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Failure is A Lure for Success-Don't be afraid of it

Blog by Saiyid Safdar Abbas Zaidi connectclue-author-image

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I observed students and business men committing suicide just because they could not achieve what they wanted to .In Tamil Nadu recently there  has been three  consecutive suicide  deaths of students in a span of one week. And all suicides because of fear of failing in their NEET Exam.

There is a rat race. Imagine millions and millions of people running just one race for the same thing. It seems running for one's own life every day. It is a race to realize an elusive dream. To achieve this one must let go everything- the pressure to get is intense One example I can cite here is that of striving for elite college admissions status to enter an elite profession. How tragic is the effect that this rat race is having on students when they don't achieve this?

It leads to depression and in most of the cases suicide- Reading the  book  Failure is a knock on the Door of success will  hopefully give them solace that not getting admission is not the end  and sacrificing one's life is not worth . There could be better things waiting for them so they should just push on.

Failure is a very powerful ingredient for success. No one likes to fail but it has been observed that those who fail often come back and win. Failure is the pillar of, and roadway to, success. Failure is a lure for success; it is neither incompetence nor indignity. It is a trigger to continue, to not give up. It is really very depressing to observe that our society portrays harsh images of success and failure. We should always WIN is the mantra they prescribe. If we lose, we are doomed. It is the culture of conformity. Its mantra is to go along to get along. Its prescribed standards are stringent. But one should not get terrorized and frozen by such standards.

This single-track success driven approach creates stress and tensions that one may find difficult to handle. What needs to be emphatically highlighted is that successful people are those who accept and embrace failure without making excuses and move ahead to plan out the next move.
It must be kept in mind and understood that success is a journey. It is a continuous process. The road leading to success will not always be smooth. This journey will not always provide unending and continual joy. There will be difficulties, setbacks, obstacles and roadblocks. There will be moments when you start questioning your commitment. These will emerge irrespective of whether you are on the right path or the wrong path. So, you should recognize that while it might sometimes be hard, you will need to make an effort to re-establish and reconnect with the positive vibes you felt when you started moving towards your desired goal.

There is no magic potion that energizes and makes people successful. It is for you to define what success means to you.
Failure is a knock on the door of success. Continue knocking and the door of success will certainly open.

Failure will never overtake you if you:
  • keep your determination to succeed strong enough
  • have steely faith in your resilience
  • break free from the clutches of  self-doubts and fears that frighten you and hold you back from moving forward
  • use your fears as fuel to ignite the fire within you to continue marching ahead
Remember---Whenever failure visits you it is not to knock you down but to inspire and motivate you to learn and improve

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A very inspiring blog

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