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Failure Is Directly Linked To Success

Blog by Saiyid Safdar Abbas Zaidi connectclue-author-image

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Keep avoiding failure is the universally acknowledged wise counsel people have always been receiving. I recall my father commenting to me, Do your homework or you're going to fail! If you fail, you'll be left behind,study ,Study else you won't pass or If you fail, people will think you're stupid and incompetent. This is the start of fear of failure getting sown in. We are asked to chase success but never told how to tackle our failure. This focused emphasis on success leads to stress that we find difficult to cope with.

Failure has always been viewed as a sign of incompetence, an object of ridicule and carelessness. However failure happens to everyone.    It is a very powerful ingredient to success. No one likes to fail but it has been observed that those who fail often come back and win .Every chance of failure is offset by the chance of success. Failure is the pillar of and roadway to success. Failure is a lure to success; it is   neither incompetence nor an indignity. It is a trigger to continue not to give up.

 Success is something almost everyone wants; there is nothing wrong in it. Deep down every one wants to be successful. Many of us are not clear about what success means. What exactly is success How can it be defined And what it means to be successful in personal and professional life? These are some of the fundamental questions each and every one of us is continuously struggling to find answer to. . We live in a world that has a lot of predefined notions of success .We are supposed to study hard ,get good grades,  find job in a top notch organization ,and what not. The list is endless. These Societal expectations are suffocating and stress igniters. They create tremendous pressures and act like straitjackets.  Such pressures restrain and stifle creativity.

It is really very depressing to observe that our society shows harsh images of success and failure.  We should always WIN is the mantra they prescribe. If we lose we are doomed. It is the culture of conformity. Its mantra is to go along to get along. Its prescribed standards are stringent. One should not get terrorized and frozen by such standards. This single track success driven approach creates stress and tensions that one   may find difficult to handle. What needs to be   emphatically highlighted is that successful people are those who accept and embrace failure without making excuses and move ahead to plan out the next move.

It must be kept in mind and understood that Success is a journey. It is a continuous process. The road leading to success will not always be smooth. This journey will not always provide unending continual joy. There will be difficulties, setbacks, obstacles and roadblocks. There will be moments where you start questioning your commitment. These will emerge irrespective whether you are on the right path or the wrong path. So you should recognize that while it might be hard sometimes, you will need to make an effort to re-establish and reconnect with those positive vibes you felt when you started   moving towards your desired goal.

There is no magic potion that energies and makes people successful. It is for you to define what success means to you. You cannot have success if you do not know what it means for you. Everyone has his own view of success .It differs from person to person... True success comes from achieving what you desire and plan to achieve.

It is observed that every success story starts with an embarrassing first effort resulting in a setback. It's these initial discouraging setbacks on the road to fame and fortune that fascinates and baffles many. Failure occurs every day, in every spheres of life. It is unavoidable.  It is irritating and frustrating. It causes pessimism but is certain to happen.
Accept this reality.


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