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What is political science.

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Political science.                                              It is the science that studies both the state and government institutions related to the human being as a political and social animal.

 Political science includes all these things political thought, political theory, political philosophy, political ideology, institutional or structural framework, comparative politics, public administration, international law, and organization.


 The origin of political science is very ancient. Greek thought includes Plato's idealism and Aristotle's rationalism.
                                                                There was a tradition to study political science only on the basis of concepts of ethics, philosophy, history, and jurisprudence.  In modern times, it was not only accepted as an independent subject, but it also had a substantial development in the context of social sciences.  The study of Political Science in today's context is more important than before, while on the other hand it is also very complex.

 The importance of political science is manifested by the fact that today the study of political process is necessary to understand both national and international politics.  It is only through the study of process that knowledge of real politics and the facts contained within them is possible.

 The complexity of political science is related to their overlapping form and the nature and nature that arise from them.  Today political science deals with both 'political' and non-political elements. The non-political elements indirectly contribute to the running of the political process and therefore the correct understanding of politics can be achieved only by integrating them.  For this purpose, adequate importance is given to allied elements like society, economy, religion, culture, geography, science and technology, psychology and history in political studies.

 The form, study material and its traditions have been changing from time to time due to the contributions of various thinkers, theorists and analysts from the time of Greek thinkers to the modern period.  Accordingly, this topic has been continuously developing.  In this development, two major approaches have emerged in relation to the study of political science: the traditional approach and the modern approach.  The traditional or traditional approach introduces 'state-primeness' while the modern approach introduces 'process-primei.           
 The political approach, which has been prevalent in the sixth century BC to the 20th century, before the Second World War, is called 'Traditional Political Approach' from the point of view of study convenience.  It is also called idealistic or classical approach.

 Many political thinkers have contributed in the formation and development of traditional political theory such as Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Saint Augustine, Aquinas, Locke, Rousseau, Montesquie Kant, Hegel, Green etc.  Even in the modern era, many scholars are considered to be supporters of the traditional approach, such as Leo Strauss, Eric Vogoli, Occupy, Hannah Arend etc.

 In ancient Greece and Rome, the concepts of philosophy, ethics, logic, history and law were made the basis for the formation of political theory, but in the medieva period, mainly the Christian theological approach was made the basis for the formation of political theory.  In the 16th century, the Renaissance movement gave birth to intellectual political consciousness as well as gave birth to the concept of nation-state.  The Industrial Revolution of the 18th century gave a new impetus to the development of political theory.  The Glorious Revolution of England, the democratic revolutions of France and America led to the development of traditional political theory in the form of 'liberal democratic political theory'.

 The traditional political approach has mainly adopted philosophical, logical, ethical, historical and legal methods for the formulation of political theory.  Since the 19th century, it has laid special emphasis on legal, constitutional, institutional, descriptive and comparative methods.  From the beginning of the 20th century, the traditional approach adopted a new approach to the formulation of political theory which was more realistic than in the past.  In traditional political science, emphasis is placed on the study of social -political facts influencing government policies and decisions in practice outside the government and its legal organs.  Emphasized the study of political parties and pressure groups as well as formal organisations.  It also laid emphasis on the study of those social, economic conditions and movements which are clearly outside the formal organization of the government but influence its policies and programmes.


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