by philemon
HUMBLE PRAYERFUL SONG TO GOD Prosperous are the decent in the way, Who tread in the way of God! Prosperous are those who stick to His counsel, Who grope for Him whole- heartedly! They do no harm to others; They walk in obedience and integrity. You have advised us To follow you deliberately. So that our lives have meaning. To keep Your decrees! Then I will never be despised by men, When I study all your precepts. I am moved to worship you, When I study your laws. I will honour Your testaments; May you not forget me. How can a man purge his life? By obeying your instructions. I am seeking you wholeheartedly Help me not to go astray. I am keeping your priceless law in my heart So that I may never falter. You are wonderful God Instruct me in your ways. I must keep praising you Because of all your decrees. I am awed by your wonderful counsel, And by all your treasures. I keep thinking about your teachings, As well as all your wisdom. I keep priding myself in your knowledge I will never ignore your lessons. Be lenient on me So that I may honour you. Open my mind`s eyes, so that I may notice Amazing things from your teachings. I am a pilgrim on the planet; May you never hide yourself from me. My heart breaks down in despair For your presence at all times. You shame the wicked?the villain, Who despise your laws. Protect me from shame For I have obeyed your commands. People plot against me Though I honour your precepts. Your counsel pleases me. My life is ebbing away; Rejuvenate me with compassion. I have stated my principles, Instruct me accordingly. Make me teachable; So that I may delight myself in your works. My heart is too heavy; Revive me as per your knowledge. May I never be found lying, And grant me your blessings abundantly. I made up my mind to live in integrity; Because your commands are always before me. I strive to be obedient at all times; May you never let me live in ignominy! I promise to be a stickler to perfection, For your laws are etched in my soul. Lord teach me in the way I should go, And I will never go astray. Grant me wisdom, and I shall live uprightly; For sure I will prosper in all I do. Help me to have a teachable spirit, For I am amazed by your wisdom. Mold my heart to understand your teachings So that I may not be greedy. I will turn a blind eye to filthy stuff, May you refresh me. Declare your word to me, For I have resolved to fear you. Remove my shame which I fear, For your lessons are worthwhile. See, I value your teachings; Refresh me in your ways. May your grace fall on me, O Lord, Your mercy according to your heart. So that my enemies are ashamed, For I look to you for help. May you not cast me away, Because I treasure your counsel. So I may not live in shame, But I will live in victory, For I pursue your knowledge. I will praise you before multitudes, For I am redeemed by you. And I will treasure your counsel, Because it is priceless. My whole life will bring you worship, Day in and day out, And I will ruminate on your word. |
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