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This song is dedicated to William Ruto the deputy
president of the republic of Kenya. He eyes the seat of president in
the 2022 general elections.

I sing a song to Ruto;
Urging him, impelling him to soldier on for the top job. I say it?s now or never. Though the
terrain is tough and the thicket is thick never, never, never give up. Chance favors the prepared
mind. Good things happen to those who wait.
Yet my dramatist friend says:
Are thou of Churchillian descent? Are thou of Pasteuric origin? Are thou of Abrahamic faith?
You speak as though you have been there before, as though you stand on a high pedestal patting
the back of your lad, urging him to run on, run, run.
And I reply:
Never despise the stature of your fellow man. My weakness today is my strength tomorrow. My
present weakness serves the noble duty of uplifting others. There is a genius in every man
waiting to grow, waiting to grow, at the opportune time. If only you conscientiously awaken it.
Yet my dramatist friend says:
Is Ruto genius?
The Achilles heel is in each one of us. His sprint to the lake accords him a limp.
From the highlands to the lake,
Returning with a herd is no mean feat for the impatient man. Milk in the evening calcifies the
bones of his limbs, as he prepares for a trek and a wrestle tomorrow. Who knows what is at
So I sing:
Achilles heel or no Achilles heel, genius or no genius all men are equal. All men are human. Is
my brother infallible? No. Is my brother imperfect? No. Live your best life now and you will
never regret. Fly to the seashore and drink coconut oil. Return to the mountain and pitch a tent. It
is when atop the mountain that you meet God.
Yet my dramatist friend says:

Must I face the mountain? Is the God of Moses still there? It is written ?Emmanuel- God with
us?. Need I say more? The fool is told He is here, and he runs amok. My foundation is firmly
rooted, I will not be moved.
So I say:
Come down from your lofty vantage point and dwell with humans. Farm with those who farm,
fish with those who fish, shepherd with those who shepherd, legislate with those who legislate,
render your civil duties- the nation is you and me. Go! Ruto, Go!
Yet my dramatist friend says:
You are guilty of intellectual fraud. You think I am not fully integrated in the society. Implicitly
you brand me a hermit, even the monk became a pope.
So I sing:
That?s in the realm of passive creativity, my friend. It merits no award. Those who sweat earn
their bread. Success belongs to the strong-willed. My brother is one such strong-willed, gallant
This and a knack of mobilization afford him a wining combination. That enables him to be in
constant touch with his people.
Yet my dramatist friend sings:
The closest friend hurts more. The closer the friendship the stronger the friction at tough times.
Hence the greater the possibility of an eruption. The world is watching!
So I sing:
Even when the world is not watching, I act responsibly. What shows my maturity? The prudent
man maintains his integrity even in secrecy. That?s the litmus test for every person where probity
is concerned.
Yet my dramatist friend says:
The prefect issues an injunction. Checks and balances are in place. History haunts the future.
Your highly cherished venture is at stake, at the mercy of a cynical prefect!
So I say:
The optimist hopes against hope.

He never despairs even in the face of adversity and certain defeat. Survivors know when their
problems will end. Man?s resilience surfaces in travails. I bet you can pin- point and affirm: this
man is truly resilient:
Go, my brother go!
Yet my dramatist friend says:
You seem to imply resilience is based on one?s track. That the one you dote on was a political
activist. What if he was in obscurity? What if he goes off course? Would you keep flinging
fulsome praises at him?
So I say:
?Political activist? that?s pure, mere tautology! Activist suffices. Consistency breeds credibility.
Let the track record speak for him. Go, my brother go!
Yet my dramatist friend sings:
I confirm you are given to hero worship. You stand on the faulty premise that there is a self-
made man, yet no man is an island. Your presupposition is that all education is personal
So I sing:
There is really no one best way of leading. Contingency is predicated upon situations within and
without. To lead is to learn, to learn is to grow.
Yet my dramatist friend says:
The one you dote on arrogates himself the noble task of leading the highlands and the plateaus.
Contingency looms only as an outgrowth of happenstance.
So I say:
You pessimist! Give credit where it is due. Fail to distinguish between pride and tact and you
are misguided. Go, my brother go!


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