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Biodiesel produced from Algae

Blog by Shailendra nath tiwari connectclue-author-image

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There are several types of sources of the energy. Many types of energies are renewable resources of energy and some are non- renewable resources of energy. Today the world is changing its view regarding the types of energy. It is argued that the form of the energy decides the production of pollutants. 

                            Biodiesel can be produced by the help of the algae. Algae is a waste living organisms that is produced on the surface of the water present in the pond or river. Algae is formed due to decay of the dead  bodies and plants. Biodiesel production due to the algae is a process in which the production is done by algae. Algae can be easily produced by the renewable resources of energy.


Algae are the simple aquatic organisms .
It below to the  the plant kingdom. They make their own food by the process of photosynthesis. The branch of science which deal with the study of the algae and production of the algae, is called phycology.

                     For the purpose of comparative study of the diesel engine and the engine running on algae, the observer has to design some setup. The diesel engine can be used for the experimental purpose  and the fuel can be supplied to the engine. The test should be done for finding the engine speed, break power, torque and fuel flow by the help of various Apparatuses. The performance of the engine is calculated by considering the load as well as the consumption of the fuel simultaneously.  The performance of the engine is determined by the explanation of the torque and loads. 

These are the steps for producing the algae ----
Firstly, collect the algae.

Basically Esterification process helps to reduce the viscosity present in the biodiesel that is produced from vegetable oil and renewable resources. If the biodiesel is directly used in the diesel engine, it may damage the internal part of the engine because it has high viscosity. Due to viscosity, the internal parts of the diesel engine may slip or collapse while it is running.

Methods used for Production of Biodiesel - 

1. Conventional Mechanical Stirring Method - The mechanical stirring method is used to mix the methanol and catalyst properly. This method is the cheapest way to get biodiesel.
         The mechanical stirring machine consists of three major components : temperature controller, speed controller and magnetic stirrer. The temperature controller is used for maintaining the suitable temperature inside the beaker. The speed controller is used to control the speed of rotation of solution inside the beaker. The magnetic stirrer is the component which helps to mix the methanol and oil nicely by stirring the solution inside the beaker. 

2 . Ultrasonic Cavitation Method- It is used nowadays as it produces more biodiesel from the oil. 

3. Soxhlet Extractor Method- It is very expensive method to produce the biodiesel from the vegetable waste. This method is very costly method for biodiesel manufacturing and is time consuming method. Collect the biodiesel after the process of stirring and settling.

Basically the plants are also very nice way to get fuel. The engine is also available for the same biodiesel.

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