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All > Love > Old School Love

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When it comes to approaching a potential life mate, everything is silver-plated and spoon-fed to today's youth, from swiping right on her many selfies to double tapping on her Instafeed.

Looking at someone's face, like it, sending a DM, giggling-flirting-blushing, and an hour later, you're both Facebook friends and/or on your Whatsapp list.
Then there's the fast-paced world of "contemporary dating," where there's a lot of pressure to wow the other person with clever one-liners, enough money for an evening of beer and EDM, or surprise visits with chocolates and flowers.

You've moved on from your 'jaanu' in less than a month (if you're lucky, two to four months later) and begun fishing for the next big fish in the water. Such is love in the 3G era.

The allure of bygone eras
What if we told you that not all relationships begin or finish in this manner?
There are still couples in the city and throughout the world that followed the old-fashioned route, so to speak, and created their 'happily ever after,' showing that one does not need an app to hold on to their real love.
There have been couples who met their spouses in church, putting an almost literal spin on the phrase "brought together in holy marriage," as well as connections formed through exchange programmed in a distant nation and the promise of letters and postcards from across the seas.

They persisted, and their love lived to tell the tale.
Even our generation's youth, who are chided for being obsessed with technology, have had their fair share of traditional romance.
Dates are still conducted in bookstores, with couples walking through the shelves of fiction and bestsellers, muttering beautiful reminiscences of writers who kept their souls up at night.
Cafes are still witness to a reluctant first date of a scared and embarrassed guy waiting for the arrival of the girl he'd been fascinated by for the longest amount of time.

Love will always find a way.
Without a question, convenience has become a term and an absolute necessity of the hour since it allows us to stay in touch with our loved ones no matter where we are. Even still, it's difficult to express the feverish anticipation of a letter from someone so far away that you anxiously await every day.

Sometimes an unanticipated letter finds its way to you, or the postman delivers a package that sends you into a frenzy because a birthday or anniversary is approaching.
Using phones from our homes and instructing them to meet you on this day, at this hour, at that location, and hurrying to your destination, craning your neck in every direction in the hope of spotting them.
You can't box love into a category that you get to click, and you can't expect old love to comprehend what a blue tick on your WhatsApp screen means to you.
After all is said and done, give your love a chance using the methods of yesteryear (or what feels like it).

Leave your phone at home and try to focus on your partner's day.
Turn off your data pack and see how the individual in front of you smiles and appears to be interested in what you have to say.
If it becomes too much, consider sending the long-forgotten SMS once in a while to let people know how much you miss or think of them.
Not only will it be a lovely surprise, but you will also be making someone's day.

A plethora of ideas
Why not attempt the classic 'flowers-and-candy' trick while you're at it?
Maybe a surprise delivery of muffins on the entryway, or a random note telling them what you admire about them.
It may appear to be the worst idea on the planet at first sight, but why not listen to the stories your parents or grandparents have to teach you about love?
We've all been subjected to unpleasant lectures that begin with 'back in our day' or 'when I was your age,' exactly when we don't want to hear them preach.
Perhaps you can listen to some of those stories about how the concept of love was very different back then.
Their proposals will definitely be as unexpected as they come, and your significant other may be in for a great surprise if you put them into action right away.
Talk about the golden period of love films and novels; Romeo-Juliet wasn't a social networking connection, was it?

The ideal pairing

After everything is said and done, none of the above-mentioned love concepts must be your song.
Understandably, it is hard to live in today's society without relying on the various modes of communication available to us in order to keep connected to one another.
If you think about youthful love, you might opt to grin at the heart-shaped cream in your coffee the next time rather than discard it coldly.


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