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Nirupama  posted in Cooking

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Express check out
Most hotels are now using the Express check out service that allows customers to check out of their rooms and return the keys without having to wait for their final bill to be produced.  Express check out is designed for efficiency.  Guests can use various platforms - be it a kiosk in the hotel lobby ,a mobile app or the hotel's website to initiate the check out process. By simply indicating  their departure  and agreeing to have any  additional charges applied to their registered payment method, the check out process becomes  nearly  instantaneous. Guests can drop off their keys at a designated area or in cases where hotels offers  a keyless  experience  they  can just  leave.
Advantages of express check out for guests.
1.        Speed and conveniences -  Express check out eliminates waiting  times  ,making  it ideal for  guests on tight  schedules .
2.       Comfort  -  Guests can check out from anywhere avoiding  queues  at reception desk.
3.       A positive  last  impression  -  A smooth departures  ensures  guests  leaves  with  a favourable view's  of  hotel's  service 
Advantages of express check out  for  hoteliers
1.        Operational  efficiency-  Reduces  the  reception desk?s   workload  allowing  staff to focus on  guests needing  in person assistance.
2.       Marketing  opportunities -  Contact  information  provided  during  express check out  can be used for  future  marketing  ,assuming  guests have granted permission.

Post updated on:  Mar 21, 2024 9:34:16 PM

Binding agents
Binding agents  are used with other ingredients  to  maintain food texture  and shape. All purpose  flour and  eggs are some of the most popular food binders. Their role is to improve and maintain food texture. Binding agents  can be natural such  as eggs, gelatin or  starches  like  corn starch and arrowroot
or synthetic like xanthan gum or  guar gum. These  agents contribute to  the  texture ,consistency and stability of  dishes  ensuring that  ingredients stay together  and  create a harmonious  final  product. They can thicken sauces  , emulsify dressings , stabilize ice-creams and  bind ingredients in baking  making them  indispensable in the  culinary world.         

1.Eggs -  Eggs are a staple ingredient in countless culinary creations , serving as a versatile and essential binding agents in a wide array of dishes.From fluffy omelets to rich custards and from tender  meatloaf to  crispy  breaded  coatings , the  humble eggs plays  a crucial role  in bringing together ingredients and creating the perfect texture  and structure ,its  unique  ability to bind, emulsify and  thicken makes it a powerhouse in the  kitchen and  understanding its  properties and techniques for maximizing its binding capabilities can elevate the quality  of  your  cooking  to  new  heights.
2.  Flour -  Flour  is  essential in binding other ingredients in many  baked  goods and can also  be used as a thickener in sauces and soups .Wheat flour contains both starch  and  protein(gluten) that create  structure and bind molecules together when  cooked.

Post updated on:  Jan 27, 2024 2:45:45 AM

In the  kitchen  all the types of food is prepared in which  salad plays  a very  important  role.  Freshness and variety of ingredients is required  for a nice salad.  A salad can be defined  as a cold dish prepared of various  mixtures of  raw or cooked vegetables and other food items ,usually  seasoned with oil ,vinegar or other dressing  and  sometimes accompanied  by  meat, fish or other ingredients. The salads  can be  widely  defined as   following  types.

1.   Vegetable  salad -  It is the salad which has the crunchy vegetables used  and its used as appetizer in the  meal.  The vegetables   used can be cooked or raw. Few examples  of   vegetable  salads are tossed salad, coleslaw salad.

2. Fruit  salad -  It  is the salad  which  consists  of fresh  fruits,  cut and served as a dessert or as an appetizer   too.  The canned fruits  can also be used   in making  of these types of salads. Fresh  fruit  with honey lemon dressing .

3. Pasta salad  -  It is the salad made up with  boiled fancy  pasta   and some  vegetables with dressing into it.Fancy boiled  pastas ,  fruits  and  vegetables   are used in this salad.

4. Protein salad -  It  is a  salad  made up of  chicken, ham , beef,  cut  vegetables   and  fruits along  with some  dressing.   It is generally  served as the  main course.   Ham  and  chicken salad,  chef's  salad.

Post updated on:  Oct 8, 2023 3:23:14 AM

Food Preservation
Food is a source of energy for all of us. Unhealthy or spoiled food is the major cause of diseases in humans. This is known as food poisoning. To prevent this the food needs to be preserved in a variety of ways .Food preservation is one of the methods to protect food from unwanted microbial growth. After the food is produced, we store and protect by covering the rice and curry with lids to keep away flies and other insects. By this, we are protecting it from any infection caused by them. This is a short-term condition. Food preservation, on the other hand, is done to preserve food for a longer time.

Food Preservation Methods
Food preservation started long back in ancient times. Cooling, freezing, fermentation, sun-drying, etc., are few age-old food preservation techniques. With the advent of technology, modern methods of food preservation were developed. Chemicals and other natural substances were used for preservation. These substances are known as preservatives.

Chemical Method
Salt and edible oils are two main preservatives which are used since ages to prevent microbial growth. This is why we add extra oil to pickles. Preservation by salt is known as salting. Salting helps to preserve fruits for a long term. Meats and fishes can also be preserved by salting.
Other synthetic preservatives include vinegar, sodium benzoate, sodium metabisulphite, etc.

Sugar is another common preservative used in jams and jellies. Sugar is a good moisture absorbent. By reducing moisture content, it restrains the microbial growth.

Heat and Cold Methods
Boiling and refrigeration prevent around 70 percent of microbial growth. Boiling kills the microorganisms that cannot tolerate extreme temperatures. Thus, it helps in food preservation.
Refrigerators have very low temperatures. Since microbes do not get optimum temperature they need for growth, their growth is inhibited. Pasteurization developed by Louis Pasteur is used until today to preserve milk.

Smoking prevents dehydration in fish and meat and thus prevents spoilage. The wood smoke contains a large number of anti-microbial compounds that slow the rancidification of animal fats.

The food contents are sealed in an airtight container at high temperatures. Meat, fish, fruits are preserved by canning.

This method is carried out to remove microbes from food. For eg., milk sterilization at 100C kills the microbes.

It is the process of removal of water from food. It is the simplest method and prevents food spoilage by removing water.

This is the process of freezing and dehydration of the frozen product under vacuum.

This method is also known as cold sterilization. The UV rays, X rays, gamma rays kill all the unwanted microbes present in food.

Nirupama  posted in Cooking

Post updated on:  Sep 7, 2023 11:09:41 PM

Use of Computers in housekeeping department
Computers  are  now being used  in many housekeeping departments  for room management , inventory control, linen management and  so on to varying extents. Many software  packages are now  available in India  that  provides specific applications  for housekeeping  operations. Computers can now be  linked to the telephone system in each guestroom. Computers  are  being used in housekeeping for
1. Rooms  management
2. Forecasting GRA requirement
3.  Housekeeping history and  GRA  performance
Rooms Management
Arrival and  departure as well as occupancy figures.
Occupancy forecast                                                                    
VIP  and other  special arrivals
Guest history  and other special  requests
Out of order record  giving reasons
Room change (When a guest moved from one room to another)  and also the room type change
Complimentary or  staff room
Forecasting GRA  Requirement 
Computers  may  be used  to  forecast  the  total  number of GRAs  needed each day in the future based on the  current in house occupancy and  staffing and the expected  arrivals /  departures  over  the  forthcoming period.  These  can forecast  staffing requisites  up to  365 days  in advance , given the right inputs .
Housekeeping history and  GRA  performance
It is possible  to  measure the performance of each GRA  by tracking the  estimated clean time  and the  actual  clean time  as well as the  variances.

Post updated on:  Apr 2, 2023 1:30:41 PM

Role of History in tourism Industry

Generally history is offered as a product in tourism. History figures predominantly in promotional literature. Many destinations have always been promoted through their histrocity like Jaipur , Pink city , City of palaces , Fatehpur Sikri etc.

              Similarly in travel writing history is a popular theme to write upon and it can be history of many things- destination, fort, palace, art and crafts ,people , airline etc. But history plays an important role in the area of Indian tourism as India is primarily a cultural destination in the International tourism. Not only in the International tourism but in domestic tourism also history and its by products remain prime attractions. 

People often plan their trend to have a feel of their cultural heritage along with several other interests. So tourism is the most important  area today where history seems to become operative as an attraction , the pull factor or product for the consumption of tourists.

 As a tourism product ,it figures in the
-         Promotional literature
-         Travel and tourism writing
-         Descriptions and interpretations provided by guides and escorts.

Offering historical destinations and museums as travel packages has been an old trade with tourism industry. With the growth of special interest tourism the relevance of history has further increased.In many cases fairs and festivals have also emerged as strong tourist attractions because they provide a good example of continuity and change. 

The age old rituals ,traditions and customs are located in modern ambience in these fairs and festivals. History also figures in the shopping and entertainment because many tourists want to know the history of designs and styles etc. of jewellery and craft items. Thus history is very important for Indian tourism .

Nirupama  posted in Tourism

Post updated on:  Jan 9, 2023 9:23:16 AM

Qualities of a travel writer

1.      The writer should not be prejudiced. One should have an open mind while approaching the
subject. Even if there are any preconceived ideas that have to be tested on the basis of ground realities.

2.      A certain amount of preparatory effort is a must for any write up like reading about the place or theme to be covered. Familiarizing oneself with history, geography , culture is another exercise in this regard.

3.     Constant updating of knowledge and information is a must for a writer. Providing outdated information in a write up would not help anyone. At times the writer has to be a researcher also.

4.     Facts have to be vetted.

5.     Not everyone can write on everything. Hence one should attempt to discover ones own skills and interests keeping in view the limitations and abilities. The personal style of writing also has to be taken account of.

6.     Collated information gathered from various sources forms the basis of many write ups. It is always better for the writer to record personal experiences and assessment.

7.     Since visuals supplement the richness of a write up meaningful photographs and illustrations should be there. It is good for a writer to develop the skill of photography or else utilize the services of a professional.

Nirupama  posted in Tourism

Post updated on:  Jan 8, 2023 1:21:55 AM

Various   services   required by Tourists
1.     Eating joints  and bars: -  Different types of eating joints cater to the tourists. These range from restaurants and tea stalls to Dhabas and fast food counters. Local cuisine is generally  popular with the tourists because they prefer to eat the local food of the particular destination. Thus one should not just initiate western foods or joints but also give due importance to local goods and customs related to it.

2.     Entertainment  and recreation: - Entertainment is an essential component in tourism. On an average foreign tourists in India spend about 10% of their total expenditure on entertainment. The tourists are provided entertainment through various means specially at night or in the evening. This may include dance, theater , movies, theme dinner and musical evening etc. Similarly many hotels organize musical nights or dance performances during the tourist season. Another recent development is the organizing of short duration entertainment festivals by some State tourism departments like the Qutub festival in Delhi or Taj festival at Agra.

3.     Communication: - As tourists are away from their homes and work environment so they may want to communicate back home with family members or friends etc. Thus they need communication services like post office and public call booths . In recent years the number of STD / ISD booths have gone up to take care of such demands.

4.     Book shops and libraries: - Tourists want to read books during the long journey or just to relax themselves. That is the reason we see various book stalls at airports , railway platforms and bus stands.

5.     Photography: - One of the most popular services at destination is that of photographers. Tourists not only like to be photographed in the surroundings but also in the costume and attire of the region they visit. In almost all the hill stations we come across photographers with local dresses and tourists generally change into that attire and for a snap.

Nirupama  posted in Tourism

Post updated on:  Jan 8, 2023 1:21:20 AM

Functions of Travel Agency
The functions of a modern travel agency have widened much after the introduction of air travel. The most important functions of a travel agency are described below.

1.     Travel Information: -  A retail travel agency provides necessary travel information to the general public. The intending tourists come to the office of the travel agent and seek information regarding their proposed visit. The travel agent should be a very knowledgeable man and should supply up to date and concrete information relating to travel.

2.     Preparation of itineraries: - A tourist journey involves preparation of different types of itineraries. There are different means of transport with their respective advantages and disadvantages. A travel agent advises the potential tourist to choose the most convenient course.

3.     Planning and costing tours: -  The contracts and arrangements having been entered into ,there comes the task of planning and costing tours,both for inclusive programs and to meet individual requirements. This job is intensely interesting and at the same time challenging.

4.     Ticketing: - Selling tickets to tourists for different modes of transport like air, rail and sea is a very important function of a travel agent. Ticketing is not an easy job as the range of international air fares is very complex.

5.     Provision of foreign currencies: - Provision of foreign currency to an intending foreign tourist is an important function of travel agent.

6.     Liaison with providers of service: - A travel agent should maintain constant contact with the providers of various services like the transport companies, hotel managers and providers of surface transport like motor cars from airport to hotel and for sightseeing etc.

Post updated on:  Jan 8, 2023 1:20:13 AM

Types of tourism

1.     Business tourism: - It is touring for conducting business transactions ,attending business meeting s, workshops or conferences . The objective of business tourism is mainly professional.

2.     Cultural tourism: - This type of tourism has an objective of understanding the local history of the place,foods, local productions and local culture.

3.     Recreational tourism: - It includes traveling to escape from routine life. This is often done for enjoyment ,amusement or pleasure.
e.g  Camping or beach visit.

4. Sports tourism: - It is tourism for attending some sports event  such as World cup, cricket   match, FIFA or Olympics.

Religious tourism: - It involves  traveling to place of religious significance such as Vaishno Devi in Jammu Kashmir and Golden temple at Amritsar ,Mecca in Saudi Arabia.

6. Health or Medical  tourism: - It involves traveling to improve one?s  health.It is with the objective of visiting weight loss camps , nephropathy centers and health resorts.

7. Adventure tourism: - It involves tourism for adventurous activities such as rock climbing, bungee jumping ,sky diving, hiking, horse riding ,surfing,rafting.

8.  Educational tourism: - Educational tourism is a type of tourism in which the main focus of the tour or leisure activity includes visiting another country to learn about the culture such as in Student exchange programs and study tours or to work and apply skills learned inside the classroom in a different environment.

9. Rural tourism- It is a form of tourism that showcases the rural life, art,culture  and heritage at rural locations thereby benefiting the local community ,economically and socially as well as enabling interaction between the tourists and the locals for a more enriching tourism experience.

10.  Agrotourism -  Agrotourism is farm based tourism . It refers to the act of visiting a working farm of any agricultural , horticultural or agrobusiness operation for purpose of enjoyment , education or active improvement in the activities of the farm or operation.

Nirupama  posted in Tourism

Post updated on:  Jan 8, 2023 1:18:20 AM

Creme Brulee recipe
Egg yolk
4 no.
Breakfast Sugar
60 gm
0.5 litre
Vanilla Essence
3 ml
a pinch
Brown Sugar
80 gm
1.  Preheat oven to 150  C .
2.    Beat egg yolks ,sugar and vanilla essence in a mixing bowl until thick and creamy.
3.    Pour cream into  the saucepan and stir over low heat until it almost comes to the boil. Remove the cream from heat immediately . Stir cream into the egg yolk mixture, beat until combined.
4.    Pour  cream mixture into the top of a double boiler. Stir over simmering  water  until mixture lightly coats the back of a spoon  approximately 3 minutes. Remove mixture from heat immediately and pour into a  shallow heat proof dish.
5.    Bake in preheated oven for 30 minutes . Remove from oven and cool  to room temperature. Refrigerate for 1 hour or overnight. Dish is ready.
6.    In  a small bowl  combine remaining 2 tablespoons caster sugar and  brown sugar.  Sift this mixture evenly over custard. Place dish under grill until sugar melts about 2 minutes.
7.     Remove from heat and allow to cool. Refrigerate until custard is set again.

Nirupama  posted in Cooking

Post updated on:  Jun 4, 2022 6:11:20 PM

Topic: -   Garlic bread
Used Material:
    Quantity (gm)
Soft butter
Chopped garlic
Bread improver
Method: -
1.    Weigh all the ingredients. Sieve the flour.
2.    Mix all the ingredients in mixing bowl except of butter and garlic.
At the end use butter and garlic.
3.    Then ready dough keep in proffer. Divide and round the dough and moulding then keep it in proffer.
4.    After proofing put the dough for baking in preheated oven.
5.    De-panning the bread. Let it be cool till the temperature would be normal. Take the final weight of bread. Slice the bread.
6.    Pack the bread and label it. Store it or use it.
Note-Garlic bread consists of bread topped with garlic and butter and may include additional herbs like chives.      

Nirupama  posted in Cooking

Post updated on:  Jun 4, 2022 6:10:20 PM

Garlic bread
Used Material:
    Quantity (gm)
Soft butter
Chopped garlic
Bread improver
Method: -
1.    Weigh all the ingredients. Sieve the flour.
2.    Mix all the ingredients in mixing bowl except of butter and garlic.
At the end use butter and garlic.
3.    Then ready dough keep in proofer. Divide and round the dough and moulding then keep it in proofer.
4.    After proofing put the dough for baking in preheated oven.
5.    De-panning the bread. Let it be cool till the temperature would be normal. Take the final weight of bread. Slice the bread.
Pack the bread and label it. Store it or use it

Nirupama  posted in Cooking

Post updated on:  Oct 20, 2021 4:59:23 AM

 Front office Products
 Type of Guest rooms
A hotel sells a combination of accommodation, food ,drinks and other services and facilities to its guests. The main accommodation product is the room, which is among the principle sources of revenue for the hotel. Other facilities and benefits, such as ambience, d?cor, in room amenities and security ,are add-ons that play a significant role in the pricing of the services . In order to suit the profile and pocket of various kinds of guests, hotels offer different types of rooms that cater to the specific needs of the guests. The sale of rooms contribute approximately 50% or more to the total hotel revenue. A room sale occurs when a room is leased for occupation for 24 hours ,at a predetermined cost.The rooms may be categorized on the basis of the room size, layout, interior decoration and services offered. Room is a perishable commodity. A room sold on a particular day loses its opportunity to earn revenue for that day.
What does a room mean to a guest?
It means
      Cleanliness and Hygiene
      A Home away from home.

The various types of rooms offered by a hotel are as follows.

1.     Single room-  A Single room has one single bed for single occupancy. An additional bed (called extra bed ) may be added to this room on the request of a guest and charged accordingly. The size of bed is normally 3 feet by 6 feet.

2.     Twin room-  A Twin room has two  single beds for double occupancy. An extra bed may be added to this room on the request of a guest and charged accordingly. The bed size is normally 3 feet by 6 feet.

3.     Double room- A double room has one double bed for double occupancy. An extra  bed may be added to this room on the request of guest and charged accordingly. The size of double bed is generally 4.5 feet by 6 feet.

4.     Triple room- A triple room has three separate single beds and can be occupied by three guests. This type of room is suitable for groups and delegates of the meetings and conferences.

5.     Quad-  A quad room has four separate single beds and can accommodate  four persons together in the same room.

6.     Hollywood Twin room- A Hollywood twin room has two single beds with a common headboard. This type of room is generally occupied by two guests.

7.     King room- A king room has a king size bed. The size of bed is 6 feet by 6 feet. An extra bed may be added to this room on the request of guest and charged accordingly.

8.     Queen room- A queen room has a queen size bed. The size of the bed is 5 feet by 6 feet. An extra bed may be added to this room on the request of the guest and charged accordingly.

9.     Interconnecting room- Interconnected rooms have a common wall and a door that connects the two rooms. This allows guests to access any of the two room without passing through a public area. This type of rooms is ideal for families and crew members.

10. Adjoining Room- An adjoining room shares a wall  with another hotel room but is not connected by a door.

11.  Adjacent room- An adjacent room is very close to another room but does not share a common wall  with it.

12.Parlour-   A parlour has a living  room without bed and may have sofa and chairs for sitting. It is generally not used as  a bedroom.

13.Studio-  A studio has a bed and a sofa cum bed , and is generally used as a living room.

14.Cabana- A cabana is situated away from the main hotel building, in the vicinity of a swimming pool or sea beach. It may or may not have beds and is generally used as a changing room and not as a bedroom.

15.Suite -   A suite comprises more than one room; occasionally ,it can also be a single large room with clearly defined sleeping and sitting areas. The decor of such units is of very high standards ,aimed to please the affluent guest who can afford the high tariffs of the room category.

16.Duplex-  A duplex suite comprises two rooms situated on different floors which are connected by an internal staircase. This suite is generally  used by business guests who wish to use the lower level as an office and meeting place and the upper level room as a bedroom. This type  of room is quite expensive.

17.Efficiency room- An  efficiency room has an attached kitchenette for guests preferring longer duration of stay. Generally ,this type of room is found in holiday and health resorts where guests stay for a longer time.

18.Hospitality room- A hospitality room is designed for hotel guests who would want to entertain their own guests outside their allotted rooms. Such rooms are generally charged on an hourly basis.

19.Pent house- A pent house is generally located on the topmost floor of hotels and has an attached open terrace or open sky space. It has very opulent decor and furnishings , and is among the costliest rooms in the hotels ,preferred by celebrities and major political personalities.

20. Lanai- A lanai has a veranda or roofed patio ,and is often furnished and used as a living room. It generally has a view of garden or sea beach.

Post updated on:  Oct 13, 2021 4:43:45 AM

Meal Plans

The room tariff of a hotel may be based on the choice meal plans offered to guests.  Depending on the needs of their target audience ,hotels offer  a variety of meal plans.

1.      European plan- European plan(EP) consists of room rate only and the meals are charged separately as per actuals. It is generally preferred in a commercial hotel where business executives have to socialize with their clients and do not take meals at the hotel.

2.     Continental plan-  Continental plan (CP) consists of room rent and continental breakfast. Continental breakfast generally includes most or all of the following: sliced bread with butter /jam/honey, cheese, meat, croissants and Danish pastries, rolls, fruit juice and coffee /tea/hot chocolate /milk. This plan is generally found in hotels in Europe.

3.     American plan-  American plan (AP) is also known as en-pension(full board) .The tariff includes room rent and all meals (i.e , breakfast ,lunch and dinner). This tariff plan is popular in resort hotels located at remote places where guests do not have a choice of food outside the hotel premises.

4.     Modified American plan -  Modified American Plan(MAP) is also known as demi pension(half board). The tariff consists of room rent, breakfast and one major meal ( either lunch or dinner). This tariff plan is popular in hotels located at tourist destinations ,where the guest may want to go for sightseeing after breakfast ,have lunch outside the hotel ,and return to the hotel in the evening and have dinner.

5.     Bed and breakfast (B&B) or Bermuda Plan- Bed and breakfast plan (B&B) or Bermuda plan consists of room rent and American breakfast. American breakfast generally includes most or all of the following : two eggs(fried or poached ), sliced bacon or sausages, sliced bread or toast with jam/jelly/butter ,pan cakes with syrup, cornflakes or other cereal ,coffee/tea ,orange/grapefruit juice.

Post updated on:  Oct 10, 2021 7:53:10 AM

Room Status Definition

The various terms defined are typical of the room status terminology of the lodging industry.
1 . Occupied - A guest is currently registered to the room.

2. Complimentary- The room is occupied but the guest is assessed no charge for its use.

3. Stay over-  The guest is not expected to check out today and will remain at least one more night.

4 .On change- The guest has departed, but the room has not yet been cleaned and readied for resale.

5. Do not disturb(DND)-  The guest has requested not to be disturbed.

6. Sleep Out- A guest is registered to the room but bed has not been used.

7. Skipper- The guest has left the hotel without making arrangement to settle his or her account. Guests come with scanty baggage (light luggage).

8. Vacant and Ready- The room has been cleaned and inspected and is ready for an arriving guest.

9. Out of order (O.O.O)- The room cannot be assigned to a guest. A room may be out of order for a variety of reasons including need for maintenance, refurbishing and extensive cleaning.

10. Double lock- The guest room door is locked from inside and outside two times so that no one can enter.

11. Due out-  The room is expected to become vacant after following day's check out time.

12. Check out- The guest has settled his or her account, returned to the room keys and left the hotel.

13. Late check out-  The guest has requested and is being allowed to check out later than the hotel's standard check out time.

Post updated on:  Oct 6, 2021 1:20:46 AM

Role of Gluten in bread making-

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye and triticale (a cross between wheat and rye). Wheat gluten is composed of mainly 2 types of proteins ,the glutenin and gliadins .Wheat flour is mixed with water, the gluten swells to form a continuous network of fine strands. This network forms the structure of bread dough and makes it elastic and extensible. Gluten is formed during kneading of bread dough. The quality of gluten in dough is very important. If gluten is too weak it can't stretch in thin films around the air bubbles produced during fermentation. The gas bubbles would swell and burst ,causing the loaf to lack volume. As bread bakes ,the gluten protein coagulates. Without gluten ,baked good won't hold their shape. Gluten helps dough to rise and lends shape and a chewy texture to breads. To replace gluten ,you will need to use other thickeners like xanthan gum or guar gum in baking.

Post updated on:  Oct 1, 2021 11:33:47 PM

             A number of pesticides such as Malathion, DDVP, Aluminum phosphide, Methyl bromide, Zinc phosphide and anti coagulants are used in grain storage for  the control of stored grain insect pests and rodents. All these pesticides are highly poisonous chemicals and toxic to human beings and animals. These pesticides should be used with due care. Their careless handling may cause serious pesticide poisoning. Some of the important precautions to be taken while handling these pesticides are as follows:
1.      Always read the instructions printed on the label of the pesticides and follow them.  

2.      Pesticides should be kept away from the reach of children and domestic animals. It is safer if the pesticides are kept under lock and key. 

3.      Never store the pesticides along with food and feed.

4.      While using pesticides, protective clothing viz hand gloves, aprons, rubber boots and gas masks should be used by the operators.

5.      Hands and other parts of body should be thoroughly washed with soap after using the pesticides.

6.      The empty containers of the pesticides should be dumped into the earth and these should not be used for storage of food items. 

7.      Drinking, smoking and eating are strictly prohibited during the use of pesticides.

8.      The nozzle of the sprayer should not be cleared and blown with mouth.
             If we take all these precautions, we may avoid the poisoning of pesticides. But some times due to accident or some or other reasons, pesticide poisoning may occur. In such cases, first aid measures should be immediately taken to minimize the toxic effect of poisoning of pesticides. Some of the important first aid measures are as follows:
(i)                 Immediately remove the patient from the godown or warehouse to open place and he should be allowed to rest in the open.

(ii)              The patient should be induced vomiting so that the pesticide may come out from the stomach and may not cause damage to the vital part of the body. For vomiting, common salt or powered mustard seed along with plenty of water may be used.

Symptoms of pesticide poisoning

            The symptoms of pesticide poisoning of some of the pesticides and their anti dotes are given below:

Organo phosphorous  insecticides (Malathion, DDVP etc)

                All Organo phosphorous insecticides such as Malathion, DDVP etc are poisonous chemicals.  Nausea (feeling of vomiting) is the first poisoning symptom of all organo phosphorous insecticides. It   is followed by vomiting, diarrhea, headache, giddiness, vertigo and weakness. There may be difficulty in breathing and disruption of nerve functioning. Death may be caused by anoxia (lack of oxygen).

Antedotes: Atropine sulphate is the specific antidote of organo phosphrous poisoning. This may be given in repeated doses of 2-4 mg at 5-10 minutes interval. 25-50 mg atropine sulphate may be given in a day.

Aluminium phosphide: The poisoning symptoms are feeling of fatigue, buzzing in ears, nausea, pressure in chest, intestinal pain diarrhea and vomiting. Oxygen therapy should be provided to the patient and drug which stimulate blood circulation should be given. 

Stomach should be washed with 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate. Blood transfusion or infusion of glucose in the blood is recommended.

Zinc phosphide: Stomach should be washed with 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate. The small amount of copper sulphate solution in water (0.2%)   should be given to the patient which will neutralize the effect of zinc phosphide.

Anticoagulant rodenticides: Vitamin K is the antidote of all anticoagulant rodenticides.

Universal Antidote: An universal antidote consisting of activated charcoal, tannic acid and magnesium oxide may be given in all types of pesticide poisoning. 3 gm of activated charcoal, 3gm of tannic acid and 4 gm of magnesium oxide may be given with one glass of water.                          

Post updated on:  Sep 27, 2021 3:07:14 PM

How to make homemade tortilla chips from chefsavvy.com

The crispy tortilla chips called Nachos are made using flour, corn flour and oil. While the delicious dip called salsa is prepared using tomatoes and other vegetables, which can tempt anyone. The combination of nachos and salsa is an addictive option that you will keep on munching.
Maize flour
150 gm
Refined flour
100 gm
Turmeric powder
A pinch
Carom seeds

1. Sieve both of the flours along with salt. Also add oil and carom
seeds and mix well.
2. Make stiff dough with about ? cup of warm water. Knead well till
smooth and keep aside for 30 to 40 minutes.
3. Again knead the dough.
4. Make small balls and roll out into thin chapatis as thin as
possible on a floured surface.
5. Prick the chapatis with a fork.
6. Cut the chapattis into 4 or 8 triangles; follow the same process
for other remaining dough.
7. Deep fry on medium flame till they turn golden in color. Remove it
out on brown papers or napkins.
8. Serve with salsa.

Post updated on:  Sep 25, 2021 2:36:50 PM

                        Yeast Doughnuts-
A doughnut is a type of fried dough confectionary or dessert food .Doughnuts are usually deep fried from  a flour dough and typically either ring shaped or without a hole and often filled.
Used Material: ?
Milk Powder
Bread Improver
Vanilla essence

Method: -
1.    Sift together the flour and milk powder.
2.    Make a ferment with some of the flour mixture all the yeast, water and set aside for 10-15 minutes.
3.    Add the ferment to the remaining flour along with the egg and remaining ingredients adding water for just consistency.
4.    Allow fermenting.
5.    Knock back and allow to proof.
6.    Sheet the dough and cut with a doughnut cutter and allow to proof.
7.    Fry in hot oil till golden brown.

Post updated on:  Sep 24, 2021 2:49:52 AM

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