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All > Hotel Management > LINEN ROOM IN HOTELS


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The linen room is the center stage for the supporting role that the Housekeeping Department plays in the hotel. Most linen rooms are centralized and act as a storage point and distribution center for clean linen. Although the term ?linen? originally referred to those fabrics made from the fiber derived from the stem of the flax plant, linen in this context means all launder able articles and often includes pillows, mattresses, shower curtains, fabric lampshades and upholstery theater also handled by the linen room.
1. Collection of soiled linen
2. Sorting and counting of soiled linen
3. Packing and dispatching of soiled linen to laundry
4. Receiving of fresh linen
5. Counting and storing of fresh linen
6. Distribution of fresh linen
7. Maintaining stock of linen
8. Managing discard linen


While planning for linen room, following points considered on prior basis
A) Architectural features (location): which may further classify linen room as
1. Centralized- in this type of linen room all the linen is collected and issued from one room only
2.  Decentralized- in this type of linen room, each floor maintains its par stock separately in the floor pantry and when replenishment is required then it can replenish from the main linen room.
B) Activity areas: it can cover the following criteria
1.  Adjacent to the laundry if on-premises, usually with an interconnecting window between the rooms.
2.  Near the service entrance if the laundry is off-premises.
3.  Near the service elevator for easy transportation to various units.
4.  Away from the food production area to avoid a fire hazard as well as prevent linen from absorbing food odors, smoke, soot and dampness

C) Space: Total space allocated for linen room will depend on the size of the hotel and activities to
be carried out in the linen room. The minimum space requirement for a linen room is 6 sq. ft.
Separate space is required for linen storage area and linen exchange counter.
D) Entrance: A common entrance cum exit point is ideal for security reason.
E) Floors and walls: The floors must be sturdy enough to bear the load of heavy trolleys moving
across it. Tiles should be avoided as they tend to chip. Walls should be of materials that can be easily cleaned frequently.
F) Lighting and ventilation: Though most of the linen room is meant for storage, although ventilation is very much important to prevent the growth mildew, even though the natural light may be less. The air must be free of humidity and maintained at a temperature of 200 C
G) Storage: Linen storage shelves should be designed for maximum utilization of space. The shelves are also need to be sturdy and firmly fix as the weight they bear may be considerable. There should be 6 inches space between floor and lower-most shelf. Separate space should be allocated for discard linen.
H) Linen exchange counter: this is usually a window without any grilles to pass bundles of linen through. The area bellow this counter may be used to park trolleys to collect the soiled linen.
I) Hygiene and Safety aspects:
1. Space for Cleaning procedures
2. Space for correct lifting techniques for heavy linen.


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