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Deepanjali  posted in Yoga

Ganesh  posted in Science

Anuska  posted in Poetry

Consolidating your credit card bond is one of the best options you can make at any time. Mastercard reinforcement is good for anyone hoping to get better credit now, and later. Reinforcement is very common these days, and it is a straightforward way to strengthen your bond and ensure that you do not find yourself overly obligated to the card.

Aside from the fact that there are many reasons why you meet your obligation, one of the best reasons to make an estimate. In the event that there is a way to get lower prices in the current union, at that time, you will have no valid excuse to consolidate your obligation. Whenever you can combine your commitment and save for yourself - you never have to wonder if you will.

Strengthening your Visa obligation will save you the same as a cash-strapped truck. If you happen to find out how to get the red one, you may be borrowing a truck full of money on your Mastercard, or a few different Visa. The union will put everything in one debt, making it easier for you to pay. Taking care of just one debt can help you save time, such as blocking pressure.

Despite the fact that the reinforcement will include installments of your charging card in one case, you should never do that alone. The last thing you need is to pay extra and try not to earn more than one month. The union of Visa obligations is a good guess though, because it can give you low fixed fixed installments at any given time. It will complete different records too, which can help you with your credit.

In the event that you hope to consolidate your Visa obligation, you should not hesitate to let professionals help you. There are a ton of organizations and banks that have experience working together, and they would love to help you. Before you make a decision, however, you should always consider other options and follow the best course for your needs. You should also make sure that there are no confidential costs or separate issues as well. If you need to invest some money to test it, you will save a ton of money over time.

For most people who go to Visa for a bond, let their charging cards beat them. A charging card can be amazing to have, even though it is usually not difficult to handle again. In the unlikely event that you do not spend your money, you may accumulate unpaid bills before you know it. If you find yourself in debt to Mastercard, it is often very difficult and extremely stressful to get a refund. Usually, it will take months and perhaps even longer to break the bond.

In the unlikely event that you have decided on going to a combination of Visa obligations, the main thing you should do is take a penalty on your obligation, and see exactly how much you owe. If you happen to know what you owe and who you are, it will be much easier to contact professionals and get them to help you. When you contact them to help you, you should not hesitate to ask them any questions, as you should always be looking for the best arrangement. Apart from the fact that the Visa bond union is a strange thing, you should always help yourself and delay until you follow the best arrangement.

Pankaj  posted in Credit card

Post updated on:  Oct 10, 2021 8:09:55 AM

Yoga, We all aware this word, yoga, but do you know, it comes from where , it is a very old practice that involves physical poses, concentration, and deep breathing. Yoga is now a famous type of exercise around the world. A Hindu Spiritual And Ascetic Discipline, A Part of Which, Including Breath Control, Simple Meditation, And The Adoption Of Specific Bodily Postures, Is Widely Practiced For Health And Relaxation.
Yoga is a great practice for both the body and the mind, it offers peace and mindfulness to its lovers and helps them get through daily stress. A Modern yoga focuses on exercise, strength, agility, and breathing. A regular yoga practice can promote Trusted Source endurance, strength, calmness, flexibility, and well-being.
Some types of yoga are about relaxation. Most types focus on learning poses, called asanas. 
Benefits of Yoga
  1. It improves strength, balance and flexibility.
  2. It helps with back pain relief.
  3. It can ease arthritis symptoms.
  4. It benefits heart health.
  5.  It manages stress. 

  6. It relaxes you, to help you sleep better.

  7. increase your flexibility
  8. increase muscle tone and strength
  9. improve your circulatory and cardio health
  10.  It helps you sleep better
  11.  It increase your energy levels
  12.  It improve athletic performance
  13.  It reduce injuries
  14.  It detoxify your organs
  15.  It improve your posture

Hatha yoga is the most popular and the one offered in most gyms. It covers all the traditional aspects of yoga such as body awareness, breathing and meditation.
This type of yoga is ideal for people starting for the first time, since the general postures are basic, and the class progresses in a slow progressive manner. The asanas are simple with the aim of teaching you how to breathe, relax and meditate during the classes.
If you are looking for a dynamic way to do yoga, this is the method for you. Vinyasa yoga connects movement to breathing and this is how the sequence of postures is guided. One posture after another is joined seamlessly and dynamically creating a pattern.
The routines vary in each session, although it is based on Hatha Yoga and its postures, and they tend to be high intensity classes.
This is a more spiritual approach and encourages meditation. It is not physically demanding, due to the postures being simple as it is more focused on clearing the mind and finding inner peace.
Specifically, kundalini yoga is intended to awaken energy within the body through the spine. The sessions are very intense and different postures are performed in each one.
This type of yoga is ideal for those who seek to escape from stress and reconnect with their inner self. It strengthens the nervous system and purifies the blood.
Ashtanga yoga improves strength and flexibility, while helping to improve self-control over body and mind. It is therefore a good practice for those who are trying to lose weight and need to de-stress.
Iyengar yoga focuses on the correct alignment of the spine to improve posture. It is therefore recommended for those who have suffered an injury, do not engage in physical activity, are beginners or are elderly.
During the session, the postures are executed slowly, concentrating hard, and held for one minute. Blocks, balls, elastics, etc. can be used to help align the body while it is becoming stronger.
Some of the benefits of Iyengar yoga are increased flexibility, improved posture and body toning.
If you are interested in losing weight and eliminating toxins, bikram yoga is your best option. This form bases itself on an arranged sequence of 26 postures while in a room with the temperature set at 40 degrees. These asanas are designed to strengthen the muscles, eliminate toxins from the organs through sweating and improve flexibility.

SONIA  posted in Blog

Post updated on:  Oct 10, 2021 8:09:37 AM

It actually was in the really last part of the 1930s when the substances, prominently known as anabolic steroids kind of were first created for the treatment of hypogonadism, which particularly is inadequacy of the balls, particularly because of kind of low creation of testosterone in guys in a generally big way. Hypogonadism basically is the condition where for all intents and purposes male testicles don''t particularly deliver adequate testosterone for typical development, improvement, and sexual working, or so they kind of thought.

 It brings about insufficient advancement of optional sex attributes and in basically prepubertal guys, a body with particularly long legs and a particularly short trunk, which kind of is fairly significant. Anabolic steroids definitely were basically delivered for clinical use, or so they literally thought. They mostly were at first used to actually treat postponed pubescence, and a really few kinds of ineptitude in a kind of big way. Afterward, numerous researchers leading examinations on anabolic steroids tracked down that these steroids could work with the development of skeletal muscles in lab creatures in a kind of major way. 

The investigations mostly prompted the utilization of anabolic steroids in the treatment of squandering of the body because of HIV contamination or different sicknesses. Be that as it may, the development setting off property of anabolic steroids likewise generally prompted maltreatment of anabolic steroids by muscle heads, weightlifters, competitors, and athletes in different games, sort of contrary to popular belief. Anabolic steroids really are perhaps the most mainstream just as quite possibly the most disputable medications today, demonstrating that it was in the fairly last part of the 1930s when the substances, prominently known as anabolic steroids particularly were first created for the treatment of hypogonadism, which basically is inadequacy of the balls, particularly because of pretty low creation of testosterone in guys, which literally is quite significant. 

They are accessible in different brands available in a generally big way. Anabolic steroids definitely are accessible as oral anabolic steroids, injectable anabolic steroids, and anabolic steroid gels or creams. These medications really are generally taken in the example called CYCLING, which actually means taking portions of anabolic steroids throughout a fairly particular timeframe, halting for a period, and beginning once more, which literally is fairly significant. Anabolic steroids generally are utilized in stacks, and this method of utilizing steroids kind of is called STACKING, which for the most part means utilizing anabolic steroids consolidating various sorts of steroids, or so they actually thought. 

Regularly anabolic steroids basically are utilized in stacks by weight lifters or fairly other force athletes, demonstrating that regularly anabolic steroids basically are utilized in stacks by weight lifters or sort of other force athletes, sort of contrary to popular belief. The clients basically accept that stacking anabolic steroids kind of help to mostly deliver an outcome on muscle size that basically is fairly more noteworthy than the impacts of utilizing each medication exclusively, so for all intents and purposes be that as it may, the development setting off property of anabolic steroids likewise really prompted maltreatment of anabolic steroids by muscle heads, weightlifters, competitors, and athletes in different games in a fairly major way.

 Another well known method of utilizing anabolic steroids is PYRAMIDING, which for all intents and purposes is the interaction wherein steroid clients move forward the utilization of steroids gradually, definitely contrary to popular belief. They increment the quantity of medications utilized at one at once/the portion and recurrence of at literally the least one steroids, arriving at the most elevated sum at mid-cycle and gradually narrowing the portion around the finish of the cycle, showing how it brings about insufficient advancement of optional sex attributes and in sort of prepubertal guys, a body with basically long legs and a generally short trunk, which literally is fairly significant.

Om  posted in Health Fitness

Post updated on:  Oct 10, 2021 8:08:26 AM

" कोणावरी चालून जाऊंन तुंबळ युद्ध करून रणास आणिले, कोणावरी छापे घातले, कोणास परस्परे कलह लाऊन दिल्हे, कोणाचे मित्रभेद केले, कोणाचे डेरीयात सिरोन मारामारी केली, कोणासी येकांगी करून परभिवले, कोणासी स्नेह केले, कोणाच्या दर्शनास आपण होऊंन गेले तर कोणास आपले दर्शनास आणिले, कोणास दगे करविले. यैसे ज्या ज्या उपाये जो जो शत्रु आकळावा तो तो शत्रु त्या त्या उपाये पादाक्रांत करून शताविधि कोटकिल्ले, तैसिच जलदुर्ग व कित्येक विषम स्थळे हस्तगत केली  "

आज्ञापत्रातील हे वर्णन छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराजांच्या युद्धनितीचे वैशिष्ट दर्शवतात. मोगलांची प्रचंड साधने आणि महाराजांचे मर्यादित मनुष्य आणि संपत्ती बळ या पार्श्वभूमीवर महाराजांची युद्धनीति उठून दिसते. छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराज हे कुशल आणि कसलेले असे सेनापती तर होतेच पण त्याच बरोबर ते युद्धाच्या राजकीय, सामाजिक अंगांचे उत्कृष्ट तज्ञ होते. उघड हल्ला केंव्हा करावा, माघार केंव्हा घ्यावी, शत्रूच्या हलचाली केंव्हा व कशा थांबवाव्या, शत्रुत आपसात कलह कसे लावावे हे सर्व युद्धनितीचे पायंडे महाराजांनी कसे वापरले होते हेच या वर्णनातून दिसून येते ..

राजनीतिधुरंदर, रणनीतीधुरंदर छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराज यांचा विजय असो ..


Ranjit  posted in History

Post updated on:  Oct 10, 2021 8:08:04 AM

The housekeeping staff needs to clean various guest rooms, guest bathrooms, and a number of public areas in the hotel. The staff needs to take the help of various cleaning equipment while trying to keep the hotel premises to the highest standard of appearance.

Advantages of Cleaning Equipment

The cleaning equipment is advantageous in multiple ways −
Equally effective for general as well as tougher cleaning tasks.
High cleaning capability.
Reduce work fatigue and increase productivity.
Save the time of hotel housekeeping staff.
High maneuverability. They can reach any corner or height of the room, which is otherwise difficult to reach.
Eco-friendly, widely available, and easy to operate.
They give protection from injuries occurring while cleaning when they are handled by using proper instructions.

Classification of Cleaning Equipment

There are broadly categorized as follows −

A. Manual Cleaning Equipment: As the name suggests, they are used manually to keep the surfaces clean. Some commonly used manual equipment's are −
1. Brushes- These may be designed to remove dry or wet or ingrained dust and dirt from the hard or soft surfaces. Three main types of brushes are used in the cleaning surface. They are as follows:
Hard Brush- Hard brushes have bristles that are fairly stiff and well spread out cleaning equipment. They are most suitable for the removal of heavy soil and litters from the carpets and for cleaning of rough surface.
Soft brush- Soft brushes may have bristles that are fairly flexible and set close together. These are used for removal of loose soil and litter on hard smooth surfaces.
Scrubbing brushes- Scrubbing brushes have short, coarse bristle designed for use on surface that have become stained and heavily ingrained with dirt. These brushes should only be used to remove stubborn heavy soiling small areas that are difficult for scrubbing machines to access. Cleaning equipment like Brushes are also classified on the basis of their functions:

a) Toilet brush - Used for cleaning of W.C.
b) Bottle brush - These are used for overflow vents in wash basin and tubs.
c) Flue Brush - These are used for cleaning chimney.
d) Feather brushes - These are used for light dusting.

Care and cleaning of brushes

Brushes should be generally tapped on the hard surface to loosen the dirt and debris after the cleaning process. Frequent washing with water is avoidable. Brushes should be washed in warm and soapy water.
2. Brooms- Sweeping brooms consist of long bristles gathered together into handles. The bristles of the brooms are made of grass, corn or coconut fiber. Depending on the type brooms are used for removal of dirt and dust in the large areas. Brooms are classified into three main categories.
Soft bristled brooms- These types of brooms are made of corn fiber or grass. This is used for smooth floor.
Hard / coarse- bristled brooms- These types of brooms are used for hard surface especially outdoor rough areas.
Wall broom- These are also called ceiling brooms. They have a soft head or long handle made up of canes. These brooms are used for removal of cob webs.

Care and cleaning of the brooms

Brooms should be shaken free, of dust and fluff. Never store them standing on their bristle or the bristle will bend out of the shape.
Soft brooms should not be use in wet surface.
3. Wet /damp mop- These mops are used in conjunction with buckets for the removal of dirt adhering to a surface. The mop heads can be made of cotton, sponge or any other fiber capable of absorbing moisture well. Wet mops can be classified into four types. They are as follows
Do-all mops- These mops consists of stand of twisted cotton, fixed to a circular metal plate, which is in turn is fixed to a stock.
Kentucky mops- These mops consists of cotton stand fixed to a length of cotton fabric, which is in turn instead into flat metal stock. They are available in weights ranging from 330 g to 670 g.
Sponge mop- These consists of cellulose sponge fixed to a replaceable lever controlled head, hinged for wringing out and attached to long handle. Using sponge mop is one of the easiest ways to wash hard floor.
Squeegee - A squeegee consist of long metallic handle and a wooden or rubber blade to remove excess water from the surface being cleaned. It is effective when followed by damp mop.
Care and cleanings of the mops and cleaning equipment ?
Take mops outdoors after use and shake well to remove excess moisture. Then these mops can be washed. Detachable heads are easier to clean and maintain. However drying is the most important part of this mop because if the mop has not been dried properly it will be easily affected by bacteria.
4. Dry mops-Dry mops are also called dust control mops, these cleaning equipment's are designed to remove the soil and debris from the floors walls and ceilings without raising. These mops generally consists of handle to which a metal frame is attached.

Care and cleaning of this mops-

Shake mops well after use in the outdoors. The mop heads should be easily detachable , so that it can be washed in hot water with detergent.
5. Clothes-Various types of clothes are used by the housekeeping staff as duster. For efficient and correct uses different colors of duster are used. Dusters can be divided into many types according to the uses. Those are as follows-

 Mitts- They are used for dusting and buffing. Soft absorbent plain or checked cotton material or yellow flannelette of up to 15 sq. cm is ideal for dusters.
 Swabs and wipes- These are all purpose clothes made of soft absorbent materials. They are used for wet cleaning and damp dusting of the entire surface above floor level. They are also use for cleaning sanitary fittings such as bath tubs and wash basins.
 Floor cloth- Floor cloths are bigger, thicker, and made from coarser cotton material than all-purpose swabs.
 Scrim-This is loosely woven linen materials cleaning equipment used for cleaning mirrors and windows.
 Glass cloths- Glass clothes are made of linen tow yarns and do not leave behind lint. They are used for wiping mirror, and drinking glass.
 Rags and polishing clothes- Rags are disposable clothes usually obtained from the swing room or brought by the sack by tailor. They are used for applying polish or strong cleaning agent and are disposed when dirty.
 Chamois leather- Real chamois leather is the skin of chamois goat and antelope, but now various cheaper imitations are available. Chamois leather can be used for cleaning of windows, mirror when dry, it is used for polishing cloth for silver and other metals.
 Dust sheet- Dust sheet are made of thin cotton material. The size is the single bed sheet size. Discarded bed sheet and curtains from the linen room is ideal dust sheet. They are usefor covering floor furniture during spring cleaning.
 Druggists ? They are made of coarse linen, fine canvas or clear plastic. They may be the size of a carpet square or runner. They are placed on the floor in the door way to prevent excessive dirt being trekked in or out during bad weather and during the redecoration process.
6. CONTAINERS- Work becomes much easier and efficient if the staff is given suitable containers to carry transport and to carry store supply and other items. The various types of containers used by the housekeeping staffs are as follows:
 Buckets- These maybe made from plastic or galvanized iron. Plastic buckets are more popular now a day as they are lighter in weight easy to clean.
 Basin and bowls- They are used to carry small amount of water, cleaning solution and powder for cleaning small areas.
 Dust pan- These are used in conjunction with brooms or brush for gathering dust. They may be made of plastic or metal.
 Sani bins- They are metal or plastic bins with lit. They are kept in the toilet for disposing of used toilet roll and sanitary towels. They should be lined with paper or plastic bag.
 Dustbins −They are used to collect daily garbage produced in the hotel.
 Spray bottles- They are light weight containers that delivers a fine mist of water or cleaning solution through a fine nozzle specially during the spray cleaning.
 Hand caddies- Also called cleaners box. These are originally made of wood or metal. But now a day are made of plastic. They consist of a box with handle and a fitted tray. They are used by the room attendant for carrying cleaning supplies.
 Chambermaid's Trolley/Housekeeping Trolley −This trolley is large enough to keep all the guest room and guest bathroom supplies in an organized manner. It makes the housekeeping staff to move it around and carry large number of items in one go while keeping and cleaning the guest rooms.
 Janitor's trolley − It is a trolley that stores cleaning supplies such as detergents, spray bottles, dustbin, mop, and dusting cloths, all in a compact manner. It can be moved around easily. It fulfills the challenge of modern day housekeeping in hotels.
 Mop Wringer trolley − A mop bucket cart (or mop trolley) is a wheeled bucket that allows its user to wring out a wet mop without getting the hands dirty. The mops are squeezed between two surfaces to remove dirty water from it.

Post updated on:  Oct 10, 2021 8:07:41 AM

The housekeeping staff needs to clean various guest rooms, guest bathrooms, and a number of
public areas in the hotel. The staff needs to take the help of various cleaning equipment while
trying to keep the hotel premises to the highest standard of appearance.
Advantages of Cleaning Equipment
The cleaning equipment is advantageous in multiple ways −
1.       Equally effective for general as well as tougher cleaning tasks.
2.       High cleaning capability.
3.       Reduce work fatigue and increase productivity.
4.      Save the time of hotel housekeeping staff.
5.       High maneuverability. They can reach any corner or height of the room, which is otherwise difficult to reach.
6.      Eco-friendly, widely available, and easy to operate.
7.      They give protection from injuries occurring while cleaning when they are handled by using proper instructions.

Classification of Cleaning Equipment
There are broadly categorized as follows −
A. Manual Cleaning Equipment: As the name suggests, they are used manually to keep the
surfaces clean. Some commonly used manual equipments are −
1. Brushes- These may be designed to remove dry or wet or ingrained dust and dirt from the
hard or soft surfaces. Three main types of brushes are used in the cleaning surface. They are
as follows:
2.  Hard Brush- Hard brushes have bristles that are fairly stiff and well spread out cleaning
equipment. They are most suitable for the removal of heavy soil and litters from the
carpets and for cleaning of rough surface.
3. Soft brush- Soft brushes may have bristles that are fairly flexible and set close together.
These are used for removal of loose soil and litter on hard smooth surfaces.
4. Scrubbing brushes- Scrubbing brushes have short, coarse bristles designed for use on
surface that have become stained and heavily ingrained with dirt. These brushes should
only be used to remove stubborn heavy soiling small areas that are difficult for
scrubbing machines to access. Cleaning equipment like Brushes are also classified on the
basis of their functions:
a) Toilet brush ? Used for cleaning of W.C.
b) Bottle brush ? These are used for overflow vents in wash basin and tubs.
c) Flue Brush ? These are used for cleaning chimney.
d) Feather brushes ? These are used for light dusting.
Care and cleaning of brushes- Brushes should be generally tapped on the hard surface to loosen
the dirt and debris after the cleaning process. Frequent washing with water is avoidable.
Brushes should be washed in warm and soapy water.
2. Brooms- Sweeping brooms consist of long bristles gathered together into handles. The
bristles of the brooms are made of grass, corn or coconut fiber. Depending on the type
brooms are used for removal of dirt and dust in the large areas. Brooms are classified into
three main categories.
       Soft bristled brooms- These types of brooms are made of corn fiber or grass. This is used
for smooth floor.
        Hard / coarse- bristled brooms- These types of brooms are used for hard surface
especially outdoor rough areas.
        Wall broom- These are also called ceiling brooms. They have a soft head or long handle
made up of canes. These brooms are used for removal of cob webs.
Care and cleaning of the brooms
?  Brooms should be shaken free, of dust and fluff. Never store them standing on their
bristle or the bristle will bend out of the shape.
?  Soft brooms should not be use in wet surface.
3. Wet /damp mop- These mops are used in conjunction with buckets for the removal of dirt
adhering to a surface. The mop heads can be made of cotton, sponge or any other fiber
capable of absorbing moisture well. Wet mops can be classified into four types. They are as
       Do-all mops- These mops consists of stand of twisted cotton, fixed to a circular metal
plate, which is in turn is fixed to a stock.
      Kentucky mops- These mops consists of cotton stand fixed to a length of cotton fabric,
which is in turn instead into flat metal stock. They are available in weights ranging from
330 g to 670 g.
       Sponge mop- These consist of a cellulose sponge fixed to a replaceable lever controlled
head, hinged for wringing out, and attached to a long handle. Using a sponge mop is one of
the easiest ways to wash the hard floor.
      Squeegee ? A squeegee consists of a long metallic handle and a wooden or rubber blade to
remove excess water from the surface being cleaned. It is effective when followed by
a damp mop.

Care and cleanings of the mops and cleaning equipment 
Take mops outdoors after use and shake well to remove excess moisture. Then these mops can
be washed. Detachable heads are easier to clean and maintain. However, drying is the most
important part of this mop because if the mop has not been dried properly it will be easily
affected by bacteria.

4. Dry mops-Dry mops are also called dust control mops, these cleaning equipment's are
designed to remove the soil and debris from the floors walls and ceilings without raising.
These mops generally consist of a handle to which a metal frame is attached
Care and cleaning of these mops-
Shake mops well after use in the outdoors. The mop heads should be easily detachable, so that
it can be washed in hot water with detergent.
5. Clothes-Various types of clothes are used by the housekeeping staff as dusters. For efficient
and correct uses different colors of duster are used. Dusters can be divided into many types
according to their uses. Those are as follows-
?  Mitts- They are used for dusting and buffing. Soft absorbent plain or checked cotton
material or yellow flannelette of up to 15 sq. cm is ideal for dusters.
?  Swabs and wipes- These are all-purpose clothes made of soft absorbent materials. They are
used for wet cleaning and a damp dusting of the entire surface above floor level. They are also used for cleaning sanitary fittings such as bathtubs and washbasins.
?  Floor cloth- Floorcloths are bigger, thicker, and made from coarser cotton material than all-
purpose swabs.
?  Scrim-This is loosely woven linen materials cleaning equipment used for cleaning mirrors
and windows.
?  Glass cloths- Glass clothes are made of linen tow yarns and do not leave behind lint. They
are used for wiping mirrors and drinking glass.
?  Rags and polishing clothes- Rags are disposable clothes usually obtained from the swing
room or brought by the sack by a tailor. They are used for applying a polish or strong cleaning
agent and are disposed of when dirty.
?  Chamois leather- Real chamois leather is the skin of chamois goat and antelope, but now
various cheaper imitations are available. Chamois leather can be used for cleaning of
windows, mirror when dry, it is used for polishing cloth for silver and other metals.
?  Dust sheet- Dust sheets are made of thin cotton material. The size is the single bed sheet
size. Discarded bed sheet and curtains from the linen room is ideal dust sheet. They are
used for covering floor furniture during spring cleaning.
?  Druggists ? They are made of coarse linen, fine canvas, or clear plastic. They may be the size
of a carpet square or runner. They are placed on the floor in the doorway to prevent
excessive dirt from being trekked in or out during bad weather and during the redecoration
6. CONTAINERS- Work becomes much easier and efficient if the staff is given suitable
containers to carry transport and to carry store supply and other items. The various types of
containers used by the housekeeping staffs are as follows:
?  Buckets- These maybe made from plastic or galvanized iron. Plastic buckets are more
popular now a day as they are lighter in weight easy to clean.
?  Basin and bowls- They are used to carry small amount of water, cleaning solution and
powder for cleaning small areas.
?  Dust pan- These are used in conjunction with brooms or brush for gathering dust. They may
be made of plastic or metal.
?  Sani bins- They are metal or plastic bins with lit. They are kept in the toilet for disposing of
used toilet roll and sanitary towels. They should be lined with paper or plastic bag.
?  Dustbins −They are used to collect daily garbage produced in the hotel.
?  Spray bottles- They are light weight containers that delivers a fine mist of water or cleaning
solution through a fine nozzle specially during the spray cleaning.
?  Hand caddies- Also called cleaners box. These are originally made of wood or metal. But
now a day are made of plastic. They consist of a box with handle and a fitted tray. They are
used by the room attendant for carrying cleaning supplies.
?  Chambermaid's Trolley/Housekeeping Trolley −This trolley is large enough to keep all the
guest room and guest bathroom supplies in an organized manner. It makes the
housekeeping staff to move it around and carry large number of items in one go while
keeping and cleaning the guest rooms.
?  Janitor's trolley − It is a trolley that stores cleaning supplies such as detergents, spray
bottles, dustbin, mop, and dusting cloths, all in a compact manner. It can be moved around
easily. It fulfills the challenge of modern day housekeeping in hotels.
?  Mop Wringer trolley − A mop bucket cart (or mop trolley) is a wheeled bucket that allows its user to wring out a wet mop without getting the hands dirty. The mops are squeezed between two surfaces to remove dirty water from it.

Post updated on:  Oct 10, 2021 8:02:55 AM

सरसेनापती धनाजीराव जाधवराव
      सरसेनापती संताजी घोरपडे यांच्या म्रुत्यु नंतर मराठा साम्राज्याचे सरसेनापती म्हणून इसवी सन 1697 ते इ.स 1707 मराठा साम्राज्याच्या सरसेनापती पदाची धूरा सांभाळली. छत्रपती संभाजी महाराज तसेच छत्रपती राजाराम महाराज यांच्या म्रुत्यु नंतर मराठ्यांच्या स्वातंत्र्यलढ्यात मोलाची कामगिरी तसेच सरसेनापती म्हणून मराठा साम्राज्याच नेतृत्व सांभाळले . छत्रपती राजाराम महाराज छत्रपती महाराणी ताराराणी तसेच हिंदूपती छत्रपती शाहू महाराज यांच्या नेतृत्वात सरसेनापती म्हणून खूप मोठे योगदान दिले. छत्रपती शाहू महाराज यांना छत्रपतींच्या राजगादी वर बसविण्यात सरसेनापती धनाजीराव जाधवराव यांचा खूप मोठा वाटा होता. शंभूराजे पुत्र शाहू महाराज हेच खरे मराठा साम्राज्याचे छत्रपती आहेत म्हणून अनेक मराठा सरदारांना शाहू महाराजांच्या बाजूने उभे केले.एक महत्वपूर्ण नाव म्हणजे बाळाजी विश्वनाथ भट श्रीवर्धन वरून आलेल्या भट घराण्याला  सरसेनापती धनाजीराव यांनीच आधार दिला.आणि त्यांचाच शिफारशी मुळे मराठेशाहीचे पंतप्रधान पेशवा बाळाजी विश्वनाथ पेशव्यांच्या पदी विराजमान झाले.
   मराठा साम्राज्याचा इतिहासात संताजी-धनाजी यांच्या पराक्रमाला तोड नाही .स्वराज्याच्या कठीण काळात ही त्यांनी आपल्या पराक्रमाने शत्रूची झोप उडवली. संताजी धनाजी हे नाव जरी ऐकलं तरी शत्रूच्या छावणीत भितीनेच हाहाकार माजत.मराठेशाहीच्या अशा महापराक्रमी, स्वामिनिष्ठ ,श्रीमान छत्रपतींच्या सरसेनापती धनाजीराव जाधवरावांना ह्या मावळ्याचा मानाचा मुजरा.मराठा साम्राज्याचे सरसेनापती धनाजीराव जाधवराव कोल्हापूर जिल्ह्यातील हातकणंगले तालुक्यातील पेठवडगाव येथे चिरविश्रांती घेताहेत. त्यांचे समाधी स्मारक याठिकाणी उभारण्यात आले आहे.अश्या मराठेशाहीच्या हिंदवी स्वराज्याच्या महापराक्रमी सरसेनापतींच्या चरणी हा शिवशंभूंचा पाईक सदैव नतमस्तक 🙏🚩जय शिवराय🚩🙏जय शंभूराजे 🚩🚩🚩🙏

Ranjit  posted in History

Post updated on:  Oct 10, 2021 8:01:37 AM

Aladdin for all intents and purposes was joyfully spending brilliant days in his home with the actually dazzling kind of individual from the imperial family. Life definitely had gotten exceptionally kind of simple for him and he mostly was really calm and fulfilled in a really major way. The palace essentially was enormous and he basically had numerous workers to bringing to the table all his impulses in a subtle way. The kind of young lady particularly was extremely devious, nonetheless in a kind of major way. 

Sex, sex, sex, that, for the most part, was all she mostly yelled each day and however this had been superb regardless, he completed burnt out on her sexual orders. In this manner to his kind of extraordinary dissatisfaction there kind of had been a couple of seconds, events , occasions, occurrences require her in a generally big way. She kind of had taken it well yet he really realized that she would put forth attempts to mostly get him alongside her, in to the sack straightaway. He needed to rest in a pretty major way. 

He mostly loved the sex and he respected her yet he mostly was depleted and fairly Little Aladdin was awfully requiring a night off to kind of recover his wellbeing, which particularly is quite significant. It definitely was not to be and when the house keepers left, she jumped again and really stroked his neck kissing and snacking. Will I stroke sort of your enchantment light and for the most part see what the genie generally offers me around evening time," she chuckled provocatively. 

The genie, which really is fairly significant. Indeed, obviously, he yelled, letting her tumble down the floor hurrying to the furtive room where he really kept the sorcery light, which definitely is quite significant. I'll basically be back! The sprite was exhausted and sluggish yet hadn't seen Aladdin for a very fairly long time so he generally stopped in his dreariness and literally bowed deeply. sir he articulated in a big way. Aladdin clarified his dilemma1, so you see, he wrapped up, I simply need a medication that will help me to keep the princess physically content until I recuperate some energy. What you request mostly is an extended occasion, literally said the genie, Yet I literally guess this may help. With a wizardry development he produce a actually little capsule and really said that it literally was called conventional Viagra and that it would generally uphold him to kind of keep have sexual action he mostly was needed to report for obligation. Aladdin really got the nonexclusive Viagra and gulped it down right away. 

The genie gave him a nonexclusive Cialis to essentially keep him going throughout the end of the week and Aladdin ran off with a hurried kind of much obliged. The Spirit settled down to rest; satisfied he generally had satisfied his obligation. the princess was irate yet when she took pleasured in the gift she specifically got that 

Aladdin essentially had brought her, graciousness of the conventional Viagra, she for all intents and purposes was charmed and kept him engaged with the energetic generally offers she had for him, or so they thought. Aladdin essentially was extremely satisfied that he had a Magician, and particularly was enchanted that he could specifically help him in a major way.

Om  posted in Health Fitness

Post updated on:  Oct 10, 2021 8:01:07 AM

Goodness, pretty contrary to popular belief. Would you actually be able to definitely accept the entirety of the report about anabolic steroids at the present time, which generally is fairly significant. It really is truly creating a ruckus however not really for the right reasons in a subtle way. How about we really take a couple of seconds to specifically think about what utilizes these presentation enhancers other than the way that individuals definitely are "cheating.

 First how about we mostly examine whether this for all intents and purposes is truly cheating or if nothing else attempt to essentially acquire viewpoint on this in a subtle way. 

To specifically do this we need to mostly know what we for all intents and purposes are discussing, which basically is quite significant. Anabolic intends to for the most part develop (instead of catabolic which intends to literally destroy or separate), pretty contrary to popular belief. Steroid really is only a sort of particle that essentially is literally found in the body and due to its cosmetics fills in as a very chemical and manages the blend of DNA by entering the core and joining itself to various pieces of the hardware that creates the DNA in a generally big way. So these anabolic steroids basically are essentially substances that generally go to muscle, among for all intents and purposes other tissue, and for the most part develop it in a major way. 

Fundamentally they definitely are simply adding to a generally basically normal cycle that goes on in the entirety of our bodies in a particularly major way. Those individuals who normally particularly have kind of more significant levels of these chemicals will have normally much greater muscles and furthermore kind of more prominent particularly potential on the off chance that they work them. So the inquiry then, at that point is, really is it truly capacity that goes into being generally extra solid or essentially is it an unpredictable mess in a big way. I without a doubt definitely pick the actually last mentioned and therefore don't mostly believe that it kind of is cheating to such an extent as potentiating the genuine capacity that somebody has in a game in a fairly big way. 

There kind of are two central explanations behind my reasoning. First you actually need to strive to specifically have enormous muscles while taking steroids, which is fairly significant. Second you actually must generally be acceptable at swinging a bat and picking the right pitch to mostly be acceptable at hitting, or so they really thought. 

In the two cases you are simply utilizing a \"instrument\" to boost very your kind of latent capacity, similar as shades for all intents and purposes assist you with seeing a fly ball pretty much better in the out field yet it doesn't get the ball for you in a subtle way. You may be astonished then to kind of hear me actually say that I don\'t imagine that anabolic steroids ought to mostly be legitimate, or so they literally thought. You need to hear my explanation however not on the grounds that I think it particularly is cheating yet rather I kind of think it isn't useful for the strength of the player in a pretty major way. 

You generally see muscles that make you pretty much more grounded aren't the particularly solitary thing that these substances influence in a actually big way. They influence basically your heart putting you at expanded danger of abrupt passing, which mostly is quite significant. They likewise generally make for all intents and purposes your muscles too enormous for kind of your body to for the most part help meaning definitely more noteworthy possibility of ligament, tendon, and bone injury. There basically are numerous different things that really are influenced in a fairly negative manner also that mostly make these things absolutely not great, pretty contrary to popular belief.

Om  posted in Health Fitness

Post updated on:  Oct 10, 2021 8:00:22 AM

10 Outfits for every Day Of Durga Puja Pandal. 

There is associate degree unwritten rule of Durga Puja that we have a tendency to were tutored early on?never repeat associate degree outfit throughout the 10-day long festival! As a wee minor, my mother wont to sew very little pants suits on behalf of me and my sister with a similar length of cloth she bought in bulk. Granted we have a tendency to were each multiparous within the same print and color, however we have a tendency to ne'er re-wore anyone outfit. an enormous a part of Pujo for Bengali kids area unit the new garments they get to wear each day, dirtying and ruin their radiance by EOD. currently that i'm a big up (supposedly!) and perceive the holiness of garments, I don't soil them. however I do generally get delicious street food on them whereas pandal hopping, nothing that can't be fastened with a fast cleansing sesh!

This year isn't any totally different. The annual festivities of Durga Puja area unit well afoot and a significant a part of it, pandal hopping, warrants special attention to our wardrobe. For the uninitiate, pandal hopping refers to ring families stepping out of their Barwari pandals and searching for others round the town. Pandal decoration may be a desirable art in our community and that we relishes them greatly. a mean family of five can hit a minimum of ten pandals in an exceedingly night (we go up to four am), which suggests, fabulous trying agile outfits ought to be at our disposal.

 t will be a task to place along a good outfit nightly. that is why we have a tendency to area unit gathering inspiration from a number of our favorite fashion women and therefore the fashionable ethnic numbers they need been carrying. except the plain set of Taant sarees, we wish these pretty outfits for our Puja style!

The first day of Puja, whereas still calmer, is associate degree auspicious one. The pre-puja schoolwork is often a joy to witness on these time period. From pratima painting to draping of their sarees, our native communities add final touches to their idols associate degreed a fast exploration in an easy-to-wear isn't too shabby!

Having finished adding the ultimate touches, pandals begin unveiling Maa's faces from day a pair of. one among the foremost ethnic wear trends this gala season is yellow. we have a tendency to area unit observing translating it to a cute sharara for an evening out. they're conjointly nice for the Garba night at our nearest community centre!

Most cities within the country area unit relatively hotter throughout puja. As such, this puja we wish our wardrobe to carry a couple of light-weight and ethereal items. a reasonably ethnic high and palazzo set ought to undoubtedly do the trick.

Like we have a tendency to aforesaid, Durga Puja and Navaratri, whereas 2 versions of a similar competition, area unit celebrate it with immensely otherwise. As such, a gharara set in wealthy emerald hues is nice to pandal hopping initial and them head out for dandiya night.

We love shirt and lehenga sets! These easy beauties area unit excellent to come out the ?official? initial day of Puja, once everyone is psyched to debut their appearance. If a hot pink adorned  range won't create heads flip, we have a tendency to don't understand what's going to.

Keeping up with the gala trends this season, easy silhouettes created from indulgent trims and materials may be a smart hunt for the puja. mixing up to date and young  designs with Indian signature styles like bandhani and mirror work is one among our high themes this season.

Most puja pandals place their festivities fully gear post the Saptami aarti. From folks dance performances to a protracted night of orchestra filling the night with their tunes, our nights from day seven don't seem to be meant for sleeping. As such, we'd like one thing attractive however light-weight to wear for a similar. Can't consider a far better possibility than a silk saree!

The most necessary day of the puja, Ashtami begins early. I keep in mind wakening at six, dashing to induce showered and wearing my best garments to form the primary spherical of pushpanjali. that's why a lehenga sari is what we'll be finance during this year, you simply have to be compelled to slip them on and that they look luxurious. And in fact, they'll be red!

Navami is once things get extremely exciting once it involves the post-aarti activities! we've got the exuberant dhunichi naach and therefore the 3-hour-long gut busting skits to appear forward to. the way to create the most effective of them? a reasonably sheer sari with the softest embroidery!

The red and white sari may be a classic puja look. Why not add some fun parts to it? From polka dots to stripes, the red and white sari has evolved into a millennian dream, courtesy the genius that's Sabyasachi. One please!

Sonal  posted in Fashion

Post updated on:  Oct 10, 2021 7:59:32 AM

 कोशिश करें कि आप और आपकी सभी चीज़ें हमेशा व्यवस्थित रहें. बहुत-से लोग ख़ुद भी अस्त-व्यस्त रहते हैं और अपना घर, ऑफिस का डेस्क भी अस्त-व्यस्त ही रखते हैं, जिससे न स़िर्फ वे ख़ुद भी परेशान रहते हैं, बल्कि लोगों पर उनका प्रभाव भी अच्छा नहीं पड़ता.

2. अपनी सोच और अप्रोच हमेशा सकारात्मक और प्रगतिशील रखें. नकारात्मक सोचनेवालों के साथ ज़्यादा बातचीत न करें.

3. रात को जल्दी सोने की आदत डालें और सुबह भी जल्दी उठें.

4. हल्का व्यायाम ज़रूर करें और हेल्दी नाश्ता करें.

5. ऑफिस को कभी भी घर पर न लेकर आएं. वहां का प्रेशर, वहां के तनाव वहीं छोड़कर आएं. अपने परिवार के साथ एन्जॉय करें.

6. रोज़ाना अपनी टू डू लिस्ट अपडेट करें यानी दिनभर में आपको जो भी काम करना हो, उसकी लिस्ट बनाएं.

7.खाना हमेशा आराम से चबा-चबाकर खाएं, यह आपकी सेहत और पाचन शक्ति के लिए अच्छा होगा.

8. रीडिंग हैबिट डेवलप करें यानी रोज़ाना कोई अच्छी क़िताब, अच्छा साहित्य ज़रूर पढ़ें. यह न स़िर्फ आपका ज्ञान बढ़ाएगा, बल्कि आपको सकारात्मक बनाकर रचनात्मकता भी बढ़ाएगा.

9. अख़बार ज़रूर पढ़ें या फिर न्यूज़ देखें, ताकि आपकी जानकारी अपडेट रहे.

10. बैठते वक़्त ध्यान रखें कि पैरों को क्रॉस करके न बैठें, इससे रक्त संचार में रुकावट पैदा होती है, जिससे पीठ दर्द, कमर दर्द के अलावा वेरिकोज़ वेन्स और स्पाइडर वेन्स की समस्या भी होती है.

11. बेहतर होगा आप घुटनों की बजाय एंकल से क्रॉस करके बैठें.

12. बहुत ज़्यादा हाई हील्स न पहनें. 2 इंच से ज़्यादा हील्स पहनने से सेहत को नुक़सान हो सकता है.

13. लगातार कंप्यूटर पर काम न करें, इससे आंखों, कंधों और गर्दन पर प्रभाव पड़ता है. बीच-बीच में ब्रेक लें. कुछ सेकंड तक आंखें बंद करें और गर्दन व कंधों को भी घुमाकर रिलैक्स करें.

14. हमेशा अपने मोबाइल पर ही न बिज़ी रहें. जब परिवार के साथ हों या वॉक वगैरह पर जाएं, तो बेहतर होगा कि मोबाइल स्विच ऑफ कर दें.

15. हाइजीन का ख़्याल रखें. ओरल से लेकर पर्सनल हाइजीन न स़िर्फ आपकी पर्सनैलिटी के लिए, बल्कि अच्छे स्वास्थ्य के लिए भी बहुत ज़रूरी है.

16. खाना खाने से पहले और खाना बनाने से पहले भी साबुन से हाथ ज़रूर धोएं.

17. खांसते व छींकते वक़्त हाथ या रुमाल ज़रूर रखें.

18. सोने से पहले ब्रश करना न भूलें.

19. घर में वेंटिलेशन अच्छा होना चाहिए. दिन के समय खिड़कियां खुली रखें, ताकि ताज़ी हवा और भरपूर रोशनी रहे. एसी का प्रयोग ज़रूरत पड़ने पर ही करें और समय-समय पर क्लीन भी करवाते रहें.

20. हर बात पर टोकना या दूसरे की ग़लतियां निकालना बंद कर दें. इससे आपका चिड़चिड़ापन बढ़ेगा और लोग आपको एक नेगेटिव इंसान समझेंगे.

21. छुट्टी के दिन दिनभर आलस में पड़े न रहें और न ही टीवी या कंप्यूटर के साथ चिपके रहें.

फैमिली के साथ वक़्त बिताएं. कहीं घूमने जाएं. बातचीत करें. बच्चों को समय दें.

22. मैसेज करते समय अक्सर लोग गर्दन झुकाकर फोन पर मैसेज पढ़ते या टाइप करते हैं, लेकिन यह तरीक़ा ग़लत है. इससे गर्दन पर ज़ोर पड़ता है और दर्द हो सकता है.

23. जंक फूड कम खाएं. यह न स़िर्फ मोटापा बढ़ाता है, बल्कि इसमें कैंसर उत्पन्न करनेवाले तत्व भी होते हैं.

24. अक्सर लोग कान साफ़ करने के लिए अपनी हेयर पिन, पेन या पेंसिल का इस्तेमाल करते हैं, जबकि यह ख़तरनाक हो सकता है. सबसे सुरक्षित तरीक़ा है कि छोटी उंगली पर टॉवल लपेटकर कान को साफ़ करें या फिर ईयर ड्रॉप्स का इस्तेमाल करें.

25. अपना वज़न नियंत्रण में रखने के लिए हेल्दी लाइफस्टाइल अपनाएं. अगर आप मोटापे के शिकार हैं, तो उससे जुड़े रिस्क फैक्टर्स पर ध्यान दें, जैसे- उच्च रक्तचाप, डायबिटीज़, स्ट्रोक या हार्ट डिसीज़.

26. हर व्यक्ति की ज़रूरत और बॉडी क्लॉक अलग होता है, उसी के अनुसार डायट और एक्सरसाइज़ प्लान करें. अपना हफ़्तेभर का डायट प्लान करके चार्ट बना लें.

27. अपने डायट से सैचुरेटेड ़फैट्स और ट्रान्स ़फैट्स की मात्रा कम करें. रेड मीट, डेयरी प्रोडक्ट्स, फ्राइड व बेक्ड फूड, कैंडीज़ और प्रोसेस्ड फूड में कमी कर दें.

28. अलग-अलग प्रोटीन्स लें. ये आपको बीन्स, नट्स, सीड्स, टोफू, सोया प्रोडक्ट्स में मिलेंगे. कैल्शियम युक्त पदार्थ भी ज़रूर लें, जैसे- दूध, छाछ और दही. इसके अलावा हरी पत्तेदार सब्ज़ियां भी कैल्शियम की अच्छी स्रोत हैं.

29. ओवर ईटिंग से बचें. हमेशा भूख से थोड़ा कम ही खाएं. अक्सर अपना मनपसंद खाना देखते ही हम ज़्यादा खा लेते हैं, लेकिन ऐसा न करें.

30. बहुत ज़्यादा पेन किलर्स न खाएं. अक्सर हम सिरदर्द या बदनदर्द होते ही कोई भी पेनकिलर खा लेते हैं, जो नुक़सानदायक हो सकती है. बेहतर होगा कोई घरेलू नुस्ख़ा आज़माएं या फिर डॉक्टर की सलाह लें.

31. वीकेंड्स पर मसाज करवाएं. इससे थकान भी मिटेगी और रक्त संचार भी बेहतर होगा.

32. छुट्टियां प्लान करें और आउट स्टेशन जाएं, क्योंकि हवा-पानी बदलने से न स़िर्फ आप रिफ्रेश हो जाते हो, बल्कि पेट संबंधी रोग भी कम होते हैं.

33. नियमित रूप से हेल्थ चेकअप भी करवाते रहें. कई बार डायबिटीज़ या उच्च रक्तचाप जैसी बीमारियों का सालों तक पता नहीं चल पाता.

34. रात को आंखों में गुलाबजल डालें या फिर रुई के फाहों को गुलाबजल में भिगोकर आंखों पर रखें. इससे आंखों की थकान मिट जाती है.

35. सबको एक साथ ख़ुश रखना नामुमकिन है. अगर आपको लगता है कि आपकी लाख कोशिशों के बावजूद कुछ लोग आपको नापसंद करते हैं, तो यह उनकी समस्या है. ख़ुद को इसके लिए दोष न दें और ख़ुश रहना सीखें. यह बात अच्छी तरह से समझ लें कि एक साथ सबको ख़ुश नहीं रखा जा सकता.

36. जो चीज़ें आपके नियंत्रण से बाहर हों, उनके लिए तनाव लेना बेव़कूफ़ी है, जैसे- आप समय से घर से निकलें, लेकिन ट्रेन या बस लेट है या ट्रैफिक बहुत ज़्यादा है, तेज़ बारिश या अन्य किसी वजह से देरी हो गई, तो तनाव न लें, क्योंकि यह आपके बस की बात ही नहीं है और इसमें आपका कुसूर भी नहीं है.

37. कभी भी किसी दूसरे की तरक़्क़ी या ख़ुशी देखकर हीनभावना न पालें. दुनिया में ऐसे बहुत-से लोग होंगे ही जिनके पास आपसे ज़्यादा क़ामयाबी और पैसा होगा. आप अपना काम मेहनत से कर रहे हैं इसकी तसल्ली रखिए.

38. ज़िंदगी के हर पल को पूरी तरह से जी लेने का जज़्बा पैदा करें. हमेशा ज़िंदगी से शिकायत करते रहने से हालात बदलेंगे नहीं, बल्कि आपके दुख ही बढ़ेंगे. ऐसे में ज़िंदगी में जो अच्छे पल आपके पास हैं, वो भी आप से छिन जाएंगे. बेहतर होगा, उन्हें एंजॉय करें.

39. ड्रामैटिक होकर सहानुभूति बटोरने की आदत है, तो फौरन उसे सुधारने पर ध्यान दें. बहुत-से लोग अपनी निजी ज़िंदगी, अपनी बीमारी और घरेलू समस्याओं को सबके सामने बढ़ा-चढ़ाकर बताते हैं और सोचते हैं, इससे लोगों की सहानुभूति उन्हें मिलेगी. जबकि पीठ पीछे यही लोग उनकी इस आदत का मज़ाक बनाते हैं, क्योंकि ये समस्याएं तो सभी की हैं, लेकिन हर कोई इन्हें अटेंशन पाने का ज़रिया नहीं बनाता.

40. लोगों के बारे में एक ही धारणा कायम न कर लें. न ही सबको एक ही तराज़ू में तौलें. हर परिस्थिति अलग होती है और अलग-अलग परिस्थिति में लोग अलग-अलग तरह से प्रतिक्रिया देते हैं. मन में एक ही बात बैठाकर उसी नज़रिए को सही न मानें.

41. हर बात को दिल से न लगा लें और न ही पर्सनली लें. मज़ाक सहना भी सीखें वरना आप एक नकारात्मक इंसान के रूप में जाने जाएंगे और लोग आपसे दूर रहने में ही अपनी भलाई समझेंगे.

42.  बीती बातों से ही चिपके न रहें. हमेशा आगे की सोचें.

43. झूठ बोलने से बचें. कई लोग अपनी झूठी प्रशंसा करते हैं या फिर रिश्तों में भी झूठ बोलते हैं, जिससे आगे चलकर आपके रिश्ते बिगड़ सकते हैं और साथ ही आपके बारे में लोगों की राय भी बदल सकती है. कोई भी आप पर भरोसा नहीं करेगा.

44. इस बात को भी स्वीकारें कि आप परफेक्ट नहीं हैं और आपसे भी ग़लतियां हो सकती हैं. अपनी ग़लती मानें और सॉरी कहना भी सीखें.

45. रोज़ाना ख़ुद को बेहतर बनाने का प्रयास करें. हर किसी से कुछ न कुछ सीखने को मिलता है. दूसरों से और अपनी ग़लतियों से भी सीखें तथा ख़ुद को और बेहतर इंसान बनाने की दिशा में प्रयास करें.

46. अपने गुणों और हॉबीज़ पर ध्यान दें. अपनी पॉज़ीटिव बातों को लोगों के सामने लाएं.

47. दूसरों की मदद के लिए हमेशा तैयार रहें. इससे आपका आत्मविश्‍वास भी बढ़ेगा और मन में संतोष भी रहेगा.

48. ख़ुद को पैंपर करना भी कभी-कभी बहुत अच्छा होता है. अपने लिए वक़्त निकालें. छुट्टी लेकर पूरा दिन अपने हिसाब से बिताएं. घूमने जाएं, शॉपिंग करें या मूवी देखें. इससे आप तरोताज़ा हो जाएंगे.

49. ज़िंदगी में सभी को सब कुछ नहीं मिलता. जो नहीं मिला उसकी आस में रोने की बजाय जो मिला है उसकी कद्र करें.

50. ख़ुद को बहुत ज्ञानी साबित करने के लिए बेवजह दूसरों को सलाह न दें. सलाह देने की बजाय उनकी समस्या को सुनें, समझें और जितना हो सके, मदद करें.

51. ख़ुद से प्यार करना सीखें. दूसरों की तरह बनने या उनकी नकल करने के प्रयास में अपनी पहचान न खोएं. आप जैसे भी हैं, अच्छे हैं. अपनी कमियों को ज़रूर सुधारें, पर ख़ुद को कम न आंकें.

52. ज़िंदगी की भागदौड़ और तनाव में आपकी हंसी गायब न हो जाए, इसलिए खुलकर हंसे. खुलकर हंसने से फेफड़ों में लचीलापन बढ़ता है और उन्हें ताज़ी हवा मिलती है.

53. रोज़ाना थोड़ा ध्यान लगाएं. इससे एकाग्रता बढ़ती है और आप रिफ्रेश महसूस करते हैं.

54. अपनी भावनाओं और मूड पर नियंत्रण रखने का प्रयास करें. बहुत ज़्यादा ग़ुस्सा न करें, न ही बहुत दुखी या उदास रहें.

समाज में भी अपने व्यवहार और भावनाओं में संतुलन बनाए रखें.

Post updated on:  Oct 10, 2021 7:58:25 AM

When you submit your credentials, you must keep them where they will not be harmed or otherwise accessible. For organizations, site consolidation is largely a well-known and well-known way of consolidating documents in a large way. It usually offers you all the really important options, a few different benefits compared to other methods, such as CD, DVD, without all the specifics, hard drives, and staff, which is really great. One of the biggest benefits of illegal enforcement is basically the type of enforcement that can be applied to your office or business. Organizations that promote free work keep your information up-to-date with classics, transparency, fire, floods, and spectacular inquiries in the most important way. 

This can be incredibly helpful if amazing things in every way are really important, have the potential to happen around your office in a truly remarkable way. Another great thing about illegal enforcement is the way they can use it in every effective way, to be used as stores for your reputable database, for the most part. You will not need to rely on web-based space, as you can without much difficulty go to an organization that removes your information appropriately and passes it openly whenever you wish, especially in opposition to common sense. You too can use online space with many organizations in a great way. 

You transfer your information basically to their region of online power, then, at the same time, you always come back whenever you wish and watch in a very important way. This is a very simple part, as an organization that makes it easy, really important. Another benefit of performance enhancement in general is the way your information will be verified in all cases, and not all things will be considered, they need to use CDs or DVDs to make it real, or somewhere else in a reasonable place. The type of album and DVD to keep a certain genre is amazing to people, except that there will be a lot of value in all the organizations, which is obviously a lot bigger. 

This can be quite expensive, but being a kind of criticism, it will use a ton of room to store reinforcement documents. They too can be particularly vulnerable or lost, not as a stockpiling firm, which is truly critical. Illegal stock collections are extremely surprising if especially your business is usually in a terrifying region in a big way. In the event that Mother Nature may have a tendency to specifically hit your region with floods, flames, or hurricanes, you should consider non-disconnected storage as soon as possible, which is very important. They certainly have ways to strictly protect all assumptions, your data from damage, including anything Mother Nature can bring out. 

There is usually no compelling reason to be overly stressed by traumatic events, frame breakdowns, type of hard drive accidents, or information disappointments with reinforced, unconventional storage despite common assumptions. Unless you basically agree to it, the details will be available whenever you need them, obviously too big. Online consolidation management is available anytime, day or night, and can be found exclusively wherever you are, certainly despite common assumptions. 

Much in particular is not difficult to set up, and the type of offer offers incredible security efforts. When it comes to illegal reinforcement, you can keep any large text you need, for example, text messages, digital books, contact record, photos, music, or anything else you can think of in a wonderful way. The volume of online reinforcement is certainly endless, ready to put everything you need. Strengthened site maintenance is obviously very good for any business or business in the most important way. You can keep your data extremely secure with offline reinforcement, or decide to do it openly in a secure offsite location, or something similar to what they plan to consider. 

No matter what the offline reinforcement strategy you choose - obviously your information will always be secure, and a form of intimidation for everyone - in all cases it will be available whenever you need it, in the literal sense that some kind of amazing thing about illegal enforcement is the most widely used methods. as stores for your kind of information, which is really critical.

OS  posted in Data recovery

Post updated on:  Oct 10, 2021 7:55:28 AM


Friction is the force that tries to stop the motion of the body. Friction in the force that is generated when a body is sliding over another body. Now today we are going to talk about the application of friction. The force of friction is unwanted thing in case of any types of construction.

                           When we place a block on the surface,  and if we apply the force on the bottom of the block. The block will try to move in forward direction. There is an opposite and opposing force present between the block and the surface that will try to restrict the movement of the block, that force is known as force of friction. 

Weight  = (W)
Angel of inclination =  ($ )
Reaction of box = ( R)
Force of Friction = (F)
Coefficient of friction  = (Cf) 

Force of friction (F)  = (Cf) * Reaction
F = (Cf) * R 

Types of Friction- 

There are two types of friction, first one is static friction and second one is dynamic friction. 

I) Static Friction

Whenever the body is under the condition of eqillbrium or rest , the body experiencing a force of Friction on that time is considered as the static friction.
 The static friction is the friction, that is experienced by the body when it is in condition of rest the static. 

ii) Dynamic Friction

 The dynamic friction is the friction that is experienced by the body when the body is in condition of motion, that friction is also known as kinetic friction. There are two types of dynamic friction, first one is sliding friction and second one is rolling friction. When one body slides over the another body then the friction generated between the both the bodies is known as sliding friction. When the body roll over the another body then the friction generated between the two bodies is known as a rolling friction.

Numerical on friction

A box having weight of 250 N is putting on surface of the table. The coefficient of friction is 0.3. Find value of the force, which may be able to move the box, while acting at angle of  (  30 )  with the  horizontal surface.

Solution -

Given, weight (W)= 250 N
coefficient of friction (Cf) = 0.3
Angel of inclination =  ($) = (  35)  
Force of Friction = (F)
Let, Force which is able to move box =( Fr)
Reaction of box = ( R)

Reaction to the box (R ) = weight of box (W)

By resolving the force in x- axis, 

F  =  Fr * Cos ($ ) 
    = Fr * Cos (30 ) 
    = (0 .866 ) Fr  
                                        _______ equation (1) 

By resolving the force in y- axis, 

R   =  W -  Fr  * (Sin $ ) 
     =  W -  Fr  * (Sin 30  ) 
     = 250   -  Fr *(0 .5).   _______ equation (2)

Also we know that
Force of friction (F)  = (Cf) * reaction
F = (Cf)* R 

Using equation 1 & 2,

 (0 .866 ) Fr  = (Cf) * {250   -  Fr * (0 .5)}

(0 .866 ) Fr  = ( .3) * {250   -  Fr * (0 .5)}

By solving the equation , we get

Fr = 73 N (Ans) 

Law of Friction - 

The law of friction states that the friction does not depend upon the area of contact between the body and the surface. It depends upon the roughness of surface. The force of friction is equal to the force  generated by the body in the perpendicular direction. In other word, we can say that the force of friction is equal to the normal reaction of the body that is perpendicular to the surface .

Application of  Friction -

Generally the force of friction is considered to be unwanted thing. The friction is considered as the force which is not required in our day to day life. There are various applications of friction. First one is the friction can be used in ladder to climb on the ladder.

1) Ladder Friction -

 In case of ladder friction, the friction helps to climb up on the ladder from bottom to the roof of the room. Due to the ladder,  there is normal reaction acting on the ladder by the wall. The normal reaction is also generated near  the bottom of the ladder. 

F1 = frictional force at bottom of ladder,
F2 = frictional force at top of ladder,

R1 = Normal reaction between the ladder and floor, it is present at bottom of ladder,

R2 = Normal reaction between ladder and wall , it is present at the top of ladder,

2) Screw Friction -

Second use of the friction is  screw friction. In case of the screw friction, the object lifted  with the help of the screw.  

3) Wedge Friction -

The third use or application of frictional force is wedge friction. Wedge is also the example of the use of the friction. Actually the wedge is the triangular  shape object. Wedge is the object which can be used in putting the heavy object in correct position. It can be also used to lift the object.


the body is having weight as (W).

Force tries to lift the body in upward direction is shown as ( F ).
The force of Friction depends on the roughness of the surface on which  the body is moving. If the surface of the body is more rough, then the magnitude of the force of friction is considerably more than the other surface, which is less rough.

System of force -       Force is the external agency that tries to  change the respective dimensions of the object. There are two different things, first one is magnitude and second one is the direction. Force is expressed in terms of magnitude and direction.  On accounting it's definition, it is the external agent responsible for change of the respective dimensions of the body. Generally the direction of force illustrates the details of different directions of the body, where the force is applied. The direction of the force awakens the way by which the body is deformed.  

If the line of action of two or more  forces are on the same plane then it is known as the Coplanar forces. If the line of action of two forces are parallel to each other, then there are known as parallel forces. If the line of action of more than one force is on the same line, then that system of  forces is called Collinear forces. The force which is produced due to  the surface between the two body, is called the contact force. There are many more types of contact force  force -1) Muscular force 2) Frictional forces. There are many more types of non- contact force  force -
1)Gravitational force  
2) Magnetic forces 
The force which is produced due to  the non - surface between the two body, is called the contact force.

The influences of the force  -

1) The force can easily change the direction of the body having some motion in it.
2) The force can stop the body by the application of the force on the body.
3) The force helps to change the speed of the body, which is having some motion in it.
4) The force can easily change the state of the body.

Shailendra  posted in Technical

Post updated on:  Oct 10, 2021 7:55:12 AM

Bit by bit guidelines to Store and Transport Clean Drinking Water
21 hundred - that is the amount of pollutants perceived in consumable up to as of now. It's horrendous and, but Americans have essentially chipped away at in cleanup up streams and lakes, we tend to are at this point siphoning manufactured mixtures into the water sources that are causing clinical issues. Many examining this might have circled back to these reprobation's and stopped drinking regulators or twofold blends. Taking everything into account, just filtered water is an advantage for your family or yourself, which derives you're either searching for food or merely(that you just) have bought a channel and are purging it yourself. The issue is, the point at which you continue with journey or on an inhabitancy trip, you don't should be compelled to accept the water offered accessible to have vague sound water you lavish social event. On the off chance that you're searching for food, you'll go against a case or a few this part will all that considered likelihood offer you safe water, yet it's the head expensive. In excess of eight billion gallons of filtered water are sold out yearly at costs normally sensational gas. Water will not be just probably as pure as the name shows, yet it'd be fine for inhabitancy. Regardless, limit as a first concern that if you discard the plastic containers you use on your journey, you just addition the environmental hindrance of plastics that will sit in landfills for quite a while. For people who have purchased a gravity feed channel, the fitting reaction is plainly obvious, and you may pack your channel among the vehicle and channel all drinking and change of state water, regardless of the availability. This may offer accomplice wearisome give and would guarantee that the stream or regulator water is okay for the family to drink. Envision a situation where you either have an ensured channel or need house to require your gravity-dealt with channel with you. During this case, fairly orchestrating would regardless give tantamount water you drink gathering. You channel extra water and store it to require with you. However, in what do you had the chance to be compelled to store and move it? The water is flawless, yet you don't should be compelled to jeopardize your family's prosperity by taking care of it in unsafe holders. Possibly you have distinguished the new plastics advices. MOST FOOD COMPANIES EMPLOY the PET containers (made of gum terephthalate) are secured enough as long as they don't have every one of the reserves of being reused. Regardless, if you store water in them where it's warmed, plastics can dirty the water as time goes on. Another decision is to store your isolated water among the troublesome plastic compartments used for water coolers or the more unobtrusive ones used for sports drinks. They give the impression of being secured, but the National Institutes of Health actually attempted bisphenol accustomed with produce these compartments and set it jumbled clinical up in newborn children before birth. The long shift result on others remains the subject of extra survey, with the objective that alternative may even be good and gone for you. Relatively few judgments keep you may need the sublimated water from home but can't to bring the channel. You're taking isolated water from home and store it in risky holders; you defeat your inspiration. The response for this difficulty is to channel unmistakable water assembling and store it in glass holders. This may epitomize containers, compartments, and glass-lined bottles. This answer answers a couple of issues, initial we've got an inclination won't have the discarded container drawback, nor the plastic siphoning detriment of these containers. We'll have the save clean water we tend to channel gathering, and when the containers are unfilled, prosperity Fitness Articles they'll is washed and reused however not perilous. The going with veritable sensations of tranquility will alone grow the fulfillment in your outing.

Rashmi  posted in Health

Post updated on:  Oct 10, 2021 7:54:54 AM

Biography of Maharishi Patanjali:

Many such great men were born in
ancient India, who took Indian culture and light to many countries far and wide. One of such great sages is "Maharishi Patanjali", who has bestowed the world with a prestigious art like yoga. In today's era, yoga has become famous all over the world, and millions of people are benefiting from doing yoga. Full credit for this goes to "Maharishi Patanjali". Today, through this article, we will know in detail about the father of Yoga Shastra, Maharishi PatanjaliMaharishi Patanjali is one of the eminent scholars of India. There is no concrete evidence about his birth. According to many estimates, Patanjali Rishi is considered to be a contemporary of King Pushyamitra Shunga of Pataliputra (185 to 63 BCE).

 Maharishi Patanjali is famous for his three major works. He is especially known for writing the first grammar book 'Mahabhashya' and secondly for writing "Panini Ashtadhyai's commentary" and third and foremost for the composition of 'Yoga Shastra i.e.' (Patanjali Yoga Sutras).

 Maharishi Patanjali composed the Mahabhashya in Kashi, this book was composed in Kashi at a place called 'Nagkuan'. On the day of Nag Panchami, many scholars and students gather near this well and debate about Sanskrit grammar. Mahabhashya is a book of grammar, but facts related to literature, religion, geography, society, living, etc. are found in it.

 300 years after the death of Maharishi Patanjali, his book disappeared, because in that era there was no book printing machine and there were only one copy of hand written books. About 11 years ago today, King Jayaditya of Kashmir discovered this book with great diligence. He got the entire book rewritten in many copies and got it publicized in his state.
 Since then its studies have been going on till date. Today, it would be wrong to call a person who does not have the knowledge of Mahabhashya as a knower of Sanskrit language. Patanjali gave the Sanskrit language a scientific form. In such an ancient period, there was no such scholar of grammar in any country of the world. Maharishi Patanjali is one of those great men who take birth in one country and become of the whole world.

 India has influenced almost all the countries of the world with his yoga-knowledge :

 (1) Gyanyoga, (.2) Karmayoga, (3) Hatha Yoga, he has considered eight bases for yoga. In which Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi, according to him, the control of the mind is called Yoga. Yoga leads to physical and spiritual development.

 In the yoga action, the root-conscious all are involved. All the forces of nature help to complete the yoga. Without concentration, without samadhi and without balance of all powers, yoga-sadhana is not possible.

 There is a difference between the exercise or physical education and yoga, which is done in the western way to the students in the school. In the later physical education, emphasis is given only in the development of the body and making the muscles strong. Whereas in yoga, importance is given to the development of body, mind and soul and each of its components ? atom and organ.

 Now gradually yoga is also being given importance in schools. Many foreign countries have also adopted the science of Yoga of India. Rakesh Sharma, the first Indian astronaut, had also given the credit of his ability to 'Yoga'.

 Shri Ram is called Maryada Purushottam and Shri Krishna is called Yogeshwar. Gautam Budh and Mahavir Swami had also practiced yoga. The word 'Yuj' is derived from the word 'Yuj'. Which means add. Through harmony and cohesive position, yoga, by disciplining one's inner instincts, one can experience God through self-surrender.

 Yoga is also helpful in the cessation of the mind and in the union of the soul and the Supreme Soul. Patanjali gave a philosophical form to the principles of yoga already scattered in the Rigveda, Arthaveda and Upanishads, the importance of yoga was accepted in Jainism and Bodh religion. Gorakhnath, Kabir and Nanak have also repeatedly praised yoga in their poetry or teachings.

 The influence of Patanjali's yoga was also on Tantric sects and Sikh gurus, who adopted it. Swami Vivekananda, Sivananda and Yogananda propagated yoga in the countries of Europe and many yoga centers are running. Lakhs of foreign disciples of Mahesh Yogi come to India to get the education of Yoga.

Deepanjali  posted in History

Post updated on:  Oct 10, 2021 7:53:48 AM

All the way to the United States, there are many banks and Mastercard organizations looking for your business. At the present time, banks and charity card companies are competing, trying their best to find your business. To try and find your business, they offer a variety of charging cards with different issues, refunds, and different benefits.

Before you decide on your choice and choose a charging card, you should always look at what each organization or bank should offer you. If you receive a suggestion by Visa post, you should go online and investigate further. You should also make sure that you are reading a good print as well, to see if there is any kind of withdrawal or various costs associated with that card. Usually, by postal delivery, Visa agencies or banks will try to find out the cost and privacy costs there.

When you start thinking about a given, you should make sure you take a gander at the APR and the cost. APR is important, because this will expose you to your loan. You need to get the smallest APR with your Visa. In case you are taking a gander at a charging card with an amazing APR, you should immediately block it. Mastercards compliant with high APR standards can undoubtedly take you on an exciting journey towards a Mastercard commitment. No matter what your debt is, high APR prices can leave you with very difficult expenses.

Among the many options available to you, you will have three important options for your Mastercard - Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. These three beasts are the precursors of the Visas. Visa and MasterCard do not give real cards, they have banks and various organizations that are issued to help them. American Express, or AMEX, is the only one that does it all. AMEX offers their Mastercards, is affiliated with their organizations, and does not use any type of third party.

In case you prefer to travel, you will need to choose between Visa or MasterCard, as they are accepted from one side of the world to the other. American Express is the most anonymous of the three, even if the organization redesigns their organizations every opportunity they get. Soon, AMEX will be widely accepted. At the moment, however, AMEX is not accepted in all aspects of the world.

Get another type of Mastercard, except that it is not very close and is known as the above three. Find has some common benefits to bring to the table, though not that they are unknown in different parts of the planet. Most Discover Visa residents live nearby and use their cards when there is a problem. If you do not have a Mastercard and have been thinking about getting a Discover card, you should think carefully about that option and choose between Visa or MasterCard.

With all that in mind, there is a ton of Mastercards you can check out. That choice is legal, depending entirely on you. There are a ton of rare organizations and banks out there, except that it is up to you to track the best Mastercard for your needs. You can choose to go with your neighboring organization or bank, or go online and search for your Visa. The Internet can be a rare asset for Mastercards, as long as you know what you need. If you know what you need before you go to the web - you will save a lot of time and money.

Pankaj  posted in Credit card

Post updated on:  Oct 10, 2021 7:53:36 AM

Meal Plans

The room tariff of a hotel may be based on the choice meal plans offered to guests.  Depending on the needs of their target audience ,hotels offer  a variety of meal plans.

1.      European plan- European plan(EP) consists of room rate only and the meals are charged separately as per actuals. It is generally preferred in a commercial hotel where business executives have to socialize with their clients and do not take meals at the hotel.

2.     Continental plan-  Continental plan (CP) consists of room rent and continental breakfast. Continental breakfast generally includes most or all of the following: sliced bread with butter /jam/honey, cheese, meat, croissants and Danish pastries, rolls, fruit juice and coffee /tea/hot chocolate /milk. This plan is generally found in hotels in Europe.

3.     American plan-  American plan (AP) is also known as en-pension(full board) .The tariff includes room rent and all meals (i.e , breakfast ,lunch and dinner). This tariff plan is popular in resort hotels located at remote places where guests do not have a choice of food outside the hotel premises.

4.     Modified American plan -  Modified American Plan(MAP) is also known as demi pension(half board). The tariff consists of room rent, breakfast and one major meal ( either lunch or dinner). This tariff plan is popular in hotels located at tourist destinations ,where the guest may want to go for sightseeing after breakfast ,have lunch outside the hotel ,and return to the hotel in the evening and have dinner.

5.     Bed and breakfast (B&B) or Bermuda Plan- Bed and breakfast plan (B&B) or Bermuda plan consists of room rent and American breakfast. American breakfast generally includes most or all of the following : two eggs(fried or poached ), sliced bacon or sausages, sliced bread or toast with jam/jelly/butter ,pan cakes with syrup, cornflakes or other cereal ,coffee/tea ,orange/grapefruit juice.

Post updated on:  Oct 10, 2021 7:53:10 AM

A healthy diet helps to keep against malnutrition.  It also help to protect us from the disease  such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer.
Unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity are leading global risks to health.

Healthy dietary practices start early in life ? We should eat lots of green vegetables, variety of fruits, water intake as per the body requirement.  Our plate of Meals should be colorful it includes vegetables , fruits, fiber, protein , minerals, Calcium rich food,  etc. Instead of drinking juice , we should consume whole fruit, so that our body also get fiber. Fiber is very necessary for the body, so that food can easily be digestible.

We should also keep salt intake to less than 5 g per day (equivalent to sodium intake of less than 2 g per day) helps to prevent hypertension, and reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke in the adult population.

Is a Healthy Diet a Luxury Only a Few Can Afford? | by cure.fit | The .fit  Way | MediumHealthy Eating ? Kids Growing StrongHealthy Diet Tips: 5 Things To Keep In Mind For Healthy Weight Loss
As per the WHO Member States have agreed to reduce the global population's intake of salt by 30% by 2025; they have also agreed to halt the rise in diabetes and obesity in adults and adolescents as well as in childhood overweight by 2025 (9, 10).


Eating a healthy meal throughout the life, keep us healthy.  Now a days, Kids are increasingly eating processed food, that is not healthy for them, and they are become victim of many diseases.

Here are the guideline by the WHO for adults healthy diet
For adults

The difference a healthy diet can make - Harvard HealthHow to Eat Healthy (and Cut Sugar, Salt and Fat) | Live ScienceHealthy Eating Advice for Teenagers in South West London :: Getting It On

A healthy diet includes the following:

Fruit, vegetables, legumes (e.g. lentils and beans), nuts and whole grains (e.g. unprocessed maize, millet, oats, wheat and brown rice).
At least 400 g (i.e. five portions) of fruit and vegetables per day (2), excluding potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava and other starchy roots.
Less than 10% of total energy intake from free sugars (2, 7), which is equivalent to 50 g (or about 12 level teaspoons) for a person of healthy body weight consuming about 2000 calories per day, but ideally is less than 5% of total energy intake for additional health benefits (7). Free sugars are all sugars added to foods or drinks by the manufacturer, cook or consumer, as well as sugars naturally present in honey, syrups, fruit juices and fruit juice concentrates.
Less than 30% of total energy intake from fats (1, 2, 3). Unsaturated fats (found in fish, avocado and nuts, and in sunflower, soybean, canola and olive oils) are preferable to saturated fats (found in fatty meat, butter, palm and coconut oil, cream, cheese, ghee and lard) and trans-fats of all kinds, including both industrially-produced trans-fats (found in baked and fried foods, and pre-packaged snacks and foods, such as frozen pizza, pies, cookies, biscuits, wafers, and cooking oils and spreads) and ruminant trans-fats (found in meat and dairy foods from ruminant animals, such as cows, sheep, goats and camels). 

For infants and young children

Kid's Healthy Eating Plate | The Nutrition Source | Harvard T.H. Chan  School of Public Health

In the first 2 years of a child's life, optimal nutrition fosters healthy growth and improves cognitive development. It also reduces the risk of becoming overweight or obese and developing NCDs later in life. Advice on a healthy diet for infants and children is similar to that for adults, but the following elements are also important:
-     Infants should be breastfed exclusively during the first 6 months of life.
-     Infants should be breastfed continuously until 2 years of age and beyond.
-      From 6 months of age, breast milk should be complemented with a variety of adequate, safe and nutrient-dense foods. Salt and sugars should not be added to complementary foods.

SONIA  posted in Blog

Post updated on:  Oct 10, 2021 7:52:39 AM

         Chapter 1: Introduction

This is the story of a time. There was a kingdom. King Bhimsen there was very prosperous. He was of high thinking and was very scholar. He had a minister. He was also very learned. That king had a daughter. l She was very beautiful. The priest had a daughter. She always took care of that princess. Many kings tried to destroy that kingdom by attacking it. But all failed because The wise minister always made some plan in advance so that the enemy kings could not get a chance. There was a very deserted place outside that state. Many ghosts and ghosts lived in the deserted place. People were afraid of all those ghosts and ghosts because they were going to kill and eat all the humans.

A very dangerous person also lived in this forest. That person had the power to control the ghosts. That person wanted to make himself a king. So he made many efforts so that he could subjugate this kingdom. able to Many times he has also inflicted fatal blows on the king and many times he tried to subdue the princess as well. But because of the clever minister and priest, he always failed in his endeavor.

There was a very terrible forest 100 km away from that state. There was a cave inside that forest and inside that cave lived an ascetic. Those ascetics were always absorbed in penance. He had many divine powers.  There was a village in the forest. People living in that village always used to go to them to solve their problems.

                    It is a matter of 1 day. Once a sage was going somewhere. It was raining very hard in some village. All the people there were hiding in the houses. That sage could not find a place anywhere. That sage again went to the same village. Knocked on the door of a family located in Said - O mother, you give me some food. That old lady took pity and gave food to that sage to eat. After eating, the sage was very happy. He said - O mother, you are very kind. Your son will become king. She was more happy. Then the old lady became sad in her heart after seeing her house and her luck.

                  But she did not say anything to the sage. After some time, the village was suddenly attacked by the bandits. Many people were killed and the old lady was also killed. But the child survived. The child became an orphan.

Then suddenly the sage came there roaming from somewhere and he saw that child.

Seeing it, he immediately understood that the child is going to become a king. It is written in his destiny to become a king. He took the child in his lap and went to his forest. The child also left after the death of his mother, being very sad, due to not getting any kind of support, and started living with her there. Started. The sage explained to him many things that how the king should do justice, how the king should use weapons and made him proficient in many disciplines. But there is such a knowledge, which is very dangerous, he did not give such knowledge. He thought that at the time when it is needed, this knowledge will be given to the child.

                         यह कहानी है एक समय की l एक राज्य था l वहां का राजा भीमसेन बहुत ही समृद्ध था l उच्च विचार का था और बहुत ही विद्वान था l उसके पास एक मंत्री था l वह भी बहुत ही ज्यादा विद्वान था l उस राजा की एक पुत्री थी l वह बहुत ही सुंदर थी l पुजारी  की एक पुत्री थी l वह उस राजकुमारी का हमेशा ध्यान रखती थी l उस राज्य के ऊपर आक्रमण करके उसे नष्ट करने का प्रयास कई सारे राजाओं ने किया l लेकिन   सारे विफल हो गए l क्योंकि
बुद्धिमान मंत्री हमेशा कोई ना कोई योजना पहले से ही बना कर रखता था l ताकि दुश्मन राजाओं को मौका ना मिल सके| उस राज्य के बाहर एक बहुत ही वीराना जगह था l वीराना जगह में कई सारे भूत और प्रेत रहते थे l उन सभी भूतों प्रेतों से लोग डरते थे क्योंकि वह सभी इंसानों को मारकर खा जाने वाले थे |


   इसी जंगल में एक बहुत ही खतरनाक इंसान भी रहता था l उस इंसान के पास भूतों को अपने वश में करने की शक्ति थी l  वह व्यक्ति अपने आपको राजा बनाना चाहता था l इसलिए उसने कई सारी प्रयास किए l ताकि वह इस राज्य को अपने अधीन कर सके | कई बार उसने राजा के ऊपर घातक प्रहार भी किए हैं और कई बार उसने राजकुमारी को भी अपने वश में करने का प्रयास किया | लेकिन चतुर मंत्री और  पुरोहित की वजह से वह अपने प्रयास में हमेशा विफल हो जाता था l

 उस राज्य से 100 किलोमीटर दूर एक बहुत ही भयानक जंगल था l उस जंगल के अंदर एक गुफा थी और उस गुफा के अंदर एक तपस्वी रहते थे l वह तपस्वी हमेशा ही तपस्या में लीन रहते l उनके पास बहुत ही सारे दिव्य शक्तियां थी l वहां  उस जंगल में गांव था l उस गांव में रहने वाले लोग हमेशा  समस्याओं के निवारण हेतु उनके पास जाते थे l


 1 दिन की बात है l एक बार ऋषि कहीं जा रहा थााl  किसी गांव में बहुत ही जोर से बारिश हो रही थी l वहां के सभी लोग घरों में दुबके हुए थे l उस ऋषि को कहीं पर स्थान नहीं मिला l उस ऋषि ने फिर उसी गांव में स्थित एक परिवार के यहां जाकर दरवाजे को खटखटाया l उस दरवाजे से एक बुढ़िया निकली l उस बुढ़िया का एक छोटा सा बच्चा थााl  उस बुढ़िया ने ऋषि को प्रणाम किया और कहा है - ऋषि , मैं आपकी क्या मदद कर सकती हूं  l उस ऋषि ने कहा - हे माते, आप मुझे कुछ भोजन दे दीजिए | उस बुढ़िया ने  दया करके उस ऋषि को खाने के लिए दे दिया भोजन दे दिया l  खाने के बाद ऋषि अत्यंत खुश हुआ l उसने कहा - हे माता, आप बहुत ही दयालु है l आपका  पुत्र राजा बनेगााl  उस बुढ़िया को यह बात सुनने के बाद बहुत ही ज्यादा प्रसन्नता हुई l फिर वह बुढ़िया अपने घर को और अपनी किस्मत को देखकर मन ही मन उदास भी हो गई l

 पर उसे ऋषि को कुछ नहीं कहा l कुछ समय बाद, उस गांव पर डाकुओं ने अचानक से आक्रमण कर दिया l  कई सारे लोग मारे गए और बुढ़िया भी   मारी गई l पर वह बालक जीवित रहा l वह बालक अनाथ हो गया l
 फिर अचानक ऋषि कहीं से घूमते हुए वहां पर आए और उसने उस बालक को देखा l उस बालक  को
देखकर तुरंत समझ गए कि वह बालक राजा बनने वाला है l इसके भाग्य में राजा बनना लिखा हुआ हैै l  उसने बालक को अपने गोद में लिया और अपने वन को चला गया | बालक भी अपनी माता के मर जाने के बाद अत्यंत दुखी होकर , किसी प्रकार का सहारा ना मिलने के कारण साथ चला गया l और वहां उनके साथ ही रहने लग गया l उस ऋषि के द्वारा सिखाई गई सारी विद्याओं को उसने एक एक करके अपने अंदर लेना शुरू किया l ऋषि ने उसे बहुत सारी बातों को समझाया कि किस प्रकार राजा को न्याय करना चाहिए,  किस प्रकार राजा को शस्त्र चलाना चाहिए और कई सारी विद्याओं में पारंगत कर दियाा | पर ऐसी विद्या है, जो बहुत ही ज्यादा खतरनाक होती है, ऐसी विद्याओं को उसने नहीं दिया l उन्होंने सोचा कि जिस समय जरूरत होगी उस समय यह विद्या बालक को दे दी जाएगी l

                           एक बार राजा भीमसेन ने एक बहुत ही विशाल यज्ञ किया l यज्ञ में उसने कई सारे राजाओं को आमंत्रित किया  और यह प्रचार किया कि वह व्यापार करेगा l ताकि उसके राज्य की समृद्धि हो l उसके राज्य का नाम कई कई किलोमीटर दूर तक फैल जाए | उसने उसमें कई सारे आयोजन रखें l उसमें एक आयोजन था कि शेरों को मारना है l जो मारकर  आएगा,  वही विजेता कहलlएगा | उस आयोजन में कई कई राज्यों के राजकुमार आए l   राजकुमार सुंदर थे और कई विशाल सेनाओं के साथ आए थे l और उनके पास कई भयंकर भयंकर हथियार भी थी l   सभी राजाओं के राजकुमारों ने उस आयोजन में हिस्सा लिया क्योंकि उस आयोजन में राजकुमारी भी थी l यह जानने के लिए कि विजेता कौन है l  


उस आयोजन में बहुत ही खतरनाक विशाल जंगली शेर लाए गए l उन  जंगली शेरों को आपस में ही एक जगह पर बांध कर रख दिया गया एक गुफा के अंदर l 
 उस  के अंदर जाकर उन दोनों  को मारना था l 
 आयोजन शुरू हुआ l राजा ने भव्य स्वागत किया  राजकुमारों का और सभी राजाओं का l  कई सारे कलाकारों और कई सारे शिल्पी कारों को भी बुलाया गया l  कई सारे कलाकारों ने अपनी कला का प्रदर्शन किया l  वह समय भी आ गया , जब उनकी विशालकाय शेरों को मारना था l जब उनका आयोजन हुआ, तब सभी लोग अत्यंत ही  रोमांचित हो गए और यह जानने के लिए कि  आज का विजेता कौन है l सभी प्रसन्न हो गए  l उस पिजरे में जाने पर ही कई राजकुमारों को डर लगने लग गया और कई राजकुमार  उस पिजरे में जाने के बारे में सोच कर ही भाग गए l लेकिन कुछ राजकुमारों ने प्रयास किया कि उस पिजरे के अंदर जाकर उस शेर को मारने का l    
 उस रोज सुबह बहुत ही सुंदर तरीके से सूर्य निकला था l चारों तरफ सूर्य का प्रकाश था l पूरा आकाश बहुत ही साफ तरीके से चमक रहा था l सूर्य की किरणें सभी को जला रही थी l


 पर अचानक ही मौसम बदल गया l अचानक  चारों तरफ काले बादल छा गए l तूफान आने लग गई l आंधियां चलने लग गई l व्यक्ति आया और आकर उस पिजरे के अंदर चला गया l किसी की हिम्मत नहीं हुई उस व्यक्ति को रोकने की l व्यक्ति पिजरे के अंदर गया l पिजरे के अंदर मौजूद दोनों शेर उसे देखकर ऐसे डर गए जैसे शेर वह नहीं, वह व्यक्ति ही हो l उसका चेहरा देखकर दोनों ही शेर आधे हार चुके थे l उन्होंने लड़ाई लड़ने का कोशिश किया l वीर ने उन दोनों शेर को मारा नहीं l उन्हें बांधकर बाहर निकाल लिया और फिर उसने राजा को सूचित करते हुए कहा - हे राजा, देखो मैंने तुम्हारे दोनों ही शेरों को हरा दिया है l अब इन्हें जीवित छोड़ दो और इन्हें वापस जंगल में जाने दो l इन्हें मारने की कोई आवश्यकता नहीं है l पर खेल का नियम था कि उस आयोजन के अंदर उन दोनों शेरों को मारना था l पर उस वीर ने कहा कि नहींं, इन दोनों शेरों को मारने की
कोई आवश्यकता नहीं है l यह दोनों अपनी हार मान चुके हैं l फिर उस वीर ने राजा को समझाते हुए कहा कि अगर उसने उसकी बात नहीं मानी तो उसका अंजाम बुरा होगा l उस जनसभा के दौरान  लोगों के सामने  युवक के द्वारा  बात समझाते देखकर  राजा तिलमिला उठा l  समझाए जाने पर राजा को ऐसा लगा कि  उसका अपमान हुआ है l राजा ने  आदेश दिया कि  सैनिकों, इस युवक को बंदी बना लो l  कुछ अन्य राजकुमार भी आगे बढ़े l पर उस युवक ने उन सभी को हरा दिया और वापस जंगल की तरफ चला गया l जो आंधियां उठी थी ,  शांत हो गई और  मौसम सुहाना हो गया l


 राजकुमारी बहुत सुंदर थी l राजकुमारी की सुंदरता देखने के लिए बहुत दूर-दूर से कई सारे राजकुमार और कई सारे लोग आए थे l इस वजह से राजकुमारी को अपनी सुंदरता का बहुत ही अभिमान था l पर जब  युवक ने शर्त को जीतने के बाद भी पुरस्कार नहीं लिया और राजकुमारी की तरफ मुड़ कर भी नहीं देखा.  I    तब राजकुमारी को बहुत ही बुरा लगा l ऐसा पहली बार हुआ कि राजकुमारी  इतने बड़े आयोजन में आई हो और उसे एक व्यक्ति ने ना देखा हो और बिना उसे देखने चला गया l पहली बार राजकुमारी को इतना बुरा लगा l 

                    सभी कोई चर्चा करने लग गए कि यह व्यक्ति कौन है | जिसने राजा तक को भी आदेश दे डाला और बिना डरे  सामने ही चला गया l उसके बाद सभी लोगों के बीच कानाफूसी होने लग गई कि यह कोई साधारण व्यक्ति नहीं है  l इस व्यक्ति ने तो दो दो शेरों खूंखार शेरों को बांधकर बाहर निकाल लिया l राजा को चेतावनी देकर भी चला गया l लोगों के अंदर भावना  है कि राजा बलवान नहीं है l बाद में राजकुमारी को मालूम चला कि लोगों के अंदर यह बातें हो रही हैं कि वह नवयुवक बहुत ही वीर था l तब उस राजकुमारी आदेश दे डाला -  युवक को बंदी बनाकर राज्य के राजा के सामने पेश किया जाए l इस  भावना को समाप्त कर दिया जाए  कि राजा बलवान नहीं है l उसने कई सारे गुप्तचरो और कई सारे सैनिकों को इस कार्य में लगा दिया l उस युवक को पकड़ कर लाएं l कई गांव के अंदर कई सारे जासूस सक्रिय हो गया l सभी सैनिकों का सिर्फ एक ही मकसद था कि उसको  पकड़ कर लाना l जो उस आयोजन के अंदर आया थाा l 
                        सिपाहियों ने बहुत ही ढूंढने का प्रयत्न किया l पर उन्हें कोई सफलता प्राप्त नहीं हुई l अंत में उन्होंने ढूंढने का एक तरीका निकाला l उन्होंने चारों तरफ फैला दिया कि जो भी उस व्यक्ति के बारे में बताएगा, उस व्यक्ति को पुरस्कार के तौर पर सोने की सिक्के मिलेंगे और उसे राजा के पास सम्मान दिया जाएगा l सभी लोगों को आश्चर्य हुआ l 
                               अंत में एक गांव में एक व्यक्ति ने मजाक की है,  सोचा कि मैं तो खुद ही अगर चला जाऊं, मुझे पुरस्कार भी मिलेगा और कोई व्यक्ति उस व्यक्ति के समान बन सकता है l बहुत हुआ तो फिर वह माफी मांग कर चला जाएगा l  गांव में  उसका नाम था  गोनू l उसने सिपाहियों को कहा कि मैं ही हूं l सभी सैनिकों ने उसे पकड़ लिया और हंसने लगे l उसे डांटते हुए कहा कि तुम हमें सही पता बताओ l
सूचना जान राजकुमारी उस गांव की ओर चल पड़ी l राजकुमारी ने कई सारी सैनिकों को अपने साथ में लेकर उस गांव को घेर लिया l गांव के लोग अचानक से आई हुई राजकुमारी और सैनिकों को देखकर डर गए l उन्होंने सोचा कि पता नहीं आज क्या बात है कि इस गांव में इतने सारे सैनिक आगए l  यही बात दुश्मन राजाओं को मालूम चल गई की राजकुमारी थोड़े से सैनिकों के साथ एक गांव में हैं l उस राजकुमारी को पकड़ने और उसे बंदी बनाने के लिए तुरंत दुश्मन राजाओं ने अपने सैनिक भेज दिए l अचानक से चारों तरफ से दुश्मनों से गिर जाने के कारण  राजकुमारी बहुत ही ज्यादा चिंतित हो गई l उसे  अपनी बात पर अफसोस हुआ l पुजारी  की एक पुत्री थी l वह उस राजकुमारी का हमेशा ध्यान रखती थी l
 पुजारी की पुत्री ने कहा कि - राजकुमारी आप अपने आभूषण को उतार दीजिए और एक साधारण स्त्री के सामान यहां इसी गांव में छिप जाए l राजकुमारी  ने 
ऐसा ही किया l राजकुमारी ने सारे आभूषण उतार दिया l और रथ पर से उतर कर गांव में एक साधारण स्त्री के सामान एक घर में जाकर छुप गई | दुश्मन देश के राजाओं ने  गांव घेर लिया थााl  उन्होंने चप्पे-चप्पे पर, सारे घरों में जा जाकर राजकुमारी को ढूंढना शुरू कर दिया l  उस गांव के लोग को आभास हुआ कि उन्हें राजकुमारी की मदद करनी चाहिए l  उनके गांव में एक मंदिर था  l उस मंदिर पर एक बहुत बड़ा घंटा था l उस घंटी को उन्होंने जोर जोर से बजाना शुरू कर दिया l वह घंटी की आवाज खतरे की सूचना देने के लिए होती थीी l   खतरे की सूचना मिलते ही तुरंत राज्य के राजा भी परेशान हो गए l राजकुमारी को ढूंढना शुरू कर दिया l और राजा भी अपनी सेना लेकर उस गांव की ओर चलने लग गया l गांव के पास स्थित जंगल से एक भीषण कोलाहल  होने लग गया l  उस जंगल से घोड़े पर सवार एक भयंकर वीर निकला l फिर उस वीर ने आते के साथ ही दुश्मन की सैनिकों के छक्के छुड़ा दिए l उसने अपने तलवार से सभी दुश्मन की सैनिकों  को मारना शुरू कर दिया और उसकी वीरता को देखकर दुश्मन के सैनिकों के हाथ पांव फूल गए  l सभी  दुश्मन देश के सैनिकों को अपनी मौत सामने नजर आने लगीी   l  उसके सामने  तो दुश्मन सैनिक  भागने लग गए l  सारे के सारे ऐसे भागने लगे जैसे जंगल में शेर को देखकर हिरण भागने लग जाते l  दुश्मन देश के राजा भी उस युद्ध को देखकर डरने लग गए l सभी राजा डर के मारे धीरे-धीरे वहां से हटने लगे | राजकुमारी का पिता राजा भीमसेन वहां पहुंचा l उस समय युवक वापस  जंगल के अंदर ही चला गया | गांव के लोगों ने बताया कि किस प्रकार उस युवक ने राजा की पुत्री राजकुमारी को बचाया है l राजा उस वक्त तारीफ करना चाहता था l पर जैसे ही वह आगे बढ़ा, उस
 ने देखा कि दुश्मन देश के सैनिकों को  इतनी बेरहमी से मारा है कि उसके  भी होश खफा हो गए l राजा भी उसके द्वारा मारे गए सैनिकों को देखकर थरथर कांपने लग गया. I   किसी के हाथ कट गए थे,  किसी के पैर कट गए थे और किसी का गर्दन ही काट डाला था l  कोई भी ऐसा सैनिक नहीं था,  जीवित रह गया था l उस युवक ने इतनी बेरहमी से मारा है कि जीवित सैनिक मौत के लिए भीख मांग रहे थे l राजा ने सोचा कि जो अकेला व्यक्ति इतने सारे सैनिकों को मार सकता हैै, वह भविष्य में कभी भी किसी बड़े राजा को भी हरा सकता हैै l  राजा भीमसेन उस गांव से तुरंत अपनी राजधानी को लौट जाना चाहता था l राजा अपनी पुत्री को लेकर वहां से राजधानी लौट गया |
                            Chapter 2 
       Love between Princesses and Yodha

 राजा ने सोचा कि जो अकेला व्यक्ति इतने सारे सैनिकों को मार सकता हैै, वह भविष्य में कभी मेरे राज्य के ऊपर शासन कर सकता है l और यहां के लोगों को डरा धमका कर अपने अधीन कर सकता है l राजा ने नवयुवक को मारने का आदेश दे दिया l

                      भीमसेन के पुजारी को जब यह बात मालूम चली, तो उन्हें बहुत दुख हुआ l उन्होंने राजा को यह समझाया कि  युवक ने राजकुमारी की रक्षा की थी | वह नवयुवक राज्य नहीं चाहता l  वह जंगल में रहता है l और पुजारी ने कहा कि मैंने पता किया है कि वह नवयुवक जंगल में ही रह कर  तपस्या करता है l इसलिए नवयुवक से डरने की कोई जरूरत नहीं l अचानक  सैनिकों ने आकर सूचना दी कि पड़ोसी देश की राजाओं ने अचानक से आक्रमण कर दिया है l पड़ोसी देश की राजाओं के अचानक आक्रमण करने की वजह से राजा  बहुत ही ज्यादा चिंतित हुआ l पुजारी ने मंत्री को आदेश दिया कि वह सेना को तैयार करें , युद्ध आरंभ करने के लिए l राजा भीमसेन के पास बहुत ज्यादा पैसा नहीं था, हथियार खरीदने तथा सैनिकों को भोजन खिलाने के लिए l  उनके पास ज्यादा पैसा नहीं होने के कारण, पुजारी भी चिंतित थे l ऐसी कठिन समय में पुजारी ने सोचा क्यों ना उस युवक की मदद ली जाए l राजा उस युवक की मदद नहीं लेना चाहते थे l क्योंकि उन्हें लगता था कि वह नवयुवक एक इंसान ही नहीं हैै, वह एक दरिंदा हैै l  पर पुजारी ने उन्हें समझाते हुए  कहा कि  हम उस नवयुवक का सिर्फ सहयोग चाहते हैै l  पुजारी ने तुरंत गांव के मुखिया एवं सरपंच को आदेश दिया कि  युवक को समझा-बुझाकर राजा के सामने ले आए   l तथा राजा को भी यह कहा कि राजा सबके सामने उसने युवक से माफी  मांगे l 
 अचानक जंगल में हलचल हुई l जंगल से अचानक की कई सारी चिड़िया निकालें  l हाथी पागल हो गए l शेर दहाड़ में लग गए l  राजा ने तुरंत सैनिकों को आदेश दिया कि जंगल से कोई भयंकर जानवर आ रहा है l सैनिक तैनात हो जाए हथियारों के साथ l अचानक उन्हें भयंकर आंधी दिखाई दी l सैनिकों की आंखों के सामने अंधेरा छा गया और उस अंधेरे को चीरता हुआ  युवक राज्य के अंदर आया l उसी वक्त को देखकर कई सारे लोग डर गए l सभी लोग डर के मारे के  घर के अंदर चले गए l राजा के सैनिक लोग डर गए l
                      पुजारी ने उन्हें पहले ही समझा दिया था कि किसी भी प्रकार की कोई भी गलती  ना करें l पुजारी ने कहा था कि हे राजा, आपको कुछ भी नहीं करना l सब कुछ मैं संभाल लूंगााl  आप सिर्फ सिर हिलाना और कुछ भी मत कर
ना l  राजा जानता था कि पुजारी बहुत ही बुद्धिमान है l इसलिए राजा के पास दूसरा कोई भी विकल्प नहीं था l  पुजारी ने कहा  - यह बेटे,  तुम इस दरबार में एक अतिथि के रुप में आए हो l राजा के पास आकर  बैठो l वह युवक पुजारी को प्रणाम करते हुए आगे जाकर कुर्सी पर बैठ गया l  पुजारी ने बड़ी ही चतुराई से उस उस युवक को प्रेम दिखाते हुए कहा है -  युवक , हमारे राज्य में बहुत ही भीषण विपत्ति आई है l  हमारे राज्य के ऊपर कई सारे दुश्मन राजाओं ने आक्रमण कर दिया है  l हमें तुम्हारी सहायता की जरूरत है l  और वीर लोग हमेशा ही अच्छे लोगों का साथ देते हैं l युवक ने कहा -  पुजारी ,  राज्य के लोगों का  मदद करने के लिए हमेशा ही तैयार   हूं l

इस प्रकार अपनी सहमति देकर वह शांत हो गया l पुजारी  बड़ी चतुराई से राजा को और उस युवक को संभाल पाया l उस युवक को अपने राज्य का वीर और सैनिक घोषित करते हुए पुजारी ने  सम्मानित किया l

 भीमसेन राजा के बगल में रुद्रसेन राजा रहता था l रुद्रसेन राजा के पास ऐसे सैनिक थे, जो मरे हुए लाश को खा जाते थे l उनके शरीर से भयंकर दुर्गंध आती थी और उनका शरीर बहुत ही डरावना होता था l अपने दुर्गंध   और घातक हथियारों के साथ किसी भी  युद्ध में जीत जाते थे l राजा भीमसेन युद्ध करने के लिए आदेश  दे दिया l भीमसेन अपनी सेना के आगे चलता हुआ जा रहा था l पर पुजारी ने उसे समझाया कि वह सेना के आगे ना जाकर, किसी और व्यक्ति को सेना के आगे भेजें l भीमसेन सेना के बीच में चले जाते थे l युद्ध शुरू हुआ l युद्ध में रूद्र सेन की सेना ने भीमसेन की सेना को मारना शुरू कर दिया l अपनी सेना को मरते हुए देखकर भीमसेन बहुत अधिक डर गया l पुजारी तथा मंत्री को इंतजार था , उस युवक का l फिर अचानक ही जंगल भयंकर हलचल शुरू हुआ l जंगल के सारे  वृक्ष पेड़ हिलते हुए नजर आए l और उन पेड़ों के बीच में से बहुत जानवर निकलने लगे l उन्हीं जानवरों के बीच में  युवक घोड़ों पर सवार होकर आगे आने लग गया l  युवक ने युद्ध में आते ही रूद्रसेन के सैनिकों को मारना शुरू कर दिया l रूद्रसेन के सैनिकों को गाजर मूली की तरफ काटता हुआ चला गयााl  रूद्र सेन भी अचंभा हो गया कि आखिरी  कौन  है , जो घास की तरह काटा चला जा रहा है l रूद्र सेन की सैनिक बहुत ही ज्यादा क्रूर थे l इसलिए उन्हें कोई प्रभाव नहीं पड़ा l भीमसेन युद्ध कौशल देखकर आश्चर्यचकित हो गया l  राजा भीमसेन के सैनिक पहले से ही डरे हुए थे l पर अब उस युवक के युद्ध  के तरीके को देखकर उन्हें और डर लगने लगा l जैसे उनके लिए आगे कुआं, पीछे खाई है l  उस युवक ने  रूद्र सेन के सैनिकों को ऐसे मारना शुरू किया, जिस प्रकार से कोई शेर चूहों को मारता है l

The Rudrasen king lived next to the Bhimsen king. The Rudrasen king had such soldiers, who used to eat the dead corpse. His body smelled awful and his body was very scary. With his foul smell and deadly weapons Used to win in any war. King Bhimsen gave orders to fight. Bhimsen was going ahead of his army. But the priest explained to him that he should not go ahead of the army, send someone else in front of the army.  Bhimsen used to go in the middle of the army. The war started. In the war, Rudra Sen's army started killing Bhimsen's army. Seeing his army dying, Bhimsen was very much scared. The priest and the minister were waiting, that The young man's .  Then suddenly there was a fierce movement in the forest. All the trees of the forest were seen shaking. And many animals started coming out of those trees. He started killing Rudrasen's soldiers as soon as he entered the war. Rudrasen's soldiers went on cutting towards the carrot radish. Bhimsen also wondered who was the last, who was being cut like grass. Rudra Sen's soldiers were very cruel. So they were not affected. Bhimsen was surprised to see his fighting skills. Bhimsen
were already scared. He started killing Rudrasen's soldiers as a lion kills rats.

           First time, king Rudrasen was afraid of any war. He didn't want to face the same young man. But his son thought that the young man was similar to the other soldier. He was ready to go for war with the young man.


The prince thought that I would kill him and prove to everyone that I was the warrior. To show he is best , he started for searching the young man.

 रूद्र सेन अपनी हार से बहुत ज्यादा परेशान हो गया l
 वह बहुत तनाव में रहने लग गया l  उसने आखिर अंत में उसने बहुत ही खतरनाक योजना  सोची l

 उसने जादूगर अजगर को बुलाया l जादूगर अजगर इंसान बिल्कुल भी नहीं  था l वह इंसानों को मारकर खा जाता था l जादूगर अजगर को देखकर बड़े-बड़े लोगों के हाथ फूल जाते l

  रूद्र सेन ने उस जादूगर को बुलाकर कहा कि मुझे भीमसेन की पूरी की पूरी राज्य चाहिए l इसके बदले में तुम मुझसे जो चाहे ले लो | जादूगर अजगर और राजा रूद्र सेन की बीच में समझौता हो गया l दोनों की सेना भयंकर ताकत के साथ भीमसेन के ऊपर आक्रमण करने वाले थे l भीमसेन के ऊपर मुसीबतों का पहाड़ टूटने वाला था l

The young prince who is full of energy and enthusiasm, start trying to get and kill the young man. He wants to punish him. So thirty thousand soliders were called to search him. The soldiers tried there best to get the young man. But they did not have any idea about the man.

The young man has gone for worship of God in forest.

    In the forest, there was a mountain 🏔️🏔️🏔️. On the top of the mountain, he started worshiping God in the peace environment.
    One of the soldiers get the information about the young man. He was the first man to come to know about the man. He went to prince, and give him information about the young man. The prince had announced to catch him or kill him.

Shiv  posted in Others

Post updated on:  Oct 7, 2021 2:04:01 PM

7 Tips to Sharp Your Memory
Memory is the insightful limit, or the ability to hold and recover genuine elements, events, impressions, etc Then once more, it is ordinarily depicted as the educational ability to separate or see past encounters. This is the foundation of our step by step presence. We would not have the choice to work in the present without relying upon our memory. Human memory has three segments: 1. Coding: Coding is the hidden development towards making another memory. This licenses data to be changed over into progress, which is kept in the frontal cortex. It is an affiliation that beginnings with understanding through limit. Memory creation begins with reflection. An essential event makes the neurons in the psyche fire as consistently as could be anticipated, making the experience more cutoff and further developing the likelihood that the event is encoded as a memory. The overall tendency is fascinating. 2. Limit and limit of data: Upkeep and support are for the most part inactive strategies for holding data at the highest point of the need list, whether or not it is material memory, second memory, or long stretch memory. The more data is re-hashed or used, the practically certain it will be taken care of in non-unusual memory. 3. Excess: Memory of memories suggests the subsequent re-acquisition of events or data from an earlier time that was actually encoded and taken care of in memory. Essentially, talk is known as audit. Regardless, memory is malleable and will in everyday ruin with age. Thusly, one can remain knowing while simultaneously dissecting memory. The human brain has a sensational ability to change itself to the extent learning and memory. The natural power of neuroplasticity in the psyche engages us to learn and manage our memory at any period of life. Approaches to manage sharpen memory : Then, at that point, we will look at a couple of focal approaches to manage honing memory:
1. Train the Brain: Memory as a suffering force suggests that a person "uses it or loses it." The more a singular trains their mind, the better they need to measure and remember data.
To support the mind, continue to overwhelm and cultivate new limits. The action should be a novel, new thing and past our standard extent of partners. The advancement ought to be laborious. More reasonable is the movement that grants us to start at a shallow level and logically increase as our abilities improve, driving us to broaden our capacities further. In any case, we should pick rehearses that are at this point being attempted, but they are enchanting and satisfying.
2. Exercise regularly : Exercise decreases engineered strain. The preparation may expect a critical part in neuroplasticity, redesigning developmental factors and supporting new neural affiliations. Blazing activity is especially valuable for the psyche, so we ought to pick practices that make the circulatory system. All around, any authentic setting up that is helpful for our spirits is remarkable for our cerebrums. Somewhat long occasions of common, high-influence exercise can extend the size of an adult's hippocampus by 2%, according to an audit by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Specialists have in like manner found that typical strength planning can help with present second and long stretch memory and ruminations. Proactive tasks that require complex engine plan are useful for building the brain. 3. Follow Joe: Analysts have found that caffeine blocks irritation in the frontal cortex, essentially adenosine receptors, which can trigger a chain reaction that triggers the mental scene of the psyche. The proportion of caffeine we drink depends upon the strength of the espresso and the size of the cup. Do whatever it takes not to outperform the limit by drinking three standard-sized cups of joe all week long to choose the benefit. Unexpectedly, drinking more espresso can, really, impact excited thriving. 4. Foster a Propensity for Lasting Rest: More than 95% of adults need 7.5 to 9 hours of rest each night to avoid absence of rest. Notwithstanding, holding during a few time makes itself felt! Memory, inventive psyche, fundamental thinking, and fundamental reasoning limits are completely incapacitated. Investigation shows that rest is basic for memory blend, a fundamental memory-further developing action that occurs during the most amazing times of rest. 5. Make colleagues: People are pleasant. We're not going to suffer, also flourish, detachment. Affiliations enable our minds. Unquestionably, helping out others can be the best mental exercise. The test shows that having tremendous associations is essential not only to full energy yet notwithstanding mind success. It was also found that people with the most special social activities had the slowest speed of memory rot. Keep pressure immovably constrained. Stress - maybe the deadliest enemy of the psyche. As time goes on, reliable strain demolishes neural associations and harms the hippocampus, the piece of the psyche that facilitates new memories and fixes old ones. Investigation has moreover associated strain to scholarly rot. 6. Eat mind-further developing food assortments: An eating schedule that relies upon typical food assortments, vegetables, whole grains, sound fats (like olive oil, nuts, fish), and lean protein enjoys various health advantages. This eating routine can in like manner assist with encouraging foster memory. It is central for mental success that this isn't overall what we eat; we similarly don't eat. 7. Further creating Memorization: We can find clear ways to deal with assistance learning and recognition by: Charge for pay, Consideration of any permitted number of assets, Associating data to what we know in actuality, Focusing in on understanding head contemplations for truly perplexing material, Practice of the data that we are correct now sensible, Using mental advisers for simplify maintenance. Human memory overall rots with age; in any case, regardless what one might expect, it is flexible due to the recognizable power of the neuroplasticity of the mind. We can hone our memory by taking appropriate measures open to everyone, of course, really they ought to be practiced regularly and sensible.

Ganesh  posted in Education

Post updated on:  Oct 6, 2021 9:09:54 AM

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