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five best ways to get rid of Mental health issues

Blog by Riya Paul connectclue-author-image

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Are you always worried? Here are five best ways to get rid of Mental health issues 

As our whole India is fighting against coronavirus today, because  more people are fighting with other waves now but this time, it is the stress or sadness of being at home and the uncertainty of the future, many are unable to meet their loved ones.  There is a lot of stress in the middle so with that in mind, today we have tried to cover this whole issue in our article, read below to know more about this topic.

1.Black Coffee

One study found that drinking black coffee can help us improve our mood.  However, you must note that excessive consumption of black coffee can be a source of frustration for you and it can also cause dehydration.  On this day you are advised to drink only 4 cups of black coffee and the rule is for each cup of black coffee one must drink 2 glasses of water.

2.Eat more vegetable and fruits

Eating vegetables and fruits helps a lot in the development of new cells in our brain.  It enhances a compound in our body called BDNF (neurotrophic factor derived from the brain), as it is a compound that contributes to the availability of happy hormones.  Eating apples, berries, onions, green vegetables, walnuts, chia seeds, tomatoes can help us to improve our mood.Eating vegetables and fruits helps a lot in the development of new cells in our brain.  It enhances a compound in our body called BDNF (neurotrophic factor derived from the brain), as it is a compound that contributes to the availability of happy hormones.  Eating apples, berries, onions, green vegetables, walnuts, chia seeds, tomatoes can help us to improve our mood.

3.Increase your happy hormone

We can improve our mood even more by raising our happy hormones.  To improve our mood we first need foods that are rich in both serotonin and tryptophan.  Studies show that healthy sugar-free serotonin can't cross our blood-brain barrier.  although tryptophan is essential for the production of the hormone serotonin carbohydrates are important for the transport of serotonin to the brain. pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, bananas, brown rice, buck-wheat, quinoa, dark chocolate, spinach help to improve our mood.  a simple milkshake made with milk, pumpkin seeds, banana and chocolate powder can improve our mood.  Horseradish Nerve Tonic ic This is an adaptogenic herb and add 1 teaspoon of horseradish powder to your drink to improve your mood.

4.Drink green tea

If you want to improve your mood, make a soup with your masala chaati green tea.  because green tea, white tea and black tea contain a good compound called catechin which helps us to improve our mood.  In addition, the green has weight loss and high cholesterol reduction as well as many other mental health benefits that make us feel depressed which can usually happen in our body if we eat too much.

5.Good Herbs

There are some herbs in our kitchen that usually help us to improve our mood.  Our Indian spices like cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg are at the top of the chart.  If you add a pinch of nutmeg to your milk and drink this milk before bed it helps to relax and it also helps to relieve stress.  Other spices like cloves, cinnamon, saffron can be used in making food also saffron has shown benefits in reducing anxiety.


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