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Alovera benefits for hair growth

Blog by Riya Paul connectclue-author-image

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You may often use aloe Vera to relieve sunburn, but did you know that it can also be beneficial for your hair read below  to more

How aloe Vera can help your hair grow faster

The aloe Vera plant has been used on earth for thousands of years now, and it dates back to 1760 BC.  More than 450 species of aloe Vera have been found so far.  It is also a succulent type of plant that grows in arid and hot climates all over the world.

  It is usually very useful for many skin problems such as acne, acne and burns.  Aloe vera is commonly eaten as food and drinking water and it can be generally beneficial for inflammatory bowel diseases such as diabetes, hepatitis and many other ailments. 

   But there have been scientific studies on the effects of aloe Vera on hair.  Many studies have now been conducted on its benefits in general.  There may also be a reason that it may have many features and active ingredients. This whole issue is discussed in detail below..

Strengthens hair

Aloe Vera usually contains many types of active minerals that help you to make your hair much stronger.  It usually contains fatty acids and amino acids which are usually rich in vitamins A, B12, C and E.  These usually play an important role in keeping healthy hair follicles well.

Controls greasy hair

Aloe Vera usually contains a good enzyme that can break down fats and remove excess oil from your hair.

Helps in itching of the scalp

Seborrheic dermatitis is an inflammatory skin condition that usually affects your scalp a lot.  It usually helps to get rid of dandruff, red skin and rough spots on the scalp.  Researchers have shown that aloe Vera helps a lot in relieving wounds and itching.

Protection from UV damage

One study has shown that if you consume fresh aloe Vera juice, it will usually give you a lot of protection from the harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun.  Usually UV exposure can cause the hair to lose shine and color in your hair, which can make your itch very rough and weak, which can lead to hair breakage.  The amount of hair protection from UV light usually depends on the type of hair.

Hair growth

Many people say that aloe Vera plants helps you for new hair growth a lot, but so far no scientific evidence has been found.  However, researchers believe that the plant contains a common chemical compound called alloinin, which is a primary cause of hair growth, often known as alopecia.  It is commonly used to improve hair health and reduce the amount of breakage which makes a tremendous contribution to hair growths. Many people say that aloe vera plants helps you for new hair growth a lot, but so far no scientific evidence has been found.  However, researchers believe that the plant contains a common chemical compound called alloinin, which is a primary cause of hair growth, often known as alopecia.  It is commonly used to improve hair health and reduce the amount of breakage which makes a tremendous contribution to hair growth.

Risks of Aloe Vera

In general, if you use aloe Vera in the skin, it may be a bit risky for you.  Some people may be allergic to it and may have skin rashes.  First you can be sure by rubbing a small amount inside the wrist. Then wait about 4 hours to see if there is any reaction in your skin.

   If you always use chemical steroid creams like hydrocortisone, you should be careful about the use of aloe Vera first.  This can greatly increase the amount of cortisone you absorb through the skin.


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