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Gurus of yoga

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But do you know which famous yoga gurus contributed in enriching the yoga tradition in India.

Today people from all over the country and abroad come to India to learn yoga. Actually this is the result of hard work of the same yoga gurus. On June 21, people all over the world will celebrate International Yoga Day. On this special occasion, let us tell you about those 7 yoga gurus, due to which yoga became famous all over the world. In the wake of International Yoga Day, where there is a boom in yoga all over the world.

Today people from all over the country and abroad come to India to learn yoga.  Actually this is the result of hard work of the same yoga gurus.  On June 21, people all over the world will celebrate International Yoga Day.  On this special occasion, let us tell you about those 7 yoga gurus, due to which yoga became famous all over the world.In the wake of International Yoga Day, where there is a boom in yoga all over the world, it becomes necessary for you to know that after all, who made their important contribution in taking the science of yoga as told by Maharishi Patanjali to every nook and corner of the world.  And also developed new technology related to it.

Today people from all over the country and abroad come to India to learn yoga.  Actually this is the result of hard work of the same yoga gurus.  On June 21, people all over the world will celebrate International Yoga Day.  On this special occasion, let us tell you about those 7 yoga gurus, due to which yoga became famous all over the world.In the wake of International Yoga Day, where there is a boom in yoga all over the world, it becomes necessary for you to know that after all, who made their important contribution in taking the science of yoga as told by Maharishi Patanjali to every nook and corner of the world.  And also developed new technology related to it.

There are so many quotes about yoga that we all know about. Yoga is the gift of India to the world, to which all its people have balanced their lifestyle and even today, by defeating all diseases, due to yoga, they are keeping themselves fit even in old age. The world has also considered a coin of yoga, it is like a boon for all western civilization countries, because questions keep arising about the lifestyle there, I have also flown.

He started the work of promoting yoga through Doordarshan channel. He has promoted yoga by writing many books in Hindi and English language.

BKS Iyengar-BKS Iyengar has played an important role in making yoga recognized worldwide. He also has a school of yoga by the name of 'Ayyagara Yoga'. Through this school, he made people all over the world aware of yoga. In 2004, Time magazine named him as one of the top 100 influential people in the world. He also has a book called 'Light on Yoga', which is considered as the Yoga Bible.

Many celebrities also consider him as their mentor. He is known all over the world for his yoga.

All the credit for reviving Hatha Yoga and Vinyasa goes to him. Tirumalai Krishnamacharya was also aware of Ayurveda. He had given a new identity to yoga throughout India during the reign of the Maharaja of Mysore.
All the credit for reviving Hatha Yoga and Vinyasa goes to him.  Tirumalai Krishnamacharya was also aware of Ayurveda.    He had given a new identity to yoga throughout India during the reign of the Maharaja of Mysore.

Krishna Pattabhi Jois was also a great yoga guru. He was born on 26 July 1915 and died on 18 May 2009. Krishna developed the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga style. Not only this, Paramahansa Yogananda is the first and main teacher of Yoga.

Swami Sivananda Saraswati was a doctor by profession. He has a yoga center by the name of 'Sivananda Yoga Vedanta'. He devoted his whole life to this center. He propagated yoga all over the world by uniting karma and bhakti with yoga.

There are many Indian yoga gurus who have given recognition to yoga, due to whose efforts not only Indians but also many foreigners have got innumerable benefits of yoga Many yogis of modern India have also played an important role in bringing yoga to where it is today.

There are many yoga centers in India where you can go and learn yoga. There are many yoga camps which are also world famous. Today in this article we are going to tell you about some such yoga camps in India, about which you may not know yet. The yoga camps that we are going to tell about are yoga centers as well as they are also known for great tourist places.

The Yoga Institute is considered to be the oldest yoga center in India. It is said that this yoga center was established by Shri Yogendraji in the year 1918. If you live in and around Mumbai, then here you can reach to do yoga and learn. It is said about this yoga center that various types of yoga courses are also conducted here.


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