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How to Use Avocado Oil for  your good  healthy Hair

Avocado oil is generally very beneficial for our healthy hair. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. It also contains a powerful dynamo of antioxidants.  Very beneficial.  And he says it's made up mainly of monounsaturated fatty acids.  Which maintains the beauty of your hair and protects the hair from strands, moisture locks and smooth breakage which protects the hair from UV damage, environmental invaders and polluting humid air.  Which mainly makes your hair look dry and brittle.read below to more..

Makes hair strong and nourishing

With avocado oil you can better moisturize, repair and strengthen your hair strands.  A 2016 general study found that the minerals in avocado oil helped to seal the problem.  Which will help protect your hair from falling out in the future.

Helps in hair growth a lot

Avocados contain a lot of biotin naturally, which is rich in vitamin B-12 and also it is very healthy for your family members, and otherside it plays a major role in the thick growth of long hair.

Good for the brilliance of the hair

Avocados naturally contain a lot of biotin which is high in Vitamin B12 also which is very healthy for your skin.  Moreover it plays a major role in making your hair thicker and longer.

The scalp can be made healthy

The vitamin and lipid cocktail contains a lot of dry skin, including dandruff, which usually moisturizes and nourishes the scalp.  Additionally, you can lightly massage it with oil which helps to stimulate the blood flow a lot.

The hair enters a deeper level

The avocado usually contains pantry which is much appreciated mainly for its fat-free work, and it is usually applied to keep the hair light weight and penetrate into the scalp, which it is applied in contrast to other oils on the surface.

Protects your hair by avocado

Carotenoids are an antioxidant that contains a lot of beta carotene and it is lutein which is a very powerful antioxidant and helps to protect your hair from sun UV damage and many environmental invasions or contaminants in the scalp and hair.

DIY is a dandruff-preventing scalp treatment:
From shampoos to detergents to color treatments মন even the weather-everything can cause dandruff.  Avocado oil also contains a lot of fatty ingredients that contain antioxidants and has many anti-inflammatory properties that nourish your dry and irritated scalp and also reduce hair flaking.


Need 1 tablespoon avocado oil

  Take 1 tablespoon plain yogurt

 Then add 1/2 teaspoon of honey

  Disposal equipment

  Gently massage the mixture into the scalp of your scalp first so that it circulates well and enhances the beauty of the hair.

  Then leave it on the hair for 15 to 30 minutes.

 After a while, wash your hair well.

  Then make a mask to increase the shine of the hair:

  The carotenoids in avocado oil contain a lot of the antioxidant beta-carotene and it helps a lot to protect your scalp hair from UV and environmental pollution, which helps to give your shiny spots.

Riya  posted in Health

Post updated on:  Sep 28, 2021 2:53:52 PM

5 Great Reasons Olive Oil Is Great For Hair Growth
 Olive oil is usually rich in fatty acids and lots of antioxidants. Moreover, olive oil is very important for good growth in your hair and its use is much more important for your hair.  In addition, you can get many more good benefits from it which can usually work much better for the beauty of your hair. read below to know more..

The best 5 good aspects of olive oil are discussed below

1. Olive oil treat split ends

In winter, when your hair is more dry, it has a good tendency to break and split ends.  Olive oil can usually add good weight and moisture to your hair and at the same time it can be used as a great fix.  Moreover, every day you take one or two drops of olive oil in your fingers and apply it well in your hair.  The oil will generally work much better as a serum and at the same time help to repair the split ends of your own hair, and if you use this oil regularly, it will also much better for new hair follicles.  Also, when you have some time for it, you heat a small amount of olive oil, apply it to the hair follicles in your scalp and leave it in your hair overnight and then shampoo it with mild warm water the next day, it will also much better for new hair follicles.  Also, when you have some time for it, you heat a small amount of olive oil, apply it to the hair follicles in your scalp and leave it in your hair overnight and then shampoo it with mild warm water the next day.

2. Olive oil makes your hair much softer

Olive oil usually acts as a very good type of moisturizer and also removes a lot of dryness from the hair.  It contains all the essential nutrients that usually help to keep your hair properly nourished and beautiful.

3. Calms your scalp a lot

Olive oil usually has a soothing effect on your scalp, it has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, the moisturizing effect of many beneficial hair follicles helps reduce itching, and it helps a lot in combating dry skin, as well as oily scalp.  Fights and opens the frozen pores a lot of the time.  It is also one of the main causes of hair loss due to follicles and dandruff.  Therefore, if one wants to avoid hair loss, one must know about the good qualities of olive oil.

4. It prevents hair loss

Olive oil is rich in antioxidants that generally promote hair growth.  And it usually prevents your hair from falling out a lot and protects you from getting damaged.  In addition, olive oil is one of the most harmful free radicals.

5. it reduce hair breakage

In addition, olive oil has many other benefits such as it makes your hair more beautiful and thicker by relieving it from breaking.  In addition to the hair, it makes your scalp much better, as well as the conditioning effect helps to improve the structure of the hair.  Olive oil is usually rich in omega 3 fatty acids which can reduce the rate of breakage and dryness in your hair.

  So, you may have many more reasons to include this olive oil in your hair care routine.

Riya  posted in Health

Post updated on:  Sep 27, 2021 3:15:30 PM

You may often use aloe Vera to relieve sunburn, but did you know that it can also be beneficial for your hair read below  to more

How aloe Vera can help your hair grow faster

The aloe Vera plant has been used on earth for thousands of years now, and it dates back to 1760 BC.  More than 450 species of aloe Vera have been found so far.  It is also a succulent type of plant that grows in arid and hot climates all over the world.

  It is usually very useful for many skin problems such as acne, acne and burns.  Aloe vera is commonly eaten as food and drinking water and it can be generally beneficial for inflammatory bowel diseases such as diabetes, hepatitis and many other ailments. 

   But there have been scientific studies on the effects of aloe Vera on hair.  Many studies have now been conducted on its benefits in general.  There may also be a reason that it may have many features and active ingredients. This whole issue is discussed in detail below..

Strengthens hair

Aloe Vera usually contains many types of active minerals that help you to make your hair much stronger.  It usually contains fatty acids and amino acids which are usually rich in vitamins A, B12, C and E.  These usually play an important role in keeping healthy hair follicles well.

Controls greasy hair

Aloe Vera usually contains a good enzyme that can break down fats and remove excess oil from your hair.

Helps in itching of the scalp

Seborrheic dermatitis is an inflammatory skin condition that usually affects your scalp a lot.  It usually helps to get rid of dandruff, red skin and rough spots on the scalp.  Researchers have shown that aloe Vera helps a lot in relieving wounds and itching.

Protection from UV damage

One study has shown that if you consume fresh aloe Vera juice, it will usually give you a lot of protection from the harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun.  Usually UV exposure can cause the hair to lose shine and color in your hair, which can make your itch very rough and weak, which can lead to hair breakage.  The amount of hair protection from UV light usually depends on the type of hair.

Hair growth

Many people say that aloe Vera plants helps you for new hair growth a lot, but so far no scientific evidence has been found.  However, researchers believe that the plant contains a common chemical compound called alloinin, which is a primary cause of hair growth, often known as alopecia.  It is commonly used to improve hair health and reduce the amount of breakage which makes a tremendous contribution to hair growths. Many people say that aloe vera plants helps you for new hair growth a lot, but so far no scientific evidence has been found.  However, researchers believe that the plant contains a common chemical compound called alloinin, which is a primary cause of hair growth, often known as alopecia.  It is commonly used to improve hair health and reduce the amount of breakage which makes a tremendous contribution to hair growth.

Risks of Aloe Vera

In general, if you use aloe Vera in the skin, it may be a bit risky for you.  Some people may be allergic to it and may have skin rashes.  First you can be sure by rubbing a small amount inside the wrist. Then wait about 4 hours to see if there is any reaction in your skin.

   If you always use chemical steroid creams like hydrocortisone, you should be careful about the use of aloe Vera first.  This can greatly increase the amount of cortisone you absorb through the skin.

Riya  posted in Health

Post updated on:  Sep 21, 2021 7:09:53 AM

Are you always worried? Here are five best ways to get rid of Mental health issues 

As our whole India is fighting against coronavirus today, because  more people are fighting with other waves now but this time, it is the stress or sadness of being at home and the uncertainty of the future, many are unable to meet their loved ones.  There is a lot of stress in the middle so with that in mind, today we have tried to cover this whole issue in our article, read below to know more about this topic.

1.Black Coffee

One study found that drinking black coffee can help us improve our mood.  However, you must note that excessive consumption of black coffee can be a source of frustration for you and it can also cause dehydration.  On this day you are advised to drink only 4 cups of black coffee and the rule is for each cup of black coffee one must drink 2 glasses of water.

2.Eat more vegetable and fruits

Eating vegetables and fruits helps a lot in the development of new cells in our brain.  It enhances a compound in our body called BDNF (neurotrophic factor derived from the brain), as it is a compound that contributes to the availability of happy hormones.  Eating apples, berries, onions, green vegetables, walnuts, chia seeds, tomatoes can help us to improve our mood.Eating vegetables and fruits helps a lot in the development of new cells in our brain.  It enhances a compound in our body called BDNF (neurotrophic factor derived from the brain), as it is a compound that contributes to the availability of happy hormones.  Eating apples, berries, onions, green vegetables, walnuts, chia seeds, tomatoes can help us to improve our mood.

3.Increase your happy hormone

We can improve our mood even more by raising our happy hormones.  To improve our mood we first need foods that are rich in both serotonin and tryptophan.  Studies show that healthy sugar-free serotonin can't cross our blood-brain barrier.  although tryptophan is essential for the production of the hormone serotonin carbohydrates are important for the transport of serotonin to the brain. pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, bananas, brown rice, buck-wheat, quinoa, dark chocolate, spinach help to improve our mood.  a simple milkshake made with milk, pumpkin seeds, banana and chocolate powder can improve our mood.  Horseradish Nerve Tonic ic This is an adaptogenic herb and add 1 teaspoon of horseradish powder to your drink to improve your mood.

4.Drink green tea

If you want to improve your mood, make a soup with your masala chaati green tea.  because green tea, white tea and black tea contain a good compound called catechin which helps us to improve our mood.  In addition, the green has weight loss and high cholesterol reduction as well as many other mental health benefits that make us feel depressed which can usually happen in our body if we eat too much.

5.Good Herbs

There are some herbs in our kitchen that usually help us to improve our mood.  Our Indian spices like cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg are at the top of the chart.  If you add a pinch of nutmeg to your milk and drink this milk before bed it helps to relax and it also helps to relieve stress.  Other spices like cloves, cinnamon, saffron can be used in making food also saffron has shown benefits in reducing anxiety.

Riya  posted in Health

Post updated on:  Sep 14, 2021 5:42:29 PM

Benefits of Coconut oil for hair growth

You can mix it properly and put it in your hair for 30 minutes then you can wash your hair using a good shampoo and then you can see the results for yourself.

Coconut oil can bring a number of benefits to our hair and scalp in general.  It can help moisturize and seal the hair used as a hair mask and lay-in treatment.  It can help prevent a dry, flaccid scalp and scalp as well as split ends and hair breakage..  It can help prevent a dry, flaccid scalp and scalp as well as split ends and hair breakage.

For these reasons, coconut oil makes your hair look much lighter, stronger and much longer.  However, no evidence has been found so far that coconut oil can make your hair thicker and longer quickly।
Coconut oil is usually a fatty oil made from raw or dried coconut with room temperature it feels a bit stiff, like white butter and when heated it usually melts.

  This natural oil is traditionally used as food, for cooking and as a hair and beauty treatment.

  There are many treatment studies for the health benefits of coconut oil for your body, hair and skin.  Now there are many people who usually use coconut oil on their hair and scalp because they believe that it helps their hair to grow faster. today we have discussed this topic in detail in our article read below to know more about this topic..

Coconut oil good benefits for hair

There is no good research on whether coconut oil can make your hair grow faster.  However, coconut oil can improve the health of your hair and scalp, and it allows hair to grow faster.

1. Fighting fungal infections

Healthy hair starts from the roots.  keeping your scalp healthy can make your hair look better.

  A recent research study found that  coconut oil benefit helps to get rid of some types of fungal infections.

  Coconut oil can cure or prevent dandruff and other fungi on the scalp.  More research is needed to find out if coconut oil has similar health benefits to the skin and scalp।

2. Treat your split ends

In the midst of a trusted source a few years ago it was found that coconut oil absorbs better into the hair strands than mineral oil and other types of oils.  At the same time it helps a lot to prevent hair breakage and split ends.

  Also, you may need less trimming when you use coconut oil on your hair regularly.  It may seem like your hair is growing longer faster.

  Another review on the use of coconut oil in india found that this coconut oil usually helps to reduce the loss of protein in the hair and it greatly prevents dry brittleness or hair breakage.  researchers have noticed that in india coconut oil is used as a hair mask before showers and as a holiday conditioner after showers।

3.  Avoid excess heat loss

Applying a small amount of virgin coconut oil on wet hair before using heat styling in your hair can protect your hair a lot from water and heat loss also it and it can very benefit for your hair.

  Swelling of our hair from excess water often causes hygral fatigue.  Too much swelling can damage the hair or break it fast and it can dry out and weaken your hair over the time।

4. Drawbacks

Like other oils  also coconut oil can  make your hair and skin feel sticky.  However, it can clog pores on the skin and scalp a lot.  This can cause irritation in your acne or other skin.

  That's why you usually avoid using too much coconut oil in your hair and your scalp.  If you prefer to use a deep conditioner mask make sure you wash your hair well with coconut oil.

  You can use coconut oil in your hair as a holiday treat coconut oil can also make your hair and skin feel sticky.  However, it can clog pores on the skin and scalp a lot this can cause irritation in your acne or other skin.

  That's why you usually avoid using too much coconut oil in your hair and scalp.  If you prefer to use a deep conditioner mask, make sure you wash your hair well with coconut oil.

  You can use coconut oil in your hair as a holiday treat.

How to use it

Coconut oil is usually used directly on the scalp itself or you can combine it with other ingredients to create a mask for hair and scalp treatment.  You will need this

1. put a little amount of coconut oil in a bowl.

2. Heat the coconut oil in  microwave for about 50 seconds or 1minitue.

3.check that coconut oil is soft but not completely  liquid.

4. Check the temperature of the coconut oil carefully at the same time keep in mind that it is not too hot

5.Put your hair in a bun and tie it with a towel.

6.Leave it for 30min. or one night.

7.Then wash your hair well with shampoo the next morning।

Coconut oil hairmask


*Alovera gel
*One whole egg or egg white
*1tespon avocado oil
*1 tespon olive oil
*1 tespon argan oil

You can mix it properly and put it in your hair for 30 minutes then you can wash your hair using a good shampoo and then you can see the results for yourself.

Coconut oil can bring a number of benefits to our hair and scalp in general.  It can help moisturize and seal the hair used as a hair mask and lay-in treatment.  It can help prevent a dry, flaccid scalp and scalp as well as split ends and hair breakage.

For these reasons, coconut oil makes your hair look much lighter, stronger and much longer.  However, no evidence has been found so far that coconut oil can make your hair thicker and longer quickly.

Riya  posted in Health

Post updated on:  Sep 11, 2021 9:45:11 PM

Covid Booster Shot: Experts Explain What It Is, Why It Needs Special, Its Benefits and Side Effects

Even now, almost two years after the covid-1 epidemic we still do not know much about this coronavirus.  Although more than 6.6 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University, the viruses have become dangerous and are growing rapidly in several countries.  A landmark event has occurred where fully vaccinated people have tested positive for Covid-1.

    Under such circumstances, many countries such as Israel, Hungary and the United States have announced booster shots.  Although India has not made any such    Under such circumstances, many countries such as Israel, Hungary and the United States have announced booster shots.  Although India has not made any such announcement, there is a rumor about this third dose of the Covid-1 vaccine. announcement, there is a rumor about this third dose of the Covid-1 vaccine.

Vaccine benefits and side effects 

First let?s understand what this booster shot is.  According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it is best defined at first, and initially it is another dose of the vaccine given to a healthy person, which builds up immunity after a full vaccination, but often over time.  With it, the immunity can be reduced a lot.

At present, there is a lot of pressure on vaccine manufacturers.  So that they can cover the entire population together also countries that have generally announced this booster dose can administer a third dose of the same vaccine as the booster shot.  However, with time and more research they can cover new changes as well as change it also Dr.  Chatterjee said;  The influenza vaccine is changed regularly to give it a new look.
So far, the chances of getting a booster dose are much higher among immunocompromised individuals here.  It is more common in people with chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, or in those who have received immunosuppressants, as well as in the elderly.

However, no official recommendation has been received from the World Health Organization (WHO) or the Indian government so far.  However, there is now a theoretical possibility that you may need some booster doses and at the same time experts think that the recommendation will come with more experience.  However, according to Dr. Chatterjee in India, it is unlikely to get anything in this regard this year.  They are now starting to focus on next year?s booster doses.

 It is now still almost unclear.  Initially, it was suggested that those who had initially recovered from the COVID-19 epidemic may no longer need a second tick dose.  However, there are also many cases where a second infection has been reported in recovered patients.  Therefore, more research is needed now.

A good advantage of booster shots is that it will give you better immunity against coronavirus.  However, after the same time it should be confirmed whether this causes any additional side effects.  Usually these booster shots of Corona may have the same side effects as the first two doses, but the benefits of the vaccine sometimes outweigh its side effects.  .Therefore, Dr.  Animesh Chatterjee, it is much better not to get vaccinated a second time after getting vaccinated once.

Riya  posted in Health

Post updated on:  Sep 10, 2021 10:59:16 PM

What is kidney stone?

Kidney stones are usually a solid that is made up of chemicals in the urine.  In addition there are four common types of kidney stones are calcium oxalate, uric acid, cysteine, and struvite etc.  If you have a problem with kidney stones it can be treated with shockwave lithotripsy, cervical surgery,  percutaneous, nephrolithomy or nephrolithotripsy.  The most common of these symptoms are severe pain in the lower back, bleeding during urine, high fever and chills, or the urine is very foul smelling or often cloudy.

Different types of waste are mixed in the urine.  When the amount of fluid in the body is very low and the amount of waste is very high, then slowly crystals start to form  it.  At that time the crystals attract other elements in the body and combine to form a solid which is not excreted from the body with urine so it becomes larger and takes the shape of a stone.  Typically, it is the body?s master chemist among the chemicals in the body that are eliminated by the kidneys through urine.  In most people it has been found that adequate fluids basically wash them away or prevent the formation of other chemicals in the urine.  Notable among the chemicals used to make kidney stones are calcium, phosphate, urate, cysteine, oxalate, and xanthine etc.


At times kidney stones are much smaller than sand grains.  Again many look as big as pebbles.  Some are as big as golf balls again.  As a general rule, the larger the stones the more noticeable the symptomAt times kidney stones are much smaller than sand grains.  Again many look as big as pebbles.  Some are as big as golf balls again.  As a general rule, the larger the stones the more noticeable the symptoms.s.

usually Symptoms can  be one or more of the following:

1.  Acute pain in both sides of the back of your body.

2.  Bleeding with urine.

3.  vomiting or nausea.

4. chills and high fever.

5. Urine is often foul-smelling or cloudy.


The treatment of kidney stones is now almost the same in   adult and childrens.  You are told to drink plenty of water to get relief from it.  Nowadays doctors treat kidney stones better without surgery.  You can also take medicine to help reduce the amount of acid in your urine.  But if it is not a very large cause, or if it usually obstructs the flow of urine, or if there are signs of infection, it can be cured surgically.

Shock-wave lithotripsy is usually a non invasive procedure that uses high energy sound waves to break up kidney stones and then pass them out easily through the urine.  In urethroscopy, an endoscope is performed through the ureter to fully nourish the recovery or removal of stones.


Kidney stones are usually diagnosed through medical history, physical examination and imaging tests, because your doctor will want to know more about the exact size and shape of kidney stones.  A high resolution CT scan or an X-ray called a "KUB x-ray" (kidney-ureter-bladder x-ray) is usually done between the kidneys and the bladder to accurately show the size of your stone and determine if the stone is suitable for shock wave treatment.  To do this, surgeons often collect KUB X-rays.


In today's article, I have agreed to give you a detailed account of popcorn lung disease.  We have discussed everything from the symptoms to the causes of resistance.  Believe it or not though it is a serious illness with this description  you can certainly fight.  We hope this helps you get a complete overview.  Let us know how it helped you.

Riya  posted in Health

Post updated on:  Sep 5, 2021 1:29:13 AM

What is popcorn lung?

Popcorn pneumonia is usually a rare medical condition that causes a lot of damage to the bronchi, the smallest airway in your lungs. Over time, it has been reported that popcorn attaches to the lungs causing inflammation of the lung tissue and narrowing of the airways  leading to more shortness of breath.

 In addition, the name popcorn lung was commonly derived from a chemical called diacetyl which was used to flavor foods like rich in popcorn, butter, etc. Moreover, in fact, this condition was first noticed among the workers working in the popcorn factory who breathed chemically in this workplace. In addition, the name popcorn lungwas commonly derived from a chemical called diacetyl which was used to flavor foods like rich in popcorn, butter, etc. Moreover, in fact, this condition was first noticed among the workers working in the popcorn factory who breathed chemically in this workplace.

Signs and symptoms
Usually the symptoms of popcorn lungs can be very subtle and therefore much easier to ignore, and at the same time the condition can be somewhat misdiagnosed for other lung diseases.  Other respiratory illnesses, especially chronic conditions such as asthma, may have no new symptoms other than long-term complaints.

  In addition to diacetyl in general, there are many other chemicals that can cause lung cancer in popcorn. It can also be responsible for some lung infections. The symptoms of this infection usually occur within 3 to 9 weeks of exposure to the chemical and gradually worsen over a period of weeks to a few months.  Again some people may develop this popcorn lung after transplant surgery  but it can take months to years for it to develop.

Among the most common and bad symptoms of popcorn lungs are:-

1. Shortness of breath that is not usually related to other health conditions such as asthma or bronchitis.

2. Excessive dry cough.

3. Difficulty breathing deeply, or shortness of breath especially associated with physical activity.

4. Always feeling tired.

5. Breathing fast - is to breathe.

6. It irritates the skin, eyes, mouth or nose when caused by chemical processes.


Chemical damage to lung tissue can usually be caused by popcorn lungs, as well as a few other special causes.  Also if there is some hereditary condition then it can be the cause of popcorn lung, it is an inherited disorder which cannot be considered and harmful chemicals, particles or toxins can usually be inhaled into the lungs.

other examples  are also given below:

1. Industrial washing chemicals such as chlorine or ammonia.

2. There is also nitrous oxide, also commonly known as laughing gas.

3. activities Metallic smoke from a construction activity such as like fireplace.

4. Toxic smoke from factories.


Popcorn lungs were often misdiagnosed, often as bronchitis, asthma or emphysema.  You always need to talk to your doctor about this concern and if you have any doubt about it, you must have popcorn lungs.

 If you fully diagnose popcorn lungs, your doctor must order a chest X-ray or CT scan.  They can often be used for pulmonary function and testing.  In fact, this parihmata proves how much your real lungs have worked.

Also, the most accurate way to diagnose your popcorn lung is to have a surgical lung biopsy.

 You may need a lot of anesthesia in general to do this type of biopsy.  First your surgeon will make a hole in your chest and remove a tissue-like part in your lungs.  It will then send a sample of your lungs to a lab to analyze it properly.


At present there is absolutely no cure for popcorn pneumonia, but there are treatments to help relieve the symptoms.  Treatment can also help slow the progression of the disease.

  Prescription corticosteroids are another alternative to treatment.  It helps a lot in reducing your body's immune system and your body's immune system.

Depending on your body's symptoms, your doctor may prescribe you medicine:

1. When will be the time to suppress the cough

2.  Bronchodilators

  3. an oxygen supplement if needed

  Moreover, some people living in many cases of popcorn lung are usually candidates for lung transplantation.  However, popcorn lungs can often re-develop as a transplant complication.  If you don't treat it right away these popcorn lungs can be very deadly in some cases.

  Also, if you have popcorn in your lungs you must have come in contact with harmful chemicals so you must consult a doctor.  They can then refer you to a specialist doctor or come up with a better medical plan for you.

Stop E-cigarette 

If you want to reduce the risk of popcorn lungs, one way is to stop or limit the use of e-cigarettes.

  Researchers have found that more than 80 percent of flavored e-cigarettes and refilled liquids are the same chemical responsible for the disease caused by tested microwave and popcorn factory workers.

Although the long-term health effects of these e-cigarette smoke and vapors in general have not yet been properly studied, they may increase the risk of lung damage.

  On the other hand, if you want to greatly reduce your risk of lung damage, the best way to do this is to stop smoking e-cigarettes altogether.  There are many medications on the market today that can help you overcome your nicotine addiction.


There are many types of respiratory diseases in the industry which are known to be the cause of various diseases including bronchiolitis obliterans. Moreover, the disease is more prevalent among all the industrial workers.  That is

1.The incidence of this disease is more prevalent among nylon-swarm workers.

2. Workers who usually spray prints on fabrics very easily with the help of polyamide-amine dyes.

3. There are also battery workers who are more likely to be exposed to the smoke of thionyl chloride.

4. Those who farm and those who use or make flavoring like diacetyl.


In today's article, I have agreed to give you a detailed account of popcorn lung disease.  We have discussed everything from the symptoms to the causes of resistance.  Believe it or not though it is a serious illness with this description  you can certainly fight.  We hope this helps you get a complete overview.  Let us know how it helped you.

Riya  posted in Health

Post updated on:  Aug 31, 2021 5:16:52 PM

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