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Along with this, the pregnant woman herself remains healthy. But pregnant women should do certain yoga exercises only under the supervision of a yoga expert. Caution is needed while doing this
Method: Sit down and put a palathi. Keep your hands in your lap or on your knees. Keep your back, neck and head straight. In this state, feel that energy is coming out of the seven chakras located in the body and you are getting its benefits. Do this asana for as long as it is comfortable.
Benefits: It calms the mind, feels energy. The body remains healthy. Which has a positive effect on the fetus as well.
butterfly seat :
Method: Sitting on the ground, spread both the legs in front. Keep your back, arms straight. Now bend the knees and join the soles together. Hold the toes of both feet tightly with both hands. In such a way that the fingers cross together. Move the legs up and down like the wings of a butterfly. Slowly increase the speed with easy breathing. After doing 15 times, while exhaling, release the claws, spread the legs and return to the resting position. Do not do this asana in case of back pain, sciatica, back pain.
Benefits: It is useful to do this asana from the third month of pregnancy. Due to this the body becomes flexible, there is a reduction in the tension of the lower part of the body. This asana prepares the body for childbirth.
mountain pose :
Method: Although it is done standing, pregnant women can also do it sitting. For this, first sit in Sukhasan. Keep your back straight. Now while inhaling, raise both the hands upwards. Make a posture of salutation with the palms. Keep elbows straight. After staying in this posture for some time, come back to normal position. Do this only two or three times.
Benefits: It gives relief in back pain and the body does not become unformed after delivery.
Ustrasana :
Method: Stand on the ground with your knees bent. Join both the knees, ankles and toes. Now while inhaling, slowly bend the body backwards and try to touch the ankles with both the hands. Chin up and arms straight. Stay in this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute while breathing. Slowly return to normal position.
Benefits: It strengthens the spinal cord, keeps blood circulation smooth and does not feel tired.
take care :
Very light asanas should be done during the fourth, fifth and sixth months.
These days, especially emphasis on pranayama, meditation.
Do not do any yogasana till the 10th-15th week of pregnancy.
Avoid asanas that put pressure on the abdomen during pregnancy.
Do not do Naukasana, Halasana, Bhujangasana, Chakrasana, Viparita Shalabhasana and Ardha Matsyendrasana.
Instead of these, do Margariasana, Virabhadrasana, Baddhakonasana, Viparitakarni, Konasana, Tadasana, Shavasana and Trikonasana.
It is not only useful in spontaneous delivery, but it is also helpful in getting normal soon after delivery.
Put more emphasis on methods that strengthen the shoulders and upper back.
It is also useful to do yogic subtle exercises and asanas of the Pawan Muktasana group.
Such pranayama is also effective, in which Kumbhak is not required.
Benefits of exercising during pregnancy :
Exercising during pregnancy provides many benefits to both the mother and the baby, such as:
Relieves back pain, constipation, flatulence and bloating
Improvement in mood and energy level
sleep well
prevent overweight
strengthen muscles
Apart from this, exercising daily during pregnancy can reduce the risk of gestational diabetes and reduce the time of delivery. Exercise can also reduce the risk of caesarean delivery.
When should not exercise during pregnancy :
Certain types of lung and heart diseases
insufficiency of the cervix
The risk of having twins or more than nine months before delivery (preterm labor)
Bleeding continuously in the second trimester of pregnancy and the third trimester of pregnancy
placenta previa after 26th week of pregnancy
Preeclampsia or gestational hypertension (high BP in pregnancy)
severe anemia
Signs of damage from exercise in pregnancy :
If the doctor allows you to exercise and you are feeling the signs mentioned here on doing physical exercise during pregnancy, then do not ignore them at all.These include decreased fetal movement, dizziness or feeling faint, headache, nervousness, calf pain or swelling, vaginal bleeding, chest pain, frequent abdominal pain or contractions, vaginal discharge, and shortness of breath. Including flowering.
If you feel anything like this while exercising during pregnancy, tell the doctor immediately
Post updated on: Sep 28, 2021 2:50:26 PM
Some yoga postures are very common which are mainly used.
Gyan Mudra (the currency of knowledge) :
Vayu Mudra (Pose of the Heart)
How To use :Use your index finger and bend it to touch the base of the thumb. Your middle and ring fingers should be bent to touch the tip of the thumb. Keep your junior straight.
Linga mudra (Summer pose) :
Benefits:It helps in stimulating body heat, reducing phlegm and congestion. It is also good for your respiratory system.
Post updated on: Sep 27, 2021 3:19:15 PM
नेति क्रिया एक प्रकार का योगिक नाक साफ करने वाला व्यायाम है। यह छह क्रियाओं में से एक है, या शुद्धिकरण तकनीकों को षट्कर्म के रूप में भी जाना जाता है, जिन्हें
Post updated on: Sep 25, 2021 2:49:21 PM
. If you want to make your skin glowing and healthy, then stay away from fatty foods. These include fried and junk food, high fat dairy products and fried food. Apart from this, facial scars, painful acne, wrinkles and loosening of the skin are some of the signs that tell us that the amount of sugar in our body is getting high. Eat things like ketchup, high-sugar fruit juices, sports drinks, chocolate milk, flavored cookies, you have to pay attention to your diet, your habits and your lifestyle. If any of these things are wrong with you, then its direct effect will be visible on your health as well as on your face and skin. Your food not only affects your health, but it also affects your skin. A diet rich in nutrients is essential for your healthy skin. . Foods such as flaxseed, walnuts, vitamin-rich foods such as oranges, sweet potatoes and cilantro are very important. Along with this, you should consume high-protein foods such as eggs, chicken, kidney beans, lentils, chickpeas and paneer. A complete nutritious diet makes your body healthy from inside by providing all the necessary elements.
2. Drink Plenty of Water :
Everyone knows how important water is for everyone. Every system and function of our body depends on water. You must have got advice from doctors and elders to drink at least 8 liters of water a day. But even after this, many times we are careless in drinking water. This affects our health as well as our skin. If you are not able to drink much water, then consume more things in the food which removes the lack of water in your body. For example- Cucumber, Cucumber etc. Apart from this, you can also drink lemon-water.
Sleep plays the most important role in our life. But in today's digital world, we are active on social media overnight and unknowingly, slowly we go on losing our sleep. Doctors recommend that you get enough sleep for 8 hours at night. It gives freshness to your face.
apply sunscreen daily
Add sunscreen to your daily routine. Sunburn in summer is caused by exposure to UV rays, which causes the skin to lose its natural glow. Nothing can be better for this than a good sunscreen. Use it on your face daily.
4.Stay away from stress :
5. Follow the same skin care routine
Many times we choose creams or makeup products by looking at the ad, without thinking whether they will suit our skin or not. From moisturizer to body lotion, foundation, concealer, blusher, use everything according to your skin type as one wrong product can react on your skin and damage it.
6. exfoliate the skin regularly Make exfoliation an important :
7. take care of hair :
Beautiful and shiny hair enhances your personality, but sweat, dust and pollution take away the natural shine of your hair. Dry-lifeless hair also affects your looks. It is important to take proper care of the hair and give it the necessary nourishment. You should massage your hair with coconut oil, olive oil or almond oil at least once a week. Hair spa treatments are also important, as applying oil alone does not provide enough nourishment to the hair. Use hair products that do not contain sulfates or harmful chemicals. Do not use heat on the hair, leave it in its natural state.
8.Clothes that fit :
Clothing greatly affects your personality. Your outfit becomes the center of your attraction, so you should choose your clothes very carefully. Always choose clothes that fit you well, which are neither too loose nor too tight. Choose clothes that accentuate your personality. So, whenever you go shopping, choose the right style and size clothes according to your body.
Post updated on: Sep 24, 2021 2:54:00 AM
Apply foundation with a damp sponge :
In this season, do waterproof and light makeup, which not only makes your face look beautiful, but also does not make it discolored when wet. As far as possible, foundation and face powder should not be used in the rain, use it only when absolutely
Blusher in rainy season -
Cream blushes are perfect for makeup in monsoons. It is easy to apply and does not spread even when wet.
Mascara and lipstick in the rain - If you use Kajal eye liner and marker in the rainy season, then it should be water proof. Which will not spread when wet in rain and will maintain beauty. Use a primer to make makeup longlist. Use matte lipstick lip pencil will give you long lasting effect
Make sure to massage with ice Before applying make-up, - lightly massage the face with ice. Maintain the beauty of the face During the monsoon season, many times your face gets blemishes due to infection. So lemon juice should be mixed with potato juice. Cucumber removes burning and itching of the face. Rose water is also very beneficial for the face and helps in maintaining the freshness of the face. In this season, you can use green tea, lemon and gram flour daily to enhance your beauty.
While we enjoy this season with tea and pakoras, on the other hand many types of skin problems also start in the rainy season. We have to take special care of our skin during the monsoon season. It is common to have redness, itching and pimples on the skin in this season. But if your skin is oily, then the skin problems increase even more. Due to oily skin in this season, whiteheads start getting white colored marks, which can also increase if they do not get rid of them in time. Apart from this, many other skin problems also start occurring during the rainy season. So we have brought some tips for you.
Follow these tips for oily skin-
Get rid of oily face The rainy season affects the face of oily skin and sticky pimples the most. In such a situation, keep these things in mind to make the face beautiful. Use toner.
Wear minimal makeup.
Use a face wash made from fruit extracts. Which will help in making the skin glow.
Do not wash the face with soap at all in monsoon. For this you can use Fruit Moisture Master.
Drink plenty of water, this will keep moisture in the skin
Post updated on: Sep 24, 2021 2:50:50 AM
(5) Karma Yoga:-In fact, Karma Yoga is that yoga through which we are able to connect with our soul. Karma Yoga awakens our self-knowledge. After this we can get an idea of not only our present life objectives but also our subsequent movement of life. In this yoga, God is attained through karma. Karma Yoga is considered the best in Shrimad Bhagavad Gita. This yoga is more suitable for the householder and hardworking person. Each of us is engaged in some work, but most of us waste most of our energies; Because we do not know the secret of karma. It is necessary to work for life, for society, for the country, for the world. Karmayoga teaches that act for the sake of action, act without attachment. A karma yogi works because he likes to act and has no reason beyond it. A karma yogi does not give up action, he only renounces the fruit of action and he never worries about getting anything. He knows that he is giving and does not ask for anything in return and that is why he does not fall in the clutches of sorrow. He knows that the bondage of sorrow is the result of the reaction of 'attachment'.
Post updated on: Sep 24, 2021 1:20:27 AM
There are some rules of our society, by following the rules of genes, we make our behavior, we call the rules to those who maintain this behavior. According to these rules, we should never misbehave with anyone in the society. Neither one should be harassed nor should there be any kind of greed or greed. We should not do any such work which will cause any inconvenience to anyone because of us.
From the description of the Acharyas, it is known that there are five types of Yamas. Which have been described in Jainism, these five are also called "Panch Mahavrat" in Jainism.
These rules are not followed by the society but by the human body. By following these rules, the mind, body and mind of the human being becomes healthy and pure, like Yamo, these rules are also five.
Whatever yoga we do to keep our body healthy, we are called yoga asanas, doing these asanas increases the life of our body, our body remains healthy. The power of our body to work increases, due to which our body is able to do every work and our body becomes disease free.
4. Pranayama
Post updated on: Sep 21, 2021 1:06:46 PM
neurotransmitters will be boosted:
Several studies have shown that the level of the neurotransmitter serotine decreases during depression, which increases the level of depression. Meditation produces certain neurochemicals that prevent depression from progressing. According to scientists, happy transmitters are created by meditation, which removes negative thoughts and increases good thoughts.
Post updated on: Sep 18, 2021 7:45:27 PM
Pooja ceremoney :
Sangeet function :
Post updated on: Sep 18, 2021 7:44:05 PM
Happy baby pose can help in relieving period cramps.
Child's pose is also considered very beneficial during periods.
Yoga For Period Cramps: Back pain, restlessness, nausea and abdominal cramps; Your body goes through a lot during periods. If you are suffering from painful abdominal cramps during periods, then that time of the month can be extremely excruciating. You can resort to pain relievers or hot water bottles for comfort, but yoga asanas can help you deal with it in a more natural way. Mild exercise can help release endorphins, which can act as a natural pain reliever for the body. Here are some yoga poses that can help you get relief from cramps.
2. Child's Pose :
For this pose, lie on your bed with your body in a straight line. Now as you bend your left leg and bring it towards your chest. As you exhale, move your legs to the other side and bring them to the right side of your abdomen. Stay in this position for a few seconds. Repeat it with the other leg. This exercise will relax your body by pulling both your back and abdomen together.
Post updated on: Sep 18, 2021 1:22:02 AM
Post updated on: Sep 14, 2021 5:27:10 PM
2. Matsyasana (Fish Pose) :
4. Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand Pose):
5. Trikonasan (Triangle Pose)
6. Shishuasana (Child's Pose)
1. Sheetali and Sheetkari Pranayama :
2: Conch washing | Shankh Prakshalan :
Post updated on: Sep 12, 2021 9:20:26 PM
12 Asanas of Surya Namaskar :
Hasta Uttanasana :
Surya Namaskar Mantra :
Benefits of Surya Namaskar :
Post updated on: Sep 11, 2021 9:44:39 PM
pulse purification :
Ujjayi Pranayama :
dirga pranayama :
Bhramari Pranayama :
Sheetali Pranayama :
Benefits of Pranayama :
Post updated on: Sep 10, 2021 11:02:42 PM
1. Choosing the Right Clothes :
2. Selecting clothes inspired by someone else :
3. Selection of Accessory :
4. Choosing the Right Shoes or Boots :
5.Hair Style :
Post updated on: Sep 10, 2021 10:56:13 PM
Fauna in Bandhavgarh National Park :
Various bird species are seen in the birds including pigeon, parakeet, serpent eagle, black vulture and common peacock.
Apart from these, many species of reptiles like python, tortoise snake and rat-snake also reside here in the park. And also many animals and birds are found here.
Bandhavgarh National Park Safari:
If you are going on your trip to Bandhavgarh National Park, then you can enjoy your trip with Elephant Safari, Jeep Safari in your trip. This safari plays a role in the attraction of the park, which remains a favorite for all the tourists visiting the park, whenever you visit Bandhavgarh National Park, definitely enjoy the safari
Fee for Elephant Safari
Jeep Safari Fees in Bandhavgarh National Park :
Bandhavgarh National Park safari ki Timing
Places to visit in Bandhavgarh National Park Madhya Pradesh :
Bandhavgarh National Park Madhya Pradesh is famous for its wildlife as well as many historical sites, that is why if you are going on a trip to Bandhavgarh National Park, then you should also visit these tourist places given below ?
Bandhavgarh Fort
Bandhavgarh Hill
Baghel Museum
climbers point
Cheshpur Water Falls
Post updated on: Sep 9, 2021 11:15:22 PM
योग और आधुनिकीकरण:
स्वस्थ जीवन के लिए योग का महत्व:
Post updated on: Sep 8, 2021 10:13:49 PM
Post updated on: Sep 5, 2021 3:20:36 AM
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