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Deepanjali  posted in Yoga

Ganesh  posted in Science

Anuska  posted in Poetry

                                          (An Excerpt from My book Failure is a knock on the door of success)
                                                                        Fear of Failure
Don't fear the prospect of FAILURE, Be determined not to fail. That means be determined and resolute to achieve what you wish to achieve. If you are afraid of failure, you don't deserve success.  Failure is a knock on the door of success. Talk openly about your failure. There is nothing to feel embarrassed or ashamed by your failures. It is an opportunity to learn from them and   Start Again
Failure is the condition of not having achieved the desired result.   Don't allow failure to define you. Your Failure can not be your identity unless you allow it to do so. Don't allow it to kill your enthusiasm. Take you failure as your driver, as your motivator. Winston Churchill summed it up saying ?Failure is the ability to go from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm ? it, therefore, should not be the cause for losing your enthusiasm.  Enthusiasm is a state of mind that inspires and arouses a person to action. This state of mind gets frozen by fear of failure.  How apt is the statement ?If you are not fired with enthusiasm you will be fired with enthusiasm?. If you fell yesterday, stand up today. Our greatest glory, as Confucius said, is not in never falling but it is in rising every time we fall
It is during those spells when Failures strike you that you can reflect and take corrective steps.  That s the best time for sowing the seeds of success. Failure teaches you much more about realities, and with determination, persistence, and perseverance you can turn dreams into reality. Don?t fear Failure. Let it  be your counselor and teacher
Late APJ Abdul Kalam-ex president of India?s view on how to deal with failure   is ? if you fail, never give up because it means First Attempt in Learning, He said never read success stories, you will get a message. Read Failure stories you will get some ideas to get success.
 He further says Failure is a disease. If you want to kill it use the best medicine of hard work and confidence .It will make you successful.
Fear is one of the most destructive of human emotions.  It can disrupt your   normal sleep.   It can maim you. It can force you to suppress your full self. It can crush your creativity. It makes you brittle and weak. You can be paralyzed by the unknown.  You will languish if you allow yourself to be controlled by fear. Don't let it happen.

Saiyid  posted in Failure

Post updated on:  Aug 3, 2021 11:03:04 PM

                (  An excerpt from my book Failure is a knock on the door of success ) 

 No Elevator to success, Take the stairs

People have more often asked me how to achieve success and what success means to me. I wish I could answer that.  But I don?t have any easy answer nor do I have any MAGIC Formula that I can recommend for a smooth uninterrupted ride to success. However as far as I am concerned, whatever success  I achieved , I have earned  the hard way?with sweat,  perseverance and dogged determination. I started my journey from a tiny village in Jaunpur district of UP. I wasn't born with extraordinary talent. 

Nobody gave me anything on silver platter. My roots are modest. I don't have big -connections anywhere that I can boast of. And I don't receive divine prompts that would provide inspiration for my stories. 

The truth is I, the small village boy coming from an average middle class family, had to start at the bottom of the stairs and walk up one step at a time. Every day I   kept putting one foot in front of the other. I kept climbing upward. 

Most of the days the climb was very arduous, very steep and I wanted to stop. Other days I might have taken a few steps.  But  overall when I turn around, and look at how far I've come, I'm amazed  to realise and say it  with gratitude and with a sense of elation and of course  with humility  that  I have travelled much farther than I ever dreamed possible . 

I have kept moving steadily upward, confronting roadblocks on the way, eventually making slow progress forward.  But then, I only have to keep moving forward and see the steep climb that still awaits me to conquer it. I haven't arrived. Journey continues.  I love this saying: There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs.??  

This quote   perfectly sums up the process of achieving success.  There are no easy ways to reach success. No fast route to being successful. No short cuts. And no pat answers to those who want advice on how to achieve successTake time to learn the skills that go with the trade and profession you are associated with. There is  no other way. The skills don't just magically show up.  We all have to learn. 

Post updated on:  Aug 3, 2021 9:17:37 PM

हिंदवी स्वराज्य संस्थापक छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराजांचा विजय असो 🙏🚩🚩 

* या युगी सर्व पृथ्वीवर म्लेंच्छ बादशहा असता मऱ्हाठा पातशहा एवढा छत्रपती झाला ही गोष्ट काही सामान्य झाली नाही.
 - सभासद 

* सिंहासनारूढ होऊन छत्र धरून छत्रपती म्हणविले. केवल नूतन सृष्टीचं निर्माण केली.
 - आज्ञापत्र

* राष्ट्रनिर्माता म्हणून मान्यता पावणे यासारखे मनुष्याच्या आयुष्यात अन्य कोणतेही श्रेष्ठ विधिलिखित असू शकत नाही; नेमके हेच महतकृत्य शिवाजी महाराजांनी करून दाखवले आहे.
 - जदुनाथ सरकार

* शिवाजी महाराजांनी हिंदू समाजाचा सुकत आलेला वृक्ष पुनरुज्जीवित केला ही भरतखंडास अभिमानास्पद कामगिरी घडली. राज्याभिषेक नसता तर हिंदुमात्राची सहानुभूती राजारामकालीन संकटसमयी मराठ्यांस लाभली नसती. आपल्या अनुयायांत श्रद्धा निर्माण करणे हे शिवाजी महाराज यांचे स्वराज्यरक्षणासाठी आद्य कर्तव्य होते; व ती गोष्ट राज्याभिषेक शिवाय अन्य कोणत्याही उपायाने सध्या झाली नसती.
- शेजवळकर 

* हिंदवी स्वराज्य ही अत्यंत महत्वाची व आवश्यक क्रांती झाल्याने भारतात हिंदू समाजाला जगता आले. त्यामुळे शेवटी इस्लामी सत्तांना नामोहरम होऊन राहावे लागले हाच सर्वात मोठा सामाजिक विक्रम होय. हा विक्रम शतकानुशतके भारतीय जनतेच्या स्मरणातून दूर जाणार नाही.
- वा. सी. बेंद्रे

* स्थापन केलेले राज्य हे खऱ्या अर्थाने कल्याणकारी ठरावे,  आपल्या जनतेचा सर्वांगीण विकास व्हावा, आपले सांस्कृतिक जीवन समृद्ध व्हावे आणि सर्वात महत्वाची गोष्ट म्हणजे राष्ट्राची अस्मिता जागृत व्हावी यासाठी महाराजांनी केलेली प्रयत्नांची पराकाष्ठा, ही सर्व पाहता त्यांचे आयुष्य म्हणजे समकालिकांना एक चमत्कार तर वाटलाच, पण आजतागायत भारतातील पिढ्या त्यांच्या चरित्राने भारावून गेल्या आहेत.
- सेतुमाधवराव पगडी 

* शिवाजी महाराजांचा राज्याभिषेक हे सर्व भारतभर पसरलेल्या प्रजेला आपण तुमचे मुक्तीदाते अहोत, , आणि रक्षणकर्ते आहोत असे आश्वासन होते. हे माझे राज्य आहे, ते मला टिकवलेच पाहिजे, या जिद्दीने जनता मध्ययुगीन भारताच्या इतिहासात फक्त एकदाच लढली ती शिवाजी महाराज यांच्या राज्यासाठी. भारताच्या इतिहासात अशी ज्योत जनतेच्या मनात शिवाजी महाराजांनी प्रथम पेटवली म्हणून शतकानुशतके लोक त्यांना आपला त्राता, उद्धारकर्ता मानत आले. कोणत्याही शतकातील जनतेच्या मनात असणाऱ्या प्रबळ स्वातंत्र्याकांक्षेचा शिवाजी महाराज हे प्रतिनिधी ठरले.
- नरहर कुरुंदकर

पौरुषता के परंपरा का महापराक्रमी राजा था।
और पुनराभिषिक्त होने वाला,
यह राष्ट्रपुरुष शिवराया था।
यह राष्ट्रपुरुष शिवराया था।


Ranjit  posted in History

Post updated on:  Aug 3, 2021 1:34:40 PM

Heart Vs Mind

It's the debate between the What we feels & What we know..
Humans are trapped in between these two My heart says don't listen to the mind..
Then mind says don't listen to the heart..
Trapped in the war of love and hate
Heart vs mind always a debate
The mind says no but the heart says yes
The conflict between these two makes life mess 
Used to play the role of refree
Between my heart feeling and mind facts Each and everyday I fight 
a battle with my mind
Just to make my heart realize
There's a constant war 
between my mind &heart
It's hard to keep calm
when the heart and mind were at war
It's the toughest battle Ever faught by human
Hence Heart vs Mind always a debate.!!


Muskan  posted in Blogger

Post updated on:  Aug 3, 2021 9:40:59 AM

                               Life is a game of Hide and seek between Failure and Success 

Keep avoiding failure is the universally acknowledged wise counsel people have always been receiving. I recall my father commenting to me, Do your homework or you're going to fail! If you fail, you'll be left behind study. Study else you won:t pass or If you fail, people will think you're stupid and incompetent. This is the start of fear of failure getting sown in. We are asked to chase success but never told how to tackle our failure. This focussed emphasis on success leads to stress that we find difficult to cope with.

Failure has always been viewed as a sign of incompetence, an object of ridicule and carelessness. However failure happens to everyone. It is a very powerful ingredient to success. No one likes to fail but it has been observed that those who fail often come back and win . Every chance of failure is offset by the chance of success. Failure is the pillar of and roadway to success. Failure is a lure to success; it is neither incompetence nor an indignity. It is a trigger to continue not to give up
 Success is something almost everyone wants; there is nothing wrong in it. Deep down every one wants to be successful. Many of us are not clear about what success means. 

What exactly is success? 

How can it be defined? And what it means to be successful in personal and professional life? 

These are some of the fundamental questions each and every one of us is continuously struggling to find answer to.

We live in a world that has a lot of predefined notions of success .We are supposed to study hard ,get good grades,  find job in a top notch organisation ,and what not. The list is endless. 

These Societal expectations are suffocating and stress igniters. They create tremendous pressures and act like straitjackets.  Such pressures restrain and stifle creativity.
It is really very depressing to observe that our society shows harsh images of success and failure.  We should always WIN is the mantra they prescribe. If we lose we are doomed. It is the culture of conformity. Its mantra is to go along to get along. Its prescribed standards are stringent. 

One should not get terrorised and frozen by such standards. This single track success driven approach creates stress and tensions that one may find difficult to handle. What needs to be emphatically highlighted is that successful people are those who accept and embrace failure without making excuses and move ahead to plan out the next move.

It must be kept in mind and understood that Success is a journey. It is a continuous process. The road leading to success will not always be smooth. This journey will not always provide unending continual joy. There will be difficulties, setbacks, obstacles and roadblocks


Post updated on:  Aug 3, 2021 9:39:30 AM

Clarion Call: White House Prophecies
Catholic Archbishop David Smith's prophecies on the American political situation before the next elections. He drowns in dreams full of voices; some his, others not his own. He speaks:
Make a donation to fight for progress on big issues.
I donate way too much taxes already so why should i donate any more to a bunch of worthless bastards that accomplish nothing
Let's get down to , if you don't support or even like this president why in the hell you on this page if you support this president and what he's doing this page is made for people who are for President Barack Obama. Think you could impress President Obama?

We will never have another President like Barack H .Obama . The best this country has ever had .you are your own molding and can never be duplicated thank God.
Putin has out gamed President Obama yet again. Obama has painted himself into a corner and when you plant yourself into that corner you are limited. Obama's foreign policy is a disaster and a failure. Russia is our greatest political threat and Obama will have to deal with his lack of strength and get tough soon.
I love president Obama he is a very good president, am sorry he never got the respect he deserves love. You Mr President Obama, God's blessing to you and your family.
Hmmm, looks like Romney was right about Russia after all. Putin has so little respect for Obama and the US that he sent his minion to our embassy to knock on the door and tell us what to do. We are in big trouble fellow Americans, thanks to Obama.
I would like to meet the President and to tell him that he has been the best President and the world admires his dedications and cares for all Americans regardless of their race, colour, and religion.
"I don't want to get paralyzed by the magnitude of this thing. I'm a big believer that imagination can solve problems," says the president
The best president America ever had! I've never seen a president visiting a prison in my whole life!
This is the most compassionate President ever!!! Thank you for caring Mr. President, thank you!! May God continue to bless you and your beautiful family..
Hi Mr Obama when your term ends would you please move to Australia and become our next prime minister this country needs some real leadership
better record that proves he is not corporately owned.
I want to tell the world what Dr Hoodoo spellcaster did for me,i have tried so many spell caster unto no avail,but my friend Arthur told me to contact Dr Hoodoo and that he will solve any difficulty am facing.
The number of people enrolled in health insurance on the New analysis shows 17.6 million have gained coverage as Affordable Care Act provisions have taken?
"America is great right now?not because of our government, or our wealth, or our power, but because of everyone who works hard every day to move this country forward. Now Congress needs to work as hard as you do."
I'm a UK citizen and live in the UK. Not an American at all. But what Barack Obama has done for the world and America is astonishing. He really is one of the greatest leaders your country has ever had. He is clever a statesman and is always a cut above the republicans. He has shown courage dignity and understanding on the world stage as he has done in America. Really is a great and respected man. Good job Obama.
The deficit cut by two-thirds, the lowest unemployment rate in seven years, and the longest streak of private-sector job growth on record?but there's more work to do.
"Americans will now have access to reliable data on every institution of higher education. You?ll be able to see how much each school?s graduates earn, how much debt they graduate with, and what percentage of a school?s students can pay back their loans."
The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. I think Obama is a great president. He has done many great things and has been extremely successful . I thank you, Mr. Obama. "In memory of those we lost, we resolved to shape a world where events like those of September 11, 2001, could never happen again, and we see this unbreakable spirit live on every day across America."
Rip to the 2976 American people that lost there life in 9/11 and R.I.P. the 48,644 Afghan and 1,690.903 Iraqi and 35000 Pakistani people that paid the ultimate price for a crime that they did not commit
Thank you, President Obama. My understanding of being an American has changed as I've grown older and reflected on the events of fourteen years ago. Resiliency and courage are two of the first words to come to mind when I think of the American people as well as you and
"This Labor Day, let us remember the struggles and the progress that have defined America, and let us resolve to continue building a nation where everyone is treated fairly, where hard work pays off, and where all things are possible for all people."
President Obama you have done great for America and the world. We much appreciate all you have done. You are great. Please take care about refugee's it's global problem, it's your humanity. Thanks president Obama.
"If Congress wants to support working Americans and strengthen our middle class, they can pass a budget that invests in, not makes cuts to, the middle class."
"When Congress gets back, they should prevent a shutdown, pass a responsible budget, and prove that this is a country that looks forward?a country that invests in our future, and keeps our economy growing for all Americans."
Mr. President....thank you for staying steady & strong during all this hateful & ignorant noise. You were elected twice by the majority of Americans. That was no accident. I so appreciate all you have done for our country & wish you all the best as you continue to push through it all. With much respect from Colorado.
What makes this country great is that everyone gets to say what they think. I feel he has been one of the best presidents this country has seen in a long time. Let's hope we don't go back to the Bush administration of 2001......
The Iran deal is the most consequential foreign policy debate since the war in Iraq?and many experts have already made their voices heard.
"I convened a task force on community policing to find commonsense steps that can help us drive down crime and build up trust and cooperation between communities and police." "The right to vote is one of the most fundamental rights of any democracy. Yet for too long, too many of our fellow citizens were denied that right, simply because of the color of their skin." Thank you, Mr. President, I am very much in favor of drinking clean water and breathing clean air. The Koch brothers have a lot of money tied up in coal. Do not be surprised when the Senators and Congressman they own come out hard against this concept, plus the conservatives who will fight anything that this uppity President proposes.
"If one of the best measures of a country is how it treats its more vulnerable citizens?seniors, the poor, the sick?then America has a lot to be proud of." I think Mr, Obama is the Best president for all Democratic countries, not only for America. I am proud of you Mr, President Obama, You are great.
"As long as I?m President, I?m going to keep doing whatever I can to protect consumers, and our entire economy, from the kind of irresponsibility that led to the Great Recession in the first place." "This week, the United States and our international partners finally achieved something that decades of animosity has not: a deal that will prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon." "In this country, of all countries, a person?s ZIP code shouldn?t decide their destiny. We don?t guarantee equal outcomes, but we do strive to guarantee an equal shot at opportunity?in every neighborhood, for every American." You've had an uphill battle since you entered office Mr. President & you have never given up your fight for equality for all individuals. That in itself says so much about who you are. History will remember you as one of our greatest presidents
"On this most American of holidays, we remember that all who serve here at home and overseas, represent what today is all about. And we remember that their families serve, too." While I'm an avid Barack Obama supporter... I do not support the freedom act/Patriot Act. Unless you put protections for US citizens from unwarranted spying... This is just using the Americans fear of "terrorism" against them so the Government can spy on everyone at any time. It has to end!
I respect you as President but you are dead wrong on this issue. Senator Obama was against the Patriot Act. What happened?
Good night President Barack Obama. He speaks Mr. Luis R. Franceschi from Puerto Rico. I am disgusted with him discrime there with Puerto Ricans who paid the same percentage of social insurance than any American born in the United States. Parents have
The worse war I see happening is within the US between Republicans and Democrats.. the US parties are undermining the entire US, and its own credibility... Time to focus in the US and not in egos, and parties war...Maybe you agree, maybe not but this looks like teenagers games.. time to the politicians get mature and act focusing in the security of the US, and its friends.
Yes to the "Patriot Act"! President Obama, thank you for all your work & attempts to better US! Corruption\greed plotted & always fought against you. I pray that your successors continue on the path of righteousness to build a stronger, productive & prosperous nation!
A pleasant good morning to al . Support to the most wonderful president Obama that I love an a dor stay bless as always
Hello! George W Bush signed into law the Patriot Act October 26, 2001. I respectfully remind all of the nice folk that only watch Fox news and think the Patriot Act is President Obama's Islamic plot to over throw your civil liberties. This act is in. "Jihad Struck Texas But Will the Obama Administration Continue to Bury Its Head in the Sand"
-- American Center for Law and Justice
For the people complaining about Congress and the President: Did you vote? The stats say you didn't. We the people caused the fight in congress between parties when we vote 50% democrats in Congress, 50% republican in Congress, democratic President.
You r not save the USA by terrorist you full support Isreal and all roll apply in USA given Israel you are not thinking maymar rohingiya muslim and all over the world
I love this President and his family. I'm really sorry that he has had to deal with so much criticism from day one. It's not right nor is it fair! In spite of it all our President has been an extraordinary leader. See this freedom of speech...sometimes it goes over to the border line....i think cussing at the Voted President of the United States should not be included in the freedom of speech...if you didn't like his speech....then at least pay respect by just .
He writes me back. Thanks Harold Berrenstein ello Obama with Ha.rold Berrenstein from holland the city Amsterdam, i am 41 years, you know me, i had written you before, i live a longtime in a clinic, psychical hospital, i am 20 years inside,
"I?m calling on Americans to join me in speaking with one voice to the Senate. Put the politics aside. Put our national security first. Pass the USA Freedom Act?now. And, let?s protect the security and civil liberties of every American." While I'm an avid Barack Obama supporter... I do not support the freedom. Unless you put protections for US citizens from unwarranted spying... This is just using the Americans fear of "terrorism" against them so the Government can spy on everyone at any time. It has to end!
Global warming is a threat to national security! Said no intelligent president ever.
A pleasant good morning to all. Support to the most wonderful president Obama that I love an a President Barack Obama sir Spying on US citizens violates the Fourth Amendment. This is what President Obama said in 2006-2008 when he first ran for office. He was right then and he is wrong now. Let Section 215 expire! Without freedom and privacy body without spirit. Mr President Democrats and Republicans are attempting to make it illegal for me, a U.S. Citizen to economically and peacefully boycott Israel. It's a tool that Ghandi MLK used without violence. Taking any voice from those critical of Israel is vicious. Teri Aunor Support the American safetiness towards terrorist..We support our President because he care for our American people safety.
President Obama, thank you for the countless things you do for our country. We couldn't be more proud nor have a better leader for our nation. In today's world there are so many that only want to criticize and find fault. Sir, you are doing an outstanding job for country and we will always honor you. Thank you for your beautiful tribute on this Memorial Day. God bless the USA
Although I am not an American citizen, I must say Mr. President your speech on Memorial Day at Arlington was touching and beautiful!!! Also by not using notes and not looking down to read it was very respectful for all the families of the fallen. May we all remember the fallen regardless of our nationalities.
It actually really sickens me that many of you have turned this thread into a political argument about our president instead of simply honoring our fallen soildiers. This day of all days politcs should mean nothing for we should be able to agree that our troops have sacrificed greatly in the name our country. You dishonor them and yourselves by lowering the value and purpose of this day
I am a War Veteran, so I have the right to say what I am about to say... Most of these Brave Men died for nothing more than Corporate Greed... Land grabbing of oil fields, and raw materials to be ransomed or fully taken over by the United States.
Silva My respect to all of them, my uncle Cesar Silva was part of the 65 infantry group, from Puerto Rico,he died fighting in the Korean War, he was only 20 years old.
Never met him but will always remember my Dads tears every time he spoke about his little brother.
To all politicians Democrats and Republicans and all citizens, we shouldn't need a Memorial Day, and the fact that a lot only purport to care about veterans today is the greatest crime and honoring the dead is fantastic except for the piss poor way we treat the veterans who are injured, and homeless. Do something significant for them before you tell us how much you appreciate the acts of the dead.
Thank you all for protecting our freedoms and please forgive and disregard those that don't understand or appreciate your sacrifices for us all!
I hope I live to see God blessing on thus wonderful president I would like to see just one day go by. Without a hateful comment. By someone about. This wonderful man pres Obama
Thank you to all the Americans who sacrificed their lives for our freedom. Very proud of be an American and love to you, President Obama.
This sacred place brings tears to my eyes every time I see it! we honor all who gave the most!
Please Honor those who Bravely Sacrificed their lives for all Amecans. God bless the United States STATES of America, also our wonderful commander Barack Obama!!!
I love my President and his family. it would be wonderful to meet them in person one day. I would fall down and kiss his feet in gratitude for caring enough for our America to even be bothered with the office of President and all the insults he has put up with on our behalf. Thank you President Obama. You are the smartest, thoughtful and happiest President I can remember. An Italian man, I thankful to the Americans if today I am a free man. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Mr Obama I would love to get to know you in person I was in Japan this year and I saw the place that you went to have ice cream come may God bless my president
I love the Obamas. I find it very disrespectful to our fallen soldiers for those of you that are saying horrible things about the Obamas here when they are honoring our fallen soldiers. This is not the place to be doing that. How disrespectful!!
I love president Barack Obama. ...keep up the good work for countries like mine who are too small to have an army..you keep all of us safe too sir and for that we here in the Bahamas will be forever grateful...God bless the great united States of America
President Obama you are an awesome President thank you. I am a proud American and grateful to the good Lord who sent you and your beautiful family to our White House!
It would be so wonderful and patriotic if all could lay aside their hate and be thankful for our military on this day.
President Obama, sir, there are 93 soldiers, who are being denied their rightful place on The Wall, The Vietnam Veterans Memorial. These soldiers gave their all; Barack Obama
"These Americans gave everything they had.
Amira Rodriguez Thank you to those who have risked their lives for freedom and for the protection of our countries, people, children and their future. We should continue to work together to keep our homes clean, safe, our neighborhoods, our country. It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom ? for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."
My heart goes to all these Americans that gave everything they had and to their families that have to leave with out them... Dear Sr. President Barack Obama and Family thank you !!!!
"This weekend is Memorial Day?a time to pay tribute to all our men and women in uniform who?ve ever given their lives so that we can live in freedom and security." I think he looks so incredibly tired and worn out. No matter what people might say about him, he is only human, and I think the years of negativity and obstructionist activities surrounding him is taking a toll. No one deserves to be treated the way he has been treated.
Sir God bless Our President. I did not vote for President Bush, yet I respected the President. While we are inner fighting, our enemies are having a blast. Each party can disagree on issues. Let us respect our President elected by the people.
President Obama...I want to interrupt everything to say thank you for being the man among the men for all people here in America!!!...You came into Office with much Love, Care, and Support for all people...there will never be another like you.     
Any Given Sunday Love and respect to all the real hero's and thank you very much for sacrificing your life and much love, President Obama Sir Thank you very much too!!Heart goes for all the heroes!!!
I love you president Obama and support president Obama my favorite president and the best president ever yes we can yes we can yes we can thank you to all the troops who ever served thank you for fighting and defending out country i really love that our troops to finally have a president who cares and loves them president Obama your the best Obama style
Thank you President, may God continue to bless you. I pray that God continues to lead and guide you. Look at you, He has made a table in the presence of your enemies right here on this great land. My prayers for you and your family.
"Whether we are Democrats, Republicans, or independents; whether we live in one of our poorest communities, one of our wealthiest, or anywhere in between, we all want our country to be one where hard work pays off and responsibility is rewarded." President Barack Obama thanks for all you do and for informing us. I have not remembered seeing any president come to fb with a weekly address as you have. So kind and so caring. God bless you and your family.
Barack Hussein Obama is not my President and as an American, I have absolutely no Representation in Washington, DC, by those who swore an Oath to support, protect and defend the U.S. Constitution, the American people and our great Nation! I believe in Obama and it is a shame such vitriol I hear from so many. I voted for you the first and second time. I wish Michelle Obama was running. She is probably excited as hell to get out of there. Thank you Mr President and Michelle Obama. President Barack Obama is one of the better President's we had in a long time and you one's complaining are either to dumb to realize or to young and arrogant to know better. You forgot the last President we had before Obama, or have you had a loss of memory.
Mark my word Mr. President, maybe not in my lifetime, but you WILL go down in history as one of the greatest Presidents this country has ever had!! Thank you Mr. President.
It is interesting that some of us expecting the past wrongdoings to be solved in one or two terms, or even less. You may laugh at me, that we need to work much harder and learn from our past mistakes. So coming generations can come financially more
The great president, who tries to unite, while others sow hate, he tries to build communication, while other try to hide, he inspires and tries to move forward while others are stuck in the past. It's difficult to be a president, it's harder to be like.
 Obama you are the greatest president ever you have worked hard for the poor and the middle class republicans only work for the rich so they can continue to get their kick backs and spend them on all the vacations they take nobody in this country
Has anyone noticed that those who denigrate the president are uneducated and have tremendous difficulty expressing themselves? Due to their poor command of the language, they rant, call names, label and post nasty pictures that have little to do with the subject matter.
I was with the 5 year old son of my black friend today and I told him his birthday is the same day as President Obama's and he said "I know and he is the same color as me". I love it!!
Hi Big daiablo, dear wild dog unclean, Obama very unclean and little Snack in the world . Obama have big Terrorist in the world after Israel
In political philosophy, the right of revolution (or right of rebellion) is the right or duty, previously stated throughout history, of the people of a nation to overthrow a government that acts against their common interests.
Dear Mr. President, I wish I could talk to you directly or somehow I wish you would see my post. My parents immigrated here from Bulgaria about 15 years ago for a better life for me and my twin sister. Both of them have PhDs. My mom has a PhD in Finance...
Tell our congress we need to push for mandatory video record keeping of "all" public officials while on public duty. This will end when we use the technology for everyone involved on a case by case basis. If "everyone" involved in anything public is he.
Mothers Against Police Profiling - MAPP I don't know if President Obama reads these post but something must be done! The attack on our sons is getting out of control! This stop and frisk or stop and harassed by cops must cease and desist! These attacks on melanin male, hunting them down like Lisa Ann Y Teruya I want to tell the world what Dr. Hoodooo spellcaster did for me,i have tried so many spell caster unto no avail, but my friend Arthur told me to contact Dr. Hoodoo on hoodoo and that he will solve any difficulty am facing.
"We will be forever grateful for what these remarkable men and women did, for the selfless grace they showed in one of our darkest hours. But as we mark this 70th anniversary, let?s not simply commemorate history. Let?s rededicate ourselves to the freedoms for which they fought."
"My entire presidency is about helping working families recover from recession and rebuild for the future. As long as I?m President, that?s what I?ll keep fighting to do."
"This is the only planet we?ve got. And years from now, I want to be able to look our children and grandchildren in the eye and tell them that we did everything we could to protect it." As born in Europe inevitable proven me joy every time I think of the contribution of unborn generations who can not wait to celebrate his birth-that you acknowledge the solar language of harmony of the universe and the
"To make sure everyone is part of this resurgence, we need to build on what we know widens the path to the middle class?and you all know what it is: access to education." Countries across the world are investing in clean energy. Climate change deniers are running out of excuses.
"This week, together with our allies and partners, we reached a historic understanding with Iran." "I don?t think our top economic priority should be helping a tiny number of Americans who are already doing extraordinarily well, and asking everybody else to foot the bill. I think our top priority should be helping everybody who works hard get ahead."
"I see the injustices and the dangers that you and your families still face. And I?m running for President to end them once and for all
During the past few months, we have seen attacks against the Latino community. The richness of the community is their great diversity, and we are stronger when we unite. We are proud to launch Latinos by Hillary because we know that she's going to fight for our community-Hillary's with us ?It is just heartbreaking, it is sickening to me to see another massacre. People should not have to be afraid to go to college, like this one, or go to the movie theater, or go to bible study. What is wrong with us that we can't stand up to the NRA and the gun lobby and the gun manufacturers they represent?
You know, this is not just tragic. We don't just need to pray for people. We need to act. And we need to build a movement. It's infuriating. Every time there's another massacre.
Is the only candidate of either party with the spine to stand up to the gun lobby her entire career. She's running on a record of achievement, not a list of promises.
This is one of the many reasons Hillary Clinton has my vote and support. She's the only candidate willing to even mention stricter gun regulations! She's not doing it for popularity, but because it's right. Everyone else is either an NRA lapdog or too scared to confront the gun nuts.
Watch Hillary for America's Brian Fallon on Kevin McCarthy's disturbing admission that the Benghazi committee is actually a taxpayer-funded sham aimed at hurting Hillary.
Wants McCarthy to apologize for making this statement. How about the republicans apologize to Hillary Clinton and the American people? And then have those members of Congress pay back the taxpayer dollars wasted on this conspiracy. We already knew this. Now it's just confirmed.
Hillary has stood with educators throughout her career--from her early days working at the Children's Defense Fund to her success creating a new teacher recruitment program in the Senate.
Another devastating shooting. We need sensible gun control measures to save lives, and I will do everything I can to achieve that. -H
Help Hillary get on the ballot in Indiana--sign up to attend a Hillary for Indiana Signature Petition Training.
Supporters are getting together to figure out the best way to support Hillary in our community -- and we need you to decide! An event is coming up soon, so RSVP now so you don't miss out. And why not bring a friend or two?
Rod Andres I laugh when I see people that don't live in Indiana talking about what people in Indiana should do. Us Hoosiers are more than capable of thinking for ourselves. Most Hoosiers don't really entertain people from other states, if you lived or spent time
Raising the minimum wage, paid family leave, child care: These aren?t just women?s issues -- they?re also family issues and economic issues.
Hillary?s working her heart out to earn every single vote, but the truth is, the ?secret? weapon in this race isn't a secret: It's dedicated supporters like you. If you?re with Hillary, donate before tonight?s end-of-quarter deadline. There are a lot of people out there hoping that we don't hit our fundraising goal before midnight tonight. I know you?re going to prove them wrong. Will you chip in before the deadline?
I already donated this morning; and would donate more if I had it to spare. Might be able to come up with another $25 a bit later. Hillary Clinton for POTUS 2016!! Let's keep on thinking positive, okay team?
Speaker-in-Waiting Kevin McCarthy confirms: The Benghazi committee is a partisan effort to hurt Hillary's campaign.
?Nobody in America should have to choose between buying the medicine they need and paying their rent.? Hillary on prescription drug pricing in her latest TV ad.
I know a few people don?t like Hillary for whatever reason, but they don?t realize that I have the right to vote for whom I want, my sacred vote is for Hillary Clinton, she will be the first female president of U.S.A, and she will change the history!! 100%!!!! GO Hillary! 2016
For nearly 100 years, Planned Parenthood has stood up to political attacks on women's health while providing care. GOP: You're outmatched.
women have to and must stand up for one another....and really, women are the only ones who should have opinions, on "women's health" and care.... so tired of men dictating....
Massacres like todays will be blamed on access to guns... but... The underlying reasons for this social psychosis is the disenfranchisement of whole segments of the people. TRUMP's Focus is this... the core of society's endeavor. Reinstalling the Great...
Thank you from Oregon!!! Mr. Trump thank you also for not making this a political speech and actually recognizing the tragic event that took place today here in Oregon!!!
Jason Kowalski I live in Roseburg.....never seen anything like this here. I guess we all get our turn. Price to pay for living in society full of morons! You have my support mr Trump
Thank you Donald. Praying for them with you, and knowing that guns aren't the problem, it's the people who use them who are mentally ill or disturbed.
Thank you, Im from Oregon and Im so tired of hearing our president Screan "Anti Gun" when ever this happens!!!!
I am from Roseburg and personally thank you Mr. Trump for your condolences..lives were lost today..it's not a routine thing here. It's not a failure on gun control laws. It was a terrible tragedy that isn't political. From a hometown heart, thank you for just caring.
Thank you Mr. Trump. You have The wife's vote and my vote, we live right on top of Roseburg Oregon, and I'm from the big city San Francisco California?.Back when it was a lovable little bull city. Moved to Roseburg area for the tranquility in the friendliness and small-town atmosphere. Just shattered by Obama's violence played seven-year in office.
The emphasis of these tragedies need to highlight the mental health of the shooter, and not head directly into a debate or calling for gun control reform. Law abiding citizens who choose to own or legally carry a firearm are not the problem, in many cases they can be the solution to these situations.
Gallo I live in the beautiful state of Oregon, it is a sad day for all of us. Thank you for thinking about those that have had to go through this horrible tragedy. You are a class act Mr. Trump!
Mr. Trump the best thing you could do right now is make an appearance in my hometown of Oregon and come up with a plan to give vets jobs as armed guards in our schools. Killing two birds with one stone and we desperately need this.
It's very much appreciated that you took time to show you care for our people and our country. Thank you from Oregon
America loves TRUMP. .I'm so very sorry to all the families, friends of shooting victims and to the students of Roseburg Oregon sending prayers to your community. .God Bless. .
Thank you Mr Donald Trump for having a heart and not using this tragedy as a political platform! Roseburg, Oregon appreciates this more than you can even possibly know!!!!
Roseburg is my hometown and I plan on moving back in the next two years. My daughters and their families live there, as well as most of my childhood friends and other family. I graduated from Umpqua Community College in 1991. I thank you very much for your kind words. You have my vote.
Hahahaha they tried to lift up Fiorina and it was a mistake and now the new one they are trying to push up is Rubio. hahahah these freaking GOP establisment wont learn. We want Donald Trump.
For the first time in my voting years, I'm actually excited to cast a vote for you Donald. I grew up as a kid under Ronald Reagan and I remember how I looked up to him and wanted to be like him. We need you sir and thank you for picking up the ball.
Love the Donald! Trump will win despite the political puppets of Fox and CNN, who seem to be agents promoting republican candidates who are sure to lose to Hillary Rodham Clinton. Donald Trump is our best ticket out of debtor status and back to the country we love.
Channel a liberal based channel claims Donald J. Trump has lost a point to Ben Carson. I don't believe it and I hope Mr Donald J. Trump runs third party if the Rino Republicans don't make him the Republican runner against Hillary Clinton or whatever liberal Nazi runs on the Democratic ticket.
Wasn't even a GOP debate. It's more like a Trump/Fiorina debate. Which is why they're voted for winning.
I heard it from a Democrat today that he'll be voting for donald trump, interesting times. Check it out, it was on rush today. The last debate is an old news now --- time to move on - talk about your tax proposal 🚂 make people jump on your train. Start working major swing states like Ohio President Trump....ABC and these college and the rest of media is saying Trump has slipped in the polls that fiorino and rubio is first and second... But look who taking the polls...bunch of bone head morons... Trump is still in lead and he did win the debates
Trump won the debate... Congratulations Donald J.Trump ...You deserve every bit of recognition! Donald J. Trump President 2016 Thank You for honoring America...As We Americans will soon all be honoring you! We Love You! Trump won the 2nd debate. In fact, he won the first debate also. We want an honest candidate, not a candidate who tells you what they think you want to hear like Fiorina and Rubio. Fiorina and Rubio were working off a script given to them by their strategist and media consultant. Trump thinks for himself.
It's funny how the media will use a poll that surveyed about 250 voters and act like the race is close but they will ignore polls like the ones posted here from Time and Drudge. It's going to be nice next year when Donald J. Trump beats the Democrats and the Media to take the election. Donald J. Trump 2016!
I'm sick of the media showing bs polls that mean nothing.. I can walk the street and from overhearing conversations .. most people have no clue who Carson is... or Fiorina either.. the Latinos seem to be for Rubio, most liberal kids like "Bernie". Mike Flynn Memo to 4th Estate: The difference between a shill and a journalist, is a journalist reports what's really happening, versus, what Republican establishment diehards want to happen. Donald J. Trump has captivated America and will continue to do so, right up until he and his wonderful family occupy the Whitehouse; after he wins the Presidency in 2016.
Seems like Trump is more concerned about polls and making sure everyone knows where he stands in the polls. It would be nice if he actually was passionate about helping the middle class rather than the rich
More importantly, show me a poll where you can beat Hillary, Bernie or Biden? There are none, you can't win against a Democrat.
Get over it Donald. That was so last News Cycle. And Polls don't win elections, Votes do. Beside the Suffix Poll has your unfavorables at -51. Which is the lowest number by double digits. Since your so hot on Polls. And since your unfavorables are undoubtedly the highest among GOP Candidates, Why aren't you touting these numbers? Donald Trump the man who would be King. A Clown in search of a Crown.
Mr.Donald Trump won the GOP debate Bill Clinton says Mr.Trump will be Republicans Presidential nominee at last we know who will win the Presidential election Mr.Donald Trump
Should have run as a Democrat, he would have won of Hillary supporters by now. She is gonna fold! Bengazi is gonna bite her, Chris Steven's counts.
If you're voting for Donald Trump and you're a conservative Christian you should look up my facebook page "Conservative Christians", if you don't think you would like either category just don't request to be a member.
Goes after Paul because he knows Rand is the only candidate for the people. Trump is trying to win brownie points from his establishment friends.
I like Rand Paul on the issues of the The US Constitution. I am not always with him on everything but I do think he is a good man. I like how he wants the government out of our lives.
Fat chance Trump! Rand Paul in it for the long haul all the way to the White House! Rand is the only one running with a real plan for America and its backed up with the Constitution and Bill of Rights! Rand is the true Liberty fighter who fights daily ...See More
I support Donald J. Trump, but I'd like Rand Paul to hang out for awhile longer as he has had some interesting things to say, forcing other candidates to defend their positions (never a bad thing in Presidential politics).
Good.....our congressman from SC Mick Mulveney(who is another pansy that has done nothing about Obama) had endorsed him and one of my former pastors down here was all about him. I let everyone know I still stump for Trump! Go Mr Donald J. Trump!
Trump, you dont realize that college students arent calculated into any of these polls, and thats his biggest demographic.

My prediction is its going to be between ben carson, rand paul and trump for the nomination
Paul has some very good speaking-points on the Federal Reserve and big gov't I think Mr. Trump would be wise to listen to... that being said, he is a poor public speaker and has almost no charisma, so, not suprised he will be bowing out soon...
Any statements about Rand Paul probably didn't chase him, more like his supporters stop backing him. If U don't have the right words for the American people or the right plans to fix America, they will drop you like a rotten potatoe. Americans need someone with brains that can work with others and fix problems that have been haunting us for many years. The list is too long...Mr. Trump has the brains...
I just saw his interview and he said that he may be around in this race longer that you, Mr. Trump. Ohhh?? 1%?
Some of you who are putting Rand Paul down are ignorantly endorsing Trump. Rand Paul is a Patriot and believes in the Constitution of this country. What the hells the matter with all yous.
Rand had my vote until Donald joined the race. Rand is still great, will stand up for the constitution, and stand up to Israel. I hope Donald will do the same.
Lisa Pedraza Rand Paul lost supporters because he won't demand gmo labeling and for being too PC and not standing up for our rights! Trump you won me over keep following God and the constitution and you'll be president
Do you believe this - Iran wants to trade our 3 prisoners (not 4) for 19 prisoners held by the U.S. Should have been let go with last deal.
Obama is literally the STUPIDEST man to ever grace our government! Can you help kick him out of office??? Donald J. Trump
Obama is worthless. I'm sure he's holding hands/crying with prisoners about how unfair life has been to them. TRUMP The U.S.A. Needs you!
Of course IRAN expects that deal! Obama released 5 terrorists for 1 deserter (Bergdahl), so they expect more now!!.......Since when do bullies stop when they get what they want? If Trump was in office, none of this would be happening! He would make deals that actually benefit the US. TRUMP 2016!!!!
We should get our 4 prisoners and inject a shot into the 19 iran prisoners which will explode once overseas and won't initiate until the 4 Americans are in America
Iran isn't afraid of us. Just like many others aren't. America is a laughing stock. We are comedy for the rest of the world
Our government is sickening that we would even have prisoners of war in Iran. Shame on them for not bringing these loved ones home to America and their families who miss them terribly. No deal with Iran should have ever been made with Americans held captive!!!
And the $ 150 BILLION That's 15 X TRUMP's Net Worth........At least IRAN is smarter than the Americans, Obama might do it. Unless you shame the US not to! Seams Mr. Trump was right again. stupid americans. That's what Iran must be thinking...........We need trump 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!! from Boston Massachusetts............................................................
3 for 19?!?!?! When they should have been released before any negotiations even started for this "Iran Deal"!!!
We need you Donald Trump for PRESIDENT!!!
Mike Cia Mr. Donald Trump, Our country has been going down hill fast for the last 8 to 10 year's. We as Americans want a president who is for the people of the United States . We are tired of giving to others that just keep taking advantage of us.We need to bring America back to the mother land she onces was. You Sir, Should have run for President along time ago. I think you are missing a HUGE opportunity. Jump the line right now! the Iranian President is right there in New York with you. Go now and make a deal happen. Save those 4 Americans and make Obama and every other Republican candidate look like children. I know you can make it happen, I could. You have the access, and the leverage. What are you waiting for?
Can we trade 4 Americans for one US president? How many Americans would love to see 0bama in an Iranian prison, complete with daily/routine beatings and torture?
Obama is a joke to Iran. They're trying to negotiate every self-serving deal while he is still in the White House. I like Donald Trump but only God can help America.
Pastor Saeed is one of the 3 and he did not even commit a crime. He is being tortured in an Iranian prison for his Christian faith. It's so sad.
Iran are terrorists and should be treated as such! We do not need to fund them or give them anything to get our prisoners back. Your right! Go Trump!
No deal with Iran and our 4 prisoners should have already been released!! Thank God you get it Mr. Trump 🇺🇸 America needs you so bad and NOW!!! You'll make things right and get our country back to being great again.
Unfortunately President Obama lacks your negotiating skills, he'll probably give them the 19 prisoners in exchange for nothing but a promise to talk about the future of the prisoners they hold
Exactly, Donald has been saying this all along. The Iranians are as scared of Donald Trump as they were of Ronald Reagan. ?On January 20, 1981, at the moment Reagan completed his 20-minute inaugural address after being sworn in as President.
Well I think we should go back and say " We will take 4 prisoners or the Iran Deal is history" got it.....good!!!
All 4 should have been released in their last bad deal. The problem is John Kerry is not their right man to deal with Iran. To weak we need Donald Trump.
How about  prisoners for Obama.
This is very sad and yes they should let all 4 prisoners go. I believe you have the leadership we need Mr. Trump. By the way, I like the tax plan proposed today.
Sorry..we want our people back But..in the long run it not a smart move ...why not our 4 ?? are they gonna hold him for another 20 prisoners they want back ? he messed up the last agreement and the Iran deal by not asking for our people!!!! i think this was their plan all along ..I?m beginning to think Obama is working for the other side...not America !!!
I love Donald, it feels like Ronald Reagan is reincarnated, America needs you Sir. May God bless you and yours!!! God bless America !!! God bless Israel !!!
Too few Americans are working, too many jobs have been shipped overseas, and too many middle class families cannot make ends meet. This tax plan directly meets these challenges with four simple goals.
Trump is definitely one of us who's got a lot of great ideas for this country Thank You Donald Trump for loving America as much as we do . a lot of us are standing behind you...Trump.
Trump is the only candidate who will stop illegal immigration. That?s why both sides are hitting him hard. They want Mexican voters and republicans want cheap labor. In the meantime, we the people get stuck with a huge welfare bill and our poor get hit with lower waged jobs. Its not up to America to fix Mexico's problems.
You can bet if this guy shot Muslims in the head instead of Christians all hell would be breaking loose and the president surely would have acknowledged and condemned the persecution of Muslims. The fact he said nothing and then blames Americans for choosing to maintain the 2nd amendment is further proof he hates Christians and America!
People around the world look at republicans and think they're the biggest idiots on the planet. All because the president of America and black! If you know your history Christians nearly wiped out The Native Americans who are the true owners of this. Shameful to claim to be Christians and yet this hateful of our president. News is really Good at brainwashing its viewers that they no longer care how ignorant and stupid they sound.
The stupid is SO strong in here. Obama is a Muslim and hates America? You actually want to run that? We can thank the Australian and Saudi who own Fox for the misinformation of our more reactionary types.
Right? If it were muslims or gays or blacks being targeted this president would be having a seizure. Since its Christians - he blames guns. This POTUS continues to prove what kind of tad he really is.
The gunman does exactly what the ISIS and other Muslim radicals are doing bring encouraged by President Obama! Is is not about guns it's about hating Christians! And we want to live in a country where there is freedom of speech, freedom of faith and freedom to wear and have guns!!!!!!
Hate crimes against Muslims have consistently hovered in the 100-150 range, roughly five times higher than the pre-9/11 rate. Hate crimes against Jews have also surged over the last couple of years. Where is Carson's and Fox's outrage about that.
Does the fact of "hate crimes" and "Christians targeting" affects the other fact that guns should be controlled?? Twisting
Well I see this way.....why people hate Christians...Christians have been closely associated with kkk, nazi, the right wingers... they have killed in the name of God...the McVeys blew up the fed building killing all including kids...So, u have serious nuts that take that personal..... Same way goes for the Muslims nut jobs .... the one that suffers are the real God fearing people.
Federal Security Services (FSB) is reporting today that an American black-Islamist terror suspect, who yesterday committed an act of mass murder in the State of Oregon (United States), had been included on a list of 87,000. Why you ask? Because President Obama doesn't care about Christians only their destruction. He cares about Islam, Muslims and ISIS. Democrats are sympathetic to his wants. Thats why
Good questions... seems Obama does not address hate crimes against Christians, just pours verbal gasoline on crimes to create division and increase his power base... very pernicious, but he still must answer to the Holy One of Israel for all he has said and done, and if Obama's name is not in the Book of Life... oh, that will be a terrible day for Obama.
Dude makes a fake profile on a dating site a few months before he executes Christians and it's absolute fact.
I have personally never met a "right wing conservative" that hated religion nor have I met a "right wing conservative"
If it had been Muslims that were singled out then Obama would have been shouting it from the top of the White House. But since it was Christians he has nothing to say on that issue.
The real reason for the Second Amendment is to protect citizens against government abuse. There has to be a counterbalance to the armed state. A government needs to be fearful of the people, not vice versa. This administration along with several others...See More
The liberals and our administration do not like Christians or Jews or our Judeo- Christian ethics and morals thus the silence when we are attacked for our religious beliefs . Others are afforded protection and a tongue lashing from our President when crimes against their religions are perpetrated but not s word when Christians are attacked.
Yes, and Obama's apologists will tell you that Christians are not being persecuted. Of course, you need to remember these are also the people who support the slaughter of babies, homosexual marriages and every perverted cause know to man. Obama drinks alcohol, supports gay marriage, and has bombed several Muslim countries. What is with you people's fixation on the idea that he is a Muslim? By and large Christians are not a persecuted group in the USA. An isolated incident is not "proof".
Obama only cares about removing all guns so America can be defenseless like the rest of the world!
Well instead give some more information about Oregon shooter! According to European news he is not a crazy person he is a Muslim and tried to go to Syria to join Isis!
If a Muslim is killed by an American, or a black man is killed by a white person it is considered a hate crime, but a Christian is murdered like those in Oregon and it's only a 2nd amendment issue for the demoncrats and their leader Obama.
Obama is all about political "correctness", and appeasing the far left wing wackos. Crazy thing is, he just says what they want to hear, with his polished, smooth speeches that are full of platitudes and lectures to the world . Funny, how the left are. Obama doesn't quit care about christians cuz he's a muslim himself,USA needs something new and immediatelly
Ok, he we go Obama has one clear agenda and that is to disarm our country. He neglected to indicate this was a hate crime against Christians and the mental issues of our country need to be addressed! Taking and limiting guns and ammunition is not the answer.
Obama clears does not identify with christians. He sides with muslims regularly. He is a treasonous POTUS.
I keep seeing all these memes with Ben Carson holding up an "I am a Christian" sign. I understand that this is a social media campaign in response to the horrendous shootings in Oregon. I get the need to affirm your religion in the face of this gunman'. Kevin Gilmore Obama can't tell people it was a hate crime, because he is a Muslim himself. He talks about gun control in hopes of taking away guns, so victims won't be able to defend themselves and the criminals will be the only ones armed.
Christians being targeted on OUR soil only reinforces the idea that Obama?s policies have failed. He will NEVER admit that this was a hate crime or that anything but guns were responsible.
In all honesty, Obama has a vile hatred toward Christians. That?s why...There is no other explanation.
Russell Meyers The majority of mass shooters were white Christians. Stop the BS and pass stricter gun controls!
We know why, it doesn't fit the narrative and Obama doesn't care about Christians. He just wants to disarm Americans so he can issue in UN police to grab our guns and lock us down in a police state. If you aren't a member of NRA now would be a good time ..
I just took a personal stand for my freedom by joining NRA. You should too!
Because Obama has encouraged this war on Christians as well as this war on Police. This is his agenda and has become the agenda of liberal democrats. He has become a "divider" of people not a "Uniter". He has set this country back years. Such a disappointment for this great nation.
News stirring the pot. There are reports that other religious people were targeted by this gunman, not just Christians. Don't wait for the facts, though. Stir emotions and make a profit.
Why can't they just tell the truth ...
Oregon Mass Shooter On Terror List Obama Refused To Take From Russia
Christians were targeted because the gunman was a radical Islamic terrorist sympathizer!!!!! He was on the terrorist watch list!!!!! This was ANOTHER terrorist attack on American soil!!!!
Obama doesn't want other muslims to attack him, his mission is clearly to infiltrate muslims into the USA... When are you going to understand Obama's mission has nothing to do with the USA? Obama wants to take American's guns so we can't attack back when the muslims start their take over!
No he is not Muslim, and he wants gun control laws to be strengthened for ALL Americans to be safe. Come out if your hatred and check all the facts. None is so blind as those blinded by hatred. Why the hatred? Really, why?
Guns are used to kill, knives are used to kill, bombs are used to kill and planes are used to kill. Christians are targeted, police are targeted, Jews are targeted, innocents are targeted. The common denominator is obviously the evil heart and sick mind, not guns. Come, Jesus, come.
Clearly he's missed where blacks, Muslims, Jews, etc. Are being targeted. Sick of this hypocritical war on Christians, who clearly don't know what it is to be a Christian. Christmas is a retail indoctrination and today's Christians preach fear, hatred, and destination to all who disagree with them. Jesus Christ has left the building.
Now that Christians have been targeted, maybe more Christians will start thinking about the absurdity of allowing anybody the right to have a gun.
I am a gun owner and I am for gun safety. That means appropriate regulations to guarantee the general public safety in public places -- schools, movie theaters, malls, post offices, wherever. That means appropriate regulations on gun ownership .
Lead by example Mr Obama, make the White House and its grounds a gun free zone, Idiocracy in Washington !!!. Come on do it !!! We have weak political idiots leading us.
Why isn't Obama talking about that that Christians are being targeted he's not talking about it because it doesn't benefit his agenda on taking our guns away
Leave it to Fox to distract the attention away from the pitiful gun control we have in this country and somehow turn the Oregon tragedy into yet another way to bash Obama!!
I wouldn't be surprised if it came out that Obama put the gunman up to the shootings! Great way to get rid of a few Christians and another "reason" for him to preach gun control! Thanks to all the sheep for voting for him!!! Good job! (In my most sarcastic voice to those that don't get it)
Exactly Dr. Ben Carson! Obama should never have been re elected. He glaringly showed his true colors in his first term. What a sham for the United States of America!
We have to blame this and all weekly mass shootings on something else, rather than gun violence. I heard Obama is driving to my house right now to get my BB gun. We must stop him!
Why do people keep asking why about anything with Obama? He is an enemy of this Nation and AN anti-Christ, not THE anti-Christ but certainly someone who dislikes biblical Christianity.
He has a point. The Whitehouse has not mentioned that this gun man targeted Christians. Heaven forbid it had been blacks or Muslims. Obama would still be ranting about it. I am with the TN asst gov on this. Christians need to arm themselves. It is only getting worse. And this is just what change was promised.
What can I do about Muslims.
Refuse to have your community allow The building of any new Islamic mosques.
Contact your legislature and demand anti-sharia law legislation be adopted in your state....
Michael Smith Why isn't the media? Why doesn't the media get off the same political correctness Obama is on? Cowards
Why isn't preside Obama talking about this? Well, he is Muslim. And probably isn't his agenda . The shooter was black, and it seems like this IS the agenda . Kill all Christians. Load our country with the enemy and sit back while all the unarmed citizens fall to the bullets of guns bought on black market .
Pass a gun law that targets gun crimes and illegal guns! Lock up the people for 100 years. Sure you will have a bunch of white folks arrested but just like 3 strikes you're out the majority will be black folks! Everyday in my city I turn on the news an. Teresa Short Spencer Because Obama does not care anything about Americans all he cares about is Muslims
Obama HATES Christians...he IS a Muslim.
Because he is NOT a Christian!!!!! He is targeting us Christians. Impeach Obama. Protect and serve!!!! Not kill and chuckle!!!!!!
Need to ask Obama why he said his prayers are with all people that victims of gun shooting and then Obama said prayers are not enough.. Why would he make a statement like that if he's a believer not judging just wonder why?
What do these hate crimes have in common? A president who calls white on black crimes as racist and/or terrorist, and black on white crime is "oh well"......
How are you going to study these people when most are shot by the police or they shoot themselves after the fact. Get rid of the gun free zones and put armed police in every school. You can't have unarmed security guards in a school get real people. We are week on our laws against gun violence strengthen those and arm yourselves and protect your family.
If guns were allowed on campus maybe someone could have stopped this... or at least limited the damage.. without a means to defend ourselves we a sitting ducks vulnerable the the evils of the world until police get there ..5 minutes later if we are lucky. Obama is no Christian and supports Muslims in every way. This should be no surprise to anybody. All media is bought and paid for and have a specific agenda. They all play for the same team. Research who owns them.
I, along with millions and millions of other Americans are sick, tired and disgusted with Obama's double standards. We are Obama weary. Fifteen and a half more months. Please get here quickly!!
Maybe because Obama is a muslim and he believes this was the will of God..
Julia Davis I find it extremely hypocritical that the president, walking, sitting, sleeping, running, golfing, etc....has a fleet of secret service, carrying guns mind you, and not really using them, picks of all moments to use the gun debate against law abiding.
Because Obama is an idiot!! Because he doesn't like Christians! The worse president. And I don't care what other people think about him. My opinion, he is the worse president!!
The Federal Security Services (FSB) is reporting today that an American black-Islamist terror suspect, who yesterday committed an act of mass murder in the State of Oregon (United States), had been included on a list of 87,000 ?known/suspected?
Wasn't there another school shooting here in the USA where Christians were targeted?
Hmmm, let's see here, "changes his name from Barry to Barack Hussein", then says, "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." ... and some of you idiots are questioning his religion ?
For that matter, why isn't there a push by most politician's that disagree with Obama on pretty much everything, Why is there not a push from all of you to have him removed from office on the grounds that he really does not know what he's doing and is. Obama does nothing for Christians just to send them to b killed hit a Muslim with he being president not only u get fined but prison too... That right there is discriminating....
Why can't Megan Kelly say the word "Christian" when reporting on this hate crime? The killer asked each victim if they were a Christian before shooting them in the head because they said yes...intentionally targeting Christians for murder. Say that. You are as despicably controlled as MSNBC... no difference. Weak and dishonest... advancing the Agenda...21,30, go green,etc etc.
Obama expressed sympathy to the families of every person that died and demanded a call to action, which is more than this Carson guy or any other Republican candidate has done and will ever do!
Apparently when it is a religion other than Christianity, the freedom to practice your religion is in full effect. This man murdered a lot of people because his religion permits him to do so because they were not of his religion. But we excuse him. Many mass shooting have two common elements; the first being a deranged individual who in almost all cases has been prescribed a version of psychotropic medications, the second being
Thank you for speaking out Dr Carson for Christians.. And why is the media not putting out all the facts about this shooter? Why is it not reported that one of his friends on My Space was a known Muslim who promoted hate and could have impacted this you... Funny how almost everyone here turns something that is a major issue then generalizes every mass shooting that has happened this year into just killing Christians because of this one weirdo in Oregon.The stupidity. There's been 15 mass shootings.
because in America, much more people are affected by mass shootings than are "Christian hate crimes". does Fox News need a tally? Besides, most of these school/church/theatre shootings are white males that identify as "conservative republican". that's the common ground. do with it what you want.
Same old republican rethoric , all developed countries have mentally ill individuals and none has the degree of gun violence of the US, maintainig the status quo will not solve anything, would think that Ben Carson being a physician would be a better off as president.
In my opinion it's scary coz, I think our School , Christians , Military, Police, Civilian or America itself is been being attack for a while. Why don?t all this people want to come to US ? Why don't the fight for their own Country.
Came out the other day and talked about her being a devout Catholic. She is still OK with the murdering of unborn children and we haven't heard nothing from her about the targeting of Christians here where we are suppost to have freedom of religion. We are so concerned with the refugees from Syria and surrounding countries, yet nothing about the Christians being slaughtered by radical Islamists.
So white can pick on black male or female and eveyone says get over it ???? Hahahah, we've had hate crimes from the beginning and you all are barely noticing it because of christians being shot. Yes, it "is" a hate crime against Christians. I agree it is not the guns. We just need to be aware of the mentally ill people who should not be using them. You never hear of our President being sad over all the christians that are being killed. I would think he would be very sad about this if he loved our nation, something more needed to be done to stop this.
Is the majority of the population so firkin stupid that we are all actually trying to figure out and cure crime, mass killings by concentrating on the frikin weapon that was used!!!! Really!!!!!
What if this is wrong here?
Half the dam population is mentally dead... Hate crimes like not letting homosexuals marry each other? Give it a rest FOX, Christians have been persecuting people for years, but one shooting happens and they're all victims now. Got it.
Even if the president is a Muslim, that's OK. But please be honest about it Mr. President. As Ben Carson stated: As long as the Muslim renounces Sharia Law, and upholds the Constitution, he/she could be president.
Get a grip people. Why do we give a crazy shooter a platform of any kind? In the Charleston shooting the victims were all black. In Newtown the shooter killed kids. Mass shooters are deranged and trying to make sense of the violence is meaningless
We know the reason he isn't talking about Christians, black on black shootings. We need no more proof as to his beliefs and who he is. He is thumbing his nose at all the things good about american more everyday. We can only hope and pray we get good moral conservatives to replace this administration and they can straighten this mess out; It's going to be a huge job .
Yes, your supreme leader, misses every aspect of any situation. There was already a law into place that should have worked, it was a "no gun zone". The town idiot would agree that this would be a good place for a coward to make mass killings. So let's make more gun laws to help unprotect the people of America.
Interesting .... The speculation what religion Obama is pops up the second time since he's president. (The first time was in 2009 while his presidential candidation). Dont you (americans) recognize that this is kind of targeted defamation from the republican corner. You can be proud of your president which takes care of the american people like no other before him!
the stupid thing that ISIS from the beginning of calling them self as muslims they killed more muslims than any other religion in the world and since US start a war against them they dropped three times by mistake guns and supplies to ISIS area now Christians being targeted!? by who !? Taliban who created by CIA smile emoticon
Obama would rather talk about gun control. Than hate crime it is partly his fault for the hate one to another. He stirs the pot
Obama is a seemingly nice guy on the surface..but actions speak louder than words..the guy is Muslim. .we've been fooled for 7 years..
All these Islamic beheadings and killings...it quietly fits in the man's religious beliefs...you'd have to be blind not to see that...
Another pathetic Republican trying to advocate rights of gun use rather than condemning. He never mentioned who is targeting Christians. Certainly Christians are targeting Christians.
Obama completely ignored the shooters message failing once again to call it like it is. He was a terrorist killing Christians for sport to make a name for himself and Obama's message was how disturbed he was that gun owners have not been dealt with. ...
Just like he has never acknowledged all the shootings of police officers by black thugs! That doesn't fit his agenda!
Because the POS shooter was raised Christian but walked away from it and changed his belief to spiritual - because the POS gunman was raised a christian - so what is the argument when former christians kill christians? He is a terrorist plain and simple.
This Muslim could not allow the media to be talking about what really happened. An Atheist killing Christians. Have you noticed that when ISIS slaughters Christians it's basically ignored by the liberal media?
I agree with Mr. Carson .But my question is this. Why when there is a crisis ,there is a shooting somewhere ? The United nations had the President of Argentina telling the world,naming names and the end result of obama seeking to make a deal with this ...See More
Talk about the earth being 5000 years old. Talk about your hate for Muslims and God only knows who else. The shooter was a Christian, who just didn't like Christians. We don't need a President who blindly hates.
Obama is A closet muslim he willCome out at the end of his term .
Obama will fall all over himself to apologize for Muslims - but does not mish a chance to BASH Christians whether is be about the crusades or cling to guns and religion -
Christians and Christianity are attacked in some way or form everyday here in America... In God We Trust..... Merry Christmas.... I Pledge Allegiance... Time for the majority to stand up against the view of a few. The very morals that built this country.
Doesn't it make you wonder why Obama almost never mentions that Christians are being slaughtered and targeted. Why is that?
This was a hate crime against Christians but that kid that shot up the black church wasn't a racist he was mentally ill. This is why America laughs at you idiots.
It stands to reason. After all, the president, most of the democratic congress, and even some of the republicans don't want to discuss the 53 million plus unborn babies that have been murdered since 1973. And most of these "elected" representatives don.
Obama supports crimes against white christiains. That scumbag had no interest in gun laws. He know they arent working in Chicago. This is only a distraction. America.can see right true that comic.
I had an interesting conversation with an Algerian lady yesterday. They think Obama is not their friend, and that Obama, France and Isreal is funding. They believe that Obama is not there to help Muslims as we believe, but in fact use the money .
Bet he would have called it a hate crime if the gunman killed Muslims, they can call me politically incorrect but by god how can you not see our president is anti christian/jew and pro Muslim. Of course he says he is a Christian but he acts like a Muslim

Maybe he is waiting to find out what really happened before talking. The story is now coming out that the initial reports may not be true. He may not have been targeting Christians. But if he was, remember that he idolized the IRA and was a Nazi sympathizer. Maybe we should then attack those people as terrorists.
Because Obama wants Christians targeted. But Obama will have to answer to God. Obama is going to hell unless he changes.
The U.S. has seen too many mass killings of innocent people by unpredictable lunatics over the last 15 years. It is sickening to see so many people die because some madman has a twisted mind and feels that it's no big deal to kill someone.
In response to many conservatives wanting to make The religion of Islam illegal, all I am gonna say is that if you truly are an American you would remember that there is a right called freedom of religion, stop bigotry and educate yourselves and everyone else.
I've never seen a group try so hard to become part of our victim culture more than conservative Christians!!!
Why you ask?? Because he IS a muslim and could not care less about Christians or jews. It does not fit his agenda.
The problem is not guns or any kind of fire arms, knives, rocks, hands, the problem is that the government closed all the institutions and turned the people out on the streets because they did not want to support them--I believe that Obama did that
Good point Dr. Carson, catch early warning signs to intervene, mental illness is manageable. Guns will always be available to criminals, unfortunately even with stricter gun laws. The responsible law abiding citizens shouldn't have to give up their rights.
Sadly, I'm pretty sure it's because the president of the United Stated of America hates Christians and has an agenda that involves at least minimizing them.
Conservative, conspiracy theorist crack me up! the never ending attempt to try and convince the world that Obama is a Muslim, there's a war on Christianity, government is coming for your guns,....... Etc..... It is comical, I'll give ya that much. Any time I want a good laugh I always open up the Fox News page and read the comments. Thanks guys for adding a little comic relief to my hectic day!!
Mr Carson you are the biggest racist one could be. You call yourself a Christian and you don't know first thing about Christianity. You practice hate. You are saying you are pro life and at the same time you are pro guns and pro wars. In our own country people get killed every day by our own people with our own guns made in America. Your campaign is a joke
If Obama truly is a Christian, he would be doing the exact opposite of what he is doing. It proves the man is not a Christian because he can't even acknowledge its a hate crime. I'm so tired of people believing what that man says. He's a liar who lies for self gain. He has an agenda and will say and do whatever fits that agenda.
First things first. All mass shooters should be reported as. This registered democrat or republican. This way we know what party line the mentally ill follow. But most of us already know what party is mentally ill.
Pope Francis has been among those trying in vain to call attention to the ongoing attempt at extermination. In July, referring to these persecuted Christians, he asserted that ?a form of genocide ? and I stress the word ?genocide? ? is taking place, an. White extremist white supremacists are a bigger threats than overseas.

Despite what Donald Trump and many other Republicans have told you, the major threat to America isn?t Muslim extremism. In fact, statistics show that the real danger lies with them
Christians were killed- Obama made no mention of this - he needs to get out of office - fast !
Muslum's hate Christians. The only tike Obama uses the word Christian is when he can say something negative.
Why do people still call Obama a Muslim? This is baffling to me!! How ignorant can you people be?? Ever heard of the 5 Pillars of Islam? I doubt it, you know since you still think he's a Muslims. You know he eats pork and drinks beer right?
I'll tell you why there isn't anything being done.... because the GOP block every attempt to do anything about gun control. They will not allow one dime to be spent on anything that would limit the easy access to guns for EVERYBODY. Even the cray folk...
Yes, it's a hate crime. So is the call to murder police officers. Obama hasn't uttered one single word about any of the murdered police officers. Why??!! Wouldn't you think he'd use all those murders to demand the gun control that he wants??!! Dr. Ben Carson, you are so rational and logical, you make more sense than any other candidate out there! What happened in Oregon was a hate crime just like all the law enforcement officers that have been targeted lately; no difference,, all about hate. This President has divided this country more than it was before he took office!
I think our President is Anti-Christian, along with a large majority of Liberals. I also think out President wants to disarm all of America so we will be sitting ducks for his Radical Islamic buddies.
Because Obama does not care. He only used it as a platform to promote a ban on guns. Why do some Americans still not see what this man is all about
Hate crime against Christians, by a republican. that is confusing to many I think because it would have been expected that a liberal would have been the one to have killed Christians, not a republican.
Why do people keep trying to understand Obama, He's a Muslim, and answers to the Muslim Brotherhood. If you look at it this way all your questions are answered. Stop looking at his fake TV personification and take him for what he is. All we can do is pray that he and his fake cronies are soon gone, or there will be a war of Biblical proportions right here in America.
Because it doesn't matter what religion the victims are, he was talking of human lives being taken away and it is not only Christians. Gun control is what we need to be talking about. Nobody is against the second amendment, but there should be a better way to prevent mass shooting.
The killer was a conservative gun lover...He asked if they were Christian in a sarcastic sick way of telling them they will be meeting their making...Because christians are the biggest thing in the news lately...He was looking for notoriety remember...or didn't these so called politicians here that part.....
Obama has no sympathy for christians, but if that many Muslims were killed you would hear from him....his actions speak louder than words
I think we are going little too far. We should not insult our President like that by calling him names and degrading his intelligence. Our President is doing the best he can. The person who killed do many innocent people was moron.
And why isn't he talking about all the other victims who have been murdered in other ways than guns? Murder is murder, no matter how it happened. Time to start discussing the problem and making punishment fit the crime.
Mixed race, self identifies as black, has Islamic/ISIS connections, committed multiple murders based on whether the victims were Christians, was on Russian Terror list, attempted to travel to Turkey and then become an ISIS recruit...yep, white supremacist!
The whole thing is becoming nasty . Obama is not saying much because he is supporting muslims ? he is not saying much becouse is grieving with the familys and that doesn't mean he dont care . Is this guy who did the killing a Muslim ? Dr Ben carson is using this for political gains .
Christians have been under attack in this country for some time - it's been through the courts, And groups that troll for any hint of Christianity, that may offend them - why is anyone surprised that it wouldn't turn into violence?
Everyone's comments here is exactly what you'd expect from the right and people who guzzle down News and all day. " He's a Muslim, he hates Christians, He sides with the killer". You guys are pathetic.
This goes well beyond hate crimes against Christians. Stop making this a religious issue. It's about sick people killing people. Regardless of their religious backgrounds.
I would like to know why The Five and Brett never made this point in their broadcasts yesterday when the news and eyewitness information had been out all day? I watch the Five and Brett every day and I was offended that they ignored this fact!
Had he asked if they were Muslim and then executed them, Obama would have a field day defending them!!!! He won't so much as acknowledge the Christians - unless the Pope is in his presence.
Obamas Christian claims do not support his actions. Jesus said "beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits"..
Gun control is his agenda. He likes these mass murders to substantiate it. With all the gun laws in effect, none are enforced. His anti gun campaign has only one target.
Disarmament is the greatest step in total dominance. Only communist liberals want this.
Because your president is NOT a Christian. He does not care about Christians. Prove me wrong and send me a clip of the president telling the American people what he's doing to actively combat ISIL and doing his part to help protect our Christian brothers and sisters...
Democrats do not like Americans period, and I am starting to have concerns with Republicans. We voted them in to fix things, and it appears nothing is changing. We have helped the world over and over with aid, but have you noticed no one coming. Same reason that Obama says only white on black crimes are hate crimes. He has a tainted view on what real and unabashed equality really should be.
At our schools we do have a armed guard ,the president gets protected the congress has protection .Why not our schools , our children are not as important as politicians children ?If one person in that room. Had a gun lives would have been safed.
Because Obama hates Christians and is a Muslim sympothizer. Period. End of story. Oh, and he's stupid.
Maybe because there is no such evidence? In the nation that has no religious test for presidency it seems in reality that only a Christian can hold office. People are not protested or threatened when they go to church, unless your in a black church.
Right, this is not about school shootings being committed by the mentally ill, it is about shooters killing Christians.
Every mass shooting since Columbines has occurred under Obama's watch ! Gee u think he is behind this giving orders to kill people so he can get his Liberal Agenda Gun Control?
Saul Alinsky a communist socialist died about 43 years ago, but his writings influenced those in political control of our nation today.
Recall that Hillary Clinton did her college thesis on his writings and Barack Hussein Obama writes about him in his
Barack Hussein Obama!!!!! I don't think this is a Christian name,, and I don't think you can find a name like that in the King James Bible,, you might find such a name close to that name in the Quran the Muslim book or guide on how to live as a Muslim.
The stupidity of the people on this Fox News post is amazing. I bet mostly republican. I also bet not one of you said or posted anything when the shooter killed those Christians in a church in S.Carolina a few months ago. I wonder why???
Why is Carson trying to drum up anti-Christian hate and trying to make Obama feel guilty for not siding with Christians only? Carson cannot be President because his mentality will fuel ISIS to attack in America because of his hate.
OBAMA'S father was a Muslim, his grandparents were associated with the Communist Party. So, we shouldn't expect any thing different.
Attack against Christians... Christians attack people who differ from their beliefs all the time. Some go out and still kill, bully, and humiliate others for sake of their religion... Attack against Christians.
If Obama were to be a Muslim alone it would have been a lot better, he is a terrorist. I can assure he will also die in the hands of terrorist he loaded in the United States
The reason he came out so fast was to change the subject...he waived gun control before the public like waving a red flag at a bull... he also gave the press their orders about the way they wanted this reported and off they went... he doesn't want the fact that this is a hate crime against Christians to wake up a sleeping church..
Maybe because Since Obama and his leftists, leftist judges Been in power, more shooting, more stabbings, more racial divide has been in that great nation,.,. I wonder WHY?????... God is not happy breaking God laws. ,, but in control......Gods name being taken out of everything, Also against his Christ men, Christians.
If the shooter would have targeted Muslims that's all Obama would be talking about. Even apologizing for the shooter.
Because it wasn't Muslims that were targeted! I guarantee if a gunman ever goes to a mosque and mows down a bunch of them, he'll sure be defending them and calling it a hate crime and that Islam should not be targeted like that! He won't stand up for Christians, because that's the biggest group of people he hates most!
Obama's "new" conference was a joke. I've learned to expect nothing more from him over the past almost seven years. Had these students been Muslims, we would have heard a different brand of rhetoric.
And like Christians never did hate crimes???? Let's see ......how about, 1. The dark ages, 2. The Salem witch trials, 3. The KKK, 4. Christians attacking and blowing up planned parenthood. 5 Christians like Timothy MCcvay??? More Damage in this world has been done in the name of God and Christianity then anything else. The world would be a lot better off without all religion.
People of all races and religions have been targeted in this country forever as now that someone targeted Christians all the Christians suddenly care? I'm sorry, but Americans are all impacted by these mass shootings and this whole religious take on everything lately makes me scared for this country. People are people and Christians aren't any more special than anyone else.
I get the sense from the horrible increase in death and violence perpetrated against Christians over the last 20 years that it is open season on Christians, and our politicians and big media are more worried about preserving the status quo, thus quietly
With this argument, why aren't conservatives saying that blacks are being targeted for death because one insane person targeted them in a mass killing? Conservatives are so pathetic in their persecution complex.
The FBI has said 2% of hate crimes in the past year have been committed against Christians. Tell me again how you guys are persecuted? Especially since you make up 70% of the population.
Why isn't president Obama commenting about all the hate crimes in Chicago? Or does he think some murders aren't hateful? (Black on black ) aren't all murders hate filled ? Clean up your own backyard first, Mr Obama.
You don't even have to graduate from high school to understand this was a hate crime to execute christians. There are witnesses to that fact! they will tell you over and over for the rest of their life.
if he comes to the defense of Muslims you get mad but doesn't come to the defense of Christians you get mad.. Talk about hypocrites
Obama has gone over to The Other Side and never ever loved Christians, let alone its Parent Judaism. He loaths Western Values and wants the triumph of radical socialism and Islam(both totalitarian and global in aim).
It can only be a hate crime if its a white person committing a crime against a black or a Muslim person.....you should know that by now.
Obama has no use for Christians, he doesn't care about Christians. Obama and his family doesn't go to church anymore because it is beneath him. I guess he thinks he's a god.
Truth : Obama is a Egomaniacal, anti-christ, anti-white, anti-America, antic-Semitic, anti-Cop, Pro-Islam Jihadist.
Islam is seditious (insubordination, insurrection, mutiny, treason, agitation, defiance, disobedience , dissent, insurgence, insurgency.
Its time to call every Democrat out for this open and blatant attempts not only to censor Christianity and drive it out of Government, Schools, Courts and the Public square, and their stunning slience with Christian persecution across the world, all while welcoming islam and muslims into our government and into our country.
We have a President and administration that have "belittled and embarrassed" our great nation on the world stage. Divided our country, both racially and politically more than anytime in recent history. Created public tension, hatred.
It says he's the Anti-Christ. (NOT from me, something I saw on YouTube.) says he, the Anti- Christ, comes in peace, Obama got The Nobel Peace Prize. I don't look at left, right wing, democrat, republican crap....I read The Bible.
Because it's not a part of his agenda. He obviously hates America and our freedoms.
How does one distinguish a Christian from followers of other religions? Are they carrying Bibles and Crucifixes around? Maybe carrying holy water? This is one of the dumbest allegations I have EVER heard. I'm more pissed off at this report than I am the fact that people were killed, and that is sad. Pushing the Christian agenda to force everyone into believing their lies. How low can you go?
How about you talk about Russia about to dominate the world. Instead of this pathetic news .
Because he wants to disarms us and I just see all our vets doing just that!!!! no way!!!! But if it had be muslims or blacks there would be rioting in the streets but we as true Americans and Christians don't do that,
People don't mention what they are guilty of. Obama clearly stands by muslims and those who commit horrific crimes against Christians. He hides, because he is guilty. He isn't going to speak out against something that he enjoys.
As usual Obama reacts in the wrong way. Instead of talking about Christians being killed because of Their Religious beliefs, He spews is his same old lines about guns. and politicizes a tragedy to push His Political Agenda. The Man has no shame.
What about the hate crimes against Atheist? It's not just Christians who face hate crimes, us non believers do as well. Everyone does and it's sad. We should live in a world where you are not hated because you are a different, race, color, gender or religion
This POS Dr. Carson when there is a big thing goes on in social media or in the world he doesn't waste time to jump on it and say only for gis own political good but not for the good of the people of United States of America...he is just like the executive order POS in the white house right now.
The church shooting involved Christians but the focus became a hate crime. If people can detach from the motives maybe everyone can wake up to the warnings, and learn the type of people who commit these crimes. I do agree though that the President's silence is concerning.
Obama has always been focused on how to get more blacks out there to do his bidding...He is also the sickest most evil racist Muslim around...He did not sound that way when he was first elected..He hid his false face quite nicely.
You Christians are so goddamn self-righteous... You're not anything special. You're no better than the Muslims you hate that?s blood was spilled in the name of Christ... Or maybe the inquisition another Christian field genocide. Or you know... Hitler!
Mr. Carson if you become President, you represent every American. According to your comments, you only care about Christians. What about all the other religious and non religious citizens, who also have rights. You would make a fine preacher, but a bad President!
Because Obama is a Muslim and he don?t care about Christians they are not part of his agenda cant wait until that coward is out of office!
The Republican presidential hopeful posted a photo of himself that showed him holding a sign that read 'I Am A Christian'.
He shared the photo - which has been liked close to 800,000 times - following reports that gunman Chris Harper-Mercer asked his victims if they were Christian before shooting them dead.
Ben Carson was among those proudly declaring their faith after massacre at Community College in Roseburg, Oregon
While the right thing to do for anyone running for the highest elected office in the land would be to squash bigotry whenever it rears its ugly head, quite frankly, the American Muslim community. Good enough to die in service to the United States of America, they are good enough to be president. This is a true American hero. No different than the American heroes who may have been Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, Atheist, etc.
America should not have a Muslim president. If you want to be under Muslim rule, move to a Muslim country. Period.
I find it ironic that so called americans push the notion of freedom of religion unless you are muslim. .... hmmmmm hypocrisy ?
I will be fine with a Muslim candidate if the candidate denounces Sharia. It is not ok with me if the candidate believes women are inferior and gays are criminal, and punishments for crimes include the cutting off of hands, stoning, beheading, lashing...
I agree Muslims have a right to run for president. I just don't think they'd be elected. I also doubt an Atheist or a Hindu would be elected president even though they might be a good person and have the right to run.
Christians, Sikhs, Hindus, and other religious groups are severely discriminated against in Muslim majority countries. They are treated as second class citizens and the thought of a Nonmuslim assuming a leadership role in such a country is unfathomable. My message to those Muslims is....
Muslim's may not need Carsons approval but I can guarantee that a muslim candidate would need the approval of the voters and that will never happen. Thank God.
You mindless morons. Dr. Carson was only making the point that Sharia law is NOT compatible with our Constitution, and that any Presidential candidate who is a professing Muslim should have to renounce Sharia law.
A Muslim would need the approval of a majority of Americans (regardless of Democrat fraud). Ain't gonna happen any time soon!
I'd like to see an atheist president. Then all laws he/she would sign would be based on science, logic, and reason.
Huff and Puff needs to get it right, he said anyone who lives by Sharia Law and not the constitution (like Obama) should never be elected to the White House. Get it right for a change!
As long as, not like Obama. actually do uphold the constitution of the United States. Can't wait to see what HuffPost has to say about a Jew or a Christian that still holds to biblical principles. If a Muslim still hold to the Koran/Quran
Most Muslims believe in Sharia Law. Thus, by definition, they cannot be President. A Muslim who does not believe in sharia is not a true Muslim. It's like a person who calls himself a Christian but does not believe in the bible lol
Democrats ended segregation in America, Nixon, Goldwater and the J Birch Society voted for segregation and invited the Klan to go to the RP, Carson, West, Steele, Thomas and Sowell are fake blacks, suporting a racist Party, against HC, social security
What do you think out current President is?! Our current President is a Muslim. The only reason why he says he's a Christian is because he converted. But he still shows actions of a Muslim. He will send those Syrian's straight back to their own country. And he will get rid of those illegals.
"Muslims Don't Need Carson's Approval to be POTUS" -> Finally you all understand that!!! Carson's views are based on personal opinion on whether or not he would advocate a muslim presidency and for those who actually heard him speak on the issue, he says he will advocate anyone so long as their willing to put their personal beliefs aside for the U.S Constitution
Don't be a fool the Muslim faith hates you and no, they should never be in leadership in this country. They see u as the" infidel". There bible says to strike at the neck of the infidel! Don't be stupid in the name of political correctness!
Would jews vote for such a person if he were nominated on the Democratic ticket. Keith Ellison a muslim congressman should run for the democratic nomination, then we would find out.
If they want to change our Constitution to the Shariah-Law than no they should not run for President. The United States was found under the Christianity, And, It would be nice if Mr. Donald Trump and Mr. Ben Carson would work together and one become President and the other Vice President. They would be good as a team.
I keep seeing all these memes with. BenCarson holding up an "I am a Christian" sign. I understand that this is a social media campaign in response to the horrendous shootings in Oregon. I get the need to affirm your religion in the face of this gunman.
If you elect a Muslim, kiss our country goodbye. The Muslim in office now, is doing a fine job of destroying us. Can you voters see that? or is your brain still dead?
Why is it so hard for outlets like HuffPost to understand? Islam and democracy are incompatible. Islam insists on the primacy of sharia law, so a president who was authentically Muslim would place sharia law above the Constitution. And it's so hypocritical for HuffPost et al. to get offended by this line of thinking. If a truly devout Christian became president they would foam at the mouth.
The tenets of Islam are in direct contradiction to the principles of America and civility. Until they are willing to burn the koran and denounce all pedophilia and murder, they are not civilized enoughto even enter this country.
free-ranging interview with the New York Times, Obama described the Muslim call to prayer as ?one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.?
"Bent" Carson, I would love for you to dial up a clue, and I know that is going to be challenging for someone as clueless as you, and understand that your republicant party is filled with racists and the ignorant that will not allow them to ever nomina.
Tell it Huff...it can be anyone of any religion, that is catholic, mormon, and even islamic, as long as there are no Protestant Christians.
They will never be elected POTUS, as their desired jihad will materialize prior and our country will be in an anarchical state. I am on the side of right, that would be against PC stupidity..... good luck PC morons.
What type of Muslim would run a sinful corrupt system like this?
The press needs to investigate who hired Carson to run and why. Here is the answer. Here are the creepy extremist neo fascist theocrats who paid for Carson and also pay for a lot of Ted Cruz along with the Koch Brothers.
I will state that, the Founding Fathers of America, were as of Puritans who created the Bible Based Commonwealth practiced. The same sort of Representative Government as their Church's Convent, that were the foundation of our Constitutions. The United.
They need the voters' approval.
is this a vital issue for 2016 ? or will they take over Congress in 2016 to make the laws or take over the SCOTUS ? is this a vital issue today ??? or just political psycho hype
Really dr. Carson. Now we are presented with you a 7th Day Adventist, a religion many consider a cult.
Screw muslims! There is already one in the WH. He has done nothing but wreck this country.
for president!! He was the FIRST surgeon to successfully separate twins conjoined at the head. In 2008, he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President George W. Bush!!! He also has a Carson Scholars Fund for college studen.
Carson said Obama Care is worse than slavery. He said Slavery was the best thing that ever happens to black people. He said we would still be hanging in the trees. Apparently he doesn't know the history of his own history. Apparently he has never been.
Excellent article! I love the reference "She" for the first Muslim presidential candidate...very smart!
You dumb liberals got completely massacred by Carson and America on this one, but keep trying to push it in your flailing desperation. Damn, you are retarded
The wave of terror against "Jews and Christians who are only guilty of being Jewish and Christians" is growing. Not just in the Middle East and Africa but also in United States, UK, Australia and Europe.
just cause its factually correct doesnt mean u should say it on television clayton bigsby OOPS i mean ben carson.
A frontline interview with the black white supremacist Clayton Bigsby... He says his message is simple and would like everyone to hear it.
Under Reagan we had gun control and things were a a lot safer. Because congress cooperated with Reagan and passed gun control laws. Now liars like the NRA and Caron are trying to hide and disguise the truth, that they stabbed Reagan in the back
If your religion forbids you to put your hand on your heart and pledge to our flag, then you are not qualified to be our president. It's that simple.
If their was a Muslims president, you can guarantee thousands of civilians invading the White House and killing him and his entire family.
Fuck Ben Carson. He's a loony who happened to be smart enough to study how to become a brain specialist.
Have you guys ever actually looked at what happens to LGBT under sharia law? They whine when they don't get cakes and licenses. You want the imams to line up those folks in the street for mass executions you go right ahead.
Way to cash in on a crisis. Never mind all the targeted individuals of Christian organized stalking. Never mind how those people are murdered, ostracized, raped and enslaved. But hey Christian extremism is not a problem. I only have the most wonderful ...See More
Well, we had a Mormon guy last time. Remember when people were concerned about electing a black man cuz he would surely get assassinated?
Fine Carson ignore it fine by me. Its what the right is best at. running after you run your mouths off.
This guy is the laughing stock of the world, well to be honest most of the US presidential candidates are the laughing stock of the world.
0bama was in on 9/11/2001....with his GREEN Buddies.. to scare people into accepting the climate change scam and selling carbon credits and making Trillions. ..,,, Few people had heard of 0bama before 2004, ACORN pushing loans to poor people and help.
I think about the presidency much as I think about airplane pilots. When I get on a plane, the only thing that concerns me about the pilot is his or her ability to fly the plane.
How many vegetarians are in prisons and are breaking their nation laws? Confidence is silent. Insecurities are loud. 70 yrs ago... WWII ended September 1945, UN established October 1945, and the Gospel of Thomas was discovered Dec1945!!!
I love seeing Dr. Ben Carson blowing up social media honoring those brave Christians in Oregon who knew they would be killed if they confessed their faith.
Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said the U.S. should bar refugees from war-torn Syria because they are "infiltrated" with Muslim extremists who seek to harm America.
In the wake of the and reports that the gunman targeted Christians, 2016 presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson made a powerful
Presidential candidate Ben Carson posted a photo Friday to Facebook that shows him holding a sign with a simple, four-word message.
Ben Carson Makes Powerful Statement Amid Reports Oregon Shooter Targeted Christians"I wish all the progress that we've made was so secure and so deeply ingrained in our laws and our values that we didn't have to keep constantly defending it," Clinton told members of the Human Rights Campaign.
The Democratic presidential candidate slammed Ben Carson, Ted Cruz by name during an event with the Human Rights Campaign
It is a sad aspect of the Umpqua Community College shooting that the murderer ...
What is it with Republican Presidential candidates and not believing science? Do we need to bring back the Pope for Dr. Carson?
"You have no reason for things such as selfless love, when a father dives in to save his son from drowning.
Don't ask him how to explain how climate change works, though.
Whatever you think of Ben Carson, there isn't another candidate who talks more about his faith than he does.
The 2016 presidential candidate also called for the military to allow transgender people to serve openly.
Hillary Clinton mocked Republican presidential candidates Ben Carson and Ted Cruz over their positions on gay rights.
Why should gays be given such special treatment by the democrats. They are human beings who should be treated just like the rest under the same constitution. Why give separate special treatment as is being gay is soooo special! !!
Hillary, I am pretty sure Ben Carson has said that the ruling was the "law of the land". Stop spreading baseless statements, and actually point out what you're going to do for this country. That is, if enough people actually are degenerates and allow you to become the nominee.
While running for US Senate, Hillary stopped at an upstate New York 4-H Club. As one Secret Service agent says, Hillary saw farmers and cows and then erupted. ?She turned to a staffer and said, ?What the f - - - did we come here for? There?s no money here.? ?
I'm betting my house that Hillary is about to announce that she is considering becoming transgender and now wants to be a woman.....
I would like to remind you the voters that even if we win the White House, that it won't matter unless we have the congress to back them up. Look what we have now for proof of that.

We are electing a President of the United States of America.
There we are the American army in the trenches waiting for an army of Russians and Chinese advancing toward us. The lgbt is all throughout our troops. Our troops have already been drastically reduced by Obama. Hillary is now president and our military has been weakened even more. We will become the refugees fleeing to Canada. You cannot cater to everything under the sun and have a strong military.
You democrats that support Hilary should be ashamed of yourselves!! She's a criminal! She should be in jail. Being in the military if I mishandled classified emails id be in jail. That's a fact!! We can't have double standards! Politicians should not get a pass because of their position or their last name! I'd rather have the socialist as our president then see her become our commander and chief!!!
Best way to discredit Ben Carson and Ted Cruz is to subject them to ridicule. Better Hillary than those two!
Way better than the two leading Republican candidates who are for trashing the Constitution of the United States, provided that doing so does not mess with the gun ownership part of the 2nd amendment. Things like deny folk from ever becoming President on basis of one's religion and deporting people because they were born in the USA.
Allowing gay and trans people to serve isnt Hillarys idea...and as a transmale... Please dont drag us into your campaign...
Hillary WILL be our next President. Anyone that believes all the false Press, and the Crap coming from he real Liars, should be ashamed of themselves for being so out of touch as to fall for it.It is the Republicans that are wasting money trying, BUT failing to dig something up.
Hillary although your more then likely going to jail. Your exactly right about Carson and Cruz! I would say keep up the good work, but you have to do some first!!
Whole america americans are subject to the same allegations, america is bleeding, is wounded and you do not feel it...
Well Hillary is going to be the best president in this country, she will do wonders, some one needs to get the clowns out of the clown bus, that will not happen, the republicans need to find some one else to run for president, ..i would not vote for any on the bus for dog catcher, most are lower than pond scum.
Trump for President!
We need a change and an American who isn't afraid to be honest! Time to take America back!
Not too many years ago she was in the same boat on gay rights. Now when it would be politically advantageous for her, she changes her mind...
The military is our hammer. It's not for nation building, service missions, humanitarian aid, or employment services. Nope. The military exists to protect and serve and provide for our common defense and anything that detracts from this or does not add to its strength should be rejected. Accomodating the cost and distraction of transgenders does nothing to strengthen our military.
democrats hate the military and usually dont understand military stuff , shut up about the military , hillary , you need to talk bout stuff you know like murder , theft and lying
This all comes from the mouth that brought you the watergate firing, Benghazi, email server felony and lies, and NEVER served a day in uniform. I say, go to jail, go directly to jail! And..choke yourself!
If you're not willing to let gay people have equal rights, you're a bigot. There are no good arguments against gay rights.
Hillary will say anything that might get her more votes! Who wants to be in a foxhole with a guy who thinks he is a woman? She is the biggest joke ever running for president!
Here you have a regime, that openly and brazenly arms terrorist organizations too overthrow the legal and legitimate nation of Syria. A Regime that fomented not one, not two BUT DOZENS OF COUPS ACROSS THE GLOBE. The most notable and infamous until now.
she will do anything and lie to be president reason we dont need her to be president
Here's an idea! Give voting rights to the illegals to win! Oh.. You already thought of that.
This is the same woman I mean man sorry billary Clinton the same man that said Obama was a terrorist and a Muslim dies she speak truth?
Wow, the ultimate mocker of humans, mocking. I will be very disappointed if Hillary is the Democrat nominee. Not only a liar extraordinaire, but Behind the scenes, she is horrid horrid horrid to just about every human she meets. Truly am hoping for Mr Sanders.
Ask military service members what they think of Democrat contributions to their well being and share what you learn.
Why is this important to military duty. And how does this correlate to protect and serve. What man wants to see this in basic training or any facility that dies not offer privacy. I can remember in basic training where an individual got a hard.
You can't believe anything this woman says just a few years ago she was against gays now she supports it anything goes as long as she can get elected
Yeah , lets kick the straight Soldiers out for having a tatoo on their arm and replace them with what? Men that are women and therefore cant serve in certain combat MOS or Women that are men ? If they are women , or atleast claim to be they still cant.
Transgender people have more courage in them because of how they've had to fight their whole life. I think they would fight harder to prove themselves in the military.
LOL! Forget that I was against gay marriage until recently, for decades! I'm progressive, I swear! A gay person has far more in comment with a straight person than they do with a transgender person. Being sexually attracted to someone of the same or opposite sex is not the same thing as actually believing that you are the opposite sex.
That's what the military needs more of: freaks and mentally abnormal or unstable people
The Hildebeast rears her ugly hypocritical head yet again. The only thing she's ever served is her agenda of running/ruining other people's lives
Just don't let people being investigated by the FBI run for president...oh wait.
Anyone remember when SHE was against gay marriage? Watch her speech in 2004......they all seem to "evolve" over time, don't they?
Don't you think that transgenders are going to create friction and problems in the military Mrs Clinton?
Correct headline: Hillary panders to rich extremist special interest group. Polls show group's agenda unpopular.
she is a criminal if there was justice in this country she would be on her way to prison
Anyone who votes for Hillary is a moron. We need someone who actually cares about the American people #feeltheburn
Anybody who votes for Hillary after all the evidence of her corruption is beyond moronic...she is unfit for command! !!!
Good god. Russia is bombing the fukout of Syrian rebels, ISIS and the left's candidates are talking about transgenderd people in the armed services.
Prioritize the PC crap?
WTF are you on??
So you have to agree with Clinton or Obama bin order to have sense .
Amazing isn't it. We have to all agree in same listen to the phase same sex.
Make sense doesn't it same, wow tell them Hillary. How is your husband doing, with same sex?
She's a pathological liar. I watched a video the other day of her (from 8 years ago) saying that marriage is between a man and a woman. To sit hear and see her say this is hypocritical to what she previously said and once again proves that she's a lying pos.
That's funny, she felt the exactopposite in 2004 when she gave the following speech:
Hillary Clinton in 2004 says marriage is a sacred bond between a man and a woman
I'm having a hard time picturing what a tranny marine might look like... And how that would really work out for that person.
America is tired of garbage that does nothing but tear us apart and makes a beacon of depravity and shame around the globe.
Transgender people require lots of medical attention to keep their delusion alive. Hard to get them the treatments over enemy lines. So no, they shouldn't serve in the military
Transgender, really, she is desperate, forgot most have a high fashion sense, how in the hell you gonna do it, in heels, and long nails.
Always attacking but not making a stand of her own. Kinda makes me think what is her hidden agenda?
U can trust security and guns in the hands of transgenders and gays cos they psychological disturbed...
The 2016 presidential candidate also called for the military to allow transgender people to serve openly. Both sides of the street.
Hillary Clinton is a washed-up old hag. She has no real views on anything. She just goes with whatever her staff says she needs to discuss. Hillary Clinton for President 2016 !!!!
I understand what she is saying, but this is opening a can of worms and violence until a little more acceptance flows openly through society. Just my opinion.
She's desperate for headlines because feelthebern is breathing down her neck with the truth!
Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson is calling on the IRS to revoke the tax-exempt status of a Muslim civil rights group that called for him to drop out of the presidential race last month.
Carson never made mention of his presidential campaign during his 45-minute speech at Olivet, instead he talked about how his Christian faith has guided him toward personal and professional success.
he presidential hopeful said that he and his childhood friends used to mess with police, but that was "before they would shoot you."
The fact is he is a black Republican..what other issues could he find amusing? Any black person claiming the Republican party has some serious issues with reality in this country.
Ben Carson is his own joke. If he doesn't think those low down, scheming repubs aren't laughing behind his back then he needs his head examined
That's uncle Ben,he's a Dam uncle Tom.Yea I said it !!! this suppose to be a intelligent African American man,how can you make statement that blacks should be happy they were brought over here as slaves,all the opportunities we have been given we wouldn't have if we were still there.Who wants to be a slave?
Yep, that was tasteless. He apparently did not think of those victims of police brutality. Would he make that joke in the company of their families? Carson is a disappointment.
This is truly a niggah. No amount of education and degrees can cover the stench of self hate. There is indeed a huge difference between being educated and intelligence. So I gather it's a joke to this asswipe that a child like Treyvon was slaughtered in the street and his murderer now parades a photo on the internet like his prize kill. Carson is a sorry, stupid wretch.
Learned intellect is never a substitute for wisdom or antidote for ignorance the culminating of either posture is seldom negligible. Though it is unfortunate that a Presidential candidate would chose to embody such effigies as those mortally leaden
I will agree that what Ben Carson said was way out of line, but if he wants to maintain a lead in the poles, or even come close to being president, he is going to have to focused on the real issues that matter most and stop being a narcissist.
I'm really tired of this ignorant ass black man talking BS parroting rhetoric. Especially the kind that conservative white folks like from so called good black folks like him insulting people of different faiths, nationalities, etc.
Carson is the best thing that could ever happen to the black community. To lift them from this slave mentality many have under the control of the white liberal trash who exploits them and keeps them on welfare and drugs
Violence against young black men is wrong we all agree with that but how can you condone violence against police officers??? All violence is wrong their are good people and bad people in both groups and in all spectrums of life.
Thank you so much!!!! Im not a republican nor do i support ben but everyones comments disgust me!! Im like were suppose to be kings and queens and were talking like mere peasants!!! Were suppose to be the greatest people on earth.
Carson is a total fraud. He was hired to run by these neo fascist racist billionaires who happen to share his same way-out exttremist Apocalyptic "religious" nuttiness. They also finance TedCruz who sounds exactly like a liar in the Nazi party circa 1935.
Too bad he doesn't realize that they are asking him all of these questions on purpose in order for him to keep putting his foot in his mouth.
Love you doc; but sit back in chill!!! What are you trying to prove. Because you are a great doctor don't mean that you will be a great President.
Some black people try so hard to be accepted by white people they will throw their own self under a bus. Now this s.o.b is one of the worst. Now uncle Ben go get under that bus and shut your damn tom ass up.
First politician to be brave enough to speak out about police brutality,,,very good.
The gun massacres will on and on and on and on go long as the GOP keeps suckling at the ass of the NRA and taking their blood moneyt. Understand the NRA profits from every death. So they do not care who gets killed or maimed or whose lives are ruined.
He is a cone!! He is not only Riding the cone Train but he is also the conductor!!!
Waiting for Ben to have his 'N' moment. It's inevitable. I'm sure Herman Cain will console him.
No common sense and very tasteless remark I guess he forgot how the police really treat us . He won't make nomination either. Black man with no sense of community smh.
Why is his difference in opinion exposing all the sour grapes on here? Don't like him, (including Essence) respectfully keep him off your page to save yourselves this distasteful reaction. It's really ironic when anyone who claims to know/be better use...See More
He grew up in Detroit, and he said he never suffered from racism. I want to know where so I can move to that part of the city. This man must be living in a cartoon because he is not dealing with reality.
Neurosurgeon not a rocket scientist close your mouth before you insert your foot.
He is Stupid and so are You! Wanna flight, I'll pick you up! Don't write checks with your mouth. Period and point blank! I don't have a horse in the race.
I respect him as the leading nuerologist in the world & the first 1 to successfully seperate twins cajoined at head and they survive. Considering his origins of being diagnose with dyslexia I found that accomplishment remarkable. I don't question people loyalty are ethnicity because they have views different than the majority.
Living proof that just because one is gifted in one area that they can be totally clueless in another
I bet this narcissistic man has joy singing " How I got over." Dangerous thinking in politics...how about his faith in God? He might not have been so lucky if he encountered Mr. Zimmerman...poor intellect!!!
If that's what he called a "joke", he has no business running for any office. He needs to run and get some therapy. Too many lives have been lost due to these crooked ass, dirty cops. Ijs!!!
When he was asked what he'd do in a crisis his response was he didn't know. Now he's telling off beat black jokes. He needs brain surgery.
No longer surprised by him. It doesn't matter what he says or does, he's still black. He'll never be the nominee for the Republicans.
oh how sweet...now he reaches back to his childhood experience for sentiment and support...please where was his sentiment when black life matter rallies took place...Black folks aren't dumb or stupid.
What an embarrassment...and what a perfect puppet he would be in Republican good old boys hands. Just "shucking and jiving, grinning and sliding" like the clown they really think he is. Then again, he might be playing a game of bait and switch. I surely hope so because if he's showing his TRUE colors I honestly don't know how he sleeps at night. Donald Trump may not be the one we should fear.
Pleazzzzz do us a favor and stick to medicine he's such a Disappointment
You know what? He's a yankee who lives in a pseudosouthern state. The Klan up there ain't nothing like the Klan in the deep south or other southern states.
Just word to the wise and that wouldn't be Kay! Sistas please stop dialoging with a fool. My great grandmother use to say failure to recognize fools, could easily have you understanding them, and then you become the fool too! Leave lil ms. kay and her.
He is a smarmy asshole. Glad he will never survive the scrutiny of being an actual candidate.
I am just sorry, when it comes to BC and politics has lost his way. How his brain is swollen with pride.
He thinks his education and money will protect him. It won't he's still black in America and that's a scary position to be in. Republican or not if he was in the White House all the racist attacks that Obama faced will come his way and his lack of acknowledgement of being black in America will show. He is ill prepared for the hate he's about to experience!
He's a serious Uncle Tom!! He thinks his fellow Republican cares about him, what a dummy idiot, they smile in your idiotic face and Stab you in your back, just listen to what they say on a daily basis!!
He's brainwashed by the powers that be strip all his money away and send him to the hood for 1 month I bet then he won't laugh about police brutality he hasn't experienced it so how you gon laugh about it coward even the president recognized it Carsons a dumby
Sounds like he wants to be elected...And this is just another campaign ploy to those he think will get him the most votes...
He shared his past experiences, he knows what the police are all about especially towards black males. He had to be politically correct by trying to cover up his words, he is a public figure and has to be careful of what he says..
He is speaking about his own childhood. And he is allowed to speak on it. We all come from different experiences
They all go to far fuk em!!every since I seen Trump as a hopeful president I was done they should not have allowed him to s ppl eak the way he did about ppl,n I don't care nothing bout that freedom of speech shit u don't say u would send ppl back where they came from if that's the case he needs to go back on the damn farm.
Until a black family member or friend of his is hurt, he wont get it. We dont want any like him in that house. He seems to me to be one of the ones that thinks he's white. Little does he know they will still treat him the same.
Morden day house boy.we sale head rags down south for that house maid you got.
Top surgery just don't know what to say out ure mouth we as citizens r ready know about what police do my q is what r u going to do for this country as president of the United States
I thought he was being sarcastic, if anything I thought that he was implying that the police will kill you now for what they once used to chase you for..I guess I read that wrong!!
He's sad so so sad it's sad growing up he had no black friends.. Agreeing with what others say about his own Race proves he's trying really hard to fit in so so sad
He may have once been a brain surgeon, but I do believe the time has come for someone to get inside of his brain to see what's going on. If they can't find an answer administer electro shock, a long running prescription for Thorazine and Valium and put him to bed.
My brother made a joke similar to that one day to me and the thing is he is in the public eye and everyone is sensitive so he needs to watch what he says.
Yall everything we say..u change it up ta seem negative...u aint english or american.
Gotta be mad at yourself treated your people wrong an they joined us and beat us all we aint start them wars, ya abused slaves got free an did dat shit!
Presidential hopeful Ben Carson has been catching quite a bit of flak lately after saying that a devout Muslim could not lead our nation, since their ideology is directly contradictory to what we stand for as a nation. Despite liberals offering themselves up as meat shields in defense of Islamists everywhere, all it took was a simple side-by-side comparison to shut them up, and it proves Carson is 100% right.
Presidential hopeful Ben Carson has been catching quite a bit of flak lately
29% of Republican primary voters say they prefer a candidate with "experience and a proven record."
When pressed on what post he had in mind, Carson simply said that "would remain to been seen."
"Obviously, that?s not the issue," Ben Carson said. "The issue is the mentality of these people."
Hours before President Barack Obama used the shooting rampage at an Oregon community college to call for stronger gun control, Republican candidate Ben?
Donna Dupont Obama is obsessed with this gun control issue! WHY? Because FIRST: in order to destroy a country you have to disarm it's people! That's the bigger picture here folks....he is going against so many articles of our Constitution....he was planted here with an agenda that's why his obsession with gun control will continue!
Ben Carson is hitting the mental health angle of gun violence hard, just like Donald Trump.
When asked how he deals with personal attacks from his presidential rivals, Dr. Ben Carson responded, ?I just kind of look at them and I say, can you imagine that used to be a cute little baby? I wonder what happened to that??
Carson says he brushes off attacks from his rivals by imagining them as babies.
"If people don't speak up for what they believe, then other people will change things without them having a voice. Hitler changed things there and nobody protested. Nobody provided any opposition to him."
?In a situation where people do not express themselves, bad things can happen.?
To survive the campaign trail, you've gotta be creative:
Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson has a go-to move when his political rivals attack him: He just imagines them as babies. "I just kind of look?
We don't want the GOP Establishment's endorsement, we want YOUR endorsement!
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Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson joked.

Make a donation to fight for progress on big issues.
I donate way too much taxes already so why should I donate any more to a bunch of worthless bastards that accomplish nothing
Let get down to , if you don't support or even like this president why in the hell you on this page if you support this president and what he's doing this page is made for people who are for President Barack Obama. Think you could impress President Obama? Give it your best shot?enter before the midnight deadline
you could meet the President this fall.
We will never have another President like Barack H .Obama . The best this country has ever had .you are your own molding and can never be duplicated thank God.
Putin has out gamed President Obama yet again. Obama has painted himself into a corner and when you plant yourself into that corner you are limited. Obama's foreign policy is a disaster and a failure. Russia is our greatest political threat and Obama will have to deal with his lack of strength and get tough soon.
I love president Obama he a very good president, I am sorry he never got the respect he deserves love. You Mr President Obama, God's blessing to you and your family.
Hmmm, looks like Romney was right about Russia after all. Putin has so little respect for Obama and the US that he sent his minion to our embassy to knock on the door and tell us what to do. We are in big trouble fellow Americans, thanks to Obama.
I would like to meet the President and to tell him that he has been the best President and the world admires his dedications and cares for all Americans regardless of their race, colour, and religion.
"I don't want to get paralyzed by the magnitude of this thing. I'm a big believer that imagination can solve problems," says the president
The best president America ever had! I've never seen a president visiting a prison in my whole life!
This is the most compassionate President ever!!! Thank you for caring Mr. President, thank you!! May God continue to bless you and your beautiful family. Much love.
Hi Mr Obama when your term ends would you please move to Australia and become our next prime minister this country needs some real leadership
I want to tell the world what Dr Hoodoo spell caster did for me,i have tried so many spell caster unto no avail, but my friend  told me to contact Dr Hoodoo and that he will solve any difficulty am facing.
The number of people enrolled in health insurance on the New analysis shows 17.6 million have gained coverage as Affordable Care Act provisions have taken?
"America is great right now?not because of our government, or our wealth, or our power, but because of everyone who works hard every day to move this country forward. Now Congress needs to work as hard as you do."
I'm a UK citizen and live in the UK. Not an American at all. But what Barack Obama has done for the world and America is astonishing. He really is one of the greatest leaders your country has ever had. He is clever a statesman and is always a cut above the republicans. He has shown courage dignity and understanding on the world stage as he has done in America. Really is a great and respected man. Good job Obama.
The deficit cut by two-thirds, the lowest unemployment rate in seven years, and the longest streak of private-sector job growth on record?but there's more work to do.
"Americans will now have access to reliable data on every institution of higher education. You?ll be able to see how much each school?s graduates earn, how much debt they graduate with, and what percentage of a school?s students can pay back their loans."
The president of the United States is the most powerful person in the world. I think Obama is a great president. He has done many great things and has been extremely successful . I thank you, Mr. Obama. "In memory of those we lost, we resolved to shape a world where events like those of September 11, 2001, could never happen again, and we see this unbreakable spirit live on every day across America."
Rip to the 2976 American people that lost there life in 9/11 and R.I.P. the 48,644 Afghan and 1,690.903 Iraqi and 35000 Pakistani people that paid the ultimate price for a crime that they did not commit
Thank you, President Obama. My understanding of being an American has changed as I've grown older and reflected on the events of fourteen years ago. Resiliency and courage are two of the first words to come to mind when I think of the American people as well as you and
"This Labor Day, let us remember the struggles and the progress that have defined America, and let us resolve to continue building a nation where everyone is treated fairly, where hard work pays off, and where all things are possible for all people."
President Obama you have done great for America and the world. We much appreciate all you have done. You are great. Please take care about refugee's it's global problem, it's your humanity. Thanks president Obama.
"If Congress wants to support working Americans and strengthen our middle class, they can pass a budget that invests in, not makes cuts to, the middle class."
"When Congress gets back, they should prevent a shutdown, pass a responsible budget, and prove that this is a country that looks forward?a country that invests in our future, and keeps our economy growing for all Americans."
Mr. President....thank you for staying steady & strong during all this hateful & ignorant noise. You were elected twice by the majority of Americans. That was no accident. I so appreciate all you have done for our country & wish you all the best as you continue to push through it all. With much respect from Colorado.
What makes this country great is that everyone gets to say what they think. I feel he has been one of the best presidents this country has seen in a long time. Let's hope we don't go back to the Bush administration of 2001......
The Iran deal is the most consequential foreign policy debate since the war in Iraq?and many experts have already made their voices heard.
"I convened a task force on community policing to find commonsense steps that can help us drive down crime and build up trust and cooperation between communities and police." "The right to vote is one of the most fundamental rights of any democracy. Yet for too long, too many of our fellow citizens were denied that right, simply because of the color of their skin." Thank you, Mr. President, I am very much in favor of drinking clean water and breathing clean air. The Koch brothers have a lot of money tied up in coal. Do not be surprised when the Senators and Congressman they own come out hard against this concept, plus the conservatives who will fight anything that this uppity President proposes.
"If one of the best measures of a country is how it treats its more vulnerable citizens?seniors, the poor, the sick?then America has a lot to be proud of." I think Mr, Obama is the Best president for all Democratic countries, not only for America. I am proud of you Mr, President Obama, You are great.
"As long as I?m President, I?m going to keep doing whatever I can to protect consumers, and our entire economy, from the kind of irresponsibility that led to the Great Recession in the first place." "This week, the United States and our international partners finally achieved something that decades of animosity has not: a deal that will prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon." "In this country, of all countries, a person?s ZIP code shouldn?t decide their destiny. We don?t guarantee equal outcomes, but we do strive to guarantee an equal shot at opportunity?in every neighborhood, for every American." You've had an uphill battle since you entered office Mr. President & you have never given up your fight for equality for all individuals. That in itself says so much about who you are. History will remember you as one of our greatest presidents
"On this most American of holidays, we remember that all who serve here at home and overseas, represent what today is all about. And we remember that their families serve, too." While I'm an avid Barack Obama supporter... I do not support the freedom act/Patriot Act. Unless you put protections for US citizens from unwarranted spying... This is just using the Americans fear of "terrorism" against them so the Government can spy on everyone at any time. It has to end!
I respect you as President but you are dead wrong on this issue. Senator Obama was against the Patriot Act. What happened?
President Barack Obama.. I am disgusted with him discriminating there with Puerto Ricans who paid the same percentage of social insurance than any American born in the United States. Parents have
The worse war I see happening is within the US between Republicans and Democrats.. the US parties are undermining the entire US, and its own credibility... Time to focus in the US and not in egos, and parties war...Maybe you agree, maybe not but this looks like teenagers games.. time to the politicians get mature and act focusing in the security of the US, and its friends.
Yes to the "Patriot Act"! President Obama, thank you for all your work & attempts to better US! Corruption\greed plotted & always fought against you. I pray that your successors continue on the path of righteousness to build a stronger, productive & prosperous nation!
A pleasant good morning to al . Support to the most wonderful president Obama that I love an a dor stay bless as always
Hello! George W Bush signed into law the Patriot Act October 26, 2001. I respectfully remind all of the nice folk that only watch Fox news and think the Patriot Act is President Obama's Islamic plot to over throw your civil liberties. This act is in. "Jihad Struck Texas But Will the Obama Administration Continue to Bury Its Head in the Sand"
-- American Center for Law and Justice
For the people complaining about Congress and the President: Did you vote? The stats say you didn't. We the people caused the fight in congress between parties when we vote 50% democrats in Congress, 50% republican in Congress, democratic President.
You r not save the USA by terrorist you full support Isreal and all roll apply in USA given Israel you are not thinking maymar rohingiya muslim and all over the world
I love this President and his family. I'm really sorry that he has had to deal with so much criticism from day one. It's not right nor is it fair! In spite of it all our President has been an extraordinary leader. See this freedom of speech...sometimes it goes over to the border line....i think cussing at the Voted President of the United States should not be included in the freedom of speech...if you didn't like his speech....then at least pay respect by just .
He writes me back. Obama with Ha.rold Berrenstein from holland the city Amsterdam, i am 41 years, you know me, i had written you before, i live a longtime in a clinic, psychical hospital, i am 20 years inside,
"I?m calling on Americans to join me in speaking with one voice to the Senate. Put the politics aside. Put our national security first. Pass the USA Freedom Act?now. And, let?s protect the security and civil liberties of every American." While I'm an avid Barack Obama supporter... I do not support the freedom. Unless you put protections for US citizens from unwarranted spying... This is just using the Americans fear of "terrorism" against them so the Government can spy on everyone at any time. It has to end!
Global warming is a threat to national security! Said no intelligent president ever.
A pleasant good morning to all. Support to the most wonderful president Obama that I love an a President Barack Obama sir Spying on US citizens violates the Fourth Amendment. This is what President Obama said in 2006-2008 when he first ran for office. He was right then and he is wrong now. Let Section 215 expire! Without freedom and privacy body without spirit. Mr President Democrats and Republicans are attempting to make it illegal for me, a U.S. Citizen to economically and peacefully boycott Israel. It's a tool that Ghandi MLK used without violence. Taking any voice from those critical of Israel is vicious. Teri Aunor Support the American safety towards terrorist..We support our President because he care for our American people safety.
President Obama, thank you for the countless things you do for our country. We couldn't be more proud nor have a better leader for our nation. In today's world there are so many that only want to criticize and find fault. Sir, you are doing an outstanding job for country and we will always honor you. Thank you for your beautiful tribute on this Memorial Day. God bless the USA
Although I am not an American citizen, I must say Mr. President your speech on Memorial Day at Arlington was touching and beautiful!!! Also by not using notes and not looking down to read it was very respectful for all the families of the fallen. May we all remember the fallen regardless of our nationalities.
It actually really sickens me that many of you have turned this thread into a political argument about our president instead of simply honoring our fallen soldiers. This day of all days politics should mean nothing for we should be able to agree that our troops have sacrificed greatly in the name our country. You dishonor them and yourselves by lowering the value and purpose of this day
I am a War Veteran, so I have the right to say what I am about to say... Most of these Brave Men died for nothing more than Corporate Greed... Land grabbing of oil fields, and raw materials to be ransomed or fully taken over by the United States.
Silva My respect to all of them, my uncle Cesar Silva was part of the 65 infantry group, from Puerto Rico, he died fighting in the Korean War, he was only 20 years old.
Never met him but will always remember my Dads tears every time he spoke about his little brother.
To all politicians Democrats and Republicans and all citizens, we shouldn't need a Memorial Day, and the fact that a lot only purport to care about veterans today is the greatest crime and honoring the dead is fantastic except for the piss poor way we treat the veterans who are injured, and homeless. Do something significant for them before you tell us how much you appreciate the acts of the dead.
Thank you all for protecting our freedoms and please forgive and disregard those that don't understand or appreciate your sacrifices for us all!
I hope I live to see God blessing on thus wonderful president I would like to see just one day go by. Without a hateful comment. By someone about. This wonderful man pres Obama
Thank you to all the Americans who sacrificed their lives for our freedom. Very proud of be an American and love to you, President Obama.
This sacred place brings tears to my eyes every time I see it! we honor all who gave the most!
Please Honor those who Bravely Sacrificed their lives for all Americans. God bless the United States States of America, also our wonderful commander Barack Obama!!!
I love my President and his family. it would be wonderful to meet them in person one day. I would fall down and kiss his feet in gratitude for caring enough for our America to even be bothered with the office of President and all the insults he has put up with on our behalf. Thank you President Obama. You are the smartest, thoughtful and happiest President I can remember. An Italian man, I thankful to the Americans if today I am a free man. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Mr Obama I would love to get to know you in person I was in Japan this year and I saw the place that you went to have ice cream come may God bless my president
I love the Obamas. I find it very disrespectful to our fallen soldiers for those of you that are saying horrible things about the Obama?s here when they are honoring our fallen soldiers. This is not the place to be doing that. How disrespectful!!
I love president Barack Obama. ...keep up the good work for countries like mine who are too small to have an army..you keep all of us safe too sir and for that we here in the Bahamas will be forever grateful...God bless the great united States of America
President Obama you are an awesome President thank you. I am a proud American and grateful to the good Lord who sent you and your beautiful family to our White House!
It would be so wonderful and patriotic if all could lay aside their hate and be thankful for our military on this day.
President Obama, sir, there are 93 soldiers, who are being denied their rightful place on The Wall, The Vietnam Veterans Memorial. These soldiers gave their all; Barack Obama
"These Americans gave everything they had?not for glory, not even for gratitude...
Amira Rodriguez Thank you to those who have risked their lives for freedom and for the protection of our countries, people, children and their future. We should continue to work together to keep our homes clean, safe, our neighborhoods, our country. It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom ? for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."
My heart goes to all these Americans that gave everything they had and to their families that have to leave with out them... Dear Sr. President Barack Obama and Family thank you !!!!
"This weekend is Memorial Day?a time to pay tribute to all our men and women in uniform who?ve ever given their lives so that we can live in freedom and security." I think he looks so incredibly tired and worn out. No matter what people might say about him, he is only human, and I think the years of negativity and obstructionist activities surrounding him is taking a toll. No one deserves to be treated the way he has been treated.
Sir God bless Our President. I did not vote for President Bush, yet I respected the President. While we are inner fighting, our enemies are having a blast. Each party can disagree on issues. Let us respect our President elected by the people.
President Obama...I want to interrupt everything to say thank you for being the man among the men for all people here in America!!!...You came into Office with much Love, Care, and Support for all people...there will never be another like you.     
Any Given Sunday Love and respect to all the real hero's and thank you very much for sacrificing your life and much love, President Obama Sir Thank you very much too!!Heart goes for all the heroes!!!
I love you president Obama and support president Obama my favorite president and the best president ever yes we can yes we can yes we can thank you to all the troops who ever served thank you for fighting and defending out country i really love that our troops to finally have a president who cares and loves them president Obama your the best Obama style.
Thank you President, may God continue to bless you. I pray that God continues to lead and guide you. Look at you, He has made a table in the presence of your enemies right here on this great land. My prayers for you and your family.
"Whether we are Democrats, Republicans, or independents; whether we live in one of our poorest communities, one of our wealthiest, or anywhere in between, we all want our country to be one where hard work pays off and responsibility is rewarded." President Barack Obama thanks for all you do and for informing us. I have not remembered seeing any president come to fb with a weekly address as you have. So kind and so caring. God bless you and your family.
Barack Hussein Obama is not my President and as an American, I have absolutely no Representation in Washington, DC, by those who swore an Oath to support, protect and defend the U.S. Constitution, the American people and our great Nation! I believe in Obama and it is a shame such vitriol I hear from so many. I voted for you the first and second time. I wish Michelle Obama was running. She is probably excited as hell to get out of there. Thank you Mr President and Michelle Obama. President Barack Obama is one of the better President's we had in a long time and you one's complaining are either to dumb to realize or to young and arrogant to know better. You forgot the last President we had before Obama, or have you had a loss of memory.
Mark my word Mr. President, maybe not in my lifetime, but you WILL go down in history as one of the greatest Presidents this country has ever had!! Thank you Mr. President.
It is interesting that some of us expecting the past wrongdoings to be solved in one or two terms, or even less. You may laugh at me, that we need to work much harder and learn from our past mistakes. So coming generations can come financially more
The great president, who tries to unite, while others sow hate, he tries to build communication, while other try to hide, he inspires and tries to move forward while others are stuck in the past. It's difficult to be a president, it's harder to be like.
Pres obama you are the greatest president ever you have worked hard for the poor and the middle class republicans only work for the rich so they can continue to get their kick backs and spend them on all the vacations they take nobody in this country
Has anyone noticed that those who denigrate the president are uneducated and have tremendous difficulty expressing themselves? Due to their poor command of the language, they rant, call names, label and post nasty pictures that have little to do with the subject matter.
I was with the 5 year old son of my black friend today and I told him his birthday is the same day as President Obama's and he said "I know and he is the same color as me". I love it!!
Hi Big daiablo, dear wild dog unclean, Obama very unclean and little Snack in the world . Obama have big Terrorist in the world after Israel
In political philosophy, the right of revolution (or right of rebellion) is the right or duty, previously stated throughout history, of the people of a nation to overthrow a government that acts against their common interests.
Dear Mr. President, I wish I could talk to you directly or somehow I wish you would see my post. My parents immigrated here from Bulgaria about 15 years ago for a better life for me and my twin sister. Both of them have PhDs. My mom has a PhD in Finance...
Tell our congress we need to push for mandatory video record keeping of "all" public officials while on public duty. This will end when we use the technology for everyone involved on a case by case basis. If "everyone" involved in anything public is he.
Mothers Against Police Profiling - MAPP I don't know if President Obama reads these post but something must be done! The attack on our sons is getting out of control! This stop and frisk or stop and harassby cops must cease and desist! These attacks on melanin male, hunting them down like Lisa Ann Y Teruya I want to tell the world what Dr. Hoodooo spellcaster did for me,i have tried so many spell caster unto no avail,but my friend Arthur told me to contact Dr. Hoodoo on hoodoo and that he will solve any difficulty am facing.
"We will be forever grateful for what these remarkable men and women did, for the selfless grace they showed in one of our darkest hours. But as we mark this 70th anniversary, let?s not simply commemorate history. Let?s rededicate ourselves to the freedoms for which they fought."
"My entire presidency is about helping working families recover from recession and rebuild for the future. As long as I?m President, that?s what I?ll keep fighting to do." ?President Obama
Climate change is real, and so are the President's actions to fight it.
"This is the only planet we?ve got. And years from now, I want to be able to look our children and grandchildren in the eye and tell them that we did everything we could to protect it." ?President Obama on combating climate change
As born in Europe inevitable proven me joy every time I think of the contribution of unborn generations who can not wait to celebrate his birth-that you acknowledge the solar language of harmony of the universe and the
"To make sure everyone is part of this resurgence, we need to build on what we know widens the path to the middle class?and you all know what it is: access to education." Countries across the world are investing in clean energy. Climate change deniers are running out of excuses.
"This week, together with our allies and partners, we reached a historic understanding with Iran." "I don?t think our top economic priority should be helping a tiny number of Americans who are already doing extraordinarily well, and asking everybody else to foot the bill. I think our top priority should be helping everybody who works hard get ahead."
"I see the injustices and the dangers that you and your families still face. And I?m running for President to end them once and for all
During the past few months, we have seen attacks against the Latino community. The richness of the community is their great diversity, and we are stronger when we unite. We are proud to launch latinos by Hillary because we know that she's going to fight for our community-Hillary's with us. Taggea your family and your friends in the comments and share to show your support.
?It is just heartbreaking, it is sickening to me to see another massacre. People should not have to be afraid to go to college, like this one, or go to the movie theater, or go to bible study. What is wrong with us that we can't stand up to the NRA and the gun lobby and the gun manufacturers they represent?
You know, this is not just tragic. We don't just need to pray for people. We need to act. And we need to build a movement. It's infuriating. Every time there's another massacre.
Is the only candidate of either party with the spine to stand up to the gun lobby her entire career. She's running on a record of achievement, not a list of promises.
This is one of the many reasons Hillary Clinton has my vote and support. She's the only candidate willing to even mention stricter gun regulations! She's not doing it for popularity, but because it's right. Everyone else is either an NRA lapdog or too scared to confront the gun nuts.
Watch Hillary for America's Brian Fallon on Kevin McCarthy's disturbing admission that the Benghazi committee is actually a taxpayer-funded sham aimed at hurting Hillary.
Wants McCarthy to apologize for making this statement. How about the republicans apologize to Hillary Clinton and the American people? And then have those members of Congress pay back the taxpayer dollars wasted on this conspiracy. We already knew this. Now it's just confirmed.
Hillary has stood with educators throughout her career--from her early days working at the Children's Defense Fund to her success creating a new teacher recruitment program in the Senate.
Another devastating shooting. We need sensible gun control measures to save lives, and I will do everything I can to achieve that. -H
Help Hillary get on the ballot in Indiana--sign up to attend a Hillary for Indiana Signature Petition Training.
Supporters are getting together to figure out the best way to support Hillary in our community -- and we need you to decide! An event is coming up soon, so RSVP now so you don't miss out. And why not bring a friend or two?
Rod Andres I laugh when I see people that don't live in Indiana talking about what people in Indiana should do. Us Hoosiers are more than capable of thinking for ourselves. Most Hoosiers don't really entertain people from other states, if you lived or spent time
Raising the minimum wage, paid family leave, child care: These aren?t just women?s issues -- they?re also family issues and economic issues.
Hillary?s working her heart out to earn every single vote, but the truth is, the ?secret? weapon in this race isn't a secret: It's dedicated supporters like you. If you?re with Hillary, donate before tonight?s end-of-quarter deadline. There are a lot of people out there hoping that we don't hit our fundraising goal before midnight tonight. I know you?re going to prove them wrong. Will you chip in before the deadline? hrc.io/donate -H
Lupe Gibbs I already donated this morning; and would donate more if I had it to spare. Might be able to come up with another $25 a bit later. Hillary Clinton for POTUS 2016!! Let's keep on thinking positive, okay team?
Speaker-in-Waiting Kevin McCarthy confirms: The Benghazi committee is a partisan effort to hurt Hillary's campaign.
?Nobody in America should have to choose between buying the medicine they need and paying their rent.? Hillary on prescription drug pricing in her latest TV ad.
Magica Maria Giraldo Calle I know a few people don?t like Hillary for whatever reason, but they don?t realize that I have the right to vote for whom I want, my sacred vote is for Hillary Clinton, she will be the first female president of U.S.A, and she will change the history!! 100%!!!! GO Hillary! 2016
For nearly 100 years, Planned Parenthood has stood up to political attacks on women's health while providing care. GOP: You're outmatched.
women have to and must stand up for one another....and really, women are the only ones who should have opinions, on "women's health" and care.... so tired of men dictating....
Massacres like todays will be blamed on access to guns... but... The underlying reasons for this social psychosis is the disenfranchisement of whole segments of the people. TRUMP's Focus is this... the core of society's endeavor. Reinstalling the Great...
Thank you from Oregon!!! Mr. Trump thank you also for not making this a political speech and actually recognizing the tragic event that took place today here in Oregon!!!
Jason Kowalski I live in Roseburg.....never seen anything like this here. I guess we all get our turn. Price to pay for living in society full of morons! You have my support mr Trump
Thank you Donald. Praying for them with you, and knowing that guns aren't the problem, it's the people who use them who are mentally ill or disturbed.
Thank you, Im from Oregon and Im so tired of hearing our president Screan "Anti Gun" when ever this happens!!!!
I am from Roseburg and personally thank you Mr. Trump for your condolences..lives were lost today..it's not a routine thing here. It's not a failure on gun control laws. It was a terrible tragedy that isn't political. From a hometown heart, thank you for just caring.
Thank you Mr. Trump. You have The wife's vote and my vote, we live right on top of Roseburg Oregon, and I'm from the big city San Francisco California?.Back when it was a lovable little bull city. Moved to Roseburg area for the tranquility in the friendliness and small-town atmosphere. Just shattered by Obama's violence played seven-year in office.
The emphasis of these tragedies need to highlight the mental health of the shooter, and not head directly into a debate or calling for gun control reform. Law abiding citizens who choose to own or legally carry a firearm are not the problem, in many cases they can be the solution to these situations.
Gallo I live in the beautiful state of Oregon, it is a sad day for all of us. Thank you for thinking about those that have had to go through this horrible tragedy. You are a class act Mr. Trump!
Mr. Trump the best thing you could do right now is make an appearance in my hometown of roseburg oregon and come up with a plan to give vets jobs as armed guards in our schools. Killing two birds with one stone and we desperately need this.
It's very much appreciated that you took time to show you care for our people and our country. Thank you from Oregon
America loves TRUMP. .I'm so very sorry to all the families, friends of shooting victims and to the students of Roseburg Oregon sending prayers to your community. .God Bless. .
Thank you Mr Donald Trump for having a heart and not using this tragedy as a political platform! Roseburg, Oregon appreciates this more than you can even possibly know!!!!
Roseburg is my hometown and I plan on moving back in the next two years. My daughters and their families live there, as well as most of my childhood friends and other family. I graduated from Umpqua Community College in 1991. I thank you very much for your kind words. You have my vote.
Hahahaha they tried to lift up Fiorina and it was a mistake and now the new one they are trying to push up is Rubio. hahahah these freaking GOP establisment wont learn. We want Donald Trump.
For the first time in my voting years, I'm actually excited to cast a vote for you Donald. I grew up as a kid under Ronald Reagan and I remember how I looked up to him and wanted to be like him. We need you sir and thank you for picking up the ball.
Love the Donald! Trump will win despite the political puppets of Fox and CNN, who seem to be agents promoting republican candidates who are sure to lose to Hillary Rodham Clinton. Donald Trump is our best ticket out of debtor status and back to the country we love.
Channel a liberal based channel claims Donald J. Trump has lost a point to Ben Carson. I don't believe it and I hope Mr Donald J. Trump runs third party if the Rino Republicans don't make him the Republican runner against Hillary Clinton or whatever liberal Nazi runs on the Democratic ticket.
Wasn't even a GOP debate. It's more like a Trump/Fiorina debate. Which is why they're voted for winning.
I heard it from a Democrat today that he'll be voting for donald trump, interesting times. Check it out, it was on rush today. The last debate is an old news now --- time to move on - talk about your tax proposal 🚂 make people jump on your train. Start working major swing states like Ohio President Trump....ABC and these college and the rest of media is saying Trump has slipped in the polls that fiorino and rubio is first and second... But look who taking the polls...bunch of bone head morons... Trump is still in lead and he did win the debates
Trump won the debate... Congratulations Donald J.Trump ...You deserve every bit of recognition! Donald J. Trump President 2016 Thank You for honoring America...As We Americans will soon all be honoring you! We Love You! Trump won the 2nd debate. In fact, he won the first debate also. We want an honest candidate, not a candidate who tells you what they think you want to hear like Fiorina and Rubio. Fiorina and Rubio were working off a script given to them by their strategist and media consultant. Trump thinks for himself.
It's funny how the media will use a poll that surveyed about 250 voters and act like the race is close but they will ignore polls like the ones posted here from Time and Drudge. It's going to be nice next year when Donald J. Trump beats the Democrats and the Media to take the election. Donald J. Trump 2016!
I'm sick of the media showing bs polls that mean nothing.. I can walk the street and from overhearing conversations .. most people have no clue who Carson is... or Fiorina either.. the Latinos seem to be for Rubio, most liberal kids like "Bernie". Mike Flynn Memo to 4th Estate: The difference between a shill and a journalist, is a journalist reports what's really happening, versus, what Republican establishment diehards want to happen. Donald J. Trump has captivated America and will continue to do so, right up until he and his wonderful family occupy the Whitehouse; after he wins the Presidency in 2016.
Seems like Trump is more concerned about polls and making sure everyone knows where he stands in the polls. It would be nice if he actually was passionate about helping the middle class rather than the rich
More importantly, show me a poll where you can beat Hillary, Bernie or Biden? There are none, you can't win against a Democrat.
Get over it Donald. That was so last News Cycle. And Polls don't win elections, Votes do. Beside the Suffix Poll has your unfavorables at -51. Which is the lowest number by double digits. Since your so hot on Polls. And since your unfavorables are undoubtedly the highest among GOP Candidates, Why aren't you touting these numbers? Donald Trump the man who would be King. A Clown in search of a Crown.
Mr.Donald Trump won the GOP debate Bill Clinton says Mr.Trump will be Republicans Presidential nominee at last we know who will win the Presidential election Mr.Donald Trump
Should have run as a Democrat, he would have won of Hillary supporters by now. She is gonna fold! Bengazi is gonna bite her, Chris Steven's counts.
If you're voting for Donald Trump and you're a conservative Christian you should look up my facebook page "Conservative Christians", if you don't think you would like either category just don't request to be a member.
Goes after Paul because he knows Rand is the only candidate for the people. Trump is trying to win brownie points from his establishment friends.
I like Rand Paul on the issues of the The US Constitution. I am not always with him on everything but I do think he is a good man. I like how he wants the government out of our lives.
Fat chance Trump! Rand Paul in it for the long haul all the way to the White House! Rand is the only one running with a real plan for America and its backed up with the Constitution and Bill of Rights! Rand is the true Liberty fighter who fights daily ...See More
I support Donald J. Trump, but I'd like Rand Paul to hang out for awhile longer as he has had some interesting things to say, forcing other candidates to defend their positions (never a bad thing in Presidential politics).
Good.....our congressman from SC Mick Mulveney(who is another pansy that has done nothing about Obama) had endorsed him and one of my former pastors down here was all about him. I let everyone know I still stump for Trump! Go Mr Donald J. Trump!
Trump, you dont realize that college students arent calculated into any of these polls, and thats his biggest demographic.

My prediction is its going to be between ben carson, rand paul and trump for the nomination
Paul has some very good speaking-points on the Federal Reserve and big gov't I think Mr. Trump would be wise to listen to... that being said, he is a poor public speaker and has almost no charisma, so, not suprised he will be bowing out soon...
Any statements about Rand Paul probably didn't chase him, more like his supporters stop backing him. If U don't have the right words for the American people or the right plans to fix America, they will drop you like a rotten potatoe. Americans need someone with brains that can work with others and fix problems that have been haunting us for many years. The list is too long...Mr. Trump has the brains...
I just saw his interview and he said that he may be around in this race longer that you, Mr. Trump. Ohhh?? 1%?
Some of you who are putting Rand Paul down are ignorantly endorsing Trump. Rand Paul is a Patriot and believes in the Constitution of this country. What the hells the matter with all yous.
Rand had my vote until Donald joined the race. Rand is still great, will stand up for the constitution, and stand up to Israel. I hope Donald will do the same.
Lisa Pedraza Rand Paul lost supporters because he won't demand gmo labeling and for being too PC and not standing up for our rights! Trump you won me over keep following God and the constitution and you'll be president
Do you believe this - Iran wants to trade our 3 prisoners (not 4) for 19 prisoners held by the U.S. Should have been let go with last deal.
Obama is literally the STUPIDEST man to ever grace our government! Can you help kick him out of office??? Donald J. Trump
Obama is worthless. I'm sure he's holding hands/crying with prisoners about how unfair life has been to them. TRUMP The U.S.A. Needs you!
Of course IRAN expects that deal! Obama released 5 terrorists for 1 deserter (Bergdahl), so they expect more now!!.......Since when do bullies stop when they get what they want? If Trump was in office, none of this would be happening! He would make deals that actually benefit the US. TRUMP 2016!!!!
We should get our 4 prisoners and inject a shot into the 19 iran prisoners which will explode once overseas and won't initiate until the 4 Americans are in America
Iran isn't afraid of us. Just like many others aren't. America is a laughing stock. We are comedy for the rest of the world
Our government is sickening that we would even have prisoners of war in Iran. Shame on them for not bringing these loved ones home to America and their families who miss them terribly. No deal with Iran should have ever been made with Americans held captive!!!
And the $ 150 BILLION That's 15 X TRUMP's Net Worth........At least IRAN is smarter than the Americans, Obama might do it. Unless you shame the US not to! Seams Mr. Trump was right again. stupid americans. That's what Iran must be thinking...........We need trump 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!! from Boston Massachusetts............................................................
3 for 19?!?!?! When they should have been released before any negotiations even started for this "Iran Deal"!!!
We need you Donald Trump for PRESIDENT!!!
Mike Cia Mr. Donald Trump, Our country has been going down hill fast for the last 8 to 10 year's. We as Americans want a president who is for the people of the United States . We are tired of giving to others that just keep taking advantage of us.We need to bring America back to the mother land she onces was. You Sir, Should have run for President along time ago. I think you are missing a HUGE opportunity. Jump the line right now! the Iranian President is right there in New York with you. Go now and make a deal happen. Save those 4 Americans and make Obama and every other Republican candidate look like children. I know you can make it happen, I could. You have the access, and the leverage. What are you waiting for?
Can we trade 4 Americans for one US president? How many Americans would love to see 0bama in an Iranian prison, complete with daily/routine beatings and torture?
Obama is a joke to Iran. They're trying to negotiate every self-serving deal while he is still in the White House. I like Donald Trump but only God can help America.
Pastor Saeed is one of the 3 and he did not even commit a crime. He is being tortured in an Iranian prison for his Christian faith. It's so sad.
Iran are terrorists and should be treated as such! We do not need to fund them or give them anything to get our prisoners back. Your right! Go Trump!
No deal with Iran and our 4 prisoners should have already been released!! Thank God you get it Mr. Trump 🇺🇸 America needs you so bad and NOW!!! You'll make things right and get our country back to being great again.
Unfortunately President Obama lacks your negotiating skills, he'll probably give them the 19 prisoners in exchange for nothing but a promise to talk about the future of the prisoners they hold
Exactly, Donald has been saying this all along. The Iranians are as scared of Donald Trump as they were of Ronald Reagan. ?On January 20, 1981, at the moment Reagan completed his 20-minute inaugural address after being sworn in as President.
Well I think we should go back and say " We will take 4 prisoners or the Iran Deal is history" got it.....good!!!
All 4 should have been released in their last bad deal.The problem is John Kerry is not their right man to deal with Iran.To weak we need Donald Trump.
How about 4 prisoners for obama
This is very sad and yes they should let all 4 prisoners go. I believe you have the leadership we need Mr. Trump. By the way, I like the tax plan proposed today.
Sorry..we want our people back But..in the long run it not a smart move ...why not our 4 ?? are they gonna hold him for another 20 prisoners they want back ? he fu..ed up the last agreement and the iran deal by not asking for our people!!!! i think this was their plan all along ..Im beginning to think obama is working for the other side...not America !!!
I love Donald, it feels like Ronald Reagan is reincarnated, America needs you Sir. May God bless you and yours!!! God bless America !!! God bless Israel !!!
Too few Americans are working, too many jobs have been shipped overseas, and too many middle class families cannot make ends meet. This tax plan directly meets these challenges with four simple goals.
Trump is definitely one of us who's got a lot of great ideas for this country Thank You Donald Trump for loving America as much as we do . a lot of us are standing behind you ......TrumpAmerica's next president 2016
Trump is the ONLY candidate who will stop illegal immigration. Thats why both sides are hitting him hard. Dems want mexican voters and repubs want cheap labor. In the meantime, we the people get stuck with a huge welfare bill and our poor get hit with lower waged jobs. Its not up to America to fix Mexico's problems.
You can bet if this guy shot Muslims in the head instead of Christians all hell would be breaking loose and the president surely would have acknowledged and condemned the persecution of Muslims. The fact he said nothing and then blames Americans for choosing to maintain the 2nd amendment is further proof he hates Christians and America!
People around the world look at republicans and think they're the biggest idiots on the planet. All because the president of America and black! If you know your history Christians nearly wiped out The Native Americans who are the true owners of this. Pat Ade Shameful to claim to be Christians and yet this hateful of our president. Fox News is really Good at brainwashing its viewers that they no longer care how ignorant and stupid they sound.
The stupid is SO strong in here. Obama is a Muslim and hates America? You actually want to run that? We can thank the Australian and Saudi who own Fox for the misinformation of our more reactionary types.
Right? If it were muslims or gays or blacks being targeted this president would be having a seizure. Since its Christians - he blames guns. This POTUS continues to prove what kind of turd he really is.
The gunman does exactly what the ISIS and other Muslim radicals are doing bring encouraged by President Obama! Is is not about guns it's about hating Christians! And we want to live in a country where there is freedom of speech, freedom of faith and freedom to wear and have guns!!!!!!
Hate crimes against Muslims have consistently hovered in the 100-150 range, roughly five times higher than the pre-9/11 rate. Hate crimes against Jews have also surged over the last couple of years. Where is Carson's and Fox's outrage about that...See More
Does the fact of "hate crimes" and "Christians targeting" affects the other fact that guns should be controlled?? Twisting
Well I see this way.....why people hate Christians...Christians have been closely associated with kkk, nazi, the right wingers... they have killed in the name of God...the McVeys blew up the fed building killing all including kids...So, u have serious nuts that take that personal..... Same way goes for the Muslims nut jobs .... the one that suffers are the real God fearing people.
Federal Security Services (FSB) is reporting today that an American black-Islamist terror suspect, who yesterday committed an act of mass murder in the State of Oregon (United States), had been included on a list of 87,000. Why you ask? Because President Obama doesn't care about Christians only their destruction. He cares abouy Islam, Muslims and isis. Democrats are sympathetic to his wants. Thats why
Good questions... seems Obama does not address hate crimes against Christians, just pours verbal gasoline on crimes to create division and increase his power base... very pernicious, but he still must answer to the Holy One of Israel for all he has said and done, and if Obama's name is not in the Book of Life... oh, that will be a terrible day for Obama.
Dude makes a fake profile on a dating site a few months before he executes Christians and it's absolute fact.
I have personally never met a "right wing comservative" that hated religion nor have I met a "right wing conservative"
If it had been Muslims that were singled out then Obama would have been shouting it from the top of the White House. But since it was Christians he has nothing to say on that issue.
The real reason for the Second Amendment is to protect citizens against government abuse. There has to be a counterbalance to the armed state. A government needs to be fearful of the people, not vice versa. This administration along with several others...
The liberals and our administration do not like Christians or Jews or our Judeo- Christian ethics and morals thus the silence when we are attacked for our religious beliefs . Others are afforded protection and a tongue lashing from our President when crimes against their religions are perpetrated but not s word when Christians are attacked.
Yes, and Obama's apologists will tell you that Christians are not being persecuted. Of course, you need to remember these are also the people who support the slaughter of babies, homosexual marriages and every perverted cause know to man. Obama drinks alcohol, supports gay marriage, and has bombed several Muslim countries. What is with you people's fixation on the idea that he is a Muslim? By and large Christians are not a persecuted group in the USA. An isolated incident is not "proof".
Obama only cares about removing all guns so America can be defenseless like the rest of the world!
Well instead give some more information about Oregon shooter! According to European news he is not a crazy person he is a Muslim and tried to go to Syria to join Isis!
If a Muslim is killed by an American, or a black man is killed by a white person it is considered a hate crime, but a Christian is murdered like those in Oregon and it's only a 2nd amendment issue for the demoncrats and their leader Obama.
Obama is all about political "correctness", and appeasing the far left wing wackos. Crazy thing is, he just says what they want to hear, with his polished, smooth speeches that are full of platitudes and lectures to the world . Funny, how the left are. Obama doesn't quit care about christians cuz he's a muslim himself,usa needs something new and immediatelly
Ok, he we go Obama has one clear agenda and that is to disarm our country. He neglected to indicate this was a hate crime against Christians and the mental issues of our country need to be addressed! Taking and limiting guns and ammunition is not the answer.
Obama clears does not identify with christians. He sides with muslims regularly. He is a treasonous POTUS.
I keep seeing all these memes with Ben Carson holding up an "I am a Christian" sign. I understand that this is a social media campaign in response to the horrendous shootings in Oregon. I get the need to affirm your religion in the face of this gunman'. Kevin Gilmore Obama can't tell people it was a hate crime, because he is a Muslim himself. He talks about gun control in hopes of taking away guns, so victims won't be able to defend themselves and the criminals will be the only ones armed.
Christians being targeted on OUR soil only reinforces the idea that Obama?s policies have failed. He will NEVER admit that this was a hate crime or that anything but guns were responsible.
In all honesty, Obama has a vile hatred toward christians. Thats why...There is no other explanation.
Russell Meyers The majority of mass shooters were white Christians. Stop the BS and pass stricter gun controls!
We know why, it doesn't fit the narrative and Obama doesn't care about Christians. He just wants to disarm Americans so he can issue in UN police to grab our guns and lock us down in a police state. If you aren't a member of NRA now would be a good time ..
I just took a personal stand for my freedom by joining NRA. You should too!
Mary Ann Sheffield Because Obama has encouraged this war on Christians as well as this war on Police. This is his agenda and has become the agenda of liberal democrats. He has become a "divider" of people not a "Uniter". He has set this country back years. Such a disappointment for this great nation.
News stirring the pot. There are reports that other religious people were targeted by this gunman, not just Christians. Don't wait for the facts, though. Stir emotions and make a profit.
Why can't they just tell the truth. ...

Christians were targeted because the gunman was a radical Islamic terrorist sympathizer!!!!! He was on the terrorist watch list!!!!! This was ANOTHER terrorist attack on American soil!!!!
Obama doesn't want other muslims to attack him, his mission is clearly to infiltrate muslims into the USA... When are you going to understand Obama's mission has nothing to do with the USA? Obama wants to take American's guns so we can't attack back when the muslims start their take over!
No he is not Muslim, and he wants gun control laws to be strengthened for ALL Americans to be safe. Come out if your hatred and check all the facts. None is so blind as those blinded by hatred. Why the hatred? Really, why?
Guns are used to kill, knives are used to kill, bombs are used to kill and planes are used to kill. Christians are targeted, police are targeted, Jews are targeted, innocents are targeted. The common denominator is obviously the evil heart and sick mind, not guns. Come, Jesus, come.
Clearly he's missed where blacks, Muslims, Jews, etc. Are being targeted. Sick of this hypocritical war on Christians, who clearly don't know what it is to be a Christian. Christmas is a retail indoctrination and today's Christians preach fear, hatred, and destination to all who disagree with them. Jesus Christ has left the building.
Now that Christians have been targeted, maybe more Christians will start thinking about the absurdity of allowing anybody the right to have a gun.
I am a gun owner and I am for gun safety. That means appropriate regulations to guarantee the general public safety in public places -- schools, movie theaters, malls, post offices, wherever. That means appropriate regulations on gun ownership
Lead by example Mr Obama, make the White House and its grounds a gun free zone, Idiocracy in Washington !!!. Come on do it !!! We have weak political idiots leading us.
Why isn't Obama talking about that that Christians are being targeted he's not talking about it because it doesn't benefit his agenda on taking our guns away
Leave it to Fox to distract the attention away from the pitiful gun control we have in this country and somehow turn the Oregon tragedy into yet another way to bash Obama!!
I wouldn't be surprised if it came out that Obama put the gunman up to the shootings! Great way to get rid of a few Christians and another "reason" for him to preach gun control! Thanks to all the sheep for voting for him!!! Good job! (In my most sarcastic voice to those that don't get it)
Exactly Dr. Ben Carson! Obama should never have been re elected. He glaringly showed his true colors in his first term. What a sham for the United States of America!
We have to blame this and all weekly mass shootings on something else, rather than gun violence. I heard Obama is driving to my house right now to get my BB gun. We must stop him!
Why do people keep asking why about anything with Obama? He is an enemy of this Nation and AN anti-christ, not THE anti-christ but certainly someone who dislikes biblical christianity.
He has a point. The Whitehouse has not mentioned that this gun man targeted Christians. Heaven forbid it had been blacks or Muslims. Obama would still be ranting about it. I am with the TN asst gov on this. Christians need to arm themselves. It is only getting worse. And this is just what change was promised.
What can I do about Muslims.
Refuse to have your community allow The building of any new islamic mosques.
Contact your legislature and demand anti-sharia law legislation be adopted in your state....
Michael Smith Why isn't the media? Why doesn't the media get off the same political correctness Obama is on? Cowards
Why isn't preside Obama talking about this? Well,he is Muslim. And probably isn't his agenda . The shooter was black,and it seems like this IS the agenda . Kill all Christians. Load our country with the enemy and sit back while all the unarmed citizens fall to the bullets of guns bought on black market .
Pass a gun law that targets gun crimes and illegal guns! Lock up the people for 100 years. Sure you will have a bunch of white folks arrested but just like 3 strikes you're out the majority will be black folks! Everyday in my city I turn on the news an. Teresa Short Spencer Because Obama does not care anything about Americans all he cares about is Muslims
Obama HATES Christians...he IS a muslim.
Because he is NOT a Christian!!!!! He is targeting us Christians. Impeach Obama. Protect and serve!!!! Not kill and chuckle!!!!!!
Need to ask Obama why he said his prayers are with all people that victims of gun shooting and then Obama said prayers are not eaugh.. Why would he make a staetment like that if he's a believer not judging just wonder why?
What do these hate crimes have in common? A president who calls white on black crimes as racist and/or terrorist, and black on white crime is "oh well"......
How are you going to study these people when most are shot by the police or they shoot themselves after the fact. Get rid of the gun free zones and put armed police in every school. You can't have unarmed security guards in a school get real people. We are week on our laws against gun violence strengthen those and arm yourselves and protect your family.
If guns were allowed on campus maybe someone could have stopped this... or at least limited the damage.. without a means to defend ourselves we a sitting ducks vulnerable the the evils of the world until police get there ..5 minutes later if we are lucky. Obama is no Christian and supports Muslims in every way. This should be no surprise to anybody. All media is bought and paid for and have a specific agenda. They all play for the same team. Research who owns them.
I, along with millions and millions of other Americans are sick, tired and disgusted with Obama's double standards. We are Obama weary. Fifteen and a half more months. Please get here quickly!!
Maybe because Obama is a muslim and he believes this was the will of a allah...snackbar.
Julia Davis I find it extremely hypocritical that the president, walking, sitting, sleeping, running, golfing, etc....has a fleet of secret service, carrying guns mind you, and not really using them, picks of all moments to use the gun debate against law abiding.
Because Obama is an idiot!! Because he doesn't like Christians! The worse president. And I don't care what other people think about him. My opinion, he is the worse president!!
The Federal Security Services (FSB) is reporting today that an American black-Islamist terror suspect, who yesterday committed an act of mass murder in the State of Oregon (United States), had been included on a list of 87,000 ?known/suspected?
Wasn't there another school shooting here in the USA where Christians were targeted?
Hmmm, let's see here, "changes his name from Barry Sotoero to Barrak Hussein Obama", then says, "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction." ... and some of you idiots are questioning his religion ? Bahahahaha !
For that matter, why isn't there a push by most politician's that disagree with Obama on pretty much everything, Why is there not a push from all of you to have him removed from office on the grounds that he really does not know what he's doing and is. Obama does nothing for Christians just to send them to b killed hit a Muslim with obummer being president not only u get fined but prison too... That right there is discriminating....Why can't Megan Kelly say the word "Christian" when reporting on this hate crime? The killer asked each victim if they were a Christian before shooting them in the head because they said yes...intentionally targeting Christians for murder. Say that. You are as despicably controlled as MSNBC... no difference. Weak and dishonest... advancing the Agenda...21,30, go green,etc etc.
Obama expressed sympathy to the families of every person that died and demanded a call to action, which is more than this Carson guy or any other Republican candidate has done and will ever do!
Apparently when it is a religion other than Christianity, the freedom to practice your religion is in full effect. This man murdered a lot of people because his religion permits him to do so because they were not of his religion. But we excuse him. Many mass shooting have two common elements; the first being a deranged individual who in almost all cases has been prescribed a version of psychotropic medications, the second being
Thank you for speaking out Dr Carson for Christians.. And why is the media not putting out all the facts about this shooter? Why is it not reported that one of his friends on My Space was a known Muslim who promoted hate and could have impacted this yo...See More
Funny how almost everyone here turns something that is a major issue then generalizes every mass shooting that has happened this year into just killing Christians because of this one weirdo in Oregon.The stupidity. There's been 15 mass shootings.
because in America, much more people are affected by mass shootings than are "Christian hate crimes". does Fox News need a tally? Besides, most of these school/church/theatre shootings are white males that identify as "conservative republican". that's the common ground. do with it what you want.
Same old republican rethoric , all developed countries have mentally ill individuals and none has the degree of gun violence of the US, maintainig the status quo will not solve anything, would think that Ben Carson being a physician would be a better off as president.
In my opinion it's scary coz, I think our School , Christians , Military, Police, Civilian or America itself is been being attack for a while. Why don?t all this people want to come to US ? Why don't the fight for their own Country.
Came out the other day and talked about her being a devout Catholic. She is still OK with the murdering of unborn children and we haven't heard nothing from her about the targeting of Christians here where we are suppost to have freedom of religion. We are so concerned with the refugees from Syria and surrounding countries, yet nothing about the Christians being slaughtered by radical Islamists.
So white can pick on black male or female and eveyone says get over it ???? Hahahah, we've had hate crimes from the beginning and you all are barely noticing it because of christians being shot. Yes, it "is" a hate crime against Christians. I agree it is not the guns. We just need to be aware of the mentally ill people who should not be using them. You never hear of our President being sad over all the christians that are being killed. I would think he would be very sad about this if he loved our nation, something more needed to be done to stop this.
Is the majority of the population so firkin stupid that we are all actually trying to figure out and cure crime, mass killings by concentrating on the frikin weapon that was used!!!! Really!!!!!
What if this is wrong here?
Half the dam population is mentally deficient.
Hate crimes like not letting homosexuals marry each other? Give it a rest FOX, Christians have been persecuting people for years, but one shooting happens and they're all victims now. Got it.
Even if the president is a Muslim, that's OK. But please be honest about it Mr. President. As Ben Carson stated: As long as the Muslim renounces Sharia Law, and upholds the Constitution, he/she could bepresident.

Get a grip people. Why do we give a crazy shooter a platform of any kind? In the Charleston shooting the victims were all black. In Newtown the shooter killed kids. Mass shooters are deranged and trying to make sense of the violence is meaningless. The...
See More
We know the reason he isn't talking about Christians, black on black shootings. We need no more proof as to his beliefs and who he is. He is thumbing his nose at all the things good about american more everyday. We can only hope and pray we get good moral conservatives to replace this administration and they can straighten this mess out; It's going to be a huge job .
Yes, your supreme leader, misses every aspect of any situation. There was already a law into place that should have worked, it was a "no gun zone". The town idiot would agree that this would be a good place for a coward to make mass killings. So let's make more gun laws to help unprotect the people of America.
Interesting .... The speculation what religion Obama is pops up the second time since he's president. (The first time was in 2009 while his presidential candidation). Dont you (americans) recognize that this is kind of targeted defamation from the republican corner. You can be proud of your president which takes care of the american people like no other before him!
the stupid thing that ISIS from the beginning of calling them self as muslims they killed more muslims than any other religion in the world and since US start a war against them they dropped three times by mistake guns and supplies to ISIS area now Christians being targeted!? by who !? Taliban who created by CIA smile emoticon
Obama would rather talk about gun control. Than hate crime it is partly his fault for the hate one to another. He stirs the pot
Obama is a seemingly nice guy on the surface..but actions speak louder than words..the guy is Muslim. .we've been fooled for 7 years..
All these Islamic beheadings and killings...it quietly fits in the man's religious beliefs...you'd have to be blind not to see that...
Another pathetic Republican trying to advocate rights of gun use rather than condemning. He never mentioned who is targeting Christians. Certainly Christians are targeting Christians.
Obama completely ignored the shooters message failing once again to call it like it is. He was a terrorist killing Christians for sport to make a name for himself and Obama's message was how disturbed he was that gun owners have not been dealt with. ...
Just like he has never acknowledged all the shootings of police officers by black thugs! That doesn't fit his agenda!
Because the POS shooter was raised Christian but walked away from it and changed his belief to spiritual - because the POS gunman was raised a christian - so what is the argument when former christians kill christians? He is a terrorist plain and simp...See More
This Muslim could not allow the media to be talking about what really happened. An Atheist killing Christians. Have you noticed that when ISIS slaughters Christians it's basically ignored by the liberal media?
I agree with Mr. Carson .But my question is this. Why when there is a crisis ,there is a shooting somewhere ? The United nations had the President of Argentina telling the world,naming names and the end result of obama seeking to make a deal with this ...See More
Talk about the earth being 5000 years old. Talk about your hate for Muslims and God only knows who else. The shooter was a Christian, who just didn't like Christians. We don't need a President who blindly hates.
Obama is A closet muslim he willCome out at the end of his term .
Obama will fall all over himself to apologize for Muslims - but does not mish a chance to BASH christians wether is be about the crusades or cling to guns and religion -
Christians and Christianity are attacked in some way or form everyday here in America... In God We Trust..... Merry Christmas.... I Pledge Allegiance... Time for the majority to stand up against the view of a few. The very morals that built this country.
Doesn't it make you wonder why Obama almost never mentions that Christians are being slaughtered and targeted. Why is that?
This was a hate crime against Christians but that kid that shot up the black church wasn't a racist he was mentally ill. This is why America laughs at you idiots.
It stands to reason. After all, the president, most of the democratic congress, and even some of the republicans don't want to discuss the 53 million plus unborn babies that have been murdered since 1973. And most of these "elected" representatives don.
Obama supports crimes against white christiains. That scumbag had no interest in gun laws. He know they arent working in Chicago. This is only a distraction. America.can see right true that comic.
I had an interesting conversation with an Algerian lady yesterday. They think Obama is not their friend, and that Obama, France and Isreal is funding. They believe that Obama is not there to help Muslims as we believe, but in fact use the money an...See More
Bet he would have called it a hate crime if the gunman killed Muslims, they can call me politically incorrect but by god how can you not see our president is anti christian/jew and pro Muslim. Of course he says he is a Christian but he acts like a Muslim

Maybe he is waiting to find out what really happened before talking. The story is now coming out that the initial reports may not be true. He may not have been targeting Christians. But if he was, remember that he idolized the IRA and was a Nazi sympathizer. Maybe we should then attack those people as terrorists.
Because Obama wants Christians targeted. But Obama will have to answer to God. Obama is going to hell unless he changes.
The U.S. has seen too many mass killings of innocent people by unpredictable lunatics over the last 15 years. It is sickening to see so many people die because some madman has a twisted mind and feels that it's no big deal to kill someone.
In response to many conservatives wanting to make The religion of Islam illegal, all I am gonna say is that if you truly are an American you would remember that there is a right called freedom of religion, stop bigotry and educate yourselves and everyone else.
I've never seen a group try so hard to become part of our victim culture more than conservative Christians!!!
Why you ask?? Because he IS a muslim and could not care less about Christians or jews. It does not fit his agenda.
The problem is not guns or any kind of fire arms, knives, rocks, hands, the problem is that the government closed all the institutions and turned the people out on the streets because they did not want to support them--I believe that Obama did that
Good point Dr. Carson, catch early warning signs to intervene, mental illness is manageable. Guns will always be available to criminals, unfortunately even with stricter gun laws. The responsible law abiding citizens shouldn't have to give up their rights.
Sadly, I'm pretty sure it's because the president of the United Stated of America hates Christians and has an agenda that involves at least minimizing them.
Conservative, conspiracy theorist crack me up! the never ending attempt to try and convince the world that Obama is a Muslim, there's a war on Christianity, government is coming for your guns,....... Etc..... It is comical, I'll give ya that much. Any time I want a good laugh I always open up the Fox News page and read the comments. Thanks guys for adding a little comic relief to my hectic day!!
Mr Carson you are the biggest racist one could be. You call yourself a Christian and you don't know first thing about Christianity. You practice hate. You are saying you are pro life and at the same time you are pro guns and pro wars. In our own country people get killed every day by our own people with our own guns made in America. Your campaign is a joke
If Obama truly is a Christian, he would be doing the exact opposite of what he is doing. It proves the man is not a Christian because he can't even acknowledge its a hate crime. I'm so tired of people believing what that man says. He's a liar who lies for self gain. He has an agenda and will say and do whatever fits that agenda.
First things first. All mass shooters should be reported as. This registered democrat or republican. This way we know what party line the mentally ill follow. But most of us already know what party is mentally ill.
Pope Francis has been among those trying in vain to call attention to the ongoing attempt at extermination. In July, referring to these persecuted Christians, he asserted that ?a form of genocide ? and I stress the word ?genocide? ? is taking place, an. White extremist white supremacists are a bigger threat than overseas.

Despite what Donald Trump and many other Republicans have told you, the major threat to America isn?t Muslim extremism. In fact, statistics show that the real danger lies with them
Christians were killed- Obama made no mention of this - he needs to get out of office - fast !
Muslum's hate Christians. The only tike Obama uses the word Christian is when he can say something negative.
Why do people still call Obama a Muslim? This is baffling to me!! How ignorant can you people be?? Ever heard of the 5 Pillars of Islam? I doubt it, you know since you still think he's a Muslims. You know he eats pork and drinks beer right?
I'll tell you why there isn't anything being done.... because the GOP block every attempt to do anything about gun control. They will not allow one dime to be spent on anything that would limit the easy access to guns for EVERYBODY. Even the cray folk...
Yes, it's a hate crime. So is the call to murder police officers. Obama hasn't uttered one single word about any of the murdered police officers. Why??!! Wouldn't you think he'd use all those murders to demand the gun control that he wants??!! Dr. Ben Carson, you are so rational and logical, you make more sense than any other candidate out there! What happened in Oregon was a hate crime just like all the law enforcement officers that have been targeted lately; no difference,, all about hate. This President has divided this country more than it was before he took office!
I think our President is Anti-Christian, along with a large majority of Liberals. I also think out President wants to disarm all of America so we will be sitting ducks for his Radical Islamic buddies.
Because Obama does not care. He only used it as a platform to promote a ban on guns. Why do some Americans still not see what this man is all about
Hate crime against Christians, by a republican. that is confusing to many I think because it would have been expected that a liberal would have been the one to have killed Christians, not a republican.
Why do people keep trying to understand Obama, He's a Muslim, and answers to the Muslim Brotherhood. If you look at it this way all your questions are answered. Stop looking at his fake TV personification and take him for what he is. All we can do is pray that he and his fake cronies are soon gone, or there will be a war of Biblical proportions right here in America.
Because it doesn't matter what religion the victims are, he was talking of human lives being taken away and it is not only Christians. Gun control is what we need to be talking about. Nobody is against the second amendment, but there should be a better way to prevent mass shooting.
The killer was a conservative gun lover...He asked if they were Christian in a sarcastic sick way of telling them they will be meeting their making...Because christians are the biggest thing in the news lately...He was looking for notoriety remember...or didn't these so called politicians here that part.....
Obama has no sympathy for christians, but if that many Muslims were killed you would hear from him....his actions speak louder than words
I think we are going little too far. We should not insult our President like that by calling him names and degrading his intelligence. Our President is doing the best he can. The person who killed do many innocent people was moron and mentally de arran...See More
And why isn't he talking about all the other victims who have been murdered in other ways than guns? Murder is murder, no matter how it happened. Time to start discussing the problem and making punishment fit the crime.
Mixed race, self identifies as black, has Islamic/ISIS connections, committed multiple murders based on whether the victims were Christians, was on Russian Terror list, attempted to travel to Turkey and then become an ISIS recruit...yep, white supremacist!
The whole thing is becoming nasty . Obama is not saying much because he is supporting muslims ? he is not saying much becouse is grieving with the familys and that doesn't mean he dont care . Is this guy who did the killing a Muslim ? Dr Ben carson is using this for political gains .
Christians have been under attack in this country for some time - it's been through the courts, And groups that troll for any hint of Christianity, that may offend them - why is anyone surprised that it wouldn't turn into violence?
Everyone's comments here is exactly what you'd expect from the right and people who guzzle down News and all day. " He's a Muslim, he hates Christians, He sides with the killer". You guys are pathetic.
This goes well beyond hate crimes against Christians. Stop making this a religious issue. It's about sick people killing people. Regardless of their religious backgrounds.
I would like to know why The Five and Brett never made this point in their broadcasts yesterday when the news and eyewitness information had been out all day? I watch the Five and Brett every day and I was offended that they ignored this fact!
Had he asked if they were Muslim and then executed them, Obama would have a field day defending them!!!! He won't so much as acknowledge the Christians - unless the Pope is in his presence.
Obamas Christian claims do not support his actions. Jesus said "beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits". Matthew 7:15-16a.
Gun control is his agenda. He likes these mass murders to substantiate it. With all the gun laws in effect, none are enforced. His anti gun campaign has only one target.
Disarmament is the greatest step in total dominance. Only communist liberals want this.
Because your president is NOT a Christian. He does not care about Christians. Prove me wrong and send me a clip of the president telling the American people what he's doing to actively combat ISIL and doing his part to help protect our Christian brothers and sisters...
Democrats do not like Americans period, and I am starting to have concerns with Republicans. We voted them in to fix things, and it appears nothing is changing. We have helped the world over and over with aid, but have you noticed no one coming. Same reason that Obama says only white on black crimes are hate crimes. He has a tainted view on what real and unabashed equality really should be.
At our schools we do have a armed guard ,the president gets protected the congress has protection .Why not our schools , our children are not as important as politicians children ?If one person in that room. Had a gun lives would have been safed.
Because Obama hates Christians and is a Muslim sympothizer. Period. End of story. Oh, and he's stupid.
Maybe because there is no such evidence? In the nation that has no religious test for presidency it seems in reality that only a Christian can hold office. People are not protested or threatened when they go to church, unless your in a black church.
Right, this is not about school shootings being committed by the mentally ill, it is about shooters killing Christians.
Every mass shooting since Callumbine has occurred under Obama's watch ! Gee u think he is behind this giving orders to kill people so he can get his Liberal Agenda Gun Control?
Saul Alinsky a communist socialist died about 43 years ago, but his writings influenced those in political control of our nation today.
Recall that Hillary Clinton did her college thesis on his writings and Barack Hussein Obama writes about him in his
Barack Hussein Obama!!!!! I don't think this is a Christian name,, and I don't think you can find a name like that in the King James Bible,, you might find such a name close to that name in the Quran the Muslim book or guide on how to live as a Muslim.
The stupidity of the people on this Fox News post is amazing. I bet mostly republican. I also bet not one of you said or posted anything when the shooter killed those Christians in a church in S.Carolina a few months ago. I wonder why???
Why is Carson trying to drum up anti-Christian hate and trying to make Obama feel guilty for not siding with Christians only? Carson cannot be President because his mentality will fuel ISIS to attack in America because of his hate.
OBAMA'S father was a Muslim, his grandparents were associated with the Communist Party. So, we shouldn't expect any thing different.
Attack against Christians... Christians attack people who differ from their beliefs all the time. Some go out and still kill, bully, and humiliate others for sake of their religion... Attack against Christians.
If Obama were to be a Muslim alone it would have been a lot better, he is a terrorist. I can assure he will also die in the hands of terrorist he loaded in the United States
The reason he came out so fast was to change the subject...he waived gun control before the public like waving a red flag at a bull... he also gave the press their orders about the way they wanted this reported and off they went... he doesn't want the fact that this is a hate crime against Christians to wake up a sleeping church..
Maybe because Since Obama and his leftists, leftist judges Been in power, more shooting, more stabbings, more racial divide has been in that great nation,.,. I wonder WHY?????... God is not happy breaking God laws. ,, but in control......Gods name being taken out of everything, Also against his Christ men, Christians.
If the shooter would have targeted Muslims that's all Obama would be talking about. Even apologizing for the shooter. Sick.
Because it wasn't Muslims that were targeted! I guarantee if a gunman ever goes to a mosque and mows down a bunch of them, he'll sure be defending them and calling it a hate crime and that Islam should not be targeted like that! He won't stand up for Christians, because that's the biggest group of people he hates most!
Obama's "new" conference was a joke. I've learned to expect nothing more from him over the past almost seven years. Had these students been Muslims, we would have heard a different brand of rhetoric.
And like Christians never did hate crimes???? Let's see ......how about, 1. The dark ages, 2. The Salem witch trials, 3. The KKK, 4. Christians attacking and blowing up planned parenthood. 5 Christians like Timothy MCcvay??? More Damage in this world has been done in the name of God and Christianity then anything else. The world would be a lot better off without all religion.
People of all races and religions have been targeted in this country forever as now that someone targeted Christians all the Christians suddenly care? I'm sorry, but Americans are all impacted by these mass shootings and this whole religious take on everything lately makes me scared for this country. People are people and Christians aren't any more special than anyone else.
I get the sense from the horrible increase in death and violence perpetrated against Christians over the last 20 years that it is open season on Christians, and our politicians and big media are more worried about preserving the status quo, thus quietly
With this argument, why aren't conservatives saying that blacks are being targeted for death because one insane person targeted them in a mass killing? Conservatives are so pathetic in their persecution complex.
The FBI has said 2% of hate crimes in the past year have been committed against Christians. Tell me again how you guys are persecuted? Especially since you make up 70% of the population.
Why isn't president Obama commenting about all the hate crimes in Chicago? Or does he think some murders aren't hateful? (Black on black ) aren't all murders hate filled ? Clean up your own backyard first, Mr Obama.
You don't even have to graduate from high school to understand this was a hate crime to execute christians. There are witnesses to that fact! they will tell you over and over for the rest of their life.
if he comes to the defense of Muslims you get mad but doesn't come to the defense of Christians you get mad.. Talk about hypocrites
Obama has gone over to The Other Side and never ever loved Christians, let alone its Parent Judaism. He loaths Western Values and wants the triumph of radical socialism and Islam(both totalitarian and global in aim).
It can only be a hate crime if its a white person committing a crime against a black or a Muslim person.....you should know that by now.
Obama has no use for Christians, he doesn't care about Christians. Obama and his family doesn't go to church anymore because it is beneath him. I guess he thinks he's a god.
Truth : Obama is a Egomaniacal, anti-christ, anti-white, anti-America, antic-Semitic, anti-Cop, Pro-Islam Jihadist.
Islam is seditious (insubordination, insurrection, mutiny, treason, agitation, defiance, disobedience , dissent, insurgence, insurgency.
Its time to call every Democrat out for this open and blatant attempts not only to censor Christianity and drive it out of Government, Schools, Courts and the Public square, and their stunning slience with Christian persecution across the world, all while welcoming islam and muslims into our government and into our country.
We have a President and administration that have "belittled and embarrassed" our great nation on the world stage. Divided our country, both racially and politically more than anytime in recent history. Created public tension, hatred.
It says he's the Anti-Christ. (NOT from me, something I saw on YouTube.) says he, the Anti- Christ, comes in peace, Obama got The Nobel Peace Prize. I don't look at left, right wing, democrat, republican crap....I read The Bible.
Because it's not a part of his agenda. He obviously hates America and our freedoms.
How does one distinguish a Christian from followers of other religions? Are they carrying Bibles and Crucifixes around? Maybe carrying holy water? This is one of the dumbest allegations I have EVER heard. I'm more pissed off at this report than I am the fact that people were killed, and that is sad. Pushing the Christian agenda to force everyone into believing their lies. How low can you go?
How about you talk about Russia about to dominate the world. Instead of this pathetic news .
Because he wants to disarms us and I just see all our vets doing just that!!!! no way!!!! But if it had be muslims or blacks there would be rioting in the streets but we as true Americans and Christians don't do that,
People don't mention what they are guilty of. Obama clearly stands by muslims and those who commit horrific crimes against Christians. He hides, because he is guilty. He isn't going to speak out against something that he enjoys.
As usual Obama reacts in the wrong way. Instead of talking about Christians being killed because of Their Religious beliefs, He spews is his same old lines about guns. and politicizes a tragedy to push His Political Agenda. The Man has no shame.
What about the hate crimes against Atheist? It's not just Christians who face hate crimes, us non believers do as well. Everyone does and it's sad. We should live in a world where you are not hated because you are a different, race, color, gender or religion
This POS Dr. Carson when there is a big thing goes on in social media or in the world he doesn't waste time to jump on it and say only for gis own political good but not for the good of the people of United States of America...he is just like the executive order POS in the white house right now.
The church shooting involved Christians but the focus became a hate crime. If people can detach from the motives maybe everyone can wake up to the warnings, and learn the type of people who commit these crimes. I do agree though that the President's silence is concerning.
Obama has always been focused on how to get more blacks out there to do his bidding...He is also the sickest most evil racist Muslim around...He did not sound that way when he was first elected..He hid his false face quite nicely.
You Christians are so goddamn self-righteous... You're not anything special. You're no better than the Muslims you hate thats blood was spilled in the name of Christ... Or maybe the inquisition another Christian field genoicde. Or you know... Hitler!
Mr. Carson if you become President, you represent every American. According to your comments, you only care about Christians. What about all the other religious and non religious citizens, who also have rights. You would make a fine preacher, but a bad President!
Because obama is a muslim and he dont care about Christains they are not part of his agenda cant wait until that coward is out of office!
The Republican presidential hopeful posted a photo of himself on Facebook that showed him holding a sign that read 'I Am A Christian' and featured a drawing of an ichthys.
He shared the photo - which has been liked close to 800,000 times - following reports that gunman Chris Harper-Mercer asked his victims if they were Christian before shooting them dead.
Ben Carson was among those proudly declaring their faith after massacre at Community College in Roseburg, Oregon
While the right thing to do for anyone running for the highest elected office in the land would be to squash bigotry whenever it rears its ugly head, quite frankly, the American Muslim community. Good enough to die in service to the United States of America, they are good enough to be president. This is a true American hero. No different than the American heroes who may have been Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, Atheist, etc.
America should not have a Muslim president. If you want to be under Muslim rule, move to a Muslim country. Period.
I find it ironic that so called americans push the notion of freedom of religion unless you are muslim. .... hmmmmm hypocrisy ?
I will be fine with a Muslim candidate if the candidate denounces Sharia. It is not ok with me if the candidate believes women are inferior and gays are criminal, and punishments for crimes include the cutting off of hands, stoning, beheading, lashing...
I agree Muslims have a right to run for president. I just don't think they'd be elected. I also doubt an Atheist or a Hindu would be elected president even though they might be a good person and have the right to run.
Christians, Sikhs, Hindus, and other religious groups are severely discriminated against in Muslim majority countries. They are treated as second class citizens and the thought of a Nonmuslim assuming a leadership role in such a country is unfathomable. My message to those Muslims is....
Muslim's may not need Carsons approval but I can guarantee that a muslim candidate would need the approval of the voters and that will never happen. Thank God.
You mindless morons. Dr. Carson was only making the point that Sharia law is NOT compatible with our Constitution, and that any Presidential candidate who is a professing Muslim should have to renounce Sharia law.
A Muslim would need the approval of a majority of Americans (regardless of Democrat fraud). Ain't gonna happen any time soon!
I'd like to see an atheist president. Then all laws he/she would sign would be based on science, logic, and reason.
Huff and Puff needs to get it right, he said anyone who lives by Sharia Law and not the constitution (like Obama) should never be elected to the White House. Get it right for a change!
As long as, not like Obama. actually do uphold the constitution of the United States. Can't wait to see what HuffPost has to say about a Jew or a Christian that still holds to biblical principles. If a Muslim still hold to the Koran/Quran
Most Muslims believe in Sharia Law. Thus, by definition, they cannot be President. A Muslim who does not believe in sharia is not a true Muslim. It's like a person who calls himself a Christian but does not believe in the bible lol
Democrats ended segregation in America, Nixon, Goldwater and the J Birch Society voted for segregation and invited the Klan to go to the RP, Carson, West, Steele, Thomas and Sowell are fake blacks, suporting a racist Party, against HC, social security
What do you think out current President is?! Our current President is a Muslim. The only reason why he says he's a Christian is because he converted. But he still shows actions of a Muslim. He will send those Syrian's straight back to their own country. And he will get rid of those illegals.
"Muslims Don't Need Carson's Approval to be POTUS" -> Finally you all understand that!!! Carson's views are based on personal opinion on whether or not he would advocate a muslim presidency and for those who actually heard him speak on the issue, he says he will advocate anyone so long as their willing to put their personal beliefs aside for the U.S Constitution
Don't be a fool the Muslim faith hates you and no, they should never be in leadership in this country. They see u as the" infidel". There bible says to strike at the neck of the infidel! Don't be stupid in the name of political correctness!
Would jews vote for such a person if he were nominated on the Democratic ticket. Keith Ellison a muslim congressman should run for the democratic nomination, then we would find out.
If they want to change our Constitution to the Shariah-Law than no they should not run for President. The United States was found under the Christianity, And, It would be nice if Mr. Donald Trump and Mr. Ben Carson would work together and one become President and the other Vice President. They would be good as a team.
I keep seeing all these memes with. BenCarson holding up an "I am a Christian" sign. I understand that this is a social media campaign in response to the horrendous shootings in Oregon. I get the need to affirm your religion in the face of this gunman.
If you elect a Muslim, kiss our country goodbye. The Muslim in office now, is doing a fine job of destroying us. Can you voters see that? or is your brain still dead?
Why is it so hard for outlets like HuffPost to understand? Islam and democracy are incompatible. Islam insists on the primacy of sharia law, so a president who was authentically Muslim would place sharia law above the Constitution. And it's so hypocritical for HuffPost et al. to get offended by this line of thinking. If a truly devout Christian became president they would foam at the mouth.
The tenets of Islam are in direct contradiction to the principles of America and civility. Until they are willing to burn the koran and denounce all pedophilia and murder, they are not civilized enoughto even enter this country.
free-ranging interview with the New York Times, Obama described the Muslim call to prayer as ?one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset.?
"Bent" Carson, I would love for you to dial up a clue, and I know that is going to be challenging for someone as clueless as you, and understand that your republicant party is filled with racists and the ignorant that will not allow them to ever nomina.
Tell it Huff...it can be anyone of any religion, that is catholic, mormon, and even islamic, as long as there are no Protestant Christians.
They will never be elected POTUS, as their desired jihad will materialize prior and our country will be in an anarchical state. I am on the side of right, that would be against PC stupidity..... good luck PC morons.
What type of Muslim would run a sinful corrupt system like this?
The press needs to investigate who hired Carson to run and why. Here is the answer. Here are the creepy extremist neo fascist theocrats who paid for Carson and also pay for a lot of Ted Cruz along with the Koch Brothers.
I will state that, the Founding Fathers of America, were as of Puritans who created the Bible Based Commonwealth practiced. The same sort of Representative Government as their Church's Convent, that were the foundation of our Constitutions.  
They need the voters' approval.
is this a vital issue for 2016 ? or will they take over Congress in 2016 to make the laws or take over the SCOTUS ? is this a vital issue today ??? or just political psycho hype
Really dr. Carson. Now we are presented with you a 7th Day Adventist, a religion many consider a cult.
Screw muslims! There is already one in the WH. He has done nothing but wreck this country.
for president!! He was the FIRST surgeon to successfully separate twins conjoined at the head. In 2008, he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President George W. Bush!!! He also has a Carson Scholars Fund for college student.
Carson said Obama Care is worse than slavery. He said Slavery was the best thing that ever happens to black people. He said we would still be hanging in the trees. Apparently he doesn't know the history of his own history. Apparently he has never been.
Excellent article! I love the reference "She" for the first Muslim presidential candidate...very smart!
You dumb liberals got completely massacred by Carson and America on this one, but keep trying to push it in your flailing desperation. Damn, you are retarded
The wave of terror against "Jews and Christians who are only guilty of being Jewish and Christians" is growing. Not just in the Middle East and Africa but also in United States, UK, Australia and Europe.
just cause its factually correct doesnt mean u should say it on television clayton bigsby OOPS i mean ben carson.
A frontline interview with the black white supremacist Clayton Bigsby... He says his message is simple and would like everyone to hear it.
Under Reagan we had gun control and things were a a lot safer. Because congress cooperated with Reagan and passed gun control laws. Now liars like the NRA and Caron are trying to hide and disguise the truth, that they stabbed Reagan in the back
If your religion forbids you to put your hand on your heart and pledge to our flag, then you are not qualified to be our president. It's that simple.
If their was a Muslims president, you can guarantee thousands of civilians invading the White House and killing him and his entire family.
Fuck Ben Carson. He's a loony who happened to be smart enough to study how to become a brain specialist.
Have you guys ever actually looked at what happens to LGBT under sharia law? They whine when they don't get cakes and licenses. You want the imams to line up those folks in the street for mass executions you go right ahead.
Way to cash in on a crisis. Never mind all the targeted individuals of Christian organized stalking. Never mind how those people are murdered, ostracized, raped and enslaved. But hey Christian extremism is not a problem. I only have the most wonderful ...See More
Well, we had a Mormon guy last time. Remember when people were concerned about electing a black man cuz he would surely get assassinated?
Fine Carson ignore it fine by me. Its what the right is best at. running after you run your mouths off.
This guy is the laughing stock of the world, well to be honest most of the US presidential candidates are the laughing stock of the world.
0bama was in on 9/11/2001....with his GREEN Buddies.. to scare people into accepting the climate change scam and selling carbon credits and making Trillions. ..,,, Few people had heard of 0bama before 2004, ACORN pushing loans to poor people and help.
I think about the presidency much as I think about airplane pilots. When I get on a plane, the only thing that concerns me about the pilot is his or her ability to fly the plane.
How many vegetarians are in prisons and are breaking their nation laws? Confidence is silent. Insecurities are loud. 70 yrs ago... WWII ended September 1945, UN established October 1945, and the Gospel of Thomas was discovered Dec1945!!!
I love seeing Dr. Ben Carson blowing up social media honoring those brave Christians in Oregon who knew they would be killed if they confessed their faith.
Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said the U.S. should bar refugees from war-torn Syria because they are "infiltrated" with Muslim extremists who seek to harm America.
In the wake of the and reports that the gunman targeted Christians, 2016 presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson made a powerful
Presidential candidate Ben Carson posted a photo Friday to Facebook that shows him holding a sign with a simple, four-word message.
Ben Carson Makes Powerful Statement Amid Reports Oregon Shooter Targeted Christians"I wish all the progress that we've made was so secure and so deeply ingrained in our laws and our values that we didn't have to keep constantly defending it," Clinton told members of the Human Rights Campaign.
The Democratic presidential candidate slammed Ben Carson, Ted Cruz by name during an event with the Human Rights Campaign
It is a sad aspect of the Umpqua Community College shooting that the murderer ...
What is it with Republican Presidential candidates and not believing science? Do we need to bring back the Pope for Dr. Carson?
"You have no reason for things such as selfless love, when a father dives in to save his son from drowning.
Don't ask him how to explain how climate change works, though.
Whatever you think of Ben Carson, there isn't another candidate who talks more about his faith than he does.
The 2016 presidential candidate also called for the military to allow transgender people to serve openly.
Hillary Clinton mocked Republican presidential candidates Ben Carson and Ted Cruz over their positions on gay rights.
Why should gays be given such special treatment by the democrats. They are human beings who should be treated just like the rest under the same constitution. Why give separate special treatment as is being gay is soooo special! !!
Hillary, I am pretty sure Ben Carson has said that the ruling was the "law of the land". Stop spreading baseless statements, and actually point out what you're going to do for this country. That is, if enough people actually are degenerates and allow you to become the nominee.
While running for US Senate, Hillary stopped at an upstate New York 4-H Club. As one Secret Service agent says, Hillary saw farmers and cows and then erupted. ?She turned to a staffer and said, ?What the f - - - did we come here for? There?s no money here.? ?
I'm betting my house that Hillary is about to announce that she is considering becoming transgender and now wants to be a woman.....
I would like to remind you the voters that even if we win the White House, that it won't matter unless we have the congress to back them up. Look what we have now for proof of that.

We are electing a President of the United States of America.
There we are the American army in the trenches waiting for an army of Russians and Chinese advancing toward us. The lgbt is all throughout our troops. Our troops have already been drastically reduced by Obama. Hillary is now president and our military has been weakened even more. We will become the refugees fleeing to Canada. You cannot cater to everything under the sun and have a strong military.
You democrats that support Hilary should be ashamed of yourselves!! She's a criminal! She should be in jail. Being in the military if I mishandled classified emails id be in jail. That's a fact!! We can't have double standards! Politicians should not get a pass because of their position or their last name! I'd rather have the socialist as our president then see her become our commander and chief!!!
Best way to discredit Ben Carson and Ted Cruz is to subject them to ridicule. Better Hillary than those two!
Way better than the two leading Republican candidates who are for trashing the Constitution of the United States, provided that doing so does not mess with the gun ownership part of the 2nd amendment. Things like deny folk from ever becoming President on basis of one's religion and deporting people because they were born in the USA.
Allowing gay and trans people to serve isnt Hillarys idea...and as a transmale... Please dont drag us into your campaign...
Hillary WILL be our next President. Anyone that believes all the false Press, and the Crap coming from he real Liars, should be ashamed of themselves for being so out of touch as to fall for it.It is the Republicans that are wasting money trying, BUT failing to dig something up.
Hillary although your more then likely going to jail. Your exactly right about Carson and Cruz! I would say keep up the good work, but you have to do some first!!
Whole america americans are subject to the same allegations, america is bleeding, is wounded and you do not feel it...
Well Hillary is going to be the best president in this country, she will do wonders, some one needs to get the clowns out of the clown bus, that will not happen, the republicans need to find some one else to run for president, ..i would not vote for any on the bus for dog catcher, most are lower than pond scum.
Trump for President!
We need a change and an American who isn't afraid to be honest! Time to take America back!
Not too many years ago she was in the same boat on gay rights. Now when it would be politically advantageous for her, she changes her mind...
The military is our hammer. It's not for nation building, service missions, humanitarian aid, or employment services. Nope. The military exists to protect and serve and provide for our common defense and anything that detracts from this or does not add to its strength should be rejected. Accomodating the cost and distraction of transgenders does nothing to strengthen our military.
democrats hate the military and usually dont understand military stuff , shut up about the military , hillary , you need to talk bout stuff you know like murder , theft and lying
This all comes from the mouth that brought you the watergate firing, Benghazi, email server felony and lies, and NEVER served a day in uniform. I say, go to jail, go directly to jail! And..choke yourself!
If you're not willing to let gay people have equal rights, you're a bigot. There are no good arguments against gay rights.
Hillary will say anything that might get her more votes! Who wants to be in a foxhole with a guy who thinks he is a woman? She is the biggest joke ever running for president!
Here you have a regime, that openly and brazenly arms terrorist organizations too overthrow the legal and legitimate nation of Syria. A Regime that fomented not one, not two BUT DOZENS OF COUPS ACROSS THE GLOBE. The most notable and infamous until now.
she will do anything and lie to be president reason we dont need her to be president
Here's an idea! Give voting rights to the illegals to win! Oh.. You already thought of that.
This is the same woman I mean man sorry billary Clinton the same man that said Obama was a terrorist and a Muslim dies she speak truth?
Wow, the ultimate mocker of humans, mocking. I will be very disappointed if Hillary is the Democrat nominee. Not only a liar extraordinaire, but Behind the scenes, she is horrid horrid horrid to just about every human she meets. Truly am hoping for Mr Sanders.
Ask military service members what they think of Democrat contributions to their well being and share what you learn.
Why is this important to military duty. And how does this correlate to protect and serve. What man wants to see this in basic training or any facility that dies not offer privacy. I can remember in basic training where an individual got a hard.
You can't believe anything this woman says just a few years ago she was against gays now she supports it anything goes as long as she can get elected
Yeah , lets kick the straight Soldiers out for having a tatoo on their arm and replace them with what? Men that are women and therefore cant serve in certain combat MOS or Women that are men ? If they are women , or atleast claim to be they still cant.
Transgender people have more courage in them because of how they've had to fight their whole life. I think they would fight harder to prove themselves in the military.
LOL! Forget that I was against gay marriage until recently, for decades! I'm progressive, I swear! A gay person has far more in comment with a straight person than they do with a transgender person. Being sexually attracted to someone of the same or opposite sex is not the same thing as actually believing that you are the opposite sex.
That's what the military needs more of: freaks and mentally abnormal or unstable people
The Hildebeast rears her ugly hypocritical head yet again. The only thing she's ever served is her agenda of running/ruining other people's lives
Just don't let people being investigated by the FBI run for president...oh wait.
Anyone remember when SHE was against gay marriage? Watch her speech in 2004......they all seem to "evolve" over time, don't they?
Don't you think that transgenders are going to create friction and problems in the military Mrs Clinton?
Correct headline: Hillary panders to rich extremist special interest group. Polls show group's agenda unpopular.
she is a criminal if there was justice in this country she would be on her way to prison
Anyone who votes for Hillary is a moron. We need someone who actually cares about the American people #feeltheburn
Anybody who votes for Hillary after all the evidence of her corruption is beyond moronic...she is unfit for command! !!!
Good god. Russia is bombing the fukout of Syrian rebels, ISIS and the left's candidates are talking about transgenderd people in the armed services.
Prioritize the PC crap?
WTF are you on??
So you have to agree with Clinton or Obama bin order to have sense .
Amazing isn't it. We have to all agree in same listen to the phase same sex.
Make sense doesn't it same, wow tell them Hillary. How is your husband doing, with same sex?
She's a pathological liar. I watched a video the other day of her (from 8 years ago) saying that marriage is between a man and a woman. To sit hear and see her say this is hypocritical to what she previously said and once again proves that she's a lying pos.
That's funny, she felt the exactopposite in 2004 when she gave the following speech:
Hillary Clinton in 2004 says marriage is a sacred bond between a man and a woman
I'm having a hard time picturing what a tranny marine might look like... And how that would really work out for that person.
America is tired of garbage that does nothing but tear us apart and makes a beacon of depravity and shame around the globe.
Transgender people require lots of medical attention to keep their delusion alive. Hard to get them the treatments over enemy lines. So no, they shouldn't serve in the military
Transgender, really, she is desperate, forgot most have a high fashion sense, how in the hell you gonna do it, in heels, and long nails.
Always attacking but not making a stand of her own. Kinda makes me think what is her hidden agenda?
U can trust security and guns in the hands of transgenders and gays cos they psychological disturbed...
The 2016 presidential candidate also called for the military to allow transgender people to serve openly. Both sides of the street.
Hillary Clinton is a washed-up old hag. She has no real views on anything. She just goes with whatever her staff says she needs to discuss. Hillary Clinton for President 2016 !!!!
I understand what she is saying, but this is opening a can of worms and violence until a little more acceptance flows openly through society. Just my opinion.
She's desperate for headlines because feelthebern is breathing down her neck with the truth!
Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson is calling on the IRS to revoke the tax-exempt status of a Muslim civil rights group that called for him to drop out of the presidential race last month.
Carson never made mention of his presidential campaign during his 45-minute speech at Olivet, instead he talked about how his Christian faith has guided him toward personal and professional success.
he presidential hopeful said that he and his childhood friends used to mess with police, but that was "before they would shoot you."
The fact is he is a black Republican..what other issues could he find amusing? Any black person claiming the Republican party has some serious issues with reality in this country.
Ben Carson is his own joke. If he doesn't think those low down, scheming repubs aren't laughing behind his back then he needs his head examined
That's uncle Ben,he's a Dam uncle Tom.Yea I said it !!! this suppose to be a intelligent African American man,how can you make statement that blacks should be happy they were brought over here as slaves,all the opportunities we have been given we wouldn't have if we were still there.Who wants to be a slave?
Yep, that was tasteless. He apparently did not think of those victims of police brutality. Would he make that joke in the company of their families? Carson is a disappointment.
This is truly a niggah. No amount of education and degrees can cover the stench of self hate. There is indeed a huge difference between being educated and intelligence. So I gather it's a joke to this asswipe that a child like Treyvon was slaughtered in the street and his murderer now parades a photo on the internet like his prize kill. Carson is a sorry, stupid wretch.
Learned intellect is never a substitute for wisdom or antidote for ignorance the culminating of either posture is seldom negligible. Though it is unfortunate that a Presidential candidate would chose to embody such effigies as those mortally leaden
I will agree that what Ben Carson said was way out of line, but if he wants to maintain a lead in the poles, or even come close to being president, he is going to have to focused on the real issues that matter most and stop being a narcissist.
I'm really tired of this ignorant ass black man talking BS parroting rhetoric. Especially the kind that conservative white folks like from so called good black folks like him insulting people of different faiths, nationalities, etc.
Carson is the best thing that could ever happen to the black community. To lift them from this slave mentality many have under the control of the white liberal trash who exploits them and keeps them on welfare and drugs
Violence against young black men is wrong we all agree with that but how can you condone violence against police officers??? All violence is wrong their are good people and bad people in both groups and in all spectrums of life.
Thank you so much!!!! Im not a republican nor do i support ben but everyones comments disgust me!! Im like were suppose to be kings and queens and were talking like mere peasants!!! Were suppose to be the greatest people on earth.
Carson is a total fraud. He was hired to run by these neo fascist racist billionaires who happen to share his same way-out exttremist Apocalyptic "religious" nuttiness. They also finance TedCruz who sounds exactly like a liar in the Nazi party circa 1935.
Too bad he doesn't realize that they are asking him all of these questions on purpose in order for him to keep putting his foot in his mouth.
Love you doc; but sit back in chill!!! What are you trying to prove. Because you are a great doctor don't mean that you will be a great President.
Some black people try so hard to be accepted by white people they will throw their own self under a bus. Now this s.o.b is one of the worst. Now uncle Ben go get under that bus and shut your damn tom ass up.
First politician to be brave enough to speak out about police brutality,,,very good.
The gun massacres will on and on and on and on go long as the GOP keeps suckling at the ass of the NRA and taking their blood money undersderstand the NRA profits from every death. So they do not care who gets killed or maimed or whose lives are ruined.
He is a cone!! He is not only Riding the cone Train but he is also the conductor!!!
Waiting for Ben to have his 'N' moment. It's inevitable. I'm sure Herman Cain will console him.
No common sense and very tasteless remark I guess he forgot how the police really treat us . He won't make nomination either. Black man with no sense of community smh.
Why is his difference in opinion exposing all the sour grapes on here? Don't like him, (including Essence) respectfully keep him off your page to save yourselves this distasteful reaction. It's really ironic when anyone who claims to know/be better use...See More
He grew up in Detroit, and he said he never suffered from racism. I want to know where so I can move to that part of the city. This man must be living in a cartoon because he is not dealing with reality.
Neurosurgeon not a rocket scientist close your mouth before you insert your foot.
He is Stupid and so are You! Wanna flight, I'll pick you up! Don't write checks with your mouth. Period and point blank! I don't have a horse in the race.
I respect him as the leading nuerologist in the world & the first 1 to successfully seperate twins cajoined at head and they survive. Considering his origins of being diagnose with dyslexia I found that accomplishment remarkable. I don't question people loyalty are ethnicity because they have views different than the majority.
Living proof that just because one is gifted in one area that they can be totally clueless in another
I bet this narcissistic man has joy singing " How I got over." Dangerous thinking in politics...how about his faith in God? He might not have been so lucky if he encountered Mr. Zimmerman...poor intellect!!!
If that's what he called a "joke", he has no business running for any office. He needs to run and get some therapy. Too many lives have been lost due to these crooked ass, dirty cops. Ijs!!!
When he was asked what he'd do in a crisis his response was he didn't know. Now he's telling off beat black jokes. He needs brain surgery.
No longer surprised by him. It doesn't matter what he says or does, he's still black. He'll never be the nominee for the Republicans.
oh how sweet...now he reaches back to his childhood experience for sentiment and support...please where was his sentiment when black life matter rallies took place...Black folks aren't dumb or stupid.
What an embarrassment...and what a perfect puppet he would be in Republican good old boys hands. Just "shucking and jiving, grinning and sliding" like the clown they really think he is. Then again, he might be playing a game of bait and switch. I surely hope so because if he's showing his TRUE colors I honestly don't know how he sleeps at night. Donald Trump may not be the one we should fear.
Pleazzzzz do us a favor and stick to medicine he's such a Disappointment
You know what? He's a yankee who lives in a pseudosouthern state. The Klan up there ain't nothing like the Klan in the deep south or other southern states.
Just word to the wise and that wouldn't be Kay! Sistas please stop dialoging with a fool. My great grandmother use to say failure to recognize fools, could easily have you understanding them, and then you become the fool too! Leave lil ms. kay and her.
He is a smarmy asshole. Glad he will never survive the scrutiny of being an actual candidate.
I am just sorry, when it comes to BC and politics has lost his way. How his brain is swollen with pride.
He thinks his education and money will protect him. It won't he's still black in America and that's a scary position to be in. Republican or not if he was in the White House all the racist attacks that Obama faced will come his way and his lack of acknowledgement of being black in America will show. He is ill prepared for the hate he's about to experience!
He's a serious Uncle Tom!! He thinks his fellow Republican cares about him, what a dummy idiot, they smile in your idiotic face and Stab you in your back, just listen to what they say on a daily basis!!
He's brainwashed by the powers that be strip all his money away and send him to the hood for 1 month I bet then he won't laugh about police brutality he hasn't experienced it so how you gon laugh about it coward even the president recognized it Carsons a dumby
Sounds like he wants to be elected...And this is just another campaign ploy to those he think will get him the most votes...
He shared his past experiences, he knows what the police are all about especially towards black males. He had to be politically correct by trying to cover up his words, he is a public figure and has to be careful of what he says..
He is speaking about his own childhood. And he is allowed to speak on it. We all come from different experiences
They all go to far fuk em!!every since I seen Trump as a hopeful president I was done they should not have allowed him to s ppl eak the way he did about ppl,n I don't care nothing bout that freedom of speech shit u don't say u would send ppl back where they came from if that's the case he needs to go back on the damn farm.
Until a black family member or friend of his is hurt, he wont get it. We dont want any like him in that house. He seems to me to be one of the ones that thinks he's white. Little does he know they will still treat him the same.
Morden day house boy.we sale head rags down south for that house maid you got.
Top surgery just don't know what to say out ure mouth we as citizens r ready know about what police do my q is what r u going to do for this country as president of the United States
I thought he was being sarcastic, if anything I thought that he was implying that the police will kill you now for what they once used to chase you for..I guess I read that wrong!!
He's sad so so sad it's sad growing up he had no black friends.. Agreeing with what others say about his own Race proves he's trying really hard to fit in so so sad
He may have once been a brain surgeon, but I do believe the time has come for someone to get inside of his brain to see what's going on. If they can't find an answer administer electro shock, a long running prescription for Thorazine and Valium and put him to bed.
My brother made a joke similar to that one day to me and the thing is he is in the public eye and everyone is sensitive so he needs to watch what he says.
Yall everything we say..u change it up ta seem negative...u aint english or american.
Gotta be mad at yourself treated your people wrong an they joined us and beat us all we aint start them wars, ya abused slaves got free an did dat shit!
Presidential hopeful Ben Carson has been catching quite a bit of flak lately after saying that a devout Muslim could not lead our nation, since their ideology is directly contradictory to what we stand for as a nation. Despite liberals offering themselves up as meat shields in defense of Islamists everywhere, all it took was a simple side-by-side comparison to shut them up, and it proves Carson is 100% right.
Presidential hopeful Ben Carson has been catching quite a bit of flak lately
29% of Republican primary voters say they prefer a candidate with "experience and a proven record."
When pressed on what post he had in mind, Carson simply said that "would remain to been seen."
"Obviously, that?s not the issue," Ben Carson said. "The issue is the mentality of these people."
Hours before President Barack Obama used the shooting rampage at an Oregon community college to call for stronger gun control, Republican candidate Ben?
Obama is obsessed with this gun control issue! WHY? Because FIRST: in order to destroy a country you have to disarm it's people! That's the bigger picture here folks....he is going against so many articles of our Constitution....he was planted here with an agenda that's why his obsession with gun control will continue!
Ben Carson is hitting the mental health angle of gun violence hard, just like Donald Trump.
When asked how he deals with personal attacks from his presidential rivals, Dr. Ben Carson responded, ?I just kind of look at them and I say, can you imagine that used to be a cute little baby? I wonder what happened to that??
Carson says he brushes off attacks from his rivals by imagining them as babies.
"If people don't speak up for what they believe, then other people will change things without them having a voice. Hitler changed things there and nobody protested. Nobody provided any opposition to him."
?In a situation where people do not express themselves, bad things can happen.?
To survive the campaign trail, you've gotta be creative:
Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson has a go-to move when his political rivals attack him: He just imagines them as babies. "I just kind of look?
We don't want the GOP Establishment's endorsement, we want YOUR endorsement!
Together, we'll show the country that Dr. Carson has a larger groundswell of grassroots support than any other 2016 candidate!
So join thousands of patriotic Americans in endorsing Dr. Ben Carson for President!
Endorse Dr. Ben Carson for President and contribute any amount to get 5 "Carson 2016" car magnets.
Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson joked.

philemon  posted in LITERATURE

Post updated on:  Aug 3, 2021 1:53:33 AM

Relationship managers: Do they misuse their access to customers and their accounts
There  have been several  reports of relationship managers misusing their proximity to clients to meet their sales targets. So, one needs to be cautious  while dealing with relationship managers
 Relationship Managers (RMs) have the potential to either strengthen the relationship with clients  or  they can erode it by their unscrupulous behaviour.  They have to reach a target so They operate in motivated blindness, therefore, indulge in such an exaggerated description of the product that it puts a mask on the risk inherent in the product and are able to sell toxic dubious products. Cases of misconduct on the part of RMs are not uncommon. There are many incidents of RMs misusing access to accounts and their proximity to clients to meet their sales targets. It has on many occasions, come to light, that the Wealth & Relationship Managers did get authorizations from their clients on blank papers with the promise that they will get maximize returns.
A few illustrative cases (picked up from media reports) are described here below?
A few years ago, a fraud in a leading foreign bank was detected, where a relationship manager had forged signatures of many widows whose children were staying abroad and diverted funds into his/her account. Probes revealed that the manager identified targets carefully and by using forged signatures, changed addresses of clients on his/her list so that they didn't get their bank statements. Instead, what they received were forged statements printed by their relationship manager. 
Mr P  who was a relationship manager in multinational banks 's retail banking operations, had illegally promised high returns under a sham deposit scheme and managed to convince about 20 high net worth bank customers to park their funds in that scheme. Puri got a forged circular in SEBI's name, which claimed that the high-returns scheme was only available at this particular branch. After getting big deposits, Puri generated forged bank slips and statements to the duped customers. He then siphoned off the money into the stock market.
A young techie with an information technology company in Pune, says he was cheated of Rs 4.5 lakh by his brokerage firm, thanks to the aggressive intra-day trading advised by his relationship manager. That's a huge amount for an ordinary person like me. The relationship manager wiped out all my money in months,? he says.
Misguidance or even mis-selling on the part of RMs in banks and elsewhere is a matter of concern. 

*A few years ago, only experts would have functioned as relationship managers in Indian banks. But now the position has been sort of degraded ? people who are not really experts in the field are being recruited as relationship managers for retail or consumer banking in India. And they are making a lot of mistakes.
On 18 April 2013 Moneylife Foundation presented a memorandum to RBI Governor on unchecked mis-selling by bank relationship managers. It says, Banks' relationship managers have been particularly brazen in recommending financial products to their customers while completely disregarding their financial situation. It is commonplace to hear of senior citizens being conned into investing in a mutual funds, unit-linked insurance plans or a hybrid-derivative products on promise of higher returns. In many cases, private bank executives go to their homes and persuade them to break secured fixed deposits and invest the money in Unit Linked Insurance Products (ULIPs) with the false assurance that these are as safe as fixed deposits and offer a higher return and security.?
Moneylife had highlighted the case of Suchitra Krishnamoorthi, a well-known singer and actor, who was taken for a ride by HSBC Bank for over five years. The modus operandi for HSBC in this case has been a combination of toxic churning of the portfolio management system (2% entry load on every purchase made by it on behalf of client), insurance products promising 24% returns, insisting her on taking a loan instead of withdrawing funds without even disclosing that the client was entitled for a smart loan. 

A strong campaign by Moneylife through its website and its social media properties got quick justice for a 79-year old man with his ailing wife. IndusInd Bank officials had deceitfully persuaded him to break his bank fixed deposit and invest in a wrong product. After Moneylife wrote about it, the bankers came at 11.30 in the night, bearing a demand draft of Rs7 lakh and returned him his investment. They had made him invest in DWS?s mutual fund scheme with a five-year lock in period.
 Whether they are dangerous or not depends on which side of the fence you are. If you are a victim then definitely you will label them as dangerous but if you've had a delightful experience with them, you may not. That does not mean you may not become a victim of their ?charisma?. It is in your best interest to be on your toes when you deal with them.

Post updated on:  Aug 2, 2021 9:47:48 PM

Aunty Gladys's Lesson

It had been a beautiful Saturday evening. When Martha and Claire rushed into the kitchen, Aunty Gladys had just finished putting porridge in the oven. They were so excited about their supper that they asked Aunty Gladys when it will be served. Her children had come to her after playing in the garden because of the lovely scent of the porridge. Aunty Gladys saw Claire and Martha's hands and feet were coated in mud when she glanced at them. It didn't take her long to realise they came running to her from the garden.

Aunty Gladys led Martha and Claire to the restroom with a slight smile on her face. She sat down and began teaching her children the value of cleanliness as she requested her children to dust themselves and freshen themselves. The little girls are all ears to their mother as she tells them a tale about herself and how she is always on time. Martha and Claire's eager minds responded with inquires. "Mommy, Mommy, did you always tidy your room when you were a kid?" and "Did you always go to school on time?" ".. Aunty Gladys gently answered all of her girls' questions, seeing their curiosity.

Aunty Gladys waited at the door, watching Martha and Claire pick up their toys and make their bed as the two girls rushed to their room. She was ecstatic, and she had a large smile on her face!

Shortly, the girls exchanged glances as a burning odor began to annoy them. "Mommy, what's that smell?" they ran at aunty Gladys, scared and irritated. Aunty Gladys' heart skipped a beat when she realized the porridge had been left in the oven for so long. Aunty Gladys was rushing to the kitchen when she noticed the cupboard was inundated with overdone porridge, and the burnt smell and smoking had made the beautiful kitchen appear unappealing.

When the clock struck eight, Aunty Gladys knew that the cleaning lesson had been wrecked when Martha and Claire entered the kitchen, asking their mother for supper.

Post updated on:  Aug 2, 2021 2:59:11 PM

Still wondering what to wear this Rakhi?
Sometimes, it can be tricky to choose the right outfit that perfectly radiates the festive vibes.
It's time to ditch the same old ideas as I have some quirky Indo-Western as well as traditional outfit ideas for you to rock this festive season.
You may opt for a crop top with a pleated skirt, focusing a little show off of naval point. With or without Shrug, the dress is going to look amazing. To get it stitched by your favorite tailor is the best choice. So what you have to do, is to search a nice color cotton fabric for yourself.

To add the perfect amount of glam to your look, add a silver chunk pair of earrings with a nice pair of matching closed shoes and you are good to go!
Also, a set of Palazzo and a crop top has proved to be very trendy, for heighted girls. Palazzo has to be little short, and the dress will look its best a heeled closed shoes.

And another way to stand out from the crowd could be if you coordinate your outfit with your favorite.
Now it is not easy, either the color has to match or the print of cloth. Sometimes, the same style too.

If you are someone who prefers comfort over style, we have got you covered too. You could pick cotton Indo- western long dresses, with a little mirror work. Rain and humidity go hand in hand, so opting for lightweight and comfortable wear, like dresses in pastel colors and bright floral prints will not only help you stand out but also feel free during the humid weather.

Accompanied with a stylish pair of shoes and matching danglers.
No wonder, you are the best designer of yourself.

Divya  posted in Fashion

Post updated on:  Aug 2, 2021 1:48:10 PM

U.S. women's soccer team set to encounter Canada in  the semifinal.

 Light winds caused the postponement of Monday`s Olympic sailing competition at Enoshima Yatching Harbour. This was rescheduled for Tuesday. However,   The putting off  affected the men's and women's 470 classes, and also the medal races in the men's 49er and women's 49er FX. 
Tuesday's lineup will now include both Tuesday`s  scheduled events, which are the Nacra 17 medal race, and the rescheduled track races from Monday.
 Netherlands and China are tied as of now on the medal standings for sailing: one gold medal and one bronze apiece.

The Tokyo 2020 organizing committee announced Monday that 17 additional people  tested positive for the coronavirus. However, none of the new reported cases were athletes.
Nine of the new positives came from contractors,
This raises the case load since July 1 to 276.

VISIT www.philemonngeno.wordpress.com

philemon  posted in SPORTS

Post updated on:  Aug 2, 2021 9:02:10 AM

                                  Impulsive actions are catalyst for failure
When making a decision of minor importance, I have always found it advantageous to consider all the pros and cons. Sigmund Freud:
The advice Sigmund Freud has offered   is that all pros and cons of however minor the nature of decision may be, must be given a lot of considerable thoughts and then decision made- This way decision is based not on Whim but on solid rational reasoning and thought process. This is called   a well thought out and reasoned decision as against the impulsive spur of the moment decision 
To act on the spur of the moment without thinking ahead is an impulsive action. One impulsive "decision" can mean finding yourself in a hole that you may not find easy to get out of. This is what happened with a friend of mine. I will share with you one of his impulsive actions that continues haunting him even today.
An   overseas Bank had engaged him to set up a staff training and development center for them He joined them as the head of the Staff Training and Development Center sometime in 1981 and quit ten years later.
His quitting from the bank was triggered by a person with a designation similar to his   being put in charge of the training center. He received instructions from the HR department that he would henceforth report to the   newly designated   Training Manager. He was shocked as he told me. This shock hit him so hard that he did not wait a minute before writing his resignation letter and sending it to the HR Dept. To his  utter surprise it was accepted with the same speed as that of the resignation letter sent.  This shook his confidence. He had not expected this in view of the reputation of his professional competence and honesty.  He could not see any reason for his being asked to report to someone holding a designation similar to his, who was neither a career banker nor a trainer. It was reported that his arrogance, crude behavior and overbearing attitude was a constant irritant to everybody in the organization from which he migrated to my friends Bank. The man whom he had recruited to be his assistant changed sides and became loyal to the new training head, He was intrigued about why the bank management behaved the way it did. He had sown the seeds of the center and nurtured it. It was recognized as a most professional training Institute. His professional knowledge, competence and sense of rectitude was always appreciated by the trainees and also by the management He was rated as an outstanding trainer.
However, management had a second thought.  In view of his spotless record the management    advised him to withdraw his resignation and asked him to continue at the training center foe a month or so; thereafter he would be transferred and put in a department of his choice   but he declined saying that the reason for which he had resigned would lose its sanctity if he continued at the Training center and reported to the new training head.
However, in hindsight I believe that this was an opportunity for him to reconsider his decision which he did not do; I am very sure as I knew him,  that had he done that his career growth would have been the envy of many. I wish he had consulted me. This one impulsive decision changed the course of his career growth.  How apt is the remark of Dani Johnson, author of Spirit-Driven Success You never know when your life is about to change. You never know when one decision will dramatically impact your life and change the course of your destiny. 

1. Don't take decision dictated by impulses. No rational decision can be taken in haste.  Acting before thinking can destroy your chances for achieving your long-term goals in life.
2. Don't let your impulses get the better of you
3. You are likely to regret your impulsive moves.  You won't be able to turn the clock back and start all over.
4. Decisiveness is certainly a good trait, but being too quick to act can lead to rash, impulsive choices that can ultimately hurt you, your family and your business.
5. Think about situations; take your time and don't jump to conclusions
6. When problems arise, instead of acting impulsively, take a moment to remind yourself of your end goal, and contemplate all the different potential outcomes that will still get you there.
7. It can be tempting to act quickly, but it's more important in business to make a decision that won't take you down an incorrect path

Saiyid  posted in Management

Post updated on:  Aug 1, 2021 9:58:09 PM

People who don't talk too much may be called introverts or perhaps a little boring. But, in this world of egos and selfishness, talking less is the best thing we can do. Those who talk less seem almost perfect for this world. Such people may not get instant success in life, but they will eventually become successful. Folks with these personalities often will have the following qualities:
1. Avoid arguments
2. Focuses more on work
3. If they have something to say it will be effective
4. Good listener
5. Accepts people as they are

Avoid arguments
Unnecessary arguments are undoubtedly the main reason behind many of the problems in society. This is where one of the main qualities of an introvert, helps them to be almost perfect.
For example, if Mr. A tells Mr. B (who is a so-called introvert) while sitting in the park in bright sunshine: "Hey Mr. B, you know it's night time now," Mr. B will say that - "no its daytime now." But if Mr. A, again, argues to Mr. B that it's night time, a person of Mr. B'S character will tell Mr. A, "Yeah, it may be night time. You may be correct." Here Mr. B is not saying it because he believes that it's night time. Mr. B who represents introverts is saying like this, just to avoid an argument.
I believe that what Mr. B has done is perfect. Most of us will argue that Mr. B is a person without his own opinion. But Mr. B is very intelligent not to argue with Mr. A about his madness. The point to be noted is that even Mr. A may be aware that it's daytime and just wants to create an argument, which Mr.A has failed to do. To mark the importance of this quality I want to quote Che Guevara, "Silence is arguments carried out by other means."

Focuses more on work
Very talkative people waste's a lot of time by talking unnecessarily. But people who talk less can use all this time working or doing creative things.

If they have something to say it will be effective
Extroverts usually go on talking about something or other always. So when they talk about something important, nobody is going to understand its importance, because the audience will think that they are just saying something as always. But when introverts talk about something, it will be very effective as the audience knows that if such a person has something to say, there will be some point in it. Such people think a lot before speaking.

Good listener
Listening to others is a real key to success. Reserved people are generally good listeners. Talkative humans think about what they'll talk about next while talking to somebody. They think about the answer before the question is finished. But people who talk less will listen to questions very carefully, analyze them and then answer up to the point.

Accepts people as they are
Usually, people with this character never try to change anybody. They know well that it's impossible to change a human being. They accept people as they are. This will help them to keep relationships in good standing.
In spite of all these advantages, introverts have some disadvantages also. But those disadvantages are not harmful to others. The effect of those disadvantages is for themselves. These people are generally disregarded and misunderstood because of their quiet nature. The world will not be aware of their talents and qualities. Thanks to platforms like Hubpages through which they can showcase their talent. Usually, such people prefer writing or typing rather than talking.
Reports on some research tell us about a lot of very successful people who consider themselves an introvert. That list includes; American President Barack Obama, Microsoft?s Bill Gates, Uber-investors, Warren Buffett and Charles Schwab, Avon?s chief executive, Andrea Jung, and the late publishing giant, Katharine Graham.
Another introvert hero who is very much in the news today is Cricketer, Sachin Tendulkar. The reason behind his success is not just his extraordinary talent, but also his calm and quiet nature. The farewell he is getting is a clear example of a successful, but a quiet person. I don't think any other sports personality ever received such a great farewell.

SO, in short, we can conclude that being an introvert is not at a barrier for success.

Why Introverts Can Make The Best Leaders
  • Forbes - "Why Introverts Can Make the Best Leaders," by Jennifer B. Kahnweiler - 11/30/09

Saranya  posted in Lifestyle

Post updated on:  Aug 1, 2021 4:12:58 PM



FRIENDSHIP isn't a BIG Thing . Its a Million little

It Always Holds a Special CORNER in OUR LIFE, A Corner which 
is irreplaceable ,Something which can never be Undervalued.

No Matter Who You are & What your Desires are . It is very 
IMPORTANT to have few FRIENDS in LIFE who will NEVER try to CHANGE 
you and BE With You for What You Are !!!

FRIENDSHIP does not Mean Agreement But Understanding . 
It Does not Mean Forgetting but FORGIVENESS.

FRIENDSHIP is not a Relation its a KIND of Emotion we all need
with us till the later stages of LIFE.

The Old late Night Gossips, LAUGHTER , JOY,  HAPPINESS , SORROW
the stories we tell each other , the incidents that makes us NOSTALGIC
are the small things which builds  FREINDSHIP STRONGER.


You should Trust your FRIENDS with all your BIG LITTLE SECRETS,TRUST is an 

RESPECT And TRUST are the things which makes you accept both the good 
and bad sides of your friends , and why Not as a person you too
have those qualities integrated within you 

FRIENDSHIP is about keeping your ego aside and coming to an Understanding

So Here Comes the MOST IMPORTANT Part, Communication which is the key aspect 
and Foundation of  FRIENDSHIP .

In Physics we have a term referred to as Half Duplex & Full Duplex . Similarly Communication 
Between FRIENDS must always be  two-way i.e.  FULL DUPLEX not HALF DUPLEX. A half-way 
Communication always leads to MISUNDERSTANDING & arises barriers in FRIENDSHIP

Your Circle should CLAP when you are WINNING rather than being envious about you.
As a FRIEND you must also ENCOURAGE the same kind of FEELINGS for them.

When Everything Falls Apart FREINDS are the One who ensures that "Its Gonna BE
OK , Everything Gonna be Just Fine " , YOU ARE JUST Going Through a ROUGH PATCH"

Someone who fills your heart with HOPE ,PROSPERITY , POSITIVITY towards
Life are FRIENDS

Someone who LIFTS you UP From Your DARKEST CORNERS are FRIENDS

Someone who is READY to DEFEND you In your ABSENCE are FRIENDS

Someone who is THERE for You not ONLY when They NEED You but also

Someone who scolds just to PUT you again on THE Right TRACKS
when you are Heading in a WRONG Direction are FRIENDS 

Someone who Appreciates You for Who You are are FRIENDS

Someone who Values &  Respects You are FRIENDS.

As Human Being we are prone to Errors. Errors in our Judgement and Being 
FRIENDS with People who are Sometimes NOT At all WORTHY of Your FRIENDSHIP!!!

I believe at some point in Life Most of us have made some wrong decisions
in LIFE , including keeping some WRONG friends

So Always be Wise in Choosing your FRIENDS.

Words and Sentences will fall short if I try to define the 
Actual and True Meaning of Friendship.

FRIENDSHIP isn't a BIG Thing . Its a Million little

Today We are Celebrating FRIENDSHIP Day.
But FREINDSHIP in itself is a special BOND ,a EMOTION Which 
cannot have only a SINGLE day for its Celebration. 


Post updated on:  Aug 1, 2021 1:04:41 PM

What is English Literature according to the common people?
English literature is the most difficult subject in the group of Arts but after taking admission into B.A and M.A in English , people can learn it very well that they can communicate fluently in English. As we all know that English is the most accepted language in the world so we all want to learn it and somehow at a certain point, we judge the human intelligence by the English communication skill. Nowadays most of the parents enroll their children in English Medium schools so that they can be the master in English Language and after completing the school, those students pursue English honours for learning the English Language more precisely. So the general notion is if you pursue English Honours, you will be successful in life, only English language is the useful subject in the stream of Arts. 

What to read in English Literature according to common people?
 You only have to study the textual stories and poems; and the ready made notes  to score a good percentage. But the most important part is you will have to communicate in English otherwise pursuing English literature will not be fruitful for you. If you cannot understand the meaning of a English word, you should never pursue this subject because this subject is all about understanding the meanings and learning good English words.

What is the actual purpose of studying English literature? 
As we all know, the list of candidates for English Honours is longer than the list of candidates for other subjects and to enter the college pursuing English Honours, a student has to face more competition. Most of the students of each stream apply for taking English as their major subject in college, this is why the competition of this subject gets harder than any other subject of Arts. If someone judges  this subject thinking of the school days, it would not be right. The English literature has a little bit of connection with grammar,  it is all about the literary theories. 
Though people think that studying English Honours would help the students to learn English speaking, it is quite wrong at a certain point. Every language has its own development history and English is also one of the languages so the institutions teach the history behind English literature and language. If any student is not habituated with reading, he or she should not opt this subject for future studies and if that student did not like the subject History in his school, he or she should never pursue English Honours.
We all have one mother tongue and the development history of that language is taught in school so we are used to it, we get to know the popular terms and the most important facts of our mother tongue but in college, the thing is different. Since you are pursuing English Honours, you should know the over-all history of Europe, America, Africa and India also because every textual element belongs to these places mostly. 
The biggest difference between the school and the college English is in school, the students read stories or poems without knowing its history but in college, students have to be aware of every device used in the texts and also the background history of the texts and the authors. English Literature is called the toughest subject from UG because here students study almost every time in a day so that he or she can know more about the history. No student will be successful in this field without knowing the background so apart from the tuition notes, students must be self-confident as well as determined and he or she must know how to study and prepare the answers on own because the motive of English as a literature is to increase one's limitation of thought so that he or she can analyses the major and minor things of everyday life. 
Remember this line, ? Literature is called the mirror of the society?.

What to read in English Literature(B.A.) actually ? 
The syllabus of English Honours is quite long and very complicated to understand that consists of drama, novel, short story, epic, essay, and various forms of poetry like sonnet, elegy, lyric, satire, mock epic, etc. 
Basically you need to study the literary works of Indian, American and British writers like William Shakespeare,  Virginia Woolf, Herge, Derozio, Walt Whitman, William Faulkner, Charles Dickens, T.S. Eliot, Charlotte Bronte, Agatha Christie, Toru Dutt, Rabindranath Tagore and other eminent writers of different ages. Students will have to read not only about the writers and their writings but also the socio-cultural factors of those very ages.

Who should pursue English literature in college ?
1) Students need to have the habit of reading a lot of books and understand the relevance for each context.
2) Students have to be expressive so that they can point out and show every important facts of the texts.
3) Those students can join who love to read out of their syllabus just to know more because here you need to know every minute detail of the history.
4) Students must have the knowledge to compare among the topics so that they can relate and differentiate each and every detail.
5) This is the subject for History-lovers. Students of English literature will have to know the history and location of every place.

Anuska  posted in Education

Post updated on:  Aug 1, 2021 9:15:00 AM

Penne with Arrabiata sauce
Penne is a type of pasta with cylinder shaped pieces, their ends cut at an angle. Penne is loved across Italy and the world.  Arrabiata pasta is a popular Italian recipe that features a sauce made with chili flakes and tomato. The word Arrabiata means angry in Italian which refers to the bold spiceness of the dish.
Recipe for 4-6 portions
500 gm
2 tablespoon
   Onion fine chopped
100 gm
    Garlic fine chopped
20 gm
   Tomatoes (blanched, seeded and chopped)
600 gm
     Basil leaves
As required
    Tomato puree
200 gm
     Seasoning  (salt, pepper)
To taste
     Parmesan cheese
For garnish
    Red chili flakes
To taste
To taste
1.     Cook the penne in a large pan of boiling salted water with oil until aldente. Drain, keep aside.
2.     To make sauce heat oil in pan and saut? garlic then stir onion for few minutes, also add chilli flakes in it then put tomatoes in it. Stirring constantly, over a medium heat for at least 5 minutes then add tomato puree in it. Bring to the boil, then reduce heat and simmer, uncovered, for 10-15 minutes or until sauce reduces and thickens.
3.      Season it to taste, stir the basil into sauce. Add penne to the hot sauce toss well to combine. Serve grated parmesan cheese over the penne. Garnish with a sprig of basil leaves.

Post updated on:  Aug 1, 2021 9:13:22 AM

Keep Alive , To Be Alive
Or It Will Take Your Live.
Trees are pretentious gift of our nature and an important source for our survival.
The cruel humanity are cutting down huge swaths of forests for the expansion of human land and are unable to acknowledge the significant calamity which will destroy the human species totally.

And after  few years or we can say that few months the both humans and the forests will be kept in an museum as they will  become extinct where no one will be there to see those precious gemstone as well as  the so called "HUMANS" "UNSCRUPULOUS DESTROYER".

Hmm if you can imagine a lot in your fantasy land then yeah , you can say that alien will visit our Motherland ,"Earth" and see those extincted gemstone with its destroyer.

Our Indian scientist , Jagdish Chandra Bose who invented a device called crescograph that could detect very small motions within plant tissues which can make a proof that the large number of plants "Forests" can feel the pain of getting burned, getting injured from humans ,

But still provide us with valuable things such as medicines , fruits , provide oxygen, shelter for animals, etc.

You know life is practical and nothing happens by chance, by fate , People create their own fate by their actions which speaks louder than the words and that's the 'Karma' for which the one and only gemstone , our natural heritage, our best friend , our soul , our survival is only taking a dangerous revenge from us . 

Salmonella, Malaria , Lyme disease ,Yellow fungus , Low level of oxygen, Climatic change , Increased of green house gases, Desertification , etc and the most trending dangerous disease Corona virus will be the reason of our extinction , I'd we will go on destroying our beautiful nature .  

It will take no time to become devil from an angel .
So Do Protect ,
Take Respect.

Post updated on:  Aug 1, 2021 2:57:30 AM

A story of a young innocent girl who had faith in her wishes and her Santa!!   
Well,  we all have our own set of Wishlist yet to be fulfilled.  We often say,  I wish this could happen but I know it just can't happen in my life,  I really wish, I get this but I know I won't,  it just out of my reach.  Today,  I will tell you a story of a girl who was very innocent and innocently believed that her wishes will get fulfilled.  One day,  Santa will come and fulfill all her wishes.  After reading this story,  I hope and wish that like this girl, you also start believing in your wishes again.  Yes,  they can come true!!! 

So here starts the story - 

The girl named Shiny, was born in a very conservative and poor family. She lost her mother,  when she was only 6 yrs old.  Her father never used to talk to her as he felt that bcoz of her birth,  he lost his  wife.  Also,  he never wanted a girl child. And the fact was that her mother died because of emotional,  mental and physical trauma,  she got from her father regularly, as he always wanted a boy child and she could give him one. 

So,  he remarried and finally got two baby boys. Shiny 's step brothers who were twins.  One was  Ramesh and other was Suresh.  She was always ill treated by her step mother and bullied by her brothers.  And whenever she used to go to her father to talk to,  her father never used to listen to her and again favored her brothers,  Ramesh and Suresh.  

She had nobody to talk to. She used to often cry and talk to her mother alone.  She missed her a lot and shared everything with her.  But today,  she just could not stop crying.... ohhh she was hungry for last 2 days and her step mother had beaten her with hot rod.  She kept crying holding her mother's photo in her hand and slept while weeping and weeping and weeping.. She saw a dream and in her dream,  she saw her mother talking to her. 

Mumma - What happened my child,  my princess?  Why are you crying so much?  See,  I am here for you.  I am with you always.  Whenever you want me near you,  just close your eyes,  I will always be here with you.  Now tell me,  what happened? 

Shiny - Ohhh. Mumma!!  Where have you gone?  Nobody loves me.... Am I so bad?  And it's paining so much mumma..... What do I do? 

Mumma -  My love,  I am here na,  it won't pain now. All will be fine.  You are a strong girl na. 

Shiny -  Why does Papa not love me?  What have I done mumma? 

Mumma -  You are my darling princess,  you have not done anything And papa loves you,  he just keeps busy with his work. 

Shiny -   No,  mumma!  He doesn't love me.  He didn't love you also. 

Mumma -  you know why I kept your name as Shiny? Because,  I wanted you to shine like a star in the whole world and I know you will one day.  And hey,  tomorrow is Christmas!!  Your favorite Santa will come tomorrow with lots of gifts.  

Shiny - I don't want any gift mumma.  I just want you.  You are my angel mumma!! 

Mumma-  I am always there for you my darling.  Write your wishes on a paper , close your eyes and tell in the ears of Santa tomorrow . You trust your momma?  Very soon an angel will come in your life and take away all your pains and will make your life beautiful. 

Shiny - Yes mumma,  I trust you!!  But what if Santa is busy and he doesn't come to me? 

Mumma - Then you give your paper of wish to me and I will give it to Santa. 

Shiny - OK Mumma!! 

Some months later,  she met a boy who became her nice friend.  He was very caring and a kind person.  He always used to help others and used to protect her from all class mates who used to bully her.  He always used to guide her and support her in every way.  His name was Rehan. 

Shiny -  Mumma,  Is Rehan my angel? You have sent him for me? 

Mumma - Yes darling,  Rehan is your angel.  He will always take good care of you.  And I am always there for you.  Just close your eyes as always,  I will just be there.  And now make one promise to me that you will be like your name.  You will shine like a star. You will prove to everyone that you despite of a girl,  you are no less than anyone.  You will make me proud 

Shiny - Yes mumma,  I will. Thank you Mummma!!  I love you lots!! 

Shiny and Rehan grew together,  walked together in all tough times holding each others hands like a rock.  Shiny got married to Rehan and she is an independent woman Entrepreneur working for the Upliftment of such unfortunate girls and women. 

Santa can be anyone,  he can be someone around you as in this story,  Shiny 's mother was her Santa.  Or you can become Santa for someone making someone smile or fulfilling someone 's wishes.  

Let all of us become a child once  again today at heart  and make a wish list and give it to our Santa with full faith and belief.  Miracles do happen if we believe in them.  Wishes do get fulfilled if we believe in them!!

Let's spread smile and a lot of happiness in each others lives this Christmas!! 

A very Merry Christmas to all of you!! 

You can also share your story,  the way I shared mine.  I would love to read. 

Keep reading for more!! 

Stay safe,  Stay blessed and stay happy always!! 
Lots of love and  my best wishes always!! 

Shalini  posted in Stories

Post updated on:  Aug 1, 2021 12:35:32 AM

One incident that  changed a girl 's life!! Who knows what life has in store for us  next moment!!
Today,  I am sharing a painful story of a girl,  a young girl of about 12 yrs of age, studying in school, always busy with her studies and tying to fulfill the expectations of her family.  Though she is hardworking and studious,  yet very shy and reserve nature and very sensitive and emotional at heart.  She was good in studies and used to get good marks in all her subjects. She was every teacher' s favorite as she was very obedient as well. Teachers used to give her example in the class. Unfortunately,  she had no friends and her family was also not very supportive of her.  She was always trying to fulfill her mother's wishes and expectations but could never make her happy.  And she didn't understand why,  which,  in turn made her self esteem very low. 

Her name was Sheena.  When she was alone,  she always used to play with her dolls and teddys. Like any other girl,  she also grew up dreaming of her prince charming who will come one day...like a fairy tale and movies we watch but who knew life had planned something else for her.

One day,  one of her Uncle came to stay at her place for some days as he had got a job in her city and her father felt that he should stay with them. Uncle was close to her father . Soon,  Uncle started pampering Sheena,  started buying chocolates and gifts for her. When she refused,  her mother said it's ok. He is a nice person, he is family and you are like a daughter to him.  So she accepted. 

Suddenly  one day,  Sheena 's parents had to go out for 2-3 days as her grandmother was not well.

   Sheena-  Pls take me also with you.  I cant stay alone here. 

   Momma-   Don't behave like a child ..You are a grownup girl now. Your exams are approaching and you have school also. Don't bother me now.  Start sharing some of my responsibilities.  I have to handle everything   - the house , your father,  all relatives,  everything all alone ...so not you now.  Go now,  I have to do the packing. We cant miss the train. Go in the kitchen and cook the food for us. I have no time to listen to you. 

Sheena-  Ok momma!!. I will do as you say

And she was all alone with Uncle. Her parents trusted him enough so she also started trusting him.  But who knew these 3 days will change her life drastically.  

The night came   and after serving dinner to Uncle, she went to sleep in her room on her bed. Suddenly, she woke up when she realized somebody is beside her on her bed and touching her,  here and there,  even her private parts.  She just could not understand what's happening,    what's going on.  And she was shocked.....she was just shocked to see....it was......it was....nobody else.....her Uncle, who her family trusted a lot and she also did. She respected him.

   Sheena-  Ummmmmmmmmmmmm. Uncle,  what are you doing? Pls don't....I don't like it.

Uncle- you dare not shout.  Else,  you cant even imagine what I will do with you. Even if you try to....who will believe you? Nobody will. 

He threatened her  pressed her mouth so that she cant do anything,  not even shout. She was physically,  sexually abused by him regularly consecutively for 3 days and he kept on threatening her if she even tried to tell this to anyone. 

Finally   4 th day, when her parents came back   she tried but she could not share anything with them as she also knew that nobody will believe her. The trauma   she was going through emotionally and mentally had taken her smile from her.  She was always lost. Her marks started going down. 

Soon,  some years later, her parents felt that they should get her married now. And they can get over with all the responsibilities they had for her.

She got married. And soon when her husband tried to come close to her,  she pushed him away and started shouting.  So many years of trauma had made her insane.  All the pain inside her.......tears, anger all came out once. The husband just could not understand anything.  It was many years of strange silence which broke like this today.  But who knew that this silence had to be broken only for a while.  She had a nervous breakdown and got admitted in mental asylum.  

It has been many years now,  she is 35 years of age,  still in mental asylum. Her husband divorced her the next day of that incident and re married someone else.

Nobody can imagine the trauma she must have gone through all her life after what happened with her as a child.  It broke her in pieces emotionally,  mentally,  physically and at a soul level too.  I just hope she gets better and fine soon.  But can she live a normal life?  Why are some journeys like this?  It was not her fault at all.  Why she had to go through all this? Who is to be blamed?  Our society?  You know,  we fall , we get physically hurt and in sometime,  we heal but some traumas...?..How many more Nirbhayas we will have? When will a girl or a woman not be looked at like this,  just as an object? I am still wishing and hoping that some day such a world will come in place.  

My purpose of sharing this story and experience with you is only that if all of us can understand and become more sensitive and more human towards some things. 

  Not all stories unfortunately have a happy ending.  Do share your thoughts in the comments section below. 

Keep reading for more  I will see you soon with another story or another experience.  

Lots of Love and My Best Wishes!!

Stay safe,  stay blessed and stay happy always!!


Shalini  posted in Stories

Post updated on:  Aug 1, 2021 12:35:24 AM

Well,  if you think or talk about  Love,  everyone has their own definition of love.  But can you really define love?  Actually,  you can just feel it but can't see it like air.  And to me,  Love is a selfless,  pure,  intense deep emotional connection,  a union of two souls and hearts with a life long commitment and it's destined.  I strongly believe that You don't find love but Love finds you.  You change and grow so much with it, when it happens in your life.  You just don't know when it touches you and your life.  Two souls walk together and grow together in life.  

This is a story of a friend of mine,  who is a singer based out of Gujarat.  He has a background of music and  does live concerts. I,  being an Artist at heart,  and singer too felt an artistic musical connection with him very soon.  Every Sunday became a ritual of singing together on call with him and I just loved this feeling of getting lost in music and singing with him forgetting this world of tensions.  Artists have their own beautiful lovely world too . I am sure,  my artistic readers can very well relate with me here.   I used to forget all my tensions,  everything and used to just get lost in a different peaceful musical world.  I remembered my childhood days,  when in school days,  I used to go to learn music from my Guruji after my school used to get over. 

We became nice friends soon because of this beautiful musical connection. Though he is very young to me in age but he has been a very nice pure person at heart and he had his own struggles and challenges of his life.  But I want to share his love story today with you all,  which is very different and unusual,  which actually shows that when real love happens,  it really happens and it doesn't see anything -age,  caste,  or anything.  And it evolves you so much that it makes you a much better person.  

He was only 24 years young,  when I got connected with him and we have never met though yet.  And as his age,  he has been  quite immature and always used to take suggestions from me as his guide,  as I am elder to him.  He is from a very conservative family background and always believed that he would marry a simple girl by the choice of his family. Well,  we have been friends for about 4 years now and here??..,  

One day,  he told me , " Hey Shalini,  I am in love!! " I said,  Really? That's nice to know!!" Then I laughed for a while and asked him ," Do you really know what love is? I hope it's not your today's generation love,  which comes and goes soon and which is actually not love at all. 

Then he said, " No,  No,  it's your type of love - that intense deep lifetime commitment,  lifetime heart and soul connection wala love!!" I was like... OK!!. Nice!!  I smiled for a while and I wanted to know more about it.  

And actually this time,  his voice had more depth,  a little more evolved and a little more mature.  He didn't sound like that immature boy who used to be infatuated so easily. And then I asked,  " So,  Who 's the girl? "And he said, " You will be surprised to know. " I said, " I am already surprised,  so pls tell me now. "

My friend - She is 10 years elder to me,  separated with a child which does not matter to me at all and I love her with all my heart.  I just can't imagine my life without her!! 

Me - Hold on!!  Let me take a deep breath and digest what you are saying.  Are you really sure about this feeling? 

My friend - Yes,  very sure!! 

Me - Do you even realize the challenges?  Have you even thought about it? You might be immature and confused about your feelings but that girl must have gone through a lot and she might get hurt.  Also,  the age gap between you two is quite a concern.  She will grow old faster than you.  And the maturity levels of both of you will be different.  Do you see spending your whole life with her?  Do you see yourself growing old with her till last breath?  Marrying her,  being with her till last breath?  And what about your conservative family?  I had all these questions for him.  Do you have answers to all these questions?  Have you asked yourself? It's something serious and responsible OK,  my dear friend!! 

My friend - Yes,  I do!  I really love her so much!!  I accept her the way she is and with all she has,  even with her child... Will be mine too. 

Well,  I wanted to see if he is only talking or he is really serious about it and has grown and evolved that much. That's what Love really does to you!!  Hmmmmm........ Well,  yes!!  
Though,  I trusted him as a person that he will never hurt anyone but I was not able to trust his immature age. 

It has been 2 years now, and he is still in love with her.  They are happy together.  Though he had always come to me for suggestions and guidance,  their relationship had really gone through lot of challenges as I already knew and had gauged.  There was a time when he was really insecure about her and they had a lot of differences in understanding each other.  I have really seen him transforming from an immature boy to a mature evolved man. And that's what true love does to you!!  And also,  loving an elder person does to you.  

It's a very rare ,real , unconventional and unusual love story. I am happy for them.  I hope to see them happily married soon with all my best wishes.  Though,  I have personally always felt and believed that age gap in a relationship or Love is not good,  specially in today's times  But I think real love does not see any boundaries or gaps.  It just feels the connection from heart and soul which is destined..  I always used to wonder if movies like "Dil toh Paagal hai "or  " Wake up Sid " (showing age gap love)  can be real but seeing this love story,  it seems it can be real . Love really conquers all if it's real!! . 

What do you think?  Really?  Does Age gap matter in Love?  Can it be long lasting? 

Let me know your opinion in comments box pls. Also,  share any of your love stories like this,  I would love to read. 

Lots of love and my best wishes!! 

Stay safe,  stay blessed and stay happy always!! 

Keep smiling !!

Happy Reading!! 


Shalini  posted in Stories

Post updated on:  Aug 1, 2021 12:35:16 AM

Well,  what we really see these days often,  is that a lot of people around us committing suicide, specially youth.  Recently, an uncle staying close to my home in our apartment, tried to commit suicide 3 times, when finally,  3rd time,  he could make it.  And the suicide note,  he had left behind, mentioned that he could not bear the pain of his mother who left him some years back. He had his wife and kids too though,  but still he decided to quit one day and leave this world.
 Sometime back,  a young IAS student had committed suicide because he got late for his exam and was not allowed to give the exam for which he had prepared the whole year.  He was only 10 mins late because of the severe traffic and he requested the examiner a lot but all in vain.  Thereafter,  he locked himself in his room and decided to commit suicide mentioning as his last words as,  " I can't take this pressure anymore!! ". 

I had a childhood friend during my college days,  who was deeply,  madly and obsessively in love with a girl from his school days.  Well,  it was a one sided love only from his side, as the girl never responded to his feelings. He still kept on pursuing her.  In fact,  he started learning all the things she liked, like playing guitar.  And this rejection actually made him cut his hand often  with a knife but was never successful in it despite many attempts.  

And now we read about the famous actor,  close to our hearts, Sushant Singh Rajput gave up and committed suicide.  It's said that he had severe depression for quite some time,  many months.  

Well,  what else,  I am sure,  we will find enough real stories of people who decided to end their lives one day or one moment and left this world.  And it is really very sad to see this actually.  In fact,  I had also lost someone,  a very close friend of mine in an accident and I can very well,  feel and understand the pain of losing someone close. I had gone mad and could not stop my tears which used to flow every now and then. And I had nobody to talk to OR share my pain with,  who can just listen to me and understand.  I was looking for him everywhere every time.  Then I realized his soul is always with me. I have to go on and fulfill all the dreams he had seen for me.  That moment,  I realized that my life is not only mine,  in fact, I owe it to many people.  So how can I give up?  I can't.  May be life is testing me and I will pass through this.  This shall pass like other moments.  If you lose someone close to you suddenly in the friction of seconds or a moment,  you just can't accept it,  you feel guilty and you feel there was so much to say and the pain is much more for the closeness of a person who has suddenly ended his life  

I have really one question to ask, "Is suicide the only solution? What if we had no option as suicide and we were just bound to live, the way we can't control our birth? "Whatever is the reason,  whether,  it's a heartbreak or a peer pressure,  competition or  losing someone close,  one thing is common that there is a lot of grief,  pain, unhappiness which is unbearable and gets difficult to handle and you feel that ending your life can and will give you peace.  Is that so really? When we have happy moments,  we want to hold on to them but when we have tough moments,  we can't hold on to them. Why? Because that's how life and our mind works.  And you know what,  nothing is permanent as everything changes every moment. Change is the only thing which is constant.  There is a saying -"Tough times don't last but tough people do! ". Whenever I feel low,  I always say to myself, " This shall pass too!!  Have faith and have patience!!  Keep going on!! ".I want to tell you a story here by Buddha.  

Buddha was walking and walking and walking continuously to a place,  one day,  with his disciple when he got tired and asked his disciple to sit and rest for a while.  He also asked him to bring water for him from a nearby pond as he was very thirsty.  So,  the disciple went to bring water for him.  But when he reached the pond,  he realized that the water is very dirty with mud all around.  He said to himself, " How can I take this water for Buddha?  I can't. "He went back empty handed without water and told Buddha, " Sorry!!  The water is very muddy,  so I could not bring it for you ". Then Buddha said, " Don't worry,  go to the same place after sometime and you will find clean water and then you can bring it for me.  Rest till then. ". The disciple said, "OK,  as you say. " But he didn't understand what Buddha meant by this yet he decided to trust him and follow his guidance.  Sometime later,  he went to the same pond again and to his surprise,  he saw the clean water there.    He kept on wondering on the way back  while carrying the water for Buddha.  When he reached Buddha,  he asked him, " How is this possible? " Buddha said, " This is what happens when you wait for a while and let things flow on its own. We waited for a while and then the mud had settled down on its own leaving the clean water up running.  Same happens in our life with our mind also. When we allow it to rest for a while,  things flow and settle on their own.  We just need to let it flow and not hold onto it or give up then.  Just sit and rest for a while and then walk again." Great learning for me when I read this story by him. 

Many times,  just one moment makes us weak and so weak that in the heat of that moment, we decide to give up.  I am sure that such a moment must have come in all of our lives at  some point of time  which must have made us very weak at that point of time,  when your mind says , "This is it,  I can't see anything beyond now,  all blank , my life is worthless!!  I am worthless !!" And it's not a nice feeling at all.  Such a moment came in my life also, when all my dreams were shattered and I was all alone going mad and blank.  I was broken into pieces and shattered. " The Hard Rock me "was shattered and could not see any way out.  But I decided,  not to quit and let that moment pass. I said to myself,  Like other moments,  this shall also pass!! Talk to someone at that weak moment of yours which is making you mad and restless.  If you don't have anyone,  write your thoughts in a diary , listen to nice music or do something what you like,  try to divert your mind and see the moment passes just like that.  It's the accumulation of our negative thoughts about us which makes us feel like this - unworthy or unhappy.  If we just allow that moment to pass,  we can see,  life is still worthy!! You are worthy!!  How can you not be worthy when you are a part of this Universe,  made by Universe.  And Universe has made all of us unique  , we just need to realize and discover this in ourselves.  If you start looking at yourself from your eyes and not from someone else 's eyes. Trust that Universe has a unique purpose for each one of us that's why we are living and alive.  We face the adversities for a reason.  Everything has a reason,  if you can trust the process.  It was not easy for me too but I tried to trust the Universe,  go with the flow and get up again,  every time I was shattered because I knew this is not the end,  may be a roadblock or a tunnel and I will see the light ahead.  And see,  that's what happened with me,  such moments were a turning point of my life.  We all know that good has to go through a very tough process of melting and pain,  then only it finally becomes the precious gold we see as final product which is nice,  beautiful and strong too.  These adversities make us strong.  Now,  when I look back,  I realize,  I had to go through all this pain to become who I am today.  That process,  that journey is important.  We have to trust the process and trust the universe.  He has a plan for all of us.  He has sent all of us with a purpose 

No broken relationship,  no unfulfilled dram, no loss,  nothing is larger than life itself.  I believe there is a lack of love for oneself which actually makes one unhappy and you feel worthless.  Life is a very precious gift given by Universe and in fact,  human life is the most precious and rare gift given to us as per "Bhagwad Gita ", the mythological book we all know.  We should value it.  You never know when the next moment brings positive for you,  so you need to have that faith in yourself and Universe and keep going. That's what life is all about!!  Keep going, come what may!! .  Well,  as very rightly said,  the journey is important and not the destination!!   

I have also gone through so many weak moments in my life,  where I felt,  " I can't see anything beyond this,  Where to go?  Here is the dead end!! " But then,  immediately,  somehow,  my inner voice told me that what I have,  many don't,  so I should value what I have before this is also lost. So,  I always look at people who are more unfortunate than me,  which inspires me to do something for them. Yes,  I can make something worthy of me and my life.  All of us can. Trust yourself.  Love yourself.  Value yourself!!  And you never know what you see as dead end might just be a roadblock and it is beginning of something new!! It has happened few times in my life,  when I felt the moment is a dead-end and it became a turning point of my life and beginning of something very new. 

There is a saying, " What you have,  you might feel it is not enough, but try to look at it from someone else ' s eyes, you will realize that it's enough!! " I have myself got up so many times in my life after every loss and every downfall because I knew in my heart,  somewhere suicide is never a solution to any problem. I am sure,  all of us have heard these stories in our childhood but sometimes it is good to read them again and again 

Naadaan hotel hain woh jo yun zindgi se haar maan lete hain !!
Ek cheenti se seekho zindgi jeene ka jasba,  itni mushkiloen ke baad bhi woh koshish karna nahi chodti,  haar nahi maanti kyuki koshish karne waaloen ki Kabhi haar nahi hoti!! 

Everyday sun rises and gives us light without fail,  Trees always give us shadow without getting tired teaching us to never give up!!  There is always light after the darkness!! 

Birds sing daily for us selflessly,  happily.  Trees give us shadow when we are tired from the heat of sun.  If you see around,  everything about nature is so beautiful and happy. Why?  Because they just keep flowing selflessly.  They are so happy and we get happy with nature.  We smile too!!  

Love yourself!!  Know yourself!!  Accept yourself!!  You are unique in your own ways,  the way fingers of our hands are different and unique in their own ways and each has its own purpose!! 

Your dreams,  your happiness, everything is from You!! If you are there,  everything is there!!  And you are worthy of everything!!  You are worthy within yourself!!  There is a saying,  " Life has a different exam for everyone,  You can't copy it!!  "" 

Never Give Up!! 

Lots of Love and my best wishes!! 
Stay safe, stay blessed and stay happy always!! 

Keep Smiling!!

Shalini  posted in Positivity

Post updated on:  Aug 1, 2021 12:35:07 AM

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