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How did modern makeup come about?

Blog by Ayush connectclue-author-image

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Makeup in different countries in the world :

 In Rome: Here cosmetics were invented especially for slaves.  These slaves were called here as "Kasmate".

 In West Asia: Cosmetics were used in Persia (Iran).  With the adoption of Islam by the Arab tribes, the region came under Islamic rule.

 In China: People used to apply different colors on their nails.  These colors represented the different social classes there.  The people of the Chu dynasty used to use gold and silver color marks.  The class that followed them used to mark red and black.  The use of bright colors in the nails was prohibited for the people of the lower classes.

 History has been a witness to the fact that man's lust for beauty does not accept any restriction.  Whether these bonds are social, legal or have future physical side effects.  Despite all this, human beings did not miss their use in any era.     In Japan: Dancers used to paint their lips by rubbing a special flower safflower and decorated the sides of their eyes with its petals.

 In Europe: Here makeup was considered immoral by the Church.  But after the Reformation Movement in Europe and the Industrial Revolution, this perception of the people changed.

 Upper class women used white lead to beautify their skin. Impressed by him, the youth in England used it fiercely, ignoring its heavy side effects.

 History has been a witness to the fact that man's lust for beauty does not accept any restriction.  Whether these bonds are social, legal or have future physical side effects.  Despite all this, human beings did not miss their use in any era.  Beauty products may not have been present in history as attractive as today, but it can be said with certainty that the history of beauty products is as ancient as man.

 First use of makeup:

 The first archaeological evidence of the use of cosmetics is found in ancient Egypt around four thousand BC.  In ancient times, cosmetics were also used in Greece and Rome.  The ancient Egyptians invented a method for external decoration of the eyes, which was made by mixing lead, copper and burnt almonds and other substances.  It was called Cole.  It was believed that by applying it, the evil spirit does not get wrath and it sharpens the eyes.  That's why it was also used by poor people in Egypt.  The secret of Egyptian Empress Cleopatra's stupendous beauty was her specially designed make-up material.  Cleopatra's lipstick was made from a special type of red worm which was dark red in colour.  Ant eggs were also mixed in it.

 In India: The first archaeological evidence of the use of cosmetics was found here in 1931.  Lipstick used by Indus people was found in Chanhudaro of Sindh province.  An excavation work suddenly made the history of India more glorious that this Indian civilization, believed to be from 2500 to 1750 BC, was in no way behind the civilization of Egypt and Rome.

 The secret of Egyptian Empress Cleopatra's stupendous beauty was her specially designed make-up material.  Cleopatra's lipstick was made from a special type of red worm which was dark red in colour.  Ant eggs were also mixed in it.  Mehndi was also used in the 4th-5th century.  However, this could not be confirmed yet.  Mehndi was also used today for hair dyeing and for embellishment of hands and feet.  Mehndi was also important in North African culture.  Kajal was also important among Hindus since ancient times.  Max Factor is credited with giving birth to modern makeup.

 He was born in Lodz, Poland in 1877.  His business began in America in 1902 when he attended the World's Fair in St. Louis with his family.  Then he never looked back.  He initially began selling hair products and skin lubes to local St. Louis theater artists.  Thus established his early image.

 Due to this, budding artists of the growing film industry started coming to him for makeup related advice.  In 1909, as soon as speech films began in Hollywood, the family moved to Los Angeles and took a job in a theatre.  By 1994, he was completely adept at making-up work in films.

 He developed a new dry cream to smooth the skin, which was the first time makeup was used in films.  With the help of this, now the heroines could come in more good looks in the films.  After this, eyebrow pencils for eyelashes, lip gloss accessories, makeup tablets, etc., developed a new terminology of screen makeup cosmetics.

 Overwhelmed by their new and stylish makeup in films, actresses started using makeup for appearances and style in their personal lives as well.  Looking at the glamorous look of the films, women started being questioned about the reasons for their beautiful appearance.  Thus the work of Max Factor gradually became effective in common life also.

 In view of this, in the year 1927, Max launched his first cosmetic product in the market to sell to the general public apart from the film world.  Even before Max came, some women used cosmetic products.  But with the advent of Max Factor, the cosmetic became readily available for use and abuse.  It is still used in many cosmetics today.


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