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Shivam  posted in History

Deepanjali  posted in Yoga

Surya Namaskar :

 Surya Namaskar is a simple word which means prayer to the sun. Since time immemorial, people get up early in the morning and pray to the sun. Also, it is believed that if we start the day with Surya Namaskar Yoga, then it can prove to be very beneficial for both our body and mind. If we practice only Surya Namaskar aasan every day, then all the parts of the whole body get good exercise. The process of this Surya Namaskar yoga is completed in about 12 steps and each step consists of an asana. The action of these 12 yogasanas is called Surya Namaskar. Its daily practice makes us energetic, stunning, healthy.

12 Asanas of Surya Namaskar :
  salutation posture: 

  Surya Namaskar begins with Pranam Mudra.  To do this, first of all, standing in a careful posture, raise both your hands parallel to the shoulders and move both the palms upwards.  Stick the front part of the hands to each other, then bring the hands in front in the same position and stand in the posture of salutation while moving round and down.

  Hasta Uttanasana :

  While inhaling, stretch both the hands up near the ears and bend the arms and neck backwards while bending backward from the waist.  The capacity of the lungs increases by taking deep and long breaths during this asana.  Apart from this, the health of the heart remains intact by its practice.  The whole body, lungs, brain get more amount of oxygen.

  Pada Hastasana or Paschimottanasana : 

  In the third stage, while exhaling slowly, bend forward.  In this asana, we hold our toes with both our hands, and the ankles of the feet are also held.  Since this asana is done by holding the feet with the hands, it is called padhastasana.  This asana is done standing.

  horse steering seat :

  While doing this mudra, the toes should remain standing.  To do this asana, while keeping the hands on the ground, while breathing, take the right leg backwards.  After that, while pulling the chest forward, lift the neck up.  During the practice of this asana, the spine should be kept straight and vertical so that the waist does not bend.

  mountain pose :

  To do this posture, sit on the ground in Padmasana.  While exhaling slowly, take the left leg backwards as well.  Make sure that the heels of both your feet meet together.  Raise the buttocks so that the whole body is situated on both knees only.  Stretch the body backwards and bend the neck by joining the ankles on the ground.

  Ashtanga Namaskar : 

  While breathing in this position, prostrate the body equal to the ground and put the knees, chest and chin on the ground.  Exhale while raising the thighs slightly.

  Bhujangasana : 

  In this position, while slowly filling the breath, straighten the arms while pulling the chest forward.  Move the neck backwards so that the knees touch the ground and the toes of the feet remain standing.  It is also called Bhujangasana.

  mountain pose :

  Make a pose like the fifth position.  In this, while exhaling slowly, take the right leg back as well.  The heels of both the feet should meet each other.  Stretch the body backwards and try to match the ankles to the ground.  Raise the buttocks as high as possible.

  horse steering seat :

  In this position, make a posture similar to the fourth position.  While inhaling, move the left leg backwards.  Pull the chest forward and stretch it.  Tilt the neck more backward.  Leg stretched straight back and toe raised.  Stay in this position for some time.

  Hastasana :

  Back in the third position, bend forward while exhaling slowly.  The hands should touch the ground, adjacent to the neck and ears and right and left of the feet below.  Keep in mind that the knees should be straight and the forehead should touch the knees.  Stay in this position for a few moments.

Hasta Uttanasana :

  This situation is similar to the second situation.  While in the second posture, while inhaling, move both the hands up.  In this position, move the hands backwards and at the same time bend the neck and waist backwards i.e. to come in the position of Ardhachakrasana.

  salutation posture :

  This position is like the first mudra i.e. the posture of salutation.  After twelve postures, again stand in the resting position.  Now repeat this posture again.  Surya Namaskar should be done 4-5 times in the beginning and gradually increase it to 12-15 times.

Surya Namaskar Mantra :

1. ॐ मित्राय नमः, 
2. ॐ रवये नमः, 
3. ॐ सूर्याय नमः, 
4. ॐ भानवे नमः, 
5. ॐ खगाय नमः, 
6. ॐ पूष्णे नमः,
7. ॐ हिरण्यगर्भाय नमः, 
8. ॐ मरीचये नमः, 
9. ॐ आदित्याय नमः, 
10. ॐ सवित्रे नमः, 
11. ॐ अर्काय नमः, 
12. ॐ भास्कराय नमः

Benefits of Surya Namaskar :

 The benefits of Surya Namaskar are not one but many.  If you want to keep your body in good shape, you need to do Surya Namaskar regularly.  Surya Namaskar is the most effective and beneficial of Yogasanas.  By doing Surya Namaskar, one gets rid of many diseases.  So let us know what are the benefits of doing Surya Namaskar Yoga ?


 Surya Namaskar is best for weight loss :

 If you are a victim of obesity and you are not taking the name of losing weight, then do the asanas of Surya Namaskar 10 times daily.  Because Surya Namaskar is the best exercise for weight loss.  Yes, by doing them in speed, they act as cardiovascular workouts.  This stretches the abdominal muscles and helps in reducing the extra fat stored around the abdomen.

 beauty benefits :

 By doing Surya Namaskar aasan, the body gets sufficient amount of vitamin D, which makes the skin glowing and spotless.  Apart from this, the hair of the head also becomes healthy and strong.  According to yoga experts, yoga is such a practice, which can prove to be helpful in keeping the mind calm by removing anxiety.  For this reason, it can be assumed that regular practice of 12 different yogasanas coming in different stages under Surya Namaskar will help in removing the problem like anxiety and stress, strengthen the hair and get relief from many skin related problems.  may prove helpful.

 energy is transmitted :

 As we said in the beginning, Surya Namaskar is a yoga pose in which 12 consecutive yoga poses are performed.  The action of these asanas affects every part of the body.  Plus, the breathing pattern at each step during the yoga process also increases the activity of your intestines and helps improve the body's process.  Doing Surya Namaskar for 10-15 minutes daily increases the emission of carbon dioxide in the body.  This gives energy to your body, which protects you from diseases.

 Make muscles and bones strong :

 Many asanas in Surya Namaskar give more strength to the body.  Many of these yogasanas also work to strengthen the muscles and bones attached to the body.  It has a positive effect on the body.

 Stress Relief :

 We have many people who are in dire need of stress relief.  Many diseases are caused by constant work and stress at home.  In the yoga of Surya Namaskar, meditation is also done and the power to concentrate the mind is also available.  Because of this, stress remains far away from our mind.  It helps in flushing out the toxins from the body and also helps in keeping your eyesight positive.

 Helpful in the problem of irregular periods :

 Many women have irregular periods.  This type of problem can be cured by doing Surya Namaskar daily.  Because the unbalanced hormones are balanced by the asanas performed during this time and periods start becoming regular.

 control diabetes :

 By doing Surya Namaskar for 3 to 4 minutes daily, you can control diabetes to a great extent.  Surya Namaskar not only consumes excess sugar, but it also activates the pancreas and helps in keeping the whole body healthy and fit.

 detox the body :

 There is no yoga better than Surya Namaskar to flush out the toxins present in our body.  During this yoga, you inhale and exhale, due to which air reaches your lungs and oxygen reaches the blood.  This removes carbon dioxide and other toxic gases from your body and detoxifies your body.

Deepanjali  posted in Yoga

Post updated on:  Sep 11, 2021 9:44:39 PM

कल्याण के क्षेत्र में वर्तमान में तनाव को महामारी कहा जाता है। सच कहा जाए, तो यह जल्द ही संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका में धूम्रपान से पहले विलुप्त होने का एक प्रमुख कारण होगा। वजन एक प्रकार के मधुमेह, उच्च रक्तचाप, हृदय रोग या स्ट्रोक को ट्रिगर करता है और आश्चर्यजनक रूप से बीमारी का खतरा बढ़ जाता है। इन भलाई के अवसरों के साथ, जैसे कि संभावित व्यक्तिगत संतुष्टि में पूर्ण सुधार, वजन घटाने लगभग सभी को आप नियंत्रित कर सकते हैं।

कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता कि हम क्या स्वीकार करना चाहते हैं, यह निश्चित रूप से अधिक समानता खोजने का जादुई जवाब नहीं है। आपके द्वारा खिलाए जा रहे कैलोरी की मात्रा की तुलना में आपके द्वारा दिए गए अनुप्रयोगों को संसाधित करने के लिए अधिक कैलोरी की आवश्यकता होने पर शरीर अधिक वसा का उत्पादन करेगा। यह सिर्फ बुनियादी है। इस तरह, वजन कम करने के लिए, आपको खाने वाली कैलोरी की संख्या को कम करने की आवश्यकता है, जैसे कि आपके द्वारा उपभोग की जाने वाली मात्रा को बढ़ाना।

स्वास्थ्य योजना की खोज करते समय आपके द्वारा ब्राउज़ किए जा सकने वाले विकल्पों की एक विस्तृत श्रृंखला है। उनमें से प्रत्येक अक्सर यह प्रकट करने में बहुत ऊर्जा लगाता है कि क्या खाया जाना चाहिए, कौन से आंकड़े और किस समय या कौन से संयोजन। हालांकि, उनमें से बहुत से काम के महत्व पर जोर नहीं देते हैं - स्थिति प्राप्त करने के लिए, फिर भी आपकी सभी भलाई और समृद्धि पर। व्यायाम महत्वपूर्ण है जब आप कई कारणों से अधिक संतुलित होने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं:

सबसे पहले, जैसे ही आप एक छोटा आहार शुरू करते हैं, आपका पाचन सामान्य हो जाएगा। व्यायाम आपके पाचन को वापस सामान्य करने में मदद करता है। दूसरा, जैसा कि दिखाया गया है, व्यायाम बहुत अधिक कैलोरी की खपत करता है ताकि आप पर्याप्त तेज़ हो सकें और अपने प्रयासों में सक्रिय रह सकें। उठाया।

व्यायाम करने का मतलब यह नहीं है कि आपको मनोरंजन केंद्र में लंबे समय तक रहना है या यह कि तनाव-उत्प्रेरण व्यायाम थका देने वाला है। दरअसल, अतीत में दौड़ने से बचने के लिए, व्यायाम कुछ ऐसा होना चाहिए जिसका आप आनंद लें। अपनी गति की सीमा को सामान्य तरीके से बढ़ाकर शुरू करें। जहां हो सके सीढ़ियों का इस्तेमाल करें। शॉपिंग के लिए जाते समय मॉल से आगे पार्क करें। किसी शौक या अपनी पसंद की जगह की सैर करें और इसे व्यवस्थित करने के लिए एक कैनाइन या एक साथी लाएँ। एक नृत्य या हाथ लें और लड़ाई की तस्वीर दें।

जब आप एक नियम के रूप में अधिक ऊर्जावान हो जाते हैं, तो आपको नियमित व्यायाम से परे जाना आसान और अधिक सामान्य लगेगा। आपको बस इतना करना है कि उन्हें एक आउटलेट और समर्थन देना है जो उन्हें चलते रहने की जरूरत है। आपको अपनी नाड़ी को उच्च वसा वाले आहार में बढ़ाने की जरूरत है और इसे 20 मिनट, कई बार या उससे अधिक सात दिनों तक रखने की जरूरत है। हालांकि, अगर आप कभी जिम नहीं जाना चुनते हैं, तो विकल्प हैं। रिकॉर्डिंग और डीवीडी वर्तमान में अधिकांश प्रकार के कार्यों के लिए उपलब्ध हैं। इस तरह आप जब चाहें अपना शेड्यूल बदल सकते हैं ताकि आपको इस बात की चिंता न करनी पड़े कि आप क्या कर रहे हैं। एरोबिक व्यायाम, किकबॉक्सिंग, योग, या मूल रूप से आपके घर के आराम के लिए आवश्यक किसी भी क्रिया के आकार का प्रयास करें।

यदि आपके पास वास्तविक बाधाएं हैं जो आपको काम करने से रोक सकती हैं, तो आप पता लगा सकते हैं कि आपके आंदोलन के स्तर की रिपोर्ट कैसे करें। संयुक्त समस्याओं या सीमाओं वाले लोगों के लिए जोरदार व्यायाम करना एक अच्छा विकल्प है क्योंकि यह आपके वजन के कारण शरीर के तनाव को कम करता है। वैसे भी, आपको वास्तव में पानी में अपनी मांसपेशियों को चुनौती देने से सुरक्षा मिल रही है। यहां तक ​​​​कि कक्षाएं और सुलभ रिकॉर्डिंग भी हैं जो आपको एक सुलभ वातावरण में अभ्यास करने की अनुमति देती हैं।

आप जो भी गतिविधि चुनते हैं, देखते रहें और उसे मज़ेदार रखें। किसी वृत्त को वृत्त बनाने के लिए उसे जोड़ने में योगदान दें। या दूसरी ओर एक पैडोमीटर, एक गैजेट प्राप्त करें जो आपकी दूरी को ट्रैक करता है, और देखें कि आप सात दिनों में कितने मील की यात्रा कर सकते हैं। अपने दोस्तों या रिश्तेदारों के बीच झगड़ा करें और विजेता के साथ कुछ अलग व्यवहार करें (खाने से संबंधित नहीं!) वर्तमान तकनीकों से परिचित हों (लाभ करें, प्राप्त करें) जो आपके रास्ते में आएंगी।

Meera  posted in Thoughts

Post updated on:  Sep 11, 2021 9:43:54 PM

यदि आप एक नियमित दुकान पर असली हरी चाय खरीदने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं - यहां तक ​​​​कि सबसे चरम के लिए भी - संभावना है कि वास्तव में आप इसे एक चमकदार हरी चाय के रूप में देखेंगे: पैकेज पर लेबल की गई एक प्रकार की 'हरी चाय'। इन द्रव्यमानों में शामिल प्यारी हरी चाय मूल रूप से हर संभव तरीके से पूरी तरह से वास्तविक होगी, बहुत कम गुणवत्ता वाली, इसलिए वास्तव में वे सभी चीजें मानी जाती हैं, जो बहुत दूर रहती हैं, खासकर पारंपरिक सोच के विरोधाभासों से। सभी बातों पर ध्यान दिया जाना चाहिए, आपको वास्तव में चीनी व्यापार स्टोर या किराने की दुकानों में अपनी चाय खरीदने की कोशिश करनी चाहिए, या इसे ऑनलाइन पूछना चाहिए, क्योंकि उस समय, आप वास्तव में महत्वपूर्ण तरीके से हरी बीन्स की पूरी श्रृंखला ब्राउज़ कर सकते हैं।

तो वास्तव में कितनी तरह की ग्रीन टी उपलब्ध हैं, जो वास्तव में बहुत अच्छी हैं। दरअसल, पश्चिमी देशों में सबसे आम ग्रीन टी ज्यादातर गनपाउडर है - जो कि एक ऐसी चीज है जो आपको आम तौर पर एक सामान्य स्टोर में किसी भी तरह, एक महत्वपूर्ण तरीके से मिल जाएगी। यह निश्चित रूप से इस आधार पर प्रयोग किया जाता है कि यह मामूली है, और इसे अन्य विशेष रूप से हरी चाय पर लगातार ताज़ा किया जाता है, जिस तरह से इसे स्पष्ट रूप से छोटी गेंदों में वास्तव में महत्वपूर्ण तरीके से स्थानांतरित किया जाता है। 

चीन में सबसे लोकप्रिय प्रकार की ग्रीन टी वास्तव में ड्रैगन वेल या लंग चिंग है, जो एक प्रकार की ग्रीन टी है जो अपेक्षाकृत सस्ती है। बहुत सारे प्रकार के विचार हैं, इसे एक वास्तविक हरी चाय के रूप में सोचें, विशेष रूप से यह दिखावा करने की प्रवृत्ति कि आप नहीं हैं - यह आमतौर पर सुनिश्चित करता है कि आप किसी पर भी भरोसा करते हैं जो इस चाय को खरीदता है और वास्तव में आपको वास्तविक वस्तु को अदृश्य तरीके से बेचता है। जापान में, ग्रीन टी के खरीदार स्पष्ट रूप से सेन्चा के प्रति झुकाव रखते हैं, जो वास्तव में ग्रीन टी का सबसे अच्छा प्रकार है, या कहीं आस-पास वे सोचते हैं। यह सभी तरह की कल्पनाशील है, ड्रैग वेल की तुलना में कम खर्चीली है, यह निश्चित रूप से उस तरह की चाय है जिसे आप हर दिन पी सकते हैं, लेकिन इसमें कुछ भी बुरा नहीं है, जो वास्तव में महत्वपूर्ण है। 

चीनी वास्तव में हरी चाय की तुलना में सेन्चा आम तौर पर समान रूप से सुलभ है, और अदृश्य तरीके से बंचा नामक एक कम महंगी आदत है। हर तरह से सबसे अच्छी हरी चाय, माचा है, पारंपरिक सोच के विपरीत, जापानी चाय के ठीक कार्यों के लिए इस्तेमाल की जाने वाली चाय। सभी विचारशील, बहुत महंगा और बहुत सम्मानजनक, और यह मूल रूप से नियमित चाय की तुलना में एक स्वादिष्ट मिठाई की तरह स्वाद लेता है - जापान में, यह एक लोकप्रिय प्रकार की मिठाई और जमे हुए दही है, जो बहुत अच्छा है। इस घटना में कि किसी भी समय आपको किसी भी तरह से माचा पीने का मौका मिलता है, यह सब अच्छी तरह से माना जाता है, यह मुश्किल होना चाहिए, क्योंकि यह सभी व्यावहारिक विचारों का स्वामी है, एक उल्लेखनीय तरीके से हरी चाय।

Meera  posted in Thoughts

Post updated on:  Sep 11, 2021 9:43:35 PM

क्या आपका शरीर टूट गया है?

KimkinsDietI के संस्थापक के रूप में मुझसे लो-कैलोरी लो-कार्ब किमकिंस डाइट के बारे में कई सवाल पूछे गए हैं। एक प्रसिद्ध अध्ययन है, "लेकिन क्या आप उन कैलोरी को कम नहीं करेंगे जो मेरे पाचन तंत्र को बर्बाद कर सकती हैं?" यह अवसर नहीं है। कुछ वजन नियंत्रण कार्यक्रमों के बाद लोग अपना वजन कम करना क्यों बंद कर देते हैं? इसके इतने महत्वपूर्ण होने के कई कारण हैं।

सबसे पहले, व्यक्ति बाद के आहार प्रयासों में थोड़ा सुस्त हो जाएगा। इससे कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता कि यह कार्ब्स या कैलोरी है, अत्यधिक "अनुमान" या "लापरवाही" हो सकती है, बड़े पैमाने पर निबल्स की गणना नहीं की जाती है, कीमतें परीक्षण से नीचे हैं।

दूसरा, क्या आप बता सकते हैं कि आप कितने साल के हैं जब आपका पाचन "टूटा" नहीं है? हमारी बॉडी क्लॉक आमतौर पर 40 साल की उम्र में घटने लगती है और हर दस साल में 10% गिरती रहती है। इसका मतलब है कि आप 25 साल की उम्र में जितनी 1500 कैलोरी खा सकते हैं और खो सकते हैं, वह 50 पर काम नहीं करेगी। मूल रूप से यह समान नहीं है। परिस्थितियाँ अच्छी हैं कि पिछले 25 वर्षों में आपके पास अधिक शक्ति है।

तीसरा, हमें सेब और सेब और नोटोरेंज की तुलना करने की आवश्यकता है। पारंपरिक आहार में कम किया गया वजन कम मात्रा में, सर्वोत्तम संभव स्थिति में होगा। सात दिनों के लिए 1-2 एलबीएस खोने की "सुरक्षा" के लिए विश्वास की एक स्वीकारोक्ति नष्ट होने का जोखिम नहीं है!

हालांकि, कम कार्ब वाले आहार पर कम किया गया वजन उस संख्या को दोगुना कर देगा, खासकर अगर यह किमकिंस की तरह कम कैलोरी वाला आहार हो। यदि वसा हो तो साप्ताहिक 5, 10, 15 पौंड कम करें।

आपको जो टिप याद रखने की जरूरत है, वह यह है कि आपका शरीर जितना सुरक्षित है उससे ज्यादा तेजी से नहीं खोएगा। यही कारण है कि एक व्यक्ति जो 100 पौंड खो देता है वह सात दिनों में 10 पौंड खो सकता है, जबकि एक व्यक्ति जो केवल 10 पौंड खो देता है वह एक सप्ताह में सभी 10 पौंड नहीं खोएगा।

हमारा पाचन तंत्र एक जीवित, मजबूत संरचना है। दिन का समय हमारे शरीर की घड़ी और व्यायाम पर निर्भर करता है। नए वजन बढ़ाने वाले अक्सर कैलोरी जोड़कर अपने पाचन को "तोड़ने" से डरते हैं। बेवकूफ! क्या कैलोरी कम होने पर आपका पाचन कम हो जाता है? निश्चित रूप से, लेकिन जहां तक ​​संभव नहीं है। पुष्टि की आवश्यकता है? किमकिंस साइट पर सफलता की कहानियों पर एक नज़र डालें! सबसे बड़ी हारने वाले में अद्भुत सप्ताहांत के मिथकों पर एक नज़र डालें।

यह अपने आप से पूछें। यह देखते हुए कि शाम को आराम करते समय आपका पाचन बहुत कम दर से कम हो रहा है, क्या आप खाने के लिए 2 बजे अलार्म सेट करते हैं और अपना पाचन उच्च रखते हैं? बेशक नहीं! जब आप दिन में जल्दी उठते हैं, तो आपकी आंखें खुलती हैं, उठती हैं, नीचे जाती हैं, बच्चों को स्कूल के लिए तैयार करती हैं और दिन के लिए पैक करती हैं, तो आपकी पाचन क्रिया तेज हो जाती है।

यदि आप कभी इस तथ्य के बारे में आगे और पीछे जाते हैं कि कम कैलोरी का मतलब पाचन है, तो याद रखें कि गर्भपात के रोगियों को चिकित्सा प्रक्रिया के एक दिन बाद 500 कैलोरी खाने के लिए निर्धारित किया जाता है। यह सभी उत्तेजना है जो चिकित्सा प्रक्रिया का अनुसरण करती है। जो लोग 500 कैलोरी दिशानिर्देशों का पालन करते हैं वे नाटकीय रूप से तेजी से खो देते हैं। जो लोग ताज़े आलू, कैंडी, पॉप, चिप्स, शराब और जमे हुए दही जैसे वसायुक्त खाद्य पदार्थों को स्थानांतरित और सफलतापूर्वक चुन सकते हैं, वे खो नहीं जाते हैं या इसे प्राप्त नहीं कर सकते हैं।

यदि आप आहार के बारे में सोच रहे हैं, तो इसे तुरंत खोने से डरो मत। हम वजन बढ़ने के लक्षण बन गए। टाइप 2 मधुमेह विकसित होने से पहले आपको कुछ पाउंड लगते हैं और यदि आपको यह है, तो यह स्थायी है। आपकी कोशिकाएं कभी भी इंसुलिन का उपयोग करने की अपनी क्षमता हासिल नहीं कर पाती हैं।

मैं आमतौर पर किमकिंस डाइट को उन लोगों के लिए पसंद करता हूं जो इस तरह से खेलना नहीं चाहते हैं। हालांकि, किमकिंस की प्रणाली जटिल है, इसे स्तनपान के लिए नहीं बनाया गया है। यह उन लोगों की वजह से है जिन्हें अब हारने की जरूरत है।

यदि आप किमकिंस नहीं चुनते हैं, यदि यह कोई बड़ी बात नहीं है, तो कुछ प्राप्त करें। वजन बढ़ना खतरनाक और महंगा है। अपने स्थानीय चिकित्सा क्लिनिक को कॉल करें और पूछें कि क्या सामान्य क्लिनिक बिल दिल की विफलता या मधुमेह मेलिटस हटाने के लिए है।

Meera  posted in Thoughts

Post updated on:  Sep 11, 2021 9:43:10 PM

एक आयोजक के रूप में, मुझे कभी-कभी अपने घरों को सजाने वाले लोगों के पाठ्यक्रम का हिस्सा बनने का मौका मिलता है, जब वे एक विनीत तरीके से व्यवस्थित होते हैं। 

एक समय जब एक ग्राहक मेरे द्वारा अपने लिए निर्धारित घर के पूर्ण परिणामों को देखने के लिए बहुत स्वागत करता था और उसके बाद हम उनके नए स्थान को फर्नीचर और शिल्प कौशल के साथ सजाने के विभिन्न तरीकों के बारे में अंधाधुंध बात करना शुरू कर देते थे। सबसे अधिक भाग।

कोई आश्चर्य नहीं कि मैं वास्तव में इन स्थितियों में विचारों से भरा हुआ हूं, लेकिन एक बात है जो मैं अक्सर विशेष रूप से अपने ग्राहकों को प्रकाश के बारे में सुझाता हूं: एक अलग विशेष कला का उपयोग करें, आमतौर पर वास्तव में बड़ी। मुझे यह झुंझलाहट विशेष रूप से उन लोगों से है जो अपने घरों को समृद्ध बनाने या वास्तव में किसी भी क्षेत्र में सुधार करने के लिए वास्तव में अनूठी कला के बिना किसी भी चीज़ का ईमानदारी से उपयोग करते हैं। मुझे स्पष्ट रूप से लगता है कि मैं वास्तव में इसका तिरस्कार करता हूं क्योंकि मेरे पास कुछ प्यारे काम करने वाले सहकर्मी हैं जो अपना जीवन एक अनोखे तरह के काम को मज़ेदार और विशेष बनाने में बिताते हैं जिसे वे हर यथार्थवादी, सार्वजनिक तरीके से देने की कोशिश करते हैं। शायद इसलिए कि मैंने उनके काम को काफी देखा है और उनकी स्थिति के बारे में इतना महसूस किया है कि मुझे उन्हें सफल होते देखने की जरूरत है, मैं वास्तव में पारंपरिक सोच के विपरीत लोगों को कला के विभिन्न टुकड़ों का उपयोग करते हुए देखने पर केंद्रित हूं। विशेष रूप से विभिन्न कार्यों के टुकड़ों के साथ निर्मित होने के बारे में अच्छी बात यह है कि: आपकी उस तरह की शैली सूक्ष्म रूप से भिन्न होगी। मैं घर जाते-जाते इतना थक गया हूं कि निर्लज्ज तरीके से सब एक जैसा दिखता है। 

जो लोग मेरे साथ चल सकते हैं वे एक कमरे से शुरू करते हैं और फिर अगले कमरे में जाते हैं और मुझे खुदरा श्रृंखला या गैर-ऊर्जा स्टोर की पूरी श्रृंखला के बारे में बताते हैं जहां उन्हें अपनी विशेषता मिलती है, या कहीं वे स्पष्ट रूप से सोच रहे थे। किसी के लिए मुझे एक कमरे में ले जाना असामान्य नहीं है और मैं किसी तरह की कला का एक टुकड़ा देखने के लिए बहुत उत्साहित हूं जो सभी यथार्थवादी साधनों से आता है, एक पड़ोसी कलाकार, एक प्रकार जो सामान्य ज्ञान के विपरीत है। वास्तव में एक महत्वपूर्ण तरीके से कृति की विविधता और प्रकृति के कारण कला एकीकरण का कोई अनूठा टुकड़ा नहीं है। एक और परिभाषा जिस पर लोगों को विचार करने की आवश्यकता है, विशेष रूप से उनकी तत्काल अर्थव्यवस्था में मदद करने के लिए एक बहुत ही अनूठी ललित कला को समृद्ध करने के लिए, या कुछ ऐसा जो वे सोच रहे थे। निकटतम पेशेवरों की व्यावसायिकता के बारे में सोचें जो व्यावहारिक रूप से पूर्ण जीवन के बिलों का भुगतान करने के लिए पर्याप्त पैसा कमाते हुए, जीविकोपार्जन के लिए अपना सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्रयास करते हैं। 

यह कितना दुर्लभ होगा यदि लोग उनके साथ आलोचनात्मक तरीके से व्यवहार करें और उनके घरों में किसी प्रकार की कला का काम करके उनका समर्थन करें। न केवल हमारे घर बेहतर दिखेंगे और सभी कल्पनीय, विभिन्न कला रूपों द्वारा किए जाने वाले परिवहन के प्रकार, लेकिन हमारे कई करीबी विशेषज्ञों के पास पूर्ण जीवन को समृद्ध करने का अवसर होगा और हमारी पड़ोसी अर्थव्यवस्था जबरदस्त तरीके से विकसित होगी। तो ईमानदारी से जब भी आप अपने घर या कार्यालय के चरम खत्म करने के लिए एक स्पष्ट खत्म की तलाश कर रहे हैं, तो अपने स्थान के लिए अद्वितीय कला स्थान के एक सुंदर टुकड़े को ट्रैक करने से बहुत दूर न देखें, जो स्पष्ट रूप से बहुत बड़ा है। आपको ऐसा करने में बहुत खुशी होगी, साथ ही साथ आपकी तात्कालिक अर्थव्यवस्था भी।

Meera  posted in Thoughts

Post updated on:  Sep 11, 2021 9:42:44 PM

Sweetness of success is in the bitterness of patience-Imam Ali (as)

Here is a story of a farmer that lends credence to what Imam Ali (as) has said. A small farmer lived in a village with a small not so fertile piece of land.  He was a kind hearted man and believed in simple living. He was a contented man having no excessive desires.
on the piece of land that he owned he was not able to grow enough crops. He being a man of positive thoughts, always believed and never gave up on his belief that   one day he would surely be able to grow sufficient quantity of   of crops on his dry and infertile land. His neighbors and his friends always discouraged him to do anything on this piece of land; instead   everybody   asked him to try growing crops on some other land but he stuck to his belief; kept patience and continued trying various methods to make the land fertile.

His patience paid him good rewards and one day he successfully raised crops on his dryland. It shows that being patient always leads you to the way of success.  
Sweet are the fruits of patience so said Mahatma Gandhi the architect  of our freedom, and   global symbol of Stubborn courage and patience.  He won freedom with tremendous amount of patience. His steadfastness in pursuing the path of truth (Satyagrah)and non-violence (Ahimsa) won admiration from all over the world.  He remained adamant about his principles of Non-Violence and Satyagraha. He didn't bow before anyone, but at    the same time, remained non-violent. He said, you can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy my  body, but you can never imprison my mind. There can't be a better example of patience is a virtue that leads to success than the father of land Mahatma Gandhi. The key to success is Patience, as reflected in Mahatma Gandhi's success in liberating India.

This shows people who showed patience became successful. 
So when you want to do something completely new, you need to have patience.  Everything is not going to happen overnight. Make a plan. Visualize the outcome and think of the obstacles and challenges you will face.  Think of the blocking stones and then chalk out the strategy to tackle them. Your energy, your motivation and the drive will take you to your desired destination.  The day you plant the seed is not the day you get to eat the fruit, so be realistic, be patient and aim to do just one thing at a time.

A young man asked Tolstoy, How long to be patient. Can water ever hold in a sieve? Tolstoy replied, It will hold, be patient. When water turns into ice it will be held even within a sieve.?

Patience is a virtue .It requires resolve to develop and nurture it, All great achievers had this virtue. Patience makes you experience calmness, Success comes with a clam mind .Patience is a very great mantra to success .I have seen that those who remained patient have gone far ahead in life. Those who were impatient and restless got left behind and lost. Practice patience. Don't give up. You will break through. I promise you, the principle always Works
As  American author and speaker  Joyce Meyer has put it. Patience is not simply the ability to wait. It is how we behave while we are waiting?

If you are impatient, then your work will yield unripe fruits that will be sour. A fruit comes to fruition only when it is fully ripe. A ripe mango tastes many times sweeter than a raw one. So whatever you do, be patient with yourself and watch success smiling at you. A patient person will never be restless
-Imam Ali (a.s) says I will be patient until patience tires of my patience. Patience is the ability not only to wait but the ability to keep good attitude.  One who practices patience will never be deprived of success, even though it may take a long time to reach him.

Post updated on:  Sep 11, 2021 9:41:51 PM

Mentoring is a fundamental form of human development where one person invests time, energy and personal know-how in assisting the growth and ability of another person. Mentors are those special people in our lives who, through their deeds and work, help us to move toward fulfilling that potential.

Helping Agents
Mentors are helpers.  A persistent encourager who helps us build our self-confidence, a stern taskmaster who teaches us to appreciate excellence in performance.

New Visions
An older, more experienced person helps and guides a younger person in learning the ropes in an organization or on the job.  Mentoring also used to describe the activities of a senior person in preparing a junior for a particular office or job, providing career guidance and encouraging high standards of performance.

Mentoring Relationships
"Friendship mentoring"  consists of being available as needed to discuss problems, to listen, or to share special knowledge.
Variety In Behaviors
A mentor is one who offers knowledge, insight, perspective or wisdom that is especially useful to the other person.
A process whereby mentor and mentee work  together to discover and develop the mentee's latent abilities, to provide the mentee with knowledge and skills as opportunities and needs arise, for the mentor  to serve as an effective tutor, counselor, friend and foil who enables the mentee to sharpen skills and hone her or his thinking.

Seven Types Of Mentor Assistance
Seven types of mentor assistance that are particularly helpful in encouraging mentee growth.  These are:
1.    Helping a person shift her or his mental context
2.    Listening when the mentee has a problem
3.    Identifying mentee feelings and verifying them ( feedback )
4.    Effectively confronting negative intentions or behaviors
5.    Providing appropriate information when needed
6.    Delegating authority or giving  permission
7.    Encouraging exploration of options

Negative Behaviors
Mentors want good things to happen to their mentees.  They want them to be effective, productive, achieving, successful and happy.   However, in their eagerness to help their mentees, they may revert to behaviors that prove to be less than helpful.  Three such behaviors are: -
Giving advice
Rescuing people from their own folly
Determining Mentee Expectations
Checking Mentee Expectations

Three methods of ascertaining mentee's expectations are:
1. Ask the mentee to write a brief essay of one or two pages describing what he or she expects to gain from the relationship ? short term and long-term.
2. Ask the mentee to identify briefly his or her perception of the roles and responsibilities of each party in the relationship.
3. Ask the mentee to list any special needs or features of the relationship that should be considered in developing the relationship.
Mentor not overreact to the mentee's expectations.

Developing A Mentor-Mentee Agreement
Formal mentoring arrangements are established, usually sanctioned by the employer, school or other agency, a mentor-mentee agreement may be helpful.
Should define how they will work together and what they hope to achieve through this association.
The goal of their agreement is to set objectives for their mutual effort.  A tentative agreement, subject to change asrequired.  It is mutual, both parties should benefit in satisfaction and happiness.

Post updated on:  Sep 11, 2021 9:39:03 PM

Offers of easy money are nothing but attempts to enroll money mules to launder ill-gotten wealth
By Saiyid Safdar Abbas Zaidi
The next time you are offered a handsome income for easy work or an attractive commission on a banking transaction, don't fall for the bait. You could become an unwitting accomplice in a sophisticated financial crime. Criminal syndicates are forever searching for people whose bank accounts can be used to launder their ill-gotten money. Their target: low-income earners looking to supplement their income, students wanting to earn pocket money and retirees and housewives not conversant with the new tricks of the financial underworld.

Known as money mules, these people are lured by work-from-home job offers, lucrative commissions and freelancing opportunities through e-mails, media ads and job portals. The fraudsters ask for bank details and transfer money into the person's bank account. He is offered a hefty commission which can be as high as XX% of the transferred amount. The money mule is then directed to transfer the money to another money mule's account, starting a chain that ultimately results in the money getting transferred to the criminal's account.

The victim does not suspect anything because there is very little money of his own in the account and he earns a fat commission by doing virtually nothing. In reality, the criminals used his bank as a transit account so that their own financial footprint was not visible. Money mulling is illegal and one can get into big trouble if caught. In most cases, the money being transferred is illegal so the money mule is guilty of collaborating with criminals. One can't get away even if one is an innocent accomplice in the racket because ignorance is not a defense.

Experts say that the lure of big money causes money mules to turn a blind eye to the risks and the illegality of the deal. If someone is offered 2-3% of a large sum running into thousands of dollars for just lending his bank account, he may not want to consider the pitfalls of the arrangement. But sophisticated financial forensics can trace the money mules and bring them to book. Their bank accounts get suspended, their credit scores fall off the cliff and they can even be put in jail for collaborating in criminal activity.

How can one avoid becoming a money mule?
Most banks have posted anti-fraud guidelines for customers. Here are a few basic precautions one should take. Do not respond to emails asking for your bank account details. Verify the background of a company that offers a job. Don't just go by the mobile number. Check the landline number, postal address, email ID and website of the company.
Be especially wary of overseas job offers: it will be harder to find out if they are legitimate. Avoid companies and individuals asking to carry out international transactions for them using your bank account. Don?t get carried away by attractive offers/commissions or consent to receive unauthorized money.

Be very cautious of opportunities to make easy money. Also, advertisements written in poor English with grammatical errors and spelling mistakes is an obvious red flag. Money mule advertisements can be in different forms and may even clone a genuine company's website to make the scam seem authentic. They seek an "-Indian representatives" or "agents" to act on their behalf to avoid high transaction charges or local taxes. In reality they are seeking a money mule to launder money.


Saiyid  posted in Informational

Post updated on:  Sep 11, 2021 9:35:55 PM

Ninety-nine percent of all failures come from people who have a habit of making excuses. ― George Washington Carver (professor and author)

We are so conditioned that we always blame something other than ourselves for our non-performance or failures. Do we blame our parents, our bosses, our friends, our co-workers, our spouse, our children, the weather, the economy, the government, our astrological chart, our bad luck, our lack of money, anyone or anything we can pin the blame on. We never want to look at where the real problem is, i.e. ourselves. Making excuses is a trait of non-achievers.  A very devastating trait indeed. Non-achievers will always try to find excuses and blame others, circumstances, and events for their shortcomings.

If you really want to realize the dreams of your life and achieve those things that are most important to you, then you must take 100% responsibility for what you do. Nothing less than that will do. It would mean giving up all your Excuses, all your blaming of outside circumstances, all your victim stories, and all the reasons for not being able to achieve so far, all that you wanted to achieve. Stay away from these excuses. They are toxic and make success impossible` Push past all toxic excuses As Mark Twain  (American Writer)has said- There are a thousand excuses for failure but never a good reason.?      -
These Excuses are like deadening thought disease, a term used by David Schwartz, author of the Magic of Thinking Big. We fail and we start finding excuses. Every failure has the disease of  "Excuses"

If you are thinking of yourself to achieve success, get vaccinated against the disease of failure i.e. excuses. Don't let the ghosts of excuses haunt you. Exorcise them. Nip the nettle of excuses.

Stop making excuses. It is the first principle of success. No more excuses. Either you do it or don't do it, but don't make excuses. It is only the losers who do it
Know your worth. One who does not know his worth is ruined. Never think about what you don't have. Focus on what you do have--and more importantly, what you are willing to do that other are not. That is your true gift. You just have to use it.

Learning points

  • Never make excuses ,your friends won't need them and your foes won't believe them
  • Excuses are thought Disease, avoid them

Note: This topic has been dealt with in detail with examples in my book Failure is a knock on the door of success

Post updated on:  Sep 11, 2021 9:35:37 PM

Unusual money trading, the best game in today's world, especially in exchange for more than a billion and a half dollars (which is more often than the rest of the US, the most common type of thinking.), In a sense has many winners and a large part of the most important cleanup. Would you like to learn how you can become a winner in a big way? 

Like any game he basically knows the levels he has to win, or where he thought he was. You do not have to be a genius to get into the game in the real sense, but you have to, in all respects, have a basic understanding of the game and how it is played, which is very important. Most of this can be found for sure with the complete release of online financial institutions that offer you more free exchange programs so you can really work to play the game and gain in every way possible, your authenticity and skills before you fall love your real money in the form of great deals. As with any game, the main thing you have to do is basically practice before you actually play in a real game, or somewhere in the place they were thinking. I feel compelled to suppress that as much as possible in a remarkable way. Get used to it, get used to it, get used to it obviously doing a miracle in a fundamental way.

The main thing is to call it basically your big time. At a time when most of you are thinking of your own in every way possible, you are ready to step on the battlefield, actually start small in an invisible way. Most brokers will obviously allow you to start exchanging reduced accounts for as little as $ 300, which is very important. Plus, right now at what you?ve been right about, the secret to success in Forex, or when they?re thinking in a real sense. You need to obviously have a great exchange process. In other words you really need to be great in terms of what you are looking for in a big part and how you can exchange it to bring in a significant amount of money. Make the kind of important action you hope to follow and never have a real idea let your emotions really impact your exchange in a truly great way. The number one rule in the real sense is never too dangerous for more than 2% of all things considered, your recording balance on any single exchange in a truly significant way. That way if you have the charts you will not explicitly delete your record, which is openly critical. 

Decide on the second number that if you have a line of five in the real sense you lose straight, stop exchanging all the specifics, real cash and return to the demo exchange until you have shown to achieve exactly un seven days in a significant way. Indeed at that point a large part goes back to the exchange of real money, in size unlike any conventional thinking. The third rule of thumb is to refrain from using complex exchanges determining that you are primarily careless and do not actually exchange cruelly, in fact if you contradict common sense. If you clearly protect your unique money from the most serious risks you will allow it to grow fundamentally consistently and honestly, which is really important. 

Don't try to make a big profit in any way, for a short time and you can hope to improve your record by 10% a month or more, which is a big deal. Make sure you are confused and familiar with the type of the smallest daily, which is obviously the largest. This can transform into a lasting one in all the more important ways, a work of art, or when they are thinking clearly.

Pankaj  posted in Business

Post updated on:  Sep 11, 2021 9:34:43 PM

Forex exchanges often have the kind of amazing power to transform into a profitable and satisfying career that will especially allow you to have a way of life that many couples certainly have an exercise in the world can bring to people from many streets every day life and without asking any of those people to get some . Be that as it may, it?s hard to trade Forex; it might be really easy to basically install and set up your first trade but being a producer trader is actually something else, actually a really big one. You must in a literal sense protect the relevant details and processes which you must understand in general and be especially aware of when to enter or in a literal sense leave a continuous exchange to satisfy the main goal each trader should have; to bring money in the most important way. There are two types of research you can plan to do in the Forex market, especially despite common assumptions.

Their types are known as special investigations and basic tests in an invisible way. Obviously it is common for merchants to disassociate with their will and generally become "specialized" and "fundamentalists". Each dedicated collection on the devices of the popular principles all kinds of tests give them, which is obviously very important. Specialized forex traders use their exchanges in the analysis of diagrams and the amount of indicators found in the movement patterns and models, contrary to common assumptions. 

At the moment the Fundamentalists' traders support their exchanges mainly on key numbers and marking the world's economic intellectuals in a very significant way. However, even if separated, the two sizes will often overlap in some way. In this article I will put myself on the side of ?fundamentalists? and focus on one of the situations that every forex trader should be aware of and not let the timeframes influence especially his exchange efforts, which is really important critical. This dangerous situation is basically the fact that when the chaotic world plans the beginning of the creative process as the day of the exchange progresses, or when it exists in every practical way, the thought. 

The power of the media (television, the web, printed) can escalate and can sometimes counteract events that occur and affect trade in a big, extreme way despite common sense. The result of this magnification and rapid spread of the report about a series of negative moments that are evident in the increased state of fear, frustration and vulnerability in the exchange environment, is enormous. Moreover, traffickers who are saddened by all the speculations, which are not at all active, tend to settle for the best exchange decisions because they are committed to catching and responding with enthusiasm rather than choosing in the real sense and choosing wisely.

 If you need to in every way possible, have some kind of extra thought, clear situations of these types of moments to look into within the range of your memories and often think of the consequences of simply being a couple of worldly times with terrible chaos such as political disruption or corporate embarrassment; Enron, WorldCom, or personalized as the first example of Martha Stewart, and so on in an unpretentious way. Certainly there is also the case of the monger attack on Sep 11 in New York, March 11 in Spain, etc., which shows how difficult it is to exchange a large portion of Forex; it can basically be easy to get in and put up for your first exchange but it turns out to be the type of producer trader is something else, or somewhere nearby they were thinking of. Adding to the truly catastrophic events: waves, earthquakes, floods, droughts, dry seasons, hurricanes near wars can cause unusual disruptions in the vital exchange function. 

Therefore, every forex trader should consider all factors carefully, making sure that his exchange strategy is fully transparent in all the most important ways, secure guards (stop, place limits on orders) to filter out the biggest misfortune from the account exchange for any any horrible event I have mentioned above at any given time, it is extremely unsafe that this situation is so insecure especially that when the turbulent times of the world begin to form clearly as the day of exchange progresses, all things considered, despite the evil he thinks. And, logically, a large number of those moments will certainly occur over time, certainly despite common sense.

Pankaj  posted in Business

Post updated on:  Sep 11, 2021 9:34:18 PM

If you happen to be hoping to start a Forex exchange, you will find that there are a variety of accessible trading systems (both electronic and workspace) that you can use on your exchange. Indeed, most representatives offer customers a large number of products for free or as part of their exchange account. Usually the product associated with your exchange account is the most important example of "non-payment". Sometimes, many parts are affordable. The quantity of product your experts offer can be an important consideration in choosing a vendor. You may need to download and try different bundles using a demo account. This will give you an idea of ​​what a great deal of program you think is best for your unique exchange.

The Forex exchange system comes in two main categories - the workplace system, and the electronic system. What you decide to work on also depends on your inclination and other special features. Obviously, the Forex market is very strong and you need to have the most reliable organization of technology and knowledge as can be expected. Your web connection speed is a factor here, and in case you can afford it, you should definitely connect to broadband.

Your web connection speed is one of the things to consider when choosing a forex system exchange. The biggest thought should be safety.

As a rule, an internet-based system is safer than a host of work-based programs. Why might that be so? Indeed, with a workplace program, your data and information is stored on your hard drive, making it impossible for you to protect yourself in a variety of security situations. In the event that your PC is infected with infection, your data and the reliability of your exchange framework may be compromised. Similarly, in the event of a hard drive crash, your important data may be lost. Then at that moment there is a danger that the searchable eyes will reach your interchangeable structures.

Fortunately, in case you decide to go with a forex-based trading platform, you can do a few things to prevent risk. First of all, a dedicated PC only for forex exchange can be a smart business. Due to the popularity of forex exchanges, there are PCs that are clearly designed according to the needs of forex traders. It does not matter if you can afford the cost of the machine you are committed to, however you should use the following tips on your alternate PC:

* Password protects your personal information exchange system

* Make general consolidation of your exchange information

* Use the enemy of the infection program and stay up to date

* Update your exchange program consistently

In the event that you decide to go with an electronic exchange system, the allocation of security and support issues is handled by the provider. The internet has integrated forex frameworks simplified in terms of finding staff, the same type of staff Visa preparation is taken care of. This gives you a lot of insurance, as your details are scratched. Similarly, the confirmation and disclosure of your record information is done by your product provider to protect you from the information disaster.

Aside from security considerations, you may also find that an online-based exchange program is very helpful. There is no product to download as the product runs in your standard Internet browser. This means that you will generally come across the most recent forms and offers. Likewise, if you are able to navigate you will see the amount of access and exchange rates from any PC with a web-based organization.

As should be obvious, there are many options in the forex exchange system. Ultimately you have to decide to work with the product you have found and to find the easiest and most natural you can use. you actually get what you need less and naturally to use.

Pankaj  posted in Business

Post updated on:  Sep 11, 2021 9:33:56 PM

Traders who make a lot of money down in the real estate exchange have some things that I think are profitable, or so they think real. For the most part you see low-end retailers can literally paint their minds in a kind of big way. What I usually say about this reality is that they can use sight, sound, and speech, or so they think basically. These in particular are the benefits they add to their type of weapons when they trade, especially which shows that traders who live on exchange actually have certain items that I think are actually profitable, contrary to popular belief. The pit in the trading area for all purposes and purposes seems chaotic but in reality there is an easy descent and flow into what is happening there, which is really important.

I will definitely explain how beneficial this is, which is very important. When you trade on a computer you are actually watching the price movement on the chart and actually setting your trading decisions accordingly, however they think so. Down with the action of nomadic people often gives traders what markets like these are about to rise in a huge way. Like everyone else, retailers will go into the action where the action took place, or they think so. Computer trading does not directly allow the sound of action to influence you. 

Traders like the floor can hear especially the noise of the crowd rising and falling in a subtle way. This is especially similar to the game of football, contrary to popular belief. If you were really busy and didn't watch the game you would still be able to for all intents and purposes have an idea of ​​how you go about listening to others in the crowd who are actually happy or not according to the stage. This is actually a great advantage if you are in a position and looking for the kind of beautiful place you can get out of, however they think.

 You can judge the dynamics of the current market indicator and actually feel when it will come out, clearly showing that the trading-level hole looks chaotic but there is actually an easy decline and flow in what is most prevalent there, kind of contradicting popular belief. The beauty of speaking is mostly obvious, or at least they think. Basically you spend your day surrounded by other real people in the same business, which shows that what I?m saying directly about this is that they can use visibility, sound and speech in a really great way. 

The details and strategies can be discussed with peers and better understood, showing that the hole in the trading area for all purposes and purposes seems to be a mess but there is certainly a slight downfall and flow in what is actually happening there, in fact very important. When the good news strikes you will hear for yourself what other marketers are thinking about, which shows that what I am actually saying is that they can use vision, sound and speech, which is very important.

 These are just a few of the benefits that I feel as a lesser trader for all of his goals and objectives on his side, which shows how often low-income marketers can hear the noise of the crowd rising and falling in a very positive way. some of this can be replicated and exploited by home-based retailers, showing how you see that sub-marketers can find all the hidden goals and objectives.

Pankaj  posted in Business

Post updated on:  Sep 11, 2021 9:33:22 PM

Functional branch programs are more straightforward than ever in memory and with the help available now. It doesn't matter, keeping your branches focused and that sales aren't as big as easy to do. If the success of your business lies in the way your colleagues do it, you need to equip them with the right tools to get a well-designed position. When you run a sharing program for your items, you should understand that a large number of people looking for your program will never be heard again. 

You can, in any case, reject the number of partners who do not help by staying in constant contact with them. Help them by remembering their usernames and passwords, and revealing where they can log in to check on their intelligence or find something. Always keep them informed of new product launches or changes in strategy or strategies. The best way to motivate is to keep in touch. Always keep an eye on who your top sellers are, and make sure you contact them honestly.

Zero who is your awesome creators, and make sure you keep in touch with them endlessly. The reason most people who go with it do not play well is that they do not have an organization that contains certain subjects. This can undoubtedly be changed by the development of a guide, which you can obviously present to your partners, regardless of the method you have to make available at your branches for free. Keep your art and your unusual copy arrangements. You should likewise provide new items in your branches so that they can use them faithfully. Editing them with a text organization and a single ad simply does not create great enthusiasm using any means. Provide allies with regular post announcements, reviews, improvements, flags and display programs, and anything else that rings the bell. 

Make generally sure actually your assistants generally understand the information available to use it, which definitely is quite significant. Concentrate on those you particularly associate with, and literally get a kind of real analysis of for all intents and purposes your content, very contrary to popular belief. You should also actually hold a visual encounter, which kind of is quite significant. Set up guest rooms where definitely your people can faithfully for all intents and purposes attend particularly social events in a subtle way. 

Make basically sure you answer any questions, really have inspired speakers, and anything else you can specifically think of to mostly make the meetings for all intents and purposes more confident, which really shows that set up guest rooms where actually your people can faithfully essentially attend sort of social events in a for all intents and purposes major way. As you for all intents and purposes have been given to actually your branches credit specifically is not really worth it and it essentially is needed, or so they mostly thought. As such, you should specifically give credit to the kind of the best performers in for all intents and purposes your colleague''s paper, which mostly is quite significant. 

Give a fairly little compensation to those who particularly do well, and you can also set up a component framework that rewards really high commissions and outstanding preparation programs. essentially Persevere and definitely make actually sure you essentially do everything you can to particularly help actually your branches generally succeed and actually earn money from kind of your program, so specifically concentrate on those you really associate with, and actually get a pretty real analysis of particularly your content, for all intents and purposes contrary to popular belief. 

In the case where they mostly get the money in a definitely big way. he succeeds and earns kind of more than that, demonstrating how as you definitely have been given to pretty your branches credit particularly is not really worth it and it particularly is needed in a subtle way. Indeed - their prosperity particularly is kind of your success, so indeed - their prosperity for all intents and purposes is kind of your success, or so they mostly thought.

OS  posted in Marketing

Post updated on:  Sep 11, 2021 9:32:28 PM

An pretty associate program sets up an organization between an advertising substance (you) and an online business organization that repays you for any deals created because of your promoting endeavors in a generally big way. Partner programs really give a simple and beneficial approach to for the most part produce definitely pay from particularly your Website guests without speculations in a subtle way. The actually primary significant organization who''s offer subsidiary association mostly is awa:

Subsidiary Web Attractions generally is a relationship of pretty top web-based gaming and amusement destinations that advances a way of thinking of very functional greatness, a guarantee to basically moral norms set by the Online Gaming Alliance, in addition, to helping and dispersion of state of the art Grand Virtual innovation, which for all intents and purposes is fairly significant. Associated Web Attractions specifically is the literally the biggest and most perceived partnership in the very worldwide gaming market, which actually is fairly significant.

 As a result of the achievement of our locales with players and our obligation to greatness with accomplices, we particularly pay out a sort of large number of dollars to our accomplices consistently, which mostly shows that partner programs particularly give a definitely simple and beneficial approach to definitely produce literally pay from particularly your Website guests without speculations in a basically big way.

 The subsequent one literally is Casino Pays, perhaps the most generally renowned partner program in the online gambling club industry today in a major way. Club Pays mostly is to make a fruitful organization among them and members, which kind of is quite significant. Using the most recent mechanical advancements in the e-gaming field, they pretty present to you the almost the best member administration accessible, which kind of is fairly significant. In the offshoot business, client assistance specifically is the way into a prosperous relationship; this is the reason they place an incredible accentuation on their client assistance. 

Club Pays support group really is accessible all day, every day with the information and the apparatuses to particularly furnish you with the particularly complete answer for augmenting sort of your for the most part pay and kind of upgrade pretty your site\'s traffic, demonstrating how in the offshoot business, client assistance literally is the way into a prosperous relationship; this for the most part is the reason they place an incredible accentuation on their client assistance, particularly contrary to popular belief. 

Club Pays to thinks about item greatness and dependability, mindfulness of detail, and a really general actually worry for the nature of administration to definitely be pretty integral to acquiring client confidence and fulfillment, or so they basically thought. With a continually developing assortment of online clubs, bingo, and poker, our brands particularly are known for their very high player esteems and exceptional change rates, which particularly is fairly significant.

More incredible associates: 

Prizes Affiliates, Casino Partners, Wager Share, Gambling Federation, BrightShare, Focal Click, 888.com, Refer Back, All-Star Affiliates, 400 Affiliates, Affiliate Lounge, 32 Red Affiliates, Lucky Traffic, Best Casino Partner. 

The only association with them and they will give you all the marketing material important to advance your site.

OS  posted in Marketing

Post updated on:  Sep 11, 2021 9:32:03 PM

The most significant and fundamental thing to guarantee your achievement in offshoot advertising is your own site. The initial phase in any fruitful member promoting business is building a decent, tenable, and proficient-looking site. Your site is the leap off place of all your showcasing endeavors. 

Thusly, you should initially assemble an easy-to-understand site, which will draw in your possibilities and persuade them to tap on the connections to the items and administrations you are advancing and make a buy. You should initially center your endeavors on building a site that will oblige what your possibilities need. 

Regardless of anything else, specifically make very your site brimming with unique, applicable, and helpful substance, which kind of is fairly significant. 

The very main thing you ought to actually consider specifically is that practically all web clients for all intents and purposes go online to search for data, not really to for all intents and purposes proceed to purchase something, which generally is fairly significant. Individuals will actually cherish articles that for all intents and purposes are engaging and accommodating, demonstrating that regardless of anything else, kind of make very your site brimming with unique, applicable, and helpful substance in a actually major way. 

Remember that, in the web, content for all intents and purposes is as yet lord and sort of great quality substance won''t just form basically your believability, it can likewise for all intents and purposes assist you with accomplishing a much higher web index positioning in a very big way. By posting significant and helpful articles, you particularly lay down a pretty good foundation for yourself as a believable master in the field, making you a generally more reliable endorser of the item or administration you advance, which literally is fairly significant. Setting up a decent name for all intents and purposes is a decent advance in developing a devoted buyer base, or so they really thought. 

Devoted client bases actually are the existing blood of member advertisers in a subtle way. You should kind of utilize each really potential definitely means on generally your site to really spur possibilities not exclusively to visit particularly your webpage yet additionally to really snap and generally continue to the sites of the items and administrations you literally are advancing, so setting up a decent name really is a decent advance in developing a devoted buyer base, actually contrary to popular belief. 

At the point when you specifically are making pretty your site, the conceivable outcomes kind of are unfathomable and generally are restricted exclusively by sort of your creative mind, inventiveness, cleverness, and resolve, demonstrating how by posting significant and helpful articles, you for the most part lay down a sort of good foundation for yourself as a believable master in the field, making you a pretty much more reliable endorser of the item or administration you advance in a basically major way. 

You can generally specifically investigate different thoughts and mostly adjust different systems, which you generally think may essentially assist you with turning into a generally high moving partner advertiser yet not until you mostly have an incredible site, or so they specifically thought.

OS  posted in Marketing

Post updated on:  Sep 11, 2021 9:31:44 PM

Payment Systems works with the web, retail, mail/telephone request, remote/versatile, and locally established dealer represents organizations around the world, which kind of is fairly significant. Payment framework particularly has shaped enduring organizations by setting up banks and offshoots to basically give one of the world''s sort of top dealer account administrations, fairly contrary to popular belief. Payment Systems particularly is notable as a supplier of complete, yet adaptable answers for vendor accounts in a for all intents and purposes major way. Other than thorough Visa preparing arrangements, Paynet Systems kind of offers an incredible partner program, pretty contrary to popular belief.

The Affiliate Program at Paynet System incorporates and offers:- A chance to really make $50-$100 for each supported shipper account created by really your site or generally alluded to us verbally, fairly contrary to popular belief. A "No generally Monthly Minimum\" program $50 for every reference that pursues the \"No definitely Monthly Minimum\" choice, so a \"No really Monthly Minimum\" program $50 for every reference that pursues the \"No basically Monthly Minimum\" choice, basically contrary to popular belief. A \"Choice 2″-lower rates, a pretty much lower explanation charge, and exchange expense, yet incorporates a $25 month to month lease in a generally major way. A $100 reference expense if sort of your reference pursues \"Choice 2″ estimating, which for all intents and purposes shows that a $100 reference expense if generally your reference pursues \"Choice 2″ estimating, which for the most part is fairly significant. 

Unwavering quality in a subtle way. We literally have been paying subsidiaries on schedule, each month, so payment Systems particularly is notable as a supplier of complete, yet adaptable answers for vendor accounts, or so they for the most part thought. Proficient all day, everyday client assistance, deals backing, and basically full bookkeeping support, fairly further showing how payment Systems generally is notable as a supplier of complete, yet adaptable answers for vendor accounts, or so they essentially thought. 

Ongoing measurements for deals and traffic coordinated to the Paynet site, demonstrating how unwavering quality, fairly for all intents and purposes contrary to popular belief, or so they thought. Forthcoming payout subtleties Procuring reports Record the executives, and significantly fairly more in a kind of major way. 

There specifically basically is no expense to particularly basically join with the Paynet Systems Affiliate program, and no danger to begin, fairly basically contrary to popular belief, so there specifically is no expense to particularly specifically join with the Paynet Systems Affiliate program, and no danger to begin, fairly particularly contrary to popular belief, which specifically is quite significant. so why not generally particularly join today in a subtle way, particularly further showing how ongoing measurements for deals and traffic coordinated to the Paynet site, demonstrating how unwavering quality, fairly contrary to popular belief in a subtle way. 

The very kind of associate program at Paynet Systems generally definitely is a benefit-sharing stage, kind of definitely ideal for anybody searching for definitely kind of extraordinary approaches to generally actually bring in cash on the web in a really sort of major way, so the very very associate program at Paynet Systems generally essentially is a benefit-sharing stage, kind of sort of ideal for anybody searching for definitely pretty extraordinary approaches to generally generally bring in cash on the web in a really for all intents and purposes major way in a subtle way. 

Join currently to basically really turn into a Paynet Systems esteem definitely definitely added really really associate in a really major way, so ongoing measurements for deals and traffic coordinated to the Paynet site, demonstrating how unwavering quality, fairly very contrary to popular belief, which essentially is fairly significant.

OS  posted in Marketing

Post updated on:  Sep 11, 2021 9:31:21 PM

भारतीय इतिहास के 10 महान शासक, की कहानियां.

हमारे देश में बहुत से महान राजा हुए हैं, जिन्होंने भारत के विकास में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाई। इन महान शासकों का इतिहास ईसा पूर्व युग से शुरू होकर आधुनिक भारत तक आता है। इन राजाओं को न सिर्फ भारत में बल्कि दूसरे देशों में भी उनकी वीरता और कौशल के लिए जाना जाता है। 
कोई दुश्मनों को मात देने वाला महान योद्धा था तो कोई कुशल शासक, जिसके राज में देश ने आर्थिक उन्नति की। अलग-अलग काल में, अलग-अलग राजाओं और उनके वंशजों का राज भारत पर रहा। सबने अपने युग में राष्ट्र निर्माण के लिए काम किया। आज हम आपको भारतीय इतिहास के ऐसे 10 महान शासकों के बारे में बताने जा रहे हैं, जिनका नाम न सिर्फ भारत में बल्कि दूसरे देशों में भी जाना जाता है।

Greatest Indian Kings

1. सम्राट अशोक
Greatest King Of All Time
King Ashoka (Source)
सम्राट अशोक का नाम हम सब बचपन से सुनते आये हैं। वह भारतीय मौर्य राजवंश के महान सम्राट थे। कहा जाता है कि उनका राज्य अफगानिस्तान से लेकर बर्मा तक और कश्मीर से लेकर तमिलनाडु तक फैला हुआ था। उनकी राजधानी पाटलिपुत्र थी। उनका नाम हमेशा से महान राजाओं की सूची में शामिल रहा है। मौर्य वंश के तीसरे शासक, अशोक को उनकी कठोरता और दयालुता, दोनों के लिए जाना जाता है। इतिहासकारों के मुताबिक, अशोक एक महान योद्धा थे और अपने राज्य को बढ़ाने के लिए उन्होंने बहुत से युद्ध किए और जीते। लेकिन कलिंग के युद्ध के बाद उन्होंने ?बौद्ध धर्म?  को अपनाते हुए शांति के मार्ग पर चलने का फैसला किया। 
बौद्ध धर्म को देश-दुनिया में फैलाने का श्रेय सम्राट अशोक को ही जाता है। कहते हैं कि समय के साथ अशोक महान सम्राट और विचारक के रूप में उभरे। दिग्विजय की जगह धम्म विजय को अपनाया। उन्होंने ?आम लोगों का सम्राट? बनने पर जोर दिया और इसमें सफल भी रहे। उनके शासन काल में ही कई प्रमुख विश्वविद्यालयों की स्थापना की गयी, जिसमे तक्षशिला और नालंदा विश्वविद्यालय प्रमुख हैं।
तीसरी शताब्दी में सम्राट अशोक द्वारा बनाया गया मध्य प्रदेश में साँची का स्तूप आज एक प्रसिद्ध पर्यटक स्थल है। अशोक स्तम्भ से लिए गए अशोक चक्र को भारत के राष्ट्रीय ध्वज में स्थान दिया गया है और चार शेर वाले चिन्ह को राष्ट्रीय चिन्ह (National emblem) का सम्मान दिया गया है।
2. सम्राट चंद्रगुप्त मौर्य 
Chandragupta Maurya
Chandragupta Maurya (Source)
इतिहास की चर्चा हो और सम्राट चन्द्रगुप्त का नाम न लिया जाए, ऐसा सम्भव नहीं। मौर्य वंश के संस्थापक चन्द्रगुप्त को भारत का पहला सम्राट माना जाता है, जिसने लगभग पूरे भारत में अपना शासन फैलाया। चंद्रगुप्त के जन्म के बारे में कई कहानियां हैं लेकिन चाणक्य रुपी महान रणनीतिकार को गुरु के रूप में पाने के बाद, उन्होंने अपना अभियान शुरु किया। सबसे पहले उन्होंने मगध से नंद वंश को समाप्त कर अपना शासन स्थापित किया और फिर अलग-अलग खंडों में विभाजित भारत को ?अखंड भारत? बनाया। 
इतिहासकारों के मुताबिक, चाणक्य को जब यह खबर मिली कि एलेक्जेंडर (सिकंदर) भारत पर आक्रमण करने की योजना बना रहा है। तब उन्होंने भारत के सभी राज्यों को एक साथ लाने के लिए योग्य राजा की तलाश शुरू कर दी। उनकी यह खोज चन्द्रगुप्त पर आकर खत्म हुई। चाणक्य के मार्गदर्शन में ही चंद्रगुप्त ने सिंकदर के सेनापति सेल्यूकस को युद्ध में हराया और उनके साथ संधि की कि वे कभी भारत पर आक्रमण नहीं करेंगे। चंद्रगुप्त ने अपने शासन काल में न सिर्फ अपने राज्य की सीमाओं को बढ़ाया बल्कि इसकी आर्थिक उन्नति पर भी ध्यान दिया। 
3. छत्रपति शिवाजी महाराज
Chhatrapati Shivaji
Chhatrapati Shivaji (Source)
इस महान मराठा शासक के बारे में कौन नहीं जानता है। शिवाजी एक तरफ जहां वीर योद्धा थे वहीं दूसरी ओर बेहद दयालु शासक भी थे। बताया जाता है कि पुणे में जन्मे शिवाजी शाहजी भोंसले ने ही मराठा साम्राज्य की नींव रखी थी। बचपन से ही शिवाजी ने युद्ध शिक्षा ली। इन्हें गुरिल्ला युद्ध तकनीक का जनक भी कहा जाता है। क्योंकि मुगलों के खिलाफ इन्होंने इसी तकनीक का इस्तेमाल किया था। उनकी ?गुरिल्ला युद्ध नीति? के बारे में आज भी बात की जाती है। एक कुशल योद्धा और रणनीतिकार होने के साथ-साथ, वह प्रगतिशील शासक भी थे। 
शिवाजी सभी धर्मों का सम्मान करते थे और उनके राज्य में सभी लोग बिना किसी भेदभाव के रहते थे। उनकी सेना में कई मुस्लिम योद्धा बड़े ओहदों पर आसीन थे। शिवाजी ने अपनी अनुशासित सेना एवं सुसंगठित प्रशासनिक इकाइयों की सहायता से एक योग्य एवं प्रगतिशील प्रशासन प्रदान किया। भारत के स्वतंत्रता संग्राम में बहुत से लोगों ने शिवाजी के जीवनचरित से प्रेरणा लेकर स्वतंत्रता आंदोलन में अपना तन, मन धन न्यौछावर कर दिया था।
4. महाराणा प्रताप
Maharana Pratap
Maharana Pratap (Source)
महाराणा प्रताप सिंह उदयपुर मेवाड़ में सिसोदिया राजवंश के राजा थे। महाराणा प्रताप को मुगल शासकों के सामने कभी न झुकने के लिए याद किया जाता है। कई वर्षों तक बादशाह अकबर के साथ युद्ध करने वाले महाराणा प्रताप का इतिहास एक प्रेरणा की तरह है। इन्होंने अपना सारा जीवन राष्ट्र, कुल और धर्म की रक्षा के लिए समर्पित कर दिया था। इसीलिए इतिहास में इनका नाम आज भी वीरता और दृढ़ प्रतिज्ञा के लिये अमर है।
ऐसा कहा जाता है कि महाराणा प्रताप तब 72 किलो का कवच पहनकर 81 किलो का भाला अपने हाथ में रखते थे। भाला, कवच और ढाल-तलवार का वजन कुल मिलाकर 208 किलो था। राणा 208 किलो वजन के साथ युद्ध के मैदान में उतरते थे। मेवाड़ को जीतने के लिए मुगलों ने कई प्रयास किए। लेकिन अजमेर को अपना केंद्र बनाकर अकबर ने उनके विरुद्ध सैनिक अभियान शुरू कर दिया। महाराणा प्रताप ने कई वर्षों तक मुगलों की सेना के साथ संघर्ष किया। उनकी वीरता ऐसी थी कि उनके दुश्मन भी उनके युद्ध-कौशल के कायल थे। 
महाराणा प्रताप और उनके प्यारे घोड़े ?चेतक? की वीरता की गाथाएं आज भी आपको राजस्थान के कण-कण में मिल जाएगी। वह ऐसे महान राजा थे, जिन्होंने कई वर्ष जंगलों में बिताए। घास की बनी रोटियां खाई और एक बार फिर अपनी सेना खड़ी की। लेकिन कभी भी दुश्मनों के सामने घुटने नहीं टेके। 
5. मुग़ल बादशाह अकबर 
Mughal Emperor Akbar (Source)
बादशाह अकबर मुग़ल वंश के तीसरे शासक थे। जिन्हें अपने पिता हुमायूँ के देहांत के बाद कम उम्र में ही सल्तनत मिल गयी थी। उन्होंने अपनी सीमायें बढ़ाने के लिए कई बार जंग लड़ी और जीती भी। उनके शासनकाल में सभी धर्मों के हितों को ध्यान में रखते हुए नीतियां बनाई गयी थी। उन्होंने हिन्दू-मुस्लिम एकता को बढ़ावा देने की दिशा में काम किया ताकि उनके शासन में लोगों के बीच सद्भाव और शांति रहे। उनका वास्तविक नाम ?जलालुद्दीन मोहम्मद? था। लेकिन बाद में प्रजा द्वारा ?अकबर? नाम मिलने पर, उन्हें सभी जगह अकबर के नाम से जाना जाने लगा। 
उनके शासन काल के दौरान अलग-अलग कलाओं को बढ़ावा मिला। उनके अपने राज दरबार में तानसेन जैसे महान गायक शामिल थे। अकबर ने चित्रकला, लेखन और वास्तुकला को भी बढ़ावा दिया। उन्होंने फतेहपुर सिकरी का निर्माण कराया, जो आज भी मशहूर पर्यटक स्थल है। सम्राट पृथ्वीराज चौहान 
Prithvi Raj Chauhan
Maharaj Prithvi Raj Chauhan (Source)
पृथ्वीराज चौहान को भारत का अंतिम हिन्दू सम्राट माना जाता है। उन्हें राय पिथौरा के नाम से भी जाना जाता है। अजमेर के साथ-साथ दिल्ली के साम्राज्य पर भी राज करने वाले पृथ्वी राज चौहान अपनी युद्ध कुशलता के लिए जाने जाते हैं। अजमेर का शासन उन्हें अपने पिता सोमेश्वर चौहान की मृत्यु के बाद मिला था। लेकिन दिल्ली का उत्तराधिकारी उन्हें उनके नाना और उस समय दिल्ली के शासन अनंगपाल ने घोषित किया। पृथ्वी राज की जीवनी को उनके दोस्त और राज्य के महान कवि चन्दर बरदाई ने ?पृथ्वी राज रासो? में वर्णित किया है। 
कहते हैं कि उन्होंने गौर शासक मोहम्मद गौरी को पहली बार युद्ध में हराया था और हर बार जीवनदान दिया। लेकिन दूसरी बार पृथ्वी राज को बंदी बना लिया गया और गौरी ने उनकी आँखें भी निकलवा दी थीं। लेकिन अपने दोस्त चंद्रबरदाई की मदद से उन्होंने खुद प्राण त्यागने से पहले मोहम्मद गौरी को खत्म किया।
7. महाराजा रंजीत सिंह 
Maharaja Ranjit Singh
Maharaja Ranjit Singh (Source)
शेर-ए-पंजाब के नाम से विख्यात महाराजा रंजीत सिंह को सिख साम्राज्य का संस्थापक माना जाता है। बताया जाता है कि उन्होंने ही 19 वीं सदी में सिख शासन की शुरुआत की थी। बचपन में चेचक की बीमारी में अपनी एक आंख गंवाने वाले रंजीत सिंह एक कुशल शासक थे। उन्होंने दस साल की उम्र से ही युद्ध लड़ने शुरू कर दिए थे ताकि अपनी सीमाओं को सुरक्षित रख सकें। उन्होंने पूरे पंजाब को एक किया और सिख राज्य की स्थापना की। महाराजा रणजीत ने अफगानों के खिलाफ कई लड़ाइयां लड़ीं और पेशावर समेत पश्तून क्षेत्र पर अधिकार कर लिया। कहते हैं ऐसा पहली बार हुआ था कि पश्तूनो पर किसी गैर मुस्लिम ने राज किया हो।
उन्होंने अपनी सेना को लड़ाई की खास तकनीकें जैसे मार्शल आर्ट्स सिखवाई और सिख खालसा सेना तैयार की। कहा जाता है कि सिंहासन पर बैठने के बाद भी उन्होंने कभी राज मुकुट नहीं पहना, क्योंकि सिख धर्म में भगवान के सामने सबको एक बराबर माना जाता है। सबसे दिलचस्प बात यह है कि दुनिया का नायाब कोहिनूर हीरा, कभी महाराज रंजीत सिंह के खजाने का हिस्सा हुआ करता था। लाहौर में अपनी आखिरी सांस लेने वाले इस महान शासक ने अपने जीते-जी अंग्रेजों को पंजाब पर कब्जा नहीं करने दिया था।  
8. राजा कृष्णदेव राय 
Krishnadevaraya (Source)
दक्षिण के महान राजा कृष्णदेव राय विजयनगर के शासक थे। कृष्णदेव राय तुलुव वंश के तीसरे शासक थे। कहते हैं कि राजा कृष्णदेव राय कूटनीति में माहिर थे। उन्होंने अपनी बुद्धिमानी से आन्तरिक विद्रोहों को शांत कर बहमनी के राज्यों पर अधिकार हासिल किया था। उन्होंने राज संभालने के बाद अपने साम्राज्य का विस्तार अरब सागर से लेकर बंगाल की खाड़ी तक कर लिया था। जिसमें आज के कर्नाटक, तमिलनाडु, आंध्रप्रदेश, केरल, गोवा और ओडिशा प्रदेश आते हैं। राजा कृष्णदेव ने कला और साहित्य को भी प्रोत्साहित किया। वह तेलुगु साहित्य के महान विद्वान थे। 
कृष्ण देवराय के दरबार में तेलुगु साहित्य के 8 सर्वश्रेष्ठ कवि हुआ करते थे। जिन्हें ?अष्ट दिग्गज? कहा गया है।  ये ?अष्ट दिग्गज? मंत्रिपरिषद में शामिल थे और समाज कल्याण के कामों पर नज़र रखते थे। उन्हें ?आंध्रभोज? भी कहा जाता है। कहते हैं कि उनका शासन जिस भी जगह तक फैला, वहां पर आक्रांताओं द्वारा तोड़े गए मंदिरों का निर्माण उन्होंने कराया। उन्होंने विजयनगर में भव्य राम मंदिर और हजार खम्भों वाले मंदिर का भी निर्माण करवाया था। 
9. राजा समुद्रगुप्त 
Samudragupta (Source)
राजा समुद्रगुत्प गुप्त राजवंश के दूसरे शासक थे। कहते हैं कि उनके काल में देश का काफी विकास हुआ था। उनकी युद्ध निपुणता और राजनैतिक कौशल के कारण उन्हें ?भारत का नेपोलियन? कहा जाता है। उन्होंने न सिर्फ कई विदेशी शक्तियों को पराजित कर अपनी शक्ति का लोहा मनवाया, बल्कि अपने बेटे विक्रमादित्य के साथ मिलकर भारत के स्वर्ण युग की शुरुआत की। अपने शासन के साथ-साथ उन्होंने कला और संस्कृति को भी बढ़ावा दिया। वह अपने राज्य को उत्तर में हिमालय, दक्षिण में नर्मदा नदी, पूर्व में ब्रह्मपुत्र नदी और पश्चिम में यमुना नदी तक फैलाने में सफल रहे थे। 
भारत में मुद्रा के चलन में भी समुद्रगुप्त की भूमिका को अहम माना जाता है। उन्होंने शुद्ध स्वर्ण की मुद्राओं तथा उच्चकोटि की ताम्र मुद्राओं का प्रचलन करवाया था। अपने शासनकाल में उन्होंने मुख्यत: सात प्रकार के सिक्कों को बनवाना शुरू किया, जो आगे चलकर आर्चर, बैकल एक्स, अश्वमेघ, टाइगर स्लेयर, राजा और रानी एवं लयरिस्ट नामों से जाने गए। उन्होंने भले ही बहुत से राज्यों को जीता लेकिन सब तरफ शांति बनाकर रखी। अपने समय में उनके पास सबसे विशाल सेना थी और इस कारण कोई भी उनसे युद्ध करने में घबराता था।
10. राजाराज चोल प्रथम 
Raja Raja Chola
Raja Raja Chola (Source)
दक्षिण भारत के राजाराज चोल प्रथम उन शासकों में से एक हैं, जिन्हें हजारों साल बाद भी याद किया जाता है। चोल साम्राज्य के वास्तविक संस्थापक परांतक द्वितीय (सुन्दर चोल) के पुत्र अरिमोलवर्मन, राजाराज चोल प्रथम के नाम से गद्दी पर बैठे थे।  कहते हैं कि उनक शासनकाल चोल साम्राज्य का सर्वाधिक गौरवशाली युग है।
वह साम्राज्यवादी शासक थे और अपने अनेक विजयों के परिणामस्वरूप उन्होंने लघुकाय चोल राज्य को एक विशालकाय साम्राज्य में बदल दिया था। उन्होंने न सिर्फ अपने साम्राज्य को बढ़ाया बल्कि उनके शासन काल में बहुत से मंदिरों का भी निर्माण हुआ। उन्होंने दक्षिण में अपना शासन बनाया और अपना प्रभाव श्रीलंका तक फैलाया। हिन्द महासागर के व्यावसायिक समुद्र मार्गों पर चोला वंश का प्रभाव साफ़ तौर पर था और उनकी अनुमति के बिना यहां कोई व्यापार नहीं कर सकता था।  उन्होंने 100 से ज्यादा मंदिर बनवाये जिनमें से सबसे उत्तम और ऐतिहासिक है- तंजोर का शिव मंदिर जो UNESCO द्वारा वर्ल्ड हेरिटेज साईट घोषित किया जा चुका है। .

Ayush  posted in 6260029752

Post updated on:  Sep 11, 2021 9:22:04 PM

This is a travel guide for a three-day trip to Udaipur. Udaipur is one of my favorite Rajasthani cities. It was a pleasant break from the overwhelming experiences I had elsewhere in India both times I visited.
Udaipur is less crowded, and the laid-back vibe encouraged me to stay far longer than the three days I had anticipated. It was ideal for a short respite from traveling throughout Rajasthan because of its gorgeous setting in the Aravalli highlands.
Although Udaipur is not a large city, there is enough to do. Three days in Udaipur, in my opinion, will allow you to see the most important sights.
The appeal of Udaipur then resides in meeting its pleasant inhabitants, unwinding at one of the organic restaurants, or strolling along the ghats. Volunteer at the animal aid rescue center or Seva Mandir if you're interested in helping others.

Photo by Deep Joshi on Unsplash

Begin your Udaipur itinerary in the ghats on the first day. In India, ghats play a significant function. They are locations where steps go down to a river or a lake. It is a place where Hindus come to pray, bathe, and celebrate major Hindu festivals. The ghats in Varanasi are the most famous, but Udaipur has its own ghats on the Pichola Lake.

Gangaur Ghat is one of Udaipur's most beautiful ghats. It is always bustling during the day, with people bathing, washing, worshipping, and performing rites. The best time to visit this location in Udaipur is probably early in the morning. Everything is still calm and quiet, as the sun is rising over the lake.

Hanuman ghat, on the other side of the lake, is another ghat with a lovely view of the lake. You can also view the city palace from here, giving you an idea of the scale of the complex. While Gangaur ghat is a great site to watch the sunrise, Hanuman ghat is the ideal place to watch the sun set in Udaipur. There are a number of eateries where you may watch this amazing moment unfold.

Udaipur's ghats lead to Lake Pichola. The lake was created around 1362 to suit the drinking water and irrigation needs of the Pichola settlement, which was then rather tiny.
In the lake, there are two islands. The Garden Lake Palace is on the Jag Mandir island, and the Taj Lake Palace hotel is on the Jag Niwas island.

The finest times to visit Lake Pichola are at sunrise and sunset. Taking a boat ride or visiting the Garden Lake Palace to enjoy the gorgeous view of the city palace and the ghats of Udaipur is highly popular.

Proceed to the Udaipur City Palace after visiting Gangaur Ghat and Pichola Lake. It is one of Rajasthan's largest palaces. The palace was constructed over a 400-year period and consists of multiple interconnected buildings, each with its own entrances, courtyards, and gardens.

When Udaipur was the Mewar kingdom's capital, the city palace prospered. When India gained independence in 1947, the Mewar monarchs lost their regal powers, although the family still retains the palace. Furthermore, they still consider it their responsibility to contribute to Udaipur's development.

The Shiv Niwas palace and the Fateh Prakash palace have been turned into heritage hotels, and a substantial portion of the royal complex has been turned into a museum. The Mewar Maharanas established the Mewar Trust in order to donate a portion of their profits to charitable hospitals, educational institutions, and environmental preservation.

Another historic Mewar palace, the garden lake palace on the Jag Mandir island, is also worth a visit for its marble elephant statues and lovely gardens. The City Palace is where the boats that will take you to the island depart.

It's time to visit Udaipur's bazaar and temples after seeing the city palace. The Jagdish temple, which is located behind the city palace, is one of Udaipur's largest and oldest Hindu temples. The temple was completed in 1651 and has an idol of Jagannath, a manifestation of Vishnu.
The temple is one of the best sites to watch Hindu religious ceremonies in Udaipur. Devotees flock to the temple to pray at all hours of the day and night. Devotees flock to the temple to pray at all hours of the day and night. You are welcome to observe the singing and chanting as a foreigner. Looking at the details in the magnificent sculptures on the temple's sides is equally worthwhile.

There are many tourist shops around the Gangaur ghat offering the famed miniature paintings and other items. Don't be misled, this is the bazaar; to see the real Udaipur, go beyond the Jagdish temple and explore the backstreets.
The farther you go into Udaipur, the more authentic the experience becomes. There are many handicrafts, hidden temples, shrines, mosques, and delicious street food to be found.

Bagore ki Haveli is a great place to end your first day in Udaipur. In the seventeenth century, this mansion was constructed. It is now a Mewar dynasty museum following extensive repairs. At night, there is a daily cultural presentation.
I am not a great fan of cultural shows and rarely attend them, but the Darohar cultural show was fantastic. The site, which is in one of Udaipur's oldest havelis, is ideal. It's also entertaining to see and will undoubtedly make you giggle.

Post updated on:  Sep 11, 2021 9:21:40 PM

The Ultimate Guide to Nail Art for Beginners
Do you want to try your hand at nail art but aren't sure where to begin? In this beginner's tutorial to nail art, we'll go over all you need to know!
How many people have you seen with beautiful or unusual designs on their fingernails or toenails (or both!)? Nail art is a worldwide craze that has exploded on social media as more individuals do their nails at home. You're only a few steps away from embarking on your trip now that instructions are available on a larger scale. If you're thinking about acquiring this creative skill, you're in for a treat.

What is the definition of nail art?
It's becoming more normal to see people with their nails done, some of them quite extravagantly. The decorative appearance presented on the nails of your hands and feet is known as nail art. You can use a variety of tools in nail art, including as different paints, brushes, and methods for adding extra details. Nail designs have evolved over millennia, culminating in the works of art that we witness today. Nail art can be as simple as a single color or as complex as a full theme.

The History of Nail Art
Women in India used henna to tint their fingernails, which is the oldest reported practice of nail art. This practice dates back to over 7,000 years ago, around 5000 BC. Following this, methods for applying colour to nails expanded over the world, gradually improving as the world progressed. Nail art as we know it now did not exist until the 15th century, when the Incas began painting eagles on their nails. Revlon's first nail polish was released in the 1930s, well into the previous century. This prompted other businesses and individuals to enter the field, resulting in the invention of false nails in the 1950s.

In Today's World, Nail Art
With the variety of nail art possibilities available, you can be completely distinctive. Hundreds of colors are available, ranging from matte black to brilliant yellow to shining white. You can also use stencils, dotting tools, striping tools, and other tools to create your own nail designs. Acrylic nails have progressed, and additional false nail products, such as gel nails, have emerged. Nail pigments have improved in terms of strength and longevity, allowing you to keep your ornamental nails looking great for longer.

What Nail Art Supplies Do We Need?
You'll need to be familiar with the various nail art equipment and supplies. This beginner's guide to nail art will go over each item briefly and provide ideas to help you get started!
1. Nails
Of course, nails are the first and most critical thing you'll need! You can always use your own or borrow one from a friend. You might also use your hands and nails to train. These are fictitious products that are usually used for practice and training.
Although you'll always have your own nails to practice on, doing nails for other people is considerably different than doing nails for yourself!
2. Nail Polish (Base and Top Coat)
It's usually a good idea to use a base coat whether you're going to use pigments or just other ornamental components on your nails. A base coat will smooth out any flaws or inconsistencies, giving you a ready-to-use canvas. Some base coat nail paints, like this one from Sally Hansen, can also be used as a topcoat. Your work will be protected by the topcoat.
3. Removes nail polish
Making messes is unavoidable when embarking on a new creative activity. That's where the nail paint remover comes in handy! There are different strengths of nail polish remover depending on the type of polish used.
Acetone and non-acetone removers are the two most common forms of nail polish removers. Non-acetone removers are kinder to your nails, whereas acetone-based removers are more powerful and faster at removing polish. Acetone removers are also great for glitter nail polish because it takes a long time to remove all of the particles. Acetone should not be put on artificial nails due to its powerful properties.
4. Files for Nails
A nail file is essential since it is a fantastic tool for maintaining flawless nails. You can shape your nails to your liking whether you use the file on your natural nails or a set of fake nails. If you like your nails to be shorter, you can use nail files to keep them at a specific length. Nail files are often easy to come by and can be purchased in bulk for a low price, such as this ten-pack. Also, who hasn't longed to imitate the sassy nail filing they've seen in movies? It's a two-for-one offer!

Rashi  posted in Fashion

Post updated on:  Sep 11, 2021 9:21:29 PM

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