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Anuska  posted in Poetry

You may often use aloe Vera to relieve sunburn, but did you know that it can also be beneficial for your hair read below  to more

How aloe Vera can help your hair grow faster

The aloe Vera plant has been used on earth for thousands of years now, and it dates back to 1760 BC.  More than 450 species of aloe Vera have been found so far.  It is also a succulent type of plant that grows in arid and hot climates all over the world.

  It is usually very useful for many skin problems such as acne, acne and burns.  Aloe vera is commonly eaten as food and drinking water and it can be generally beneficial for inflammatory bowel diseases such as diabetes, hepatitis and many other ailments. 

   But there have been scientific studies on the effects of aloe Vera on hair.  Many studies have now been conducted on its benefits in general.  There may also be a reason that it may have many features and active ingredients. This whole issue is discussed in detail below..

Strengthens hair

Aloe Vera usually contains many types of active minerals that help you to make your hair much stronger.  It usually contains fatty acids and amino acids which are usually rich in vitamins A, B12, C and E.  These usually play an important role in keeping healthy hair follicles well.

Controls greasy hair

Aloe Vera usually contains a good enzyme that can break down fats and remove excess oil from your hair.

Helps in itching of the scalp

Seborrheic dermatitis is an inflammatory skin condition that usually affects your scalp a lot.  It usually helps to get rid of dandruff, red skin and rough spots on the scalp.  Researchers have shown that aloe Vera helps a lot in relieving wounds and itching.

Protection from UV damage

One study has shown that if you consume fresh aloe Vera juice, it will usually give you a lot of protection from the harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun.  Usually UV exposure can cause the hair to lose shine and color in your hair, which can make your itch very rough and weak, which can lead to hair breakage.  The amount of hair protection from UV light usually depends on the type of hair.

Hair growth

Many people say that aloe Vera plants helps you for new hair growth a lot, but so far no scientific evidence has been found.  However, researchers believe that the plant contains a common chemical compound called alloinin, which is a primary cause of hair growth, often known as alopecia.  It is commonly used to improve hair health and reduce the amount of breakage which makes a tremendous contribution to hair growths. Many people say that aloe vera plants helps you for new hair growth a lot, but so far no scientific evidence has been found.  However, researchers believe that the plant contains a common chemical compound called alloinin, which is a primary cause of hair growth, often known as alopecia.  It is commonly used to improve hair health and reduce the amount of breakage which makes a tremendous contribution to hair growth.

Risks of Aloe Vera

In general, if you use aloe Vera in the skin, it may be a bit risky for you.  Some people may be allergic to it and may have skin rashes.  First you can be sure by rubbing a small amount inside the wrist. Then wait about 4 hours to see if there is any reaction in your skin.

   If you always use chemical steroid creams like hydrocortisone, you should be careful about the use of aloe Vera first.  This can greatly increase the amount of cortisone you absorb through the skin.

Riya  posted in Health

Post updated on:  Sep 21, 2021 7:09:53 AM

योग और प्राणायाम हमारे लिए बहुत फायदेमंद है। इसे करने से शरिर को ऊर्जा मिलती है। इन दोनो का नियामित अभ्यास हमारे शरिर की सुधारता है। आज हम आपको शीतली प्राणायाम के नंगे मैं बता रहे हैं। ठंडी के मौसम ने दस्तक दी है। इन दिनों याद आप शीतली प्राणायाम का अभ्यास करते हैं तो आपको बहुत ज्यादा मिलता है। दरहसाल ये ऐसा आसन है जिसे याद गरमी के दिनो मैं किया जाए तो उसे शरिर को थंडक मिल्टी है और वही यादी ठंडा के दिनो मैं किया जाए तो शरिर को गरमहट मिलती है। ये प्राणायाम तनव को दूर कर मानसिक शांति प्रदान करता है। जिन लोगो को बार बार सर दर्द होने की शिकायत है उन्हे तो इस्का अभ्यास जरूर करना चाहिए। इसी विधि और लाभ जाने के लिए आए देखते हैं शीतली प्राणायाम

शीतली प्राणायाम जाने इसे करने की विधि और लाभ

शीतली प्राणायाम चरण: इसे कैसे करें?
शीतली प्राणायाम एक तराह की ब्रीदिंग एक्सरसाइज है। इसे करने के लिए सबसे पहले तो एक हवादार और समतल जग का चुनाव करे। अब इस जगह पर आप दारी या छताई बेचकर बैठे जाए। इस आसन को करने के लिए आप सुखासन की मुद्रा मैं बैठा सकते हैं। अब इस मुद्रा मैं बैठने के बाद अपनी जीवन को बहार की और निकल ले। जीवन को बहार निकलने के बाद आपको उससे एक नाली के समान बनाना है। याद आपको नहीं समझ आ रहा है तो आप दिए गए चित्र को देख कर अनुमन लगा सकते हैं।

अब अपनी जीभ जिसे आपने नाली के समान बनाया हुआ है इसकी मदद से आप गहरी सांस ले। आपको इतनी गहरी सांस लेना है की आपका पेट वायु से भर जाए। इस्के पश्च अपनी जीवन को आप और कर ले तथा मुह को भी बंद कर दे।

अब आपको अपना बगीचा को आगे की और झुकना है और अपने जबड़े के अलगे को छती तक ले जाना है। इस्के खराब अपनी स्वैस को कुछ सेकंड के लिए रोक ले।

अब अपनी बगीचा को छट्टी से दूर करे, फिर बगीचा सीधी कर ले। इस्के खराब नाक से स्वस को बहार की और कर दे। जब आप सांस लेते हैं उसमें आपको जिन्ना समय लगा, उससे ज्यादा समय लगे हुए सांसों को बहार निकले। इस आसन का अभ्यास आप अपनी ख़ासता के अनुभव ही करे। इसे आप 9-49 बार तक कर सकते हैं।

शीतली प्राणायाम के लाभ: इसे मिलने वाले फायदे
ये आपके शरीर से गरमी को दूर करता है, इसलिय इसे खासर गरमी के दिनों में मैं किया जाता है।
ये आपके भुख को काम करता है, इसलिय वजन को काम करने के लिए भी ये बहुत ऊपर योगी है।
जिन लोगो को पचन से संबंध समस्‍या है उन्‍हें इस आसन का अभ्‍यास जरूर करना चाहिए।
याद किसी व्यक्ति को पेट माई अलसर या फिर एसिडिटी जैसी समस्या है तो वो भी इस आसन को करके लाभ पा सकते हैं।
इस्का अभ्यास रक्तचाप को काम करता है। इस्लीए हृदय रोग मैं यह बहुत ऊपर योगी है।
ये प्राणायाम हर मौसम मैं फायदेमंद है, याद इसे गरमी मैं किया जाए तो ये ठंडा देता है वही इसे यादी सरदी मैं किया जाए तो ये शरिर को गरमहट देता है।
याद आप को अनिद्र याने की नंद ना आना जैसी समस्या है तो इसे जरूर करें। इसे करने से आपको रात के समय अच्छी निंद आती है।
शीतली प्राणायाम को करने से रक्त साफ होता है। इसलिये जो लोग इसे नियम करते हैं उनकी सुंदरता बढ़ती है।
जिन लोगो को बार गुसा आता है उन्हे इस्स प्राणायाम का अभ्यास जरूर करना चाहिए। इस्से उन्हे लाभ जरूर मिला है।

शीतली प्राणायाम सावधानियां - इसमे सावधानिया
जिन लोगो का रक्तचाप कम हो उनको इस्का अभ्यास नहीं करना चाहिए।
थंड के दिनो मैं इस्का अभ्यास बहुत कम करे, और याद सरदी जुखम हो तो बिलकुल भी ना करे।
[पर आपने जाना शीतली प्राणायाम। इसे करके आप का तार के लाभ प्रप्त कर सकते हैं। लेकिन याद इसे करने पर आपको किसी तरह की कहानी हो रही है तो चिकित्सा से पहले संपर्क करे। इस्का अभ्यास पुरा होने के खराब विश्राम जरूर करे।]

Raunak  posted in Yoga

Post updated on:  Sep 21, 2021 7:08:14 AM

Member advertising benefits both the online business and the partner, which definitely is quite significant. With kind of associate promoting, an online business will definitely have an expansion in rush hour gridlock on the site, and, thus, really create sort of more deals in a sort of major way. With fairly associate promoting, a partner can for all intents and purposes bring in cash just by alluding guests to the site of the online business in a definitely big way. Every customer visit specifically is changed over to a concurred sum for the partner in a really big way. Be that as it may, does this basically happen regularly in a really big way. 

A few offshoots who basically have been associated with partner promoting may answer that the change of visits to cash doesn''t basically occur regularly enough, which definitely is fairly significant. 

Are there an excessive number of offshoots as of now, which particularly is fairly significant. Obviously not, fairly further showing how with kind of associate promoting, an online business will generally have an expansion in rush hour gridlock on the site, and, thus, literally create pretty much more deals. The internet basically has a boundless stockpile of customers and their numbers for the most part are becoming each second, which mostly shows that with pretty associate promoting, an online business will specifically have an expansion in rush hour gridlock on the site, and, thus, mostly create much more deals in a subtle way.

There would particularly never particularly be an excessive number of offshoots, actually further showing how the internet kind of has a boundless stockpile of customers and their numbers definitely are becoming each second, which kind of shows that with for all intents and purposes associate promoting, an online business will mostly have an expansion in rush hour gridlock on the site, and, thus, specifically create pretty much more deals in a sort of big way. Be that as it may, there essentially are strategies in which one member can generally bring in pretty much more cash than his partners in a actually major way.

These techniques have been demonstrated on numerous occasions by member showcasing specialists. Subsequently, an offshoot should plan to do these ideas so his pay will incredibly increment. 

1. Study Search Engine Optimization 

The objective customers of members are those that get inside the internet and surf the Internet to discover data and items. These objective customers can without much of a stretch do the surfing and the looking by utilizing Search Engines. In this manner, the partner's site should discover its direction on the principal results page of a Search Engine. 

The work now of the subsidiary is to discover how to have his site recorded and positioned high via Search Engines and Directories. This is the reason the member should examine site improvement. 

2. Have Good Content 

Subsidiary promoting isn't just about selling items or administrations. It is likewise giving helpful data to the objective customers. Consequently, the associate should ensure that the articles found on his site ought to be data-loaded. 

In the event that the objective customers discover the site valuable, they will get back to the associate's site over and over, until they are persuaded enough to continue to the site of the online business. However, on the off chance that the customer discovers the subsidiary's site is all blaze and no substance, they will quickly discover another and better site. 

3. Advance More Than One Product 

A customer likes to kind of be given decisions, which really is fairly significant. Consequently, the association ought to mostly react to this need of customers, so a customer specifically likes to for all intents and purposes be given decisions, which kind of is fairly significant. The site of the subsidiary ought to offer alternatives to the customer in a pretty major way. Every choice will kind of be portrayed as far as benefits and impediments, showing how a customer literally likes to essentially be given decisions, generally contrary to popular belief. At the point when alternatives for the most part are given, persuading the customer to particularly belittle a really specific item or administration becomes simpler, for all intents and purposes contrary to popular belief.

4. Part with Free Products 

The insightful offshoot should assemble faithfulness from customers by offering gifts. Such gifts may just be data that can be downloaded by the customers. 

With all the above ideas being kept in the brain by the associate, his business of advertising will give him more noteworthy returns.

OS  posted in Marketing

Post updated on:  Sep 21, 2021 7:07:04 AM

Mocktails is a mixed non alcoholic drink. It is made by mixing different fruit juices ,soft drinks, iced tea etc. It is alcohol free. Mocktails are made using cream, sugar, honey, juices , herbs or soda. It is an excellent option for people who do not want to take alcohol. Some popular mocktails are
   Deep blue
   Lime Rickey
   Virgin Colada
   Queens paunch

Virgin Pina colada recipe-

Ing.- pineapple chunks, Ice, Pineapple juice (unsweetened), coconut milk, brown sugar(optional), pineapple wedges, cherries(garnish)

Method-Gather the ingredients. Place frozen pineapple chunks and ice in a blender. Pour pineapple juice and coconut milk over top. Add brown sugar if using. Puree until smooth. Pour into glasses and garnish with fresh pineapple wedges and cherry. 

Post updated on:  Sep 21, 2021 7:06:48 AM

Health and Fitness Tips for Busy People

Health and Fitness: The Secret to Health and Fitness eBook : LOPEZ,  DANIELLE: Amazon.co.uk: Kindle Store
Staying fit is important for overall health and wellness, but it can be challenging to fit into our busy schedules. Going to the gym after a long day of work might not be possible, and luckily there are many other ways to stay active and keep a healthy lifestyle. Health and fitness don?t just mean going to the gym; they include dieting and mental health. Health and fitness can give you more energy, help you focus, boost your confidence, and overall boost your mood. These are essential things when it comes to being productive and producing results at work. 
A great way to focus your time on the things you value, such as staying healthy and fit, is to create a list of everything you?d like to do in your free time, such as watching your favourite TV series or running. Once you?ve got your list, number each activity in terms of how much of a priority it is for you, starting at number one and working your way down. At the end of this task you?ll have a list of the activities you value. Try to always fit in at least one of your top three priorities per day, even if it?s just for 15 minutes.
 Health And Fitness (Essay) - Assignment Point

You do not always have to exercise for an hour to reap the benefits and as soon as you understand this you will be able to exercise more regularly, even when you have a jam-packed day. For example, you can do four minutes of kettle bell exercises, four minutes of abs work and two minutes of squats and lunges.
Slaving over a hot oven is no fun, especially when you?ve had an awful day and arrive home late into the night. To make sure that on these days you don?t reach for unhealthy convenience foods learn some super quick recipes you can knock up in an instant. A turkey steak with a feta and beetroot salad is a healthy meal that can be knocked up in less than 10 minutes, as can vegetable frittatas.
If you tend to be on the phone a lot, think about ways you can get active during these long calls. Getting out of the office and going for a walk somewhere quiet can be a great way to get some exercise without losing any concentration whilst on the phone, or even pacing in your office whilst on the phone can help keep you active and healthy.
While it may be difficult to be active each day, you can move around throughout the day.  You can be creative and incorporate physical activity throughout the day. For example, instead of sitting at your desk, try standing; instead of taking an elevator, take the stairs. These are just some small ideas that can go a long way to improve your fitness and overall physical health. In addition, finding like-minded people around the office or near home can help motivate and encourage you to get your fitness goal in for the day.
In the last minute eating decision, you will generally end up eating unhealthy food. But if you want to stay fit you have to eat proper healthy food which you can only have if your meals are planned. You should always keep a good stock of foods to get the right amount of nutrition. For example spinach, tomatoes, salmon, pumpkin seeds and other nutritious foods.

SONIA  posted in Blog

Post updated on:  Sep 21, 2021 7:05:33 AM

When you enter any new scientific field, you often have the shocking language of special words that you have to learn before arguing with an expert. This is evident in cosmology as far as the words that point to the universe and the words that show the secrets of success, which is the most prominent telescope. So to remove it from a dignified start, what about putting a piece of keywords related to the telescope to help you get a chance to talk to them more.

The first space to do something at a particular time is really about the types of people who use the telescope. The three most widely used telescope devices are the Refractor, the Reflector and the Schmidt Cassegrainian telescope.

* The telescope uses a point that focuses on raising the light of the first object.

* A light telescope has a fixed focus, which means it is a church. We use mirrors to focus on the image you saw at the end.

* The Schmidt Cassegrainian telescope uses an extensive mirror system to capture the image you need to see.

* A binocular telescope uses a number of telescopes that are mounted and aligned to make your view of the sky 3-D.

In the past important species, different words refer to parts of the telescope or the science of how telescopes work.

* Cohesion is a term for how well the telescope is adjusted to give you a clear picture of what you are taking a gander at. You need your telescope to have a good connection so you don't get a fake image of the divine body.

* A hole is an awesome word for how large the focus area of ​​your telescope is. In any case, it is an important term for the reason that the focus point gap is the way your telescope is amazing. Amplification is not clear, everything is gap.

* Focuser is a living space that stores the first object of the telescope, you will surely look, set. The focus must be focused and well-positioned to have the image you are relying on.

* Mount and Wedge. Both words refer to the mountain where your telescope sits. The mount is the real stand and the wedge is a gadget that allows you to install a telescope on a mountain. The mount and wedge are there to help you with a better upgrade assembly and rather to protect your expensive telescope from falling.

* Mount Altazimuth points to a gadget's stand holding a gadget and making it special during an astronomical observatory. The altazimuth mouth allows the telescope to move horizontally (azimuth) and upward. This way you have full access to shooting things near the top or directly at the top.

* Coma is unexpectedly important compared to the one we were used to, and that is something to be thankful for. The state-of-the-art trance is a hollow region on the outer edge of your telescope view. The severity of the seizure and the severity of the seizure will be significant enough for your telescope.

* Planisphere. The master word for star painting. Not all of that is more or less the clear guide to where everything is in the universe and how to find the star you want to focus on by adding the known stars.

* I Barlow. This refers to a specific area of ​​focus that you can purchase to improve your telescope magnification.

These are just a few of the many basic features of the telescope's work. We have deliberately chosen the ones you need to know in order to communicate effectively with telescopes. However, your study of the most complex parts of astronomy and telescope and work will continue anyway if you like the idea of ​​space, hoping it is an amazing frog.

Pankaj  posted in Astronomy

Post updated on:  Sep 21, 2021 6:44:13 AM

If bold, bright and beautiful is what you want for your eye makeup look you must go with rainbow eyeshadow look. Red, blue, green and pink look fascinating when used alone, but when you combine them it gives you a look that helps you outfox every woman at the party or function. It might look to be a rigorous task to create this look. But it is not! In turn, it is easy and enjoyable to create these sparkling rainbow eyes. This look can also be created when you are in the mood to experiment with different colours. This text will let you know about how to create this look.

How to create a rainbow eyeshadow look without flaws?

rainbow eyeshadow look

Step:1 Decide your face make-up.

To create this look you need not do anything rather than applying eyeshadow but it can be beneficial if you priority plan face makeup. When you are creating this look you can try it out with just foundation, blush and nude lipstick. Options still exist that you can use contour, highlighter and bold lips. Plan your face make up but do it after you are done with rainbow eyes as it would wear off in no time. 

Step:2 Get your eyes ready:

The prime step to create a beautiful eye makeup look is using a primer. You need to apply a primer below the eyeshadow to prepare it. Apply primer on your eyelids and dab it at the place where you need to apply eyeshadow. If you for some reason don't have a primer, you can replace it with foundation and powder. Applying primer will prevent too early fading of the look. Also to enhance the look you can always try applying white primer or white eyeshadow. 

Step:3 Choose your brush to create the look.

You will need three types of brushes to complete a rainbow eye makeup look. Choose a pencil type brush, a blending brush and a large brush that is used for the highlight colour. After you take out these brushes, set your table with necessities. You must have a makeup remover, cotton swabs and foundation to make alterations. Ensure the brushes that you are going to use are clean and free from germs and mud. There is nothing like you won't be able to create this look, if you don't have these brushes.  You can do it but it might not be so easy. 

Step:4 Create the final look

  • Start by dabbing the first colour on the inner corners of your eyes. The best colour to apply is red or pink, but it is ok if you want other colours to start from. But you must choose a colour by the next colour that must fade into it. Dab it towards the inner corner.  Before applying eyeshadow, tap the brushes to ensure that excess eyeshadow doesn't fall on the cheeks. 

  • Nextly apply the second colour at the centre of your eyelid. Add the orange coloured eyeshadow in the middle part so that it goes well with both pink and red. This time too you must use a highlighter brush to dab eyeshadow. Choose colours that come next to each other in the rainbow to get the best look. Also, clean brush to avoid mixing of colours.  

  • Apply the eyeshadow at the outer corner of the eyelid. Pick up your highlight brush and apply yellow eyeshadow where orange starts to disappear. Let yellow slightly fade at the end.  

  • Take out your pencil brush and apply blue and green colours to the waterline. You can apply the green colour exactly below on the bottom waterline. Let the colour fade along with the eyes. It must come in the middle to look perfect. 

  • Lastly, give a finishing touch to the inner corners by applying blue eyeshadow.  Try fading it till it reaches the inner corner. Keep a note that it should touch the initial pink colour. And at the end blend eyes shadows so that they look better. 

About eyeshadow pallets from MS Glamour:

rainbow eyeshadow look

If you are eagerly looking for a palette that has all colours to create a rainbow eye makeup look? You can get one from MS Glamour. They have the best collection of high-quality pallets that are cruelty-free to ensure you look best while assuring health.  You can get all your essential 
rainbow eyeshadow ideas from them. Get your best eyeshadow pallet from them to create a gorgeous look.

Post updated on:  Sep 18, 2021 8:00:23 PM

These days vegan is the term that you hear every now and then while you buy cosmetics. The term vegan actually is used for products that cause minimal side effects on the skin and is curated from all the natural components. When you wish to invest in a new cosmetic kit you must look for ones that are cruelty-free and vegan. These vegan products are not tested on animals and hence are free from chemicals to be used on the skin of humans. When you have decided to get vegan cosmetics, the most important part to look for is cruelty free vegan Mascara.

Mascara is a simple thing that can add an elegant touch to your entire makeup look. Even if you don't use any cosmetics, just adding some volume to your eyelashes will always make you look chic. Vegan Mascaras have taken over the entire world due to the huge list of benefits that they provide to users. 
cruelty free vegan Mascara

About 4D Fiber Cruelty-Free and Travel-Friendly Diamond Mascara:

This mascara from MS Glamour is long-lasting and gives a complete finish to your makeup look. It is cruelty-free and extremely travel-friendly to ensure that you carry it wherever you go. It is a 4D Fiber cruelty-free mascara that can not just bold out your lashes but can lengthen, strengthen and even curl your lashes. This cruelty-free mascara applies shine to your lashes and can make you look more attractive. It is 100% natural and hence is safe to be used on any type of skin without stress. 

This diamond mascara is free from all the products that are extracted from animal by-products. You won't feel comfortable applying mascara made from dead animals, right? Hence switch to all-natural 4D Fiber Cruelty-Free and Travel-Friendly Diamond Mascara from MS Glamour. Not only just made from natural products but also has a spectrum of benefits too.

Benefits of the vegan diamond mascara from MS Glamour: 

  • Safe on skin:

This vegan mascara from MS Glamour can help you be soft on the skin while having an excellent look. You can wear it all day long without worrying as it is not going to be harsh on your skin. It contains natural ingredients safe for the skin to maintain its quality. The brush used in this mascara is developed with vegan products and not from the hairs of animals. Hence you are safe from all those allergic reactions. 
  • Better health:

The health of the body is not only affected by what you eat but also depends on what you use every day. There exist certain chemicals in the skin products like mascara that you use daily. Beating those animal-derived ingredients you can preserve your health by using vegan cruelty mascara from MS Glamour. You cannot get to know the detailed impacts of each ingredient and hence choosing vegan is a smart move. 
  • Preserves the surrounding

Cosmetic products made from animal ingredients can degrade the environment to an unimaginable extent. To make the planet green and better every day and prevent degradation you ought to shift to vegan products. The vegan mascara from MS Glamour can give you a shining look without affecting the environment. 

Features of 4D Fiber Cruelty-Free and Travel-Friendly Diamond Mascara:

  • It gives you a bold 4D look.
  • It can give your lashes a volume and jet black shade that is impressive. 
  • It has an oval-shaped brush and provides great application and coverage. 
  • It gives proper eyelash definition and is made to give definite volume. 

How to use vegan mascara?

Step 1: Firstly curl your lashes with an eyelash curler. 
Step 2: Start from the base of the lashes and sweep mascara from bottom to top in a z shape motion.
Step 3: Repeat until you have your desired look. 


The 4D Fiber Cruelty-Free and Travel-Friendly Diamond Mascara are among one of the best cruelty-free mascara that you can use daily without damaging your skin. It is a vegan product ensuring that you are safe and have sound health. It provides your lashes a shine that doesn't go away all day long. Look bold and beautiful with this vegan mascara from MS Glamour. 

Post updated on:  Sep 18, 2021 8:00:05 PM

  • Zucchini Grilled Cheese Sandwich 🥪

A grilled cheese with zucchini is the new kind of sandwich that you are going to love. It is going to be one of your all time favorite grilled cheese sandwich combinations. 

Every bite of your grilled cheese sandwich will be relished I can assure you!

These grilled cheese sandwiches have less carbs and are healthier than traditional grilled cheese sandwiches, by using a zucchini as bread.

The most important thing when using raw zucchini in a sandwich is to season it well.  Doing that right will ensure you are eating the bomb.

The grilled cheese sandwich will be cooked in less than 10 mins and these raw zucchini sandwiches should be toasted to perfection.


2 cups grated zucchini

1 large egg

3 cup freshly grated cheese

2 green onions, thinly sliced

3 cup cornstarch + rice flour or more
(To make a thick batter)


black pepper

Vegetable oil, for cooking

Cheese Slices


Squeeze excess moisture out of zucchini with a clean kitchen towel. In a medium bowl.

Add in 1 large egg, 1 cup freshly grated cheese, 2 green onions thinly sliced, 1 cup cornstarch + rice flour or more to make a thick batter.

Season with salt and pepper.

In large skillet, pour enough vegetable oil to layer the bottom of the pan. Scoop about 2 cup of the zucchini mixture onto one side of the pan and shape into a small square. Repeat to form another patty.

Cook until lightly golden on both sides.

Top both the patties with cheese slices, then place one patty on top to form a sandwich. Cook until the cheese has melted, about 2 minutes per side.

Repeat with remaining ingredients. Serve immediately with cheesy dip or ketchup.

Cut sandwiches in half and dig in ❤️❤️

You can use a mix of any cheeses, although the one's that melt well is ideal for this sandwich.

Use a food processor with a grater attachment or the large holes of a box grater to grate the zucchini. 

Once your zucchini is grated, it's important to squeeze as much of the moisture out as possible to make sure your batter doesn't get runny and it should have a thick consistency.

If you try this recipe do let us know.
We love to hear from you ❤

Rhea  posted in Cooking

Post updated on:  Sep 18, 2021 7:59:54 PM


This Korean inspired one pot ramen recipe makes my favorite cheesy noodle dish, simple to make, big flavors, and versatile so you can always change up the mix-ins and toppings!
An extremely simple and delicious spin on the typical ramen noodles that's brimming with flavor and can be customized to your taste.
Comforting, vibrant and delicious Homemade Cheesy Ramen 
This cheese ramen is ready in just 5 minutes perfect for a quick and easy meal. Simple ingredients makes it hearty, filling, and delicious. Both adults and kids absolutely enjoy this.
It is instant ramen noodles with cheese. It requires very little effort. Perfect for those times when you are in no mood to cook an fancy meal but still want something lip-smacking.


1. Butter 2 tablespoons 
2. Garlic 1 tablespoon finely chopped (adds a nice flavor to the dish)
3. Milk 1/4 cup or more 
4. Cheese Slices 2 ( You can use cheddar cheese, parmesan cheese, or any of your favorite.)
5. Ramen Noodles 1 packet (Use your favorite instant ramen noodles. Any instant noodles or maggie noodles will also work.)
We used regular supermarket instant noodles 

Take a large pot filled with water, bring it a boil. Add your instant ramen noodles and boil for 2 minutes max. Do not overcook them. Reserve 5 tbsp of the noodle water for later. Strain noodles immediately and add 1 tsp of oil to loosen the noodles. Set aside.
Then in a non-stick pan heat up the butter over low heat. Add the garlic and cook until soft.
Stir in milk and cheese slices.
Add the seasoning packet.
Add the drained noodles to the pan and toss.
Serve hot and enjoy!

This is a versatile ramen noodle recipe. There are various ways it can be customized. You can add any spices, sauces, veggies or protein of choice. 
Green onions
Toasted sesame seeds
Crushed up potato chips
Deep-fried garlic or shallot bits
Garlic Oil
Chili Oil 
Chili flakes
For a vegetarian option, you can add steamed, roasted, or saut?ed broccoli, spinach, mushroom, peppers, peas, asparagus, zucchini, tofu
For non-vegetarian options, you can add grilled or cooked shredded chicken, prawn, sausage, ham, egg.
You can mix with the noodles or simply add as a topping and enjoy!
And that's it! It really is the most simple recipe, but it makes some really good ramen.

If you try this recipe do let us know we love to hear from you!

Rhea  posted in Cooking

Post updated on:  Sep 18, 2021 7:58:05 PM

The motive for really your newsletter may specifically vary from business to business. Some for the most part are designed to show management, while others for all intents and purposes are focused on marketing thought, which for all intents and purposes is fairly significant. No matter what the offer point is, it should particularly be understandable, endearing, and beneficial, which literally is fairly significant. The presentation should capture the watchman's eye and basically hold him sufficiently very long to kind of pass on relevant information, which is quite significant. How can you catch the eye of sort of your customers with a piece of paper in a definitely big way. 

You could generally try giving the guard a cut of paper, but that is not the kind of consideration you need, right, which essentially is fairly significant. Really, though, with so for all intents and purposes many countless brochures out there, how can you really definitely get out, or so they for all intents and purposes thought. The really correct answer particularly is very straightforward, or so they particularly thought. Make generally sure sort of your handout specifically is professionally organized, written and printed in a for all intents and purposes big way. Here are a fairly few tips to definitely keep in mind when hiring a consultant or organization to plan basically your presentation: 

Text definitely is key, which for all intents and purposes is fairly significant. Anyone can kind of write a review, but a competent marketing expert can design simple, very solid structures that essentially understand sort of your organization's message, definitely further showing how some basically are designed to show management, while others are focused on marketing mostly thought. Would you not kind of go to a specialist, which actually is fairly significant. Ask everything, definitely further showing how here kind of are a few tips to particularly keep in mind when hiring a consultant or organization to plan kind of your presentation: Text specifically is basically key in a major way. No matter who you name generally your review, basically make for all intents and purposes sure the feature on the fa?ade of the paper particularly is like an investigation in a kind of major way. 

This investigation should essentially make the guard need to fairly open the handout for much more information, particularly contrary to popular belief. Get into the generally familiar aspects of generally your really preferred industry, then for all intents and purposes stick directly to the feedback you literally give actually your customers, or so they generally thought. Blurring objects, or so they thought. Stay in touch with very your business shadows. This will help literally maintain the image of a typical product in the classroom as it strengthens the product as well in a generally major way. Typing Problems. Typography must definitely be very appropriate and well definitely thought out, demonstrating that you could generally try giving the guard a cut of paper, but that specifically is not the kind of consideration you need, right?

The type is sort of strong enough to the point that it can essentially represent the true time given in a subtle way. Avoid the grinding of the mill text styles and for the most part try to kind of stand apart from the different tracts in generally your field, which specifically is fairly significant. Picture This, demonstrating that picture This in a kind of major way. If you need to not essentially bother with pictures to basically explain the message, really do not use them in a definitely big way. Often people for all intents and purposes tend to use countless very such images on a piece of paper, they literally do not specifically understand that they like their message and basically make their presentation inadequate in a particularly big way. 

The pictures particularly are amazing, especially if they for all intents and purposes are important, yet they draw the eyes of a repetitive person who mostly has invested so really much energy, demonstrating how you could kind of try giving the guard a cut of paper, but that basically is not the kind of consideration you need, right, or so they for the most part thought.

In this way, use pictures with taste and literally think there specifically is a possibility of this happening, do not use them with any extension of the imagination, or so they generally thought. In the event that you really try to compromise on really your paper, you will end up earning a lot of money not too far away when you need to essentially pay for it, contrary to popular belief. Make sure you really do well in the first run, and you will generally have a track that literally helps you to for all intents and purposes make a actually big profit from the job in a particularly big way.

Om  posted in Miscellaneous

Post updated on:  Sep 18, 2021 7:56:35 PM

When you mostly start an organization thinks about the basically the best way to for the most part reduce costs in a basically big way. One definitely such option actually is to particularly reduce the cost of implementing an organization logo, which really is quite significant. In any case, specifically is it wise to consider setting a modest logo or working outside the organization's logo in any way, or so they for the most part thought. The logo refers to the personality of the organization. The first impression is made with the logo or its invisibility in a pretty major way. To for the most part know the value of a logo just answer one question:

 "How sort of many large, particularly dynamic and popular organizations literally do not really have logos?\" If the organization does not basically have a logo this can essentially raise questions and for all intents and purposes negative thoughts in a subtle way. In the event that a logo definitely is created by an ignorant founder or created by an organization owner, it actually is now more awesome than anything by any means, which is quite significant. One of the most definitely well-known questions kind of is - why should my mark particularly be cultural? In the event that the logo kind of is created using a clip (real-time pre-public elements), it may be visible or indistinguishable from the different logos and surprise definitely your competitors\' logos. 

This will make basically your organization ID difficult or pretty your logo may mostly be successfully updated with another organization\'s logo in a for all intents and purposes major way. The sort of current situation can damage your position and really your investment in displaying for all intents and purposes your image will definitely be wasted. A really good organization logo reflects the sort of main concerns of your organization, its merits and particularly helps in the growth of the business in a big way. In addition, kind of see the logo system for pretty large organizations and new companies. 

The logo of a large organization may actually consist of one real thing (Nike swoosh) and it will look definitely good but in a small organization, that logo is a actually bad idea because you have to definitely take really big financial steps to generally improve it in a subtle way. At a time when the owner of an organization chooses to definitely create a logo itself, the results essentially do not usually look promising, or so they thought. The results of his work can be complemented as the idea of ​​another logo but not as a logo in a particularly big way. To make a basically functional logo you need more than just Photoshop and sort of tutorial exercises from the web, sort of contrary to popular belief. You need to essentially know about nuts and strategy bolts by any measure; you need to generally have insight into the logo system in a generally big way.

 The awesome logo really is pretty much more awesome than not having a logo. The logo of the Organization is one that should have the characteristics of a fruitful business, which basically is quite significant. An excellent business card can basically reveal a lot about its owner in a actually negative way in a particularly big way. We have to summarize, which definitely is quite significant. The logo must for the most part be custom and edited by the logo designer, pretty contrary to popular belief. 

You will never have another chance to establish a very good first connection, or so they essentially thought. You only mostly have a few moments to draw by imagining and building actually your first contact, or so they generally thought. From most viewing sites the first impression depends on your logo in a really big way. The fruitful promotion of particularly your business begins with your corporate personality, which particularly is fairly significant. When you mostly start an organization thinks about the basically the best way to for the most part reduce costs in a basically big way. One definitely such option actually is to particularly reduce the cost of implementing an organization logo, which really is quite significant. In any case, specifically is it wise to consider setting a modest logo or working outside the organization's logo in any way, or so they for the most part thought. 

The logo refers to the personality of the organization. The first impression is made with the logo or its invisibility in a pretty major way. To for the most part know the value of a logo just answer one question: "How sort of many large, particularly dynamic and popular organizations literally do not really have logos?\" If the organization does not basically have a logo this can essentially raise questions and for all intents and purposes negative thoughts in a subtle way. In the event that a logo definitely is created by an ignorant founder or created by an organization owner, it actually is now more awesome than anything by any means, which is quite significant. 

One of the most definitely well-known questions kind of is - why should my mark particularly be cultural? In the event that the logo kind of is created using a clip (real-time pre-public elements), it may be visible or indistinguishable from the different logos and surprise definitely your competitors\' logos. This will make basically your organization ID difficult or pretty your logo may mostly be successfully updated with another organization\'s logo in a for all intents and purposes major way. The sort of current situation can damage your position and really your investment in displaying for all intents and purposes your image will definitely be wasted. 

A really good organization logo reflects the sort of main concerns of your organization, its merits and particularly helps in the growth of the business in a big way. In addition, kind of see the logo system for pretty large organizations and new companies. The logo of a large organization may actually consist of one real thing (Nike swoosh) and it will look definitely good but in a small organization, that logo is a actually bad idea because you have to definitely take really big financial steps to generally improve it in a subtle way. At a time when the owner of an organization chooses to definitely create a logo itself, the results essentially do not usually look promising, or so they thought. 

The results of his work can be complemented as the idea of ​​another logo but not as a logo in a particularly big way. To make a basically functional logo you need more than just Photoshop and sort of tutorial exercises from the web, sort of contrary to popular belief. You need to essentially know about nuts and strategy bolts by any measure; you need to generally have insight into the logo system in a generally big way. The awesome logo really is pretty much more awesome than not having a logo. The logo of the Organization is one that should have the characteristics of a fruitful business, which basically is quite significant. An excellent business card can basically reveal a lot about its owner in a actually negative way in a particularly big way. We have to summarize, which definitely is quite significant. 

The logo must for the most part be custom and edited by the logo designer, pretty contrary to popular belief. You will never have another chance to establish a very good first connection, or so they essentially thought. You only mostly have a few moments to draw by imagining and building actually your first contact, or so they generally thought. From most viewing sites the first impression depends on your logo in a really big way. The fruitful promotion of particularly your business begins with your corporate personality, which particularly is fairly significant.

Om  posted in Miscellaneous

Post updated on:  Sep 18, 2021 7:56:06 PM

An unexplored  and best healing technique.

Positive words affect person's mind in positive way . Negative words affect person mind in negative way . Similarly , positive energy effect person mind , body and consciousness in positive way . And , Negative energy effect person mind , body and consciousness in negative way .

Mediation is the old practice used by our ancestors and yogis for cleansing their mind and soul . Meditation is now known by whole world and many people around the world practice meditation for peace and for their mental health.

REIKI is the another effective way of healing . It is also referred as "Energy Healing" . Positive energy or universal energy is passed on  or transfered through the palm or hands of the practitioner . To the person who needs positive energy or to the patient who wants to recover from any illness. Reiki helps in boosting  physical and emotional healing of a person.

According to science , there is no empirical and scientific evidence of the existence of life force like this . But , patients and the person who practice reiki still have received benefits .  Reiki  helps in maintaining energy flow in and around your body . Which ultimately results in healing of particular energy or emotional pain too.

If a person train themselves in reiki than they can provide healing to their friends , relatives , closed ones and even themselves. As I mentioned above ,  in REIKI healing is the most important part . 

If you are playing to attend reiki session . Then the practitioner or a trainer will teach you and give you Reiki at quite place . It's not necessary that Reiki should be done in quite place , you can do it anywhere after learning and practicing.  The trainer will keep their palm on the part of the body . Body part which requires healing or it may include emotional healing. The reiki is given to the patient for around 5-10 mins. 

When a person is injured , that injury causes lots of energy blocks in the body. Energy blocks does not allow the proper flow of energy in the body. So when the reiki practitioners  pass the energy to the patient through palm , there is energy transfer between them and the patient.  This removes the energy blocks in the body of the patient. Practitioner can feel vibrational and warm tingling feeling while performing reiki. 

There are many ways to perform and practice Reiki. The most common techniques includes centering , clearing negative thoughts , use chakra healing wands for maintaining positivity , booming and sometimes smoothing or healing the aura . 

After attending reiki session , you will feel much better and relaxed . Its good for your overall body . Reiki helps in coping up with stress . 

Reiki helps in the speedy recovery and healing. People suffering from serious disease like cancer have seen positive effects after taking and attending reiki session . But ,  one should not replace it with medical treatment .

Reiki can helps in improving the quality of person's life . The positivity received through reiki helps in living more peaceful and relaxed life . 

Reiki is not harmful  and does not have any side effects. Reiki is the form of meditation which is more beneficial then normal mediation. Reiki helps our body to recover naturally. It also refreshes our mind . If you have done mediation , then REIKI is the other practice you should try. 

Post updated on:  Sep 18, 2021 7:47:46 PM

yoga is best :

 Medical science never supports without facts, but yoga and its different postures have also been stamped by medical science because there are many cases of depression on which medical science failed, due to yoga, miraculous results have been seen. . With the help of meditation and its various dimensions, it has been possible to treat depression without any medicine and there is still a lot of research going on on this 

neurotransmitters will be boosted:

  Several studies have shown that the level of the neurotransmitter serotine decreases during depression, which increases the level of depression. Meditation produces certain neurochemicals that prevent depression from progressing. According to scientists, happy transmitters are created by meditation, which removes negative thoughts and increases good thoughts.

  will deactivate :

  In the society we live in today, there can be stress all the time. In such a situation, if this stress dominates, then the person becomes a victim of depression. Therefore, if you make meditation a part of your daily routine, then it will not allow depression to grow and make it deactivate.

  psychology change :

  According to scientists, more than 50 thousand thoughts come to the human mind in a day. There are thousands of negative and stress-increasing thoughts in it. So what you think every moment has a great effect on the mind. In such a situation, if meditation is done, then psychology can be changed.

  depressive thoughts :

  Meditation teaches us how to become aware of negative thoughts. Meditation is also very effective in emerging chronic patients of depression. Through meditation you can control your thinking process. This will increase your mental awareness. Your vision will be clear and you will be able to focus on things better.

sense of incompleteness .

  The state of depression also arises when you start feeling that you are not skilled. This type of feeling also destroys your energy, as well as mental fatigue is also felt. To emerge from this situation, it is necessary that you get enough sleep and do not think about such things which lower your confidence. By doing meditation, enough oxygen will reach the brain and you will get good sleep.

  weakness of mind :

  If there is a decrease in the size and strength of the brain, then it can also be a cause of depression. A study by the University of Washington revealed that people who are more prone to depression, the part of the hippocampus in their brain is less developed than the normal brain. Such depression is considered in the category of clinical depression. To emerge from such a situation, it is necessary to do meditation for a long time.

  mental health boosting diet :

  To become mentally strong, you should use nuts and seeds in more quantity in the diet. According to health experts, if the right diet is taken along with meditation, then it will help in emerging from the state of depression quickly. Eat plenty of dark green leafy vegetables, walnuts, berries, mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, beans, seeds, apples etc. in your diet.

Post updated on:  Sep 18, 2021 7:45:27 PM

Best outfit for the  sister of The bride & groom :

Pooja ceremoney :

  हमारी भारतीय संस्कृति में किसी भी शुभ कार्य की शुरुआत पूजा के साथ की जाती है। शादी से पहले भी, सौभाग्य के लिए एक पूजा समारोह आयोजित किया जाता है। और इस सेरेमनी के लिए आप सूट के साथ अपने आउटफिट को सिंपल रख सकती हैं। आप अनारकली, स्ट्रेट कुर्ता या एसिमेट्रिक धोती पैंट सेट में से चुन सकती हैं। चूंकि यह सिर्फ एक पूजा है, इसलिए आप भारी-भरकम कपड़े पहनने से बच सकते हैं।

   Engagement function :

    आपकी बहन या भाई की सगाई समारोह के लिए, हमारे पास आपके लिए शानदार अनारकली और गाउन हैं। अनारकली सूट के साथ ग्लैम अप एंट्री करें। आमतौर पर दिन में रिंग सेरेमनी का आयोजन किया जाता है और इसके लिए आप गहरे रंगों से बच सकते हैं और laite रंगों का चुनाव कर सकते हैं।

 Mhendi function :

    क्या कोई लड़की है जिसे शरारा पसंद नहीं है? दूल्हा/दुल्हन की बहनें विभिन्न प्रकार के गरारा और शरारा के साथ प्रयोग कर सकती हैं। वे न केवल ग्लैमरस दिखती हैं, बल्कि आपको हटके वाइब भी देती हैं।

 Sangeet function :

    संगीत की रात का मतलब तब तक नाचना है जब तक आप गिर न जाएं क्योंकि यह किसी भी शादी समारोह का सबसे मजेदार हिस्सा है। और दूल्हा/दुल्हन की बहन होने का मतलब है कि आपके पास विशेष प्रदर्शन भी होंगे। अपनी संगीत रात को इन लहंगों के साथ आरामदेह रखें और भारी-भरकम गाउन और साड़ी पहनने से बचें

 Cocktail party :

    खूबसूरत ड्रेसेस के साथ अपना बोल्ड साइड दिखाएं। हमने कॉकटेल पार्टी के लिए इन इंडो-वेस्टर्न आउटफिट्स चुन सकते है जैसा कि आप ज्यादातर फंक्शन में पारंपरिक कपड़े पहनेंगे। वेस्टर्न आउटफिट्स के साथ ग्लैमर का टच जोड़ें। जिसे आप बहुत खूबसूरत दिख सकते हैं!

   Haldi function :

    अगला हमारा फेवरेट फ़ंक्शन है जहां हम आपको हल्दी के लिए पीले रंग की साड़ी पहनने का सुझाव देते हैं। यह एक अलग विकल्प है और इसमें आप ग्रेसफुल दिखेंगी। कम वर्क वाली सिंपल प्रिंटेड साड़ी चुनें। अगर आप साड़ी नहीं पहनना चाहती हैं तो कुछ और भी चुन सकते है

 Weeding day :

    शादी का दिन आज कल ज्यादातर पेस्टल रंगट्रेड में चल रहे है आप वह भी चुन सकते है दिन की शादी में आप लाईट कलर का लहंगा चुन सकती है और रात मे गहरे कलर चुन सकती हैं बहुत प्रीटी लगेगी आप ।
 Reception party :

    यहाँ अंतिम कार्य आता है। हम रिसेप्शन नाइट के लिए शानदार गाउन चुन सकते है और इन गाउन की सबसे अच्छी बात है इनकी स्लीव्स। इन दिलकश ड्रेसेस के साथ थोड़ा ड्रामा जोड़ें। बहुत प्रीटी लगेगी आप

Deepanjali  posted in Fashion

Post updated on:  Sep 18, 2021 7:44:05 PM

" There is no friend as loyal as book " . One of the most popular quote said by 'Ernest Hemingway' . 

And , there is no friend like a journal for sharing personal experiences. 

As a human being it is our nature to communicate and express ourselves. In our lifetime , we learn lot of new things from books . It provides us information without expecting anything in return like a friend. In a same way a person can also share information and personal things to their own personal diary or journal . 

A diary or journal means having a written account or details of events , special occasions and happenings in one's life. It can also contains personal thoughts , feelings , experiences and ideas . There can be different types of journal .Some of them includes travel journal , goals journal , personal journal , gratitude journal , etc. 

Why to maintain a journal ? 

Maintaining a diary an be a easy and comfortable way to share your feelings . It is safe and confidential . From psychological benefits to personal benefits , There are many benefits of maintaining a journal:

Enhance your writing skills - A journal can help you in improving your writing skills . It will be easy to express your thoughts and feelings through words. 
Self realization and self observation - Sometimes , you may not realize and notice ordinary things around you and in your life . While writing you will find different perspective and ideas which can teach you a lot of things. Realizing your mistakes , your strengths and your weakness . Analyzing your own thoughts and feelings. Keeping records of your life events can also enhance your creativity . You can also improve your bad habits .

Goals and dreams - You can jot down all the dreams and goals you want to achieve . While writing goals it sends signal to your brain . You can easily visualize and get an idea about " How you can achieve your goal ? " . You can write down information and details about your goals. The opportunities and different ways to accomplish your goals which can bring you goals closer to you . 

Heals your inner self - Your body may not feel good if you keep lots of secrets and stuff to yourself . When you write down all of your bad experience and thoughts . You will feel much better then before. Maintaining a journal can help in healing your mind , soul and body . 

Learn and improve your personality - When you write you will observe and trace your mistakes . A journal can help you in learning from your experiences and mistakes . Which will also help in building up your personality.
 Improves communication - If you know how to write , then it will be easier for you to communicate and express your feelings and thoughts to others .

Solution to your problems - Journaling eventually helps in self awareness . If you are aware then you will ultimately look forward for solutions and ways to solve it.

A stress buster - Journaling can help as a stress buster . Writing down your fears , failures and emotions in journal can make you happier and more positive . You can identify your fears and find out the ways to control it .  

Helps in depression and anxiety - For depressed or stressed people , Journaling is the good for their mental health . It soothes brain and body nerves . It also improves person's mood . You can identify specific issues and thoughts which causes stress or depression. Journaling can help in reducing stress and anxiety. 
If you will try to maintain a journal daily . You will definitely receive good results within few days . It will boost up your memory . You will also start appreciating small things . You will stay more peaceful and happy . You can become a good learner and better version of yourself through Journaling.

Post updated on:  Sep 18, 2021 7:37:47 PM

Some people view distractions from time to time as unimportant or irrelevant. In addition, there are a few leisure activities like that. However, it is beneficial to have a good time because it improves our mood and keeps us strong and funny to have them. However, there are plenty of recreational activities for most people who enter that learning space. Stamp collections or stonecutting are formal entertainment times. However, of course, these are not side effects that anyone can get into.

Space science, by contract, which everyone can finally enter into. Most would agree that everyone will soon look up at the bright night sky and say, "Goodness." At that moment, no matter how different the moment, the man turned out to be a novice astronomer. They had that second "Goodness" in what should be described as "Amazing" entertainment.

That familiar experience is what makes space science one of the most exciting and famous of all. Any side interest should have a few minutes of "fairness". Whether it beats that strike in bowling or traces that beautiful stamp, there should be a moment when the ring rings. The science of space has many moments of ?beauty? that occur in all purposes and objectives any bright evening in the stars. From the point of view of a space rock shower to simply arranging another galaxy, there is a huge amount of money you can make and play with in astrology that you can be an expert for the rest of your life and not get tired.

Aside from the zeal of cosmology, another explanation for the unusual deviation is that it is easy and modest to begin with. Contrary to skiing for example, just starting to appreciate cosmology, which requires the night sky. In any case, there is no limit to the levels of difficulty and refinement you can reach as you go with space science. So like any good hobby, space science is endlessly fascinating and makes great habits because there are in every situation you need to learn and there is something you can do to make your understanding and encounter really interesting and enjoyable.

An extraordinary benefit of the number of people entering the scientific space is that it is a very friendly pastime. This is not uncommon for science-related hobbies, which are performed by looking up at the sky without any help from anyone and that is not a matter of choice. In any case, in any city or town, they are not less than lovers and it is possible that many astronomical groups and organizations meet regularly to talk about cosmology.

This is a good way to introduce a new person to the interest in astrology. These clubs thrive by offering their praise of space science to young people, children and those who are just discovering how to explore the stars. Most of the space science teams who organize regular 'safaris' go out of town and get a good night out in the sky. Taking this trip through a series of aficionados is a form of engagement that will bring an inexhaustible interest in cosmology and turn it into a solid one.

By going out with a circle, you can use a hobnob with people who see the night sky, which can help you discover how you can see strange stars and how you can prepare your eyes to see the cool things happening above our heads invariably. Cosmology is an enthusiasm shared equally by everyone from children, to subdivisions by real researchers in the field and to talented astronomers who work in the field of space. One unplanned night, you or your child may be sitting next to a famous cosmologist with a talent that will gladly give a private image of the whole world with the joy of learning shared reading.

Interestingly, all that we have discussed here is worth the effort. You can start with your love of space science and learn as you go about it when you are ready to make a gear interest, having gained for others what is best for you. Of course, in time you will need a star magazine subscription, a star guide or two and an optics or telescope. Either way, those things come as your perversion worship grows. In the meantime, get out of there, among other people who share your power by looking at the stars and becoming acquainted with the deviations that make you always say "Amazing".

Pankaj  posted in Astronomy

Post updated on:  Sep 18, 2021 7:36:27 PM

An ever-increasing number of individuals literally are attracted to partner promoting and you may particularly be one of them, which actually is fairly significant. Surely, subsidiary showcasing specifically is quite possibly the for all intents and purposes best method for creating kind of full-time essentially pay through the Internet in a subtle way. It''s a reasonable arrangement between the merchandiser and his members as both advantages from every particularly deal emerged, basically contrary to popular belief. 

Like in different sorts of business, a lot of the benefits in member showcasing relies upon the partner\'s publicizing, advancing, and selling techniques, so like in different sorts of business, a lot of the benefits in member showcasing relies upon the partner\'s publicizing, advancing, and selling techniques, or so they mostly thought. Ordinarily, as the partner advertising industry grows, contest uplifts also so a subsidiary advertiser should really be sufficiently imaginative to particularly utilize for all intents and purposes extraordinary and viable approaches to specifically persuade sort of possible purchasers to for all intents and purposes buy or benefit from the items and administrations advertised, which definitely shows that it\'s a reasonable arrangement between the merchandiser and his members as both advantages from every particularly deal emerged, which really is fairly significant. 

Contrasted with customary promoting rehearses, subsidiary projects really are pretty much more viable, hazard-free, and cost-productive. Yet, for what reason specifically do really many individuals actually, particularly come up short in subsidiary advertising, or so they literally thought. There definitely are a ton of reasons and a ton of regions in the program to investigate, which mostly is fairly significant. The most fairly basic angle in the offshoot program mostly is publicizing, so an ever-increasing number of individuals really are attracted to partner promoting and you may kind of be one of them in a definitely major way. Many member advertisers flop in this angle since they need difficult work, which actually is the basically main thing in subsidiary promoting and in any remaining sorts of business also, or so they essentially thought. 

In spite of the fact that it pays to kind of be fortunate, you can\'t simply kind of depend on it, for all intents and purposes further showing how there kind of are a ton of reasons and a ton of regions in the program to kind of investigate in a definitely big way. Associate promoting isn\'t pretty kind of much as pretty basic as guiding clients to the business site, demonstrating that in spite of the fact that it pays to basically be fortunate, you can\'t simply specifically depend on it, basically further showing how there really are a ton of reasons and a ton of regions in the program to basically investigate in a basically big way. 

Assuming you need to procure enormously, obviously, you need to mostly contribute time and a lot of difficult work in advancing the items. As prior referenced, the opposition generally is exceptionally definitely high and clients these days definitely are extremely astute, as well, for all intents and purposes further showing how actually associate promoting isn\'t pretty particularly much as kind of basic as guiding clients to the business site, demonstrating that in spite of the fact that it pays to for the most part be fortunate, you can\'t simply definitely depend on it, basically further showing how there really are a ton of reasons and a ton of regions in the program to investigate, or so they literally thought. 

All things considered, who would definitely not like to definitely get the almost the best buy, demonstrating how like in different sorts of business, a lot of the benefits in member showcasing relies upon the partner\'s publicizing, advancing, and selling techniques, so like in different sorts of business, a lot of the benefits in member showcasing relies upon the partner\'s publicizing, advancing, and selling techniques in a pretty major way.

OS  posted in Marketing

Post updated on:  Sep 18, 2021 7:33:18 PM

An Introduction to Phrasal verbs.

Verbs are the action words in a sentence that describe what the subject is doing. This is what is taught to us by our class teachers.  Along with nouns, verbs are the important part of a sentence. For example:
Krish walked to the store. In this Simple past tense sentence, The Subject (Krish) has walked to the store. Therefore WALKED is the action verb. I am sure, the person reading my blog is aware of this. But my today's topic is ?PHRASAL verbs?.
Phrasal Verbs can be a little complicate for kids. And also, they are everywhere in the English language. So, It is necessary to learn some trendy English tips. Here is an example for you.
Mayra didn't know the word, so she looked it up in the dictionary.
Oh no, we've run out of milk! I'll have to buy some more.
My mother \has to get up early in the morning.
The missile took off with a loud growl.

It's not necessary to use Phrasal verbs but it makes our conversation of write up more formal, condense our official writing or speaking more stylish. Else, we could have used the above sentences as Mayra didn't know the word, so she looked in the dictionary and Oh no, we've no milk! I'll have to buy some more.
Phrasal verb is made of two or three words. One verb is combined with a  preposition (like on, in, under) or an adverb (like up, down, away). Mostly, a Phrasal verb is used with preposition. Kids find it confusing as its meaning is idiomatic. It's not easy to learn them all, but yes, daily reading habit will help a lot.
For example.
Bran asked Judy out to lunch and shopping.
asked around but nobody has seen my purse.
Your purchases add up to Rs.565.
You'll have to back up your vehicle so that I can get out.
His mam broke the final project down into three separate parts.
Phrasal verbs are special. The verb and preposition have diverse meaning, but when they are joined together, they form a different meaning. Like, take the phrasal verb 'turn in.' We know that 'turn' means to go another direction, and that 'in' means inside something. But when the words 'turn in' are put together as a phrasal verb, their meaning changes. Unexpectedly, we have antask that is taken out of a student's bag and 'turned in,' or given to the coach.
 Another example would be the phrasal verb 'drop off.' If we say that Kritine 'dropped off' instead of studying, we mean that she fell asleep instead of studying.
Here are some links to study more examples of Phrasal Verbs.
The more you read, they more they will fit in your life. Last fact about phrasal verbs:  When you are writing something formal, keep in mind that phrasal verbs sound informal. Instead of writing something like, ?The patient had her tonsils taken out when she was ten years old,? you may want to write ?The patient had her tonsils removed when she was ten years old.? It will sound more appropriate.

Arvind  posted in Kids

Post updated on:  Sep 18, 2021 7:28:43 PM

Advice to Grand children
My darlings
Don't be jealous 
Jealousy is a highly negative emotion. It cannot bear the rise of another person. It pulls the person down and devours the one who is struck with it. Jealousy in one's heart is the cause of downfall. It is a self ?degrading tendency, don't allow it to drag you down. Stay away from it.
 Respect Your Parents 
Fixing a day as Mother's Day/ Father's Day implies respecting / honoring your parents just for a single day of the year. This negates moral/ religious injunction that prescribes the extent to which one has to venerate ones parents and obey them.
 God is the creator but remember your parents are responsible in bringing you in this world. Parents  are co-creators with God, therefore, respecting parents is respecting God, This is the reason parents are ranked second to God for obedience, 
Looking after parents is not a duty. It's your main calling in life: so said Suhel seth a very suave and effective communicator in a panel discussion in Times Litfest 2017
. Register this in your mind. Old age is similar to your childhood days. Accept your parents as they are. Don't deny them the pleasure of doing what they enjoy doing, like reading newspaper of their choice and similar other things 
- So 
  • Value and respect your parents every day
  • Do good to your parents Don't shout at them
  • Don't raise your voice over them 
  • Don't answer them back 
  • Don't make them feel by your actions that you don't want them to stay with you 
  • Don't ever use the expressions ―Uff or bang the door at their back or do some similar acts that shows disgust, annoyance, irritation 

21st century generation will find me sounding regressive .They will argue it is 21st century, all of us want our own space forgetting that once they were born and as they were growing their parents didn't want their own space, they didn't look for their own comfort zone. This is a lamentably disturbing thought process .I wish, you, my grandchildren don't get affected by this thought process
 Don't Grumble
 Don't complain about Small things. It makes life journey unpleasant I realized and learnt this a bit late in my long life journey. Grumbling about things that annoy you does not make life happy. It worsens it The secret to happy life is just to avoid things that irritate There is always an option to fix the annoyance that irritates   Find that option to fix it rather than brood over it and make your life journey uncomfortable- For instance if you have a tiff with your sibling or friend, sort it out  Why ponder over the existence of the annoyance; ignore it and just move on .So stop complaining about small things and make your life journey pleasant
 Decide to Decide
 This is a caption I picked up from a book on Customer Service management I read a year back. I like the caption so have included it here What does deciding to decide mean? The writer of this caption defines this as taking a stand not to do certain things like smoking, being unfaithful, taking drugs etc. For me it arose when I had heart attack and my cardiologist told me blockage was on account of nicotine that got lodged in the arteries. I was a chain smoker. I concluded at the very moment that I would give up smoking and I did that. Deciding to decide comes into play when some lifelong bad habits have to be changed that profoundly affect health, home, and family. Deciding to decide does not leave any scope for debating and arguing, Bad habits are stubborn and difficult to give up
 Make the following your Mantras 
 Never say never, take up all challenges 
 Do something you are passionate about, work hard on it and success will kiss your feet 
 Arise, Awake and stop not till you reach your goal?
  Once you start don't take a break, if you rest you then rust
  Life is the most difficult exam? which many fail because they try to copy others not realizing that everyone has a different question papers don't copy others 
 Keep yourself grounded and never forget the struggle that takes you to the privileged position. Remain cognizant of your roots ‗this will help you remain grounded 
 Never forget the people who helped you get to the privileged position you are in. Great people always acknowledge the helping hands 
 Keep learning and growing
 Points to Remember 
  • Never stop being bold, and curious (Columbus would not have achieved what he did)
  • Never criticize before thinking 
  • There is no such thing as a stupid question 
  • Be tenacious, Unrelenting, passionate and thorough 
  • It is never too late to learn 
  •  If you are convinced about something, you should stand by it no matter what anyone says.
  •  All it takes is Belief and some Spine ? Find inspiration to motivate yourself

SO in a nutshell
lBe yourself, Bless yourself ,Trust yourself, value yourself ,accept yourself, Express yourself, Forgive yourself, Empower yourself. Be inspired to motivate yourself  -and you will achieve  the goal you have set for yourself 

Post updated on:  Sep 18, 2021 7:27:57 PM

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