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Ants are sensitive to success and failure

Blog by Saiyid Safdar Abbas Zaidi connectclue-author-image

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 Be  selectively lazy and succeed: Follow the work ethic of fire ants

* Ants are renowned for their industriousness. The Secret to Ant Efficiency Is Idleness? Ants don't tend to get in traffic jams. They might butt heads (or antennae) momentarily as they go about their industrious business, but ants somehow have mastered the art of keeping things moving. They're geniuses of flow.
Another striking thing about ants is that some of them just sit around doing nothing. This has also been noticed in other social insects, such as bees. When ants build a nest, some of them just sit around, inert, lazy, and seemingly useless.

The researchers found that ants are more successful when they are selectively industrious. They use idleness to their advantage. Quitting has its virtues.
Researchers have noted that. When an individual ant tries to do something, such as obtain food or dig a tunnel and is successful, she keeps doing it with extraordinary vigour and endurance.

But when she fails, such as getting stymied while trying to enter a tunnel, she will quit and become inert.
New research suggests that relatively simple rules govern this behavior.

* There's positive feedback between how successful an ant is and her tendency to repeat the task? said  Ofer Feinerman, a physicist who studies ants?
The above is extracted from an Article? How to be selectively Lazy and Succeed. Follow the work Ethic of Fire ants? Published - in Washington post and carried by Gulf News _31 st Aug 2018.

My comment: I have not made any change in the original except picking up a portion relevant to this topic. Here selective laziness would mean taking regular breaks in the course of doing work. That will sustain and enhance productivity.

As rightly said I -am not Lazy, I am on Energy-saving mode _Anonymous
Message:  Be  selectively lazy and succeed: Follow the work ethic of fire ants


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