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11 tips for beginners yoga.

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11 Tips for Beginner Yoga Practitioners |  Yoga Tips for Beginners

 yoga for beginners

 Yoga, a new dimension to life


 wear comfortable clothes

 become a regular yogi

 be light

 Warm-up before going to yoga mat

 a smile that lasts for miles


 Rest to Refresh - Yoga Tips


 yoga for beginners

  Yoga isn't about touching your toes or stretching to 98 degrees in your forearm. It's a simple process of connecting you with yourself - using your breath, body and mind and it's easy and effortless.

 So, no problem if you are not Ms. Flexible or Mr. Flexible, or are entering yoga at the age of 40, or you have any hidden love handles (fat around the waist) that can make you lose weight.  De-stressing - Just bust all the myths before practicing yoga!  This journey will bring you a lot of joy and relaxation!


 Yoga, a new dimension to life

 It is best to start learning yoga under the guidance of a qualified yoga teacher who can lead you on by making you aware of the right way to do each technique.  


 To learn yoga Take help of experts

   This will help the teacher to tailor your yoga asana practice to you and avoid any complications or injuries.


 wear comfortable clothes

 Wear comfortable clothes when going to a yoga class or practicing yoga at home.  


 become a regular yogi

 If the morning hours don't fit your schedule, don't make it an excuse to skip the yoga practice altogether!


 be light

Also, it is advised to drink at least three to four liters of water a day, as this will help in flushing out the toxins that come out of the body during your yoga practice.


 Warm-up before going to yoga mat

 Here are some warm-up exercises:

 Massage of the head, eyebrows, nose and cheeks: Whenever we make a mistake, we instinctively place one hand on the head.  This is a sign that blood circulation to the brain is low and massage is needed!

 Rotate your neck, both clockwise and counterclockwise, to remove any stiffness.

 Pump your shoulders and shrug your hands, banish laziness.


 a smile that lasts for miles

 With a calm mind, you can expand the limits of your body and stretch more than usual.


 Damn Your Limits - One Step at a Time

 Do as much as you can comfortably and then stretch a bit more (to improve body flexibility).  Remember to use the breath as a reference point - when it is light and long, the muscles begin to relax;  But when breathing is bumpy or uneven, it means you're working too hard.




 Whatever your situation in your yoga practice, be happy with it and don't compare yourself to other students in the yoga class.  Remember that each body type is unique and that different people have different levels of expertise.  Some people can do a particular yoga posture with ease, while others may need a little more time and practice to get there.  So, don't feel too much pressure and don't work too hard.  

 If you feel some muscle soreness during the initial days of exercise, don't be alarmed.  But if the pain persists, notify your instructor immediately.  The key point here is to be regular and patient with your yoga practice.  


 Rest to Refresh - Yoga Tips

 As soon as you complete your yoga asana practice, don't be in too much of a rush to get up and start moving on to the day's lined up tasks.  yoga asana practice. After yoga nidra yoga exercise the mind and body  It is also beneficial in giving complete relaxation.

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