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Departure Control Procedure

Blog by Divya Thakur connectclue-author-image

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Departure is an important and vague procedure which involves the bell desk, reception and cashier desk to operate simultaneously.

a. At Bell Desk

1 Upon receiving information about guest departure, a bell boy is deputed by the bell captain to bring down the luggage of the guest, who fill up the departure errand card and on his way to guest room informs the cashier as well as the receptionist about the departure taking place.

2. On reaching at the guest room, he will gently knock the door or ring the bell, announce the guest and wish him/her according to the time of day. He will then inquire to him about the number of pieces of baggage to be taken down (if the call is received directly at bell desk then the bell captain will check from the guest about the number of pieces of baggage to be brought down, so that in case there is more baggage, a luggage trolley can be sent along with the bell boy).

3. After checking the baggage the bell boy will ask the key from the guest and bring the baggage out in the corridor. While collecting the guest baggage, the bell boy will take a quick view of the room for any damage of hotel property and also check the drawers or cabinets for anything left behind by the guest. Then he withdraws the curtains and switch off the lights and A.C. and leaves the room by gently closing the doors behind him.

4. In the elevator he will ask the guest politely about his stay in the hotel and also inquires whether a taxi is required or not. In the lobby he will direct the guest to the cashier and proceed to bell desk with the guest baggage. Here, the hotel stickers are paste on the baggage and a baggage tag with capital 'D' is also placed on the guest baggage.

5 After this the bell boy will come back to the cashier desk and collect the 'baggage out gate pass' from cashier and proceed to deposit the room key with the information desk and collect an acknowledgement from the information assistant.

6 Then the guest is escorted to the main entrance of the hotel and asked the doorman to call a taxi after showing him the baggage out pass. He will take the guest luggage to taxi and request the guest to check his baggage.

7. Then he will note down the taxi no. in his errand card, help the guest to sit into the taxi and wish him for his journey. He will then return back to the bell desk where he will deposit his
errand card to bell captain that will make an entry in his control sheet.

b. At the Reception

The bell boy on his way to the room informs the reception about the departure taking place. Following steps are carried out by the receptionist.
1. Immediate check with the list of expected departure & access the room availability position of the day.
2. Once the room key has been deposited at the information desk, an entry is made in arrival-departure register.
3. Upon receiving the information from the cashier, the room status is updated.
4. Inform the housekeeping department so that the departure room can be attended.
5. Departure Notification slip is made and sends to the Housekeeping, Room Service and Telephone department.

c. At the Cashier Desk

1. Upon receiving the information about the departure, the cashier takes out the guest folios from the concerned room no. and checks if any voucher remains un-posted and at the same time he also call all the POS to check for any last minute billing.
2. Then he will update the bills of departure guest and check for any instruction on the guest bill.
3. When the guest arrives at the cashier desk, the guest folio along with the supportive vouchers is presented to him in a file with a pen. It is at this stage if there is any mistake on the bill can be corrected by verifying the supportive vouchers.
4. After the guest approval the bill is finalize after allowing any allowances or discount as per the authorization and instruction from the Lobby manager or the Front Office Manager.
5. Then the bill is settled by the guest. (For various ways & method of settlement refer chapter no. 9, topic- Check out & Settlement)
6. After settlement, the top copy of the bill along with the supporting vouchers are kept in an envelope and handed over to the guest.
7. Then the cashier wish the guest a pleasant and safe journey and baggage out pass is issued to the bell boy for the departing guest.


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