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Dark circles under your eyes

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Dark circles under your eyes
 Dark circles is a circles under their eyes make them look tired, older, or unhealthy.There are a number of methods ? both natural and medically prescribed ? that people use to get rid of, or lessen the appearance of, dark circles under their eyes.
         atopic dermatitis (eczema)
         contact dermatitis
         pigmentation irregularities
          scratching or rubbing eyes
          sun exposure

How To Get Rid Of Dark Circles At Home (Overnight) | Trabeauli | Dark eyes circles  remedies, Dark circles under eyes, Dark eye circlesHow To Remove Dark Circles Under Your Eyes | Femina.in7 Best Home Remedies For Dark Circles - Purplle
Dark circles is the natural aging process. When you age, you tend to lose fat and collagen, and your skin often thins. This can make the reddish-blue blood vessels under your eyes more prominent. Also, as people age, they commonly develop puffy eyelids or hollows under their eyes. Sometimes these physical changes cast shadows that can appear to be dark circles under the eyes.

How to get rid of dark circles
There are a number of ways that people report they've eliminated or reduced the appearance of dark circles under their eyes. Everybody is different, so some of these remedies might not work for you.
As with any treatment, it's always a good idea to review your plans with your doctor before testing them out on yourself.
Fatigue and a lack of sleep can cause dark circles under your eyes. It can also make you look paler, which might make your dark circles appear darker. Make sure you're getting seven to eight hours of sleep each night and practicing good sleep hygiene.
When you sleep, try extra pillows under your head to lessen the puffiness of fluid pooling in your lower eyelids.
 Cold tea bags
Soak the bags in water and chill in the refrigerator. Remove from the fridge and gently place them on both your eyes for 10 to 15 mins. Repeat regularly.
Reduce or eliminate sun exposure to your face.
There are a number of over-the-counter moisturizers that might help you with the dark circles under your eyes. Many of them contain caffeine, vitamin E, aloe, hyaluronic acid, and/or retinol.

6 Home Remedies for Dark Circles Under Eyes - eMediHealth
 Potatoes or Cucumber
Grate some raw potatoes or cucumber and place the shreds on your eyes. Relax and remove them after 10-12 minutes. Alternatively, you can also extract the juice of potatoes or cucumbers. Take a cotton ball, soak it in the juice, and place it over your eyes. Make sure the entire area around the dark circles is covered. Leave it for 1-3 minutes and wash off with cold water. In case you are pressed for time, you can also directly place slices of cucumber or potato on your eyes.
Almond oil and vitamin E
Take about a teaspoon of almond oil and a few drops of lemon juice, combine them, and gently apply it around the eye area. Massage and let it rest for 2 to 3 minutes. Rinse post that!

Aloe Vera
Before hitting the sack, gently apply Aloe Vera gel under the eyes and massage for 5-7 minutes. Don't rinse unless you feel sticky and uncomfortable.

This one can surely be termed as grand mom's secret remedy! Rosewater is refreshing, rejuvenating and can practically be used on almost all skin types and for all skin-related issues. It's also a mild astringent and can be used as an effective skin toner too.


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