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Coconut oil Benefits for hair growth

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Benefits of Coconut oil for hair growth

You can mix it properly and put it in your hair for 30 minutes then you can wash your hair using a good shampoo and then you can see the results for yourself.

Coconut oil can bring a number of benefits to our hair and scalp in general.  It can help moisturize and seal the hair used as a hair mask and lay-in treatment.  It can help prevent a dry, flaccid scalp and scalp as well as split ends and hair breakage..  It can help prevent a dry, flaccid scalp and scalp as well as split ends and hair breakage.

For these reasons, coconut oil makes your hair look much lighter, stronger and much longer.  However, no evidence has been found so far that coconut oil can make your hair thicker and longer quickly।
Coconut oil is usually a fatty oil made from raw or dried coconut with room temperature it feels a bit stiff, like white butter and when heated it usually melts.

  This natural oil is traditionally used as food, for cooking and as a hair and beauty treatment.

  There are many treatment studies for the health benefits of coconut oil for your body, hair and skin.  Now there are many people who usually use coconut oil on their hair and scalp because they believe that it helps their hair to grow faster. today we have discussed this topic in detail in our article read below to know more about this topic..

Coconut oil good benefits for hair

There is no good research on whether coconut oil can make your hair grow faster.  However, coconut oil can improve the health of your hair and scalp, and it allows hair to grow faster.

1. Fighting fungal infections

Healthy hair starts from the roots.  keeping your scalp healthy can make your hair look better.

  A recent research study found that  coconut oil benefit helps to get rid of some types of fungal infections.

  Coconut oil can cure or prevent dandruff and other fungi on the scalp.  More research is needed to find out if coconut oil has similar health benefits to the skin and scalp।

2. Treat your split ends

In the midst of a trusted source a few years ago it was found that coconut oil absorbs better into the hair strands than mineral oil and other types of oils.  At the same time it helps a lot to prevent hair breakage and split ends.

  Also, you may need less trimming when you use coconut oil on your hair regularly.  It may seem like your hair is growing longer faster.

  Another review on the use of coconut oil in india found that this coconut oil usually helps to reduce the loss of protein in the hair and it greatly prevents dry brittleness or hair breakage.  researchers have noticed that in india coconut oil is used as a hair mask before showers and as a holiday conditioner after showers।

3.  Avoid excess heat loss

Applying a small amount of virgin coconut oil on wet hair before using heat styling in your hair can protect your hair a lot from water and heat loss also it and it can very benefit for your hair.

  Swelling of our hair from excess water often causes hygral fatigue.  Too much swelling can damage the hair or break it fast and it can dry out and weaken your hair over the time।

4. Drawbacks

Like other oils  also coconut oil can  make your hair and skin feel sticky.  However, it can clog pores on the skin and scalp a lot.  This can cause irritation in your acne or other skin.

  That's why you usually avoid using too much coconut oil in your hair and your scalp.  If you prefer to use a deep conditioner mask make sure you wash your hair well with coconut oil.

  You can use coconut oil in your hair as a holiday treat coconut oil can also make your hair and skin feel sticky.  However, it can clog pores on the skin and scalp a lot this can cause irritation in your acne or other skin.

  That's why you usually avoid using too much coconut oil in your hair and scalp.  If you prefer to use a deep conditioner mask, make sure you wash your hair well with coconut oil.

  You can use coconut oil in your hair as a holiday treat.

How to use it

Coconut oil is usually used directly on the scalp itself or you can combine it with other ingredients to create a mask for hair and scalp treatment.  You will need this

1. put a little amount of coconut oil in a bowl.

2. Heat the coconut oil in  microwave for about 50 seconds or 1minitue.

3.check that coconut oil is soft but not completely  liquid.

4. Check the temperature of the coconut oil carefully at the same time keep in mind that it is not too hot

5.Put your hair in a bun and tie it with a towel.

6.Leave it for 30min. or one night.

7.Then wash your hair well with shampoo the next morning।

Coconut oil hairmask


*Alovera gel
*One whole egg or egg white
*1tespon avocado oil
*1 tespon olive oil
*1 tespon argan oil

You can mix it properly and put it in your hair for 30 minutes then you can wash your hair using a good shampoo and then you can see the results for yourself.

Coconut oil can bring a number of benefits to our hair and scalp in general.  It can help moisturize and seal the hair used as a hair mask and lay-in treatment.  It can help prevent a dry, flaccid scalp and scalp as well as split ends and hair breakage.

For these reasons, coconut oil makes your hair look much lighter, stronger and much longer.  However, no evidence has been found so far that coconut oil can make your hair thicker and longer quickly.


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