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12 Asanas of Surya Namaskar, the way and benefits of doing them

Blog by Deepanjali keshari connectclue-author-image

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Surya Namaskar :

 Surya Namaskar is a simple word which means prayer to the sun. Since time immemorial, people get up early in the morning and pray to the sun. Also, it is believed that if we start the day with Surya Namaskar Yoga, then it can prove to be very beneficial for both our body and mind. If we practice only Surya Namaskar aasan every day, then all the parts of the whole body get good exercise. The process of this Surya Namaskar yoga is completed in about 12 steps and each step consists of an asana. The action of these 12 yogasanas is called Surya Namaskar. Its daily practice makes us energetic, stunning, healthy.

12 Asanas of Surya Namaskar :
  salutation posture: 

  Surya Namaskar begins with Pranam Mudra.  To do this, first of all, standing in a careful posture, raise both your hands parallel to the shoulders and move both the palms upwards.  Stick the front part of the hands to each other, then bring the hands in front in the same position and stand in the posture of salutation while moving round and down.

  Hasta Uttanasana :

  While inhaling, stretch both the hands up near the ears and bend the arms and neck backwards while bending backward from the waist.  The capacity of the lungs increases by taking deep and long breaths during this asana.  Apart from this, the health of the heart remains intact by its practice.  The whole body, lungs, brain get more amount of oxygen.

  Pada Hastasana or Paschimottanasana : 

  In the third stage, while exhaling slowly, bend forward.  In this asana, we hold our toes with both our hands, and the ankles of the feet are also held.  Since this asana is done by holding the feet with the hands, it is called padhastasana.  This asana is done standing.

  horse steering seat :

  While doing this mudra, the toes should remain standing.  To do this asana, while keeping the hands on the ground, while breathing, take the right leg backwards.  After that, while pulling the chest forward, lift the neck up.  During the practice of this asana, the spine should be kept straight and vertical so that the waist does not bend.

  mountain pose :

  To do this posture, sit on the ground in Padmasana.  While exhaling slowly, take the left leg backwards as well.  Make sure that the heels of both your feet meet together.  Raise the buttocks so that the whole body is situated on both knees only.  Stretch the body backwards and bend the neck by joining the ankles on the ground.

  Ashtanga Namaskar : 

  While breathing in this position, prostrate the body equal to the ground and put the knees, chest and chin on the ground.  Exhale while raising the thighs slightly.

  Bhujangasana : 

  In this position, while slowly filling the breath, straighten the arms while pulling the chest forward.  Move the neck backwards so that the knees touch the ground and the toes of the feet remain standing.  It is also called Bhujangasana.

  mountain pose :

  Make a pose like the fifth position.  In this, while exhaling slowly, take the right leg back as well.  The heels of both the feet should meet each other.  Stretch the body backwards and try to match the ankles to the ground.  Raise the buttocks as high as possible.

  horse steering seat :

  In this position, make a posture similar to the fourth position.  While inhaling, move the left leg backwards.  Pull the chest forward and stretch it.  Tilt the neck more backward.  Leg stretched straight back and toe raised.  Stay in this position for some time.

  Hastasana :

  Back in the third position, bend forward while exhaling slowly.  The hands should touch the ground, adjacent to the neck and ears and right and left of the feet below.  Keep in mind that the knees should be straight and the forehead should touch the knees.  Stay in this position for a few moments.

Hasta Uttanasana :

  This situation is similar to the second situation.  While in the second posture, while inhaling, move both the hands up.  In this position, move the hands backwards and at the same time bend the neck and waist backwards i.e. to come in the position of Ardhachakrasana.

  salutation posture :

  This position is like the first mudra i.e. the posture of salutation.  After twelve postures, again stand in the resting position.  Now repeat this posture again.  Surya Namaskar should be done 4-5 times in the beginning and gradually increase it to 12-15 times.

Surya Namaskar Mantra :

1. ॐ मित्राय नमः, 
2. ॐ रवये नमः, 
3. ॐ सूर्याय नमः, 
4. ॐ भानवे नमः, 
5. ॐ खगाय नमः, 
6. ॐ पूष्णे नमः,
7. ॐ हिरण्यगर्भाय नमः, 
8. ॐ मरीचये नमः, 
9. ॐ आदित्याय नमः, 
10. ॐ सवित्रे नमः, 
11. ॐ अर्काय नमः, 
12. ॐ भास्कराय नमः

Benefits of Surya Namaskar :

 The benefits of Surya Namaskar are not one but many.  If you want to keep your body in good shape, you need to do Surya Namaskar regularly.  Surya Namaskar is the most effective and beneficial of Yogasanas.  By doing Surya Namaskar, one gets rid of many diseases.  So let us know what are the benefits of doing Surya Namaskar Yoga ?


 Surya Namaskar is best for weight loss :

 If you are a victim of obesity and you are not taking the name of losing weight, then do the asanas of Surya Namaskar 10 times daily.  Because Surya Namaskar is the best exercise for weight loss.  Yes, by doing them in speed, they act as cardiovascular workouts.  This stretches the abdominal muscles and helps in reducing the extra fat stored around the abdomen.

 beauty benefits :

 By doing Surya Namaskar aasan, the body gets sufficient amount of vitamin D, which makes the skin glowing and spotless.  Apart from this, the hair of the head also becomes healthy and strong.  According to yoga experts, yoga is such a practice, which can prove to be helpful in keeping the mind calm by removing anxiety.  For this reason, it can be assumed that regular practice of 12 different yogasanas coming in different stages under Surya Namaskar will help in removing the problem like anxiety and stress, strengthen the hair and get relief from many skin related problems.  may prove helpful.

 energy is transmitted :

 As we said in the beginning, Surya Namaskar is a yoga pose in which 12 consecutive yoga poses are performed.  The action of these asanas affects every part of the body.  Plus, the breathing pattern at each step during the yoga process also increases the activity of your intestines and helps improve the body's process.  Doing Surya Namaskar for 10-15 minutes daily increases the emission of carbon dioxide in the body.  This gives energy to your body, which protects you from diseases.

 Make muscles and bones strong :

 Many asanas in Surya Namaskar give more strength to the body.  Many of these yogasanas also work to strengthen the muscles and bones attached to the body.  It has a positive effect on the body.

 Stress Relief :

 We have many people who are in dire need of stress relief.  Many diseases are caused by constant work and stress at home.  In the yoga of Surya Namaskar, meditation is also done and the power to concentrate the mind is also available.  Because of this, stress remains far away from our mind.  It helps in flushing out the toxins from the body and also helps in keeping your eyesight positive.

 Helpful in the problem of irregular periods :

 Many women have irregular periods.  This type of problem can be cured by doing Surya Namaskar daily.  Because the unbalanced hormones are balanced by the asanas performed during this time and periods start becoming regular.

 control diabetes :

 By doing Surya Namaskar for 3 to 4 minutes daily, you can control diabetes to a great extent.  Surya Namaskar not only consumes excess sugar, but it also activates the pancreas and helps in keeping the whole body healthy and fit.

 detox the body :

 There is no yoga better than Surya Namaskar to flush out the toxins present in our body.  During this yoga, you inhale and exhale, due to which air reaches your lungs and oxygen reaches the blood.  This removes carbon dioxide and other toxic gases from your body and detoxifies your body.


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