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Tip means To Insure Promptness

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Tip means To Insure Promptness
We all know that Tip is a relatively small amount of money rend from the guest in return of the services provided?. Whereas, this word means much beyond than this.  Tipping should be a thought of first and foremost as a reward for prompt and attentive service. That is also true that guests ensure that we keep ourselves working hard. Basically if you fill the desire of the guest to perfections and leave a kind remark, then you get the higher tip. It is certainly a personal preference of the guest, which is generally received by Valet parking staff, Bellmen, housekeeping Maids, Concierges and Front Desk and Restaurant waiters,  as they often interact with the guests and has the ability to make or break the guest stay.


Food and Beverage service tips are generally "pooled," or shared between everyone. If guest hand something extra to a person who provides the guest extraordinary service, he or she can keep it. Service-employees at hotels consider tips as a part of their salary.
Depending on the timing, tipping can be a reward for goods and service rendered, or a subtle bribe.  As different cultures and customs are part of the traveling process, if a guest lay out a tip for a Japanese waiter, it will be interpreted as a rude and condescending display of the guest wealth. It is also better to neglect the tip in a posh U.S. restaurant as the guest would not be liked to welcome back.
Few Organizations feel that it is not only in bad taste, it could be construed as a conflict of interest and the service employees may also be offended at being treated like a servant. Tipping may create a sense of jealousy and competition among the employees. What may appear rude might be nothing more than a simple language barrier. In India, tipping is referred to as "baksheesh" or money for the service.
When we talk in a broad scale, Tipping is defined as gratuity, compensation or reward for a well done service. It is but obvious that a guest give tip to you when he finds the service is appropriate and he is actually satisfied. Tips are earned by deserving people who go out of their way to provide personalized or stand-out service.
It is a return of the employee?s hard work and personalized service given to the guests. Hotels allow it to keep the employees enthusiasm on, where it should not be misused by providing wrong information to the guest for the sake of TIP.
 Tipping is no doubt an art which can be learnt by our own experience. Guests are impressed when they see properly groomed staff, so it should always be a practice to show the guests that we always practice a good hygiene. Hotels are a place where we interact with lots of people in a single day, and may not know the choices and expectation of every guest. For this reading the guests does very essential task, by which we can give the guests what they need without them, have to ask for it.  
Getting higher tip is not an easy job, while also it is not rocket science. What we all need is a good attitude, a smile, proper knowledge and Clean Appearance.



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