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Winter Day Care babies tips

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Baby Care tips during the winter season
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When it's cold outside we want to cover up our little ones and protect them from the harsh weather. Babies need one more layer of clothing than adults. Stick your hand inside your baby's clothing to see if he seems hot. 

Too much?

This goes hand in hand with dressing in layers, but be sure to keep your baby protected from the cold and wind as much as possible. You might consider using a cover for your stroller so you can still get in those daily walks but your baby won't be exposed to the wind and cold. And make sure her head and hands are covered whenever you'll be out for prolonged periods of time.

Use a humidifier

Plug a humidifier in your baby's room when he sleeps at night. Since central heating in the home also sucks the moisture out of your baby's skin, you've got to replenish it. Using a humidifier will help to put some of that moisture back into the house and into your baby's skin.

Think warm, not hot

Nice, warm baths may be just thing to warm your baby up after being outside in the cold. We recommend a bath each night to help your baby wind down and get ready for sleep. Make sure you continue with your nighttime bath routine throughout the winter, but be sure to use lukewarm not hot water. We know that it's important to moisturize skin all year long, and sweet, tender baby skin is no exception. In the winter months when we have cold air, wind and central heat all working against skin's natural moisture it is more important than ever. When your baby finishes a bath, pat him dry to preserve some of the moisture on his skin. Then, make sure you use a moisturizer on your baby after every bath. At the first sign of any dry skin, bump up your baby's moisturizer from a cream to a hydrating ointment. Ointments have at least 80 per cent oil in their composition and are the most effective at preventing water loss from the skin. A trick to making ointments feel less greasy is to apply them to skin that is still damp.

For new moms, you'll probably get a bit stir crazy with your little one, especially during the cold weather months. But it's important to safely step outside when you can. "Babies and new parents need fresh air," Even so, new parents must follow safety precautions. Once the temperature gets below freezing, you shouldn't take your baby out, except for quick trips back and forth to the car. Even when it's above freezing, wind chill can make it dangerous. "Newborns and infants do not yet have the ability to self regulate their core temperature. She recommends limiting the exposure to the cold elements to a few minutes at a time, and saving play in the snow for when kids are older.
"Small babies lack the ability to increase heat by shivering and don't have the body fat needed to warm back up once they get cold."
Here are expert ways to keep your baby warm and safe this winter. Dress your baby in layers.


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