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Nirupama  posted in Cooking

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Yoga is essentially a very subtle science based physical, mental and spiritual discipline, which focuses on bringing harmony between mind and body.  In this article you will learn about the origin of yoga, the development of yoga in India and the world, the history of yoga, the basic formula and types of yoga practice.

 Yoga is an art and model to lead a healthy life.  The word 'yoga' is derived from Sanskrit 'yuj', which means 'to join' or 'to unite' (yoke or to unite).   According to modern scientists, the person who experiences the oneness of his existence in the universe is called yoga, while practicing it one who progresses towards liberation, nirvana or moksha is called a yogi.  Let us know in detail about the history of Yoga.

It is mentioned in Rigveda.   Many things have been written about yoga in the Upanishads, so the exact information about the development of yoga is not available.  The origins of hatha yoga texts date back to around the 11th century.

Yoga was developed in western countries including India by many yoga gurus of India.   Yoga in Indian tradition is much more than physical exercise.  It is a meditative and spiritual core.  Yoga is considered one of the six major orthodox schools in Hinduism that has its own science and philosophy.  It is also closer to the Hindu Samkhya philosophy.

This is evident from the seals of the Indus Valley Civilization.  In Yoga Vidya, Shiva is considered to be the first Yogi or Adiyogi and the first Guru or Adi Guru.

Yoga works on a body, mind, emotion and energy level.  Yoga is classified into four types.  The first is Karma Yoga, where we use the body.  Third Jnana Yoga, where we use the mind.  Fourth Kriya Yoga, where we harness energy.  All ancient commentators on yoga have emphasized that it is necessary to do it under the guidance of a yoga guru.  

 India has various social customs and rituals, the land of yoga, love for ecological balance, tolerance towards other systems of thought and a compassionate attitude towards all creation.  

Patanjali has described the eight limbs of yoga in his book called Yoga Sutras which are known as Ashtanga.  


 Tells about the moral values ​​of life and how to live life.  This is to emphasize honesty and integrity.  It teaches us to treat others well and follow the path of non-violence, truth and self-control.


 Teaches to be reflective and thoughtful.  It teaches us discipline and spirituality.  Niyama is a path where you study yourself, stay clean, contented and have faith in God.


 Apart from this, it teaches meditation, meditation and self-centeredness.


 Breath control is a process where you consciously inhale and through exhalation engage the mind, body and spirit.  Breath is the pranic energy that makes you powerful and energetic.


 It is when we look within ourselves and come to know more about ourselves.  We consciously try to stay away from external forces and focus on removing our inner stimuli from outside stimuli.

 an assumption

 Learning to focus on a single energy center by focusing on a single object, thought or mantra.  Our mind is full of many thoughts.  It teaches them to be able to control and keep their mind calm.


 In this the mind is made aware and the thoughts disturbing the mind are reduced.  The strength and stamina built from the back limbs of yoga helps with meditation.

Princygupta  posted in Others

Post updated on:  Oct 6, 2021 9:06:15 AM

But do you know which famous yoga gurus contributed in enriching the yoga tradition in India.

Today people from all over the country and abroad come to India to learn yoga. Actually this is the result of hard work of the same yoga gurus. On June 21, people all over the world will celebrate International Yoga Day. On this special occasion, let us tell you about those 7 yoga gurus, due to which yoga became famous all over the world. In the wake of International Yoga Day, where there is a boom in yoga all over the world.

Today people from all over the country and abroad come to India to learn yoga.  Actually this is the result of hard work of the same yoga gurus.  On June 21, people all over the world will celebrate International Yoga Day.  On this special occasion, let us tell you about those 7 yoga gurus, due to which yoga became famous all over the world.In the wake of International Yoga Day, where there is a boom in yoga all over the world, it becomes necessary for you to know that after all, who made their important contribution in taking the science of yoga as told by Maharishi Patanjali to every nook and corner of the world.  And also developed new technology related to it.

Today people from all over the country and abroad come to India to learn yoga.  Actually this is the result of hard work of the same yoga gurus.  On June 21, people all over the world will celebrate International Yoga Day.  On this special occasion, let us tell you about those 7 yoga gurus, due to which yoga became famous all over the world.In the wake of International Yoga Day, where there is a boom in yoga all over the world, it becomes necessary for you to know that after all, who made their important contribution in taking the science of yoga as told by Maharishi Patanjali to every nook and corner of the world.  And also developed new technology related to it.

There are so many quotes about yoga that we all know about. Yoga is the gift of India to the world, to which all its people have balanced their lifestyle and even today, by defeating all diseases, due to yoga, they are keeping themselves fit even in old age. The world has also considered a coin of yoga, it is like a boon for all western civilization countries, because questions keep arising about the lifestyle there, I have also flown.

He started the work of promoting yoga through Doordarshan channel. He has promoted yoga by writing many books in Hindi and English language.

BKS Iyengar-BKS Iyengar has played an important role in making yoga recognized worldwide. He also has a school of yoga by the name of 'Ayyagara Yoga'. Through this school, he made people all over the world aware of yoga. In 2004, Time magazine named him as one of the top 100 influential people in the world. He also has a book called 'Light on Yoga', which is considered as the Yoga Bible.

Many celebrities also consider him as their mentor. He is known all over the world for his yoga.

All the credit for reviving Hatha Yoga and Vinyasa goes to him. Tirumalai Krishnamacharya was also aware of Ayurveda. He had given a new identity to yoga throughout India during the reign of the Maharaja of Mysore.
All the credit for reviving Hatha Yoga and Vinyasa goes to him.  Tirumalai Krishnamacharya was also aware of Ayurveda.    He had given a new identity to yoga throughout India during the reign of the Maharaja of Mysore.

Krishna Pattabhi Jois was also a great yoga guru. He was born on 26 July 1915 and died on 18 May 2009. Krishna developed the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga style. Not only this, Paramahansa Yogananda is the first and main teacher of Yoga.

Swami Sivananda Saraswati was a doctor by profession. He has a yoga center by the name of 'Sivananda Yoga Vedanta'. He devoted his whole life to this center. He propagated yoga all over the world by uniting karma and bhakti with yoga.

There are many Indian yoga gurus who have given recognition to yoga, due to whose efforts not only Indians but also many foreigners have got innumerable benefits of yoga Many yogis of modern India have also played an important role in bringing yoga to where it is today.

There are many yoga centers in India where you can go and learn yoga. There are many yoga camps which are also world famous. Today in this article we are going to tell you about some such yoga camps in India, about which you may not know yet. The yoga camps that we are going to tell about are yoga centers as well as they are also known for great tourist places.

The Yoga Institute is considered to be the oldest yoga center in India. It is said that this yoga center was established by Shri Yogendraji in the year 1918. If you live in and around Mumbai, then here you can reach to do yoga and learn. It is said about this yoga center that various types of yoga courses are also conducted here.

Princygupta  posted in Others

Post updated on:  Oct 2, 2021 12:59:05 AM

There is also a saying that "health is wealth" if you have your health then you understand that you have the best wealth in the world.  Many people are worried about their health, many people are caught by various diseases but there is a simple solution and that is yoga, if you start adopting yoga regularly in your daily routine, then understand that  No one can stop you from being healthy.

 Yoga has been present in the traditions of India since ancient times, this means that there must be some very mysterious benefits of adopting yoga somewhere.  Yes, the benefits of yoga are the real reason for adopting yoga.  In ancient times, people used to take the help of yoga to avoid diseases and attain mental peace.  For this reason, both the health and mind of the people were good in ancient times.

It is very important for the body to be healthy in order to do any work properly.  Being healthy of the body does not mean that all your organs are working properly, but your mental health should also be better, then only you can do any work with your mind.  The treatment of every disease is hidden in yoga, whether it is physical or mental, yoga keeps humans healthy in every way.  Due to so many benefits of Yoga, International Yoga Day is celebrated every year on 21st June so that people can be made aware of Yoga.  On this 'International Yoga Day', know about the importance of yoga and benefits of yoga, benefits of yoga, mental benefits of yoga.

Before knowing the benefits and types of yoga, it is very important to know what exactly is yoga?  Yoga has been an integral part of India's culture since ancient times, it is the responsibility of every citizen of the world to preserve it.  The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root 'yuj' which simply means "to unite" which means to unite the body, mind and soul.  Those who become successful in doing this, they start getting health benefits in a mysterious way.

 Some people live in the misconception that doing gym is many times better than doing yoga but it is not so.  By doing gym you can make your body fit but it is not necessary that doing gym will improve your mental health.  By doing yoga, our body gets the strength of unity, that means, our body, mind and soul meet in a better way.

Since ancient times, great yogis have been explaining Mahatma and Paramatma Yoga in their own way.  Yoga is not something that comes to you by doing it once, it is the practice of yoga that makes it better in every body.  The way you do yoga gets better with practice.  Yoga is an art, "the art of living as one", which gives the human body the strength of unity, mental health and strength that is not available by doing anything else.

 Yoga keeps your mind stable and does not allow it to wander here and there, where every kind of treatment fails to remove stress, there is a clear direct cure for it.  In ancient times, great sages, sages, yogis and kings used to do penance for centuries without eating anything, taking the help of yoga, the result of which they would definitely get after penance.  If you accept yoga as a penance, then you will start feeling its tremendous benefits.

Yoga is a panacea for a disease free body, yoga makes your whole body disease free.  Yoga benefits in asthma, diabetes, blood pressure, arthritis, digestion and other diseases.  In today's time, even big doctors tell about the miraculous benefits of yoga.  Yoga teaches us many things and all these things have a positive effect on our body.  This positive effect protects us from all kinds of diseases and makes us disease free.

Today, many people are troubled due to increasing weight, in such a situation, yoga can prove to be very beneficial for them.  By doing many types of asanas, freedom from increasing body weight can be found.  If you know the benefits of yoga and are able to include it regularly in your daily routine, then it can help in controlling your increasing weight.

Yoga is a boon for diabetics, if you are able to include yoga in your routine along with the consultation of the doctor, then you can control the rising blood sugar level.  Yoga helps in reducing the blood sugar mill.  It can also reduce bad cholesterol.

In today's time, every class of person remains under stress, not knowing how many types of problems keep a person under stress, but by adopting yoga, you can become stress free.  Yoga relaxes your mind.  Yoga is a miraculous boon both physically and mentally, yoga removes stress and positive energy enters the mind.  This is the reason why a person who adopts yoga gets freedom from all the problems related to hunger, sleep and exhaustion.

With the help of yoga, you can strengthen your bones, many people do not worry about their bones at all, so they have to deal with bone pain after a time.  If such people adopt yoga then they get to see positive effects.  With the help of yoga, the way you sit and get up automatically turns in the right direction.

There are many people who catch eye-related diseases at a very young age, such people must adopt yoga because yoga not only relaxes your brain, but also makes your eyes good.  There are many such yogasanas, with the help of which your eyes remain good for a long time.

Princygupta  posted in Others

Post updated on:  Sep 28, 2021 3:37:39 PM

Slogans/quotes and thoughts on Yoga Day contain motivational messages that make people aware and tell how important yoga is to keep our mind and body healthy.  Let us look at Quotes, Slogans and thoughts on Yoga.  

 Morning or evening, do yoga everyday
 no disease will come near you Health living life's deposit capital
 Yoga is the key to disease free life Change yourself then this world will change
 Every day will be happy with yoga. yoga is beneficial for health
 Yoga is beneficial for disease free life Diseases do not touch those who do yoga
 Becoming a yogi, drive away disease from yourself Yoga means to unite, to contain the energy in oneself.
 To make body, mind and soul strong and beautiful old or young
 yoga is a great solution
 try it, pay attention
 drive away the merge sitting at home yoga is like music
 body rhythm

 sweetness of mind and
 in harmony with the soul
 bring life together desire to live a disease free life

 Yoga is not a religion.  Yoga is the science of integrating body, mind and spirit. Make regular practice of yoga, make life happy and healthy.

 Every disease has to be broken now and you have to make a connection with yoga. Those who do yoga will not touch them again with any disease.

 To celebrate yoga day, to drive away diseases through yoga who took up yoga.  The disease was driven away forever.

 The cure of all diseases lies in yoga and healthy lifestyle They do not have disease, those who do yoga make sense.

 Who loves disease, adopts disease and brings it out in life make yoga day special, make a habit of doing yoga
 Diseases run away from those who follow yoga

 Do yoga every day, get rid of all your diseases Make the world happy, let's go for yoga Now do yoga in the morning and evening, no disease will come near

 Want to live a disease free life, adopt the habit of doing yoga everyday The slogan of yoga is, the future is ours now

 Life will be better for the one who does yoga every day The whole world has accepted that yoga has to drive away diseases. If you want to make life happy, then you have to adopt yoga in every situation.

 Those who do disease yoga, then they will not have diseases. One who does yoga remains disease free. Those who adopt this, they drive away the disease. Yoga is the process of stabilizing the fluctuations of the mind

 Yoga is the practice of quieting your mind. Yoga increases our life force, ability to meditate and productivity. Yoga also stabilizes and controls human body, mind and spirit.
Yoga is very amazing, it removes the problems of our health and at the same time we also get observation of ourselves. It is said that a person has to get along with himself through yoga, when by being completely disciplined, we get control from all desires from our mind, then we come to know ourselves.
I love yoga because it is not only it is a workout for our body but also our breathing which helps to release excessive stress. Yoga really prepares us for the day to day routine. Yoga doesn't just talk about self improvement, it teaches about self acceptance Yoga is not a religion but it is a science, science of wellness, science of youth, controlling body, science of mind and soul.

Anyone who practices can achieve success through yoga but for a lazy person, yoga is of no importance and continuous practice alone is the secret of success. Yoga is possible for anyone who really wants it. Yoga is universal? But a business minded looking for practical benefits should not approach yoga. We did not have health insurance in the ancient times but we all have yoga as a practice that guarantees our health without spending a single penny. A surgeon always advises pregnant women to practice yoga as it helps them to stay healthy. In today's hectic life, we have all been separated from ourselves, so yoga helps us to reconnect with ourselves.

Princygupta  posted in Others

Post updated on:  Sep 24, 2021 3:05:20 AM

11 Tips for Beginner Yoga Practitioners |  Yoga Tips for Beginners

 yoga for beginners

 Yoga, a new dimension to life


 wear comfortable clothes

 become a regular yogi

 be light

 Warm-up before going to yoga mat

 a smile that lasts for miles


 Rest to Refresh - Yoga Tips


 yoga for beginners

  Yoga isn't about touching your toes or stretching to 98 degrees in your forearm. It's a simple process of connecting you with yourself - using your breath, body and mind and it's easy and effortless.

 So, no problem if you are not Ms. Flexible or Mr. Flexible, or are entering yoga at the age of 40, or you have any hidden love handles (fat around the waist) that can make you lose weight.  De-stressing - Just bust all the myths before practicing yoga!  This journey will bring you a lot of joy and relaxation!


 Yoga, a new dimension to life

 It is best to start learning yoga under the guidance of a qualified yoga teacher who can lead you on by making you aware of the right way to do each technique.  


 To learn yoga Take help of experts

   This will help the teacher to tailor your yoga asana practice to you and avoid any complications or injuries.


 wear comfortable clothes

 Wear comfortable clothes when going to a yoga class or practicing yoga at home.  


 become a regular yogi

 If the morning hours don't fit your schedule, don't make it an excuse to skip the yoga practice altogether!


 be light

Also, it is advised to drink at least three to four liters of water a day, as this will help in flushing out the toxins that come out of the body during your yoga practice.


 Warm-up before going to yoga mat

 Here are some warm-up exercises:

 Massage of the head, eyebrows, nose and cheeks: Whenever we make a mistake, we instinctively place one hand on the head.  This is a sign that blood circulation to the brain is low and massage is needed!

 Rotate your neck, both clockwise and counterclockwise, to remove any stiffness.

 Pump your shoulders and shrug your hands, banish laziness.


 a smile that lasts for miles

 With a calm mind, you can expand the limits of your body and stretch more than usual.


 Damn Your Limits - One Step at a Time

 Do as much as you can comfortably and then stretch a bit more (to improve body flexibility).  Remember to use the breath as a reference point - when it is light and long, the muscles begin to relax;  But when breathing is bumpy or uneven, it means you're working too hard.




 Whatever your situation in your yoga practice, be happy with it and don't compare yourself to other students in the yoga class.  Remember that each body type is unique and that different people have different levels of expertise.  Some people can do a particular yoga posture with ease, while others may need a little more time and practice to get there.  So, don't feel too much pressure and don't work too hard.  

 If you feel some muscle soreness during the initial days of exercise, don't be alarmed.  But if the pain persists, notify your instructor immediately.  The key point here is to be regular and patient with your yoga practice.  


 Rest to Refresh - Yoga Tips

 As soon as you complete your yoga asana practice, don't be in too much of a rush to get up and start moving on to the day's lined up tasks.  yoga asana practice. After yoga nidra yoga exercise the mind and body  It is also beneficial in giving complete relaxation.

Princygupta  posted in Others

Post updated on:  Sep 24, 2021 1:37:43 AM

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