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Set goals - Prepare Concrete Plans-Part 2

Blog by Saiyid Safdar Abbas Zaidi connectclue-author-image

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Remember when you set your goals, divide it into two, one for what you want to achieve, that's the Product Goal and the other for how you want to achieve i.e., Process Goal. A product goal is one which highlights what you are going to achieve, your destination such as, Bruce Lee   mentioning I, Bruce Lee, will be the first highest paid Oriental super star in the United States   Starting 1970 I will achieve world fame.
A process goal is what you will do to get it. It means developing a prescription for success called strategy as   Michael Johnson did by developing a work out and petitioning the Olympic committee  daily to move the 200 and the 400 meters run to different days.  He won both the 200 meters and 400 meters events at the same Olympics, a feat he accomplished at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta.

This is how achievers prepare plan -and follow it very closely. It forms a part of their daily work habits and then they periodically evaluate themselves on it as well.  And, you must learn to do the same way. Work out a strategy how to fill the gap between the Starting point and the destination.   This is what will help you in realization of your vision.

Remember -- Vision is critical and Strategy is crucial
Your vision is your goal.  Your strategy is your plan that highlights how you are going to achieve or realize your Vision. Without this your journey will be directionless.

Set   your   goals.  It will provide focus. Chalk out some concrete plans for realization of the set goals. Execute your plan and don?t worry whether you have succeeded or not. Rework your plans if they fail, identify loopholes and use methods which help you overcome these loopholes.
Powerful goals have three components: Usual Expression is SMART that has five components; however, I have used 3 that includes the other two as well.
They must be inspiring.  They must be inspiring.  They must be believable.  They must be goals you can act on. They should not be vague. When your goals inspire you, when you believe and act on them, you will accomplish them. Vague goals produce vague results, says  Jack canfield (Author and Motivational speaker) . Must be believable.  They must be goals you can act on. They should not be vague. When your goals inspire you, when you believe and act on them, you will accomplish them. Vague goals produce vague results says  Jack canfield (Author and Motivational speaker) .

Setting goals would enable you to identify the loopholes, gauge yourself and help you march smoothly towards achieving them easily. These goals would help you climb the ladder of success in slow but concretely assured steps. 
When you have a large goal to achieve, make sure that you divide it into smaller goals which seem easy to achieve. It is an important strategy to keep learning and to stay relevant.

However, we sometimes observe that there are people who have good education, have right attitude, are honest and   have sincere desire to achieve something of their own, fall behind those people who have no education, have poor attitude, and are often dishonest and unethical.  It is so strikingly different from what in reality it should be. It is really baffling. Why is it so?

Obvious answer would be absence of concrete plans to realize their set goals. We don't set our goals and work at achieving them. They do so. We don?t work hard in developing our plans to realize our dreams and work hard day in day out to make our dreams a reality but they do it day in day out
This highlights the importance of setting goals and having a concrete plan to achieve them. And then working on those plans with dogged determination...


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