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Pollution -(Air Pollution)

Blog by Shailendra nath tiwari connectclue-author-image

All > Science > Pollution

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Nature has provided us pure form of materials such water, air and soil . But the human beings are spoiling the pure air and water and soil. Due to people ignorance, the natural pure things are getting more polluted day by day. Pollution is explained as the joining of impurities with the  things made by the nature, not by the science or man.  In other words, it can explained as the contamination of the  pure form of natural resources with the impurities. These are the  major types of pollution are Air pollution, Water pollution, Soil pollution And Noise pollution.

Air pollution - The mixing of pure air with pollutant and harmful gases, is called as the air pollution. The air pollutants is the reason for the acid rain. It is argued that the air pollution is increasing day by day. 

There are several types of Side effects  due to the air Pollution. 
1) Respiratory diseases are produced by the Air pollution.
2) High level of the Air pollutants cause the headache and pulmonary problems.
3) These are common in people living in the big city like Delhi. 
4) The people face high blood pressure in the heart due to the low availability of pure form of air. 
5) The person can die due to the high availability of Carbon dioxide in a closed room.

Consequences of the Air pollution- 

That's why we have to be aware of the consequences of the Air pollution. One of the consequences of the Air pollution is known as the acid rain. What is the meaning of the acid rain in term of the chemical composition. Basically the acid rain is composed of the sulfur and nitrogen gas. These gases are mainly coming into the environment by the combustion of substance basically made-up of sulfur and nitrogen.

These are the following methods to Control Air Pollution -

We can control the air pollution by performing the following ways. 

1)The people should increase the use of sources of energy which are environment-friendly, such as wind energy and solar energy.
2) We should not burn the plastic material and dry leaves.
3) The people should increase the use of the other form of energy such as LPG.
4) The people should not encourage the person who is burning crackers.
5) The people should encourage odd and even methods for vehicles, so that the people who are enjoying or wondering unnessessarly, can controlled.

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