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Excerpts from My memoirs Part 2

Blog by Saiyid Safdar Abbas Zaidi connectclue-author-image

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Advice to Grand children
My darlings
Don't be jealous 
Jealousy is a highly negative emotion. It cannot bear the rise of another person. It pulls the person down and devours the one who is struck with it. Jealousy in one's heart is the cause of downfall. It is a self ?degrading tendency, don't allow it to drag you down. Stay away from it.
 Respect Your Parents 
Fixing a day as Mother's Day/ Father's Day implies respecting / honoring your parents just for a single day of the year. This negates moral/ religious injunction that prescribes the extent to which one has to venerate ones parents and obey them.
 God is the creator but remember your parents are responsible in bringing you in this world. Parents  are co-creators with God, therefore, respecting parents is respecting God, This is the reason parents are ranked second to God for obedience, 
Looking after parents is not a duty. It's your main calling in life: so said Suhel seth a very suave and effective communicator in a panel discussion in Times Litfest 2017
. Register this in your mind. Old age is similar to your childhood days. Accept your parents as they are. Don't deny them the pleasure of doing what they enjoy doing, like reading newspaper of their choice and similar other things 
- So 
  • Value and respect your parents every day
  • Do good to your parents Don't shout at them
  • Don't raise your voice over them 
  • Don't answer them back 
  • Don't make them feel by your actions that you don't want them to stay with you 
  • Don't ever use the expressions ―Uff or bang the door at their back or do some similar acts that shows disgust, annoyance, irritation 

21st century generation will find me sounding regressive .They will argue it is 21st century, all of us want our own space forgetting that once they were born and as they were growing their parents didn't want their own space, they didn't look for their own comfort zone. This is a lamentably disturbing thought process .I wish, you, my grandchildren don't get affected by this thought process
 Don't Grumble
 Don't complain about Small things. It makes life journey unpleasant I realized and learnt this a bit late in my long life journey. Grumbling about things that annoy you does not make life happy. It worsens it The secret to happy life is just to avoid things that irritate There is always an option to fix the annoyance that irritates   Find that option to fix it rather than brood over it and make your life journey uncomfortable- For instance if you have a tiff with your sibling or friend, sort it out  Why ponder over the existence of the annoyance; ignore it and just move on .So stop complaining about small things and make your life journey pleasant
 Decide to Decide
 This is a caption I picked up from a book on Customer Service management I read a year back. I like the caption so have included it here What does deciding to decide mean? The writer of this caption defines this as taking a stand not to do certain things like smoking, being unfaithful, taking drugs etc. For me it arose when I had heart attack and my cardiologist told me blockage was on account of nicotine that got lodged in the arteries. I was a chain smoker. I concluded at the very moment that I would give up smoking and I did that. Deciding to decide comes into play when some lifelong bad habits have to be changed that profoundly affect health, home, and family. Deciding to decide does not leave any scope for debating and arguing, Bad habits are stubborn and difficult to give up
 Make the following your Mantras 
 Never say never, take up all challenges 
 Do something you are passionate about, work hard on it and success will kiss your feet 
 Arise, Awake and stop not till you reach your goal?
  Once you start don't take a break, if you rest you then rust
  Life is the most difficult exam? which many fail because they try to copy others not realizing that everyone has a different question papers don't copy others 
 Keep yourself grounded and never forget the struggle that takes you to the privileged position. Remain cognizant of your roots ‗this will help you remain grounded 
 Never forget the people who helped you get to the privileged position you are in. Great people always acknowledge the helping hands 
 Keep learning and growing
 Points to Remember 
  • Never stop being bold, and curious (Columbus would not have achieved what he did)
  • Never criticize before thinking 
  • There is no such thing as a stupid question 
  • Be tenacious, Unrelenting, passionate and thorough 
  • It is never too late to learn 
  •  If you are convinced about something, you should stand by it no matter what anyone says.
  •  All it takes is Belief and some Spine ? Find inspiration to motivate yourself

SO in a nutshell
lBe yourself, Bless yourself ,Trust yourself, value yourself ,accept yourself, Express yourself, Forgive yourself, Empower yourself. Be inspired to motivate yourself  -and you will achieve  the goal you have set for yourself 


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