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Bakery Science

Tutorial by Nirupama connectclue-author-image

All > hotel management > Leavening agents

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Leavening Agents -   Leavening agents also known as Raising agents, are the agents that increase the surface area of the dough or batter by creating gas bubbles in the dough or batter. They helps in rising of bakery products and gives them a porous texture.

Types of Leavening agents-
1. Chemical -   Baking soda and baking powder are common chemical leavening agents. Baking soda is basically sodium bi carbonate. Baking powder is baking soda and some acids. We use them in Cookies, Cakes and brownies etc.
2. Biological -   Yeast is a biological leavening agent. It is a living microorganism. The scientific name of yeast is Saccharomyces cerevisiae . Yeast acts on sugar in dough and converts it into alcohol and carbon dioxide. It helps in fermentation process in bread making.
3. Mechanical-  Creaming and whisking  are examples . In creaming we mix fat and sugar  and make bakery products. In cookies also we use this method. We prepare meringue ( mixture of egg white and sugar)   by whisking.
4 .   Natural-   In Dhokla ,product rises due to steam . We use fruit salt  , gram flour, oil, sugar, salt and lemon juice and water  in preparation of dhokla. Dhokla is very famous dish in Gujarat. In Choux pastry also  steam acts as a leavening agent.
5.  Combination-   Vanilla buns, Fruit cakes are some examples of combination process where whisking, creaming and chemical raising agents are used to finish the product.


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