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How to improve your dressing sense

Blog by Deepanjali keshari connectclue-author-image

All > Fashion > Dressing sense

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how to improve your dressing sense :

 Every person's good image is from his clothes and living, so one should choose his clothes according to his body and personality, the person who does not take care of it sometimes becomes the object of ridicule, hence this thing  Keep in mind that the clothes you wear are reflecting your personality properly, so we should have good knowledge related to dressing sense, how to improve your dressing sense?  We are telling you about this in detail on this page.

1. Choosing the Right Clothes :

 Choosing the right clothes This thing applies to both men and women, that the selection of your clothes should be right.  While choosing clothes, you should pay special attention to the weather, you should choose clothes according to the trend of that time and your personality.

 Where do you live, what is the environment like there?  Special care should be taken of all these things.  If you are going to a function, then you should choose your clothes accordingly.  We often wear such clothes in the fashion world, which do not look good on us, so it is necessary to choose the right clothes.

2. Selecting clothes inspired by someone else :

 You can also choose your clothes inspired by someone else, but the clothes worn by him should look good on you, in imitating someone else, you will not look different from your surroundings, this should be kept in mind  |  This applies to both men and women.

3. Selection of Accessory :

 You can look good through your dress, if you also use any accessory, then your personality can be enhanced, if you are match then neck chain, ring or any tattoo on body  You can use hand bracelets, watches, etc., if you are female, then you can wear garlands, any tattoos on the body, watches, bracelets or scarves etc., which can make your personality better,  You should keep in mind that the accessory you wear should enhance the beauty of your dress.

4. Choosing the Right Shoes or Boots :

 While choosing your shoes or shoes, it is important to check whether they are looking right on the dress you are wearing or not, so choose shoes according to your dress, because this type of short  One mistake puts a question mark on our whole personality, so choosing the right shoes is also very important.

5.Hair Style :

 Your hairstyle decides the contours of your whole body, even if you wear a good dress and the hairstyle is not good then even that expensive dress will not look good on you, so choose the same hairstyle which will suit your face and clothes.  To make it more beautiful, if you are a female, you can make a bun with a saree, or you can make a ponytail.  Nowadays open hair is also in fashion, so if you want, you can leave the hair open, but for this it is very important to groom your hair properly, if you are a match, then your hairstyle and saving style will give your face.  can make attractive  Nowadays, the fashion of having a beard is going on, which will make your look good, for this you need to get it saved properly.


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