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History Of Medicinal Cannabis

Blog by Smarajit Roy connectclue-author-image

All > Medicinal Cannabis > Introduction

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Cannabis has been used as part of Hindu spiritual pIn addition to the medicinal and spiritual uses of the plant, Ancient Indians would also have used the hemp plant for industrial purposes similar to those seen in other regions at the time. For example, hemp fibres have been used in the production of textiles including clothing for thousands of years. There is evidence that ancient Indian technicians may have been the first to practise ?hempcrete? technology ? a form of plaster that contains ?bhang? mixed with clay or lime plaster. The natural insecticide and pesticide properties of hemp fibres are thought to have helped preserve artwork in the Ellora cave for almost 1500 years! I would discuss these in the following pages.
Cannabis is also known as Indian Hemp / Marijuana has been cultivated and used around the globe for more than 5000 years its used for medicinal purpose and as a recreational drug. , food, and hemp fibre. Hemp seed has been for oils and hemp leaves for use as vegetables and juice. Although primarily used today as one of the most prevalent illicit leisure drugs, the use of Cannabis sativa L, commonly referred to as marijuana, for medicinal purposes has been Marijuana use has been shown to create numerous health problems, and, consequently, the expanding use beyond medical purposes into recreational use (abuse) resulted in control of the drug through international treaties.  There are two main strains of Cannabis namely CBD and THCractises and traditional medicine for perhaps thousands of years. However, the earliest mention of ?bhang? ? a Sanskrit word for cannabis ? as a medicine has been traced back to the works of Sushruta is believed to have been written between 500-600 AD. The Sushruta refers to cannabis as ?anti-phlegmatic? (and recommended as a remedy for catarrh accompanied by diarrhoea, as well as a cure for biliary fever. In Ayurveda, cannabis has mainly been used to treat conditions of the digestive and respiratory tracts. However, there is also evidence in later literary sources that cannabis has been used to treat other ailments including epilepsy and asthma.

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