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Health and Fitness Tips for Busy People

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Health and Fitness Tips for Busy People

Health and Fitness: The Secret to Health and Fitness eBook : LOPEZ,  DANIELLE: Amazon.co.uk: Kindle Store
Staying fit is important for overall health and wellness, but it can be challenging to fit into our busy schedules. Going to the gym after a long day of work might not be possible, and luckily there are many other ways to stay active and keep a healthy lifestyle. Health and fitness don?t just mean going to the gym; they include dieting and mental health. Health and fitness can give you more energy, help you focus, boost your confidence, and overall boost your mood. These are essential things when it comes to being productive and producing results at work. 
A great way to focus your time on the things you value, such as staying healthy and fit, is to create a list of everything you?d like to do in your free time, such as watching your favourite TV series or running. Once you?ve got your list, number each activity in terms of how much of a priority it is for you, starting at number one and working your way down. At the end of this task you?ll have a list of the activities you value. Try to always fit in at least one of your top three priorities per day, even if it?s just for 15 minutes.
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You do not always have to exercise for an hour to reap the benefits and as soon as you understand this you will be able to exercise more regularly, even when you have a jam-packed day. For example, you can do four minutes of kettle bell exercises, four minutes of abs work and two minutes of squats and lunges.
Slaving over a hot oven is no fun, especially when you?ve had an awful day and arrive home late into the night. To make sure that on these days you don?t reach for unhealthy convenience foods learn some super quick recipes you can knock up in an instant. A turkey steak with a feta and beetroot salad is a healthy meal that can be knocked up in less than 10 minutes, as can vegetable frittatas.
If you tend to be on the phone a lot, think about ways you can get active during these long calls. Getting out of the office and going for a walk somewhere quiet can be a great way to get some exercise without losing any concentration whilst on the phone, or even pacing in your office whilst on the phone can help keep you active and healthy.
While it may be difficult to be active each day, you can move around throughout the day.  You can be creative and incorporate physical activity throughout the day. For example, instead of sitting at your desk, try standing; instead of taking an elevator, take the stairs. These are just some small ideas that can go a long way to improve your fitness and overall physical health. In addition, finding like-minded people around the office or near home can help motivate and encourage you to get your fitness goal in for the day.
In the last minute eating decision, you will generally end up eating unhealthy food. But if you want to stay fit you have to eat proper healthy food which you can only have if your meals are planned. You should always keep a good stock of foods to get the right amount of nutrition. For example spinach, tomatoes, salmon, pumpkin seeds and other nutritious foods.


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