural way. Mild exercise can help release endorphins, which can act as a natural pain reliever for the body. Here are some yoga poses that can help you get relief from cramps.

2. Child's Pose :

For this pose, lie on your bed with your body in a straight line. Now as you bend your left leg and bring it towards your chest. As you exhale, move your legs to the other side and bring them to the right side of your abdomen. Stay in this position for a few seconds. Repeat it with the other leg. This exercise will relax your body by pulling both your back and abdomen together.

Post updated on: Sep 18, 2021 1:22:02 AM

Post updated on: Sep 18, 2021 1:21:46 AM

Things to Consider When Buying Products for Travelling:
- Choose compact and small products:
- Packaging must be durable enough:
- Application part must be easy:
- Get makeup that does not leave room for touch up:
The Best Travel-Friendly Beauty Products:
35 Colours Rainbow Eyeshadow Palette Travel-Friendly Eye-catching Palette:

4D Fiber Cruelty-Free and Travel-Friendly Diamond Mascara:

Highlight And Contour Palette:

Organic Matcha Green Tea Solid Stick Facial Mask

BB Cream

Customer Reviews

Post updated on: Sep 18, 2021 1:21:35 AM
- Set some career goals and start to make them happen.
- Strengthen communication skills
- Guide
- Friend
- Coach
- Motivator
- Supporter
- Social worker
- Parent
- Parole officer
- Baby sitter
- Therapist
- Savior
- Advice
- Access
- Advocacy
- Don't Think they are going to change the world overnight
- Don't Jump to conclusions
- Don't Be judgmental
- Don't Forget communication means- listening too
- Don't Forget, how important they are to their mentees
- Don't Try to be a parent
- Don't Try to impose their beliefs or values on a mentee.
- Don't Settle for rudeness
- Don?t Be advocate for promotion / salary increase ?etc
Post updated on: Sep 18, 2021 1:20:28 AM
Post updated on: Sep 18, 2021 1:16:25 AM
Hurdle Rate: A must in Revenue Management Strategy of a Hotel -
Divya Thakur, Assistant Professor, Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Hotel Management
We know that all airline passengers boarding the same flight pay different fares. Once an aircraft takes off, the unsold seats don?t generate any revenue for the airline, thus, can be said to have perished. Therefore, the airlines industry adopts various strategies to overcome the losses incurred by unsold seats. For example, airlines offer discounts on low-demand flights or create Saturday night packages. Some airlines, on the contrary, sell more expensive seats when there is excess demand.
The primary aim of Revenue Management is selling the right product to the right customer at the right time for the right price.
If we talk about the hotel industry, all hotels have a common problem?they produce a fixed inventory of perishable products that cannot be stored if unsold by a specific time. For example, if a hotel has not sold a particular room, then that room will not generate revenue. Similarly, if a guest books a room in advance but doesn?t turn up to occupy the room, the booked room will not generate revenue. In both the situations the hotel incurs a loss. Therefore, it is important that the management of the hotel adopts various strategies to overcome its loss incurred due to unsold rooms.
The Front Office Manager must determine the rate at which the rooms will be sold on each day. Hotel rooms are sold at varying prices depending on the time of booking. One of the major tactics hotels adopt is to organize a hurdle rate. We all know that rack rate, which changes everyday, is the highest rate paid by a guest for a room. Any room cannot be sold for more than its rack rate. Generally, rack rates are offered to walk-in guests, but the Front Office Manager must also set the lowest rate for a given date based on the demand. This lowest rate is called hurdle rate. Any room can be sold at a price above its hurdle rate. It may vary from day to day depending on the hotel's desired yield and market conditions.
The primary aim of Revenue Management is selling the right product to the right customer at the right time for the right price |
Hurdle as the name suggest, is the problem which need to be solved by implementing proper revenue strategies.

Implementation of Hurdle Rate has many Benefits:
- Increases revenue
- Marks a standard
- Involves employees: motivates staff
As market conditions have changed, there is also a change in the nature of Front Office?s role, from a passive order taker to an active order generator.
Applying tactics is a part and parcel of every business. In the hospitality business, where we treat our guests as God, managers must keep in mind that the ultimate business is to meet the needs of guests. Too much focus on Revenue Management and failure to meet the needs of guests will not only produce undesired effects, but will also lead to loss of guests in future.
Too much focus on revenue management can be just as ineffective as no revenue management at all.
Discovering, developing and nurturing customers, therefore, is critical to the present and future success of most businesses. Identifying key customers is only one step of creating this profitable relationship. To maximize profits, companies must continuously collect ongoing data about these customers or groups.
Post updated on: Sep 18, 2021 1:16:13 AM

Post updated on: Sep 18, 2021 1:16:01 AM
We Indian love to cook with spices.
A spice is a seed, fruit, root, bark, or other plant substance primarily used for flavoring, coloring or preserving food. Spices are distinguished from herbs, which are the leaves, flowers, or stems of plants used for flavoring or as a garnish. Many spices have antimicrobial properties, which may explain why spices are more prominent in cuisines originating in warmer climates, where food spoilage is more likely, and why the use of spices is more common with meat, which is particularly susceptible to spoiling. Spices are sometimes us Spices are the foundation for Indian cooking. They can transform any dish into a tasty meal and give life to even the simplest ingredients. Used in medicine, religious rituals, cosmetics or perfume production .Indian cuisine uses many different spices (masala), not just for a layering effect of flavors, but also for their nutritional/medicinal values which are rooted in Ayurveda.
Some common spices-
There are two kinds of cardamom used in Indian cooking: green and black. Green is the more common variety, used for everything from spice mixes to lassis to Indian desserts. The flavor is light and sweet, with a mild eucalyptus note. Green cardamom can be blended whole when making spice mixes, like garam masala, however when using them in sweets or desserts, you would pop the pod open and lightly crush the fragrant black seeds before using.
Black cardamom, on the other hand, is very powerful and smoky, and needs to be used with a lot of caution. Normally only the seeds would be used, and if using the whole pod, it?s best to pull it out before serving the dish, as it can be very spicy to bite into.
Clove is a common spice in Indian cooking and its anise notes are easily recognizable in many Indian preparations. The strong, almost medicinal flavor of clove comes from the concentration of essential oils. Cloves are technically flowers, and a lot of their oils are pressed out before they are dried and used in cooking. Cloves can be used whole or blended into spice mixes. They do need to be used with caution, however, as they can tend to overpower more delicate spices.
Cumin-Cumin derives from the parsley family and is used to add a smoky note and a robust aroma to most Indian curries and vegetables. Fried in its dry form and roasted before use, cumin seed is usually the first spice added while cooking Indian dishes. It is also dry roasted and converted to powder before being added to dishes like pudding and buttermilk. It is used to flavor rice, stuffed vegetables, many savory dishes and curries
Another spice belonging to the ginger family, turmeric is probably the most commonly used spice in India. Turmeric was predominantly used as a dye and in Siddha medicine for thousands of years. Derived from the roots of Curcuma Longa, a leafy plant native to India, turmeric has an earthy consistency, and a warm aroma and taste. Mainly used for its flavor and color, turmeric also has antiseptic qualities and is therefore used for its health benefits as we.
Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world. Originating in Kashmir and derived from the stigma of crocus flowers, saffron is believed to be more valuable than gold. The most striking feature of this spice is its pungent, honey-like aroma. The deeper the color of saffron, the purer it is. It is often used after being soaked in water or milk, which softens its strong aroma and taste.
Black pepper is actually native to India, primarily from the Western Ghats and Malabar region. It is a surprisingly hard spice to grow, as it depends on many natural cycles, like a set amount of rainfall, which is why prices for fresh pepper vary a lot.
Like most spices, black pepper needs to be toasted before blending. For the best flavor, however, fresh black pepper can also be ground directly into dishes.
Mustard seeds
Mustard seeds can be yellow, black, or brown and are used interchangeably in Indian cooking. The flavor of mustard seeds is released when they are crushed or cooked in oil. Their smoky, nutty flavor is a staple in curries and curry powders, and mustard oil is commonly used in the North of India
Fenugreek is an herb similar to clover that is native to the Mediterranean region, southern Europe, and western Asia. The seeds are used in cooking, to make medicine, or to hide the taste of other medicine. Fenugreek seeds smell and taste somewhat like maple syrup. Fenugreek leaves are eaten in India as a vegetable.
Curry leaves
Base ingredient for different type of tadkas (tempering).An aromatic herb used to enhance flavor for mostly vegetarian dishes. Highly used in Western and South Indian cuisine.
Nutmeg is the spice made by grinding the seed of the fragrant nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) tree into powder. The spice has a distinctive pungent fragrance and a warm slightly sweet taste; it is used to flavor many kinds of baked goods, confections, puddings, potatoes, meats, sausages, sauces, vegetables, and such beverages as eggnog. The seeds are dried gradually in the sun over a period of six to eight weeks. During this time the nutmeg shrinks away from its hard seed coat until the kernels rattle in their shells when shaken. The shell is then broken with a wooden club and the nutmegs are picked out.
Indian Bay Leaves {Tej Patta} ? Tej patta, which translates to ?pungent leaves,? are Indian bay leaves that originate on the southern slopes of the Himalayas. They are an integral ingredient in many North Indian dishes and are very different from European laurel bay leaves. These olive-green leaves are larger with three veins running through them, and have a milder aroma, similar to that of cinnamon bark.
Coriander is commonly found both as whole dried seeds and in ground form. Roasting or heating the seeds in a dry pan heightens the flavour, aroma, and pungency. Ground coriander seed loses flavour quickly in storage and is best ground fresh.. They are the main ingredient of the two south Indian dishes sambhar and rasam.
Red Chili Powder
Red chili powder is made from the seeds of red chilies. Being the hottest part of the chili, the powder is exceptionally strong and used in small quantities. Originating in the Americas, the powder was introduced to India by the Portuguese and has since become an integral part of Indian cooking. The chili is also used in its whole form in various South Indian curries
. The nutmeg tree (myristica fragrans) is the only tree that produces two separate spices. The fruit contains a hard pit known as nutmeg, while the lacy red membrane surrounding it is mace. Mace spice is a common ingredient in Northern European cooking, appearing in hearty vegetable dishes, cream sauces, and sausages. In baking, ground mace spice can be used as a substitute for nutmeg; its mellower flavor is especially nice with fruits or delicate pastries. It?s also delicious in pumpkin pie or baked winter squash dishes
Similar to tamarind, kokum skins are usually available as dried rind or fruit, and infused in hot water. The deeper the colour the better the kokum. It will keep in an airtight jar for about a year.Kokum has the same souring qualities as tamarind, especially enhancing coconut-based curries or vegetable dishes like potatoes, okra or lentils. Kokum is especially used with fish curries, three or four skins being enough to season an average dish. It is also included in chutneys and pickles.
Post updated on: Sep 18, 2021 1:15:45 AM

Post updated on: Sep 14, 2021 6:35:31 PM

- Contact dermatitis
- Redness and rashes
- Irritation
- Stinging and burning
- Flaky skin
- Fragrance in any kind synthetic and natural
- Shimmery products that contain mica
- SPF makeup that contains chemical sunscreens
- Preservatives like paraben, Diazolidinyl urea, benzyl alcohol, butylparaben, propylparaben and formaldehyde.
- Retinol and alpha hydroxy acids.
- Essential oils
- Cross-check the label:
- Ingredients list:
- Check for active ingredients:

Post updated on: Sep 14, 2021 6:35:05 PM
- Command language, a language used to control the tasks of the computer itself, such as starting other programs
- Configuration language, a language used to write configuration files
- Programming language, a formal language designed to communicate instructions to a machine, particularly a computer
- Hardware description language, used to model integrated circuits
Machine Level Language
- Positive Logic Here presence of voltage will be denoted by 1 and absence of voltage will be denoted by 0
- Negative Logic Here presence of voltage will be denoted by 0 and absence of voltage will be denoted by 1
Post updated on: Sep 14, 2021 6:30:46 PM

A delicious combo of pungent and savory spices with healthy veggies.
Loaded and delicious sandwich recipe, both healthy and tasty.
Simple and easy to make grilled sandwich is a wholesome breakfast recipe which can be made really fast. It is also a good tea time snacks .
1. Tomatoes 1/4th cup (chopped)
2. Capsicum 1/4th cup (chopped)
3. Sweet corn 1/4th cup (boiled)
4. Onions 1/4th cup (chopped)
5. Fresh coriander 2 tbsp (chopped)
6. Fresh mint leaves 2 tbsp (chopped)
7. Paneer 100 gm (small dices)
It is best to use fresh homemade paneer in these sandwicFresh coriander 2 tbsp (chopped)
6. Fresh mint leaves 2 tbsp (chopped)hes. I always recommend adding Homemade Paneer to any recipe that you make with it. Homemade paneer is not only fresh but does not contain preservatives or additives.
8. Salt to taste
9. Peri peri mix (store bought) as per taste
(homemade mix reciepe given below)
10. Bread Slices
You can use any bread of your choice like brown bread, white bread, multigrain bread or whole wheat sandwich bread.
11. Cheese Slices
12. Mayonnaise
13. Butter to grill the sandwiches
(You can use some additional vegetables also.)
In a mixing bowl, add mayonnaise, paneer, add finely chopped tomatoes, finely chopped onions, finely chopped capsicum, sweet corn, salt and peri peri mix.
Add Fresh coriander 2 tbsp (chopped) and Fresh mint leaves 2 tbsp (chopped) and combine all the ingredients together very well. keep aside.
Assemble the bread slices, add a spoonful of veggies filling on one slice and cheese on the other slice close it, press it gently so the fillings get intact.
Apply butter and toast or grill them on both the sides, until they are crispy and golden brown. Cook for 1-2 minutes on low flame.
The Peri-Peri Paneer toast can be made on tava, microwave or griller.
The Peri-Peri Paneer toast can be made on tava, microwave or griller.
And then your Spicy Treat Peri Peri Sandwiches are ready to serve.
Serve hot with tea or coffee
It can also be served as an appetizer with ketchup or any dip of your choice.
You can also use the masala mix to make peri peri cheese parathas, kathi rolls, hotdog, burger; canopies or you can have it just like that.
For homemade Peri Peri mix:
In a bowl take red chili powder, add garlic powder, ginger powder, oregano, chili flakes, black salt, sugar and mix everything well together.
Peri peri spice mix is ready.
Peri Peri sandwich is a healthy recipe with loads of veggies. It is a high in protein.
As we all know that paneer is a rich source of protein so do not hesitate to try this Sandwich.
If you try this reciepe do let us know. We love to hear from you!
Post updated on: Sep 14, 2021 6:29:30 PM

Isn't that a incredible experience?
Post updated on: Sep 14, 2021 5:47:55 PM
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